TJLM OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, 1 AY 1L 1000. 11 PECIAL NOTICES II lit" llll-l lllllll ..... 1 ,1.1 ..I .....11 U fill in. KIT llllirillllH llllll .-lllllllllj riuinrni fll. ...... I !-.. it it uril llrMl I II Hlr 1 1(111 1 li' ii iiiimi tlM-n-iif Mr. mmiiiiik iii i i-ii for less Minn !!. fur tin- llrst Inaer tlmi, These ml rrlUrmoiitu must lir rim riiiiNi'i'ii 1 1 ri Advertisers, ! rnittcntliiK num bered check, cnn luive imsivcrs nil dressed In n minilieri'il letter In I'liro nf 'I'll Hee. ,tniVPK nn mill rcsseil In- delivered on presentation nf llie cheek only. wAvriii)-mam: help. WASTKU. tt'n hnv ntriiilv work for n few good hustler of good habits and nppenr mice. C, r. Adams Co., 1019 1Iowg41ft' HARRER trndn taught thoroughly In short III,. fntnlrii'im llllll rilCUIll I n ii'v, Address Western Barbers Omiihn, Neb. Institute, B 41') A'ANTED, salesman to hpII otlr full lino of choke NURSERY stock. Wo g JVC a printed ni'AltAM I'JI'j mill siorii win i'u TRUE to name. Write to Mount Hope Nurseries, Lawrence, Kan. H-M675 M1G 1'nATKflNAI, InKiirnnce deputy, .special work, good pay. Itltc, 62fi N. Y. Ufe Wk, WANTKt). InboroM, teamsters, rock men nnd surfacing men. Neb.. Wyo. and Iowa; trr-n frn! hliilmst wnces: shin daily. Western It. It. Labor Aeeney. 310 S. 11th st -MS6l WANTI'.n-A llrst-clafH barber ut once; KOod wage. K. .. C'yr, Hloux f; A AN'PKIJ A kooiI otx-rator anil retnui her for photo c.illery. AililrefS II. 1 1 a iniiiiiini, Atlantle,. la. Il-MI 11 AT ONCK, nrsf-elnps' Wll clerk by whole, sale .house. 5 7. Hee. H-.M9I2 12 WANTKI). uroiery 'specialty salesman; Klvo your esperlenro fully to lnsuro u re P y We olTnr exceptional opportunity. Artdrens ( 2... Ilcc. m-.m-mi iu- WANTKI). salesman, locnl or tnivelInK: t'V monthly aud cxponses. IVrry Nursery Co.. Rochester. N. Y. ' lilL WANTKI). men to learn barber trade; wo leach thn work In two mouths, donate nut III of tools, pay board and furnish free ticket to our cnlletcee at ChlcaRo, St. l.ouls or Minneapolis without any ex pcne; this offer Is, pood until June and Is inmlp oii.n W-otint of demand for itrodtl- ates during tho sumhici"; beware of Imlto- tions; w . navo no scnooi iu immivvi. Make antillcatlon lo Moler Harber CoIIpbc, aticrit, JSl I'lirnam St., uiuaua, .-npo, II MuSI-17 WANTKI), man of.'ROOd ohhractcr; deliver and collect for old . established manufae. turltiK houso! "$nno it year anil expenses Kiiaranleeii, .MKiress aiauiiiaciurcr. in.ra lloor, 3.11 Doarborn tft., uiiicasro, ' f H-MMS-l.T SAT,KHMKN witntMl" to carry as a sldo line dry coods spclrtllles, direct from the looms; to sell tht country and cross-road trade. Address Knualai Ai i'o.. .Manufac turers. No. 213 loiito St., lMilIadclnhla, I'a. ii .m:k,i-i;i" OARDKNKRS wanted to plant for us 500 acres cucuiiinerfir umo tor pmiiunK. mhv 2S to Julio 15; bottom land preferred. Call .....I . , A . I ... I,IH..II, thnd I for contract and seed lit Haarmann Hros II- M95S-1 WA VHiH FUJI A 1,13 II IJI.I'. WANTKD, 200 f;lrls: J524 Dodge. Tel. S76. C 417 W girls wanted. Canadian ofllce 1522 Douglas C-4IS WANTKI), good cook, 2008 Sherman nvc. FR ATKHNA L lnsuran'co denuty; special work, good pay. Rico, 620 N. Y. Life RldR. L.'-TO M.l Ointr for 'comirnt rhousawork. Ill H."'2"lth Ave. v4j.i ttti c an9. OIRL for general luuiBewoik. 1050 1 ncorgla, Ave. .T'-V ''lcM715-12 COMP'fiTKN'TBlrl; 'irood wage. Pent-ce, 201-Sui 36th "St. Mrs: S. K. OIIIL fc5"houHork7Jj2i S. 2Gth st. '. C MP07 WANTKI), ii nice .voting girl for general Housework at once, zyia uouge st. t ' C-012 U WANTKD. gltl at Doran House. 122 S. 18th st , one-block soutii or court House. C-M9I1 WAN'PIJI). mldillo-aged woman 'to taka' cnargo or unity: reterenccfl required, ah- dress Il Heo olllce. Council Hluffs. C-1I343 13 .')... J u CHAMI1KR.MA1D wauled lit the. Creche. at once, mth and Harney. C 9IG 13' WANTKI), a good girl for general house- . in C3..1 i ..i,n rl... nr.. ...l,l. num. n, i,, ntiu i.ti,u . ,,i , mill i,i,, leavo Sunday afternoon. Inqulro nt 2123 Cuss st.. Saturday afternoon. C M952-12 WANTKI), ngood, competent coolc nt 2215 I'nrnam Bt. C M966-H I'd It Itl'.N'l uoi!si:s. IF YOU want your houses well rented place tnem witn nencwa ft: tp. u in 110USKS, etc. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. u ISO ALWAYS moving II. II. Oftlco 16UH .Fariiam St. goods. Pianos. lei. VjM or 63. D 452 1IOUSKS, Mores. Hcmls. I'axton 131k. D-433 1IOUSKH for rent In nll parts of the city. in uiiiiuii-iuvii v.!,., n. uiii sireei. D-151 CHOICR housesv cottages, stores. Henry i, t ayne, wi i. iue. I'nono luib. D-l.T, 1IOU3KS nnd Hats. Rlngwalt, Harkcr Hlk. FINK 7 nnd 8-room upnrtmentH In Nor- mnnnie upecini inducements PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, First Floor N. Y, Llfo Hldg. , n-M6S6 050 N 25TH ST.; 9 rooms, nil modern; large yard, sliudo trees; nouno in lino condition: now belnc painted: $30. Omaha 1-oun & Trust Co., ,16lh and Douglas sts. D Ml- 403 N ilTH ST. 10-rooms. nil modern: will rent to a good tennnt with references for $T5. Omntm I&.lri Trust Co.. 16th nnd uougins tits. D S43- i 10-ROO.M modern house. 2319 Harnei- St. D-147 HAGGARD Van & Storage. 1616 Capitol avo. uw HOUSES. 120Q Fnrnam, National. formerly 36 U. S. D 634 COTTAGE nt Iake OkoboJI, In., for rent. umanu ccacn. ,. m. Clarke, 2557 Harney. ' u 205 FOR RENT, my residence. 2117 Wirt. Fur- nlshed or unfurnished. J. J. Gibson, 507 rirsi .n annua i Dunk. D 4,21 12-ROOM niodorn brick. Tel. 551. D M6II 9-ROOM, also 12-room modern house, cheap to small families. Inquire 2CIS Capitol ave. 0-ROOXI brick dwelling, CC" S. C9th st.. $20. u teiuy, iioarq or Trade bldg. "Phono i.uiw. D M925 12 Jt NE 1, fi linfurnlslied rooms, all modem, lawn, shade, etc. 2711 N. 22d St. D-919 FOR RENT, Suburban res deuce. 10 rooms furnished, until Sept. 1; convenient to car line. In desirable locality; umplo shndo nnu inwn, iv per mouiii, ut select ramlly iiliK' Ai1itl-..4u II " 11 MftVI FOR RI2.NT Fl'IIMSHEii ROOMS I NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. llth. E-MW2 NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen; ....... i-ni . .... i ... i ...... i I'iri uuivB iriliiliiii, ,ivi viioiiui nil', ' ' E-- M59S !5 LARGE, cool rooms: niodcrii: Hue location, 616 N. 23d. K-M959-13 Ft IIMSIIEIt ROOMS AM) HOARD. THE MERRI M Good JXth :id Dodsc. Hummer resort. F-4.61- 1 '( It I M lli:i ROOM AM) HOARD. I ELEGANTLY furnished, cool rooms, good hoa'd reasonable rates. The Hose. VW i Huri.ey. F-jMICS2 j JtO S 25th avc, prtvnto family, gentlemen ,;iy. F-MS25J5 ELEGANT front rooms, with board 1W9 f npltol nve F -11897 lo NICELY furnlshpd south front rooms, with Ilrst-iluss board. l.- uookp si. rim iii:.t-imi;iimhiikij rooms. SUITES for housekeeping. US Georgia p. li i.lSiM lo' FIVE unfurnished rooms, with bath. 2.W Like st. u .Maw 13' Oil IIHS'I'-STORES AMI OI'KK.'KS, t'OIl RENT, store In tlrst-class location, rent rensonniuc. Appiy it. t.. I'cters c Co., ground lloor, Hee bldg. I 2f1 KOII HUNT, Rood store In DavldRe build. inc. opposite city nan; reasonanin rent. JOHN W. IlOBUiNS, 1S02 FAHNAM ST. . 1-310 Alir.VI'K U'AXTBll. WANT1U). live mpn and -women, sell oil wiiterjiroor pollsb; shines Itsnlt; no nrusn ronulred; wstcr or mini does tiot urfeet luster; iirimiIh make J.'i per day easy; ileinonstratlve samples free, wonner hihjo Polish -o., 10S Itandolph st ChlcrtKo. WANTIin. an Al lady or cenlleman -paid. ArldnwH J-M905-I3 solicitor; liberal salary 1 1 3, Ilee. AHUNTH on salary or commission; the Kreatest iiRents- sener ever pruunui-u, nverv user of pen nnd Ink buys It on li In M iier rent nrolit: one iiKeut's sales amounted tm lffil In slx dnyp iinotlier s in two Hours, .unnrm .tin, Co, X I .a Crosse, Wis. J WMilfi STOIl AtiK, PACIFIC StoraRo and Warchoue Co.. 012- 011 Jones, general HtorRO ana rorwarmns. Om. Van Stor. Co., 161114 Farn. Tel 1553, sr3. AV..THii to miv. ALL kinds of household Roods, hotels, etc., In Inrrte or small quantities. Chicago ! ur- nlturc Co., 11U6-10 uodeo. Tel. lwj. IN Ibj WILL pnrchnso a limited nUmbftr of Omaha Savlnss llank uccounts. Urepnan- I.ovo (.'o..i.i9 Ijo. 13th ix-ite THK hlKbest prices paid for Rood 2ndhand rurriiturc nnd stoves. Kiilcrprise turni- turn Co., 102-1W So. llth N-205 OT WANTKD. for cash about ICO acres good. clear laml In central Nebraska. v. v. HedBCH, 423 Heo bldH".. Omaha. N-M568 HORSK and buggy (Stnnliype jireferrctl). 1 62, Hee. N-1IM1 13 WANTKI). a cheap delivery horse. In. quiro lJis ranmni. i -mssh-w FOIl HAI.I3 1IOIISH8, VKHICLKS, BTO. TOP IlliaaY for sale. In good condition. U 40, lice. i ' uhcONDHANI) top IiukkV In good condl- . . t fiini f tlon for sale cheap. Imiulro 2124 Locust htrect. 1' .M337 PHAKTONS. buggies, rotin wagons, harness Andersen Huggy t;o. lain ana uavenpori, i jai Ai.t. ifimU now nnd secondhand vehicles. trucks ami wagons tor saio c.neup. iiiirry Frost Carriage Wks., 14th & l-cuvenwortii x- u HUY a handmade runabout, bike-wagon or phaeton, t'oncoril or uuggy; niso .i poui tons. 3 extension top carriages ll very lowest prices. William Pfelrter's Carrlngo Works, 2620-21 Leavenworth. 'Phono 1039. P 577 FOR SALK, gospel wagon, liRrne,s and organ in'.umana. ii tu, nee. I' 011 13' HANDSOMK, Btvllsh bay roadster, "speedy and. gentle; also Duggy; cnjaji. o. ?iin. l Jvn ii" I r. ,.u, , ti - .FOR, SALK Good surrcy f5." Call ftfter 6 n. m. Kit si. 4tn live.''1- r-wrii- r l' i .; FOR SALft, good surrey, $35.. Call after U p. m. ws h. -Jitn avc. FOR SALK, Snyder buggy.' .2152 St. Mary's ave. i" aiwii- FOIl SAI,i;-ll3Ci;i,I,ANF.()tIH. CIIKAI'KST and best poultry and hog fence. Ml Douglas ai. i ini Cl'TTKRS of drug prices, Sherman & Mc ,".,,,,,,.11 Druir Co.. Cor.' 16th nnd Dodce. Q-470 2DHAND safe cheup. Derlght, 1116 Fnrnamj , ..... . ... .n , .. SAFKS, buy sell. Schwartz, 114 S 13. Tel 1697 Q-473 np9T values ' in -bicycles: Sterling. $10 SPUldlllg ana ' uncycie. .tuiiiaun, .; Acme, $25; other maken $15. Omaha HI- CJ'ClO t o., lulll oc niLiigo am. vj ut n HAAS. Florist. 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, cut nower.t, iwiiutio, nan, resi dence, wedding nnu gravo decorations Orders by mull or express promptly lllh?d $168 WILL buy fine Chlckcrlng upright nlllUo; casil or imyuiuiiio. ivuiiicH r ui iteo Vlllcc. Q-.M3I3 "M23 v-.rt t. IIKYDKN can savo you money on a nncumoiio or ruuoer urcu uuggy. .m N. 16th. Q-M475 L1VK STOCK for snle nt Rrush, Colo.: 321 iipmii conn k ratio new Mexico cows. mostly rods and roans; will be about 75 per cent calf crop; nlso 101 head 2-ycar-old steers ,all good colors and In good condition; can be shown nnd delivered on track samo day; want to close out by May 15; no troublo or oxpenso to show them: will sell nil or any parr. Prlco, $20.50 per head. Wm. 13. Kchols, Hrush, Cold. Box 6. Q-M141 A WATER-JACKKTED combination PVrl' tlo matte, silver, lean ami copper smelting plant, 50 tons dally capacity, second-hand, tihed but 21-I months, complete with nil equipments, now stored ut our St. Louis warehouse for quick delivery, for sale cheap. Address Howard Chemical Works, Howard Station, St. Louis, Mo., or Lock Rox No. 83, Durnngo. Mexico. Q M406 13 HOILER and engine for sulc, 1332 S. 28th avc. q-6SO FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggist", unn gives rcner. u M$7l 17 CARLOAD of fresh, onws, '25tU. nnd Burt.' Mir sine ny u. i-uruy. w.-r-yoj n . HORSE, bay pacer, record 2:14: pneumatic bike-wagon, ll. k. ! rcderickson,il5th nnd Dodgo st. Q-M9I0 MIHCF.I.IA.M-.OIJS, NOTICE, country deolers, 2dhrind fUrtiltura & stoves nt lowest prices, carload lojs or less, Chicago Furniture Co., 1106-10 Dodgr. R-176 HUY a hnndmnde runabout, bike-wagon or plineton, uoncuru or uuskj . umo ,i iioae m,m t pxtenslnn ton oarrlaxe: nil verv lowest prices, William Pfelffer's Carriage Works, 2620-II Leavcnworin. 'mane idm. 'P-577 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME.GYLMER genuine palmist 1606 Dodsro GREAT FORTUNE TKLIVER-Frcb test- Just arrived irom i-jiirnpr, wtu'ra mr nuy v..nru mv grandmother was the ureatest iistrologlst of tho day; will remain a short iimn. tuiiu uIy illffprent. ways. oast, ores- cut. future, In pexson or by letter: gives lucky numbers; tells Indy or gent who tho future husband or wife- wll he by the-lot-ters In tho hand; brlngtt back husband or lover in so many days; nuvicc pi):,grnin una uinnk nun hnlr crowing tonic: cures cairns: nervous trouble, charm free this week; Indies In troublo cnll nt once; femalo troubles, tumors, coughs, colds, rheumatism. asthma and catarrh. maiumk nn HAZARD. Omaha. Neb, Parlors. 616 S. 13th st. Office hours: 10 a in. lo 9 p. in. j open Sundays: will touoh hand of each customer free with only true luck stone In America. S M8S3 MRS, FRITZ, clairvoyant, 80S jf, J6th. MRS U1LL, 2002 CumliiB at., spless healer. ti -Hlii M2a ' KI.KUTIUC TREATMENT. 1 M M 13, SMITH, room 2, US N. 15th, mag netic treatment and baths. T 11921 16 PERSONAL. V'lAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Bee bids U 473 YOUR hair shampooed dressed 35c. Hair toi let goods. Monhelt, 1518 Farnam. Tel. 2:133. U-179 MONHE1T, Chiropodist, 1518 Farn. Tel. 23.13. U-179 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before A dur. lug confinement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U-ISO DR, nOY, chiropodist, corns and superflu- ous nuit removed iy electricity, uoom i., Frcnzcr Block. U-IS1 PRIVATK homo before and during confine ment: babies ndopted. Mrs. Hurgcs, Decatur. U 4SI PLKAT1NG and plcatrd skirts of nil kinds. Si. uo I u man s t'o., w) uougins uiock, U-4 APVHHTtBtNO fans, paper napkins, cnlen- oars ana envelopes tnanutauiureu ny Htirkley Printing Co., Omaha. U M7SS LAST, but not least. Telephone 1717. U 31637 MRS. O'LINN, attorney. 1502 Farnnm. Tel. .Wi-J. U .MWS4 JCt" MJIE. AMKS, removed to 1615 U- t toward, MSS 14 room 1, 3d floor. MMK, SMITH, magnetic treatment nnd imns. iisii .-sortn ntn, room 2. U-910 15 NOV Is' thn time to havo furs repaired. Aiiiniiaiign, non t to., furriers, row (inartcrs nt 50i? Knrbach blk. Fur gar ments stored nnd Insured for the season. U-.MtWO-.lell MOM1V TO I.OA.N-ltUAI, MSTATI PRl'vATK money, B. 6U, B per Cent: no de lay. Gavin Hros., 1813 Fnrnam. W-4S6 PRIVAf K money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas V-;457 WAXTKD, city nnd farm loans; also bonds nna wnrrnnic. n. t'. i-eters ftc Co., itucj Fnrnam 8t., neo nidg. W-1SS 6 PER CKNT money. Bemls. Paxton block. i v 453 FIVR per cent farm loans, Chas. K. Wll- -190 uamson. w- MONKY to lonn on flrst-clnss Improved city prnperiy or lor nuuaiug pui poses. I'ayne Knox Co., New York Life. W 491 IyOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa iarms at a per cent, uorrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any In terest date. No delay. Rrcnnnn-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-492 8, S'.i, 62cr cent on Omaha, S. Omahn. v. n. i nomas, eos 1st Nat. bank. Tel. lets. W 493 MONKY to loan at 5 and 64 per cent on timana proony. v. n, .moikic, 401 S. luth, W-194 MONKY- to loan on Improved Omahn real esiuie. urennun-uove to., 3w so. 13tn. W-41IG $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city nentinrtv ftn.l fnma H ... I.i. ""t. , -uiiihiii oioiiii & Co., '320 Farnam. W 490 WANTKD, city loans, bonds nnd wnrrants. urorge v-ompnny, iwi tarnam st. W-497 MONKY In any nmount nt f. 6U, 6 per cent. J. W. ROHHfNS & CO., 1S02 FARNAM ST! W 19? MONEY to loan on fnrm nnd city property: lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Fnrnam! v 03 JIO.VKY '10 LOAN UJIATTKIjH. MONEY I MONKY! We have n large amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehouse receipts, horsef, carriages, etc. You uin get the money within n fow hours after making, application. WE CHAIIOK 1UU JNll llinill. WJlRTKVKlr "KOlt ' MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. We give you ns ntuch tlmo'ns you need and you may repay the lonn as soon as' you chooser ordn-ou 'ned not bay for It ONE OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. (Estnbltshcti ,lt02 306 South 16th Street 1 X-499 ' u. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser -or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO. Room 626. Ilfth lloor. New York Life Hldg. X-500 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, diamonds, watches, on easy puyments, un. known to others; you keep the goods, each payments lessens the cost of the loan; no charge for papers nnd we make no Inquiries of your neighbors. HERG ERS' LOAN CO., 1504 Fnrnam, over H. & M. ticket onic. X-602 MONEY. MONEY. I U MONEY. MONEY. I U MONEY. MONEY. 1 lonn money on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc., AT LOWER RATES THAN ARE OFFERED nY ANY OTHER LOAN AGKNT IN OMAHA. Loans may be paid back In full or In pnrt nt any timo and the coBt of carrying reduced accordingly. There Is no unnecessary delay In getting tho monoy and all business Is confidential. NO CHARGE MADE FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. J. W. TAYLOB, 218 First Nt'l bank bldg, 13th & Farnam sts. X-431 MONEY lonncd on pianos, furniture. Jew dry, horses, cows, etc. C. K. Reed, ,119 S. 13. X-50D , MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own name, In amount from $10.00 up. A comparison or our rates witn others Is all we nsk, as we are positive that ours are tho lowest In the city; remember that wo are the only loan .cqnpany giving you the privilege of paying your loon ALL or In PART at any TIME and thereby stop ping the cost; business confidential; treatment courteous. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel, 2295, Room 119, Board of Trnde Hldg. A. uUl MONKY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewelry, uun uii-vn it o, uttrarr nut. X-606 SALARY LOANS; LOW RATES. J. W. Tayior, sis I' irsi .-ut i iiunn wag. X-516 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. $15 DOLLARS. $15 DOLLARS, iu Ono Hundred Dollars One Hundred. Milch more, some less, tin in ll&o loaned to salaried neonle with out mortgage, Indorser oi publicity. Positively most llbernl term of credit and lowest rates ever offered In town. AMERICAN LOAN CO,, Room 601 Bee Bldg. X 555 MONEY loans on furniture, diamonds, watches; payments confidential. Omaha Chattel Loan bank, 220 S. 13th, upstairs. X M6I1 MONKY loaned snlarlrd people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments, Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. X-607 IIISIM'.SS CHANCES. THE Now Snow-Church Co. gives prompt attention to collections and legal affairs. Associate attorneys in every county In tho United States. 401 to 105 N. Y. Life, V-M751- ANY one desiring to step Into a profitable manufacturing buslnes yielding large re turns, exempt from taxation, protected under Mexican patent, with established trade .Including goodwill and assignment of patent, nnd requiring but n smnll out lay of ensh to secure machinery and plant, all In complete working order, will plenso addreiB Lock Box No, 83. Durnngo, Mexico. Y-M405 13 OMAHA STREET RAILWAY STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR N. Y. LIFE HLDG. TEL. 1781. Y-M721-12 OLD-ESTABLISHED saloon In ono of the THE Langdon Hotel Is now open for sea best towiiH In the stale; population1 over sou lOOi), Finest fishing resort In the 10,000; owner engaging In other business, west, good boats, plenty of minnows, ion licensed for full yeurj possession at once. sonable rates, Frank T. Vogt, Lnngilon, Address G 65, Bee, Y-M917 15 1 Mo. 7U OlS nt im:mn CHAM 12s. WRITE todny for our complete booklet ex- lilnlnlnir bow to make vnur inoofv ram you n salary; of value nnd Interest to i everybody, our plan Is lonservatlve and i profitable to both large nnd small Inves tors, commence right nnd cam nn In come. Ctinrles II Hylnnd Co.. 7 Kx change Place, Hoston. Y1I57 13 J FOR SALK, a nice clean stock of hard- ware, stoves nnd bicycles; Invoice nbout $l.Ouo; In the best town In Clay county. isenrniiKa; nest or rensoos lor selling; rash, no trade. Address P. n. Rox lnii, Fairfield. Neb, Y-MSSl IP FOR SAI.K OR nXCIIAMllJ. PIANO for delivery horse. K 22 Hee. '-MI73. COMPLETE drug store nnd handsome fix tures nnu soda fountain mr sale cnean, or trado for Improved farm. Address F 29. Hc. Z-Mlll M2I. FOR SALK, good residence, cloe In, cholco neighborhood, eight rooms, modern. $1,100: will take some outsldo rental property. Address G 2, Hee. 2-M391 TO TRADE, good unincumbered lands to exchange for retail mercantile stock In Nebraska or lnwii. Address P. o. Rose 1032. Plnttsmouth, Neb; Z-1H7S 16 8AFK to exchange for roller-top desk, fin N. Y. Life. k-MS67 13 A FINK quarter section In northeast Ne braska to exchange for-a 5 or6-reom Houso In Omaha. W. V. Hedges. 423 Heo Hldg. z-iuos TO KXCHANGE, Chicago residence and business property for farms cast of the 6th P. M. In Nebraska. Address II I, Ilee. Z-917 17 FOR S Al.n-Itr.ll, F.STATK BARGAIN'S, May 11 nnd 12, 1900. C. F. HARRISON ft: GEO. T. MORTON, 913 N. Y. LIFE TEL. 311 or 2612-F. 10-room house, nil modem and full lot, near High school, close to downtown, owner non-resident and must sell; former m't'gc $5,000, price $I,5W. 3-story brick business block on Farnam, near 13th, good renter or good place for your business, $16,000. SPECIAL-50 feet, 2 10-room houses on Farnam, neur 20th ASIC I'S. HK4iVi 11 RKKAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Your choice of 7,000.000 acre Ranch Land for salo by Union Paelilc Railroad Company at from tOc to $2.00 per acre. Kan.. Neb., Colo., Wyo. nnd Utah. Address U. A. McAllister, Land Com,, Omaha, Neb. RE-JI2 May 13. HOt.'SKS, lots, farms, lands, loans; ali-o lire Insurance. Hcmls, I'axton blk. RE 512. FOR QUICK returns on bargains only see S. A. Uroadwell, 601 N. Y. Llfo Hldg. R 1-2-515. HENRY H. PAYNE. C01 N.Y. LIFE HLDG. Real Estate, Rentals, Loans. Insurance. RE-C1C. IF YOU have n bargain to offer In real estate, sco S. A. Uroadwell, 601 N. Y. Life. RE-517. HOUSES, farms. R.C. Putterson. 305 N.Y.TZ RE-51S. A GREAT SNAP Seven-room, modern house; located ono of the best in Hans com Place; must be said quick; unrtv leaving city. M. J. Kcnnnrd & Son. sole ngents, sulto 310 Urown blk. RE M9J5. 1H STORY house and lot, $700; chenp for cash. Mrs. Miller, 26th nod Jefferson, South Omaha. RE-M501-31 FOR SALE 44 feet on Davenport, between 15th nml 16th. 78 feet on Plnkney St.. 3109-3111. f lots.' 22nd nnd Sprague,- cheap. 2 lots In Plalnvlcw, 22nd and I.nlrd. RBDICK. HROS. RE-073-11 FOR SALE, 6-room cotta'gol'on 19th, block from Lako St., a bargain, iltox 373, Kear ney, Neb. - HE-MS52 16 n .11 FOR sale: PRICE $10,000-RKASONAHLE 11 ROOMS. MODERNNICE LAWN LARGE SHADE TREKS. WILL LOAN $5,000 AT 5U PER CENT. 036 N. LUTH. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS TO 106 N. 16TH ST. LOOK AT PROPERTY AND THEN TELL ME WHAT YOU WILL givi:. RE-M923 PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. FOR SALE No. 2215 Burt St., a 9-room house, nil modern, natural shade, within easy walking distance paved streets, two cur lines within a block, lino neighbor hood and nn Idenl place to spend the rest of your days, for only $3,500; $500 cash, bulunco easy terms. You should see this property to nppreclntn It. RE 92S 13 GREAT BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. Six beautiful lots on Lowe Ave. nnd Cali fornia Sts. Theso line lots must be sold at once. For particulars see PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Tel. 1781, Main lloor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-929 13 SNAPS In real estntc, money to loan, L. L. Johnson Co., 314 S. 15th St. RE-513. CHEAP homes on monthly payments. In surance. Money to loan. O. E. Turklng. ton, COG Bee Bldg. RE 514. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS: SOITNT) IV. SURANCK; HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, I ior ur-.-vj.. rirsi noor, x. i.iro mg. RE-611, LOST. LOST, diamond stick pin, between 16th , ion ruriiani mm i un ij -in si. rtui.niMe reward for return to Pncltto Express olllco or 121 So. 31st avc A. S. Wolcott Lost-050 13 LOST On Thursday nftcrnnon. a purso containing twenty dollar bills; Under will be liberally rewarded by leaving It with W. It. C, 101 S. loth st. Lost-M907-12 I 'll It MT U II 12 II K PA I II I Sii PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. 8, Walkln, 2111 Cuming St. -620 Ll'NDEEN, upholstering, cabinet-making, rellnlshlng; mattresses made over. 1523 Leavenworth. -202 M21 BERTRAM STEFFEN, upholstering, mat tresses renov'Cd, couches made to order. 2201 Farnam. M763 M19 MEDICAL. RUPTURE cured, no Itnire, no pain, no danger Send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 032 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. 667 LADIES out of henlth find prompt relief Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. -M669 HIOHTIIANI) AM) TVIM'2 WHITING, A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -521 HOYLE8 college, court reporter principal. Beo Hldg. -520 NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. 527 GREGO Shorthand taught at tho Omaha Commercial College, 16th and Douglas St. -MHO STATUARY. G . n O NNK L L A . mfr. of nrtlftlc statues, contractor In ornnmenlnl works of every description according to drawing. 317 S. 10. 8SS.Jo.-7 FISHING RESORTS. illCVCI.IiS. THE best now bicycle. $18.50 tip. repairing, enameling and sundries. 2ndhatid whorls, W up. i.ouis I'lescner, iits t'apllol Ave MIM tl3.7Ti Ill'YS n high-grade 1900 model one year guaranteed gents' or ladles bhyclc, sent to Any address In the 1'nlted Stntes on 10 days' free trial, pnynblo after re ceived, for catalogue, full particulars nnd speclnl prlie offer, cut this noth e out and mall to Sears, Roebuck & Co . ChlongO. -MS72 Jri OSTKOPATIl V. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute. 6KiN. yT Llfo Hlilg.; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.: Gld 12. Johnson, Oteopnthlsl, mgr. -521 M. E. DONOIIFE. D. O.. of Still school. Klrksvlllc, Mo.. 601 Paxton Hlk. Tel. 1367. -522 ALRERT T. Tel? 2352. HUNT. D. O.. 305 Knrbarh blk. -Mem STOVF. RI2PAIRS. GASOLINE ( stoves cleaned. f01-3 N 16th -530 GAS. gasoline stoves repaired; stoves stored. City Stove Repnlr Wrk, 209 S. 13th -174 1IOHM2 PASITRr.l). GOOD pnsfirc. $2 per month. .1. W. Phelps. 207 N. Y. Life Hldg., 'phone 10H 552 J2i nnu ii. W1TIINELI. UROH. & SMITH CO., HRICK MANUFACTURKRH. CAPACITY 150.0T0 PER DAY. South yard and otlice, 22d and Hickory. Tel. 425. North yard, 31st nnd Lake. Tel 1107. -M36? Jc7 2.000.OVI NKv HRICK now ready lKcry. Wlthnell Hros. ft: Smith. for de- f)IS I.A W.VMOWI2HS. SHARPENED and repaired. P. Mclcholr.v Maehlnu Whs. 13th & Howard. Tel. 2560. 5IS-M 23 WE sharpen nnd call for Inwnmownrs. In dustrial Iron Wks., 1406 Howard. Tel. 1143. -M635 Je3 H.OTF.I.S. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th X- Doug Ins; lowest rates. Win. Uarr, Mgr. Tel 214. -534 THURSTON, 15th & Jackson; American & European. Newly rclltted. PrlccB mod'r'to. 535 I'A W Ml It OK I2RS. KAGLE Ionn Olllce. reliable, nccommodat lng; nil business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -531 Diamond loan ofllce 14th and Douglas; low rates; most reliable; unredeemed goods. 450 J 11 IllltnS AM) TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Hlrd store. 1603 Leavenworth. T.41 T I'll WIIITF2RS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand, 1110 Farnam. -529 FritMTl'ltll PACKING OM. Vnn. & Stor. Co. 151H4 Fnrn. Tel. 1559AKI -C37 I'l.AMVG Mil, I,. SCREEN doors, nil kinds of mill work. A Rosenborry. 1501 Mnrcy. Tel. 82. 861 J6 TICKET IIROKCIt. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phll bln, 1505 Farnam. Telephone, 784. 57S .STA.MMF,lt INt. -AM) .ST LTT EKING.' CURED. Julia Vntlghnn, 430 Rnrngo Hldg. Al'CTIrtNEIlRS. OMAHA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction guar, imtecd. 520 N. 16th St. Telephone 216.?. ' -539 MIRROR FACTOR V. DAMAGED looking glasses rcsllvered. 703 X. lHth. .M437 I, A I. Mill V. OMAHA Steam Laundry, shirts 7c, collars 2c, turrs 4c. 1750 Loavenwortn. ret. 617. -5.16 ('AltlT.VI lilt Vl) .IOIIIII2II. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th anil Lake sts. 370 Till MC PAC'TOIIY. TRUNKS, traveling bugs, suit cases. Trunks ropoireii. um. rruiiK i-actory, uvi Farnam uoft PLEATING. ACCORDIOX pleating, Ivory-rlm buttons Mrs. A. C. Murk, 17th fc Farnam. Rl-U -MO M26 MCICF.I, I'l.ATINtl. Omaha Platlns Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. -540 MAG N KTIC INFIRMARY. THE Nebraska, 1517 Chicago St -433 Hall's Sufct, Bicycles, Typcwrltsrt J,J, Deright & Go 1116 Farnam St. ri.Mi: TA li i,E BURLINGTON & MIS sourl River Railroad "The Burlington Route " General OfHces, N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Fnrnam street. Telenhone 250. Burlington station, lenui nnu .tiason Streets. Teleplione. un. T.lnrnln HnstlllCS UI1U McCook a s.iu am a pm Lincoln Mi-nv ?tSTTTC nver. Colo- a 3:00 pm n 6:5m ul0:26 am a 6:15 am Lincoln, Black Mnnlnn:i &. Hills. Puget Kound n 9:30 pm Lincoln Fast Mall a3:0o pm Denver, Colorado, Utah & California a Dally KANSAS CITY. ST. JO seph d- Council Bluffs Railroad "The Hur nir ton Route" Ticket Office 1R02 Farnnm strpet. Tele. phone. 230. Depot, Tenth ami .Mason streets, icie nhone. 1?8. Lcnvo. Arrive, Kansas Cltv Dav Ex....n 8:50 am a 6:10 nm Kansas City Night Ex.,ul0;15 pm u 6:15 am Ht Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St Louis.. a 4:55 pm nllilO am a uauy. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket o lice. 1602 Farnam St Tel., 250. Depot. Tenth & Mason btreots. 'iciepnone. 123. Leave. Arrive, Daylight Chicago Sne T,cm n7:00nm I'eorla Kxprcss I Chicago Vcotlhuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm I Chicago Ii, al Express. a 8:50 nm a 9:2., pm a 7:45 am u 1:05 pm a 7:15 am a 2:45 pm v.iiv.'niiu ununea a i:;f) pm Paclllc Junttlun Loiui..al0:45 am Fust Mini a Dally. RAILROAD XVWS Tlckot OflU IULAm MIpaoIi, 'I'n Ofllte, 1501 Farnam Tclenhono 830. Do Tenth and Marcy ..xprcss a Bt. Louis "Cunoon Ball." ritreeis, -j cicpuone j.j. Leave, Arrive .a 5:05 pm a 7:55 am a Daily. Ifiif3f RAILWAY f U til, W AY TIMl'. T.WII.r.. SlOt'.V CITY ft: PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North Mtrn Mne" --General Gill es, l nltcd Stntes N.tlonnl Hank Hulldlnrf, S W. Corner Twelfth n 4 t.iirt,,im 111. I'l.l., Ollbc. 1401 Farn' n St. Telephone 561. De pot, 'lenth it Mason Sts. Telephone fi. , Leave. Arrive. T n C ty Express . n 6.56 am al0.50 pm I r,w'n City Limited . n 7:20 pm n S:1S am Sioux City Local ...niiwnm a 1 20 pm a uauy. CHICAGO, tST. PAUL. Minneapolis Omahn Rnllwny - "The North western Line" - aonernl Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion 18i h and Webster Sis CltV Tlckei Olllci.. 1101 Farnam 9t, Tolcphoiio 681. Depot. 15th , nnd Webster Sts, I Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 6.W am n 0:10 iin Omnh.i Passenger n 11:10 um I Sioux City & North east Nebraska n 3:50 pm Oakland Local b 5:45 pin b 8:15 am a Daily u Dary except yummy. CHICAGO .t NORTH western Hallway "The Northwestern Line" Cliy Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone 661. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Stlccts. Tole- phone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Bpe- . . ., a 7:00 am a 4:16 pm uni hlcncn Passeneer a11:30 pm al0:10 am i.asiern r:press. ucs Molnrs, Marshnlttnwri, Cedar Rapids and Chi cago al0:53 am n 4 05 nm Eastern Limited, Chi- cneo and Kast a 4:5j nm n 4:ft nm Fast Mull, Chicago to rmnli!i n f-tnm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:00 am iasi .Han n :u nm FREMONT. rtLKHORN' & Mlssouil Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Lino" -General Olllces, Untied Stntes Nutlonal Hk. Hldg., S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Sts. Tlpkn Odlce. 1401 Farnnm St Telephone 561. Dc pot, lith and Fnrnam St. Telcphonn ills. liC.ive. Arrive. Hlack Hlll. Deartwoofl. Hot Springs . . ... ..a 3 00 nm a 5:00 nm Wyoming, Caspar and Douglas 1 3:00 pm c05:00 pin Hastings. York, David city, superior. Geneva, Exeter and Seward li 3:00 nm b 5:00 nm Norfolk, Verdlgro und i' remonl b 7:30 nm b 0:25 am -Incoln, Wahoti nnd iTcmont ii 7W nm mo:25 am rcmnnt Local c 7:30 am n Dally b D.illv uxcent Sundav. c Sun. dny only. d Dully cjicupt Saturday, o unny except .Monday. UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVER, land Route" General Offices. N E, Cor. Ninth nnd Fnrnarv streets. City Ticket Office. 13d, Farnnm street. Telephone, 316 Depot, Totith and Mason Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited. ,tx 8:20 am a 7:20 pm Tho Chicago - I'orualiu Sneclal a s:zu nm n 7:20 pm Tho Fast Mall n 3:30 am a 3:25 pm Tho Colorado Speclnl... nil :a pm u 6:50 nm Tho Fast Mall ' n 1:35 nm Ltncolr., IJeatrlco nnd Stromsburc Express b 4:10 nm bl2:23 nm Paclllc Express a 4:25 pm rho Atlanta Express.. . a 6:50 nm Grand Island Local b 5:30 nm b 9:30 am a Dally, u Dully excetit Sundays. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL nnd &. Pnclflu llnllrond "The Great Reel: Isl and Route." City Tli-k-rt Olllce. 1321 Fnrnam Street Telephone 42S. Depot Tenth St Mason Strfcts. Telephone. C2u. Leni'i!. Arrlvp. Dcs Moines and Daven port Locnl a 7:20 0 m lill :25 nm Chlcngo Express bll:l5nm ah:I0am cnicngo Mist Kxpress..u son pm a 1:25 pm Lincoln aud Falrbury. . .a 8:30 am a 7:W pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs , Denver, rueuio mm West ....a 1:30 nm a4:15nm Dcs Moines, Rock Isl and nnd Ciilcueo a 7:15 nm n 5:50 nm Colorado &Texns Flyer. a 5:55 pm a 0:15 nm a Liauy. o unity except suuaay. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of flee, 1402 I'tirnnm street. Telephone, 215. Depot, Tenth and Mason ctrccts. T-eavc. a 12:10 pm Arrive, Chicago Express., Chlcaco Limited,, a 4:05 pm a 8:15 nm a i :jj pm Minneapolis and St. Paul Exnrcss... b 7:00 am b a 7:35 pm a 9:10 pm 8:15 am Minneapolis and St. i'n til umileu For Dodge Local from Co. Bluffs b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally excep' Sundays, MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Olllces and Ticket olllces Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephono 104. Depot Union station. Leave. & ...a 3:05 pm ,..nl0:10 pm Arrive. St. Louis, Kansas Nebraska Limited . nlL'MO pm u 6:15 am K. C.-St. L, Express Lcnvo from 15th and Webster stu : Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water . ..b 5:05 pm a 9:13 am a uauy. o uauy except diuitlay OMAHA ft: ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Railroud-"The Qulucy Route" Ticket Of flee. 415 Farnam Slrept. Telephone, 322. Depot, Tenth nnu -Marcy btreots. 'icie phone, 623. Leave. Arrive. fit Louis Cannon Hall Kxpress a 5:05 pm a 7:65 am Kansas City, and Qulncy Iocnl a ;w am a u:uu pm e. Daily. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ft: St. Paul Hallway - CICty Ticket Ofllce. 1501 Farnam Street. Telenhone Zll. Depot Tenth and Muson Streets Telephono C29. Leavo. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . .a 7:35 pm Chicago ft: Omaha 12x..bll;00am SIaiii f'ltv and Dps a 8:05 am b 1:03 pm Moines Express bli:oo nm d j:j pm a Dally, b Dallv excupt Sunday. l'OSTOFFK'12 NOTICE (Should be read DAILY by all IntPrpsted as chances iniv occur nt anv time.) I'orc en mans tor tne weeK end nir .Mav 12 1900. will elott (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Postottlce, as followa: Parcels Post Malls cioso one Hour earlier than c ns ing time shown below. Parcels Post MiiIIh ror Germany cioso ut a p. m. .Monday and euneauuy. TrniiK-Atlnitdc .Mulls. SATURDAY-At 8:30 a. m. Tor AZORES IRI.AN'nS illrprt. npp h. M. Wi,:irliin Hrl,.... nt 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, pef s. s iiniii-ruiiin, via. iioiicniam linoll must bo directed "tier s. s. Rotterdam"); nt 9 n. m. for ITALY, per . h. Ems, via jsnpics (man musi no directed per s Kim i, at iu -a. in. ror Scotland, per s. s. Ethiopia, via Glasgow (mull must bo directed "per s. s. Ethiopia" ): at 10:30 n. m. (supniempiiiary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurln. via Quppiisiowii; nt 11 n. m. for NORWAY direct, per a, s. Norge. via Chrlstlunla (mall must bo directed "per m. s. Norgo"). Printed Matter, Ktc German steamers sailing on TucsdayM lake Printed Mutter. oti, for Gernmnv, nnd Speclnlly Ad dressed Printed Matter. el, for other parts of Europe. American nnd White Star steamers nn Wednesdays. German and French steamers on Thursdays and Cunnrd and German steamers on Satur days take Printed Matter, etc.. for nil countries for which they are advertised to carry mull. After the closing of the Supplementury Trui.sutluntb' Mulls named a Dove, addi tional supplementury malls are opened on the nlcrs of tho Amcrlemi, English, Frpncli and German steamers, and remain open until within ten minutes nf tho hour of sailing of Htcnmer. Mnllw for S1111II1 iiikI Central AiupiIimi, West I ml Irs, I2li. FRIDAY At I 11 m. (upppmcntnry l:l p. in.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINI CAN REPt'BLIC. per s. s. ('heroken; at 1 p. m. for PORTO RICO, per . s Arkadla. SATURDAY-At 10 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILI.A. CARTHA GENA and GREVTOWN. per s. s. Altai (mall for Costu Rica must bo dlrectrd "per s. s. Altai"), at 11 a. in. for Cl'HA, per s. h llaviimi, via llnvnna; al 11 a. in, for NEWFOUNDLAND, per w. s. Silvia; at II a. m. for YUCATAN, per s. s. Tor dpnsjold. via Progrcso; at 1 p. in. tor NUKVITAK. GIHARA. HARACOA ond PUERTO PADRE, per B. . I.iuenburg loniiiiHry mull onl 1 SUNDAY At 8,30 p, m, for ST. PIERRU- - M'iwA"m POSTOI'l It 12 MITU I2. Mltjt KI.OX, per stc.tmcr from North Sydney Malls for Newfoundland, bv rail to North S'ydne.v, and theme by steamer, cloje nt this olllce dalK Hi s p. ui (lonneetliig clo.e here every .M.uiilin. Wednesday nnd Siturdm) Malls for Mlqtirlon. by rail to Hotun and thetirp bv steamer, close at thu ofll e daily at S 30 n. m. Mails for Cubs, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu., and thence by stcanuv, close at this olllce OallN tpcppj Monday) at n. m. (the connectliie clocs are on Sunday, Wednes day and Filday). Mails for Cubn, by rail to Miami. Fin , and thence by steamer, closp nt this otllie everv Monday, Tuesday and Saturday at '"JO a in, tthe connect ing closes are on Tuesday and Saturday Malls for McnIco City, overland, unless spcclall addressed for dNpalrh ll steamer, close at this olllce dally nt 2:30 a. m. and 2:. p m. Mails for Costa Rlcn. HPllip. l'urrto cortrr. ami ouatPtnaia, ny rail to New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, close at this otlice dally nt "3 p. m. (connecting closes hern Tuciduys for Costa Rlcn and Mondays for HpIIxp. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala). Reals tered mail r!oes n 6 p. m. previous day. Registered mall closes nt 6 p. m. second day before. TrniK-I'nclllc Mull. Malls for Hawaii. Japan. Cnlnn and Philip pine islands, via snn ! rancisco, close neve dally nt 6 30 p. in up to May "6. Inclu sive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic. Malls for China, Jnp.m t nd Philippine Islnnrts, via Tucoina. close here dally nt 6:30 it. in. lip to May !. Inclusive, for dispatch prr m. s. Dnlnyvostock Malls for Society Islands, via San 1 anclsco. close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to May II, Inclu sive, for dlstintch per ship Gnlllee. Malls for Australia (except West Australia), Nww Zealand, Hawaii. FIJI ond Hamoun Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6 'in p. m nfter April 2't and up to Mny 'I2. Inclusive, or on dny of nr rlvnl of s. s. Campania, due nt New York May 12. for dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phlllpnlno Islands, via Snn Francisco, i loe help dally at 6:30 p. m. Up to May II, Inclusive, for dlipotch per s. s. Amor Icn Mnru. Malls for China ami Japan nnd Philippine Islnnds, via Scuttle, close Iiptp dally nt 6,30 p. in. up lo May II, Inclu sive, for dispatch per s. s. Tosa Maru (rpglstercd leltets must be directed "via Scattlo"!. Mails for Chlnn and Japan, via Vancouver, close hcrp dully nt 6:30 p. m. Up to May 22, Inclusive, for dlspntch per h. s. Empress of India (registered mall must be dlrcrted "via Vancouver"), Malls for Hawaii, via San Fran cisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. tip to May "25, Iniliislve. for dispatch per s. s. Australln. Malls for Australia (except West Austialla. which goes via Europe, and Now Zealand, which goes via San Frutio'sco), Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, closp hpre dally at 6:30 n. m. lift to May "26. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aorungl. GOVERNJI I2NT A OTI CKS. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPL1KS Dpnartmcnt of tho Interior. Olllcp or to. dlan Affairs, Washington. I). C, March 20, 1000. Healed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.." us tho case may be. nnd directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Nos. 77 nnd 79 Wooster street. New York City, will be received until I o'clock. . m., or Tuesday. .May is, i:w, mr furnisii ti ir for the Indian Servlco. blankets, woolnn und cotton goods, clothing, notions, buts nnd caps. Hlds must be made out on Gov prnmctit blanks, ricliedules giving all neces sarv Information for bidders will lie fur nished on application to tlie Indian Ofllce, Washington, D. C. ; Nos. 77 nnd 79 Wooster street. New York City; or 235 Johnson street, Chicago, 111.; the Conunlssnrles of Siibslstpnce. I . S. A. nt Cbevonne. Leaven worth. Omahn, St. Louis, St. 1-nul, and Son Francisco; the postmnsters at Sioux City, Yankton, Arkansas City, Cnldwell, Topeka, Wichita, and Tuscan. Bids wilt be opened nt tho hour and dnys nbovo stated, and bidders aro Invited to be present at tho opening. The Department reserves the right to iictermino mc pnini oi delivery nnu 10 reject any and all bids, or any part of nny Did. W. A. utmi-is. commissioner. A-17 to .May PROPOSALS FOR PLUMHING.-OIUcp of Chief Q. M.. St Paul. Minn.. April m. 1WU-SKALKD PROPOSALS, In triplicate will bo received at this ofllce until 11 o'clock a. m. May 15, 1900. and opened then, for Plumbing In now Barrack building at 1'ori Meade, S. I). Plans and specifications mny bn seen and blank nronosals with full in structions bad upon application hero, or to tho Quartermaster, Fort Meade, S. D. 1 nltcd States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part incrcot.- uco. u. rono, t . v- Apr. 17-is-io Mny 12-n BABY CROWED WITH DELIGHT Recent 4'lirlsli'iiliiK die llolliints In Wlili'li Snnir SiiiiKiiluiiry Incl ileiits Were liilrritnliitril. In police court yesterday wos told the story of n bloody christening which occurred last Saturday afternoon In a houso near Tenth and Nicholas streets. At the tlmo tho Incident was fresh It was reported In the newspapers simply ns a light, with two police ottlcors on one sldo and a gang of riifllans on the other, the christening fea- turo having been carefully wupprcsscd by those nicut interested, but In court yesterday tho whole truth leaked out. It Is generally known now- thnt Duffy's youngest under went baptismal rites under conditions pecul iarly propitious nnd nmld clrcumstancoj rendered memorable by the effusion of gore. Olllcers (ilhbons nnd Sullivan, having ar rested Howard Llewellyn for unlawfully hauling garbage, at the prisoner's request called nt tho Duffy home to ask help In tho matter of taking euro of tho team. Thou tho troublo began. Two men, named George Shlllcr nnd Hud Wethfrford, who worn ns- ulstlng in tho ceremony of ofiectlng nn alliance between a baby and Its name, un dertook to rcuciir tho prisoner from tho officers. Several women como out and Ienh a hand In tho fray. Shlllcr pulled Llewel lyn out of tho wngou; Sullivan rcmon- Htratcd, whereupon ho was struck by Shll lcr. Olllcer Gibbons stepped between them nnd pushed Shlller awny, when tho latter, with his left, made a feint to draw 11 pistol and with his right Innded on Gibbon's neck. Then Gibbons drew his revolver, striking Shillcr on tho head with the butt of It. Witherford nnd a woniun leaped upon Gib bons nnd Rought to disarm him, while Officer Sullivan shouldered IiIr wny Into t.ho mlxup, produced his .48 und ordered the crowd back, n command which nono needed. Whon, finally, thoso on tho outskirts managed to get close, enough to see what was going on the troublo was protty woll over, nnd It was noticed that not ono of; thn active participants had escaped without Injury. Most of thcni wcro trying to staunch tho How of blood from gaping wounds. Shll lcr was lying on tho ground unconscious, his hair drenched with blood, which flowed from four abrasions of tho ncnlp. Meanwhile, tho proud mother of tho hulf chrlstcncd Infant stood In tlio doorwny, holding her hopeful whero he could boo tho scrimmage, nnd tho youugstcr wa kicking nnd cooing with delight. Judge Gordon took the case under advise ment. To rlu red n 'Wlluesa, Intense suffering wus endured by Wltncwi T. L. Martin of Dlxlo, Ky., before ho gave this ovldonce: "I coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw; then tried Dr. King's Now Discovery, which gave Instant relief. I have used ll In my family for four yearn and recommend It as the grcatcht remedy for coughs. coldH and nil throat, chiHt and lung troubles. It will stop the worm cough, und not only provents but ab solutely cures consumption. Price 50o and $1.00 Every bottlo guaranteed. Trial hot tl(H freo nt Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. HrlilKP llulliliTH Combine. NEW YORK, May 11. -Tho American Bridge company, with thirty or more senarute companies and a dtpttul of $70. (k).(k), will. It Is announced, bo formed at tho ollli'cs of J. P. Morgan & Co., In this city, tomorrow forenoon Tho $TO,000,00) cupltul Is, according to those who are in 11 position to know, to be divided equully he tween common and preferred stock. Tho tnmputilcH represented by thn combination comprise about M per cent of all tlloso lin ing business In this country. I.ninicli 11 Minister Sloiiniei', SAN FRANCISCO. Mny ll.-Tho steamer California, th" largest vessel ever built on this coast, will bo launched at the Union Iron works mi Saturday night. H Is fret long, with a totul displacement of I6.201) tons and u dead weight capacity of 19.000 tona.