TILE OMAHA DAILY HUE: SUNDAY. MAY 0. 1000. 1 t f OMAHA'S CHANCES BRIGHT Preiidoot Keith'i Ball Tossr3 Look Like Sure Enough Winners. GOOD MEN FOUND FOR LVERY POSITION Xo HrnNiin In llmiltl Hint Their Work Tliroimliout lli- .mim.. n U He iillfnr.ir-riri.l I. drill (.nine Jlny III. I'rwident Hifkorlnn Keith, looking the part of a ucll-gioomed, fortuno-f ivored bafco ball magnate nnd wearing a now llk illo ami a broadcloth ttult Imported from Paris for thv occmIoii, aTompatilrd by Mnn nger William AguinaMo llourko and their Tricky bond of colt, departed brlpht nd oarly Wednemlny morulig for n triumphal tour of the went, during w hi' h they will i llk'lntn at tho opening of a co-iple uf 'now bam) ball park. Hnrojle to I) nvnr, whore Hip Omalifitm and tln Tolmiu I o creased b.HH yculorday In Pi op-iil nf the West ern longtio season, tho Hour. a Iv g'opped off at Orand Inland, Hotirke ' M hntnr. In order that tho (wWSur'i - i mlhbam and townsmen might see hi m full regi mentals an a fu 1 1 -11 ci k t 1 ! f imignatc. Inridnnlally llipy played n pa i u 1 ball and tlm pirmitnpttious (irnnd is. p p failed tn rhalk up a run, while the la nl lrt fhelr npponcniB off oaiilly by contenting them bpIvph with u half-doon scoren. The next day tho Kelth-Ilourke combina tion descended upon North l'lalto and favored the natives with an exhibition gamo, arriving In Denver for tho opening of the scaeon yetfrduy with their reeonl In preliminary exhibition games unmilllc-d by a Blnp.lp defoat. It wan an aggregation of bw!mll!ts of which Omnha'H Hpnrt-lovlhg population pan well bo prninl that senmpored out en tho Held nl Denver yesterday. That the tori'ii will go 'lirough thr neHHon In a hlRhly falls factory and entirely erediiablo manner there neenin no Just cainot for doubt. Tho work lono by tho players who hnve been signed for tho Beaton during tlulr preiirmiiary praetlcp Jii'tlllCH tho belief l.'.innger Hourkc ha.i a galaxy of slab performprH, each one of whom given promise of future greatness and mIio.'o present nccompllHhmcntH entitle them to morn than passing consideration. Hughes IicihIk the list with a speed that Is marvelous, curves that aro mystifying and a head not earlly rattled. He Is Inclined to be a trllle wild, but not HUlllrlpntly ho to warrant criticism. Ilurrell and N'ewmeyer are both pltehers of more than ordinary ability. Tho former is an old-tinier In the biiHliurai, whllo Ncwtncyer Is a comer whwe wirk has made him a popular favorite with the Omaha fans. Muckoy and Scully, the old Omaha Original, can be (Intended upon to do good work In tho box whenever their mtvIci are reciulrel. Willi half a dozen pitchers of nue)i uniform merit tho Omaha team s certainly as strong lis could bo desired In this moit Important of positions. Ah a catcher Hill Wilson probably bus ro eipial In tho Western league. An old Na tional leaguer, who Is amply o,uallllud to nerve an a backstop on any of tho major league teams now, ha ha3 the faculty of keeping things going, insplies conlldenre In hlB battery partner and has a head that works wisely at any critical point. Tho ln llotd la strong, llebs.iman covers tho Inlthl bag like a veteran, as does Captain O'Connell on second. Toman at abort anil I lor on third are iixcellent (lulders and never lose their wits, Tho outlleld Is equally as strong. I-au.on, McVlckcr and Ilaor are artistic In thulr llelding and can bo counted upon to havo few erroin marked tip against their fielding during tho season. This trio Is particularly Htrong at tho bat and, In tho parlance of theatricals, "do a double turn" -at Is a ton-time winner. Manager Knurko finally decided upon the personnel of his team Just prior to leaving thla week and released Dillon and Leflore, candidates for positions on tho pitching staff, Korrls and MeCausland. Leflore failed to monouro up to the expectations of the loent fans who had anticipated wonders from him, owing to his high rating by Jack Crooks. Tho youngster wad hardly more than a school Iwiy and may yet develop Into a ball player, but needo to acquire a whole, lot of experience boforo he can break Into tho ranks of profofulonal b.-wo ball. Tho moat encouraging event of the pre. llminnry neason were tho gatmu played last week between Omaha and Pes Moines. The latter team was composed of playcra. many of whom nro veterans In tho business nnd when Manager Kourke's family distinguished Itself by defeating tho HawkeycH In two otralght games, Omaha base ball titork two several points. Iist Sunday's game In which tho locals shut tho prohibitionists out and scored live big Juicy tallica thctnscIvcH wan an exhibition that dollghted tho old on thushu'tH nnd nroused great hopes In tho fan's. If such an nrtlclo of ball Is played during tho coming season tho Western league will pound out Its llrst year with sue cesa unequaled. Omaha's cliances for winning the Western leagun pennant are certainly as bright as oould bo wished. No other team startH out ivl(h better prcfjiei'Is nor with talent nnv moro promising. And yet, it iuuhI bo admitted that tho elx clutw comprising the Western loaguo aro strong aggregations and the chase for the pennant promises to bo a nlp-and-tuck race from the man. Tho Omahans will play three more games The Trinnph of Love is Happy, Fruitful Marriage. Everyman who would know the grand truth, plain facta. . the new discoveries of medical science as applied to married life; who would atone for past errors and avoid future pitfalls, should secure the wonderful little book called "CompBet Manhood nnd How to Attain It." No Money In Advance. Treatment on Trial and Approval. (We. send one full month's Remedies of wonderful power, and a marvelous Applmvw to strengthen and develop, on trial ami approval, without pay, deposit or obligation. No exposure, no " collect on delivery " scheme-no decep tion of any kind. ' r A despairing man who had applied to us, soon after wrote : "Well, I tell you that first day is one II never forg. t I just bubbled with joy. I wanted to hug everybody and tell them that my old self had died yesterday and my new self was born today. Why duln t you tell me when I first wrote that I would find it this way? " And another wrote thus: "If you dumped a cartload of gold at my feet it would not bring such gladness into my life as your method has done." In answering be sure nnd mention this paper, and tluj company promises to send the book in sealed envelope without any maik-i, and entirely free of charge Write to the JUiUi MUDICAL COMPANY, Unffalo, N. 1'., and ask tor the little book called " COMl'LETE MANHOOD." ' ' at Denver, leaving for I'ueblo to oppn the ground there Thursday. Tour giime will bp playpd thprn and then tho locals wilt trturn to St. Joseph and open the grounds In the Mlstourl city May lf. .May 1!) tho neaeon will be opened In Omaha between the locals nnd St. Joceph. Four games will bo played and on May 21 the Itourke family will go to Sioux City, expecting to bag a quertet of victories. The Slbtix City tpam will return to Omaha nnd open a aerltn of four gamps here May 27. SQUARED CIRCLE EVENTS IIiiiiiIiii'h Hlinrlliiu Conllliui-lll 'I'lllkltlK of .illiliiu but 'I'liiiiorriMv Mulit'x CiiiiIpnI. If anyone han entertaine'I the Idea that Omaha's portlng contingent takes tio Inter cut in tho popular sport furnlnhcd by stuffed gloV' gladiators In the squared circle, that belief hiM certainly lx?n dispelled If the doubting olio ha chanced to drop Into Frank Handle's where seatH fcr the Supplcs-Abbott contest hnve been on pale, or Into any of the rettorta In tho city whore sportsmen are wont to congregate Tho twenty-round fight between these two clever llghtwolghtu ut Wnihlhgton hnll tomorrow night has been altnetit the sole topic of conversation in Hportlng eirelee nnd the rehabilitation of the game under the nusplccu of the Omaha Athletic club U hailed with delight. The promotetH of tho affair guarantee that the eontcitt will be on the level, that It will be a sclontlflr exhibition of all the good points In tho fighting gnnio by two students of flstology. who nro candidates, for cham pionship degree'. Doth Supples and Ab bott possfm clean, unsullied records. Abbott has engaged In any numbpr of contostH, In the majority of eases with puglllMs of repn tatlcn, and ban been signally nuccraatul. He has eonllned hl operations almost ex clusively to thp I'aclllc coapt eltlcs, his home bring In Victoria, II. C, and nlong the coast he Is lo ked upon as a lighter whoso name ' good to compare with. Abbott Is snld to be an nrtlut In ring1 methods. Ho Is active and nleri. ever on tho outlook for an ad vantageous opportunity. Above all, he p nmbltli.us. Young and energetic, possessed of a constitution of Iron, he nspirts to light weight honors and toward the attainment of this end he hnn been striving. In this respect bo Im on the same footing with Supples for Curlcy. too, has ambition Hint bad him to covet the lightweight cham pionship. Ctirley has tho better of his ad versary of Monday night, for the reason that he is better known In the east and Iikm participated In engagements with the best In his clars. Ileallzlng this, It Is be lieved that Abbi'tt will put up the light of his llfo Monday night for, In caso ho should de feat Supples, he would Immediately spring into tho prominence which Supples' ring career hn given him. Supples halls from lluffalo and ho has done battle with tho best of tho men in hid class. Ili.i flghta with Jim Topp, Kmll Sanchez, Jeff Powers airl other well known eastern performers have stamped the HufTalo youngster as a high grade lighter who will mnko his mark In his ehoo?n profenslon. Sturdy of build, ho hns a good roach, Is clover to an exceptional degree, a splendid fort worker, hard puncher and a ring general par excellence. Following his light with Abbott. Monday night. Supples is booked to meet Otto Sloloff In a twenty-round con test at Akron, 0.. Frldny night and next Monday night he ngaln faces Jim Popp, this tlmo for twenty or more rounds nt Detroit. Should Supples win his light with Popp, nnd bo I absolutely confident of success, tho Cadlllnc Athletic club of Detroit will offer a big purse for a meeting bt-i.een Supples and Frank Krne. Washington hnll has been prepared for the contest tomorrow night and excellent ar rangements nnd accommodations havo bcon provided. There has been uu active demand for neats and tho Initial fight of tho Omaha Athletic club promises to bo a success In every particular. Patay Fallon will refere tho bout. Spud Farrlsh, matchmaker for tho club, Ih negotiating -with Terry Mc (lovern. Tommy White nnd noveral other topnotcbers for future exhibitions nnd tho new club proposes that Omaha shall no longer be designated as the "deadest" sport ing city on tho continent. "Hob" FltzslmmoiiH, he of Carson City fame, did a little pugilistic stunt over In Now York last Monday night Just to show tho wise ones that he was still In tho ring. It was not Miich a fight as tho votarlea of tho fistic arena liked to fee, for Fltz's op ponent, Kd Dunkhnrst, was considered by no means a likely candidate for the ex clinmplnn. Along In tho middle of tin. sec ond round Fltz coolly laid tho Syracuso giant away without further ado. Tho contest showed ouo thing. It showed Fltzttlmmona to bo In lit condition, weighing about 190 pounds nnd In possession of many of thh rng tactics which mado him fatuous In years gone by. Ills coming contest with Cuh lluhltn will bo awaited with no little Interest and tho ee-chnmpion may provo himself entitled to consideration tii a cham pionship candidate onco more. Two knock-outs In ono wuek Isn't so bad. That's what Oscar flardner did last week, winning tlm bantamweight championship In the llrst and ably uUilnlng It In the sec ond. Monday night Oardner anil Pntf?y Haley met In Cincinnati and flardner was nn easy winner, clearly outclassing tho former bantamweight champion nt every htnge of tho game. His victory Thursday night In IjoiiIhvIIIm was even more to bo desired by the Omaha Kid, for tho reason " Here at last is information from a high medical source that must WORK WONDHRS with thlscnerationof men." The book fully describes n method by which to attain full vipor and manly power. A method to end all unnatural drains on the system. To cure nervousness, lack cf self-control, dcspondency.etc To exchange a jaded nnd worn nature for one of bright ness, buoyancy and power. To Rive full strength, development nnd tone to every portion and organ of the body. Age no barrier. Failure impossible! The book, is PL'RF.I.Y MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC, useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable TO MEN ONLY WHO NEED IT. IFsre Ta'issf Treatment that be plucked It from one of the cleverest llltlo fighters In the business, Eddie Santry. This go wn a lively ono and Santry had a trifling advantage all tho way through until tho opportunity for n km:k-out presontcei llwlf to (lardnor nnd he grasped It without hedtntljn. In both fights Gnrdner landed tho knock-out In the fifth round. Inamiuch as no statements to the con trary havo as yet boon Issued, It l pre sumed that tho Joffrleu-Corbctt fight will take plure in New York next Friday night. From the standpoint of public Interest nnd enthusiasm tho forthcoming mill Is cor tnlnly a "dead one." for It linn excited little moro comment during the last week than wcro It a icrap between a couple of natives In Hawaii. However. It the match Is pulled olT, and there Is ground for doubting that It will be, It may serve as a surprls.. 0rbett assertfi that the public believes lie will bo a short stayer and consoniently the public rhouldn't be dlsapolnted If ho Is. Hut op tlmb'tlc "Pompadour Jim" confidently be lieves that ho will surprlfe tho "dear pub lic" by ntnylng n llttlo mite longer than ht Is scheduled to stay. It's nn odds-on bet, of course, that Jeffrica will retain the cham pionship title and it seems nccetsary that better material bo selected for tho purpoea of 'defeating him than Is yet slated for a meeting with tho heavyweight ruler of tho squared circle. GOLFERS BEGIN THE SEASON Kniiiilrr I'lnco (iult OpertN the Content for l.nurlr Meilnl ultlt Thirty I'lirl lei piititn. The Kountzo Place (lolf club began Its season eotitest for tho Iawrlo medal on Sat urday, about thirty participants appearing on thn cottrs". The greens are now In ex cellent condition, ns the moisture which ling ers long on the flats of Kountzo place has dually left the soil. The grass Is showing the effect of tho spring rains nnd Is making greater headway than derlred. It will bo kept at a proper length with a horse mocr, which Is a recent acquisition of tho club. The rules for tho medal contest havo been formulated nnd llx what Is considered a Just and ennltnble basis- for men and women players alike. Tho days for medal play will be on alternate Saturdays, although any con testant will be allowed to try for a record on other days as well. In case ho ls,prcvcnto I from appearing at tho time spccllled. Tho rules adopted are as follows: Klr-t Eighteen holes shall constitute one round fur inen nnd nine holes for women. Second liny will commence the llrst Sat urday In May and continue) until the last Saturday In October. Third Twenty-six wnmes will bo played (luring that period on Saturday afternoons, or ut other times, ns the captain shall direct. All players mils' play thirteen games during said period to qualify for modal plav. Fourth The men will piny ngalnst each other, nnd the women against each other, In pairs. Each stroke will be counted and the opponents will sign each other's srnro cards anil hand same to tho secre tary, who sliull keep a record nf the scores and gi'oies In a book set apart for that purpose. Klfth Application to the captain for per mission to piny on special days, after July I. other than those set apart In the above rub-!', can be mado by any member of the club. Sixth The rules of golf for "medal play" to apply tu this competition. IIAWKEVKS PI..VY1M; THE ttAMtt. Moro iiiiui Twenty Clnlin wltli Ade quate I.lnUx In lonn. OUNTO.V, In., May &. To tho Sporting Editor of Tho lice: (lolf, the great Bco'.ch gamo. Is becoming very popular In Iowa and there are now In tho neighborhood of twenty well organized clubs In the state, with ad equate links, well appointed club bouses anil all tho paraphernalia requisite for this fascinating and expensive game. Ten of the clubs wore In n high stnte of activity and prosperity at the end . of last smson and tho others were organized during the present year. There. Is a total of S00 members, ix largo percentage of whom, hnvo achieved a comparatively creditable style. The location of the clubs with tho date of organization nnd membership Is as follows: Keokuk, organized 1SS8, membership, 200; Dubuque, organized 1898, membership, 100; Darlington, organized 1S99, memberFhlp 123; lies Molnesi. organized 18!)7, membership 125; Sioux City, organized 1S'J9, membership 100; Marahalltown, organized 1898, member ship 100; I.e.Mnrs, organized 1899, member ship 75; Clinton, organized 1899. member ship 2B; Davenport, organized H93, member ship 100: Cedar Haplds, organized 1895, mem bership 150. All of these clubs hnvo expressed a dealre to enter Into a state association In order to maintain the gamo on a sportsmanlike basis and for tho purposo of holding tourna ments, nnd there has been some correspond ence toward this end. Tne state tourna ment Is now an established fact and tho only point of difference Is as to Its loca tion. Cedar Rapids has ono of tho oldest clubs In tho state and excellent greens nnd therefore feels Justllled In urging the golfers to accept Its hospitality. Tho Collar Haplds club will havo a modern club house completed this season. Tho Des Moines Oolf nnd Country club hs also expressed itself as moro than willing to entertain tho llrst state, tourna ment. It Is well established, has a strong membership and last year built a comfort able club house. Tho field lies two and one half miles from the city, but 1b ncccsslblo by street car. Dubuquo Is In thn lists with nn association comprising nearly 100 mem bers. The lliiKH aro among tho best In Iowa and a new club house has Just been erected at a cost of about Jl.oOO. Murshalltown from the first has been keen for tho honor of tho proposed meet and no city In the state has shown a more sportsmanlike zeal for tho game. The length of Its nine-hole course Is 2,171 yards nnd among the natural hazards are two ponds which mut bo crossed threo times nnd a dyke four feet high with a for midable ditch on either side. Tho club nt Keokuk has tho use of thirty acres of ground, occupied by n good sized club boiifio. The Clinton club has nn Inter esting nnd hazardous course of nine holes with water Juhirs, sand bunkers nnd stono road. In tho course, lies what Is probably the lengcst hole In the state. Gilt yards. The club has a Miinll locker house, but for social purposes tho tine house of the Town-Country club near by Is at tho disposal of the golfers. Tho IiMars course, which Is used to a large extent by players In that section of tho state, hnn been considerably Improved nnd Is In an excellent condition. Tho llnkn wore opened one yenr ago and members havo been seen on' tho course. If not evory day, at lenBt every week since, which Is n re markable record for tha bllzzardy north- eit. WHIST TOURNAMENT IS ENDED Context with Comiell lllnlt I'lnjer Will I'rolmlily He Hold Net TiiPNiliiy MkIii. Tho whist tournament which hns be n carried on during tho winter came to a virtual conclusion on last Tuea lay night, (lus llenzo holding the high scoro. II. J. Scanne'l ran a closo second and may still capture nrst honors provided the approaching con test with Connrll Bluffs Is counted In tho score. During tho last two months the fifty original players dwindled to sixteen, as the strong gradually outstripped the weak. Tho contest with Council niuffs will probi hly occur on Tuesday and a number of tho Oaaba players desire that the meo'lnts should be the climax of tho winter's tourna ment. The Omaha Elks expect to make a much better showing In tho next meeting with Council niuffs than In the last, wh-n the .V-brnskans were Inglorlnusly wcrated, The local lodge feoU tAat It was somewhat untutored In whist culture, on the former occasion and has made rapid progress as 'a result of tho season's play. A number if members of the Omaha Whis: club have nlso Joined the Elks nnd added mitrlally 13 tho playing strength. At tho Wednesday ovcnlng meeting of tho Omaha Whist club live tables were cngig'-d Alleo nnd Oarncr carrietl off the ho'nors for the North and South players with a safe margin of five points. I'or tho East and Wtst contestants Sumney nnd Ilurrell made the high score. McDowell nnd Cahn, and Durness and Rogers following with a tio enly two points behind. The score wns aj follows: NOHTII AND SOUTH. Alice and (lamer SIS Strauss and Comstock 23 Thomas nnd Hushman 211 Orummer and Scnnnell zzi Hrunner and Williams 2JI EAST AND WEST. Sumney nnd Hurrell 221 .McDowell nnd Calm 2S2 Durness nnd Rogers 222 Cop and Iledlck 219 .Melkle nnd Jordan 210 WITH KNIGHTS AND CASTLES DimikIiim County flics Woclittlon to HokIii u I'eriietuiil Tourney In 11 -'MV D11 ) M. Tho Douglas County Chess nssoclation met for play on Thursday evening nt Ps headquarters in the Menhants' hotel. Tho four sets of chess pieces ordered to com plete tho equipment have.arrlv.d nnd the new tables are In place. No record of tho games has been kept ns yet, but It Is ex pected that a perpetual tourney will be begun within a few days on the Hchemo outlined In tho bylaws drawn up by W. R. Mghton. Tho secretary wishes the mem bers nnd other lovers of chess to know that the rooms at tho Merchants will be open both day nnd 'night and that players are welcome at nil hours. Tho Invitation tournament Inaugurated by tho City of London Chess club Is now moro than half completed. This contest, in which seven masters nnd seven amateurs participate wns begun on April 5 with over J300 In prize money. The following game Is selected from tho early rounds of the tourney; Ward being an amateur who Is making nn excellent showing, and Telch mnnn, tho present leader of the touriley, with n scoro of Ave gnmes won and one lost: White Ward. Illaek Telclimnnn 1 -l.y 4 t P-Q I 2 -I'-lj It t J-P-K 3-Kt-fJ 11 3. 3-P-Q It 3 Kt-ll 3 4-Ut-U 3 ft-ll-Kt 5 3-11-Kt S -tJ-Kt 3 "Q-lt 4 7- llx Kl 7-1MI 8- P-K 3 n-Kt-Q ! tt-ipxl" 9-11 Px P 10- 11-Q 3 ta-Kt-Kl 3 11- Untie K I! 'l-llx Kt 12- Pxll 12 It-Q I 13- Q-Kt 1 ll-(x(l H-PxlJ ll-(2-rtltl 1J-K-U It 1 tV-K-K 2 lC-Kt-CJ KJ-P-lt 4 17 Kt-Kt 3 17-Kt-li .7 H-Kt-H i IP-P-Kt 3 U'-Ktxll 19-KxKt av-iixKt sn-itxii 21-itxu :i-Px.r 21 n-Kt 3 sa-q-K 3 2J-K-H I 21 -P-K 4 2t-PxP eh 24-K-ll 4 ST. -It-Kt 1 21-lt-q 1 26-K-K l Jii P-It t :;-p-c n 3 27- u-q 7 2-H.Kt 3 :K-! .-. -ll-Kt 4 1 29-K-Q r, SO ll-Q It I 30--U-K 7 ill 31- K-II 1 31 -f-ll 7 32 H-K 1 ch 32-K-11 3.1-Kx It 33-P-ll S (Q) 31 HihIkiis , It Is Infrequently the case that a problem ist 1b a good player over tho board. Hcrr Jan Kotrc of Prague, however, Is at the enmo tlmo one of tho foremost eonipofcrs nnd a formidable opponent In mated- phty. Tho queen nacrl(lco In tho Rame glvtn below 1h especially strlkliiR nnd the subsequent play Is of a high order. White Dr. K 1- r-K 4 2- Kt-lv II 3 J-Ii-Kt 5 4- H-U 4 -Captles C-Kt-ll S 7-I-(J 5- I'xl' !-l-Kt 3 19-ll-Kt B 11- IMC It I 12 - Kt- Q K 13- KtxKt eh 14- H-Kt 3 ir P-Q n 4 tc-nxit v K-CJ-Q 2 18-Kt-K t 1H-P-I1 3 Irt-l'xl' SI-ItxQ 22 K-lt t 23 Il-x P ch St-iUxKt 2.V-K1-Q 3 26- K-K 2 27- K-O 1 2S-KI-1C 1 15- KxQ 3A llcslKns Illnck Jon Kotr 1- l'-K 4 2- Kt-Q II 3 3- P-fJ It 3 4- P.Q 3 rKt-K 3 C-ll-lC 2 T-l'-Q Kt I 8-l'xP !i-lt. .1 10- P-K H 3 lt-II-Q 2 12- IMi Kt 4 13- QxKt 11- Kt-K I 1J PxP 1-Kt-Kt 3 IT P-Kt 5 H-P-K K 4 lO-I'-H S M-1'xll ! 21-ll-It i ch 20-I'xP 23- K-IC 3 24-1t-Kt 4 rh 2.1-P-U (Ql ch 20- QxP eti 21 It-U 8 ch 28-QxQ ch 23KxU The following Interesting end gamo Is by II. Otten of Now York nnd appeared In the Chicago Tribune: m m m m m mmm m w m m m (8 E3 ffl m M fd K BIG ROAD RACE PLANNED Will Sturt nt lllnir iinil I'.nil with u l'liinl .lllte on Allies Ae. me 'I'l ncli. Tho most ambitious plans ever laid In the stato for a bicycle road raco nro being pushed to fruition hy tho athletic department of tho Young Mon's Christian neocintion. Tho event will occur on May 26, the dis tance to be tho twenty-four miles between Dlalr and Omaha, with a final mllo on tho Am o.i avenue track. Professionals and nniatenm will bo nllko eligible nnd about 100 wheelmen nro expected to participate. A number of entries havo nlreudy been made, although the arrangements are still Incomplete. Tho prizes will represent a money value of $500 nnd will consist for tho most part of seven high grado bicycles. Thero will also bo ti number of special prizes hung up hy local merchants. Ono dealer hno offered a ton of coal to tho first married man to cress thn tape. The awards will be divided Into twenty portions, so thnt each rider who makes any sort of a creditable showing will como In for n share. Tho first wheelman to cover tho courso will bo given his choice of wheels with other trophies amounting In vuliie to 2". additional. Tho second , ' "in tr the winner of tho tlmo prize. Tho prizes will bo divided .:tivu ,il.uc .ion aud tno tlmo men. A cnrelnl handicap, based on tho rec ords of tho contestants, will bo arranged by Len Livesoy. Tho start of tho raco will bo wltnesned, In tho estimation of tho railroad ooncurned, by 500 poople, a low rate having been fixed for tho excursion. Fifteen minutes after tho start tho spocial train will follow tho course, pwslng tho riders on tho way nnd depositing Us passengers at the Ames avo nuo park In tlmo to see tho finish. For thoao who do rot caro for tho Dlalr trip a bare ball gamo hns been scheduled nt tho park. The entry Unto closo on May 22. Tho Young Men's Christian nmoclatlon Is also making" considerable preparation for lt:i urtt ball game oa tho home croundu on of tho well known Stearns, RuinbJcr, Columbia, Barnes, Wolff-American, at $40 and $50 and Reliance. Tho best mado wheol in Omaha for tho money, with choice of equipment, only $.'50. Nebraska Special $16.75. Alliance, complete new wheel $t:J. :(). Your good judgment will toll you to look this stock over before you buy a wheel. Second hand bicycles at your own price. We have one of tho best equipped repair shop? in the city. Sewing Machines. If you think of buying a Sewing Machine sec us. It makes no difference what kind of a machine you want, see us. You may want a JJaris Ball Jkurinu or Standard Singer, or a cheap machine for $1(5. No dif ference which, we can sell you and save you money. S1SE US wo have NO agents, we pav no commissions so YOU will have to SICK US. Wo rent machines for "oo pur wook. Wo repair ivtul toll paets for nil tnuko of miu'htno nmtPifuoturod (oil our floooml hiintl sewinir 111111' hi tins nt ono half tho rorulnr prioo. For S5 wo will soil vicctiblo raiiohino. VU It UN 1 , CORNER 15th AND HARNEY STREETS. ! (!UOIt(;U U. .MICK CI., .Mutineer Telephone lfilW. 'f Dr. Ol'M'MC'K a in to 9.W Tuesday with tho University of Nehnuskn. The team made tho trip to Lincoln' for the gamo there ychterday with oomo mlsKlvigs, ns no systematic practice whatever had been Indulged in. The return rcnnie on Tues day wan fixed With such n short Interval for tho rcaoon Unit tho colloglana expect to leave within a week on their eastern tour Tho nmoclatlon team showed up to less nd vnntngo than othcrwiso owing to the nb Kcnce of Pitcher Henry Clark, who will prob ably not return before Juno 1. Clark went to Pasadena on a visit to his brother, i whom ho found serlouely 111. Crawford, 'f!relgh nnd Abbot, tho mainstays of tho team, ! havo been unablo to nppear on tho Held for j practice nnd tho nlno went Into yesterday's gamo without tho Hllghtest preparation for united team work. Tho personnel nf tho team for the Tuesday gamo will be lurgely n nlready given, cinrk'ft plnco In the box will bo taken hy ' D.ivlaon, who won hit; spurs) on tho High school team, and Welsh, an omployo of tho i Hammond Packing company. Crawford will i catch, Abbot will hold down first baso nnd Captain Crelgh will olllclnto at nhort. Ileno dlct nnd Kennedy will be stationed, nt sec ond and third and Iloagland, .Anderson and Keoil will probnbly play In tho field. A 'Woiiiiiii'k Awful Peril. "Thero Is only ono chanco to savo your life, and that Is through nn operation," wero tho startling words heard by Mrs. 1. 11. Hunt of Mmo Itldge. Wis., from her doctor after he hnd vnltily tried to euro her of a frightful enso of stomach troubtn nnd yellow Jaundice. Oall stones had formed and sho constnntly grew worso. Then oho began to uso Kloctrlc Illttors, which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful Stomnch, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Ixiss of Appotltn. Try It. Only r.O cents. Guaranteed. For salo hy Kuhn & Co. COl'MI.VT SAY II IS I'llAYKIlS. KiuinnN City .Indue Ucllvcrn ii Sermon on I'lirentnl Venli-et. W If Pago Porfons had been nblo lo recite tho lord's prayer In tho criminal court, re lates tho Kansas City Star. It might havo saved him several months In Jail. Judgo Wofford wns In a religious mood when he went upon tho bench In tho criminal court. Pago Persons, n sallow-faced boy, wns be fore him on u chargo of rtahblng a man, nnd Uo pleaded guilty nnd asked tho mercy of tho court. "You're guilty, nro you?" asked the Judge "Yes, sir." Po'kops' attorney whispered to tho Judge and pointed to Persons' old fathor nnd niothnr, who wero sitting with tho crowd In tho court room. "Thero Is your old father nnd your old mother," raid tho Judge. "They look ns If thoy wero very respcctablo people, but I'll M'lituro the assertion that It Is largely their fault that you nro hero this morning." Tho Judgo leaned ovor his desk nnd pointed his pencil nt tho young-riian. "Can you repeat tho Lord's prayer?" ho asked. "Tho what?" Inquired tho prisoner. "Tho Lord's prayer. Did you ever hoar It?" "No, sir." "You never heard tho prayer that begins 'Our Father who nrt In heaven?'" "No. sir." "Then your parents haven't done right. They look respectable, but they hnvon't dono tholr duty to you, H'h a dlsgraco lo civilization tliat a man comes Into this court who never honrd tho Lord's prayer. Thnt'H tho ono prayer of nil prayers. AH other prnyers mado by men nro as tinkling brass nnd soundln-symbols ermpnrod with the Lord's prayer. Kvery child horn Into th" world ought to bo taught tho Ird's prayor nt Its motherW knee. If thnt was denn I would not ho kept so busy In this court nnd wouldn't havo to get out- of -a, sick bod to hear mhos llko yourw. If you hnd Just known ono petition In that prlier, 'Lend uu not Into temptation,' nnd had fcnrnn It In mind, yon would not be here th's morn lllK. "Talk about hoict.icry criminal,;' con tinued tho Judgo. "When I hear n man arguing thnt thero is uch a man on earth as a hereditary criminal I want to pit him Into tho penitentiary There h ii i mi h thine an a bciedltury criminal, Fathers 00 BICYCLES In stock 11 over boforo was Uuto tnich a lino of whools shown in Omaha. -This stock is mado up T AND Si;i,L TYPUWItlTUKS. Nebraska Cycle Company: SEND A POSTAL CARD To llr. Heimett nnd he will fnrwuni -u li return Kniinltill) of htenml -wh siiit n ii ", M some ailvlce, wihetlnr j-hi 1bIii ni treatment or not Dr, Bennett's Eiectric Boll !tetores the health, sln iiKlll ami lR..r nt 011llt. i reut' iii-w lluM .mil tn-.iln 111.1t t.-r liv pur ifying the hliiod, reHtorliiK the fullest and must vIkoi.mis .indltl.uiK of lolniM health f body ami mind, xo that all the duties of life may tie pursou-d with i.nitldeii, , ami pleiiHiile. It 1- today tho heft known aent for applying Klenrlelty to the human sxwtem. Indorsed by phjsleluns and retcimmcnded hy lu,ipa cured patients I Kiiarantee li to cu:v Si Mini Impolein y, l.ont Aliin hrtod. Varleneele and all Sexual lilseaces restore Shrunken and l'iidevidoH-il I'irts and .Mauhooil; ttire Kidney, l.lver and liladder Troubles; Coiisllpallnii. I.spepsla ami all l-Yhiulu Coiniilnlnts. Mi llelt has soft, silken chaniols-eoyered snoilRe eleetrndes that eannt hum and blister, ns dft 'the hare metal electrodes ued on all oilier makes of belts. 'I'liexo electrodes aro my exeluslve patent. There are clu.ip Imitations. I'o n.it be misled. Uet the genuine. My licit has made cures in every ton n nnd cltv In tills state Ue sure and write o- call today and K''t mv bunk, testimonials, etc. My electrlcul Suspen sory for the nid'.i al cure of the various weaknesses of ami . I'M IKK lo eerj male pur chaser of ono of my Hells. llorilS Krom ! 10 a in to S 30 p. tn p. in. Sundays from 10 ,io a m. to 1 p. "M"'M'""MMnnMMMtMMiiiiijuoaminroiiiiin in i i&p BUY THE I $32 Cash or S35 on Time. 'TUIERE are now over TiOO iMunson bicyclus in nsu in Om.'ilia, and have always given the best of patisi'ac lion. This year they aro better than ever. The Mall eoli for 82 is better than most wheels selling for -10. Wo also sell the Sterling, Spalding, Monarch and Aenio. Other new wheels as low as 15. Seeond hand wheels 5.00 to 15.00. Omaha Bicycle Co.? S. E. Cor. 16th and Chicago, Ed, T, Heyden, Mgr. 0 Largest nnd Best Equipped . A CARLO A I) OF BIKE WAGONS JUST IM'CI'IVI'I). The finest line in tho city Kxiunlno thorn nntl pet our jiricus boforo buying. A J) . H. E. Fredrickson, Phono 2101. 15th and Dodge Streets. r.i and mothers through neglect open tho road to hell to nine-tenths of the boyo who go there. If your mnthor had trained you right you wouln't bo here." Tho old mother of tho prlfoner walked up nnd whLsperod to tho Judgo and told him that I'ago was her only mipport. The Judge then sentenced him to nlno months In Jnll. 'I'm I Illicit to CiiIIuiiiii. There linx been conHlderalilo illi u'Hl"ii nays the wnmiingim jtji. ngui'iing me iiiithnr of thn ihrace, "The con-o itiitlr.it fcillowH the Hag." Ilryan Iihh lncn pen nrtlclc for n Now Vork nowspnpor In which the ;lraiti oicmred "Nn living HlaleHinan," tnvn fVingressmno Long of KuliHiiH, "cull rlKlltfull claim to lie the anther of the cxiiriMslnii " crally credited with thin dl-ilm lion. Iie caiiKc snrne montliH ago lie wrote n Mlgie Mr. Long ban been nearchlim the records and IIikIh that John L'. t'alh'iun lltxt u . d the worilH 111 II ilebalH 111 the Kciiete on l'Vliruar 21, 1SI!I. t'nllloun cald. "Wher ever i .ir ling waviH, tho coniitltiitlon goes. Worn I of tlie Si-iinoii. f'hlcago Ncwh: lleaiitlful Cleupatrn gnz1 d moi.illly rut nf I he window T" "f)h. grr.it iii.i h ' r.iitcrcil the ave, "know Hi. hi Hi. i iini't r -.f la thou ha -t set to cpei.d In n ' "N . rc iionip i t imir,i " irlna mo an adder and let mo liguto It cut, ' Monday wo will 00 it jooil scr- mull in-' 'T'w Vn wit w ! ' KlnilliiK of the .f whnli-- ItooniM IS to ill, noiiKlii lilk, IM'. It"- IIJiIi'h'n. ( or. Ililli nnd DoiIkc, (IiiiiiIiii, W. "Ir. slays an. 1 Satiirhna from S.JO m BICYCLE, , .;(?(s)() (y Orient Konilstcrs $50 World Komlstcrs. SIO itiul $50 N Wnrlrl mnunloo IQQQ Mnrlnlo U KUMU UIUIUIGO IUUJ IIIUUUIOl W (ton rr .y .cw nieycics irom ni'.i up. fi Sl'COIill. 111 Mil Hil'V.-lou lie, (it A;V. t.f. . ...... ' 1 at Repair Shop al Lowest Trices. I CHICAGO BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dlnine Cat Service