Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Olan of Fourtten Grarluited by tbi Omxha
Midical Colltgo.
Cltlrrti SIhmv Thrlr lirovnl of the
( llro l- I IIIIiik tilt TIi.-hI.t
nt tin CoiiiiiK-iii'riiirn t
The nineteenth Annual eommpncrmpnt of
tho Omnha Medical colloso won held at tho
Iloyd theater Thursday afternoon In the
midst of pleasant environments. A law
audience of representative citizenship filled
the honae. Invocnllm was delivered by Hev.
IMwIn Hart Jcnks, pastor of the First Pres
byterian church. DeKrees wore conferred by
David It. Kerr, chancellor of tho University
of Omaha, of which tho medical school Is a
part. The list 6f students graduated Is:
Orovo Willis IJartlott. William Henry Uetz.
Frank Albert Hrcwstnr, William James
Douglas, Homer Davis, Alfred Jefferson,
Ariolph Ucrnard I.ttutqucst, Oswald Henry
Magarrt Morris Nielsen, ' Anders I'cter
Overgard, Sylvester Atkinson I'rest' n, Ed
ward I.ouls Itohlf, Herman Frederick Thulln
and Roy Vcrnor' Witter'.'-
An nmiBunlly Interesting musical program
was rendered, tho feature being Instrumental
productions. Among tho numbers wcto:
"Wedding of the Winds," "Hrldt-Kloct"
nnil tho exit march entitled, "The Man He
hind tho Oun." Prof. Henry 11. Ward deliv
ered an address on "Tho Physician as a
Scientist." This brought great applauso
from the assembly. Pr. Harold OltTord,
president of tho board of trustees, made the
presentation of prizes and honorable men
tion an follows: For highest total marks in
flnnl examinations, 0. W. Dartlctt; honor
able mention, E. I.. Itohlf, Homer Davis;
Prof. A. F. Jonas' prlie for highest standing
in general surgery, K. I. Itohlf; honorable
mention, A. II. Mndqucst; Prof. J. C. An
derson's prize for tho hlghrnt standing In
special surgery, 0. W. Dartlett; Prof.
Harold Olrford's prlzo (or the highest stand
ing In ophthalmology and otology, Homer
Duvln; honorablo mention, II. F. Thulln; for
preparation of the best anatomical speci
men, E. A. Van Fleet, class of 1902.
Tho ushers, composed of the clasn of 1001,
were: S. O. Allen, S. H. Hall, A. (1. Eraor
ion, H. A. nclchcnbach, W. U Wllmoth. E.
II. Smith, T. A. (lllmore, H. W. Ix)echncr,
A. A. Itobertson and J. It. N'lUsnn.
In tho evening tho faculty tendered an
elaborate banquet to the graduates of this
and other years at the Millard hotel. Plate
were laid for fifty-five, tho tables being
handsomely decorated with roses and forns.
Tho menu enrds wcro artistically mounted
in gold and white and opening with tho
warning phrase, "Now good digestion wait
on nppetlto and health on both," proceeded
through various courses until it throw such
prudish maxims to tho winds and ended as
follows: "Let him now smoke who never
smoked before and ho who always smoked
now umoke tho more."
It was originally Intended that tho toast
master for tho evening Bhould bo Dr. Hoff
man, but owing to his sudden Illness tho
first placo ot tho table was occupied by Dr.
Mooro. Toasts wero responded to ns follows:
"Tho Education for tho Twentieth Century,"
Chancellor David n. Kerr, D. D., Ilellovue,
Nob.; "The Doctor as a Man of Action," Dr.
H. II. Lowry, Lincoln; "The Relation of tho
1'hyslcian to tho State," Dr. W. 0. Bridges;
"Tho Young Practitioner," Dr. E. J. C.
Sward, Oakland, Neb.; "Tho Young Grad
uate," Dr. A. B. Llndquest; "Tho Legal
Bldo of Mcdlclno," Judgo W. W. Kcysor.
Yonnff SnrKrmm Oven Their fimiliin
.,tlna.KxftrUcn with llnmiuct
nt the Iter (irnnil.
some hanre nf recovery f ondltlons wero
more f-ivorablo than nt any lime slnco tha
proprietor discovered the men In their room
tibnut S.30 o'llock Thursday morning It Is
still a matter of cotijecttiro whether tho
gnu was blown out or whether It was
lurried on incidentally nfler 'having been
on e rxtlnKllt!hcd.
Cll .MiimI IIprIh tit fnti- Jloner to I'n)'
Off Its Delitu i:nniiile of the
(iron til of Monry.
For tho first time In Its history tho city
of Omaha, like any private Individual, pro
pcfiea to rive up money for tho payment of
Its Just and honest debts. Owing to the
youth of tho municipality no sinking fund
ha,i ever been necesrnry on the redemp
tion account, but tho time, has nrrlved when
bonds leaned for lotig-tlmo periods are
falling due. Tho mayor referred 16 the sub
ject In his Inst annual mctnage, pointing
out the advlrablllty of Immediate action.
City Treasurer Hcnnlngn has accordingly
taken, tho matter up nnd, after a conference
with the finance commlttco ot the council,
tho city attorney nnd others, hns proposed
a plan of settlement, or, mcro exactly, post
ponement, tor tho IsflUe of bonds now matur
ing. This original Issuo wiib In the amount of
$66,100 nnd was put on the market to tako
up thu floating debt. Tho bonds weru to
run for eight years at nn Interest rate of 10
pel- cent, the accrued ItitcTCswjaountlng nt
tho end of that tlmo' to 52,8S0. Tho bonds
wero then refunded for twenty yeara'aC an'
Interest rato of 7 per eent, which wns nt
that tlmo considered exceptionally low.
This year tho refunded tunda will fall
fusal to meet the Commercial club com-J-rulttcc
half way In connection with a. waiver
I of damages, tho plan now la to secure tho
opening of O street In preference to N
I Ualt.d Bute. District Court H 270 OM' ! Pint Break on th, Part cf Employer, Occurs
nl Coast on the Docketi
One Murilrr Vnnr unit Almost Ei-try
Oilier orretise Known to the l.nrr
to lie llenril nnil lncd
Upo it,
When the United State, district court
meets Monday morning there will be on
tho criminal docket 27!) caee-i, ot which 224
wero nrrlcd over from tho November term.
The lar;.-r number of these, tases are against
persons charged with rellltM llqucr to the
Indiana, there being 115 cf eush cases, for
trial, The next crltno In point of frtfiucncy
on the Ihl is that of breaking tho revenuo
laws, In the matter of falling to stamp docu
ments, or selling liquor without n llcente.
There arc forty-six of theso cases. Thir
teen person" tiro charged with violating th
pcstal laws of the government and eleven
must answer charges preferrcl for disre
garding tho laws In relation to national
banks. Flvo defendant will bo tried for
counterfeiting and two ,for. purchasing: gov
ernment supplies from the Indiana. ' In
single lnstun;es persons will bo trlod for
making a fraudulent pension claim, for
bribery and extortion, for lmpcdlns Justice
and bribery, for assault with Intent to kill
at Noon Yeiterdtj.
Contrnetorn llefime to loiifer vltli
Committed front the 1'iilon
Who Are Not
to Mnkc Tcrmi.
due havlug run through two period, f . from K0VPrnmcnt
eight and twenty years, respectively. As
an Instance of tho accumulative powor of
money It Is ehown that tho JGG.100 for which
tho city staked Its credit In 1S72 has now
swollen to glnnt proportions nnd appears on
tho treasurer's books as 1211.520. Tho In
terest for the first eight yenn was 152.S80
and for tho next twenty years 192,640.
Tho bends will fall duo on November 1
and tho present plan Is to again refund them
for three years at prevailing Interest Tntca,
Omaha's gilt-edged credit securing for It 4
per cent or lens. Beginning with tho next
annual levy It Is tho trcamrer's desire to
establish a sinking fund for tho redumption
account, tho first nentcgg of this character
which tho city has ever laid by. In three
yearn, therefore, tho original bond "will
have been paid off and tho city will havo
the rollef of shaking freo n burden grown to
more than three times Its original size since
tho municipality lifted It upon Its shoulders.
In addition to tho satisfaction of paying
off Its debts tho treasurer points out that
tho establishment of n sinking fund wljll
havo a good moral effect upon eastern In
vestors. Although tho city has always boon
nblo to dlspoio of Its paper with cac, finan
cial agents have noted that tho city has
taken no measures toward the eventual
payment of Its obligations. The eo-cnlled
sinking fund, which has been annually set
apart, Is somewhat of a. misnomer, n tho
whole of It has been consumed 6tmply in
making Interest payments.
The) graduating class of tho dental col
lego Introduced a plousant Innovation In tho
way of commencement oxerclscu. Instcnd of
.tha formal proceedings a banquet was teji
'dercd, rdatlvcu and frlonds at tho Her
Grand, at the conclusion of which tho do
green were conferred.
The cafe of tho liotel was decointed with
jialms and cut flowers In profusion, when
Memhern of the IIiiIIiIIiik Trnilen Coun
cil Think They Cnn Make Mill
.lien Cnpltulutr.
and for resisting nn ofllcer. Theso cases
wore all carried over from tho November
Tho most serious offense with which a de
fendant may bo charged at tho May term
Is that of murder, an Indian who killed an
other Indian on the Santeo reservation this
week. Because of the race of the murderer
nnd murdered nnd the place where the crime
wns committed the crime comes within the
Jurisdiction of tbo federal court.
Of tho cases originates slnco the last
session of court, aside from the murder, tho
most serious crime Is that of embezzling
postal funds, Four persons are charged
with this offense. In point of numbers the
men who sold liquor to tho Indians will
have no rivals, There aro forty-four of
thum, with moro to hear from. Four per
sons1, threo men nnd a woman, are charged
with sending obscene matter through the
malls. Ono man Is charged with defraud
ing the revenues of tho government, whlla
another .will have to answer to tho charge
of stealing government property.
The United Stntes marshal's force nnd the
district attorney's offlco are busy with prepa
ration for the coming torm of court. Tho
Juries have been summoned and many wit
nesses have been called upon to appear bo
fore tho nrana Jurv to tell -what they know
about law-hreaklnr In tho part of the state
In wMch they reside
It Is understood that Mayor Kollv will nn-
point Frank Jones ns sanitary Inspector at
the next meeting of the city council. This
nppolntmcnt will bo mado to fill the vacancy
The nulldlnir Trades council decided at Its
mi.tlnir Thursday evenlnc to take lmmo- caused by tho death of Inspector Dan Mon
dlato and energetic nctlon toward effecting 1 laguo. Mnyor Kelly waa In hopes of having
a settlement of the controversy between tho 'be existing ordlnanco governing tho sanl
plnlnlng mill owners nud tho mill workers, i tnry and milk departments altered before
a roanlntlnn was adoDted declaring that the i making any chango. but the death of the
council would stop all building work In , Incumbent raakcu It necessary to placo n man Ing purposes by Building Inspector Carter
Omaha, If necessary, provided that tno ne- . t me ncaa or tno department at once. With ' and Chief of Pollco Donnhuo lato Thursday
mands of tho union nro not conceded within . warm weather coming on there Is a great afternoon. This action was taken nt tho re
from O ntreot property owners along with I
a petition to work and grade tho street, In (
orner to provide a morougniare to me river,
I. Ire Stock (.'onilltlons,
William Pcnn AndeiNon, for many years
connected with the Chicago slock yards, Is
on his way east from' an extended trip
through tho cattlo growing country In tho
west and northwest. Alterattcndlng the an
nual meetings of the various cattle growers'
associations, held recently; ho rcporto that
a thorough canvars or camemcn develop The first break In tho ranks of the con
a concurrenco of opinion tnu catllp through- , tractlne enrncnters occurred icslorday
out the rango country, embracing tho upper , when (5. P, Drlskell camo to tho headquarters
Missouri valley and Its tributaries, including of tho union nnd signed tho now scale,
thoso of tho Yellowstono and Milk rivers, Drlskclt Is building u number of houses In
camo through the winter In excellent con- i tbo northwestern part of tho city. About tho
dltlon and with only a nominal loss, I tlmo Drlskell slcned word camo from Kdward
Throughout tho region mentioned the com- i .Nelson, who is bulldlug severnl houses on
Ing of gnws will nvcrago from three weeks West Farnam street, that ho would sign tho '.
to a raonui earlier than usual. The recent scale if ono was brought out to the work
snows in the northwest were particularly u B said by tho contractors that neither
opportune and navo uone a great deal or
Mr. 'Anderson says that nccordlng to
applications mado for rtock cars at tho of
fices of the various railroad linen, It Is es
timated that 125,000 head of Texas cattle
havo been bought to bo shipped to northern
rnnges. All ot tho caitle so far, ordered
and considered In the figures given will
come from Hhe north or west of what lo
known ns tho Texas fever or trans-quarnn-ttno
land. Continuing, Mr. Anderson said
that along tho Santa Fo llncu there seems
to bo a decided Increase ot cattle and that
tho herds aro In tho very best ot condition.
Another Unmaue tin I in.
A demand has been made by the attorneys
representing Mary A, Johnson for the levy
ing of a tax and the trailing ot a warrant
for $2,600 on account of personal Injuries
received. This claim la ono of long stand
ing and ns Judgment hPft been obtained
against tho city It Is probable that when
tho council makes the next levy the amount
demanded will bo Included.
Mnnclc City, (insslp.
Ilenalrn nro badly needed to tho pavement
on Twenty-fourth street.
Thn Coleman auction Is nttractlng con
siderable attention theso days.
The receipts nt the city treasurer's offlco
vesterdn amounted to JJS.OiO.
Contractors nnd builders are complaining
about tho scarcity of material.
Nearly every taxpayer admits that the
cltv needs better fire protection.
P. 8. Cascv writes from Oregon that his
uold mlnn Is panning out In grent shape.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. U Holland aro homo
again after a few days' visit with frlonds at
Mayor Kelly returned yesterday from
Lincoln, where ho went to attend the state
Over iMOOO was spent nt the yards Tues
day and Wednesday for the purchase or
Aberdeen-Angus cattle.
Cltv Treasurer Koutsky Is an early bird.
He Is usually at hi office shortly after 7
o'clock In the morning.
Thomas Bayllss and O. R, Rawlins hnve
started a new messenger nnd advertising
comnanv nt 42S North Twenty-fourth stroet.
During tho month of April 13.135 head of
fseders were sent to the country from this
market. Of this number over 6,000 head
went to Nebraska feed lots.
Myrtle Ilnll Ileemeil llnsnfe DnrliiR
the rronrrss of Alteration of
Myrtle hall, located on tho top floor of tho
Continental block, was condemned for danc-
a reasonablo length of time. Another
method of forcing a settlement was dis
cussed, that of using nono but Imported
mill work and rejecting' all Omaha-madc
mill work, except that bearing tho unon ' bo placed on a competitive basis nnd to this
label. There aro nearly 300 union mills end bids are solicited. There Is ono hid now
within shipping distance of Omaha which on file and tho chances nre that tbo price
deal of work to bo done In connection with 'quest of various occupants of tho building
the cleaning up of the streets and alleys. J as a precautionary measure whllo the walls
According to tho mayor's ideas tho ro- I of the ground floor aro undergoing extensive
moval of garbage and dead animals should ) alterations. A danco held In the hall
Wednesday evening caused much nlarm ftir
tho tafety of tho building, but as soon as
uso tho label on all work nnd would be glad
to accept orders from this city. An Investi
gation of tho situation will be made by tho
oflicerB of tho council and a settlement or an
ultimatum la expected within a few days.
No specific action was taken by the coun
cil In regard to the controversy between
the contractors and tho carpenters, tnougn
anu ria iiuwoin u, ,,,u4Ud ... uU.. - ,u.M,i The general ODln-
thd prnduatlng class, headed by the racuity " ' : ' J" .,.. th minr at Issue
of tL college .marched down the broad " -erne o be h t tb.
stairway to the room where covers fopnMou of tho contractors
laid for forty graduates and rlends of the I 't C0UPnclI carao In ,or raUch un-
torers' union and U,
plumbers' union
jiolr tho banquet wns complotn In all Its
details and was served In a way to reflect
jiuch credit on tho managers of tho bouse.
At tho conclusion of tho meal tho pro
gram of the evening wns carried out. After
tho Invocation Bcv. David R. Kerr, chan
cellor of tho university, responded to the
toast "Tho University." in brier ro- JIe rlnny Arees to Accent the Invl
marks me cnancouor rcvicwm wa r ,tion to Kill the Vneniicy In
douo by tho throo colleges composing tho I lho n,.,,.!.,...,.
inlveralty Bellovuo college, the Omnhi I '
Medical college and tho Omaha Dental col- I E R jjrucc has accepted the Invitation
now paid will bo greatly reduced owing to
tho mayor's determination to cut down tho
prlco now nald by property owners.
Tho bid filed provides for the removal of
dead animals at the rate of I1.C0 each, of
garbago by the barrel at 25 cents, night soil
for 9 centH a cubic foot, cesspools at 6 cents
a c u bio foot, manure and ashes SO cents a
load and dogs nt 25 cents each.
The prices quoted In this bid aro n great
deal lower than thoso now In force and
show conclusively that tho mayor's idea Is
a good ono.
Au annn n Uia nvliMnw n,.iti..n. . -
New delegates wcro ndmltted to, the coun- amemied and tho changes as suggested by
1 as follows: Krnest Larson of the plas-tth6 mayor nre ffla(,e thQ new fcanU
d. JUILULJ ui annntnr will , nfcln cn l .1. I
- . .. . ..... ,lw ... r. " ,u I1UIIV II VI 111411
up the city at a much less cost to the tax-
' favorablo comment,
payers than ever before. It Is expected that
there will be other bidders for tho privilege
of romovlng garbago and If tho bidding gets
Interesting tho prices mentioned may be
greatly reducod.
l.nre Increase in Ilnnk Deposits.
The statements of the threo national banks
Ho laid stress upon tho fact that tho ,. noard of Kducatlon to occupy the , In this city nt tho closo of business on
college at Bellovuo wns one of tho first In C,air made vacant by the resignation of April 26, ns ordered by tho comptroller of tho
this part of tho country to ndopt the Har- A Jt Cowle. Mr. Bruco has had, the mat- currency, show a lnrge increase in deposits
vard plan of admitting students to tho te'r undor advisement for two weeks and j as compared with tho statements Issued by
classical course; and stated that tho unl- Ior BOme tjmo waR serious doubt as to , tho banks last Fobruary. This Increase in
verslty was ono of the few In tho west out- ' Whefler n8 other Interests would admit of . deposits goes to show the enormous amount
ntdo ot state Institutions whore similar work taknK on rcf)h, responsibilities. Ho has , of business transacted in South Omaha and
is done. miuIe fll,cn arrangemont of his affairs, how- also certifies .to tho fact that tho laboilng
Dr. William II. Christie, dean of tho col- ' cyor a8 wm uow Ulm to glvo sulllclcnt . classes are saving their money,
lego, then announced tho names of tho grai- ' ... onnReliitloua carrying out ot his At tho last statement, made on February
duties. Mr. Bruco Is sonlor partner In the
firm of K, K. Bruco & Co., wholesale drug
gists. Thn nnsltlon was first offered to C. C.
Tho dental clare ot 1000 Is composed ot n.i,ien wt,0 was unablo to tako up tho
.T Hurt Bullcn. Ilovdsvlllo. Ark.: Marv Ida . , .....i.v. th hnanl mrtm-
Gallagher. Auburn, Neb.; George E. Hart- ber's existence The place was vacated by on February 13 deposits amounting to
man. Randolnh. Neb.: Julius M. Jessen. : "i,'.0n!" 11 n,n,1Baimns an,i 613,325.37 and on April 20 of $1,906,678.32. An
. - - ' . ' , eA-.m'iiiiirr "'w .....
nates and the chancellor conferred tho de
crees. An address to the graduates, rc
plato with wit, humor and sound advice,
wns delivered by J. II. McCombor.
13, the deposits at the Packers' National
bank amounted to $SS9,7S3.37, while tbo
called statement of last month showB de
posits amounting to $678,454,61. VUls Is an
Increase in the tlmo specified ot $88,671.24.
Tho South Omaha National bank showed
1 orinrmrtlia t i r rrr a r la ahnarn f i nrn n a thn i f -
Hooper, wen.; i nion k i-naan, wiver uuy. n8Cinsurea which made his association on ---
la.; Claud O. Smith, Reynolds, N. I).; fho lmnr(, distasteful to all parties con- r"onco. '3 -3;-
Harold Thomsen. Omnha, Neb.; (leorge. W. , rVhc ui completed term has still C(0t! Fruarr ? deposit, at tho Union
rr,iH Pin.i.mnnth. NVh- William t lint. I cerne1, ,l n0, Stock Yards National bank amounted to $1,-
Rhenandoan, la.; Mllbnrn C. Whltakcr,
Omaha, Neb.
Imi Will Mhely Mvp.
A, R. Wllgus of Vllllsca, la., and Cyrus
f?wan of Minneapolis, the laboring men who
so narrowly escaped death by nsphyxlntlon
nt the Henderson hotel Wednesday nlxh'.
were reported early Frldny morning to havo
Worn Out?
Feilcrnl OtllerrH Jolly 'rinirlon,
A number of the friends of Senator John
M. Thurttton, ehlrfly bis federal appointees,
gave him a surprise party at his home on
Farnam ntreot Thursday evenlnp In honor
of his election as a delesntc to the national
convention. A band played patriotic airs
nnd, after one of these selection, a crowd
of mischievous boys out In tho street sang
un Improvised version of the good old song:
"I'nlon il'ncltlc forever!
Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitor
And up with the stnrs," etc.
W. J Uroatch made n few remarks by
wnv of roiiRrntulatlon. to wililcli the semi-
tor responded.
W B. iPrlre of Lincoln was at the Murray
Ira P Mallory of North Platte was a
! Thursday guest at the Murray.
C. II. Dietrich, republican nominee for
(Miiiinnl Wine)
1Vllltl.ll r&ilfiiru n.iivtn
Mnrlanl Win Is a lonle nreniirn.l linon 1 gOVemor. Is a gUCHt at the Mllllird.
imiv .nientltiu nrineinie. U u af nnd 1 W. Pardnnner. wife and children of cnino,
iih well ns ner.,i.nhi. Cal.. nro at tho Her Grand. Mr. I'nrdonncr
Marlnnl Wlno has moro than S.000 written 1 l nuierlntendent of met Chlno sugar fau
endorsements from leudtng phyKlcluns In all ton-.
tiarts or tne worm. I u, y Kmipp and Simon jiarris 01 r ui-
Murliml Wine elves nower to the hrnln.
strength and elasticity of tho muscles and
richness to the blood. It Is u promoter or
wood health and longevity. Makes tho old
young: keeps the young strong.
Marlani Wine Is specially recommended
,for flenirnl liability. Overwork. Wenknons
from whatever causes, Profound Depression
nnd Kxhaustloiv Throat and Lung Dis
eases. La U runic, Consumption uud Ma
laria, it Is a diffusible tonlo for the entire
system. . . . ..
Mnrinnl Wine Is Invalonble for over
worked men. delicate womon nnd sickly
children. It stimulates, stri-nsthens and
sustains the svstem und bracrs body and
brain. It combats Malaria and Ladrlppo,
Jlay bo used effeutlvcly In form of a hot
Bold bv sll'druglsts. Beware or Imitations,
Mnrlanl & Co., M W. 15th 8t.. New York,
miiiiuh n hnndsame book of endorsemenis
of emperor, empress, princess, cardinals, Itrownell of Peru. I)r. William Prunor of
arcniusngps nun unicr uidiiukuipiu'ii imr- uennara, i), u. Lyncn or Kails .:ity. n. J.
snnages. It Is sent gratia and postpaid to Davenport of Valentine and John Patterson
a,u who wruo tor iu i or ventral unr,
lerton. Dr. I). II. Mc.Malion or sowman
(irnVe uud James Dow or St. raul were
state neon n at the nari;er iinurttoay.
K. K. Vnlenllno of West Point, M.D.
Welch of Lincoln. John Nordhouso of No-
briixki City and .Mr, anu .Mrs. a. m. iiey
nobis of Norfolk were state guests regis
tered Thursday t the ller Qrand.
O. M. IimbertHon. 11. B. Ixiwry, F. A,
flrnham nnil Or. Kilwards of Lincoln. J. C.
Uurch of Wyntore. 12. D. Mitchell of
Wnvnn. w. ( mbv nf Oothonhurir and John
Peters of Albion wero Nebraskaus at the
ailllnrd Thurnday.
N'ebraHkiins at the Merchants Thursday
J. Rex Hell, Henry L. Crary nnd H. M.
Bird of David city. .Mr, nnd Mrs. F. W,
Barber nnd C. 8. Owen of Franklin. 13. H.
TlMIPl. nf l.naH..n. Mnll Hi ,1 i.l.nPl t t AM.
nuv. K. A. Hlchiirdson nf Clurks. J. M. Ken-
1 neay or aenoa. r. A. Ytast or liyannn, it.
01,189.95, while on April 26 the deposits
wcro $2,283,800.72, thus showing an Increaso
of $482,610,77.
A recapitulation of theso figures Bbows
theso Increases in deposits since February
13: Packers' National bank $88,671.24, South
Omaha National bank $293,352.95, Union
Stock Yards National bank $482,610.77; total
Increase In deposits $864,634.96.
Colonel SnvnKe I'onulnr,
Colonel E. P. Savago of Custer county,
who la the republican nominee for lieuten
ant governor, l well known In South Omaha
and will undoubtedly have the undivided
support of tha laboring people. When the
vlllago was organized, Colonel Ravago was
mado mayor nnd served with distinction.
During his term of office he mado many
friends, which ho still retains. Not long
after his retirement from office he pur
chased a stock farm In Custer county and
as ho Is a regular shipper to this market
he keeps up his acquaintance. The colonel
Is one of tbo most affable of men nnd he
cannot walk a block without being stopped
by a dozen men who wish to shako hands
with him. Everyone In South Omaha, bar
ring a few newcomers, know Colonel Sav
age, and It Is predicted that he will poll
a big vote hero next November. Ono well
known democrat said yesterday that bo had
known Colouel Savage tor years and would
not only vote for him, but proposed .work
ing for hlra during the coming campaign,
tho alterations are completed tho placo will
be as sate as formerly.
A fow hundred members 'and friends of
Banner Lodgo No. 11, Fraternal- Union
of America, gathered In tho evening
to enjoy the Maypolo dancing party,
for which elaborate preparations had
been made. Tho first comers were much sur
prised when Informed by tho police that the
danco could not bo held there and when
tho news spread from group to group much
dlsanoointment was manifested. The danco
will bo held at a later dato in another hall
Science has found that rheumatism Ib
caused by uric acid In the blood. This
poison should be excreted by the kidneys.
No rheumatism with healthy kidneys.
Foley's Kidney Curo always makes them
well. For sale by Myers-UUlon urug uo
Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. of n Dead Soldier Found.
a rxnMlncr In the vicinity of Fort
Crook yesterday discovered tho badly de
composed remains of a soldier under a.
strnw stack not far distant from tho fort
buildings. Owing to Its having lain so long
none of those who viewed the body was
l.l . l,1nr,lri. It
Inquiry by telephono at the fort last night
elicited nothing runner .man a coniirnmwuu
of tho finding of the body. None of the ofn
...u .it thn fnrt nnd those with whom
communication wns had would say nothing
1n reran! to the lueniuy ot "ie ueuu mun
The Most Stubborn Conschn
resulting from an attack of lagrlppe or heavy
cold, must yield to the wonderful healing
properties of Foley's Honey and Tar, which
rTii!thfms tho lungB and makes them
ound. For sule by Myors-Dlllon Drug Co
Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha
INSTRUMENTS filed for record Thursday,
Mny 3, loo:
Warranty Deeds.
vjrtin niiliorliert to M. J. Ryan, lot
5 .block 4. Corrlcran Placo $ 10
Andrew Wtcklund nnd wife to II. B.
i.n nrwia'. int 1fi lilrwk 3. Orchard
Hill 1,200
tl n Pnvnn am) wlfo to M. L.
Ormsby, same ,
lr nt Smitii nnil wife to same, undu
same BOO
F. W. Mesehcndorf to O. H. Slosch
n.inrr inta f nrul 6. blook 1. Al
bright's nnnox 2,000
w. a. jerrries, ww", jo j,
Vlnrh. tnlu .1 nnd 4. "block 114. Dundee
Placo , 2,600
W. If. McConl. trustee, to j. u. u;on
nor. w 23 feet lot 1. block 4, Rrown
United Real Estate and Trust com
pany to Frank Chleborad, ni lot II,
block IS. Knuntze 3d add
J. P. McDonald to Anna Peterson, lot
21. block 2. Mnyne Place
Fred Haas and wlfo to I. W. Wlggers,
Drlkell nor Nelson Is a member of cither as
sociation of employers and that their acts
will havo no effect upon tho other con
tractors. Gradually tho result of the conference be
tween tho carpenters nnd contractors
Wednesday morning Is becoming public
property, nnd thoso who hoped that tho
cenforenco would accnr.ullsh something In
tho wny of a compromlso nro dlsuppolnted.
Membors of tho commltteo of tho Cnr
pontets' union say that tho contractors'
committee hns receded from tho pcsltlon
ken In tho communication received by
tho union Tuesday night ami aro now
lklng of wages lower nnd conditions less
rntlsfactory than tluwo proposed nt that
me. On tho part of the contractors, It la
stated that their organization has not
changed their demands, but that they are
mply making thum plainer. It was stated
by a member of tho contractors' commltteo
that the carpenters' commlttco had practi
cally conceded to tho contractors tho right
o uso non-union mill htuff, but the carpen
ters deny this assertion,
When tho Wednesday conference ad
journed It wns understood by tho em
ployers that tho carponters' commlttco was
not empowered to speak for tho organlza-
on In tho matter of making final arrnngo-
montn1 for tho settlement of tho strike, uud,
the contractors' commltteo had that
power, thoy practically refused to hold
further conference with any commltteo
from tho union not having that powor.
It wun stated at labor htudquarte-rH that
several of the contractors wcro employing
carpenters nt tho union scalo and among tho
men mentioned was John Harto, nt his work
on tho Continental bulldlug, who, It wns al
leged, was employing six men nt 40 rents nn
hour. Mr. Harte was seen and denied that
o had that many men nt work, but paid that
was employing ono carpenter who was
receiving tho old scale. During the dny re
ports camo In of men employed nt other
places, but those reports could not be veri
fied, and It Is probablo that few men are nt
ork, though It Is certain that most of theso
working aro receiving 40 cents, as thoy are
orklng directly for tho owners of tho build
ings on which they are employed.
At the meeting ot tho Carpenters' union
Wednesday night It was decided to call out
all men working for leea than 40 cents an
hour and In pusuanco to this decision com
mittees woro sent out yestorday to all
placen whero work Is In progress. At noon
nono of tho committees had returned.
There Is no chango In tho atrlko of tho
woodworkers. No further conference hns
been had and both sides nro standing firm.
Tho union has placed pickets at all mills for
tho purpose of reporting the condition of
affairs to tho executive commlttco of the
nlon and to Inform all persons seeking
ork of tho exlstcnco of tho strike. Meet
ot tho mills nro still shut down and those
that are running aro doing so with a short
force, which generally includes tho proprietor.
A rumor was current nt labor headquarters
that tho contracting carpenters and tho mill
wnera had an understanding In regard to
tho matter of wages, hut ho mill owners
deny this nnd tho labor leaders accept the
denial as true.
So far as can be learned there Is no effort
to start work with nonunion mon olther by
the carpenters or tho planing mill men,
It in Clcnnsiiif!, Soothing
nnd Refreshing, bccmtue
mntlc of pure oils, vocou
batter, glycerin, nnd the
perfume of natural roses.
To Open O Street.
The petition submitted to thn council for
the paving of O street, from Twenty. fourth
to Twenty-sixth streets, and the evident de
sire of the council to creatp a pavlni? dis
trict as requoated have stirred up O street
property owners to some extent and It Is
more than likely that an effort will be made
to open this atreat to the river. Owing to
the seeming Indlfferenro of N street prop
erty owntrs in thl matter and their r-
nV4 lot 13. 'block 5, Wilcox's 1st add. WO
L. v. Isaacs et nl to Isaac Land com
pany, 8 28 feet lot 8. block 149,
Omaha; lot 3, Rees' Place, and und?J
tnr lnt 2 In trovernment lot 1 In
14-15-13 12,000
J. K. Lutmnn nnd wlfo to J. II. Lut o .15 fpet lots 7 and 8. block 21.
'South Omaha 225
Quit Claim needs,
I. O. Meschendorf to O. II. Meschen
dorf, lots 5 and 6, lilock 1, Albright's
annex ,
G. M. Southmayd nnd wife to W. 11.
McCord, trustee, w ." feet lot 1.
block 4, Brown park
T. ti, Haverly et al to .1. P. McDonald,
lot 21, block 2. Mayno Place
Madison Haverly and wife to same,
Ijoulsa Haverly et nl to same, same..
1. M. Haverly et al to same, same
S. W. dates und wife to same, same..
Catjiarlno Hench ot al to Hame, same..
Josephine Lyon et nl to same, same..
Master In chancery to M. F. Bourke.
lot 7, block 8, Parker's add 4,000
Total amount of transfers $25,544
8TRATBD. two bay horses, weight M0 and
id., rrom ma and uougn ts.; pieasi
return to J. M. Bpanggaurd, above nd
areas. . j-oji-jimi c
Anntrersnry of the Adoption of the
Coimtltiitloit of I'olnnd Is Oil
served In Oinnhn.
Last night at tho hall at Twenty-sixth
and Walnut streets tho Omaha Poles celo
brated tho anniversary of tho adoption of
tho Polish constitution, which occurred on
May 3, 1810. Thero was a large attendance,
many women nnd children Joining In tho
Anton Inda presided over the meeting,
which was addressed by E. Roscwater,
Judgo Baker and Councilman Mount. A let
ter from tho mayor, expressing bis regret at
being unablo to attend and commending tho
spirit of tho celebration, was rend.
Before tho .metting adjourned a per
manent organization was formed, to bo
known ns the Nebraska Polish Catholic
Bonevolent association. It will bo of a ro
llef and Insurance nature, as well as havlug
social functions.
Charmingly furnished
Sleeping Rooms
are only possible when the Furniture is graceful in
design. One wants tho sleeping rooms whether
ior guest or for membors of tho family, to be daint
ily and handsomely furnished wants pleasant, airy
Our Bedroom Suits
No matter how low tho prices,
nro iihraya tho newest tie-RlirnH-
-from tho best makers
nnd passed nloii nt mi especial
economy In price making poa
slblo tito prcttloHt sleeping
rooms at nominal cost.
For a handsome 3-pieoe Bed
Room Suit, hlfih quality, mude
of best boleot wood richly
carved and hand polished.
Dresser has full swell ouartor-
sawod front trlmmlnps, are solid cast brass, largo bevel mirror comes
also In birch, iriahou-any polish finish. Wo Invito comparison. It's equal
. - . , ft.,- rn
,'5.1'lccc Bed Room Suites tip from S14.75.
Tho largest assortment of odd Dressers "in nil woods" In the west
Thoy range In prlco from $8.60 to 8150.00 each, and you can't fall to llnd a
desirable ono at your own estimated prices.
Qrchard $ ilhelm arpet o.
1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS STREET.
When Nature Is Able to Overcome Both the Disease and the
Drugs Taken" It Seems They Cure, But Do They?
Dr. Bennett's
Electric Belt
Illll'tiS HAD
Mr. Itohert Hurst, Percy, Wyo., writes:
Dr. Bennett'
Dcnr Sir I haven't lxen wearing my belt very much lately as my
stomach und other troubles liavo entirely lett me. Slnco I bCRim woar
Iiik your Kelt I reel Just ns jcood In the evening u I do In tho mornlmr,
nnd I now enjoy my meals immensely. I reel better tlinn for years and
liavo Rained 10 pounds. Money could not buy my belt If I could not not
another like it. You uro entirely welcome lo refer unybody who Is ut
ferlnsr to me.
A Sump If Ilottli S-nt 1'rrc ly Mull.
Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Koot, tho wonderful
new discovery in medical science, fulfills
every wish In promptly curing kidney, blad
der and uric field troubles, rheumatism, nnd
pain In tbo back. It corrects Inability to hold
water and ncaldltiR pain in passing It, or
bad effects following una of liquor, wine or
beor, and overcomes that unpleasant neces
sity of being compelled to go often during
tho day, and to get up many times during
tho night. Tho mild nnd tho extraordinary
effect ot Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It
stands tho highest for its wonderful cures
of tho moat distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should hnve tho
best. Swamp-Hoot Is purely vegetable, la
pleasant to tako and is sold by all druggists
In fifty-cent and ono dollar sizes. You may
have a sample bottlo ot this wonderful new
discovery and a book that tolls all about It,
aud its great cures, both sent absolutely freo
by mall, address Dr. Kilmer & Co., ning
hamton, N. Y. When writing mention that
you read this generous otter In the Dally
dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat. .
It artlllclully digests tlio food and ulda
Naturo In Btrcntjtlionlup and recon
structing tho exhausted dlgcstlvo or
gans. ltlnthelatestdlscovercddlKest
aut and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in cfllclency. It In
stantly relieved and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headaclie.Gastritlu'la, Cramps and
nllotliorresultsof ltuperfcctdlgestlon.
Prlco Wo. and 11. I-irtio sIzocontalnnSM tlrari
imall blzc. Hook ull iilxnit J Yspepla mulled trva
Prtoartd bv E- C. Oi'VI" T CO., Chlcofl
I guarantee my Belt to curo Sexual ImpotPiicy, Ijost Manhood, Varicocele,
Spermatorrhoea nnd nil forms of Sexual Weakness In either nox; restore
Shrunken nnd Undeveloped Organs und Vitality; curo Nervous und General
Debility. Kidney, Liver nnd Dluddcr Troubles, Chronic Constipation, Dyspep
sia, Rheumatism In nny form; nil Female Complaints, etc. Tho prices of my
Helts nro only nbout half what Is asked for tho old-stylo affairs, and I war
rant mlno to bo four times stronger. Generutes a current that you can in
stantly feel.
Call upon or write mo today sacredly confidential. Get symptom blanks
and llteraturo. Write for my New Uoolc About Klectrlclty. My Klcctrlcal Sus
pensory for tho permanent curo of the various weaknesses of men FKISE to
every mulo purchaser of ono of my Iiolts. Advlco without cost.
OiipoNltc IIiiyilon'K, Cor. llltli mill l)ili StH., OMAHA, NKU.
Offlco Hours: From 8:30 n. m. to S:30 p. m. Sundays, from 10:30 a. ,m. to
1 p. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays, from s:30 a. m. to !) p. m.
Moving Time is Coming.
Are you satisfied with your office ?
Aro you satisfied with the building ?
Aro you satisfied with tho way your room is
If you are, stay where you aro, but if not, rent
an office in tho BEE BUILDING and bo contented.
It costs no more to bo clean and comfortable.
"Wo will tako pleasure in showing you around.
R. C. PETERS & CO., Rontnl ARonta.
Offices Ground Floor, The Bee Building.
Anr Kni you elioonn you rn
kp your blond cool nl your
nrTiat(udy by drinking plenty ot
The FftVorltoTraperanoft Drink.
Writ for llu t premium effi nl
fret for libtli,
Cures Oor.orrhoea, Gleet, unnatural dis
charges In a fow days. All drugglM. nccept
rnly Docuta, by mull It (0. mil directions,
Dick & C.. 121 Centra at.. New York.
As well as mm can
lilld no tonic an
healthful an a pure beer,
lie Hureyo'j jet tha nuio
li hermetically traled -
men noueu wuicu inutile
It to be free I mm bactrrlanulln
Hal for frail people. Order a trial ca.e.