8 TTTE OMATTA DATLT BEE: THURSDAY, APTtlX 120, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL minoh .muntio.w Davis sells Bin. (3ns tlxttircs and globe nt Hlxby's. storehouse & Co., mnRiulneH bound. uunwM.Hcr beer, is. ioscnfeld, urgent. l'inn A. U. C. beer, Neumnyer's hotel. Bchmldt's photos, new nnd latest styles. 'lty Knglneer Btnyro went to Shcnan Ho.ih. In . yesterdny on a visit. I'erry pictures, In any number. C. K. IMexander & Co., "J3 Hroadwny. , Oct your work dono at the popular Rattle laundry, T2I Hroadway. 'l'honc 157. V. C ICstep, undertaker, 25 Pearl street, telephones: Oillce, 97; residence, 33. H. Ilaldwln makes a specialty of clean Inn wall paper nnd frescoes. 121 12th nve. Mr and Mrs. Henry Harder have been tailed to H-imburtr, la., by the death of Bdre, Harder'H father. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. MeDanlels have cono to i.MuMnti. Wash., where they Intend to nako their futur.p home. Mrs. Malloy of Vail, ta . has been brought to St. Bernard's hospital to undergo a eevero and critical operation. I--V1 Ktrnw. formerly of this city, now resl- ' Klent of Fort DodR Is visiting Council Thn Athenian elub will hold Its regular inetlng this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Eva IajwIs, 410 North Hlghth- street. II. M. Ileath. route ngent of Wells. Fargo A Co.'h KxnresH company, with headquar ters at Mnryvt'.le, Mo., was In the city yes terday. A J. Hrown, formerly cashier of the Btato Havings bank, has been called to Ucntous.iort, la., by the death of his mother. Mr. nnd Mrs. James MrKlwnlne of Spring- iflale, In , with their family, have removed to thin elty and will m.tko their future bomo here. f.Il.is Klla Wirt, who was home for a few flays to attend tho Irving-Terry and Maud Adams performances In Omaha, returned to tho Stato university at Lincoln vester Any. Two cases of contagious diseases were re ported lo tho Hoard of Health yesterday. 1'ren:i Klnzel of 2111 Sixth avenue Is suf fering from scarlet fever and James Leahy If "ft! Fourth slreet has the measles. Leon Van Fosjen, brother of John Van I-'ossen of 110 South First street was killed In the railway yards at Tracy, Cal.. last tfunduy morning. The remains arc ex iiected to arrive here Saturday. The notlco of funeral will bo given later. Hetween fifty and 100 members of tho local I Igo of Klks will go to 'Lincoln, Neb., Hatura-y aftotnoon, where that evening they will assist In Instituting a lodge In that city. Tho party will leave Omaha on tho 4:2.i p. m. train over the Burlington. F. Helton was arrested yesterday on com plaint of. Health Otltcer Phil Warehnni, ohnrged with violating tho city ordinance Jy (tumpinc manuro on a vacant 101 nc solid ho still will havo enough to land him Ninth nvenuo and Tenth street. He cave th nnmlnatinn m tho iiroi i,.,n . tionds for his appearance in police court tn, nomination on the first ballot, as ho this morning. will havo sixty-two votos loft. Shelby Ib Fred If. Miller of tho Northwestern locnl an uncertain quantity, now that H. W. IJycrs ticket ofllco was wearing smiles yesterday. ila withdrawn from tho raco and It Is pos it was all on account of an announcement .. . .. . . . 0fc 1 that a bouncing daughter had been born to fl'10 tnat Jdgo Smith may sccuro fomo Qilm nt Paul'n Valley, 'I. T., where Mrs. votes from this county. Outhrlo county Is Miller Is visiting relatives. Tho little ono Bald (o bo divided. At first It was claimed CCtf' the infant that U b U(, f A. T H rtniichter of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Madden, of Adair county, but this Is. now denied, will bo held this morning nt 10 o'clock from tno ramuy residence, oai aoum rweniy-iui utrect. Hev. K. W. Krlckson, pastor of the Klfth Avenue church, will conduct theserv- less nnd Interment will bo In 1-alrvlew cemetery. Bh- '"X , "rV o"h ritv . ,i nenhew of Illram Shoemaker of 232 Hani- noil street, wos drpwned at Dos Moines Inst d'yt'a yonna'ngvVrThTX oVa tioat nnd It is suppose! mat MnoemnKer nau fallen In an epileptic lit. A meoting or tno repunurnn county cen tral committed will bo held Saturday for tho purioso of receiving nnd tnklng action upon tho rules for holding caucuses under tho primary, ; system, drafted by ? tho special committee, conMstlng of J. J. Hess, G. u. Ilalrd and W. A. droneweff. Tho meeting fwlll bo hold Ht 2 o'clock p. m. In the olllee of Chairman Everest In the -Mon-lam block. It, B. Bradshaw, charged with stealing a lliorso tho property of 1. Nixon of Hnzel n.ll inwnshln. took u. chniiKe of venue yes- torday morning from tho superior court to that of Justice VIen, whero he will havo a Sienrlng next Monday. In the menntlmo Uradshaw l In tho county Jail. Bradshaw worked for Nixon last February and snys that the latter gave him tho horse. Nixon Mimics this and says he loaned the animal to IlriulKhaw, who Instend of returning skipped the country, taking the horso with Mm. ' "rooming hou. nrrest yesterday of Ed Duffee, an employo of the Illinois ventral roau, on a cnarge oi PJf.Tii" Dlecently Mrs. Tucker gnrnlsh'eod Duffce's wages unci niesany winy nnu a- uispuiu uvr tno lioaru inn. airs. Mucaer nueses mat Duffeo knocked hor down nnd assaulted !her with a knlfo "with Intent then and thero to kill and murder her." But for tho tlmelv nrrlval of assistance, she says, sho would have been killed. Tho assault Is nllcgcd to havo occurred on South Main htreet. Duffee gave bonds and will have u hearing this afternoon. N. Y. numbing Co., Tel. 250. Itenl Ilntntp Transfer. Tho following transfers wore filed yester day in tho abstract, tltlo and loan office of J. W. Squlro, 101 Pearl street: ltargarit A. lawson to Sarah M. Bes lev. lot 7. block 36. Beers' subdlv. w 1 $ 1,500 X,lzzloi B. Matthews nnd husband to Lcona F. Faublo. lot 10, block 37. 'Beers' subdlv, w d Anthony Collins to Michael F. Kit rick, Mi nwli 7-76-39, w d D. C. iBloomer to heirs of Mary C. Gordon (deceased), wH nei B-i7-ll; lot 7, block f; 'lots 5, 15 and 10, block . ami lot 12, block 10, Williams' 1st add, ii c 1 6.i rah M. Besley and husband to Mar garet A. ltwsnn, lot 1 In otllclal re survey ot lot 32''j, original plat Coun cil Bluffs, w d !Wllllnm M. and George. B. Green to Oharles O. and IjouIb f. Green, lot 1, .block 1, Voorhls add to Council Blurts, n c 1 Charles K. Reynolds and -wife and 'ilnrvoy C. Reynolds to Vermont Reynolds, part of sublot 2 of original plat lot M, Counoll Bluffs, q c d Itoslno Weber and husband to W. J. nd Unirn. II. Marble, lot 11, block 11. Beers' subdlv, w d T L, Woods nnd wife to Norman E. Smith, lots 13 and II, block 4, Stuts man's 2d add, q c d John J. Starr and wife to same, lot 9, lilock 23, Mullin's subdlv, q c d Milton N. Sanford nnd wlfo to same, lot SI. block 3, Highland Pluee, Council Bluffs, q o d 6. L. Nevlns and wife to same, lot IS, and n 2 feet of lot 17, block 4, How ard's add, q c d Thoinns P. Jones and wife to same, 150 3,600 3.0CO S00 450 400 300 450 lot 7. Judd'H court, (iunell Bluffs, ii c l. (William O. Jenkins nnd wife to same, part lot 24, Johnson's add, q c d I. M. Adams and wife to Norman E. Smith, lot ii. block 8. Potter & Cnlih'a add, n o tl 450 jiui u. urown nnd wire to same, lot 15, block 11, Crawford's ndd, q e d.. A. Green nnd wlfo to same, lot 23. block 4, Twin city Place, Council 'Bluffs, q e d Itufus W. Wilson nnd wife to same, lot 11. block 2, Balrd's add, q o !.... Grant U. White and wife to same, lot I, Judd'H Court. Council Bluffs, q e d Tromont W. Arthur and wlfo to same, lot 13. block 2. Balrd's add, w d County treasurer to B. M. Winters, lot 7, block 0, Burke's add, t d Same to F. T. True, 12 lots In Railroad ndd to Council Blurts, t d 450 350 450 450 1.000 1 8 Total, twonty-two transfers $11,923 .MurrliiKi- Mi-rimes, Licenses to wed were Issued yesterdny to the following persons: Namo and Residence Age. Anthony M Sehmltz, Leavenworth, Kan. 25 Olary A. Mergen, Council Bluffs 23 A. J. Bruegninnn. Omaha, 3S Myra Rushlau, Omaha , 27 Tho Gas company furnishes gas heaters for bath nnd bedrooms freo. FARM LOANS .War ttmlJLtrfc .Main au, uouncu jMuna. BLUFFS. SMITH'S FRIENDS CONFIDENT Believe that Ha Will Be Named For Con greet on the First Ballot. AUDUBON COUNTY INSTRUCTS FOR HIM First llntcli of Ilelcmitr Is IMciIbimI II lid .Mirny Other Are I'roiiiUctl to the l'resfiit Dlntilct Judge, That Judgo Waltor 1. Smith of this city will auctoed Hon. Smith Mcl'herton, ap pointed to tho federal bench us congress man from the Ninth district, In now prac tically a. forocono conclusion. Indications aro that when the congressional convention gets together Judgo Smith will have moro than sutliclcnt votes at hi back to nom- ! lnate him on tho first ballot, and It loakti very much as If Lieutenant Governor MIIll .. n-t .,,,. , ...in k ,,,,! n LJ1 ITUlVsliUM liial, nui Ut itunuuuvvu ... , . - .A.iiMinn ..,k .., ,i.i 1 yesterday nnd word wab received hero that a solid and Instructed delegation for Judgo Smith to tho congressional convention had .been selected. This Is tho first county to welect its delegates to the congressional coa vcntlon, which has not yet been called by tho congressional committee, of wh.ch James Dcwcll ot Missouri Valley Is chairman. Outhrle and Adair counties will hold the'.r vcntlon will be called to order at 10 o'clock couvontlonst today, whllo Cats nnd Mills Tuesday morning In room 15 In tho federal counties will hold theirs Saturday. The i building. Montgomery county convention has been ! Tho night of the convention tho visit railed for June 9, hut tho county conventions ! lng delegates will bo tendered a ba'nquct for Adair, Cass, Outhrlo, Shelby and Potl nwattamlo counties have not yet been rallol. Tho congressional convention will bo tnadu up of 120 delegates, divided as follows: Adair, 10; Audubon, 9; Cass, 11; Outhrie, 12; Harrison, 15; Mills, 11; Montgomery, 12; Pottnwattamle, 27; Shelby, 10. Judgo Smith will havo Pottawattamie, Audubon, Harrison, Mills and Montgomery counties, which will give horn seventy-four votes. This means the nomination on tho first formal ballot. Should he by any chnnro fall to Bccure tho Montgomery delegation whllo on the other hand It Is claimed by ju.eo Smith's friends that tf he .In nnt J,"B omiinB inenas mat IT ne does not get a solid delegation from Guthrie he at leust will have a respectable part of it. jlrt Hgor wm undoubtedly coire Into tho convention with a solid deiv,,.on from Adair, his homo county, but this means only (en votes. Cass county will send a solid and instructed delegation for T. B. Swan. iia canuiuuie. Although Chairman Dowoll of tho con greoslonal committee has Issued no call for tho congressional convention, the general understanding Is that It will bo held in tho car, t of Jun Th . . ... .. , .. ... , . ' , bo little doubt tout that It will he held In Council Bluffs again this year, although )0th Ro(, 0ak am, AtlanUc are sa,j to want .t . rennhllnnns nt th iuPit f Leading republicans of tho district favor tho convention being held In this city, as not only Is It tho mcst accessible, but It Is tho only city In tho district which has a hall adequate for tho purposes- of such a gathering. Another point In favor of Coun cil Bluffs Is that It Is the only city In tho district which has sufficient hotol accommo- datlon. Latest advices from Mills county nro to cfIect that a 8011,1 MeBatlon will bo selected at the county convention for Judgo gmth. Many of the townships haVo se their delegates to the county con- vcntlon and In each Instance tho delegations are golld for mm Davis sella paints. Gravel roofling. A. II. Read, 541 B'way. COl'.VTY SUriSIUXTKNUttXTS FINISH. Expression of Sentiment ConeernliiK Aiiirnilnif-nt of Seliool I, mm. The conference of tho county superin tendents of western Iowa was brought to a close yesterday afternoon, after -what was deemed, despite tho slim attendance, a very Interesting and profltablo session. Before adjourning a number of resolutions wero adopted, the following being of principal in terest: Resolved. That It Is the sense ot the county superintendents of southwestern Iowa, In convention assembled, that wo earnestly recommend tho gradlne of our rurat schools; that teachers comply witn courso of study as adopted by tho State de partment; that upon completion of said courso of study examination and graduat ing exercises do nem nnu me aipiouiii granted ns result of such examination bo recognized ns evidence of qunllllcatlon necessary for admission to the various high scnoois. Resolved. That wo aro In favor of tho oampnlgn which Is being waged In different pans ot inn siiiif ukikhis iu ufuiiuauuu of our rural schools toy consolidating tho small districts. 'Resolved, That we recommend tno abolishment ot the odlco of school treasurer nnd that the rnuntv treasurer act as cus todian of all the school funds of tho county; thnt we recommend tno passage or a law whereby school directors of all school cor porations shall receive a compensation commensurate with tho time and energy expended in tno disennrgo or tneir unties. leglslatlon'whlch wns recommended by tho 1)aum1...1 Thnt ii'n 'tllarllli Atl nPUD T M rt Stato department in roiereneo to scnooi libraries and that we recommend all county i superintendents to exercise duo viglinnco In carrying out the spirit of tho law. At the closo of tho conference Stato Su- perintendent Barrett, nccompnnled by County Superintendent McMnnus, tcok a drlvo over tho city and mndo a personal In spection of tho various sites which enter Into the controversy over tho location ot tho new high school building. Ho declined to discuss tho mattor In view of tho fact that ho would probably bo called upon to again adjudicate iu the appeal rccontly taken from tho action of the Board of Education in se lecting for the second tlmo the Oakland avenue site. Odd Fellou-M' Anniversary, Tho Odd Fellows of Council Bluffs will celebrate tbo elghty-flrBt anniversary of Odd Fellowship this evening with a contest In third degree work between tho loams of Council Bluffs lodgo No. 49, Uawkeyo lodgo No. 1S4 und Park City lodgo No. 606. The contiKt will commence promptly at 8 o'clock, following a short buslnes scnslon nt 7:30 o'clock. At tho close of the contest cigars will bo pamed around and a general uncial time had. All Odd Fellows In the city aro Invited to be present. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. AVnoilinen of Anicrleii t'liniN. A meriting has been called this ovenlng for 7:30 o'clock nt the lodge room of tho Mod ern Woodmen of America for the purpose of arranging plans and ways and meanB for attending tho grand national oncampmcnt border, to be held In St. Paul. Minn., m juuu. jiattu cuuip prupuMB m uu rep roecntttl nt tho grnt.il encampment In fine ' stylo nnd all members aro rrnucuted to be prewent nt the metlng tonight to formulato plans to bo submittal to tho enmp nt Its regular station later In the;, evening. District Court Note-. In tho district court yesterdny the Jury before which was tried the suit of Herman Schaeffer against Itobert Dudatz brought In a verdict for tho defendant In the sum of $300. Schaeffer sued for $900 on a note and lludntz set up a counter claim for $3,000. The trial of the suit of S. V. Sautter ngalnst V. V. Keellno was commenced. The plaintiff seeks to recover on two notes and tho defendant sets up n counter claim In excess of tho amount sued for. Kd Hoden, Indicted on tho chnrgo of as sault with Intent to commit great bodily Injury, was arraigned nnd pleaded not ' guilty. Tho following assignment of criminal cases wan mado: Monday, May 7 State of Iowa against J. A. Gregory (two cnEes), Stato of Iowa against Ed Hoden. Tuesday, May 8 State of Iowa ngalnst Fred Hansen, Stato of Iowa ngalnst Chi cago & Northwestern Railway company, Stato of Iowa ngalnst F. K. Silvers. Hansen Is charged with committing a 1"" at th. residence of Albln Iluster. I no CH.HO aKlllnsl uiu liui uin i-aifi u imn- way company Is for obstructing a public highway In (lamer township. Tho case rill.. i n n t ngalnst F. E. Silvers Is ono of tno mnny hroueiht against tho Sunday working .bar bers nnd by thwn apin-alod from tho superior court. Stilts Letter Curriers. Tho annual convention of the Iowa Stnto Letter Carriers' association will bo held In this city Tuesday tf next week, when about fifty delegates from all partB of the stato aro expected to bo in attendance. Tho con- nt tho Neumayer hotel, nt which Postmaster Treynor will act as toastmastcr. Samuel Leonard Is president of the local association. Tho following committees havo been appointed: Arrangements Brandt, Crocker, C. F. Plnckney. Entertainment O. It. Scott, C. V. Plnck ney, T. F. Deflront. Finance C. F. Plnckney, O. R. Scott. A number of Important questions affect ing tho welfare of tho letter carrlors aro to como up for discussion and action at this meeting. Nctt Million; Conipniilra. Articles of Incorporation of two moro Colorado mining companies under tho laws of Iowa were filed yesterday In tho county recorder's oillce. Tho Empire Mines com pany starts out with a capital stock of $10,000. divided Into 1,000,000 shares of 1 cent each. Tho Incorporators are: Philip I). Stowart, William A. Otis, William P. Sargeant of Colorado Springs, Colo.; J. W. Bible of Hanover, N. M., and S. N. Aahen fclter of Silver City, N. M. . Tho Coir.ancho Plumo Mining company starts with a capital stock of $15,000, di vided Into 1,500,000 shnrea of 1 cent each. Tho Incorporators nro: Edmund Allen, John W. Proudflt, Willlasi B. Pcttlt, Charles H. Bryan and Itufus C. Thayor. Tho Colorado ofllces of both companies aro located at Colorado Springs. SnrueoiiM for Flfty-Klrst. Considerable eurpriso was manifested nmong tho members of Company L last night when word was received hero that Dr. D. S. Falrchlld of Clinton had been appointed surgcon major of tho Fifty-first regiment, Iowa National Guard, nnd Dr. Don Macrae of this city, first assistant surgeon, with tho rank of .first lieutenant. Dr. Fnlrchlld was surgeon major of tho Fifty-first Iowa volunteers through tho Phlllpplno campaign, but every company of tho reorganized regi ment had endorsed Dr. ilacrao for tho ap pointment of surgeon major. Dr. Macrae served as assistant surgeon major with the regiment through tho Philippine campaign and by his untiring devotion to tho men endoarod himself to every member of tho regiment. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hando will give n "favor German" tomorrow evening nt their acad emy. All present and past patrons Invited. llemocrntle County Convention. Tho tlmo of holding the democratic county convention next TueBday haB been changed from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. At this convention delegates to tho stato convention of tho party at Dos Molnefl will be selected nnd a chairman of tho county central com mittee chosen to succeed J. K. Cooper, who bns tendered his resignation. So fnr no as pirants for tho position havo put forth their claims. Tho Fifth ward has selected tho following delegates to tho county convention! First precinct, J. K. Cooper, Frank Fox, F. A. Blxby, Thomas Maloney, K. Shubort, Wil liam Welch; Second precinct, P. J. Wagoner, Dan Drlscoll, J. W. Corey, Zed Bcthers, Bart Nelson, J. W. Gallagher. Wo sell gas stovos on monthly payments at half tho prlct ot n gasollno stove. Tho Gas company, 26 Pearl street. Funeral of Mollle Coyle. Somo sixty members of tho Young Ladles' sodality of St. Francis Xnvler's church nt- tended In a body tho funeral yentcrday morn lug of Miss Mnllle Coylo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Coylo of 63." Bluff street, nnd followed tho remains to tholr last rest ing placo In tho Catholic cemntery. A largo number of tho frlonds of tho deceased and borcaved family wero present at tho services at St. Xavler's church and tho casket was almost hidden beneath the numerous nnd beautiful flcral offerings. Tha enrtego to , mrtnrv. ... ionlr 0no and tho fol- ' Hit -r n ! lowing wero pallbearers: May Dally, Mollis o'RourTio, Maggie Hannon, Maggio Mciun ley, Anna Wlckham nnd Maggie Morris. County Jfunilny SelioolM. At a meeting held yesterday of tho ex ecutlvo committee of tho Pottawattamie County Sunday School association, It was decided to hold tho annual convention In this city May 31 nnd Juno 1 at tho Sdiond Presbyterian church Rev. Alexander Llthorland was appointed chairman of the committee on arrangements nnd F. H. Graco nnd Miss II. E. Hordman -wero appointed a Bub-commltteo to perfect a program. Rov. Henry DoLong was given charge of the evening meetings nnd Mrs. ,1. S. Peck was selected to arrango for spe cial music. Mr. Riley 5-cent cigar. Commonwealth 10c cigars nre good cigars Ilenth of lOudorn Anderson. Miss Eudora A. Anderson. oldet daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Anderson, died Inst ovenlng at the family residence, 1030 East nroadway. of consumption, after n fow 1 weeks' lllnoss, aged :s yearn. rno runerai will bo held tomorrow nftrrnoon at 2:30 o'clock from tho resldenco nnd lntermtmt will ho In Wnlnut HJ11 cemetery. Itov. finorge Kdward Walk, reictor of St. Paul's church, -will conduct the services. CI1II1I DrliiUa Cnrliolle Veld. DBXTKIt, Ia April 25. (Sperial Tele gram. 1 Tho 3-year old child of Mr. and . Mrs. George Johneon drank crude carbolic ' arid and died In lrs time t'o " little, one was at play and found tho bottle - anu oruuK me cuoiema. SMALLPOX THREATENS IOWA Lao'i of Qaarintinft RiporUd at Franr Will Bo Investigated. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH TO TAKE ACTION Ilri'Mnii of District Court nt lira .Moines 'I'nUfii Aivny Much of Hope SiiIooiin Hint of Opening lu enr Futnrc. DES MOINES. April 25. (Special Tele gram.) It Is not unlikely that the State Board of Health will take some action In the recent neglect of smallpox quarantine at Fraser, la. Dr. Kennedy, secretary of the board, said this morning that the next regular meeting of tho board would be held May 15 and that undoubtedly the alleged neglect of tho health authorities at Fraser, about which there have been so many re ports, would como up nt that time. The board has authority under the statute to supervise all measures taken to protect the Uvea and health of tho people, and whero necessary precautions aro not taken to step In nnd tako action Itself. Either tho board or prlvato citizens could apply for a writ of mandamus compelling proper precautions to bo taken. In the case of Fraser tho first stop will bo to appoint a committee- to investlgnto and ascertain how true the reports of neglect havo been, Dr. Kennedy has direct Information from reliable sources that a number of Infected towjis In the stato havo traced tho origin of The contagion to Fraser. In fact, sev eral of tho cases In Deo Moines nre trace able to exposure there. Among other towns which havo complained aro Fort Dodge, Marshalltown, Mapleton, Lehigh, Boonesboro nnd the Snylor mines. Dr. II. C. Enchbach of Albla stated to tho Board ot Health that John P. Reese, president of tho miner's union, was undur quarantine and declared that ho was exposed to tho dlscaso at Fraser. It Is t. known definitely how many cases thero aro at Frafer. Three new cases from threo now localities have Just been reported to the board, ono nt Mount Zton, Van Buren county, one at Leon, Decatur county, and ono at Bur lington. Snloons Itentnln Closed. Tho saloons of Des Moines cannot open until Juno 3 at tho earliest unless the de cision on tho writ of certiorari in favorable. This much was decided by the district court today. The hearing on tho writ will be heard, to morrow, but the decision this afternoon tnkes away much of the hope of tho saloon people. II. O. Weaver of Wapello, chairman of tho republican state central committee, arrived lr Dc Moines thlw morning. In dlscuesine the political situation this morning ho salit there did not Bcem to be any grent Interest manifested In the places on the Iowa dele gation to the republican national conven tion. In tho First district two men, Captain Ellrlck of Keceauqua, and J. B. Morrison of Fort Madison are seeking to represent tho district on tho Iowa delegation. No new candidates for delegatoat-large havo beon announce!. A call wa Issuod here today for a na tional convention of the United Christian party, to bo held here on July A. This is the party that was organized here last year and at ono tlmti considered running- the famous Rev. Dr. Sheldon of Topefaa for president "Chuck" Brewer and Fred Daly wero brought to tho city and placed In the) Tolk county Jail to escape mob vlolonce at Wln- tcr&et. Prlvato advices from Winterset this afternoon state that if they return there thoy will suroly bo hanged. Brewer nnd Daly recently assaulted, brutally beat and robbed an aged farmer named John Cun ningham and tho farmers are up in arms. INDIANS WANT TO ItAISIl CATTLE. Chiefs of Ilrule Tribe Confer frith (io viTiimen t Officials. SIOUX CITY, April 25. (Special.) Some thing entirely new to the Indian department ot the United States government has Just transpired at the Lower Brule agency near Chamberlain, S. D. The chlafs ot tho Brule Indians, a band of Sioux, snt word to Major James McLaughlin, chief Inspector of tho United States Indian bureau, that they wonted to havo a conforenoe with him. Ho at once responded, and as a result ho has Just forwarded to Washington a remarkable document. Ho has placed his official rooom- ninndatlnn nnnn tha ntlMnn tf tha mnmlurt ...... . -. -. of the tribo to permit thetm to engage In the cattle raising business on a large scale. Not only la tho petition remarkable In lt- elf, but the conference between the men In Itself Is something entlroly out of tie ordi nary. The tribe was represented by White Feathor, Big Man, Bull Head, Black Elk, Flro Thunder and Swift Hawk. The major Is known asi Wa-bde-za Wl-Cas-to, or the man who travels about looking Into things. The Indians sat In tho agency houee. Thero were no feathers, pipes of peace or other Indian traditional doings. They wero there for business. Thoy called attention to tho fact that Juno 30 of this year the thirty-year treaty with tho government, under the terms of whloJi If they kept peace with tho whit man they were to have a clothing annuity, comes to an end. They made a proposition to tho government which is that they be allowed to sell two of their best sections of land; that tho money derive from tho salo bo put Into young cattle, and that not ono cent be given to any member of the tribo In uhy other way. They estlmato that with tho sale of the3 two sections of land they can buy 2,000 head of young heifers and eighty graded bulls. The Idea Is to provide a lovemment brand for tho stock. About 200 families are on the agency, nnd tho animals would be divided up among them. If a man had only himself and hla wife ho would not get as many beasts as tho fellow with several son.. It would be pro rated out In proportion to tho ability of men to oare for tho animals. Thoy aUo inquired closely as to arrange ments for shipping cattlo to market, tho prices to bo secured and tho ration the gov ernment would allow per capita, Tho Indiana hope tho question can go be fore eongrcss at once, as they are anxious to begin tho work of fencing in their entire reservation. They propose to keep a system of bookkeeping, giving each family a num ber and branding this number upon the stock so owned. If the Indian authorities agree to the arrangement tho deal will be closed up as early as possible. Itnllrniul CoiiinilHalonern Confer. DBS MOINES, April 25. The Iowa Board of Railway CommlesloncrB left this even ing for St. Louis, where they will meet tomorrow with tho commissioners of Mis souri and Illinois to dlscu? uniform class! flcatlon. It Ih understood by Iowa shippers that tho railroads want tho classification of agricultural implements advanced by agreement of the roads, which Is opposed by tho manufacturers and shipper.. The Iowa board members Indicate they will take no final action until after full bearings lu this state. (iulli-lnnn Dlniipiiolutril In IliMrnll, SAN FRANCISCO. April K.-Among the paasengers on the steamer Australia from Ilo nnolulu todnv wero thlrty-Heven Oallclans wno wero tnKon to tne nuwanan imanas nvi'P n vear ner. urulpr rnntract to work on unJl'W'th co.ro'nVyal.n; 'jaa iix.cn misrepresented and reiuiea to work. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS, j rjnltn 11 nmnhfr nt nnilliinia fnr ihn rml ' yuito a number ot petitions lor tno i.rau- , Ing of streets In various portions of tho city cufoe of A. L. Hergqulst Friday night, are In circulation and It is estimated that There Is a scarcity of chnirs In U10 conn there will be ns much If not more grading ell chamber Over half of those who nt- done this jear as there, was la.t summer. Several petitions nro now before the city council awaiting action by that bod. Owlt.g to the slack manner of doing business In tho tifcRt the eltv has nt vnrlnus tim lin I past tno cit has at nrious times beon called Upon to pay tho coat of grjdlng In Govern) districts, under the present ndmln- 1 Istrntlon the utmost care will bo taken In tho drafting of ordinances for tho creiitlon ot grading districts In order that the burden tray not be eaddled upon the city. In connection with street Improvements Mayor Kelly said yesterday: "In the pa?t we have) dono a vast amount of grading, paving nnd sower building, nnd thcro Is lit tle doubt but that this work will bet con tinued. That much of It has been dene enrc lecsly nnd negligently, to eay tho Icust, hf- tory of recent successful litigation answers the question. The property specially bene fited should, In my opinion, bear tho burden of such Improvement and the law so pro vides. Had the law In this particular been obeerved In tho past, tho present general Indebtedness! of the city would be many thousand dollars lesa. This condition mny havo reuultol from a want of knowledge of tho law or from bad motives, but, bo that as It may, tho city can no longer stand further experience of tho kind nt such fear ful prices, "I will recommend that no paving, grad ing, building of sewers, otc, be dono and that no special assessments thereforo bo mado until wo aro definitely nnd fully as sured that every condition Imposed by law la In nil respects compiled with In the man ner required. Wo cannot nfford to take any chances. If the law Is strictly followed, and I propose to see that It shall bo, thcro will bo no more mistakes of tho kind nnd no morn law suits In which the legality of special atscssment ordinances aro ques tioned." Tho cnrclessneBs In preparing ordlnnnces for tho paving of Twenty-fourth street will cost tho city at largo about $70,000, and only a day or two ago tho courts declared the special ' lx for tho grading of Twenty-sec ond street from L to N illegal. This de cision -will add to tho burden ot general taxation nnd goes to show that tho utmoU care Is needed In preparing ordlnancw levy ing such taxes. SOUTH OMAIIANS 11VA11H TANKS. City IiOiPi Tvro Special Tnx Collection ended. South Omaha property owners aro win ning frequent victories In tho courtu with reforenco to payment of special tax bills for street Improvement. Two cases were deolded Wednesday. Kate Tombrlck and others sued tho city of South Omaha to evade taxation for paving and curbing L street, from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-sev enth streets. Suit wa bawd on the allega tion that the city eouncll ordered tho work In the abuenco of the necessary petition from prevperty owners. Judge Dickinson rulod In favor of tho plaintiff nnd tho city U perpetually enjoined from collecting tho taxes Involved. Another case decided Wednesday was the action of Sophia Carlson and others against thn city of South Omaha, tho proposition belne the same as that of the Tombrlck case, cxeept that the streets Involved nro Twenty-second, from M to N, and Twenty third, from L to N, and M, from Twenty fourth to Twenty-second. This decision was rendered by Judge Keysor. Cnmnterclnl Cluh Meeting, An lnportnnt meeting of tho Commercial club will be held In tho council chamber on Friflay night. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected. According to' the by-laws the management of tho club la vested In eighteen directors, nine to be elected an nually to servo for a term of two years. These directors are elected by ballot by tha members of the corporation. Tho officers of the clu'b consist of a president, two vice niWdents. a. secretary and a treasurer. All of these officers except the secretary shall be appointed by, and from tho board of di rectors. On account of the good work llono by the) club It is expected that the at tendance at tho annual meeting will bo largo. As tho present otneors navo worKeu hard for ltho city It Is generally conceded that thoy will be re-elected Every mem- ber of the club Is urged to attend Friday night's meeting. Tronanrer Koatsky Taken Clinrr. The) city treasurer's ofRco was turned over to Frank Koutoky yesterday by Mr. Broad- j well. During tho forenoon Mr. Broadwell examined tho records In tho clerk's offlc1, i showing that Mr. Koutsky's bond had been ' a nnA tu nt nnen m.nln thfl necefi- jjjjiuu u A,,.. v. sary arrangements for turning the oluen over. Thn books of ex-Treasurer Broadwell Tvore closed during the day and an expert will strike a balance as soon as pcFslblc. It Is expected that this work of balancing the books will take a day or two. As soon as this Is done the cash In the banks will bo counted and turned over to tho now treas urer. Mr. Broadwell has held the office for four years and Expert Beck asserts that his books aro in excellent shape. Mnslo City fionMlii. An Important maeting of Bee Hive lodgo will bo held nt Mnsonio halt tonight. t Tho bond of City Clerk Shrlgley haB been 1 approved by the mayor and council. Next vear all saloon licenses will cost Jl.OuO and thero will bo no occupation tax. A sldewnlk Is to be laid on tho .west side of Twenty-third street from h 10 i- eireets. The sidewalk on the east sldo of Thirtieth street between It and T utreets Is to be repaired. August Papez has purchased the property nt the northwest corner of Twenty-wventh and L streets. An ordinance haj been prepared estab llshtng tho grade en Nineteenth street from O to Q strets. A crnRHwallf has been ordered laid on tho enst 6lde of Twenty-eighth Btreet between Q and It atraets. An ordinance Is to he drafted providing fnr thn tssulnir of londs to nay for the grading of district No. 45. The potltlon for 'the pavlnc of O street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-sixth streets liaa been favorably acted upon by Miserable Indeed nre the afflicted who carelessly permit disease to gain a fatal hold while relief may be secured for a trifle California's Misson Remedies W and Cala Cactus Liniment are warranted to cure RHEUMATISM and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder Draf (lat wilt return jour maoey It Sa. Care fall ta kc.tllt yea San Curo Cathartic Tablets Perform their work without pain. They Boaitlvilr cure all UVE ILL5, the city council nnd the city attorney has iwen instructed 10 ornit me necriwnry or dinance. Polhenien F. P. Morton. Joseph Dlask and W. S. Kenworthy have furnished surety bonds lu the sum of $.'00 enrh . ..... . ...... . 1. i,i. 1 executive committee 01 me nnrui'ii- A,Pir.,, i,i v 2 wii meet nt th ' v " " "ZT 'LZ Z v rl..: I'roasurer for 'four venrs. will take a position in the clerk of the district court's "d"'1' on .May 1. 'r'1'' npw e'LV electrician ordinance Is con!tI(em, u mo.p ,,, ,i1P Tf(M direction. If it is parsed there will bo a rigid Inspce- t'on or nil electric wiring Minor Kelly has appointed It. M. Christie. D. Anderson and T. J. O'Noll as ap praisers for thn grading district on Eight eenth street from Missouri avenue north. A four-foot sidewalk will bo laid on tbe south sldo of O strii t between Twenty fourth and Twenty-sixth streets. This wnlk will be replaced by a permanent one when the street Is paved. No action was taken by tho city coun cil Tuesdny night regarding the secuiinir of liquor licenses by drug stores It Is under stood that all druggists will be compelled to socuro licenses this year. An adverse report hns been made by the sanitary Inspector nnd tho city attorney on the clnlm of Dana L. Diamond for J175 nr. Diamond asserts that his business was Injured to that amount by the harboring in an adjoining room of two smallnox patients. HERE'S WHATS WANTED A Citizen ef Omaha Supplies the In- Over half the complaints of mankind origi nate with the kldnejs. A slight touch of backache at first. Twinges nnd shooting palne la the loins follow. They must be cbn:kd; they lead to grnver complications. Thp sufferer scIm relief. Planters nro tried nnd liniments for the back. So called kidney cures which do not cure. The long-looked-for result soetno unat tainable. If you suffer, do you want relief? Follow tho plan adopted by this Omaha citizen. Mrs. Catherine Heaston of 1818 Izard street, ways: "I wns not well for four or five years. My back ached ncrocs the small par' and sharp twinges caught me In the kidneys when stooping or rising Tho kld- noy secretions wero Irregular and contained brlckdust deposit. "When I read abut Doan'fl Kidney Pills 1 got a li-x .it Kuhn & Co.'s drug store, cor. loth and Douelas streets. They helped mo right otf and In my caso proved a tplendld remedy I rec ommend thorn to any ono who has symptoms of kidney trouble." Doan's Kidney PUla for sule by all deal ers. Prlco 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Mil- burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho United Stairs . Remember tho name. Doan's, and tako no substitute. DENY BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dilte Car Service. A llcla ff B.uty fa a J07 Faravmr, DIL T. FELIX UOUnAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL UEAUTIFIKR, Remove Tan. Plmnlaa KrncklAB, Moth, P&toliaa jtvltash a fwlraaea, rCflbluutlal ftV.-ttid di ltaah ama Slcln di.. ana evert ah on btaulr. ' SE'--' daflea rloteo- lion It haa atood the tasl of fi'J yvara and la ao barmleaa wo taate it to ba aura It ta properly made. Accept ne 1 aountorfalt or Mini- rii i. 'r- lar name, Dr. I ' A Sajre aald to a i lady of thebaut-tsa iu patlent) "Aa you ad ea will uaa tham I recornmona Souraud'a Cream aa iho lean harmful of a U Iitnprcpara 4?3r QdB ratlona." tor aale by all Dnwj flat and t uooaa Daaiera in tna uniua Biatea. uanaaa mna h.urop. EU rF.nilT KOPK1NS. Fron'r. J7 JoneaSt.. M Y. K i 1 1 II tl I III Mill) Constipation, ! lndigestion( j Biliousness, ! Sick Headache, 1 in men, women or DEECHAM'S I PILLS t Gctthogenulnelfyou T want to be cured. T IO cent & 23 cents, I I children, cured by ai arug eiore. 4 lllllll 13 II I llll I MM II I It edlctae brMa on THai amiA Annawal. Cuaree at r nrto-rtfca reaaixtWa uiwoa- Aer-wccktne aapUaaox AH on approval. Create eousMata taokofrar Utormatlon,w1 th areola. leoareoau uw. HIS MEDICAL 0 BurMLO, at.1T. EH iMifflmlii 1 .rm ajr We Sell on Easy Payments The best repair shop in the city. We do all kinds of repairing on Bicycles, also have a few more of our COLUMBIA AND SPAULDING CHAINLESS on hand Call and see us. Buy a Lot And build your own Home upon it, and Stop Paying Rent. Some vacant lots located in Central sub addition, Potter & Cobb's addition, Omaha addition and Wright's addition, These lots will bo sold at real bargains. In a year or bo they will bring double the money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. You Can Be Cured Hnckache, Diltotisncss, Rheu matism, Dropsy, Constipation, Stomach troubles, Headache, Bladder difficulties, all result from disorders of the liver and kidneys. Read what sonic peo ple say of McLeans! Liver and Aianexj I had been suffering lor some time with llrrr nnd kidney trouble, nnd wnn un.ible to stir lor several montln. 1 was reading In your almanac that Dr. J H McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm had proved ifty beneficial to others, so I thought 1 would try It. Alter I had used two battles t was able to go about my work as unual. It gives me crcat pleasure to recommend this medicine so that others may bo benefited by Its use. W. T. M assa, Window Cliffs, Tcnn. Dr. J II. McLean't Liver and Kidney Balm has done great good in m family Kev.A.Lachanck, Sl.Tlte Dos Caps.Que. Your I.lver and Kidney Halm has cured my wile of dropsv alter four doctors gave her up to die. J. I'. McIntirk, Baldwin, Ga. Mways reliable. Never disappoints. All rucgMs sell it. Prepared onlr by The l)r J. II. McLean Medicine Co.. St Louis, Mo. SOME CHOCOLATE fRAPPE... Hold l.y Fine Trade. In the Following Flavors: Vnnllln, CorTee, Hnsplierry, l'lnenpiilr, I.i'iiion, Orange, ... JOHN C ... Woodward & Co. Bf nimf nutiirlus Con feet loners. Jobber of lllich Ornile Client's. COUNCIL, ULUFFS, IA. PUY A GAS STIVE Becaune It Is safe Because It Is oheap Becauso gas la a cheaper and better tuol thaa woi or coal. THE GAS CO., 2H I'eiirl Ht. .uu Seven for Eight. What is it? Send answers to CIIAS. D. THOMPSON, Nanapaper Advertlalnir Aent, 314-31K Karaeb mock, Omaha. 3 a44!SS8s8S3S33,3,,6"' IJOCUTA SA.XIJALTTflll) C A I'SUMSS. Cures Oor.orrhoca, fll'iet, unnatural dis charges In a few days. All druggist, accept only Docuta, by mn.ll 11.60, full directions, Dick Co,, 133 Centre St.. New York. $5.00 A MONTH. DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST, Trull all Formi el DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yean Expirlance. u leariin umana, KMCTDICITT and I HEDICAIi Treatmaat 'coitiblned.Varlcocale. Btrlctare.Syphllla.LoaaofVlgoraad Vitality, CnrtES firAIUNTIED. Cbarirtalow. nOIIE TRKATUKNT. Ilnob, Consullatioa and Exam, iaatlnn Viet. Hon,8 a, re. to6; 7 to a p.m. Sunday, 9toli P. O. IIox7C6. Office, N. H. Cor. Uth and Fariam Streeta.OMAUA. NE1I. Hcc, April 23. rum Uri 1 m 1 11.1 1 ivi Goodjhings