Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Corn ii Oentir of Intcreit in Wind
Board of Trads.
Onln Sternly nt llnr Time, lint Finish
"Weak In sympathy tilth Wlnil
I'li of Corn nml
CHICAGO, April 26.-Corn was the lead
ing deal on tho Hoard of Trade today.
Helped by higher cublc and a large gen
eral demand tho market was broad und
buoyant early, but lost It Inter, closing
weak. Ufl4o under yesterday. Wheat closed
weak, 'ti4o to fio down. Oats closed Wp
Uo depressed and provisions it shade to 22'ti
6a lower.
Tho corn market opened erratically be
cause many had expected u rush of selling
orders In ploco of which some of tho In
fluential people wcro buyers. The Influences
wero the strength of Liverpool, particularly
for spot, and tho reports of delay In seed
ing, due to the rains. A broad general de
mand developed at the bturt and tho price
went up on the Jump, longs, shorts and
traders huylnir ns If there was nothing in
the world worth having cuve corn. At the
top tho demand slackened and In proportion
thn onerlngs Increased. The cash huslnc.M
was poor and New York reported only ten
loads taken for cxport-a poor showing In
comparison with recent export business.
Under theso conditions the market pro
ceeded to relinquish Its early gains and tho
result was a weak close. May ranged from
40,o to 39c and closed V.c down at 39'Ac:
July from 4U4c to 40ic closing Ufi-V de
pressed at WAQWiv. Receipts hero wcro
14$ cars. Trade early was characterized by
great activity, hut tho latter part of tho
pension tho animation was much less
marked. . , ,.
In tho wheat pit at the opening disap
pointment was felt at the cables, which
did not reflect the advance hero yesterday.
In addition this the weather was reported
perfect and tho crop prospects excellent.
With theso facts In mind tho beginning of
trade saw tho market easy and depressed.
Tho corn strength, however, was felt al
most Immediately and tinder that Influenco
wheat milled, shorts covering freely. Tho
cash biiMness was very slack ond the ' trade
In futures most of the time quiet. Ith tho
talent bearish tho break In corn was readily
followed, early buyers selling out. Dip
clno was woak. May ranged from 6i,'io to
fiVo anil closed W&v down nt 7W.V4';
July opened nt 07e to 67'fce, advanced to
67o and declined to 67e. closing at that fig
ure, -o under yesterday. New ork re
ported JO loads taken for export anil 2t.000
bushels wcro sold here to go to the other
side. Atlantlo port clearances In wheat and
flour wero equal to 331.000 bushels. Primary
receipts wero 11,000 bushels, compared with
ir.,oniUiUKhols last year. Minneapolis and
Dululh reported 370 cars, against 2j7 ast
week and 331 a year ago. Ixk-uI receipts
wero 37 cars, none of contract grade.
Oata wero steady at ono time, but finished
weak In sympathy with the wind-up In
corn mid wheat. Kven at tho periods of tho
greatest strength in corn and wheat this
market responded very heavily. Tho cash
demand was reported poor and the gooil
weather had a depressing effect generally.
T,oc,il recclids were 132 cars. May ranged
from 23V4" to 23'.Vi23Vio and closed 'kfiV.c
under yesterday at 2.1'Mt23Vic; July sold
from StTio to s.WMjSSVio and closed '.ifl'.ic
down nt 23Hfi23V4c.
Lard was tho main Item In the pro
visions market. There was a big trade and
tho tono was firm. The range, however,
was narrow. Commission houses wero
good buyers and tho general demand was
good. Iard was the most sought-after
nrtlele. July pork sold from J12.97V4 to
J12.S0, closing 24fBc lower at JI2.S5; July
lard from J7.37!4 to $7.2fi. closing a shado
lower at J7.251i 7.27(4, and July ribs from
$7.15 to $7.0.,. with the closo a shado de
pressed at $7.07'4. ,,,, .
Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, .J)
cars; corn, 20G cars; oats, 130 cars; hogs,
C1.OO0 head.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open.j IHgh.l l,ow. I Close.l Yes'y.
'Wheat I.,.
April iTs
Mav fiSViW 66U fiWi IBW Vt !
July fV.W' 67H 7 67 07-i
Sept. 6SUf', CS CS CSTi
April S94 30t4!4
'May 3MMM0 A0 30 39U 39"t
July 40U-1H 41V4 401,4 lOHf?-, 4075
Scpt. -12 HtfOTi
May" 23'; 23'i234f?U231,'i I"'1;
July 2S?i1iife 23'4 23"4Wi
Sept. 227J 2374 22'i 2214 227i
May 12 73 12 SO 12 70 12 70 12 721i
July 12 8714 12 90 12 8", 12 S5 12 90 '
May 7 2214 7 30 7 2214 1 2214 7 15
Jlllv 7 25 7 35 7 2.5 7 27'4 7 2S
Sept. 7 30 7 3714 7 23 7 23 7 2714
Itlbs I
May 7 05 7 0T 7 0214 " W 7 05
Jlllv 7 0714 7 15 7 05 7 07", 7 10
Sept, 7 0714 7 10 7 02Va 7 03 7 0214
""lour. bbls.
Wheat, 'bu,
Corn, bu. ..
Oats, bu. ...
ltye. bu
(Barley, bu.
-12150. paiket. $ll.(Vffl2f0. city, extra India
mrs. Jl8.50fi22 00. cut meats, quiet, pickled
bellies, i'yfjS'ic; pickled shoulders, 7ci
trickled hams. luVjftllc. Lnrd, flrmi
western steamed, J7.66, April closed, $7.46,
nominal ; refined, weaker: continent, Ji.Soi
H. A., JS25; compound, 6ic Pork, strong!
family, Jlt.MfrlS.OO; short clear. JH.0OU15.5');
mess, J13.25TI 13.75. Tallow, firm; city, 5c;
country, B"il5l4c.
POTATOES Steady: Jerseys, J1.2SS1.60;
New York, J1.37'jl.75: Long Island, $1.60;
Jersey sweets, JJ.75ff3.2G.
MOLAHSES-Stoady; open kettle, good to
choice, 44'(55c. ... .
PEANl'TS-Stcndy: fancy handplckcd,
3"f?4c; other domestic, 3ij3l4C.
FREIGHTS-To Liverpool,- quiet; grain,
by steam, 3'4d.
BCTTER-Rccclpts, 3,317 pkgs.; firmer;
western creamery, lS'.iglSc; factory, 133
ClIEESE-Rccclpts, f!,239 pkgs.; steady;
fancy, large, white, 1114c; fancy, large,
colored, 11$ lltie.
EGGS Receipts, 15,297 pkgs.; steady;
storage, western, at mark, 12if?I3c ;
regular packing, at mark, 1231214c; south
ern, at mark, llfl2',ic.
SIETALS-Trarilng In tho market for
metals was not very active. The under
tone, however, continues generally weak,
owing to tho unfavorable cables and tho
overproduction of Iron. Tin In London wns
10s lower, this, together with the falling
off In consumption, causing prices here to
ease off materially. Tho close wns weak
nt $29..VJi29.75. Lake copper, while 6s lower
abroad, hold dull but steady here nt fully
sustained prices, closing at $17.00. Pig Iron
warrants continue weak and nominal,
closing at $13.60. Northern No. 1 foundry
was quoted at $21,00723.00, nominal. Lead
continues dull and nominally unchanged,
on tho basis of $(.15714 bid nnd $1.7214 nsked.
Spelter ruled weak and a shade lower
on account of heavy receipts, closing weak
at $1.63 bid and $l.(!0 asked. The brokers'
price tor lead was $I.4j and for copper
tl7 23.
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Firm; winter patents J3.6OJi3.70;
straights, $2.9533.40; clears, $2.7033.20; spring
specials, J3.Sfifi3.ti0; patents, $3.103.10;
Straights. J2.6O53O0; bakers. 12.0052.43.
WHEAT No. 2 red. SSlifj 70A.c.
CO UNNo, 2, SOlyti lOTsc; No. 2 yellow,
OATS-No. 2. 2l7fl25c: No. 2 white, 27U
2S'4o; No. 3 white. 2788',4c.
UYIC-No. 2. 5114c-
HAKLHY No. 2, 401451 He.
SHI0I)S No. 1 flaxseed and northwest,
$1 73. iPrlmo timothy, $2.33. Clover, con
tract crude $7.
PHOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl $11.7531
12.K0. Ijird, lor 100 lbs., $7,107(7.23. Short
ribs sides (looso), $.93(fi7.20. Dry baited
Miouldcru (boxed). $ii.7537.00; nhort clear
aide (boxed), $7.fiO37.0.
WHISKY-Dlstlllers' finished goods, on
hauls high wines, per gal.,.$1.25'4.
SHOAIIS-Unchanged; cut loaf, $8.00;
granulated, $5.44.
Following aro the receipts and shipments
for toaay:
Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
25,000 1I.0CO ifi9,rio
211.010 M.OO0
9,0OO 237,000
7,000 1,(100
31,000 9,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was firm; creameries, 13!4ft17!4c.
dairies. I214WIS1SC. Cheese, firm, 10312c.
Kggs, firm; fresh, 10e.
m:v Ytmic (;i:m:hai, mahkkt.
(liiotntlmiK fur (lie Day on Ynrloim
NKW YOIUC, April 2fi.-FLOCn-nc-celpts,
14,313 bbls.; exports, 12,5ii2 bbls.;
without featuro apart from steadiness;
SUnnesola patents, $3.70fi3.90; winter ex
tras, $2.t!032.K6; winter patents. $3.7033.90;
winter straights, $3.2333.60; winter low
grades, $2.2532.40; Minnesota bakers, $2.S3
3.00. Hy.c flour, dull; fair to good, $2,903;
3.15; choice to fancy, $3.20J3.50.
COHNMKAl-Steady; yellow western,
67e; .city. c; lirondywlne. $2 25iji2.33.
UYK-Stcady; No. 2 western, (Wjc, f. o.
b., alloat; state. 60c, c. I. f . New York, car
lots. I3ARLKY Dull; feeding. 1114313c, New
York; malting, 6036IU', Now York.
TIAHLKY MALT Dull; western, 5)305c.
WHHAT HecclptB. 42,501 bu.; exports,
11,740 bu.; spot weak; No. 2 red. "So, f. o.
li afloat; No. 2 red, 75c, elevator; No.
1 northern, Dulnth, "v, f. o. b.. alloat,
to arrive; No. 1 hard. Duluth, 77e. f. o.
b., afloat. Options, after opening a trlllo
easy this morning becauso of lino crop
pews and unsatisfactory cables, Hrmed
up sharply with corn. Scalpers covered
and upheld tho market until after noon,
when realizing ensued and prompted a
setback, helped by disappointing export
business; closed weak nt a3'4c net de
cllno; July closed at 7314c; September, 73?i
074'4c, closed at 73Jic
COUN Hccelpts, 33,160 bu.; exports, 211.
"02 bu,; spot linn : No. 2, 4o, f. o. !., alloat,
and 4ti!jc, elovator. Option market was
strong early In the day on wet weather
west and Influential buying, but finally
yielded to realizing sales and small ex
port trade; closed weak at IWfVc net de
cline! Muv 45U3l51f,c, closed at 45Ue; July,
4M;s4ii!j0, closed at I34c; September, 4G4
Cf4i!!ic. closed at Iti'ie.
OATS Hecelpts, 70.SW bu.! exports. 129.
S32 bu.; spot sternly; No. '2, 2Sc; No. 3,
27!,c; No, 2 white, 29'ft30c; No. 3 white,
29o; track, western, 27'4o; track, white,
27;c. Options dull, closing 'to lower; No. 2
whlto oats, Muy closed at 29c.
HAY Steady; shipping, t5376o; good to
choice. S0fi!0c.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice,
1S96 crop. 335c; IS99 crop, ,uhi13o: Pacific
coast. 1S96 crop, 333o; 1S99 crop. 10313c.
HIDKS-Steady. llalveston. 20 to 23 lbs.,
IDlic: California, 21 to 23 lbs., 214c; Texas
dry. 21 to 30 lbs., 15c.
LKATHKH Firm; hemlock sole, nucnos
Ayres, light to heavyweights, 2532514c; ncld,
Conillllon of Trade nml Qnntntlona on
Maple nnd Fniicy I'roilnce,
EOOS-Ilccclpts, liberal; fresh stock,
LIVE POULTrtY-IIcns. SlJc; roosters,
according to ngo and size, 537c; ducks, 714oj
geese, 714c; turkeys, Sc.
UUTTKIt-Common to fair 10311c; choice
14313c; separator, 20c; gathered creamery,
lift lie.
OYSTIJnS-Medlum, per can. ISc; stand
ard, per can, 22c; bulk standard, per gal
lon, $1.23; extra selects, per can, 30c; extra
selc"ts, per gal., $l.G0tfft.76; New York
counts, per can, 37c; Now York counts,
per 100. $1.25.
PIO ICONS Live, per doz., $1.
VKA LS-Cholee. Sftlbc.
HAY Per carload' lots: Vpland. choice,
JC.50; midland choice, $5.60: lowland, choice,
$5; ryo straw, choice. $3; No. 3 corn, 3514c;
No. 3 whlto oats, 23c; cracked corn, per
ton, $14.60; corn and oats, chopped, per ton,
$15; bran, per ton, $13.50; shorts, per ton,
ASPAIIAGI'S Homo grown, per doz.,
NKW TFUNIPS-Per do- bunches, 60c.
SPINACH-Pcr box, 75c$I.
NKW HKKTS Per doz. bunches. 33340c.
LUTTirCK-Per doz. bunches, 35400.
JtADlSHKS-Homo grown, per doz., 300
. SU13D SWfiKT POTATOES rer bbl.,
$2.n0fi2.25; Kansas, eating, $3.00.
I'OTATOICS-Per bu.. choice. 25330c.
CABHAOK-Cnllfornla, per lb., 3c.
2CA.ULlFLOWEn-Callfornla. per crate,
"CKLICRY-Pcr doz., 25330c; California,
per bunch. 75c.
TI'UNIPS-Hutabagas, per lb., Hie.
TOMATOES Florida, per six-basket
crate. $l.50.r
MI'SHUOOMS-Per lb. box. 60c.
nHt'IlAUn-Per lb.. 839c.
ONIONS-Rctall, yellow, 11.1031.15; red,
STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt. case,
$3.O0iir,.5O; Louisiana, per 21-pt. case, $2.75.
APPLES Choice western shipping stock,
$5.0035.25; New York stock, $5; fancy, $5.50.
CRANHERRIES Jerseys, per bbl., $10.50;
per crate, $3.50.
PINEAPPLES-Pcr doz., $2.5003.00.
ORANGES California, fancy navels, per
box, $3.5033.75; choice navels, $3.25; Mcdlter
ronenn Sweets, per box, $3.00; Budded
KccdllncH. $2.75.
LEMONS Calif ornln, choice, per box,
$3.23; fancy, $3.60; Mcsslnas, cholco, per
box. $3.60; fancy, $4.
BANANAS Per bunch, medium, $2.00
2.50; lnrge, $2.7533.00.
HIDES-No. 1 green nldes, 7'.ic: No. 2
green hides. 6'ic; No. 1 salted hides, Sic:
No. 2 salted hides, 7Uc; No. 1 veal calf. 8
to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs.,
Nt'TS-Hlckory, large, per bu., $1.25;
shellbarks, $1.35.
HONEY Per 21-scctlon Case. $3.50.
St. I.iiiiIh (irnln nnd Provision.
ST. LOUIS. April 215. W HE AT Lower;
No. 2 red cash, elevator, 7014c; track, 72c;
April. 711,c; May, 6914c; July, 6640; No. 2
hard. fil35c.
CORN Iwcr; No. 2 cash. 3954c; track,
40ViMlc; April, 391(,e; May, 39c; July, 397ic
OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 25c; track,
2.,c: April, 23c; May, 247ic; July, 23',iB237gc;
No. 2 white, 2Sc.
RYE-Steady at 6314c.
FLOUR Dull; patents. $3.6033.60; extra
fnncv. $3.16i3.25; clear, $2.7033.00.
SKEDS-Tlmothy, steady: ordinary, $2.00
2.20. Flax, nominal at $1.70.
CORNMEAl. Steady at $1.9332.00.
HRAN Firm; sackeI, east track. 70c.
HAY - Firmer; timothy, $10.00313.00;
pralrio, $!.0O3 S.50.
WHISKY-Steady at $1.2514.
'HAGCi 1 NO 7143811c.
PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; Jobbing, old,
$13; new, $13.50. Lard, higher, prime steam,
$7.0214: choice, $7.0714. Dry salt meats
(boxed), steady; extra shorts, $7.1214; clear
ribs. $7.25: clear sides. $7.3714. Bacon
(boxed), steady; extra shorts, $7.6214; clear
rlhs. $7.75; clear sides. $7.S7',4.
METALS Iad. firm at $4".57!434.60.
Spelter, dull at $1.50.
POULTRY Firm; chlckenB, 8c; turkeys,
Gf 1 Sc ; ducks, So; geese, 335c.
EOOS Iiwer at D'-c.
MUTTER Steady; creamery, 1631814c;
dairy, 1I3HV.
HECEIPTS-Flour. 5,000 bbls,; wheat, 13,
000 bu.: com. W.OOO bu.; oats. 32.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour, 4,000 bbls.; wheat,
7,000 bu.; corn, SO.OOO bu.; oats, 15,000 bu.
K 11 11 mix City (ruin and Provisions.
KANSAS CITY, April 26. WI I EAT May,
fillic; July, 62c; cash. No. 2 hard, 6333!4c;
No. 3. 6062!4c; No. 2 red, 6SH69c; No. 3,
CORN No. 2 mixed, 3Sc; cash, No. 2
white, 3M,io; No. 3, 3Sc; May, 37',;c; July,
OATS-No. 2 white, 2i)!4327c.
It YE No. 2 S4r,
HAY-Cholee timothy, $10.00310.60; choice,
prairie. $7.603 7.73.
ltUTTER-Creamery, 16318c; dairy. 15c.
KOCiS Steady; Kansas and Missouri
stock, 10c dozen coses returned; new white
wood eases Included, 10y.c.
HECEIPTS-Wheat, 19.SO0 bu.; corn, 7,100
bu.; oats, 5.000 bu.
SI 1 1 I'M ENTS When t, 22,800 bu.; com,
11,000 'bu.; oats, 3,000 bu.
1,1 verpool (i nil 11 nml Provisions,
steady; No. 1 California, 6s4d36s414d; No.
1 northern, spring. 5s lid. Futures, quiet;
April, nominal', May, 5s9id; July, 5s Sld.
OORN-Spot. firm: AmtTlean mixed, new,
Is2-Vl. Futures, quiet; May, 4sl?;dj July,
4s7id: Seiitembcr. 4s Hid.
PROVISIONS-Lard, American refined, In
palls, steady at 39s; prime western, In
tierces, steady nt 37s 3d. Bacon, short ribs
dull at 43s 0d. Tallow, Australian, In Lon
don, steady at 2Ss.
Toledo Mnrket.
TOLEDO, April 2t!.-WHEAT-Dull and
lower; No. 2 cash. 727io; May. 72Hc.
CORN-Flrm and higher; No. 2 cash,
OATS Dull and unchanged; No. 2 cash,
RYE Firm nnd higher: No. 2 cash, 5Sc.
CI.OVERSEED-Dull but higher; cash,
prlmo old, $1.70; prime new and April, $5.00
bid; October, $3.00 bid.
66i;e; July, 67Se; September, 67c; No. 2
northern, tM'c. No. 3 spring, 61'4c.
1, niter Pnrl ml .Session Mnrkcil by n
Oetennlneil Mine,
NEW YORK. April 2.-The stock mar
ket developed on Impressive show of
strength during the latter part of today.
Tho principal Influence In tho rise was a
resumption of the upward movement In
Pennsylvania and Baltimore i Ohio stock,
Tho recent reaction In these stocks has
been accompanied by rumors that Im
portant speculative Interests, which had
been prominent In the advance, had sold
out and taken their profits. Toe news of
the very heavy outlays In prospect for
permanent betterment and Increased ship
ments awakened some apprehension of divi
dend Increases being Indefinitely post
poned not only on Pennsylvania stock, but
on Baltimore & Ohio and many others
which have been subject to rumors of In
creased dividends, but today the report of
a probable Increase In the Pennsylvania
dividend rate took form again and was
circulated with great expllcltness.
Bids were made on tho board for tho
next semi-annual dividend on Pennsylvania
on thousands of shares of stock, 2i per
cent, compared with 21 per cent, the Inst
rate. The meeting of the directors for tho
purpose of fixing the dividend rate is fixed
lor 'luesday next. Ttiese reports In regard 1
to Pennsylvania Hind the most Indirect In- '
fluenco In Baltimore ft Ohio stocks, next to
Pennsylvania Itself, but the whole railroad
list responded In varying degree to the In- I
fluenco of this movement. Thee pools,
whoso operations for n rise were Inter- '
riltnH hv' Ihn etstAl nn,l nl,n nnlimla rn.
sumed their operations to some extent.
This wns notnbly true of the Oould South
western group, which nre subjects of teem
ing rumors of prospective combination! or
consolidations. The determined firmness of
Sugar and Its buoyant upturn later had a
sympathetic effect on the market. Tho
movement Is still attributed to the demand
from tho shorts, but tho many assertions
of favorable developments In the trade war
muy havo had their effect.
A number of unusually favorable railroad
statements also had a strengthening effect
on tho market. Increases In net earnings
ror .Maren wero reported by the Atchison, ,
Topekn, R- Santa Fe of 63 per cent: by tho
Hocking Valley railway of 105 per cent, and ,
by the Central of Georgia of 30 per cent. 1
Returns of gross earnings for the third
week of April were nlso uniformly favor
able. Theso factors of strength caused
growing uneasiness among the rather un- 1
wielily snopt interest and the demnnd from
that clement nnd no small part In the rally
In the market. Tho unsteadiness of the
sterling exchange market today gavo
srouiul for renewed doubt as to the con
tinuance for the present of the gold export
movement. The strong return of the Bank
of England for tho week, as well as that of
tho Imperial Bank of Germany, had somo
effect on tho exchange market. The sub
treasury's debit balance at the clearing
house showed a further decline today, fall
ing to $300,119, compared with the recent
averago of over $1,000,000. If this replenish
ment to the money market Is cut off It may
servo to prevent the outwnrd flow of gold.
Tho bond market showed Increasing nc
tlvlty nnd strength today. Total sales, par
value, $2.3:o,000. United States bonds wcro
unchanged In bid quotations.
Tho Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says: Tho markets
wcro quiet today, but there was more In
vestment business. The bank return
caused a firmer tone, although tho close
wns rather unsettled. Americans wore a
fractional harder and loans touched 1 pre
mium on strong buying, closing nt 1 3-16.
Americans worn higher, despite the nb
senco of continental support. New York
responded nnd the close wns near the top.
Tho features wero Baltimore & Ohio and
Wabash bonds, tho latter on New York In
quiry. Coppers were again wanted nt a
quarter rlso on bear closing. Tho bank lost
70,000 sold to South America and bought
30.000 in German coin. The fall In sterling
exchange reduced the talk of American
exports, but It Is reported that gold Is
going out soon from Iondon to Paris. Call
money was firm nt unchanged rates nnd
bills wero harder and fewer were offering.
The bank renewed the few sums due. nnd
also lent slightly, besides doing a moderato
business In discounts. Tho bank return
shows a rlso of 2,500.000 In public deposits,
merely representing hankers holding back
funds for the end of tho month nnd tbn war
Moan call of 10 per cent on Thursday.
rne following are. tne closing prices on
tho New York Stock exchange today:
613; balances. $566,911. Money, 437 per cent.
New York exchange, 15e discount bid, par
NEW YORK, April 2.-C!earlngs, $1S8.
tXK.728; bnlunces. $S,KH,126.
BOSTON. April 26.ClenrlnBS, $19,974,33;
balances, $1,914, 200.
Boston Stock Quotations,
BOSTON, April 26.-Call loans, 3'434'A per
cent; time loans, 435 per cent. Official
A . t. & h r
do pfil
Amor. Siisiir
do pfd
Roll Telephone ....
Boston & Albany...
Huston Klevated ..
Boston & Maine...
l, B Q
txiilnlon Coal ....
dn pfil
Federal Steel
do pfd
Fltchhurg pfd
(leneral Bleetric ..
I'M. Bleotrlc III...
Mexican Central .
N. 12 O. & C
Old Colony
OH Dominion
Union Pacific
. 27
. 7I
. 4Hi,
, 41V
, 71 I
. 13S
. IS',
, 33
West Unrt
West. Klectrlc ...
Atchison 4s
N. K. O (c V. 5s..
Allouez M. Co
Amur Copper
A Untitle
Boston ft Mont
ltutte & Boston....
Cnlumrt Sc Becla.
Santa re Cooper...
Utah Mlnlne
. 93
, 6S'
. 23
, 40
Oornfid Sttori Qinenllj Sell at About
Steady Fricei.
London .Stock Quotations,
LONDON, April 26,-t p. m.-ClosIng:
Cons , money
00 acct
Canadian Pacific
do 1st pfd....
Illinois Cenirsl ..
t'nlon pa Iflo pM
.100 11-18 Pennsylvania TO
KO'i Heading 9U
9? No Pacific pfd -K
IJ'j Atehlson Wi
40', IMilsvllle SCi
1i;i ! Trunk S
77 Anaconda 10'i
Paul, common.. iri't Band Mines 37
Y. Central HT;
BAH SILVEB-Stcady nt 27 7-1 fid per
MONEY I per cent.
Tho rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is. 4 per cent and for three
months1 bills 41t4'i, per cent.
Nimv York MlnliiK (Imitations.
NEW YOUK, April 26.-The following
aro closing quotations for mining shares
Crown Point
Con t'nl ft Vn...
Mould Pnrrle..
Hale & Norrosj.
Iron Silver
do pfd
Baltimore & Ohio.
Canadian Pacific .
Canada (Southern .
Ches. & Ohio..
Chicago Gt. W
C. B. it Q
Chicago, I, & I....
do pfd
Chicago ft. K. I....
Chicago ft N. W..
C, n. I. ft P
C. C. C. ft St. I,.
Colo. Southern ....
do 1st pfd
do 2d Pfd
Del. ft Hudson
Pel. U ft W
Ienver & nio 11...
do pfd
do Lit pfd
Oreat Nor. pfd
Hocking Coal
Hocking Valley ..
Illinois Central ...
Iowa Central
do pfd
K. C. P. ft a
I,, K. & W
do pfd
Lake Fhore
Iouls. ft Nash
Manhattan I,
Met. St. ny
Mexican Central ,.
Minn. & St. L.
do pfd
Mo. Pacific
Mohlle & Ohio
Mis., K. ft T
do pfd
N. .1. Central
N". Y. Central
Nor, ft West
do pfd
No, raclfle
do pfd
Ontario ft West...
Ore. Ity. ft Nav...
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
nio O. West
do pfd
Pt. I., ft S, r
do 1st prd
do 2d pfd
Ft. U S. W
do pfd
St. Taul
do pfd
fit. P. ft Oinaha...
Po. Pacific
Go, Hallway
do pfd
Teias & Pacific...
. WJ.Unlon Pacin- :.;;
. 71',; I do pfd 75H
. s:'4 Wabash c;
. tSH do pfd 23J;
. r,s w, ft i,. n 101;
.31 do 2d pfd
. 13'i tVK Central 174
.127 Third Avenue ifwj
. Ill- Adams Kx 120
. 87' i American Kxpress..l4st
.10414 IT. S. Knpress n
.163 Wclls-Pai-go Vx 12.1
.109'i Am. Cot. Oil 35'i
. 6IN do pfd 515
, C's Amer. Mailing .... 4
. 42 do pfd ;ii;
. 16',j Amer. S. ft R 3
.1ir do pfd tnn
.171'J American Spirits... 2'4
.20' do pfd 17
. 7U4 Amer. a H 27
. 13'4 do pfd 75
. 10 Amer. K. f- W n;
.1.17'i do pfd 79i;
. li'i American Tin Plate 2'K
40'i do pfd 71
.Ui'iAnier. Tobacco Itos;
. 17'4 do pfd 133
. tl'.j Anaconda M. Co 4Hi
. 1? Brk. Bap. Tr 73
. 33 Colorado P. ft I.... 4Vi
. 93 Con. Tebaceo 30'i
.20il do pfd Sli
. S3?; Federal Steel ?4
. 93'J do pfd 71
,1M',4 Oeneral Klectrlc ..137;
. 13?; Olueose Sugar (!SJ
. M!4 do pfd
. 93 Int'n'l Taper ?.1V,
. 57'i do pfd fiSH
. 44 T.aelede Oa 71'4
. 11'; National Biscuit ... 33;
. do pfd M
.119'; National Iad 22H
.KVi do pfd 101
. 31(4 National Steel 33s;
.79 I do pfd 90
. 6; N. Y. Air Brake. ,.12";
. "fili No. American IS
. 2354 Pacific Coast MiJ
. 42 I do 1st pfd 83
. 71 I do 2d pfd lit
.13.1i Pacific Mall 3"'A
. 19 People1. Oas 103'i
. W; Pressed Steel Car.. 47
. 31V4 do pfd 1H
. M Pullman Pal. Car.. 18714
. "2 Standard B, & T. . H
. Sugar us
. W do pfd Ill
. 3314 Tcnn. C. ft I w;
. 12VU. R. Iather 11'4
. 31!; do pfd TO'i
. 12014. U, a (Buhner 331,4
.173 do pfd 97
.111 IWestem 1'nlnn .... 8t;
. 37 Republic I ft S.... 1S'4
. 13 do pfd Mi
. SSi; P. C. C. ft St. I.. . . 63
. 19'i
Nw York Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK. April 2l.-MONEY-On call,
steady at 2fi2'i per cent; lust loan, nt 2',i per
cent; prime mercantile pnner. 45T per cent.
STEUMNO EXCHANOE-rnsteady, with
actual business In bnnkers' bills nt I4.SXR
4.SS',; for demand and at $4.S4'iff I.SIH for
sixty days; posted rates. $1.65fI.S3H and
JI.R!r4.R9H; commercial bills, $l.?3i,4.S4.
SIIA'ER. - Certltlcates, 63?iQ60Vc; bar,
OMie; Mexican dollars, 47ic.
BONDS Govt rnment, steady; state, Innc
tlve; railroad, strong.
Tho closing prices on bonds today were
as follows:
domestic fleece, 25ff2Sc;
Texas. lMlSo.
COA1. Quiet but firm.
rnoVIBIONS-Bcef. steady: family, JI2.M
QillWi ipeia, JlO.OOiilQ.W, Uucf haras, J20.50
Mlnnenpolls AVIieut nml Flour.
store: No. 1 northern, April, G4Tc; May,
fi:lJ4f?tWTie; July, fioHff ffiHc ; September, ClUc.
On track: No. 1 hard, C6?c No. I north
ern, i)lTc; No. 2 northern, r.1e.
FUOUR-Klrst patents. .50; second pat
ents. fci.DO; llrst clears, 32.50; second clears,
BUAN-ln bulk, J11.0WU.23.
Illtriinkep (J ml 11 .llnrket,
MIMVAl'KEE. April 20. - WHEAT -Steady:
No. 1 onrthcrn, ti7',4c; No. 2 north
ern, 66c.
RYE-Stendv; No. I. 5Sc.
HA HI, KY Dull; No. 2, 4:il3c; sample,
I'lillndclnliln I'rmliii'c .Mnrket,
I'lIII.AOKLl'IIIA. April 2'1,-nUTTEn-Klrm
and He higher; fancy western cream
cry, lSUc; fancy western prints, 20c.
HOGS-Steady; fresh nearbv. 1212'lc:
fresh western, 121jc; fresh southwestern,
j;'Sc; iresn soutnern, iiii'ou'c,
Duluth Cm In Mnrket.
Dt'M'TH. April 2. WHEAT -No. 1 hard,
cssh. t'c. Mnv. (WWc. Julv. rtSSc. fientem.
4br, 6Sc, No, 1 nQrthern, cash, 66Uc; May,
U, S. 2s, reg
do ref
do 3a, reg
do coupon
do new 4s, reg..
do coupon
do old 4s, reg
do coupon
do 5s, reg
do coupon
p.. of C. 3. 63s....
Atch. gen. 4s
do adj. 4s
Canada So, 2s
C ft O. 4VS
do rs
C. ft N. W. c. 7s..
do S. P. deb. !s
Chicago Ter. 4s
i. & n. o. is
do 4
n t. v. & o. is.
Krle gen. 4s
p. v. & n. c is.
(Sen. Klectrlc 6a...
O. H. ft 8. A. a.
do 2a
H tt T. C. b
do consol Ci
la. Central is
K. C. P. & O, U...
li. new con. 4s...
I,. & & unl. 4s
51.. K. 4 T. 2s....
do 4s
When Issued,
99'4 N. Y. Central Is..
.102'4N. J. C. gen. 5s..
.li4 No Carolina 63...,
, (IO IS
133 No. Pacific 3s
121 I do 4a
.lit 'N V.C. K. St. I, 4s
1H N. & W. con. 1s...
.112 1 do gen. Cs
.113'iOro Nav. is
1:1 1 do 4s
,10Oi O. 8. U. 6s
Sl' do con 5s
,107'i Hcidlng gen 4s...
, M'4 Rio a V. Is
.120St. I,, ft I. M. c. 3s
11"' St I,. & S. P. g. 6s
123 St. Paul consols...
. 93 Wt. P. ('. & ! 1.
.104S do 5s
. 99', So. Railway Ss
.102'4 Stand. It. & T. Ca,
. "Hi Tenn. rt . 3s
. 72') Tex. ft Paelne Is,
.120',, do 2a
107 l'nlon Pacific 4a..
.110 Wabash Is
.111V do 2b
.110 "',t ore 4i....
.H3'i Wis. Central Is..
. 73 Va. Centuries ....
torn; do deferred ....
100 Colo. So. 4s
70 Bo. raclfle 4
. D7,
. 71',5
. 934
. CO
. 93
. 91'i
. S
. 83
. tz.
I'liinnt'liil .Votes.
CHICAGO, April 2S.-Clearlngs, J22.3.V!,.
9!C: balances, 12,181.399. Posted exchange,
f4.e5titj4.SD1,-. New York exchnnge, 23c dls.
PHILADELPHIA, April 26.-Clearlngs,
J17.672.194: balances, tt.nil,0.
BALTIMORE. April 26,-Clearlngs, ,4.047,
4W: balances. J60O.55S,
ST. LOUIS, April 6.-Clearlng, P,3,.
.. 20
.. 12
. 10
. . f-i
.. 20
,. 30
.. 61
.. 20
'lymow.h ....
)ulcksllver ...
do pfd
sierra Nevada
t'nlon Con
Yellow Jacket
... 30
... IS
.. 7b0
... M
... .".9
... 18
... 1?
I'orelitn I'ltiiiiiclnl.
LONDON. April 2rt.-The weekly state
ment of the Bank of England shows tho
following chipiges: Total reserve, Increase,
1,015,000: circulation, decrease, .C23.1,Oft0;
bullion, Increase. 7,"2,531: other securities,
Increase, .CISi.OMi; other deposits, Increase,
2,ISI,000: public deposits, decrease, 721,
0C0: uote.H reerve, Increase, 1,032,000; gov
ernment securities, Increase, 2.12,000. Tho
proportion of the Bank of England's re
serve to liability Is 12.75 per cent. Iist
week It was 12.12 per cent. Bate of dis
count unchanged at I per cent. American
securities opened above parity level nnd
held tho advance all day. Trading was
light and limited to professionals. Tho
final tono was steady. Tho amount of bul
lion withdrawn from the Bank of England
on bnlunco today was 40,000. Spanish 4s.
72Vj. Gold premiums are quoted as follows:
luienos Ayres. rji.uo; .Madrid, 27.20; Lisbon,
I3.S0: Home, ti.OOU.
BERLIN. Anrll 2fi.-The weekly state
ment of the Imperial Bank of Germany
shows tho following changes: Cash In
hand, Increase 49,30,000 marks; treasury
notes. Increase. 1,920.000 marks; other se
curities, decrease, 52,760,000 marks; notes in
circulation, decrease, 41,620,000 mnrks. On
the bourse today mine shares recovered on
moro favorable American advices. Inter
national securities were steady and banka
wero dull. Americans nnd Canadian Pa
cifies wero cnslcr. Exchange on London,
20m 52 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates,
short hills. 1 per cent; three months' bills,
4' per cent.
PARIS. April 26. Irregularity prevailed
almost throughout the session on tho bourso
today owing to the approach of option day
and was felt among International securi
ties. Rentes and Spanish Is relapsed on
realizations. Italians nnd Brazilians recov
ered. Ottoman bank shares wero llrm.
Rio tlntos wero speedily carried upward
by largo bear covering, hut toward the end
they wero reoffered and declined. Kaffirs
wcro strong at llrst. but afterward reacted
slightly on the report that tho Boers had
escaped from Lord Roberts' troops, Three
ror cent rentes. lOOf&Oo for tho account.
Exchange on London, 25f JSVfec for checks.
Spanish 4s, 73.65.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. April 26.-Today's state
mcnt of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of tho J150.CO0.000 gold
reservo In the division of redemntion.
shows: Available cash balunce, J145,7S5,435;
Hum, 3V,.t,l'JJ.
Cotton Mnrket.
1lrth and steady: American middling, 5?d;
goon miuiuiiig, uvju: minuung, hv-iBo; good
ordinary, 3 1-16d: ordinary, fid. The sales of
tho day wero 7.0CO bales, of which 500 were
for speculation nnd export nnd included
6.K00 American: receipts, lli.OOO bales. In
cluding 7,000 American. Futures opened
qui U but steady and closed steady: Ameri
can middling. 1. m c. April. 5 20-6405 2I-04d,
buyers; April and May, 517-6id. (.oilers;
May and June. 5 11-6IJ5 15-64d. sellers: Juno
nnd July, C 12-Gld. sellers; July and Au
gust, 6 0-64 R5 10-nid. sellers: August and
September. 5 S-GIIJ6 11-fi4d. sellers; Septem
ber and October. 1 4i-6ld, sellers: October
and November, 433-6ld, sellers; November
and December. 1 27-6lff l 2S-64d, sellers; De
cember and January, 1 25-64W4 26-61d, sell
ers: Janunry and February, 4 23-6104 21-64d,
NEW ORLEANS. April 26. - COTTON -Steady;
sales, 2.P00 bales; ordinary, 8 3-16c;
good ordinary, Sll-16c; low middling, 0V4o;
middling. 5e: cood mlddllnir nn.ifio; mh.
dllng fair. 0 13-lfic; receipts, RSI bales; stock
1S3.719 bales. Futures, steady; April, J9.24
bid; May and June, J!f.27M.2S; July, a).25ifB
1.26; August, $9.O21i0.O3; September. tS.31fi
8.32; October. $7.96i7.97; November nnd De
cember. J7.82fi7.Sl; January, J7.8.VS7.S5.
ST. LOUIS, April 26. - COTTON - Un
changed; no sales; middling, fl?;c; receipts,
2;l bales; shipments, 1,119 bales; stock.
51,606 bales.
Wool Mnrket,
LONDON, April 26.-WOOL-A salo of
sheepskins wns held hero today and 3,262
bales wero offered. Tho attendance was
good and a large proportion of the offer
ings wns sold. Merino combing realized ,i
to (!, merino closing 'id and cross breeds
'id to Viil lower than tho last sale. Tho fol
lowing is tho salo In detail: Nov South
Wales. CS bales;' clothing and combing, 3fi)
74d. Victoria, 391 bales; clothing nnd
combing, aiiiftSd. South Australia. 675
bnlcs; clothing nnd combing, 3Viifi8fjd. West
Australia, 671 bales; clothing and combing.
48l3Sid. Tasmania. 120 bales; clothing nnd
combing, 2TfiSd. New Zealand, 733 bales;
clothlns nnd combing. 2T8i?SJd. Punta
Arenas, 501 bales; clothing and combing,
3f?7'd. Capo of Good Hope and Natal, 45
bales; clothing and combing, 5i;OT.4d.
Buenos Ayres, 23 bales; clothing and comb
Ing, 3iG7',id.
CofTr Mnrket,
NEW YORK, April 26.-COFFEE-Spot,
Rio, steadv; No. 7 Invoice, 77ic; mild, quiet;
Cordova. 9',4fri3c. The market for coffee fu
tures opened steady at 6fil0 points decline
and ruled netlvo hut weak under liquida
tion, lncreablng the decline to 10f(15 points,
after which tho downward tendency was
arrested by shorts taking profits. The
weakness was caused chielly by lower ca
ble's, largo receipts and slnck spot demand,
offsetting tho bullish effect and heavy
warehouse deliveries In this country, Tho
market Insert steady, with prices 5fil5
points net lower. Total sales reached 33,500
bags, Including May and June, J6.70; Julv,
J6.75; August, J6.S0fJ6.fy5; September, J6.S3;
November, 6.95; December. J7.15fj7.20.
Dry (ionds Mill-lift.
NEW YORK, ii.rll 26.-DUY GOODS
Thero was no Improvement In the genernl
demand today and business continues mnall
In all de;virtr"ents. There Is wenkness In
leading lines of Mnplo cottons, but nutsldo
of theso prices are Irregular. Prints are
dull througnout and fancies Irregular.
Ginghams steady. Print cloths continue
neglected nnd prices nominal. Cotton lin
ings of all descriptions continue dull. Largo
auction salo of silk today was well at
tended, but competition quiet and prices
realized Irregular and generally low. About
6.000 cartons sold.
OH .Mnrket.
OIL CITY. Pa., April 26.-Credlt bnl
nnces, J1.17; certificates, no bids; shipments,
105.6S9 bbls.; averuge, 90.S71 bbls.; runs, 117,
971 bbls.; nverage, S9.671 bbls.
LIVERPOOL, April 26. -Ol LS-Cntton-seed.
Hull retlncd, Slay and August, dull,
23i'. Turpentine fplrlls. steady. 42s 6d.
NEW YORK, April 26.-OILS-Cotton-seed,
quiet; prime crude, 35c; prime yellow,
3Sc Petroleum, quiet. Hosln, steady;
strained, common to good, Jl.fiO.
LONDON. April ;8.-OIUS-Llnsecd, 20s 6d.
Turpentine spirits, 41s.
Cnllfornln Dried I'rulls.
DRIED FRl'lTS Ruled dull but steady at
unchanged prices, The market for evapo
rated apples continues to hold steady In
the nbsonco of sellers at fully sustained
prices; state common, 4lVffo, prime, J4iEf
6c: choice, "tf"Vc: fancy. I'ifjSc Prunes. 3','i
f?7c. as to size and quality. Apricots, Royal,
I'llSc; Moor Pprk 15T1!e. Peaches, peeled,
iSgC2c; unpeelcd, 7bS9c .
lle.Bs NpII n Simile Higher, vrlth Trade
.cne nt aim nncc Jinccp nnu
Lambs Very Slow nnd Val
ues Lower.
SOUTH OS1AHA. April 26.
Hecelpts wcrei Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Olllclnl Slondny 2,201 3,015 6.621
Ofllclal Tuesday 3.MU s.197 2.731
Official Wednesday 3,781 7,310 2,isS
umciai inursuay .,m mvj i,iu
Four days this week 12,1?.! 25,451 10,331
Samo days Inst week. ..12.S18 30.G2S 22,497
Samo days week before.. 13,695 32.14S 22.213
Samo three weeks ago.. 8.7S8 19.SI3 1S.426
Avcrngo price paid for hogs for the last
several days with comparisons;
!M 3 W 1 U0
21 30 3 to
, 400
, 470
, 1075
3 33
4 fO
4 20
4 r.
4 if,
4 2"i
4 a
4 ro
I 40
4 15
4 13
4 (3
3 43
3 75
3 73
4 M
t CO
. Ml
. MO
. 710
. n.n
. Ml
. W7
. 4
. 4SO
. 4!
. 4M
I 13
4 ,V
1 m
I 63
4 3
4 73
4 91
I fO
J no
3 CO
3 10
4 11
4 10
1 10
4 n
i 00
1 Sin
1 610
1 570
26 M
1 310
,412 3 23 1 310 3 23
100 6 5.3 2 175
90 5 23 1 120
230 0)
7 00
... 920
3 7)
4 ()
4 13
4 23
... 1 470
I ,V)
4 SO
4 50
4 0)
April 1...
April 2...
April 3...
April 4...,
April 6...,
April 6...
April 7....
April b...
April ft...
April 10..
April 11..
April 12..,
April 13..
April 14..
April 15..,
April 16..,
April 17..,
April is...
April 19...
April 20...
April 21..
April 22..
April 23..
April 24...
April 25...
April 26...
J1900. U93. 1S88. UJ7. 18J. 1S5. jl
6 0)
6 15
o i!5
5 301
5 30!
5 27,
5 33
6 33:
5 36
6 3J
5 40
6 4S
6 45
5 65
5 49
5 46
5 45
5 42
5 3S
I 5 32
I 5 39
3 64
3 a
3 661
3 6.1
3 62,
3 CI
3 66
3 6S
3 671
3 63
3 61
3 67
3 72
3 72
3 6S
.1 ,1
3 75
3 77
3 67
3 73
3 79
3 79
3 72
3 71
3 75
3 71
3 71
3 67
3 70!
3 67
3 61
3 60;
3 611
3 63
3 7.1
2 3 81
I 3 71
3 67'
3 65 3 71
3 65 3 St
3 92
3 92
3 91
3 90
3 S5
3 KS
3 85
3 90
3 97
3 97
3 85
3 SO
3 8'
3 91
3 91
3 SI
3 S3
3 84
3 8!
3 S3
3 SI
: 54
3 64
3 61
3 53
3 67
3 59!
3 61
3 62
3 38!
3 571
3 50
3 49
1 38
3 35
3 431
S 351
3 30
3 30
3 2S
3 36
3 31
4 80
t 84
4 82
4 76
4 82,
4 SI
4 S9
4 81
4 77
4 72
4 76
4 76'
4 78'
4 74
4 63
4 61
4 69
4 70
4 67
4 661
4 611
4 65'
4 43
4 51
4 58
4 63
4 71
4 74
4 83
5 01
5 01
4 K(
6 02
5 11
5 23
5 23
5 11
6 13
5 09
6 06
5 12
5 05
4 f7
5 03
Indicates Sunday.
The ofllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's.
HOGS Today's mnrket wns n shade
higher than yesterday and fairly nctlve nt
the advance, so thnt all of the hogs sold
early In the morning. The general run of
mixed loads went at J5.37'iff5.l0, while the
bulk yesterday sold nt J5.35M5.37K. Somo
1 of tho lightweights, as n matter of course,
sold below J5.37h, while a few loads of
tho best henvs sold nhovn 35.40 nnd as
high ns J5.47H.
The demand for hogs nt this point seems
to be In excess of the receipts. Home of
the largest packers, If appearances ure to
bo taken as any guide, have sold their
product and must havo tho hogs to lilt
their orders. The result Is that for some
time past this market has been higher In
comparison than any other market In tho
country. For example, the average prlco
paid for hogs at St. Joseph yesterday was
J5.31 und at South Omaha J5.36, KansaH
City hns been completely outclassed, tho
hogs having sold there yesterday largely
at J5.25ff5.30. ns against J5.35f5.37',i at
South Omaha. Out of 16,953 hogs reported
received nt Kansas City yesterday tho
Drovers Telegram reports only twenty
three loads us selling at J5.35 or abovo
whllo at South Omaha out of only 7,310
hogs received thirteen loads brought J5. 10,
twenty-five loads J3.37'.4 and fifty-seven
loads J5.35, or a total of ninety-live loads
at J3.35 or above, as against twenty-threo
loads at J5.35 or abovo for Kansas City.
Representative sales;
O. & St. L. Itv..
.Missouri Pacific Ry.. 13
Union Pnclllc system. 22
C. & N. W. Ry 1
F., E. & SI. V. H. It.. 32
S. C. At P. Ry
C., St. P.. SI. & O.... 11
If. (V M. K. X. It .11
C, B. & Q. By t
C, R. I. & P. Ry., E. 1
C, B. I. & P. Ry., W. 1
Illinois Central 1
Total receipts Ill
The dlsnosltton of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyefs. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co
G. II. Hammond Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co.......
Armour & Co
Cudahy P. Co.. from K.C,
Swift, from country
B. Becker St Degan
Vansnnt & Co
Lobman & Co
Livingstone Schaller...
Hamilton & Rothschild.,
H. L. Dennis & Co
Other 'buyers
345 1,100
169 1,031 410
320 1,091
620 1,888 827
Ml 1,651 642
397 397
199 216
Totals 2,547 6,811 2,652
CATTLE There were about 100 cars of
cattle of all kinds In the yards today, of
which somo slxty-tlvo cars wero cornfed
beef steers. There -were ten cars of cheap
cattle bought on tho Kansas City market
and consigned direct to packing house
here, not being offered for sale. The mar
ket, as a whole, was not much different
from what Is was yesterday.
The market on cornfed cattle was n little
slow about opening nnd sellers reported in
somo cases tho llrst bids wero lower. There
was, howevw, a pretty fair demand and
the market soon became reasonably active
at Just about steady prices. Sellers in
somo cases reported the market as a little
stronger on desirable kinds than yester
day, whllo there were others who did not
think that they had as good luck ns yes
terday. Tho most of the cattle sold In good
season, but ns was tho case yesterday it
wits tho handy weights' that sold first and
tho heavy cattle that hung fire to the last.
Cows and heifers sold early at Just about
steady prices nnd tho trade was fairly
active so that tho most of tho receipts
changed hands In good season. Townrd tho
close the market "was not quite so brisk
and tho feeling was easier on the late sales.
Bulls, stags, etc., did not show any ma
terial chango as compared with yesterday.
Fat bulls are not selling any too well at tho
Stockers and feeder were In fair de
mnnd nnd as there were not many on salo
tho supply was soon exhausted. Represent
ative sales:
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Tr.
t 730 3 73 23 1109 4 66
61 831 3 75 39 1206 4 55
3 830 3 75 13 S70 4 63
1 760 3 50 12 1041 4 33
1 S90 4 00 9 1167 4 55
1 900 4 00 13 1201 4 m
1 810 4 00 64 1132 4 Go
1 890 4 00 21 124; 4 oj
1 630 4 OH 11 991; 4 60
1 760 4 00 31 U55 4 CO
1 7C0 4 00 41 1164 4 60
3 873 4 00 7 1174 4 60
20 916 4 20 1 1(00 4 60
2 1075 4 23 15 1178 4 60
1 11W 4 25 128 4 fi.-,
1 1060 4 25 10 12SS 4 65
1 6S0 4 23 16 1234 4 fVi
2 1140 4 30 22 1083 4 65
41 957 4 30 12 1310 4 65
3 890 4 20 4 13S7 4 S3
10 905 4 30 1 low 4 fi5
5 936 4 35 43 1262 4 65
6 94R 4 40 18 1097 4 70
20 880 4 40 II 1159 4 -0
45 1120 4 40 31 1C0J 4 70
2 700 4 40 15 1120 4 70
7 1036 4 40 40 12(3 4 70
16 1051 4 4.', 29 1212 4 70
18 971 4 45 26 1056 4 70
1 1170 4 45 22 1178 4 70
3 127 6 4 45 16 1141 4 7s
14 1028 4 50 5 1294 4 75
17 964 4 50 19 1172 4 75
IS 1146 4 50 20 13IS 4 7s
1 1090 4 60 17 1260 4 80
2", 913 4 60 14 1276 4 80
16 878 4 60 20 1090 4 M
10 1043 4 50 4 J590 4 85
1 1181 4 50 14 1278 4 65
17 1007 4 50 30 1206 4 S3
6 1101 4 50 36 1317 4 90
1 1O50 4 50 38 13S6 4 jifl
46 974 4 51 12 1245 4 90
20 106S 4 '.5 20 1M3 3 00
5 10-4 4 50 6 1021 4 f.0
6 693 4 50 22 909 4 60
20 1012 4 60 16 uoo 4 60
28 1082 4 60 13 H48 4 70
1 950 2 25 20 im 3 M
1 810 2 60 6 958 3 V)
1 1080 2 75 6 10S4 3 83
1 900 2 75 2 1365 3 83
3 1040 2 7", 1 IJfl) 3 S3
1 860 2 75 11 1124 3 S3
1 1040 2 90 1 1220 3 90
2 1'23 3 00 1 930 3 90
4 1117 3 00 1 nto 4 00
1 1100 3 no 1 1020 4 00
1 102O 3 15 1 mo 4 00
1 880 3 15 17 1140 4 00
4 981 3 25 1 1390 4 00
1 10OO 3 23 11 1123 4 Ofl
3 986 3 30 3 U53 4 00
1 970 3 35 3 1000 4 00
2 1015 3 40 6 1241 jo
1 1120 3 4 0 2 1OI0 4 10
1 1070 3 50 1 iy,o 4 10
1 960 3 60 1 600 4 10
1 1220 1 50 3 H36 4 ,0
1 1210 3 60 R 1292 4 15
1 1330 3 M 3 123 4 n
3 1113 3 60 3 1300 4 u
2 1220 3 65 14 1033 4 15
16 U 3 65 6 935 4 20
6 1058 3 65 1 14V) 4 20
1 ; 1060 3 K 1 U40 4 M
2 105 3 63 1 14T0 4 25
2 1H0 3 70 22 1009 1 ?3
1 1130 3 75 1 1280 4 23
1 10VI 3 80 11 1020 1 30
5 1175 3 80 1 1290 4 3
15 1127 to U 132J 4 40
32 918 4 15 7 978 4 23
1 620 4 SB 3 J003 4 50
9 711 4 35 1 710 4 50
2 775 4 tO 3 983 4 50
1 870 4 10 5 765 4 M
1 690 4 40 1 620 SO
2 9V 1 45 6 RS3 4 eo
23., 717 4 43
3 616 3 41 1 650 4 00
4 772 3 50 3 470 4 00
1 910 3 75 10 66 4 31
2 790 3 7' 14 629 4 10
1 S50 2 60 1 15W S SO
1 120 3 10 2 1650 8 0
1 1470 3 15 1 IW) 3 65
41 367 3 30 1 1790 J 6.
1 1210 3 41 1 20V) 3 6.3
1 1160 3 45 1 1570 3 65
1 1290 3 .V) 1 1V) 3 70
1 1690 3 50 1 12TO 3 76
1 1600 3 50 1 1750 3 76
4 1495 3 80 1 SM 3 M
1 ... 9?0 3 86 1 .... 470 3 85
1 1550 3 '6 1 llYlfl 4 '0
1 1343 3 CO 1 1120 4 1J
. 203
. 27
77. . . .
6 to
5 15
3 35
5 35
5 35
5 25
5 33
5 13
5 25
6 3
6 37'i
5 37'4
5 37' i
5 37'f,
5 37'i
5 31',i
5 3714
5 37'i
6 37'4
5 37'4
3 37'i
6 J7'4
3 37'4
5 3714
5 3714
r. 37'i
5 3714
5 37' 4
6 37'4
5 37',4
B 37V4
B 37'4
5 3714
5 37'4
f. 37'.
5 y.j
5 37'i
S 37'4
B 37H
5 37 '4
6 3714
5 37'i
R 37'4
5 37'4
R 40
S 40
5 40
T, 41
5 40
5 10
6 40
68 241
Av. Sh. Pr.
6 40
6 40
5 40
5 40
5 40
5 40
5 49
f, 41
5 41
5 40
5 40
5 40
5 40
6 40
5 40
5 40
6 40
5 40
5 40
5 41
5 40
6 40
5 40
5 40
B 40
B 40
5 40
5 40
5 40
5 40
6 40
5 40
5 40
5 40
3 40
5 40
5 40
5 40
5 42',4
6 4214
5 42'4
5 424
5 12'4
6 42'4
r, 42'4
5 42'4
B 42' 4
5 42'i
5 424
3 4214
R 45
5 43
5 47 U
...217 160
...212 80
...211 ...
...233 40 R 3714 70
...224 160 R37'i 61.
...230 200 R 37'4 73.
...234 SO 5 37'4 72.
...211 40 R 40 85..
. . .262 160 S 40 75.
89 221 ... 5 40 60.
60 269 ... .5 41 St..
70 257 41 5 40 67..
81 240 60 S 10 46..
65 239 120 R 40 29..
63 245 . . S 40 67..
SHEHPThi recelnts
Rlnce Thursday of last week, twenty-nlnn
enrs being reported in tne yarns many.
Buvers at all the market points have been
active during tho last few days ns If
thev Intended to try nnd break tho sheep
market. All market points have been re
porting a lower tendency to prices mid
values have been gradually easing off.
Tho market todny was very slow nnd
lower, nnd It was late In the morning be
fore buyers and sellers could get together
on a trading basis. ,-,
niintntlnns: Cllnned wethers. J5.35f75.60;
clipped yearlings, J5.55ff5.70; clipped ewes.
mod to cnoice. o.iiriin.iii; t.iu i
cllnned ewes. JI.50fJ5.00; cood to
western wooled lambs,
Kood western wooled
good to choice clipped
fair to good clipped
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
474 wethers nnd yearlings S7 $5 50
453 wethers nnd yearllng3 94 5 50
287 Colorado Iambs St 7 00
118 culls JO 3 90
129 culls 9'
JG.S5fi7.00: fnlr to
Iambs. Jfi.W1fffi.R5:
Steers Genernlly Strndy Hors Sternly
to Simile IllKher.
oTiinlon Anrll C ATTT.F Rppolnts.
' v .i.iu. ' . ; - ... - -.
ft AAA V. n n .1 CAAca tvAMAr!) II MtOnrlV PVOPtlt
i',,, ill'll,,, MIVIO, ,,..,; .......... --
easier; butchers' stock, strong nnd active;
natives, nest on saio too.iy. ; cars in;
good to orlme steers. JI.95fi5.R0; poor to
medium. J1 20fjl.S5: selected feeders, active
and 10c higher nt $4.15fi5.05; mixed stockers.
4.f.0; heifers. J3.25fi3.S0;' canners. strong nt
J2.25fl2.PO; DUlls. steauy iu". chivi.
steady at JI.SOfM.&O; Texans, recplpts. 201
head; best on sale. 3 cars at JI.S0; Texas fed
steers, steadv at Jt.OOfJS.a; Texas bulls,
stfadv at J3.25fM.7r. ,...
HOGS Receipts, today. 25.000 bend: to-
1CAT.A ,r.nr1 ACtlmnlpH lnft OXPI
4,001 head; steady to shade hleher; top, J3.60;
mixed and butchers. J3.25fi3.60; Rood to
choice heavv. J-5.45fifi.60: rough heavy, J5.30fi
fi. 40: light, J5.25fJ5.MV4: bulk of sales, J3.45)
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. U'.iiH)
head: sheep, weak to 10o lower; lambs,
slow to llrm for best; good to choice weth
ers J5.25fi6.65; fair to choice mixed. Jt.75ff
R.30: western sheep, J5.40fi5.65; yearlings,
J5.fjOff6.25: native lambs, J5.W57.3&; western
lambs, J6.0OfJ7.35.
ycyr York Lire Stork.
celpts, 2.415 head; none on sale; feeling
steady; London cables quoted live cattle
slow nt llfjllHc per lb.; tops, 12c; refrlg
erator beef. S4fT9e per lb.; exports, today,
3 head cattle; tomorrow, 150 head cnttle.
CALVES-Recelpts, 253 head; dull and 25c
lower; 300 head left over: common to prlmo
veals J4.00fi5.75: extra prlmo veals, J6; small
calves. J3.COfi3.50.
SHEEP AND LASIBS Recelnts, 1,151
head; 5'4 cars on sale; sheep, steady; lambs,
101723c higher, .ill sold; fair to prime wooled
sheep. $5.75f", 25; culls, 54.50; good to prime
cllpned sheep. J5.00f75 50: prime to choice
unshorn lambs. JS.0Ofi8.35; good to choice
ellroed lambs, JG.fiOBT.Jj; spring lambs, Ji.00
HOGS Receipts. 1.658 head; 225 head on
salo; market firm; stato, J3.S5; mixed west
ern, J5.70.
St. Joseph Live Stork.
SOl'TH ST. JOSEPH. SIo , April 26.
(Speclal.) Tho Journal quotes:
CATTLE Receipts, OOOiheud: quality fair;
market steady to 10c higher; natives, Jt.oOff
5 00: Texas and westerns, J3.75fj5.0O; cows
nnd heifers, J2.S5Q4.60; bulls and slags. J2 25
r. I C . ........ 1 1 . ... I ,.nl.,n. 1 r A ' ", ,c.
HJ I.M. yrtWiltlHR UIM im, ',-,, fi.wnu.IJ,
stockers and feeders, J3.40fJ4.SO; vcnls, iG.0Ofi
HOGS Receipts, 6000 head: market
steady: all grades, JS.25fj5.45; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LASin.S-Recelpts. 3.CI
head; market active and steady; Iambs
wooled. JG.50fi7.15; clipped. J5.75fifi.23: wooled
yearlings, J5.75fi6.25; clipped. .50fi5.83;
wooled sheep, JG.25fi5.S5; horn, J5.0OfJ5.5O.
KiiiiniiH t'lty I. Ire Ntnok,
ceipts, 3.500 henil natives and 200 head Tex
ons; all classes slaughtering active ond
steady; stockers and feeders strong; na
live steers. JI.40Ji3.27H; stockers and feed
ers, Jl.tOfJ5.35; butchers' cows and heifers,
J3.25fJ4.S5; ennners, J2.63ff3.2V, fed westerns,
J4.20fit.80j Texans, JI.30 4.70.
HOGS Receipts, 10,660 head; market
opened steadv to 6e higher, closing steady;
heavy, J4.35WI.55; mlxpd. J5.25fJ5.40, light.
J5.16fJS.35; pUs. Jl.75ff6.10.
SHEEP AND LASIBS-Recelpts, 550 head;
quality poor; no Colorado Inmbs offered:
shtep, steady; muttons, J5 00f?1.00; clipped
Texans. Jl,40fj5.40; clipped Texans, feeders,
J3.4066.40; culls, J3.QOfH.00.
SI, l.nuls l.lvr Stuck,
ST. IMJIS, April 26.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
1,000 head, Including 600 head Texans; mar
ket steady: native shipping and export
steers. J4.SOfJ6.90; dressed beef and butcher
steers. JI.40B6.10; steers under l."0O lb.,
J4.0jS4.C3: stockers nnd feeders. J1.45ifJ4.S5.
rows and hclfrs. J2 00fJ4.75; ranners, Jl.tOff
2.S5; bulli, tJ.fSl.GO; Texas and Indian
steers. J3.i5O5.00; cows nnd hclfert, iWJ
'llbos-Recclpts. 9.S0O head, i mnrkt
steady; pigs and lights, JS.30ipS.t5i packer,
J5.30f1s.60: butchers, j3.tVHfS.76.
SHEEP AND LASIBS-Recelpts, 900!
market steady; native mutton, Jl50ti6 25j
lambs, Jfi.OOfrJ.OO; spring lambs, Ji.oOJJSOO;
culls and bucks, Jl.oogj.oo,
Stock' In Sluht.
Following nre the receipts nt the four
principal western markets for April 21:
Cattle. Hops. Slice .1.
South Omaha
Kansns City .
St. Louis
12, W0
16.7SS- 62.349 20.6M
Stmnr MnrUi-4,
NEW ORLEANS. April 26.-Sl,OAlt-Stcady;
open kettle. 3fll3-16c; open ket
tie, centrifugal, 4'4fjUjc. centrifugal, yel
low, 4?fjll3-16o; seconds, 285J1',c.
LINCOLN. April "l77uiiio.-Court met pur
suant to adjournment. Robert J. Abara,
Franklin J, Griffon, Samuel St. Nevlus, J.
L. White. C. H. Whitney and Clarence A.
Capron wero admitted to practice.
National Life Insurance Co. against Pitr
gerald. dismissed unless appellant servn
and l1lo briefs in twenty days; Clark
against Barker. Clark against Ouathatm'r,
Honke ngnfnst Kllppcr, Nebraska Loan nnd
Trust company ngatust Gulllford, Lfllans
against Dorsey. dismissed; Dovcy against
SlcCullough, plaintiff to mnko nddltlonnl
showing in llvo days ond defendant coun
ter showing within llvo days there
after, .Missouri, Kansas and Texas
Trust company ngnlnst Clark, suggestion
of diminution allowed; State ex rel Smyth
against Kennedy, P V. Sllskovsky sub
stltuted for Charles J Knrbach and P C.
HrnfTey for Victor H. Coffman; Benon
ngnlnst Cntilfleld, dismissed unless plain
tiff servo nnd lllo briefs In forty days;
Nebraska Telephone company agplnst Cor
nell, leave to appellant to withdraw nlter
tiattvo motion for modification of nfllrm
nnce; H'nrvey against Fleming, dismissed
unless plaintiff serve and tllo briefs In
forty days; defendant to rile briefs within
twenty days thereafter; Finch against Slor
rls, nfllrmcd.
April IS. 1901,Baer against Slate, leao
to plaintiff to file motion for leave to
nmend petition In error; Bradbury against
Dillon and Pochln ngnlnst Cummins, dis
missed unless appellants serve and tllo
briefs In thirty days; James against Hlg.
lnbntham, motion for leave to amend pe
tltlon overruled; StcLulu ng.ilnst Stnrlcln
and InOrnngo against Nnnco county, ad
vanced; Fraamau against Fraaman, appel
lee allowed suit money and temporary ali
mony; Slarr against Malcolm nnd Iirkln
against Sparling, dismissed unless appel
lants servo and file briefs In twenty days;
Cowln ngulpst Pratt, motion to advance
and affirm overruled; Green against Sic
Cormlck, dismissed; Slate against Fremont,
Elkhorn & .Missouri Valley Railroad com
pany and Stato against H. & SI. Railroad
company, motion to require state to elect
overruled, but question of tho right of tho
stato to recover moro than ono penalty not
determined; Slaybew against Knlttle. sug
gestion of diminution allowed; Armstrong
ugalnst Slnyer, motion to dismiss overruled.
Nebraska Land. Slock Growing and In
5'cstment company against Ashpolo. motion
for rchoarlng on motion vncntlng order al
lowing supersedeas overruled; Zlmmerer
against Fremont National bank. Dennev
against Stout, Billiard against De Groff,
Ashland Iand und Llvo Stock company
against SIny, Nobraska Telephono company
against Cornell, German Natlonnl bank
against First National bank, Hastings nnd
Secley against Eastern Banking company,
rehearlngs denied.
Court adjourned until Tuesday. Slay 1.
when the following cases will be called:
Bradford against Anderson, Sutton against
Sutton, SlcLuIn against Slarlcle, La
Grange against Nance county, Rawllncs
against Young Men's Christian association.
Williams against State, Missouri. Kansas
and Texas Trust company against Clark,
State ex rel Smyth against Kennedy. Slc
Arthur against State, Tutum against SUte.
Ktato against Union Pacific Rallrond com
pany, Lincoln Medical college ngalnst Poyn
for. Rvllabl In cases decided nre:
Slackay against State. Error from Doug
las county. Reversed. NorvnI. J.
A disavowal of Intention to commit n con
tempt of court by contemner, when made
In good fnlth, though insulllclent to purge
tho contempt, Is, at loast, receivable In ex
tenuation of thn offense.
Equitable Building and Loan Asioelatlon
ncrninst Balrd. Appeal from Dakota county,
Beversed. Sullivan, J.
This enso Is governed by the principles
announced In Equitable Building and Loan
Association against Bldwell, decided here
with. Chicago, Burlington 1- "'Iney Railway
Company against School Plitrlct of Slln
dcu. Appenl from Kearney county. Af
firmed. Sullivan, J.
Unless a school district Include within Us
limits nn Incorporated city having more
than 1.500 Inhabitants it Is not subject to
the provisions of subdivision 14, chapter
lxxlx, Compiled Statutes 1S95.
Pearson ngalnst Badger Lumber Com
pany. Appeal from Iincustcr county. Af
firmed. Sullivan, J.
1. An objection to tho conllrmntlnn of s,
salo not made In the trial court and raised
for tho first tlmo In this court will not bo
2. A notlco of sale which states that the
salo Is to bo made by virtue of an order
Issued out of tho district court In a certain
case, entitling It, Is a suflU'Icut compliance
with tho statute .
Sfato against Dennlson. Exceptions from
Douglas county. Exceptions sustained.
Norval, J.
1. An Information drawn under section
225 of tho Criminal Code charging th de
fendant with opening nnd establishing a
lottery Is defective which omits to nllego
tho capacity In which tho defendant acted,
whether as owner or otherwise.
2. When an Information In a criminal
cause foils to state a crime, on a trial had
thereunder. It Is not the proper practice,
when tho court discovers the defect, lo di
rect a verdict of not guilty, but the Jury
should bo discharged from further consid
eration of tho case
3. It Is not error to refuse to allow the
county attorney to flic an nmended Infor
mation where the complaint before the ex
amining mnglstrato failed to state a crimp.
Equitable Building and Loan Association
against Bldwell. Appeal from Dakota
county. Reversed. Sullivan. J.
1. Ono who hns entered Into a contract
with a body assuming to net ns a corpora
tion Is not permitted when sued on such
contract to question the capacity of such
body to contract or to sue.
2. Under section 126. chapter xvl, Compiled
Statutes 1S95, a corporation previous to tho
commeucemenl nf any business, except Its
own organization, must file Its articles of
Incorporation for rc ord In the ofllco of tho
county clerk In the county or counties In
which the IiiisIiiish Is lo be trnnsactcd.
3. And such iciord. or a certllld copy
thereof, Is primary proof of the right of
the association to trausiut buslnesii.
I. A borrower from a building and loan
association whoso mortgage stipulates that
in case of foreclosure he shall receive credit
for the withdrawal value of his shares of
stock on a basis fixed by tho by-laws Is en
titled on foreclosure to have tho withdrawal
valuo of his stock llxcd and credited ac
cording to his contract.
Jowett ngalnst Black. Appeal from Jef
ferson county. Reversed. Sullivan, .1.
1. Whero the answer to a petition In eject
ment presents an equitable' counterclaim
which is trnnsversed by a reply, the Issues
of fnct thus arising aro triable to tho court
without a Jury.
2. An objection to the Introduction In evi
dence of u written Instrument signed by
several persons, on tho ground that It Is
"Incompetent, Irrelevant and Immaterial,"
is too general to call In question the duo
execution of tho Instrument or thn genuine
ness of the signatures thereto
3. An executory contract for the falo of
land vests tho equitable ownership of tho
properly In the pun hnser and In Mich enso
the seller retains tho legal tltlo as security
for the deferred Installments of tho pur
chase price. ... .
4. In equity time will be regarded ns of
the essence of a contract when It clearly
and nfllrmatlvely appears that the purtles
Intended Hint lime should be essential.
5. Evidence tending to show thnt for
felturo was waived will not bo considered
whero tho question of waiver Is not raised
by pleadings.
Stop Government Work,
ORANGE, Tex, April 2fi.-The Kovcrn
ment engineers hHvn discontinued work at
Sabine Pnsn They say tho government ap
propriation is exhausted,
Telephone 1030. Onmli.i, ,j
Correipondcnce; John A. Warren A Ca
uirect wires to Chicago and Mw Vers