10 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APHITj 24, 15)00. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Manj BeiHih Featnrtt Are Prtienttd In tho Wheat Pit. CORN MARKET IS ACTIVE AND LOWER Provision" Arc Active nnil rincttm tlt.iiM the tlrcnlrr I'nrt of the Am nion Are Wide Ont JlnrUet llnlil lln 4)in. CHICAGO, April 23.-Hcavy world n "hip merits, tho lncrenro on paswige, sympathy with corn ami liquidation combined to lower price of wheat todny. but the close was sternly, KWir under Saturday. Corn closed tfcftVio to o down and oats a shade higher. Provisions at tho close wcro unchanged In lard, Cc lower In ribs and 20c to 27&c rcduc- ThMo'wns a Wholo bunch of bearish con iterations prconted In tho whe t '' "l tho beginning of trade. Catl;H '' I"'1? ; world'H shipments "''ivy, thoro wnt i an n crcaso on paHKiigo and tho weather man cnntnucd to nice thing. n "t ""' ; lions. It was expected that cre woiild no considerable llciuidatlnn of May this week, but It did not materialize early. I ri ih were fairly llrm for a couple.. Imurs after the Initial concession of about u Vi J",l" ,"W n in believe that the biff fol ' w occasionally overshadow tho statist cs as factors were- neither long nor short-J m even. Hut about ltneo-deep In " the stuff becan to eomo out and there w.is selling by others In sympathy with the Kk In corn. May had hesitated early. I miking ut the ir,o mark, but tho llciuldatlon carried the price through that . The ran -ket was very weak at this time, but tno selling paved tho way for tho reaction which began during the nft-rnoon 1 1 o shorts Boliera concluded n,- to remain in that condition over night nn 1 bought bat l some of their early sales ami turned what looked like a bull rout.) nto a sort of re,, treat In Rood order," as the dispatches hao It. Tho cash business was slack nnd tho export Inquiry discounting to holders. New York had 19 loads for export. Atlantic port clearances In wheat and 7our wero equal to 4S2.00O bu. Primary receipts wcro 397.0HO bu., compared with 6U00O bu. last year. -Minneapolis and Duluth reported U cars, against 4 hist week nnd 503 a year ngo. ltecelpts hero were 43 oars, none of contract grade. Trade was dull in spots, hut tho session furnished considerable ani mation most of tho time. May opened at (Ti'ia to fiofiW.dc. sold between OjUc und fiV,o and closed -Tie under Saturday nt f,4ViiVic: July opened at COlic to ftWiiW1,?, ranged from WVHo to fifiifce nnd closed WOic down nt fiflc. Much of tho trndo was dono In changing May for July, not much dllll ciilty toeing experienced In doing this nt a difference of Hie. Tho corn market wns active and lower. Tho feature und tho factor was liquida tion of May, ulthough lower cables and tho Increase on pus.inge were In favor of tho bear sldo. Tho opening was a trlllo lower and nt the even Ileum there wero mnny stoploss orders which wero executed In tho pit. Shorts wero sellers, 'but toward the end of tho session saw tit to cover and thus caused a partial rally. Tho bulk of tho business was In tho way of changing, lte celpts hero were 301 cars. May ranged from 3Sio to 3740 and closed 3ac under Saturday at 3"Tio; July, from 39c to 3Sac, closing ViC down nt SMiCWic. The rally was helped liv roported sale of DO boatloads. 'Provisions -were active and fluctuations tho Krenter part of tho nesslon wero wide. Hog receipts wcro liberal nnd prices nt tho yards figured In tho opening loss. There was a heavy selling pressure In evidence at tho start, long stuff and short stun being forced Into tho pit on stoploss orders. On tho .break thero was good buying by pack ers and a reaction took place, holding to tho close, which wns llrm. May pork sold from $12.60 to $12.23 and closed 27'ic under Saturday at 12.43; July opened nt $12.52'.fi' 12.63, sold between $12.73 and $12.3714, closing Wo down at $12.G2'4. May lard sold between $f!.92l4 nnd Jfi.TG nnd closed unchanged at $6.02i4; July between $7.02'4 nnd $ so, with tho close unchanged nt $7.0214. May ribs ranged from $0.70 to $fl.S and closed Cc lower at $fi.S5; July, from Jtl.70 to $0.00, closing 6c down nt $0.90. Tho oats market held Its own In good shape, dcsplto tho weakness displayed early by corn. Thero wns little pressuro to sell, tout on tho other hand thero was a decid edly good demand from shorts and longs. Tslny ranged from 22j to 225i22'5io nnd closed a shndo, higher nt 22B6Ti 2274c; July, from 22tMi'J2)ic, closing a shado higher at I3c. Estimated receipts tomorrow: "Wheat, 03 cars; corn, 27-5 cars; oats, 187 cars; hogs, 19.000 head. Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: Articles. Opon. Hlgh.l Low. I Close.l Yes'y. Wheat April .May July Sept. Corn April May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork Muy July Lard May July Sept. Itlbs May July Sept. 3SVf. mam 22". 221lC3 12 no 12 62',4 65' i C7 3S 39-V 22fi! 2.1 12 r.o 12 73 0 S2'A G 92'j Y no 7 Of. f. S2H r, S7',i 0 S2'j Sm C7 00- C7? 374 r.s4 39f:s)i(, 3i 394 22U 2217 -V, 2;i 12 23 12 3714 ft 73 fi S2'4 G S7'j f. 70 r T21.6 G7',a 12 t: 12 62H 0 !2U 7 02'i 7 03 G S3 0 90 sr. G7?; r.74 3914 S97i 22'f.f23 12 72Vj 12 80 6 92W 7 02". 7 07i G 90 G 921, 6 90 No. 2. Cash quotations wero as follows: KI.Ol'K Knsy; winter patents, $'!.COfi3.70; Btralghts, $2.95'.3,40; clears, $2.70ff3.29; spring specials, $:i.S0f:i.90; patents, $3.10'w3.45; stralghls, $2,001(3.00: bakers. $2.0i52.45. WIIHAT No. 3 spring, C0f(4e; No. 2 red, GJfifiOHc. CO UN No. 2, 37?i53S'ic; No. 2 yellow, 3S (TJSS'c. OATS No. 2. 24c: No. 2 white, 2727',4cv No. 3 white, 23!',Tr27c. UYK-No 2. Die. IIAULKY Nn. 3. tOITIIc. SUKnS-Fhixseed, No. 1, $1.73. Timothy seed, prime. J2.3G. PnOVlSlONS-Mes pork, per hbl., $11.M CT12.M; lard, per 100 lbs.. $0. 7fciTG.07.'.; phort ..a, nii.i-n iiwu-kn ' 1 1 'U , Illy sailCCl shoulder.s (boxed). $0.737.00; short clear Sides (boxed). $7,231(7.33. WHISK Y Distillers' finished goods, on ba.nls hlirh wines, ner irnl 1 "Mi. SlIC.AUS-CnchnnEcd; cut loaf, $0.00; granulated. $3.11. l'ollowlng nro tho receipts and shipments Attlcles. ltecelpts. Shlnm'ts. Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu , Com, bu Oats, bu Itye, bu Barley, bu 17.000 liO.OIW . 2U.O0O ..103 000 . . 2.ITO 29.000 13.010 307.(lOit 1.119,(HV) 3ij.(V)0 o.nno 23.000 t(r market wn firm, creameries. 14fll7He; diirh", 1JMI6''. fhecsf, firm at 124J13C. rKK. ateajy nt iovjc. MIW VOIIIC fin.MlllAti MAItlCUT. (Inotnllons for the Dnr on Oenernt ('iiintnodltl.'K, NKW YORK. April 23. - VIjOVK Ue- eelpts, 25,117 bbls.; exports, 11,791 bbls.; mod erately active nnd nominally lower; winter patents, $,1.70ft3.90; winter Btralghts, $3.2jW 3.M; winter extras. $2.fi0fl2.90; winter low crudes. J2.2Vf?2.tO: Minnesota natents. $3,701? 3.90; Minnesota linkers. $2.S3ff.l.00. Hye Hour, nun; rair to good, j'.'.wya.i&i cnotco 10 fancy, M.2vi?3.60. COUNMHA1 Klrm; yellow western, $Jc; city. Mc; llrnndywlne, $2.23fl2.35. HYK Stendy; No. 2 western. 62c, f. o. b nlloat; state, 07c, c. I. f., New York, car-lots. HA HI.l ; Y Dull; feeding. 4 1' W 15c, New York: malting, i7vri63c, New York. HAUI.MY MALT Dull; western. 63i7CSc. WHHAT Hecelnts. 77.7ml bu.: exnorts. 65.- 392 bu. S)Ot. rosy; No. 2 red, 7sUc, f. o. b.; No. 2 red, 7340, elevator; No. 1 north ern. Duluth, 7SUc. f, o. b., afloat, to ar rive; No. 1 hard. Duluth. 77'4c nlloat. Op tions wero dull nil day, Influenced by easier Kngllsh market, tho break In corn nnd pro visions, splendid crop news nnd foreign ex changes. Liquidation of wheat was also 11 feature. The market closed fl',4c net decline. May, 72sc, closed at 72Uc; July, 72 3-16f("2Se, closed at 72ic; September, 72t 7.1c, closed nt 727ic. v.UKNHocolpts. 43.S23 1U. ; exports. 70,032 and 43-'H'.' elevn'tor. Options' were weak nnd lower enrlv In the dnv tbrouch llnuldntlnn and exceptionally line .crop accounts, but rallied later om a big exiport ilcmnnd. Clofed steady, WV4c decline. May closed nt 43Hc; July. 43V((IHic, closed nt 41'ic; heptemtier, 4lfI44Tc. closed at OATri-Kecelpts, 13S.600 bu.: exports, 10.2CG bu. Spot, dull: No. 2, 2S',j,c; No. 3, 27'4c; No. 2 white, KHt,c; No. 3 white, 2SHc; track mixed western. 2Sfi29e: trnek while. !M3lc Options slow nnd fcntureless, closing '4o lower. .Mny closed at l-li-!4e; No. 2 wnltc, ."lll, VHI.H'll m fc"je. HAY Steady; shipping, 63S70c; good to Choice, MMfSOc. ,,'JOI'S (Jnlct; stntc, common to cholre, 1S9I, crop. STitic: U!I9 eron. 10?13e: Pacific coast, ldofl crop, 3fl3c; 1S99 crop, 10f(13c. HIDKS-Stendy; Oalveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 19'4c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 21!4o; Texas dry, 21 to 30 lbs., )Bc. LHATHHIt Klrm; hemlock sole, Buenos Avres, light to heavyweights, 25Q25Uc; ncid, 2t,'ii2,,e. wooij Dull: domcstlo fleece, KQISc; Texas, KililSe. COAl-Qulet but firm. PROVISIONS Henf. utemlv fnmllv 1? (VI nu's, $10.30-f( ll.no. Beef hams,' $20.50 f(22.O0; tineket, $11.00ri 12.00; city extra India "'"' i.ii'.ii. fut meats, quiet; pickiea belles, VMiSzc; pickled shoulders, 7c; pickled hams, lOlfcfMtc. Lanl, weaker; western stenmeil. tl.ttU: Anrli rinon.i n jr. nomlnnl; rcllned. weaker: continent. $7.00: ? A-.1 compound, fic. Pork, stendy; fnmlly, $.23W1R.00; short clear, $13.50l.r..CO: mess, $13.50!(13.73. Tallow, llrm; city, bc; country. ByG'Ae. POTATOKS Kte.-wlv .Iprswa 1 SA. New York. St .'iTU.ffj 1 Tr.- ijim, i'hn.i . sn! Jersey sweets, $2??;5J3.:3. ' ' ' MOLASSKS-Stcady; open kettle, good to choice, 4lfn3c. P KA NUTS S tend vr f.innv Vnn.lnl.l 074,,,, , uiiu-r iiuiiit'HIIC, MflJVC. . FltKIC.HTS-To Liverpool. by steam. 3Ud. BUTTl-;rt-itecelpts. 9.071 pkgs.; Bteady; w.,.p,m,i!,r,cn,,ncry.' 15!4WlSc; factory, 13a-15c. CMHKSH-Hecclpts, 5.241 pkgs.; steady; fancy largo white, ll(lC; fancy largo colored, UiilVic; fancy small white, WW He; fancy smnll colored, 104c K(. OS Receipts, 12,000 pkgs.; Irregular; storage western, nt mark. 121ftl3c; regular r,!,,c.1,V'' 12y'2i?c. nt mark. K ilKTALS With the nvrrnllnn of llr, spelter the markets for metals were very quiet. Influenced y n decline of 2 for tin nt London our market for that metal oas.l ,.-mo 1530 Points, closing easy nt $30,601(30.70. Spelter was lower and weak .,,K u iiiu uuHenco oi expert uemand nnd In sympathy with unsatisfactory cables, closing easy nt $.G2v4fi'l.72V4. Lead contlni ties strong at $4.67M, bid and 4.72V4 asked. .j... iuin;i- ii dun ana uncnanged on tho basis of $17.20. Plir Iron ivn.mnl. nominally quoted at lS.00Jil6.00 and weak in m"' nor'"ern No. 1 foundry, nt $21.oo I.J.00. 1 ho tirokers' prlco for lead was $4.15 and for copper $17.23. Liverpool, quiet; grain, tures, quiet, April, nominal, May, 6 S'd, July , CORN Spot, steady! American mixed, new, 4i lhd. Futures, quiet, Mny, 4s '.id; July, 3s ll'4d; September, 3s PUOVISIONS-Hnins, short cut, easy nt 6d. Bacon. Cumberland cut, dull nt 4Ss; hort clenr backs, dull nt 3s. Lard, American refined, dull nt ,Vs 6d; prime western, 30s 3d. Shoulders, square, steady nt 3s. Tallow, prlmo city, steady nt 2Ss. Tho Imports of wheat Into Liverpool Inst week were 16,000 quarters from Atlantic ports. II. 0) quarters from Pacific ports nnil 35.0O0 qtinrters from other ports. Tho Imports of corn from Atlantic ports last week wcro 20,700 quarters. K nn Nits City (Si'iiln nnd Provisions, KANSAS CITY, April 23. Wit HAT May,' GOc; July, GlVfcc; cash, No. 2 hard, G2'c; No. 3, 5t(61',5c; No. 2 red. 6Sy6S,4c; No. 3, GIHfj07',4c. COHN May, sr.Hc; July, 36c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 3703714c; No. 2 white, 37U0377ic; No. 3, 374c OATS-No. 2 white, 27S27'4c RYK No. 2, 60c. HAY-Cholco timothy, $10.O310.SO; choice prnlrle. $7.6Wi7.75, HCTTKU-Crcamery. 1601Sc: dairy. 10c. KOOS Firm; fre.sh Missouri nnd Kansas stock, 10c. cafes returned; new whlto wood cases Included, lOHc RKCKIITS-Whtat, 36,600 bu.; corn, 20.SOO bu.; oats. , 9,000 bu. SHtP.MKNTS Wheat, 17,100 bu.; corn, 3,900 bu.; oats, 3,000 bu. Statement of Vlsllile Supply. NEW YORK, April 23,-Thc statement of the supply of grain In store nnd nlloat Sat urday. April 21, as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, Is ns follows; Wheat, 5l,KV5,0OO bu.; decrease, 3S7.O0O bu. Com, 21,111,000 bu.; decrease. 671.000 bu. Oats, 7,031,000 bu.; decrease, 241,00) bu. Rye, 1,279.000 bu.; decrease. 32,000 bu. Barley, 1, 063,000 bu.; Increase, S2.100 bu. Minneapolis 'Wlirnt 11 ml l'lonr. MINNEAPOLIS, April 23. WHEAT- In store: No. 1 northern, April, 64Hc: Mny, 3',4c; July, G5'4c: September, Otc. On track: No, 1 hard, GOc; No. 1 northern, G4'(.c; No. 2 northern, 63c. FLOUR First patents, $1.60; second pat ents, $3.40; first clears, $2.25; second clears, $2.05. BRAN In bulk, $11.255111.60. Toledo Market. TOLEDO. April 23. Wit BAT Dull nnd lower; No. 2 cash, "H4c; Mny, 71',ic CORN Dull nnd lower; No. 2 cash, SOUc. OATS Dull nnd lower; Nn.2 cash, !4Hc. RYE Dull and unchanged; No. 2 cash, 6Sc. CLOVER SEED Weak and lower; cash, prime, old, $1.75; April, $5.00; No. 2, $4.3&'tf 1.60. On the Produce oxchnngo today the but- ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of Am PaoSlollc Wrapper Below. Oatoko as nffar. CARTERS WITTLE ilVK-R FOR HEAOACHI FOR DIZZINESS. F0I! BILIOUSNESS, FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COHSTiPATION. FOn SALLOW SKIN. FOR THCC0MPLEXI0N uusvmu ww Mi mpam;, fffURE SICK HEAPA'OKtt.- OMAIIA AVUOI.USAI.vr, MAniCEVTS. C0111Iltl1.il of Tin il.- anil Qnntntlona on Sluple 11 nil l'niiey Produce. 10He3CS-Rcctlpls' llbora'; frC3h stock, LIVE POl'LTRY-Ifens. SVc: roosters, according to nso nnd size, &07c; duclts, 7',4o; eeesc, 7',4c; turkoys, Sc. HUTTER-Common to fair 10911c; choice Uii!5c; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, lifinSc. OYSTERS Medium, per can. ISc; stand nrd, per can, 22c; bulk standard, per Bal lon, ji.25; extra selects, per can, 30c; extra selcetw. per ku1 Sl.60tfCt.75; New York counts, per can, 37c; Now York counts, per 100. J1.25. I-'ISU Herring, per lb.. Be; round perch, nc; sun. 5c; cod, Cc; hnddock, 6c; blue pike, ec; scaled nnd dressed- perch, 6c; elscoes, cc; medium dressed trout, 7'.$c: cropple, "ip.i Plflforel, 7'4c; llnnan haddlcs, 7Hc: whlto fish, 9c: yellow pike, drcsstd, 0c; smnll trout, dressed. 9c; red snapper, 9c; am,vi.s.',!)p: smoked whlto llsh. 9e. P OEONS-Live, per doz . VEALS-Cholce. raiOc. -A' AY Per carload lots: 'Tplnnil. choice, '.'CO; midland choice, $3.50: lowland, cholco, ;; ryo straw, choice. $3; No. 3 corn, 35',4c; if. .white onts. 25c; cracked corn, per ton, Jll.50; corn nnd onts, chopped, per ton, S13D0 I)0r 'n' 13-50; snort3' Per ton VEOETABLES, ASPARAOl'S Homo grown, per doz., ' TfRNIPS-Pcr dc bunches, 50c. SPINACMI-Per box. 75c$l. NEW HEETS-Por doz, bunches. 35f!40c. LETTPCE Per doz. bunches 33ff40c. RADISHES Homo grown, per doz., 30 35c. . SEED SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl., J2.O0fi2.25; ICnnsas, catlnir, $3,00 POTATOES-Per bu.. choice. 25G30C. rAnilAOE-Cnllfornln. per lb., 3c. CAVLIFLOWEP.-Callfornln. por crate, 32. i5. CELERY Por doz.. 23030c; California, per bunch. 75c. TPRNIPS-RutnbaRns, per lb., lUc TOMATOES Florida, per slx-basket crate, $1.30. Ml'SH ROOMS Per lb. box. 50c. RlIlTH.nn-Per lb. SfflOc. ONIONS-Retall. yellow, J1.10S1.15; red, FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Texns, per 21-o.t. case, SI;:,03.00; Louisiana, per 21-pt. cases, $2.50ij) APPLES- Choice western shipping stock, J5.O0ffV5.2S: New York stock, J5: fancy, $5.60. CRAN MERRIES Jerseys, per bbl., J10.5U; per crate, J3.50. TROPICAL FRI'lTS. PINEAPPLES-Per doz., J2.50fl3.00. OllANtlES (.'nltforulu. fancy navels, per box, $;!.60ff3.7."; choice navels, $3.25; Medltcr. ranenu Sweets, per box, J3.00; lludded seedlings. LEMONS-Cnllfornla. choice, per box, J3.23; fancy, J3.50; Jlesslnas, cholco, per box. $:i.5; fancy, $1. IJ ANANAS Per bunch, medium, J2.25Q) 2.50; lurgo, J2.75B3.00. HIDES. IIIDES-No. 1 green hides, 7',c: No. 2 green hides. fUc; No. 1 halted hides, 84c, No. 2 salted hides, 7Uc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Hlckory, largo, per bu 11.25; shellbnrks, $1.35. HONEY-Pcr 2lvsectIon case, J3.50. St. I, on l.i (i 111 1 11 nnil I'ro vInIiiiim, ST. LOUIS April 2r-WHBAT-Irregu. Inr; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 70Ho; track, 7ltsjj72i ; April. 7014c; May, 6314c; July. 6GUc; No " lia'i'. Ot'j''. t'ORN Irregular; No. 2 cash, 37'4c; track, 'c; April, 37'4c; May, 37ii,n37c; July, 377aC. OATS lwer; No. 2 cash and track. 2oc: Anrll, 2lc; May, 2IUc; July, 22TSo; No. 2 whlto. 27yh274c. RYE- Firm at 65sc FI.OUR-D11II: patents. $3.50fi'3.60; extra fancy. $3.153.23: clear, $2.70i3.0O, SFEDS-Tlniothy, sicadv; ordinary, J2.ro Ci'i.20; prime, J2.50, to arrive. Flax, lower at J1.05. CORNMEAtT-Stcailv at J2.OVff2.10. HUAN Dull; sacked; east track. 70c. Il'AY-Timothy, steady at Jll.00012.00; prairie, firm at $7.50fi9.00. WHISKY-Ste.idy at Jl.23'4. IRON COTIT)NTIES-$1.30. , ltA(iniNa-7',fSiiC ' HEMP TWINE 9c. METALS Loud: Steady at JI.7714. Spet tfr; Lower nt $1.70. POULTRY-Steady; chickens. 714c; tur keys. W(So; ducks. Re: geese, 3ff5c. EOOS- lllfc'hcr nt 104c. UUTTER-Stcaiiv: creamery. KffUWc: dairy, 15lil7e. provisions Pork stendy: jonning, om, J13.00; new, J13.50. Iinl: Easier; prlmo steam, J"i.tii; choice. Jil.70. Dry alt meats, boxfj, easier; extra shorts, $7.12'j-, clear ribs, $7.25: clear sides, J7.37S. Bacon, boxed, easier; extra shorts. J7.6214; clear ribs $7 75 clear sides, $7.S7'4. RECEIPTS-Flour. S.fOO bbl..; wheat. 22,. OtVt tm ; cirn. 126.000 bu. : oats. 55.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-FIour, fi.CO bbls.; wheat, 1VO0 bu.; com, 195,000 bu.; oats, 31,000 bu. Liverpool (iritln nnil Pro vkIoii. LIVERPOOL. April 23.- WHEAT-Spot, dull, No. 1 California, fis 4sd; No. 2. 6s fid; No. 2 red western, winter, 6a llV.d. t'u Ituliitli C.rnln Mnrltot. DULUTH. April 23. WIIEAT-No. 1 hard, cash, it1v: Mny, 67T4c; July, 69Hc: Septem 'ber, 07c; No. 1 northern, cash, 66ic; Mny, 65Tic; July, 67c; September, 6fic; No. 2 north ern, T.c; No. 3 spring, 60Hc OATS-2K2414C CORN-35ic. .MlluiiUee Grill it Market. MILWAUKEE. Anrll 21 WHEAT Hnlf cent lower; No. 1 northern, 6',35JS614c; No. 2 northern, eiHTifiCc. HYK steady ; .no. 1, &bc. R A RLE Y Quiet: No. 2. 43o: sample. 3S ff!2c. Plilliiilellilila Produce Mnrkft. PHILADELTHIA, April 23. BUTTER Firm: fancy western creamery. ISc: fancy western prints, 20c, EGGS Fresh nearby, western and south western, 12c; fresh southern, HV4c. Cotton MnrLrt. NEW ORLEANS. Anrll 23.-COTTON- Qulet; sales, 1,000 bales; ordinary, 8 3-16e; good ordlnnry, 8 11-lGc; low middling, 9'ic; middling, Ki,c; good middling, 9 9-lfic; mid dling fair. 913.16c; receipts, l.SH bales; stock. 197,050 bales. Futures, steady: April, $9.18 bid: May. J9.21fi9.22: June. J9.22fiO.24: July, $9.2Hii9.22; August. JSi'hS.ffg: Septem ber, s..';"'1(8.;iu; uctonor. jT.wtii.u7; .November and December. S7.S5fi7.SC: Jnnuarv. $7.SSri? 7.S7. ST. LOUIS. April 23,-COTTON-Dull nnd unc.hangnl; middling. 9c; receipts, 1,215 liales; shipments, 1,463 bales; stock, 56,187 bales. NEW YORK, April 23. The cotton mar ket was disturbed todny by conflicting nd- vlces us to crop conditions lit general nnd particularly ns to tho situation In the flooded territories. The weakness of the stock market was another element leading to speculative hesitation. Our mat ket started steady, with nrlees 3 nolnts lower to 3 higher ami for a time local traders had tno mnrket to tliemselves. Reports of fur- incr 'nenvy rains m me flooded regions of tho central belt, with an unsatisfactory av ernge of crop nccounts from other sections, gavo relative firmness to' the new crop posi tions. Tho fact that thero was some prcttv brisk buying for southern nccount was construed to bo a confirmation of reports of damage by excessive rains. Following the first call, therefore, tho market took a level genernlly 2fi". points nhove Saturday's closing. Rut public support failed to ma terialize, and 11 new cnutlous sellintr move. ment again set In. 'Prices receded under tho pressure, yet tho market was nt no time pnrtlculnrly weak, ns the forecasts re garding tho 7novcment lu the nenr future worked toward small llgures. This, with tho steadily Increasing strength of statis tics pointing to the smnllest visible supply at the end of tho season for years, deprived the shorts of courage and made the market a small one. Tho market closed quiet, with prices 4 points higher to 2 points lower. Curb Trndliir In St. I.oiiIn. ST. LOUIS. April 21.-Flfty members of tho Merchants' exchango opened a "curb" today ten minutes after the regulnr busi ness of tho day on the lloor had closed. Business was brisk. There Is considerable speculation ns to what course tho board of directors of tho exchange will take ns tho result of tho movement, following so closely upon tho board's refusal of the petition to permit privilege trndlng on the lloor. Nono of the members of that body Is willing to say what will bo the next ac tion of the exchange. f thero were largo realization!! whl h were 1 inerweigited principally. Rio tlntos were , dull. Spanish Is relapsed In tonseiitletice of the unfavorable exchnnee rate. Knlllrs ' wero easier In nbsence of Important news. 1 Three per cent rentes. lOlf 2'c for the ac count. Exchange on t-ondoti, ssf 19c for ' checks. Spanish 4s closed nt .3.05. I tONDON, April 2i. American railway shares opened weak nnd declined nil day, , Louisville (t Nnshvllle nnd Union Paclrtc I lending tho downward movement. Tho , amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance todny wna 61,0i:o. 1 opanisn is closed nt 72?ic. MOVIJME.VI'S OK STOCKS AM) BONDS. I.nrue Amount or McIIIiik Orders In 0-iilim "f Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, April 23,-S.iturdny's break In prices of stocks brought large selling orders Into tho market nnd they were In evidence nil through tho list at tho open ing. But thero was nlso buying orders on a very largo sculo to tnko the offered .stock. Part of these were evidently plnceil In tho market by friends of different stocks for the purposo of supporting them. The expectation wns qulto general that the market would open with something like a crnah In values, but ns Is not unusunl In Wall street, overexpcctutlon defeated Itself nnd thero wrro enough buyers waiting to tako advantage of the crash to steady tho mnrket almost Immediately. Profes sional Wall street perceived tho absence of preFsuro of long stock In the steel In dustrials with a cynical lack of surprise. Evidently thi opportunity had been seized to illrposo of long stock nt their level of prices nnd tho shorts were tho most cnger operators In tho market lu endeavors to cover. This pretty clearly indicated that p.iuso In tho mojt uggrcsslvo tactics of tho bear campaign. A collateral object of that campaign Is genernlly believed to bo nn various stocks at tho lower level of prices, Tho pressuro of liquidation continued heavy during tho first hour nnd a second drive was made by tho board nt the end of thnt time. But the stendy ubsorptlott of offerings begot a very cautious- mood among tho professlonnls nnd a dccldilly quieter tone ensued In the market. Homo of tho bull pools which have recently been actlvo, notably that In Missouri Pacific, showed a disposition to resttmo operations. Tho undertnno of tho market was llrm dur ing tho latter part of the day nnd tho closing was strong nnd rather nctlve, with tho steel Industrials nt tho best level of tho day nt considerable net gains, amount ing to 21 In tho enso of Fedornl Steel nnd 2(, In Steel and Wire. Wnll street ntlll keens an anxious eyo on the situation In tho iron and steel trade, but Is inclined to co back of olllclnl uttcranco and con firm Its opinion. The ularin llrst created over tho cut In prices Is mitigated by tho well llllcd ranks of tho consumers who nro known to bo walling placo contracts at a lower level of trices. Last year's high prices arc known to havo been made by belated bidders, who had to buy uf nny price to nil contracts, and the dealings nt tho hlch level wern for only a smnll part of the total product. Tho largo part of tho last year'rt business wns on contracts which wero known to havo been worked off at lower rates. While tho reduction lu current rntcs hns proved a severe shock to the financial world and a dlsap.-olntment to heuders of tho stocks of tho steel coir..flEJ- Wall street Is be ginning to lndulgo in the hope that even nt tho cut prices the year's nvcraso rato ma:- still provo to bo nbove tho average for last year. Gold exports nro looked to without ulnrm on nccount of the cafo of tho money market. Today's small ship ment to Buenos Ayres wns without Influ ence. Tho feature of tho bond market was tho quick rlso to R5 of tho Western New York and Pennsylvania general mortgage three-fours on the arrangement perfected w'h tho Pennsylvania railroads. Other wise prices yielded In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value, J2.5SO.000. United States bonds wcro unchanged In bid price. The following nro tho closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange today: ( nllforiilii Dried FrultN. NEW YORK, April 23.-CA LI FORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Dull but about steady at nominally unchanged prices. Trade In evaporated npples was almost entirely of a hand-to-mouth order. Prices wero fully sustained, however, on nbsence of sellers nnd the prospects of lighter receipts for tho week. The undertone of tho market ut the eloso was nbout steady; state, common, 4'4fJ3c; prime, GftffiSc: choice, 7ft7',4c; fancy, 7HgSc. Prunes. 3'j5i7c. ns to size nnil qual ity. Apricots, Royal, 13f(15c; Moor park. 17 SJISc. Peaches, peeled, lSff22c; unpcelcd, 7!409c. Ilry Oooil Marlirt. NEW YORK. Arll 23 DRY GOODS Therc has been a poor attendance of buy ers In the market today and business on tho snot has been dull In nil departments. No changes lit tho prices of brown sheetings nnd denims, but market In favor of buyera outside of best brands Similar feature In bleached cotton. Print cloths Idle nnd unchanged In price. Prints und ginghams quiet but firm. All ilescrlntlons of whlto goods firm nnd good demand for India linens and lawns fqr spring of 1901. Now York Money Mnrkot. NEW YORK, April 23.-MONEY-On call, closed at 2fi3 per cent; prlmo mercantile pnper. 4f(5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Ptrong, with actual business In bankers' hills nt S4.SS.ii for demand and nt $).S4'4 for sixty dajs; P.0,?10'1., KV', Jua nnd Si S0- commercial bills, SI.SSVifT4.SI. SILVER-Certlflcates, 6ftfffilUc; bar, C9"ic; Mexican dollars, 47?ic. BONDS Government, steady; state, firm; railroad, weak. Tho closing prices on bonds today were as follows: U. S 2, reg do 3, res ilo coupon do new 4s, reg... do coupon do old 4s, Kg do coupon da (a, rrg - do coupon 1). of C. 3 Ms Atchlfon K'n. 4a... do ml J. 4a Canada So. U C'hc-a. & Ohio IV,s. do is C. & N. W. n. 7s... do 8. I deb. da Clilrago Ter. 4a... D & It- O. la do 4a H. T., Va. & O. la Hrle general 4 V. W, & P. C. Oen. Klectrle 5s .. a. H. & 8. A, 6s. jo II. & T. C. M do cnnol C Iowa Central 1... K. C . P. & O. la. Ixiulslana n c. 4s 1, & N. iinlfliNl 4a. Slla., K & T. Cs.. do 4a Atchison do pf d Baltimore & Ohio Canadian Pacific. Cumida So dips. & Ohio .. Chicago O. W C , II. & Q CHI.. Ind A: I,.... do pf d CI1UH50 & N W.. C . 11. I. & P C. C C. & St. L. Colorado So do 1st pM do 2d pfd... . Del. (c Hudson.... Pel. U & W Denver II. O... do pfd 1- Brle do 1st pfd.... Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .... Hooking Vnlley .. Illinois Central .. low 11 Central ..... il-j pfd K. C, P & O.... Lake Kile & V. do pfd Tike Shore Ijnu'avllle A- N Manhattan L Jlet. St. Ily Mexican Central . Minn. & St, I dn pfd Mo. Paclllc Mohlle & Ohio,... Mis . K. & T do pfd N. .T. Central .... X Y. Central ... Norfolk & W do pfil No Pa'ltle do Pfd Ontario & W Ore Ity. & Nav. do pfl Pennsylvania .... Heading do lt prd... 2.1 pfd... W Pfd & s r.... i.-t pri... 2d pfd.... St. L SoulhrW... do pfd Rt Paul .......... do pfd St. P. d- Oniaha. So, Paeltle Ko Hallway .... do fd Texas & Pacific do Rio CI. do tRt. L. do do SO'i N. Y. C. 1s ilia, .109 N. J. C. gen. Ss...ra 1W; No Carolina 6s....l2T',4 133 I do 4a job 131 No. Pacific. 33 'i 114'; 1 do 4a 10414 114'; N.Y.C. St.L, 43.WH ,U2U Nor. fz W. c. 4s... 0714 .1134 do gsn. 131 .121 Ore. Nay. la io .100'; do 4s t(M . 81 Oregon S. I, 6s....l?ni ,107 ' do consol 5a 1I4H . Kit; Heading gen. 4a.... SI'i .l!'.i Itlo a. w. la 99 -14'J Kt.L. & .M. c. Ss.llOU .12$ fit I, & H F g, 6a...i:t . 9S',4 St. Puul conaols 172 101 Wt. P . c. & P. la ISO . W.i do .Is 121 .102 So. 'Railway i J 12 ii . 7ti H It. (t T. t 71 . 72 Tenn. n. s. 3 95'i .'17i.i Tex. ft Paclflo la. ..tin .107 do "a co .110 Pnlon Pacific 4....105'i .IIPj Wabaali la li .110 1 do is IP" .114 iWoit Shore 4 .14 . 73 Wla. Central la OPi l'SU Vn. Centuries Di; 10O1. do deferred 5 6S'iColo. Southern 4... W4 93U So. Kicinc 4 S3tJ . rr.'i Union Pacific . fi)',' do pfd . t'l't Watinsh . P5',1 do pfd .. r.r'i Wheel & L. U .. 3"?,' do pfd ...13k Win. Central . .1?'.', Third Avenue . . Wi .Adatnx Kx .. 59 American Kx ..MUS P. S. Kx ..KS'i Wells-Fargo Kx.... ..0114 Amcr. Cotton Oil.. .. 6 I do pfd .. 42. Amcr. Malting ... .. 16i,V do pfd .,l'.5',i Amcr. S. it It ,179 I do pfd .. Il lAmerlcan Spirits.. w 70H' do pfd .l t3';Amer. Steel Hoop. .'I'Xrujl do pfd ..ir,7 Amer. S. & W .. I7"i" do pfd .. 8ii, Amer. Tin Plate... . .llt'l ta pfd .. 17'iAmer. Tobacco .... no pru Anae. Mining Co... Ilrooklvn It. T.... Colo. Iiel & Iron. Con. Tohacco do pfd federal Steel do pfd (ten. Klectrle Glucose Sugar .... do pfd Inter, paper do pfd .. 11'iil.aelede Qas .. SoHWatlonal Biscuit . . .121 '.3! 'do pfd irJVNalloivai lad .... 37',i' do pfd .. 7H4 National Steel .... .. P. I do pfd .. "ViN. V Air Brake.. .. :.1'4 No. American .. 42 (Pacific COiJ-t ., 711 do 1st pfd ..IVvV do 2d pfd .. 19 Pa' 10c Mall .. 61' People's Oiaa .. n!'!Preafed S Car .. STbl do pfd .. S7'iPullmnn P. ear... .. 10&; Standard It. & T.. .. fS Isugar .. 3 I do pfd .. 11'i Tenn. Coal & I..., .. ?1H IT. S leather ..119 do Pfd ...173 U. M. r.utilier . M, .. 9,U ,.r.s', .. 14 .. r2'i .. 91 .. .'6' II 119 .. 31V .. 13 do pfd Wmtern t'nlon , rteoubllc I & R. ilo pfd. .. 19 Pierre & St. I, , 6S" . 7.V4 , 2H1 . 73'i , 10 . 2ii , 17i 109 .12') .14 . 41 124 . 3.-.H . 91 . 3i 21 . S7I4, . SV 214 17 . IX . T4M . 40- . 7KI3 . 2.MJ . 79 .10314 .135 . 4V,, . 71 . 4t . 21'i . SI . 4I1 . C9V4 .137 . 41 . 9i ! fS . 71 . 90 . 23 .104 . sevi . S9IJ .12T . 13 . fil'.a . 83 . 6P4 . 3314 .10! . 40 . M .18214 . 0 .m .111 . 83i . 11 . 70 . 32 ',4 . 97 . 18i . no . c in OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Qantitl Tsndeno of Values Lew.r All Aronnd. CATTLE TEN CENTS LOWER THAN SATURDAY l'urelKit l'liiiiiicliil, BERLIN, April M.-On tho bours-e todny money w.13 nnoted nt B'i per cent. Interna tional securities were llrm, but Incnl shnres relapsed on larco realizations In conse quence of the unsatisfactory American Iron market. ExchanKo on London, 20 -mnrks f,2 pfes. for cheeks. Discount rates: Short bills, I per cent; three-months' bills, 4 per cent, PARIS, April IJ. On the bourse today Offered. riniiiieliil Notes. CHICAGO, April 23.-Clearlnp, $22.304.4SO: balances. 2.0l.-,.73!; posted exchanReA. JI.fi 4.R!t'.: New York cxchanRC 10c H9eount HOSTON. April 23 -ClearlnRs, $l.,4.3,R0n, balnucos, itl.100.021. . ,,.r NEW YORK. April 23.-ClearlnBs, J105, 297.7K): balnnces, Jfi,li.50tl. . ST. LOIMB. April 2P,.--ClenrlnKS JG,357.J1.I; balances. $781,010; money, 4'ti. per cent; New York exchange, par bid. 2?c jiremlum asked. Condition of lln- Trensury. WASHINGTON. April M.-Today's stnte. . e .. . rtvnlnslvn nf the S10. 000,000 Rold reserve, shows: Available cash Balance, jm.tM.iuj; k"hi. q-..-.v-. Snunr Inrket. NEW ORLEANS. April 23. - SUOAR - Steady; open kettle. R:fM3.1fie: open ket tle, centrifURni, 4Vifflli'', i,"'1 low, 44fl I 11-lf.c; seconds, 2Well,jC inr.ASSi.'snnlet nnd nomlnnl. LONDON, April 23.-UKET SUGAR 10s 3',id. Wool Jlarkrt, sr T.ni'iH Anrll 23. WOOIy In rood demand and stendy; medium grades 22e; light fine. Infuse; neavy unc, ijuiac. tub waslicd, 2l3JCj New York Live Stock. NEW YORK. April 23. REEVES Tie. eelpts, .l.ffll bend: forty cars on sale; mar. ket slow and 10c lower; bulls slow, all so d; steers. Jl.l2',sIli.Ki, mainly JI.SW(5.45; bulls, iniwni nr.: ..nu-w S2.iftfi4.0). Cnbles slow: ex- ports, nono; tomorrow, &3 cattlo nnd 4.2GO quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. &I7 head; active nnd 25'iiWc IilKlicr, nil sotu; vcais, ji.ofou.jj; ..nun. j:i ts. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recclpts. 2.3 head; 22'A cars on sale; sheep steady; lambs moro active; butchers' Block. 10150 hlf?h"r, nno car unsold; four enrs nrrlved nfter tin mtirket wns nvnr: unshorn sheen. J5.00Tlfl.&0: clipped sheep, J3 7Bflri.r0: unshorn culls, $:s.!0 ffl'ri; clipped culls. $;i.n3n3.50; Hhorn lamln, Jii.noijS.OO; clipped lambs, $r,.25'i76.r.0; unshorn culls. J5 00'ri.ffi; clipped culls, J3; spring lambs. J3.fflWI.B0. IIOC.S Receipts, U.KA hend; market steady; state hogs, 5.S015.10; western hogs, ;&.iu. SI. .loNt-iili I.I vp htork. SOPTH ST. JOSEPH, Mo., April 23.-(Spo-clnl.l The .lnnrni.1 nuotes: CATTLE Receipts. 7CO head; market steady to 10c lower; quality common to fair; unlives. 3.Mfi5.(0; Texans und west erns. J.l.fOftS.no; iows and heifers, $J.2Jf! 4.10; bulls and stags. J.'.Stfn.tiO; yearlings nnil caiVM. w.imt.).a. siocnora nun iccn era. $3 Mti Ti? venls. f S.fKMl 7.00. I IOCS Receipts. .Lfifrt hend; market 6ff 10o lower; all grades, Jj.2J6i5.60; bulk of KlilCH. l.vivns 4?li. SHEEP AND LAMP.S-Recelpts. 3,000 hrad; mirkct l(ai5o lower on nmoj; uoio- rauos, Horn Sell I'lve Cents Lower, vrllh the Close Still Worse Sheep nnil Lu in bn i:prrlrnce n Slinrp Iteverse lit Prices, SOUTH OMAHA. April 2.1. Recelnts were: Cattle, lines. Sheen. Official Monday 2.071 3.015 6,6211 Monday of last week.... 2,749 0,396 3.317 Same week before 2,12! 3,140 6.741 Same three weeks ago.. 1,511 SM). 4,131 Same four weeks ago.... 2.07S 4,119 f.,376 Average prlco paid for hogs for thn iasi several days with comparisons: April .... April z.... April 3.... Anrll 4.... April 6.... April 6,,.. April 7.... April April 9.,., April 10... April 11... Ann 12... April 13... Apr I 14... April 15... April IS... April 17... April IS... April 19... April 20... April 21... April 22... April 23... 190O.1893.l!9!.ilS97. 11896. U9S.1S4 4 W 4 SI 4 S2 4 70 4 K2 4 $1 3 C4 3 Go 3 92 3 W 6 OS I 3 67 3 92 3 04 6 15 2 Co 3 91 3 56 5 25 3 66 3 73 3 S3 5 30 3C53 79 390 5 30 3 62 3 79 3 S3 3 57 5 27 3 61 3 72 3 S3 3 59 3 66 3 71 3 SO 3 61 5 33 3 75 3 85 3 62 6 3.S 3 OS 3 90, 3 36 5 36 3 67 3 71 I 3 57 5 S3 3 63 3 71 3 97 5 40 3 61 3 67 3 971 3 50 5 4S 3 67 3 70 3 S3 S 40 3 72 3 67 3 SO 3 38 5 43 3 61 3 R7 U 1" fl 63 3 72 3 91! 3 33 5 49 ,1 6S 3 60, 3 13 fi 46 3 71 3 Oil 3 91 5 43 3 751 3 631 3 l 3 33 6 42 3 771 3 73I 3 S3 3 30 I 3 721 3 811 3 SI 3 30 5 33 I 3 71 3 82 3 SS 4 41 4 51 4 53 4 69 4 77 4 74 4 S9 4 Sll 4 771 4 72! 4 76 4 75 4 78 4 78 4 71 4 63 I 61 I 69 I M 5 02 5 01 4 86 6 02 5 11 5 2J 6 23 5 11 6 13 5 09 5 04 Indicates Suuaay. Tho official number of cars of stock brought In todny by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. t'nlon Paclllo 19 6 11 C. & N. W. Hv 3 2 V. E. & M. V. R. R 30 14 4 S. C. & P. v 1 C. St. P. M. & O. Ry 11 2 2 H. & M. R. R. U II IS 10 C. II. & Q. Ry 6 C. R. I. & P., east 5 Total receipts 91 43 27 Thn ,1lnnIMnii nf thn il.iv'n reeelnts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 621 690 069 759 261 C3f 1,560 1,676 753 4G0 Omaha Packing Co 95 G. If. Hnmmond Co.... 179 Swift nnd Company .... 459 Cudahy Packing Co "67 Armour c co j.s Swift, from country !. Becker & Dcgnn.... 21 lyobman & Co 27 W. I. Stephen 10 Llvlncstnnp ,fc Schaller.. 3S Hamilton & Rothschild.. SO If. L. Dennis & Co 1 Hohblck 10 Other buyera 131 Totals 1,799 2.742 1.341 CATTLE This was nn off dny for the rollers of cnttle. There was a steady fall of rain nil tho morning, which made the cattlo look unattractive and buyers feci mean, und reportB from enstern markets wero unfa vorable. Resides that buyers were gener nlly looking for a good run for tomorrow. 1 nc result was mat. me mnrnei wns siuw nnd 60 to 10c lower, the bulk of the cattle selling probably 10c lower. If tho cattle Just happened to suit buyers they would not. tnke on quite so mucn, oui ns n ruie they wanted to tnke off 10c. If the cattle happened to bo heavy and a little on the coarso order they were not only lower, but slow at the decline. While the offerings were moderate the market was In such con dition thnt It took some time to effect a cloarance. Cows and heifers sold all the way trom weak to 10c lower. As a rule, buyers llgiitcd on taking off, but tho demand for that kind of stock was pretty good, so that lu some casts thev did not take off very much. Still some of the buyers reported that they were taking off 10c or leaving them alone. The general trade on butchers' stock, ns wns tno case wltli otner Kinds of cattle, was slow nnd tho morning wns well advanced colore a clearance wns onecteii. Only a few stockers or feeders were on snlo and tho market was very quiet, owing largely to the state of tho weather. Thero was somo trading, but the market was without feature. Tho condition of the beef market, ns well as the weather, was against mere neing mucn ncuviiy in feeders, liep- rescntative sales: BEEP STEERS. No. A v. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1 460 J3 23 32 1093 I 60 2 935 4 2a 39 1011 4 CO' fi 1003 4 30 9 1244 4 63 S 106.) I 33 20 1116 4 63 9 1027 1 33 20 1153 4 63 S 936 4 40 il 1217 "n 17 !J6 4 10 13 1170 4 70 1 910 4 40 41 1214 1 70 12 979 4 50 27 1241 I 70 IS 1023 4 60 21 118.1 4 70 28 1101 4 50 97 1 1 GO 4 75 12 1076 4 50 8 1455 4 75 21 1032 4 60 9 12K! I 75 22 1116 4 60 17 1307 4 75 16 1255 4 53 13 1251 4 73 fi 1000 4 55 37 1301 4 75 19 10S0 4 60 20 1231 4 SO 10 1017 4 60 19 1371 4 SO 30 1142 4 60 21 1236 4 SO 28 1171 t 60 20 1106 4 8214 25 12:3 4 00 3 15'0 4 S3 4J 10S8 4 CO 20 1339 4 83 7 1250 4 CO 60 1334 4 S3 20 1239 4 00 40 1500 4 90 3 1090 4 00 CG Hll 4 !3 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 7 1002 4 50 14 1327 1 SO COWS. 1 760 2 00 1 1230 3 40 1 S20 2 00 4 1102 1 40 2 875 2 25 4 1102 3 40 1 1010 2 50 1 1000 3 50 3 943 2 65 12 1039 3 60 1 610 2 75 1 1290 3 50 1 920 2 75 1 1010 3 50 1 1010 2 75 4 1050 3 50 1 861 2 73 1 760 3 50 1 1000 2 75 1 S60 3 50 2 920 2 75 1 1130 3 50 3 930 3 00 1 1160 3 50 1 1100 3 00 1 1120 1 00 1 850 3 00 1 SS0 3 60 1 1070 3 00 1 1050 3 60 1 1410 3 00 12 1135 3 65 2 1110 3 00 1 1290 3 65 2 1013 3 00 1 840 3 75 1 1110 3 00 4 1051 3 75 1 640 3 00 7 1132 3 75 2 973 3 00 1 1150 3 75 1 930 3 00 2 1143 3 S3 6 1020 3 10 5 1164 3 91 25 969 3 15 1 1190 3 10 1 920 3 23 1 1310 3 90 1 1110 3 25 2 1123 3 90 1 1. 910 3 35 11 1020 3 91 2 995 3 23 6 1060 4 09 1 960 3 25 3 1006 t 05 2 935 3 23 2 1305 4 10 4 917 .1 23 1 1300 4 10 2 1035 3 25 18 1025 4 10 6 1073 3 25 7...., SIS 4 21 fi 1073 3 25 3 1320 4 25 1 1010 3 25 12 1003 4 25 COWS AND HEIFERS. 6... 5..., 26... 90S 1010 991 14. 20. 4 1 855 972 970 3 93 I 00 4 n HEIFERS. 3 S3 1 3 95 2 4 00 13. S45 .. SSI ..1070 .. 9S1 .. 900 sn 4 15 1 25 4 30 1.... 1.... o .'.'.'. 4.... 1.... fi,... 1.... n 6... 12... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 35 4 31 4 40 600 630 760 460 742 1000 691 -. 720 1170 800 1065 3 50 3 85 4 00 4 00 4 10 I IT, 4 23 I 25 4 30 4 ::o 4 33 6.. 1 15;;;;; R 1 7 6 12 19 31 BULLS. 1 1340 3 00 1 3 1310 3 25 1 1 1670 3 23 1 1 1250 3 23 2 1 1210 3 35 1 1 1150 3 49 1 1 1780 3 10 1 fi 1615 3 40 1 1 1720 3 50 1 1 1160 3 50 1.... CALVES. 1 130 fi 00 2.... STOCK L'UWtv A.-NU .1011 . 965 .1018 . 780 . S20 . 560 . on . SS2 .1017 . 741 1610 1161 1710 1510 13.11 1500 1260 920 729 1411 1 41 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 45 1 55 4 55 4 60 4 60 1 77U 3 55 3 55 3 60 3 61 3 60 3 60 3 76 3 75 3 S3 4 33 1 1.., 1 1 1 1 3. SO fi 50 HEIFERS. S61 1 03 612 3 75 760 3 75 450 I 10 620 4 25 !90 4 75 1 830 ? 51 1 90 3 m 4S 960 3 10 1 ,580 3 25 1 830 3 25 1 810 3 50 1 STOCK CALVES. 270 3 00 1 3S0 4 SO 301 4 01 1 2VI 3 51 259 4 0.1 1 130 0 51 321 4 60 linns Thev seem to havo gotten tho hog market on the down grade nnd when nnco started down hill It Is sometimes hnrd work to stop. Last week tho mnrket gradually declined, prices being lower every day after Tucsda!'. so that tho week chsed with values 12'ic lower than tho high point. Tho present week, however, started out still lower. This morning 4'hlcago re ported tho mnrkrt there as 10c lower nnd under that Influence tho market hern whs lower, Thla market, however, declined only 6c, owing to tho fact that the receipts were light nnd the demand pretty good. As thero wero so few on snip It did not tako packers very long to effect a clear ance nnd about everything was sold and weighed up In good season. The general run of mixed hogs sold nt JS 35U5.37't, with somo of the better loads at J3.li. On Sat urday the mixed loads generally sold at J5.mtf5.l2V4. It will be noted from the table of aver age prices nbovo thnt the present week starts out with the market close to 10c lower than It was one week ngo. but still a shade higher than two weeks ngo. Rep- tesentaiivo sales: No. 166.... 76.... SI 71 09 69 73.... fi 82 SI 71.... 07 83 6) 21 55 OS .... 62 75. SHEEP There wns n pretty fnlr run here today, but the receipts were made up mostly of Colorndo lambs. There were not manv sheep on sale. The market was slow nnd lower, generally 101716c lower, than the close of Inst week, or 23c lower than the early part of last week. Somo of tho Inmbs that sold today nt $7.on brought 17.25 n week ni?n. The market was slow nnd tlrnggy nt the decline nnd sellers found It hnrd work to unload. Prnc tleally everything coming to market ut the present tlmo Is shorn, excepting tho Colorndo lambs. Quotations: Clipped wethers. J3.3SfiR.fij; clipped yearlings, J5.6Rff6.70; clipped ewes, good to choice, J5.CWi5.25; fnlr to good clipped ewes, JI.60ffR.nn; good to choice western wooled lnmbs, J6.S3fi7.15; fair In good western wooled Inmbs, Jtl.60fiil.S3; good to cholco clipped lambs, Jii.00ffii.35; fair to good clipped lambs, J5.5OU0.OO. Relircsentntlve k:i1..m: No. Av 9 cull ewes, shorn 90 25 cull western lambs, shorn.... 00 220 western ewen. Mhnrn 106 626 western ewe.s 91 3 owes 90 8 ewes Tl 112 Colorndo ewes 95 Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. .ISO 200 $5 2.3 91 202 129 5 374 .211 40 5 35 SO 205 40 fi 37H .219 120 6 33 34 263 ... R 371, .201 200 6 .V. 76 21 . . fi 37'4 .207 ... fi 33 69 2JT. SO 5 37- .243 120 5 35 61 220 SO fi 37'4 .220 2S0 R ".5 07 217 40 5 17V4 .256 ... fi 35 S2 221 40 5 10 .220 160 6 35 62 270 120 5 40 .2iV, ... S 374 67 207 ... 5 40 .221 ... 6 3714 61 32.1 120 fi 10 .100 ... 6 37'4 05 2U 160 6 41 .2.11 SO 5 3714 77 'JIN SO 5 (0 .21.1 120 5 37'4 67 201 40 5 40 .211 ... 6 37", 72 262 ... fi 19 .20S 120 fi 3714 55 201 ... fi 10 .262 121 fi 17'4 71 2.V. 80 fi 40 .26.1 40 fi 3714 70 269 ... R 40 217 ... 5 374 61 200 120 5 -11 SI6 western y'rl'gs nnd wethers 91 0 western lambs, shorn.... 229 western Inmbi, shorn 15.1 western yearlings 19 Colorado bucks 130 Colorado lambs 233 Colorado lambs 261 Colorado lnmbs 49S Colorndo-Mexlcan lambs. 611 Colorado lambs 647 Colorndo lnmbs 3 spring Inmbs 68 07 75 92 73 61 70 71 7S 7S 66 Pr. J3 60 1 rn I 75 5 20 R 2R 5 35 5 fi 6 0214 5 75 6 76 0 OR 0 25 fi S3 0 no 7 01 7 01 7 10 7 10 8 25 CIIICAfiO LIVE STUCK MARKET. THE MISSION OF RAN CfllO AND HAN CURO CA Til ARTIC TAllt FTSIs to prevent nnd ouro Rheumatism, Kidney, lllndder nnd all Uric Add dlsennes. ForycarsI was tortured with rlieunintlnu, I tried many temedlis without getllngro lief. Somo months nco 1 commenced tuitJ 1 11 C wlin t Is lsnownnsCAi.iKottNiA'fiMlssloX RuMKtitrs. I followed dlrretlnuscalrfully, taking HAN Ctriso. nppi.vltii; iwi.a Cacti's Liniment to my stliretied joints and using san eur.o('ATHAi!TiiTAitt.FTs todrnln mv svlem oMtnpurllles, Attlrst I experienced little benefit but nfter giving the medicines n fair show I seem to be pkiiman vnti.y cured. Judging from my own experleneo theo remedies will do for other what they hnvedono forme. If given n fair I rial. J 1". (1 RIMES, Head Houso Painter, Phclan Building, Han Francisco, California's Mission Remedies. Fon SAt.K nv Am, Duvhoists. urKiin thai.s ron Sleem Stcnil Hokh I.ovrer Slice nnil l.nmliM l.ovter. CHICAGO, April 23. CATTLE Receipts, 21,000 head, Including 600 head Texans; steers steady to 10c lower; butchers' stock steady; natives, best on sale today one oa,r load at J3.00; good to prime steers vtendy; others weak at JI.S35J6.S0; poor to medium, RfilOc lower at J1.00fJ5 60; selected feeders, steady nt Jl.20ii(4.90; mixed stockers. slow nt J3.3OfT3.S0; raws, firm nt Jl.OOJiICO, heif ers, steady at J3.SofJ&.00; runners, nbout steady nt J2.O0fI2.75; bulls, slow nt J2 70fp 4.23; calves, about steady at Jl COfifi.50 Texans, receipts, 0M head; Texas fed steera, steady at J4.09fi5.25; Texas bulls, about steady at J3.2Ofj3.70. HOGS Receipts todnv. 32.000 head: to morrow, 15,001 head, estimated- left over, 7.000 head; 10c 1ovjv top. J5.65: mixed and butchers. J5.5yiit5.60; good to cholco heavy, JS.ROfiC.CR; rough heavy. J5 35firl3; light, $3.2503.63: bulk of sales. $3.45fj5 65. SHEEP AND LA MBS Recelnts, 22 010 head: sheep and lambs fifilOc lower; good to cholco wethers, $3.05f?0.10; fnlr to choice mixed. JI.E0fl5.C5: western sheep. $5.60fi0 10; yenrllngs. J3.7n((iC,40; nntlve lambs, 5.60ff 7.30; western lambs, $0.00177.30. Kmmnn City Live Slock, KANSAS CITY, April 23.-CATTl.E-Ro-eelpts, 2.C00 head natives, 1,201 head Tex ans; heavy nutlvo steers shndo lower; light weights nnd butcher cattle stendy; heavy native steers, $4.7Cffl3.00; light weight, J4.505T4.S0; stockers nnd feeders. J3.56f3.35; butcher cows nnd heifers, J1.23J7 1.75' en li ners, J2.65f(3.23; fed westerns, JI.25fJI.70; Texans. $4.00fi4.63. HOGS Receipts. 7,000 head: market slow to fifflOe lower; henvy, J5.35fi5.45; mixed, J5.30fT5.IO; light. J5.00ff5.30: pigs. J(..65f(5.05 SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 9.601 head; killing sheep nctlve nnd steady; fed lambs closed 10c lower; Colorado lambs, J0.00jf7.00: cllnped InmVis. J5uOfi6.3fl; mut tons. $5.50fT6.0O; stockers nnd feeders. $1.50 06.35; culls, J3.50fi 1.50. CHICAGO LISAVIS AT 12 HO, SOOH, A.U 7 85 P. U. New Short Line to Minneapolis and St. Paul Leave il 7 n. in. und 7iil0 p. TICKETS AT 1402 FA H.NAM iTttEDT. "The New Offloe." "St. Louis Cannon Ball" St. I.oiiIn I.lrr SloeU. ST. LOUIS. April 23.-CATTLE-7tecelpts. 2,U1 head, Including 1.400 head Texans: market wenk and 10c lower for natives: Texans slow nnd 10c off- native shinning nnd exoort steers, JI.5Dfifi.sn; dresswl beef steers, JI.23fjT5.15; steers under 1.001 lbs.. 4.0OJT4.60: stockers nnd feeders. J1.35fi5.05 cows nnd heifers. $2.23f5 09: runners. Jl 50 i2.S5; bulls, J2.10fI4.10; Texas nnd Indian steers. Jl.03fi5.00; cows and heifers, J.'.50f7 3.85. HOGS Receipts. 7,100 head: market 5fi10c lower: pigs nnd lights. $5;5fi5.45; packers. $3.3Ofi5.60' butchers J.5. 15175.05. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 300 head; market dull and 10c lower; native muttons. Ir2."f7fS.?3; lambs, $0.50f?7.35; cuIIb anil bucks, Jl.00fio.00. Stock In SIkIiI. Following aro tho receipts at the four principal western markets for April 23' Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2.071 3.015 0.021 Chicago 21.000 3-MTO 22.090 Kansas City 2.000 7.C0O 9,601 St. Louis 2 100 7,100 30i) LAST TO LEAVE FIRST TO ARRIVE LEAVE OMAHA 5:05 P. M. ARRIVE ST, LOUIS 7:00 A. M. Trains leave Union Station dally for KANSAS CITY, QUINCY. ST. LOUIS nnd nil points cast or south. SPECIAL RATES to HOT SPRINGS. ARK. Home inkers tnutM"AH May 1 und 15. All Information at CI TV TICKET OFFICE. 1415 FARNAM ST, (Paxion Mote! Block) or write Harry E. Moorcs, e. P. & T. A., Omaha. Nco. A Skin of Itranty ! a Ju-y KornTer, DR. T. FELIX fJOUKAUD'S OltinNTAI, CH.EAM, OR MAOICAI, IlEAIITII'IUn. Kcmoroi Tan, l'Implei I'reclclBS. Moth, l'.itotim unsn ana sum nn eamja, and every tjlnnilsh on beauty, and deflrs detro Hon. It lias ntoo4 tlii teat of 5'-' .vc.i.'t nnd la no li.irniloat w tnstii it to be sum It In tiroperlr muiln. Accept n counterfeit or nlml- in.' iiainn. Ur u. A Sayrn said to lady of thehatit-toa t.'i patient). ' Ah you lmllt'R will ut them I recouimond Gouraud'a Croam an tho leant harmful of all & kin preparation." 1'or ale by all Drurrlstsand jnev Oood Dealers In the United Stale, Canada And Kurop.v FKKDT VOPK1N8, Pron'r. 87 Jour St.. K V. I' V"V " 4A '1 r Totals ...27.174 -19.715 3S.52I FRAIL WOMEN As well as men can dud HO tOUIL no ucaiiuiui nsa pure beer. 4v nutu uu UC. IUC llU.U kind. Krug Cabinet Bottled Beer la lirrmcticalh- aralrd l,M,i 1.mI1,I ...1.1..1. I..u..rn It to be free from bactrru ouite esscn- l& Hal for frail people. Order a trial rase. Vw FRED KliUQ HRRWINfl Cf) i Phone 420. OMAHA, NEBfcASKA. v (TC.00 Hi J l or First Correct Guess r.,T.!i.vnren,nuo 'Ike COATED CLRCTRICITY as (.deuce cau make them. Knch one produces as much nervr-buildlng substance ns U con talned in the amount of food a man consumes In a week. This Is why they have cured thousands of cases of nervous diseases, such ns net.lt ity, Dlziluess, Insomnia, Varicocele, etc They cnnble you to think clear ly by developing brain matter; force healthy circulation, cure Indices, tlon, and Impart bounding visor to the whole avstem. All weakening and tissue-destroying drains nnil losses permanently cured. Delay may mean Insanity, Consumption and Death. . l'rlcc. $t per box; six boxes (with Iron-clad Riiarnntee to cure or re fund money), fi. Hook containing positive proof, free. Address Peal nicaicine ia., Cleveland, O. Sold by Kuhn & Co,, 15th find Douglas, nnd J A. Puller Ac Co., llth nnd Douglas. BEECIiAMS tOHR jrfj Pnr,0,5,t0htfl,,,00il1 3 T D 1 I v prove Complexion. V t - pi KJ? 10 ctnts-25 cents. V Seven for Eight. What is it? rv Send answere to ij CIIAH. I). THOMPSON, -. Hewn pup it AilvrrtlaliiK AkciiI, , :il4-:itr Knrncli llliick, Oinnlin. H.R.PME.Y& CO. S 8 S j noorMrir life two. BRANCH 1038 MX UM'.OUI MER JAMES b BOYD & GO., Telephone 103!). Oinnlut, No COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS ami STOCKS HOARD OK TRADE. Correspondence: John A. Warren Si Co uirect wlrou to Clilcuto and Nw YorX Ji II. wahi:. i:. p. i.r.i.AMi. C'onilsn your Olt.VIN und NIlF.nn nnil icuil your nrilert In WARE LELAND 200-2IO RIALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO. 5 tVrlle r.ir our Dully MurUM Letter, Plfteen reprenentathns constantly on tin. floor of the Clilcaifn llojril of Trade, tliun Inmirlnu prompt luwutlnn of nil orilcn1, and rloo ullentlnn to all tml net KUtruttcd to ut. i:iMVA.llD U. IIIU:M AN, lu .l.uru-e uMlccclvluK Jlej.ut Oneul. t v