'IJIE OMAHA DAILY JiHEs nilDAY, APRIL 27, 11)00. BEWmsiSDMACAZISESterctlslHASI KINKS IN THE CASE York. InTtstjgitlom bj a Prenchmin Into th Unkntwo World. AMERICAN COAT ARMOR AND HERALDRY Cornell's Professor of Horticulture Writes n Hook for Amntetir lnr dencrn Honietlihiu Worth TnUlnttto Paris. "Wonders of the Nineteenth Century," by J. V. Hanson, Is a pretentious volume of over 600 pages, neatly printed and lavishly Illustrated with line and photo engraving!. It affords a panoramic review .of the In ventions and discoveries of the past 100 years, Including descriptions and picture! of the Improvements In ugrlculture, med icine, chemistry, arms, nstronumy, biology, weaving, electricity, gas, geology, Iron man ufacture, steam navigation, printing, etc. The progress of mankind Is shown In the way of prison reform, literature, art, temperance and all modern movements. There arc in teresting stories of tho bicycle, India rub ber, gun cotton, percussion cap, friction Mm. Hawlej'a Hair-Oarllns; Lotion Heiulti in ii Legal Tangle. In tlew of tho general Interest In all sub jects connected with psychical research. aroused by recent Investigations of Prof, match, reaper and mower, lifeboat, breech Hyslop of Columbia university, tho publlca- loader, locomotive, telephone, telegraph, lion of Camllle Hammarlon's Intensely In- telescope, microscope, typewriter, sewing lurcsung siuuy oi tno pnenomcna or tnc so SPECULATOR CAUGHT IN TH MESHES C. I., I'nrtrr Allege He Ilenltiieit AotliliiK from i:i,(M)0 Invented III lie Promotion of n Patent lliilr-C'rlinpliiK .'ontriitii. SLOBODINSKY RAPPED AGAIN City Trrnnnrrr TnUcs l'irliin of the nellitqiieiit'n Houses 11 1 AkciiU Will Collect Unit. City Treasurer Hcnnlngs has struck tho most vigorous blow of his campaign against personal tax delinquents, and Is now land lord of sixteen one-story brick buildings, on Davenport street, between Ninth and Tenth, which have formerly been tho property of Louis Slobodlnsky. The city treasurer, backed by his lieutenants, Deputies Push and Ilebbcrt, and armed with a distress war rant, stormed the Slobodlnsky citadel and ousted tho proprietor. An effort had been mado during tho two preceding days to serve tho paper on Mr. Slobodlnsky, but ho was When Mrs. Nelllo Ilawley established a factory in this city a few months ago for n hard man to find tho production of a hair lotion guaranteed ,Tno dCDUtv dlsnlaved to tho saloon keener to cllmlnato the necessity of curling Irons mg credentials, written by the treasurer In ana ouicr mecnamcai devices aesigncu to tho following terms: "You are hereby com ltnost'pl,t klnk8 ,n 8trn8ht trc8scs- womankind landed to collect from Louis Slobodlnsky PASTSCH'S ANIIOUE TICKET Conductors Between San Franoitoo and St, Loait Qiren a Snrprisi. IT WAS BOUGHT FOURTEEN YEARS AGO Pureliimer Wnn Mhrcml Knonnh to lime the 'I'lme Limit Cnn celeil Hii.l It Held (looiL Herman Pastsch of San Francisco mado the long trip from San Francisco to St. Louis this week on n ticket which was pur- j chased fourteen years ago. Uvcry now con ductor who took up tho ticket scanned It carefully and looked at tho holder suspl- called spirit world, "Tho Unknown," which everything In the way of modern Inventions ' ,, , '"lu--"u; " u',''va,,l''1 oy aisiress, ana tno sale or bis goods and . has created a sensation In France, can Va7lmwv I "' l "V V. Xl?! chattels within tho city of Omaha, tho sum though It tad been purchased on he day scarcely fall to attract wide attention. It history of thTnroX business and bo a benefactor to femininity. of 080 wlth lnlerc8t thcrpon nt tho rnl0 he Journey began, for. when originally differs from other books on tho subject It. 5 "'7 lhe ,1 P,00 vCars W I) Coa ?ut.fc,be ncd m?" nd thal 18 of 12 per cent per annum." The deputy bought, l'aatwh. "ho held It In his posssos- that It I. th unrw nf .M.nii.i r,f ,H. "unng ltle.J?st 100 ycar8, w oaMy why the courts are looking Into her case. explained that inasmuch as Slohodltiskv's slon for fourteen yeans, procured one with- wldo reputation, a man whoso discoveries in omer orancnes or scicnco havo been ot Laim f Chlcaeo have lust Issued tho greatest Importance, who for more than an eIghth m,,,,, of their "Ouldc to Paris," thirty-five, years has kept In constant touch i, . u ,,,,,... nn ... 1. i .... " .... I "Vk 111 l' WMIUWIHHI V'W wun an investigations or psycnicai pnenom- ht, t t,n henrofnrth ''!. cna throughout tho world. Among tho points gtan(,ar,i Gu,,,e t0 Pars." This work was uh wnicn n. riammanon loucnos aro: ..,. .. , ,, .,, ,. i i,. nr..,,t best guide of the er nldo ot tho tt ttt i- I il .t.i I AllullllV. IIS tiittiii nun itatuic m t j- i v ,iu,B, .uai mcsiauons oi me uyuig ix- .,. ruv .,,,-, w,h Alteram, rover- . t .Si n r,an"n1anoIn ""cno e: ,ucceful from tho start, but, . ? mT".1 Cat ?n.10Mau? bf , hC totm. It Is undoubtedly the bei Dying," llallUclnatlons. Psychic Action aM cver pubshca on elthc of Ono Mind on Another," "Tho World of . m(1,n now ,., C. L. Porter Is plaintiff against Mrs. huil.ilnffa ur rini nn inn.n.i ,rnl,n,t Hawley, and to borrow from the ,h.v p.m. ,hn .lpfinliinn nf vmH. VcmaCUlar Of tho day, ho has -,i rhollnlo " on,1 nrnrrllnclv wnnt .uhlnot had a "halr-curling experience" If the . .0,rl, allegations set forth In his petition nre siobodlnsky's spcoch and manner were un founded on fact. This caso will bo heard oxDectodlv mild, and It is considered tiossl- by Judgo Baxter this morning, or oa soon b!e tnat nmthor owner may appear with a as It can be reached. better Halm to thn nronertv than sinhn. "llawley's Unlquo Curleno" Is the name dlnskv. althoueh the title ttnnds In hl of the lotion manufactured 'by Mrs. Hawley. name. perlenced During' Sleep," "Distant Sight In Dreams," "-Premonitory Dreams" nnd "Divination of tho Future," In discussing each of theso points the author cites nu v nrnmi nknololnta. nnll.nhllinU.1 I h - t a a : l.: :"..".' ,u" , : Parks, etc. Theso routes havo taken " iiidau uiuuy ui lite vuuiiuin an wuuuiy . l ing every possible point ot Interest In tho great city, and giving crisp, accurate de scriptions of all monuments, public build ings, churches, theatcn, museums, bridge, Interesting as tho most fantastic of Poe's tho experienced Parisian author months ot closo study, ns bis ambition was to give the tales. "Tho Unknown" Is, a the author 4C1 0B luaj' nH nl: ' mw .Vw" I" mu. states, an attempt to apply tho scientific WUT "l a chnco t0 eV!Lylhnann ,te' method nf nh.orvatinn. vrinrntinn and n. nothing, while covering the ground In a methods of observation, verification and an alysis to tho phenomena commonly placed under tho general head of the supernat ural nnd' to establish that they aro pro duccd by "forces still unknown to us and belonging to an Invisible and natural world, minimum of time. Laird &. Lee, Chicago. Flexlblo cloth, 60 cents; full leather, 11.00. She established an oftlco and laboratory, but not so extensive as tho business war ranted, sho believed, Porter had n few hundred dollars about him and was at tracted with tho possibilities of Mrs. llawley's enterprise. Ho was easily In duced to advance $2,000 with which to ex pand tbe business, It Is alleged, and he was to be a silent partner. Hut tho returns wero not up to expectations nnd all was not harmonious nround Mrs. llawley's hair Ileeent IMctlon. "The Violet Flamo" Is a novel by Fred T .Tnnn nn HncrlUh nulhnr nf rnnutfltinn. different from tho one which wo know u , strange and weird talo of a general through our senses. Price, $ Harper & Brothers. upheaval about to tako place, and cul mlnatlng In tho destruction of the whole human race, except tho hero and tho heroine, who are left behind to etnrt anew the story of Adam and I've, in spite of the dramatic ending, tho book is full of modern llfo nnd A book that will Interest a great many, especially tho smart set, is "Tho Writing Table of tho Twentieth Century," by F. Schuyler. Mathows. The sub-title explains humor, and the Ihtcrest centers In the city tne real character or tho work, "ueing an 0( London In the firm of tho coming cen Account of Heraldry, Art, Engraving and .,irv. Thn hook ! essentially original and Established Form for tho Correspondent." thrilling from beginning to end. Tbe cover It Is a very attractive llttlo volume ot 178 I Ja cxquislto In tone and design. Laird & Leo, pages, witu over auu illustrations Dy inc Chicago. Price, $1.00 aumor ana tno ncrnmio oiazonry oi mpre than 600 colonial American families. A "Pirntn flnld." hv F. J. Rtlmson. Is the very good Idea of the book may be gained ,ntCi(t pubucatlon t0 bear the title ot tho from tho following headings of chapters taken from tho table ot contents: Coat Armor In America; Flrs'i Principles of Heraldry; Varieties and Combinations; Va rieties of tho Cross; Tho Helmet Crest, etc.; Visiting Cards und Vorlpus, Invitations; Wedding Invitations and Announcements; Colonial and Modern Engraving, Book plates, Monograms, etc.; Dies, Seals, etc.; "Riverside Paper Series." It Is qulta a .thrilling tale, as might caolly be Inferred from the title, and fully up to tho usual standard ot the series. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.. Boston. Price, 60 cents. Ilnoks Iteerlvril. "The drip of Honor: A Story of Paul Jonea and tho American Revolution." by Writing Papers; Color in- Writing Papor. Cyrus Townsend Brady. Charles Scrlbners' 'me Dook usck is a worn oi uri ana wnu, i sons, l'rlce, i.;u. together with the Interesting table of con- I "Toomey and Others," 'by Robert Shackle tents, will appeal most strongly to a large I ton. Charles Scrlbners' SonB. Price, Xl25 claBB. Brcntano's, Now York. Trice, $1.60. "The Coming Democracy," by Orlando J. Smith. Tho Brandur Co., Now lork Ono of tho neatest llttlo volumes that has "a Woman's Paris: A Handbook of ccmo to hand In some days, so far as print- Everyday Living In the French Capital." Ine and binding are concerned, is "Living Hmnll. Maynard & Co. Price, $1.25, bv the Snlrlt." tho Jatpst. work of Horatio "Southern Hearts," by Florence Hull W. Dresser, who Is already known to real- Wlnterburn. Tho F. M. Lupton Publishing r m thn auLhor of "Methods and Prob eras Co.. New York. Price, ll.io. ot Snlrltual Heailng." "Volccu of Hope," "Tales for Christmas and Other Seasons," "The Power of Silence," etc. Tho purpose by Francois Coppee, translated by Myrta r thin llttlo hook, os exDlalned by the author Leonora Jones. Little, Brown & Co. Price, In ha nrnfncK In to nlmnllfv tho nroblem I $1.00 1 " I n.E i -Jll..l, I T-l . of life. 'It's" aim,'. Is also to Inerease the - "Tne. uiograpny oi a urizziy oy r.mcsi rp!.d.r'.it,nn,ll1r af ML to luld - to vhlc. BctpnThofflpson. ( 'I Oo ueuiury lo. rnce, iZt rTf ulnwo (tint thrniitrh IhtM I SI. 50. ..4 .mtandinc nf life nnd this creater "The Voices of the People, by Ellen power ot scrvlco he may be the. more ready uiasgow. uoumcuny. in fonnlffnt thn ful ness and beauty of tho I curling establishment. Soon after securing arnow'r completed and contain three rooms h ii Tnnn fmm Pnrier l l. nllpffed that In splto of their cheap construction Mrs. Hawley formed a stock company and rLl or l uu - iTCl -oruinB i that tho stock Is held by her with tho ox- iocuiiuh, ui.u mu icm m ,muUiU umiy. r.uca ccpllon of two shares. night Slobodlnsky's- collector has mado tho Porter' llnrtl I.ticU. I rounus, uuu uujumu iuiiiiik io pay on iwn This was without tho knowledge of Por- successive days has been thrown out without tcr. It Is alleged, but as his name was not ceremony. Tho treasurer s deputy will col mibllclv connected with tho establishment lect tho rent at tno usual hour. tho Incomoratlon nrocecded without Intor-1 mis is mo seconu visuuuon oi me ircai ruptlon. Tbe title of tho corporation was urer s tieparimcni upon mt. sionoainsKy, tne The Hawley Manufacturing company," and nrst can at nis rcsiucnce, l'&jz wirt street, It was capitalized at $100,000. netting two wagonloads of furniture and a Becoming discouraged over tho outlook, piano. The piano, however, was later re- Porter sought to gather In tho shekels ho had plevincd by Schraollcr & Mucllor, who dem advanccd, but they camo not, ho alleges. He I onstrated that the instrument hud been wont Into court with a suit against Mrs. rented from tholr stock. Thd furniture was Hawley a few days ago nnd secured Judg- estimated to be worth nt forced salo lc6s ment. But hla Judgment availed him notn- than hair tno amount, ot mo delinquency Ing, for tho reason that ho had sued Mrs. and tho present action Is designed to mako Hawley as an Individual when, according to up the balance, tho showing made In court, ho should have The moral effect of the city truisurcr's brought suit against tho "Hawley Mauu- seizures continues to grow. Many citizens facturlng company." Now Judgo Baxter Is who havo hitherto put off tho collectors on asked to tako tho matter up for a second time various pretexts havo themselveu called at on what tho lawyers dcslgnato as "proceed- tho treasurer's office to offer wholo or par lugs to aid execution." In other words this tlal payment. Wherever a disposition Is means nn effort to have the Judgment en- shown to discharge tho obligation In Install tered against tho corporation Instead ot Mrs. ments the treasurer gives assurance that no Hawley. Soveral prominent attorneys have final meas'ure will bo adopted. been retained In the caso and the subject of hair curling will bo thoroughly ontcred Into. spirit. This book Is not a compilation of the author's' larger Volumes; It Is a fresh state ment written to meet a constant demand. for a simpler treatise, ono which shall voice tho spiritual epwenco of what to him Is Uio greatest truth of life. Readers who are fond of studies of this kind will greatly ap preciate and admire the llttlo volume. 0. P Putnam's Sons, New York. Price, 75 cents. This Is the season of the year when the encrgctlo citizen Is very opt to be taken with a strong desire to cultivate the noli In bis cncK ynra nnn grow h. gnrucn. "Bennle ncn Creo: Being the Story of His Adventure to Southward In the Year '62." by Arthur Colton. "Tho Taming of tho Shrew," by William Shakespeare, with an Introduction by Ada Rehan. Doubleday. Page & Co. Price, $1.25. "Flame Electricity and the camera: Man's Progress from the First Kindling of Flro to the Wireless Telegraph and the Photocranhv of Color," by George lies. Doubleday & McCluro Co. rrlce, $z. That Mternrr Notes. vilnhHi Ilnrrlsnn writes to The Bee it.-. . v... nr.. .rlltlnn nt "Turn Children nf bclng-the.case, a book that may bo styled as th Koothllls" was exhnusted In ten days. ilmMv In "The Amateur s Practical Harden rn,,. nnvlr-'n latpst book of short stnr es Book." by C. E. Hunn and L. H. Uallcy. II win be pud mnea oy tin ; Is observed that, like the love of musls, CA-'.-rhl.v J iSi.n mihllnh il new novel books and pictures, the love of gardens by Booth Tarklngton entitled "Monsieur comes with culture and lolsure and with tho Beaucalro." ripening of th, homo Jlfov Tho love of gar- fATO'kr MiftK dens, as ot ovory other beaulirui anu renn- dtirlnc tho first week In May. Ing thing, must Increase to the end of time. The Pyramid wilt contain sixteen pugeg and But to grow a garden successfully requires w".,Jh PNew'York Publl8hed nt somo knowledge of plant life and to meet ' Mp charlM 'jiajnr sailed recently for tno aomanas ior lmoriimiiun uijuh mu ouu- i London to arrange ror in- r.Riin nraninuc j... , .i.nr. thi. vninm. hi. i,A.n I .ihti nt Mv.'hn K ii 1 trh t h ood U'ns In Written. Pressor Bailey of Cornell unl- Flower' -."r'n'gri'sh Tl?e verslty has edited tho work from notes Whleh ho has had In preparation for several prltton hv C. VI. Hunn. who Is the sardener venrs. to tho horticultural departmont at tho same The present uennn oi "",","" V.11- Institution. Tho Macmlllau company, New York. Price, $1.00. Robert Southey's "Llfo of Nelson" was first published In 1813 and is usually re rnrui(nrlv wplenme the announce ment that Messrs. Henry Holt & Co. will n,..iiah tVil mnntb "His IXjrosniP s T.onArd. a new dook iiv uuviu uwikiiv r Z' -.. . ,v T , m.Vi , ' a Wells, tne nuinor m mi " rci-nhnnt." now In Its tenth Impression. Little. Brown 10. piiDiisneu n Tho deputies at onco notified tho women lnmatoa of the structures that their dwell ings had changed, owners and that the rents would bo collected by authorized persons from tho treasurer's odlce. The tenants made no comment and are apparently willing to recognize their new landlord, "It don't mako no difference to us who gets do coin," remarked ono. Tho buildings, which aro known In tho district as "Republican How,'' out limit ot tlmo for passage. Tho trip was mado via tho Southern Pa cific, tho Rio Ornndo Western, tho Denver & Rio Orando and tho Burlington. Local ofllclats of the latter road who have been Informed of tho circumstance are awaiting with somo curiosity the return ot the ticket to hoadouarters, lastsch purchased tho ticket In San Francisco March i. 1886, nnd stated that ho paid $G0 for It. To each of tho numerous conductors whom he encoun tered In his Journey serosa tho continent ho detailed these circumstances, and as hla ticket boro out his assertions there was nothing for each conductor to do but honor It Pastsch stated that when ho purchased tho ticket In 1888 ho Intended to make a trip to St. Louis In a short tlmo. In tbe Interim from tho tlmo of tho purchaso and tho date of his departuro a rate war was In augurated and ho purchased another ticket for a small amount, continuing tho old ono In his possession. He knew that It had no limit on tlmo and concluded to keep It for ubo should ho deslro to mako a later Journey to St. Louis. This second Journey has Just l 1 t nn.l (imlWw nlpnnrtlDtariri.ia which make It an unique one la the annals YEISER IS GIVEN FULL SWA oi raiiroau luru, NEBRASKA NOT REPRESENTED Itnllrontl C'onimlaiilonern Decline to Attend Mectliic to Work for I) n I for in Itiitca. ST. LOUIS, April 26. Members of tho rail road and warchouso commissions of Mis souri, Illinois nnd Iowa met hero today to n,(0 (jPi cull "Number" nn Sweetly seo If n uniform rate couiu noi do sccurcu from tho railroads of those states and Ne braska for the handling of freight. A num ber of shippers and traffic managers and other railroad ofhclals appeared before tho Joint meeting. Tho Nebraska commltelon was Invited to attend the conference, but tho invitation was declined. GUMPTION. NE does not have gumption till one has been properly cheated." Persons of gumption arc using Ivory Soap, women who have trusted themselves too near the precipice of false economy and who can now appreciate the true econo my in a soap made of pure vegetable oils and other high -class ingredients, but made in such quantity as to bring the price within the reach of the very poorest family. Indeed it is the very poor who most need it, for they can least afford the extravagance of common soap. O0.flMf Ittt tt THt MOCHA A ttAwlkl CO. CINCINNATI President Yoit Lets Him H&ts Whatsror Ha Aki For. NO EXCITEMENT IN THE OFFICE rotarles should render u decision immedi ately nnd that such decision should be ngalnBt tho telephone company on the show ing made. The secrelnrlea wore not, ready to render Judgment and It was flnnlly agreed that the hearing should adjourn until May II. B0YCE HAS HAD ENOUGH nn Uvrt, While the President Smokes Calmly llenrliiK In Adjourned. CARPENTERS ARE WONDERING Contrnctors llnvc Xot Drclileil Thnt They Will Increase Wiiitfi-Xrw Schedules KlTrctite .May 1. HIS COMMKKCI.W. It AT IX O HIGH. his Itnothlnuk Transacts Iliislnesn Aecordlnfr to Modern Method. In Judge Vlnsonhaler's court thcro was given practical demonstration of tho cx panslve possibilities of a bootblack's bus! ness. Herman uonen, wno formerly sninea cm up" at Fifteenth and Farnnm streets, is defendant In a suit brought by Rcstorff & Ik'ttman of Now York for alleged breach of contract in tho purchaso of $500 worth ot material. The hearing has revealed that r'rtl.nn u'Mtn nnil llptln IT lltt lvlftt htnplf Afnml purchased his supplies In wholesale lots. His Kran,t tho "nJ or not- Se,cro; commercial rating was such that his Jobber ,ary edge of the Bulldeis and Traders' thoimht nnlhlnir frii,.rn nf hlnnlnir him S " lu"1 vuuintiwh iuricil- hnmli-P.!- of dollars' worth of material with- ' would hold a meeting Saturday night to nut rnlrlnfr h In nrlvnnpo In fart. It Is dlBCUSS the matter, thnt fnhnn 1.1 worth snvprai hniifnii Ono of tho officers of tho Contractors ,inlinr hnth in rush nnd ri-nltv. exchange stated that tho two exchanges w. . , I 1 . . II I ,L. . . . . . . Thn nidation of thn nitltloners Is that wouin worK logcwicr in urn mauer oi me rnhnn nr.Urr.1 thn vchU In nnnllnn an.l ocmnnns or me journeymen carpeniers anil then refused to receive them. Tho defense tbllt ho expected there would be a strike, contends that the Invoice was not shipped As May 1 approaches the carpenter con tractors and the Journeymen carpcrtors aro wondering what will bo the rc&ult of thtl demand of thn latter for an Increase In wages of u cents per hour. Tho proposed ecalo Is to bo effecttvo Tuoi- day, and ho far the employing carpenters havo reached no conclusion ns to whcither I V IT 13 1) TO T.MtK If John O. Yelser doesn't acquire a thor ough knowledge of all tho technicalities cm braced In lelephono work It will be bocauso diligent Inquiry counts for nothing. The J.D.T. peppery little lawyer who Is making war on the present schedule of rates, and who has for three Jays conducted a hearing agjlnst the Nebraska Telephone company before tho transportation board secretarleo, demanded Object, to the I nu of lll I'nrlj- ns n ta (mill iv for tin' Di'imieriitN. Tho True Populist, published In this city by Chairman Denver of tho National tmld-dle-of-the-road) peoplo's party, prluts tho following letter In IIh last issue: "J. II. Kdmlsten, chairman people's In dependent party. Lincoln, Neb.: "Dear Sir As political linos nre now being drawn for the coming campaign, anil as I find myself not In harmony with tho plnns and purposes of thn fusion forces, I herewith tender my resignation ns state con tral committeeman of Utoo county. "In doing bo I should stato that the futuro affords no hopo for tho populist Uninlia City I'nsneiiKCr Aneiit" Asked to Make n Pleasure Trip All of tho Omaha city passenger agents havo received Invitations from Charles S. tbo company'8 pay ros th9 morning scon party If fusion with the democrats Is agreed I.ce. general passenger agent of the Leihlgh nner tho session opened. He wanted to n,.0n In the coming campaign. We shall Valley route. Inviting them to participate lit knovv th Balnry of BVcry ompioyo from the have no organisation about which we can a trip from Chicago to Buffalo and New head of the concern down to porter. Tho rally when tho absorption of our party by as tho contractors association would not meet until Tuesday night, tho day the de mands nre to bo enforced, and that before that day tho exchange could tako no action. Tho official could not stato what offer the exchango expected to make, but said that he did not think there was any use making offers until after tho union had done what It was going to do In tho way of a strike. The organization of tho meat cutters' union w-as perfected Wednesday night by tho from tho plaintiff wholesale houso election of tho following officers: Joseph hi-h-nnnrtimr nam nf .,,. Barth, president; T. Bowon. vice president; Piles used In the shoeshlnlng process-for Maule, recording secretary; W Butts cor- according to contract. High priced lawyers appear on either side and the caso Is being contested in n spirited manner. Such suKb aro usually passed upon by the trial Judge, but In thlo caso a Jury has been empaneled. It has devloped that Cohen useended to tho commercial dignity of using printed letter heads nnd other stationery In his corre spondenco while be operated the stand which ho prefers to call a "polishing parlor." A bill reveals eamo high-sounding names of sup- Instance, glycerole, calf liquid, russet cleanser, etc. Several witnesses aro bolng examined. OlinXT IIV STKA.M OK MOI.TK.V I.BAI). responding and financial secretary; T. H. Koehlor, treasurer; J. Huba, guide; W. Wnlkor, guardian. Tho union wilt meet next Sunday at Labor temple. The bulletin board at Labor tomplo has n healthy appearanco theso days, thero being announcements that worklngmen of all tho building trades aro noeded In various parts of tho city. Tho supply Is about equal to the demand and thero Is no room for out-of-town workmen at present. iBl u.ut- ...... . uu,., ,,T ""j; fa ioren. acven Stories from garded as tbo best of his priio works. It j'Note book of a Clergyman." by Bradley vii wrltlnn In the year that he was made I mu.t. rin the same date they also roet laureate, when ho was a llttlo under brought out "Tales for ChnjNimnR , 40 years of age. It has now been added to SMen-on.;; vol Casscll'B National Library. In this cheap unRBli. n.r ntltlnri thin Hnlendld nrose work will I ti, Ttnn-nn.Mprrlll company has nn hn acccenlblo to all classes of readers, nounced as In preparation for Issuo during .. ..... .1 thn summer a eomnieic nun uiiunrin em- Caescll's National Library contains more of ,nVof the works of James Whltcomti ), crannlnn pl.iwilrn of thn Knzll9h Inncnairn tii m ho Wnnivn us the Greenfield edl- than any other cheap series that wo can hoi, Tne "Uune'wll contain a call to mind. It Is a matter for regret that P'Sunt" by Will Vnwter. the publishers do not put out these same ,.Thn nendlnsr of the Bough," George publications In cloth binding, so that they Moore's new comedy, has nireany aroiisen ....... I .-i. ...mt.a.hn n .t th nntn ntii nrn tould bo preserve.! in tne mrnry. 'inn ur 'u "enou to rnnkn ono toni the play library Includes the .most important of to determine which Is right. Sueh n read- Pbakeepcaro's plays which tan bo had In ing will not go unrewnrded. although It paper cover, at 10 cents. The print Is good Rr '-vVWn " mC',SUrn na ii ii couiu ui- din-u.v.. ... Tnc ivcn,' library" Is n new series .or binding no doubt many people who cannot volumes to be Issued by John Lane, the first . off which will be the "Ixivo Poems of Shel- ley, eacn p.'iK'' iibviiib urmiineniui nenu nnd tall pieces In tint. At monthly Inter vals there will be presented through the samo series some love poems of Browning, of Keats and of Tennyson. TCie mcint expenslvo city In the world WILL BE OPENED NEXT FALL West Side t'ltlreris Assnred thnt Their School Privilege Will He llentored. The residents of the southwest portion of the city havo abandoned for tho Bcuhon their YOU may' be suffering: while positive and permanent relief is easily obtainable California's Mission Remedies and Cala Cactus Liniment arc Varrnntetl to cure RriEUMATI5M and HI diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder fit in will rttiits your nooijr It Sta tiro Itfli t (xoifll jcu San Curo Cathartic Tablets Work plnlly and Immedlstsly rtlUva Cnitlptlon Md UVER ILLS. that Is, the one that costs tho most to rim nnd spends the most monoy every year Is New York. Why It Is so, how much It an nually rpends nnd how this vnst sum might and sviould bo reduced, is told by tho pres. m cltv comntroller. Bird S. Coler. In a most Important nrtlele. which Is published In tho May number ot Appietnn s Popular Science Mpiuniy. Mr. Stanley Waterloo new novel, "Tho Seekers." hns called forth a striking tribute from Or. Dnwle. This eminent preacher, who clnlms to hnve performed miraculous curoi end hnlda crowds enthralled by his emphnslH If not by bin eloquence, says that "tne noiirni pim;e in iu-li i reatrveii mr Btnnlev Waterloo." Mr. Waterloo has therefore imarnonen nis projcci oi going tn the war In the Transvaal, nnd Is remain ing In Chicago by way of fitting himself for so noble a vocation, H. P. nuttnn ft Co. navo Just lumied n new library catalogue. It Is it blank book, arranged for recording the books of a pri vate library, containing 1 leaven, with Hpnces to record iiojki, umn wy iiuuiiir and title, mnklng i double entry of each book, 'lnls IS a great convenience iur rei erence where the author s name only Is Vnnn.ii nr vice versa, where tho title Is known nnd not tho nuthor The printed headings lire autnnr. title snu rrinarKs on the left-nanu page nnn iiue, auinur u re marks on the right-hand page. The book measures 7Ux9t Inches and is Indexed throughout. It Is handsomely bound cither In cloth or In full Persian morocco. Tbe above books are for sale by the Megeath Stationery Co., 130S Farmm. Mnrtln t.nlllwich Seeks tn Ilceover Diiiiiukch for nn Injury. Martin Galllwlch has brought suit against the American Smelting and Refining com pany for $20,300, damages and costs arising from an accident which happened at the Omaha plant of tho company November 20, 1899, In his petition filed tn the United States circuit court the plaintiff states that he was employed by the company as a roustabout for eomo time and was afterwards transferred to the work of removing pigs of lead which are formed by pouring molten metal through pipes from a caldron ot tho melted lead; that on the day of the accident ono of the cffortB to gecurc, the opening of tho Ambler pipes conveying wio si rcn irum mu vnmrun aml Wegt Sdo HChools and tho addition or to tho molds became clogged with solid lead Ul(j tcacllB1. at Kckorman school removed by and that he wns Instructed by tho foreman . f Education during tho winter, to hold tho pipe near tho caldron until It expIanaton of the lapse of the improve- melted. Tbe plaintiff, being unfamiliar with nent cCbs activity Is that It has been as- the action or meitcu lean, neiu tno pipe so -- - , , mcmbcr that tho ih ,,h.n ihn on M motnl tnpltorl It ran sureu uy lo. .... .. . """ , - .-" schools will bo reopened next ran, provided rem the pipe over his breast, his boly and 'on is discontinued. The complex- S V"" rr. ,T :Z rU"U U lUak ion of tho board .III change completely next " ta " " w w v w I . ii u namnnra rnMrlnrr nnn thn Th m was starte.1 in tho state courts. w. "even i m "..V. a . .v. ,.i.-i . club honctf that no unite win do appueu to th. annllcation of the defendant. tbelr school privileges. Chairman Darnard the application ot tne defendant. buildings and property committee has. I.lntona File IHceiit ion. in fact, oxnressed his belief to President Kd lyord Adolphus Frederick Linton and his Walsh of tho West Side club that the schools wife, Phoebe, have, through n local attorney, be opened, filed exceptions to the report of the referee In the claim of John T. Cathers for attorney Thos. W. Carter of Ashboro, N. C, had fees. This report, which was filed in the kidney troublo and one bottle of Foley's district court a few days ago, allows At- Kidney Curo effected a perfect cure, and torney Cathers fees to tho extent of $8,000, na tavs there is no remedy that will com- said to be a balanco due out of an original parB w(th It. For sale by Myers-Dillon Drug bill of $:7,000. Accompanying the bill of ex- Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South coptlons Is a motion ror a new trial, in wnicn Omaha forty-two allegations or error are set forth York, tho Journey to occupy six oays. u nav mil wa- .Uhmlttl to him arrt hn r..i l will bo In evory roapect a pleasure trip and aoud tho namo ana Baary 0f every employe, tho accommodations will bo such as to mako causing tho official stenographer to mako a It as delightful as possiDio. stops win oe note of tnch. madn at a mi in bo r of interesting points en- vni.ni- mha. i, ,n.i. i nu n route and'no effort will bo spared to make rlete howlng, thereby disclosing the trade the outing a memorable one. It Is llkoly socrets If any there be of the telephone that Omaha win ne representee Dy two or business. President Yost. Managtr Lane three of tho city passenger agents. Auditor Coe and other officials of the corn- Mr. Lee, general passenger agent of the pany havo shown a decided disposition to Lehigh Valley, formerly occupied tho same et ycAacr have full sway. Hn Is permitted position with tho Colorado Midland and has to nave, everything he asks for, and cour- n number of personal menus among tno locat teous replies nre given to every question. railroad fraternity, it is a certainty mat ne Yolser called for Auditor Coe at the after would overlook no opportunity to show tho sceHon Wcdumdny, which did net begin Omaha men a good time, and for this reason ,ml 3.30 o'clock. Ho at onco demanded they ara particularly anxious to arrange their tnat tno auditor produce bcoks, vouchem and affairs so thnt they may bo able to accept othfr TeC0rds, which was done. He- crltl- Mr. Leo's cordial invitation. ceed n dotal! many of the entries showing - .. . ....a ir.nnni. where cash had been dlsbutscd and Insisted Assistant Oeneral Freight Agent J. O. on 1 having an Itemized statement relative to Phllllppl of the Missouri Puclllo has gone all entries under the heading of "goncrul to Kansas tuy. expense," etc. rresidfnt osts expense ac lloraco AVntts or Jtoueri, .mo., ana 11. cfunt anA the account for legal services were Collin of St. Iuls, arc abash repre- , , . ,. sVntatlves visiting In Omaha. special obJecU of attack. While looking C. Mnren of Chicago, traveling passenger through the books Yelser found whero a loaf agent of the Dominion steamsnip company, had been cut out. Ho wuntcd to know all 1 kl 'ftcr buslncsS about "' Al1dltor Coe explained that the O K "Annette, assistant superintendent lak: was taken out last December of 'telegraph, nnd H. M. Mudge, general and given to a Job printing house as a form advertising agent, nro Illinois Central of- for runnB a now book. Yelser IntlmateJ today. 'ha' he """d8 ha(1 been mutilated, but ho Assistant General Passenger Agent nui not venture lumuvu mihuuo uyun mis Arthur H, Smith of tho Hurllngton lias re- point- turned to hs ofllco after Vw"0'" Throughout this tedious ordeal President irV intinr u much Imnrovod now.' Ycst nnd his associates 'have thus far re Th nrivntn cur of President Hurt of the malned calm and serene. Yelser's usurpa- Union I'ncltlc arrived In the city today tlon of President Yost'n office has not yet after an extended tour through Mexico and cftu.c(i x rinnle along tbo wires and the IIIO CllSl. It UBCIl Hi Uliri'lllin BWIIIIl - ,ll,l,1 ll ,,K'.. nnd iMcb and their families on a clensuro hello girls nt the switchboard call "Nu trip Just completed ny mem. Tho Canadian Paclllc wns represented in nmiihiL vesterdnv bv W. A. Kltter- mastpr, genornl ugout of tho freight de partmcnt nt Chicago; William Porteous, occupying the same position at St. Louis, and J. Corbctt of Montreal, foreign freight ngent. II. ,I.a ..liDiitflni nt n tin, A nnhnHnln thn Denver & ltlo Orando the through time, owing to other DUiness wnicn Tho substance ot the objections to the report Is that the evidence did not warrant the finding made by tho referee. Dew ilrndley Hnes for Illvnrer, Tho old song ot tho woman who went with n handsomer man Is brought to mind by tho dlvorco petition of William II. H. llradley against Carrie Ilradley, which has years been filed tn tbo ofllco of tho district clerk. Dradley asserts In hie petition that In February, 1898, bis wife eloped with a traveling salesman whose name he doesn't know. That Is the only allegation. The Uradleys were married In Peoria, III., In 1895. Mortality KtiitlMli'n. Tho following births and doathH were re ported at tho ofllco of the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ended at noon Thursday: lilrths: Swan Itosengreen, 2.09 North Thirteenth, boy; Charles U. Fny, 2318 Seward, girl; Pert A. Wlleox, 2212 South ber?" as sweetly as ever. President Yost busies himself a largo part of the time curling nrotty wreaths from two-for-a ouarter cigars At tho closo of tho afternoon session tno secretaries announced that they could not conveniently prolong tho hearing at this do- San Frnnclsco-Chlcnco car over the Ilur- .hair nitnnllnn. It was suceested !'r:?n.u"d."B, adlournment 'be taken to somo date limit" ill" l.. lull, 11.-1:,, .iiiii.n MUtL-nr. llltlll I . M . , . rtr heretofore. Through passengers can now In tho near future, reiser tnado a nriet leavo Sun Francisco Monday morning at nrcument In which ho held that tne sec Q.1I .....I ....... I, nhlnatrn 1'h,.,l .,1,,.,, n , I " ' U"1U" k n.'r nil,, . w.v ,, v....,.1' . in.t ciiij ,.,. ,b ticretornre, in oroer to rcacn L'nicngo tho democrats Is completed, oxcept the mld- dlo-of the-road populists. "Tho absorption of our party is now largely accomplished, nnd each succeeding yenr shows a tendency to lessen our In fluence nnd representation In favor of tho democrats. This Is shown In many ways among which the most Insidious Is to plnco In positions of honor and trust men who call themselves populists, hut whoke actions nnd 'Influence nro always directed toward tho building up of the democratic party to the detriment of tho populist party. Another method of lending our party into the democratic fold Is I ho adoption of democratic methods In the disgraceful scrnmblo for office and the Ignoring of tho principle upon which our party was founded that no officeholder participate In nny of our conventions. "When party methods have become so cor rupt and tricky that It becomes necessary In order to carry tho party over to the demo crats to deprive men of tholr right to rep resent tholr states In tho national commit teo men who like Motslngcr of Indiana, Denver of Nebraska, Flics of Arkansas and nurkltt of Mississippi, are tho duly elected and qualified mombcrs of thocommltteo from their respective states, It behooves all men who are not democrats In disguise to como out boldly for our party's Integrity and be gin In tho fight whero wo loft olf In 189t. Therefore. I shall participate In tho Cin cinnati convention mid hnvo assurances that tho majoilty nf our old tried and true popu lists who think more of principle than of tho spoils of ofllco will nomlnnto n ticket that wo enn support with a good conscience and with hearty enthusiasm. "You nre aware, Mr. ICdmlston, that I do this for tho fake of prlnclplo, ns I have never been nn officesookcr, henco I am not dis appointed, nelthor havo I cver asked for un appointment for a friend or ever recom mended ono. In all kindness, bollovo me, your friend, JAMES A. IJOYCK." tirnti I oniiinny Sails. NKW YOKK. April 26.-.MuurUe flrau nnd many members of hlx company sailed today on tho Krcnch liner 1j Touralne. They urn enrouto to London, whero tho company will soon open In grnnd opera. 8:30. at that tlmo departure from Han Francisco had to bo made Sunday evening nt 6:30. f,. r.4 UnUhu General Western Agent Fred A. Nash of I UUI UlDQl flUUUI tno .Milwaukee slo c a mnrcti Wednesday l ... .1.1 on tho admiring friends of himself and In good hIiops-110 minor ' untie, wno liueniieu to civo tnem tne umiihi i. il,.. wnnror tnev mum send-off necorded n departing brtdo und " ,, , .,.,., Hii tliein Our misses' groom. Mr. Nash ihnd tho private car In r "O loll t soil un n ...i.lni. t.tni ...in v. M...in t..h.,i I ..i ... CI ".A nrn i-nnll HllOOH lllUtlO with tho sinnn caro uk aro niitmmn h hIiooh nt $r.0O-nro cut and Hhnjioil to tho foot Just aH oiircftilly-Drox I. Shoomun hits dono ihiuhpii prmiu 11,1a onnKllll 111 tllO llUHSOH lieillll l- which tho bridal tour will be made switched kIioos nt fl.SO lU'0 to tno east ona ot tne union depot, and, with Mrs. NsiBh. was driven directly to it. Waiting friends nt tho depot, armed with rice and any number of old shoes nnd such articles, were apprised of their arrival In tne vicinity ot inn station oniy niter Mr, nnn .Mrs. isnsn were on tneir way east Tho trip from Omaha to Perry. Ia was ment RohIiIoh tho ox t I'll ",p11 llu" made on a special train, composed of Mr, 0e e r0 hIioOB we nhow a mnKtllllPPUt Nash's car. Hno of pntetit leathern for tlross-Kvory A. II. Pass of Morgantown, Ind.. had to got stylo-kla-oiotli nnn I hum i ii''" f" tin ton or twelvo times In tho nlcht anil had nnil 10W flit- 0 call I Hill " " - severe backache and pains In tho kidneys. When you seo thorn you will sny they Was cured by Foley's Kidney Curo. It Is nro tho linefii you rnei, guaranteed. For salo by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dlllon'o Drug Store, South Omaha. Ilnlldlnur I'eriiilts. Tho following permits have been Issued from the office nf tho building Inspector; II. J. Byrnes, 150S-10 Harney, repairs, 25; William Kverett. 112 North Klghteenth, re. pairs. M; uraana iirewing association, al terations, iw. Drexel Shoe Co,, 1419 VARNAJt STRBBT. Twenty-ninth girl itith: John G. Wetzel, 2.,3 Spencer, 43 H. Clark, Chauncey, Qa., says DeWltfe Witch Hazel Salvo cured him ot piles that had afflicted him for twenty years. It Is also a speedy curo for skin diseases. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. IOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOI Millions for Hum- Dull. A million of dollars are spent every year upon tbe game of base ball, but large as this sum Is, It cannot begin to equal tbe amount spont by people in search of health. Thero Is a euro method ot obtaining strength, and It is not a costly one. Wo urge those who havo spent much and lost hope to try Hon tetter's Stomach nitters. It strengthens tho Btomach, makes digestion easy and natural, and cures dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness and weak kidneys, 1 Amateur Photographers, Attention! 2 Wo have Just secured the newest thing In INTKUCHANflKAllLR PHO- TOOrtAPH ALOUMS. This album has tho combined advantages of all other r albums In one. Wo have not the space to tell you all of tbcm, but assure you " If you exarolno the Forbes Album you will buy. No warping, blistering or curling of pictures or prints, Pictures can be removed for exhibition purposes nnd replaced without defacing the picture. This Is tho ONLY album possessing this great advantage, S MEGEATH STATIONERY CO., Don't Put it Off- JiiHt a fow pianos loft-Thoy miiHt bo disposed of tills wppU-TIio par tition wnll kook In May 1 and the our ponterH ciiniiot work with plnnou In their way, There tiro somo tlno Htelnwn.VH, Kim linlls, KnitbPH, Kinnlch fc Huclm, Hon pen, KrellH, HnldwhiH, Hush & GortH, Victors, Illnzeit nnd many other Unit pinna nliinos. kpIIIhk ut $l'7. $i:7, 5148. O 1!8. fl78, $llS and iipwuid-on tho HinnlluHt pnyinontK posBinio ;i, .t-i. i0, $l'J per month many different Hn. IhIics still In stock. All new, clean planos-nll fully kiiju nntppd both by tho manufacturers und onrsolvos Many of tho niiikos have bpen represented by us for twpnty-slx yenra. . TKI I. lON FAH.VAM STHKBT. A. HOSPE, Uuiic ail Aft ISI3 Oouelii.