Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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APRIL 30, 1000.
Davis sella class.
Clan nxturcs nnd globes nt Illxby's.
Morehouse & Co., mngazlncs bound.
Iludwclscr becr. U. Rosenfeld, agent.
Kino A. IJ. C. beer, Ncumayor's hotel.
Hchmldt'a photos, new nnd latest styles.
Tho city council will meet In adjourned
rcKtilar session thin evening,
Oct your work done nt the popular Eaglo
laundry, 721 liroadwoy, '1'honc 157.
W. C. Estep, undertaker, 28 Pearl street.
Telephones: Olllce, 97; residence, 33.
A llttlo daughter arrived yesterday at tho
homo of Air. and Mrs, llnrvcy A. DeLong.
Miss JcsrIo Hnttcnhauer of Eighth
nvenuo Is visiting friends nt Tort Morgan.
J. C. Bhriver of Denver. Colo., Is visiting
Ids ulster, Mrs. I. 11. Orcutt of Oaklund
Misses Whlttakcr, Terry nnd l'aul of
Omaha were the guests yesterday of Miss
Julia Rohrcr.
John I.onlb wanted to nnswer to a
ctmri-o of embezzlement nt Jefferson, la.,
wns nrrested In this city yesterday.
Mrs. K. J. Btnrkert Is visiting relatives
nnd friends In Cedar Haplds. She will also
visit In MnrHhalltown before returning
Itc'V. J, lllnlo will present a paper thU
iiuiniliii? nt tlin ineetlnir of the Ministerial
association In 8t. John's English Lutheran
A. J. Mnnderson, ngent nt tho Union Pa
cific transfer, Is wearing the liadgo of tho
Crlbbnge club for winning tho most games
In April.
Mrs. A. T. Flanders nnd daughters of
Wisconsin nro the KUests of Mrs. A. T.
llollls of Avenuo 11, enrouto homo from a
visit In California.
Tho Hock Island has completed putting
In the gato guards nt Its crossing on South
Klghth street and will have them In opera
tlon In a few days.
Tho foresters of Hnzel camp, Modern
Woodmen of America, will meet nt their
hall this evening nt 8 o'clock, when all
members are requested to bo present, as
tlii'ro Is huslnesn of Importance to come up
for action.
Tho funeral of tho lato Ixon Van Kossen
will 1mi held this afternoon at .1 o'clock
from 410 South First street. Members of
tho Order of Hallway Conductors will act
ns pallbearers nnd the services will be con
ducred by Hev. George Edward Walk of
St. raid's Episcopal church. Interment will
bo In Knlrvlcw cemetery.
N. Y. numbing Co., Tel. 2C0.
Do Not Propois to Relax Their Vigilance for
, a Einglo Instant.
Lenders of the Movement Cttlt for a
Miihm Meeting:, nt Which All Clt
Iiviin Will lie tlUen a
Clinncc to Join,
tlantow Md! "Whrther thn woman had flnallr decided todav Ev" awardlnn tho con-
been assaultod by tho other patient or had J tract to tho Seth Thomas company at tho
price of fl,M8. Tho cKjbills expected to bo
Injured herself by falling out of bed Is only
a matter or conjecture, as nuither or mo
women had sufficient Intelligence to tell
what really happened. From tho appearance
of tho cyo and tho position of tho two bed
Rteads, It looked as If Mm. Walburn's eyes
had been scratched by tho other woman.
Thcro Is absolutely no blame to bo attachel
to tha sisters, two of whom aro In attend
ance all night long. Also, I feel poiltlvo
that tho Injury to tho eyes did not hasten
Mrs, Walburn's death. Her end had been
expected dally and that very day her mother
had been sent for. I called In Dr. UurrcJI
of Omaha, ns I believed It best to lako out
tho eye, as It evidently had been poisoned
by tho scratch of the Anger nail and tho
sight would have probably been permanently
Commons calth 10c cigars aro good cigars.
KiioiikIi llrlruntcK liiNtrucled for 1 1 1 m
to Insure tile .N'oihIiiiiIIoii.
Mills county has followed tho lead ot
Audubon and Outhrlo nnd at Its county con
volition Saturday Instructed Its delegation
to tho congressional convention for Judgu
Smith of thin city. Tho delegates wcro In
structed 'by resolutions ndoptcd by tho
unanimous voto of tho convention to uso
nil honorablo means to sosuro tho nomlna
tlon of tho Council lllurfa candidate. Tho
result of tho Mills county convention Is
another soro disappointment to cx-Congrc83
man linger and his friends, as ho had made
his strongest light In that county. And
now thnt ho has failed to Becuro oven a part
of tho delegation, it is understood that ho
will withdraw from tho race.
Of tho fllxty-ono votes requisite for tho
nomination, Judge Smith now has flfty-nlno
assured, ns follows: Pottawattamie, 27;
Audubon, 9; Guthrie, 12; Mills, 11. Ills
nomination on tho 11 ret ballot Is now a
foregone conclusion.
Cass county also held Us county conven
tion Saturday, nnd Its candidate, T. I). Swan
of Atlantic, was permitted to chooio lih
own delegation to tho congressional con
ventlon. Reports from Cnss county nro to
tho offect that Judgo Smith Is Bccond cholco
of tho delegation, and In tho event of Swan
withdrawing Its solid voto will go to tho
Council Muffs .man.
In Adair county, cx-Congrcssmnn Ilagcc's
homo county, tho convention selected an
unlnstructcd delegation to tho congressional
convention. Ono of tho delegates wired
Judgo Smith that tho delegation was solid
for him.
Leading republicans In this city express
tho opinion that Judgo Smith's will bo tho
only namo to comu before the congressional
convention and that his nomination will be
mado by acclamation.
Mr. Itlley G-cent cigar.
County Ciminiltteo Itulrn.
Tho republican county central committco
han ndoptcd revised rules nnd regulations for
Its cloctlon and government as follows;
Artlclo I Flection of Countv Committee:
Section 1, Tho republican county commit
tee shall consist of ono republican elector
from each precinct of tho county, who
shall bo known ns precinct committeeman
Sec. 2. Ho shall bo a legal voter In tho
precinct ho Is elected to represent nnd
shall bo elected annually by ballot at tho
primaries called to elect delegntes to tho
county convention that phall select dele
gates to the stato convention to nominate
candidates for Htnto olllccrs.
Hec. 3. Thcro shall bo a vacancy In tho
olllce of preclnrt committeeman whenever
tho precinct committeeman resigns or
ceases to bo a republican or a legal voter
of tho nreclnct which elected him or shall
support nny nomlneo of nny other party or
Knowingly urns 10 pcriorm tne unties or tno
Sec. 4. Whenever six lecnl renubllcan
voters Join In a notice to tho chairman of
tho county that thev bellcvo thcro Is n
vacancy In the otllco of precinct committco.
man from any precinct, nnd shall stato
upon whnt grounds such belief Is founded,
tho county, chairman shall, within ten days,
Investlgato tho said vacancy, nnd if n
vacancy Ih found to nctually exist, said
chairman shall 1111 said vnennev.
Artlclo II Organization of County Com-
Section 1. Tho countv committee shrill
meet on tho call of tho chairman nnd nt
tho llrst meeting of tho now committee
ehnll elect by "ballot n, secretary and u
Sec. 2. Tho chairman of tho commltteo
shall be olectcd at tho county convention
which selects delegates to tho state con
vention to bo held for tho purpose of
nominating stato olllccrs.
See. 3. Fifteen members of tho committco
man constitute a Quorum.
Tho "reform" committee, of which At
torney James McCabo and J. E. F. McGco
and W. W. Wallaco aro tho leading spirits,
Is desirous of extending lta scope and mem
bership nnd notice was given from tho pul
pltH of mcot of tho churches In tho city
yesterday morning that a mass meeting
would bo held Thursday evening of thla
weok In tho First Presbyterian church. An
Invitation was extended to all church mem
bers and others Interested In tho moral wel
fare of tho city to bo prcwent and take part
In tho proceedings.
Tho closing ot the thrco gambling houses
hns not satisfied tho committco that gam
bling Is a thing of tho past In Council
Muffs, nnd it has coma to the conclusion
that It hut considerable work ahead of it
yet to perform. No Htepa have been taken
by tho authorities to supprcre tho slot ma
chines, and it Is generally understood that
any person being denlrotitt of gambling can
find a "quiet" gnmo of ulniout nny kind
In tha city.
Tho purpeso of tho meeting Thursday
night, ns explained by Attorney McCabe, Is
to effect a wider organization, bo as to
embrace all tho churches of tho city and
Include all citizens who hcltovo In reform.
Commlttecn will bo appointed nnd their
duties defined and a course of action laid
out for them. Said Mr. McCabo: "The
object of our organization, which wo now
dcslro to widen, Is to suppress gambling In
nil its features. Wo do not Intend to go
nftcr tho gamblers themselves, unices wo
aro compelled to. Wo Intend that the city
nnd county authorities shall perform their
duty and enforce tho laws, Of course, If
thejo omclals still refuse, after being
warned, to enforce tho law and suppress
gambling In tho city, why, then wo ohall
first turn our attention to tho ofllclnls them-
selves nnd after wo havo dealt with them
wo shall then look nfter tho gamblers. We
shall take no proceedings against the gam
blers directly, however, until wo havo ex
hausted every means to compel tho nuthorl
lite, both city and county, to perform their
duty according to tho strict letter of tho
Asked if tho commltteo intended to pay
lta respects to tho saloons and enforce tho
mulct law, Mr. McCabo said: "Our com
mlttee, as far as I know,- has never even
dlscutwd tho question of the saloons, but
of course I cannot tell what tho committee
may decldo to do after tho meeting next
Thursday night."
Tho commltteo failed to wait on County
Attorney KlllpacU Saturday. Mr. Klllpack
says ho still stands ready to prosecute
when Informatlomi nro filed, but ho has
no Intention of taking up tho business of
a professional prosecuting witness. It was
not for that, ho says, that the peoplo cf
I'ottawattnmlo county elected him to tho
olhco of county attorney.
Mayor Jennings has declared that tho
slot machines which pay cawh and not In
trndo will havo to go. In fact, ho Issued
an order to this ellect several weeks ago.
but It hns not been obeyed, and the police
forco hn.s taken no steps to sco that tho
mayor's order waa enforced. Within tho
Inst month or so slot machines have multi-
piled In this city, so that now there Is
scarcely a saloon or cigar store that has
left i than thrco ot them running in full
Ill connection with tho reform movement
Btnrted by McCnbo's committee, there aro a
number of citizens who bollevo that it should
not stop until tho saloons aro compelled to
close, nt least at 12 o'clock at night and all
day on Sundays. SImo favor closing the sa
loons every night nt 10 o'clock, as they do In
Des Moines, whilst others favor letting tho
salcons run wldo open nil night nnd nil day,
Sundays Included. Many ot tho old-tlmo
citizens do not placo much stock In tho re
form movement, having ewen so mnny
started, only to dlo down again after a few
months. They ray tho present movement
will dlo a natural death beforo many moons
and that tho city will bo run wldo open
again as beforo. This members of tho "ro-
form" committco deny. They say their or
ganization Is permanent and built on n solid
foundation and that any attempt to-run tho
city wide open ngaln will be met with a re
newal of tho agitation and probablo Im
peachment ot tho authorities responsible tor
enforcement ot tho laws.
Llttlo Mario O'Connor of 718 Muff street
was surprised by her parents with n beau
tiful upright grand piano, eoloctol walnut
case, with fine carvings, purchased at Ilourl
clus' music house, 335 Ilroadway, whero tho
organ stands upon tho building.
Davis sells paints.
Iloli SiMilt Locked t'p.
Tho notorious nob Scott Is In custoly
again nt the city Jail. Ho was arrc3ted yes
terday afternoon for fighting on Ilroadway
with William McKlnley, a bnrber. Scott
hns mado several attempts to assault Mc
Klnley recently, and meeting him ycator
day on Ilroadway, opposite tho potitoffico,
struck nt him with the crutch which he was
carrying. McKlnley enmo back nt Scott
with an umbrella, nnd In order to protect
himself had to use It pretty vigorously. Uoth
wwo placed under arrest, hut McKlnley nt
once gavo ball for his appearance in pollco
court this morning. McKlnley has declared
his Intention of filing nn Information
against Scott for assault.
"You say you novcr smoked a Mr. Itlley
cigar? Well, try one the next time and soo
what you have boon missing all this time.'
Wo sell gas stoves on monthly payments
nt half tho price of a gasollno stove. Tho
CaB company, 20 Pearl Btrcet.
Joiiiitliiin C'nrr, AV'lio Mved Alone Xcnr
OUiintwii, I'o ii nd Foully
OTTUMWA, In., April 23. (Special Tel
egram.) What 1b supposed to havo been a
foul murder waa perpetrated nt tho home of
Jonathan Carr, n wealthy farmer residing
seven miles northwest of thla city, some
tlmo Saturday evening. Carr's body was
found at the foot of an outsldo cellarway
with his necTt and Jaw broken and a deep
holo in tho sldo of his head, presumably
mndo with n pick or similar Instrument.
Thus far there is no cluo whatever to tho
perpetrators of tho crime. Carr lived alone.
In placo In about slxrjyos.
lutm Xeu Notes.
A disastrous hallstoflh'Vrslted tho vicinity
of Dunlnp last week.
Tho contract has bWn fotjfor tho erection
of n new public llbnirylbulfcllng ut Nevnda,
to cost J6,4jo. . aTld
An Ottumwn father, tne Press reports,
has changed tho nnme of his son front
Dewey to Sammy.
Ilockwell City expects to see the road
which was built as far as Qowrlo com
pleted to tlmt city.
II. K. Ping, a Des Moines county farmer,
shot it wild duck Tin April 2, nnd It cost
him tlC.CO in n Ilurllngton court.
Tho cnll for the second stato convention
of tho united Christian. party has been Is
sued. It will bo held in Des Moines on
July 4 next.
Hon. Welcome Mowry, stato railroad
commissioner, suffered nn nttnek of henrt
failure nt Tnma on the 21th Inst. Although
the nttnek wns severe Mr. Mowry quickly
Tho tuljutluit general of the stato states
that he Is confident that unless something
unexpected hnppens the plan of holdlnc nn
encampment of the entire Iowa National
Ounrd at Des Moines this year will bo car
ried out.
A pearl weighing forty-seven grnlns was
found in the Mississippi river nt Lansing.
Tho gem sold for 12.7). This Is the second
inrgest stone or tno Kind round s nco clam
nshlng began on tho upper Mississippi about
n year ago.
The stato lands nt Cherokee, eomnrlslnc
about M acres belonging to tho asylum
grounds, nro being leased by tho board of
control. A crop of small grain will be
raised on tho land this year, and next
year it will be sown to grass.
Palmer Dowen of Mnrshalltown Is a cap
tain of guards nt tho United Stntes exhibit
nt the Pnrls exposition. IIu Is a hnndsomo.
wen uuiu young mnn, standing 6 reet 4
Inches In his stocking feet, nnd looks Ilka
a glnnt by the side or the nvernge French
man. Tho French laborers nt the exposi
tion regard tho Iowa boy with awe nnd
NEUIIASKA CITY, April 20.-(Spcclal )
ncr. Lutr. Horn of Spencer, S. D nnd Miss
Llna Fleming of Atchison, Kan., were ennr
rlod yesterday nt the First Lutheran church
In thla city. The ceremony was performed
by Hcv. Max F. Schulz of Tnltnagc, Neb.
Foter, ClillK Coughs,
Cold, l)jprpln of what
ever form, quirkly mrcd
by Inking lriT"S MnU.
A tsblonpoonfut In glas of
water threo times n day.
All drugglut nnd grocers.
Hon uro of Imitations.
l'nlns In (lie Ilnck.
A. II. Farrlngtou, Constnnla, N. Y., says;
"I wns troubled several years with kldndr
disease nnd suffered scvero pains In tho
back. I used Foloy's Kidney Curo nnd ono
bottlo cured me. I recommend It to my
friends. It has given perfect satisfaction."
Tako no substitute. For snlo by Mycri-
Dlllon Drug Co., Omaba; Dillon's Drug
Store, South Omaha.
Nothing But Praise From
All Sources.
Stands High in the Estimation of
Those Who Have Tested
Its Merits.
There Is no doubt whatever as to tha
merits of Morrow's Kld-ne-olds, Judging
from tho good results obtained right bora
in Omaha. Morrow's Kld-no-olds aro used
I dally by many Omaha citizens and they all
i testify without any hesitancy about tha
i great good they havo received by tho Uto
of this great kldnoy preparation. Kld-no-
olds will positively curo kidney backache,
dizziness, sleeplessness, nervousness and all
urinary disorders arising from a disordered
condition of tho kidneys. Another citizen
adds testimony, as follows:
Mr. W. 11. Ellington, 2208 South 10th
Btrcet, says: "For four or flvo years I have
suffered from kidney troubles, also with
swelling of the feet and limbs, and they
would pain mo so I could scarcely get any
rtunnlnir sores, ulcers, holls. nlmnW etc.. 8IP- Hearing about tho wonderful curea
quickly cured by Ilanner Solve, tho most i Morrow's Kld-ne-olds had affected, I do
healing salvo In tho world, No other "Just
as good." For salo by Myers-Dillon Drug
Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Storo, South
Mini Sciiteneeil fur I.lfe HeleiiKed on vu
ANAMOSA, la., April 29. (Special.)
After twenty-two years' confinement within
tho wallH of tho penitentiary In this city,
Cornelius Moclchcn is onco more enjoying
tho nlr of freedom. Tho case of Moelchen
la entirely without parallel In tho annals
of Iowa criminal affnlrs.
In the year 1S77 Cornelius Moelchen ar
rived In America from Oermany and camo
directly to Dubuque county, this state, where
ho took up his residence with nn only rela
tive, an unclc John Moelchen, by name
who was supposed to bo pwocssod of moro
than an average shnro of this world's gocda,
Tho elder Moolchcn was a bachelor and
young Cornelius was his heir-at-law. Shortly
after tho arrival of Cornelius at the hemo
of hla undo tho latter was found with hlo
skull crushed and Uto extinct, the body
being suspended from tho stirrup ot aad
dlo girthed to a horso which he had ridden
away from homo only a short tlmo pre
vious. Tho drat imprcss'.on was that the
unfortunato mnn had lost his Hfo through
n runaway accident, but tho coroner's In
vestigation revealed tho strange fact that
tho dead mnn, when found, had his left foot
In tho right stirrup.
Other circumstances gradually developed
which led to tho conclusion thnt a murdor
had been committed and eusplclon was di
rected to young Moelchen. Ho wns found
cullty of murder In tho first degree, nnd
In tho soring of the year 1878 was com
mltted to the Anamosa penitentiary for
tho remainder of hla natural life. As a
prisoner his conduct wns most exemplary.
Finally, during tho session of tho last
general assembly, both branches of tho
assembly requested tho governor to grant
Moelchen executlvo clemency. And now,
nfter twenty-two years of servitude. In tho
evening of his life, with his hair silvered,
a etrnngor to the ways of tho world, and
prematurely old, Moelchen Is n free man.
Immediately upon receiving his dlschargo
Moelchen took tho train for Montezuma,
In., whero a friend haa undertaken to pro
vldo employment for him.
Morphine KIIIn llnrry Mitrtlntlnle.
NKW YOUK, April 29.-Hnrry S. Mnrtln
dale, a well known clubman nnd cross
country rider, died nt the New York hos
pital Into Inst night, nged 35 yenrs, from
tho effects of nn overdose of morphine. In
November, ISfiS, ho wns thrown from his
horse while riding In n hunt nnd his right
leg so badly Injured thnt amputation was
necessary. Since that tlmo his health has
failed gradually.
ICeuliieUy ftnek I'lirm I'lirxe.
LKXINOTON, Kv., April 29.-Kntrles for
the Kentucky stock farm purse, for roals
or 11W0, to be trotted In 1903, tho guaranteed
value of which Is 0,000, close tomorrow
tfllonuay) April so.
After l.nKrlpiii' Wlintf
Usually a racking; cough and a genernl
feeling ot weakness. Foley's Honey and Tar
Is guaranteed to curo tho "grlppo cough"
nnd mako you strong nnd well. For salo
by Myers-Dillon Drng Co., Omaha; Dillon's
Drug Store, South Ofaalia.
elded to try them. I took them according
to directions and In a fow days tho pains all
left mo and tho swelling disappeared from
my feot and limbs."
Morrow's Kld-ne-olds aro not pills, but
Yellow Tablets, and sell at fifty cents a box
at all druggists and by tho Myers-Dillon
Drug Co. Mailed on receipt ot price. Man
ufactured by John Morrow & Co., Chemists,
Springfield, Ohio.
.tlon day (n lie 'I'nlr nml TiieNiIny
Warmer Northerly WIiiiIn l're
dleteil for Today.
Tho Oas company furnishes gns heaters
for bath and bedrooms free.
M. W. A. danco tonlglit nt, Hughes' hall.
Whaley's orchestra. 25 cents per couplo.
Gravel roolllng. A. II. Itoad, H U'wny.
IlnteH flnm (n Cape Nome,
John Hates, cx-chlet of tho flro depart
ment, nccompauled by Henry lloyle, left
yesterday morning for Seattle; Wnsh., from
whence they expect to snll May 10 for Capo
Nemo. Ills doparturo created considerable
surprise among bis friends, as It was not
known that bo had any such lnttmtlons. It
wns learned yesterday, howowr, that ho
hod mado up his mind to seek hla fortuno
nt Capo Nomo about two weeks ago. John
Hates was one of tho oldiut members of tho
department, nud ho slipped away without
bidding nny of tho boys good-byo. Ho told
a friend at the depot that ho had not tho
heart to go around nnd say good-byo and
thought It best to slip away without them
knowing It.
SliiKiilnr ClreiiiiiNtnneeu Attending tlie
Dentil of nn Inxillie AVoiiiiin.
Mrs. Sarah Walburn, a county Insane
chargo, who died at St. Bernard's hospital
Thursday night and waa burled yesterday
morning, was tho victim of a pojullar as-
bp ult at the hands of another patient In tho
stimo ward a fow nights beforo her death.
Tho physicians who attended Mrs. Wal
burn say, however, that tho Injuries re
ceived at that time did not hasten or cause
her death, as she was suffering from an
abdominal cjst ond her demise waa ex
pected at any moment.
In tho samci ward with Mrs. Walburn
wcro threu other In.snno women, all of whom
wero known as "quiet" caBco nnd wero not
considered dangerous at all. Monday night
tho tour women, one ot whom was Mrs.
Walburn, wero put to bed as usual by tho
sinter In chargo of tho ward. In tho corner
WASHINGTON, April 20. Forecast for
Monday nnd Tuesday:
For Nebraska Fair Mondny; fair and
warmer Tuesday; northerly winds.
For - Iowa Fair Monday, with cooler In
eastern portion; Tucsda fair and wnrmerj
northwesterly winds. '
For South Dakota Fair and warmer Mon
day; Tucalay fair; brisk northwesterly
winds, becoming variable.
For Missouri Fair and cooler Monday;
Tuesday fair and warmer; northerly winds.
For Kansaa Fair nnd cooler Monday;
Tuesday fair and warmer; northerly winds.
Local lleeoril.
OMAHA, April 2U. Olllclnl record of tcm
peraturo and precipitation, compnred with
tho corresponding day of tho last thrco
CIlr8' 1M0. 1SD9. 1S9S. 1KI7.
Maximum temperature... 70 CO 70 63
Minimum temperature.... 59 43 47 38
Average temperature Gl 52 6S 4S
Precipitation 08 .00 T .00
ltecord of temperature and precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal for tho day 55
Hxcess for tho day 9
Kxevsx since March 1 Hi
Normal rainfall for tho day 12 Inch
nr(lrlencv for tho day 01 Inch
Total since Mnrch 1 4. 91 Inchon
Excess since Mnrch 1 40 Inch
Dcllclency ror cor. period, 1K09...2.M Inches
Deficiency ror cor. period, H9S 1.00 Inch
lienor! from Slnlloim nt H p. in.
Good Things
Keep Your Grass Cut.
Sec Our Line of
-Lawn Mowers
Just tho kind you wnnt, nmplnrr from
$3 up. Tliov nro nil right in ovory 'respect
EASY RUNNING nnd uo trouble to keep In
pood working order.
Buy a Lot
And build your own Home upon it, and
Stop Paying Rent.
Lw...o vacant lots located in Central sub addition, Omaha
addition and Wright's addition. These lots will bo sold
at real bargains. In a year or so thoy will bring doublo tho
money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council
H nil
n 9
Omnha, partly cloudy ..
North Platte, cloudy ...
Salt I.nko City, ruining
Cheyenne, snowing
Hnpld City, cloudy
Huron, clear
Wllllston, partly cloudy
Chicago, cloudy
St. I.ouls, clear .,
St. l'aul, clear
Davenport, cloudy
Iliilliiu: In llnnUriipley CiiNe.
DUBUQUE, la., April 29. (Special.)
Judge Shlras today rendered n decision In
tho case of John McDonald In bankruptcy
from Wright county. When tho defendant i Helena, clear
went Into bankruptcy ho had pending an , Kansas Lily
application for patents, nnd after becoming
a bankrupt tho patent was grnnted. Tho
question then nioso cb to whether this pat
ent would becomo part of his assets. Judge
Shlrao In his opinion rules that tho trustco
In bankruptcy is not to tako as a part of
nesetsrof a bankrupt's estnto tho latter's
patent Issued to tho bankrupt after tho date
of adjudication, although tho application
therefor had been filed In tho patent office
beforo tbo filing of tho petition In bank
ruptcy. Oiuiiliii fSIrl llnilly Injured.
SIOUX CITV, Ia April 29. (Spo:ial Tele
gram.) Miss Minnie Carey of Omaha, who
Is visiting here, waa injured in an exciting
runaway today, In which Marcus Fuller, her
companion, was still moro seriously hurt.
Tho horso behind which they wcro riding
bocamu frightened and plunged. Miss Carey
Jumped out. striking on her head. Sho was
badly Jarrwl and bruise!, but not danger
ously Injured. Fuller stayed for several
Havre, clear
Illsmari'k. clear
Galveston, partly cloudy ........ 74
Angel food Taffy
Pl'ItK SUCAIt ond
... JOHN C...
Woodward &Co.
Blnnufnoturlnic Confectioner.
Jobbera of lliuli (irnde Cluars,
Price Reduced
The Funk 6t Wogtialls
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247 Editors and Specialists.
600 lleadors for Quotations.
Coat Nearly Ono Million Dollars.
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T Indicates trnco of precipitation.
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will glvo you a first-class bath by using tho
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water beater made.
Merrlam Dlock, Council muffs.
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nounced and defined by tho most eminent Fpcciallsti of tho pres
ent day, in every dopartment ot literature, sclonco and art.
Should not undcrcsttmato tho valuo to their children
of Immediate consultation of a STANDARD authority
REFERENCE UOOKS by tho young leads to habits of thoroughness In study,
prevents careless writing, and cultivates exactness In convetsatlon.
whenever any question arises with regard to a -word.
The Itlebest Trrnxurr.
"If every school trustco and every mnn having n fam
ily of growing children could renllzo tho valuo of this
Dictionary he would not be long without It. It is worth
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TO YOUR CHILDREN OR A FRIEND it would bo difficult to find a moro de
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H7 of the world's most eminent mon labored, and moro than (900,000 were
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bound In full sheep, at tbo unprccedentedly low prlco of $8.00.
Megeath Stationery Company
1308 Farnam St., Omaha
Mail Orders Given
Prompt Attention
opposite to .Mrs. wnmurn was a patient wno. , b)ock on,j ,ne Jllmpci, from tho side,
to prwent her rolling out of bed, was lightly I brenk,nB ono lfR nnd dislocating the other,
strapped around tho waist. At 3:30 In tho H bno... ln Qmaha. be.nK a Cudahy
company employe.
morning tho sister, making her rounds, '
found all four patients asleep. About an
hour later she was aroused by a scream
from tho ward, and hastening to tho scene
discovered Mrs. Walburn lying on tho Jloor
and tho bed containing thn woman In tha
oppaslto corner drawn up alongside ot hers.
Nelthor of tho women could glvo nn In-
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds
f?kS t& iV"0; iS nw food drink that! "?? V. cottpv. Tho children may
? aii ti iVKJ'' well as Ui
ii ismaao rrom puro grains aiul ih
uuiu uy an grocer.
Negotiated in Eastern Nebraska
unu low a. jameu in. (.'aaaoy, jr..
v Aiaiu aw council uiuu.
Cut Off from Sioux Vlty.
SIOUX CITV, la., April 20. (Special Tdo
gram.) It is learned hero tonight from the
Omaha road's general offices that It ha.i
been decided to build a short cut through
Nebraska. It has been previously rumored
telllgttit nccount of what had happened, but ' In ovont that tho Omaha Northern builds
appearances Indicated that In eomo manner from Omaha to Sioux City, the old survey
Mrs. Wnlhurn had been assaulted by tho of tho Eastern Nebraska & Gulf may bo
nlhm nxllnnt Tlnth llOP 1VM nhnwrvl altrna nori.l it tlPH thn right of WAV aCTOSS the
IHY uHAIN'ni of having been scrntched. with finger nails. Indian reservations
Tho next morning Mrs. Walburn's eyes woro
badly swollen, especially tho left one, and
thoro woro Indications that tho eyo had
been poisoned by tho linger nails. Dr. Uar
stow, tho attending physician, who is also
a member of tho Board of Insanity Commls-1
sloncrs, treated tho Injury, but It grewt
worse, and on Thursday ho called In Dr.
Hurrell ot Crclghton Medical college, and
it was decided to tako the injured member
out tho next day. During tho night, how
ever, tho woman died.
In speaking ot Mne caso yoJterday, Dr.
1'iiMh Into llollliiK Wilier.
I1ELMOND, la., April 29. (Special.)
Mrs. Van Ostren, wlfo of a prominent
farmer living four miles west ot tho city,
fell Into a boiler of eealdlng water nnd was
fatally injured. Sho stumbled and fell head
first into tho boiler, which sho was carrying.
Cluck for Court Iloimc Tower.
CHEROKEE. Ia.. April 29. (Special.)
The citizens ot Cbcrokeo havo been for some
time agitating the question ot a clock for
tho court houso tower. Tho matter was
LB if - THE
TMr m ilip finn vfl Vflllf
Meats, Fish, Soups and Salads
are prepared tney wiu oc im-
This elgnatoro on every bottle
JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Axtati, New York
Cooks and butlers every- lllF
where pronounce It an indis- ) u I f Wi
pensabte requisite to the Culi- f )X ( A
nary Supplies, 1 Jj-j?'