10 THE OMAHA DAILY BKE; TUESDAY, MAY 8, 3(000. COST OF CLEANING STREETS Oitj Engineer Rosiwater ii Preparing Some Fiure for the Oonnctl. PREFERS MACHINES TO HND LABOR C'oM of SnrrittiiK Mrrrtu In Imllnii npoH In Hit IVr Mile im AkmIiihI If.':. In ) in it It fi . In nrcerdanro with tho direction of the mayor ami council, City Engineer Uoseuatcr has made on Inspection of street cleaning methods In Indlannpollii, a city noted In the vent for its tidiness. The city ondnccr re turned from his tour Sunday nlht nfter nn nbucnce of three days. Ilo found indUnapolls much bettor for comparison with Omaha than Denver, tho city visited one week uko with tho same object. In Indianapolis there arc eighty-two miles of pnvetnent, the name nmoiint as In Omaha, and the streets con tain virtually tho samo number of square yards. "Kvery paved Rtreot In Indianapolis," said Mr. Itoscwater, "Is swept by machine four times each week. The Hwceper In Me Is a so-called "pneumatic' machine, wcerated on a miction principle. It contains a ten-hortc rower engine which maintains n current of nir hiroiiR cnoiiKh to dtaw all the dust of the streets Into tho body of tho vehicle. When a cubic yard has been collected It Is dumped, to bo gathered up by wagons fol lowtrg behind. Tho machine Is drawn by four horses and travels two miles nn hour. The expense Is nbout fl per mile on an elght liour workday basis. In addition to tho machines ihero Is a patrol force of forty two men similar to our 'blue barrel brigade." whi"h keeps the pavements Immaculate In the daytime." In Omaha the levy made for street clean ing nmounts to about $17,000. making It jmsslblo to employ only thirty-eight men. This force covers two miles dally, tho coat of cleaning being about $35 per mile. "In Indianapolis the olllclals are dissatisfied with the funds allowed them," remarked Mr Kosowntor, "one of them said to mo: 'Of courso we cati't bo expected to make much of a showing on $50,000, wo ought to havo at least $75,000.' " Tho city engineer will make n full report of his visit Tuesday night heforo tho council, together with certain recommendations basej on his trips to Denver und Indianapolis. There- Is no doubt an to his advocacy of machines over hand labor, the only question bolng ns to tho most npproved pa'tcrn of nweeper. Tho council, likewise, with threo Iioslblo exceptions, favors tho substitution f tho machines. It Is hclleved that the lalor element will InterpOHo no objection If it Is mado clear that almost as many work men will bo necessary. Tho council believes that whatever decrease may take pluco In tho fnrco employed will bo more than coun terbalanced by clean streets and economy of operation. During hlH visit In IndlnnnpollH tho city engineer examined a new paving material which possessed many points of excellence. It la nothlnc less than the wooden block returned In n happier guise. The block Is rectnngulnr, of white plno saturated with creosote. It Is practically lmpervlnun to ivntor nnd Is only four Inches thick, effecting a great saving In material. The creohote M Injected under high pressure nnd enters every poro of tho material. Indlnnapollx has laid over twenty miles of tho creosotcd Wocks within tho last threo years and nn Increasing number of property owners nro petitioning for It. It Is used largely In tho 'mora aristocratic neighborhoods, notably In front of tho Honjamln Harrison residence, nnd In found to bo perfectly smooth, noise less and clean. Tho city engineer will In cludo a description of this pavoraent In his report. SMITH'S LITTLE PLEASANTRY lipid lliirnlnir Mnteli Over (Inn of (inn ollnp mill Hein I.yillii Siviiit'a (iiiittcla on fire. Lydla. Swan, colored, who Uvea In n Ilttlo frame shunty at 1019 Capitol avenue, com plained to the police Monday that II. Smith had set her house ullre. Sho says she Ind taken her beds npnrt nnd was doping them with gasollno to kill bedbugs when Smith entered tho room nnd, lighting a match, held It close to a largo bottle of tho volatile fluid. There was nn explosion. In an In stant tho window curtains and bedding were in lUmes. Smith then set to work manfully, sho says, to undo his work, nnd between them they managed to keep tho damage down to a tow dollar?, but her hand urn badly burned and sho required the attention of tho city physician. FLOATER STILL UNIDENTIFIED Pollef Arc NnllMlt-il. However, Hint tilt- lloilj- In Nol that of llfiir)' J, .im iiiiiii. Tho pollco nro engaged in Investigating tho cao of tho lloater found Sunday morn ing In tho Platte liver near Louisville, but thus far have not (mecoeded In Identifying tho body. Thoy nro satlKlled, however, that tho remains are not thoso of Henry J. Now inan, tho ladles' tailor. Tho body, they fay. Is evidently Mint of a man at Icnt 50 yearn old, while Nowmun was barely 30. Another point of difference In that tho floater hns a mustach whllo Newman wa.i smooth shaven. Buy It nnd try It If you want a delicious vino with a beautiful boquct Cook's Im perial Kxtni Dry Champagne. en iWLMe 1 TUBE'S ONLY ONE Only ouo train to Chicago carries an ob servation cur tho tiurllngton'H Chicago limited, leavlnc Omaha nt 7:30 p. m. It s pleasant theso evenings to sit on tho board platform of tho observation car, while tho limited reels off fifty nnd sixty miles un hour as easily us a muu pools a cluivlns from i soft board, Leave Omaha, 7;30 p. 9:30 a. in. Ticket Ollloo, 502 Farnam Si, Tel. 250. IllHno nKMATS TOI1AY. 1,0(10 Vnril- milium Itrmiin ntn from the I'liti-i-suii Itllilmn .Mill on Sole TODAY. 2SC RIIIBONS. 7'4C' YAItD. AT IlOSTON STOItK, OMAHA. Kvery three months we receive a ship ment of ribbon remnants from a large Pater con, New Jersey, ribbon manufacturer. This Is the third shipment this year and we think It Is the best lot we have ever had. As theso sales alwajs create a sensation nnd draw a big crowd we would auggtft that jou bo on hand early. The ribbons will be on threo largo bargain square, with ample facilities for waiting on all as rapidly us poodblc. 2..C RIunONS. 7V4C. We will sell all widths of strictly all silk ribbon that retail a high as lie, In every color, at 714c yard. All tho 15c strictly all silk ribbon In a beautiful line of shades at c ynrd. All tho 10c strictly all silk ribbons at yard. All the .No. 5 and No. 7 ribbons that gen erally retail at Gc, go In ono big lot at lc yard. This s without question the biggest rib bon offcrlt.g over made In Omaha. IJ03TON STORK, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. PORTO RICAN TARIFF DECISIONS Ciiiiiiiilnnlimer of InlrriHll Itevrnne I'lioxr I pirn ((llrnl Iomn AfTeetlllH A liter I en ii .Miiniifiu'tiirers. The I'orto Mean tariff law again occupies tho greater part of tho United States treas ury decisions affecting tho revenue th's week, and Incidentally the commlMloner ol Internal revenue shows people how they may avoid paying tho tax levied upon tick ets for passage to foreign ports. In tho de cisions he says that by the operation of tho new tariff law the stamp Is not required upon tickets to I'orto Rico and that as tho United States Internal revenue laws do not extend to the colony no stamps are re quired upon tickets from Island ports to any part of the globe. In tho samo volume of decisions It Is held that goods shipped to the United Stntis from foreign countries may bo shipped to I'orto Klco In bond ,by any lino of ships bonded to transport goods to that Island, hut for tho benefit of thoso who would take ad vantage of this provision he volunteers tho Information that no such line exists, Tho commissioner ndds that any line applying for tho privilege will meet with a hearty wclcomo by treasury officials. From and nfter May 1 upon all goods shipped Into this country from Porto Hlco must be paid the eame Internal rcvenuo tax 'ns If they wero manufactured In this coun try In addition to the 1C per cent Impost. On all goods shipped from this country to tho Island the samo tax must be paid. Tho collector of Internal revenue at Omaha Is Instructed to provide stamps, 'which will be sold for the payment of Interna revenue tax on tho Imported goods. WAH LEE GETS CONTINUANCE linn I.rnrnril Willi! In filming to nil L'lieonvleleil Drf eiitlnnt mid AnUh for It. necauso Wnh Lee has loomed the ways of tho 'Mellcan man nud saw lit to exercise his rlghtH us nn unconvicted defendant tho largo crowd which assembled In police court Monday nfternoon to hear tho evidence In tho opium smoking cases went home disap pointed. Lee said his witnesses wero not all thcro and asked for a continuance, so thero was nothing for tho court to do but grant his request. Another attempt will be mado to try tho caoo this afternoon. Wan Leo Is charged with being a keeper of n "hop Joint" on Capitol avenue between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Sam Leo nnd Joe Leo, similarly charged, whoso place Is under tho Midway saloon, plcaacd guilty' And wero fined $15 and costs oach, which thoy paid. When arraigned two weeks ago they pleaded not guilty. The men and women charged with being fre quenters will not be tried until the cases of tho kcepcrn ore disposed of. "DoWItt's Little Karly Risers are tho finest pills I over used." D. J. Morre, Mill brook, Ala. They quickly cure all liver and bowel troubles. Slntu KiiIIn, S. I)., mill Ilrtnrn. On May 7, 8 and 9 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will sell tickets Omaha to Stoux Falls nnd return good for return until May 14 for $6.05. City ticket ofllce, 1604 Farnam street. The contract for tho three electric eleva tors for tho old Mercer Hotel building and also In the old postofllce was let to the Wnrner Klevator company of Cincinnati, O., through Its local representative, Mr. D. V. Munro, 112 North Fourteenth street. Write ads, sell cuto, print anything. Stouecypher, 1201 Howard st. Tel. 1310. Ten per cont off regular prices on our Spring und Summer Imported nnd Domestic Woolens. Stylish tailoring popular price.. POLACIC TAILORING CO., 1303 Farnam St. firnphophones, phonographs, gramophones. Graphophone Co., lolC',4 Farnam, Omaha. Hoard Trado blng, cortlflcato paying 6 per cent on $340, for sale-at a sacrifice. G 22, Deo IIIKIl. VANpl'S Sylva, aged 1 year. 4 months, It ilnS'.i. Funeral Tuesday at 2 o'clock p. m. from 220 Hickory St. HAUUIS-MIhs Mnry R., May 7, 1900. Funeral services from tho residence of her sister. Mrx. F. II, Norton, 3S33 Califor nia street, Wednesday, May 9, IftOO, nt 2 o'clock ii. in. Friends Invited, Interment, Forest l.nwn cemetery. msm m. Arrive Chicago, Burlington Station, 10th and Maaon Sis, Tel. 128. ij.vcn t irtT.uv AXXoi.vcKMnXT. We Are In Itrrolpt of tlir tlntlrc Slilp-iK-nt of I.iiim' Ciirtulii Which wo told you nbout last Sunday. SALK HEOINS WEDNESDAY AT UOSTON STORE, OMAHA. This Is the entire surplus accumulation of a largo laco curtain Importer, being his stock of small lots, viz; 2, 3, I, 5, nnd 6 palts of a pattern, lots too small for a wholesale house, so wo bought tho entire lot, nearly 5,000 pairs of all grades of NOTTINGHAM, IRISH POINT. DRUSSELS nnd REAL LACE CURTAINS Wo offer them todsy AT LESS THAN 25c ON THE DOLLAR. So far wo have assorted out but one lot, which will be all tho laco curtains that gen erally sell up to $2.50 pair, wo will fell them at 29c each Wednesday. Wo wil tell you more about them In to mot row's paper. They go on sale promptly Wednteday morning. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas St. K.VCI HSIOX IIATHS Vln ( lilcnuo, .MllitnnUiv .t fit. I'nnl II). May 19, 20, 21, Washington nnd return, $32.25. Mny 21, 22, 23, Detroit and return, $22. June 2, 3, 4, 5, Mllwaukco and return, $16.75. City ticket office, 1501 Farnam street. Telcphono 2S4. SprhiK .Sclii'ilutu on Hip Ml'UcI Plntc ItOllll Effective May 6th. 1900. Fort Wayne, Flndlay. Fostorla, Rellcvue, Lorain. Cleveland, Pnlncsvllle, Ashtabula, Connenut, Glrard, Eric, Chautauqua Lake, Dunkirk, Hutlnlo, as well as New York, Ronton and all intcrmedlato points In New England, New York plate and the nnthraclto coal regions nro reached on fast time and at lowest rates of faro by trains of the Mckel Plato road. Leave Chicago 10:35 u. m., 3:3d p. m 10:30 p. m., with up-to-dnte drawing room sleeping cars, Unexcelled dining cars on through Ronton and New York train at 10:35 n. m. and New York City fast cxprcsa train leaving Chicago at 3:30 p. m. All traln.i run dally. Train leaving Chicago at 3:30 p. m. hafl Observation Car cast of Iluf falo over the Lackawanna road, arriving In New York City 7:25 p. m., every day In tho year, In good shape for evening entertain ments. Secure sleeping ear Bpaco In advance. Write, wlro or 'phono 2057 Central, to J. Y. Cnlahan, General Agent, Chicago, 111. Notlee! Grand May polo ball, given by Georgo A. Custer W. R. C, No. 82, Tuesday, May 8, 1900 Washington hall, cor. ISth and Har ney streets, Omaha Tent nnd Rubber. comDany are pre pared to fill all orders tents, awnings and canvas goods. Now location, corner 11th and Harney. 'Phono S83. LOOK NICE ON THE PORCH Tho porch chnlrn will look Just like new If you paint thorn with tho SHERWIN WILLIAMS BUGGY PAINT. This paint comen In elegant shades of RED,' BLUE, GREEN nnd YELLOW, Remember, for the porch chairs use tho Sherwin-Williams BUGGY PAINT. In 25c nnd 45c cans. roil n.vitnwooi) fi.ooiis uta Sherwin-Williams "VARNISH STAIN." This article stains and varnlfhes at ono operation. It comes in OAK, WALNUT, MAHOGANY, CHERRY and GREEN. In 35c, 45c and 75c cans, CALL I'OR COI.OIl CAHUS. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. New Location. 16th nnd Dodge Spltndid Train Strvici. Ta tho West To till West Tot Trains Dnllr to Dearer, Tni Trains Daily to San Kriuoli. Threw Trnlnii Dully to Offden. Two Trains Dully to Salt UkiCUr. Trro Trains Dally to I'ortland, wttk DIRECT CONNECTIONS TO TACOMA AND SIOATTI.li AND North Pacific Const Point. MAQNIFICENT EQUIPMENT. Nearly a day saved between Missouri ItlTOr and Pacific Coast by taking The Famous Overland Route. City Ttokat Office, 1302 Karaaaa It. Tel. 31ft, EVERY DROP Of mcdlcluo used In our prescription work U.the best we can possibly buy. Puro drugs means a speedy recovery. Imitations may cause a rclapeo. Do you want the best at reasonable prices? Then bring us your prescriptions. 50c Milk Magnesia 40c 50c Brown's Ginger 40c 50a Parker's Ginger Tonic 40c 75o Bennc Plant 60c 25o Chamberlain's Colic Curo 20c 25c Pierce's Sweet Weed 20c 35c Wakcfleld'8 Blackberry 30c 35c Castorla, genuine 25c 50c Llthla Tablets Wyeth" 40c 40c Llthla Tablets, Wycth's 30c J. A. FULLER & CO CUT I'HICll DIU'CfJlSTN, Cor. Mth mill DiiiikIiih Street. UQIG Your Teeth.. nnd think of Shakespeare's quotation that "Good digestion waits on nppetlto and hcultli on both.' All work warranted. Hold Crowns J5.00 Good set Teeth $5.00 Hold Fillings J1.50 up. Cleaning Teeth 75c Tad's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1317 DOUGLAS ST. K1Z ?ao.oo T.vii.oit-w.wm st its. fn.no. Huston Store Will Sell Tlmrilny 1,'J.IO of the l.ntcM ,n,,.,' Miui-Tiillnreil SUITS, Mado tn retail at $20.00. Mado to retail at $15.00. Made to retail nt $10.00. ALL AT $5,00 EACH THURSDAY AT IlOSTON STORE. It Is a New ork manufacturer's entlro slock, every garment strictly up-to-date, silk lined and first class throughout. We desire to stnte most emphatically that of all the ladles' suit wtlcs ever held in Omaha, none could omparo with this. $20.00, $15.00 and $10.00 ladles' suits nt $5.C0 each Thursday, May 10th at Sultfc now displayed in window. BOSTON, STORE. OMAHA, W. Cor. Mth nnd Douglas Sts. AliiHituii'elilPllt, John Drow, comedian, nnd his orUlnal company from tho Empire theater, New York, will be prcented by Charles Trohman at Boyd's Thursday -night for n slnglo per formance. The comedy of temperament, "Tho Tyranny of Tears." by Haddon Cham bers, will bo tho offering. Isabcllo Irvlns Is Mr. Drow's leadfhg woman nnd hand some, demure Ida Coiujuest Is the Ingenue. Tho entire original acenlo produrt'on wilt be shown. Mr. Drew Is said to be seen nt his best. Attention IS. . n, nnilV. It. c. The May pole dance will tfomo off on Mny 8th at Washington hall on account of Myrtle hall being out of repair. Every one Is cordially Invited." Wanted A star tea, cigar nnd spice salts man, with established trado In Nebraska; state age, experience and salary or commis sion expected. H. cV Kishcr, Chicago. See C. V. Harrison's real estate bargains. HAYDEN S The opportunities for purchasing at this great May sale of ours in the cloak departmentare somethin g unprecedented and unknown in the cloak business. Our Mr. James JIayden. in New York, wiring to our cloak buyer brought him face to face witli the greatest bar gains in ladies' garments that we ever saw this or any other season. Hundreds of garments at less than the eost of ma terial. Crowded to tho doors, but will have extra sales-people to wait on you tomorrow. 520 additional girls in our sew ing rooms, guaranteeing prompt delivery. Ladies' all wool suits, jackets, silk lined through- AD out, made to sell for 812.50 on sale at UiVO Ladies' tine all wool Venetian suits, in colors and AO black made to sell for 16 to 18, at U.VO Ladies'-suits, some lined throughout, worth 1 n Cr 25 to 30, for ' l.uU Wrapper Sale "We bought the entire production of H. Mirsky wrapper factory. We got them at half the price of the cloth. On sale in our middle aisle in cloak department. 50 dozen wrappers in dark colors, at, only 100 dozen wrappers in dark and light ACr , colors, regular 1 wrappers, for. . .. 09 dozen ladies' percatine wrappers with 15-in. flounce, two rullles over shoulder, in dark and light figures, worth 1.50 J zJL 100 dozen wrappers in heavy percales, lawns, dimities, in light and dark colors, Uounco trimmed with lace and embroidery, never sold for less than Oftrt 2.00 ,and 2.50, on sale at "Ol This will bo tho greatest wrapper ealo ever attompted. You will not be disap pointed, but more than pleased by attending. Groat Salo on ExquLslto Millinery. HAYDEN BROS, Second suggestion from the originator of the new party cry "Good Clothes for Everybody" and Buy Them at Boston Store that means Boys' Clothes as well as Men's Clothes. Every healthy, well-balanced boy feels a little bit more of a man, when he is properly dressed. It is so easy to give your boy this advantage if you buy his clothing at "Boston CDPP Don't forget that avc give a huso hull, a but, a baseball JTtHII mask or boxing gloves with euch uit, iiAvni:.v nnos. nnfKnltm on Snle Tiirmlnr In the lllir I, Inen mill Ilnmentle Deinrtinent. j Two cases fancy printed dimities (slightly damaged) at 7'4s yard. S cases of best American percalo In long mill remnants, worth 12Sc, on Kilo 6c yard, 1 lot of calico In dark styles at 2;c ynrd. 36-ln. drapery Swiss, long pieces, 8 and 10c yard. Another lot of those lino India lawn nnd llnons nt 5c yard, others get 15c. Cream damask, ltic yard. Bleached damask, 15a yard. Tut key red damask, 12t.4c fi yards of cotton crash for 5c. 18-ln, linen glass toweling for Go yard. 20-ln. cotton checked glnss toweling, 2'4c yard. HEEDING BROS.' BEST SEWING SILK ON SALE THURSDAY, 1C SPOOU HAYDEN BROS. Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c I'nliip'ft Celery t'oiiinoiniil ...... Wp t'ernmi "'' Went llrnln nml ."Verve Trentinent Site Unity Mult Whisker S5f l'jrninlil 1'lle Cure -"' t ilnx. -u r ttiiliilne t'niisnlen. . tv 1 ilnx. It-u-r. tlulnlne t'niimiles. . . . 10e I liir.. .".-Kr, 41 ii I I lie Ciipsules. . . . t!iv S, S. S Tfto Solmefer'H Siirnnnnrllln l."e Ilriiinii 4 1 ii I ii I ii o tflc Syrup of IMk 2Dc I. Interim- .'lie Htmil'M Sn run mi rill it ,. lllle Wine n f Cnrilnl 7Hc I'liiUlinin'n Co in pirn nil .......... 75c AJn Tnlilel -too I'leree's 'reiprlitloit 7,1c SCHAEFER CUT I'RICIC DRIJdGIST. Cor. lQth mill Chlonijo Sts. Particulars as the Goods Come in. .25c biore. iot only do you give him the best in the market but the cost to you is really small much less than the Eame quality would cost else where. $250 $2 $150 At these figures we offer you a line of boys' suits in all wool blue serges indigo fast dye all wool fancy mix tures, striped and plain cas simores and cheviots and puro wool, black clay wor steds every seam is rein forced buttons are sewed on to stay pants are linen taped throughout pockets extva well stayed and all linings and trimmings of standard tested materials. Every suit is right, in every way they lit, thoy wear, they please. If there's anything new or good in clothing in form it's always first to bo had of us. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. feel that a now and radical light is spreading over tho town. Our shoo departments grow, grow, grow. Each month's business outdoes the same month a year ago. Every pair wo sell is a walking advertise" meat, that's why theso departments have outgrown. We hold up for your inspection Tho Ne braska shoo against any and all comers. Wo guarantee to givo you. the best shoe values that can be had. We give it to you with our guarantee that if it doesn't wear right we make it right. You can bring 1.90 to this shoe department of ours and take away the best mado, best stock best fit and jnost comfortable fit in Omaha for the money. It's a ladies' compare it with any 2.50 naMi'ii LAST WKKIC OK tU II (iltllAT ALTERATION SALE. Thirty-six new UprlRht Standard Pianos at one-balf of their regular value, atao a fine solcctcd stock of . . STEINWAY . . A. B. Chase, Vtse, Steger, Bmcroon, Ivera & I'ond and Packard Pianos at greatly reduced prices. Mahogany Cabinet Grand Upright $125.00 Beautiful New Upright, eastern make $118.00 Marscball & Wendell, ebony cane ' $102.00 Slightly used Chlckerlng, Hnllet & Davis and Kimball Pianos at a great sacrifice. New Piano; for rent lowtnt rates. Fine Tuning and Repairing. Tele phone 1625. vi: sKi.r, ox hasv monthly paymhxts. Writes for catalogues, prices nnd terms or pay us a visit of Inspection and Be the wonderful SELF-PLAYINO PIANOLA. It plays any piano. Any one can uso It, SGHMOLLER & MUELLER The Old Reliable Piano House. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 337 Broadway, Go. Bluffs U fAnCli' nAl UUlS Find Quick Quick buyers are what we ways on the hum. All the hesitating that is experienced in our store is through tho fact that our assortments are so large and original that our buyers hardly know which they like best. J hey can close their how low the price they will city for their money. It's a pleasure for us to do business because we succeed in making Boys' all wool knee pants suits, in double breasted, alBo vesteo, at $1.75 instead of $3.50. Young men's suits at $3.75 $9.00. Boys' all wool knee pants Buits at 95c, instead of $2. Men's fine blue serge suits, double breasted sack styles at $4.90 instead of $10. 00. HAYDEN Weaver of the Bee is a Member of THE G. C. G. DON'T FORGET THAT Mttl3lttfill.M: You hive the BEST notwithstanding; they r. n. men m. c. ro m ani'ka ctit ukhs, kt i.ocin, mo. C. A. ItAILSIJACK, OMAHA, DIHTHIBUTOK. Whoever Looks intelligently at ' the shoo situation can but shoe ind wo invite you to shoe in tho market - BxnrnriYi'innii HONEST VALUES want they keep our store al eyes and select and no matter get the greatest value in the so many satisfied. Buyers. Some of tho most honest values are to bo found in tho great bankrupt clothing stock of Miner, lieal & Co., Boston, bought at 47c on the dollar, now on sale. Men's very fine spring suits $10 instead of $15 to $18. Men's puro worsted suitB at $7.50 in stead of $12. 50. Men's all wool suits at $5.00 instead of $8. Men's worsted suits at $3.90 instead of $7.50. and $5 instead of $6 and BROS. CURE YOURSELF! ItlgU fnr unnatural dlichr.rjiMi, InUtnium'ion, Irrltattnni or ulc.ratloiuj of mticuui nrmkianra. I'Alnlm, anr, i.nt mtrlr.. .IHlEvi'isfiHiMieiiCfi. Knt or ralmiuiii noiu nj iiriiEVMM, or ient In r'ln wrrr'r. y rxcrtii, prrpald, (a ll.rifl. nr t. hnttl... Orcuur .iui ou rejuj WHEN SMOKING k cost you nu mora ttuu Inferior aoodi. I 111 Uu.t.nUKl m I l M tlrltluti, 1 r VrrfT.oli toouiloi Mi vrn UNION MADE t