THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1000. 3 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. dead In a boat on the Des Moines river yesterday, his body being In tho boat nnd his head nnd arms hanging over the side Into tho river. Ho has been subject lo fits nnd It In believed that one of tbem ended in his death. oio0OiOosoO9oeo9oecosoO6Oooeoi!iO9oao A COUNCIL JIINOll MtiNTIOX. Davis sella glass. Gas fixtures nnd globes nt Hlxby's, Morehouse & Co., magazines bound. Hud welter beer. I Hosenfcld, agent. Fine A. B. C. beer, Ncumaycr's hotel. Bchmldt's photos, new and latest styles. Chester Stevenson of Kansas City Is vis iting relatives, In this city. Out your work done at the popular Eagle laundry, 721 Hroadway. 'IMione 167. Bee artopravures. Alexander & Co. give pedal prices on frames for them. W. C. Kstep, undertaker, 23 Pearl street. Telephone: Office, 97; residence. M. The organization of a "Bond row s rlub amoiiK local wheelmen Is being iiBltuted. 3. Baldwin makes a specialty of clean ing wall paper and frescoes. 121 12th ave. The trial Jury In the superior court has been summoned for Thursday of this wo-k. Mrs. J. W'cnrln of Hunting, I'1' ' lli0 guest of Mrs. I. C. Bonham of North Sec ond street. Tho regular conclave pf Ivnnnoe com mandery. Knights Templar, will bo held this evening. C. H. "Warn of Box Butte, Neb.. Is In the city for ii f-w days visiting his brother, Attorney W. H. Ware. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall have returned to this city nnd have rc-establlBtied mem selves In their homo on Mill street. V C. D. C. assembly at independent Order of Odd Fellows' hall April 25. Ad mission. 25 cents. Whalcy's orchestra. Tho Daughters of tho American Revolu tion will meet Thursday evening $ tho home of Miss Laura Baldwin on Willow avenue. H. A. Messmoro nnd family left yesterday for Madrid, la., being called thero by the sudden death of Mrs. Mcssraore s father, A. J. Davidson. Superintendent G. M. Hohl find a party of nlllclals of the KansaH City. St. Joseph & Council Bluffs road were In the city yes terday morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. David Slogrlst of Salt Lake City, tltah, nro In the city visiting Mrs. Hlcgrlsfs brother, H. 1'. Barrett and wife, on Washington avenue. Hay Clark filed un Information In Justice Vlen1 court yesterday charging John Doe." whoso nnmo Is thought to bo Hayncs, with nssault nnd battery. The demand for-dog tags has commenced nnd City Clerk Phillips has already Issued a number, although the Hmo for paying the tax does not commence until May 1. The commissioners on Insanity havo re ceived an order from tho Stnto Board pt Control for the rcleaso of Harry U Blink ley from tho Stnto asylum nt Clurlmla. Bert Stlmson, who Is employed In the en gineering department of tho Oregon Short line, left last evening for Pocnte lo, Idaho, nfter a short visit with his family here. Tho regular meeting of Concordia lodge. No. 62, Knights of Pythias, will bo held this evening at Hughes' hall, when there will be work In tho llrst and second ranks. Stnr Jupiter lodge. No. 6, will meet Thursday evening, when all members nro requested to be present. Uefreshmonts will bo served at tho close of tho business ses sion. Charles H. Titus, formerly a conductor on the west Iowa division of tho Burlington, now station master of tho Union depot at Boston, Mnss.. Is In tho city for a few days renewing old ncuualntnnccs. Bcrnhnrdt Wittlg nnd Inez Hongg, both of Omaha, were mnrrled In this city yester day, the ceremony being performed by Bov. J. W. Wilson of tho Congregational church In tho private ofllco of tho clerk of tho dis trict court. William I.elk, the South Mnln street lodglnghouso keeper, charged with assault ing ono of his guests, an aged German named Albert Hanne, was discharged In Justleo Vlen'a court yesterday on motion of tho nsslstnnt county attorney. Members of the Young Ixulles' sodality of St. Francis vler's church are re quested to nwt Wednesday morning nt RtfO o'clock at tho resldenco of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Coyle, 655 Bluff street, to at tend tho funeral of Miss Motile Coylo. A special meeting of tho retail clerks will be held this evening In Iibor hall to tako further action on tho enrly closing ques tion. Statn Organizer A. McDermott of tho International Iletall Clerks' Protective as sociation will bo present and address tho meeting. Tho Injunction secured by W. A. Summit, restraining Sheriff Cousins from removing tho stock of liquors belonging to Snm Ford, nttached under a Judgment secured by tho banking firm of Olllccr & Puscy. was dis solved yesterday and tho case In Justice Vlen's court continued to April 30 by agree ment. A man named Brndshaw, who Is charged with stealing a horse on February 2G be longing to I. Nlxnn of Hazel Dell Is under nrrest at Schuyler. Neb. Deputy Sheriff Canning left for tho Ncbrnskan town to bring him bnck last night. Tho stolen horse wns found with Bradshaw when ho was arrested. Tho eleven tramps rounded up Sunday night In the yards of tho Northwestern railway were discharged In police court yesterday morning nnd given ono hour to get out of town. Tho tramp problem Is bo cnmlng a serious ono for tho police. Tho number of negro tramps Infesting tho city nnd railroad yards this spring Is more than usual. N. Y. riumblns Civ Tel. 2M. county sDi,i:uiTKXni:.vrs meet. About Twenty-Five Will Attend Hound Tnlile Sesnlou Here. About twenty-five county superintendents aro oxpected (o bo In attendance at tho two dnys' conference of the county super intendents of southwestern Iowa, which opens in this city this morning. Tho con ference Is called by Hon. It. C. Barrett, superintendent of public instruction, under authority cf the code, which provides that tho state superintendent may call tho county superintendents together at such points In tho state n may be most suitable. Tho conference will bo held In the ofllco of Superintendent O. J. McManus in the county court nrid tho first session will bo held at 10 o'clock this morning. State Superintendent Barrett will preside. Tho superintendents who will bo present will bo from tho counties south nnd west of Dcb .Moines. No special topics have been assigned to individuals, but a rfogram of subjects has been arranged by Ae state superintendent for open discussion by all members present. The topics for dlscusilon nro: Ungraded schools; how muy they be moro thoroughly systematized and connected with something beyond? Aro township high schools feasi ble? Are township graded schools fcaslblo? When shall small country schoolg bo dis continued? How can professional train ing bo provided for the country teachers? To what extent may It bo required? How can experience nnd merit bo recognized by county superintendents In tho examination and certification of teachers? Itccent school legislation. Whnt Is most needed In school legislation? To what ex tent. -If any. Is Instruction In elements of agricultural and horticultural sclcnco prac ticable In tho common schcols? Tho teachers' reading circle. Why It should bo supported. How can it be strengthened? Tho Normal Institute. Libraries, school room and decorations. Tho Improvement of school buildings and grounds. Prof. McMnnus will bring boforo the con ference tho question of consolidation of school districts and tho transportation of children. We sell gas stoves on monthly payments at half the prlco of a gasollno stovo. The Gai comrany, 23 Pearl street. V.iint'lifon Is not complete without a bottle of BLACK k- TAN "the American Porter" product of tho Anheuscr-Ruseh Rrewing Ass'n that rlvalo and excels the brut English Porter, Stout or 'alt and 'alf. Orders nddreeed to Geo. Krug, manager Omaha branch, will bo promptly executed. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Kasturn Nehraska and Jowa. James N. Cn.-Mdy. Jr.. tii Main riU, Council Uiuru. BLUFFS. CHEAPER LIGHT IS IN SIGHT Ordinances to Reduce Oat of Gas Electricity Are Prepned. and RATES BROUGHT DOWN CONSIDERABLY Commit (re of Mi-rclinuts' nnd Miuiti fnuttircrV Association linen Its Work and It In I'll (o the Council. The committee appointed at tho last meet- Attorney James McCnbo to tho city council Ing of tho Merchants' and Manufacturers' , nst lllRnt, statements to tho same olTect association haw prepared ordinance tlxing j Wero mado by W. W. Wallace, Judge Mc the prices to be paid by tho city and prlva.o Geo and Rev. V. S. Barnes, pastor of tho consumers for gas and electric lighting. They . First Presbyterian church. They headed nro very similar to the ordinances at pre- J and acted as spokesmen for n committee of tnt in force In Des Molnen. Both oidinauccu , business men and church members who have ptovldo for a much lower ecalo than is ut ' organized with a determination to suppress present In forco in this city. I tho gambling houses of this city In tho ovent Tho prices fixed for gas nro: For 11- that the mayor and city council do not do lumlnatlng gas, J 1-30 per 1,000 cubic fecf, to bo paid on or beforo tho loth of tho i rconth next succeeding that In which the gas tent composed of members of tho congrega te furnished; for gas used for heating or ' Hon of the First Presbyterian church, filed mechanical purposes, $1.10 per 1.000 cubic feet. If payment Is not made boforo the luth of the month an additional cbargo of 10 per tent 1h permitted. Tho rates for electric lighting are: For each direct current arc lamp or 2,000 candle, i power, furnished with D.6 amperes of cur- i rent with fifty or more volts pressure at the terminal point. 3 ccnt8 pcr nour. Kor ah ! alternating current arc lamp, furnished with j amnorps nr pnrrnn, ,,i 70 .,.' , ,. , , , , , mp ivir E T po n t;' 'h0 ,Bamo I rate, tor each Incandescent light of not ,uuu ju-viiiiuiv (njnci, 74 tuufc JJUI uuur. for each Incandescent light of not less than 32-candlo power, 1U cents per hour, in caso amount of energy stated Is not furnlahcd an amount in to bo deducted from theso prices proportionate to tho energy lacking, and for tho tlmo any nro lamp Is reported out a deduction Is to bo mado of doublo tho amount bated upon th,o rates charged. Both ordinances provldo that compllanco with their terms shall not bo construed to extend tho rights of any person, firm or corporation now using tho streets nnd alleys of tho city for tho purposo of furnishing light in addition to tho rights they may now possess, and nothing in theso ordinances shall prcjudlco tho rights of tho city to mako further regulations as to prices for llghtlng. Any person, firm or corporation, however, now using tho streets and alleys for furnishing gas or electric lighting may contlnuo to do bo If they comply with tho regulations fixing tho ratcu to be charged both for gas and electric lighting. Both ordinances also contain a clauso pro viding that If any person, lira, or corporation now occupying the streets and alleys or tho city shall retueo to furnish gas and electric lighting at tho rates prescribed, tho city reserves tho right to declare a forfelturo of all rights and privileges heretofore pos sessed by them nnd to compel a vacation or the streets nnd alleys now occupied by such persons, firms or corporations, within three months In case of electric lighting and six months in caso of gas lighting. Isn't It to your Interest to know why tho Commonwealth 10-cent cigar is eo often preforrod to all others? If you try one you will know. Commonwealth 10c cigars are good cigar. Tho Gas company furnishes gas heaters for bath and bedrooms free. DAVIS PAID CASH ON WAIITIAXTS. One of the Feature of the Suit for I'okhchhIoii of School Fluid. In tho district court yesterday Judge Smith heard further evidence In the mandamus caso brought by School Treasurer Haver stock against Georgo S. Davis, the former guardian of tho school funds. Davis also Died an amendment to his answer. Davis was placed on tho stand for tho purposo of showing that ho bad In fact been acting as treasurer of the school district slnco the canvassing of tho election returns and tho declaration of election of Haver stock by tho Board of Education. He testi fied that ho, as treasurer of the district, bad paid four orders Issued In February and Mnrch prior to Haverstock's qualification and that ho had cashed out of tho school funds ono voucher for $1,631, dated Mnrch 30, , subsequent to Haverstock's qualifica tion. Tho payment of these orders was tes tified to In nn effort on tho part of Davis to provo that he had been performing tho functions of tho offlce and that he was de facto tho treasurer of tho Independent school district of Council Bluffs. On the other hand, Understock testified thnt a number of wnrrants had been drawn on and presented to him as treasurer, but that ho had been unable to cash them for want of funds. Further hearing In tho case was continued until this morning, when tho plaintiff will plnco Dillon Ross, secretary of tho Board of Education, on the stand to show how It happened thnt Davis was called upon to cash tho warrants that ho did aitor Havorstock had been doclarcd elected treas urer of tho district. Davis In his amendment to his answer de nies that Hnverstock has performed any of tho duties or functions of treasurer of tho school district slnco ho was declared elected by tho board. Ho alleges on tho other hand thnt ho has dono nnd performed every act and duty appertaining to tho ofllco and has paid out largo sums out of tho teachers' and contingent funds since tho dato of tho Issuance of Haverstock's certificate of olcc tlon. Ho sets out nUo that ho has slnco then nnd down to tho present tlmo had tho solo custody, charge, care and control of all tho moneys, books nnd papers appertaining to the oinco In controversy. During tho afternoon Judge Smith heard arguments on the motion to strike out cer tain portions of tho pleadings In tho caso of Ole Rasmussen against the Eastern Loan nnd Building association of Syracuse, N. Y. This suit Is similar to tho ono brought by Mrs. Field and In which Judgo Oreon, In handing down a decree for tho plaintiff, took oecnHlon to arraign In scathing terms tho manner tho defendant company conducted Its business. Tho suit of A. F. Pokorny against O. P. irtlfAann whlph hns men mhorni! Inn norkot 'for n' number of terms, was dismissed at plaintiff's costs. A Jury was impaneled In tho caso of -...'A ..,.. n..j-. ., , evidence commenced. Hansino Mnnkln, ono of tho heirs of tho late Hans Rosen, filed objection to the re port and Inventory Chris Larson. of tho administrator, Davis sells paluta Howell's Antl-"Kawf curi-n coughs, coldl Miikoiim Will 111! liquet. Excelsior Masonic lodge has extended nn Invitation to all Its members nnd their women friends, tho members of Rluff City lodgo and their women friends and tho members of Harmony chapter. Order of Eastern Star, to attend a social and ban quet to be given tomorrow night at Ma sonic temple. Past Grand Master Llnlnger of Omaha, Judge Walter I. Smith and Rev. R. Venting, pastor of tho First Baptist church, aro to bo the principal speakers ot tho evening. The program will also in clude vo'cal selections by Howard F. Strykcr, Clyde N. Atchison. Miss Caldwell and Mlfs Nclllo Haworth nnd recitations by S. S. Fare. Tho committees In charge are: Banquet Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Wind, Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. A. Hlghsmlth. Reception Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Del 0. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Copley. Mrs. C. K. Walter, Mrs. J. K. Cooper, Miss Jcnnlo Pile, Miso Blanch Ark- right. Thin Is the first tlmo In Masonic history In this city that a blue lodgo has Invited women to nit at Un banquet and the event promises to bo a memorable one. tiTii:.s pitoTKsr ox ;.vMiiM(i. Committee Warn I lie Miijor nnd City Council of Its Intention. "This Is the last week that there Is going : in hn Ernmhllnr- In f'nmipll llliiff " Rn nnnkn so. This committee, which Is to a largo ex- Into tho council chamber shortly niter tho aldermen had convened. W. W. Wallace said that a few weeks ago a committee of j five had been appointed to wait on tho mayor, but tho Interview had not been sat- lafactory. Ho said that the majority of 11,0 business men nro In favor of closing tho Rnmb nJ T00m not ",y, "re .hc " moral shame and disgrace to tho city, but ,ho; " " '"f 'KL,, bv Attorney McCabo prefaced his address by Rtntlng that his committee had been In- formed that three gambling rooms, open, i.i hLi t, m, it h,h. tics, wcro In existence In the city. Tho com mltteo had been Informed that the city needed tho revenuo derived from tho licen sing of these resorts. This ho characterized as n disgrace and Insisted that tho city officials had no nnthorlty to license gamb ling. He admonished tho mayor and alder men that If any one of them persisted In refusing to enforce tho laws that ho would not bo an official of tho city for many days moro. Rev. Dr. Barnes of tho First Presbyterian church stated that ho hnd. spoken to be tween seventy-five nnd 100 representative business men, nnd from these conversations lio was satisfied that there was a decided nnd deep determination that tho gambling houses should bo suppressed. Judgo McOec, who was Introduced as chairman of the legal commlttco of tho or ganization, mado the concluding arguments. Ho said that the commlttco was determined to' enforce tho law and closed the gnmbllng rooms would be, even If the city oillclals ro fuscd to do It. There being another member of tho cam mltteo anxious to speak tho mayor called on tho city clerk to proceed with the busi ness. Beforo tho clerk started to read the next document boforo him Attorney McCabo again took tho floor nnd requested tho coun cil to let tho committee know whnt nctlon It Intended taking In the matter. The mayor said ho could not toll right nway as he do sired to consult with the aldermen first. "Can you let us know by tomorrow after noon?" said McCabe. "Possibly," answered Mayor Jennings, and this seemed to satisfy tho commltteo as Iho members at ohco filed o'ut' of the council chamber. The ordinances drafted by tho commlttco of tho Merchants' and Manufacturers' as sociation fixing tho rates to bo charged for gas and electric lighting woro submitted and laid over under tho rules. Chairman Casper of tho association presented tho or dinances and asked favorable consideration of them at tho hands of the council nnd that thoy bo not pigeonholed. Routlno matters took up tho evening. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 541 B'way. Mr. Riley C-ccnt clear. MImkIiiu: Mini Til rim l'l Demi. DECORAH. Ia., April 23. (Special Tele gram.) Tho body of Theodore Thorfon, who had been missing hero for two weeks, was found enrly this morning in the river, back of Relum's slaughter house, lodged ngalnst a wiro fence. Foul play was suspected, but the finding of his purse and money In his clothes goes to show that he wandered Into tho river and was drowned. Thorson was Intoxicated when last seen alive. llriiUcninu Killed. WHAT CHEER, la., April 23. (Special Telegram.) Robert Moffatt. aged 21, a brnkoman on tho Burlington. Cedar Rapids & Northern, was instantly killed this morn ing while switching. Moffatt's foot was caught and ho fell, a car running over him and cutting ills head off. Horsford's Acid Phosphate Relieves the sense of fullness, distress nnd pain in the stomach after meals. Maks dlcestlon natural nnd easy. Genuine bean name HoniroKo's on wrapper. ' '" I 'lftmHL... i TWO CENTS.... WORTH OF GAS will give you a first-class bath by using tho J Victor Instantaneous Water Heater. It Is i tho best, tho simplest and tho most efficient ' . water heater made. C. IH.VIIY & SON., Morrlam Block, Council Bluffs, .j .s. ? ? $$ J5 $ i 'V S I ! $ I $5 Gacss correct va m vw 5! Seven for Eight. What is it? Send answers to a, CIIAS. n. IIOMI'SOX, Newiiiifr AtlvertUliiK AKi'nt, ;t1l-:iir. Knrm'li llliiot.-, Oniiilia. 5 TAXISC HIE RAIL Assessment that Oansed a Sensation in Iowa $ Fnblic HOW TAX GATHERER SIZES THEM UP form Itnlirnnil ConimlMsliinpr 'Will Attend MeetliiK I" St. I.oul to Discuss FrrlKht Clnssl llcntlou. DES MOINES, April 23. (Special Tele gram.) Tho railroad assessment, which has created such, a furore in Iowa political cir cles because of Treasurer's Herrlott's pro ttst, was given out today by Secretary of Stato Dobson. Forty-flvo systcimo nro Included In tho assessment nnd It makes nn aggregate of $15,899,325. Tho assessments aro of special Interest thin year because of the publicity given them by Treasurer Herrlott, who says they arc unequally adjusted and not In conformity with tho laws of tho state. Tho largest assessments are as follows: Chicago & Northwestern, $7,937,590; Chi cago, Rock Island & Pacific, $7,120,169; Chi cago, Minneapolis & St. Paul, $8,170,916; Chicago, Burlington & Qulney, $4,913,794; Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern, $4, 261.628; Iowa Central, $1,720,186; Dubuquo & Sioux City, $3,314,328; Chicago & Great Western, $2,200,899; Keokuk & Western, $456,120; Wabash, $411,420. Tho railroad commissioners will go to St. Louis Wednesday to meet with the Illi nois nnd Missouri commissioners for a con sultation on classification. Tho Iowa com mUuloner3 say a change In classification means nothing lets than a change In rates and whllo they aro not euro what It Is tho Illinois und Missouri commissioners want, they will not enter Into any agreement In St. Louis which will affect Iowa btislnetw. No change has been asked In Iowa by cither railroads or shippers. Tho Board of Control today docldcd upon Wednesday as tho time to carry out tho law passed by tho last legislature and close tho Homo for tho Blind at Knnxvllle. Governor Shaw left for Washington, D. C, to meet with tho governors of tho Louisiana purchase territory Friday to work in the Interest of tho St. Louis World's fair. Clarcnco Shoemaker, aged 25, waa found LAME BACK, ACHING JOINTS, LOSS OF APPETITE. all mean RHEUMATISM. Why suffer when there is an abso lutely reliable remedy for this painful disease? People whose occupation exposes them to cold nnd wet think there is no help for them, and go on suffering for years with inflamed joints, aching back and soreness all over the body. M'Leaife Liver and Kidney is a sure cure. A few bottles will rid your syste.n entirely tf the poison which causes these tormenting pains. One bottle will relieve you, so you will be convinced of its value. All druggists have it. The cost is small antT there is no doctor's bill io pay. This simple and safe medicine does the work. Prepared only by The Dr. J. H. McLean Medicine Co., St. Louli, Mo. IJeo, April 21. nun IML1T1 Liquid Air Food Preservers Will Surely lie Mndc I.IUv The Illinois Automatic It In the Ilpnt Clreulntlon liver Devised. (;iIAIt.V.Ti;i;i) TO USn I,nSS ICi: OH I.IQl COLE & Buy a Lot And build your own Home upon it, and Stop Paying Rent. Some vacant lots located in Central sub addition, Potter it Cobb's addition, Omaha addition and Wright's addition. These lots will be sold at real bargains. In a year or so thoy will bring double the money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office. Council Bluffs. Dyspep A dyspeptic Is rarely successful. If ho Is, he becamo successful boforo ho becamo dyspeptic. Ho NKVKH ia a choorful, happy man. Dyspepsia exerts such a depressing effect on both mind and body that mirth is bantflhed frobi your heart. It seems to clutch your mind In an enervating grasp that dulls tho understanding and weakens tho will. Your work cannot bo what It should bo whllo dyspepsia reigns in your stomach. Dyspepsia cornea on stealthily! There's tho full feeling after eating, then tho belching of gas, suddon. darting pains, palpitation of tho heart, confused mind and, perhaps, melancholy and anxiety. Tho nerves becomo unstrung and you means that "your Btomach has gono wrong" and dyspersla approaches! Dr. You Need becauso Dr. Kay's Renovator lends your stomach Just tho organ, steadies evory nervo, vitalizes every vein with a peptic. HBUK'S IHRUrT'TAHLR PROOF: (The peoplo nf Omaha have becomo qulto familiar with Kdltor Hervcy's testimonial, with THK TRl'TII. Such a story gains strength with repetition OKOROH V. HERVKY. the successor of Wm. Jennings Hryan as editor of "The Omaha World-IIerahl," Omalin, N eb.. year.'. After three best physicians in Nebraska failed lo relieve him, ho decided to go to f'hlcntro for treatment, when Kay's nenovator! Now it Is eight months slne I used Dr. Kay's Renovator and 1 havo NO BYMITO.MH whatever of Tor your own take refuso substitutes' Remedies "Just As flood." ns Dr. from us I5c nnd $1,00. Address us for free medical advice, sample and book, t'omtrrsmunii Hull Chosen, AMES, la.. April 23. (Spcclal).-Tho ac tion of tho republicans nt tho primaries held hero last Saturday in ctvlnc Cnneress- i man Hull of tho Seventh district nn over - whelming endorsement over Payne of Nevada, will lead to Mr. Hull's receiving the republican nomination In this district with out any opposition. Mr. Hull's victory In this county was complete. Mr. Payne being unablo to carry n single ward In his homo town. Hull received 979 votes nnd Payne 651. This gives Hull tho entlro delegation lium o,ui; lulling, tin MUMl-l IMV ll l.lltl. J rules thero Is not such n thing as a divided delegation here. Tho only other office on which any contest was mado was that of county attorney. Georgo A. Underwood of Ames received tho nomination against V. S. Alderman of Nevada. fltiiirrrl May Und In 31 order. CLINTON. In.. April 23. (Special Tele gramsHenry Lund, Peter Burko and Bob Hngunln became Involved In a quarrel nt Ccmanche, this county, Sunday and Lund shot Burke twice, perhars fatally wounding him. Lund was arrested and lodged In tho county Jail. Burke Is nt tho hospital In a prccurlous condition. Out of CoiiKrcMMlomil Itncc. OtTUMWA, la., April 23. (Special Tele gram ) Tho Courier todny publishes n let ter announcing tho withdrawal of G. L. Waterman from tho congressional rnce In tho Sixth district on account of new busi ness plans which will tako him outside of tho stato mcst of tho time. PILES "I nuffbroil tho tortnrcn of tho damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with whloh I was afflicted for twenty ycM. I ran across your CASCARETS In tho town of Newoll, la., and never found anything to equal them. To-day I am entirely f rco from piles nnd feel llko a new man." C. 11. K eitz, llll Jones at., Sioux City, In. CANDY CATHARTIC TRADE MARK RtOISTf SIO rieaiant. rentable. Potent. Tanto Oond. vo Good, NOTor blckcn. Weaken. or Gripe. 10c, 20C.KW. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Rriatdy Cllfico. atrll, Sw Ttrfc. 311 Mfl..7n.nfiP fold b nd rnrrantped by nil drug. SOME: Good Things CHOCOLATE FRAPPE... Sold by Flnr Trade. In the Following Flavors: Vnnllln, Coltce, Haspbcrry, rineupplc, Lcmou, OrniiKC, ... JOHN C ... Woodward & Co. SIiinufnctiirliiK Confeot loners. Jobbers of llliib Cirndc Clears. COUNCIL IILUI'FS, IA. Ktiniilly (ionil for lec or Liquid Air, XO MintOIIKS AllSOI.l Ti: ClltCl I.ATIO.V XO T.VIXTI'.O WATI3H XO COXXKCTIOX IIIJTWHHX WAT Kit nnd FOOD (II AMIllClt. U Allt tlmn any ItcfrlKt-rntor iiiiule GOLE. sou: .;i:ts COLXCII. III.UI'FS, ... SHI Kay's Renovator DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL 1 O j O , O Chicago, Jan. 22. 1900. Warner's Safe Cure is a line remedy for building up a broken down system, and I know, p:rsonally, of several cases of kidney and liver troubles which were permanently cured through its use. In fact I know of nothing which equals it and am glad to speak a good word for it. ELIZABETH VETTER. Chairman Shoo Operators' I'ulon No. OIOt00t00l0C00t90IO000O0IO0 1 1 i DISTRIBUTORS: ltoiicitTsox nuns., Omnha nnd Vicinity. W K. CRESH & NO CURE, NO PAY Dr. McLaughlin's Offer to Weak Men My Electric Belt is a positive cure tor weak men. It gives the vitalizing power of electricity direct to all weak parts, developing the full, natural vigor of manhood. It re' moves all the effects of youthful error and excesses forever. I want every weak man, every man who is not the man ha t should bo, to uso it, and to effects. PAY FOR IT WHEN CURED After you are cured you can pay mo , and then tho prlco will bo only lial rrhat Is asked for the old-style belts, which have boon blistering nnd burnins tho backs of their wearers for the lajt thirty years. My licit Is three times ns strouK us uny other belt sold, and is tho only ono Uiat does not blister tho flesh. Write today for ray SO-page book.wlth information. Address dr, m, c, Mclaughlin, aid your stomach needs. Dr. Kay's Ilcnovator tones up tho wholo rushing Hood of pur0 rich blood and restores strength nnd energy, Kay's Renovator nro NOT made or sold CO. SARATOGA SPRINCS, N. Y. vstem Builder 01. HOTIIH.M KIlC .1- SCIIl.tlSS, State of Nebraska. SONS, Makers. tell his friends of its surprising 214 State Street. Chicago. i Controls The Minds And Lives of Its Poor Victims aro very Irltablo and Impatient, This dlgestlvo apparatus, invigorates ovory health and happiness to tho poor dys- but you ennnot become TOO famllUr had tho worst form of Dyspepxla for ho s.iys: "I whh Induced to try Dr. my old trouble.' by anyono anywhere, At druKlats or