Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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llvered by carrier In snld tJIstrlrt was.. US
ITho number of copies of tho Evening
"World-Herald delivered by carrier In
ald dliitrlrt wns . IS
The number of copies of tho Morning
AVorld-Hornld delivered by enrrtor In
nald district -was 15
Clio number of copies of Tho Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In said dis
trict waa 4
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
fcresenco this IStli day of April, 1900.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Gtato of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
L. Murray Edwards, being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says that be
tween the Id and 7th days of April. 10. he
made a personal canvass of every dwelling,
ixpartmcnt, odlee nnd storo In tho district
bounded as follows: .
Leavenworth street north, Including
Howard street on Sixteenth and Seven
teenth streets. Leavenworth street north
to St. Mary's avemw. Seventeenth street
west to Twentieth street.
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge and belief the number of
entiles nf Tim Omaha. Kvenlne Hoe de
livered by carrlor In said district wan.. 190
(Tho number of copies of the Evening
World-Herald delivered by carrier In
said district -waa 49
Whn number of copies or tno .Morning
World-Herald delivered by carrier In
said district was
ffho number of copies of Tho Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In said dis
trict was
Sworn to boforo mo and subscribed In my
Drcscnco tnis loin day or April, iw.
(Seal.) Notary Public,
fit! f Wl.ra.lia nmiHrin f!niinlv. sx:
H. C. Parkins, being duly sworn accord
Ing to law, deposes and says thnt between
,7. ,! nn.l 7th ilnva of April. 1900. he mado
a personal canvass of every dwelling, apart
ment, olllro and storo In tho district
fcoundel ns follows: ,
M'tiirinonth tr,nt 1ml ween Rancroft and
Valley. From Valley south to city limits
between Ninth and Seventeenth streets.
Seventeenth west to Twcnty-rourth street
Vrntn Vinton street south to city limits.
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge and belief tho number of, f Tim Omnhn. Evenlnir Heo de
livered hv carrier In said district was.. 104
(Tho number or copies of tho Kvenlng
-vi'nrM.itnt-ulil rlniivernd Ibv carrier In
vni district was M
ffho number of coplea of tho Morning
World-Herald delivered by .carrier In
said district waa
rho number of copies rf Tho Morning
Ron delivered by carrier In said ills'-
trllU wu" iVcr parkins.
n.nm t.. Imfnrn me nnd subscribed In my
presence thla 16th ,1t0 'jTK.
(Seal.) 'Notary Public.
route poiiTV-nvo.
Btato of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss:
John Moucka, being duly sworn according
Ito law, deposes and says that bet wen the
2d nnd 7lh days of April, 1 son ho made a
personal canvass of every dwelling, apart
Jnent, olllce and store In the district
bounded as follows:
Worthlngton street to Rancroft. Kighth
to Tenth street Inclusive. Cnstellar to
liancroft street. From Eighth to Thirteenth,
Inclusive. . ........
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge nnd belief tho number of
copies of The Omaha Kvenlng Ileo dc
llvored by carrier In said district was.. 100
Tim number of copies of tho Kvenlng
World-Herald uouvercu 'uy carrier m
said district was ...................
Tho number of copies of the Morning
World-Herald delivered by carrier In
wild district was ..........................
The number of copies of Tho Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In said dis
trict wab ,...........
Sworn to beloro me nnd subscribed in my
presence this 10th dn of f,.,,.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Btato of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss:
Rcrnurd Flook, being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says that be
tween tho 2nd and 7th days nf April. ),
he mado n porsonnl canvass of every dwell
ing, npartmont, olllco nnd storo In tho dis
trict bounded us follows:
Hlondo to Maplo Inclusive. From 24th to
B7th Inclusive. .
Coponent further saya that trt his best
VnnwlRilire nnil belief the number of
copies of Tho Omaha Kvenlng Heo de
livered by carrier In said district was..
The number of copies of tho Kvenlng
World-Herald delivered by carrier In
said district was...
ffhe number of copies of the Morning
World-Herald delivered by carrier In
said district was.............. .............
Tho number of .copies of Tho Morning
Hcc delivered by carrier In said ills-
feint WI1H
UKKlNAllJJ r LWun.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this 16th dayof Aprllm
(Scnl.) Notary Public.
Btato of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss;
J. It. Wright, being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says that
botweon tho 2nd nnd 7th days of April,
1900, ho mndo n personal canvass of evory
dwelling, apartment, otllco and storo in the
district bounded ns follows:
Pnclllc strcnt to Woolwnrtll avenue;
Twonty-sovcnth street to Park avenue;
Wool worth nvcnuo to Dorcns street;
Twenty-aoventh street to Park avenue, In
clusive. . .....
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge und belief tho number of
nninifnt rPlin DmnliiL Kvenlnir Heo de
livered by carrier In said district was.. HG
(Tho numnor or copies oi wie jwuhiub
Wr.ri.i.Tinrfi1il ilMlvprpil bv ejirrier in
snld district was 33
Tho number of conies ot tho Morning
Wnriii.Tinreliiil ilpilvcred bv carrier In
said district was...., IS
Heo delivered by Carrier in nulrt dls-
lr,ct wu" jVnVwiuoiiT.;
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this 16th day or April, iwu.
(Seal.) Notary Public,
llOlII'lJ FOItTY-l.'IVH.
Btate of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Arthur Hover, belnir duly sworn nccord
Ins to law. douosos nnd says that be
tween tho 2nd and 7th dnys of April. 1900,
lio mndo a personal canvass or every uweu
Ing. npartment, olllce and storo In the dls
rlnt linnnrleil iir follows:
iinmlltnn to Hlondo streets. Inclusive;
Fortieth to Forty-eighth streets; Hamilton
utrect to Ames, Military avenue aim uen
fkponent further says thnt to his best
knowlcdgo and belief tho number of
rnnlfq nf The Omuha Kvenlim Heo de
livered by carrier In said district was.. 103
rho number of copies of the Kvenlng
World-Hernld delivered uy carrier in
said district wns
The number of coplos of tho Morning
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
said district wus
Tho number of copies of The Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In said dls
trier whh
Sworn to boforo mo nnd subscribed In my
presence t his 16th day of April, linw.
(Senl.) Notary Public.
Rlntn nf NMrnkn rtmitrlnn Ponntv. SSt
John Scott, being duly sworn uceordlng to
law, deposes and says that bctweon tho 2nd
nnd 7th days of April. 19i, he made n per
sonal canvass of nvery dwelling, apartment,
otllco nnd store In the district bounded as
Sixteenth street, from Dodge street to
.. limine street.
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge and belief the number of
nnniitri nf Thn OmnK', Vi'nnlt,,, linn .In.
llvereti by cnrrler In said district was.. 13)
aim numnor or copies of tho Kvoning
World-Herald delivered by carrier In
said district was
The number of copies of tho Morning
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
said district was
The number of copies of The Morning
Hce delivered by carrier In snld dis
trict was
Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed In my
prcsenco tins nun uny ot April, woo.
, M. 11. IIPNOATK.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Btatc of Nebrnsku, Douglas County, ss:
Walter Cron.k, being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says that be
tween tho 2nd and 7th-dayB ot April, 1900,
lie made n personal canvass of every dwell
Ing, npartment, olllco nnd store In tho dis
trict bounded us follows:
Sprngue street north to Ames avenue:
from Thlrly-lxtli street west, Including
Forty-second street; Ames avenue north p
rallrond! from Thirtieth street wtst to city f
1 1 fri 114 ?
. 1
"'iM'"c'ii ujriner says mat 10 nis ncii'
nii'iwiciige nnu uener tne number 01
copies of Tho Omaha Kvenlng Heo de
livered liv rnrrl.r !, Ml,1 .tlatrl ua fw.
The number nf copies of the Evening
unrni-ncraiu delivered by carrier in
said district win a
The number of copies of tho Morning
onci-neraid delivered by carrier in
a 111 illntMr-l wna .. 2
The number of copies of The Morning
Jieo delivered by carrier In said dis
trict was 4
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this 16th day of April. 1900.
, , M. B. Ht'NGATE.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Hoy A. Ralph, being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says that be
tween tho 2nd nnd 7th days of April, 1900.
he mado a personal canvass of every
dwelling, apartment, nfflce nnd storo In tho
district bounded ns follows:
From Fnrnam street south, Including
Leavenworth street; Twenty-fourth street,
west to Twenty-seventh street.
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge and belief the number of
copies of The Omaha Kvenlng Hee de
livered by carrier In snld district was.. 137
The number of copies of the Kvenlng
World-Herald delivered by carrier In
said district was 22
Tho number of copies of tho Morning
Wnrld-Horelad dpllvnml liv rnrrlnr In
said district wus
The number of copies of Tho Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In said dis
trict was
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In my
presence this 16th day of April, lf-00.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
route koiitv-mm;,
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Chris Kirk, being duly sworn ncrordlng to
law, deposes nnd says that between tho ind
and 7th dnys of April, 1900. ho mndo a per
sonal canvass of every dwelling, npartment,
ntllco und store In tho district bounded ns
From Fnrnnm street south, Including
Leavenworth street; Twentieth street to
Twenty-fourth street.
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge nnd belief the number nf
copies or The omnhn Kvenlng Hce de
livered by carrier In said district was..
The number of copies of the Kvenlng
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
said district was
The number nf copies of the Morning
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
snld district was
Tho number of copies of The Morning
urn delivered uy carrier in said dis
trict was sj
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In mv
presence this 16th day of April, 1900.
. M. 11. Hl'.NUATi;.
(Seal,) Notary Public.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
j-.uwum nuuney, neing mny sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says that
between tho 2nd nnd 7th days of April,
3900, ho made a personal canvass of every
dwelling, npartment. offlco nnd store In tho
district bounded as follows:
iTom Davennort street, south to Leaven
worth street: Portlnth street, west to
orty-elghth street: from Hamilton street.
south to Ienvonworth street, from Forty-
eignin street, west.
Deponent further says that to his best
Knowledge nnd belief the number ot
copies nf The Omnhn Kvenlng Heo de
livered bv carrier In said district was.. 72
The number of copies of the Kvenlng
n orid-iierald delivered by enrrier In
said district was 25
The number of copies of tho Morning
World-Hernld delivered by carrlor In
snld district was 14
The number of copies of The Morning
nee delivered by carrier in said dis
trict wns 15
Sworn to hefore me and subscribed In my
presence this 16th day of April. 1900.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Stato of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
F. Neely, being duly sworn according to
law. dennses nnd snvs that between the 2nd
nnd 7th davs of Atirll. 19U0. he mnde a per
sonal canvuss of every dwelling, apartment,
nltlce nnd store in tno district nounacu as
Lake, north to Sprague. from Thlrty
slYth tn ICnrtleth! from Illondo Uhd Mili
tary avenuo north tn Ames avenue; Fortl-
etn, west to f orty-eigntn street.
Deponent further says that to his best
Knowledge nnd neuer tno numoor ot
rnnlesi nf Thn Omnhn Kvenlntr Heo de
livered bv cnrrler In said district was.. 123
The number or copies or tne evening
Wnrlil.llnrnlil delivered bv carrier in
said district wns 44
The number of copies ot the Morning
World-Hernld delivered bv carrier In
snld district was 2
Tho number of copies nf The Morning
lien delivered uv carrier in said dis
trict was 14
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In ml"
presence this 16th day of April. 1900.
.11. 11. IIUIMliAl ri,.
(Soul.) Notary Public.
State nf Nebraska. Douglas County, fs:
W. H. Schellberg. being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says thnt
between the 2nd und 7th dnys of April.
1900, ho made a personnl canvass of every
dwelling, npnrtment, olllco and store In the
district bounded as roiiows:
Dorcas street, south to city limits: from
1. P. It. It. west to Thirty-second avenue:
from Martha south tn cltv limits: Thirty-
second avenue west to i-ortictn.
Deponent further says that to his best
Knowledge nnu oeuei tne niimoer ot
copies of Tho Omnha Kvoning Hee de
livered by carrier in said district was. .
Tho number of copies of the Kvenlng
Wnrld-Horald delivered by carrier in
said district was 23
The number of copies of tho Morning
World-Herald del vered uy cnrrler in
snld district was 0
Tho number or copies ot The Morning
ileo delivered uy carrier in said dis
trict was 17
Sworn to befnre mo und subscribed In my
presence this istii day or April, law.
Al. 11. 1 1 U N w A l r..
(Seal.) Notary Public
It OUT 13 F
Stntn nf Nebrnskn. Dnuctas County, ss:
H. Duncan, being duly sworn ncoroing tn
law. ilennses nnd snvs that between the 2nd
nnd 7th davs nf April. 1900. he mndo a per
sonal canvass or every dwelling, npartmeni,
olllce nnd store in the district oounueti as
Pueltle street tn Wnnlworth nvenue. In
eluslvo: Thirty-first, west to Fortieth
street; Woolworth nvenue, south to Dorcni
street; l'ark avenue, west to ioriiein
street; Dorcns, south to Martha street;
Thirty-second avenue, west to Fortieth
st rent
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge nnd belief tho number of
mules nf The Omaha Evenlnir Hen de
livered by carrier In said district was.. 77
The number of copies of the Evening
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
said district was :
Th number of copies of tho Morning
World-llerelad delivered by carrier In
said district was
Tho number of copies of Tho Morning
Heo delivered by cnrrler In said dis
trict was :
Sworn to beforo mo nnd subscribed In my
presence mis loin uuy or April, i:mi.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Stnto of Nebraska, Douglas County, fs:
K. S. Jninloson, being duly sworn nc
rnnlliiir to law. deposes and snvs that bo
tween thn 2nd nnd 7th dnys nf April. 19no,
ho mode a personni canvass or every dwell
Ing, apartment, ofllco and storo In tho ills
trlnt hounded as follows:
From Nicholas north to Lake; from
Thirty-third west to I'oruein.
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge nnd belief tho number of
conies of Tho Omnha Evening Hee de-
llvered by cnrrler In said district was.. 100
The number or copies or tno r;voning
Wnri.i. Herald delivered bv carrier In
miiIiI district was'. 6.1
Tho number of copies nf the Morning
World-Herald deiivercu oy carrier l
said district was
The number of copies of Tho Morning
Ree delivered bv carrier In snld dis
trict was 13
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
1 , .u.n day i.l April, i:.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Stnto of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
William Kocher, being duly sworn nc
coxdluB tp UVi denoca anil nays that be-
tween tho 2nd and 7th days of April. It",
i. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .1 ... . 1 1 .
. 1 mane a personni canvass 01 every
i Ing. apartment, office nnd store In tho dis
trict bounded ns rollows;
Houlevnrd avenue, north to Ames nvenue;
Twenty-sovcnth west, Including Thirty
sixth street.
Deponent further says thnt to his best
knowledge ami belief the number of
copies of The Omaha Kvenlng Heo dc
llvered by carried in said district was.. 127
The number of copies of the Kvenlng
woriti-iicrnld delivered by carrier in
snld district was
The number of copies of the Morning
worid-nernid delivered by carrier m
said district was 0
Tho number of copies of The Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In said dis
trict was 3
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In my
presence this 10th duy of April, 1900.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Stnto of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Karl Hevlns, being duly sworn according
to law, deposes nnd says that between the
2nd and 7th days of April, 1900. he mado a
personul canvass of every dwelling, apart
ment, olllce nnd storo In the district
bounded as follows:
Lake, north to Locust; Eighteenth to
Twentieth. Inclusive; Locust, north to
Plnkney, inclusive; Hallrond west to Twen
tieth inclusive.
Deponent further snys that to his nest
Knowledge nnd beller tho numncr oi
copies of The Omaha Kvenlng Heo de
llvered bv carrier in said district was.. 133
The number of copies of the Kvenlng
worid-llernid delivered by carrier in
said district was.-. 45
The number of copies of the Morning
world-Herald delivered by carrier in
snld district wns i 13
Tho number of copies of The Morning
nee delivered ny carrier in snm dis
trict was 19
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence this 16th dny nf April. 1900.
M. a. iiuinua re,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
1 1 0 1'T 13 FI FT V-S 13 V K X .
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, fs:
Ainert Ulnckmar, being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes nnd snys that be
tween tho 2nd and 7th days of April. 1900,
he mndo n personal canvnss of every dwell
ing, npnrtment, oiuco and store in tno dis
trict bounded as follows:
Dodco street, north to Chlenco. inclusive:
from Seventeenth street west. Including
Twenty-sccend street; from Dodge north
nnd Including Chicago; from Sixteenth
west, Including Seventeenth.
Deponent further says thnt to his best
Know edco and beller tno numner oi
copies of The Omaha Kvenlng Ileo de
livered bv carrier In snld district was..
The number of copies of the Kvenlng
World-Hernld delivered by carrier in
snld illstrlrt wns
The number of copies of the Morning
World-Herald delivered by carrier in
snld district was -
Tho number of copies of Tho Morning
lire iinuvereil bv earner in said dis
trict was ! 32
Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed In my
presence this 16th day or April, iwo.
M. 11. lirKUATI'J.
(Scnl.) Notary Public.
Stato of Nebraska, Douglas Count), ss:
it. H. Williams, being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and snys that be
tween the 2nd and 7th days of April. 1900,
he mado a personal canvnss of every dwell
ing, apartment, oiuce anu store in tne dis
trict bounded as follows:
licit line north to Ames: from Twenty
fourth west to Twenty-seventh: Ames
north to rnllroad: from Twenty-fourth west
to uurtietn; railroad nortn to city limits;
from Twenty-rourtn west to city umts,
uoponent runner says mat to nis best
Knovlcdi? ana beller tne number or
copies of The Omnha Evening Hee de
livered bv carrier In uald district was..
Tho number of copies of the Evening
World-Herald dollvered by carrier in
said district was
Tha number of copies of the Morning
World-Herald delivered by cnrrler In
said district was 17
Tho number of copies of Tho Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In said district
was IS
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presenco this 16th day of April. 19W.
ill. 11. llUrMUAi fj.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Srntq of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
11. IjOUCI, Oding mny sworn nc
pnnllnir tn law. deooses and savs that be
tween the 2nd nnd 7th days nf April. 1900,
he mnde apersonnl canvass or every aweir
Ing. npartment. otllco and store In the dls
trlct bounded ns follows:
Thirtieth street west to Fortieth street;
California street nortn, including Nicnoias,
Deponent further says that to his best
Knowieor? and neuei tne numner oi
roples of The Omnha Kvenlng Bee de
livered by carrier In snld district was..
Tho number of copies of the Evenlns
wnr d-Heraid del vered by carrier in
rmIiI illstrlrt wns 47
The number of coplos of tho Mornln-r
World-Herald delivered by carrier in
said district was 21
Thn number of copies of The Morning
Heo delivered by carrier in said district
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In my
presence this icth day or April, ww.
Al. 11. UUiNUAl I'..
(Seal.) Notnry Public,
Stnto of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Mlllnr Kuhn. be ng duly sworn nc-
rnrdlnir tn law. deposes nnd snys that be
tween tne snu nnu tin nays oi Aiirn, rw,
he made n personni canvnss or every dwou
Ing. njiartment, olllco nnd store In tho dls
trlct bounded ns roiiows:
From Farnam south to Leavenworth
Twenty-seventh west, Including Twenty
ninth nvenue: Leavenworth south to Pa
clllc; Twenty-seventh west to Park nvenue,
Deponent runner snys tnnt to nis oest
KnowKHlso ana neuei tne nnmuer oi
rnnles of Tho Omnha Kvenlng neo de
livered bv carrier in said district was.. 110
The number of copies of tho Evening
Wnrlrl. Herald delivered by carrier in
said district was 69
The number of cnples of the Mornlnc
World-Herald delivered by carrier in
said district was
Tho number of copies of Tho Morning
Heo delivered oy carrier in tniu district
was 20
SI. 13, KUHN.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presenco tins iBtn nay or April, iwu.
(Seal.) Notary Public,
Stato of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Kmerv Smith, being duly sworn nc
cording to law, deposes nnd says that be
tween the 2nd and tin days or Anrn. isoti.
ho mado a personal canvass or every dwell
Ing. npartment. oiiico anu storo in tno dis
trlct bounded ns follows:
From Chicago south to Harney: from
Tenth east to river; south to l'lerco; Ninth
street east to river.
Deponent further says thnt to his best
knowledge and belief tho number of
conies of Tho Omaha Kvenlng Hee de
livered bv carrier In said district wns.. 11
Thn number of copies of the Evening
wor i -i craiu ne uvereu ny carrier n
said district was 26
Thn number ot copies of the Morntns
World-Herald delivered by currier In
said district was 43
Tho number of copies of Tha Morning
Heo delivered by cnrrler In said district
was 2t
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this 7th duy of April. 1900.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
R. S. Hart, being duly sworn nc
cordlng to law, deposes nnd snys that be
tween the 2nd and 7th days of April. 1900,
ho made a personal canvnss of overy dwell
ing, apartment, ofllco and storo In tho dis
trict bounded ns follows:
Valley north to Cnstellar; Thirteenth
went. Including Seventeenth; Cnstollnr
north to Dorcas: Thirteenth to Seven
teenth Inclusive. ....
Deponent further snys that tn his best
knowledse and belief tho number of
copies of Tho Omaha Evening Hce do
llvered by carrier In said district was.. 83
Tho number of copies of tho Evening
World-Herald delivered by carrier In
said district was 72
The number of copies of the Morning
World-IIernld delivered by carrier In
said district was 10
Tho number of copies of The Morning
Hee delivered by carrier In said district
wns 7
R. 8. HART.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this 16th day of April. 1900.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
1UHTI3 U.TTV-TI!lli:r..
Stalo of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
v. Hweunerg, oeing uuiy sworn ac
cording to law, deposes nnd says that be
tween the 2nd nnd 7th days nf April, 190n,
he made a personal canvnss of every dwell-
ing. apartment, oiuce anu store in tno dis
trict bounded ns follows:
California north to cum ne: Twentieth
street west to Thirtieth street.
Deponent further says that to his best
Knowlcdse and beller tno number or
copies of The Omaha Evening Heo de
livered bv enrrier In snld district was.. 101
Tho number of copies of the Evenltis
world-Herald delivercu uy carrier in
snld district was 42
Thn number of topics of the Morning
world-Herald delivered oy carrier in
snld district was 27
Thn number of copies of The Morning
linn finiinrert iiy rnrripr in s.mi iimirint
wns 27
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presenco this 7th day of April. 19X.
M. 11. H UNGATE.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Andrew Anderson, being duly sworn nc
cordlng to law, deposes nnd snys that be
tween the 2nd nnd 7th days of April, 1900,
he made a personni cnnvnss of every dwell
ing, npnrtment, otnco anu store in tno dis
trict bounded ns follows:
Deponent further snys that to his best
Knowledge nnd boiler tno number of
copies of Tho Omaha Kvenlng Hee de
livered bvearrler In said district wns.. 60
Thn number of copies of tho Kvenlns
worid-tiorald delivered Dy carrier in
said district wns 3S
The number of copies of tho Morning
worid-Hernid delivered Dy carrier in .
said district was l. 0
Tho number of copies of The Morning
neo delivered by carrier in said district
was 0
Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv
proonco this 7th day of April. 1900."
.11. 11. iir.NUATi;,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Stato of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
r.nri iAacn, ueing uuiy sworn ncenrd
Ing to law deposes and says that between
the 27th and 30th davs of .March. 1900. ho
madn a personal ennvuss of every dwelling,
apartment, olllce nnd store In tho district
bounded ns follows:
Commonc ng nt a no nt on Twentv-fourth
nnd M, thence south on Twenty-fourth to
1, thence west on I to tho IT. V. rnllrnnd.
thence north on V. V. railroad to M, 'thenco
east on M to place of beginning.
Deponent runner says thnt to his best
Knowieilsc nnd beller tne number nf
copies of Tho Omnha Evening Hce de
livered bv cnrrler In snld distrlet wn.. lis
The number of copies of the Kvenlng
orid-iier.iid delivered by carrier In
snld district wns SI
Tho number of copies of the Morning
orid-nerald delivered by carrier In
said district wns M
Tho number of copies of The Morning
j$ee delivered by carrier in said district
wns 74
Sworn to beforo me nnd subscribed in mv
presence this 11th day of April, 1900.
H. M. CIiniSTIE.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Charles Lefler, being duly sworn accord
ing to Inw deposes nnd says that between
tno rain and .list days or March, 19J0. ho
mado a personal canvass of everv dwelllnc.
apartment, olllce and storo In tho district
bounded as follows;
Commencing at a point nt Twenty-fourth
and U, thopce east on L to, Twentieth,
thenco south on Twentloth to Q, thenco
neat on O to Twentv-fourth. thnnen nnrth
on Ttventy-fourth to placo of beginning.
ueponcni runner pays tnnt to tils best
knowledso and belief the number nf
copies of The. Omaha Kvenlng Heo de
livered by carrlor in said distrlet was..
The number of copies of the Evening
worm-iieraia delivered by carrier In
sold district wa.8
Tho number of copies of tho Morning
worid-iieraia delivered by carrier In
said district was 12
The number of coplos of Tho Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In snld district
was 33
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence this 11th day of April, 1900.
(Sal.) . Notary Public.
Statu of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Niels Madsen, being duly sworn accord
ing to law deposes and says that between
tho 27th and 31st days of Mnrch, 1900, ho
mnde a personal canvass of every dwelling,
apartment, offlco nnd storo In tho district
bounded as follows:
Commencing at a point at Twentieth nnd
O, thence east on G to Thlrtenth, thence
south on Thirteenth to IT, thence cast on
H to Eleventh, thenco south on Eleventh
to M, thence west on M to Twentieth,
thence north on Twentloth to place of be
ginning. Deponent further says thnt to his best
knowledre and belief tho number of
corles of Thn Omaha Everrfnr Hen de
livered by carrier In said district was..
Tho number of copies of tho Evening
World-Herald delivered by carrier 4n
said district was
"The number of copies of tno Morning
world-Herald delivered by earner in
said district wass
Tho number of copies of The Morning
Hee delivered by carrier In said district
Sworn to bsfore mo nnd subscribed In my
presenco this 11th duy of April, 1900.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Stato of Nebraska, Douglas County, s3"r
Claudo R. Orchurd, being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says that be
tween the 27th of March nnd 3rd of April,
1900, ho mndo a personal canvass of ovory
dwelling, apartment, ofllco nnd store In tho
district bounded as follows:
Commencing at a point at Twenty-fourth
and W, thenco cast on E to Twentieth,
thenco south on Twentloth to L, thence
west on l. to Twenty-fourth, thenco north
on Twenty-fourth to placo of beginning.
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge and belief tho number of
copies ot The Omaha Evening Heo do
llvered by carrier In said district was.. 129
The number of copies of the. Evening
World-Herald delivered by carrier in
said district wus 66
Tho number of copies of tho Morning
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
said district was 12
Tho number of copies of Tho Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In said district
was 19
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presenco this 11th duy of April. 1900.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Stato of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Paul R. Hlrge, being duly sworn nccord
lng to law deposes and says that between
tho 27th and 31st days of Mnrch. 1900. h
made a personal canvass of every dwelling,
apartment, ofllco nnd storo In the district
bounded ns follows:
Commencing nt a point nt Twenty-fourth
nnd M, thenco wobI on Twenty-fourth to
U. I', railroad, thenco nortn on U. P. rnll
road to II, thenco oust on II to Twenty
fourth, thencu south on Twenty-fourth to
place of beginning.
Deponent further says thnt to his best
knowledso and belief tho number of
copies or 'mo umnna livening neo de
livered by cnrrler In said district wns..
Thn numbor of copies of the Evening
woriu-iicraiu oeuvcrea uy carrier in
said district was 92
Tho number of copies of tho Morning
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
said district was 25
Tho number of copies of Tho Morning
Heo delivered by cnrrler In said district
was 2i
Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed n my
presenco this 11th day of April, 1900.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
State of Nebraska, DouglaB County, es:
Herbert Ornnge, being duly sworn ac
cording to Inw, deposes and sai'H that be
tween tho 27th nnd 29th days of March. 1900.
hn mado a personni canvass of every dwell
ing, apartment, ofllco and store In tho dis
trict bounded ns follows;
Commencing at n point at Twenty-fourth
and II thenco west on H to Union Pnclllo
railroad, thence north on Union Pacltlo rail
road to Lamont, thence east on Uimont to
2Hh, thence south on 21th to A, thence east
on A to Twenty-second, thenco sontll on
Twenty-second to E, thenco west on K to
Twenty-fourth, thenco south on Twenty
fourth to place of beginning,
Deponent further suys that to his best
knowledge and belief the number of
copies of Tho Omaha Evening Reo. do
llvered by carrier tn said district wu,, HI
Tim number of roples of tho Evening
World-Herald delivered by tarrlcr In
snld district was . 67
The number of copies of the Morning
World-Htmld delivered by carrier In
snld district was , , 10
Tho number of copies of tho Morning
Heo delivered bv carrier In sold dls.
trlct was
Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed In my
presence this 11th dny of April. 1900.
Notary Public.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss!
Kd Tynan, being duly sworn nccordlng
to law. deposes and say that between tho
2Mb of March and 4th of April, 1900, ho
! mndo n personal canvass of every dwelling,
i npartment olllce nnd storo In tho district
I bounded ns follows: ....
Commencing at a point at n and rnmn
Pnclllc railroad, thence south on Union Pa
cine railroad tn I'. thenco west on P to
Thlrty-llrst, thenco north on Thirty-first to
O. thenco west on O tn Forty-eighth, thenco
north on Forty-elghth to Vinton, thenco
enst on Vinton to Forty-second, thenco
south on Forty-second to F, thonce cast
on F to Thlrty-slxth. thenco norm on
Thirty-sixth to H, thence east on B to placo
of beginning. ....
Deponent further snys that to his best
knowledge nnd belief tho number of
copies of The Omaha Evening Hee de
llvered by carrier In said district wns.. 123
The number of copies of tho Evening
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
said dlstr'ct wns 63
The number of copies of the Morning didlvpred bt carrier In
snld district was 15
The number ot copies of the Morning
Heo delivered bv cnrrler in said dis
trict was 61
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed in my
presenco this 11th day of April. 1900.
Notary Public.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
William P. Orlmmlll, being duly sworn nc
cordlng to law, deposes and says that be
tween tho 27th nnd 30th dnys of March, 1900,
lin mnHn n nnrnnnnl rnnvnss of every dwel
ling, npartment, olllce and store In the dis
trict uounuoa as roiiows:
t'nmmnnplnn. at a nnlnt nt Union Pacific
railroad and W, thenco west on W to
Thirtieth, thenen smith on Thirtieth to v..
thenco west on 7. to Thlrty-tlrst, thenen
north on Thlrty-tlrst to P. thence enst on P
to union I'ncine railroad, tnenro souin on
Union Pacific railroad to place of beginning.
Deponent further snys thnt to his best
knowledge und belief the- number ot
copies nf The Omnha Evening Hce de
livered by cnrrler In said district was.. 107
Thn number of copies of the Evening
worid-iieraid delivered oy carrier in
said district wns .
The number of copies of the .Morning
Wor d-Hern d dc vt
red by carrier In
said district was
The number of copies of the Morning
Hee delivered by cnrrler In said dis
trict was
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presenco this nth day or April, iwu.
Notary Public.
State of Nebraskn, Douglns County, ss:
Andrew Logan, being duly sworn nc
cordlnir tn law. denotes nnd says that be.
Iwwn the 27th and 29th davs of March. 1900.
he made a personal canvass of every dwel
ling, apnrtment, ofllco and store In the dis
trict bounded ns follows:
Commencing nt a point nt Thlrty-llrst nnd
O, thence south on Thlrty-llrst to Y, thence
went nn v tn Mirtv-tnird tnence nortn on
Forty-third to T, thence west on T to Forty-
sixth, thenco north on Forty-sixth tn 1'.
thmiee east nn P to Forty-third, thenco
nortn on Korty-tiurd to u, tnence enst on
o to placo or beginning.
ueponent runner snys tnnt to nis nest
knowledge nnd belief the number of
copies of Tho Omaha Evening Reo de
livered bv carrier In said district was..
The number of copies of tho Evening
worid-iiernid delivered ny carrier in
said dlbtrlct was
Tho number of copies of the Morning
World-Hernld dell vt red by carrier In
said district was
The number of copies of the Morning
neo delivered uy carrier in sniu dis
trict was
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence hub mn oay or April, iw).
Notary Public.
Slnto nf Nebraska Douclas Oountv. 6s:
Lloyd Post, being duly sworn according
tn law, depose and says that between tho
28th of .March nnd 3rd of April, 1900,
he mndo a personul canvass of every dwel
ling, npartment, ofllco nnd store In the dis
trict bounded ns roiiows:
Commencing at a point nt W nnd Union
Pnclllc Railroad, thence south on Union Pa
cific rallrond to South Albright, thonce west
to Thirty-ninth, thenco nortn on Tinny
ninth to Z. thence east on Z to Thirtieth.
thenco north on Thirtieth to W, thence cast
on W to plnce or 'beginning.
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge nnd belief tho number of
copies of -Tho Omaha Evening Heo de
livered by cnrrler In said district was. . 123
The number of copies of tho Evening
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
said district wns
The numbor of copies of tho Morning
World-Herald dollvered by carrier in
said district was 0
The number or copies or tho Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In said dis
trict wns 15
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presenco tins mn uay or April, lm
Notary Public.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss:
Conley Gillespie, being duly sworn nc,
rnrdlnir tn law. denoses and says that bo.
tweon tho 2Sth of March nnd 3rd of April,
1900, ho made a personal canvass of every
dwelling, apartment, olllce and storo In tho
district bounded as follows:
Commencing at a point nt Union Pacltlo
rnllroad nnd W, thonce east on W to Mis
souri river, thence south on Missouri river
tn South Albright, thenco west to Union
Pnclflc railroad, thenco north on Union Pu-
olflc railroad to place or beginning.
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge nnd belief the number of
copies of Tho Omaha Evening Heo de
livered by carrier In said district was..
Tho number ot copies of tho Evening
Wnrld-Horald delivered bv carrier In
said district was 4$
Thn number of copies of the Morning
World-Herald delivered bv carrier In
snld district was 0
Tho number of copies of tho Morning
Hee delivered bv carrier in said dis
trict was 10
(-u.NLiiv uu.i.i'.Hrii;,
Sworn to beforo mo nnd subscribed in my
presence tins mn uay or April, ivw.
Notnry Public,
stntn nf Nebraska. Douglas County, fs
Rnhert L. Hlce. being duly Bworn no
nnniinir tn law. deposes nnd snys that be
tween tho 27th nnd 30th dnys of March.
3900, ho mndo a personni cnnvnss of every
dwelling, npnrtment. olllce nnd store In the
district bounded ns follows:
Commencing at n point nt 0 street nnd
IT. P. rnllrnnd: thenco east on Q to Mis
souri river; thence south on Missouri river
to W; thenco west on W to U. P. rnllroad:
thence north on U. P. railroad to placo ot
Deponent further snys that to his best
knowlcdgo nnd belief tho number of
nrmlnu nf Thn Omnha Evenlne Ilea do
llvered by carrier In snld district wbb.. 89
Tho number of copies of tho Evening
World-Herald delivered by carrier in
snld district was 112
Tho number or copies ot tne Morning
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
snld district wus 7
Tho number or copies or Tlio Morning
Heo delivered by carrier In said dis
trict was 9
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In my
presence tnis iitn day or April, iuuj.
Notary Public.
Slate of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
Wil nm Wandborg. being duly sworn
nccordlng to law, deposes and snys that
between the 2Sth and 30th days of March,
1900, ho mado a personal canvass of overy
dwelling, npnrtment, ofllce and Htoro In tho
dlstiict bounded ns follows:
Commencing nt n point at 20th and M
streets: thenco enst on M to Missouri river:
thence south on Missouri river to Q; thenco
west on Q to Twentieth: thence north on
Twentieth to pmco or beginning.
Deponent further snys that to his best
knowledge mid belief tho number of
ronles of Tho Omaha Evenlnc Heo do-
llvered by cnrrler In said district wus., 47
Thn number of copies of tho Evening
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
snld district wus 29
The number or copies or tho Morning
World-Herald delivered by carrier in
cald district was 0
Tho number of copies of The Morning
noo noiivcrfd ny carrier in sain inn-
trlct wiu -1
Swnrn tn befnrn inn nnd subscribed lit my
presence this 11th dny of April. 1'.0J.
II. M. flimn i ir.j
(Seal.) Notnry Publlo.
nte of Iowa, Pottawnttnmle County, m:
Ned Wirt, being duly sworn according to
W. ilonnano nn.l lava ttiitt lietWCCIl the 2nd
nnd 7th dnys of April, 10o0. he mHilo a per
sonni canvass of every dwelling, npnrtment.
nmcc nnu store in tne district nra"u'
follows: . .
North and south side of nroadwny nun
First street west to Eleventh street.
Deponent further says that to his best
Knowledge nnd belief the numtitr j
copies of the Dnlly Nonpareil delivered
bv rnrrtnr In nul,l .lUtrtel wns 1"2
The number of copies of the Evening
orid-neraid delivered oy enrrier m
said district was S
.""' ""."""UV'V;;' Vh MoVi'iine
Tho number of conies of the nM"."i lS
i"f S".1,,JT,JI lA.LcU vu rc1 by carrier in
said distrlet wan... 53
The number of copies of the Morning
neo delivered by carrier in said uis
trlct wns fl
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In my
presenco this 7th dny of April. 1900.
II, U. nlCMI'-lu,
(Senl.) Notary Public.
Slate of Iowa, Pottawattamie County, h:
llownrd llelslcr being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says that be
tween the 2nd nnd 7tll days of April. 1900.
ho mndo n personni canvnss of every dwell
ing, npartment. omen and storo In the
district bounded ns follows:
From Hroadwny south to Tenth nvenue,
nnd from South Eighth street weBt to
South Twelfth street, Including Tenth nve
nue nnd Twelfth street.
uepnncnt further snys thnt to his best
Knowledge nnd lienor tne numner or
copies or the Dally Nonpareil delivered
by carrier In snld illstrlrt waa 79
The number of copies of the Evening
orio-neruld delivered by enrrier in
said distrlet was
The number of copies of the Morning
w orid-iierald delivered by carrier in
said distrlet was
The number of copies of the Morning
nee ticuvcreu by currier in said dis
trict was
Sworn to hefore mn mid subscribed in mv
presenco this 7th day of April, 1900.
11. J. .MCUr.1'..
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Slnto of Iowa. Pottawnttnmle County, ss:
Hay ward Rice, being duly sworn nccord
Ing to law, deposes and snys that between
tno 2nd nnu Tin days or April, im. no
mndo a personal canvass of every dwelling,
npnrtment, olllce nnd store In tho district
bounded in follows:
I' rom Tenth nvenue smith, nnd frnm
Main street west, all that territory within
clti- HmltB.
Deponent further snys that to Ills best .
Knowledge nnd belief tho number or
copies of tho Dnlly Nonpareil delivered
ny enrner in said district was.
Tho number nf copies of the Evening
orid-uernid deiivorcd by enrrier in
snld district wns 117
The number of copies of tho Morning
w orid-uernid delivered by cnrrler In
snld district wns
The number of copies of the Morning
nee delivered oy carrier in said dis
trict was 64
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed in mv
presenco this 7th dny of April. 1900,
11. t. MCllKK,
(Senl.) Notary Public.
Stato of lown. Pottawattamie County, ss:
itoy Autcncll. being duly Bworn nccord
lng to law. deposes nnd says that be
tween tho 2nd nnd 7th days of April. 1900,
ho made n personul canvass of every dwell
Ing. nnnrtment. office nnd atom In the
district bounded ns follows:
From South Twelfth street west tn
Twenty-third street, and from Drondwny
smun to city limits.
uoponcni runner says tnnt tn nis best
Knowledge nnd belief the number of
coplen of the Dally Nonpnrell dollvered
oy carrier in said district wns.
The number of copies of the Evening
onn-iicrn (I de ivcred bv carrier in
said district was 191
'ine number or copies of the Morning
snld district was i
iiiiu'iit'iniu I riivt'it u liv I'jirr it in
The number or copies of the Morning
nee ueiivcrca uy carrier in said dis
trict was 96
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In mv
in t-nuiiLc mm nn uuy ol Aym. iwu.
11. G. McGEE,
(Seal.) Notary Public,
State of lown. Pottnwnttamlo County, ss:
li. lian Howard, being duly sworn nc,
rordlnc to Inw. denoses nnd savs that bo
tween the 2nd and 7th days of Anrll. 1900.
no mado a personal canvass or every dwen
ing, apartment, ouice nnd store in tne dis
trict bounded ns follows:
From South First street enst to Oak
street, and from Hroadwny south to Platncr
street; tnenco all that territory south nnd
east rrom mnisman street to city limits
Deponent further snys that to his best
Knowiedcn nnu be lor tho number or
copies of the Dally Nonpareil delivered
bv carrier In snld district wns
The number of copies of the Evening
worid-iiernin delivered by carrier In
said district wns
The number of copies of the Morning
worni-iiernid delivered by carrier in
snld district was 0
Tho number of copies of the Morning
nee delivered oy carrier in snld dis
trict was SO
Sworn to befnre mo and subscribed In mv
presenco this 7th day of April. 1900.
11. li. AlCUNM,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Slate of Iowa, Pottawattamie. County, ss:
rnaricy isairn, being dtny sworn nccord
lng to Inw, deposes and saya that be
tween tho 2nd nnd 7th days of April, 1900,
lie mado n personal convass or oycry dwell
ing, npnrtment. ofllco nnd storo In tho
district bounded as follows:
From North Seventh street west to North
Twelfth street, Incluslvo Twelfth street,
nnu rrom uroauway nortn to city limits.
Deponent further says that to his best
Knowlcdgo nnd beller the number or
copies of tho Dnlly Nonpareil delivered
bv carrier In said district was 65
Thn number of copies of the Evening
worid-iieraid delivered oy carrier In
said district was 91
The number of copies of the Morning
worid-tiernio delivered oy carrier in
said district was 3
The numbor of copies of tho Morning
uoe aeuvcreu Dy carrier in said dis
trict was 70
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In mv
presence tills 7th day of April, 1900.
11. U, MCUKK,
(Seal.) Notnry Public.
Stato of Iowa, Pottnwattamlo County, ss:
George Porter, being duly sworn nccord-
Ing to law, deposes and says that be
tween tho 2nd nnd Tin days or April, ivw,
ho mado a personal canvass of overy dwell
ing, npartment. ofllce and storo In the
district bounded ns follows:
From Fourth otrcet east to Third street.
nnd from Rroadway south to Tenth nvenue,
thence west to Main street and on souin to
city limits and School for the Deaf.
Deponent runner says mat to nis oesi
Knowledge anu ucuet tnu numncr ot
copies of tho Dally Nonpareil delivered
hv carrier In said district wns 47
Tho numbor of copies of the Evening
World-Herald delivered oy corner in
said district was
Thn number of copies nf the Morning
World-Heruld delivered oy carrier in
nld district was
Tho number of copies nf tho Morning
Hee delivered ny carrier in sniu dis
trict was - jL-
Ul'.UUUti I'l.lltTWH,
fiwnrn tn hefore mo und subscribed In mv
presence this 7th day of April. 3900.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Rintn nf Iowa. Pottawattamie County, ss
S. Windsor Aylcsworth, being duly sworn
nccordlng to law, depoies and snys that
between tno -no nun nil iiujs nt April,
irxio. he mndo it personal canvass of every
dwelling, npnrtment, otllco and store In the
district nounueu nu ioiiows;
Ilrynnt street, from Hroadwny north to
Washington avenue and Vine street; from
Rryant street enst to North First street,
thenco nil territory north and west from
First street, inclusive, nna from uroauway
west to cuy limns,
Doponcnt further says that to his keit
knowledge nnd belief the number of
copies of the Dnlly Nonpareil dollvered
by carrier In said district wns
Tho number of copies of the Evening
worid-Hcrnld delivered by carrier in
said district wns M
The number of copies of tho Morning
w orni-iiernld delivered by carrier in
snld district was
Thn number of copies of the Morning
Hee delivered by carrier In said dis
trict was
Sworn tn before me nnd subscribed In my
presenco this 7th dny of April. 1900.
H. ti. McOKK.
(Senl.) Notnry Public.
Btnte of lown, Potlnwnttnmlo Cniinty. ss:
Howard li. llcisier, being mny
according to law, deposes nnd says that
between the 2nd nnd 7th dnys of April.
1 r.V, I. ...n.lA . np.rtnnl nfltifnav nf OVCTV
dwelling, npnrtment, ofllce and storo in tho
district uoiiuiira as ionnws:
Fnurt i street, from Urondway south to
Tolith nvenue: South Mnln street, from
Ilrondway south to sixteentn nvenuoi i-.i
street, frnm Hrondwny south to Sixth nve
nue, or Its junction with Mnln street.
Deponent runner snys mm to m n
knowlcdgo nnd belief tho number of
conies of the Daily Nonpareil delivered ...
by carrier In said district was.......... Wl
The number of copies of the Kvenlng
World-Hernld delivered ny enrrier in
flll1 ,lt.ttlt Yl'fl .......t.
Tho number of copies of tho Morning
World-Hernld delivered oy carrier in
snld district was
The number of copies nf the Morn ng
nee delivered by carrier in sain mn-
ttlCt W"8 iibWARDlL H
Rwnm In befnre me nnd subscribed 111 my
presence this 7th day of April. 1900, ,
11. w. Aiciir.i'.,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Slnto of lown, Pottnwnttnmlo County, ss:
W. Henry, being duly sworn nccordlng to
law, deposes und says thnt between tho .ml
.,.1 tii. .,r Aurii i'Ki im tnadn it per
sonal cnnvnss of every dwelling, apartment,
ofllco nnd storo In tho district uounuou a
follows: .
North Twenty-third street snd .South
Twenty-third street, west to the Missouri
river, nn territory in tnnt iwhuii nn...,.
city limits, ... ,
Deponent further snys mat to nis ncsi
copies of the Daily Nonpareil delivered
lit- rnrrlnr In nnlrl district was
lMinwinnirn nnu niiimr inn liumuci vm
Tho number of copies of the Kvenlng
World-Herald delivered by carrier in
a it lil ilUlrlrt wns Vi
The number of copies of the Morning
World-Hernld delivered by carrier in
snld district was 5
The number of copies of the Morning
nee delivered ny carrier in sniu inn-
Swnm In before me and subscribed In mi'
presenco this 7th day of April. 1900.
11. V. iill'iicirii
(Seal.) Notary Public.
State of Iowa, Pottnwattnmlo County, ss:
.1 A. rhnnimtrnm. belnir duly sworn ac
cording to Inw, deposes and says that be
tween tno 2d and Tin days or April, iw". r.a
mmln n. ntrsnnal cnnvnss of every dwelling.
apartment, olllco nnd storo In the district
Dounneo aB ioiiows;
From North Seventh street. Inclusive, enst
fo North Main street, thenco enst on Wash
ington avenuo to North First street nnd
rrom uroauway nortn to city limits.
Deponent further snys thnt to his best
knowledge und belief tho number of
copies of Dally Nonparlcl delivered by
canler In snld district was S3
The number of copies of tho Kvenlng
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
said district was 36
Tho number of copies of tho Morning
World-Herald delivered by carrier In
said district was 13
The number of copies of Thei Morning
Bee delivered by carrier In said dis
trict wns 91
dworn to beforo me and subscribed in my
presenco this 7th day of April, 1900.
(Seal.) Notury Public.
Stato of Iowa. Pottawattamie County, ss:
Don C. Downing, being duly sworn ac
cording to lo.-w. deposes and Fays that be
tween the 2d and 7th days of April. 1900, hn
mado a personni canvnss of every dwelling,
npartment, ofllco nnd storo in the district
(bounded ns follows;
From Glen nvniiuo and West Plcrco street
enst to scuth First street, Inclusive, thenco
south to Plateuer Htreet, thenco east to
Statesman street, Inclusive, thance on south
to city limits.
Deponent further says that to his best
knowledge nnd belief tho number of
copies of Dally Nonpurlel delivered by
cnrrler In said district wan RS
Tho number of copies of tho Kvoning
World-Hernld delivered by cnrrler In
said district was IS
The number of copies of tho Morning
World-Hernld delivered by carrier In
said district was 6
Tho numbor of copies of The Morning
neo douvored vy carrier in said dis
trict was
Sworn to befnre mo and subscribed in my
presenco this 7th day of April, 1900.
(Seal.) Notary Public,
Stntn of Iowa. Pottawattnmlo County, sb:
Dell C Morcan. being duly Bworn accord
ing to law, deposes and says that betweon
tho 2d nnd 7th days or April, law, no maa
a personal canvass of overy dwelling,
npartment. ofllco nnd Btoro In the district
bounded as follows:
From First street east on uroauway to
Oak street, thenco east on East Plerco
street nnd north on Rroadwny to city limits.
Deponent further says tnnt to ins oesi
Knowledge nnu neuer tno numncr or
copies of Dally Nonnnrlol delivered by
carrier In said district was SS
Tho number ot copies of tho Kvenlng
World-Herald delivered by carrlor in
Raid district was 35
Tho number of copies of tho Morning
World-Hernld deiivored uy carrier in
said district was 1
Tho numbor of copies of The Morning
Heo delivered ny carrier in said dis
trict was K
Sworn tn beforo mo and subscribed In my
presence this 7th day of April, 3900.
Notary Public.
Stato of Iowa, Pottnwattamlo County, fs:
J. A. Leonard, being uuiy sworn ncroru-
Inir Inw. rip,nnses nnd KrtVK that between
tho 2d nnd 7th days of April. 19ft) ho mado n
nersnnnl rnnvnss of everv dwelling, apart
ment, ofllce and storo In the district bounded
as follows:
From North Twnirth street west to Twcn-ty-thlrd
street nnd from Eleventh street on
Rrnadwuv west tn North Twelfth stret.
thenco from Hroadway north to city HmltB,
Deponent runner says mat. to nis nest.
Knowledge nnu neuei tno nnmuer oi
cnnles nf Daily Nonnarlel delivered by
carrlor In said district was 21
Thn number of copies or the livening
World-Hernld delivered Dy carrier m
snld district was
Tho number of copies of tho Morning
World-Herald delivered uy carrier in
said district was
Tho number of copies of Tho Morning
Reo delivered by carrier in said dis
trict was
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In my
presenco this 7th day of April, 1900.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Btato of Iowa, Pottawattnmlo County, ss:
Henry Chrlstophersen, being duly sworn
according to law, deposes and sayn that be
tween tho 2d nnd 7th days of April, 1900,
ho madn a personal canvass of every dwel
ling, npartment. olllco nnd storo In tho dis
trict bounded ns follows:
From Hroadwuy south to Tenth nvenue.
Tenth avenuo Inclusive and from Pearl
street south to Klxth avenuo and west to
South Klghth street, thenco from Sixth
avenuo to Tenth avenuo und west to South
Eighth street, .
Deponent further snyn that to ids best
knowlcdgo and belief tho numbor of
copies of Daily Nonpurlel delivered by
carrier In sum district wus 117
Tho numbor of conies of tho Evening
World-Hernld delivered bv currier In
said district wus
Tho numbor of copies of tho Morning
worm-Herald delivered ny carrier in
said district was 15
Tho number of coplcu of The Morning
Hee dollvered by currier In Bald dls-
trlct wan 101
Sworn to beforo me and subscribed In my
presenco this 7th duy of April, 1900.
11. O. M'OEE.
(Beat.) Notary Public.