THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APKIL. 21, 1!)00. Telephones 618 and-OSl. Dee, April 23, 1000. A Bargain in lack Brilliantine elegant. More in style and better, because "little price." Nothing so rich and A black skirt or a full suit of this serviceable material will please you. 46-itich, Special Price 50c a yard. High gradu in fabric, weavn and finish. Thoy have all ho lustre and buauty of any all silk material. Wo Close Our Store SrtturJnys at 0 P. M. AQESTfl KOIl FOSTHIt KID GI.OVRS XSl Me CALL'S PATTKIINS. Thompson, Beldeh &.Co. TIIC ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRV GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA. Y. SI. C. A. nUlLDlNCl, COII. 1UT1I A .11) DOUGLAS STS. LAMBERTSON AND THOMPSON 'ormir's Candldaoj is Etgtrded is a Mnce to the Littar'i Aipiratlont SERIOUS SPLIT IN LANCASTER COUNTY Hffort nt the Tliuraton-Selilieliler Ciiinliliic to Muddle Mir Situa tion In IIcIiik Iteaenteil ! the Delegates. ISG1MI OMAHA NEWS.j A charter revision committee la ono ot tho possibilities, The present city chnrtor wao gruntc;l when South Omnha was In Its swaddling clotbce. Its rnpM growth ile man de a charter containing more advanced Idea and u much larger scope. It U the intention of tho present administration to appoint a committee competed ot three uncmbera of tho council, thrco well known citizens and tho mayor, making a commit ted of toven, to tako up tho work' of re vision of tho charter. Hy starting on this movement early It Is expected to havo all needed changes In shape beforo tho legisla ture mocts. An effort will then be mado to liaVo a bill pasacd granting South Omaha a now charter. A It Ih now this city In compelled to work under a charter tho samo as Beatrice, Hastings, Kearney, etc. Tho city odlclals of theso towna declined a year or bo ngo to allow a change In the present charter. This year It Is proposed to secure a separate charter for South Omaha. If it la dono n larger levy for lire nnd police, purpoeco will bo mado and rad ical changes In tho regulations covering tho removal of garbage will be made. Mayor Kelly wanta to glvo to tho perplo the right to haul their own garbage, provided they comply with tho lnws. Ho also wants to havo tho hauling of garbage for public departments placed on a competitive basis. Moro than this, ho favors a reduction of tho price now paid for tho carting away of dead animals. Tho mayor thinks that If the council fol- Iowh hlo recommendations a great deal ot inonoy will bo saved to tho taxpayers evory year by a reduction of priced. At tho same time better service will bo given. For a long tlmo tho city garbagemaater has used a dump on tho river front, whero tho city Is compelledto pay for the uso of tho same. It Is figured that tho city can woll afford to securo a dump for itaelf and thus save a monthly rental, or elso havo tho refuse hauled to Lal'latto In earn tho samo as Is dono with tho stock yards re fuse Tho subjects, mentioned are only a few of tho change contemplated. ,As tho city Is growing so rapidly It In deemed ad vlsnble In nomo circles to Increase tho com pensatlon of city omcers. Tho mayor Is allowed by charter a salary of $500 a year nnd It In tho samo "with the city treasurer. Tho city clerk gets 11,000 d year nnd other olUccre lu proportion. Quito a number of citizens favor Increasing tho pay of the mayor and treasurer to $1,000 a year and that of the clerk to $1,200. At prcaent tho city attorney gotn $100 a month, this office drawing tho best salary of any Jn tho gift of tho mayort Some changes In tho man agement of tho street department are bIbo advocated by tho mayor and for thin rea son thceo favoring a rovlslon of tho charter deslro to see the mayor mado ono of the committee. Ono of the most Importnnt needa of the city Is better fire protection and this point will bo ono of the strong features ot tho revised charter. In this connection Mayor Kelly said recently: "Our city has passed that point when It can forego tho best possible Are protection Our peculation In too densa and our bulld- ngs and business too large and important to hazard any chances that means and fore sight may remove. Our equipments for ex tlngulshing Arcs of magnitude aro noto rlously Insufficient. This is due, to a greater or Ices extent, to lack of means and a want of legal authority to procure tho same. An effort should bo mado to havo tho leglslaturo remedy this defect In our charter at tho session tho coming win ter. I trust that affairs will so shape them selves that wp may add a fire cnglno to tho present equipment and also maintain a suttablo fire station In tho Second ward Another hoso company Is also needed nnd thlo will be provided as soon as the funds will permit. "Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow. A single microbe contains the germ of the most malig nant maladies. The blood is the means by 'which microbes are sent on their deadly mis sion. Small at first, the mi crobe soon becomes a giant. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the arch enemy of all germs of whatever nature. Its small doses master these microbes by dissolving and passing them off as refuse of the system. Fomalo Weakness" have had 'female weakness all my life and suffered day and night from headache. I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and am now strong again." Mrs. Gertie Landon, ' Harlem. No. Rheumatism - "If 1 have a touch of rheumatism, I ta'.t Hood's Sarsaparilla and it soon cures me. It is the best rem edy I know of for that trouble." H. W. Hutchinson, Newark Valley, N. Y. Neuralgia-" took Hood's Sarsapa rilla for neuralgia and in less than one month I was perfectly cured." Annie M. Luck, Benfer. Pa. Hood's fill. rjirUircrlllithi nnn lrrlttln)tnd onlf entTirtTe to tuVe'wlVh Moml'i S.rnrlll". .lohllNton Veraua AilUlnsi. If street rumors aro true, Ed Johnston Is behind a movement to compel W. P. Adkln to provo his title to the offlco ot president of tho city council. Quo warranto proceed lng havo been started, It is stated, for tho purpose of compelling Mr. Adklns to go Into court and prove to tho satisfaction of those -who are opposing him that ho was legally elected president of the city council. On the night of tho election Johnston mado a com plaint nbout tho result and since tho dato of organization ho has been Industriously working to overthrow .tho local government as regards tho organization of tho council In this ho Is being ably seconded by several allies, who expect to profit by any change that might now bo made. Mayor Kelly in slsts that tho council was legally organized and ho quotes sections of tho statutes provo that ho Is right. As fnr as Adklns Is concerned he asserts that ho never sought the place, but as ho was elected ho proposes to serve and In defense of his rights ho pro Pobcs to secure tho best legal talent there Is. Former Mayor Ensor gives as his opln ion that Kelly Is right In the organization of tho council. At tonight's meotlng of the council somo steps may bo taken to quiet tho malcontents and put a stop to proceed ings which tend to disrupt tho administration. LINCOLN', April 23. (Speclal.)-Strcnu- ous efforts aro being made lu this county to Bccuro tho support of the Lancaster dele gation to tho state convention for tho can didacy of Q. M. Lambertson tor governor. It Is urged by Mr. Lambertson's friends that tho delegates havo a wrong Impression of what is really meant by his candidacy. They assort that in nnmlng him they wero actu ated by a deslro to bring about a state ot harmony In republican ranks and they In- slBt that Lambertson Is tho only man who can do this. Speaking of tho candidacy of Mr. Lam bertson, one ot the delegates to tho stnto, convention from this county said this morn- nc: "It la said that Mr. Lambertson a can didacy is not in opposition to anybody who j resentntlvo Convention O. V, Ib supposed to havo control over tho delega tion from this county. This, of oburso, means Mr. Thompson, who Is Lancaster county's preferred candidate for United States senator and who naturally has con siderable lnfluenco with tho delegation. Most of the delegates bcllovo that Lambertson Is running for governor simply to help him self In his senatorial ambitions, nnd that whether ho Is elected or defeated he will ba a candidate for senator, provided, of course, that tho leglslaturo Ib republican. There s but ono way In my estimation by which Mr. Lambertson can hopo to secure any con siderable support from Lancaster county, and that Is to announce that at the closo of the campaign, should ho bo the republican nominee, ho will not, no matter what tho re sult of tho election, bo a candidate for United States senator. "As tho situation stands now tho inter ests of those two men Thompson and Lam bertson seriously conflict and there is prac tically no hopo for Lambertson securing tho Lancaster delegation so long as tho Impres sion prevails that ho is a candidate tor the senate, for wo all know that Lincoln can not havo two senators." Charles H. Dietrich of Hastings was In Lincoln tonight nnd while hero denied tho report that ho had withdrawn from tho raco for tho republican nomination tor governor. "I havo not -withdrawn from tho race," ho said, "and certainly do not intend to. Tho roport that I hid declined to be a candidate Is false and without any foundation, as aro also tho dorogatory reports that havo been recently circulated concerning my record." A conferenco of local politicians favorablo to tho candidacy of O. M. Lambertson will be held In tho city tomorrow night. Andretrn nnil tlie L'nlveralt y. Acting Chancellor Dessey returned this morning from Chicago, where ho was the guest ot tho Nebraska University club ot that city at Its second annual dinner. While in tha city Dr. Dessey conferred with Or. Androws concerning tho administration ot tho Stato university and ot this Interview he said today: "Tho first morning after I arrived In Chi cago I had a conference with Dr. Andrews. I took along a number ot university docu ments to glvo tho new chancellor a better Idea of the size, growth and lmportanco of the Institution than ho formed while in the city, and ho seemed moro than evor pleased over tho prospects. Dr. Androws will b3 here August 1 nnd 111 havo to hang on un til then. Ho expects to leavo Chicago in a few days for Kuropo, butMn. Andrews will como to Lincoln sometime In July to arrange for n houso and will remain In tho city from that time. Dr. Andrews expressed himself as well pleased with what he saw during his visit In tho city nud ho spoko especially of tho protection afforded, the expenditure of university funds. As to changes In tho unl verslty. Dr. Audrews said that If nny are to bo mado they will bo made slowly so that they will como as a growth and not as a surgical operation." adjourned and elected I. D. Clarke chair man, E. V. Ilcedlo secretary and W. H. Davidson treasurer. Tho convention was enthusiastic and tho delegates to tho differ ent conventions go unlnstructod, CrtAWFOIlD, Neb., April 23. (Special.) The Dawes' county republican convention was held here today. Resolutions 'wero adopted endowing the McKlnley administra tion and declaring tor tho continuance of tho liberal pension system nnd a liberal Inter pretation 6t tho pension laws and favoring further legislation to restrict tho formation of trusts. W. P. Fanning was nominated for re-election ns county attorney. The follow ing delegates were selected: State: W. H, Ketcham, W. W. Wilson, 0. A. Ecklcs, W. H. Reynolds, O. T. H. Hancock, Frank Cur rle. Congressional: Reynolds and Frank Currle. Senatorial: H. J. Sayles, O. A. Ecklcs, J. E. Porter, Wallaeo Wilson, H. H. Spraguo, Ocorgo Parker. Tho representative delegates were tho same ns the senatorial. O. H. II. Dun ot Chndron was elected chairman of the county central committee. OGALLALA, Neb., April 23. (Special.) Tho republican county convention convoned at tho court house Saturday afternoon nnd elected tho following named delegates: Stato Convention H. L. Ooold, O. M. Gun nell, J. W. Wclpton. Congressional Con vention E. M, Soarle, E. J. Marford, H. E. Goodall. Senatorial Convention N. C. Mc lean, E. A. Wlnslow, C. H. McOrew. Ilep- Ryan, Fred Pease, Mr. Snedlker. Tho delegates to tho congrcrslonal convention wero Instructed for H. M. Grimes of North Platte, who Ih now district Judge. HOLDREQE. Neb., April 23. (Spoclnl Telegram.) Tho republicans of Phelps county hold a large and harmonlus conven tion hero today. Resolutions wore adopted endorsing President McKlnley nnd his Ad ministration. Delegates to the stato conven tion are: E. D. Elnsel, W. P. Halt, O. Nor- berg, E. W. Deghtol, W. P. Colo, C. F. Sampson, F, Ashpolc, Q. A. Hanson, L. T. llrooklngs, Robert Knox, H. J. Day. To tho congressional convention, held Tu'ro Wednesday: H. E. Hush, E. 1). Elnsel, E. E. Good, E. A. Ramos, Fred Drown, E. Rarnum, M. A. Fulk, J. A. Skallborg, C. E. Johnson and C. F. Shlros. Delegates to tho senatorial convention aro: W. M, Rank, D. J. Fink, August Lar son, U. S. Moore, O. D. Dalyeat, Ross Pcd- ley, Oscar Ekstrom, R. P. Nelson, F. D. Swnnson, W. E. Rowen. Nono of tho dole gates were Instructed. HEAVER CITY, Neb,, April 23. (Special,) Tho republican county convention held hero today elected tho following delegates to tho stato convention: Fred Hoehner, T. A. Doyd, A. P. Vnnburgh,. Charlcw Laub, I5n Cone, Ocorgo Williams, L. M. Hoady, H. J. Masters, W. H. Deamud, C. T. Story, D. F. Smith, A. F. Webster, E. E. Emmett and H. A. East. The congressional delegates arc: D. S. Hasty, T. M. Davis, O. R. Dra per, A. O, Rankin, J, L. Lashbrook, R. E. Kcnycn, W. P. Pierce, E. N. Allen, J. M. Leo, A. P. Vnnburgh, R. H. Rankin, F. N. Merwln and W. B. Uabcock. Tho state dele gatlon is uninstructed nnd tho congrcs slonal Is Instructed for W. S. Morlan. BOSTON BREAKS THE SPELL PhUidolphla Forced to Bit the Dust Beforo tha Eetlca Troupe, WILLIS' WORK IS MAINLY RESPONSIBLE lie Wouldn't Allnir llltn, While Ortli Wan Dnnj- for the lleniirntera AVnililrll Wlilteunaticn Clnclniintl. rittfttitirK, (It Clnelnnnlln, O. Iloaton, Ml Phllntteliihln, n. IlrixiUI) ii-NeMv York, rnln. .St. I.ottla-ChU-nKO, rill n. Initlnniipollsj, 7 Murrain, 1, ( MlnneniiollN, 10 Chlcnun, 7. Cleveland, Hi Detroit, U. Kaunii Clt -Milwaukee, rnln. PHILADELPHIA, April 23. Philadelphia was unable to solve Pitcher Willis curves, resulting In the team's first defeat this sea son, orth, on tho contrary, was compara tively easy for Boston. The fielding of both clubs might havo been considerably better. Attendance, 5,775. Score: UOdTON. PHILADELPHIA, n.HOA.E.i nitoA.c. Hamllt'n, cf 0 S 4 0 OThomas, cf.. 112 0 0 Tc-nney, lb.. 0 0 13 0 0 Hlnlo, If... 1 lsing, M 0 0 13 HChllcn, lb... I Stnhl. rf 1 2 0 0 0 IJnlo, it). . 0 Collins. 3b.. 2 1 I 5 0 Kllfk, rf.... 0 Krtem'n, If. 2 3 1 0 0 Douglas, e. 0 Ixiwp, 2b.... 1 2 3 3 1 Myers, 3b... 0 Clarke, c... 1 3 11 1 Oro, us.... 1 Willis, P.... 110 1 OOrth. p 1 Dlhnnty .. o TotAli .. I 11 27 13 3,Donaliue, p. 0 Hit by pltihrr: lly Cfniiln. t. First baso on ball: Oft Cronln. S; off lloffer. 1 S.i -rlllce hits: llyini, HolTer. Hlerhiiuer Stolen bases! Hnyl. Klberfeld, McAllister, White HtriKk out; lly Cninlit, 2; by HolTir, ' First bnsm on bulls: Off Shnw. I Will pitch: Cronln. Hulk: Cronln. Umpire Dwjer. Time; 2:(6. KANSAS CITY, April 23.-Mllw.Ukrc-Kansas City gnme postponed; wet grounds. Stiimlliiw of Hit Ti-niu. Played. Won. Ist. r. Knnsns City I Huffnln 3 Clovelnnd .1 a lndlnimpolls Milwaukee . Minneapolis Chicago .... Detroit 3 u j Gnme Tmliiy. If tho rain will let up long enough tho Omaha league team and tho University of Nebraska team will line up at Vinton Street parK at a:30 mis nncrnoon ns ioiiows I Totals .. 8 10 2T 4 Ratted for Orth In eighth Inning. Hoston 02002003 1-8 Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2-5 Earned runs: Boston. 5: 'Philadelphia, 3. Two-baso hits: Hamilton. Freeman, Chiles. Threc-haso hit: Blade. Home run: free man. Sacrifice hits: Tnney, aiagie. aioicn bases: Lowe. LuJnle. Flick. First base on balls: Off Willis, 1; off Orth. 1; off Donahue, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Willis, strucn out: By Willis, 4; by Orth, 1; by Donahue, 2. Time ot game: 2:25. Umpire: Connolly. Wndilell'n liny to Win. CINCINNATI. April 23. Wmldell shut out tho locals today, though he was hit hard from start to finish. It wns the opposing batsman's misfortune to Unvo a fielder right in front of every ball tnnt was tilt. Seott iwan miserably supported nnd hit freely at times, ueicr, tne new man wno played third, showed clearly that bo Is In need of practice. Score; CINCINNATI Il.H.O A E. Tlarrctt, rf.. 0 1 2 0 1 Mcllrldf, cf. 0 0 1 Smith. If ... 0 1 3 Hcckley, lb. 0 0 11 Rtelnrdt. 2b 0 0 3 Irwin, 0 0 2 Oler, 3b.... 0 0 I'eltz. c 0 1 Hcott, p 0 0 3 6 2 Waddell, Omnha. Wilson Dillon , Robsamon... O'Connoll.... Hoy Toman Haer MeVlcker.... Ferris Position. Catcher Pitcher , . First . , Second , . Third . Short University ltlllB HllKH I Rhodes Hnlaii Gordon Crnndoll IIS . Leftlletd Cusrndiui Centorlleld Depntrnn Rlghtlleld Hill Iiullnnn Ton Striinu for Imvn, IOWA CITY, In., April 2,l.-iSpeelnl Tele gram.) Tho Nebraska Indians! defeated tho Iowa university base ball team by n score of 5 to 4. The game was niKged on both sides for tho first four Innings: after thut there was clever and rapid work by tho Indians. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Shower I'ri'illi'tcil for Toilny t 1 1 It Cooler In Wentern Portion Knlr WeilneMilny. 23. Forecast fur Tuesday, with Wednesday fair; piTTsnuno. H.H.O.A.E. IBcaum't. cf. e 1 0 OCInrk, If.... 0 0 0 OAVIIIIams, 3b 1 1 3 lKvncnpr, rf.. t 2 2 0 O'llrlen, lb. 0 4 0 rtltuhey. 2b.. 0 0 0 2 Kly, .. 2 n o..immrr. 4 3 0 2 0 1 n 0 2 2 0 2 6 1 1 Single Clly Gossip. Tho city offices and banks were closed all day yesterday. W. H. Cheek has returned from a trip to Washington, D. C. Frank Dvorak, Seventeenth nnd Q streets, Is seriously 111 with pneumonia. Rco Hive, lodgo will meet Thursday night to work the Master Mason degree. Tnm Dnuelns. who formerly onernted a saloon here, Is now located at Butte, Mont. C. n IIowo Is Drenar nr to build a fino residence at Twonty-soventh and E streets. St. Martin's auxlllnry will meet Wednes day nfternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Irving i jonnson. C. W. Tyner of tho illurllncton Is Im proving his property at Twenty-seventh and E streets. A petition la being circulated for tho grading of S street from Eighteenth to Twenty-rourtn streets. John Flynn, tho well known clothier, snont yesterday In Kansas Cltr looklnc ufter business matters. A mectlntr of Phil Kearney nost and tho w oman s weiior corps win no neiu at tno post hall on Wednesday night. Tho rltv council will meet tonleht In nil- Journal session, Thero was no meeting last mgnt on account or it being a legal nouaoy, Arbor day was not colebratod to anv ex. tent yesterday. A few trees wero nlnnted hut the disagreeable woathcr prevented any concerted nciion. The attendance nt St. Acnes' fair con tlnues cood. Interest In tho various con tests Is still maintained nud It Is expected that by tho end of tho week tho voting will almost equal that at a municipal election. Percy Ambler, ch ef of the watchman force at tho stock vards. brouirht flvn vagrants beroro Jiulgo King yesterday for sleeping In hay barns nt the yards, Judgo King sentenced each of the five to thrco days in jail. IlHPUIll.ICAN COUVl'Y .MBHTI.VGS. GiitlierliiRM in Seleet Doli'itntrn to the State Convention. COLUMBUS, Neb., April 23. (Special Tel cgrnm.) Tho republicans of this city held their primaries today, choosing delegates tor tho convention tomorrow. Tho weather -was very stormy nnd a light turnout was tho result. There was no opposition and Henry $6.00 A the CUflKTT NAME OF a If IF I Gn Lard, on Ham, on Bacon is a giiarantie of purity. Swift and Company, Chicago, Kantms City, Omahu, V I - C. I. 1 I ."31, J-AJUIH, 31. JUSCpilt Ol. rilUI, DR. McGREW, 9f bblALIS I , Trtattttirormief DISEASES AND DISORDERS 0 MEN ONLY. 22 Yuri Exnerltnr. u mmn umini, Ei.:rrmciTr an MEDICAL Trcatmcn couiblurd.Varicocele. Stricture, Syphllloossof Vigor and Vitality. Cl'ltHS fltTAlUXTKKD. Charges low. HOME TIIEATHKNT. Hook, Consultation and Exam . . . I . . I- 1, . U ... . K. n . U n ... inaiiunricc. uuhi.ida.i.hui .wu... .... Bunday, 9 to Z P. O. I!o7G6. Office, N. K. Cr, Itiuand Far-jam SUccU.umaua. Ktu Honkers lit Council. HARTINOTON, Neb., April 23. (Special.) Tho bankers meeting here today was largely attended. The delegates arrived at 10:30, tho railroad company kindly running tho train half an hour ahead ot tlmo tor them. They wero met by tho Hartlngton band and escorted .to tho court house, where tho meeting was held. About sixty bankers were In nttendance. The program won carried out with the exception ot tho address of S. K. Warrick, who was absent. .E. R. Gurney made. n,flpecal.hlt in handling tho bankers' annual' holiday. A vote of thanks was unanimously Rendered 'H. W. Yates for the manner, 'ia yvhlch ho presentod tho subject of 'ennnijy thanking. The general discussion wasK tlffeen 'up by call of banks. A motion prevailed that tho proceedings bo published In pnaipnlet form. A vote ot thanks was unanimously' tendered to P. L. Hall for tho Interest'.ho. had taken in the association. Washington county was added to the district. W. II. Rucbolz wab elected to represent this district at Columbus at a meeting to bo hold thero May g. Tho following officers were elected for tho meeting next yiqr, which Is to bo held at Norfolk: President, W. H. Hucholz, Nor folk; vice president, Edward Latta, Teka mnh; sqcretary, J. F. Crosby, Wtnsido; treasurer, C. H. Randall, Randolph. Trustees Wood Coomcs, H. John Forrest, W. T. Graham, G. H. Renard, H. D. Miller. The meeting adjourned to the opera house, whero a sumptuous feast had been prepared. Totals .. 0 3 27 13 61 Totals .. 6 10 2J 12 1 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Pittsburg 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 i-fi Earned runs: Plttshure. 2. Two-base hit Smith; Three-baso hits: Wagner (2). Stolen buses: Beaumont, Williams. Double plays: Scott to Beckley (2). Hit by pitched ball: Scott, Waddell. Struck out: By Waddell, fi; by Scott, 1. Time of game: 1:10. Um nlro: O'Dav. ST. LOUIS. April 23.-St. Louls.Chlcngo came postponed on account of rain. NEW YORK, April 23. Brooklyn-Ncw York gamo postponed on nccount of rain Stuptllnij; of the Trams. WASHINGTON, April Tuesday and Wednosdny: For Nebraska Showers cooler in western portion; variable winds, For Iowa Show era Tuesday; Wednesday fair; onsterly winds. For 'Missouri Fair In western; showers, followed by fair In eastern portion Tuesday; Wednesday fnlr; easterly winds. For South Dakota Showers Tuesday; Wednesday fair; vnrlablo winds. I, oral lleeoril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, April 23. OHIclnl record of tem perature ami precipitation, compnroa wun tho corresponding day of tho last three cars: 1P0O. 1W, 1S9S. 1S97. Maximum temperature.... ft) 70 il ca Minimum temperature SS 61 4S M Average temperature K) t tA fit recipltntlon w t Record of temperature and precipitation t Omnha for this day nnd since March 1. 1P00: Normnl for the day S3 Excess fnr the day n Excess since March 1 S3 Normal rainfall for tho dny 12 Inch h.xcexs ror tne nay fi men Total slnco March 1.. 3. CO Inches Deficiency since March 1 19 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1S!9... 2.77 Indies Deficiency for cor. period, isas 30 inch Keporta from Slntloua nt H p. in. Played. Philadelphia 4 lirooKlyn 3 Str Louis Cincinnati Pittsburg . Chicago ... New York Boston .... Won. Lost. P.O. 3 1 .750 2 1 .G7 2 1 .m 2 2 .C00 2 2 ,t00 1 2 .331 1 2 .S31 1 3 .250 GAMES OF AM Kit I CAN LEAGUE. InillnnnpollN Pnta IIulTnlo One to (he . Iliril itKIi Umr, TNDIAIVAPOL1S, Ind April 23,-Buffalo could not do anything with Gardner and when Kellum relieved him In the sixth I becnuso of an npparent tired arm tho vis' ' Itors' hitting was chocked nltotrethpr Amolo wns not in his best form, Indian. npous cracKing mm at timely moments. ncorc: INDIANA POL!", i IIUFKAIX), . n.H.OA.n.l noKrvrr, rr z l z o 0 Knoll, If.... 0 0 0 0 0 Flood, 2b.... 0 13 0 1 1 Slinaron, rf. 0 2 3 0 i OClcttm'n, cf. 0 0 1 0 i 0 Cnrey, lb... 0 0 13 0 i Ollnllm'n, ts. 1 3 0 1; l'Andrews, 3b 0 0 l 5 1 Pjiper, o 0 o 3 3 i 0 Amole, p.... 0 0 0 1 0 Nelson 0 0 0 o Hrutcii nnil Deserted. COLUMBUS, Neb., April 23. (Special Tel Ragatz will bo the cholco of tho convention cgram.) A woman who refused to glvo her for national committeeman. WILDER, Nob., April 23. (Special Tele Kram.) Snllno county republicans havo elected the following as delegates: State J. V. neKhtol. Frank Jones, T. H Miller. J. L. Tldball, A. R. Peterson, Wil llam Dreher, Frank Martoll, W. H. Mann, J. J. Langor, A. N. Dodson, Potcr Waldorf, J. A Cummlncs. C. E. Vnnputtcn, L. r . ei- lormeler, E. E. Hutler. W. H. Staley, J. H Grimm. J. W. Shabata. Congressional Delegates C. H, Anderson, F. I. Foss, G. II. Hastings, H. M. Wells, A n. Kcnvon. H. Stein. L. E. Southwlck, E Keslcr. J. M. White, G. A. Tyson, A. S Snnds. J. J. Lancor. C. W. nibble. C. IS. Elder, C. A. Baker, G. A. Sawyer, W. 8 Grafton. F. F. Gay. In favor ot J. D. Pope, name was deserted In this city today. She claims tho family, consisting of tho husband and wlfo and a number of children, wero traveling overland from Richardson county to Herman in Washington county. They camo here Saturday, tho man expecting to get work on doublo track grading. Last night tho man gavo tho woman and one of tho children a ee-vcro beating and then left tho city. Mayor Held furnished tho woman with provisions nnd sho will bo assisted on her way to whero she has relatives. Hnrtrel. If. 2 Madison, cs, 1 Pebold, cf... 1 Kelly, lb.... 1 Powers, c... 0 Magoon, 2b. 0 Hlckey, 3b,. 0 einrdner, p.. 0 Kollum, p.. 0 Ills Wife linn Aivay. COLUMBUS, Neb.. April 23. (Special Tel egram.) Samuel Lant, n Dodge county farmer, traced his truant wlfo to his city today. Ho was too late, however, as she and Delegates to float convention meeting horo her paramour, a man named Parker of Fre mont, nail taKen tno train lor umaua, ni? applied to tho county nttorncy nnd had war rants Issued for them charging adultery. the 26th: Vanduyn, Grimm, Dodson, Suiter, Staley. Pettlbono, Marsh. Holtz, Thomas, Voro, Goodwin, Love, uoodcii, uamcr, urai- ton. McGtntle fop Rtnto xenator. Hugh McCargar of Crete was nominated. Representatives, E W. Mlskoll of Wllbcr and ncrscnei &muu oi Tobias. For commissioner, A. R. Peterson of Dorchester. All tho nominations wero by nppinmatlon. For county attornoy, J. A Wild received 74 votC3 to Will S. McGln- tln's 51. A resolution was passed strongly ondnmlni? tho candidacy of J. D. Popo for Tho Omaha police aro looking for Mrs. Lant and her paramour. Arbor Dny nt NelirnsUa Clly. NEBRASKA CITY, April 23. (Special.) Desplto tho fact that rain fell nearly ail day, Arbor day was generally observed. The banks, schools nnd many business houses woro closed. Many tree wero plantod inoiri.Minir thn delreatlon for on public and prlvato grounds, h,"h J. Sterling Morton, tho founder ot Arbor nanvm. KVvh . Anr 1 23. (Snec a 1.1 nay, nB just nmsnou lmuiur, uui a tmiuou tmi, .nnntv ronuhllcans hold their county of fruit and forest trees upon the fnrms of A Citizenjiscusses A Vital Question-Fraught With In terest to Omaha People. . When a citizen right here at homo makes public statement llko tho following, all room for doubt disappears nnd tho meat skeptical must bo convinced. It's pretty hard for our readers to prove a statement madu by a stranger living in some far-away point of tho Union, but tho endorsement ot neighbors, friends nnd citizens Is tho best of proof; no better evidence can bo had, Mrs, F. Mach of 1221 South 15th street says: "It is over a year slnco I first folt sharp twinges across tho small of my back. I paid little attention to them thinking they would pass away in a short time but Instead I grew worso and finally got so bad I could not, could not do my work.' My husband bought many kinds of medicines for mo, but nothing helped me until I procured Donn's Kidney Pills at Kuhn & Co.'o drug store, corner 15th and Douglas streets. They benefitted mo right along and lu a short time I was all right Thero has been no return of the trouble and I am glad to let others know what Doan's Kidney Pills did for me." For sale by all dealers. Prlco CO cents mailed by Fcater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho United States. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no other. rnnvpntion Saturdny and elected tno roi- lowlne to tho Ptato convention: J. L. non nnr. A. M. White. Frank Hralthwalte, J P. Smith. A. C. Donaldson, J. W. Snider, H. h. Camnbell. P. T. Buckley, A. A. Stull Ther wern Instructed to uso all honorablo mfir, for tho nomination of Hon J, H Mipkev to tho office of governor, if ho do cldes to mnko tho race. Theso wero elected to tho congrasslonal convention and they wirn in structed to do their best to send Hon. E. L. King ns delegato to tho na tional convention for tho Fourth district R I.. Klne. H. C Beebe, W. E. Kinney, John Skinner, W. M. Jobnnton, J. H. Mickey, J. H. Treason, C. A. Morrill, C. C. stun. Tho delegntrn to tha oenatorlnl convention nrn: David Harman, Charles E. Harless, Georno Carnlne, J. I.. Johnson, E. L. King, w M. Johnston. S. O. Whaley, E. W. Stow nrl Hnn. J. H. Mickey was chairman of thn convention and C. A. Morrill secretary and thoro wero but about thlrty-flvo dcle- i-alrji nrroeilt. PAPILLION. Neb., April 23. (.Special Telegram.) At tho republican county con- ventlon held In Papllllon today the follow- lnir deleEatcs wero e eciea to mo siuie i-uii- vonMnn: J. II. Wilson, at large: E. W. Bccdlo, W. F. Martin, W. H. Davidson, J. J. BMhop, E. S. Nlckcrson. F. T. Rcls. To tho congrewlonal convention: C. E. Hover, Joseph Pflug, Z. T. Jarman, J. M. Eby, A. P. Butterfleld, J. W. Crever, C. B. Kcyes, Frank Comto. Tbo following composo tho new county central commltteo: I. D. Clarke, E. W. Beedle, A, E. Phillips, Bd Hover, W. S. Ruker, J. W. Crever. J. M. ward, W. H. Davidson, E. N. Upjohn. Ed Fae. J, J. Hlshop. The new central commute organized immediately after the convention, himself and sons near thUi city. I'niuouK Iloek Ilroken Up, DUNBAR, Neb., April 23. (Special,) A rock six by eight feet by four feet that lay not ten yarda from tho old freighters' trail In our vllnge between Nobraska City and Denver has been' broken up and romoved from Its resting place, Old-tlmo freighters formerly used tho rock as a point from which to scan tho prairie. I.Iiii'oIii'h DeleKntfN Chosen. LINCOLN, Neb,, April 23. (Special Tel egram,) At a meeting of the Lincoln Woman's club tonight Mrs, H. H. Wheeler, Mrs. J. W. Johnson and Mrs. C. E. Abel wero elected delegates to tho national mothers' congress to be held nt Des Moines May 23, Mrs, H. M. Busbncll was elected president of tbo club. , Totals .. 7 9 37 8 3 Totals ..1 5 24 9 6 Batted for Amolo In tho ninth. Indlnnnpolls 2 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 7 Buffalo 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Innings pitched: Gardner. 5: Kellum. 4 Amole, 9. Haso hits: Off Gardner. 5; off Atnoic, . rirst base on balls: Off Gard ncr, 3; off Amole. 4. Struck out: By Gard ner, 3; by Amole. " Two-base hit: Se bold. Three-base hits: Hocrlcver. Hallmnu Sacrifice, hits: Hosrlever. Powers. Doublo Plays: spoor to Flood to Carey: Andrews to Sneer to Carey. Stolen liases: Hogrlever is), Jianmnn. rossen nan: specr. i.ert on bases: Indianapolis, 9; Buffalo, 9. umpire cantuion. Time: 2:00. Attendance, 1,400, Mlnncniinlla Wlna at ChleiiKO, CHICAGO. 111.. Anrll 23. Patterson's er rors nnd his two clftH in thn first Htnrtnt Minneapolis off with a lend that the home team could not overcome. Fisher mado the nrsi nomo run nit on tno grounds, Shugar uupucaunir ino nil later, ricoro CIUCAQO. MINNEAPOLIS Hoy. cf., McKarl'd, Iwilly. If. llartm'n, Hhugart, K.H.O A.E. 0 rf I ... 0 3b l rn. 1 PnUden, 2b, 1 IsbPll, lb... 2 Hugden, c... 0 I'atterhon, p 1 Katoll, p.... 0 Burko 0 2 2 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 11 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 Davis, cf.... 1 N'ance, 3b... 0 Wllmot, rf.. 1 Werden, lb. 1 .HcHroll, If.. 2 ftmlth, ss... 1 Abbnto'o, 2b 1 Fiiher, c.... J Ehiet, p 1 R.H.O.A.K, 1 1 2 n 0 2 1 10 ft 3 : s 1 o 3 8 1 0 Totals ..10 II 27 3 Totals .. 7 12 21 16 2l Burko batted for Patterson In elshth, Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 1 Minneapolis 30001303 10 Earned runs: Chicago, 4; Minneapolis, 4 j.oii on noses: cnicago, 10; Mlneapolls, Two-baso hits: Isbell, Dnvls, Nanco (2) Werden, Fisher, Ehret (2). Homo runs Shugart, Fisher. Sacrifice hltH: Nance wiimot, Bcnrnil, smith. Stolen base: Wll mot. Struck out: By Patterson. 2: Kb ret, 3. First base on balls: Off Patterson i; orr isnret, 4; on kiuoii, 1. wild pitch Patterson. 1. Hit with ball: Tdtterson Time: i:ch. umpire; sncridnn. Detroit .Still '1'rnliilnw. DETROIT, April 23.-Clovcland bunched four hits with two errors and a bnse on balls; In tho seventh and elchth lnnlnex teiday and won tho opening gnme of their ursi series wun uetrou, core: DBTHOIT. I CI-EVBI.ANH n.H.O.A.R,' IUI.O.A E, Dahl. if 0 1 1 Barley, cf.. 0 13 Klherneld, ss 0 3 4 Bulllvnn. 2b. 0 0 0 MeAltVr. 3b 3 2 0 Ryan. lb.... 0 0 17 KtaU'gi, rf. 0 1 0 Bhaw, c 0 1 3 Cronln, p... 0 3 0 0 0 Pickering, If 0 0 0 White, rf... 1 3 OIliiolov, sb,. 2 3 Odenlni, cf... 1 1 1-aCh'ce, lb. J 0 0 Hlerh'r, 2b.. 0 0 Ofrlsttrm. c. 1 1 1 Vlox, 1 2 lloffer, p.... 0 0 3 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 13 1 1 0 4 2 2 0 i Totals .. 2 12 27 19 4' Totals Detroit 0 0O10 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 Earned runs: Cleveland, 1. hits: Shaw, Cronln, Buelow, S 7 27 16 000- 3 2 0- Two.bnso LaChanco, APENTA The Safest and Most Reliable Household Aperient The .RICHNESS of APENTA WATER In natural saline apeilenU renders it the most valuable and safest laxative- and purgative. - 1 Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels aEAN5ES the System EFFECTUALLY; OVERCOMES XjfTt-1 ITSBttiEStfc,i cruy tMt. GCNtfiNE - mah'f o oy (AUIvRM!ATGPSYRVPg. JMu;TIitrnus4i4ilJ0trtrC8iU STATIONS AND STATO OF WEATHlER- 1 K 3 : p 3 3 J- : 5 : o : a Omaha, raining North Platte, ralulnsr .... Salt Lake, cloudy Cheyenne, partly cloudy. iinpiit cioy, raining Huron, raining W'llllsion. clomiy Chicago, cloudy St. louis. rnlnmc St. Paul, partly cloudy... Davenport, cloudy Helena, raining Kansas city, elenr Havre, eloudy Bismarck, cloudy Galveston, clear 1VI3MS Iyook for Explanation Saturday, April 23. 6S 601 .51 1 C2 M T IS 52 .00 1 CO Efi .0) 1 52 6S .Hi (M 72 .01 1 CS 71 .00 42 4S .00 1 62 B2 . tii , CS 70 .00 fil 70 .00 42 42 .10 . C2 01 .50 52 52 .28 , BS 74, .not 72L7S ,0J L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast Oltlclal, ,t. j tt, $$ 3 S J t j 'j1 jj, Send answers to q, CIIAS. I. TIIOMIVSOV, ,;, Newapniier AiIvertlsliiK Anent, :tl-l-3J5 Karai'li lllnul., Onutlin. J xfc S S Cv i v5- b s'i Si t & 4 $5a? Guess Seven for Eight. What is it? s in I VegclablcPrcparationrorAs slmilating tteToodandRcduta lirig the S tamochs andDowcb of Promotes Digcstion.ChccrfuI ncas and Rcst.Con tains ncilhcr Opium'.Morphinc norlJDneral. Not Narcotic. Atav" afOUtErSAMUZZPIITmSB IKmfJan S00U' Alx.Stnna tnutSaft Jimmiat . j30jttWMSU CtarJud Sugar . AncrfccHlcmcdv forConstipa lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, iWorrns.Convulsions.Fcvcnsli OCSSmidLOSS OF SLEEP. Tne Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPT OF WnAPPEB. GASTORi For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of fV A Ah In Use For Over Thirty Years JCASTORiA AMDSEMnXT.S. AMI .SH.MHNTS. MILTON and DOLLIE N08LES KCHUHT nnil IIKIKi. ,n;ssin coiiTiim 1. ADI.I.U IM HVIS tlMII. MOIIHISEV mill It Mil. TllimSTO.N. MHl.KHX SIVI'IHIS. Next Amateur Show, Next Week-THE NAWNS, AHplrantM for ntugo careero who doHlre to take iidvuiitagii of ono of the liiHt two opportunltleH that will bo offered nnd np pear at tho next ORPHEUM AMATEUR SHOW Friday, April 27, Am requested to cull ut tho Ilox Ollleo before 11 o'clock Friday and mako inninge-ments. BASE BALL UNIVEItSlTY OF NEB. VS. OMAHA. Monday and Tucday, April 21 and 24, AdmUnlon, 23o and 50c. (Jama culled 3. CO. Ground, 15th and Vinton, RnVn'Q Woodward & nurgcea, D Mgin. Tel, 1919, F.VHUU Kl.h PEItKdiniAM'i: TOVKJIIT C'hurleH Frohmuii Presents raoE mm III J. M. Ilarrlo'H "Till: I.1TTM1 SII.MhTEIt." I'r!''CH-2. $150, l, 50c. NEXT ATTRACTION For two nlghtB only Tho Internationally Fumed ADA REHAN Friday "TKn Turning of the Slirew" Saturday "I ho School for Stiindnl" I'rlf en -11,50, H.W, 50c. Kcat on, salo WcdticHdny. Sutorius Mandolin Orchestra 60-IMHtFOItMERS-SO Seventh iinn tl loncert Firdt CoiiBriiga tlonnl church Thursday uvuilng, April 2tlu Beats 50 cents.