TTTT3 (VMATTA PAITjV TVETS: SATTTKDAV. MAT 12, 15)00. -A Ladies' and Misses' Handkerchiefs 22C,5c $1.25, $1.50. $2.00 Kid Gloves for 59c 2,000 dozen ladies' and men's handkerchiefs, a part of which has been displayed in our show window. Tlioy come in ex cellent quality in plain white, made of fine sheer soft fin 6,000 pairs ladies' genuine imported high grade real French kid gloves, also Gorman lamb skin, Knglish suede, glace and real kid. This grand lot of gloves come in black, white, pray nnil nil colors, all shot, in two and throo clasp anil Foster Inco ished cloth, hemstitched in all widths of hems from 1-8 to IOI1UU UlUlll, II hook A small part of these cloves lmvo boon exhibited In our show window. hook a smaii pari 01 59c ii in our snow window., 59c li inches wide. Many handker chiefs in this lot worth up to 20c each. All go on bargain square in two lots at 24c and 5c each. 5c J ho regular prleo of thoso "loves would bo $1.20, $160 and somo rw high as $2.60 pair. All po on bargain square cholco 59c pair, Trimmed Flowers and Ready - liomeiially low prices for Kirst showing of summer and Now York. i i i oaturaay wo win snow hfi.mtifnl Leghorn Hats and Hats. They are all imported hibited in In order or dress on sale at, Saturday wo place on sale a large quantity of ourfi Trsmmek Hats that were formerly sold for $5 and $5, trimmed with flowers, chiffon, etc,, newest styles and w shapes, your choice of an endless va- O EC ft rietyfor (ft Positively the best Hat offer of the season at $5.00 VM artistic trimmed hats, Parisian models, designed by (ft skilled milliners, finest qlialltle Now Turbann, I'ompadou and Knee Hats, crs, fmltH, etc. These nre mado of light, valum up to $12.00, cholco for Ready-to-Wear Hats Very chic and stylish headgear for women, now English designs, turbans, etc., f f) your cholco of $2 and $2.50 C?CJ values at fflo dozen Imported French Flowors-Thls Is tho greatest purchase of rub ber Hi cm Kroncl Klowers over brought to Omaha. These I'lowers are "amphT every ono different In this Immense osMirtment. A large i ssort inerit of J'"rultH. Cherries. Currants. Hums, Strawberries, O nines nnd I'oll- iS rUo .-very variety Imaginable of beautiful tinted nnd black Flowers, lloses. Mlacs, Violets, American Henutlefl In endless variety A f m"d every other Klowcr made. Theso Plownr"lnr?l!,clt"n"y 4 VfC worth from $1.00 to $S.0O per bunch. On sale In Millinery "T W department at per bunch To thoso who make their own hats wo 1M Untphrnnjil ,"?;, V.JMKM will sell 1, yards now liralds, black, shapw. the very latest i st lw. plain to. purulo, red, heliotrope, butter ""d funcy straw hrajds. sohl regu- dor: n new l.ralds and worth Xc- lar at $1.00 and $1 i- being some- M,t,.r.".r.n,V!oor. 2c Mo?h?n!v,8w,..w.e ioc Hlg assortment of Klowers of almost evory description, sold reg- l24C ubir nt SVc. on snle In basement at Special lot or Trimmed Hnts for women nnd misses, go on sale In 7gc basement, extraordinary values, at Saturday Bargains in Basement One big tablo nil silk Tllhhnn nor vurd' 1c One big tnblo very wide all silk nibbon worth 15c yard for lO.OOn dozen all kinds Horn Hairpins, worth up to 15c each f Adamantine Pins two imptTS for 1c Kngllsh Or iin 10c lisle Garter Rlasttc yard 3c 10c Finishing Hrnld On per bolt Hump Hooks and Kycs Just llko Pobong's per card Large Shears 25c kind per pair ,.2c ..5c 15c 10c 40i IJrass Extension nods each 2Co. nrnss Hxtouslon Rods carh,. MODEL PUMPING SfATIOS Export Pronouncai Uinne-Lm Plant the Fintst in tbe Unitad Gtatei. NEW PUMP IS NOW IN OPERATION tVa(rr Wnrka Compnnr ln'hln- or.r KidiiikIi to Supply City li. vlth SUIyKour Million 'ilil (iulloim l)iill-. . flohn C. McMynn of tho firm of Robert W. Jlunt & Co. has Just completed u re port upo'i the new pump recently plnceil In position at Mlnne-I.UHo. tho puiuptiiR atutlon of tho Omaha Water Works company. The npoctlon was made, at tho lntancc of the tnanaRorti of tho company for the purpose of WINK vs. COFFEE. -3 I l Tm( Cime. ' "A wine maker's wife on whom I wns Cnlllnp; a year or two nno urped mo to drink p largo cup of very stronR cofteo when I had declined to take a Rlaas of wine for tho reason that wlno affected mo unpleas nntly. The coffee was so ntroK that my heart reeled nnd rolled for two or three days pad 1 decided the wine would have been Iho more temperate drink nfter all. "I had been n moderate user of coffeo, hut had been sulTerlnK from sick headaches tor somo time nd was becomlnc very sus jilclous that coffeo was the causo of them. (After thlH experiment tho drtiK power of cofteo was mado so plain that 1 abandoned It altogether and had a Ioiir season of hot water drinking, which la not enjoyable, as j-oil will admit. "After a while I was Introduced to I'os lum Kool Coff en and It proved a ioy nnd promise of pleasure to come. It tasted so much llko coffee that 1 waited for some of .tho evil elTects to develop. They did not come, so I drank it threo times a day nnd etlll continue. The habit spread rrom mo to tho rest of tho family. Kven father, a contlrmed coffee drinker, St years old, now drinks I'ostiim with great relish and his health has been better tho past winter than tor several years. "On Christmas we had a rmilon of several cil.l-tltno friends and served l'ostum Instead of coffee. One or the ladles, who holds an lmortant educational position nnd must earn for her nerves, said: '(live mo tho smallest cup I daro not drink coffeo." Sho vbb told that it was not coffeo, but was Vostum. After drinking a little of It ho ild. M never liked l'ostum before. Tho way vo mado It. It was so colorlets nnd flat, tmt this Is delicious,' nnd she parsed up for thn second cup. "I explained that she could always hnvo Vostum delicious if she would follow tho dlreotlnns an to the amount to use nnd tlmo to boll." Mrs. M. 1. llainw, Prospect I'ark, CoJ. . , Millinery 1 to - Wear Hats at nhe- (S Saturday. a styles direct from Paris a large assortment of jEk Ynllnw Tnsfjui Urnul models and will be ex our new show rooms. to reduce our stock of Model Hats that were $25, 20, 18 and $12, fik all elegant, artistic hats for street wear, all Satorday 1022 lalltlcn of matcrliilfl used In tliclr contraction trimmed with flow- 0 summery materials, -J III! Women's Sailors In an endless va riety, rough braids, smooth braids. In white, black and colors, also Knox blocks. In all the new braids, wide and narrow brims, equal to any 44.00 Sailor made "V 7 special salo VCjC price Mohair Furniture Gulmn lc yard, Beconds In Cunflcld'8 6c . Dress Shields pair,,. 6-hok Corset C'lnspa tho 10c Or lrlnrinnlr ,'. niehardson's Embroidery Silk dozen The "Hest" Sewing Silk per spool Machine Thread per spool Crochet Silk spool .. 5c . ,1c .34c Framed nnd matted 8x10 Pictures art store urlees 50c IDr1 tomorrow IVJW Very handsome Untrained Pic tureslong as they c. last 10.1O0 yards best grade Cambric l.lnlnc mill rem Op nants '. lO.diKl yards best Standard oir 1'rlnts, In milt remnants -yd 2 5c determining the price to be paid for tho pump. Under tho contract with tho Allls company of .Milwaukee, tho constructors of the pump, the price was based upon a per formance, technically called duty, tho lifting of 10j,000,000-foot pounds or wator against (in 85.24 head with 1,000 pounds or eteam. Tho water company furthor agreed to pay jr.00 as a bonus to tho constructors for each 1,000,000-root pounds' lifted with 1.000 pounds of steam In excef of the prescribed amount. At tho test Tuesday tho pump demonstrated u duty of 13S.6'.'0.91S-foot pounds, giving tho builders $10,810 above the contract price. This bonus Is willingly paid by the company, for the reason that the extra duty will savo thorn about $100 per month In tho fuel nc count. Mr. McMynn, who has Inspected machinery In water works plants in all of tho large cities of thp country, pronounces Minno-I.tina tho Uucst pumping station la tho United States. Wntrr WurkM NyNtem l t'omplete. The water works sytcm or Omaha is ono or tho largest In any city tbo size of Omaha, and it Is well that this Is mo, for according to BtatiHtlcn Omaha uwa twice the average amount of water per Inhabitant that Is consumed In other cities, tho nniount vary ing from 100 to 150 gallons per year. St. Paul usch twenty gallons per year per In habitant In the residence district, with an average of lew than 100 for the wholo city. Tho general average ror tho United Statcw Is nbout fifty gallonu. To supply this wator tho company has four pumping stations, with a combined capacity of Gl.000.u00 gallon In twenty-tour hours. Tho amount or water which can be supplied to the city by tho pumps In uho is 10,000,000 per day, tho other 21,000,000 or pumping rapacity held In reserve ror emergencies at the siatlons on Hurl street nnd on 1'oppletnn nvenuo. All tho water now used In tho city comes rrom the .Mliine-husa Htatlon, where iho fettling balns purify tho water taken from tho Mlo Bourl river. It In Buld that tlu-ro aro four poundH of sand and other solid matter In each barrel of Missouri river water, but theso basins send It to tho mains clear and pure. TIih now engine Inspected by tho expert is what is known as a "vertical conipo.ind. crank and lly wheel pumping engine." Its high-pressure cylinder has a diameter of thirty-four Inches and lt lovv-prusgure cylinder a diameter or sixty-two inches, it has a capacity of 20,000.000 gallons per day. There aro two other pumps at the station, each of a capacity of 10.000.000 gallons. President Woodbury Is u believer In tho mctor system and will make- a strong effort to mnke It popular In Omaha. Advocates of tho system say that It Is tho only ut sjBtom of selling wator. as each person pays for what he gets and is not forced to contribute to tho wastefulness of bis neigh bor. A l'n Hleep llldrr Will often receive painful cut, sprains or bruises from accidents. Mucklen't Arnica Salvo will kill the pain and heal tho Injury. It's the cyclist's friend. Cures chafing, chapped bands, sore lips, burns, ulcers and pllm Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Try it. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggist. Ladies' $20 Silk Waists $5. The most remarkable sale of silk waists you Hosiery Bargains Two largo bar- Cain counters piled li lf li with ladies', mlHScs' nnd boy'c fast bluck hoso in plain an 1 heavy ribbed full Hounloss, all sizes, worth up to fmm Oc, this sulo O pair 500 dozen misses' and children's extra line imported hose' Herms dorf dye, fancy stripes, plain black and silk stripe plaids, with silk heels and toes, all sizes choice on bargain counter 15c 100 dozen ladies' imported fancy Scotch plaid hose in a great va riety of patterns, full regular made .vorth regular up to III) cents at this salo only 19c 15c Huck Towels for 5c. 10,000 very large size huck towels worth go at 5 cents. WILL REMAIN IN OMAHA Headquarters of Woodnwn of the World Not Likely to fie Moved, PROPOSITIONS BEING CONSIDERED lioml Offer Submitted fro in Different Cltlri, hut liiry Will I'rol)- lily Hi- in clined. "Thero Is no question," said a prominent Hoverelgn officer of the Woodmen of tho World yesterday, "that Omaha will bo ue lectcd ns tho location or tho permanent head quarters or our order." Tho question of lo cation was taken up by tho executlvo coun cil at its session and tho different propositions submitted by Kaus.tH City, St. l.oult and other cities considered. A propo sition wns received from Little Hock, Ark., offering ,i cash donation of $5,000, a city lot anil rree rent or a building unliable ror otllco needs until permanent headquarters could be erected. The matter wan left In tho hands of tho building committee, con sisting of K. A. Knlkenburg of Denver; Sovereign Secretary Yaten of Omaha and A. O. I-'Ino of Norfolk. Va. IleportK of sovereign officers occupied the attention of tho executlvo council during tho remainder of its yesterday meeting. Among other questions coneidere.1 wns tho exclu sion of certnln territory from membership privilege In tho Woodmen of tho World. Certnln sections of Arkansas, Mlffilsslppl, Florida and I.oulolana wero excluded. PEDDLERS CHEATING PATRONS Innpeetiir Mnlinninillt l-'liidlnir Men. lire In Iui- Hint Are Short if (lie Slumlord. Inspector Thomas Mahammltt of tho Weights and Measures department Is ad ding dally to his assorted collection or un righteous cneasurrs until his otllco room Is Infringed uron am) ho is contemplating tho lighting of a bonflro In tho rear ot tho city hall. Tho particular object of tho Inspec tor's displeasure nro the peddlers who have sprung up in full luurlanco with tho com ing of spring. Their measures are In many cases far short or tho standard and tbo poorer classes, among whom most of their trade lies, often secure barely two-thirds of tho amount bargained for. Tho Inspector camo upon a peldlor In Kotintzo Placo Thursday who mado a fran tic effort to conceal his measure In a sack at tho approach of the official. Mr. Maham mltt found that the peck measure contained only a pint over a half-peck. Tho measure was of small clrcumrercnce. but had been elongated until tho casual observer would bo unsuspicious or Its real size. In many other cases tho Inspector's honest peck of mlllot seed filled the ietidtrr measure with from oac to throe quirts led over. Tbe la- 1,000 high class samples ladies1 silk waists, worth from $15 to $20 each on sale Saturday at $5. Wo liavo secured flvo sample lines of high class silk waists from somo of tbo finest manufacturers In New York. These nro all the, latest styles shown In the east, anil Include, evening wnlstn, silk c 111 (Ton over silk, elaborately trimmed with velvet rlb Ion, lace, etc. Itlbobn waists with fine laco Insertion; taffeta waists In black nud nil colors, elaborately tucked, shirred nnd corded, with hemstitching, open work and embroidery; tdlk handkorchlot waists, Per sian combinations and plain color combina tions. These waists nre worth from $1! to $20, nnd on tale Saturday on second lloor Neckwear Novelties 100 dozen ladies' bobbinot laco and liberty silk tlus in black, Ci-i cream and white, on bar gain counter, at 100 dozen ladies' all satin and chiffon st.ocic collars, all styles and all colors go at 25c Immense lots of ladies' high i'lnss novelty neckwear silk ties, ja benu, Hindu of best quality liberty and china silks and silk chllfon. Hundreds of styles to choose from, at JlDc, lite, 7."c, itSe uud l.'J.i, worth double. Corset Special 250 dozen ladies' perfect fit tlntr corsets In four nnd live hook lensths, inndc of the best quality of Hummer corset netH and Ifrcnch cotille, extra side steels, lace trimmed, all sizes and all leugths. Kcgulnr price tqi to 73c, go on baiRiiln table at 39c and 49c 5c pf df ry 1 J J spector has found It Impossible to locato dishonest dealers In tho market place be cause ot their cleverness In concealing tho proor before they appear to raako their pur chases. The Inspector will bring proceedings In a number or cases where ho has conclusive proof, but ordinarily will be content with confiscating the deficient measures. The ordinance fixes tho penalty at $100 for sim ply having a short measure In one's posses sion. The peddlers Invariably have a plausi ble excuse and City Proccutor Thomas haB advised tho Inspector that It would be use less to bring complaints In such cases. Tho Inspector Is discussing with tho city attor ney the ndvlsablllty of bringing complaints In Justice courts nnd at nil events tho official will proceed against tho peddlers caught red-handed In giving short measure The Ilent Itonipily for Wlinupl iik Cuuuli "t-ast February our two-year-old baby had a bad caso of whooping cough," says II. V. Dlbb of Oak Hill, W. Va., "and wo found that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy did It moro good thnn anything else." TIiIb rem edy keops tho cough Icoie and maken tho Ills ot coughing lew frequent nnd less se vere. It has been used In many opldnmlc or this dlseao and alwayo with perfect suc cess. Thero Is no danger In-giving It to children, for It contains no injurious sub stance. It Is pleasant to tako, too. CITIZENS MUST CO-OPERATE Full lleport of Oiunhn'n I'npulnlinii IlopeiiiN nn iiielr An nUIiiiiim', Tho supervisor ot tho census continues to rpcelvo Instructions rrom Washington re garding tho work of tho enumerators. Tho latest thing to nrrlvo Is a street book, show ing how tho enumerators uro to proceed In their work. According to tho Instructions the enumerator must start at tho northeast , corner of his district and complete a circuit 1 of each block In order beroro crossing any street. Whero'persons aro absent whon ho1 calls, ho sends tho supervisor a sheet show ing this Tact and tho supervisor sends a spoJlnl enumerator to securo tho Information desired. When secured tMa Is sent to Washington In n special rcrori, but tho name Is credited to tho regular enumerator. Speaking of tho taking of tbo census. Mr, Wheeler nays that ho must havo tho co operation or each citizen to Insure a full report of tho population of Omaha and he especially nsks th oho who will bo out of town during tho first two weeks In Juno to send their names and addrossci to his office. He will send a special enumerator to them and oocuro tho information, which will h held and Inserted In tho reports after the work on enrolling begins. Ills telophono number Is ISO. If it Is not convenient to reach him by telophono a pnjtal card will obtain tho samo result. Many peit-ons In Omaha are now getting ready to le.ivu tho ity for summer reports and they cannot be counted unless they . communicate tho information to tho super Ivleor before they leave. If any of the ramlly are to remain In tho city It Is not necessary to send word to the luporvkor, as tho ever witnessed. Underwear Sale Ladies' good qual ity Jersey ribbed under vests, high and low neck, silk taped, lace crocheted necks a n d shoulder straps, worth tip to l!lc each on bargain coun tor at 7c 1,000 ladies' union suits in spring and summer weight, line quality, silk rib bon trimmed, hnndsomely crocheted laco necks and armholcs, all sizes, in white and ecru, worth up to CSf 75c, this salo- tJ C SUit AmtK 5 cases ladies' jersey ribbed vests and pants, all sizes, made of tho finest maco cotton and lisle thread also silk mercerized, .white, cream and ecru, all sizes, worth up to 50c, go at I2y2c,l5c and 25c $2.50 Spachtel Shams 50c Ono big lo t of all mat f kinds of Spachtel H I 1 shams, scarfs, etc., J J enumerator can securo Information front tho rumninlng membern or tho rnmlly. G0RDIAN KNOT DISPOSED OF Kxiimplr of Alcxiinilrr Hit fironl In Kollnu ! ivltli ninimtroim IIi'NiiUn, A distinguished gentleman holding high executive authority In ono ot tho western states, who hns Just returned from Wash ington, Is a guest at a leading hotel of tho city. Owing to an unfortunato Incident ho may bo detained hero Beveral days. It is rolnted that n few evenings ngo, In company with a frl6nd, ho sallied lorth to vlow tho city by night. Tho sun was high In tho heavens berore tho convivial pair returned. With tho usual perversity of an Intensely sober mnn tho executive made several awk ward but unsuccessful efforts to removo his shoes whlln standing a difficult feat under any circumstances. Ills unsteady compan ion, with tho best powdblo Intention, en deavored to hasten tho operation nnd, with tho aid of a sharp pockotknlfe, cut a long slash In the laced part or tho shoe, releas ing the shoe, but nt tho same tlmo cutting a deep gash In tho foot. A surgeon was called In to dress tho wound and it will be a week or moro before the distinguished visitor will bo nblo to rrsumo his Journey westward. IIiiIIiIIiik Permit. Tho following permits have been Issued from the office of tho building Inspector J. N. Ovcrturr, 2.VI1 Templeton, addition to dwelling, ."!. Clark Shellev. Twentv nlnth and Hickory, frame dwelling. $2.0.o. John Mentzel, 200 North Tenth, repairs to ilwelllui;, $10. STRENGTHENS SYSTEM BODY BRAIN and NERVES. vim IMAKIAM WIMCI No other preparation has ever rrcelveil so many voluntary testimonials from emi. nont peoplo as tho world-famous Marian) Win. Gives Appetite, Produces Refreshing Sleep, A Safeguard Against Mental Diseases. Fer overworked men, dellcatn women, jdckly children, thU healthful, InvlKoratlnj and stimulating tonlo has no equal. DOSB-A smull wlno glass full thre tlmns a day Bold by druggists. Ititfuno Huhstltut's. Marlanl & Co,, 53 V nth Bt , New York, publish a handsome book of endorsements of Emperors, Empress, Princes, Car dinals, Archbishops and other dlstln BUlshed personage, It I sent gratis and postpaid to all who writ (or It. Suits, Skirts, Capes nnd Reefers Extraordinary Value for Saturday. A Beautiful lot of Fine Tailored novelty suits, mado for us to sell at 20, $22.50 and $25, of tho choicest of ma terials, latest and most correct styles to be seen, made in tho now medici collar otons, and form litting eifects. Somo are all taleta lined, JT in mannish finish, your choice of 200 tomorrow Sale of Fine Cheviot Skirts worth $4.00, made with now box back, good percaline lining and vol- -4 vot bound. JMado to sell I up to $4.00, tomorrow Silk Skirts A Handsome Lot of Fine Tailor made skirts of perfect drape and finish, made of lino tailota silk, brocades and plain satins. Tho mate rials alono would sell for more at our silk ES fC counter. 150 of thorn for Saturday bargain w'th $10, ch'co KJ JJ Silk Capes A New Lot of Fancy Silk Capes, all trimmed with lace and chiffon, woll lined, bought by us to soli for $;5.50. Tomorrow wo give 1 QO you choice at - KJ 1,000 Misses', Children's and Ladies' Wash skirts on sale tomorrow at 25c, worth $1.50. An Immense Purchase of Misses' and La dies' wash skirts enables us to place on salo for a big Saturday special 1,000 fmo wash skirts worth $1.50 for 25c." Made of all linon, crashes, taffeta linens, piques, ducks, denims, etc. Braided, appliqued and self bound trimmings, and tho biggest bargain in wash goods ever offered, actually worth Oi-ip $1.50, tomorrow at &kJs Children's Reefers Having Bought From a manufacturer a big lot of fancy trimmed and plain reefer jackets for children from 4 to 8 years old, at our own price, we will give our customers -f the benelit tomorrow, choice Cutlery in Basement Wallace Bros. Tea ESi spoons, usually sold at 5c Jj oach, on sale, 0 for Wallace Bros, butter knives, each Wallace Bros. p sugar shells, each Butterfield's Knives and forks, six of each ( in a box, worth $2, B J J tomorrow, sot " oooo oooo oooo oooo ooooooo o o o o o o o o oooo ooo I ft mmm" BEAUTY ASK FOR FREE SAMPLE Of a magical preparation wbliii will wonderfully Improve your complexion and skin. Not a i-osmotle, face-wash or paint, but exquisite, dainty, frag rant SATIN-SKIN cream. Prepared with milk of plants, healing herbs, beautifying balsams and perfuming flowers. A tlssue-bulldlng skin food, t iiutlller and restorer, Salln-Skln cr.iim makes the faco radiant with health nnd loveliness, giving true zrM t., life. Pi events early ageing of the skin, wrinkles, keeps It full, fair and out hf ui. Hemovf- tun-freekli'h, wlnd 1)1011, blotches, plinphs. MuiiUiondK, l.l. mlshoH, heals tough roil, tender, smarting cutliie; producing a satin skin. s". wiille bands. Pianists and ladles doing fain v wink tlml It makes lingers supple. Urm, nimble. Applied bofoiv using powder, renders It adhes ive, invisible. Csed for baby's skin, siiqii chilling, heals, smithes. SATIN SKIN Cream Is different fmm all other ar'bies You can lest, try and prove it KltlJK of cost It Is warranted hiirm lcxs. and wllhnut poisons a'lds or corrosives, .Helng vcqutnble. lai.nil imiHO or promote, imtr growth, uuiu ...Inn..... ilmjL'V.nrf f'rtlfi wrllfiu' "I com,. linvo used one Iwix, unit 1 nm forced to acknowledge SATIN-SKIN Cream ex cels any facial cream I over used." Apply at Boston Store Drug Department oooo oooo oooo oooo ooooqoo ODOO oooo oooo ooo ( Headquarters for Woodbury's toilet articles rPl, u,t IV... xiiu umi iui Toilet, Bath and Nursery. Made by a dermatologist of 110 years' experi ence, who under. and knows what is best for tho human skin. Woodbury's facial soap, facial cream (violot) powder, regular price w.'ic; our price, 18c Woodbury's hair tonio keeps tho bcalp clean and healthy, tho hair soft; price -lOc. Fur sale in drug, department ON TRIAL o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o o o o o o o IDA M. DIKIII,. Cove, Md., writes: "Cannot speak too hlRhly n SATIN SKIN Cream, li has cured all my pimples, and has made niy skin soft, and smooth an satin. I -want another box " AMCI5 K. HTHWAUT. MSI l'ornst uveiiiie. (Nilcngo. writes: "SATIN SKIN 'ream Is the 'best, most pleas ing and satisfactory ungeiit I i vcr ufed on my race." Ten thousand testimonials mean muiii and you should bo using SATIN SKIN Oram. Wheniver known It lie comes the must popular of toilet ar ticles. Its in Hon In clearing, heullng anil beautifying Is remarkable. Your mmplcxlnn grows fairer dally.. The face being exposed to wind and weather needs attention unci nourish ment. Our bodies and hands nre pro tecled, hut the face goes u ilea red for, neglected. No wonder the skin re vives applying SATIN-SKIN I'rtmrn. Wo Invite you to i all at niir curliest opportunity and si nre 1'HKK SAM PI il'i ot SATIN-SKIN (Team, received directly from laboratory of the, well known perfumer. Alien K Woo4, K'j.r Wood avenue, Detroit, Mich , sole pro prlf tnr No one Is asked to buy, wo simply urge a trial which will iirowi tho superior virtues of SATIN-SKIN Cream, greatest wonder of modern ohemlstry.