Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Binken Snro Dmaeinp Rcflictioni on
Omaha Will Mot Eo Btptated.
II II mom (tint KvInIIiik Itcliitlonn llr
tvrern the IIiiiiUIiik liifillditloiiN
of the To (.'MIph Mny
(. lie DlntiirlK'tl.
kkllky, ST I OK II A CO.
A rcrort hns gained moro or less cur
rency that the relations that have prevailed
for aorao months between Omaha 011J South
Omaha bankB, whereby tho transactions of
tho later were carried through the Omaha
clearing house, may be again disturbed, and
that tho showing of Omaha clearings may
sustain In consequence a material falling
off. Among bankers, howover, tho report
la discredited so far as It promises n de
crease In Omaha clearing. This report
nrlscH from a promised renewal of condi
tions that existed some months ago, which
mado themselves felt through tho showing
of Omaha clearings In tho form cf n con
nlderablo reduction, ho that Uio publication
of tho latter led to an Imprcmlon that
there hail been a heavy decrease In tho
volumei of Omaha's buslneRS.
Tho banks of South Omaha have not ac
cepted nn Invitation to become members of
the Omaha Clearing House asBoclatlou, pre
ferring to do business by checking upon
tho Omaha banks. Relations existing be
tween tho First National bank of this city
nnd tho Union Stock Yards National bank
of South Omaha have cnablod tho latter to
transact Its largo volume of business dally
ly checking upon tho former, and
nlmllar relations existing between
the Omaha National and tho South
Omaha National havo permitted the
latter to check upon tho former.
Jly this method practically the entire vol
ume of the buslnesfl of tho Union Stock
yards was carried on through tho Omaha
banks, and as the South Omaha banks
were twenty-four hours behind tho Omaha
banks, the practical effect of this system
was that tho Omaha banks furnished dally
for tho uso of tho South Omaha banks from
$100,000 to $200,000, for tho constant uso of
which they received no compensation.
These dally drafts upon the Omaha banks
were covorcd by cashiers' checks sent In
dally by the cashlere of the South Omaha
hanks after tho clearing house was closwt.
Those who reallzo tho effect upon Omaha's
commercial standing ottrlbutnblo to any
Fcemlng decrease In tho volume of busi
ness, as reflected by the bank clearings,
will recall tho conditions that arose when
tho authorities of the Omaha National bank
declined to contlnuo this system. The re
nult was that for n considerable period tho
largo financial transactions of South Omaha
wcro but partially reflected In tho figures
of tho Omaha clearing house, However, a
strong business sympathy existed between
tho Omaha National bank and tho South
Omaha National, ns a result of which n
truco wan reached some months ago nnd
tho system that had prevailed, or some
modification of It, waB revived for a speci
fied time. It Is understood that tho agree
ment will oxplre about tho 20th Inst., at
which tlmo. unless It be renewed, or somo
substitute adopted, tho old difficulty wilt
sgsln prevail, to tho detriment of Omaha's
Bhowlng In tho volume of Its bank clear
ings. Hanker consulted Bcem to think that
eome provision will bo made to maintain
existing relations nnd provont any dam
nglng reflection upon Omaha'R business by
tho clearing houso reports. Klvo out of bIx
prominent banking officials declared their
conviction that there will bo no falling off
In Omaha's showing of clearings, and woro
confident that somo settlement will bo
reachod whereby existing conditions or
others equally satisfactory to Omaha vlll
bo maintained, nlthough none of them sug
gested what may be dono to bring about
that result. One banker stated that there
in no other bank In Omaha which could
afford to carry tho load the Omaha Na
tional hns borne, and that Mr. nostwlck
of tho South Omaha bank had been un
nblo to effect any arrangement with other
When Mr. Millard of tho Omaha Na
tional was approached for Information on
tho subject ho referred tho Inquirer to Mr.
Wells, ono of the directors of tho bank, nnd
tho latter gentleman simply vouchsafed tho
assertion that any agreomont which may
bo terminated between tho Omaha National
nnd South Omaha National may bo cither
renewed or supplanted by nnnthor. Ho did
not think there will be any slump In tho
Ilrliiklnif with Mcnlx.
Medical men have pointed out that man Is
probably tho only animal that drinks whllo
rating, showing how tho laws of nature,
which nro Instinctively oboyed by man's In
ferior, aro calmly ignored by him. Thoy
recommend discrimination If one must drink
whllo eating, nnd say that neither flooding
tho utonmch with hydrant water nor absorb
ing medicinal waters at tho table, under tho
protenso that they aro good for this or tint
llmont. Is very Judlcloun.
On tho other hand, they remark that a
natural effervesoent water such as Apolll
narls, a dietetic tablo water, can advantage
ously bo drunk at meals, ns It promotes di
gestion, nnd the danger of diluting the food
with nn Inordinate volume of wuter Ih
avoided, becauso an ordinary amount of ef
fervescent water Is as satisfactory to the
thirst ns a much larger quantity of still
Cutting them down tho prices, until you
can hardly understand how we do It. Head
our ad on pago 7 nnd como Saturday. Hay
den Drew.
Cnuminl llnntnliin In llcmlrry nnil I'n
ilrriTfnr fur Antuntnr.
Children's fast black ribbed school hose,
doublo knee, heel and toe, none to equal
for less than 23c. All sites 6 to 9V&; special
price, luc pair.
We have the only 25c misses' hoso that
gives entlro satisfaction, extra fine rib,
fast black and tan, double knee, heel nnd
toe, real value, 33c pair; all sizes, 25c pair.
Misses' novelty hoso; , polka dot, very
pretty for drews, navy ami tan, silk finish,
lisle thread, all sizes, 60s pair.
Women's fast black seamless hose, high
spliced heel and toe; for Saturday, only 15c
Women's fast black and tan hoso, extra
fine gauge; also lisle thread in fancy drop
stitch. This Is an excellent lino of hose;
cannot bo equaled. Our bargain, Satur
day, 25c
We have a very pretty line of women's
fancy hose, extra fine black cotton, superior
quality lisle thread,- maco soles or all black
foot. All our customers will roalUo the
superior quality for vcar In this. line. Ex
cellent values. Saturday 35c; 3 pair, $1.00.
We can show you an -quality or weight
rn women's and children's underwear at
tho lowest prices.
15C, 2 FOR 25C.
Women's best Egyptian cotton vests, silk
finish, low neck, short sleeve or sleeveless,
nil sizes, 15c; 2 for 25c.
Women's llslo thread vests, considered
cheap at 35c; very prettily finished, nil
styles, whlto or ecru, khco pants to match,
25c each,
Women's ribbed silk vests, low neck,
sleeveless; also the patent shield. A sen
sible garment that women will understand
and appreciate, beautifully finished, cream,
white, pink and skye, a regular 75c quality,
Saturday, COc each.
$1.00, THE MUNSINd.
Women's extra fine quality lisle thread
union suits, tho celebrated "Munslng."
Tho only perfect fitting suit. One trial, our
customers will realize tho real comfort;
long or short sleeves, also seamless, ankle
or knee length, white or ecru, best finish;
all sizes, only $1.00 suit.
Children's fine ribbed vests, high neck,
long or short sleeves,, whlto or ecru, knee
pants to match, Saturday, 25c each.
Our stock Is nil now, Including tho very
latest novelties, nt extreme low prices.
$1.50 Polka dot, navy, brown, black In a
very good quality of China Bilk.
$2.50 Fancy checks, stripes, white with
chiffon ruffles, hemstitched, superior quality
of silk.
Very handsome etudes In corded silk,
fancy Persian borders, tipplique and chiffon,
roost exquisite styles, $3.60, $4.00 to $15.00.
$2.23 Ulnck and colored Bilk umbrellas,
steel rod, Paragon frame, tho new Princess
handles, 26-Inch, special price for Satur
day, We have a complete lino of parasols for
children, all ages, 25c to $2.00.
Special agents for Dutterlck patterns.
Cor. Farnam and 16th.
Ladloi' "Ideal Kid" Lica Shoes and
Southern Tiei.
I.nillen' :t.(H) nml fl.OO Shorn, nt ?t.fS,
IfU.V!.-. Shorn nt f I.HU, Mle' Ifl.H."
nml Shorn nt IJl.'J.T llnr-
unlnn for Sntitriln-.
Ladles' Ideal kid, southern tie (Just as
neat as patent leather and wears equal to
kid), only $3.25.
Lad lea' Ideal kid lace, full dress shoes,
Ladles' tan oxfords, medium toe, at $1.50,
Ladles 'tan oxfords, full round toe, $1.75.
Ladles' black oxfords, coin toe, $1.50.
Ladlra' black oxfords, new toe, $2.00,
Ladles' or tan black Oxford, welt sole, new
toe, $3.00.
Ladles' button or lace welt-or turn sole,
coin tots and full round toes, formerly $3.00
and $4.00, now $1.08.
Misses laco or button shoes, heavy or
medium soles, at $1.25, formerly $2.50 and
Chllds' tan shoe?, laco or button, formerly
$1.85, reduced to 9Sc.
Little gents' shoes, sizes 9 to 13, at $1.75.
Youths' shoes, heavy solos, round too,
sizes 13 to 2, at $2.00.
Farnam & 15th Sts.
Patriotic l.cnuiic Chili.
"Trusts" will bo tho subject for general
All present will bo given an opportunity to
tako part.
Charles J. Orecno will be the leader.
Patriotic League club meetlng.Millnrd ho
tel, Saturday evening, May C. Good music.
New England Limited: In service April
9 and dally thereafter.
Now Time: Twenty-six hours to Boston.
Now Departure: From Chicago 2:00 p. m..
into Chicago 5:00 p. m. next day.
Now Cars: Sleeping, dining, buffet and
library smoking cars and coaches.
Old Route: Lake Shore & Michigan
Southern, New York Central and Boston &
On same dato train No. 14. 3:00 p. m., will
bo discontinued. Tho New York and Boston
Special, 10:30 a. m., nnd the Lake Shore
Limited, 6:30 p. m., will run as heretofore.
D. P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kansas City, Mo
"F. M. Byron, O. W. A., Chicago, and A. J.
Smith, O. P. &. T. A.. Cleveland. O.
"Tho Hottest Coon lnTJUIc," conceded to
bo tho best of all tho traveling colored or
ganizations, will bo seen ot Boyd's for three
performances, commencing Sunday after
noon. Tho entire company of "Clorlnday,"
the colored sliow that wa6 such a hit at a
local vaudeville house here last season, is
with this attraction. Mrs. Nellie Hawkins,
tho greatest of all colored prlmrv donnas, and
W. H. Proctor head tho company. Bessie
Hamilton Is nn Omaha girl with tho com
pany. Patriotic l.eaaae VnY.
"Trusts" will be the subject for general
All present will bo given an opportunity to
take part.
Chnrles J. Greene will he the leader.
Patriotic League club electing, Millard ho
tel, Saturday evening, May 5. Good music.
Kxcurnlone Unrllnuton Hnr.te.
Cincinnati and return, May C and 7. $20.50.
St. Louis and return, May 15, 16, 17 and
22. $13.50,
Washington and return, May 19 and 20,
Dntrolt nnd return, May 21 and 22, $22.00.
Tickets, 1502 Farnam street, or at Bur
lington station, 10th and Mason streets.
Tho contract for the threo electric eleva
tors for tho old Mercer Hotel building and
also in tho old postofilco was let to the
Warner Elevator company of Cincinnati, O.,
! through Its local representative, Mr. D. V.
i Munro, 112 North Fourteenth street.
j Wanted A star tea, cigar and spice sales
I man, with established trade In Nebraska;
stato age, experience and salary or commis
sion expected. II. C. Fisher, Chicago.
J Nrvr Trnin Vlu Hock Inlnnil Honte
' Leaves Union station dally nt 8:30 a. m.
for Lincoln and Falrbury.
Oraphophones, phonographs, gramophones,
Graphophono Co., 1515 Farnam, Omaha.
Omaha Tent and Rubber comoany are pre
pared to fill all orders tents, awnings nnd
tanvas goods. New location, corner Utb
and Harney. 'Phone 883.
See C. F. Harrison's real estate bargains.
KnninN So ml Corn to liulln.
TOPUKA. Kan., May 4. The Kansas
India relief committee has Instructed Sec
retary Anderson to order the nurchnse nt
"CKit) hiisheln of rum In New York to lx
lnndrcl In n relief ship whirh sails next
cufn receipts 10 imio are
A .mighty pleasant trip nt any time of year,
but ojpeclally so In springtime, when tho
weather Is cool, tho days long and tho wholo
country clothed In green.
The train to tako Is the nurllngton's Chl
:ago Special, leaving Omaha 7:00 a. m., ar
riving Chicago, 8:30 p. ni.
Superb equipment,
Ticket Oilloe,
502 Farnam St.
Tsl. 280.
Burlington Station,
10th and Mason Sts.
Tl. 12B.
The IlurlliiKt on ClmiiKrn Time.
Trains now leave Omaha for
Chicago: 7:00 a. m., 4:00 p. m., 7:30 p. m.
Denver: 4.25 p. m.
St. Louis: 4:55 p. m.
Black Hills, Montana and Puget Sound,
9:30 p. m.
St. Joseph: 8:50 a. in,, 4:55 p. m., 10:15
p. m.
Kansas City;: 8:50 a. m., 10:15 p. m.
Lincoln: 8:40 a. m., 3:00 p. m., 4:25 p- -.
9:30 p. m.
All trains run dally, Including Sundays.
nock Intnnd Bxvurnlnnn.
Cincinnati and Teturn, May 6 and 7, $20.50,
Washington and return, May 19 and 20,
Dotrolt and return, May 21 and 22, $22.00.
Denver nnd roturn, May 15, $19.
Colorado Springs and return. May 15, $19.
Call at Rock Island City Offlco, 1323 Far
nam street.
llAYIin.V II It OS.
Opening of Soiln I'onntuln Sntnr
With every purchase of not less than 25
cents made nnywhere In tho store we will
servo freo ono glass of our delicious Ico
cream soda. We will pay anyono $1,000
who can find anything In our soda water
but pure Jersey cream, fresh fruit flavors
and sugar. It you paid $1.00 per glass you
could get no better, soda than our's. Our
professional dispenser cannot bo equaled In
Omaha with years of experience, ho Is
fully competent to suit the most exacting
taste. He makes alt tho latest drinks of
tho season. Try a gloss and you will al
ways como to HnyUen's for your summer
drinks. Sugar excepted In this offer.
Seo our ad on page 7.
To dress well does not necessarily mean
to dress expensively. Tbcro Ih nlways a
saving when you purchase here. Read our
ad on pago 7 and como Saturday. Haydcn
Wrlto nds, sell culo, print nnythlng.
Stonecyphor, 1201 Howard 3t. Tel. 1310.
If they tell you nt other stores that you
are "too large" or "too small" to be fitted
with a ready-to-wear tailored suit COME
TO US, If unablo to find tho color or stylo
you want LOOK HERE It's a dally occur
rence for us to suit ladles who havo looked
everywhere else. Wo don't object to your
looking at other stores, but we caution you
not to buy until you "v looked Vere. Wo
believe wo can please you better at the same
prtco or less Wo make It our business to
show correct suits corroct In style, finish
and fit at modcrato cost.
MOTH-PROOF BAGS 60e and 75c, Savo
your furs and winter clothing.
1510 Dout-lns St.
Cplendid Train Service.
Tw Trains Dntly to Drnrer.
Two Train Dully to San Kranctas.
Three Trains Daily to 0den.
Two Trnlnn Dally to-Nalt Lake City.
Two Trains Dally to l'ortland, with
North 'Paclflo Conat Points.
Nothing succeeds In drawing customers
like low prices for good qualities that's
what wo do. Haydcn Bros., with an ad on
pago 7.
FITZMORRIS At his home. 714 South 17th
street, at 10:45 a. m., Alny 4, Michael Fltz-
morrls, aged N yearH.
Funeral services nt St. Phllomena's
cathedral at 9:30 n. m. Monday, May 7.
For Painting the
Outside of Houses.
Thero Is nothing made nor can any
painter mix anything better than the
This paint Is made In forty colors nnd Is
thoroughly mixed by machinery. It will
absolutely outwear wnuo lean ana on.
These paints havo been made in Cleveland
for fifty years nrul are sold with an abso
lute guarantee us to wearing quality and
appearuncu. Every gallon will cover S00
square feet two coats.
REMEMBER We aro talking about tho
Sherwln-Wllllnm.i paint for the OUTSIDE
OF HOUSES but they make other paints
for other purposes FIOOR PAINTS which
will dry hard In ono night "VARNISH
OY PAINTS" and so on a special quality
of paint for each special purpose,
tive circular.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go
New Location,
Cor 16th & Dodgo Sts., OMAHA, NEB.
Kearly day sayfd fifFeei1 Missouri Rivet
and Pacific Coast by taking
The Famous Overland Route.
Cl tr Tiokat Oflee, 1303 tFaxaom UU
Tel, aie.
Of medlclno used 1a our prescription work
Is the best we can posolbly buy. Pure drugs
mean a spoedy recovery. Imitations may
cause n relapse. Do you want the best at
reasonable prices? Then bring us your
50c Milk Magnesia 40c
50c Brown's Ginger 40a
50c Parker's Ginger Tonlo 40c
76c Benne Plant COc
25o Chamberlain's "Colic Cure 20c
25c Pierce's Sweet Weed 20c
35c Wakefield's Blackberry SOo
35o Castorla, genuine 25c
50c Llthla Tablets tyyeth's 40c
40o Llthla Tablets. Wyeth's 30c
cut l'Hici: imutJfiisTs,
Cor. 14tli mill l)oulnn Htrerfn,
Your Teeth
need attention, skill nnd experience are
essential to Insuro correct and permanent
dentistry. Our men nro all graduates, and
fully experienced. All work warranted,
Hold Crown $5.00
Gold Fillings $1.50 up
Silver Fillings 75c
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
Save from $100 to $150 during our great Alteration Sale. Our entlro sec
ond floor will be remodclod and about 75 planoti must bo sold without delay.
, . STEINWAY . .
A. B. Chaso, Vose, Emerson, Ivors & Pond, Steger1, Packard and other standard
makes aro now offered at $100 lrsa than regular prices. ,
Fine Arlington Upright, only $138
Marschnll & Wendell Upright, only $152
McCamracn, fancy walnut caso $15S
Flno Chlckorlng Upright, only $1CS
Organs nnd Square Pianos $15, $25, $35 and up
Every Instrument guaranteed. Easy payments If dcalrcd. New pianos
for rent. Fine tuning aud repairing; lowtst rates. Telephone 1025.
Write for catalogue, prices and terms or pay us a visit of Inspection and
oeeo the wonderful SELF-PLAYING PIANOLA. It plays any piano any ono
can play It.
The Old Reliable Piano House.
1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 337 Broadway, Go. Bluffs
Th fnltnivlni? will mcrelv clvo you an Idea of what wo nro (lolntr.
nnn rx i-aiik mlml lllflt UL't flni WllftllV t tllimA ttlflt ll Pfl H M tlllM flH.
Inir (The llosurrecuoii), ny 'ioihioi, -uanver jdweit y me iimiior m nvi
I'ottago , Toe. Sic novels, standard imper euiuons, iuc, uecornieu puper naimnm, it
It will onlv
"The AwakPii-
What No 27 Is
The t'rnmer C'hemLnl company of AI
bnn N Y mnnufucturem of CRAMER S
told. 27 witgons traveling over the different
states advertising their wonderful kidney
euro. No, 27 Is tho ono assigned to travel
tiirouch Nebrnskn. You will seo It on tho
streets of Omnhii In n few days.
Crnmer'a ICIilucy Cure
Selinefor'n Hiirmimrllln
llromo Uiiltiliic
Syrup of Flui .
t.lnterliir , r.K
IIihmI'm SnrKiiiinrllln (ill,
Whip of Cnrilnl 7,-. J
riiiuiiiuii'M CoiiipotiiHl 7,-,i.
AJnx Tnlilt-tN to,,
I'lerer'n Prescription
Cor. Kllh nml CIiIcuko Sin.
White Enamel
The white enamel pro
vision apartments aro eas
ily kept sweet and clean
no scrubbing simply a
sponge dampened with
soap and water and tho re
frigerator is as pure as the
lirst day from the factory.
The perfect system of cir
culation In our Yukon, Alas
ka und Economic Insures ab
solutely pure, dry, cold air
No mixing of food odors,
in fact, they aro odorless.
Two carloads of Refrigera
tors Just received. Special
salo this week. Refrigera
tors sold on payments.
Milton Rogers & Son,
14lh and Farnam Sts.
Our Special Hardwood Refrigerator,
21 Inches wide, 10 Inches deop, 39
Inches high, Insulated with charcoal
sheathing, special price $5.45.
hundred,' Nk Fourdtnler''H l'rench Tissue Paper, all colors, per sheet, lc.
.Mexican comureron, Kimiuinrra, i.w.
Barkalow Bros.' "Bookshop"
1 laud-made
Gn Lard, on Ham, 01
Bacon is a guarantee
I of purity.
I Swift and Company,
Clilcauo. Kansas City. Omahu.
St, Louis, St Joseph, St. Paul,
Silk Waist
(See window for pointers.)
We shall offor you a col
lection of Ladies' Silk
Waists, mado from good
quality tafFotas, that will
out-do any waist salo of tbo
Black silk waists and colored silk waists, plain silk
waists aud tucked silk waists, French back silk waists
and plain silk waists, silk waists that aro corded, silk
waists with yoke all tho colors of tho rainbow horo
for you to select from waists that are worth up to
$7.50 each, all go on salo at
Millinery Magic.
As if by magic the prices on one hundred pat
tern lints. slide down the scale to Two Dol
lars and Seventy-Five Cents hats that are
worth up to $7.50, fall in line and join iho merry
throng of pretty pattern hats. This salo will be for
Saturday only, for they will be all gone before tho
gong strikes tho closing hour.
Saturday will be a great day at The
I MtlTM 1 1 rill"HI
lfZl ts the HAYDENs
gOO.ClS COme 111 women Made Merry in May
In our last night's cloak "ad" we told you we would give you particulars as the goods
came in, These are the particulars in plain, candid facts. Our Mr. James Hayden, a mem
ber of the firm permanently located in New York, watching for a break or a change in the
market, wired our cloak buyer the following message
"Unseasonable weather. Manufacturers more than anxious to '
unload. Come immediately. JAMES HAYDEN."
Our cloak buyer's expectations were more than realized. Owing to the cold, unseason
able weather in. that section of the country he found manufacturers wore more than anxious
to unload at any price within reason and ho bought hundreds and hundreds of garments for
less money than wo ever dreamed of. All and every one of them aro high class, artistic gar
ments, the creations of the very best manufacturers, who have made Now York famous as
the greatest cloak market in the world.
Here is a Partial List of the Manufacturers Whose Entire
Productions Were Closed Out to Him.
Conhclm & Co., 1 1th and Unlver- Mux Solomon, 473 Droiulwuy.
sity Mace. M. D. .Mlrsky, Ulceker nnd Grove
Peter Dalton, Spring Street. irreet
ShaffA Sllberman. Canul and Kl- . , " t,
dredge Street. Louis Barnett, Oth and Hroadway.
V. Henry Rothschild, Leonard St.
Fashi on .Manufacturing Company,
17 Green St.
J.M.IJrady & Company, 572 Broad.
Etc., etc., etc., also Fruschman Bros., who failed about threo weeks ago and whose entire
stock was closed out at 25c on tho dollar. ,
These Tremendous Purchases are Now Marked and Ready for Sale
in Our Cloak Department.
Tho above aro the facts and represent modern merchandising methods, placing us in po
sition to give you prices that may be given by other houses (50 days hence,, when advertising
their July clearing sales. Today wo give you a partial list of thousands of bargains, and
further particulars later on. Theso prices challenge tho world and are open to all
London, Ilorlln and rnrln styles, lino Im
ported materials, Romo silk lined
throughout, $40, $60 and Qf) K(
$75 values, nt tOKJ
LADIKS' SUITS, In hnndsomo styles, whip
cords, Venetians and broadcloths, all col
ors, somo nil silk lined, 1 f) Krt
worth $$30, on sale at XJJJ
spuns, hroken checks nnd plnlds, In pmln
matorlnlsj tho greatest variety of suits
ever shown In Omaha, worth Q OQ
$20 to $25, on salo at O.OO
LADIES' SUITS, no hotter mndo anywhoro
for stylo, wear nnd service, In a largo va
riety of materials; Jackets' silk lined
throughout, Bklrts porcnllno lined and in
terlined, worth up to $12 g C)g
Ladles' line hlack Skirts, In plain Qftr
and figured, worth $2.r0, for itOKj
200 ladles' Skirts, In homeepunti nnd Ve
netians and broadcloths, f) QQ
worth $5, for .70
Ono tnblo of ladleo' Ilalny Day Skirts, In
grays, browrm. blues nnd blncks, IB rows
of stitching, pleated back, O GC
mado to sell for $10, for tJ.tO
100 Imported Sample Skirts nt $30.00,
$25.00, $20.00 ix nn
and (wqrth doublo) XtfJJ
TTho Fashion Manufacturing Co. nro
known tho world over for their largo pro
duction of Silk Waists. Wn bought over
1,500 Silk Waists and you may bo euro wo
bought them at bur own price. '
200 Waists, In nil sizes rind all O Af
shades, worth $7, for O.rrO
nil tho houscrt In Omaha combined, and tho
grontest variety of materials over shown
by any house between Now Yoijk nnd Sim
Ladles' Spring Jackets, In colore and black,
silk lined throughout
LadltH' Spring Jackets, In Eton and single
breaded effects, taffeta lined, A qq
throughout, In all colors, nt rxttJCj
Ladles' Spring Jackets, In automobile styles,
lined with silk taffota and w
scrgo, at i t)J
PETER DALTON'S silk underskirts aro
known tho country over. Wo bought
one, thousand silk petticoats at 25c. on the
Ono hundred Bilk underskirts, two and
threo rows of rufiles as long as tlioy last
for $1.98.
100 silk underskirts in tho very newest
styles, worth $10.00, for $5.00.
50 dozen ladies' underskirts with 18-inch
accordion pleated fiounco; thoy aro worth
fr'2.50, for 79c.
V HENRY ROTHSCHILD, maker of tho
. Stanley WaiBt, Fold us over 400 dozen
waists at our own price.
100 dozen waists in all tho new spring
cloths, worth $2.00, at 98c.
50 dozen wash waists, at J 9c.
50 dozen wrappers in fine sea island per
cales, trimmed with braid, two rufiles 'over
shoulder, 15-inch fiounco, mauo to sell for
$2.00, for 98c.
Union Station.
Thon S2X