tr-n r-r a tt a t a it "t iinn. wtiTn t -f im r i- - L J.JL XJ VJLViAV JXIUJIi. X IVJ.IS.I. .L , JVXJA1IJ U , ISJUUt 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for Uienc column Trill lie taken unlit lit in. for the eveiilntt imIIMiiii null until Hi.. I) 11. ni, for mornluK mid Sunday edition. Itnlpa, 1 l-2c ii uord first Insprtlnni In n word (tierenflRC No(liln tnkcn for less .'limn a.'.o for the llrat Inser tion. These nilvrrtlaementa muil tia rnn conspctitl p'' Ail vprllT, ly rcqneNlltiR n mini tiprpil etipck, cmi linve nimvprn ml drcnnnl io n numbered letter In enre of Tlie Hpp. Answers ho addressed rrlll bo delivered, on presentation of the chpok only. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, sober .reliable gentleman, pc rustomed to night Work, desire position as night wntchmnji or at Janitor work. Address V 33, Hoc. A-123 26 WANTED, work of ,nny kind; grading and .sodding; havo um, muatjiavu work. A", dress F 39, Hce. , . , A-MIO' fTrSTCLASS dressmaker , will new In families" V 19. "cc. A-M1S3 WANTED-MALE HELP. WANTKD: we have Btctidy work for a few good hustlers of , eoodhablU and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. BARBER trrtdo taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars free. Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Neb. B -6Z9 WANTED, an experienced, competent flor ist who sneaks Gorman and English, Ap ply B.-Haus, 1813 Vlnton'Ht. B-2U BEND for free catalogue, of tho American Barber College. Omaha, Neb. WANTKD, salesman to soil our full lino of choice NURSERY stock. Wo g ye a printed GUARANTEE that stock will bo TRUE to name. Write to Mount Hope Nurseries Lawrence. Knn. MW, GARDENERS wapted to plant for us 600 acres of rlirtimbcrs, cabbage and tomatoes 1n onp to flvo acre tracts. Time for plant ing cucumbers. May. 23th to Juno 10th. Ilottom land preferred. Call for contract nnd seed at Hnarmann tiros., 1911 So. 20th 8U IJ-MSW-29 BO" wanted to learn the drug business at Whlto's .pharmacy, 16th und Webster. B 998 WANTKD First class machinists who will work for the bent money In the city; only those who hellcvo In fair play ond freo labor de'slrcd. L. C. Sharp, Machine Works, 310 S. 13th St. B-101 TWp young men to take care of room and typewriters for tuition In Nebraska Busl nca and Shorthand college. Boyd theater. ' E-12S 2(1 WANTKD young man for olllco work; stato experience and Hillary wanted. F 16, HCe. ' 1J lay - WANTED, a tlrst class plasterer nt good wuges. Al Wetzel, West Point, Nebraska. B-1B2-M WANTKD.t'exnerlpnced' Oerman-American clerk for general merchandise, store; stale nge. experience, ruiuienccn. i. j. rmm, Westerri, Neb. B-M177 2T WANTKD, ra-ellng tneni no books; 'straight salary. Triumph Information C'O.i DHUflH, TeX. - II .M1T6 2' lVANTRn. minerlntendnnt irond mitn with fcWO, in a good, paying business; prefer n man wno umicrsutnus lurming. f Tlcc.' B-1S7-2G WANTKD, WV) men Saturday evo from 7:30 until 10 o'clock to buy men's low hIiopa. I'atent.'lr'ather. Russia .calf, etc., worth T5 nnd tB, at 2.98. This storo nulls. Tho Howe, uis Douglas HI. II .MW 37 WASiTED IUOI.r. WANTED, 00 girls. 1S24 Dodge. Tel. S78. ' C-630 SO glrU'wantcd. Canadian office 1522 Douglas . ' i ' C-CI1 GIRL for general houaowork. 390G leaven WANTKD. good cook. 2003 Sherman ave. C est A COMPETENT girl for general house work; good wages; three In family. Mrs. O. C. Williams, SOS S. 36th St. C-738 GIRL wanted. Mrs. A. Hospc. 31C N. 17th. C-761 FRATERNAL Insurance deputy; npeclal work; good pay. Rice, 626 N. Y. Llfo bldg. ' C-9i3 M21 IN wholcsalo business, stenographer and typewriter; one understanding bookkeep ing preferred. Address F 32, Bee. C-121 26 WANTED, -girl for general housework. 1001 Fifth avenne, Council Bluffs. (' M146 27 WANTKD, girl to tnke care of three-year-old thlld; Apply 420 South 26th street. C-M143 27 WANTED, il second girl. 2223 Fnrnam. C-156 GIRL wonted for general housework. 514 N. 23d St! C 1 5.1-26 COMPETENT girl for general housework. 703 8. 29th St. C 14S-26 WANTED, girls and women to send name and ixddrcsH and get ii package of French cachet, perfume free. Ideal Toilet Mfg, Co., St. Joseph, Mo. C M176 27' WANTED,-n competent cook at 2214 Lan don Court; wages. J3. (1 M172 28 WANTED, competent girl for general housework. Apply 1529 Pnrk avenue. C-M163 27 WANTED, an experienced ludv steno grapher who understands bookkeeping; state Kulnry expected and references. Address. F 44f Bee. C 19I-2S WANTED, u competent cook. Mrs. H. G. Hurt, -122 8, 39th. C-1S5-2U' 10UNO lady wants work. In nn nfllco as ofllce girl or assistant bookkeeper. F 45, Bee. . C M19S 29 COMPETENT once;' references re quired. Mrs. K. C. Barton, 2S23 Howard. C-JI195 29 for Ri-ivr nous is. IF YOU want your houses well rented ploco them with RcnowA i Co, D 632 HOUSES, ctcv F. D, Weadlsil Dougloii D 633 HOUSES, all kinds. 36 U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. J D-631 ALWAYS moving II. H. goods. Pianos! Olllco 1511H Furnam St. Tel. 1559 or 863. r D-C36 HOUSES, stores. Hemls, Paxton block. D-637 HOUBER for font. In all parts of tho city, Brctinan-Iovo Co., 309 So, 13th street D-63S FIVE roooms, 2321 South 16th St. D-639 CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry B. Payne, CM N. Yi Life. 'Phono 1016. D-C40 HOUSES and Huts. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D-611 STONE front- il-rnotns; very fine. 415 N. 25th. . H. -T. , , . D-7VS NINE-ROOM modern house In good re pair. In walking distance, $3S. M, J, Ken nard & Bon, Sulto'31fl."Bron block: D- -M935 FOR RENT, desirable S-rttnm modem hopso, small horn. 2S13 Woolworth nve nue; rent. $27.60. . n)i)gwiilt Bros., Barker HOU8TOTri.'-lWCrPatteron. 306 N. Y. Life.-T - 4 U-613 i r FINE 7 nutt S-room apartments In '.'Nor mundle" Special Inducements. PAr-NK-KNO. OOMl'ANYl " FlnM-Floor N. Y. Llfo BldC. " D-M656 1319 N. :ith Ht., s-roomjnt. $to. 1712 D)dSo St., 3-room flat, $8, Hit Marvy Bt..- 3 rooms. iX ' Omaha Loin, 4- Truf Co., 15th npd Doug las Sts. ' ' DSII- K0 N. 23th. St., .nine rfoin, nll inotlern, large yurn, shade tree-AVottse In line con dition, now being yitrtL '$3. Omaha J-m ft. Trust Coi, nth. and Uouclas St. e-sn- FOIl RE.NT-IIOLSHS, N. 11th St., ten rooms all modern ; will rout to a good lennnt with reference for 3 Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th nnd Douglas Sis. D-SI3 UNEQUALED nil morlern four-room flat, With bath. Tlznrri 221 N. 2tth. D-M1H 30 FOR RENT, li-room, modern, detached house, shads trees, lawn. Its. 2513 cap. ave. Tel. 673. B. II. Roblson. D M1C3 10-ROOM modern house. 2319 Harney St. D-117 DETACHED 8-roorn, modern houso with nam. zu I'icrce. u MAQOARD Van & Storage. 1616 Capitol Ave i pi. ivjn. u mi FOIl IIHNT FUIIMNH'ID ROOMS. 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. ROOMS, 1906 Capitol ave. . K M932 2S HOUS Elf EEPINO, 1, 3 or 3 nice rooms, single or rnsune; no cnimren; rererenccs. Mrs. Dr. llcnshaw, GIB North 19th Bt. E-lfiO-27 FURNISHED rooms, modem. 2114 Chicago sireci. ii .-VU60 is- THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; modern, i&gi Hiierman avc. t-y-iyi FOR RENT. In private family, to ono or iwo genucmen, souin iroiu room wltn out board, near Farnatn car line; walk ing distance. Address F 43, Bee. B 1R6-29 lM'lt.MSIIIM) ROOMS AMI II OA lit). THE Mcrrlam family hotel, 26th and Dodge. F EH TO 2 gentlemen, In prlvato .family. 2020 81 Mary's Ave. F 645 FRONT rooms with first class board. 1722 Dodgo. f-1 19-1 BLEOANT, front rooms with 'board. 1M9 Capitol avenue. F M161 2 THE PRATT, front room nnd olrovp; F-H2 pnone iwz. ;i2 ho. 2jtb. foii ui:NT-D.vrMiitM.iiinu room. FIVE unfurnished chamber for housekeep. Ing to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. O 163 TWO suites, modern. 616 Cleorgla avenue. . O-M201 3 FOR RBNT STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location, rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. 1266 FOR RENT Good storo In Davldge build- t rT nni.MU 1 1.. nlti. UaII n-.MnK1 , JOHN W. ROBB1N8, 1S02 FARNAM ST. I 31U WAVmil TO HUNT. WANTED, for man nnd wife In srlvnte hoiifo In a radius of 7 blocks from court house; state tcrma and location. F 3S, Deo. ' K-1CO-26 WANTED TO RENT, transit and level. F 53, Bee. K-161-26 FURNISHED house for tho summer; man and wife; unexceptional references. F 17, Bee. . K M19S 29 STORAGE PACIFIC 8torago and Warehouse Co.. 012 911 Jones, general storage and forwarding. CI7 Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511 Farn. Tel 1559, S63. CIS ' 1 WANTED TO- II UK. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co., 1406-10 Dodgo. Tol. 2020. N-AI9 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan Love Co.. 309 So. 13th. N-C50 ID-HAND books for cash. Crane, 207 N. 16th N-M661 ' ALL kinds of-household and hotol goods. a card or Tel 771. Levlne & Schonstcad, 304-6 N, 16th corner Davenport, .. IN M 326 M7 FOR SALE FUIINITURB. FOR SALE Furniture, 5-room house. In quire iWSNOTtUlTUlBt. O 671 FOR SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. TOP BUGGY for sale, In good condition. U 40, Bee. V M1S0 PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons nnd harness. Andersen Buggy Co.. Cor. 15th and Davenport Sts. 1' 926 SECOND-HAND top buggy In good condi tion tor saio cneap. inquire zizj Locust Btrcet. P-M337 FOR SALE, tine horso for lady. 8 vears old, sound and good driver. Cnll 24th and A streets, South Omaha. P M131 30 FOR SALE, fancy saddler, English hunter, beautiful bright bay, 16 hands, weighs 1,100, no blemishes, thoroughly trained, all gaits, safe for lady to ride. Call at No. 12 Scott street, Council Bluffs. P-M1I5 2S FOR SALE, nlco phaeton, nearly new. See A. Shaw, harness dept., Hayden Bros. P-M173 27 NEW and second-band buggies, express wagons, ruimuuv. iv. v. nny I'resH ana Machinery Co., 1307 Jones st. M16R 29 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. . CHEAPEST and -best poultry and hog fence. 901 Douglas St. Q 652 CUTTERS of drug prices, Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge Q-6JJ 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. Q-C55 B. HAAS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, cut flowers, boquets, hall., roil dence, wedding nnd grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q-S56, sell. Schwartx, U4 S 13. Tel 1697 Q-MSS4 BEST Vnlues ' In bicycles: Sterling, $10; Sualdlng and. Racycle. . J33; M.nnnon, jj2; Acme, UT; other mnkes, $15, Omatu Bi cycle Co., 10th & Chicago Sts. Q-657 WIRE fenco Lcddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1594. Q 615 Aug-9 LIVE STOCK for salo at Brush, Colo.; 32,1 head good grade New Mexico cgyx. mostly reds and roans; will bo about 75 per cent calf crop. Also 101 lieail 2-ycnr-old steers, all good colors und In good condition; can bo shown and delivered on track same day. Want to clone out by May 13. No trouble nor expoufo to slnW them. Will sell nil or any paH. Price,. $26.50 per hoad. Wm. E. Echols. Brush, Colo. Box 6. Q-M141 FOR HALE, bldewalk plank, nil widths, 6 to 12 Inches, and 6, 8 and 10 feat lenVths, for $9.00 per thousand feet. Also kindling wood at $1 a load. Chic igo Houso Wreck--Ing Co., Exposition Grounds. 'Phono 2561. ' ' Q-M136 8 TYLER. Polisher. 1603 Cuhh. -Q-M130 17 SAl-'E for sale, cheap. 017 N. Y. Life. Q-.MSCS 2? THE lotcst pneumatic tired bike buggy. $105. Omaha Bli ycle Co., 16th and.Ohlcngo sts. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, cduntry dealers, 2dlvind furniture & stcves at lowest prices, c lots or less, Chicago Furniture Co., 1IW-10 Dodge. It-C)J CLURVOVA.Vrs. OREAT FORTUNE TELLER -Free -test Jutt arrived from Europe, v. hero for fifty yrars my pr.tndmother was t!V- greatest astioloKist of the day; villi rc,..m a i-hort tlinv: IdU hK dlffertiit wavs. n,i,t, 1 rel ent, future, in pmon or by letter; glvs lucky nunibttu; tolls lady ia- gtnt nhatho fntilfd husband rtr wife will bo by the letters In the hand; brings back '.midland or lover In so many 'day', ndvlc.-un grain nt-.l tock; il; i hair growing turi-; cures caiTir, "liirvoul tronble; tiinrm free this wtf k; ladle'. In trouble- dull at cn?o; fe jnatti tTtibles, tuinorr, -.o'wJvj, rolda, ihrumuflsm, asthm:i .ind' ' .catarih. ffVDA.MIl DD HAZARD, flnulm, Nb. Parlors, 516 W. 13th strut! 1 lllce hiurs, 10 ri. nv to 9 p. m,; open Suird:ts; will touch hand of each customer fre with only true luck stone In America. S-M200 27 I MME. OYLMER genuine palmist. ICS Dodge , S-Cflt j MRS, HIL.D. 2002 Cuming st , spless healer, S-Mlll M25 UMICTHIC TltF.AT.MKNT. MME. SMITH, room 2, 118i N. ISth; mag nctlc treatment and baths. T M167 2 rEnsoxAi,. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 319 Bee bldg U-6C3 YOUR hair shampocd, dressed 3T,o. Hair toi let goods. Monhclt, ISIS Farnani. Tel. 2333. U-67S- MONHEIT, Chiropodist, 151S Furn. Tel. 2333. PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U-669 DR. ROY, chiropodist , corns nnd superflu ous hair removed by clectr;clty. Room 12, Fren2er Block. U C61 RUPTURE cured, no knire, no pain, no danger. Send, for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U-667 STAMPS, for collectors; albums, supplies. Frank Brown, i20',4 8. 13th. U-671 1623 DOUGLAS, Mme. True, facial treat ment. U-M97S 31 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Bur pet. 2C33 Decatur. U 670 PLEATING and pleatrd skirts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 2M Douglas block. U 6CS CLOTH by tne yard for ladles' tailor suits. . Dreshcr Tullorlng Co., 433 Paxton Block. U-M970 m3 YOU can havo nny want advertisement published In the Dally Capital. Des Molneii, In. (circulation dally 13,000). for 1 cent per word first Insertion. U cent per word each subsequent Insertion, cash to .accompany order. U M723 M2 ADVERTISING fans, paper napkins, calen dars nnd envelopes manufactured by Burkley Printing Co.. Omaha. U-M7S3 THIS week 4 solrg oak leather. 33o; velvet rubber In-tin. 35c. The old reliable S. P. Pcterren'o shoo storo, 16th and Owing. VMM Mil A ANTED, nmateur musical nnd drnmatlc talent. Rice, C20 N. Y. Lifo bldg. U-M9SI 2 MME. SMITH, magnetic treatment and bath-. 118H North, room 2. U-lol-1 MME. TRUE, facial treatment. 1623 Doug. las. U-M193 MOMJV TO LOAN IlliAI, Iiyi'ATK. PRIVATE money, 5, 6tJ, 6 per cent; no do lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Furnam. W 673 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W-674 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 675 5 PER CENT money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-076 FIVE per ctnt farm loana. Chas. E. Wil liamson. W 677 MONEY to loan on flrst-clars Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co . New York Life. W-678 LOANS on eastern Nchrnskn and n-eiitern Iowa farms at 6 per -cent. Borrowers can pay iw or nny multiple. Any in terest date. No delay. Brcnnan-Lovo Co., 209 South 13th atreet, Omaha, Neb. W-691 6, 6'. 6 per cent on Omaha, S. Omaha. W. II. Thomas, 603 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1643. MONEY to loan at 5 and 5',; per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Mclklc. 401 S. 15th. , . W-689 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 So. 13th. W-690 $1,000 .and upward to, loan on frnproved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & CO.. 1320 F0,rnam. W 692 WANTED.-efty'-loans, bonds anil warrants. George & Company, 1601 Farnam st. W-M967 MONEY In any amount at 6, 5V4. 6 per cent. J. W. BOBBINS & CO., 1S02 FARNAM ST. . , W-M472 MONEY" TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEYI MONEY! We have a lame amount tn loan nn hnn.. hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehouse receipts, horses, carriages, etc. You can get tho money within a few hours after making application. WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR J1,M,U UIl I'iljI.M, I'Al'ISHS. We gio you as much time as you need nnd vou may repay the loan as soon vnu choone and you need not pay for It ONE DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. U.MA11A .MLmiUAlil-, LUAN CO., (Established 1892.) 306 South 16th Street. X-M619 MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own name, In amount from $10.00 up. A comparison of our rates with others Is all wo ask, n wo are posltlvo that ours aro tho lowest In the city. Remember that we are tho only loan company giving you tho privilege of paving your loan ALL or in i-aiu ai any ii.nii ana tncreuy stop ping- tho cost. Business confidential, Treat ment courteous. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN r-n . Tel. 2293. Room 119, Board of Trade Bldg. a anal MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. 4 ! , VV MONEY TO LOAN OS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PtAVnc diamonds, watches, on easy payments, un known to others; you keep the goods, each payment lessens too cost of the loan; no charge for papers and we make no In quiries of your neighbors. BEROERS' LOAN CO., 1601 Farnam, over B. & M UCKCl Oiiltl-. Jk. tas MONEY ADVANCED FOR SALARIES Salaried employes of good character can obtain accommodation at much e mt nnd embarrassment than has heretofore been possible by applying to American l,oan Co., Room 601 Bee bldg. X--815 MONEY loans on furniture, diamonds, wnicncs, etc.; payments coniuientini. Omaha Chattel L,oan bank, 220 8, 15, up stairs. X 696 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horso cows, Jewelry. Duff Green R. S, Barker bik 1 X 7U3 MONEY loaned salaried neonle hoidlnir ner manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Uldg. LOANS on furnlturo. horses, cows, etc. OUIl 'I iailfllH A KM Till-, IIUJST Ul'"- FERED IN OMAHA. J. W. Tayloc. 218 First Nat, Bunk Bldg. X 702 MONEY.. MONEY. LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. ROOM 626, FIFTH FLOOR, Now York Llfo Bldg. X-157 SAlJvRY LOANS; LOVRATEsT J, wT Tuyloe. 218 First Not'l Bank Bldg. ' X-M463 BUSINESS C'll INCES. THE NEW SNOW ClfURCH CO., gives strict attention to all classes of collec tions. 401-2-3-4-5 N. Y. Life Bldg. Y-757 FOR SALE, drug rtoro or half Interest In namu; doing good business and located In ono of the best towns In Nebraska. For particulars address Frank Ncdela, Crete. Neb. Y-M75 1 FOR SALE, Webster's new unabridged t dictionaries, latest 1500 edition $9.50: elc. pant brnss llnlshed holders. $6; all for I $7 50; old dictionaries taken In exchange; 1 ineclol prices to teachers and educators. No. 132Q Douglna st. Y-M107 27 LNE of (he best paying restaurants In Ne braika, pentrally lncatod; No, t trado; l-m-n of 10,000. Wrlto to John Rarnard, Whiting. Ia. Y-M731 27 NICKEL PLATINCi. Omaha. Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. .. 724 ( CLAIRVOYANTS. for sale on hxch.inme. PIANO for delivery horso. 13 22, Dae. '.-MI7J HAVE good farms to exchange for mer- I chandlsc. W. V. Hedges, Bee bid, Omaha. . STOCK of groceries, paying business, to exchange for Improved property. F 4, i-nre Bee. Z Mitt 27 FOR EXCHANGE. $6.000 00 stock of drugs: good location; to trade ror productive real estate. F6, cnto Bee. '. M7S6 27 COMPLETE drug store nnd hundomf llx- itires aim soda rountain tor sale cnenp, or trado for Improved farm. Address F 29, Bee. iS-MUl M2I FOR SAI.i: REAL ESTATE. PAYNE-KNOX CO., HEADS' RTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW- i-JST HATES on I.OANH; sounu IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-701 Valuable V. P. trackage lot partially Improved near Jones ond Tenth, $12,0u0. 00-ft lot, lower Farnam; very desirable for wholesale purposes, $12,000. 9-room house West Farnntn district; elegant to a finish; hnujo right, $7,G0O. 8-room houso West Fnrnum district; hardwood down stairs; only VM. RE-158 26 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire insurance, ucmis, i-axion ui. nc ,u.-i SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L L. jonnson co., 3ii . iam ci. tlls'ZL: CHEAP homes on monthly payments. In surance. Money to loan. u. u. -luriting-ton, 603 Bj Bldg. RE-925- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Your choice of 7,000,000 ncres Ranch Land for sale by Union Pacific Railroad Compnny nt from 50c to $2.00 per acre. Kan., Neb., Colo.. Wyo. and Utah. Address B. A. McAllister, Lund Com., Omaha, Neb. RE-512 May 13 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only see u. a. uroauweu, tui in. i. uue itiog. RE-703 HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDO. Jtoal Estate, Rentals, i,oans, insurnnce. RE-705 IF Y'OU have a bargain to offer In renl estate see H. A. uroauucii, avi in. v. RE 707 A GREAT SNAP Seven-room, modern house; location one i me net in iinns com Place; must be sold quick; tnirtv leaving city. M. J. Kcnnnrd & Son, solo agents, suite 310 Brown blk. RE M955 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 30G N Y L RE-711 I' n. WEAD. BARGAINS. $GO0 Good 4-room house, 2017 Cnstellar nvenue. ty0 House and lot, Sth, near Bancroft. $500 5-room house, 3518 Parker, with lot 00x127. $1,200-3037 California, 6 f., bath, barn. $3,200 201S N. 21st. high ond sightly, largo lot, benutuui trees, i.'-room nonce, with bath, attic and cellar, brlckPd bottom nnd sides; $500 cash, balanca easy. $3.r00-Benutlfu1 home on 10th St. $2,500 S-r., Kountze Place, corner. $2,200 9-r., S. W. of Pnrk Ave. anil Leav enworth, with porcelain bath. See us If you wish to get big Interest on real estate Investments!. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas; est. 1887. RE-120 27 F. D. WEAD'S SPECIALS: $600.00, house and half lot 2507 Burdette St. $350.00, Comfortable 4-room house nhd lot. $1,000, House In splendid condition near Ames Ave. cur barn. $1,200 for house and ten lots nn piivcd St. fully paid. This is a grnnd opportunity. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas St. RE-193-27 AM Just authorized to accept for few days only 2,t'O0 for an 8-r. house and full lot In I Inn scorn Place; paving fully paid. F. D. Wead, 152 Douglas St. RE-192-27 BARGAINS Aprllfi 'nnd 27, 1000. C. F. HARRISON & GEOT. MORTON. 913 New York Life. .Jr'el. 3J4 o2612-F. 10-room house nnd good barn, West Farnam District; 75-foat front, $12;CW. R rooms, 66-foot lot, nsphnlt street; party going nway; must be sold, $5,500. High A. sightly; near St. Mary's Ave church SPECIAL-160 In Sarpy County; held 'till recently ut $13; now can be had for $37.50 an ncre; all rlglit every Way. RE-IS I 26 FOR SALE, my home, north Hanscom ivirk. full vast front lot. house 9 rooms, modern, complete, lino barn, artificial walks, largo shade trees, i- w, nee. RE-M193 2S FOR RENT LAND. FOR RENT, west 13 acres of the N. W. U N. E. U Section 35, Township 15, Jt inge 12, East, Douglas County, Nc,brnska. This nk-co of land Is situated on Center street nbout 1 9-10 miles west of Ruser's Park and is R'fe miles from the city hail and has a very good three or four-room house, a barn and a good well upon same. Apply to Commissioner of Health, City Hull. Omaha. J90-29 FURNITURE REPAIRING. GLOBE Couch Co., 1519 Lcav'th, Tel. 231?: 53 PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather rcnovnting, ici. ij-h. ai. a, waiKim, zui turning ut. iid LUNDEEN. unholsterlnc. cablnct-maklnir. reilnlshlng; mattresses mado over. 1523 Leavenworth. 232 May21 BERTRAM 6TEFFEN. upholstering, mat tresses renov't'd, couches made to order, 2201 Farnam. M763 M19 AUCTION'. WILL sell at public auction tho furnlturo r,r the Miiiti hotel, cafe and roof Garden. located hetween Farnam and Harnfy on 16th street, consisting of 60 rooms. TI1W hotel wns furnished with all new furni ture carpets, bedding, etc, -within the past eight months; 1 elegant sideboard costing over $2"X). Seekers for household goods should not miss this sale. Don't ?nririit tho dnto of sale, to commence Thursday, April 26, at 10 u. m, Omaha Auction to, a LOST. LOST, largo St. Bernard and Now Found land dog; white forefeet, white, face, Mime Rover; carried dog tag 435. Return to 1901 So. 16th Bt. ana recolvo reward. Lost-M135 27 l.OST. bundle with black wool dress and goods, Return to 1317 Howard (dyo works) and recclvo reward. Tel. &I7. Lost-189-2 LOST, at tho Nash-Crelghton wedding, a jewenea nirci. iteturn to jure, j. i Cudahy. 332 South 37th Street, nrtd re ceive liberal reward. L6st 1SS OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 515 N. T. Llfo Bide.: Alice Johnson. D. O.. ladles' dept.; Gld. E, Johnson, Osteopathia, mgr. . .... .-A. M. E. DONOlIUE. D, O., Of Still achoul. Klrksvllle, Mo., 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367, 714 A. T. HUNT.ostenpath; nil chronlo diseases; "results tell." 303 KarUach Blk. ,Tel.2.lH . no FIS1IIM1 RESORTS. THE Langdon Hotel 1h now open for sea son 19W, Finest fishing resort In the west: good boats, plenty or mihnvva; tea snnnblo rates, Frank T. Vogt, Langdon, .MO. 743 U13 WATER FILTERS. "STANDARD" Water Filters, nil kinds of niter supplies. Tel. soti. iw Harney st, -M813 A31 TYPEWRITERS. REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and supplies. ib!9 Farnam. 720 TYPEWRITERS, secondhand, Hit Farnam ru SHORTHAND AM) typewriting A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -727 AT OMAHA Bus. College, 10th & Douglas. -7i8 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. 729 NEBRASKA Business and Bhorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. 730 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 2S2, Omaha, Neb. Confidential, MB73 Ml BICYCLES. Repaired, 24 & Charles; tires, $1.73. Tel. 2327. 317 May i THE best new bicycle, $16.M up; repairing, enameling ann sundries; zu-nnnu wneen, $3 up, Louts Fleschcr, 1622 Capitol Ave. -M431 MIRROR FACTORY. DAMAGED looking glasses resllvercd. 70S IS. 16in, M437 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13U1 uoucias. -733 Diamond loan office. 14th and Douglas; low rates, most reliable unredeemed goons. M4G0 Jit STAM 31 BRING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramgo Bldg. Ml LOCKSMITHS. KEYS fitted, locks repaired, by B. W. .. v. .. 1 ., .. . n. ... ....... .1 n , , rn Tnl c-a -MC20 A29 C. R. HEFLIN, expert locksmith and model matter, sui eoutn ibiii bt. -rnone nva. -921- IIOTF.LS. METROPOLITAN. European, 12th & Doug las; lowest rates, wm. uarr, Mgr. 'rei. :4i. M-676 THURSTON. 15 & Jackson; American &. European. Nowiy refitted, prices mon-rto F-M744- LAl'NDIt Y. OMAHA Steam Laundry, shirts 7c, follnrs c, currs 4c. I16O Leavenwortn. iei. i(. -721 CARPENTER AND JOBBER. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to, j. t. ucniuree. 20th and Lake Sts. -370 FURNITURE TACKING. OM. Van Stor. Co , 13114 Farn. Tel. 1559. 863. ia JUNIC. B. & M. Junk house, J, Milder, Prop., dealers in all metals, nottics, etc. uanonuH a specialty. fU-803 Farnam, Omaha. Tel, 2378. 101-M 4 TRUNK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling oags, suit enses. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam 722 AUCTIONEERS. OMAHA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction guar anteed. 620 N. 16th st. xoiepnone zies. -M733 FOR SALE LIVE STOCK. BELOAIN HARES, all grades. Nlcto- Napto Supply Co., Breeders and ueaiers, Denver. Colo. -M659 30 WANTED TO nORROW. $3,000 PRIVATE money I Improved real cs 'tate security. E 30. Inee. -64 n.EATINO. ACCORDION pleating, ivory-rlm buttons, Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th & Farnam. R 1-11. 560 .-ML'6" STOVE REPAIRS. GASOLINE stoves cleaned. E01-3 N. lfith. -M3M GAS, gasoline stoves repaired; stoves stored, city stovo Repair wks, -iw s. 13th. m MAGNETIC INFIRMARY. THE Nebraska. 15'7 Chicago St. -433 CARPET CLEANERS. HOWARD & JOHNSON, star house and carpet cleaners, iou a. ism. xei. -jjoi, -M132 1 LADIES' SUITS. FIRST-CLASS ladles' suits mado to order ut 323 Broadwuy, council Biurrs. -JUS1 28 BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. -725 Hall's Safes Hlcycle, Typewriter! J.J, Dertght & Co. 1116 Farnam St. Omaha. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be rend DAILY by all Interested, ns chancer may occur at any time.) ForelKii malls for tho week emlinir Anrll 28, 1900, will closo (PROMPTLY In all cases) ut the General Postolllco ns follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below, Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at b p. tn. Monday and Wednesday. Trnim-At lan tie SInlla. per s, s. Statendam. via Plymouth and Rotterdam; at 9 a. m. for ITALY, per s, h. Travc. via Naples (mall must bo di rected "per h. s. Trnvo"); at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct, per s. s. Thlngviilln. va unriBiianin (man must no directed "per , s' Thlngvalla"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplemen tarv 2 n. m.) for EUROPE, ner s. s. Ivernla, via Queenstown (mall must be directed ""-per s, s. ivernia -;. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. Oerman steamers sailing. on Tuesdays tak printed matter, etc., for Germany, and specially addressed printed 'matter, etc,, for other garts of Eurotie. American ar.2 White tor steamers on Wednesdays. German and French steamero on Thursdays and Cunard and German ateamurs on Satur days take printed matter, etc., for nil countries tor which they are advertised to carry mar,, After the closing of tho supplementary Trans-Atlantio malls named above, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American, cnglls!,, -Trench and German steamers, ana remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mi'ih for S011II1 nnd Centi'nl America, Wast Indies, Etc. FRIDAY At 10:30 n. m. for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES, per H, s. Wordsworth (mall for North Brazil must bo directed "ner h. s. Wordsworth"): ut 1 i, ni. -for- 1NAOUA, per s, s, Thnmls (mall for Jamaica, uoiizo, i;uerto i-oriez and Guatemala must ne airecteu "per s. s Thkml9"l. 8ATURDAY At 2:30 0. m. for NASSAU, N, P., per steamer irom juiami, i-ia, nt 10 n. m (Hunulementarv 10:30 a. m. for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, HA. VANILLA. C AHI It AWr.N A and lilllSV TOWN, per s, s. Aleno (mall for Costa men must ne uirecteu -per m. s. ,iene ) at 11 a. m. for CUBA, ner s. s. Havana via Havana; at 11 a. m. for PORTO RICO via I'onro. iiiso trr. jiiu.mab anu tji CROIX (via St. Thomas), uer . s. Mho at 1 n. m. for NUEV1TAS. G1BARA BARHACOA and PUERTO PADRE, per s. k. uunoa inrninury man uniyi. SUNDAY' At S.30 p. m. for ST. PIERRE POSTOFFICE NOTICI M1QUEIX)N. per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North ojuney, nno tnence ny steamer. Close al this ofllee dally nt 8:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, WednedY -tdd Saturdny). Mnlls for Mlquelon. by a evil to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, cloje at this olllco daliy at 8:31 p. in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa. Fla nnd thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally (except Monday) nt n in, (the connecting closes nrt. -rt SundaV, Wed nesday nnd Friday Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Flu., nnd thenco by steamer, close nt this ortlce every Monday. Tues day and Saturdny at 2:30 a in. tthe con nectlng closes are on Tuesday nnd Satur. day). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dlpatch by stenmcf, close nt this office daily at 2:30 a. m. nnd 2:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rlen. Belize, Puerto Cortcz and Guatemala, by rait to New Orleans, nnd thence by steamer, close nt this ofllce dally nt '"J P. in. (connecting closes hero Tuesdays for Costa Rlcn and Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala) Regis tered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous dny. Registered mail closes at p. m. second day before. Trniia-Pncllle Alnll. Mnlls for ltawall. via San Fronclsro, elne ncre nniiy nt o:.i p. m. up to April 27111, Inclusive, for dispatch per h, s. Australia Malls for Hawaii. China, Japan and Phil ippine Islnnds, via San Francisco, closo "1110.. 'I'l'y . nt 6:30 p. m. up to April 2Mh. Inclusive, for dlspltih per s, s City of Rio Janeiro. Mnlls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand. which F,f" .via Snii Fninclsco), Hawaii mid 1-IJ Islands, via Vancouver, close here dully nt 0:30 p m. up to April 2Slh, inclusive, for dispatch per h. s. Mloweru. MallH for China nnd Japan, via Van couver, close here dally at 6:30 p. m up to May 2,1, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of Chlnn (reultteied mall must bo directed "vU Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Aus tralia). New X.cnlnnd, Hawaii, FIJI and Satnoan Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. 111. after April 2Stli and up to May 12th. Inclusive, or on dny of nrrlvnl of s. s. Cnmpaliln, duo nt New York May 12th, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Transpacific mails arc forwarded to port 11. ruiuiiK unny nnu tne scnediile or clos ing Is nrrangod on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mnll closes at 6 p. m. pre vious rlnv. i-uKiNi-iLiira vAis curr, postmaster. Postofllctf. Now York,. N. Y . April 20, 190O. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Denartinent of the Interior, riille.. f T. dlnn Affairs, Washington. D. C , March 20, 1900. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposal-! for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.," ns tho case may be, nnd directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 77 nnd 79 Wooster street, Now York City, will be received until I o'clock, . 111., 01 1 iicwiii)-, .tiny 10, umu, tor rurillsii nc for tho Indian Service. blniiketM. wnnl nnd cotton gnodu. clothing, notions, hats nnd caps. Rids must bo made out on Gov eminent blanks. Schedules giving all neces sary Information for bidders will lie fur nished on application to the Indian Ofllce, Wellington, D. C; Nos. 77 and 79 Wooitcr street, New York City; or 235 Johnson street, Chicago, III.; the Commissaries of Subsistence, 1. S. A. nt Cheyenne, Lenvcn- worm, umunn. st. 1,0ms, nt. x-niii, and Pan Francisco; tho postmasters nt Sioux City, Yankton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topeka. Wichita, nnd Tuscon. Bids will be opuncil nt tho hour and days above mated, and bidders uro Invited to be present nt tho opening. The Department reserves tho right 10 determine tne point ot delivery nnu to reject any nnd all bids, or nny pnrt of nny A-17 to May 12-M RAILWAY TIME TAIILES. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway - CICty Ticket Office. 1604 Farnnm Street. Telephone 284. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone 629. Chicago Limited Ex ft 7:35 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00am b 3:55 pm Sioux City nnd Des Moines Expreas bll:u0 nm b 3:65 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and St Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route." City Tick et Office, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone 428. Depot, Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, 629. ues Aioines anu uaven- l,nrt f.n,-nl . . n 7-flr; nm bll:35 am a 8:10 pm a 1:23 pm Chicago Express bll:15am Chicago Fast Express,. a 5 00 pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., ,-iivi;i, 1 UL-uiu mill U'nut .. 1 .on . 1 flf Des Alolnes. Rock Isl- n, u fttiu ikwuku il , pin II o;du p Colorado & Texas Flyera 7:25 pm a 5 50 p m pm a uauy. u uany except Sunday. I I, L I N O I 9 CENTRAL Rnllroad. City Ticket Of flee. 149 Farnam street. Telephone. 215. Depot, lentil nnu .Mason streets. t An A - -1 Chicago Express a 12:10 pm a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited a 7:35 pm 11 8:15 nm ......livu lUim UllU Ol. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:10 pm ...i.ii.u)nii,r uiiu oi. i-uui wmiteu a i',Jj pm a s:i& nm Kor Dodfr-f Iocnl from Co. UIuffB . b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- road Omaha. Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Tho Qu ncv Routn Ticket Of lice. 415 Fnrnam Street. Telephone, 322. Depot, Tenth anu aiarcy streets, Tele phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Bt. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5 ;05 pm a 7:55 am Kansas City und Qulucy Local ..a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm e Dally. CHICAGO NORTH western Railway "Tho jNortnwestern Line ' City Ticket Offlco, 1401 Fitrnnm Street. Tolo phonn 561. Depot, Tenth and Vinson streets, 'leie hone, (29. Leave, Arrive, lavllcht Chlciico Rne- cfal a 7:00 n in nll:30 run Chicago Passcngci a 4:16 pm al0:10 am eastern express, ues Moines, Marshalltown, Cedar llanlds and Chi cago al0:53 am a 4 05 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago nnd East a 4:55 pm a 4:03 pm Fast Mall. Chlcniro to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:00 am Fast Mall a 8:30 am FREMONT. ELKHORN & .Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Lino General Offices, United states National BK. Uldg,, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket uuice, uui f arnam St. 'ioiopnone mi. jjc pot, 15th and Farnam St. Telephone 1158, jjenvc, Arrive. Black Hills. Dendwend Hot Springs a 3 00 pm a 6:00 pm vvyommg, uaspar ano Douglas d 3:00 pm e05:00 pm Hastings, rora, uavid City. Superior. Geneva. Exeter und Seward b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdtgro and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am L ncoln. Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:2J am Fremont Local c 7:30 am n Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only d Dally except Suturday. Dally except Monday. CHICAQO. riT. PAUL Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line- uonerai unices. Nebraska Dlvl slon 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket O lice 1401 Fnrnam St, Telophono CGI. Depot, 16th and Webster ats. Iz-nve. Arr vc. Twin City Passenger... a 6:0) urn a 9:10 pm Omnha Passenger n n:ju am Hloux City & North emit Nebrnskn a 3:50 nm Oakland Local b 6;45 pm b 8:15 am a Dally, b uuliy except sunuay. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Ra road "Tho North western Line" General Ofllr-as. United States National Bank Building, 8. W. Coiner Twolfth und Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllco, hoi Farn'n St, Telephone J61. De pot, Tentn & .Muson rits. Telephone 629, Leave. Arrive Tln, City Express, ,,a 6:. am al0:50 pm Twin. City Limited. .a 7:20 pm a 8:15 am uiuux i-ity locui a f.w am a i :o pm a uauy. MllWA"iEEl L "" Sr. I RAH, WAV TIME TABLES. . UNION PAClFtC-'TIIK OVER land Route"-Genernl Offices, N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnatv. streets City Ticket Office. 13(i. Farnam street. Telephone. 316 Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, ww. Leave. ho Overland Limited, .a 8:20 nm he Chli ago Portland a 8:20 am Arrive, a 7:10 pm a 7:20 pm it 3:23 pm h 6:50 nm a 4:35 pm The Fast Mall a 8:50 am Tho Colorado Special... nll:3u pm hi- i-asi .Man II..1.I..A .....I Uli.t X.I...W.I-" illlll Ironisburc Express. .b 4:10 nm blJ:23 nm Stl clIU Expu-ss a 4:25 pm Grand Islur.d Local b 5:30 pm b 9:30 am unuy o uauy except eutiunys. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Offices, N. W. Comer Tenth and Farnani Sts. Ticket Office. 1501 Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele- nhitnn Leave. Arrive. incnin, iuisun and Mccook a 8:40 nm n 7:23 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln. .JVnver. Colo rado, Utah, ca I'lrt-.,!,. ,1 i.-y; ,,m II. V 1, I, .w Lincoln. BlacK inns. .Montana ,v i-ugci Hnim.i .a 4:2a pm a 3:00 pm nl0:35 ani a 10:35 am Lincoln I-ocul a 7:00 pm Lincoln I-ast .Man ...... u j;w inn Denver, Colorado, I'tnh St rnlltornin alt:3J am a Dally b Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Office, lto; Farnam St. Tel . 230. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, 123. Lenve. Arrive. Chicago Special al2:33 am Daylight express .. . a ;2j am hlcaco Vcstlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:43 nm Chicago ChlCatro ijoi-ni i-;xprcss.a iw am a 4:oo pm Limited . . .n 7:30 nm a 7:45 am rncinc J Fust Ma unction Local al0:l3 am Il a 2:45 pm a Dally KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph Council Bluffs Rnllroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Office, XM Fnrnam street. Tele phone. 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnpoti streets. Tele phone, 128. I rtn Arrive, a 6:17 pm n 6:15 am Kansas City Day Ex ...n 8:50 am Kansas Cltv Nlirht Hv . .nlO-lS nm Bt. louis i-iyer tor Bt. Joseph and St Louis. .a 4:55 pm nll:lC nm a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and T'ekct offices Southenst Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 101. Depot 15lh nnd Webster Sts. Telephone, H33. Arrive. n!2:53 pm a 5 50 am t Louis. Kansas & Neb Limited a 2:20 pm I St 1. 1'Vnnt.d n.m -i'i,i.irHii i.ociii 111 keeping Water. b 3:05 pm n 9:15 am A 11(1 111- Il IV, ll. 12,, GOOD, girl for gene'ral housework, 2 In family; no houso cleaning. 1515 Georgia Ave. C-740 21 W A B A S It RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce, 1301 Farnam Street. Telephone BPS. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Street). Telephone 629. l-ave. Arrive. .xnress .n 5:05 pm n 7:55 am St. Louis 'Cannon Ball. a Dally. CONDITION OF IRON TRADE Other Lines llo Not I-'oIIimv Hip Tumble In .steel mill Wire Prod ucf m. CLEVELAND, April 20. Tho Iron Trade Review says: The Iron trade has not been stampeded after tho Wall trcct faBlilon by tho sensational developments of last week. Tho announcement concerning tho overpro duction in wlro products and tho order (or tho closing of sonic of the American Steel & Wlro company's mills have boen fo'lowed by Bhnrp ruductlonn In the prices of that company, wire nalla being lowered SI a keg or to S2.20, I'lttHburg mill, to the Jobbing trado and 12.3,, Pittsburg to the retail trade In cnrload Iota. Tho fact that wlro and wlro nnlls had advanced moro rapidly nnd to a higher point relatively than other products accounts for a portion of the re duction. That It was calculated to be sweep ing enough to enrry with It n largo i eduction In tho price of billets In nnother consider ation. Still another Is tho fact that com petition Ih beginning to show- Itself In the wiro trade. An Ohio concern with connected rod mill, steel plant ond blast furnaees, nnd tho newly started Birmingham, Ala., plant. have between them n capacity sufficient to bo felt in a waiting market. Thus far there Is no action by tho largo steel produccrn nor nny statoniont from them Indicating the es tablishment of a new prlco for billets. Trans actions aro few and small and $32 to $32.60 Pittsburg represents tho market. Since any chango of tho steel basis will Involve Besse mer pig Iron also, further developments In finished materials may be awaited to better gauge consumption, Tho Iron trade In general has done llttlo In tho past week. Tho average buyer con sidered that n thnn of excitement and; questioning of tho outcomo was not n time to go into tho market. It Is Impotnlble ai yet to measure the effect of tho happenings In American Steel & Wlro company af fairs on other departments of the- trado. No revision Is mndo of the views of authorities In tho trado recorded Inst wcok, that con sumption Is sustained In n remarkable way considering tho general expectation of lower prices. In tho past week, with trade at a standstill In so many lines, there havo been several noteworthy transactions, Southern furnaces havo cloned export orders for 70,000 to 75,000 tons of foundry and forgo Irons 25,000 tons being taken by t,ho Tennesee company, 28.000 tons by tho Virginia Coil, Iron & Coko company, 15,000 tons by thi Gloss-Shefflcld Steel Iron company and tho balanco by tho Republican Iron & Steel ompnny for shipment from Its Pioneer furnaces. The American Steel Hoop com pany hns sold a largo lot of skclp, also, for foreign shipment. Other negotiations In rx port trado are t'nder way. whlrh aro ex pected to develop In an Important way a llttlo later. Export rail buslnera Is a strong fcaturo and there are reports of a cons'd orablo deal recently on sheet bars for ship ment abroad. W. W. Mayhew, Merton, Wis., cays: "I consider Ono Minute Cough Curo a tnoit vcni?rful medicine, quick and safe." tt Is tho only harmless remedy that gives Immodl ato results. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, whooping cough, pneu monia and all throat and lung disease. Its early use prevents consumption, Children always like It and mnthern endorse R. PENSIONS FOIUWESTEIIN VETERANS. Wnr Survivors Reniemlipred by 4h (ii-ni-rnl Government. WASHINGTON, April 26. (Special. )-The following pensions havo been granted: Issue of April 9: Nebraska: Increase Oeargo W. Hniichln, Red Cloud. J12 to Hi; Homy W. Transue, Atkinson. Slo to 112; Jackson Cusslns, Bea trice, JS to 910. Iowa: Increase Noah Goodrich. Maquo keta. 112 to 114; Georgo W. Holt. Avery, to IS; Edward R. Wnlixcr, Des Moines, 18 to 810; Lemuel G. Hoge. Wfcst Liberty. 16 to ; Richard H, Warden, OttumwnJS to $13; (special April 11), Henry Wood, Whltten, $6, Reissue Austin N. Williams. Agency, $16, Original Widows, etc. (special accrued April ID Sophia Murphy, Marengo, $8. Noted llenlnr In Tinvn. Tlio greatest healer of modern times Ii Banner Salve, for cuts, wounds, sores, piles and all skin diseases. It Is guaranteed. For sale by Mycrs-plllon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. Sutton Trial Ended. LANSING, Mich., April 26,-The trUI of Colonel Sutton abruptly ended today, when Judce Welst sustained the challcniM made, by tho defeuao and dl'charced both thn special and regular panel of Jurors, because of technical Illegalities III drawing the same. Tho trial will proceed when now talesmen have been secured. 55(1 Jill