Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Ao'.lon it Sionx Ft It Cms a Shadow Orer
the Lincoln Crowd.
rupocrnt Who Do Snt l,lki tit Src
Their Chirr Turned IJinsn Arc
1'lnlnly nUniK
LINCOLN, May U. (Special.) The notion
of tho Sioux Falls convention In nominat
ing Charles A. Towno for vlco pretildont
cant a sloom of disappointment over tho few
leading popocratB who were In the city
today. Tho democrats wcro especially tore
orer tho selection and did not hesltato In
aylng so.
"Wo thought they would Icavo the selec
tion to a committee," said one prominent
democrat at tho state house, "t don't think
that tho selection of whs wlio anil
1 doubt If tho democrat will endorso
him as their candidate. If Towno with
draws It will create a lot of tll-ft-cllHK nnd
If b stays In tho raco he will make tho
democrats sore. Altogether the selection
ass very undiplomatic. Townc Is recognized
8 a good man, but his party afllllatlon is
against him."
Wilbur l Ilryant, recently appointed
deputy clerk of tho supreme court, took
an entirely different view of tho nomina
tion. "I regard tho nomination as an ex
cellent one," ho said, "and ono that would
do any party proud. I think the populism
did Just right In nominating. If Mr. Towne
see that It will ho all right for him to re
main on tho ticket, ho will accept the nom
ination, but If he sees disaster ahcud he
Is broad enough and has enough good judg
ment to refuse It."
Ilrynn Mlcnt for Oner.
W. J. flryan refused to talk concerning
tbo action of the convention and would not
express an opinion as to tho wisdom of tho
selection made. He said ho wan not aware
that Mr. Towno had been named until so
Informed by a reporter. Last night when
Mr. Hryan was Informed of his own nomina
tion he manifested only passing Intorest and
refused positively to bo Interviewed.
It Is rot known when tbo notification com
mittee will como to Lincoln to Inform Itryan
of his nomination. Hcwovcr, preliminary
steps have been taken toward tho arrange
ment of a big demonstration on tho day
Arthur J. Weaver of Falla City Is re
ported to havo withdrawn from tho race
for tho congressional nomination In the
First district In favor of 1M Fallon, a
Klchardson county democrat, nnd It H
understood hero that an arrangement has
been effected by which the latter Is to
nsslst him In securing tho nomination for
county attorney, this being ono of tho
conditions of hln withdrawal. Mr. Weaver
has forsaken tho silver republican party
Bnd Joined tho democrats nnd has already
begun nn nctlvo canvass for tho county
attorneyship of Klchardson county. Tho
congressional situation In tho First dis
trict Is Htlll In nn unsettled condition be
cause of tho uncertainty as to whether
James Mnnnhan of this city intends to
enter tho race. Mr. Muuahan has a largo
and powerful following In tho democratic
party nnd nlthnugh ho was defeated two
years ago by Durkct, there Is Htlll a dis
position on tho part of some to placo him
In the field n second time. If he decides
to enter the rnco tho fight will Iro princi
pally between himself nnd Matt (Jerlng of
I'lnttsmouth. J. II. Ilroady of thin city has
Hn mentioned as a probable democratic
candidate ami will enter tho race with the
support of Lancaster county unless Mr.
Manahnn decides to mako another try for
the 'office. T,hcre"lH n feeling alt' over tho
district that tho nomination should be given
to some other county than Iancastcr nnd
Tinth Richardson and Cass will bold out for
tho honor.
Solicit the Mjmlrrjr.
Tho mystery surrounding tho caso of Ktta
Adams, the 12-year-old girl who arrived In
this city Tuesday night, hrlnglng $13 in
cash and a box of flowers, has finally been
cleared. After two days and nights of tele
graphing and telephoning Chief of l'ollce
Hoagland secured tho entire story of her
sudden departure from home. It developed
that she atolo $110 from her auat's homo
in Omaha ami after spending or losing a
large part of the money sho camo to Lin
coln. This morning Dctectlvo Donahue of
Omaha took the girl back to Omaha. Chief
Hoagland toileted the facts from various
sources nnd they wero corroborated by I)o
tectlvo Donahue,
Deputy Auditor Tool returned today from
California, whero ho has been sojourning
for tho last few weeks for his health.
NrlirmaUiiiin Killed In Alnskn.
FHKMONT, Neb., May 11. (Special.) A
report which was circulated hero last No
Tomber that Ilert Morton and wife, former
residents of this county, bad been killed
by nomo Indians not far from Skag.uay,
Alaska, has been verified by a letter re
ceived by C. F. Morton of Scrlbner from
J M. Tanner, deputy United States marshal
nt Skaguay. Me writes that tho unfor
tunate couple wore killed by a band of
Indians some time In October. Their bodies
wero not recovered until March 1.. but
were In such condition ns to be easily rec
ognized nnd wcro burled under tho nua-
Little Liver Pills.
Muat Bear Signature mt
4m PacSlmlla Wrapper Below.
TWJ MB all and at mf
What is Life?
without being a member of
THE G. C. C.
pi es of 'he Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows, of which Mr Morton was a mem
ber. Mr Tanner writes that there hava
been a number of Indians arrested for
tompllrlty in the murder and they are now
In Jail at Skaguay awaiting trial. The
authorities are confident that they have the
right men. Nothing Is known here of tho
cause or particulars of the murder. Mr.
Morton was about 21 years of age. Me was
married and went to the Klondike country
about a year and a half ago, He has two
sisters residing here, one of them a teacher
In the county schools. Ills father and
mother are not living. He formerly resided
near Srrlbner nnd has many relatives and
acquaintances In this county. ,
Srarrnl Men Mnkr Attempt to Com
fun ii leu I e ulth Primmer .lint at
tell Wind on I cnrl) t uuulit.
YOIIK. Neb., May II. (Special.) Tho
fact that a pursuing Jailer stumbled over a
lawn mower In tho dark Is nil that savrd
ono of Mrs. Frost s men admlretn from being
captured. For several nights two or moro
men havo bcen signaling and rapping on tho
casument of tho windows of the Jail, calling
to Mrs. Frost that they wanted to talk to
her. The authoritlos thinking that possibly
there might bo an attempt by parties to
converse with Mrs. Frost they located her
In a cell back nnd away from tho outsld'i where It is a little difficult to com
munlcatii with the outside public nnd in
formed her that one of tho rule of tho Ja.l
was that she should hold no communication
or conversation with any one on tho out
side with tho threat that If she did they
would romovc her still farther from the win
dow nnd In not ns pleasant a cnll room.
Last night when Jailer Illckley was In the
Jail bo heard a gentle knocking, then louder
ami then heard some man calling "Mrs.
Frost, Mrs. Frost." Putting out tho light
In the Jail Illckley crept around to the. aldo
door nnd mado a dash for the- Intruder and
would have raptured him had It not been
that ho stumbled over a lawn mower left In
the court houso yard.
Just whnt these men admirers or
friends of Mrs. Frost want Is a question. It
Is believed that If It were not for the
vigilance of tho Jailer there might havo
been an nttempted Jail delivery. Tho York
county Jail Is one of the best nnd ntronget
country Jails, sl.tuated In the basement rf
tho court houso In the northeast corner.
Ono or two Inmate In past years have got
ten out and escaped.
Mrs. Frost, In appearance, conversation
and actions is apparently less concerned at
to the results of tho chemical analysis of
tho stomach of Mr. Frost than any other
woman In York. Sho still maintains that ccol,
calm mnnncr, heartily cats her meals nnd
spends most of the time reading books, mag
azines and newspapers. Her attorney con
tinues to call quite frequently nnd cautions
her to say nothing an to her case to any one.
In conversation this week tho subject of
her husband's denth was brought around
and In reply to the question asking her If the
did not think it would go hard with her If
tho chemical analysis showed poison In tho
stomach, she, In a' half boasting way, replied
that "It does not matter much whether tho
stomach was full of poison, they would hare
a pretty hard time to prove that I gave it
to Mr. Frost."
Tho coroner's Jury Is dally oxpcctlng a
notification from the chemist nt Omaha who
has tho stomach for nnaljbls and upon ro
ccipt of said notification It will call a
meeting of tho Jury announcing tho result
of tho nnnlyslfl. It Is rumored that there
may bo a meeting of the Jury on Saturday,
May 12, which will probably be held at tho
lato homo of Mr. Frost.
Viimlier of Senllmrnta Adopted hy the
Vetcrnna I'rlnr to Their
BEATRICE. Neb., May 11. (Speclal.)r
The department convention of tho Oran'd
Army of tho Ilepubllc during Its session hero
cstorday and Just prior to adjournment
passed n resolution thanking the house of
representative for its prompt action on
tho bill establishing a National Soldiers'
homo sanitarium at tho South Dakota hot
springs and urging the speedy pntsage of
the measure by the senntc. Resolutions of
thanks were extended to Rawllnc poet nnd
citizens of Ilcatrlce for tho entertainment
furnished tho encampment. An expression
t.f condemnation was adopted for the de
struction of trees and vines nt the Soldiers'
homo at Mllford and urging that tho van
dalism bo stopped. The department ex
tended sympathy to tho bereaved relatives
of the 135 comrades of tho department
who had died slnco tho last encampment
nnd especially expressed thtlr loss and sor
row over tho deaths of Comrades Dllworth
and Hayward.
Cnae Cnuae a Stnniprde Anions the
.Men Kntnloyril hy Coji
trnetnra, LEIGH. Nob., May 11. (Special Tele
gram.) William O'Drlcn, a laboror In tho
Union Pacific camp In Richland precinct,
Colfax county, Is 111 of smallpox. Drs. L
C. Vobh nnd C. I). Evans of Columbus saw
tho patient late last evening and both pro
nounce tho cane smallpox. The authorities
havo quarantined four men who had olcpt
In tho tent with O'Rrlen. There are three
camps on this lino between Columbus nnd
Sehuylor, and a number of men are quitting
tho work from all camps and leaving. Thero
Is much excitement among tbo graders for
fear tho dlscaso will spread. The caso Is
of mild form.
m:iih VMCA,
(iooil Notional Ailiiiliilatrntlon nnd
liouil e'riii Miil.c All lliiii.
(IRANI) ISLAND. Neb.. Mny 11. (Spe
cial.) Tho soil In this section Is In much
hotter condition as regards moisture than It
has been for many years, thei sub&oll being
wet to the depth of three or four feet. thuj
very materially lessening the danger of
droutb. Farmete, are, na a rule, nutting out
n vary large acreage of cio. Spring wheat. !
oats and many fields of fall wheat arc-looking
Ann and promise an abundant crop. An
unusually large acreage will bo devoted to
corn, a largo per cent of which hah been
planted and the balance will be planted
within tho next ten days. Alfalfa Is grow
ing luxuriantly and many farmers expert to
cut four crops from land that has boon
ceded for n number of years. Uetts aro
coming up nicely and a good stand seems to
be asiured, thcugh the acreage is perhaps a
llttlo below tho average In this vicinity.
Hardens are flourishing and the markets uro
Mocked with early garden truck.
Farmers almost universally admit that
prices of farm products are much more mi
Isfactory than four years ago. A largo num
ber of farmers who wore democrats four
years ago say thoy Intend to voto for Mc
Kinley this yeur. Tho 'subject of free sil
ver U seldom mentioned In tho country.
Trusts form a subject that Is frequently
mentioned and now and then impcrlalUm Is
talked of.
Carpenters, mason, painters, paper hang
ers nnd all other skilled m:hanlcs nrc so
busy that It Is almost Impossible to get
work done without first making a contract
In advance.
Tenehrra VhiiiciI for .nrfolW.
NORFOLK. Neb.. May 11. -(Special.) The
school board at Its meeting Wedneiday
night elected tho following teachers for the
ensuing year J I). names, principal High
school. Miss Eva I. ,Malnes and Miss
France II. GIUou, assistant principals.
Tho following grade tea. hers were
named Misses Harriet ( Wood, Val
ley Oarllnger, Oertrude Watson. Lizzie Ilees,
Bdlth Patchelor. Kato Stafford. Haiti All
btry. OrncU Kidder. fiesulp Kidder, Marll
Ilryan, Julia Stafford. Lucy Williams, Mar
garet Morrow, Nettle Nelson, Pearl Hees,
Edith Morror, Kllen Mullen. Edith McClary.
Oriole Adams, Mamie Matran, I'earl Wlda
man, Anna McDrlde nnd Nellie Dlngman.
tlniiKen After l,n HrenUem.
j KEAItNEV. Neb.. May 11. (Special.) N.
P. Hansen, chairman of the committee on
1 violation of the state pharmacy law, re
turned yesterday from a meeting of the
I State Hoard of Pharmacy nt Lincoln. Mr.
I Hansen states that during tho last four
! raontns ,horc havc bcen thirty-four com-
piaims ior inc violation or wo state pnar
maey law and that all these cases have
been thoroughly Investigated and In many
Instances convictions were mado and heavy
t fines Imposed. Mr. Hansen was Instructed
to keep up bis crusado against the law
breakers. IIiiIIiIIiik IIimiiii nt l.fiiTrcnpp,
LA WHENCE, Neb., May It. (Special.)
About twenty new residences have been
built here this year. A new brick hotel and
a frame hotel are In process of construction.
Eslep ,4 Kerr are to build n two-story store
building, covered with asbestos and corru
gated Iron, nnd nnother brick store Is an
Immediate possibility.
Ueinoernlle tlclcKntc Nnnicil.
PLATTSMOtTH. Neb.. May ll.-(Spcclal.)
-The following named persons of this city
havo been named ns delegates from this
county to nttend tho democratic congres
sional convention at Auburn May 23: Tom
E. Parmele. William Heed Dunroy. II. I).
Travis, II. P.. Itamscy, Frank J. Morgan and
Frank E. Oreen.
I'.eitnn Cnra In Dlllrr.
DILLEH, Neb.. May 11. (Special.) Prof.
Eaton of Fremont. Neb., has been secured
ns principal of the szhsols at this place
for next year. The annual graduating ex
ercises will take place Friday evening,
May 1. at the Methodist Episcopal church.
The class consists of six young women.
l'repnre for Convention nt York.
YORK. Neb., May 11. (Special.) The local
committees with assistance of business men
nrc making arrangements for reception nnd
entertainment of the district convention of
the Christian Endeavor society, which Is
to be hold In this city on Friday, Saturday
nnd Sunday, May 23. 2G nnd 27.
Snloona nt llentrlee.
HEATRICE. Neb.. May 11. (Special Tele
gram.) The city council tonight grnnted
saloon licenses to Arthur Iletorney nnd S. B.
Dodge and passed an ordinance requiring sa
loons to close nt 11 o'clock p. m. and not to
open earlier than 5 o'clock a. m.
Oflleera for School llnnrd.
KEARNEY. Neb.. May 11. (Special.)
Tho new board of education held n meeting
nnd selected officers for the following year.
They .are: President. E. C. Calkins; vice
president, John N. Drydcn; secretary, F.
M. Hallowcll.
Arreat Indlnn Cnttle Thlevea.
CHAORON. Neb.. May U. (Special.)
Ilravo nnd White Cow null, two Indlnns,
wore arrested Tuesday on White Clay creek
by tbo Indian pollen In the act of killing
two steers belonging to John White of
An effort has been made to sccuro tho
erection of a lunch stand at the cast end
of the Q street vinduct, and although It Is
asserted that the city has leased tho prop
erty for tho purpore, objections arise which
wlll pcsslbly cause moro or leas annoyance.
As tho railroad companies now keep (ho
L nnd Q street viaducts In repclr, the
managers of tho corporations consider that
they have something to say In regard to the
placing of buildings under or at the ap
proaches to thij bridges.
Mayor Kelly Is In receipt of tbo follow
ing loUcr from W. J. C. Kcnyon, goneral
manager of the Union Stock Yards com
pany. In regard to tho erection of stands
near the Q Street viaduct:
"There Is home lumber near the east an
proarlt of tho Q street viaduct and we
understand that some one contemplates
erecting a building cither attached to or
noar this point, or beneath tho structuro.
Repairs to this viaduct are being made
from time to time by tho Union Pacific and
tho Union Stock Yards Railroad companion
and we desire to call your nttention to tho
fact tbnt If nny damage of any nature what
soever occurs by reason of any buildings
that may bo erected near, attached to, or
under tho vinduct, whLh has the effect of
cnuslng any damage thereto, or should fire
break out and burn any portion of the
wooden structure of the viaduct, this com
pany will not be responsible for nny neces
sary repairs that should thereafter be mado
to tho structure. At tho west end of the
Q street vinduct thero has been ere -ted a
small building used as a cigar stand and
lunch counter and Immediately beneath tho
west end of this bridge a small house has
heen erected nnd kept by people who take
in washing. Wo deslro to cnll your ntten
tion to the fart that any loss or damage
that may occur lo this structure by reason
of these occupations will he at the rHk
of the city, ns we will not be responsible
for any repairs which may become neces
sary hy reason of nny loss or damage re
sulting from the use or occupancy of the
premises In question, cither from fire or
Mayor Kelly proposes to send this com
munication lo tho city council nt the next
meetlns and thus remove a part of the
rchponslbllity from his shoulders.
The)- l.lUe Thla Mnrkct.
C. P. Clifton has returned from a trip
through Iowa, whero he went to look after
his cattlo business. He rays that Iowa
farmers who aro shipping stock to this
market nre moro thin pleased with tho
prices paid here. Whllo rnstcrn markets
aro hustling for the Iowa trade, farmers
are sending their stuff hero' hecauso of tho
universal fair treatment nnd tho high prlcfs.
Mr. Clifton predicts that South Omnhi
will get a largo percentage of tho Iowa live
fctock business which formerly went to Chi
cago. Mnule 'lt' l.naalu, !
A -on l i been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Williams, Thlrty-thlrd and 1
The Omnha Packing company has placed
an order for 201 refrigerator cars with an
eastern enr bt'lldcr.
Since Twrntv-foiirth street has been
lieinecl the holes In the pavement nre moro
prominent than ever.
The dump ut I. nnd Hoyd streets was on
lire yesterday but there was no ilamago
to adjoining property.
Mr, n.ivld tlarrett. 2IIS M street. Is still
confined to her bod but she wn reported
scmo better yesterday
II. P. Howe, general manager of the Ar
mour olntit here, has gone to West Radon.
Ind.. for a two weeks stny.
The sewer nt Twenty-first nnd I streets
Is ologgi-d up and Is receiving the attention
of Street I'ommli'sloner Clark.
Ph.ilrmun Miller of the license commlttco
of tbo cnunrll ftatcs that ten saloon aro
running without having paid In their II
tepsn nonc;
Tho demand for litib litera
ture tontlnuc- Thousands nf pamphlets
havo rcpii sent out by business men and
more will have to be printed before long.
I A Chicago paper announces that whisk
I brooms have been placed In the street cars
there. A member or the commercial Huh
HUBBcsts that the Omaha Street Hallway
compaiiv follow suit and me the brooms lo
brush the cobwebs from the running gear
nf thu trains In use on the South Omaha
"DoWltfs Little Early Risers are th
finest pills I over ueed.'- D. J. Morrc, Mill
brook, Ala. They quickly cure all liver anil
bowel troubles.
Sionx Falls Stamped Oirriei Dlimij to tho
Hatlonal Ueitiny Molders.
'ree Silver Shunter Considered Too
-Much of n llnnillcnii for the
.Mule to Cnrrj This
tj Senaon. j
WASHINGTON. May ll.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The nomination of Qharlcs A.
Towne of Minnesota for Wee president on
tho Sioux Falls populist ticket fell like a
wet blanket on tho democrats In Washing
ton when they read tho result this morning.
Leaders of tho party in congress were cau
tious In expressing themselves, but tho rank
nnd file said that It wat, contrary to the
general wish of Hryan. I)lappoIntment at
the nomination for weond placo on the
ticket extended during the afternoon and to
night it u freely predicted that Towne will
not be nominated at Knnsas City.
"Why nhould the big democratic party
stultify itself by nominating Towne. who
says ho in a silver republican?" ald nn
Ohio member of congrcs. "In 1896 In our
state wo gave tho populists nine electors
and they ran 20,000 behind the democrats.
Had Hryan carried the stato by 20,000 he
would still hnvo been nine electors shy In
Ohio. I, for one, am getting tired of giv
ing tho populists recognition and the dem
ocrats demand a straight ticket from tho
Kansas City convention,"
Congressman Neville, on the other hand,
who la one of tho meat helpful men In the
lower house, when populism and Hryanlsm
are discussed, said tb democrats would have
to nominate Towne at Kansas City. "If they
don't, they will havo to give us a man
equally ns strong nnd ono who reprceonta
tho populist policies."
Congressman Stark was less aggressive
nnd considerably more tactful In hl uttor
nnce than hln colleague. "Democrats are
saying llttlo over tho -nomination," said
Stark, "but In a fow days you may expect
to heir their views aired. Perwonally. now.
mat tno nomination Is mado, I am for tho
.Mny lnl Tom nc Oft.
It is generally thought that Towne will
bo pulled off the populist ticket and tho
nominees of the Kaunas City convention
substituted. Towno Is not Tom Watson by
any means. Ho Is too foxy to bo caught as
Watson was nnd If desired will give up tho
nomination, knowing that If by unforeseen
accident nrynn shctlld be elected ho will bo
taken care of either In eomc lucrative posi
tion In Washington or be sent abroad.
Henry Koehler, banker of Blue Hill, Neb.,
nnd Major Koehler, U. S. V., passed through
Washington last evening onrouto to Now
York with the body of their brother. Lieu
tenant Koehler, who was killed In tbo Phll
Ippincw north of Manila.
C. E. Lowcllyn, special agent for tho
rural freo delivery service, haw recom
mended the establishment of rural freo de
livery routo beginning at Florence, Neb.,
and taking In territory adjacent thereto.
Congressman Mercer has Introduced a
bill extending the time In which to complete
the Omaha & Northern Railway through
Winnebago reservation three years. Under
the present bill the time for completion ex
pires In 1901,
Congressman Stark's bill, granting a pen
sion to Mrs, Lydla Strang, foster mother
of W. E. Lewis, lato of Company E. First
Nebraska, passed the house this afternoon
at $12 per month.
Hasmussen & gtrehlow. the Omaha con
tractors, who nro tho lowest bidders for
construction of the Government building at
Buffalo, have every reoti to believe that
they will receive the contract next week.
Following the rather Btartllng charges
mado yesterday that the Union Pacific Is
substituting Japanese for white labor on Its
line between Rawlins and Ogden. Represent
ative Mondcll today Introduced a resolution
in the house calling upon the secretary of
the treasury to transmit Information which
may be In possession of the Hureau of Im
migration regarding the number of Japa
nese immigrants who have entered tho
United States during the last flvo years,
number who have arrived during each month
of tho present year: tho character of em
ployment secured by such Immigrants;
ratio of wages paid as compared with wages
paid American citizens for the same class
of service, and number who have becntno
mcrican citizens or have declared their
intentions of becoming such,
Torrey Inatend of Teddy.
Tho Dansvlilo (N. Y.) Advertiser to
day announced Colonel Jay L. Torrey of
Wyoming ns a possible candidate for tho
vice presidential nomination on tho repub
lican national ticket. Colonel Torrey Is
given by the Advertiser the credit for
originating tho "Rough Rider" Idea and
nf securing the necessary legislation for Its
adoption at tho commencement of the Span- I
Ish war. Tho paper contains a history of I
Colonel Torrey and of his regiment, the
Second Volunteer cavalry, nnd in view of
Roosevelt's determination not lo accept the
second placo on the ticket, urges Torrey's
Judgo Hartlctt Tripp nf South Dakota
leaves for homo tomorrow, after a visit
of several days. Judge Tripp denies tho
statement that he has been considered for
high Judicial position In our Insular pos
bcfcslons. Congressmen Gamble nnd Hurko have
recommended Anton Nelson for postmaster
at Spring Valley. S. D., and tho estib
llshment of a po3tofilcc at Lcroy, S. D., with
E. R. Gross as postmaster.
Peter Hansen was today appointed post
master at Slmreon, Keya Paha county, Neb.,
vlco John Hart, resigned; also S. M. Meyers
ut Hrookvlllc, Jefferson county, la., and
C. R. Drako at Carl. Adams county, la.
An order was Issued today establishing
a postofllco at Dover, Albiny county, Wyo..
with Arthur Dover as postmaster. Tho
postofllco at Elk Creek, Worth county, la
has been ordered
bo sent to Tcnold.
discontinued. Mall will
1'oiikIi lii n tlnrroom.
Ixmls von Meeker and I'c Masters used
physical argument during a dispute with
Bartender William fummlngs In Osthoff's
faloon Friday evening and the latter khvo
them as good as they sent. Otllcer Hald
wln arrested tho trio nnd charged them
with disturbing the peace by fighting.
Police Surgeon Ames dressed the wounds
which tho bartender gave Becker and Mas
ters, but neither was Injured seriously.
milium nnd llecr.
Anson Hrown. Horace. Snow, John Wright
UkcI over half a century.
Refreshing and Invigorit
inc for the toilet or after
shaving. Immediate relief to eyes irritated by wind or dust.
As a Remedy, it controls pain, bleeding and inflammation.
Used Internally and Externally
CAUTION. -Witch HAzel is NOT Pond's Extract, And
annot be used for it. Ordinary Witch Hazel is sold in
bulk, diluted, easily turns sour, and generally contains
" wood alcohol, " which is an irritant externally and, taken
internally, is a deadly poison. Tond's extract is sold ONL Y
in SEALED bottles enclosed in buff wrapper.
n rond's KxtractCo..:6, Fifth Ave., New York.
POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT cure Itching or Bleeding
Tiles, however severe, It is a specific In ill skin diseases.
Hooker T. Washlnpton, tho fnmons
u,.vwiiuuuurfui i usucgeo institute, '.ainv
jYiuuuiuu, nas none moro man any
ment of his raco In this conntrr.
The Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, O.:
Gentlemen Your remarkable remedy, Peruna, is certainly unex
celled as a tonic. 1 have used one bottle and I can truthfully say that I
have never taken any medicine that has improved me as much as Pe
runa. Peruna has my hearty commendation as a catarrhal tonic and
a certain cure tor catarrh.
Ilia lulled ill 11 ll nj iiinat
What is a Teinlc?
A tonic In any remedy that Invigorate?
Ihe nervous system. A weakened nerve
cither needs moro rest or moro nutrition.
A true tonic accomplishes both these ends.
It procures moro rest by lcmovlng all Ir
ritation, nnd It Increases nutrition by regu
lating tho digestive organs. This is why
Peruna Is to bo claused ns a tonic.
Spring Lassitude.
Why Is nervousness more frequent In the
spring? Why do tho people feel languid,
tired and depressed as hot weather ap
proaches? Because tho Itnlgoration of
winter weather has acted ns a stimulus to
tho nervous s.vstem. In nprlng this Is
gradually removed. It puts n severe strain
on the human system to adjust Itself to tho
climatic change from winter to summer.
Many diseases aro acquired at this season
of the jear. Peruna Is lndlpcns.ible to tldo
the nervous system over this unusual strain,
No one should neglect to take a short course
of Peruna during the spring. It will fortify
tho system ngalnst the depressing Influences
of hot weather. Buy n bottle today and
Mrs. Hannah Llnd, 1132 E. Long street,
and Charles Hlghead. reservation Indians
In the city attending federal court, were
scatet around a three-gallon can of foatn
Ins lager In Joe Yocum's shoo diop,
Twelfth and California. Friday evening
when a quartet of police detectives
dropped In and arrested the aggrcKiitlon.
Yocum will be turned over to the federal
authorities and tho red men were held as
Mnrtlnelll Coin I on.
Mgr. Mnrtlnelll, papal delegate, will nr. '
rive In Omnliu this morning over the
Northwestern nnd spend the day In lt
cltv He will lie entertained by the Cath
olic clergy of the city.
Sliovvera mid l.imcr Teiniierntnre
Weatern NebriisUn Fnlr in the
Knatern Section,
WASH1NC.TON. May 11. Forecast for
Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebrnska, Eolith Dakota nnd Kansas
Fair in eastern, showers and cooler in west
ern portion Saturday; Sunday showers and
cooler; variable winds.
For Iowa Fair Saturday; cooler In north
east portion; Sunday fair, cooler; variable:
winds. ,
For Missouri Fair and warm .Saturday;
Sunday fair, cooler; southerly winds, be
coming variable.
I.oenl Iteeord,
OMAII , May ln.-OIHclal record of tem
perature nnd precipitation, compared with
tho corresponding day of tho last thrco
inn. ivn. isris iso;
Maximum temperature .. SS w S 71
Minimum temperature .. K r.l to U
A vcrace temperature "it US ;i ii
Precipitation CO no to u
He.ord of tcmpernture and prcelpltntlon
nt Omaha, for this day and since March 1,
Normal for the day
Etcess for the day
Excess since March 1
Normal rainfall for the day...
,.. .lit Inch
... Inch
. r, 111 tile i
1 uelieieiicy inr mo nay
Total since March 1
i Dcllclency wince .March 1
I Petlcleuey for cnr. period. IW..
... .M Inch
..' lticne
Dcllclency ior cor. period, iv.iv.
Itcfiorla from Stiitiona nt
Ml) tmiicx i
S i. in.
"5 S3 '
: s,3i
; I Omaha, clear
North Platte, clear
Salt Lake, cloudy
Cheyenne, cloudy
TSl .')
l .mi
Huidd City, clear ' M
Huron, clear I Mi;
Wllllston, cloudy ! W
Chicago, cloudy I "fir
St. Louis, clear "M
St. Paul, clear ' Mi
Davenport, clear I 7M
Helena, cloudy 7C
Kansas City, clear I mi
Havre, cloudy I til'
Bismarck, clear rtii
Unlveston, clear "2
M! .01
.00 '
Local Forecast OMclal.
worn una iioiimi limn anja iihini llHre rnltli. I'l'cvlilcitl Melvtlilcy anlil of ill ill In nil iiildri'NN nt '1'iiaUeneiM
"He iialiliiuton) lina nun n tnrth remit n t Ion nn one of ttie Krenleal lemlera or Ii In nice, ulilely liiiimn
nnd Hindi reaiirfteil lit liotne mill iiliroiid iim nn iieeoiiiiillalieil eiliientnr, n nrc lit m-iitor noil n true li I In n t Ii roilt ."
ll ilre fnltli. I'l'cvlilcnl McKlnlc.v anlil
Columbus, Ohio, writes:
"For years I
mi If e red with
lion on b n c h s
and weakness,
especially In
the mouths of
spring nnd
early summer.
Two years ago
last spring I
.was con lined to
my bed part of
the time,
n d
seemed to lack
the energy to move.
"Through a frlrnd I was advised In try
Peruna. Although I am not In tho habit
of taking patent mrdLines I bought a bottle
and before I had used It u week I began to
i feel ever so much better. After I h,i I used
i two bottles I was up and helping wllh my
housework for the first time in month.'.
Ever sln.-e that time I have kepi IViunn
nn hand nnd use It as regular as the uprlng
time conies, and llnd that It gets my system
into exactly the right shape to the
warm summer weather. I surely recom
mend it as a spntig tonic of tho highest
Fire Will Catch You
Sootier or Later.
Did you see the Omnliu To nt nnrl Rubber compnny'ii bnlldlnj? after
the flro? If you have your oiTlco In tlint sort of a building where do
you think you will be when n. lire break out In your building? It Is
sun lo come It Is only a uuestlon of time.
TUB HKI-: Itl'ILDINr; Is absolutely fireproof. There Is no wood
In Its construction, except what you can see. Lok around you nnd
tblnl; what a nice blaze some of tlioso wooden Joists, wooden parti
tions nnd wooden stairways would make In tlio building whero you now
are. Is It worth while to sleep well at night? If so, let us show you
rooms In & fireproof building.
ttcntul Atients.
IJLI.'CTHICITV a science can make
uiera. Hijch one produces as much
..Clvt.--i uihiingsutiManrens is ron.
taiiieii in the amount of food n man
r uisumcs in a week. This Is why
they have cured thousands of cases
?. ",1?vo,"s diseases, mch n, i)enl.
'V' ? '"'. Insomnia, Varicocele,
etc. Theveiiableyoiitothliik clear
ly by 'developing brain matter; force
healthy circulation, cute Indlges
lion, nnd impart bounding vigor to
the whole kyslem. All weakening
nnd tiswe-destrovlng drains nnd
losses permanently cured. Delay
and lira!!! ""'V' Couniptl"
Price. Ji'perbox: Mr boxes (with
iron-clad guarantee to cure or re
lund money , J s. Hook containing
posllU e proof, Iree. Address Peal
Pledlclno Co., Clevuland, O.
Sold by Kuhn & Co., 15th and Douglas,
and J A Fuller At t o . llth and Douslas,
Gn Lard, on Ham, on
Bacon is a gunraniat
of purify.
Swsffand Company,
I Chicago, KniiHitc City, Otnuhu,
nt. Louis, Ut Joseph, St. Paul,
cure yourself:
1),h Illif O for iinrmlnril
irritBilona nr ulorMinrx
uf nine hum luaiurrjrs.
ratnlraii. and i.t itrli:
ilHtEvi'HCHtMi-iiro. B'" "T pmrmuus.
r r. 4, x5s T;r "ni in ruin wrapper
riir, 'iriili, Q
I m. or i. Irfitilo. :v
m mm mc
wfc -mm m&
Booker Washington
of lilm In nil iiildri'NN nt
type. I don't think I could got along with,
out Peruna."
Winter Lenves Its KHccts,
The climate of winter has produce! mor
or less catarrhal Irritation of tho varlotu
' mucotiH mcmbranoH of tho body. This un
I Ills person for business or pleasure. IV.
rutin strikes at tho root of this condition bj
producing a clean, strong, healthy nuicoiii
. membrane. Peruna cures nervousness and
j lassliuilo
by cleansing tho iiiucouk mem-
unities or tno whole body. Clean mucnui
membranes make good sleep possible, nor
mal digestion and regular functions.
What ti I)ellnr Will Do,
A dollar will buy a bottle of Peruna. A
bottle of Peruna will cleans tho system of
tbo impurities accumulated during the
winter. A clean system Is ablo to rrnlst
tbo untoward ltilluenccs of spring. This
averts tho probability of sickness or In
clllricn.'y. Thousands of dollars In doctors'
hills and lost time may bo saved by onn
dollar spent In thin way. "A stllrh In tlmo
saves nine." Do not wait to get sick. Ho
gln In time to prevent a spell of sickness.
Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum
bus. ().. for a free book on tho catarrhal
i derangements of spring.
The lice Htiilding.
Golumbla Bevel-Gear Ghalnless
Is llRbt-runnliig, strong, durable,
lmnilnoim-. Tbo longer you uis
It, the smoother It runs. Always
ready to rldr, ulwuv to be trusted.
MndcU it and CO, l. Models U
ml C3, $73.
Columbia, Kartford,
Stormer and Pennant
chain vrjieclaaro tho most repre
sentative bicycles of their typo.
ISO, J5, $., $25.
Columbia Coaster Brake
for cither chainlets or chain
ino'lrln, Trico 85 extra when
ordered TCltlftiew 1000 machine.
Neb. Cyclo Co.. Columbia Dealers.
Omaha Illoycle Co.. Stormer
Dealers, Omaha, Neb.
$5.00 A
Trtili all Formi of
22 Ycari Experl.nes.
u icarsin umana,
IMKIIIC'AI. Treatm.ut
' mm 1st nf. V i rtrnoaU
Strlctnre, Syphilis, Lossof Vlcoraud Vitality ',
"'HKR filTlIUNTKKD. Cuarires low. II0I5C
TiU.ATJIKNT. IlooU, Consultation and Exam,
lualion tree. Hours, a a, m. to 6: 7to8;. m.
blinday,9tol2. ! O. I!nx7C6 Oflice, N. R.
Cor. Hth and Fa" -.nt Streets OMAHA. NEil.
I.. .Virion, littrntin I'.IIUiI Slam.
try. HlinnlAunAKi.. nt, . h,
ory. BlmplAKftDOMi, otc, came.i by oftir
work and IndiMrnllttn.. 'J7. nut-Li.,
ami turelu r.ntora l.c.kt Vilulltr in ni.l
or jounx.Hmi 111 il m:i tor atudr.bml-
n or M.aaurs. rr.funl Jnmnity nnd
Coniuim.tlon ir Mi. in i n.. '
BwfbowaiinuiMllaUi lm,ro,euit,ui jl eSocto CUllli
ATnVniiVi.,:' 'I, ;1' fu"" llWIWUtlUlllll(.-.IIU- i
AJnx TaolfiH. 'J her hun curril tLoumacla ouil Hill
jure rou. ) s kIto u poilUte wnttun uraatM to r.
ItJtacorBlneaoli eae or refund th uioa.r, 1'rl i
SSfJ T. lui"n.l, '?r $i;f! by mall.ln plain wropivi,
ftJAX REMEDY CO., ""'r"r: ,f'
l'"or sale in Omaha. Neb by Jan. Fornith,
C02 N 16th Kuhn Co , 15tli and DoiikIu.
and In (.'outKll Ululla by J. U. Dciluvta,