Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1900, Image 20

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    THE OMATTA DAILY H13T2: SlTSnAY, MAT 13, 1000.
l'(t( I W 11 It IMIH llltlDO,
nincli Mnil It 1 1 l.i-ii I In' r Mliiprr mill
U underfill (ioi-Ui-il Slm'l I iik.
NEW YORK. May 11. 'I'oor Mnlsel"
The hostes' mouth dropped sympathetically
ni tho corners. "Ami ho Is really, really cn
MGed lo that rwl-hmded rroaturo nnd tho
ttet k announced?" sho inquired again.
"Oh, no doubt of li," assured Mrs. Van
Knickerbocker, "Mrs. Hack Hay Is rather
n friend of tho girl, who told her nil about
It and alo showed her lots of the loveliest
trctitHcau thing. They havo been engaged,
you ire, at leaM a month, and In thruo weeks
thii wedding In announced to take place."
"Mm Van Knickerbocker nlwaytf gets hero
first with the news." rhlmed In Mrs. lla-k ,
Hay reproachfully, skirting many tables full;
of. bric-a-brac and nailing sutcosifuily j
through a maze of thln-lcggcd chairs to tho
bay window, where tea was spread. "Happily
I'vo arrived In tlmo to glvo you various tic- j
tails, for tho brido-clcct has the most du
moment things I'vo scon. For example, hor
shoes and stockings arc enough to doinor
nllzo a Christian woman from sheer envy.
Two pairs of most fetching dinner dress
slippers aro made one of black nnd one of
cream whlto leather. They havo broad Crom
well flaps arising on the Instep and tho entire
toes and fronts of the shoes aro Inlaid with
caboehon jowels. Tho white paid bad lit 1 1 o
round emeralds sunk dcop In tho leather
and finely embroidered between tho stones
In gold; whllo the black pair showed ;
lovely Inset pattern of small nnd large
turnuols with silver embroidery and tho
heels of tho whlto shoes were as black nnd
highly polished as ebony. Hesldcs thee
treasures I saw a perfectly bowlldcrlng pair
of black H.iUn dancing slippers, tho tun's
dono In jlull gilt nnd around the top of tho
-Upper ran n black satin nnd gilt hobo rib
bon that drow up to hold tho shoo on quite
tlrm, and tying on thu Instep let fall two
tag ends mado of big pear-shaped rhlne
stono buttons.
"All tho silk and llslei holscry to go with
theso wero clocked. Homo In colors, that Is,
thrco scparato bands of bright silk em
broldury running up tho outside of tho nnklc
nnd some had merely a clock done In open
work, or by a tail stemmed laco flower let
Into tho sldo of tho stockings. I looked
very sharply at hor dressy Oxford tics and
saw them In tho most remarkably lovely
nnd diverse pastel shades nnd deep colors,
homo In tho richest claret gla"c kid, toft
nit thu gloves you wear, and others In tender
pastel bluo and lilac with whlto heels. With
theso tho stockings match exactly nnd Its a
trousscnu notion I saw to hnvo even the
carters to accord In color with tho foot
gear. A "Wiillc-iiii llliir- Chi iron.
"Of course I had my wits enough about
too to ask to uoo somo of tho gowns and
first I beheld a dream, a radiant dream, In
rows and Wat I cm bluo chiffon. Thcao mod
ern girls aro tho most thorough-going crea-
turtti, not to say the most extravagant, for
let mo itell you that tho gown sho showed
mo was a comploto entity only when It had
tho head ornament, sortlo du bal, gloves,
slippers, hoeo nnd silk Jupon to match or
"Thin complclo nnd ravishing toilet my
red-headed young friend carelessly desig
nated as "a llttlo llnner dress," She oblig
ingly slipped Into It, to comploto my satis
faction, nnd Incidentally looked n plcturo
of loveliness. Tho llttlo dinner dress had
a Hhcath skirt of pastel whlto silk nnd If
ynu'vo not yot Been that fabric you havo n
feast In storo for your eyes. It Is n soft
satin-faced taffeta with opalescent tints of
color in It nnd upon that foundation fell
lha bluo chiffon veiling, nil garnishee with
chains of graduated black ehenlllo dots.
Down below tho ruscn tho dotting took a
lattlco (form nnd hero and thero, In tho dell
eato black crls.s-cross, wero set wldo blown
pink roses made of nllk gauze, tho lines of
ehenlllo dots. Down below tho kneo was
glrdlc-d In narrowly by a band of black vel
vet nnd n pink enamel and brilliant buckle
nnd tho sleovcs wero of chiffon lnecd with
'I' In- All Iiuiiorlniit DpIiiIIn.
"Up In the hair went a tiara of roses and
tho wrap In capo shape had a largo ruff col
lar of roses, whllo chains of ehenlllo tints
Interspersed with pink crystal beads, m.ido
n glittering fringe that swept down nearly
to tho lloor. Heforo I could really catch my
breath over so much splendor sho lrcw out
somo ferns nnd 1 broke tho tenth command-
ment nil to pieces. What Is a woman to do
when Bho Is showed a creation having sticks
of what Is called tiger-marked tortoise shell,
unon tho top of which Is stretched black
gauze painted to represent tho breast, head
nnd outspread wings of a peacock nnd tho
glory of tho bird further enhanced by a
most artlstlu uee of u few metnllc spangles.
Another beauty, unfurled for my hungry
eyes, was of pierced Ivory upon which black
guuzo was drawn nnd then upon this np
pllfiucd a noblo white laco swan under full
spread of wing.
"I nsked her where were her llttlo fans
nnd sho gave mo to understand that In the
highest courts of fashion a discission against
further two of tho wee fans had been handed
down end I took a special note that all hers
could truthfully bo described ns large.
The llrlile'" Ilntm.
"When I had strained my vocabulary of
admiration over theso things we opened hat
boxes and I hope I may bo forgiven for hav
ing secretly wanted every one, as there was
only the most exalted art displayed In the
designing of every Individual charmer. Thero
were- Hal hnts nnd tall hnts, hats over tho
laco nnd pompadour toques, but bluo hats
wero In tho majority, though thero was a
duck of n toquo In black nnd white crln over
a stuffing, you might call It, or basis of
whlto tullo having ono quaint lllnc roso on
top and two lesser queens of the tamo tone
against tho hair.
"What 1 ruved qulto feverishly over was a
wide drooping pastel strnw trimmed with
fill color, life and beauty to gray, white o.
lilea;hed hair Produces a new. thick
irrowth on bald heads and Immediately
arrests tho fulling out of hair. L'ures
ilandruff and Itching sci'lp. DOES NOT
healthful hair dressing for men and women
Nothing ilke It ur Jutt us good, Uucquulcd
... niilnL- Vliiln ftrnmno
One llottle I arrro Pot R fl f A ' l'"'"nc
Docs it. LalO DUli 0UIj Drui; Shops.
A SUI f nenatr a Jot Fori-vrr,
Hmuovei Tun. l'lninlon
Krt'Cklen. Motli, Patphca
n.nii ana skid urn
tonnes, nnd ovi-ry
lulttinlHti on beaui-.
i Ami denra ilett-c-tlon
It 1ih Moo.1
the tt of 6'1 yi iii-s
ami Is o lutiiulcsu
wo tunto It lo i
iir It Is propnrly
mailo. Accept no
. counterfeit or ilinl-
lr name, nr L.
, sny re sum to a
l adv of tlifllmut-ton
'la patient)! "As you
IjiIIh will 11R4
tlieni I recotmniMid
-Ak.k iSr.MUl I-
eiouraiKl'a a tho least harmful of all
Mlnpre.rallona.'' For l- by all l)rutrll o1
Knej Oooda l)aleri In the UulteU atate., Canada
VmUPt: U0PK1WS. I-rep'r, 7 Jcnet m &TC.
trulls of red roses, over which was cant n
veil of tho paltst mauve chiffon appllqucd
with lace. The most descriptive of toques
alnayj falls, however, to curry a true Idea,
of n hat," said Mrs. Hack Uay, pausing for
breath and a bite of muinn, "so I'll tell you
a bit about tho going away sown which has .
srrloilH features. It Is an Impressive crea-i
non in rralso red drop ilo prlntemos nnd
the back Interested enc for It shows that tho'
ircssmaKers, ivmio mey turow more run-
nc?s into tho rear of a skirt Htlteh every-,
thing down Hat ns a wafer, and so satisfy the,
women and still continue at their own sneet
will tho sign of tho habit back.
"To rompletj tho going away suit nan a
vesty tour do con or short boa made of
COUiitlf ss fluffs of crisp cream net bordered
ilh hiri. ..rIv, riilkon in ...- ..i--., ...1,1,
,ho biggest black ehenlllo balls I'vo ever
Been. At the back of the neck this boa was
qulto enormous nnd rose nearly to tho hat
brim, but In front the frills grew to two
points that nro meant to meet nnd ho drawn
down nnd fastened at tho waist with a gay
pin. This boa is not designed to meet under
red drap do prln temps showing u new
treatment of tho back allrt pleats.
tho chin nor nfford so much protection nsi
puro ornnmentatlon and in among tho up-1
standing frills at one side a knot or llowcrs New York Sun. "Why, new, of course," sho
is to bo fastened, j said nt length. '
"Consideration of tho traveling suit re-, "The reason I asked." said the clerk, "wns
vcnlod a wealth of beauty In lenther trifles. thnt we hnve severnl palm of slices of dlf
Kor hiBtanco tho going awny umbrella of fcrent sizes that havo bojn worn a little,
red silk, with a chiseled gold knob on tho just enough to stretch them, nnd I didn't
end of Its 'handle, has Its case mado of the know but that you would like a pair that
finest glaco kid that is worked on Just ns a your feet would slip right Into nnd thnt
glovo must needs be. Tho gold top of tho you'd never have nny trouble with."
umbrella springs back at a touch nnd shows
a salts bottlo sunk lit the handle and along
with the umbrella two sorts of purses nro
carried, ono inside the other. Tho first is a
long satchel shaped affair of deep claret red,
or seaweed green leather. I can't quite re
member which, thnt is polished like n mir
ror. It has a gold framed mouth and fast-
ens not only with a spring, but a lock and nent and prominent featuro of our stock,
key quite like n satchel. Hy a line gold ( why, do you know," ho continued with In
chaln It can bo worn slung on tho wrist or, creased earnestness, "If I had a foot that I
suspended from tho belt and Inside go a oolli,i rxpand or contract at will, according
handkerchief, pencil, notebook nnd the to circumstances, I could make a pllo of
money purso very small nnd of the same money by Just trying on shoes. Anybody
leather. Both this llttlo purso and card case who has ever endured the torment Incident
combined nnd tho larger bag show In their J to stretching a now pair of shots would bo
corners tho owners' Inltlnls In gold bebo let-, willing to pay fifty cents more n pair In or-
Inrj n-hnir nrntf-nllnil Ihn tlnlpuf. nila In t Pt ' tn V... ti..n.i , . i. .n -, ,
gracetullest Initials imaginable grouped tn
side a circle Just like you know wo hnd our
paper stamped a while ngo with our mono
grams." MARY DEAN.
TAMIMi A WIM) (illtl,.
MmU- More Dllllriilt llt'cniini- of
Total Dt-uf ik'nh,
Ono of tho most unique pupils of the deaf
and lumb Institution of Knox county, Iml.,
reports tho Indianapolis Sentinel, is Khola
Hewitt, a stout, sun-tanned girl of between
13 nnd 1C uummors. When sho was brought
to the school It was learned that sho had
lived a wild tort of life on nn out-of-tbe-Wjy
farm, spending much of her tlmo wnndorlng
around In tho woodB and Ilelds and often
slerplng a night under the hedgerow or In a
fenco cornor. Her mother died when tho
girl was very young and tho fnthor had not
tho tlmo nor perhaps tho ability to tell her,
nfter who lost her hearing at 3 years of use,
of tho world about her. She grew up ono of
naturo's own children.
Whon sho was brought to the bchool sho
was in groat terror. Sho hung her head and
throw har hands before her faco to hldo
from t.ho gaze of strangers. She had never
In her life, It was told, been to Monroj
City, tho nearest town to her home, and hud
nover seen many other human beings than
her father.
Tho strangers nt tho school wern at first
looked on as enemies. Sho would strike,
kick and blto when they approached. Thii
savagenesn of temper lasted about threo
weeks, when sbo began to appreciate that no
ono would do hor hurra, but that all wanted
to bo kind to ber.
nhoda wus put in Miss EllzAheth Ray's
clnfcA Kor threo weokp sho cried, hid her
face, and repelled nil ndvnnces with kicks
or fisticuffs or threats to use her teeth.
Hy degrees shu camo to learn that no harm
would bo done, nnd began to took up nnJ take
a human interest In thoto about hor.
Hor teacher und tht other pupils in tho
claiis showed nffectlon for her by stroking
her arm or bhouldcr, but It wus a lung time
before this mot with rcsponoa. Today sho
Is one of thu most nffectlonnte puplln in
Mls Hay's class, nud rarely passe her
teacher without touching her in nn nffec
tlonnto way characteristic of tho deaf, tfonie
times tho nffectlon In shown by ft rather too
sevens blow In tho back, and ono of the
tencher'o duties Is to make her understand
that groat phyalcal force is not ofacutlal
When Uhoda was in n pugnacious and In
contolnblo stnto'of mind many ways wiro
tiled to comfort her. Sho was r.hown a
picture book. This engaged her attention
a llttlo while. Sho recognized tho picture
of a row, and apparently thought of home,
ror sho began to cn-, nnd, pointing as If to
ward home, eald: "Papa, papa." This word
and "lmby" sho could speak when dio came
to school words she had learned to artlc
ulato heforo ho lost her hearing.
Sho has already learned :rcm tho other
children what It Is to lie. Tho children are
forbidden to say that nny one lies. Khoda
made n Hgn Indicating this tho other day, ,
' and wns punished by bolng put In n feat j
separata fiom the other children. Sho un
derstood tho purpcio of tho punishment,
' . -.. ...... i i. , , .. .. i . i. . i. i
IU1 DUU lulu tier Mavoui uiiunnm suu
bad used tho word lie, nnd had been made
to sit apart from the other children.
Her conception of a Creator Is difficult to
learn. Tho teacher takcB many occasions
to try to Impress upon her tome aotlua of
God. and Ithodn 1ms learned tn point upward
oh If to an unseen power, when sho Is asked
about tho Maker and Preserver of all.
Hor development had been so fiwt flnco
sho camo to tho school that It la dimcult to
cnrn' j.ow fast It has guio. Sho seems to
understand many things that she has no
way to express.
The nn)l wor,i ,,10 nssoclatcd with an ob-
Ject was "shoo." She can say shoo In a
tmnmt,mnrv fashion. Sho roads nnd Iml-
n(cu ,hc n)otlmis pf ,ll0 teacher's llfw when
,. ,,. , XMtM wor(i for .. obicc.
Sho now knows sixteen words. When tho
I teacher points out the picture of a cow on
a chart Ithoda can write the word "cow"
on the blackboard.
m:v run, i) nut wo.vtr.x.
It If) Mhoi- M retelling mill .Not I'lnncry
lluse for TIiiihi Who Try II,
When tho woman said she wanted a pair
of shoes the hollow-eyed clerk did not nsk,
"What size, madam?" but said, Instead:
"Now or second-hand?"
THn 1'ASTKIi WHITE SILK Veiled with
bluo chiffon and garniahed with black
ehenlllo dots.
The woman hesitated, not quite grasping
tho significance of tho question, relates tho
llio woman s interest bad plainly got
started by that time. "Have you any such?"
sho usked.
"A few pairs, ns I just s?ld," replied tho
clerk. "They havo been worn long enough
by professional shoo strctJhcrs to take tho
ntllTlicr.1 and newness nway. We nro think
ing of malting theso stretched shoej a perma
ting them fet to tho foot. Tho custom of
offering stretehPA shoes to patrons has al
ready been Introduced Into several stores In
town and it certainly ought to beccnio very
popular. Judging by present Indications it
will not be long until every shoe storo of any
pretensions will employ people with feet of
tho standard size to wear new shoes for a
clay or so to break them in. It will cer
tainly bo a good Investment, for patrons will
buy shoes oftener when tho horror of set
ting them has been removed, and thus moro
money will accrue to tho dealer. Shoo
stretching Is a calling that will not permit
Its followers to tread on flowery paths of
ease, but tho possibility of buying shoes thnt
nro cnmfortablo from the start opens up a
view of olysium for the wearer "
noni: iiiitoi iiii .v ror.nvr j ihi:.
Ilerolo Sinter Siivm Hie I.lvt-n of Tno
I, Htli- Chlldr.-n.
Tho prnirlo fires which aro raging with
such ferocity In Mlniic.--ota wero at their
worst near Henton, eight miles from the
town of Stephen. Hero every pettier has
Ion his nil.
Annlo Erlckson. tho 12-year-nld daughter
of a farmer living a few miles from ncaton,
has been mado a heroine by tho Are, sho
having, nt tho risk of hci- life, saved her
twin tflsters, 1! years of ago. To aavo them
Annlo ran a mad raco with tho leaping
flames, carrying with hor on horseback tho
two habu-i, ttlth whom --hi- was alone In the
I'oiiso when tho lire surrounded the place.
Mr. and Mrs. Krirkson had gone away for
tho day, leaving Annie to keep house and
i aro for the babies. About 3 o'clock In tho
iflerncen the high wind that hnd been blow
ing suddenly turned to n gale, nnd nlmoit
lefnro the child realized It the houftc win
j in rounded, the fire getting closer ns It fed
on tho matted prnirlo grass. In the barn
was the family horse, which nnlmal proved
tho salvation of tho three children.
Quickly wrapping the babied In a wet
quilt, Annie mounted the horse's back nnd
starfed upon tho perilous rldo for mfety.
To rench tho clenr district a sen of fire nl
meet forty rods across had to be traversed,
nnd Into this ocean of II nine tho little girl
forced the hore. Tho animal needed llttlo
urging nnd tho trip was made at nn Incred
ible speed.
Jwt ns Anule thought sho hnd reached a
safo spot tho wind shifted, blowing the wall
of 11 a me directly toward her and setting lire
to tho grass under her feet. The nearest
creek was fully two miles away nnd Annie
realized that unless sho reached this abend
of tho flames only tho Initios of herself nnd
tho bnbles would bo left 13 tell tho tale.
Onco moro tho urged forward tho horso.
Tho, fire wns nt his heels nnd, raco ns he
would, ho could not get nwny from tho
scorching heat nnd tho fearful roaring nt
his back. times. Annlo stys, It
seemed ns If sho must glvo up and nlldo
from tho horse's back, but tho thought that
sho must caro for her little slstcru gave her
strength, and sho continue! to ride iw a
child never rodo before.
Reaching l'lum creek, a half-mile from
here, sho dropped front the horso with the
children in her nrms, just as tho flames
rmept over her. Sho was slightly burned,
but tho babies wrapped In the blankets were
not harmed.
When thu rldorlcM horso reached Stephen
It was recognized us tho ono owned by Mr,
Krlckson and a party was mado up to go to
tho farm and mnko nn Investlgatltn. When
l'lum creek was reached tho children wero
found, badly frightened, but not seriously
Cnri-cr of lln llnrrlel I'. Iliiuie, "Nlui
t-t-rvt-il iiirouuli (lit- Civil War.
M'cs Harriet I'. Dame, president of tho
Army Nurses' association nnd ono of tho
few women to go through the civil war as
a nuno, died nt Concord, N. II., recently.
Miss Damo was born tn North IJarnstead,
N. H., on January 5. 1S15, tho daughter of
James nnd Phobi Dame. In 183G sho ic
moved to Concord, N. 11., and when the war
camo In 1SC1 opened her house In that city
as a hospital for tho sick volunteers who
camo from nil parts cf the state to enlist.
When the Second Now Hampshire leglment
was ordered to Portsmouth to bo mustered
Into service sho Insisted on going with it 83
that sho might continue the work she had
begun, and 'when tho leglment finally went
south sho accompanied it In spite of the
protests of Governor Harry, who declnrcd
that Inasmuch ns tho United States govern
ment did not and would not recognize nurfos
on the field tho Journey was hazardous.
Thero wero seun other women who servo I
ns nurses on tho Held during the wnr and
Miss Damo wns tho only one to enter the
service when the war startel nnd remain
until the close. During tho Peninsular
campaign sho shared fortunes -with the sol
diers, her first night at Yorktown being
spent in a feed box In the stable. At Fair
Oaks n shell toro through tho top of the
lent In which sho wns nursing sick nnd
wounded, but she escapoJ Injury. During
tho retreat of tho James Mlss Damo led tho
llttlo army of nick who had been In her
caro, wearing a heavy pair of rubber boots,
nnd a thin netting of mosquito cloth covering
her head. On tho march ono of tho soldiers
dropped dead from exhaustion and Miss
Damo halted the processloji whllo a gruvo
was dug nnd tho dend soldier, burled. Then
sho placed a slab of plno wood over tho
ciiound nnd gave orders to march. At tho
railroad station at Harrison's Landing sol
diers were being loaded on tho train and
Miss Damo Insisted thnt tho sick ones should
havo tho llrft chauco for accommodations.
Sho won her joint.
During the second null Itun campaign
M.'js Damo had her headquarters at Stono
church. Near there sbo was taken prisoner
and marched to tho headquarters of Stono-
wall Jackson, who, nftcr liptenlng to her
story nnd learning her mission within tho
lined, ordered a guard of eight picked men
to ejeort her to tho northern lines, hhe
soon nfter organized tho Now Hampohlro
itrlief nsanclntlon nnd was sent by Governor
(illmoro to South Carolina to Investigate
tho condition of the northern soldiers. Her
Mission was opposed ttrongly by Mls3 Doro
thy Dlx and other, on the ground that It
wns dangerous for u woman Hut Miss
Damo was obduralo und stalled on her
- OR"---
'.Hi W'.Uinil Ik
Jc urney. The resvtli of her itivrsilgano-is
wtm envbodlc-d In a report to Surgeon lien
ernl Harnes, who promptly ordered that
tho ronvoys Argo and Kultim be convcrtid
nto hcppltnl ehls and they woffo the fir
' ones tit cd in such service.
At tho battle of (ietiysburg Mlis Dame
did vallslit servli-o on the Meld nnd the
week following tho cleso of that grntt bat
tle I'rgnnlzed the New llampphlre Soldiers'
ltellef association. In tho spring of ISO I
who took tho Held with the Army of tho
Jnmrs nnd during tho Cold Hnrbor cam
paign sho had hendqunrlers nt Whlto House
and Inter nt tho Klghteenlh corps field hos
pital nt Hrofldway landing on the Appo
mattox, l'rrm there she Issued supplies,
gavo ordero and sent messengers. With tho
surrender of the confederate army and the
co.-jatlcn of hostilities sho remained with
tho legimenit until Its dtshnndnicnt and
t'hrn rrturneil to Washington.
In 1367. through the efforts of Mr. ('hand
ler o! New Hnmpahlro nnd In recognition
of her great services on tho field, sho wns
nppiinted to a place in tho currency dlvl-
yokk and undi:hslukvi:s.
sloncf the TrciiFiiry department and re
mained there until ISM, when she returned
to Concord. A few years ago sho presented
tho Second New Hampshire regiment a
hmdfomo building nt Tho Weirs, N. II., j
whero tho nnuual reunions are now held. J
At tho recent state encampment of the
(Irand Army in Concord resolutions were I
passed by tho veterans expressing their ,
deep regret nt hor lllnern. ;
When 'tho Army Nurses' association was
organized in Washington a few years ngo
MUs Dame wan elected president and held j
that ofllco ever elncc. Sho wns also a
member of tho Woman's Hellof corps. In
ISM sho fell on the ley pavement in front
of tho Illalno mansion in Washington, frac
turing her right hip and confining' hor to
her bed for five months. Tho first after
noon that sho was able to go on tho street
t'bo wns run lown by a woman bicyclist
and her left hip was broken. After that sho
was helpless.
I'rllln of I'iihIi Ion.
Taffeta silk Eton coats In either black or
white are a very distinctive feature of
fashion this season.
In hnts, beige tinted straws are very pop
ular anil gauze or tulle with one very largo
roxo nodding at ono side is a favorite trim
ming. Oold and silver cloths are mnde In solt
nnd beautiful textures for evening gownx,
nnd gold nnd silver ribbons are used for
tho neck and waist of nil sorts of gowns.
Colored batiste, checked, striped and
plutn, Is used for petticoats, trimmed elabo
rately with lace. These arc recommended
as much cooler than silk for summer wear.
Kino sheer nnlnsook embroideries with
medallions of luce Introduced here nnd
thero mid effective vnrlety to the season's
haudsomo dress trimmings for thin summer
Pink nud white, or violet nnd pnlo green
pond lilies trim muiio of the Inrge round
hnts otherwise decorated with ehoux nnd
luniis of chiffon or niousellno de sole nnd
black velvet ribbon of generous width.
Heautlful ribbons niiule of soft, glossy
silk nre biocaded with velvet lloral designs
In tho natural colors. Gnuzc ribbons with
satin spots and cashmeie printed silk rib
bons are special features in tho ribbon de
partment. Many little girls' suits nre mudo with
Elun Jackets nnd skirts like those of their
"elders. They nro mudo ehlelly In tho heavy
wash materials, the linens, ducks nud
piques and hnve plain llttl" straight waists
of heavy whlto wash materials.
One of tho miiM satisfactory skirt models)
for making up light sheer wools for sum
mi r wear Is cut In circular shape, with
plain panel front, medium wide sldo plaits
and ,i shapely box-plnlt at tho tniek. Tho
plaits llnre gracefully around the bottom
of tho skirt, which Is cut with n slight dip
Jolly llttlo outing hnts of soft white straw
with ii low, r-aiid crown und brim nro
trimmed with a binding of ivd llnnnel
around the edge nnd heavy folds of it
around the i rnwn. They are "Ladysmlth '
hats, a lute deslcn. They are also to he
seen with other shades of llnnnel. und Bomo
with handkerchief trimming.
A feature of the uiulersleovrs, whlih dif
fer from thut-e of the grundmoiheis, is tho
heuvy cuff or band at tho wrist. This is
used even with a thin trnnspnrent sleeve,
though not alwns. A handsome Eton
Jacket of plaited taffeta which has lapels
und wide turnback cuffs covered with n
hriivv white luce has underslecves of whlto
silk with bands of black cloth.
Alwajo have n bottlo or two of Cook's Im
perlal Exiia Dry Champagne In your ice
chest, then you wil lalways bo ready for
Bearing down pains, backache, dizziness, faintness and nervousness, which makes the life of many women
one long period of torture, are quickly aud permanently relieved by Wine of Cardui. The written statements
of earnest women received at our office show that often so complete has been the cure that a healthy baby comes
to surprise an-jladden the barren home. Wine of Cardui is woman's constant friend through life. It eases her
paint relieves uer suffering. In accurately regulating the menstrual flow, it guides her safely over the most
dangerous shoals of life. It helps the maiden to sustain the shock of pubcity. It comforts the mother In travail.
And at the change of life it ushers her gently into the "happy old age." There are women In this city to-day
who need such a friend as Wine of Cardui. Are you one of them? Relief is within your reach. You can
secure it as easily as Mrs. Hackworth. Her story, vouched for by her physician, should induce every afflicted
woman who needs it to seek relief,
is sold by all druggists. The price is $J. Do not take anything said to be Just as good. Mrs. Hackworth was
cured by Wine of Cardui. A druggist who tries to impose upon you with a substitute is not worthy of. your
, , , Arafio, Neh June 23, 1899.
My wife hi hsd two mlcarrlai?ts In the last three years and hit been In very bad health. About a year atto she
commenced to uit Wine of Cardui and Hlack-Uraught and thtv brought her flood health and on the 15th of thii month
she gave birth to as nice a pair of twlni ai ever wai born. She was not more than a half hour In labor and had a very
easy time. I sent for Dr. Koenl. but he got there too late. She wanted to get up the third day, but I thought It would
not do, but she is going io get up. A, J. IIACKWOItTII.
I hereby certify to the above.
Otorgt Koenlg, M. D., Arago, Neb,
Incinet requirliw poeUldlmatloiin.aiiaren,
Hiring jrmploin,"TliI,adli'' Advlnorr Depart
ment," 'llio fhattanuofta ilodlcino (Yiapany,
ChatUnooiia, i'enn.
This Offer Almost Surpasses Belief.
An External Tonic Applied to the Skin
Beautifies it as by Magic.
A Womau Was ibo Inventor.
Thousands have tried from time imroe
mortal to discover somo elurncloUB retnoi.y
for wrinkles and othor imperfections of tho
eonjplexlon, but none had yet succeeded un
til tho Misses Heir, tho now famous Com
plexion Specialists, of 78 Fifth avenue, New
York City, offered tho public their wonder
ful Complexion Tonic. Tho reason so many
(ailed to make tliU discovery before Is plnln,
bscnuse they have not followed the right
principle. Halms. Creams, Lotions, etc.,
nover havo a tonic effect upon tho skin,
benco tho failure.
TONIC has a most exhlliarntlng effect upon
the cuticle, absorbing and carrying off all
Impurities which tho blood by Its natural
Ictton Is constantly forcing tb the surface of
tho skin. It is to tbo skin what a vitaliz
ing tonic Is to the blood and nerves, n kind
it new llfo that Immediately exhilarates and
itrcngthens wherever applied. Its tonic ef
fect Is felt almost Immediately and it speed
ily banishes forever from tho skin freckles,
pimples, blackheads, moth patchc?, wrinkles,
liver spots, roughness, olllnobs, eruptions and
Decolorations of any kind.
In order that all may bo benefited by their
Oreat Discovery the Misses Heir will, dur-
tag- the present month, give to all callers nt
THE MTSSIiS BELL, 78 Fifth Av ., New York City.
Tho Misses Hell's Toilet Preparations aro for sale In this city by
The Reliable Prescription Pharmacists,
1 will gunran o
that my Kidney Curn
will euro l0 per cent,
of nil forms of kidney
complaint and In
many Instances tbe
most serious forms of
nrlgbt's disease. If
tbe dlscnso Is conv
plicated send a four
ounce lal of urine.
We wtll nnnlyze it
nnd ndvlso you free
what to do.
a vial. Guide In Hfalth
1MW Arrli it., l'htln.
At ll firurciiti, 25n.
n1 mMllril wlTi'o rrio
Constant Friend
thelr parlors one trial bottle of their Com
plexion Tonic absolutely free, and In ordof
that those) who cannot call or live awoy
from New York may bo benefited they will
send ono bottlo to any address, all charges
prepaid, on receipt of 2." cents (stumps or
silver) to cover cost of packing nnd deliver
ing. Tho price of this wonderful tonlo li
$1.00 per bottle and this liberal offer should
bo embraced by nil.
Tho Misses Hell hnve Just published their
This valuable work Is frco to nil desiring It.
The baok treats exhaustively of tho Import
ance of a good complexion; tells how m
woman may acquire beauty and keep It.
Spcclnl chapters on tho care of tho hair;
how to havo fuvurlnr.t growth; harmless
mothods of making tho hair prcservo Its
natural beauty and color, even to advanced
age. Also Instructions how to banish
superfluous hair from the face, neck and
arms without Injury to tho skin. This book
will bo mailed to any address on request.
FREE Trial Dottles of Wonderful Com
plexion Tonlo free nt parlors or 25 cents
(cost of packing nnd mailing) to thoss at ft
Correspondence cordially solicited. Ad
dress, silk rprr
Any I nily answering thU ad-Ti-rtluniint
can m-t a Imnrt-
unii' WK.00 Mill Nlilrt
ilimililti'ly Hit. n e
ii exactly what e "ay.
inukii n HtrulKhtfnrwaril
utter fur nvi-ry lady
inriit tuacci-it. .S mil
nt onco your nanir,
Pout omro n'lilrei,
nml noarcut Kiprru
onion, nml reriivo It.
from imported tuttola
silk, any col urilrslrcil.
advrrlUi'ini-nl to your
ti:iiiHaud addreffM.aiiil
wlthltai'tiil HOci-nln
to help p iy for poi
Ynu will reecUc, ttf" nur
ago nnd nrtvcrtlnomniit.
l'Utilk-ntlnti Wiilncli'H
wear, iIom-rlMns uiui
f ,.ui.i,.n in kiil- WMistri. nml niiipi- ar tie lea of w en r.
toRDtlicrwItlinuronVrofaniM.lWMIU: W'nlnt. Tliti
uniuunl Inducement In ii-nde to more ipili kly Intro
tlueo our kooUb, and If you want a Silk W lt free,
b prompt, AddreM, Till: Itl'.VI .
A safo anil powerful rcmcd f r functional
troubles, delay pain, ami !)' fiuiarlues, h
Stnrrwfullv P"" '"'c'l by the MrIicH lded
Bpr i.,lnr )'-. e( i rn'.iKM, Sii ' y nl
or i .1' -f i - ei a- ai n
war "'V