If 10 THE OMAHA DATLY BEE: SATUltDAY, 3IAY 5, 15)00. COMMERCIAL. AND FINANCIAL lf' fancy. Ihtrp. white, 10e; fancy. Inrge, (colored, IO'c; fnncy, smnll, white, lOfllO'.iC; - 1 fnncy, small, colored, 10'ifMO'ic. , , . ,, , .! KOllS-Hecelptn. S.ilO pkgs.j firm: stor- 3ooa Otih Demand is Aid to Firmnets of i hko western, nt mnrk. mic; regular pack- Whtat. CORN OPENS EASY, BUT GROWS WEAKER Dntu Are flnlpt nnil Within Nnrrnir Limits Provisions .Itnlntnln 'I'lirlr Firmness, but MnUu I'm r- llutilnr (iiiln In Prices, CIIICAOO. May 4. The wheat market jield firm todny on a good cash demand, nomo dainiiRe reports nnd the liberal clear ances. July closed He higher, corn cloned firm at '.do up nnd oats steady, July n nhadn lower; provisions were dull, clon ing steady nnd only slightly changed from yesterday. Wheat opened easy on lower cables nnd tho Increased Argentine shipments. Tho first hour tho tone was heavy nnd trnde Unit, prices receding a hit from first figures. 'At the decline the cash demand showed up In encouraging form; chlnchbugs were reported from Tennessee nnd Texan nnd consideration wns given the liberal slzo mf clearances both weekly and for today. TTndcr the Impulse derived from these con siderations the market rallied nnd the close, was firm. Tho demand for May J laced that option at HH1 discount under uly. Seaboard clearances for the day weri nual In wheat and Hour to :I75.0"0 bu.. nnd tho weeklv clearances from both coasts were 4.537,000 bu. Primary receipts were BtG.000 bu.. compared with 2fir.,0"0 bit. this tlmo last year. .Minneapolis nnd Du- Iutli reported 305 cars, against 20i ast week and 173 a year ago. ,ocal receipts were nineteen '''" nono of which graded contract. July opened '.ic lower nt WitlW.kc, eased to tAftc, Inter recovering to G714C nnd closing ic higher nt G!1tGi.ic , , , Corn was casv to begin with nnd de cidedly wenk during the middle of the cession. Cable were lower nnd freer country offerings were reported. Ilitslness In tho pit was fnlrly .t:tlvc. Later in tho itcsslort the wheat stiungih had sum" ef fect nnd this, combined with buying by nu Influential bull, caused a rally, the cloro being firm. Reports concerning tho shipping demand were conflicting, some claming 'Hint It was good others to the contrary. Local receipts were 210 cars. July ranged 'roin 3r'tc to 40Vil0'ic nnd closed firm nnd 'c up nt 40'(,c. Oats were quiet and within narrow limits, affected throughout In n modest wny by the com lluctuatlons. Country offerings wero reported light and the ship ping demand was fair. Sales today wero jon.noo bn. nnd receipt 22 cars. July sold between 23f(23'f,c and 23'4ft23c, closing a Hhade down at 23'i?f23ie, Provisions maintained their llrmiiesa, but mado no particular gain In prices. The market enrly was rather weak, In sym pathy with the corn break, and tho re covery of that grain later made amends by having a steadying effect on hog prod uct. Trade was dull the greater part of tho session. July pork sold between 112.17ft and J12.01 and closed 2!c higher nt 112.12ft; July lard between 7.02ft and Ji.P2ft, closlnc a shade lower nt Jrt.Mff fi.07ft, and July ribs between JO.R0. nnd l!.72'i, with the close 2'4c depressed nt 6.TMfi,774. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 14 cars; corn, 215 cars; oats, 20fi cars, hogs, 15.000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open.! High. I 1st w. CloseTYcs'y. Wheat j " I May fif.U'g-'Si d C5fti WtfW 65i July KCHftii 67ft S67-H1('.i 67ft 'Corn I May xyrt'. r.sft r,9 saifU July 3Wiff tOftSiH soft 40ft V) Sept. 40ftfli 40V, 40'i 40-H I0ftl Onts -May 225 22ft22ifi9i 22"i July 23'i 23UfT- 23fft 23ft((, 23i Sopt. TP.i Tork May 11 05 12 Of. I 11 05 12 00 12 00 July 13 12ft 12 17ft 12 05 12 12ft 12 10 Lard ,MllV 6 00 6 0S July 7 00 7 02ft fi 02ft fi 97ft 97ft Sept. 7 00 7 00 6 9.5 6 6 97ft Klb8- May 67ft 6 70 6 7ft 6 70 6 70 JUlv R0 6 X0 6 72ft 6 77ft fi SO Sept. 6 7. fi 76 6 70 6 75 6 77ft No. 2. Cash quotations wero ns follows: FLOUft Easy: winter patents. M.COf? B.70: Rtra ghts. J2.ikv3.4o: c ears. J2.70WJ.2U snrlng specials. I1.S0173.90; patents. $1.10 3.4G: stralchtH. J2.GWi3.oo: bnkers. J2.ooti"4.i. . WHEAT No. 3. OOflCJc; Xo. 2 red, 7M Wftc COnX-Xo. 2. 3!Hic: Xo. 2 yellow. 384ic, OATS-Xo. 2. 2IJI24ftc: Xo. 2 white, 26iit E7c; Xo. 3 white. 25fl26ftc. IIYE-Xo. 2. r3ftc. HARLEV Oool feeding, 36ftc; fair to r.holen malting. 30lAi-Uc. SEEDS-.No. 1 Itnxseed, 11.80. v Prime timothy. 12.40. Clover, contract grade, j PROVISION'S Mess pork, tier Mil.. Jll.Oulf 32.10. 1ard. per 100 lbs.. !fi.7M.97ft. Short ribs sides (loose). I6.60fifi.93. Dry salted Bhouldera (boxed). JS.50g6.76. Short clear Bides (boxed). j7.t6iT7.2G. WHISKY Distillers' flnlsheil goods, on baals high wines, per gal., I1.2aft. SUOAItS TJnchanBcd; cut loaf, 16.00; granulated, 15.44. I'ollowlng nre tho rccolpts and shlpmtnts for today Articles. Itecelpts. Shlpm'tg. TMour, bills. "Wheat, bu. Corn, bu,.., Oats, bu.... 1U.0KI 17,0(0 1S.WMJ . 27,000 .201,000 .211,0IHI 261,(03 liil.lHO itye. nu 6,000 Hurley, bu 2I.IKW 24.O0O On tho Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, ltftyiSftc; dairies. I3igitftc. Cheese, dull, 9ftllftc, Eggs, steady; fresh, lOftc. m:w YORK (SEVERAL MARKET, Quotations for tilt I)n nn Vnrlon CoilllllOltltlfM. NEW YORK, May 4.-FLOL'R-Recelpts, 10,123 bills.; exports, 20,930 bbls. Market ivns narrow and barely steady, showing Borne decline on the top grades of spring and wUer patents; Minnesota patents, $.1.65573.90; Minnesota bakers. J2.7Bff3.nO; win. ter patents, 3.65f3.S5; winter rtrnlghts, 13.4i fcia&O; winter extrus. 2.60Ti2.!t0; winter low grades. 12.2532.40. Ryo flour, easy; fair to 'uWWAh? V lv '?- CORNMKAL Quiet; yellow western. S6c; city, S4c; Brandywlne, $2.30fl2.4o. RYK Dull; No. 2 western, 60Ic f. o. b. afloat: stuto rye, 56S67c c. 1. f. New York carlots. HARLIJY'-Slow; feeding. 43&M6c c. I. f. New York; malting, 601iS3c c. I. f. New iVorlc. RARLKY MAIr-Dull; western. 5JSC3c. WHEAT Receipts, 271,095 bu.; spot, rttong; No. 2 red. bO'.ic, f. o. u., niloat, ppot; No. 2 red, 77c In elevator; No. 1 northern. Duliith, 76VJC, f. o. b., uflont, to nrrlve; No, 1 hnrd, Uuluth, 7Rftc, f. o. b., Dlloat. Options wero quiet and rather weak up to the last hour, when large seaboard clearances of Hour and chinch bug reports from Tennessee caused local covering and . rally. Early depressions were Impelled 'by weakness abrniid, largo Argentine ship ments und fairly good homo weather news; rlosed firm at n pnrtlal fto advance; May, 72 7-lrtf(73o. closing nt 73c; July, 72 U-lfiir J3 5-16o, closing at 73ftc, September, WW closing lit 74e. CORN .Receipts, 30S.100 bu.; exports, IIS,. Vd bu.; spot, steady; No. 2, 15V'. f. o. b.. nllo.it, und 45?io In elevator. Options easy nt tlrat on tho favorable news nnd more liberal country offerings, but llnnllv ral lied with wheat and closed steady nt fto decline to fte advance; May. 15 1-I61il5c rloslng at I5c; July, 45 l-liilflSc, closing Bt I5c: September closed at 4"ic. OATS Receipts. 79.MX) bu.; exports, 3,410 hu.; spot, steady; No, 2, 2Sc; No, 3, '.'7ftc; No. 3 white, 30c; No. 3 white, 29ftc; track, mixed western, 2Sf2iiftc.; truck, white, 2W $3o. Options dull, but steady, closing io higher; No. 2 white oatB, May, closed at t9c. HAY Steady; t-hlpplng, 65J775c; good to choice. MM41WC. HOI'S gulet; state, common to choice. IU6 crop, 3if5c, 1S99 crop, 10ffl3c; Pacllla roast crop, hiiOc. HIDES-Steady; Galveston, 2032tc; Cali fornia, 21 to 26 pounds, 25c; Texas dry, 21 to 30 pounds. 15e. LEATHER Firm: hemlock sole, Ruenns -Ayres, light to heavy weights, 25ftc; acid, WOOI'-Uull; domestic fleece, 2SflC3c; Texas. 16ffi ISc PROVISIONS neef. steady; famlh. $12.00 Q12.50; mess, $10.00WI0.50. Heef hams, $2U.J0 Iiv.'1.wj; pacuei. u.ismu.w; city, extra nulla mess, l7.iW I'J.w. vtii meats, quiet, pickled bellies s, I'ifavtc; picKien suouiuern, ic; pickled hams, tofttiilc, I.urd, steady; Western steamed, $7,35: May closed at $7.40, nominal; refined, weaker: continent, $7.65; R. a.. $S.15; compound, $6.62ft. Pork, easier; family, $14.Wi15.00; short clear. $U00hI4.60: mess. ll2.75W13.25. Tallow, weak; city, 4'c; count . 4ft55ftc, MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open bottle, trond to choice. 44fl'65c. PEANUTS Firm; fancy handplckcd, 3?i ffitc: other domestic, SflSftc. FREIOHTS To Liverpool, quiet and r-teady; cotton, by steam, 27c; grnln, by BUTTEIt Receipts, 3,411 pkcs.J steady; ' imf.. mi mnrK, liuuc; soutnern, m iniirit, META 1.8 There was considerable Ir regularity developed In the market for metals today. Tin further declined from OMAHA AVIIOI.i:sAI.V'. MAIIICET9. Comlltlnn of Trnilr nnil Qnotnttnn on Stnple nnd Knney Produce. EnciS-Ilccclpts, liberal; good stock, lOftc. LIVE POUIrrtY-Hons, 8ftc; roosterB, according to nge and size. 607oj ducks, 7ftc; Cftgfie; turkeys, Sc. lU'TTEU-Comtnon to fair, 11Q12C! choice, 14giSc; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, Wise. PISH-Trout. Oc; blue llsh, Sc; pickerel, Sc; catfish, 12c; dressed buffalo, 6c: roo shad, each, 30c; whltellsh, lie; herring, 8c; black bass. 15c. PtOEOXS-I.lve, per doz., 11. VEAI.S-Cholco. 971&c. t . . IIAY' Per carload lots: Upland, choice, iM. midland, choice, 16.00; lowland, choice, 13; ryo straw, choice. 15; Xo. 3 corn, JSfto; Xo, 3 white oats, 25e; cracked corn, per ton. 114.60! corn nnil nntn. ehontied. ner ton. 115; bran, per ton, 113.50; shorts, per ton, J13.50. VEGETABLES. Afll'ARAOUS-Htimo itrown. Der doz., 40ffOc. new TtmxiPS-Pcr do bunches, we. SPINACH-Per box, 401750c. NEW HEET8-Por doz. bunches. 3540c. LETTUCE Per doz. bunches, 35340c. RADISHES Homo grown, per doz., 10 2je SEED SWEET POTATOCS-Per bbl.. I2.002.2.-.; Kansns, eating, I3.0O i'UTATOKS-Per bu . choice, z&waoc. CAIIHAOE-Collfornla, Der lb.. 3c. CAl'LIKLOWEU-Per doz., 12.2502.50. CELERY-Per doz.. 25U30C. TOMATOES Florida, per slx-basket crate. 11.50. Mt'SHROOMS-rer lb. box. 60c. KHrHATtn Per lb., 2ft533c. OXIOXS-Rotall, yellow, 11.1001.15; red, ll.20ffl.23. FR'.'ITS. STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, per 21-qt. case. U.KIM.TO. APPLES Choice western shipping stock. l3.O0ft5.2Ti; Xew York stock. 15; fancy, 15.60. UHANIIKIIHIUS Jerseys, per ddi., iv.oy; por crate, 13.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. PIXEAPPLES Per doz.. I2.COS3.00. ORANOES California, fancy navnls. per box, $3.75f(4.00; choice navals, .1.50; Mediter ranean Sweets, per box, 13.25; Budded seed lings. 2.iS3.W. LEMOXS-Cnllfornla. choice, per dox, 13.25; fancy. 13.60. HAN AN Api Per tiuncn, meaium, a.vwip 2.50; largo, 12.76533.00. HIDES. HIDES Xo. 1 green hides, 7c; Xo. 2 green hides, fie; Xo. 1 salted hides, Sc: Xo. 2 salted hides, 7c; No. 1 veal catr, s to 13 lbs., 9c; Xo. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 8c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Hlckory, largo, per bu., 11.25; shcllbarks, 11.35. HONEY Per 21-sectlon case, 3.633.75. St. I.o ii Is firuln nnil rrorlilnnn, ST. LOCIS, May 4. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cosh, track. 71fttr72ftc; May. TOftc; July. 67-,ic; September, 6Sic; No. 2 hard, filft'ifoftc. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash, 33ic; track, 40ftc, May. 3S",c; July. 39W33ftc. OATS-I'lrm; Xo. 2 cash, 2tic. 2T.ftc; May, 24ftc; July, 23ftc; No. 2 track, white, SVdZSVSC. RYE -Dull nt BSfliaftc FLOl'R-Unchanired. SEEDS Timothy, steady; ordinary, I2.0O531 2.20. Klax, nominally higher. $1.77. HKAX Steady; sacked lots, east track, 70c. f'nnVMEAI Hlenclv. lt.9Slfi5.00. HAY - Timothy, $10.50 13.50; steadv. V&!iK15. WH ISKY-Steady. $1.25ft. 1ROX COTl OXTIES-$1.30. prairie, MIC HAfiOING TftffSviC MB.MP TWIXE-Oc. PROVISIOXS-Pork, steady: mess. Job bing, old, $12.75: new, 113.25. Lard, lower: prime, $6.80; choice. $6.87ft. Dry salted moats (boxed), steady; extra shorts, 16.87ft; clear ribs, $7; clear sldest. $7,12ft. Bacon, shoulders (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $7.37'.4: clear ribs. $7.60; clear sides. -$7.62ft. METALS-Lcad. steady at $4.65l.57ft. Sjielter. dull nt 81.65. POl'LTRY-Steady; chickens, Tftc; tur keys. (WiSc; ducks, c; geese, 3c. Ill'TTER Steady; creamery, 16019c; dairy. 141716c. EGGS Steady at 9ic RECEIITS Flour, 6,000 bbls.; wheat, 10, 001 bu.; corn. 45.000 bu.; oats. 47.000 bu. SHIPMEXTS-Flour. 6,000 bbls.; wheat, 29.000 bu.; corn, 65,000 bu.; oats, 28,000 bu. ICnnsnn City Grain nnd Provisions, KANSAS CITY, May 4. WHEAT July, 620; cash. No. 2 hard, Clc: No. 3, 59962c; No. 2 red, 67i6Sc: No. 3, C21)6c. CORN July, .17Uc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 3Sft3Sc: No. 2 white. 3Sic; No. 3, 3Sftc. OATS-No. 2 white, 26ftc. RYE-No. 2, 53c. HAY-Cholce timothy, $10.50H.OO; choice prairie, $7.00f?7.60. BI'TTER-Creamery. 16H18e: dairy. 15c. EGGS Lower; frefh Missouri nnd Kan- pas stork, 9ftc, cases returned; new white wood cases Included, lOc. RECEIPTS-Wheat, 33,000 bu.; corn, 9.700 bu.; onts, 3,Ku bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 21.600 bu.: corn y.TOi mi.; onts, -.oj mi. Liverpool firnln nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May 4. WHEAT Spot. No. 1 northern spring, steady, 6s lid; No. 1 California 6s 3'Adf(i6s 4d. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, quiet, ri ii(i. PROVISIONS-Bacon, Cumberland cut, dull. 41 Cd. CHEESE American finest white, steady. 6SCil; American tlnest colored, tirm, 62fl 6d. TALLOW Prlmn city. dull. 27s 6d; . Aus tralian In lAindon, steady, 25s. RECEIPTS Wheat, during the last three days, 9?,X0 centals, Including 149,000 Amer ican. Corn, during the last three days, 119, 601 centals. Mlnuenpolls Wlirnt anil Floor. MIXNHAPOL1S. May 4. WHEAT In store. Xo. 1 northern. May. 65ftc; July, (K'ipeOo; September. 65ft76u?;c: on track, iardftc;"No. "'kcl No! nnrlbern. fill c. FLOUR First patents, $3.50; $2.50; aecond clears, $2.06. HRAN In bulk, unchanged 11.00. first clears, at $10,730 Toledo Market. TOLEDO, O.. May 4. WHEAT Dull, higher; Xo. 2 cash, 74c; May, 74c, CORN Dull, llrm; Xo. 2 cash, 41c. OATS Dull, higher; Xo. 2 cash. 25c. RYE Dull, unchanged; Xo. 2 cash, 67ftc. HEEDS Clover, nctlvc, higher; edsh. prime old. $1.80; prime, new, J5; October, $5.15; Xo. 2, $1.304.40. Unlnlli Grnln Market, DCLI'TH. May 4,-WHEAT-Xo. 1 htrd. cash, 69e; May, 83c; July, 70c; September, Olftc; Xo. 1 northern, ensh, 67ftc; Mny, 67ftc; July. 6Sftc; September, 6Sftc; Xo. 2 northern, fiSftc; Xo. 3 spring, 62ftc, f)ATS-22ftQ23c. CORX 36ftc. MllivmiUco Ornl n Mnrkrt. MILWAUKEE. Mny 4. WHEAT Firm: No. 1 northern, 67ft665c; No. 2 northern, 65ftfi60fto, itvrJ ijuiei; .-so. l, bi'.vnissc. PARLEY Firm: No. 2. 43c: namnle. 37 Q 13c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May l.-COri'EE-Snot. Rio. easy; No. 7 Invoice. 7'ia. Mild, auiet-: Cordovn, 9ft113ftc. Kutures opened quiet at uncnangeci prices, ruieu exceptionally in actlvo and featureless nil day. with a weak undertone iniiowiug untavorauie European advices and nbsenco of Brazilian cables, lln nti.l K.mlna nnlnir rlnaeil nn nrpminr nf holiday and lower spot quotations. Market eioseu quiet, wiin prices net unrnongen to 5 points lower. 'Potnl sales, 2.750 bags, In cluding; July, 16,70: August. 16.75; Septem ber. J0.SJ; October, 16,o; necember. 17.15. Cnllfiirulo Dried l-'rults. NEW YOH.K. May 4. CAI,IFORNIA nniKO FRLMTS-null nnd nominally un changed. There- wus n fair export demand for prlmo evaporated apples at full sus tained prices; other grades have shown some Irregularity, however, nnd choice va rieties eased off partially under disappoint ing country advices; evaporated opples, common, 4ftfi6o: prime, 6H1T6c; fancy, 7ftW So, Prunes, 3ftfi7o per lb., as to size and quality, Anrlcots, Royal, ISlSc: Sloor Park. ISfilSo, Peaches, peeled, 18g22c; im peded, 7ftft9e. Cotton Mnrket, NKW ORLEANS. May 4.-COTTON-Qulet: sales. 2,f.m bales: ordinary, 8t-16c: good ordinary, 8 lV16e: low middling. 9ftc; middling. 9ftc; good middling. 9 11-16c: mid dling fair. 916-16c; receipts, 3.010 bales; mock. 174,291 boles. Future, quiet: May, 19.32119 31, June. S9.32fi9.33; July, SUlfl.S2: I October, smikiibi. ei.o-Ti j in, nepiemoer. w.jjnk.u; yesterday s r ow on disappointing i.omion i i AA iii.n s,pi,u nl j-imiz-s per cent; insi imn, m , werria w Wi "rlmo mcrcnnl" ,"u,cr 3t1 ro kw rr, St? wore weak mrt'he'rn " No. ? : A JV?,'' STKHUXO EXCII ANOB Klrnj. will; foundry, nominal nt P21.00t723.0O. Lend. ""cl".!1 i A i fl2n..' 1k. S1"1"'!1 "tislncss In bankers' bills at II.SSU dull at 14 674?f l.72'4. Hnelter. ruled n shade erw: .J"n.p ,nn-,Jiyi . ,?c,,pr,,.! ,u"y for demand nnd at H.81 for sixty days llr export demand, and , "Pi August. 5 13.f,i;,Jf, H-6ld. sellers; August ,)ogted rates. 4.s5flVft and tl.SJ774.saft; closed mi the basis of II 60 bid nnd It!(JS nm! e.nt,enlbpr: PaV' ,,.'"'Frr,i September commercial bills, I.S.in574.S4U. asked. Thte',brokers' price for lend was Jml "s miJrTJ CKUTI MCA.T KStlve r, mfmci bar. 11.45 nnd for copper 11,. vember nnd December. I 7.7trT.9; November, S7.S5T7.6; December. 7.S3gS4, January. IT Stfl" ffi. ) k3 a . i tj l ir. &iin . v ui iiii a. ii- changed; sales, none; middling. 9V; re- celpts. 1ST bales; shipments. S0j bales: stock, 4J.257 balei. I L VERPpOL, May 4. POTTOXSpot, ) moderate demand; prices l-32d lower; Amer ican middling, fair, fd; good middling, 6',4d! middling, SR-lCd, low middling. fi6-lfid; good ordinary, S3-Id; ordinary, fid. Tho sales of the day were lO.pno bales, of which 6no were for speculation and export ami In- ruium v.tin mencnn; receipts. ;j,wo nates December and January, 4 29-61171 30-tild, j sellers; January and February, 4 27-6Hf i .tvcit!, sellers; February and March, 4 27-6ld, sellers, .MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AMI ItOXIIS. Mnrltet n llnmls nf Proressloiinln During the SrsNlon, NEW YORK, May 4,-Tho stock market maintained Its professional character to day. As though to vary the pace or tho recent monotony In the market yesterday's slight upward movement was continued nt tho opening todny, Instead of starting In 1 tho opposlto direction. But this was hardly inoro than ll device nf llio tnnll IrmWu - glvo an appearance of strength to the market nnil their renllzlng sales before the close brought prices bat k to about last y",1 level nnd left the net changes In significant, exretlt 111 n fnw llollnlll Innnllvo stocks. Sugnr retained Its relative prom inence, thoush on n decreased volume of dealings, It was lifted above yesterday's close onco or twice with difficulty nnd loses about a point on the day. Long Island ran , Off 314. seemlnirlv nn rAnlllntr ,m dm .)..,. Ing bv tho governor nf the lull authorizing I a railroad bridge at Hell Gate, but In tho imu ui-.uingH uie siock scoreu n rupid rc- 1 Oil bey d the nresent low RtnekR In llir, vnr,l tho Impossibility of comnetltlon from Luropo Insures against nny considerable renetlnn In nrlni TUn aimimtt. r Ixmdon market helped the opening advance ! hero, but London sold modernteiy on the advance. Tho usual forecast of tomorrow's hnnlr ' statement Indicates that hn ln nf r.ni. by reason of the gold exports, amounting ' to $2.6fO.OOO, has been more than offset by , iiiu KuiiiR on nunireasury operations aim on the Interior express movement. The gains from tho Biihtrensury. allowing for operations with the assay office, on ac count of tho gold for export, ore f 1,800. 000, largely by reason of the payments of May Interest on government bonds. Tho miin of currency from the Interior Is expected to in. i ."uim-iuiiiK neiow .',uuii,ij", wnlcn IS $.00,C less than last week's gain. This In dicates a gain In cash by the bunks on nil accounts of nbout $1,200,000. As the gold ex ported is going nnroad as n loan the re serve requirements will be IncrenBed by a loan expansion. A bid Was made nn the. Slock erchnnpn of 3 per cent for cnll loans, but no loan wns placed at that llgure. while amounts were loanM nt lower flnure. boll, l.- 'orn nun after tho bid. The treasury':, monthly statement of money In circulation attracted attention ns tending to explain the cur rent ease In money rotes. The statement shows an Increase for tho month of April of tho money In circulation, exclusive of cash In the treasury, of $3!.27o.'jCi7, nnd an increase for tho last twelro months of 1126.. 667,671. Sterling exchange waa idlchtlv firmer again today. In snlte of sliglitl easier money In London. But the present gold movement Is toward Paris nnd o no steamer sails direct to France until nevt Thursday thero wero no exchange bills of- leied for sale against gold export. Tho bond market was dull, but prices wern well held. Total sales, par value, $2,375,009. United States Zf. . oupon, advances! : registered ft and new and old 4s ft In the hid price. Tho Commercial Advertiser's '.ondon financial cnblegram says: Tho markets hero opened weak, the capture of Brand fort being disregarded. There waF a lienvv break In home rails on the announcement that coal contract had been rilsed 5s n ton, or 50 per cert. The close was more cheerful on the beCer view of the money situation. A ricuns were absolutely stagnant throughout the session niuJ the street was silent. Paris neglected tlntni, but Anacondas were harder in response to New York's price. The bank bought tt 00) gold In German coin. Call money was Km wanted nnd the bank received buck the moderate sum duo nnd did a small btHlurr.s on discounts. Bills were stead) but Idle. Sliver, spot, wns firmer on smulltr eastern demand, Forward rates were unchanged, New York helng Inclined to sell The following are. tho closing prices ol tho New York Stock exchange iodiy Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio Cunadlan Pacific. Canada "3o CheB. & Ohio Ohlcayo O. W C. II. & Q Chi , Ind. & L, . . do pfd Chi. & K. Ill 26 SH4 9." U Vnlon Paclftj io pfrt... V 7Pi Wabash .. do pfd Wheel ft L. rc... do 2d pfd.... Wis. Central Third Avenue .... Adams Kx American Hx United State Kx, Wells-Kargo Kx.., .. :r .. 10 .. 2"; .. 16ft ..1C7 . .122 .! 17 . 121 .. ,"4 i'jft . KXt .125 '4 . !6'4 . M .IO". .16lft .1C81 Chicago & N. W... C . R. I & P C. C. C. A t. I.. Colorado Po do 1st pfd , do 2.1 pfd Del. d Hudson Del. L. W Denver : II. (.... do pfd Erie do 1st Pfd Ot. Nor pfd Hocking Coal IWklng Valley Illinois Central ... Iowa Central . K. C. P. & O .. do pfd Ike Krle & W .. do pfd I.i ko Shore, L. & N Manhattan It Met. St. Ity .. Mexican Central .. Minn. St. L.... do pfd Mo, Pacific Mobile & Ohio .... Mis., K. T do pfd N. ,T. Csntrtl N. V. Central .... 'Norfolk 'ft W do pfd No. Pacific do pfd Ontario & V Or.-, rty. eV Nav... do pfd Pennsylvania Rendlns io 1st pfd.... do Id pfd nio a. w do rfd st. u fir n v. . da 1st pM .... do 2d pfd St. L Poutliw Amer. Cr.t. on .. do pfd Malting .. Pfd s. n.... . m . 41ft . K',4 ,.U4ft .SiO . 13 . Mft . i:4 Anier. do Amer. do K'l pfd. Amer. Spirits do pfd Amer. S. Hoop . do pfd Amer. S. & W... dn pfd Amer. Tin Plate . 73'i 21' . i'iv, "ft .101 .11 ,. 4 Hi .. 734 ,. 1i.', .. M .. t,l .. i'3; .. r.'n ..1.1S .. 50ft .. 51 .. fft . C4 .. 70 .. S'1,4 .. M .. il ..KJ'i . n: .. K"4 . iV. .. ic. .. t .. si .. o,. . r4 do pfd .1Hi Amer. Tobacco ., . KW do pfd . lift Anas. Mln. i.'i . to llronklyn R. T., Colo. Fii-I ft I.., . 92 Con. Tobacco 206 do pfd . Kii Fediral Steel . 91 do pfd r.4ft.ilen. Electric .... . 1344 Glucose SiiK.ir .. . f.l do pfd . 9l'i Inter. Taper 'lt I do rM . 41 Iiclede C.as .... . lift National Itlscult. . 81 I do pfd .120 'National Lead .. .134l do pfd . S1V. Nutlonal St e ... . 791J I do pM . S7!i N. Y. Air Ilra'.ic . 7S',J No. American .. . 22 .Pacific Coast ... . 4J do 1st pfd .. . 76 I do 21 rfd.... .154 Pacific Mall . 1 People's Oas .... . .',1 Prrssv' s. Cnr.. . .Vi 1 du pfd 101 4) f014 , SI ''oilman P . Mft Standard n Car.. ..181 & T . f'4 in-, 112 Fft.HU3.ir co no 'd . 3ft . m; .m; .172'C .1171 . xv. II :.. H Tnn Coal ,t Iron. Si IT. S leather ... i' do pfd U. R. Itiibbfr 2'-H do pfd 0". Western T'nlnn .... 81's llep. I. S 16 do pfd r.; P. C. C. & St. L... f2 do pfd St. I'aul do pfd St. P. fi Omaha... rfo Parltv (to Hallwsv .... do pfd.. .. Tejas A V.ir.l6o . Offered. Ilnston Sttiekn nnil lliittil. BOSTON. Mny t. Call loans, 3fTI per cent; time loans, Sftrfjlft per cent. Olllclil closing: A., t. a- s. r do pfd Amer. Huirar Hell Telephone .. lloilnn & Albany. Tlonton Klevated Tloston 81 Me C. II. & Q Dominion Coal ., do pfd Federal Steel .... do pfd .. 26 . 70 ..113ft ..311 ..243 ..141 ..192 ..125i .. 41ft ..117 Atchlnon 4.... .101 . f . (ft Ii . 88 . 21 . (.8 .76.1 . "ft 1! . 7.1 . 61 . 43 8", .18.) . 28 . 2ft .. 41 n. i:. o. ft c. 5s, Adventure Allounii Mill. Co.. Amal. Copper .... Atlantic llnmnn & Mont... Ilutte A llonton . Calumet & Hecla. Centennial 40V, ranklln evt Humboldt Kltchtiurg pfd.... ..Ul Osceola ' Oen. Klertrle ..136 ..138 ..203 .. 13, Parrot .. Qulncy .. Hanta l'e Tamurnck do pfd.. Ed. Bleo. Ill Tdeilcan Central N E. O. & C..., Old llomlnlon ... Vnlon Pacific .... Copper. 18 17 rinli Minim? ivinona J6S Wolverines FnrelKii I'liuini'lnl, LONDON, May 4.-4 p. m. American se curities' opened better, then cased off and remained quiet to the close. Trading was light. The tlnal tono was steady. The nmount of bullion1 taken Into the Hank of 1 Kngland on balance today was 11,000. nold premiums aro ciuoteHi as ronnivs: iiueuns Ayres, 127.20; Madrid. 2S.62; Lisbon, 41.50; Rome, 6.07ft. PARIS May 4. On the bourse today tho cessation of realizations firmed Interna tional securities, which recovered, espe cial:' In tho cas of Spanish Is and Urn xlltnns. Rio tlntos were harder, though at first they rearted on the decline In copper. Kaffirs were quiet. Three per cent rentes, lOlf lOo for tho account, Exchnnge on I-on-don, 25f Un for checks. Spanish 4s closed nt 72.75. RERUN, May 4. Business on the bourse today was generally firmer. International securities were quiet. Spanish 4s advanced. i no steel slocks showed some rather';: .."- i, imiI anguld evidences of nosltlvo strenctli with. ia-.n1? c"' ' t any particular news to account for It V, f 7' m S'ond tho published onlnlon of the nresl. I Mv K: . SI ent of one of the I'ntnu.inlo. nririihiL. ihni ao '- slightly. American nnd Canadian Pacifies . wnrn mi rnrr nn :. n w t nru ii ii v if iiiiiit n,),i Industrial shares recovered shnrnly, owinir to cnrnnrnirinir rennrt In resard to the situation In thn Iron market In upper Silesia and England. Exchange on Iindon, 2fm t2ft tifgs. for check. Discount rnte. snort dims 4ft per cent 4 per cent; three months bills, .tMv York Money Mnrltet. NEW YOItK, Mny 4.-MONEV-OU call, tlve; railroad, llrm. The closing prices on bonds today were as follows: r. s. irt. : do Is, rcg. do 3n, reg lMUlN. Y C. Is 116ft .. MU"N. .1. . nen, 5..13l . .liiHtj.No. Carolina 127 on coupon U'v ilo 4' No. Paclfls 3s t. 'l do 4s W S Y C & ft L 4s...lWi N. & V. eon. Is... 17ft no gen. t 11$ Ore. Nnv. It 10J ilo 4a 1M Ore. P. L. 6s .25 do ennsol Zs 114 Heading gen. 4s.... rto new 4s, reg.,.l.M do coupon 1?4 lo old 4, rrg....11J do roupon 115 do 5s, reg 1121,4 iln roupon Ujft Ti. nf C. 3 6"i I2lft Atchlon gen. (.... lOfl't, ilo nilj. 4s... Canniln Hn. 2s . RTi Clies. & O. 4fts.... (!) .n. (I. W. 1 W'i Mo T.s 115 St 1, I M con 5f 10?', (' .5: N V. e. 7s .14H1 pi. L. 8. V. g. 61 121 do i. V. deb. 6s. .119 Ft Pnul consols ,111ft riilrsen Ter. 4.... tup 4 HI. 1. C. fk P Is .120 V. S: It. O. Is 101U do ..s 12-2'i Mo 4s 9'.V4 fin. Railway 5s 112'1 E. T. Vb. & O. Is.l0:, H. R. ft T. 7')i ICrle gen. 4s 7.1 Tenn. n. s. 3s M V. V. ti 1. T is. 70 Tev. & Pne Is 115H deneral Klectrle Js.KO Tex. & Pacific 2s... (ft o. it. h. A. e, . .1101.1 ..1(19 ...111ft ..110 ..lit ITnlon Paelfle 4s. ...10.. W n bath Is 11 ''"i do 2s 102 West Shore 4s 113 V " do 2 T C. 5.... do ennsol (,t..., Iowa Central Wis. Central Is. 90' Mft ! Mft . SJ'i .Vn. Centuries do deferred , Colo. So. 4s... So. Pacific 4s When Issued Offered. Now Yor1 Mining O.n"4n4lon. NEW YORK. May" 4. The following nro closing quotations for mining shares today: Cliollnr . 15 . n .1(5 Ontario SM .... M .... 12 .....150 .... 7!.0 .... SI ....3io .... :o Crown Point Ophlr Con. Oil & Vn.. IViidwiKvl ....... Plymouth Quicksilver .... Ooiild Currle no pro Plerrn Nevada llnlo A N'orcroM llomestnke Iron Hllver Mexican Ptandard I nlnn Con Yellow Jacket .. .. 27 Lnnilnn Stock Unotntlnns. LONDON. May I. 1 p. m.-Closlng Cnnnls, money .... lOO'l ,Krl 1?'l Sift 6 .; do noi'ount Atclilon Canadian Pacific St Paul Illinois Central Txiulsvllle Vtilnn Phc pfd. N. Y Central . Iiwi-ldl do 1st rM . . . V-'. i . 97ft ...121ft ...117 ... KY, ... 7.ft ...U7'i Pennsylvania Reading No. Paelfle pfd.. Orand Trunk ... Anaconda Iland Miner. in 27' . BAR SILVER-Stendy. 270'd per ounce. MONKY-3JN per cent. Tho rate of discount In the open market for short hllln, W4ft per cent; for thrco months' bills, 4 l-lOfflft per cent. Clmincinl Notes. PHrLADBLPHIA. May 4, Clearings, $16, f1 .401; balances, $2.290,6S2. RALTIMORK, May 4. Clearings, $1,130, SS3; balances, $1,003,964. CHICAGO. May 4,-Clcarlngs. $2?.19..,4k.s; balances, I2.S20.572; posted exchange. $I.SSft ff-4.69ft; New York exchange, 40c discount. ST I)l'IS, May 4.-Clearlngs, $5,604,141; balanrt's. $.V),Ra9; money, 4fi7 per cent; New Yoik exchange, 25c premium hid, 60c pre mium asked. NKW YORK, Mny 4. Clearings. $1SS,610, 712: halnncs, $10,2S3,51S. BOSTON, May 4,-Clcnrlngs, $22,61$,020; balances, $2.46.S'CS. CimilKloii of the Trensury. WAEUI1NGTON. May 1. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, excluslvn of tho $160,000,000 gold reserve In the dlvlflon of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $1I5,437,7D9; gold, $78,9S3,327. tVool Mnrkct. ST. IXDUIS, May 4. WOOL QulM. a shndo off: medium grades. 165J21ftc; ii fine. ISITISc; heavy,' fine, 12f?15c; tubwntl 1RIU, ncxi, 2"'!. Tie ' ... BOSTON. May 4. Tne commercial nui Ip'Iii will say: The wool market Is flat, with little or no inquiry.' Purchasing from crowcrs Itl the went Is at .a standstill. A drop of 10 per cent 'In expected In the Lon don auctions Tuesday, on account of lack of tliuini'inl conlldence. caused by the Boer war. Tho clip of Argentina Is 27,001 bales j Hhort of last year. This more thin offsets tne increase oi mis year a i iiiien numn clip. The Agriculture department statistics show United States nhep nt shearing time only 1-10 per cent below perfect condition of phenomenal excellence. Sales for the week were l.titii.wu pouncis uumcHiii; nun 320,000 pounds forelfrn, n total of 1,S?3,000 pounds, (iBiilnst a total of l.ROO.OOO pounds hist week and n total of 3,3t.OOO pounds for tho corresponding teek Inst year. Tho receipts to drfto show a decrease of 6.021 bales domestic, nnd nn Increase of 47.5s.O Imlos foreign URnlnst Inst year. The sales to dato show n decrease of 7,41s, iOO pounds domestic nnd 8,5S7,f00 pounds forelsn. Ilry Ooods jrnrket. NEW YiRK, May 1 The demnnd today has been limited In all departmentr.. Stn plo cottons nre Innctlv throughout. No quotable change In the prices of brown, blearhed or brown or coarse colored i.-oods. Prlris niow of sale nnd print cloths Idlo and priced more or less nominal. I-lr.ens nre dull, Tuit prices sten1-'. Ilurlaps nre also dull and tho mat kit for Calcutta makts very easy nnd Irrejul'.r OI! Mnrket. OIL CITY, Pa., May 4. Credit bnlntfoes, $J.4S; cerllflcnt'-M. no bid: shipments, 77.018 bbls.: uveraso, 101, 67j bbls. LONDON. Mny 4.-OILS Linseed, 32s 6d. Turpentlim spirits, 42s 10ftd. NKW WM.lv. .May 1. vji i.a oieaaier; prlmo crude, 35c; prime yellow, 37ftc bid. I'rortn. Mnrkel. PKORIA, III.. May 4.-CORN-8tenriy; No. 3. 3Sftr. OATS Inactive; No. 3 white. 25c. WHISK Y Firm, on the basis of ?1 25ft for finished soods. Suptnr .Itnrkct. "Eff ORIl'VANS Slav 4. BUCJAR S.eadv; open kettle. ifll S-le; open kettle, centrifugal. 4ftl5f'4ftc; centi-lfUB".. .sellotx, 4?'i?4 13-l'V; seconds. 2ftW4'.(.c. Neiv York l.iv Stock. NEW YORK. May 4. REEVES Re ceipts, 2.370 hoatl, twenty-eight cars on sale, steerii. l..w. cows, steady to 10c lower; bulls, st.ady. nil sold: steers. JI.40 5.15; bulls, S3 50fft.50; cows. 12.S5ffl.O0: ea hies, ilet: lle .-nttlo steady nt UftWUlio at Liverpool; ll-VfflSfte at London; llvo sheep steady nt 4c, dressed weight; ex jn.' i'. none; tomorrow, C62 cattle .mil 6.956 qu:irtuii ul beef. CALVLS-itrcelpts. 108 brad. Market ac tive .mil CSfc.lJc higher, 50c hlrher than Wed'iosdny: ill sold; veils, l.0.'4.25. SHEEP AND 1. AMU-Receipts. 4.442 head Mark.H si.'ady. lambs. steady; .I.iefl : nil sold; chol.-e, 5.6" clipped lii'iii. i .v(j5 7fi; common fchlppliiB itmbs, Za'i i .ich. 1IOOS Receipts. 1,185 bend. Mnrket lower: prime, $5.GOff5.70; mixed ivestern, $3,351(5.15 western pigs, $5.O0ff5.30. Si. Louis Live Stock. ST. LOVIS. Mny 1. CATTLK Receipts, 1,100 head. Including 600 head Texans; mar ket steady; native shipping nnd export Kteets. I4.60fiii.75; dressed hoof nnd butcher steer?. JI.301fG.00; steers under 1.000 lbs., n.oo iff 1.70; stockers and feeders. ll.JOf) I.S5; cows nnd heifers 12.0itf7V.iH); fnutWH. $1.50?(2.8.V, bulls, $3.15'((3.S5: Texns and Indian steers, $.:.rC'(f I.S0; cows and heifers. $1,1014 09. I IOCS Receipts, 7,100 head; market fifjlOa higher; pigs und lights. $.'.1Wi5.25; packers, $5.181iS.35: bllleliers, t,.30f6.42ft. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccclpts, 2,7W head; market steady; native muttons, H.:r. ff(5.40; Inmbs, 16; spring lambs, $6.15117.75; culls nnd bucks, $3,5011.20; stockers, $2.35lp 3.00. St. .IomoiiIi Live Slock. SOl'TH ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 4.-(Spe-clnl.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 900 head. Market steady to strong; natives, $l.00lil,90; Texas and westerns, $.1.9"ft 1.90; cows and heifers, $2,251(4.45; bulls and stags. $2,2511.85; year lings and calves, $l.00i6.25; stockers and feeders. $3,5011.85; veals, J6.fH7.(rt. IIOOH llecelpts, n.'K'i head. .Maruct oe to 10c higher; nil grades, $5.10i5.30; bulk of sales. J5.1515.25. 8HKEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1,6) head. Market active and 15o higher; Colo, rndo lambs, $7.00, "took In Slicht. Fnllowlnjr nro the receipts at the four principal western markets tor .May : Cattle. I tors. Sheen, South Omaha 1.300 6.761 1.955 Chlcngo ......2,000 JS.OiiO S.ftoil St. l)llls 1.100 7,101 2.7W) Kansas City '.'.R50 11,6'n 1,600 Totals 7250 13,662 116 i t- I Jtt fi 1 Tll OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Otttlt Snpplj Verv Li?ht tnd Market Strong and Aotlve. ABOUT EVEKYTHING SELLING EARLY Hobs Open Actlir nnd Flvr to Ten Onts lllgbcc Tlinn Yrsfrdnv .Moriilim FrelltiK on .Hieep .Market Some Stronger. . SOUTH OMAHA, May 4. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. JJlilclal Monday 2.3S2 1,345 Olllclal Wednesday 2,663 SAW Ofllclal Thursday ., 1,610 6.091 Olllclal Friday 1,300 6,761 Five ilavs this week i? M avavt Same days last week. .. .14.26.1 33,175 anme nays week be rore. 15,677 35.6S1 Same three weeks ago. I6,05? 35,862 sumo four weeks neo. .. .11.101 i.sir Average prtco paid for hogs tor th last several dqyH with comparlsona: 1300.1833.;l3S.lS'j;.188t.ljl95.l!M. April 1. I 3 2 3 67 3 M 3 i 4 TB i 2? 4 781 April April April April April April April April April April 16.. 17.. IS.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 6 45 6 65 3 61 3 it 6 6 23 5 It 6 13 5 09 6 W 6 12 6 05 4 17 5 0J 6 12 5 03 5 00 5 09 J 07 5 If. 4 97 3 72 3 6S 3 71 3 91 3 3) 4 5 49 5 46 3 60: 3 91 3 431 4 63 3 61 4 611 5 45 3 75 3 77 3 61 3 SI 3 35 i 3'l 4 69 6J2 6 3S 3 73 3 81 3 71 3 S3 3 84 3 S2 3 3 30 4 3 2SI 3 3 4 671 4 66 S 32 3 67 3 83 5 361 5 33 3 66 3 65 3 71 3 S4 3 31 4 61 April 2r; 3 81 3 77 3 75 4 6 April 27 S 34 3 67 3 69, 3 69 3 79 3 261 4 65 April 21 6 37 3 77 3 791 3 26 April April Mny May Mny May 29.. 30.. 3 74 3 221 4 60j 5 32 3 83! 3 SO 2 Io 4 64 1... 5 261 3 61 3 79 3 121 4 46 I fi IS) 3 651 3 So ' 3 181 4 49 4 591 3 26 47 3... 4... i t 1.1 .1 KJ 1 6 2C 3 6S !l 6?' 1 71 3 93 3 72 Indicates Sundny. hrnnH,,0ifllc.ln! number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses. 2 10 1 . ,, &. M. & St. P ny. O. x- st t . t.. Missouri Pacliic'rty 15 4 25 3 6 II 1 b- M-.y. r. n...:. 13 . -'. I', l'y 4 4 C, St. P., M. & O. h. A m. n. n it Hy. 10 3 3 c.. n. & q. n- If. v St. J C., It. 7. P., east. 4 1 1 .. it. I. fi- p., west Illinois Central Total receipts 67 2 9) S ii.t- iiiKi.osiupn or tne day s recelpU was hHJ,"uc.!ir' h'Vfr purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: ,ru .,i ... . . 'i"ers. Cattle. Umnha Packlntr Co i;s . H. Hammond Co 123 HojS Sneep 1.2M MWirt lllli C'omn-lnv Wi5 1 9T,T 701 476 Cudahy Packing Co x1 Armour & Co ISO 3.653 Armour, from Sioux City .... 677 Omaha, from K. 0 4 It. Pecker & Degan 11.5 ansant & Co 34 1Ohmmi ft Co 3 Hill & Huntzlnger 11 " Hamilton & Rothschild.. 25 If. L. Dennis & Co 39 Other buyers 83 .... T7S Total 1,406 5C L9iV5 CATTLK Thero were only a very few cat -tit- In the yards this morning and the mos.. of them wero nicked up so early that tho yards were soon almost deserted. The mar ket as a whole was In cood shape nnd entirely satisfactory to the sellers. Cornfed steers constituted the bulk of th offerings, there being about thlrtv loads on sale. The mnrket was active and j.-enerally a llttlo stronger. The decline of the early part of the week on handy or llcht and mcdluni welsht cattle Is rully made up. Thero were not enough heavy cattle here to make a test of tho market on that kind. Kverythlng wns disposed of In good season. Cows nnd heifers were In good demand and the market wrts strong and reasonably active. The few loads were soon disposed of nnd tho pens wero cleared nt an enrlv hour. Hulls sold nt prices that were stoady with yesterday or a llttlo better than a few days aro. Thero were no stockers or feeders In the yards to amount to anything. The de mnnd for that kind of cattle has been good nnd the moderate receipts have met with ready rakers at good strong prices all the week. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. AV. Pr. No. Av. Tr. 1 IH') 3 76 1 1000 4 (8 4 1(0 4 (0 34 11J.1 4 C5 1 600 4 (O 2 1010 4 f.5 1 860 4 18 16 1040 4 63 1 7f1 4 5 20 980 4 fi.1 1 106.1 4 20 20 1088 4 (o 1 10CO 4 25 1 1100 4 (5 3 673 4 25 12 1197 4 70 1 1040 4 35 20 10S6 4 TO 10 ;1C76 4 41 f 1048 4 10 8 915 4 II IS 1335 4 70 8 1050 4 .VI 16 133.1 4 -0 25 1034 '4 60 20 U9S 4 7.1 25 1108 4 :0 5 1440 4 S 1 1180 4 80 1 1290 4, 75 1 930 4 1.1 41 12N 4 80 20 961 4 85 3 12.1 4 $0 1 780 4 61 20 1188 4 80 42 1.WI 4 f0 3S 123J 4 80 26 1162' 4 fO 38 1237 4 0 ) 1220 4 in 19 1J91 4 10 3 1123 4 (0 pi 4 S5 1 1270 4 10 19 lion 4 SS 20 1100 4 10 1 H72 4 53 16 1015 4 1,1 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 12 970 4 60 15.. 1190 4 75 COWS. 1 641 2 CO 1 770 3 75 1 90 2 15 1 lino 3 ;5 1 88.1 if, 1 ?70 3 j., 2 990 2 81 4 940 .1 SO 7 912 1 70 1 1080 3 SO 1 10(0 J 1 1 up,) 3 M 2 890 3 ( 0 6 120.1 3 sr. 1 770 3 10 2 1210 ; ss 1 12W 3 15 8 1048 3 fj 1 1183 3 15 1 10V) 3 fz 4 100 3 25 26 9.1 3 (0 1 1100 3 27 1 lflio 3 (o 1 W0 3 25 4 995 j iq 1 970 3 15 1 J006 3 55 1 1110 3 25 6 1006 4 (0 1 hM 3 :0 1 1C0 4 00 2 1110 3 40 2 J2S.1 4 flo S 1ft " '0 4 987 4 fo 1 MO 3 50 8 1017 4 01 1 90 3 SO Ml 4 oS 1 M 3 80 10 U2S 4 10 1 790 3 W) 1 ijio 4 jo i ! s ;.s i . jv i n 1 1"V1 I1 1 04O 4 15 ; io i s i4s ( rs 1601 1 88 l 1077 1 V. 2 1070 1 . 1 s;o 4 : 1 1S90 3 16 I Uf,0 4 21 1 1140 3 75 I 1030 4 y, J 1110 3 15 S 1W, 4 40 1 910 S 75 ! 1300 4 40 6 U 3 71 1 uo 4 M IIEIFKRS. 1 620 3 0.) 16 B73 4 (1 1 760 3 T, 1 1170 4 SO 1 740 3 80 1 70 4 so n 7(1 4 20 6 71fi 4 su 1 1000 4 2-1 3 S86 4 K 1 4M 4 M 1 7J0 4 10 BULLS. 1 12(0 8 1 5 1 770 S 80 1 810 3 30 1 J520 3 80 1 1230 8 V. 1 1SI0 3 01 2 13)0 3 80 2 nr, 3 ,-i 2 1160 3 TO 1 1841 J 10 1 810 8 80 1 1(10 3 68 1 1413 3 80 1 1600 ,1 i'. 1 1W0 S 50 1 1840 70 1 8.V) 3 V) 1 1160 3 T.I 2 1S1 3 ti 1 1(W1 ( (A 1 141 3 M 1 101 4 01 1 1310 3 W) 1 890 4 60 1 1610 3 CO 1 10J0 4 ;fl 1 1820 3 60 1 870 4 M CALVES. 1 180 I ro 1 100 6 "8 1 280 .'. (0 1 160 7 00 1 iro 8 ro 1 140 7 00 2 121 C. 50 1 210 7 CO 1 Ml S TO 1 110 7 M 1 350 6 CO 2 200 ; (0 STAGS. 1 I860 4 11 IS 1601 4 20 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 .140 2 .10 3 8t1 4 10 1 820 2 (0 2 750 4 2.1 1 6C0 3 M 2 8.10 4 25 4 782 3 '.3 1 800 4 V, 2 700 3 TO 18 713 4 f.5 1 1010 3 80 1 1020 4 )0 1 610 3 61 2 90 4 40 1 WO 3 11 1 f 00 4 TO 1 720 3 70 1 480 4 51 1 7(0 3 71 6 411 4 60 1 860 4 00 8 f.7 4 0 2 0T. 00 4 872 4 75 10 92? ( 10 STOCK CALVES. IS 200 4 10 5 300 5 (I) 4 i 4 00 ' " STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 840 3 V) 15 97.1 4 TI 3 S70 3 85 10 8.17 4 0 3 670 4 CO '1 41 4 C.I 1 610 4 CO 12 786 4 81 1 810 ( 21 2 1040 4 -0 1 7C0 4 ,0 1 1000 ( 70 1 A10 4 T..1 M 90.1 4 70 fi 8V( 4 15 1 620 4 78 fi 9'5 I TS 9 872 4 80 10.., Jtfi 4 40 3 500 4 '0 1 filrt 4 f ?( ."1 .1 (V) 7 M7 4 TO 20 7 5 10 2 1020 4 :i 3( 636 5 20 HOGS mornlnz -It was a hot hog The trade started market thl out with th market SWlOo higher than yesterday morn ing nnd fairly active at tho advance. Buy ers seemed to want the hogs and they went after them In a hurry, so that every thing was sold and weighed up at an eany hour. A half dozen loads that came In late had to sell a little lower. Iho quality or tho hues was better than, usual on nu average nnd that fact helped out the mar ket n sood deal. T.ie S'tieral run of the good hogs sold nt $5.25, as against $..151 6.17ft yesterday. Light and light mixed hoes sold nt $.".2iijC.2S. and the better grade of heavy hogs sold from 15.25 bp to Today's advance mnkes tip tome of thp decllno of the present week, leaving tne market only nbout I2ftc lower than the eloso of Inst week nnd barely 10c lower than Friday of last week. ThU morUet s very hlrh as compared with other markets. Yesterday the hogs sold here right up to Chlcngo prices and higher thnn either Kansas City or St. Josenh. Over half of the hogs sold hero yesterday at J5.17ft or over, while at Kansas City less than one-third of the sales re ported by the naner nubllshcd at that point 1 1 were at lJ.17ft or over. Representative sales: 1 No. Av.. Sh..Pr. No. Av.. Ph..t'r. 79 216 fO 6 io M Ml ... 5 2.1 6.1 187 120 5 25 87 10.1 160 8 2.1 68 2M 160 .". 25 37 226 ... 5 V5 67 217 ... 8 25 14) 238 80 & S5 TO 218 80 5 25 79 ZT, 80 5 21 H 218 ... 5 11 67 241 ... 5 :8 53 2.11 160 I Ii 72 263 ICO 8 K 73 227 ... 8 21 Rl 2.18 80 J 21 211 ... 5 27'i 63 273 ... 5 27ft R7 2.11 180 5 27 ft tJ 275 ... 8 27ft 78 226 ... 8 ?7ft 78 222 160 6 ! 7ft 27 7 41 5 .7", 70 288 ... 8 17ft 81 287 ... 5 fO 60 272 ... KfO to 241 40 .". 50 74 24 ... 5 50 72 2.V. ... 81 276 SO- 5 30 82 267 40 5 SO 86 S08 ... S TO 83 S0 ... 5 10 62 22t ... ," 80 41 2.'6 ... .1 r.o 88 2CT7 ... 8.0 41 ?1fi ... .". 80 88 276 ... 80 81 271 ... 5 30 42 256 ... 51.0 7 30O ... 3 J.0 M.. . . 320 ... 8 Mft 60 313 ... 5 12ft 61 313 ... 8.T7ft 1!5 210 5 lift St.. 112. it... M.. ...,1!X ....511 MO J M Zt6 M h 10 IM M S 20 ...311 ,.. 5 10 i) J 22ft 40 X IJI4 M 5 iltj I .It.. .,MI ...111 ...23? 71.. ... 100 If 6 22'4 0., 80 6 21ft ... &2ift ... 6 22ft Itl ! :it 80 8 22ft ... 6 12ft ... S'.;, .. 8 2ft 40 i 2i, 71... ....100 ,...1M ....724 ....313 ....J19 ....MS ....229 . . . .!W 74... , r .. 1 15... I SO. . . 61... !?l... ' M... 6J... 11... M .. SO... , M... 70... ' M... ! 81... ' 66... 80... J75... 61... 2.17 11 s :;ft ....:to to :jft .. .2:2 iwi x 214 m 5 ir, .W 80 8 il 80 s ;m 80 5 V, 140 6 2S 80 5 '3 .227 .212 .220 .22S .2A1 120 J 15 .2ii 5 28 .226 .253 .213 .221 .UK . .21 40 8 2.1 40 5 1 ) 853 ii 8 v ... sir. 40 s r ... s :i 12 87...,. 14 M 212 11 211 73.. 71.. 71 . no.. 74.. 81. 129 IM 8 2S 210 120 S 25 214 80 5 2.1 SKI ... 8 25 206 51 8 C.1 214 ... 8 28 SHEEP The first grnS'. Texas sheen nf tho sea.son put In an appearance, there being five loads on sale. They were clipped nnd pretty good stuff. Two loads sold at 15.10. nnd three loads nt 15.05. That was ahoiit all there wns on the mnrket In the wny of killer The demand was good and ' the. feeling on the market strong Local I pickers nro not petting as much stuff us i ' thny could tlfce nnd so ,"nc hi ih 'fir's '"Onlltiue ns light nh m pi 1 tr ITKOi Ir pretty certain to be strong I Quotations: Clipped wethers. 15.30fl6.lOj ' clipped yenrllngs. 15 40T?i.00, clipped ewes, good to choice 11 WW 0o; fair to good clipped ewes, 14 ?ofH.6rt. good to .'boko . Colorado wooled lambs, t6.7orfI7.of'- fair to 1 , ... . . . i . .. , , . .. , r ,-," .' . r . HI. ...I '?irill wimiru ittiiiim. ..u" u o.lki good to choice clipped lambs. Ki.G5fi5.PQ; fair ; . 3 i . , , i it r I io Kuou cupp'i lar.jus, rijv.w. jujiri-Miu auve saiei: No. Av 60 cull Tex. Kinss w'h'rs, clipped 8.5 25 cull Tex. grass w'h'rs. clipped 76 Pr. $3 60 3 75 R 05 5 1't 5 X 661 Texas' grass wethers clipped.. 85 461 Texss grass wethers clipped.. R5 . 77 Wyoming feeding lambs 71 CHICAGO MVi; STOCK MARKET, Steern Strnnir to Shndr Higher sheep nnil l.nnilis Strong. CHICAGO. Mny 4. CATTLE Receipts, 2,000 head: steers, strong to shade higher; l butchers' stocks strong nnd nctlve; natives, good to prlmo steers. S4.75Ti3.T5; poor to medium. $4.1034.66. selected feeders, choice, steady to strong, $1.25fift.OO; mixed stockers, ..steady to slow. $.5.60114.10; cows, $.I.O01f4.60; holfers, $3.avai.95; canners, $2.25i2.90; bull. $2.SOU'l.25; calves, llrm. $4,5016.56; receipts. I none; Texas fed steers, strong to 10c higher; .iV(ro.a.; Texas nuns, urmor, n.yifj.,. HOGS Receipts today. 15,000 head, tomor row. 16,000 head; loft over, 1,500 head; ac tive. fyfilOj higher; top, $5.47ft; mixed and butchers. 15.18ftS.10: rood to choice, lienvv. $5.2MV.",.l7ft; rough, heavy, K.1OW6.20; light, 1 S5.0Gfi6.32ft; bulk of salej. $5,2515.35, SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 8.000 heart; sheep, strong-; iambs, strong to lOc higher; good to choice wcthors, S..23E!i3.C5: fair to choice, mixed. $1.60176.25; sheep. S5.2fi Qfi.65; native - lambs, $5.6007.10; western lambs. $0.00117.10. KMiinns Cltr Live Stock. KANSAS CITY, May 4. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.6O0 head natives, 250 head Texins; good nctlve demnnd nt unchanged prices; nn tlvo steers. $4.404ri.1f: stockers and feed ers. $1,OOW5.2a; butchers' cows and heifers, i $3.3ofi4.80; ennners, $2.5003.30; fed westerns, ! $4.OOf4.80; Texans, $3.6004.60. ituuri itecetpts. u.ouu nean; improved demand at advance of 5ffl0c; heavy, S5.2(V(t 5.30; mixed. $3,101(5.26; lights, $1,901(0.15; pigs. $1.5034,85. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 1.600 head; market nctlvc, 10U15o higher; spr'ng lambs. 17.60: Colorado lambs. $6.60fT6.S5: clipped lambs, S5.P0W6.00; clipped muttons, $5.05136.40; culls. $3.HJ4.50. LE STONE TAKES PEN IN HAND Writes ThrentrnliiK I, pliers to Clirls tlnu Hlnckwooil nnd .Vow Hp l in Jnll LnnKtilsliiiiit. Eddie Kittle I.c Stone, a bad negro whose first claim to distinction was his shooting of Lou Daptlsto at the Windsor ,iutel last winter, Is again In trouble, this time for threatening to kill a white woman named Christina Dlackwood, waitress In the Metro politan hotel. He has been (Treated by In fectives Savage and Dunn and Is now locked up nt tho city Jail. Christina Blackwood Is a Scotch girl, now to the ways of the city, and the advances and menaces of Le Stono havo kept her In a state of constnnt terror. First he made lovo to her, nnd when she repulsed him, he attempted to Intimidate her by veiling somu of tin most dreadful threats that his brain could conceive. At the .bottom of one of these letters he drew a plcturo of n heart transfixed by a dagger lth a pistol sus- pmulefl hbove Ii Thp poll, e Iwe a half dozen or these letters. M. tbat were - 'nt through the malls r. so turned ocr to th Federal authorities THE REALTY MAHKfVI . INSTRUMENTS plnced on nvoi'- Friday, May 4, iw: Wnrrnnty !eHs, Mii's'oiie and wife to inmerclal Nail. n.il bank, lot 15, block 4, Red ford I"' 'ce $ Wj W L , trustee, to j. a. Hallow, it 14 iMoek 4. W. 1. Sclbv's 1st add. 340 Omahn Savings bank to S. A. Searle. lot 22, blocK 10, Jianscom j-ince i,wi Elizabeth Wear et al. executors, to U-iura Ennis, lot 9. Wock 4. Reed's 5tn ,'UJ ... A. H Winkler nnd wlf( to ' II. Fwi-iiham. b'ts 7 una n, ni'. k 4. roi terson's 1st add LOW F. H. Uvcrnham nnd wlfo tu M. ii. Edwards, lot 8. block I. same 600 M. G. Edwards nnd wlfo to John Rlt- ter. same &"0 Martin Wolly nnd wife to Frank Nnwrotzke. unrltv interest in lots a nnd (!. block 3. Park Forest 2o0 Alonzo Mattlco to J. A. Mnttb e. lots 14 nnd 15. mncK s. uuriingion eim-i. r, .1 Ini 4 hlnek 7.1. South Omaha l u"0 G. H. Teedrlck to Antonio Kuncl, lot a (.Innlr Ilrnwn nnrlr 3o0 Concordia Nelson to George Relf. lot 3, blocK 3, Deer para.... :; Wii' M. Peterson nnd husband to G. r. Oil- more, lot 2, iviii h sunniv "' Quit CInliii Heeds. Andreiy Hlrt and w fc to .eopoio Jiepnciiuicr, ii m-n-n m Deeds. Sheriff to O. E. Miller, lot 7. Spring Valley Sheriff to Uiurence .Mlnot et al. trus ..,., in. 17 h nrb 1 rteil rk I' ace 300 Sheriff (o j! L. Uro'wno, lot 1, block It, HIilniVH 2d nun. ........ Same to same, lot 1, block I, Cuming add .v,-'," Vi" Somo to same, lot IS, block 2, Sldo add West West j. 11. iv a nr.. Con.ln your OKAIS and WARE & LELAND, 200-210 RIALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO. ' WrM for ur Rally Market I.tttcr. Fifteen repre.e ntallres ronnUntly on tlio floor of th Chlco Boiirrt ot Trd. Ibu Injuring prompt execution n! all onlrr, nnd rloM tlnntlnn to all bull ntit totruited to ui. UW'AUU J. II BALANCE IN GUAM TREASURY (ioiernor l.rnry Mnkr Report Conditions (in lir tntntiiL of WASHINGTON. May 4. Oovtfiinr I.carr has sent to the Navy department nnothcr of. his characteristic olllclal reports about nf fairs In Guam, Including tho results of a thototiRh census taken under his direction, and a llmiul.il statement of tho tint rl mouths of his administration, which showi a gratifying and growing nurpltis of Mexi can dollars In the Island treasury. Ameri can money has not yet entered Into circula tion In Guam, nnd the flgurcH In the bal anco sheet represent Iho nllver ctirrencj left there hy the Spaniards. Tho nniounl in' tho local treasury on July 1, 1809, win $2,171. The receipts from July 1 to Jan uary 1 last wero $9,415 and the (vxpcndl turcs for the same period wero t ,7t7. leaving In tho treasury on January 1, 1900, $4,819. The receipts will not be so larg for tho remainder of th fiscal ycir, ns tb tax on marriage licenses will not be so productive, but the expenses will bn pro portionately reduced, ns many of the lin ptovemcnts liavo lien completed, Tho governor reports that the evaporat ing plant Is In excellent condition, hut hn Is yet without an Ico machine, with tho hot weather almost at hand. Thp flteain sawmill hns bci'n erectf! nnd wns ready for work. A telephone system had been In stalled and wus In successful operation be tween Agana, the capital, and Pltl, tho port. The offlccm of the Yosemlto wcrj ntlll engaged on the topographical survey of the Island, which would have been fin ished In n few months. In fact, all was well at Guam and life there would bo ror fect with a refrigerating plant and a good library. Governor Lcary explains to tho depart ment that his request for a ribrary ill I not contemplato a circulating affair of fic tion. Ilo needed an encyclopedia, a set of revised statutes, somo law books and other reference works Indlsponsibln to his otllco. Somo hooks of this sort wero In the library of tho Yoficmlte. but that ship was seven mllc from the capital over a shadow road, and It was exasperating to make a trip ivhenovcr a qucctlon of local adminis tration arcoe. Tho tabulated enumeration of the popula tion of Guam has buen forwarded hy th( (.ocretary of the navy to tho director of tho census, to be Included In the total or the United Stated. It (.hows that Guam hnd a population of S.661 persona on Jan uary 1, 1900. Of these P.249 lived In th? capital city of Agana. In the district of Agnna nro five villages, which, with their populations, nre: Anlga, 14G; Asan, 255; Tehungan, 2 1 Plnabana, 144, and Caro llnas. 90 'ihe live towns on the Inlnnd outMdc of tho district of Agana, with their totals, arc: Agat, 741; Sumay, C66; Umatta, 236; Morlzo, 491; Inarahan, MR. Of the total population o( the Island 3.12S aro malei over 7 years old, 3,680 nre females over T years, and 1,853 are children under 7 yesrs. When rther tall consult DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. mm: chroxi; & PRIVATE DISEASIS 0P MEN SPECIALIST Wo guarantee to euro all cases curable of WEAK ItiEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. Cured for Life. Night Emissions, Lost Muuhood.llyuiocele, Vcrltocele, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilid Stricture, Piles, Fluula and Rectal Ulcuri nnd all l'rlvnte I)ts-nt-ii mill Dlsonlorn nf Men Stricture unit Gleet Cured nt Home. Concultatlon Free. Ciill on or addres lilt. SEAKI.IIS Si ((EAIILES. 110 Houth tttli St. OMA1I. BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Cat Service CHICHESTER'S RriaUOIl r."- flHirlnkl mtA f l 1 4TSArE. AIti rellttbl. I nlu. n,uul hfi jIUiMinrllUn. Tnkriiotlirr. Itrl-iae j i',TnHi T-uuiiiuilin nad lailti,. llon. Bu or laur Ur.jim. , ,,gi 4,. 10 "'f.1;'..". i rtlculr, Tc4ll-.ulli IH "llrilrrnrl.ilr,lnlillr, bj rc um iuii. i..,i,,,, ifaiinntsltl', vf rm;lM hlfhc.lcr Cl.en,(ol ll., """'"i "lUMre, I'llll.A.. I'O The Kerrt of perfect nea,dellne. trengtli, Weakness. 1 wusuiiB, irvuuvciy cuitii nv our remedies and ar-pil. ance, whlcli we fend on tilnl nnd apprornl. ri vn tumor, or return all at our erpcntt Advaneo tnvrsent not rvoulrwl .VoC.O.t), No deception of any tutu re. New tiook r.nder ionl. free. rRIE MCDlOALCO,, flOrrLO, N.Y. )d( I'lM SAftlAI,W(tiilT CAPSULKS. Cuies Gor.orrhona, G'.eet, upnatural dis charges In a row days All druggists, accept rmlv noiuta, by mn'l J1.50. full directions. Dick it Co.. 133 Cemre St.. Now York. JAMES E BOYD & GO., 'lcicphonc lOfJO. Otnali.i, Sr COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS ami STOCKS 1IOAHD OF 'f KADIS, Correspondence: John A, Warren & Co direct ivlrcn to Chicago and Nw YorS. reiK i-js H.R.PEriMEYaC0. R00M4HY LI rr". DUG. CKAltA flttV BRANCH I03BIWT UttCOLN tICft 1;. r. i.i:lm. HEEI1H and lend your order to CEMA.Ni In L'Uurgc of KcccIvIok Dcpurlmcut, Uao n J i