THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. APRIL 27, 1000. 5 DOCTORS OUT 10 PRACTICE Gniguton Medfoil College GridniWaOlasi of TwntjTwa Students. HIGH STANDING THEIR MAIN FEATURE 1'errenlnKC" Mint 'Won I'rlseii Such nn 1 'or m n SlroiiK Itecoiiiiiieinlntliin v for the Ability of (lip - C'lnW. tickets were sold for the exhibit!, and In this way a considerable fund was realized for each Hohool for the purchase of sultablo pictures. The amounts thus reallied ran during the winter from $10 to $15 for each school, and ao a result nearly $2,000 worth of framed pictures have been purchased and hum? In tho school room? to adorn tho walls, rendering tho rooms much more In viting and encouraging the artistic Inclina tions of tho pupllft. BIRTHDAY FOR ODD FELLOWS i:iKht-I'lrnt Annlversnry Foil nil I iik of Hip Order In Amer ica Observed. Twenty-two young, men and women PUPS PREPARE FOR PnW.WfiW ' SinrStaffiffi Local FniionliU Btcnra Roomi in Cionz Falli' Luding Oarmnturj. SOUTH DAK0TANS SHOW PIQUE Inllmnle 4 lint the I'etrr Cooper Fu ntitnlntn Arc Trying to Dull the I'nlm of Their Untcr-tnltinipnt. Ed nil leave here about May 8. Mark Oo.ul, Kd Alnscow nnd Fred DeLong will sail from Seattle May 20 nnd Cnptnln Rusttn about May II. The latter goes ns the representa tive of a local syndicate to secure somo properties In that country, If such can bo found of a promising character. The others go expecting to stay uiero nnn ibkc n hand In the struEslo for the famed riches of tho Bering sea sands. Tho eighty-first anniversary of Odd Fcl- passed through the doors of tho Crelghton lowshlp was celebrated Thursday night In Medical oollcgo last night, equipped to ad- tho OJd Fellow hall annex. Fourteenth and minister to diseased bodies nnd broken Dortgo Htroets, The nan was wen niiea in bones, Tho commencement exercises wcie splto of tho rain, which probably kept many Witnessed by tovcral hundred friends of the away, and thero were also present a large graduates and the college auditorium wan number of delegates from tho smaller towns moro than comfortably filled. Tho scat of of tho state. Tho program, literary and honor -wan occupied by John A. Crelghton, musical In character, was followed by a founder of the Institution. Tho hall and banquet and ball. stairways were tastefully decorated with Probably tho most striking feature of ferns and a large number of roses were be- tho evening was "tho silent manual," a stowed upon the speakers. sword drill executed by five uniformed After n musical prelude -by the Francis patriarchs militant. The drill, conoistlng Totter Mandolin club tho doctorate address of forty-eight movements, Is executed In was delivered by Prof. J. L. Oroenp of-l.ln- sixty-eight seconds, without commands or coin, a member of tho faculty. Dr. Orecno signals of any kind. Thin was given by roneratulated tho students unon having rc- Cantalns Henry Jackson, Castman nnd J. celvod tho glftH which tho dcml-god AeBCU- Marks, Lieutenant Gcorgo L. Edwards and partlc)pato jn tho local dolIar dnnor nml laplus had bequeathed to his followers. Ho Ensign John Cooper. j0ln tho apccai oxcurslon from this point. warned the young pnyslciaus mat tneir nays fast urana .Master unanre The enUro Texas delegation has sent word .would bo wunoui rest and tneir nignts wun- delivered an auarcss on mo uuira, wuu tQ hayn placC rcscrvcu for lt on tht tra,ni out repose, ana too frequently tneir lBDor Fellonip, ana uoionei jonn v. Texas has 103 delegate and will come, lt without recompense. Dr. Greene pointed spoke upon tho theme, "Patriarchs M l- ,8 wUh nenrly ,(b uU atrcnRth. The out.nowcver, mat tneir lnmiencc lor goui tant, nnn ino ancamprarai o "'"" Kentucky delegation has also sent to have would reach into the tendercst ana saaaesi order. Lieutenant uoionci ix. u. Victor Wilson, who went to Sioux Falls aa a committee from tho local fusion populist organization, has returned and reports that ho has engaged six of tho best rooms In the Cataract hotel, tho best In the city, for Ne braska headquarters during the populist na tional convention In that city. Mr. Wilson also reports that tho people of Sioux Falls do not view with perfect com mendation the program of the fusion Peter Cooper club to antertnln the delegates to the national convention In Omaha before they reach Sioux Falls, deeming It an effort to steal some of tho prerogatives that be long to them as residents of tho convention city. it begins to look as If there win be a considerable attendance of delegates In Omaha on tho way to the convention to relationships of human life. Although the acted ns master of cercmonlcf. fourteen places reserved for Its delegation. physician could never banish death from tho earth, ho said, ho may ward off its early ap proach and when It comes mitigate Its pain. .Sent linciitii of the Urndiintm. Dr. M. O. McHugh responded for tho grad uates, expressing their pleasure and profit In tho relationship of the last four years with their Instructors and each othor. "Wo havo crossed tho line," said Dr. McHugh, Tho entertainment was given under the auspices of Canton Ezra Millard No. 1, P. M. Among the guestH wore tho following mem bers of Ornngo lodge No. 23 of Tekamah, Nob., some of whom were accompanied by tholr wives: T. II. Orlffln, M. D. Millard, O. II. I.owls, It. C. Lewis, C. B. Telyea, II. M. Hopewell. H. H. Bowers, Charles Shaw and u. Edgar Howard, candidate for state auditor, will address the Jacksonlan club at Its meet lng next Saturday night and S. P. Wilson will rend a paper on current political affairs. County Attorney Shields ami Deputy Sheriff Swift have arranged for a special musical program that will tncludo performances by a local quartet Hancy, John Shaw, J. C. ,i Valdcr. uitu niuu vmwW ....... ..,, . trney wr renre EXPOSITION MAY BE HELD practice combined. Tho theories we have ' . ' David "-. raranne Ilnrenn Considering formulated are to be pitted against rea J DByw6 lhS n Project for a Tl.lrlr !), Ux- conditions with human life In tho balance." City by L. C. Blowers. ,,,1,1,101, In the Column,. At a meeting of tho homo patronage bureau of tho Commercial club yesterday twenty ftvo raomboru wero In attendance. Reports wore received of tho past work of the bureau and a committee wan appointed to preparo a history of tho homo patronage work al- Tomporarlly at leant thero Is one union ready effected by the organization. C. J, An nnnrfwtntlnn of thn medical nrofesslon was then given by Dr. D. M. Rltcy. who BRICKLAYERS LEAVE COUNCIL described In exprosslvo terms tho veneration In which medicine has been held by all ages. ln,nK Trn,rB Ontrnl llody Passes "Every raco and overy time," said Dr. Ill- f Arp u(n(,,rflll lhc icy, nan iuoriu mmi iuc fJ""" " Trowel Wlelilcra. unmixca respect ana nas oucn uvun uimumu him with tho attributes of a god. From tho cradlo to tho gravo lt Is his privilege Jn tho nunnlng Tradcfl Council and chlssell spoke encouragingly of tho effects nnd duty to attend to human ailments, ru- . brlci,lnyero aro making the strongest of tho recent exposition, especially In tho protest possible against tho action of a Inculcation of tho homo patronago Idea majority of tho delegates to tho council among the children. who havo passed laws offensive to the mem- it was doclded that tho bureau will take a bem of the bricklayers union. box at the entertainment to be given by th Tho troublo has been brewing for several teacheru of tho public schools May 30 nt weeks. The bricklayers havo a contract Hoyct's theater, which will bo draped In th with the emnloyers to tho effect that mem- colors of tho bureau. A committee was here of tho union will work for no person appointed to select a standard of colors not a membor of the contractora' assocla- I on motion of A. Hospo the chair was ail aufforlng and brighten wretched llovo lives." Tho program was concluded by nn address nnd the presentation of degrees and prizes by Itov. M. P. Dowllng, S. J., president of Crolghton university. Fathor Dowllng de scribed hlB experience In mission work In tho slums of u great city and of tho noble and unselfish nets In which ho had de tected members of tho medical profession. "Modlclno Is necessarily a vocation, a means of livelihood," Bald tho speaker, "but It should never bo a mercenary profession entered Into 'with tho hope of gain. Al though your Investigations have led you to look upon tho physical man, you should not forgot that tho spirit Is greater than tho body. You should strlvo by the nobility of j SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. I Mayor Kelly has decided to let tho appoint ment of a chief of police rest for a short time. Miles Mitchell has refused to accept the position at the salary offered nnd he Is now considered out of tho race. W. S. Babcock, tho former police Judge, Is being pushed by his friends for tho Job, but Mayor Kelly has given lt out that tho chief ho appoints must bo a man of experience, and this will cut Babcock out. The forco as now composed Is working nicely under Captain Allle and tho method now In voguo In tho handling of the department Is considered a good one. Captain Allle has served notice on a number of suspicious characters to lcavo tha city at once and he has told other suspects to keep quiet. If a gafo Is blown or a house Is robbed, certain well-known crooks who are known to bo opposed to tha administration will be. arrested and com pelled to provo their Innocence. Regarding tho reorganization of (ho de partment the mayor said yesterday that on May 1 he proposed to release four of tho present forco, thus cm'lng'tho total number of patrolmen down to the minimum. Ai for a chief of police, Mayor Kelly asserts that ho Is In correspondence with two men who aro considering the advisability of ac cepting tho place. Tho mayor snya that cither of these men would mako a first-class chief and ho Is undecided yet which ono to select. lt Is xafn to predict that some of the old dry bones on the forco will bo given a shaking up on or about May 1. Tho resolution offered by Adklns and adopted by tho council establishing, a H.'nndnrd ioi policemen will bo strictly adhered to by tho mayor In making futuret appointments. JAP ROSE Ja p Rps aw -gx ushers in a C 3 JL Lf new day fr) fc those who try the delights of using it. One is never satisfied with anything else, who once uses JAP ROSE S3 KIRK MAKES IT -T-; j mm I ji -taiu nRKUur' i -Hnu ihu DEALERS SEU- "fW&M&M ..vTaT.,, "ill t ; EVOLVED FROM GLYCERIN AND NATURAL ROSES nt 1 More School Itootu rcdod. When the Board of Kducatlon meets on tho ctvenlng of May 7 and tho three new republican members are sworn in there will plrlous characters to lenvo the city once or submit to arrest. A. It. Mviittwav. 11 native of Hurmah, will lei'turc this evening nt tho First Bap tist church. I'ponlo ciimint understand why the L street car Im rontlnuel In servlre, ns it In terferes with the main lino trains on N street. The varunrv In the city council I causing cnnsiiifraiiie unxiety among inc large mini- bo propositions in finance for the rcorgan- liil hn.inl tn sftlvn which havo rtn,vir Iwfnrn I her of candidates. .Mayor Kelly linn clvell hnnn t,rrSf,ntcd. Thn ranld Inrrrnsn In t OUt that lie will not make liny appoint- population demands more tchcol room, and sltico the people turned down the proposi tion to erect a High school building the question slmmcra down to tho construction of ward schools. From Investigation It Is learned that a six or eight-room build lng In the center of the city is ment for some time. nnd also an addition to tho Corrlgan school. With a new building within a few blocks of the present Central school the pupils In tho densely-populated part of tho city would be accommodated and more room would bo given tho High school classru. Two moro rooms aro needed In Corrlgan addition and lt Is a question whether the board -will erect a four-room brick building thla year or enlarge tho present two-room framei structure. If a now four-room brick building te built tho present frame struc ture could bo moved to the Fourth ward to JllMIre When- .IiinIIi'c llrlouu". OMAHA, April 2(5. -To tho Kdltor of Tho Hoe: About the Gth day of June, 1893. I troublo 11 rose about ilniincca In my own home, between mvself and my son. 1 dltllciilty him liceii nettled. On the follow- . . 1 uik u.iy 11 repnri wuti 1 iimu in uu-iwu iu . neeileil son wth 11 stove poker wus circulated, which Beating the Record In Iron Bed Selling. Hon. At a recent meeting tho council tborlzed to appoint a comralttco of tlvo to passed a resolution that It would endorse look into the project of holding a thirty-day no sympathetic otrlko in ravor ot any union exposition tn: ran in tno uonseum. .Mr havlne such a contract. The bricklayers Hospo contended that if such nn entertain- havo no 'buhlnefs agent, and tho council ment lo given and a good band be secured j ia(a tno paco 0f rooms now being rented passed a law requiring all unions naving it will rosult In great financial pront as wcu superintendent "Wolfe, thinks that If an no business agent to asslBt In paying a as boing profitable toward tho ends of tho LEht-room building is put up near the con- business accnt from tho council wno wouia organization. P nf tho. rltv that sen-cral of ten rooms voi r service to llvo In those who Burvlve ttcnd to lhe work of ihoso cra"8, ! Whll thIs 1ueBtlon was unrtcr niscussion now rented can bo dapensc.l with and thus .. wno nln (1 HtnRtorul to tno DriCKiayers ana cnairman Anare-ws ratner noinieaiy airecieu .i .r t,,,n,iin ua rnii,- at tho meeting ot tno council lasi nigut a attention 10 tno law mat in giving rcaUced by tho cutting off of rentals. communication was read rrom tneir union entertainments tno mmDers 01 ino Dureau Tho prizes were then announced as fol- which tho withdrawal of Its delegates allowed the work to devolve upon two or lows: Dr. Flocrsch was appointed interne I fr m tne counci waa announced. It Is I thrco willing workers and that the zeal and report wart absolutely fnlce. This report was circulated solely by m enemies. 1 am 1 one of tho oldest residents of Omaha, am 11 1 property owner and have never hud any , trouble with my employers, neighbors or IR-opio wun whom 1 urn business. 1 nave rteen unfortunate in mv family affairs fur I the Inst thirteen yenrs, through no fault 1 of mine. This trouble arose over 11 differ- i ence in lellglun. I 11m u law-abiding and I pencenble citizen. I have held responsible olllces and positions and havo never had any dlflleulty except where my family in- ; torfered with tenants In tnv nronerly. My . family aro circulating reports among their I friends nnd neighbors, wnleii reports are absolutely false, comfortable Income and have I have given my wife a le and have nald her In ndvnnce, a sum which my attorney ndvlned us fair and reasonable. H. OL'HSKIO. fesss?! Tlio prices that prevail here are lower than the goods can now bo bought for at tho factory. Take advantage of those wonderfully low prices this week. of the St. Joseph's hospital; tho Hamilton Ltato(i that the withdrawal In only tcm jirlzo ror surgical patnoiogy was awarneu porary as an expression of displeasure, to Mr. Gillespie, whoso grado was 100 plus, Tho refiRnation of President J. K. Mul Mossrs, Akin and Hanoy securing honorable ,ano wa(J accopted ny tho council and M. mention, wun iuu per coin., mo ivuey ,ju , -CuTran elected to fill -tho vacancy, An Artlnsr Street Com mlnsloiier. Mayor Kolly has responded to tho demand for a continuation of the work on tho streets by appointing Frank Clark as acting street commissioner. Mr. Clark Is now at work MflRI IN'S CHANCES ARE GOOD I with a force of men cleaning tho paved enthusiasm that ought to mark the effort of tho buroau were rarely shown Y,ntcrdn 'h siorni Win l.oenl. According to the renorts in Observer Welsh's olllce the rain and hull storm which passed over the city yesterday wnfi confined to the Missouri valley. The amount of rainfall In Omaha was .11 inch. Nn rain fell at Denver or North I'latte and but a traeo nt De Moines and Davenport. Hall rell ror about ten minutes, llie size ot tno hailstones varying from one-quarter to one half inch in diameter. In tho practice of mcfllclno fell to Dr. Mor roway, Dr. L. C. Mack securing honorable mention. Tho list of graduate Is as follows: Nicholas F. Stelncr, Ernest D. Hammond, Harry C. Illcrbower, Charles C. I'axton, Ellon Windsor Aylesworth. Harriet Lucille Idndt, Bryan M. Ttlloy, Jnmes H. Morroway, Jr., Cornelius II. Collins, Anton S. Dahl Btrom, Clement A. Stone, Edward H. Worth man, Willis J. It. Ilyan, Freeman E. Mc Conoughcy, Luclnda C. Mack, Ernest Edwin Miller, Mlcbnol A. Flocrsch, James Laurence McCarthy, Melville Gcorgo McHugh, Frank Earl Bellinger. .MiirrliiKr l.leennen. Tho followlnc marriage licenses were Is streets In the business portion of the city sued Thursday and also repairing washouts. The recent Nnmo nnd RicHldenco. Azo rains caused a number of bad washouts I Christ Huntzen. South Omaha 2.1 which need Immediate, attention. Mr. Clark Mary hleger, Hnutl) Umalia VJ l akna,lnn. 1,1c .hllllv , liiblni. TinM nf tha I Jotltl Ott, I'lllllCO, Neb 41 n u nnherta e.f Holdrinrn. Neh.. who Is forco In a buslnessllko manner and he Is 1 . . Whisker wero elected as directors of tho in Omaha on business, was In attendance doing good work. It Is thougnt tnat the Iona iaiSen. t'oiincil Uluffs 27 council. at the Fifth district republican convention council will at Its next meeting confirm his ar,,.l. IV,n nllmnl nf renilhl Pans I BPIWIHUUBHI. il IHCIIIUCIB 01111 iv- ...... ...w , ..... M .1.. l.n. IUSO IU VUIU lur IUU i,uiin.iitm, mnui Mr. Mullane has gone to Minneapolis, where he will ongngo In tho leather trade. Georce Plant and James Tarks were seated an delegates from tho Gravel Workers' union. William Glcselman and William Fifth niatrlrt neabllcnn Confident that Hp Will Re Klccted Conitrriimiin, RAINS GENERAL IN NEBRASKA ln tht section as unanimously In support Uxcess of Preclpltntlon In Otitnhn I-'nlr Wrnthrr U rredlctrd for To ilar EIGHT EMBRYO ... . . A., . llm. alneA Til 1 R. $r. MINISTERS Omaha has had an excess of precipitation. Yesterday the records ot the govern. Mor- lan of McCook. "Mr. Morlan," says Mr. Ttoberts, "is known evorywhere In tho district, having lived ln western Nebraska for twenty-five years. When ho first camo to this state he settled at Lowell and later lived at Arapa hoe. For the last ten years or so ho has boon located at McCook. While not a bril- public. . - I ..... n . I uunu lUVfllU cvv wiw., rre.lrtinn i neoiomeai srnunsry mcnt observatory showed a ramrai 01 - ant 8peakor, ho Is an active, energetic an(1 anxloU8 to mako the transfer and It is fentcd candidate for mayor on the .lemn urnun... ... or...... 1()U or an idcu, iuumus nu v wnrWr and n ood oriran zer. Tho conven- .im ih.i If mnv he neenmnllshed todav, of Mtndents. turned now day of 21-100 of an Inch. W-dnesday the ex- Uon h adjourned before ho got his t a rou h uegg tho .money to T)o tu reus was 7-100. making a total excess or 31- , .M.,., mni nut .r rr.i- i. rrnhScTsemwVeM 100 8'e tfj" ' " ' ' 29'10 " line of work for his csmpalgn. Mr. Mor- '"1 tata resbytcrlan Theological seminary wan held glnce March 1. ,,,ian will make the strongest race put up by h'cro aPnd can tranBfererd at any minute, in tho First I'resbyterian cnurcn rnursaay Rp0rt8 from tho interior or tne siaie ,,m Andros was elected i.. n-n.n..!! nrnnnnM tn have thf. enHh night. Following 1b r list of those who B),0w that tho rains I'eurse I'rnlseM I.illeimer. Superintendent I'eursn has given out for nnhl niil n.i n l.itif-tliv rl I un 1 uul . i II nr file tinw Kelly will demand the reasons and lf this is high school plans from the point of view- done somo interesting facts may bo made of their economic nrriingcmcnt ror school worK. I lie Huiieriiiieiiiieni nuns evury thlng to prulho and nothing to erltlelzo in Checklnfr Trrmnrrr n llooKn. r.,i illu, ... Ar,.l,lie,-t Lntenter ivntiiu It i The work of checking up the books In tho wm bo as near perfection as anyone sould treasurer's office will ho completed within a wish. day and when a trial halance Is struck the ,,,. r,....n,inio I money on hand will be turned over to EtMHA. N. Y.. April 20. -Frank K. Treasurer Koutsky. Mr. Hroailwcu is rcany nundy, cx-clty chnmherluln, and the d epiitle- tleket In the snrlnc charter election. hns been Indicted tor grand inrceny in tne first degree and embezzlement nnd falsify ing the city books. Hundy s nnn nas neon increased ironi i,- 000 to J20.00O. It Is now thought that tho report or tlio expert accountants examin- 2.35 .4.75 IRON HUD brass trimmed full size nice enamel finish IRON HED full brass top rails, spindles and mounts extended foot A few more of those Very deslrnhlo manufacturers' sample Iron I teds nil strictly high quality 3.T.3 per cent less than romi lar and positively less than tho factory price. J13.00 HALF HRASS IRON H ED very rich design-finely fin- f OB lshed and richly trimmed J15.0O HALF HRASS HED-fuIl bow extended foot-richly oma- 1f Eft mented n very handsomn bed this snlo JJJ JM.OO ALL HRASS HED-extended foot-finely finished tlio 4 A oe best construction price 50.00 ALL BRASS HUD bow extended foot richly ornn- 0 7K mented with brass mounts heavy design this salo mM.y An elegant assortment of these, high quality bods In tills sale at 512.60, $13.00, J14.75, $15.00-all of which aro at least 3314 per cont less than regular. They must bo closed out this week. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. 1414-16-18 Douglas D Il k nr,i ,, any man since the time Andrews was elected Mr Rroadwoll proposes to havo the cash lnK hls books will show a shortugo of about have Dccn general, me ji.i. if , rtru.. nnt 'ia .u ...iin,i.d -intiwi were graduated: Warren C. Duoll, James X. Driver, Robert T, Graham, David S. Hon raker, Arthur D. Hulburd, Inland C. Mo Bwen, William H. McEwen, Samuel Wlloy. ncv. William M. Hlndman, D. D., de livered tho annual address and Rev. W. W. Blatsha, D. D., LL. D., also spoke. The diplomas wero conferred by tho president of tho board of directors. Tho graduating orations wero as follows: "Tho Garment nnd Sword," Robert T. Graham; "A New Epoch." Leland C. McBwen; "Tho niblo," Bamuel Wiley. Preliminary to tho speaking thero was hnislo and prayer. Tho church was crowded with a representative Omaha audience. heaviest for the Inst twrnty. four hours an(1 we " be disappointed If ho does not turne(, ovpr In gold or gold certificates, so. beat his opponent out being along tho Elkhorn road as far west as O'Neill, uocui ruiei-naici , unuriDC rnQ that tho prospect Is good for clear weather nuilUnO rUri today. DR. HANCHETT Uy the books. that there can be no doubt about tho city having tho amount on hand that Is shown J. I. Carson, Prothonotary, Washington, Pa., Bays: "I have found Kodol Dyspepsia Pnr'n n excellent remedy ln case of stomach trouble and hnve derived great benefit from Us use." It digests what you eat and can not fall to cure. L0UAL BREVITIES. r.i.ii.u He im Ulnae i-rrinrn a , Va Rafnrrlnv Assorlntlon of CIiIckko Homro- nmn pnri, -ehnnl. This . . . . I aiiciuuuii av fcuvi " pnthlc Sleaieai t(iue(, . . . . chibit iven under tho fnrm il furmers' association that will en- I . . v. . .nknAi. nrA nn nftmla.lnn I .lenvnt- In Intluenre tlio price nf prrilu (iv Dr. W. II. Hanchott has returned .n. ,. I regulating tho acreago and controlling tho from KiirmerH' Villon Started. ABILENE. Kan.. Anrll 26, The first IoiIko In Kansas of a new farmers' organization to bo known as tno "lvnicnis ot tno son, was organized ihero today with Samuel Landls as "Head Farmer." Similar lodges are to bo started throughout the state and It Is intended inui me wuoie snail nnaiiy Seven for Eight What Is It ? -FOR- W, tl. rtnilBUOll. " iciuiuui - , ... t,nrc-e,1 Thean el. I regUlllling lliu ucil-iiku "II" v;uillluiuiiK Ilia i Chicago, where he was In attend- plttcea on the market at any one iiiuti . , . 1. 1 i nious aro oeiu ul iuw burkwuum ""i' ance at tho commencement exercises oi nis . to uso the . . .-. nkl iwilhh, farl. I iihcumi" - aima iimicr. " "T" " money obtained for tho purchase of pictures, leal college. On Tuesday evening Dr. Han- ' pictures shown at tho High school chett presided at tho annual alumni banquet h ,m w, be exhiDte(i at tho PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. nnd Sirs. C. II. Clark of Madison, SCHOOL ROOMS MADE PRETTY The women of the , , .-rv,. t tnnn 1 church dinner with other exercise of the cnurcn ionium- Rt -Mary's Avenue nt tho Auditorium hotel In his capacity of p fc hool SatUrday, along with mVs.'j. I I Woodward of Mlnden and J. L. will give" a home vice president of the organization and made ad(llt,onB which havo arrived within 0J"0at tneMH ard' ThurS Ncbrnska clscs In the parlors tho welcoming address. At the business ,. .... rfn r ,w. Tho natrons of the pe ". ,at. "e V 'lV... ...... i. . .w v..,.,,1 rv nnh -' w. 11. v esioy er iiiiu .im .hub . i- nieeiniB ii Browll par BChool are spcqiany requcsieu nvPr nf Rufhvllle, Mrs. James II nutlor rnrlr f-.00 Worlh of Frnnied rie turra llnntr DnrliiK the I'nst Winter. i i"c - " .v. v.. i ".v...,b o , . , urown j-arK scuuui a &T-S8sz vM'?yi jto srsf rrL0' the a,umnl assoc,a-to Much has been done during tho last win ter In the way of beautifying the school rooniB of tho city. Ry permission of lhe Hoard of Kducntlon tho teachers and pupils Of each school havo been allowed to give entertainments, the proceeds of which was to go to tho purchnso of bcoks or picture for tho schools, with tho tacit understand ing that only one such entertainment was to be given each year by each school. Our- 1 lng the lost winter the entertainments have been chiefly urt loan exhibits, In which tho teachers have borrowed exhibits of pic tures from art dealers. Through tho pupils, fREE TO SUffERERS. The New I'nrf for Kidney, llliutilrr nnd Uric Aeld Trouble. tlonal ;i "'ns ' i" the newly tlon for the ensuing year. olected omcers of tho council at that place. Another guest of honor from this city was While Mrs. George Kline was hi l"" Dr. Alexander Young, wno grauuaieo mis of her home, nnn'.tr 1 ,nrR V-i.ri thn rear with tho second honors In ono of the garden Wednesday. some one entered " ' . lph thfi co11pee hBa evcr Cotnmerelnl Club Klrcllon The meeting of tho Commercial club to be nnd Mrs. W. C. Kldd of Nebraska City and E. woirtmuer or Ames wrro sinio gucsis ut the Her Grand Thursday. Ntbrnskans ut the Merchants Thursday: William unison, o. i-inegun ... ,co...,h u. ...w . - VT . T T .T Kverntt. William Oil held tonight Is of moro man usual interest nn(1 John Scanlnn 0f shuylcr. J. Cox, E. H. I iy somo ono cntereu xn j ..... ... i, ..... . n.i nil memhors nro urccd to bo nresent. r-n,r nnrt .t. m. Pnv nf Ilnmnton. f,t ilnnr nnd HtO O from tnO ClOCIt larpni tia; vw,.lfi - - -. , ,7,, n'llllm Illr,l f l.lnenln. I her iiurse: containing W.40. Uent out. Dr. Young has already entered Nine n rector, aro to o . " fitUott of Fremon t, Wll 1 lam E S h a rp F. M. Hooper or wuyne county, . t.,; upon his duties as interne or tne uook county ""'" u....- ..... --. ----- ot Aurora and C. r . scnoicr or ruirnury. K'.SIiTlT and has assets of J1.H8.25, all of competitive examination with rorty candl wmcn no eiainis io u u.mhu.i. dates Garfield clrclo No. 11, Indies or tne urauu Army of tho Republic, will give a progres slve high live party nt Grand Army of the Republic hall. Continental block, this even ing. Refreshments will be served. The funernl of thn late Ilert R. Watson, commercial agent of the Rurllngton at Salt Lake City, whose death was announced early In tho week, will occur from St. Barnabas church at 1120 p. m. Sunday and will bo prlvato. Interment will be In Pros pect cemetery. a eieii cervine nxnmlnntlon will be held In Omaha May, 22 and 23 for ; the purpose of h0yntcr tho appointment of John Liddell, Kof'ira organization, to succeed TIIH HU.VI.TY MA It KMT. LIDDELL OUT FOR TRUSTEE County Ucmoorncr Annies Illu n Hippie's Succemior In Ilcnf nnd Dumb AITnlra, meeting Is to be held at the council chamber and ample provision will bo made ror seats Iai. aII ..Il r niinn A. The election Is attract- lng considerable attention at this time on INSTRUMENTS filed for record Thursday. . .v, ,t-, helnir dnn hv thn eluh April .1), uauuuh . 1 1. 1 ' " " . ' nnd it is more than nrobable that a num ber, lf not all, of tho present officers will be re-elected. Manor I.lcemc Money I)nr Un to tho nresent time the liquor dealers At tho regular meeting of the Douglas have been slow about paying ln their South Omaha Lund company to . i. AViirrnnty Deeds J. M. Welsh nnd wife to Robert Shnn nhan. s 45 feet lot 2, block 19, South Omaha 1.G00 A. V. Tukey and wife to J. R. Netf, executor, lot 11, block 12. Clifton Hill 10 Peder Pederson and wife to Emma Johnson, lot h, a. ji. sunoers nun... i,ww ... T 1 .mt,. .... tn W "! .-. Correct Rnswer READ This Week's Friday Evening, Saturday Morning and Evening Papers, THEY WILL TELL YOU! '?43J3f44i$$435tJ3Jr rountv Democracy last evening a resolution license money, but It Is expected that on , . . . . I VJIIltllllL was adopted recommending to Governor Saturday a largo amount win oe pain, jno F j u0tchklss to S. L. Wllklns, b?) Meellns. omana lot block IU, South 232 license this year Is tho same as ono year ago. The sum of goes to tno school I Almost everybody who reads the news- Vennkor was nrrestca at urana island Wednesday evmniK u wt-jniij uuiira States Marshal John C. Moore. llcrtle Mann, keeper of a notorious house nt 111 North Ninth street, was lined J90 nnd papers is sure to know of tho wonderful jail und will bo sent to Denver. Colo, on un cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamn-Root. order oi re iio .nu - ....... . .... the great kidney remedy. it is the great medical triumph of the nineteenth century; discovered after yearB of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and Is wonderfully successful in promptly cur ing kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. 8 amp-Root has been Rested In bo many wnyB, In hospital work. In prlvato prac tice, among the helpUsB too poor to pur chase relief, and has proved so succereful In every case, that a special arrangement haa boon made by which all readers of The Omaha Dally, lleo who havo not already tried It may havo a sample bottlo sent freo by mall, utso a book telling more about Bwamp-Root and how to find out If you havo Vldpey or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In Tho Omaha Dally Hce and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lllnghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent nnd one dollar slice aro sold by all nret-cUa druggists. secur " ., ZlVairv" K ni.MM hr A. Huih Hlnnle as a member of the district and the additional 200 which Is de (111 IU a " - ' .. 'Ti. I . . . .. . . . . . ....r.lnn li. T,n QlnnV year. APPiicaniB mr iuc immuim ran uu- i board or trustees or tno ueai ana uumD in- manaea i ior au uotihh .r. tnln blanks from Wash ngton nnd Informu- - . . nll d ,...., Yards comnany was the first to pay, 700, The enmm tteo havlnir ln hand tho ox- Saturday tne proworleo win pay mm inc .. I ...Ill t.avA nn .nnrmmi. nmnnnl I nnn -''.,'," rnrninn to tne Kansas uuy convention re. en urn.uici "i m wnrn savnee ana who to u . 11 portcil a heavy demand for tlckots, ren-1 of money to handle. Meaker, lot 3, block 1. Spring Dale... New Hlnnip Hooks on Snle. Vlnney, o 30 acres of so w 10-15-10.. n Uliueri ituu uusuituu tu uume, tlon from the local secretary. George Vrnnkor is In the Douglas county lot 4, block 5. Kountze 3d add 2.0)0 tfllll tylllllil iri-r-iin, P. M. Tilttlo to W. II. Johnson, trus tee. wVj lot 3, block 3, Credit Fon der V F. J. Hlrt to Ella Hlrt, und 1-5 ot nd,i lot 2, mock il, . ii. itogers add ffiSlZltJm&o Jlerlng It probable that It will be neces a money onlcr paid to him at Aclott. Colo, snry to run a train from Omaha ln two sections. A marching club of not less than 200 Is assured. Pmimaiinr Tutr announces that he lias a Saral' sunnly of the new stamp books and from a p inVii.Vrd'iri siVme.' 'snme present Indications thero win he a reaoy Norah Sterner and nustmnd to same, fnr ihn limn. TheSO D00KS Contain KIllllU A TMll,nmitiil Olll tt.fTlnnfl "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy twelve, twenty-four and forty-eight stamps ir bronchitis," says In aaaition to tne cum. "i tuo biuuujd and husband to same, Eva Ault samn . . . . a Joseph llllUard et al to same, Bamo. 1 so 200 '.'() b(i '200 132 l3 s 5 ensts In nnllco court i nurhiiay nir iiurnur- Ing a minor Kntlo Wilson, 15 years old. the best ln the world f ' tluThou8 Mr. William Savory of Warrington. En- cnarge .or t cen "company, lot j67 block li! Kountze nnnii n , rosecuto The county attor. gland. "It nas saved my wire's ire, sho "i iaiunu0 ... .. p aca 2f) I ney lias tiled a felony cha?Re0ugau,t the having been a martyr to bronchitis for over thus protecting them and preventing tho ."hi", .il" .it nntmiiv fnr hieh iu . n t ' . .... . , I muni.-, r-o nn thn back from softening. Totnl amount of trnnsfers JI.131 UlliilS lUU" V U 111IU vw tl tl (t I I I live years in tno pcn.Krm.i.r,. - . , gh . . mfteWtiy Breat pleasure of tho manufacturers ot source nf tho mysterious block of granite Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be ablo to which fell nn the sidewalk Wednesday, nar- publlBn testimonials of this character. They SWS0 how that great good ,. being done, pain found that no fracture had oeeurre In the and suffering relieved and valuable lives re cornice, but that tho piece of grnnlte be- Btorej to health and happiness by this longed to h couecnon oi ciuppcu iu..n nit by the masons at a dangerous proximity to re'neuy. the edge of the roof. Although the granite n .r. T. . . ... v tihlp welghwl over ono pound, tho theory Is Onmhn .Men f.n to t.nie nmp. n.i..nn.-n.t ihnt It ii'j. hriished over lhe etlcrn Amnnir lhn OmHha men who aro by a pigeon Tho remainder of tho stone templatlng u pllgrlmago to Cane Nome are chips have been removed to a safe distance. I mentioned: Captain Charles B, Ruslln, J, Mnle City Goiislp. The Reed hotel has changed hnnds again. John Rnab has sold his saloon on N street to local parties. The Ideal club will give a dancing party at Odd Felows' hall on Friday night. Thoso who nro investigating tho now city olectrlclan ordinance say that It should bo passed. Mrs. R. A. Carpenter Is nt Oakland, Ia visiting friends. Sho expects to return Monday. Captain Allle of the police force has served notice on a large number ot sui- CASTOR I A. Tor Infant and Children. Ilis Kind Ycc Havo Always Bought re of Bears Signature Doctors' Offices Should ba In a building where tholr patients can roach them any time of day or night without walking upstairs. Thoro uto plenty ot doctor who do not have evening office hours for this reaaon, even though it would bo mioli morn convenient for them and for many ot tholr patients who cannot oil at any othor time. TUB REEJ RUILDING Is tha only building In town that baa elarator err Ice seven days and seven nights In the week. The best pbyakrtuj ax la TSiS BEE BUILDING. It Is worth something to ho la good company. The Bee Building R. C. Peters & Company, Rental Agents. Offices: Ground floor, The Bee Bldg. a, ,,4So3$3S$joS'$&$'St 3it.sti,s$, I t t - IIOWEMS Anti-Kawf Gives strength and tono to tho vocal chords making tho voice clear and distinct. IIOCUT.t HA.M1AI.WOUD CAI'SUIiKS. Cures Oor.orrhoca, Gleet, unnitural dis charges In a few days. All druggists, accept only Docuta, by mall $1 V), fun directions. Dick L Co., 133 Centro St.. New York. UY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS M AKUFACTU tUHD BT CALIFORNIA FIG SYRlF Qfb UVSU VM.M MAMMk