May 13, 1000. OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE. experiment station down here on the edge roofa aro made of tents. They aro elevated men and boB who wish to try their knives men with tnpowornifl. In a cortaln way of tho equator. There Is no richer soil In about thrco feet from the ground and aro on human flesh. This la tho case not only Conkllng lind a sciiho of humor and could the world than that about Zamboanga and by no meams uncomfortable. with tho lower classes, but with tho best, tuin u Joko If tho opportunity enmo htn way. tho method of handling It Bhould bo tested I find tho soldiers well satisfied with their Ono of tho dntos or princes of Ilasllan, Just Ho used to make tho Kalatafllan Senator at once. It will produco excellent coffee and lot. They aro excellent men, coming chiefly tho other day, ordered bIx men to bo killed. David l)ala the butt for banter. Davis was In all probability cotton, tobacco and sugar, from Ohio. Indiana and Kentucky, with a After the execution ho camo to tho placo and an Invotora i roinprc miser and enmnoarr of It Is not far from tho tea zsno of India and f0v from Pennsylvania and Tennessee, chopped Into ono of tho dead bodies with strife, and Conkllng nlluded to him In debate Coylon. and It may bo that tho hllla of this UihNt .Martial l.nw. his barong, aaylng as ho did ao to BOino of ns "tho largont wholraalo and r?tnll denier great Island of Mindanao will bo some day Zamboanga, llko most of tho Phlllpplno our soldiers who wcro standing by: "I do It in political mothlng syrup In tho world." covored with plantations of coffee and tea. towns, Is under martial law. Tho Moros aro moroly to try my knlfo." 4 Tho climate Is very similar to that of Java not allowed to bring their knives Into tho Tho Spaniards havo never really con- William M. lOvnrtn possessed a fund of and Coylon and the soli fully as rich. city and no ono can bo on tho street after qUorod tho Moros They have subdued thorn merry humor, tho wit for quick and klll- All klnda of tropical fruits can bo grown, jit without giving an account of himself. Ban an& ngaln only to find themselves f 111 repartee, and thoro was se'd m ma Ice In the market today I picked up some greon There nro sentinels posted on every block wiln anothcr war' on their hands. Tho .Moros 'a passages. "Probnbly the mot of Mr leaves and, wondering what they might be, and all night long those sentinels call out wcro noro at tho tImo tho Spftnnrj8 first Hvarta' most widely flown," eiy Mr. In- began to chew them. They burnt my llpa the hours. They awakened mo with ovory camo Th nro not tho al)0rKinofl but nro galls, "concorns tho npochrypluil cat told and I found that they wcro from tho clnna- call during my first night or so here. The d t0 bo tho Cc0ConAantB or lho Dyaka of Oeorgo Wnhlngton In 'jerking' a silver mon tree, which grows wild In tho forests, man under tho regimental headquarters had of nornco who invnded th8 part 0( tho dollar ncross tho Itappahanno.k. Asld- Tho bananas here havo a flavor Buch as a voice llko tho traditional bull of Dashan. con;urlcs n0 Tuo SnnnIard8 dM not irom tu unllkolihood that the thrifty attempt to conquer them until about 100 Oeorgo would throw a silver dollar over years after Columbus discovered America. m "vcr wncn a poouio wouw nave iono At that tlmo n Portuguese, who had made a "oil, tho dlstnnco was so great that th- fortune In tho 1'hlllnnlnca. nronoaod to tho sKepucs wore incrotiuious, ami anotitor klntr of Snaln to mako an cxnodltlon to Mln- legend auomed on tho vergo of being di- danao to aubdue tho Moros. Ho waa allowed troycl when Mr. Kvnrta camo to tho reacuo to do so and tho result waB that hla head with tho suggestion that 'a dollar went much was cloven In two by ono of theso terriblo further In those days than now." And this knives. Shortlv nftor this tho Moros became explanation is so Blmplo and so satisfactory famous ae pirates. They organized fleets and U"U Uo wonder la It occurred to no one for mon? than 200 ycara wero tho terror of "oiore tho scaa of this part of tho world. They at- "Among tho guests at a dlnnor to Daniel tacked every peopled Island, sackod tho vll- Webster In Now York waa Dr. Benjamin laces and churches and killed tho Doonlo. namiroin, ino inventor oi n coionratcti pill Durlnc tho nreaent conturv their war lunks known by his name. Mr. Kvarts united camo Into tho harbor of Manila and there ''fi two great men in a volunteer toast to nro whlto persona yet living In tho Philip- 'IJanlol Wobstor and Denjamln Handroth, pines who havo been Moro elavca. 'Jhis dlif the pillars of tho constitution,' " THE LOWER OFFICERS LIVE IN UAMM0 SHEDS.. not stop until 1SG0, when eighteen steam gunbonts wcro sent out from Spain and this part of Zamboanga mado tho centor of oper ations. Slnco then there havo boon wars, but piracy has to a largo extent stopped, al though there Is a chief now In tho upper part of tho eastern end of tho Island who goes about In hla bargo levying contributions from tho towns on tho shoro at tho mouth of hla cannon. Within tho past month or so troops have you will not find In those of Cuba or Porto Rico. There are many varieties, tpeclally of white, yellow and green. The green banana has a yellow flesh and Its flavor la delicious. Then thero la tho durlan, a fruit which smells llko Llmberger cbeeso, but which Is so delicious that you eat it, disre garding tho odor. The mangostln la an other delicious fruit and In addition thero are oranges and lemons, the breadfruits and the papaya, nearly all of which grow wild. On these farms Undo Sam should make some experiments In cattlo raising. This Is ono of the chief stock regions of the Philip pines, but the animals are small and no attention has been paid to breeding. The cattle look somewhat like Jerseys, but here and there you see a trace of a hump on the back. They are said to bo a cross between the Indian and tho Australian cattle. They seldom dress moro than 250 pounds, but they are so scarce that cows bring moro than $15 or $20 gold aploce and bullocks more. Tho cattle are chiefly owned by the Moros, who ask all kinds of prices and usually take much less than they ask. Tho animals are all grass fed and the meat Is excellent. Tho cattle aro raised chiefly for beet all over the Philippines, although In some Islands, such as Panay, they are etn- OROUP OF MORO MAIDENS. ployed as carriage and draft animals. Tho Ho waa No. 4 and I could hear his heavy been stati ned at nil tho ports of Mindanao, natives, as a rule, use no butter and out- tones ringing out upon tho night air. The Thirty-first Infantry waa tho first to side of the towns but little milk. The re- "No- 4 0ne o'clock! All Is well!" This nrrlVo and it la scattered along tho south suit is that thoro aro but few good milch BOUni1 owli hnrdly dlo away bofore No. 5 nnd cast coast. Tho Fortieth has garrisoned cows, although It Is believed that such woul(1 broak out ,n a shr,n treble: "No. 51 the ports of tho north, but still moro sol could be bred. ne o'clock! All Is well," and then No. 6 dlora aro needed. The Spaniards had to Now the Time for Exploration. would 8 11 on another key, and bo on until ke0D a iarg0 forco on th0 laiana and thoy Not only the Agricultural denartment. but N. " ?nd v?.n. tho unIck'r. No' havo erected barracks and forte In many , .. , .. .. - "j nigni x neara mo successive nours irom iu also the geological survey and the Smith- until 5 called, with numerous commands to places. sonian Institution, should send narties to cr,; .r" rV ' . Tho fort here covers about an acre of . . .. - . . ua" Doiwcen umo ana warnings 10 mo ,j T, , ,n ,.,., he Philippines In the near future. Th passerby to 8tnnd and e cognlied. ? i " wtB' ""1?.? hn,gh,nttd Islands, as I have aald, have not been ex- This calllnK of tho hours Is dono at all of funrtcrs enough to accommodato a largo plorcd and a scientific Investigation should thl, poaU 0f thl8 part of tho worId and tho n.unberMot ni01n- of lt8lwal!an lmaB bo mado of thorn at the earliest moment, utmost vigilance Is kept to guard against ?f tno Virgin has been carved and below this The scientists should be here at the present surprlso ,8 a latnp' wh,cn 11 le sald haf bocn burning time, when there are plenty of soldiers to Tho B'oI(jlor8 do weI, to keo tuelr oyes tor more than 200 years It Is known as the protect thorn and when they can easily get opon, f0P although those people are now at Virgin of the Fort and tho Vlsayan or a guard to accompany them to any placo poace with us and wo call them brothers, chrlft,an Inhabitants of Zamboanga go out thoy wish to go. This will make them sate thoy are of Buch a nnturo that tho least In- rcKular,y and kneel on tho ground before from the savages of the mountains and will discretion might mako thorn break out Into H to pray- Tnero ,s a 8tory t0,d of now a enable them to undertnko Journeys which, war. Thoy caused tho Spaniards moro Bhostly-Bheoted woman appeared ono night In tho times of an ordinary force, might be trouble than any other of tho Phlllpplno to ono of tno lnera cn BUara and an. dangerous to say the least. races. Thoy aro different from tho others nounced herself aa tho Virgin, saying sho This la especially so In Mindanao, whero In their manners, customs and religion and would watch over her peoplo, and how tho the land, as I havo said, belongs almost en- tho handling of them Is ono of tho most next morning this figure was found mlracu- tlroly to the government. dellcato problems Undo Sam has to solvo. lcuBly carved upon tho wall. I am living with tho soldiers hero at It Is, I bollovo. a more difficult ono than FRANK O. CARPENTER. Zamboanga and I suppoeo tho avorago man that of tho Indian or the negro. It will not will pity me aa ho reads this. Ho can bo a question of making the Moros American AllCCClOteS Ol I UDllC iUCIl savo his pity for himself. With a good citizens so much as keeping them from mosquito netting to protect ono at night bringing about a state of anarchy and blood- In a rocent contribution to tho prow for- you can get along as comfortably hero as shed. Tho questions of religious fanaticism "lor Senator Ingnlls of Kansas relates a at any other army post that tho United are hore added to thoso of barbarism, for number of stories of public mon, Illustrating States owns. Tho regimental headquarters the Moros, although they nro Mohammedans, tholr wit and ropartco. Tho brlghtost of tho building, whore I am staying, was built by are Httlo bottor than savagea. lot, In his opinion, was tho Uyronlc quotation the Spanish officials. It Is u big two-story Their houses aro thatched huts and their "red at tho head of tho lato Congressman house, covering perhaps a quarter of an acre, only manufactures aro weapons of war In Holman. Holman waa kn nvn na tho watch- wlth balconies ten feet wldo running around tho ahapo of lances, spears and most terrl- dK of tho treasury and ho was particularly It, all shielded from tho rays of the aun by bio swords. Thoy carry knives called ba- vigilant In wntohlng for nnd objecting to oystor-ahell windows. Tho houso Is floored rongs, which nre a sort of a cross betweon a amendments to tho appropriation bills which wlt,h mahogany boards, eomo of which are sword and a meat ax, but which aro so sharp carried benefits to prlvato parties. On ono two feet wide and twenty foot long. Its thnt I am ablo to shavo the halra from the occasion an amendment waa offered In which colllngs nro from fifteen to twenty feet back of my hand with any ono of them. They a near rolntlvo of Holmnn's was much In- $50 .B Popular Prices Stand for nothing unlesa you get valueH nut of tho ordlnnry-and that Is tho secret of tho grent miccens of tho popular UKUKNI $:t.C0 SHOES they aro tho samo Identical ahoes In stylo, quality nnd IIiiIhIi cf the ones others nfk Jfi.OO nnd $0.00 for. Our prlco for your cholco of nny atylo or lenthor $2.50 and $3.50. Wo guarantee a perfect 111 when ordered by mall. THE REGENT SHOE CO. South 1,'tli S(rfl. St'iul for IlliiNra(i'l Ciiliilomir KltKK. Sewing Machines If you think of buying a hewing Machine, see us. It makes no dlfforcnco what kind of a machine you wnnt. SEE US. You may want a DAVIS HALL P-DARINd or STAN DARD, SINOER or a cheap machlno for $10.00. No dlffcronco which, wo can soil you nnd savo you monoy. SEE US. Wo havo NO ngontB wo pny no commissions so YOU will havo to SEE US. Wo rout machines for 75c per week. Wo repair and sell parta for all makes of mnchincH manufactured. FOR $5.00 WE WILL GIVE YOU CHOICE OF ANY SECOND-HAND SEWING MA CHINE ON OUR FLOOR MONDAY ONLY We Rent and Sell Typewriters. Nebraska Cycle Co. Cor 15th and Harney. George E Mickel, Manager. Telephone I ((.'). ARNICA TOOTH SOAP IlonutldoK, cliMiimt'iMirii. xcrvi'H noil utillciiH th tl'otll, KtrtMIKtllKIIH till" UIIIK 10111 HMUfUUlH llll' TKIItll. The World's Standard Dtnlllrlce (or 30 year. Ilenil In a million llOIIII'H. l'ut up In 1 1 fiit anil Ininilv him tln lili'Ul ijiit'kiiitti fur llni truvi'li'r. Nu Ullfl. 1111 HIM'l. ill, iniuiil id wiihiis or in Hiiln or Bull k'uiini'MtH. V!."' nt nil Uriniglitn. ('. II, hTIIIIMIIO.,l'ro.., tMraio, III., I'.H.l. Alra. Wlnalurr'a Soothing Syrup. Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETHING, with PER FECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CUlLb, SftFTKNS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN, CtnTfcS WIND COLIC, and is the best rem oily for DIARRHOEA. Sold by ilruKnll In every part of the world. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'n Southing- Syrup," mil tnke no other kind. Twenty-five cents i bottln REST YOUR HEAD! mm Rlie, h,U4lH la. W.lihl, tboul I lb. Idd., Sublncti, Bolllpllf., WfUM. .U. "rrlei all colunini tutomttlcillf. HUM KrUo(ntflnntil B.v.iriMrMXtnUl ur.lnl Ain.f.r.nco. 2 Outrint. 10 X).ti'Tt1.L. Rcutit loltraiUf ItookUt Nfc . Th. lBlrnKtlnnjl Irllkauhliiri III lu LA IllU T., CUWAUU. ILL.. V. A. the nam -H.,,, FOSTER H woo rrry pkt. Just Qne Supporter THAT MAKES THE WAIST ROUND CURVES IT IN AT THE BACK AND PERMANENTLY REDUCES THE ABDOMEN. To not anil keep a Perfect Figure you in lint wear the COMBINED BELT and FRONT PAD foster Hose Supporter Wide Web, DOC! (Patented Dec, 0, 1800.1 MADE IN THREE GRADES! I With wab fancy Oiled I Ueavjr allu w I bltok. whit, cardinal. I limn nail ,M60c I V. 75c 2s: $ 1.25 For milo In Omaha by I LEY. STKIEIt & CO.. nns-rriM rtoihj 1 ,9M THOMPSON, li 10 LI) ION & CO., MRS. J. HENSON. Wlii'ii onlcTlni; buHiiru towlvi) yout IIIIIOIIT ami WAIST im-amiro. '1 lui KoMtiir Homii Stipportor Co.. !ll7ll Cotlairo (irovo A vu . CIiIlmku, III. hlirh. It Is rlcht on thn hoach nml It In n havo krlsea. or short swords, tho blades of torostcd. Tho familiar "I obloct" watt not etlff eea breezo which blows through It all which wind in nnd out llko a Bnako; these hoard and tho nmondmont went through with 1 day and all night. In tho morning and they use for dlsombowllng their enemies, his support, whereupon a cnombor nittlng ovening wo go out nnd tako a bath in the Thoy havo also campllans, tho wldo blades near loudly quoted : soa and I assure you that at this tlmo of of which como to yonr waist when tho points " 'TIs sweet to hear tl honest watch- tho year the weather Is quite aa pleasant rest on tho ground and which aro chiefly doc's barlt, aa that of any of our middle states In June used for beheading. "arToTo"' ' W ' W and July. Wo havo an excellent mose, pre- There are Moros who aro said to bo able 4 sided over by Major McMahon, one of the to cleave a man from crown to waist at ono Mr; Ingalls BayH that Senator Conkllng featurea of tho broakfaat bolng a glass of stroke. A favorlto cut Is through tho hated tho nowspnper men and the nownpapor eocoanut milk fresh from tho trce In the shoulder, taking off tho head, neck and ono- men hated Conkllng. When ho nroso to yard. Thero aro other good quarters In half tho chest, Including the nrm. Thoy sponk In tho senato tho correspondents nhut different parta of tho city, but ao far some somotlmes hnmstrlng tholr victims bofore their notobooka and loft tho gallery. Tills of tho lower officers havo not been ablo to killing them, and In tho cnao of executions studied Insult used to mako him lluh, but get houses nnd they havo put up sheds of a common method is to tie tho man's hands ho gave no othor sign. It was Conkllng, bamboo and canvas on the parade groutid behind him nnd then behead him with one says" Mr. Ingalls, who held that tho only not far from headquarter. Threo huta blow of tho knlfo. After a person Is klllod porsons in tho world authorized to uso tho bTe floon and walls of bamboo, but their ho Is often chopped to mincemeat by the first person plural "wo" wore edltore and Why Vot XDrlpK "Green River At All Plrst Class Bars and Hotels. Used in All the Naval Hospitals of the U. S. (lovcrniiiont. M. Wollstein & Co. SOLE AGENTS, 522-324 South 13th St. The Whiskey Without A Headache Family Trade Supplied hy Chicago Liquor Mouse, 402 N. 16th St. l'hoiic 154.'). Omaha, Neb. i