Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Anatnliia Fats the Sjnoaio GUnt to SUep
in Tito Ronndi.
Antipodean Opponent Snccmnlm to
a HlfMT on the Mnrk and
ll.,, Stnyn Down Fully
iK a "lnntc.
NEW YOIIK, April 30. At the Hercules
lAthlotlo club tonight Hob Fltzslramons
proved that ho Is tar from being tho ",load
ono" many supposed. In less than two
rounds ho knocked out Ed, Dunkhorst, tho
Byracu&o giant, a font which othw and big
ger men found Impossible.
FUzsImmons Bhowod that bis wonderful
hitting powers havo not forsaken him and
was lively on hlr feet an ever, but had llt
tlo tlmo In which to display tho fact. Tho
bout was booked to go twenty-flvo rounds.
Fltzslmmona was cheered lustily when ho
entered tho ring. The attendance exceeded
4,000. Dunkhorst was tho first to appear,
rntorlng tho ring at 10;12, attended by
Tommy Ilyan, Jack Jeffries nnd Dan John
ron. Tho lanky follow was right bohlnd him
with Krnest Hoebor, Jeff Thorno and Dan
Hlckey as seconds. Dunkhorst looked to
neigh fully 2B0 pounds and was very fat.
Hob looked fit and weighed about 190
pounds. Llttlo tlmo waa lost In getting
ready and In 1cm than flvo minutes after en
tering tho ring thoy wore waiting for the
"When thoy shook hands In the center It
Ran seen that Dunkhorst was the tailor by
nt least two inches. As the bull rang Dunk
horst assumed a crouching position. Fltz
nlmmons walked around him for a brief
second and hooked loft that raised a lump
under Ed's right oyo. He landed another
of tho noma "kind a second later and then
rirovo his left hard to tho wind and ducked
n right swing for tho head. Dunkhorst
landed a light left to tho face and Fltz
rlmmonfl closed the round with left nnd right
lo tho body.
Dunkhorst opened tho second round with
It left to tho faoo and Dob hooked his left
to thci Jaw and ducked Ed's return. Fltz
took another Jab on tho mouth, but only
B-mllod and ripped right and loft to the
Mtomnch. Two more lefts to tho stomach,
followed hy a right, mado the giant wabbly.
Fltzslinmons measured him coolly and then
hooked hl left flush to tho mark nnd Dunk
horst went to tho floor with a crash.
It was fully a mlnuto before his sec
onds could rnlso him to his fcot and moan
whllo Fltzslmmons wns cheered wildly by
tho crowd, Tlmo of round, two minutes and
twenty-flvo seconds.
In tho preliminary Kid McFaddcn of Cal
ifornia knocked out Johnny Hlncs of Urook
lyn in less than two minutes of tbti first
Whips: I'ntsey Hnlry nt Cincinnati
n ml Winn linn tniu wclitlit Clinm
jilonnhlp of America.
CINCINNATI, April 30. Under tho
nusplces of tho Cincinnati Athletic club a
pcrles of llstlc bouts was civen at Hobln
pon'a opera houso tonight. Tho houso was
Tho main contest woh between Oscnr
Onrdner and Pntsey Haley of Cincinnati.
Tho weight was to have been 110 pounds. It
was nnnounccd that 'Haley weighed In dur
ing tho afternoon at 114 14 pounds nnd that
Gardner refused to welch. George Slier
was tho referee. In tho llrst round Gardner
knocked llnley down once, hut tho latter
nt up quickly.
In tho second round 'there- was a crcnt
ileal. pfM-cllnohlnp Jinil. novcral hard hltH
'weffc fxBnatin naiey was KnocKen aown
twleo In this round, but got- up beforo tho
refereo counted three.
In" tho third round Haley got In a hard
blow on Gardner' face. Not many blows
wore exchanged nnd there was much clinch
ing, In tho fourth round Haley went down
tout times nnd onco tho refereo counted
nlno before ho got up nnd tho gong saved
In tho fifth and last round Haley wns
The only proper thing to do is to take
strengthen tlie stomach and build up the nerves. Then you
will obtain full benefit from your food, your blood will be
come rich, you will gain in weight, your nerves will become
steady and strong. Such a remedy you will find in ' a per
fect Sarsaparilla, and
"Th only Sarsaparilla made under the persona! supervision o! three raduates: a fradvalc in pharmacy,
a graduate in chemistry, and a graduate in medicine.''
$1.00 a bottle All Druggists.
" For two years I was troubled with indigestion. I tried all kinds of medicines, but to no good. Then I tried
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it worked like a charm. I am now free from this most disagreeable complaint, and I shall
nsver ceaie to praise the merits of Ayer's Sauaparilla." S. R. VAN Duusr.v, Onondaga Valley, N. Y.
knocked down repeatedly nnd the fourth
lime was counted out. Ho win knocked
down eleven times In tho live rounds. Haley
did not lack pluck, but was clearly out
classed. The light wns for tho bantam
weight championship of America.
Sennit tlonnt Unci- lletiveett IlniiKor
nnd The Otirilnor.
NEW YOIIK. April 20.-A senmtlonnl
dead hent between The Onrdner and
Ilnngor was tho feature of the racing tit
Aqueduct today. H was In the third race,
In which Unnnock wns an odds-on favorite.
Sen Kobber mndo tho running to the
stretch, with Tho Onrdner close tip nnd
tho others trailing. When straightened
out, The Gardner took command, while
Hanger moved up on the rail. At tho
Inst sixteenth pole they wero on even
terms nnd both boys sat down for a bard
drlvo to the finish. Neither could gain the
niivnntnge ntni tney passed tile judges'
stand head nnd bead. Tho owners decided
to run it olT. Tho Onrdner was n slight
favorite, and lifter making nil tho run
ning, won by a scant half length, both
boys ngnln driving through tho Inst six
teenth. Hamilton, who rodo the winner,
was cheered when bo came back to weigh
In. Summary:
First race, about seven furlongs, selling:
Llndutn won, Sparrow Wing second, In
surrection third. Time: 1:26 1-15.
Second race, four nnd a half furlong,
selling: llowen won, Hllllonnlra second,
Itrmsen third. Time: 0:50 2-6.
Third race, ono mile and seventy yards,
selling: The Onrdner and Hangor ran a
dead heat, Mnry I'rlnco third. Tlmo: 1:10 4-5.
Hun oft: The Gardner won. Time: 1 : 15 -l-r..
Fourtli race, four and a half furlongs,
selling: Connlb won, Anlce second, Delia
Cee third. Tlmo: 0:50 4-Ii.
Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: rink
Domino won, Mnnltnlmn second, Cupidity
third. Time: 1:115 2-5.
Sixth ruce, five and a half furlongs:
Znnonc won, Doublet second, Leodsvlllo
third. Time: 1:08 2-5. j
HrNiiltn nt Onklnnil.
SA FltANCISCO. April 30.-Wcs.ther
cloudy, track fast. Oakland results;
First race, futurity course, selling:
Mcndow Lark won, Nettle Clark second,
Tourist II third. Time: 1:12.
Second race, futurity course, selling:
Chupplo won, Oold Huron second, Jim
Browncll third. Tlmo: 1:11.
Third rare, six furlongs, purse: Yellow
Tall won, Ollnthus Hecond, High Hoe third.
Tlmo: l:l3Vi.
Fourth rnco. half a mllo. nurse. 2-vear-
olds: Holllck won, Gnylon Brown second,
Artlculntc third. Tlmo: lrtSVs.
Fifth race, ono and one-eighth miles, sell
ing: Storm King won, Coda second, Gaunt
let third. Tlmo: 1:5514.
Sixth race, one mile nnd a sixteenth,
pursa: Mortgage won. Hoslnnnto second,
Snips third. Time: 1:17.
Kills Mnet.r-.3tx lllrds to Ills Nlnety
Tl reo nt NirliiKllold.
BPP.INQFIF.LD, III., April 30,-The Illi
nois Gun club tournament opened today
with an attendance of alout Ilfty well
known shooters. Fred Gilbert of Spirit
l.akn, la., and J A. HL Elliott of Kansas
City were to have shot for tho Republic
cup, now hckl by Gilbert, hut there wns a
wrnnglo regarding gate receipts and as the
club refused to chnrire ndmlsston Gilbert
and Elliott put up 1100, winner to tako the
purse nnd loser to pay for the birds, The
match wan ut ICO live hints, each and Gil
bert won, killing nlnoty-slx to Elliott's
Tho most Interesting match was one for
a loving cup and J30, contested for by Mrs.
Murray of Stillwater, Minn,: Mrs. F. F.
Johnson of Minneapolis and Miss King of
St. Louis, Tho match wns at twenty-five
llvo birds each nnd Mrs. Murray won tho
cup, killing nineteen birds. Miss king was
second, with nlghteen, and 'Mrs, Johnson
third, with thirteen. It was agreed to di
vide tho $50 hetweoti tho threo.
Wicked Fltclit I'nllril Off Before the
llronilwnr Club.
NEW YOUIC. April 30,-Jnrk O'Brien
nnd Georgo McFaddcn, both of this city,.
rougni n draw at uio ngniweignt limit, i;
pounds, heforo tin- 'Hroadwny Athletic club
tonight. Tho men went twenty-llvo rounds.
For ten rounds the battle, was about
cqunl, until with a right band smash In the
oloventh McFoddnn cut O'Brien's left yo.
A llttlo later on he cut tho right oye, but
In the meantime O'Brien had been pummel
ling McFudden In tho 'body, making tho
lattor's ribs as red and raw as possible un
der tho condition. It was a wicked fight at
this tago and to tho end of tho encounter.
Each man tried to land a knockout blow,
but tho attempt was ineffectual At tho
end of tho tTfnnty-'flfth' round." botli wero
able flnft willing to go on for nn Indefinite
period, but If looks counted for anything
McFaddcn should have been declared tho
wlnnor, ns O'Hrlen's fnco was a sight.
Field Day nt Yankton.
YANKTON, S. D.. April 30.-(Speclnl.)-In
plte of wet weather and consequent
delays: tho college Hold day was ut last
pulled off on Saturday. On account of tho
without your
you work ? I
you may eat well
half starved.
full benefit from your food.
W What is the result? The
r memory iaus, tne nerves wcaKen,
the lips and checks become pale, the
weight decreases, the muscles lose their
strength, there's great depression of spirits.
That's General
poor condition of the track records could
not be made, but the work done phowed
lively Interest nnd brought out some men
who will win points at Mitchell. In the
coming mcit Yankton will bo strong In
field events and distance runs. Iota of
enthusiasm was displayed nnd full confi
dence Is felt In putting up a winning team.
Tlirep Favorite 'Win nt .N'nshvllle.
NASHVILLE. April SO.-The track at
Cumberlanil park today was In prime condi
tion and the attendance large. Three fa
vorites got tho money. There was no stake
event on the card, but In each of the six
events a big field faced the starter and tho
sport was of the best. In tho first race
Cllpsettn, Luna nnd Grey Forgo tnndo a
pretty finish, heads apart, the llrst nnmed
winning. Track fast and weather clear.
First race, six furlongs, for maidens:
Cllpsotta. won, Lunar second, Grey Forge
third. Time: l:154.
Second race, one-half mllo: lsoba won,
Tenny Hollo second, Tremor third. Time:
Third rnce, ono mile, selling: Trimmer
won, Lillian Heed second, Bequeath third.
Fourth rare, seven furlongs: The Pride
won. Ida Iedford second, Freo Advice
third. Time: lr23.
Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs,
selling: Dumbarton won, Tho Light sec
ond, Wiggins third, Time: 1:0S.
Sixth rnce, ono mile, selling: Aurcn won,
Windward second, Hound O third. Time:
Field liny nt Aurora.
At'ROHA, Neb., April 3n.-(Speclnl.)-An
Inter-High school debate and field day was
held nt Aurora, Ncb April 27 and 28, Miss
Chaney of Grand Island, Mr. Cornell of
Alliance and Mr. Agustls of Fullcrton de
bated on the ntllrmatlve of tho question:
"Hcsolver, That England's Wnr In tho
Transvnal Is Just." Mr. Allan of York,
Miss Venters of Aurora and Mr. Fell of
Harvard defended tho negative. About
forty pupils came from Grand Island,
thirty-live from York and a number from
Fullerton, Alllnneo nnd Hnrvord.
On April 28 tho field day events took place
Indoors on account of a heavy rain. The.
winner in tho pole vault was Roland Foun
tain of York; high Jump, Arthur Bold,
Aurora; shot put, Lesh of York; running
broad Jump. Homer, York: hop, step and
Jump, Oral Barber, Grand Island,
Mitchell Wins Aanlnst Ynnktnn,
MITCHELL. S. D., April S0.-(Speclnl Tel
egram.) The college clubs of Yankton nnd
Mitchell played the preliminary game of
hnso'ball of tho Intercollegiate nthletio con
test hero this afternoon to decide which
team Is eligible to play In tho championship
contests May 17 nnd 18. Mitcholl won by a
score of 18 to 17, shutting Yankton out of
tho coining bnso ball contest.
CoIrrldKC Defeats Vermilion.
COLERIDGE, Neb., April 30. (Special
Telegram.) Coleridge and Vermilion, S. D.,
played 'bull hero today, resulting In 0 to 2
in favor of Coleridge. Batteries: Coleridge,
Stone, Noyes and Wood; Vermilion. Sulli
van and O'Noill. Tho teams will play
again tomorrow.
AVI th tlie Amntenrs.
Tho St. Patrick Stars defeated tho C. L.
S, by a seoro of 14 to 5. Tho St. Patricks
are rapidly acquiring tho reputntlon of
bolng tlie warmest youngsters In tho hunch.
The team Is mado up of Frank Qullcr, o:
Harry Garvey, lb: Jim Kenloy, p; John
Hush, rf; Jim Cavnnnugh, Blochy, Louis
Dunwlch, Leo Cnssety; Davie Ktvellcy, cap
tain. F.nstern I.enKiie Scores,
At Hartford Toronto 2, Hartford 1.
At Providence Providence 4, Syracuse 8.
At Worcester Rochester 12, Worcester 3,
Money line Them Not Pnld nnd Trailers
llefnse to Grunt Farther
. Credit.
WICHITA, Kan., 'April 30, From tho
Kiowa and Comancho agency cornea word
that the Indians are starving for fond.
Money duo them has not been paid, their
rations have been cut off and traders havo
refused them credit. Aged squa'we are beg
ging for food enough to preserve life.
Kffect of JInrc (tiinrnntlne.
CHBYBNNB, Wyo., April 30. (Special.)
The state quarantine against tho Importa
tion of horses and mules from Nebraska Is
having Its effect on railroad construction
work In the statex. As nil .horses and mules
from Ndbraska arc held In quarantlno for a
period of nlnoty days tho contractors are
short of teams and unahlo to furnish work
In many casm to all of the laborers that
apply. Wyoming nnd Colorado horses aro
In demand and some nro being offored the
contractors, but many mora teams could be
and still go about
You do not obtain
a remedy that will
Bonrke'i Hppj Family of SwatUiB Nearly
Lost Yeitardaj'i Qtme.
Marker lints Out the Winning: Hun
nt the Tnll 12nd of .the Tenth
Inning An Kxclt
1 ii If Omne.
Oinnlin, (l lies Molncn, fi.
I'hllnilelvhln, M) .eir York, lit,
Ilrnoklyti, fi llostnn,
ChtcnKO, I) I St. 1. oil Is, (I.
.Mhuieniinlla, 11) Knnsnn City, 15,
Clevelnnd, III Detroit, ft. ,
Mltwnukee, 10 ChlonKn, !
InillnnnuullN, Ull lliidnlo, IS.
Omaha didn't havo tho snap In yesterday
afternoon's ball game that the Kourko fam
ily had counted on. After calclmlnlng tho
Hawkcycs with such luscious eclat ou Sun
day the Omahnna thought they would havo
things their own way. again yesterday. Hut
tho slipped up on It and only succeeded In
winning at nil by tho most attenuated mar
gin and that, too, after ten ns bristling
innings or tho oldest fan had ever wit
nessed. Tho final score was 6 to 5.
Compared with their work of Sunday
Buckerlno's children haven't a thing com
ing to them and had It not been for Hughes'
gllt-cdgo slab work and ' 11111 Wilson's
peerless mitt In tho tenth Inning they would
havo copped nothing better than n, draw.
It was a tie, & to 5, at tho usual end of a
game, the ninth Innlngi and In tho tenth,
after chasing the rrohlbltlonlats inglorlously
from tho field without a tally, O'Connell
stepped up to the bat nnd swatted out a
nafo hit. A passed ball hunched him along
to second and he went to third on Lauzon's
out and tho masses in the grandstand and
on tho bleachers become fidgety. They did
want another run so badly. ,Uut when Hoy
made a llttlo measly poke down to third and
slunk back to the bench they groaned llko
so many hippopotami with tho stomach nche.
All hope now lay In Hughes' good cyo and
slnowy limbs. At least that Is what tho
chowd thought. Hut they were wrong. Dill
Wilson told Hughes to go crawl under tho
grandstand and tnka a nap and ho sent
Mackey In to the bat for him. It was a for
tunate move. Mack didn't do a thing but
smack tho first ball aquaro on tho noao and
ns It wont whizzing out to the northwest
corner of tho grounds, O'Connoll run in
home and scored the winning tally. Score:
An. n. ii. o
Bner, If
Tomnn, ss
McVlcker, m...
Hebsnmen, lb..
Wilson, c
O'Connell 3b...
l.iiuzon. rf
liny. 3b
Hughes, p
37 6 8 30 13
AB. H. IT. O
Qulgiey, m o 1
Bale, ss 5 0
Hlncs, 2b 3 1
Parker, If G 1
Brain, 3b G 1
Selslcr. rf 1 0
Hill, lb 4 0
Snooks, c 3 0
Brennan, p 2 0
Roach, p 2 1
0 15
Totals 3S 5 5 30 17
Omaha 001040000 1-6
Des Moines ...... 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0-G
Mackey hatted for Hughes in tho tenth.
Earned runs: Omaha, 3; Des Moines, 1.
Two-bo! hits: O'Connell. Toman., Double
play: lUnea to f Jill. -Struck out: By
Hughes, 7; hy Brennan, 2: by Itonch, 2.
Hit by pitched 'ball: By Urennnn, 2: by
Roach, 2. Klrst base on balls: Off Hughes,
3; of -Brennan. 4. Passed halls. Wilson, 1;
Snooks, 2. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Crelghton.
I'hllnilelnlila. Tins n Grent Time In
IVlnnliiK from the Giants.
PHILADELPHIA, April 30. While to
day's gamo between New York nnd Phil
adelphia was anything but good base ball,
thcro was plenty of excitement and ten
Innings wero required to decide it. Hits nnd
errors abounded; Wolverton made his first
appearance at third base with Philadelphia
nnd created a favorable Impression. Former
Captain Cooley of Philadelphia was today
signed by tho Pittsburg club and Third
Baseman Myers, who received notice of his
release on Saturday, wns engaged by Hart
ford of tho Eastern league. Attendance:
5,124. Score:
It.lI.O.A.E.I R.H.O A.H.
V'llalfn, cf.l
2 11 Thomas, cf...2
1 3
Meroer, 3b-p.2 2
Relbach, If.. .3 2
Davla, ns 2 2
Doyle, lb 2 1
Hickman, rf.O 1
Warner, C....0 1
Oleapon, 2b.. 1 4
1 3 SSlaulc. If 2 2 2
2 0 UDeleh'ty, lb.,0 1 11
0 1 0 I.Unle, 2b.... 3
0 3 llllck, rf 2
1 1
0 1
3 0
3 0 0 DoubIoi, c.,3 0 3 .1 0
0 1 Wolv'fn. 3b.O
I 2
2 O'Ctohi, us 1
1 OTIatt, p 1
4 lintrnhard, p.,0
4 5 B
10 0
10 0
llawley, p....O
Qnuly, 3b 2 1
Totals 13 1628 15 Tl Total H 17 30 13 C
"One man out when winning run made.
New York 502003101 1-13
Philadelphia. ..,.061100040 2-14
Earned runs: New York, 3; Philadelphia,
B. Two-bane hits; Davis, Grady, I'llck,
CroaH. Three-baso hits: Qleason, Slaptle.
Sacrifice hit: Doyle. Htolen bases: Mercer,
Selbnch (2), Doyle, drndy, Davis, Flick,
LaJolo and Dout'lasB. Double plays: Drady
to Doyle, Van Haltren to Olcnson to
Warner. First bnso on balls: Oft Hawley,
2; oft Piatt, 3; off Ilernhnrd, 1, Hit by
Pitched ball: Grady, Thomas, Struck out;
Hy Mercer, 1; by Hernliard, 1. Wild pltcht
Piatt. Tlmo of game: 2:15. Umpire: Con
nolly. ClilrnKO Oct" nn Unearned Cnrae.
CHICAGO. April 30. St. Louis went to
pieces In tho second and third Innings
and on tho most mlnerahlo inlsplnys, to
nether with Hurper's poor work, presented
tho homo tenm with enough runs to win.
Attendance, 1,100. Score:
Ttyan. If 2 1 2 1 t Ilurkett, If. ..I 2 10
Chllds, 2b 1 1 3 6 0 Iltlilrlck, cf.l 0 4 1
Mertes, cf....O 110 0 Donnvan, rf, 0 3 1 0
McCarthy, rf.2 1 1 0 0 Keliter. 2T...1 2 0 1
l;verltt, lb...l Die i o Mcuann. id..u u u s
Bradley, 3b... I 1 0
4 u.wauace. s..l i a a
1 4 Cross, 3b 0 0 0 4
Pllnrman. ss. 2 1
Donahue. c.O 0 2 1 1 O'Connor. C..0 0
Callahan, p..0 0 1 3 O.Crlger, c I 1 1 0 0
-'Harper, p 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 9 7 27 17 6 Jones, p 1 1 1 4 0
Dlllard o oooo
Totals 6 10 24 19 t
Dlllnrd batted for Jones in ninth.
Chicago 0 2 5 0 1 0 0 1 - 9
St. Louis 000031200-0
Earned runs: St. Louis. 3. Left on bases:
Chlcngo, 7; St, Louis, G. Two-baso hits:
McCarthy. Bradley Cllngman, Donovan,
Keister. Three-base hits: Hurkett. Sacri
fice hits: Callahan, Purkett, Stolen bases:
McCarthy, Everltt, Ilradley, Cllngmnn (2),
Cnllahun, Heldrlck. Struck out: Hy Cnlla.
ban, 3; by Harper, 2. Bases on bulls: Oft
Harper, 2: off Jones, 2. Wild pitch:
Harper. Hit with ball: Ryan, Donahue,
Tlmo of game: 2:20, Umpire: O'Day.
Iloatnn I.oaen Stupidity,
BROOKLYN. April 30.-Dunn was hit
freely today, but sharp lleldlng behind him
held the Bostons down to two runs, Bos
ton lost a line chance to win In tho ninth,
when the bases were full and only one man
out. Willis' six bases on balls proved
costly. Kelley retired In the third, be
cause of a sprained knee, Attendance,
3,000. Score:
R HO.A.E.' II II. O, A IS.
Hamilton, cf.l
0 0 OSheckanl, If .2 0 R
1 1
Tenney, lb..,0
Collins, 3b,, ..1
0 OKeeler, rf 1 0
1 0
3 1 0 Jennings, lb, .1 2 7
3 0 0 Kolley, 3b, ...1 0 0
2 0 OFmtth, 3b 0 1 2
Htahl, rf 0
Freeman, lf.,0 0 2
I.on, 2b 0 0 1
Iing, ss 0 1 1
2 0 Joned, cf 0 1 2
3 1 Duhlen. sa, ...A 1 2
0 0
2 0
2 0
0 0
3 0
Clark, a 0
Willis, p 0
4 0 1 Demont, 2h,.,0 0 3
1 1 OMcQuIre, c.,,0 0 4
Harry o o o o
vuunn, p.
...0 0 0
Total sua 7 2 Totals 5 5 27 10 1
Batted for WHIN In ninth.
Boston 1010000002
Brooklyn 1 0 3.0 1 0 0 0 5
Earned run: BoBtonf 1. Two-base hits:
Hamilton (2), Stahl. First bate on nrroraj
Boston, lj Brooklyn, 1. Left on bases!
Hoston, 12, Brooklyn, 7. Struck out: By
Dunn, 1; hy WIIIK 1. Sacrifice hits: Ten
ney, Smith. Bases on balls: By Duna, 4;
by Willis, 6. Stolen bnses: Shecknrd. Jen
nlngs, Smith (2), Jones, D.ihlen (2J. Tlmo
of game; 2:00, Umpire: Knitdlc.
StnndltiK of the .Tenuis,
1'lnvril. Won. Lost. P.C.
l'lilinilelplila ID T
Brooklyn it G
Cincinnati 10 6
St. I .on 1 9 10 6
Chicago 10 4
rittHbutR 10 4
New York S 3
Boston U i
(jami:s oi'' Tin: amkiiica.V i,mt;ui.
StiitllnKs (iel (iuy utiil I, !., (tie tinnte
for the Detroit Tenm.
Ct.KVUI.AND, O., April 3i).-Dctrolt
would havo won from Cleveland today had
not StullltiKs Interfered with n thrown lull
whllo ruunlni; based. Both he and dray,
whoso hit was being fielded, wero declared
out. Buelow won the gnme for Clevelnnd
In tho eighth Inning with his tltren-biiRger.
which neiit n run in, ho fnllowlnc on u
single. Attendance, 1.3W. Score:
CL.r.Vi:i.ANtl.. i DETROIT.
n.u.oAt:. it.uo a e.
Plckprlne, If .3 2 2 0 0 !l,iy, rf 0 0 2 0 0
Weaver, rf...l 0 0 0 0 Hurley, cf... 1 2 2 0
lluelow, 31).. .1 3 1 3 OM'HIInl'r, ss.l t 1 3
(lenlns, cf....O 1 r, 0 Ctulllvan, a..l 13 3
iljChnce, lbO on U, c 1
3 1
lilerlm'r. 2b. .1 1 t 3 0 1tan. It 0 111 0
DlKKlns, C....0 0 3 2 Oytalllnits. lf..0 4 0 0
Vlox, m 0 1 3 3 OOrny, 3b 0 0 0 1
Efinn, p 0 0 0 4 1 Yeniser, j) 1 0 1
Totals C hit ir, ll Totals S 11 21 It t
Orny out for Interference.
Cloveland 10 000212
Detroit 00000103 1-0
Rarned runs: Cleveland, 2: Detroit, 1.
First bnso by errors: Clevelnnd, 1. Loft
on bases: Cloveland, 3; Detroit, S. Klrst
base on balls: By Mnan. I; by Yeager. 1.
Struck out: By Yenger, l.nChnnce, Genius,
Three-bane hits: Buelow, Stnlllngs. Two
bnso hits: Vlox. Sullivmi. Sacrlllcc hits:
Weaver. 2. Stolen liases: Bickering,
Weaver. Buelow, Stalling?. Umpire: Can
tllllon. Tlmo of game: 1:40.
ClileiiK" Sluits Out Victory.
MILWAUKEE. April 30.-Tho Chlcagos
took kindly to Sparks' pitching from tho
start nnd aided by errors piled ui a good
lend. Hettger relieved Sparks nt the begin
nlnr of tho sixth nnd wns very effective.
Tho homo team played n good uphill game
nnd drove Dcnzer out in tho ninth, At
tendance. S00. Score:
u.n.o.Anl n it o.A.n.
WnMron. rf..l 2 3 0 1 Hoy. ef 2 2 2 0 0
lflarry, cf 0 0 1 0 OMcKurl'd, rf.l 1 0
U'onroy, ss.,.,2 1 3 2 2!Uilly. lb 1 0
Anderson, lf.3 2 1 1 Olliirtman, 3b.l 2 2
'Clark, lb 0 1 7 0 OShiignrt, s.. 0 0 S
Kultz. 2b 3 2 3 1 2'IliiMen, 2b.. .2 3 2
.YfftKer. c 1 3 2 0 o'lMnd. If 1 0 3
0 0
0 0
3 0
3 1
1 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
'llurko, 3h 0 1 1 0 rfnirdpn, o..O 1 1
f parks, p 0 0 0 4 1 Denier, p 1 0 0
IlettRcr, p....o o o : o.Kntoi, p o u o
Totals 10 12 215 10 6l Totals 9 !)24 8 1
8uzdon out for running out of line.
No ono out when winning run was made.
Milwaukee O000t403 2-10
Chicago 2 2 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 0
Earned runs: Milwaukee. 6: Chicago, 1.
Two-bliso hits: Wnldroti, Yeager. Hoy and
Pnddeu. Three-base hits: Yenger. Ander
son. Kultz. Hoy. Home run: H'nrtman.
Basel on balls: Off Sparks. 2; off Deiizer, ,
4. Hit by pitched Imll: By Sparks. Hettger. i
Struck out: By Sparks. 2. Double nlays: I
Conroy to Kultz. Innings pitched: By
Sparks, 8; by Rettger, 4; hy Denzer, X; I
Kntol. part of ninth. Umpire: Sheridan.
Time: i:wj.
Millers Ont In lint.
MINNEAPOLIS. April 30. Minneapolis
began noundlng Patten In the second and
third nnd Daub was sent In to stop them.
He was ensy all through the gnme nnd tho
errors of his support mndo the enmo a
tiresome one. Khret pitched a steady game.
Attendance. 1.S92. Score:
Davis, rf 1 16 0 0
llurke, If 3 3 0 0 2
Nnnee, 3b.... 0 2 1 1 1
Verile,n. lb. ..2 2 13 0 0
Kmlth. iw 0 0 0 1 1
rarrell. cf....l 1 3 0 0
WnKtier, ss,..0 0 1 2 1
,0'llrlen, If. ..0 1 0 0 1
iGnnzel. lb....l I 13 0 0 rf 0 0 0 0 0
foimblln, All. 2 3 12 0
Ah't'ehlo. 2h.3 3 2 3 0
Wllmnt, rt...( 1 ! M
risber. c 1 13 0 0
Dhret. p 1 1 0 4 C
Totsls 11 U 27 11 4
Pchaefrr, 2H..1 0 2 3 0
Sullivan, c.,.0 0 0 3
l'.itten, p n 10 10
Daub, p 0 0 0 1 1
Totals 5 . 21 3 B
Minneapolis 0 0 5 1 t 1 1 2 11
Kansas City 0 2 0001110-S
Enrned runs: Mlnnonpolis. 4; Kansas
City. 1. Two-baso hits: Burke. Werden,
Patten. Coughlln (2), Oanzel. Home run:
Karrell, Stolen bases: Alibatlechio (2),
Burko. Nance, Wllmot, Fisher. Sacrifice
hit: Burke. Bases on balls: Off Patten, 1;
off Ehret. 3. Struck out: By Daub, 1; by
Khret. 1. Hit by Daub: Abbatlrchlo.
Passed ball: Sullivan. Wild pitch: Ehret.
Base hits: Off Pntten, 3; off Daub, 11,
Left on bases: Mlnnepolls, 8: Knnsns City,
8. Tlmo of game: 2:00. Umpire: McDonald.
Like llnlllKim'n Oinnlin Days.
BUFFALO, April 30. Buffalo tried threo
pitchers todav and Keen proved the most
effective of the lot. It was amateurish ball.
Halllgan dropped threo Mies in left field.
Attendance, 5X. Score:
Flood, 2b 2 2 1 3 0 Hogrlev'r, rf.l 0 0 0 0
llBlllKan, If. .2 2 2 0 3.Klynn, rr t 3 l 3 1
Knoll. If t 0 0
u uiiinrizpu, it..i 3 u v
1 OMaicoon, 2b... 0 0 2 2 2
0 l'Soybold, cf...l 2 2 0 0
4 1 Mndlsoih SM..1 0 13 1
0 0 Kelly, lb 3 2 7 1 0
BlK'aron, rf ..2 1 5
Clettman, cf..4 '! 3
Ilallman, in. .2 2 0
, Carey, lb 1 2 11
I Andrews. 3b. .0 2 2
0 o rowers, c...
19 0 0
2 13 0
Schreck, 0....1 1 3 0 2 Hlckey, 3b. ..3
maker. D 0 0 0 3 0 Ocar, n 0
0 0
0 0
Amole, p 0 0 0 0 0 Damman, p..0 .111
Kern, p o l o i i
ripeer 0 0 0 0 0j
Total 10 II 27 12 4
Totals 15 16 27 11 71
Hatted for Kern In ninth.
Buffalo 311110004 0-15
Indianapolis 1 3 6 4 0 0 3 0 0-1G
Earned runs: Buffalo. 10: Iivdlanapolls, 2,
Two-base liltm Carey, Flood, Powers, Flynn
(2), Hlckey. Three-base hits: Gettman,
Hlckey, Kelly, Hartzoll. Htolen bases:
Flood, Halllgan. Carey. Flynn (2), Hnrtzcll,
Powers, Soy bold. Double piny: Slienron to
Carey. First baso on halls; Off Baker. 3:
off Gear, 3; off Damman, I.n lilt by pitched
bail: By Baker, 3. Struck out: Hy Kern,
3; by Damman. 4; by Gear, 2. Wild pitch:
Gear. Balk: Kern. Time: 2:20. Umpire:
Fratik Dwyer.
StandliiK of tho TpnniM,
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Cleveland ! S
Milwaukee 9 6
Indianapolis 0 5
Chicago 10 5
Kansas City 11 5
Buffalo !) 4
Minneapolis 12 5
Detroit 9 3
. IV.
Cooley Gum to I'll tfilmrit.
PITTSBl'RO, Pa April 30.-Plttsburg
hns purchased Cooley from Philadelphia
nnd he will play llrst base In tho St. Louis
series on Wednesday. Dillon will bo re
leased by Pittsburg.
Little Liver Pills.
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