Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1900, Page 5, Image 15

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    May 13, 1000.
Bravery of Boer
Women in War
Tho bravery of tho Boor men is character- lustlnct of nti Intuitu gift for war a genius
Istlc as woll of tho Door women, and the not unfcminlno, for woe not Bellona as
wives ot tho dauntless soldiers of South much the goddess as was Mars tho god of
Africa aro playing ns Important a part In war? If In her warlike attltudo and In the
tho war as did tho famous femalo defenders sllghtnees of her flguro tho antlpodo of Mrs.
of Alx-la-Chapcllo In tho middle uges. They Kruger, Mine. Joubert la at least her equal
dlo In tho trenches beside their husbands, 1 tho posscsBlon of the domestic virtues,
rlllo In hand, or fight on when the men have whe 8,10 could not Bi;rvo hur husband by
fallen. In tho storm and Btress of bnttlo'tho advlco and help In tho field sho saw to It
men havo dominated It, almost to tho oxclu- tnat nothing that ho needed was lacking an I
slon of a thought of the women, except col- wlth nor own nands wouI(1 P1 thc P00
lectlvely, which Is not the way to think of for ,hls tUnuur with as much nonchalance as
women, while tho Individual men of tho
conscious of tho fact that her husband was
commander-in-chief of the Doer array. Dur-
I . 1. Hn, .. .11.. . ...... .H.Iini..w1 I... ttn
tho womanhod of all nations, vibrating r l , r, JnT w
,,.,, i ..... . .... ,, , heat and the fover, sho Joined him.
Hoer army havo, by the very forco of cir
cumstances, stood conspicuously out. Yet
emotionally In sympathy, can attuno Itself
In sympathetic thought with thoso sturdy
Dutch dames who are making such a strug
gle for their country,
As a glory departed must ono wrlto of
Mrs. Stoyn, who, had the plans of tho "late
president of the Orange Free State" as ,,.., f,
i ...... t,k.. n.i .il i- ,i .iin. "a a partner he exacted .00 more for
First of tho Boer women, by position no V """" "r. .,."r . "counsel fees." lie said that as a lawyer he
lees than by the interest which surrounds be8t.lald pIans of lco and mc and gone 8 worth that ,nueh mo o to he .let I. T Is
her, Is tho wife of tho president of the , 0Id . du C0UrB0 havo been tho was n uuw wa' of l0(,kl"B nt Ul lliatt(-r.
Transvaal republic. She Is tho first woman otTtZZt Tl. " wa MUy Uy 11,0
of tho country, but there Is llttlo to dlstln- South Arcan neubc reaching from the frlo,,da- , , , ,,, ,,.
KUiou uer iruiu iuu wives ui any ui mo 2nm).wl in thn Onnn Itnm In thn romance u
at the chief Boor women, though her life
has not been nil prettlness
helped her husband ns much
MINUET CLUB OF OMAHA l'huto by Klnohurt.
Chicago Woman
Outwits Prime Minister
derstnnd. In a llttlo whllo they saw that
Mttiln fnr hor In An !n thn nnrlv
careor, and thero aro, It Is said, hundreds ''"'V10
of documents In tho archives ot tho supreme
, for Hho has the venture wmm t panning out vcr we 1. lh , d , jounmllBl of Ungtilshe,l pc
as It was pes- f tho shrewd men of nfl u rs qui ly n - J- wt u wo
rly days of hi. sa p womnn cdltor l() rucOBlllzed abroad. , HCUno below
Then a little later camo tho crash
The lawyer hurried around to hold a con
solution meeting with the other two
Mrs. Alexander Sullivan, who Is without dome, with Mine. Carni.t and other iIIh-
rsons. Finding Hint irom mo
ould bo ttupoHslhlo to see tho
or hear a word of tho pro-
i vlow of tho fact that many women will bo coedlngs Mrs. Sullivan declined to go there
nmong the reporters of tho present cxpon!- and her credonttais weio lain ueioie i rime
court at Bloomfonteln which aro In her 8 n'",ZTt t ' 0 ! " ,cncd hc. tlon In I'arl.,, tho following story of Mrs. Minister Tlrard, who had tho exhibition In
writing. Mrs. Stcyn suggests tho fratricidal ,r" ' ?. h d you fel- Sullivan's experience at tho opening of the charge. Tho minister received Mrs. Sulll-
nature of the war, for Scotch blood flows In i" pretty Inst position Is Interring: van cordially, but to " '" K her - to
her veins, her father having been at ono time Z J At tho request ot tho general manager of InlnB ceremony- Mata. Mmo b u U-
a minister of tho north of Scotland
What obtains with tho threo likewise ob
tains with tho wlfo of the Bupposcdly In
vincible Cronjo, who, Napolconllke, fell bo
foro tho modern Wellington of tho British
Vmi'm iirimir nlil lmv.' rnino the cheer- A csiifln I ,! lroKM Wllllntn llonrv Smith.
..1 i.m...t lrut n ilfilltirr IU1. tt'i !.,." pl,LnRn rnll.iit... nnc.i llii.,ni ti'mntllu1 Ml'S
never lost
'Never lost
van iit it no dame," It was impossible
Sullivan was a lady. Mrs. Sullivan
a cent. Tra in." leavo of absence to a member ot It oditorlal "oUy , 1 , S t S
t!" staff. Mm. Alexander Sullivan, to serve . lco, artc.hly J'1 " f'. " 'J1 n
t a dollar! Wo saw It coming H)0C!al cable ccrrestmndent of the Associated f ,lln ,.tl,u llrHl ,nl,,lHKr of 1 "",LU n
wuj. -1" ' iwo monins ago. iiuu u up. ""'"' I'reeW at tho previous exposition at raris. " ..
tho request of hor husband, who In tho mo- out!.. MrH Stllllvan's Instructions were to proceed "Mais," tho government of tho republ o
mont of his defeat asked first that his wlfo "Well, then, why In tho name of all that's ,n (mo tQ nm,0 a tllorougli prollmlnary ot franco had never given elllclal recogni-
mlght not bo separated from him. When tho Bquaro and abovo board, didn't you tell me?" (jUjd of tho UIltlro 8UUj0ct with a vlow to tlm t( a lll,1' "MalH- i""'"." courteously
history of tho war cornea to bo written tho "Woll, wo could have, had yon allowed r(.niur,n hor cablegrams of practical ben- Bald Mw- Sullivan, "It !h time for tho gov-
names of these four women will not appear, us $500 counsel fees when you took yours. w Alnuricau c,)pi0 iJor jirg(, dH. ornment of tho French republic to make a
but If tho history of these four women were See?" ......... r , '..i.,-.. .'i precedent." Tho precedent wns mado forth-
to bo written tho world might then read tho
real history of tho war,
... . ,1 I ..If K. II 11 1 11 Ult'll U
Onco upon a MmeTn& tho Detroit Jour- h.b.t.on .u. a whole and to describe the oZTTm med U Mrs.
Living Fashi
nni n tniBt iipxirinir in no misincss in mib- "I'v...., u. v-..,..., ,, i.i.. i ui..r t ran
Oil ModelS 80ur1' Ure a lllwyT f0r r,'00 a 'nr' , "I"1 "!"irivi!i,lv;?- Thls mX l" ,l,,p""r I Z tv ,.m the president of France, M. Cr-
UU 1T1UUC1S . .teemed It best to bo perfectly In the American dally paper tho morning ur .na rnu', fP hr
tho photograph of a frank with the authorities. "tier tho opening. Four suKsequent cable- comiMi;inn.' All ofllclal order fur-
ic and ceneral "Vou tolerato rouuors," no voniureu. "i ". "w""- .. i i ,,.,, Mm snlllvan'H name in tho
travels. It Is "Yes," ropneu 1110 nuinormes. ' o...i,.,B, ... oiriciaiy recognized category and com
Thla week wo print
long outing coat for drivtr,
sporting wear during summer
of llcht weight covert cloth, cut to fit tho "Woll, wo aro roDDers. mo lawyer ou- rubeUi ,uo ... ....Ua.lD, unlimited opportunity to
flguro gracefully and Is of the popular belgo served, quietly exulting In his logical industrla arts, e.lucatlcn aim manufactures ,l8chnrB0 tho ,nb()riolm for which
illl.ll Jllill(llll 11 U IUU IIUIIIIIMIIUO VII" IUU J
color with velvet collar and cuffs.
sho had been sont to l'nrlrt, tho flrst woman
.. , .... ..... 0 it... i it nliu 'lit it uwu duiiii .w ip -
To thoso who nro looking for tho latest in "But all robbers aro not mcorpornie.i unuer mo uirecioin 01 me ahsoc aieu rress, country bearing ho responsible a
10 laws Of NOW jersey: munuereu mo uu- uiuuug wuuui iiiuu wuru iiiuiiua . ijiiiiu, . n..rnn.i
hats wo ronroluco another of tho vellow tho
pastel straw toques that lead In popularity thorltles, with a terrible look
Just at present. Tho straw Is crushed Into - . . . . t
a decorative shape and lta only trimming Is llilVCS 3.11 VDSttllllCl
a knot of dull green velvet and two long
Joseph Modlll, Whltelaw Held and Henry
Wattorton. They were ot opinion that Mrs.
Sullhaii'ri exceptional education, her capac
ity as editorial writer for leading Journals
in 1.1 . it..... i.i.l nli.lnlnnp 1 ...,... -1 .. .... .,ll... .
Tho third design is a dress hat for a young at home. Scoffers said ho drank only the l'arls especially qualified hor for thl duty. VuJnivnn "tlloro is no "lay later' In
girl of cream chip with bow of claret colored 'O. 1 brands.' His stato dinners, 0U101- Mih. Sullivan reached Paris a month lu " ' , flll,niiam
..i.,. .i .. n, . i,n . u'luo vitrv oli.iMint nml fnailv. wnro served ...i..... ,.r ,.. ........ i.,.. ..t i i.n.r.i.... Ainericnn JourilllllHiii.
lirlm la nlnhnrntnlv ilrnuinil with hlnnW anlln without wines. The OIllV C()UCCS8ion tO COU- Tin. Amxrlniin pvmniluUl,.,w,r lnfri,io,l h.r Tills W1IB IllBdO 'tllO precedent. OI IIIO OIll-
violets and ox-eyed daisies.
tnwt abroad.
While pleading with Mrs. Sullivan to bo
content with a gallery place at tho open- -ini:
ceremonial Minister Tlrard tuid: "Will
It not bo enough to roport tho ceremonial
Told Out of Court
HIJIIUI'U 1111 ..... i.
l,Hn1li, u,aa Unmnii niinMi Unvnrnil with . t i nnnn ciftl roCOKIUtlOn Of WOmftll UJT IIIO l rCIICIl
Jamaica rum. Kvart was accutomoJ to fbP lacu at tho opening ceremonial, which roimhllo and tho first woman so recognize.!
alludo to this course as 'the life-saving wnH to l)0 uLld under Uio domo of tho fine waH Margaret I. Sullivan.
This Is so truo that It Is Interesting very
much bo, roports the Lowlston (Me.) Journal.
Pointed Paragraphs
Lapland 1b probably the
station.' arts building, wheru thero wero only 1,500
"KlBltig to uddrcM Informally tho guceta aenta, and tlmt it would bo lmposttiblo to
at a Thanksgiving dinner, he began: 'Vou uocuro ndmlflsloii thero for any prews ropro-
A well known Maiuo attorney is 'especially lmvo 000,1 RlvlnB yo11 llttontlo t0 " turkey Bentattve. Our minister, Allen McLnno. un- Chicago Nows
noted for his keanness In Innklnc nut fnr tho Hiuneu wim oage. iuu uiu uuw uuuui. w succpflsiuuy enoeavoreu no inuuco uio ox- .,.,.. nnrndlun
burghers, for sho Is a elmple hausfrau. Jest end ; of evj ? tarmlnn? for ilf ablN conslllor a sa Btuffc4 wllh turItey-' "l,,lu" uuthorltlcB to make an exception CaJ" , ,. , ,1PH, Bllh
Domesticity finds In her Its quintessence BC' "igettlnK hofa of fhat end It ha mSe "When ho was secretary of stato in tho ,n favor of tho cable writer of tho Asho- .Warm weather Is about tho best sub-
nnd tho popular Imagination, In so far as it jyj VnpopJlar In son. clnlS tta oabinet of President Hnyos tho strugglo elated I'ress. which then. In fact, ropre- tuto for coal.
knows nnythlng of her, pictures to Itself a traU of hU! for places In tho diplomatic sorvlco was sonttsl tho entire presa of tho nation. Tho Tho lnzy raan'fl motto: "Work not, that
woman, old and obeso, who devotes her 0ne dea, not ong ng(J ,J0 was , w,th a vory active. As ho was leaving tho e!o- flnnl argument against tho application was yu bo worked."
tlmo to darning tho household eocka and coupi0 0t friends men of wealth and stand- vator at tho close of a vory busy day ho that tho special cablo representative was Tho owner of tho winning horse Is on-
stocklngs and making hugo pot of coffee ngi Business was good tho flrst year. Thero Bald, tho conductor slnco noon had 'taken a woman, and no woman would bo admitted titled to Uio gait rocolpta.
for the consumption of Oom Paul and hor- wa8 n generous division of profits. But tho up a vory largo collection for foreign mis- to tho ceroinonlnl, which was to ho oxclu- a hat is used by somo men to talk through
self. Yet this same woman, uupreposeees- iawyer 'wasn't satisfied with what was com- slons;' and when asked what hnd been slvoly ofllclal. Seats would bo provided, lnstoad ot a teJephono.
uiB luougu uu ih, ia uoHconuou irom mo jng to him, sharo and share alike with the done, ho replied. '.Many caiieu, nut few However, for Mm. Sullivan and hor trav-
great Du Plessls family, which gave to others. After recolvlng his proper whack choson.' " ollng companion in a gallery abovo the
France ono of tho princes of lt church and
stato, In the porson of tho wily yet bravo
and strong Cardinal Rlchollou, who, in his
youth, could wield a sword as well as In azo
a nen.
The Kruger household is run on patri
archal lines, and the Bible dominates It. Per
haps this is the roason why Mrs. Krugor,
who is Oom Paul's second wlfo, has given
heed to tho precept, "Bo fruitful and mul
tiply," for sho has had slxtcon children a
largq family oven for South Africa and their
Immediate descendants number over 100.
Ono great characteristic sho possesses Is
that of tho golden gift of sllcnco. She never
speaks of stato affairs and sho nover Inter
feres In matters political In public. She
so ehrowd a woman, howovor, that, although
it Is not acknowledged, thero aro reasons
tor believing that her husband takes counsel
with her In matters of moment, as Is tho
wont of husbands oven thoso who aro heard
to speak loudest of "tho weaker vessel."
"Tanto Kruger," as tho pooplo commonly
call hor, Is a martyr to rheumatism, due no
doubt, as tho most modern medical science
teaches, to tho over-consumption of the
coffee In whose preparation sho Is so skilled,
Mmo, Joubert, relict of the lion of the re
public, Is not a native Boer and by common
consent a French and not a Dutch tltlo Is
accorded to her. She Is the warrior woman
flrst, the woman of the household second,
She can shoot like tho Boer roan, who shoots
with unerring aim to kill, for from her
earliest childhood she has been accustomed
to tho use of firearms. In tho early days ot
the Kaffir wars she nover failed to accom
pany hor husband to "tho front" and all
during tho campaign its plans wero dis
cussed with her. Moro than onco as the re
sult ot this discussion the oxocutlon of these
was changed, in accordance with her 'bril
liant Ideas of itrategy and the Imaglnatlre
Tho blggost thing on lco this summer will
probably bo tho prlco of It.
Lend a man a quarter today and he's apt
to strlko you for a dollar tomorrow.
Many a man's unpopularity U due to his
winning ways In a qulot little gamo.
Tho young man who embraces his bait girl
hows his lovo In a roundabout way.
When u woman cuts a ninn on tho street
ho attributes It to hor sharp features.
No ono over saw It rain cats and dogs, but
hailing street cars Is u daily occurrence.
It's wrong to talk about a man behind his
back; talk about him In front of his back.
If a man doesn't know when he Is beaten
tho chances aro somo fool friend will Inform
Thoro Is a yellow streak In ovory man that
lives, but Homo of them mnnago to keep It
undor cover.
Tho poet wns ovldontly broko when he
said to his best girl: "Drink to mo only
with thlno oyou."
Tho only reason why somo people marry
Ih becauso tho woman wnnts a homo and I ho
man wnnts a servant.
A man learns a good many things from
his children until thoy got old enough to
know ns llttlo us ho docs,
Tho man who is as honest as tho day Is
long never gets up nt 1 o'clock In tho morn
ing to bo led into temptation.
Somo men live and learn, while others de
vote their tlmo to talking about things of
which thoy know absolutely nothing.
No man is without fault hut It's Impos
sible to convlnco tho girl who Is about to
bo married to tho man of her cholco that
such Is tho caso.
To tho Individual worth 220,000 ono llttlo
un-cent piece Is a quarter of n million. If
you do not see tho point immediately, think
It over It'a there,