10 THE OMATIA DAILY 15 EE: SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1900. All HirkstJ Show a. General Lou Daring th Beuion, WHEAT RULES QUIET AND FRACTION LOWER Corn Opens ilend-, '' ' lnvrn wnril Tcnilr nry lirrnlpr I'nrt uf Session (tnl H cull In N m imllij uhli OIIiit Uritln. CiriCAno. May 11. -Wheat dropped l',je today, July closing at ftV'ic. The reported iplcrulld outlook of the coming crop throughout the southwest nml government crop statistic wero the main factors or weakness, which compelled liquidation. In dications of n heavier acreage planted than j ever noioro, coupled witn me- decline in wheat, caused a slump In corn. July closed with a loss of I'MJl'U'. oata lost and provision from 2Ve to 12'4o. Whoat opened quiet and a fraction lower. Trader worn In a quandary how to Inter pret the government crop report, the area being Hmallcr, whllo thn condition showed decided Improvement. That the report was generally regarded n somewhat bearish whs soon evident, however, from the down ward tendency of prices. Continued dry weather throughout the northwest, together with some sensationally had advices from Tennessee, checked flic decline for a time, but when reports from tho southwest of the excellent condition of the coming crop be gan to flood the pit liquidation by long became quite general and tho price kept rolling down until stopped by tho closing of the session. The decline In cum and stop loH selling also contributed to the weak ness. July opened 'ifiHe lower at flivyf WiiC sold sparingly at W'gc, declined to WifiiVrMo and closed at 05-V'. 'hlrngo re ceipts wero 22 cars. 1 of which graded con tract. Minneapolis and Duluth got 202 earn, compared with 2ffi tho corresponding ilny a year ago. Rrndstreet's reported the woek'fl clearances from both coasts nt 3,4'0,O00 tin., wheat mill Hour. Indications were for a re duction of 2.nna,fion bu. for tho week In the vlslblo supply. Argentine shipments for the week were l,o.on0 bu. Today's Atlantic port clearances cquulcd 61S.O0O bu. In wheat nml flour. Corn opened steady, but began to give way Immediately under iutlv, liquidation and had a downward tendenev the greater part of tho session. The weakness wis In creased toward the close by stop-loss sell lug A poor shipping demand, favorable planting weather and reports that a grrater nrea than usual was generally expected were tho depressing Influences. Receipts, 111 cars. Argentine shipments for the week were only W.ooo bu., and Hradstreefs re- Sorted tho week's clearances at I.KW.iiOO bu uly opened unchanged nt ."S',d1i39c. touched 3v, declined to SiHflllic and closed at 87-V. Oats ruled weak In sympathy with other grains. Perfect weather conditions were also against tho market. Receipts, in? cars. July opened a shade higher at 22V!' ic and declined to 22'jC at the close. Provisions ruled fairly steady until the session was Hearing Its end, when demor alization of the bulls In corn made longs timorous and throwing over of holdings mused a sharp decline. July pork closed with a loss or 12 Wc- at 111.621$; July lard. Tiie lower at Ji!.S2'.afiC.S3 anil July ribs oil tV4e at W.oT. Estimated receipts for Saturdny: Wlic-it, curs; corn. Id cars; o.its, bW cars; hogs, Xf..nrn head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.'Oron.l 1" I Tgh-I low. Close .jVcs'y 'Wheat Wlif.nl I i i l I Slay July Corn Hay July Sept. Oats May J 11 1 10 July Turk Slay July July Sept. July Sept. 65'1 i;5-V fiHi i I fiji;i HI", 117 37, SUV K7 39 37(?4 S9'i3S .,1 "4 3S'i 39 22H 22 H 22 i 22'f. Ml "4 221 11 in n f,n 11 5214 11 i 11 c sr. B fi) 11 70 fi 4! 11 52'4 SO fi SO i; s.-, li sr. fi 50 fi fvr, 6 55 fi S5 l! SJla fi U214 52'4 fi r7l4 ti 60 fi 214 fi 974l ti !5 r, r,n 6 57',2 i;r, fi 621, fi S21J 521? No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: KLOUR Dull and lower: winter patents, 1.(Wi;3.70; straights. .!Wt3.40: cleiirs. 12.70 (713.20: spring specials, $1. 703. 90; patents, 3. 103.45; straights. 2.fiOf)3.00; bakers, $2.W fu2.15. WIIMAT-No. 2 spring. GSyfifie: No- 3. BfiH4e: No. 2 red, 7n'ii71e. CORN No. aWifIKtc; No. 2 yellow, snile. OATS No. 2. Slltc: No. 2 white. 2iif?26V4c; No. 3 white, Ml2;Mc. RVK-No. 2 MViflSU". HARia:V-Kalr to choice malting, 37r 42c. HI3HDS No. 1 flaxsrod and northwestern, ll.sn. Prime timothy, $2.Vii2.rA Clover, con trsct crude, t. PROVISIONS-Mcss pork, per bbl.. Ill 11 ft 11. 15. l.ard. per H1 lbs.. $il.S21s'iiH.s5. Slit rt ribs sides (loose), K4i1ii.rA. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). fi.f016.73. Short clear Ides (boxed), J7.nr.f7.15. WllISKy-Olstlllers' finished goods, on bails hlch wines, per gal.. J1.2.V,i. HrGARS-Cut loar, $fi.00; granulated, 15 41: confectioners' A. ST.. 10: off A. fo.25. following nro tho receipts and shipments for todar: Articles. Receipts. Shlpni'ts. Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, hu llye. bu li.ww 13,111') 1 1.W) lH,m) :o.ort ,CV) 32.1 W ni;s,(i.K) lM.ll'l:) ;;.vnM nancy, mi. 13,00) 1.0.1) On the Produce exchaiiKe today the but ter mnrket wasstead. creameries. HtflSUc; dairies, Kl'SlO'-c. Kggs. steady: fresh, lOO1 ll'ic Cheese, dull; creams, fllfll'ac. m:w youk (;i:m:rai. .maiiicrt, t notiilloiiN for tin liny mi Vnrlnns (.'lllllllllllllllfN, Ni:W YORK. May tt.-Kl.orn-Recrlpts, Ift.Civl bbls.; exports. 2S.70I bbls.: sales, S.4C0 bbls. Moderately active and ."filOc Inner; Mlniiehota patents, $:I.WVji.'t.S.,i; Minnesota, bakers, f2.C5'ii2.,.l.1; winter jiatcnts. $.l.ti.f.I.Sl; winter straights, Jt.2fi(3.w); winter extra. J2.Mi2.90; winter low grades. J2.23'n2. 10. Rye Hour, steady: fair to good, tJ.SO'tfS.lS; cholco to funcy. J3.20HO.CO. CORN.Mi:AI--Qulet; yolln'v western. S5c; city. c; llranilywlne. $2 3(W2.I0. HYU Unlet; No. 2 western, tile, f. o. b nlloat; state, 56tiC7c, c. I. t., New York, car lots. HARMOY-Unlel; feeding. 434'OI5c, c. I. f.. New York; malting, 5Hi6'ic, c. I. f., New York. RARI.UY MAI.T Dull; western. KVfTttc. I-'MKD Steady ; spring bran. JI5.25'o 17 EO; middling JIG.COH 17.00; winter bran, $15; city. JIH.RHH 17.00. WIIHAT Receipts. 237,73". bu.: exports, 89.971 bu. Spot weak: No. 2 red. 7W,c f.o.b. fllloat: No. 2 red, "li elevator; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 7l'tc f.o.b.. nilout to nrrlve: No. l hard. Duluth. 76't.e r o.h nlloat. Options opened steady on llrm Paris I milieu, inn neenmo iiemoralucd later through lirllllunt crop and weather news imil a bearish Interpretation of the govern ment report. Weakness lasted all dav and tho close was heavy at IVdlUc net decline. May. 70M71e, dosed 70i(,c; .lul, 71i,li 7J7-16c, I'loscd at 71-Sc; September, 72 l-ltifr 73c, closeil at 72'c. CORN Receipts, SI. 173 bu.; exports, 310 2vj bu. Spot weak; No. 2. tic f.o.b., alloat. and 42V elevator. Option market opened Ktendy on higher cables, but experienced a Mero break tinder active liquidation anil nympathy with wheat, closing weak at lc decline. May. 4!;i.ii4;v. closed at 42..c; July. 41'4(ii4lc. chved at I3i,cj September, i:iTtl' 41've. closed at tllStC OATS Receipts, 179,200 bu. ; exports. 10. ?.l bu. Spot weaker: No. 2, 27U.c; No 3 37c; No. 2 white, SSUfo-: Xo. 3 white, 2e: track uilxcd, western. 2J'l729c; track white, Isuinsc. Options dull and weak. HAY Kir m; shipping, 70fj75c; good to choice, sonorn-. llOPS-Stiady; state, common to choice. ISM crop, 31?0c; lS9'.i crop, 10j3c: Pacltlc coast. 1S96 crop, 3flic; crop, lOiilSc. HIDKS-KIrm; fialveston, 20 to 25 lbs. 39'vo: Callforiiln. 21 to 25 lbs., 2iUc; Tuxns dry. 21 to 40 lbs.. 13c. hKATHKR Steady ; hemlock sole, Ilucnns Ayres, light to heavyweights, 25t2jic; ncld. IWl'.'lilvC. WOOI Dull; domestic lleece, 25n2Se: Texns. I5fil?c. COAI-Oulet PIlOVISiONS-Reof. quiet; fnmllv, Jll.COfr 15.00; beef hams, 20..W21.50; packed, JlLdOfl) 12.00; city extrn India mess. J17.00fll9.0O. Cut nients, dull; pickled bellies. 74?iSiie- ..(..bin.) -l.n..l,4Aa HI .1.1.1..., ,. - a v.,." humvii cii,iii,iv- n. i-yv, jiitit-i IIMIUS, ll)',.'1 $12.501 13.2fi. Tallow, dull: city, (TBC; 101111- MOLASSKS Klrm: New Orlenns nnnn kettle food to choice, HiSe. PEANUTS-KIrm; fancy handplcked, 33i (ittlc; other domestic, 3tc. KRKIllI ITS To Liverpool, quiet: cotton by Hteoin. sTip grain by steam, 3Mild. BUTTER Receipts. 3,013 pkgs. Klrm: tveitern creamery, 161tfl2Mo; factory, 13'. 15.. 1 CHEESE-Rccclpts, 2,023 pkss.; ,rm; Jjiril. wcah; western steamed. J7.25: rellned quiet; continent, J7.35; South America, uw' compound. Jfi.50itffi.fi2!4. Pork, quiet: tamllv' JII.Wilt.r.O: short cloar. JI3.7.M1.VM- n,J f ite lrg w'ule, lO'i. fancy Urgs, col ored, l'i'w iV fancy small, white, 9lW !", fam small, colored, P'jtiOSe. EMUS Receipts. 12,517 nkgs.; steady; storage, western, at mark, 13l013,ic; regu lar packing, nt mark, 12',4fll2V4c; southern, at mark, Ui,f713e. AIETAI-H Tne market for metals was again weak, with price variations still to ward n lower level. Tin eascil off In sym pathy with I,ondoii. closing weak In tone nt $Hfi2'fj2s 75. Pig Iron warrants ruled very weak and considerably lower; spot price was quoted $15.00 nominal at the close! northern No. l foundry Was nominally quoted at l.'l.Ouft 32.00. Iakn copper, con tinued dull and unchanged on the basis of Jll.STij Ix?ad. ruled dull at 4.25f?4.30. Spel ter was a shade lower today, owing to lack of demand, closing easy, nt ll.&MRfia. Tim brokers' prleo for lead was $1.00 and for copper $16.87'-,,. OMAHA WU0I.1JJAI,V,1 MAIUCET9. Condition of Trnde nml tnntntlonn on Slnple nnd Knncy Produce, KOQS Receipts, liberal' seconds, 10c; good stock, lOt&e. MVK POt'IrilY-Ilcns. STSlje; roosters, according to age and size, JttTc; ducks, 6fl7cj geese. Gf.'ity: turkeys. Sc. IM'TTKR-Conimon to fair, 115712c: choice, 14f?15c; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, 17tflSc. KI3H Trout Sc; blue fish, Sc; pickerel, Sc; cntllsh, 12c; dressed buffalo, He; roe shad, each, 45c. whltcllsh, lie, herring, tic; black bass, 15c PrOKONS-I.lve, per doz., Jl. VKA LS-Cholre. 910c. . ItAY'-Per carload lots: 'Jpland. choice, H VK midland, choice, J.M; lowland, cliolce, fci ryo straw, choice, S3; No. 3 corn, 3514c: No. 3 white oats, 23c; cracked corn, per ton, JM.50; corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton, 115; bran, per ton, J13.50; shorts per ton, J 13. 50. VEGETABLES. CCCfMRERS-Per do., 11.50. A SPa RAO US Home grown, per doz.. tofinoc. NEW TPRNIPS Per do bunches, 60O. SPINACH-Per box, 401J50C. NEW UEETS Per doz. ounche. 3540c. l.ETTPCE-Per doz. bunches. WftiOc. . .RADISHi:S-Home grown, per dcz., -Od uc WAX REANS Per t bu.. Jl. ... SEED SWEET POTATOlSS-rer DDI.. J2 00fJ2.25; Knnsas, eating. .0) A POTATOK3-Per bu . cholcs. 25330c CAnRAOK-Callfornle.. per lb., sc. CAt'UKI.OWER- Per doz., J2.25W2.50. CELERY Per doz.. 25o"30c. , . . . TOMATOES - Klorldo, per U-toMK crate. J I 50. MUSHROOMS rr lb. bos. Joa RIICRARn-Pcr lb. 2Wi(3e. ONIONS- Red. per lb.. 3c; new B-irmuda, per 60-lb. crate, J2.50. PR '.'ITS. STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, shipping Stock, per 21-qt case. J3.00. cilf:RRIEt!-Cullfornla, per 10-lb. box, J 1. 50. APPI.ES-Cholcn western shipping stock, J3.00?i.i.2.i; New York stook. JS; fancy, Jo.50. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per bbl., JIO.jO; per crate, J3.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. P1NEAPPI,ES-Per doz.. $2.0Of!2 50 ORANGES-Callfornla. fancy navels, per box, J3.73W4.00; choice navnls. J3.60; Mediter ranean Sweets, per box, J3.23; Budded seed lings. J2.73O3.00. . LEMONS-Cnllfomla, choice, uer box. $3.25; fancy, J3.50. HIDES. HIDES-No 1 green hides, 7c; No. 3 green hides. No. 1 salted hides. Sc: No. 2 salted hldtr. 7e; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 ve.l calf. 12 to 15 lbs., Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Hlckory, large, per bu Jl.. ehcllbarks. J1.3S. ...., HONEY Per 24-scctlon cnHe, J3.DCQ3.i5. SI. I. mils lirnln nntl Provisions. ST. LOUS. May 11 -WHEAT-Lowor; No. 2 red cash, elevator. 70'c; track. 7l?f 72e? May, iM2c; July. fiSViWwc; August, W.c; No. 2 hard. iSMum's'. KLOI'R-Dull and heavy, but unchanged. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 3iHc; track, 39c: May. 37vc; July, 3Tc. OATS-Lower; No. 2 cash, 21c; track, 24ijc; Mn. 2le: July. 22c; August, 22c; No. 2 white. Wlsff-V. RYE-Steady at 53c. SHEDS Timothy, steady nt J2.COgC.20; flux, nominally at 11.77. CORNMEAI-Steady at Jl.Oofi'.'.OO BRAN -Steady; sacked, east track, .Oe. IIAY-Sieady: timothy, llrm nt J9.00312.25; prairie, steady at $11.25. WHISKY -htiiidy at Jl.2514. IRON COTTONTIES-JI.JO. BAt:(51NC.-7fgSc. HEMP TWINr. -c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, old, $12.01); new, $!2.5n. Lard, lower: prime steim, $0.70; choice, $8.73. Dry salt boxed meats, steady; extrn shorts. JS.S714; clear ribs. J7; clear sides, $7.I2'4. Bacon, stendy: extra shorts, J7.37'4: clear ribs, J7.50; clear sldrp. $7.i'i2l4. METALS Lend, demoralized, J4.15a4.20. Spe'ier, stendy nt $4.5n. POULTRY - Steady; chicken, 74c; tur keys, fie; ducks, 6e; geese, 3ic. EfiCS Steady at 10c. BUTTER -Steady; creamery, 17920!ic; dairy. 14filc. RECEIPTS Klour. 3.000 bbls.; wheat. M, 0i bu.; com. lO.OOi'v bu.; oats, 22.000 bu. SHIP.MENTS-Klour. 6,(V) bbls.; wheat, lt.000 bu.; corn, 21.0i) bu.; oats, 21,000 bu. Kiiiiniin i'lty lirnln nml Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May ll.-WIIBAT-July. fiOc; ciish. No. 2 hanl. C2e; No. 3. 69ii61'4c; No. 2 red, fiiVTiti'c; No. 3, C2i?ij5c. CORN July. 33c: cash, No. 2 mixed, 3813c; No. 2 white, SSc; No. 3, .CiC. OATS-No. 2 white, 2C'.hc. RYE-No. 2, 51c. IIAY-Cholce timothy. J10.50311.00; choice prairie. $7.2371 7.50. ItUTTER-Crcamery. 1691Sc; fnncy ilalry, 15i. EGGS A tlve nnd llrm: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock. 10c dozen, loss off, cases returned; new white wood cases included, lOljc. RECEIPTS-Whenti 13.S0O liu.; corn, 15,600 Int.; oats, fi.OOO bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 11,100 bu.; corn, 9, 700 bu.; oats, O.OOO bu. l.lcrool lirnln nml Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May U.-WHEAT-Spot. dull; No. t California, fis 3d7ifis 3'id: No. 1 northern spring. 5s lOljd. Kutures, quiet; July, 6s Sd; September, 5s 77d. CORN Snot, steady; American mixed, new, 4s P41I. Kutures, quiet; May, 4s l'ad; July, 3s uud: September, 3s ll'jd. PROVISIONS- llccf. extra India mess, sn-i; prime moss, steady, at 73s 0d. Pork, prime mess, western, steady, at 67s fid. Hams, short cut, steady, at Itis fid. Lnrd, prime western. In tierces, llrm, nt 35s Od. Tallow, prime city, dull, at 27s fid. Receipts of wheat during tho last three days. XiO.ox) centals, Including ISO.ouo Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during the last three days. 111,700 ccntnls. 'I'liledo llnrliol. TOLEDO. O.. Mav ll.-WHEAT-Dllll. lower: No. 2 cash. 72Vsc; May, 72lc. CORN Dull, lower; No. 2 cash, 4V. OATS Weak, unchanged; No. 2 cash, 2l'.c RYE Dull, unchanged; No. 2 cash, 57c. CI.OVERSEED-Klrm. unchanged; cash, prime old. JI.70; prime new, J5.(i0; October, J5.12W; No. 2, Il.20fl4.40. Dutiilli W lien I Mnrkrt, DULUTH. May U.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard cash, ii"s4c; May. fi734c; July, CS'ic: Septem ber, fi7V( ; No. 1 northern cash, fific; May. fific; July, fiii'-c; Sentember, fiiP-c; No. 2 northern. 61' 11 : No. 3 spring, C0?4c. OATS -2 I'll 21V. CORN-31V. I'll 1 1 11 il 1 1. Ii 1 11 Produce Mnrlirt. PHILADELPHIA, May ll.-RUTTER-Klrm; fancy western creamery, 21c; fancy western pitllts. 23c. EGGS Unlet but steady; fresh, near by, 12'se; fresh western, 13c; fresh southwest ern, 12'jc; fresh southern, 12c. Milwaukee (irnlii .Mnrlirl, MILWAUKEE, May ll.-WIIUAT-Lnw er; No l northern. fifi4lii7c; No. 2 north ern. I'o'jC. RYE Dull; No. 1. 57ii57iic. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, liijllc: sample, 37'U 12c. Ilniioiipnlls Wbenl Mnrket, MINNEAPOLIS, May ll.-WHEAT-In store: No. 1 northern. Cl'ic; July, filLc; September. CAc. On track: No. 1 hard fiiiV; No. 1 northern. GIV; No. 2 northern, fijic. Ciillfornln Dried I'riills, NEW YORK, May lt.-CALIKORNIA DRIED KRUlTS-DlHI nnd easy at yrstpr. day's deillue. The market for evaporated apples ruled quiet but steady on somo buv Iiit for export account and the light re ceipts. PriccH at tho close were unchanged from last night; state, common, "Mi5e: prime western. 5'.ifi6e; choice, fiiifi7e: fancy. 7'yTle. California dried prunes, 3Mf ,c per lb., as to size and quality. Apricots, Royal. 12Willc: Moor Park, lMMsc. Peaches, peeled. 161ii0c ; unpeeled. 7S9c Woitl Mnrket. LONDON, Mav ll.-The offerings at the wcol aiiitlou sales today numbered 12.537 bales and Included 3.700 bales Punta Arenas The better feeling led tn active, nil round competition. Americans were moderate nurchai-ers of greasy crossbreeds. They have not operated on a large scale up to date, as very little stock suitable for their needs b.is been offered. The home trade was tho chief buyer of greasy, with the continent competing well for the same. Tho ofierlnrs of Punta Aiena.s were In slow demand and sold at concession. Uueens- l.ttnl umir.4 ,.l.l .itl l..Hll.....t. . .... ....... . ...... .. r-,,, ,,i I'.MIIinillK III- Hit- I balca ill detull; New South Wales, 3,3'W bales, scoured, indfils tr grensv ,'dfi Is I'jd Uucnislnnd. 1.2( 1 bales, noured. Is 3i,d1Hs 3'id, greasy. M.irilUd. Victoria, 200 bales, greasy, 7'4ri1ld. South Australia. , U) bnles; greasy. 6'4fl7Ld. West Australia, 4'") bales; scoured, is Psd; greasy, ftSd. New .ealand. S.loj lues, scoured. 7ilW !!L,sI'(,i greasy. Itylttlo. Punta Arenas, 4,.ro bales; scoured, 71i,Hd; greasy, StjfjOd. , MOVIMin.M'S OK vlot'KS AMI IIO.VDS. j Mnrkels In (lenerol Sluirr n Continued , M'enkness Diirlnu Session. I NEW YORK, May ll.-The stock market succumbed again today to the pressure or liquidation, which effectually overbore whatever element of strength showed In the . early trading, wiped out yesterday's recov- cries and carried prices down In ninny In- ' stances to thP lowest of tho week. There was nothing In the news of the day to nc count for tho renewed weakness In stocks, beyond tho genernl supposition thnt tomor row s bank statement will show a further1 considerable reduction of the surplus re serves. It was verv evident enrly In the day that tho demand from the outstanding I short Interest, who hnd sold precipitately In ' the break of Wednesday, bad been about 1 s.Ulstted. 1 No olitsldo demand hnd been attracted nnd tho bull pools which bad resumed op erations yesterday found the task of hold- 1 Jng up their favorites a hard one. They had somo assistance from London, where tho mnrket made a show of strength, en couraged by developments) In South Arrlea; 1 but the opening prices here were about tho highest. Tlie considerable pnlns shown by I Missouri Pacific, Raltlmore & Ohio and Nn- tlonnl Steel yielded to the selllnir prcssuro nnd wero wiped out, the llrst two stocks taking the place amongst the wenke.4t of mo railroad list. Southern Railway pre ferred was another severe sitfTcier. Tho principal examples of weakness, however, were found among the specialities and In dustrials. Sus.ir nnd Strel and Wlrp were weak from the opening. American Tobacco wis under severe prejsure nil day on rumors of 11 projected competitor nnd. the prices shows a !o.s of nearly 7 points, following yesterday's loss of 3't points. Many of the metal stocks and the local traction stocks show losses of from 2 to 3 points. Net losses of a point or upward are frequent In tho ml I roe il list. Tho cash changes of the banks for tho week Indicate a further decline of casii reserves, which Is estimated nt about i million dollars, the losses by gold exports being that far offset by tlie receipts of currency from tho Interior and a small gain on sub-tre.'tury operations. The pro cess of foreign loans Is supposed to have been going on during the week, but the liquidation In the stock market must have been nccompnnled by the paying of con siderable loans. Nevertheless It Is tho general expectation that tho bank state ment will show a further heavy expansion of loans. It l reported nnd credited In Wall street that the Pennsylvania railroad has placed loans during the week of from JIO.ohi.iki) to $15,000,000. distributed among varlnua In stitutions, if this rumor uroves coriect thero must have been a Inrge Increase In the reserve requirement, to be ndded to tho actual decrease In cash as the measure of decline In the surplus. Rales for money were not quotnbly changed in this market. Sterling exchange was firmer In response to higher discount rates In 1-omUni, but no gold was engaged for export to London. News thnt the Rank of England was se curing gold from Rtifsla nnd the complaint mndo In Berlin that some gold was also golnrr from that center to Iindnu shows thnt London's call on New York for gold may be deferred. Prices of bonds gave way during the day In svninathy with stocks. Total sales par value. Jl.3on.0i. United State new 4s declined 'id nnd old 4s ndvanced Vd In the bid juice. Commercial Advertiser's Iindon llnatu lal cablegram: Tho markets here were rather hnrdencd today, nlthough there were signs of liquidation In Grand Trunk nnd Westral Inns. Riislnrss. however, wns slack at the beginning of the market. There was some talk of peace, based on a report that the Volksraad had given the Transvaal govern ment nuthorlty to not as circumstances may require, coupled with a cabinet council today, but this was merest surmise. Kunds rallied on the sudden easing of money. Americans began firm, some of them going a dollar over parity, but the nubile was entirely absent nnd professionals were very cautious Nei' York did nothing: till tho close, but In the street offered stock, cans Ing a it 1111 1 sng Baltimore & Ohio's course had sickened Iondon. It li thought tho Boer emissaries' visit to America will enusu temporary disturbance in the United Stnte. affecting tho market. Tlntos spurted to 55'i. on tho 10-sbllllng rise In metal, but relapsed to SIS on Paris sales before tho settlement. Anacondas were supported. Tho bank bought .C24.)0 gold In Oerman coin and was notified of 50,000 nt the Cape Ono hundred thousand oounds In transit from Jnpan will probably bo Intercepted. Money was almost unlendable. The following nre the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange today: Atclilnon do pfd tlalttmnr A Ohio. I'linntitan Puclflc. Cunaitu So (lies, ft Ohio 23'i 67', M'i r.i 27',! Union I'acllle ... ilo pfd Wabafh do tifil Wl.eel. ft I,. 1-:.. do 2d pfd... !:, , 73' I, M. 21 34 :', lr.'i I174 IIS 10 47 113 .13 !l .",'4 :i' 3"l SS' s; , 17 '. ii'5 Chicago O. W. .. (' . R. A Q CTiloauo, Ind. ft I 12i l. 1 enlral .121'jTlllrd Avenue . "2'JAdnm ICv . M's Amer. Kxpress .... .162 ,1". S. KxprefH 15i IWellf-KarRO V.x.. do pf.1 Chlcan-n K. III.. I'll lea ko d N. W.. C . n I li ' C. ". i7. & HI. L. Colorado Sn ilo lit pM do 5.1 pfd Pel. ft lluilfon ... Del. L. ft W Dcmcr ft It. (!.... VW Anier. Col. Oil.... ;.T'. do pfd S' Amer. MaltlnK ... 3 I do pfd i:.' Anier. S. ft It 113S do pfd Tlil,' Amer Spirits .... PV' P. Hoop ... pfd H. ft W Pfd Tin Piute.. Pfd Toliacco . . . 1TI,' do' 67,!Anier. ilo pM Krle . 12 do . MVAmrr .lJ1Wl do do 1st pfil 01. Nor. pfd Hocklni Coal IS Amer. 37 do Bocklna Valley .. Illinois Central .. , 77 , 91' J I2 . II . 374 . ::.'i . 71", . as'i r.7'4 ,13-. . 01'j iil fil ro'i si 111', 30' V7', tr. .it'. 4S . 53', 77' j .HO IM. Ill 7V, M'i BO', 2'i JP, : r, ;r.'a .1125 Arner. Iowa Central do pM...i K. C , J', ft (5 1-il.e Erie ft V... ilo pf J T.ake Shore 1 ft N Manhattiin L Met SI. HJ- Mexican iVnlral . Minn, ft St. L do pfel Mo. Purine Mobile ft Ohio .... Mir . K. ft T tfi'S do pfd 4 Anac. Mining Co.. Ilrooklyn It. T.... Colo. Kuel ft Iron. Con. ToKicco do pfd Krderal Steel do pfd On. Klectrlc (Iiicose SiiRir ... do pfd Inter. I'npr Ifi". 2S 79 lM'il 13 (i 5". I 5', do pfd l-a lede lla Nut'nnnl Hlfeult . Mo pfd National Lead .... do pfd National Sleel .... do pfd N. Y. Air llrake... N. Alnerlcun Pacltlc Coast do 1st pf.l do 2d pfd 40i . 11 . .iifi .150 do pfd N. .1. Central . N. Y. Central .01-folk ft W In ptil No. Paclll- do pfd Ontario ft W Ore Ity. ft Nuv... do pM IVniifjIvanla . 33', . 78 . f.3i . 73i . 21 . (I . 78 -lSDlj, I'acllle Mall People's lias Pressed S. Car.... do pfd Hcnllng do 1ft r'd do 2d pfd Illo O. V do pM St. L ft S P ilo 1ft pfd do 2d pfd St. I.. Sniithw . 17 . u-f'f :! . 3." Pullman p. St ;i nd.i 1 1 It Car... ft T. sa 10', sugar do pfd . Mi . 32'j . II Tenii. Coal ft Iron U. S. leather do pM St. Paul do pfd .11., .172 t'. S. Unhlier .. do pf.l... ...... St. P. ft OnMha So. Pacific So. It a II nay do pfd Texas ft r.iclfle .. ilo pfd US 33' 1J'- Western Union Itep. I. ft S do ptil.. avr. c. c. & st. 1. 17 I Ex-tllvldcnil, Offered. Huston Slocks nml llonds. BOSTON, May 11. -Call loans. S'o-I per cent: tlmo loans, 3fl4i per cent. Oltlclnl closing: a . T. a s. r... . do pfd Amer. Suisar do pf.l Hell Telephone ... lloston ft Albany., lloston Llevated .. Hofton ft Me c II. ft Q Dominion Coal ... do pfil Pcdernl Sttel do pfd ritchburg pfd Oen. Electric do pfd Mexican Central .. N. K. O. ft C Old Dominion Itubtier Union I'acllle Writ Knd 23', Wemiimh. i:iectrl' 41'a l.-'i 9!'j 4', "4 tiVi, wis. Central lt'; AtehlKon If IIP, Ailicmure :o Allouez Mining Co, Hi Amal. Copper .1 42' i Atlantic Ill ItoHlou ft Mont 123s; Ilutte ft llnnlen .... IP, Ciilumet ft Hecla.. ,117 Centennial JS', Kranklln B7 lliimlioldt . '4 .291 .164 .7iO . 1G . 1.T1 . 73 . to . ir.'i .13". Pi .US . 27'i 2'.J ,131 tOfceola in4 I'ntrot ,133 Qulncy 13 Santa l'e I'oppcr ll'flTiimiirack P. Utah Mining .... 2H Wlnon.i CI", Wolverines 92 I Neiv York .IHiiInK lMolrilons. NEW YORK, May 11. -Tho following nre closing quotations for mining shnrcs todny: Chollar Crown Point .. Con Cat. ft Va Deadwood i: Ontario . , 1 .1 41 12 ....1.7 ....7.V) j-, .....300 1 10 iiphlr Pl mouth .1J-. . S3 Quicksilver ... fioiild ft Carrie li Hale ft Norcrom 24 llimiclnke Cft4 lrcn Silver M do pfd.... Sierra Neiadh. Slamlard Union Con. Mexican .. 21 Yellow Jaiket Uorclmi I'iiiiiiiclnl. LONDON. Mav 11. American securities opened llrm and nbnvo parity, but they afterward receded and the market was rather nervous. Later In the day the tonn was more cheerful and closeil steady, with Americans In moderate demand. Spanish 4s closed at 7lsi; American eagles. 7i'i Id. Thn amount of bullion withdrawn from the Tank ..f ,tl on balance I id.iy was Xfi.oifi i)i. id premiums are 111 -ted as fal low.. Buenos Ayres. 127 :w, Madrid, 27 so, Lisbon. 43.50; Rome, fi.22's. PARIS, May 11. -Prices on the bourse today opened llrm In sympathy with the strength of Kaltlrs In London, and nftcr ward were easier, owing to the slackness of Parquet stocks. Before the end of the day there was a general reaction. Kaltlrs were firmer on the rumor that the British had occupied Krooustnd. Rio Tlntos temporarily recovered on tho rle In cop per, but finished weak. After the close of the bourro Kaffirs were In good demand mi London ntlvlees. Three per cent rentes, lojjf i;itl. for the nccount. Exchange on London. 2if 17'3c for checks. Spanish 4s closed nt 72. m. RERUN. ,lnv II. Prices opened steady nn the bourse today, owing to the firmer tone of the Iron market. InterunMonal se curities were quiet. Spanish Is, hinder, but later, and especially toward the close, ibev became Hat. In consequence of a sharp decline In Industrials. I fa til: shares were dull. Exchange on London, 20m 52pfgs for checks. Discount rates, short bill, 3la percent; three months bills, Vj per cent. cmv York .Money Murkei, NEW YORK, May ll.-MONEY-On enll, steady, at 2fi2'-3 per cent; last loan at 2 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 3'ifflL per en-' STERLING EXCHANC.E-KIrm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $lSViT 4.ss'2 for demand and at Jl.si for slxtv days, posted rates. $I.UVbl,S5U and SI Wtt 4 !: commercial bills, $I.S3V(4.M,. SILVER-Certlllcatcs, tx060',e; bar, CV; Mexican dollars, 47Hc. BONDS-tloverntneiit, Irregular; state, Inactive; railroad, weak. The closing prices on bonds today wero ns follows: P. f ref. 2., do 2s, res do 3, reg do rotijKin do new 4s, res... do coupon do old 4, res do ,-oupon do ts, leg do coupon D. of C. 2 tts Atchison gen. 4.. do adj. 4s Canada. So. !.... tlie,. ft O. 4'8f..., do ff C. ft N. W. c. 7s.. do rt. f deb. 5s. Chlraso Ter. l... I) ft It. 11. Is do 4 i;. T. V. ft O. Is.. Krle scneral Is V W. ft D. C. Is., Oen. Kleotrlc 3s O. II ft S. A. fs., do 1 11 ft T. c. r.s do conol 6s Ma Central Is..., K C. P. ft O. Is, Li. 11. c. 4 L. ft N. unl. 4s..., M , K. ft T. 2.... do 4s ,10.'i 99 14 .1(0 ,1(9 N. Y. C. Is 111 N, J. C. sen. Ss... 112 No. Carolina fs.. .12 14 do 4s lot No. Pacific 3s... . tt, do 4 s fii N Y C ft St. 1. 4s..l"fi N. ft W con 4f... '; do Keneral Ss ....131 Itft'i n.i', 1H MP4 112!i n:'4 122 ,K0 , Vi ,P7 117', Ore Nav. Is 109 do 4s 103H Ore. H L 6 129 do coned 5 Ill Reading sen. 4s 7'4 Illo 11. W 1s 91 St L ft I M e. rs ..100"; St I, ft S P sen, 6s 121 St. P. consols IT0 St. P.. C. ft P. If. 120 do 5s I21i So. Itallnay 5s 1114 Standard II. ft T. 6s T.n, Ml',4 Ul , 91 10ii , 9" ,m 72'4 71 120 tin; ,107', iiu; 110 11.-. 71 M, ,10S'4 m 93'; Tenn. 11. s. 3s . MS Texas ft Pac. Is I di 2s Union Pacific Is.., Wabash Is ! do :s I West Shore Is Wis. Central Is.., Ya Centuries .... ilo defend! ... Colo. "So Is So. Pacific Is .113 . to .ion; ill', .102S .112 . 90' 2 . 92 . 9 . M . 2i When Issued. Offered. London Mni'k Ouotnt Ions. LONDON. May 11. I p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, imoney 1i)m Urle do account lo 0-l5 do lft pfd Atchison 2.M4'Pcnnlvanla . Canadian Pacific .. fl'v Reading St Paul !I9VNii. Pacific pfd i:s 3', 6S'i , 9 I minim . rill, 111 . . 1)lllsllle Union Pac. pfd... N. Y. Central .... .110 Oram! Trunk . Anaconda . 7.'.34iHund Mines .4. .. 9 . 1.11 -71 BAR SILVER-Qulct, nt 27 D-I61I per ounce. MONEY per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is Ifi I 1-lti per cent; for threo mouths bills. 45?4' per cent. Coiidllloii of the Trensury. WASHINGTON. May U.-Today's state ment of the treasury balnnces In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150;ooo,oiiO cold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Avnllable cash balances, $141,263, 721; gold, $7i;,2jS.33. I'llllillf Illl Votes. PHILADELPHIA. May ll.-Clearlngs, $14.SC4.Xi1: balances. Jl.505.Mfi. RALTLMORE. May 11. Clearings, Jl.fiS2, 102; balnnces, $'131,, CHICAGO. May ll.-Clearlngs. K,o,iil,n,in; balnnces, S."7. 120- slerllng exchnnge, 4.S."tVjfi'l.92H, New York exchange, par. BT. lXDUIS. May 11. Clearings, J.",S7r..2'i1; balances, ."2fi,Ki.t. Money. 4fi7 per cent; New York exchange, 10c premium bid, 2"c premium asked. BOSTON. Mny 11. Clearings, $l9,77S,rr78; balances. Jl.MS.tSll. NEW YORK. Mh.v ll.-.'lcarlngs, 1195, 337,301; balances. $7,420.543. Cotton Mnrkt't. LIVERPOOL. May U.-COTTON-Spot. fair demand, prices In buyers' favor; Amer ican middling, 6 6-lfid. The sales of the day wero 10.000 bales, of which 600 wero for speculation and export nnd Included 9,700 bales American. Receipts, 600 bnles, all Amerlcnn. Kuture.s opened and closed quiet at tho decline; American middling, I. m. c. May, 519-fild, sellers; July and August, f. i:i-fi4f5 14-61(1 ; August and September. 5f(!-'34d. selling; September and October, 4 l7-fi4fTl IS-fild; October and November, 4 :T-i;id buyers; November nnd December, 4 29-CPirl 30-fild. buyers, December nnd Jan u.irv. I 27-f " I IS-i" vl . buyers: January nnd February. . 25-CI14 26-fild. buyers; February and March. 4 25-fi4d. buyers. NEW ORLEANS. May H.-COTTON-Steady; sales. 3.S.V) bales: ordinary. Si',e; good ordinary. 8'ic; low middling 9 3-lfic; middling. 9 7-16c; good middling. 9c; mld dllnc fair. 9T8c. Receipts. 1.091 bales; sto,-k. 1M.S.V) bales. Kutures. quiet; Mav. $9.3Uf 9.35: June. $9.34fi0.:t5; July. J0.321t9.31: August. $9.03T9M: September, JS.3P&S.32: October. $7.9SfJ".97: November. $7.7R'o7.79; December. $7.7ST 7.S.1; January. $7.791i7.SO. ST. LOUIS, Mav U.-COTTON-Qulct; rales. fiSO bnles; middling, Ogc. Receipts, 133 bnles; shipments, 578 bales; stock, 4S.0CS br.les. I'offi e MnrLel. NEW YORK. May 11 -COKKEE-Spot, Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 7 9-lfic. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 9',1i9'2e. The market for coffee futures opened steady, with prices unchanged to 5 points higher and further Improved 5 points on encouraging cables, light Brazilian receipts nnd an Improved speculative demand. Korclgn buying was a feature. The shorts were conspicuous as buvers after the opening. The market was ilnally llrm In tone, with prices net 5fil0 polntii higher. Total sales, 12.750 baijs. Including May at Jfi.10; June. 0.15: July, $11,110; September, $i,70; October. $ii.75: No vember, S.I.MKfi;.S5; December, V.W, Janu ary, $7.l)f7.05; Maich, S7.15. Dry 4 i ixiil h Murlict. NEW YORK. May ll.-Therc has been more Inquiry for brown cotton for export today on considerable transaction re ported put through fur China, but 0:1 n low price basis. Home demand slow In all departments, In both staple and fancy cottons. Tone and prices without change. Prints and ginghams unaltered. Print cloths sold in fair quantity outside of Kail River at Ji'dc for regulars. Odd goods un changed. Burlap market 'dull and Irregular. Sonar .Mnrket. NEW YORK, May ll.-SUGAR-Raw stendy; fair rcllnlng. 315-lCc; centrifugal, 9i test, 1 7-Uic. Molluscs sugar, 3-e. Re fined, market Meiidy. NEW ORLEANS. May ll.-SUGAR-Stcady: open kettle. 3-T,i4 3-lfic; open ket tle, centrifugal. 1'41 Pic; centrifugal, yel low, 4Vtfl 13-lCc; seconds, 2?fi 4.c. 1)11 Mnrket. LONDON. MnV ll.-OILS-Llnsceil, Sis; sperm, 3.1. OIL CITY, P.i.. May It. OILR-Credlt bal nnces, $1.42; crrtlilcalcs, no bid; shipments, 12'i,('i4 bbls.; average, f5,!i7t bbls.; runs, 101, 225 bbls.; average, 90 110 bbls. Ticket lli'iikci's Elect OllleerN. DETROIT. Mich.. May 11. The American Ticket Brokers' association has elected the following olllcers: President, Slump Stelner, St. Louis: vice presidents, Elmer E. Darl ing, Silt Lake; Walter E. Brown, Detroit; R. O. Wlllco.lt, Duluth; George A, Salt, Niagara Kails; secretary, W. n. Carter, Louisville. Tho conentlon adjourned to meet next year In Kansas City. IIIk Cnieli of SfiiiN, SAN KRANCisco. May ll.-The scaling schooners have made 11 wonderfullv good nitch on the coast this year. Should tho strikes on the revenue cutters continue they are In bones of dulng still better, as they will have Bering sea all In themselves for a few weeks to mmo I-'rnm I lie latest advices received by Donald Ross from Vic toria, II. I'., it is learned that the Zlllali May has taken "S3 seals. Teresa 5'i. thn Victoria 293, Enterprise 519, Annie E. P.ilnt 750, E. B. Marvin ft)", Dora Sleward SO) and Umbrliia ISO. This make:, tho catch over 5.' skins, while the Geneva. Ocean Bello and two or thrco others aro yet to be heard from. IHIieriiliiiiH Elect Olllcers. HUSTON. May ll.-The national conveii lion of Ancient order of Hibernians elected nflliers todny as follows: joiin T. Keating uf Chicago, re-elected president; John E. Dolan. Syracuse, vice president; John P. Rrce of New Haven, secietiny; P. L. Moran, Washington, ticiinirer. K. j, Slattery, state president of MnHS,iehuctt'H division, who was a candidate for the olllco of national president, withdrew before the election. i OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cornfed Stem Show Up a Little Highr than Yeitsrd&j, PRACTICALLY E.VERYTHING SELLS EARLY Hobs rll nt A lion I the Snmr Rnnne ns eslcriln) llrnmnil Hood Shrrp nml I.nmlis Ntrnil), vtltli (iood Prospects. SOUTH OMAHA. May 11. Recclnts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 1.701 4,721 3.31 .. 6,922 10,215 3,63 .. 3,915 S.211 6.31S .. :uii7 ,(Xl! B.tis .. 2.252 fi.lW 3,R7 Otllclal Monday .... Olllclal Tuesday .... Official Wednesday Oniclal Thursday . Olllclal Krlday .... Klve days this week 17.193 37.375 22.0.M Samo days last week ...12,29 1 35,112 1 2.171 Samo days week before .14,353 33,175 20,524 Same three weeks ago .I5,h77 .TS.&M '-'-'.Oil Same four weeks hko. . .15,0M 34.S62 2I.7IM Average price paid for hogs for til' lt several days with comparisons: lW0.18.lH.18J7.Wt.l!l9i.im. April 16.. April is., April 17.. April 13.. April 19.. April 20.. April 21.. April 22.. April 23.. April 24 . April 25.. April 26.. April 27.. April 2.S.. April 29.. Anrll 5n I 3 7! 3 57 3 61 3 SOI 3SI 4 761 J S", i :l 3 911 3 35 4 71 1 11 5 23 U t 13 6 09 & M 6 i: 5 06 4 !-7 3 7: 4 74 3 OS I 3 6O1 3 431 4 C3 A ' 1 .11 3 71, 3 61, 3 91 3 76 3 63 3 84 3 35 4 69 3 77 3 731 3 S3 3 72 .1 SI 1 3 .14 3 39 3 3u 3 2s 3 y 3 31 4 70 6 3$ I 3 711 3 82 4 67 4 561 5 32 3 67 ' 1 3 S3 5 36 3 661 3 711 4 01 4 65 5 391 3 65 3 K 3 SI, S 03 J 5 34 3 671 3 79, 3 771 3 !S 4 K.I t H f 5 37) 3 69 3 77 3 76 3 26 ' ( S 08 . 1 a e.i 1 toi 7 741 i Ml 4 00 fi 32 3 631 3 o J lfl l p -May Mny May May Mav Mny May May .... 1.. 5 261 3 6l 3 791 3 121 4 1 0 o 3.'.'. I... fi.... fi... , . . . 3 90 1 3 18 4 49 i Oi 3 87 3 71: I 4 63 5 05 3 931 3 721 3 MM 47 4 97 5 17 3 fin 5 20 3 6S 5 22 3 62 3 95! 3 661 3 30 1 f; 0) I 3 Ml 3 931 3 641 3 321 4 401 5 Oa I 5 31 3 90! 3 "01 3 30 4 M ft 10 3 fi9l j 3 71 5 121 ;; 65i 3 ro 5 13, 3 H2 3 951 3 6' 5 1 3 B2I 3 97 3 G7I 3 19 4 37' 4 97 4 461 92 I 43 t SI iii.v ;i... Mny 10... n. 3 16 May 11. . 10 4 46 4 87 Indicates Sunday. The ofllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C, M. oi St. P. Ry.... ,1 . v ni. I,, ity Mo. Pacltlc Ry Union Pac. System C. N. W. Hv 1 15 1 15 l 20 3 9 1 K.. E. A M. V It. li.. "A S. C. & P. Ry fi C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry. 20 B. Jl. R. R. R ;l .-.. II. r y. Ity 5 C, R. I. & p., oast... 7 .. R, I. A- P., west 3 Illinois Central l Total receipts ....10! 90 15 S Tlie disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows, each liuyrr purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: ""P1";, ,, , Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Onmha Packing Co 121 fii2 G. II. Hammond Co ,V'5 52i .... Swift and compnny 713 1.001 493 i udahy Packing Co f,51 2,279 1,210 Armour & Co. jps 1,731 1,354 R. Becker & Degan 41 Vannint & c0 s W. I. Stephen 11 .... Hill ft Huntzlnger 2 .... " ' Livingstone & Sehaller... 3 .... Hamilton fi Rothschild.. 10 "' H. L. Dennis ,t Co 24 Other buyers -ji .... 'jo.'; 'ro,l T279 z 3.190 CATTLE-There was a fair run or cattle ror u 1-rlday, but there was the usual good V,?r.",,i',1 ,nml market was brisk and a little- hlgher.-at least 5c higher than vester day on the genernl run of cattle, huyers reemcd to want the cattle nnd they were "''I enrly In the morning, so that evcrv thing In the way of beef cattle changed hands In a very short time. Sellers weto well pleased with the prices received. There w-ns nothing very chob c on sale, so thnt tho top did not show up very well on pnper. ho far as receipts arc concerned this Is tho largest week of the year. Cows nnd heifers wero In good demand and the market firm. Offerings of every thing deslrnble in the way of butchers' stock wns picked up enrly and the mar ket as a whole was In n xood, heaJthv con dition. Bulls, calves, etc, sold In about thn same notches as yesterday. There was not much here in the wav or stockers and feeders, but what few were on snlo brought steady prices. As a matter of course, as tho week draws to a close there Is not so much country demand and speculators are not finite so anxious about buying. Little stock heifers have been com ing faster this week than thev could be sold and tho market on that kind Is un- mistaKnDiy lower. Representative sales: REEK STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 'tA 3 fO 40 mo 4 no 1 Kf'O 3 f.". ID ma ( S1 1 4 4 00 5 H4 4 SO 1 731 4 fO 44 1141 4 M 1 611 4 CO 13 IMS 4 SO 3 716 4 IV) 31 n;i 4 Hi f'1 124S 4 0", 54 1137 4 fS I SCO 4 76 SI 118! 4 KS 1 SfO 12:, 31 33 4 m 4 7S2 I 3J 17 i;7 4 90 1 1010 4 O 12 1770 4 90 26 970 4 41 3 1403 4 90 3 7Sd 4 40 3 11K3 4 j( I -,12.'i0 4 M 8 113! 4 90 20 10-.9 4 5.1 67 1319 4 90 33 S70 4 6i1 4 1472 4 90 3 1003 4 f0 6 11M 4 90 18 1018 I 65 4 1222 4 90 fi 971 4 6.1 9 1733 4 90 20 1008 4 M SS U07 4 9.1 12 1M7 4 81 41 U0J 4 91 21 107S I 70 fi 13.-.U 4 9J 37 K".8 4 70 19 3S2 4 91 II 1223 4 70 Ifi U90 4 9,-, 890 4 70 40 3,Y 4 9-, 29 P2 17) 29 13M 4 91 .1 SS'i 4 70 SO 1293 4 9;, 9 1W7 4 70 19 11M 5 eo 17 1110 4 70 21 1197 .1 M 1 1M0 4 70 73 1IS9 .1 00 11 1211 4 7.1 17 ins 5 00 fi 133-1 4 7.1 21 ii:, 5 nt 22 1021 4 71 SI IJij 5 nr, 5 1132 I 71 1 1130 .1 01 19 1071 4 71 1 12V) .1 0.1 20 971 4 7.1 IS no.' 5 10 22 1028 4 SO STEERS AND HE1KERS. 21 533 I 01 23 1148 4 75 jfl 1013 I 60 S 5.15 4 7.1 10 918 4 SI 23 1 (HJ 4 75 16 7.8 I 6.1 24 917 1 M 53 926 4 "' 18 1174 I SO S 1018 I 70 IS 730 4 99 7 950" 4 70 COWS. 1 s:,o 2 10 !! in m 1 710 2 .10 1 870 3 90 1 970 2 7.1 13 1011 4 no 4 912 2 0 1 S30 4 ( 1 910 2 85 1 1130 4 00 3 956 3 (0 3 1153 4 (0 1 910 3 ID 2 H3.1 4 00 1 7S0 3 10 1 7S0 4 00 2 90 3 21 1 9fi0 4 fO 2 li", 3 21 1 1220 1 00 2 911 3 2.1 1 108) 4 no 1 870 3 1.1 11 Idfil 4 frt 2 1110 3 1.1 2 1141 4 0.1 2 1081 3 41 1 1030 4 01 1 1010 3 5i) 2 13A1 4 10 1 1050 3 f.0 1 710 4 10 1 960 3 50 3 137"i 4 10 1 100 3 60 2 1211 4 10 4 1230 3 50 1 1290 I 11 4 1017 3 M II 10.12 4 11 1 970 3 61 1 1M0 I 15 4 1077 3,70 2 IIM I 15 7 1131 3 7.1 ! 1480 4 11 4 907 3 75 2 111.1 4 21 J 960 3 7.1 8 ICS! 4 21 1 1030 3 71 1 910 I 23 2 1010 3 75 7 1I8S I M 2 971 3 7.1 7 1211 4 ?0 2 905 3 7.1 4 1041 4 10 3 1176 3 75 1 14'0 4 SO 1 1011 3 71 1 S.V 4 31 1 1200 3 75 6 1231 I 31 1 132) 3 to 1 1520 I 40 1 108-1 3 80 1 1230 4 10 2 123.1 3 SO 1 17.1i) 4 10 3 113 3 SO 2 1591 4 M 5 1070 3 81 1 1 1-0 4 :n 1 1170 3 SI 3 1001 4 ,r, 1 1160 2 61 6 1330 4 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIKERS. 13 918 4 00 11 1011 4 20 15 1021 4 15 11 943 4 IJ HEIKERS. 1 670 M I 830 I 40 3 1018 4 01 B 1008 4 40 1 7S0 4 10 6 66fi I 40 8 687 4 71 1 930 4 50 2 102-1 4 21 1 630 ( 50 1 torn 4 so 6 ens 1 n. 4 507 4 31 1 1090 4 60 1 129U 4 15 10 768 4 M 10 971 4 31 1 630 3 00 3 SfO 4 13 BULLS. 1 1310 2 S5 ! 1391 3 70 2 1110 3 13 1 1510 3 73 1 17ft) 3 73 1 1660 3 73 1 1J20 3 2." 2 UV 3 85 1 IJSO 3 25 1 2170 3 81 1 1110 3 XI 1 ISM 3 5 1 15.V) 3 40 1 1200 3 90 1 wn 3 D 1 1110 I O) 2 1)90 3 V) 1 !0v) 1 20 1 1IU) 3 M 1 1110 4 70 2 9'0 3 60 1 910 4 31 1 Wft 3 6S 1 110 4 7.1 1 1V0 S3 1 S0 I 23 1 1'KO 3 C5 1 1209 1 10 I 3 66 1 7.10 IV. ?40 ... 435 ... SfiO ... 20 ... 143 3 70 CALVES. 4 35 14 IM 1 6 Oil 1 177 I6 120 7 00 7 0) J 00 1 1 3 1 1 1 6 7.1 STAGS. 3 60 3,,,... J ti 1 , 4 0) 1 ...lino . ..13o ... 9.m ..1376 ..1110 ..1430 4 10 I 33 4 25 I. 1. I .1310 4 on STOCK COWS AND HEIKERS. 600 2 ) 1 710 4 15 CA) 3 05 1 470 4 11 900 3 ?5 2 850 I 1.1 740 3 6.1 2 ) 4 20 !0J 3 1 7 874 4 23 710 3 SO 1 TSO 4 65 STOCKERS AND EEEDERS. SM 3 12... 9S5 4 50 . 410 , 4(0 900 870 . 94 ) 7?) . 710 . 960 . 30 860 , 8.10 . 4.10 3 7.1 3 75 1... 3... 10..., S... 1... ., S0 .. 853 .. 689 .. 988 .. ISO .. $48 ..1046 ".. 979 .. 70 .. 670 ..1126 .. 5M 4 .71 4 50 4 61 4 60 4 S3 4 63 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 7.1 I 73 I SO 4 01 I 01 4 ol 4 10 10.. I 13 17.. 4 21 6.. 4 40 1,. 4 45 10.. 4 .VI J 870 4 50 2.. 870 5 01 MUtlS SOIIlO f,f Ihn .... ,!;,- rfl.tfrt.l tllt eQrly bidding steady to strong prices, but shortly nfter thnt Chicago came lower and they went back 011 their llrst bids nnd for a tlmo tho mnrket was slow and a little CHsler than yesterday, especlallv on the ".Vi1 A ,lt,,', 'a'" nn tho market rnllled under the InMuence of the verv good local demand and more favorable adilccs from other market points. The close was stronger, so thai taking the market ns whole. It was strong as compared with yesterday. The hogs sold largely nt $5.15, with a J5.31) top, the snme ns yesterday It will bo noted from the toble of river nne prices that the mnrket Is now otnv about 10c lower than It was n week ago and about 6c lower than the first of tho Present week. 11 Is 6c higher than on Tues dnv, the low day of the month to date South Omaha continues the hct hog mar ket on the river, the average prices here yesterday being above the average at Kansas City, St. Joseph and Sioux City. The. demand at this point seems to be ex ceedingly good nnd that appears to be the reason for the very strong market. Rep- rcseuiniive smcs: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. SI R7 68 68.... 76.... 21.... 32 73 67 8 69 67 63 fi.1 71.... 41 61.... 70 61 48 70 60 170.... 4S .11 64 71 61.... 61.... 70 7 r.-.'..'. fO 63.... Av. ...221 ...2.19 ... ....231 ,...279 ...280 ...329 ...229 ...28.1 I. '.'261 . . .2.18 ...241 "7" '".'li; ...311 ...748 . . .Jill ...261 ...218 "V '..'.262 ...711 . . .232 ...260 ...250 ...264 ...271 Sh. IT. 120 .1 t.l SO ,1 1.1 . . 5 13 SO .1 11 SO 8 IS SO 5 1.1 ... 3 15 .. 6 11 81 18 2,10 22 109 ... 40 214 210 88 190 SO 69 203 40 76 ?oo 40 4 78 4 7.1 4 90 5 07' , 3 10 5 10 8 10 ,1 10 f. 10 .1 10 8 10 5 !2'i 5 12i 3 12'j 6 I2't 5 12', 6 11 & 1.1 5 1.1 3 15 6 H 5 15 5 11 5 1.1 .1 1.1 r. ii 3 15 5 13 .1 1,1 5 16 5 15 .1 15 5 15 .1 15 5 11 3 1.1 3 15 .1 1.1 .1 11 5 1.1 5 1.1 .1 1.1 .1 1.1 5 11 5 15 73 232 68 216 8.1 203 120 210 IN) ,1 I7'i 6 17'j 93. . . . .189 55.... 19.... ...... SO,... 61.... 90.... 68.... 70..., 6.... 133... SO.... 68.... 76.... 63.... 81 ... . . ..192 ....251 ....210 ....207 . . . .210 ....213 ....213 ....232 . ... 223 ....201 ,552 O-vl .'.'.'.'233 ....241 .'.'.'.23.1 ....207 ....242 ....767 ....263 ....216 ....2.19 ....2V1 ....227 . . ."21 ii'.'.lTn ....240 ....219 !!"213 , . . .232 3 17', r, i78j 3 17, r. li'i, .1 17', 5 17', 6 17', .1 17', 5 17, S 17', 5 17', 5 17', 5 171, .1 171, f. 17, 5 17'i, 5 17', r. it', f. 171, 5 171, ,1 1;' 5 2H 120 78... 75. . . S3... 11... 59... M... 45... 61... 66... 66... 67... 60... 67-.!! 47... 62... 71... 70... . . .267 ...211 ...2.17 ...297 ...767 ...217 ...328 . . .283 ...2i'6 ...211 . . .2.15 ...250 ...270 ...270 20 SO 3 3 20 68.. 53.. 58.. 61.. 69.. r.9., 70.. 6.7., 68., 61.. f. 70 .1 20 ,1 20 .1 20 .1 21 r, 20 s ;.i 5 20 5 20 5 SO 120 SO SO SHEEP There were few cars here loday. mostly lambs. There wns not much I change In the situation and about nil that could be snld of the market Is to call It steady. Some Colorado lambs sold nt $7 in 1 nnd $7.15. wlih some that were sold to ar rive at t".0n. The sales below will show weights and prices. 1 Sellers nppear to think that the prospect for the coming week Is encouraglnif Quotations: Clipped wethers. I5.S0Ti6.4O; j clipped yearlings, J5.4o7iu.iW; clipped ewes, I good to choice. Jl.fioWi.OO; fair lo good clipped ewes, J4.251M.60; good to cholco Colorado wooled lambs, J7.0o7i7.25: fair to good Colorado wooled lambs, Jii.75fi7 00; good to choice clipped lambs. $fi.751j6.00; fair to good clipped nned lambs J5. S0-&5. 75. Reprc- sentatlvo snles No. 275 culls 10 old ewes 1M western lambs 1 old ewe 170 western wethers.. 170 western yearlings. 30 western lnmbs.... SI western lnmbs 254 Ft. Collins wooled 241 Ft. Collns wooled . IW Av. Pr. RH 4 ro SO 4 50 50 31 K2U 110 6 00 101 5 4) 95 5 53 51 5 85 7! 0 (D 90 7 (0 90 7 01 90 7 00 89 7 00 72 7 10 71 7 10 7R 37 10 7S 7 15 70 8 (W lambs. lambs. 257 l'l. Collins wooled lambs 245 Kt. Collins wooled lambs 270 Colorado lambs, wooled 551 Colorado lambs, wooled.. 270 Colorado wooled lambs.. 26.1 Colorado wooled lambs.. 1 spring lamb CHICAfJO 1,1 VE STOCK .MARKET. Strrrsi Active nml lllKber Hiirs Are Active Sheep Strung. CHICACIO. May 11. CATTLE Receipts, 2.000 head: steers active. 51710c higher, butcher stock stendy to strong; natives, best on snle, one carload. $5.621.4; good to prime steers, J5.0055.SO; poor to medium, 14.25fi4.85; selected feeders, stendy. $4,251? r. nn. n,iv. .iiru ti 7R(, on- xnu-t. .fVvfj4.C0; heifers, $3.2505.00; caniiers, $2.40 f3.00; bulls, $2.D04.3O: calves, J4.50jib.nu; Texan fed steers 3.25TI3.75. $l.00fi5.20; Texas bulls, I IOOS Receipts, 16.00) hen1, estimated tomorrow. 14,000, left over, 1,500; mnrket nctlve, steady to strong; top, $5.45, mixed and butcher, $5.10fi5.42i,4; good to choice heavy, $5.251i6.lo. rough heavy, $5.1016.2O; light, $5.00(n5Xi; bulk of sales, $5.25fj5.374 SHEEP AND IjAAI nn Receipts, 6,tMi head; sheep, steady; lambs, firm, flood to cliolce wethers, $5.35fi5.75; fnlr to cholco i mixed, $5.Wj5.60; westerns, $5.50-5.70; yenrl- ' lugs. $5.75f6.u0; nntlvo lambs, $5.0007.40; western lambs, frt.OO'f7 40. imv Vork I. Ire Stock. NEW VORK. May 11- REEV ES Re ceipts, 3,09 head; twenty-live cars on sale, market active; all grades lOfiUV higher; all sold; steers $l.(X)i(3.i5; choice fat oxen, $5.15, bulls, $3.!i0fil.70; cows, $2.6V( 120; cables quote live cattle w-rak; state cattle at Liv erpool. ll"f12c; at London, 121il2'sc; tops, 13c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef, lower Ht 0s nor Hi.: sheen uncnaiiged. expor.. none; tomorrow, 821 cattlo and 6,512 quarters of becf. CALVES Receipts, 1.073 head: demnnd nctlve and prices 5c higher, nil sold; veals, $4,601)7.00; culls. $1. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recclpls, 3.238 head; seven cars on salo; sheep, steadi . lambs opened steady to a shade higher and closed weak; spring lnmbs. steady, all sold, clipped sheep, $4.(KJj5.&0; culls, $3.25; clipped lambs. $5 76fi7.37'fe; wooled lambs, $t.:j7M : culls. $3.50; spring lambs, D per 1&0 lbs , by the head. $1.OK5.00 each. HOGS-RocclplH, I.S1S brad: 125 on sale. market higher; stato hogs, $5.60fii.5; west ern hogs, $5.305ii.j5. St. I.nuln Live Slock. BT. LOl'IS. Mav ll.-CATTLERecelpts. 19.000 henl, Including Km Texuns; market stendy; native shipping and export steers, $4.65'(i5.C5; drcshed beef and butcher, $4.55 fi4.!); steers, under 1,000 lbs., $3 7u74.i: Blockers and feeders, $3.(i)i4 75: cows and heifers, $2.O0f(5.."0; caniiers, $150?2f5. hull" $3.25ii4.00; Texas and Indian steers. t3.Wt 5.15: cows and heifers. M.2511 (.30. iuus itece nts. ui neai I: murKot mow nnd easy; pigs and lights, $5. 1 Mi 5.20. pa,k- i ers. H5.l51i5.30: butcher. $5 25fVH). SHEEP AND I, A MRS Receipts. 2 300 bend: murkct strong; native muttons. $5.no fjii.ru); lambs, $ti.70'i7.00; culls and bucks. $2.75t5.25. Kim mis I'll)- I, tic Slock, If AN8A8 CITY, Mav 11. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.WV) head, nearly nil natives, light supply sold quickly, nt ndvnnce of tOi Heavy natives. $1.4065.25; stockers and feeders. $4.OAfJ5.30; butcher cows nnd belf- ers, $3,4014.00; caniiers, $2.75173 10 fed west- erns. $4,5nfi5,15: Texans, $3.mii75 HOOS-Receipts. 1l.20 hend, pood demand for nil classes, prices ruling strong to fie , higher: heavy, 15.151J3 25 mixed. $5.or,f6 20 ! llpht $4.WVf5IO, plus. 4 351i4.70 SHEEP AND LAMPS- Receipts. 5 WO ' head; market steady: Colorado lnmb $7'l (fl7.12: cllnped lnmbs. $5.K5ff6.40. clipped muttons. $5 OfiB.f.(: grnss Texans, $4.6'J'? 6.frt; culls, $3.001f4.OO. Slock In Mulil. Following nre the receipts at the four principal western mnrxeis lor .May ii Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha Chicago Kansas CRy . St. Louis Totals ... . 25: H.IM .'LUST 2.(i") 2.MD lD.OOO IS.fifiO II.20H n.ooo 5 . II 5 301 2..TO 2-i.052 45.3JO 16.47 St. .lusepli l,lc Slock. SOPTH ST JOSEPH, May 11. -(Special i The Journal rjnotcs: CATTLE -Receipts, 1.300 head. Mnrket active and stendy: natives. $1,0015.10: Texas and westerns $1,301(5.00; cows and hellers 2.:3'3I.60; bulls and statu, $2.2J'i l.W, year- 3 I MRS and iah(s l2iSI5. sto. kers and feeders. .! Wti4 V,. (is. i5(Wfi.50 MOOS- Hcecl.iK .l'i head. Market sleadv; all glades. J5.0Wi.25; bulk of shIcs, tt.10fft.lft. SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts, 2,1(0 head. .Market strong tn lOo higher; Colo rado lnmbs, J7.20. So I'rninl In .Soldier .scrip. WASHINGTON1, May 11. Commlosioner Herman of the general land offlco said today In regard to a report that application'! had been made out for soljllcrs' additional scrip land grants by persons In Wisconsin who Impersonate dead soldiers that It woulil be Impossible for such grants to bo pnseil through tho land nlllcc. It is necessary for tho persons nsklng for such land to append their signatures (o the applications and the testimony of neighbors who havo known the applicants for at lenst ten years, must be had us to tho authenticity of. sui'li signatures. ALABASTINE ,im,m' wnll C0MBg, In 5 lb. paper packages, mndo ready for uso In wliltn nnd fourteen beautiful tints by mixing with cold water. It la n cement that goes through a process of fettlng, linrdeus with age, nnd can ho con ted and reconteil without nothing off Its old coats beforo renewing. ALABASTINE Is entirely illfforont from alt tho vnrlotiiknlsomlneson tho market, being (lurnbls nnd not stuck on tho wnll with glue. Alnbnstlna customers should Insist on having the goods In packages proporly laboled. They should reject nil imitations. Them is nothing "Just as (rood." ALABASTINE PrflTsnts much sickness, particularly throat and lung difficulties, attributable, to nusanltarr coatings on walls. It has besn recommended in n paper published by thn Michigan Statn Hoard of Health nn account of It sanitary features! which paper strongly rondemnrd kalsomines, Alabastlne ran ho used ou either plastered walls, wood ceilings, brick or rnnvos, and any ono ran brush It on. It admits of radi cal changes from wall wiier decorations, thin securing nt reasonable cxiieni-n the latest nnd best effects. Alnbiistino Is manufactured b) llio Aiabastine Company of Grand FJapids, Michigan. Instructive mid Interesting booklet ma I led froe to all applicants. BUPBIUI TRAINS KOH CHICAGO LEAVEl AT 12:10, 500JI, AXD t 3B V. U. New Short Line io Minneapolis and Si. Paul at 7 a. m. ana Ti3S . m VICKDT AT 1403 FARNAM Rim "Tt Naw QM." Whea otar tall coaatm DOCTOR 5EARLE5 & SEARLES OMAHA. MVOUS CK & private mtn 0P MEN SPECIALIST I e guaruntco to euro all ciipcs curable of WEAK -VI EN SYPHILIS SEXIJAM,Y. Cured for Life. i Night Emissions, UjsI -Manhood, Hydrocele, vericoceie, uonorrnoeu, uicct, aypiiliu. Stricture, Pile. FUtulu. and itoctal Ulcera and all 1'rlvale Discuses nml Disorders uf Jleii Stricture nnd (ilrrt Cured nt Home. Consultation Free. Call on or addruia Dll. SEVItl.ES A. SEARI.E.N. Ill) Mouth 111), hi. ().MA!I. A Badly Sprained Arm HOUSTON. Texns. DR. RADWAV & CO.-Doar Sirs: August ttth last I had a badly sprained arm. Af ter using six different (what were called) remedies. 1 nover got relief till I used Radways Ready Relief, which eased th pain at once and cured me In two days. My father, who Is fsl years old says: "Rail ways Ready Relief and Runway's Pills nro the best of all medicines." U'o keep In tho houso the year around. Respectfully, (THOS. HANSROROUail, Speclnl Pollc. City H'all. A lure fur all t.o,dk, I imii:Iih, bora Tli root, InlliieiKn, llronclilIlN, Pneu monia, Stvrlllnu uf Hie Joints, l.umlmiso, Inflammation, RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA, Frostbites, Chilblains, HnriluchTW, Toothaches, Asllilllll, Dllllclllt llrrnllilnu, CURES THE WORST PAINS in from on lo twenty mlnu es NOT ONE HOUR nftel reading this n'ed any one SUFFER WITH pain bom ty Druggists. n. Zis! Boom! Bah! We shout with glee, For we belong to THE G. C. C. JAMES E.BOYD & CO,, Icicphouc KKM). Oiimht, Nj- COMMISSION, (JUA1N, lUOVISIONSaiul STOCKS HOARD OK TIIAD1C. Correspondence. John A. Warren & Co uirect wlrea to Chicago and N Yor rsu us H.RPEliNEY&CO. rC 800M4Nf LIFE BLOC OKiiA flCB- BRAMCH 1030 ICit