THE OMAHA DAILY 1JET3: TUESDAY, MAY 8, lOOO. SPECIAL NOTICES Advcrtl-icnicnts for lltese column nlll l; (nkrn until VI in, for the ewnliiK edition nml until H !10 p. in, fur iiinrnlnu nutl Siimlny rilllluu. Hiitc, 1 l-l!e n triiril first insertion) lo a Miirit llierenMer. 'Nothing tnkrn fur less tlimi SCKti for ttii' II ml Innrr tloti. Those iKUcrtUciiicntn must lie run conseeiitU cl-. AilVfrtl'ni.'r', ! reuiirstlnjr n niiiii ticri'il rlirck, eim hntp niinwrM nil droned lo it numbered Irtti-r In rnrr of 'I'hr Her, AilKUcrs ml mill rrnnril i mIII lip ilol(eroil on iircsciitnt Ion .of 13 the oliecK mil)'. ''wan 'i' i ii ri-s it 1 j At i o .n s. WANTED, posltlon.;t) buy grain for some grain company In, Nebraska by man of rA)fJii lilt-, Ktiijii 11-Kii iii.rn I miVVIm1 nf linml AililreMH ( 13. HoO. A-M73S ? WANTED, position us companion for cld'erly lady; best of reference. "y3- ",Cl A plCw 8 wanted male hum. WANTED, wo have steady work for 11 few Rood hustlers or goon nut th una ii; -uncc. C. F. Adams lo lulu Howard St. D 4Ij BARBER trade taught Ihor tfhlv In short time; eatrtlnuuft and particulars free. Address Western nartH-rn' Inxtltmc, Omrfha, Nob. -H IVAWKD, an experienced, competent flor ist who spertkn Merman and English. Ap- I ly . Haas. 1S13 Vinton BUND for free catalogue, of the American Harbcr College, omalia, ej, jjj 1'AMTWtl unlnumnM In enll OUT f til I HnO of cholccNI'HSKnV stock. Wo give a tirlntod Ot'AllANTKH that xtock will 00 TnUU to name. Write to Mount Hopo Nurseries, Lawrence, Kan. Mflu Jil" ROY wanted to learn tho drug luislnfss nl White's pharmacy, Kth and cbtor. ii j ADVERT1S1NO solicitor for Omaha and Council Uluffs. Rice, 628 N. Y. Life Bldg. B Alfil WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Wo teach the work In two months, rtonnto complete outllt of tools, pny wages Satur days from start, guarantee 10) monthly wneii comprxeni nixi iniiimn hcu .,ri,,nti in nnv nf nut' (iollsscs lit Chi cago, Ht. Louis, San Francisco or Mln neiipnlls. Our diplomas are recognized overywhere. Wo graduated nnd placed 1,1 in(l tii'ivlnir nonltlons 200 students lust month. It costs 11s much to fall bv trying with cheap Imitators as it would in i.nmnietn wttii iis. Knr full Informa tion address Agent, Molcr Barber col lege, 1623 Furniim St., Omaha, Neb. B-MCC5 10 WASTKIl. mnn tlinronehlv exnorlencod tn mirnrt mraiK: Mtnto nee. oxnerleiico and salury expected or no attention will bo1 nam 10 SMur rcniy. AiuircsB . ui, imi olllcc. . II-S83 7 Ti.'n n ' ffrqt.oliiHs solicitor on cood ry Addressed 11; . l0" bUm373B8. ' WAN HUlH WANTED. cnrpenlerr. lSO frumors and 100 IliiWlifirH; wngos 3.1 fonts per nour. Apply nl thu Builders' alid Trailers' Exchange, - 1 . t r r 1. .. x V. I "it? Knw York I-lfe Omtllm. Nob. ' B-MS70 10 FRATERNAL . Insurance .deputy; speclul work; good pay, Rice, C26 N. Y, Life bldg 11 10tlJ JCl WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rdck men and surfacing men, Neb,, Wyo, nnd Iowa; free fare; highest wages; ship dally. Western R. R. Labor Agency, 316 B. 11th Ht. h MWl WAM'KD-KI3MAI.K III3I.1'. WANTED, 200 girls. 1531 Dodge. Tel. 876. C 447 80 girls wanted. Canadian office 1522 Douglas - is WANTED, good cook. 2003 Sherman avo. C W) OIRL wanted. Mrs. A. Hospe, 315 N. 17th. C-701 vriATERN'AL llisurahco denutv: snoolnl work, good pay. Rice, 626 N. Y. Life Bldg. U 9S3 M2I OIRL for Kenorul housework. Ave. Ill S. 2S'th C-M495 ADVERTISING solicitor for Omaha and Council muffs, nice, v:s .n. y. Life Bldg. U SlblB II GIRL for general housework. 1050 Georgia AVPj C M71D 12' COMPETENT cook wanted nt 2211 Iingdon court, wages - per moniu. C-M714-8 WANTED, girl for general housework. 2I0S Douglas st. C M753 S COMPETENT court. nurso girl. 21 1 Landon C-S57 9 COMPETENT girl, good wage. Mrs. S. H. I'e.arco, iiii on, join hi. l.- m-j WANTED, cook: reference renulred. An. ply to Mrs. Luther Kountze, 423 8. :t:ith rit., iimana. O 835 WANTED, u nurse. 3925 Duwey live. Mrs. C. T. Kountze, WANTED, girl for general housework; 2 In .family, aw unicago st. c MSS2 9 l'OH HUNT HOUSES. IF YOU want your hptises well rented placo litem wiiii urncwii cc uo. u IILi HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. D 150 ALWAYS moving H. If. coods. Pianos. Ofllco 15UV4 Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or S63. D-152 HOUSES, uteres. Bemls, Paxton Blk. D 133 HOUSES for ront In nil parts of tho city. jjiciiuuii-ijuvy 11,., ..u;r o, ijtn Htreci, D (31 FIVE rooms. 2321 South 16th St. D-639 CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry D-455 HOUSES and Hats. RlngWalt, Barker Blk. 456 NINE-ROOM modern house In good re pair. In walking distance. $33. M. j. Ken- nard & son. Hiuto 3111. urown block. D.-M!.ln FOR RENT DoHlrable S-roont, modern house: small barn. 2S13 Wooltvorth ave nue; rent, JiT.SO. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker tllOCK. u m FINE 7 and 8-room apartments In "Nor- monllIe Mpeeiai inducements. PAY N B-K N OX COM PA N Y , First Floor N. Y. Life Bide. nM6S 950 N. 23TII ST, 9 rooms, nil modern; large yarn, stiado trees; house In line condition; now being painted; $.10 Omaha Loan & Trust Co.. icth and Douglas Sts. D-S41 Iftl V 11T1I U'P IH.n,nn,d nil ..,.lr ..III ... ..... , ,v-,tt Ut, (,..'..,,, rent to a pood tenant with references for .s. untana i.oan fc Trust Cq., ifith and uuiiKiiiB nip. j aw- 10-HOOM modcni hounc. 2319 llarncv St. D-147 DETACHED R-toom, modem house with nam, .011 fierce. 1 D 9S1 MAGGAHD Van & Htomco ism Pnnlml nvn Tel :. V49", Mtorage. 1616 capltoae. HOUSES. 1203 Knrnam, formerly 36 U. 8. fsauouui. u 034 COTTAGE at Iiko Oknbojl. la., for rent. Omaha teach. A. M, Clarke. 2557 Harney. 1) iViY FOR RENT. 2d floor. 316 So. 16th, nlso 2d noor, m .o. nm st. L.iuiiquist, 316 Ko. lam. U 570 T roil RENT, my residence, .2117 Wlr.. F..r- nlshetl or unfurnished. J Gibson, 607 First National bank IJ 24 6-IIOOM brick Kyner ave. house, alt modern. 1611 U M63li & 1 1. 1 t-r " - 12.ROOM modf r Vrlck. Ttl. 551. D-M613 FOR RENT 14 rooms, modern, excellent location, a 11 1 1 tt Lie for keeping roomers, 314 S. 26th, near Farnam, $50. A responsible party, can got roomers nere ai once; R. O. PETERS i CO.? Bee Building D-M7I9-8 for nKSr itnt'sns. FOR RENT, n barn. 714 S. SOth D-M7I3 8 270? CAlMT6ir'nve.,"7"room"full lotTncwIy rapored and painted, price reduced to 1,300. Byron R. UnsHngs, 212 H. Hth St. MtOOM, nlso 12-room modern house, cheap tn smull families. Inquire 2518 Capitol avo. Tel. 673. D-819 FOR RENT. 7-roonrmodertl house, 22rand California streets, MO. Innulro at 6M N. Y. Life, or 607 N. 19th St. D-858 for hent-itiimshei) nonjis, NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th, h-JWB NICELY furnlshe-d room for nifeitf1cYna3 references required, iiui uspitot ave. ' COOL south rooms, mod6ni, '$1.50 tin. 814 North 19th. '" TS-iWI-S . - . . LARGE furnished room for viwo gentle- muni private luinii, j-cierenros. ila 23d. . . " K-M7J!"lir' ' I'AROE, cool rooms; modern; lino location, 61R N- 23d. .13 S$0 8 SEVERAL nice rooms. sIjikIi or .erisul.te; housekeeping privileges. 616 N FI'KNISHEI) ROOMS and noARn. THK M Kit HI AM Good summer .resort, F Wl 2oth and Uodcc. KliKfJANTlA furnished, cool, rooms: Rood noaru; rcasonaoie rates. Tils hop,.hk9 iiarney. , . v M402 IZ" l'HIVATAB family will ront with excellent ooarti one or two uesirab 0 rooms. lOca Hon central. Gentlemen preferred;' O 8, nee. . f-tUI-29 f0 S. 25th ave, private family. Konlltmcn oniy. Mba Jo" FURNISHED rooms, with or without - F-M876 11 board. 2.11.1 Douglas. FINE cast front room, first-class" 'board, moucrii uciacneu resiucnce; rciercnces.px chanced, fl S. 27th. F-M8?. 9 I'Olt lti:. T-l Fl U.VINIIKI) HO O.MS, TWO or threo rooms, COS North 13th St." Q-676-9 rou 11 i:t-stokes offices. FOR RENT, store In llrst-class location, rent reasonable. Annly II. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. 120(5 FOR RENT, good store In Davldgo build. Inir. onnoslto cltv hull: reusnimhln rent. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. .... jsio AOI3NTS AVAN'EED, AOENTS mako 6 to $10 11 day selling the vnciij'i'Bi 111111 iiiooi jicicci wuirr purr uvur uivenitfu. iiciuiis ni n.wr, profit to agents. Apply at qpns N. 19th. J lvrj w. MTOllAUK, I'AGI.PIC stornBo and Warcliouse ,Co SJ J, general stoe. and forwnrdln 912; g. 163. Vn H. . n ,-,,777 Z17.rlT - - ' "l',St , J""1 1 vaNted-to buy. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., In largo or small nuantltlcs. Chicago Fur- nuuro v.u. nwiu uousc. rci. vjm. N-40J 4 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank uccounts. Bronnan- i.ovc vjo., .iirj bo, uiii r 9 2DIIAND books for cash. Crane, 207 N. 16th N-167 . THE highest prices paid for good 2ndhand furniture anu stoves, enterprise FurnI turo Co., 102-104 So. Hth, N 255 M27 WANTED, description of. J3.000 or 14.000 cattle rancnes ror sale in JvenrasKa: nlso terms. Auuress u 41, nee, N M733 8' WANTED, a cheap delivery horse. Apply jji.1 lurnum. IS Mti-S WANTED, for caBh about ICO acres .'good, cinar ,iana in central xseDrasKa.-. w. v, iredges. 423 Beo bldg., Omaha. N MS6G l-on s.i.r-BonsEs, vehicles, etc. TOP BUGGY for salo, In good condition. U 40, uco. r-iuw, SECONDHAND top buggy In good condi tion for saie cueup. inquire zi.t j.ocusi BtrCCt. 1 M337 BUY a handmade runabout, bike-wagon or 2-seated pony can mm iiumrss, J pnae- tons, 1 extension top carriage; all very lowest prices. William Pfclffcr's Carriage WorKa, a,;u-; ieavcnworin. i-none 1 on PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons, harness Andersen uuggy up. ism and payenport FOUR-YEAR-OLD horse to drive or ride, P-M62S 10' ALL kinds hew and secondhand vehicles, trucKs anu wagons ior saie cucap. iiarry Frost Carriage Wks 14th & Leavenworth. P-718 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. niiHAPEST and best poultry nnd hoc fence, wi iougius m. wj: i CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman &- MO. UUI111VI1 fl"b ,-"' w' ' Q-rliO "DHAND safe cheap. ' Derlght, 1116 Farnam, w in 1 SAFES, buy sell. Schwartz, 114 8 13. Tel 1697 BEST values In bicycles: Sterling, 810; Hpnlilltlg and twcycio, .unnmiu, Acme, $25: other makes, 115, Omaha Bi cycle Co., 16th & Chicago Bts. y 174 WIRE fence. Lcddy, 1617 Howard. Tel 1590. B. HAAS. Florist, 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, cut uowers. Doqticis, nan, resi lience, wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q472 $16)! WILL buy fine Chlckerlnp upright piano; casn or payments, auutpsh i- m, Bee office. Q-M3I3 M2S ED T. HEYDEN can save you money on a pneumatic or rubber tired buggy. :3 N. 16th. Q-M475 LIVE STOCK for sale at Brush. Colo.; 321 heart goiwi grade isew Mexico cows, mostly reds nnd roans; will be about '75 per cent calf crop; also 101 heai'2-yoar-old steers ,all good colors nnd tn good condition: can be shown nnd delivered on track same day; want to close out by May 15; no troublo or expense to show them; will sell nil or any part. Price, $2ft.fi0 per head. Wm, E. Echols, Brush, Colo, Box 6. Q-M141 FOR SALE, sidewalk plank, all widths. 8 10 1. incites, anu t, s aun iu feci icngtns, for $9.u) per thousand feet; nlsa kindling wood at 11 a load. Chicago House Wreck Ing Co., Exposition Grounds, 'Phone 2561. Q-M136 8 A WATER.-JACKETED comblqallon nyrl- tic matte, silver, ieaa ann copper smelting plant, 60 tons dally rapacity,, second-hand, used but ii months, complete with all equipments, now stored at our St. Louis warehouse for nulck delivery, for sale cheap. Address Howard Chemical' "Works', Howard ninuon, 01. i.oui, mo., or iock ,)0)c No i3 Durango, Mexico, Q-M406 13 BOILER and cnglno for sale 1332 S. 23th Q-630-fl Ave. HA ROMAN piano, only 3 months use, cheap, 1316 Farnnm si. inquire I'erneid. f ' g-M294 4 ELEGANT mahogany upright- piano, latest improvements,, almost new, ui oik. nitrpaiu by private party. O 581 llee Q-MS23 j FO'1. A.Vi'3' Knitll'rlH.' 4CS?,.Vt MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furniture & stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furulturo Co,, 1406-10 Dodge. R 1 16 CLAIHVOWiNTS. M.ME.UYLMER genuine palmist. 16tf Dodge CIAinVOYANTS. ORKAT roRTf'NB TEM,KH- Kree trut- jusi arriveu tront liurope, where for imy years my grandmother was the greatest nstrotoglst of tho day; will remain ft short time; tells six different ways,, pres ent,, future. In person or by letter; Rives lucky numbers, tells lady or gent who tho futuro husband cr wife will be by the let ters In tho hand; bring back husband or lover In so many days; advice on grain and stpek; fine hair growing tonic; cures coma; nervous trouble; charm free this week; ladles In troublo cull at once; female troubles, tumors, coughs, colds, rheumatism. asthma and catarrh. MADAMR DB HAZARD. Omaha. Neb. Parlors. MS 8. 13th st, OITlce hours; 111 a. m. to 9 p, m.: opeti Sundays; will touch hand of earh customer free with only truo luck stone In America. 8-MSS3 MRS. HILL, 2002 Cuming st., spless healer. 8-M1I4 M25 ui.i;cTrvn: thijatmunt. MM El. SMITH, room 2. 115V4 N. 15th; mag netic treatmcnt-and baths. T M620 9 I'llHSO.VAI,. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 Bee bldg U-478 YOUR hair shampooed dressed 35c. Hair tot lot good. Monficlt, 1518 Furnam. Tel. mi. U-179 MONHEtT, ChlrppodlBt, 1518 Farn. Tel. 2TJ. U-179 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17, U-110 DR. ROY, Chiropodist, corns and superflu o'us hnlr removed by electricity. Room 12, Frenzer Block. U-111 PRIVATE homo before and during confine- ment; paoiea. uuoptca. Mrs, liurgcs, .mj Dccutur. U-4SI PLEATINO and pleated skirts of h!1 kinds. m. uoioman & co,, 200 nougias diock. . ADVERTISING fans, paper nafiklns. calen dars . ana envelopes manuiaciurea oy Burktey Printing Co., Omaha. U M7SS THIS week 4 soles oak leather. 35c; velvet ruooor iiecis, 35c. Tne old reuauie . 1. Petersen's shoe store, 16th nnd Cuming. U-MI52 Mil MME. SMITH, magnetic treatment and baths. 11SH North 15th, room 2. U-C01.S LAST, but not least. Tclephono 17V7. 1, ' U .IIOOI MRS. O'LINN, attorney 1S02 Farnam. Tel, U-M66I Jc4 NOTICE Come' to mo when you first not slrk; ir you get worse come and get your money and car fare. D. W. Johnson, 1711 vinton. u en 10" SUPERFLUOUS birthmarks and bad com. plcxlon cured. Mme. True, 1623 Douglas. U MS38 JG MR. FRANK J. POFF, please communi cate witii sister, a. a. I'orr, in wustung ton. or any person In Omaha, who knows of his whereabouts, 712 3d St., N. W., Washington, D. C. U-M727 8' tllO CHICAGO to Paris and return, overv iiuiiK ini-iiiiit-ui eiuc uii awitzcrianii. Germany (Passion play), Italy; Illustrated nampniet irec. jvrnescn Tourist Agency, i7 uearDorn at,, vjiucago. u MS79 8' WANTED, an.asslstant nurso at. Child Snv Ing Institute, C0 8. 18th st. U MS65 9 MMB. AMES, removed to 1613 Howard, ,room 1, mi poof. u .mu 14 MOXBY TO I.OA.V HF.AI, ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 5. 5W. 6 per cent: no de lay Gavin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W-4S6 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas W 1ST WANTED, city and farm loans: also bonds and warrants.' R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 f arnam Ht., uee mug. v 4SS 6 PER CENT money. Bemls, Paxton bloek I W-489 FIVE per cent form loans. Chas. E. WII llamson. W 199 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building put poses. Payne x u n( W-491 itnox lo iseyv xotn x,no. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers can pay 1100 or any multiple. Any In terest date, No delay. Brennan-Love Co.. iw ouuui ioiu oi,, vinana, .cd, W 4?2 6. &yi. 6 Dcr cent on Omn'hn. a. nmnhn W. H. Tiomas. 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1648 W 193 MONEY lo loan at 6 and 5',j per cent on Omnha nrAMrtv VV Tl fAll,ln AM a .jr.i. W 454 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, urennan-ijove to 309 Ho. 13th. W-4M 11.000 and upward to loan on Imnrovcd oltv property and farms. W. Farnam Smith (.o., :sm rurnam, v 153 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants urorge at company, iwi iarnam st. W-497 MONEY in any nmount at 5. B',4, 6 per cent J. W. BOBBINS & CO., 1602 FARNAM ST W-493 MONEY to loan on farm and city property iuwuhi raita. u. r . uavis i;o., moo f arnam W 609 MO.VKY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY! MONEY I We havo a" larec amount to lonn nn honu hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehotlso receipts, horses, carriages, otc. You can get the money within a few hours alter maKing application. VK CHARGK YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. Wo give you ns much time as you need and you may tcpay tho loan as soon as you choose nnd you need not pay for It ONE UAI i.urwit iiia. vuLi liKKT IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., (Established 1892.) 300 South 16th Street X-499 MONEY MONEY Nn endorser or mortsace renitlrpl LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and NTKIUTlil I.US HU1SNHAI,, OMAHA CREDIT CO. Room 636, ilfth iloor. New York Life Bldg MONEY TO LOAN ON HOt'BEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS diamonds, watches, on easy payments, mi. known to others; you keep tho goods, each payments lessens the cost of tho loan: no charge for papers and wo make no Inquiries of your neighbors. BERG ERS' LOAN CO., 1504 Farnam, over B. & M. ticket omce. x-502 MONEY. MONEY, MONEY. MONEY, MONEY. MONEY, 1 loan monev on furniture, pianos, horses cows, etc.. AT LOWER RATES THAN ARE OFFERED BY ANY OTHER LOAN AGENT IN OMAHA. Loans may be paid 218 First Nt'l bank bldg, 13th & Farnnm sts. v 131 MONVY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew. clry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Itccd, 319 S. 13. X-605 MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE 011 their own name, in amount from $10.03 up, A comparison of our rates with others Is all we ask, as we are positive that ours are the lowest In the. city; remember that we are tho only. loan, company giving you tho privilege of paying your loan ALL or In PART nt any TIME and thereby stop, ping the cost; business confidential; treatment courteous, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel, 2295. Room 119, Board of Trade Bldg. X-501 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green R S, Rurker Blk, X-606 SALARY IDAN8; LOW nATES. Tayloe. 218 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. J. W. X-548 MONEY loans on furniture, diamonds. wtches: payments confidential, Omaha Chattel Loan bank. 220 S. 15th. upstairs ' X-M641 back in f tin or in pari ai any lime and tno j-jq t,-or Wxj: COHl (11 i:uilllltt ,r-ii.-v uiuwiijiiifiiy. I , fa9t There is no unnecessary uoiiiy in ccuing ono for : tl.j. vnAtiAt nnrifnll llllttlnffna Iu rnn flitnnt I,. I ' l.W lur I HP. Ahc!E MADE FOR .MAKING, OR ! '""'j i ii.ifi 'At'niiD. j. tv . 1 41 1 i.'.f Hi. 1 MONF,Y TO LOAN I II ATTMI.S. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their own names without security; eusy payments. Tolman, Twj N, Y. U Hldg, X-507 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. 15 DOLLARS. 16 DOLLARS, to One Hundred Dollars-One Hundred, Much more, some less. JW to 150 loaned to salaried people with out mortgage, Indorser or publicity. Positively most liberal terms of credit and lowest rates ever offered In town. AMERICAN I3AN CO., Room 601 Ree Hide. X 555 iii;sim:ss ciiamhs, THE New Snow-Ohureh Co. gives prompt attention to collections and legal nffalrs. Associate attorneys In every county In tne United States. 101 to 405 N. Y. Life. Y-M751- FOR SALE, drug store or half Interest In samej doing good business and located In one of tho best towns In Nebraska. For particulars uddress Frank Nedela, Crete, Neb. Y-509. ANY one desiring to step Into a protltablo manufacturing buslncrs vleldlnc large re turns, exempt from taxation, protected under Mexican patent, with established trade .Including goodwill and assignment of patent, and requiring but a small out lay of cash to secure machinery nnd plant, all In complete working order, will picas? address lock ijox .no. w. uurango, Mexico. Y-M405 13 FOR SALE11 general mdse, stock In live rioucn uaKata town; cican stocK, estab lished trade. Reason for selling, other business. Address Lock Box 273, Ertglo Grove, la. Y-23 OtlllFA OftJ 1.' IW HA1t.U.'" C!TrWT.- BOUGHT AND HOM). PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR N. Y. LIFE BLDG. TEIj. 17S1. Y-M721-12 WRITE today for our complete booklet ex- Plaining now to muse your money earn you a salary; of valuo and lhtt'rcst to everybody; our plan Is conservative nnd prolltnble to both lnrgo and small lnves tors; commenco right and earn nn In come. Charles B. Hyland & Co.. 7 Ex change Place, Boston. Y MS77 13' FOR SALE, a. nice, clean Btock of hard ware, stoves and mcycics; invoice iinout 81,000; In the best town In Clay county, Nebraska: best of reasons for sclllntr: cash, no trade. Address P. O. Box1 1031, raiment, ;scd. i-jimi h FOIl 8ALIJ OR EVCIIANtiE. PIANO for delivery horse. E 22, Bee. Z MJT3. COMPLETE druir store and handsome fix tures nnd soda fountain ror sale encan. or trade for improved farm. Address i 29. Bee. SC Mill JI2I. FOR SALE, good residence close In, choice ncignunrnood, eight roorr.s, modern, i,ww; will take some outstur rental property Address G 2. Beo. Z-M393 A FINE quarter section land In northeast Nebraska to oxenange for n 0 or B-room house In Omaha. W. V. Hedges. 423 Bee uiog., untAiui . .MSOS TO TRADE, good unincumbered lands tn exenaneo ror retail mercantile stock in Nebraska or Iowa. Address P. O. Box 1032. Pluttsmouth, Neb. Z-MS7S 16 8AFE to exchango for roller-top desk. 517 'N. Y. Life. 55 M67 13 MIHItOIl FACTORY. DAMAGED looking glasses resttvercd. 70S N'. 16tll. M497 Ftm SAI.lHBAL Esi'ATIS. PAYNE-ICNOX CO., HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First Iloor. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 511. HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance, Bemls, Paxton blk. RE 4512. SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co., 314 S. 15th St. RE-513. CHEAP homes on monthly paymonts. In surance. Money' to loan. G.' E. Turklng tcn, 605 Bee Bldg. RE-614. REEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Your choieo-of . 7,000,000 ncrr.;Rauch Land for sale., by Union Pnclllc Railroad Company at from 60c to $2.00 per aero, Kan.. Neb.. Colo.. Wyo. and Utah. Address B. A. McAllister, Land Com,, Omaha, Neb. RE-S12 May 13. FOR QUICK returns on bargains only sco 8. A. Broadwell. 501 N. Y. Life Bldg RE-515, HENRY B. PAYNE. Wl N.Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate, Rentals. Loans, Insurance. ' RE-C16. IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estate, seo 8. A. Broadwell, 501 N. Y. Life. RE-517. HOUSES, farms. R.C. Patterson, 305 N.Y.L. RE-418. A GREAT SNAP Seven-room, modern house: located one of the best Ip H'ans com Place; must bo sold quick; uartv leaving city. M. J. Kcnnord & Son. solo agents, sulto 310 Brown blk. RE M955. 114 STORY houso nnd lot, $700; cheap for cash. Mrs. Miller, 26th and Jefferson, South Omaha. RE-M561-31 WE OFFER as special bargulns for n few days the following down-town vacant lots suitable for Immediate Improvement; N. E. Cor. 22nd & Burt, 66x69. $2,250. N. E. Cor. 26th .t Douglas, 63x142, $3,230. South front on Chicago near 26th St., 66x112, $1.33-). Two lots on Maple & JSth Sts., $300 each. A P. Tukey, Board of Trnde. RE-613-7 $15,000! $15,000'! $16,000!!! THE OWNER OF THE G6X132 FEET ON FARNAM STREET ADJOINING OUR OFFICE BUILDING HAS JUST NOTI FIED US NOT TO HOLD ANY LONGER FOR A BETTER OFFER. Bl'T TO SACRIFICE THE LOT FOR $15,000 IN ORDER TO MAKE QUICK SALE. THERE IS NO OTHER SUCH BAR GAIN IN THE CITY. J. W. ROBBINS & CO., JS02 FARNAM ST. RE-.M717 8 NO. 1184 This Is In Hnnscom Place, lot 50x 130. 7-room houso, city water, sewer, houso newly painted and papered; everything in good shape. Price, $1,750. R. C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 Farnam St. RE-M791 S FOR SALE, 6-room cottage on 19th. V4 block from Lake St., a bargain. Box 373. Kear ney, Nob. RE-MS32 15 FOR SALE 14 feet on Davenport, between 15th and" 16th. 5 78 feet on Plnkney 8t.. 3109-3111. 0 lots, 22nd nnd Spraguc, cheap. 2 lots in Plalnvlew, 22nd and Lolrd. REDICIv BROS. RE-679-ll PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. FOR SALE No. 2215 Rurt St., a 9-roorn house, nil modern, natural shade, within easy walking distance, paved Btrects. two car lines within a block, tine ncluhbor hood and an ldal place to spend the rest of your days, for only $3,600; $50) cash, balonce easy terms. Vou should seo this property to appreclnte It. RE M747 8 2 feet near 2Gth and Mason front. 0x112 feet nenr 37th and Marcy; ; good lot, room House. 621 South 13th st., clone In nnd rhenn. $1,660 for 5-room houBo at 908 South SOth St.; east front; good location. $2,300, modern 6-room house. 3023 Chicago St.; asphalt paving fully paid. J1.50O for a West Farnam st. 9-room house. barn; south front; a bargain, (I 1,m CA 11 mllAU nn.Hn,AUl' extra charge for farm Implements, stock. $7,200, 160 acres smooth, level land near Ben nington, fair Improvements, Northeast corner 26th and Cuming sts., two houses. Submit offer. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD V. O. REMS17 8 BARGAINS, May 7 nnd 8, 1900. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON. 913 N. Y. LIFE 'PEL, 311 OR 2612-F. 1531 80. 29th St. (not av.), S-r. house, all mo'dcrn, newly painted, all special taxes pd,; full lot, only $'!,50). 1515 8, 29th St., S rooms, hnrd wood finish, all modern, only 1,000. 3116 Marcy, 7 rooms (new) 'hundreds . would rent this, but must bo sold; ready to move Into, only $3,500. HE 56 FOR S VI.E Ill'.AL ESTATE. LOT 14, block 8, Plalnvlew, on 21st st , one iiiock norm of .tiantiersoti st , wtj.w, if talscn this week. Lot 10. Fort Saratoga, on 2llli st . two iiiocks norm or Ames Ave. car barn, tor $250.00 cash. Tho Byron Heed Co., 212 S. llth St. HE-MilPsS LOST. IOST, strayed or stolen, brown spaniel dog; answers to tne UHme 01 iicunto; tag ,o. 1M6; $5 reward for return to Nat Brown, Murray hotel. Lost M6I2 LOST. 11 light t A it covert coat, cr.ty checked lining, on way from Country club to Elmwood park. Finder rilease return same to 31, Bachelor's Quarters, nnd receive liberal reward, Lost-S5l 7 LOST, May 5, mi Fartmm'Ht.'. new bliiek tierny nat, upturn 10 room i, Arnttgion block,' 1511 Dodge; receive reward. Lost SK2 S Ft It.MTl HE Jll'.l'AIHINt!. GLOBE Couch Co., 1519 Lcav'th. Tel. 2529. orj PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating. ici. imi. i. a. amm, .111 Cuming St. . -520 LUNDEEN, upholstering, cabinet-making, rctlnisbing; mnttresscs maoo over, lfta Leavenworth. -292 Mat BERTRAM STEFFBN, upholstering, mat tresses rcnov t u, coucnos maao to order. 2201 Farnam. M733 MI9 SHORTHAND AND TYPE WHITING. A, C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. ' 524 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg. -526 NEBRASKA Business und Shorthand col lege, Boyd's thentcr. -527 GREGG Shorthand taught at the Omaha Commercial College, leth and Douglas St. Mils MEDICAL. RUPTURE cured, no Knife, no pain, no danger. Send for circular. Empire Hup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Ufe Bldg., Omaha. 'i67 LADIES out of health llnd prompt relief Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. MC69 LADIES, Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best; safe, reliable; tnke no other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for ladles," In letter by return mall; at diugglste. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 615 N. Y. Life Bldg.; Alice Jnhnsnn, 1). O.. ladles' dopt.; Gld E. Johnson, Ostcopnthlst, mgr., 621 M. E. TdONOHUeTd. O.. of Still school" Klrksvllle, Mo., 604 Paxton Blk. Tel, 1367. ALBERT T. HUNT. D. O.. 303 Karbach blk. Tel. 2352. M619. niCYCLES. THE best new bicycle, $16.60 lip; repairing,, enameling and sundries; zminnmi wneeis, $3 up. Louis Fleschcr. 1622 Capitol Ave. M451 $13,73 BUYS H high-grade 1900 model one yenr guaranteed gents' or Indies' bicycle; sent to any address In the United States on 10 days' free trial, payable after- ro colved; for catalogue, full particulars and special price offer, cut this notice out and mall to Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chlcugo. M872 Je7 STOVE IlEPAinS. GASOLINE stoves cleaned. ( S01-3 N. 16th. -530 GAS, gasoline stoves repaired; stoves stored. City Stove Repair Wrk, 209 8 13th. WALL PAPER CLEANING. WALL paper cleaner, fresco and water colors a specialty; till work guaranteed; .best of city references, Charles-MIddlc-mlst. Leave orders at Midland, Hotel, 16th nnd Chicago Sts. Phono 52l., 709 S FISHING RESORTS. THE Langdon Hotel Is now open for sen son 19"0. Finest llshlng resort In tho west: good boats, plenty of minnows, rea sonable rates. Frank T. Vogt, Langdon, Mo. 743 OlS HOTELS. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th & Doug las; lowest rates, wm. uarr, .Mgr. ici. -531 THURSTON. 15th & Jackson; American & European, jvewiy relltteu. i'rices mod r te. IlItlCK. SVITHNELL BROS. & SMITH CoTj HKIC1C MANUFACTURERS. CAPACITY loO.Oi.o PER DAY. South vard and olllre, 22d and Hickory Tel. 425. North yard, 31st and Ixtkc. Tel. 1107 MS68 Je7 LAW,VMOWERS. SHARPENED nnd repnlred. IVMolchoIrs' Machine Whs. 13th & Howard. Tel. 2550. 64S-M 29 WE sharpen und call for lawnninwers. In dustrial iron Wka., ltw tiowara. lei. inn, -M63S Jc3 AVANTED TO IIOHHOW. WANTED, $3,000, security no better In this state. Geo. II. Fltchetr, real estate nnd loan broker, 309 Sheoly block. -M667 U DIRECT from owner. $000 on improved city property, u as, uee. awo vr HOUSES PASTl!Hi:i. $2.00 PER MONTH; board fences, good wa'er; horses called for nnd delivered, Alamlto Stock Farm, West Dodge st. Thorndlne, 2:lliJ, at farm; fee, $25.00 for season 1900. Clinton H. Brlggs, Beo Build ing. Telephono 2221. M592 GOOD pasture, $2 per month. J. W. Phelps, 207 N. Y. Life Bldg.. 'phone 1051, 232.J27 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Ioan Ollico, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 031 Diamond loan office, llth and Dougjas; low rates; most reliable; unredeemed goods. 430' J 11 nrnns and taiiii:hmy. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. -611 TYPEWRITERS, TYPEWRITERS, secondhand, 1110 Farnnm. -529 I'l llMTl III: PACKING. OM. Van. & Stor. Co. 15UH Fnrn. Tel. 15G9.S83 -C37 PLANING MILL. SCREEN doors, all kinds of mill work A Rosenberry. 1601 Marcy. Tol. 82. 861 J6 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tlcketB every where P. II. bin, 1505 Fnrnam. Telephone 784. Phil--578 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia, Vaughun, 430 Ramge Bldg. -C32 NICKEL PLATING, , Omaha Plating Co. Bte Bldg. Ttl. 253.). -510 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry, shirts 7c collars 2c, cuffs Ic. Vi Leavenworth. Tel. 617 -bZi CAHPi:Ti:it IM) JOtltlEH. ALL kinds of carpi nter work and repairing promptly attended to. J, T. Ochiltree, vnh and lke Sts. --3,"0 Till M( I'AV l tnt V. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit ctses Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 -vi8 AICTIOXIIEHS. O.MA'HA AUCTION CO Satisfaction guar nntccd. 620 N. 16th St. Telephone 216. -539 PLEATING. ACCORDION' ple.itlng. Ivory-rlm buttons. Mrs. A C. Mark, 17th & Farnam 111-11 - M26 TINNERS. THE Gato Cityrlu Works, 2S-22 Farnam st". docs all kinds of tin and shectlron work cheap. E. Savage, proprietor MS7I 9 MAGNETIC INFIRM UIV. THE Nebraska, 1517 Chicago St. -433 Hull's Safes, Bicycles, Typewriter JJ, Deright & Co. 1116 Farnam St. Omnha. It AIL WA A TIMJ. TAIII.K.s. BURLINGTON . Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Offices, N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Office. 150J Fnrttitm street. Telephone. AO. llurllngton station, Tentn and Mason Streets, Telephone, 12V Lincoln, Hastings and McCook a S 40 urn a 7:20 pm Lincoln. .J)enver. Colo rado. CtiTnTCallfornla.a 4:20 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln. Bluck Hills. Montana & Pllcct Sound n 9:30 pm a 6:45 om Lincoln Fast Mall .. ..a3:i0pm al0:33 nm Denver, Colorado, 12 tan Sc California. a t:ia am a Dally KANSAS CITY. ST. JO sjph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Ofllee. 1502 Pnriinm street. Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Mnsou Bit eels, tcio phone, 12S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex.... a 8:50 am n 6:10 pm Kansas City Night Kx..al0:l5 pm 0. :15 am St. Louis Kiyer for hi. Joseph and Ht iouts.-a i:jo pni aims nm a uauy. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulnry Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket oiiicc. 1602 Fnrnam St. Tel., 230. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, T.nnvn Arrlvrt Daylight Chicago Spe eial ... a 7:00 am l'eoria Kxpress 0 9:23 pm Chicago' yewtlbuled Ex.. a fM pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 8:60 am a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm a 7:43 am Puclllo Junction Local. .ul0:45 am I'ast -Mall , a 2:43 pm CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway - CICty Ticket Ofllco, 1604 Farnnm .street. Te onhnno Zi . Denot Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone 623. Leave. Arrive led Kx n 7;SS nm n S IT. .im Chicago Xr Omaha Ex bll:00 am b 3:65 pm Sioux City ana Dcs Moines Express bll:00 am b 3:55 pm u iuu. ii umiy except nunaay. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAII road General OHlces nml Ticket offices Southeast Cor ner 14th and Doue as Sts. Telephone 104. Depot Union suiiton. Leave. Arrive. St.. .Louis. .Kansas & Nebraska Limited a 3:03 pm al2:10 pm iv..v,.-cii, a xipres.j..aiu:iu pm atiUjam Leavo from 13th Wubstcr sts,: Nebraska Local Weeping Water b 5:03 pm a 9:43 am a uaiiy. o uauy except Sunday CHICAGO. ROCK isl and & Paclllc Railroad inn ureat itceis fsl nnd Route." Cltv Tlolt et Office. 132.1 Farnam nireei. roiepnone 42S. Depot, Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, C29. I.OilVV 1 Ctlin Dos Moines and Davcn- L'.ort Lo,c,ul n. 7:23nm bii:35nm Chicago Express bll:15am a 8:10 am Chicago Fust Express, .u 5 00 prn u 1:23 pm Lincoln nnd Falrbtiry. ..11 8:30 am u 7:10 pm Lincoln, Colorndo Spgs , Denver, Puublo and West .... u 1:30pm 11 4:15pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and nd Chicago n 7:15 pm a 6:50 pm Colorado & Tex as Flyer. a 6:53 pm a 9:15 um a Dnlly. b Dally except Sunday. FREMONT. KLKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Lino" General Offices, United States National Bk. Bldg., S. W. Corner Twelfth n IV n run tn t - rnl -.1. .1 Oflc0,. 1401 Farnam St. Telephono 661. De. pot, loth and Furnam St. Telephone 1158. t.i , ..... Leave. Arrlvo. Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot aprliiRa a 3 00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Caspur and VLns ;? 0 3: Pm c05:00 pra Hnstlfits, York, David Ctty. Superior. Geneva. Exeter and Seward.... b 3:03 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Vcrdlgro and iTcmont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Lincoln. . Wahoa and iTcmont . b7:30nm bl0:23 am I-rnmont Local c 7:30 nm a Dnlly. b Dally oxcopt Sun Jny. c Hun day only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. CHICAGO. tJT. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omnha Railway "The North westoru Line" General Offices, Nulirusku Divi sion 15th and Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket Olllro. 1401 Farnam 8t, Telephone 561, Depot, 16th und Webster Sis. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. .11 6:00 am u 9:10 pm Omaha, Passenger .,'..,, a 11:10 um Sioux City & North east Nebraska a 3:50 pm Oakland Local b 5:15 pm h 8:15 am a Dally, b Dal'y xcept Sunday. CHICAGO A NORTH western Railway "Tho Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone 561. Depot. Tenth und Mason Streets. Tele phone, 129, Leuvc, Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 nm all:30pm Chicago Passenger a 4:16 pm al0:10 am Eastern Express, Des Moines, Mnrshalltow::, Cedar llaplds'and Chi cago ...al0:55 am a 4 05 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago nnd East a 4:66 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mull, Chicago to Omnha n 2:15 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:00 am Fast Mall a 8:30 am SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Rnllroad "Tho North western Lino" General Offices, United States National Bank Building, S. W. Coiner Twelfth nnd Farnam Sts. Ticket Office, 1401 Fnrn' 'n St. Telephone 561. Do pot, Tenth & Mason Sts. Telephone 629. ioavo. Arrive. Twin City Express . Twin City Llm.ted.. Sioux Ctty Local.... a Dally. ..a 6:Hi am al0:50 pm . .a 7:20 pm 11 8:13 am ..a s :0m um u 4 20 pm UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVER, land Routt" General Offices, N E. Cor. Ninth nnd Furnurv streets. City Ticket Office, 13fi; Farnam street. Telephone, 316, Depot, Tenth and MuBon Sts. Telephone, 623. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited. .a 8:20 am 11 7:20 pm The Chicago Portland Special ., a 8:20 nm a 7:20 pm Tho Fast Mall ,. a 8:50 um a 3:2T, pm The Colorado Special. . .nll;35 pm u 6:50 nm The Fast Mull. a 4:33 pm Llncolf., Beatrice and Stromsliurg Express. .b 4:10 pm bl2;25 pm Pucltlu Express u 4;25 pm The Atlanta Express... a 6:30 am Grand Island Local h 5:00 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. .4 VBBb M!LWA'"EEl Chlcaeo LI in I Jr Jr RAIL WAY TIMIJ TABLES, ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of fice, 1102 Farnam street. Telephone. 215. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason streets. Leave. Arrive, a 12.10 pm a 4:06 pm a 7:33 pm a 8:15 am b 7:00 am b 9:40 pin Chltagj, Express tlilcngo Limited,. .Minneapolis and Paul ICvlirrvi, St, Minneapolis nnd St. i a tn Limited.... . A nm .1 . For' Dodge Local from co. Hlurrs.. .. b 4:30 pm b 10:16 am a Dally, b Dally oxrop' Sundays. W ABASH R A tl.ROA D Tlckct Office. 1504 Farnnm Street. Telephone SM. De pot, Tenth and Marcy StluCts. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. n 5:03 pm a 7:53 am Caution Ball." FJIfl At A H A & HT. LOUIS RAIL road Omnhii. KanSfls City d Eastern Railroad "Tho Qttlncy Rotite"- Tlcket Of llee, 415 Farnam Street. Telephone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. St Iouls Cannon Ball Express a 5 '.OS pm a 7:6o anl Knnsas City and Qulncy luteal ,iw u,u ,w v a. Dally. STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMERS- NEW YORK.GLASGOW.I-ONDONDERRY City of Rome .Noon, May 5 uimopin 1J..1111, .""j j- Furnesj'la Noon, May 19 Anchorla ..Noon, May 2b Astoria June v. juiy n, Atigtisi n City nf Rome. June 2, Juif m. September l'lirnessia ...June ..1. juiy -rpiriuuvr t. RATES QUOTED TO PARIS DIRECT. Or with tour embracing Scotland, Eng land nnd Ireland. Berths must be teserved now for best accommodations, Appty 10 any of our local agents or lll'J.IJI'illMU.i liltu l ni'.in, 176 Jackson Boulevard. Chicago. 111. POSTOFFIt't: NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by nil Interested. ns changes may occur at any time,) Foreign malls for the week ending May 12, 1900. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Postolllco, as follows; 1'arcebi Post Mails close one hour enrller thnn clos ing time shown below. Parcels' Post Malls for Germany close at C p. m. .Monday and Wednesday. Triinn- A Until lo Mails. TUESDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosne. via Cherbourg, Southampton and Bremen. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s, s. New York', via Southampton; nt 10:30 a. m, for BELGIUM direct, per s s. Frleslatld, via Antwerp (mail must be directed "per s, s. Frlesfnnd"). THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYIT nnd BRIT lSIf INDIA, per . s. Ii Chnmongne via Havre (mnll for other parts of Europo must be directed "per s. s. Iji Cham pagno"); nt 7:30 n. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Knlser Frledrlch,1 via Plymouth, Cherbourg andi Hamburg. SATURDAY At 6:3ft a. tn for A'OHEB ISLANDS direct, tier s. s. Spartan Prlnco; at 8 a. nt. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Rotterdam, via Rotterdam (tnali must be directed "per s. s. Rotterdam"); nt 9 n. m. for ITALY, per s. s, Ems, via. Naples (mall must bo directed "per s. Ems"); at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND, p s. per s. s. Kthiomn, via tiinsgnw imnn muse be directed "per s. M. Ethiopia"): nt 10:30 a. m. (supplementary 12 in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrttrla via Quoenstown; at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct, per s. s. Norge. via. Chrlstlnttln (mall must bo directed "per b. s, Norge"). Printed Mntter, Etc. German steamers sailing on Tuesdnys take Printed Mnttor, etc., for Germuny. and Specially Ad dressed Printed Mntter. etc., for other parts of Europe. American and Whlto Star steamers on Wednesdays, Gorman, nnd French steamers on Thursdays nml Cunnrd und German steamers on Satur days take Printed Matter, etc.. for alL countries for which they are advertised to carry mall. After tho closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Mnlls named above, addi tional supplementary mnlls aro opened 011 thu piers of tho American, English, French nnd German steamers, nnd remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mnll for South 11 nil Central America, West liiillrx, Etc. TUESDAY At 10 n. m. for 1NAOUA. HAITI and SANTA MARTHA, per S. s. Hurnld. at 2 p. m. for RARBADOS nnd NORTH BRAZIL, per s. s. Flumlncnse; at 9 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Ad miral Dowey. from Boston. WEDNESDAY-At 9:30 n. m. (supplemen tary 10:30 a. in.) for CENTRAL AMER ICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s, s. Alamo, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be directed "per s. s. Alamo'); at 11 u. m. (supplementary 11:30 n. m.) for PORTO RICO. ST. THOMAS and ST. CROIX, via San Juan, also CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per s. s. Cantons (mnll for Suvanllla and Car thncenn, via Curacao, must be directed, "per s. s."). THURSDAY At 10 11. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pre toria: nt 1 p. m. for YUCATAN. CAM PECU'E. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Yucatan, via Huvaun and Progreso (mall for other parts of Mexico nnd for Cuba must bo directed ."per s. s. Yuru tan"); at 1 P. m. (supplementary 1:30 p m.) for NASSAU, N. P.. GUANTA NAMO and SANTIAGO. CUBA, per u. s. Nltitriira; at 9 p. in. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Schley, from Boston. FRIDAY At I p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINI CAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. Cherokee; nt 1 p. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Arkadla. SATURDAY At 10 n. 111. (supplementary 10:30 11. in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. 8A VANILLA, CARTHA OENA and GREYTOWN. per s. s. Altai (mnll for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. s. Altai"); at 11 n m. for CUBA, per s. s. Hnvnna, via Havana; at 11 a, m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. s, Silvia; at U 11. m. for YUCATAN, per t). s. Tor (lensjold, via Progroso; at 1 p. m. for NUEVITAS. GIBARA, BARACOA and PUERTO PADRE, per s. s. Jauenburs (ordinary mall only). SUNDAY At S:30 p. m. for ST. PIERRE MIQUELON, per steamer from North Bydney. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close nt this ollico dally at 8:30 p. 111. (connecting closo hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Mnlls for Mlnuelon, by rail to Boston and thence by stcumer, close at this ollico dally at 8:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this ofllco dally (oxcopt Monday) at 7 n. m. (tho connecting closes are oil Sunday. Wednes day and Ftldny). Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fla.. nnd theme by stenmer, close at this ollico every Monday. Tuesday and Saturday ut ,4,2:30 11. m. (the connect ing closes are 011 Tuesday anil Snttilday). Malls for Mexleo City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this ollico dally at 2.30 a. m. nnd 2:30 p. in. Mnlls for Costa Rlrn, Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to Now Orleans, nnd thence by steamer, close nt this office dully a "3 p. m (connecting closes here Tuesdays1 for Costa Rica and Mondays for Belize, Puerto t'nrte. and Ouatemula). "Regis tered mall closes nt 8 p m. previous day Registered mull closes nt 6 p. ni. second duy before. Trniis-I'nctlle MnlU. Malta for Hawaii. Japan. Cntnit and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p in up to May "6, Inclu sive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic. Mulls for China. Japan r ml Philippine Islands, via Tncomn. closo hero dslly ut 6:30 p. m, up to May 6, Iniluslve, for rilBputoh per s. s. Dalnyvostnck. Mulls for Society Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to Mny "ll, Inclu sive, for illspntch per ship Galileo. Malls for Australia (except West Australia), New Zealand, Hawaii, FIJI and Sitmonu Islands, via Ban Francisco, close hero dully at 6:30 p, m. after April "2S nnd up to Mny 12, Inclusive, or on day of ar rival of s. s. Campania, due at New York May 12, for dispatch per s. s Alamedu. Malls for Hawaii, Chlnu, Japan and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dully at 6:30 p. m. up to May 11. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Amor leu Mnru. Malls for China and Japan and Philippine. Islands, via Seattle, cIcmq hern dnlly at G:.'io p. m. up to Mny "II, Inclu sive, for dispntch per s, s. Tnsa Mnru (registered letters must be directed "via Seattle") Mulls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May "22, Inclusive, for dlsputch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mall mtiHt be directed "vl.i Vancouver"). Malls for Hawaii, via San Fran cisco, closo here dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to Muy 20, Inclusive, for dlsputch per s, s, Australia. Mnlls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd Now Zeulaml. which goes via Sun Frunc'sto), 1 1 awn 1 1 nnd FIJI Islands, via Vuncouver, closo here dully at 6:30 p, m, up (o May "26, Inclusive, for dlbpstch per k. s, AoransL JplL ..xprcss .. St Louis " a Dally.