Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1900, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Gorernor Bhaw Appoints Eodiia
Tor bjr Last Ljlslsiture,
Mltrnry (.'iiiiinilftnlon, Slillnli CuiiiiiiU-
Inn nml n CoiiiiiiImnIoii to I, urate
riiNltliiim Oecuiileil !) I (mil
Troop nl Vlcknliiiru.
DBS MOINES, April 21. (Special Tele
gram.) flovornor Shaw this morning ap
pointed thrco of the six commlialoners cre
ated by tho legislature this winter, tho li
brary commission to promote- tho general
library IntcruiU of the state, the commlii
lon to locato tho positions occupied b,y
Iowa troops at the battle of Vlcksburg, and
the Shlloh commission, which carries an
appropriation of $50,000 for the erection of
monuments to murk spolw occupied by Iowa
soldiers on the field at Shlloh.
Captuln W. II. Johnson of Kort Dodge,
president of the State Library nswiclatlon,
Mrs. I). W. Norrls of Orlnnell, Mrs. II. M.
Towner of Corning and Miss Jule H.
Walte of Burlington, were appointed mem
bers of the library commission for terms of
two, three, our and five ycaie, as provided
In tho bill. Tho state librarian, superin
tendent of public Instruction and prcildent
of the State unlverlty arc ex-olflclo mem
bcrs. The law goes Into effect July 1 and
tho commlralon will meet Immediately after
Tho following aro tho thirty-five old sol
diers appointed on tho Vlcksburg con-.cnls-slon,
one from each regiment of Iowa troops
that served thoro and three commlssloners-at-large:
Commlsslonors-nt-largc: Colonel
J. K. P. Thompson, Ilock Ilaplds, chairman:
Captain 13. II. Ilascom. Lansing; Colonel D.
D. Palmer Washington.
Infantry, Third regiment. J. A. Kltzpat
rlck, Nevada; Fourth regiment, James P.
Flick, Iledford: Fifth regiment, Captain Wil
liam Dean, Tipton; Sixth regiment. Captain
K. C. Hnynas, Centorvlllo; Klghth, George
W. Hackothorn, Stuart; Ninth, Colonel Da
vid Carskaddcn, Lako City; Tenth, Cap.aln
Mahlon Head. Jefferson; Kleventh, Colonel
Don Ileack, MuHcatlnc; Twelfth, Captain
Abner Dunham. Manchester; Thirteenth,
Hon, W. O. Mitchell. Corning; Fifteenth,
Hon, John Y. Stone, Council Hlurfs; Six
teenth, Colonel Jchn H. Smith, Comanche;
Seventeenth, Colonel D. n, 1 1111 Is. Keokuk;
Nineteenth, J. W. Morton. Washington;
Twentieth, Captain N. M. Hubbard, Cedar
Ilaplds; Twcnty-drst, John Stahl, Cedar
ItapIdH; Twenty-second, 13. J. C. Heeler, Ce
dar Ilaplds; Twenty-third, J. A. T. Hull, Des
Moines; Twenty-fourth, Captain C. A.
Lucas, Iowa City; Twenty-fifth, Lieutenant
J. Whit Oarnor, Columbus Ctty; Twenty
sixth. Mnjor J. I). Fegnn, Clinton; Twenty
eighth, Hon. L. ('. Illanchard, Osknlooaa;
Thirtieth, Frank Crltz, Illvorsldo; Thirty
first, Coptaln J. S. Alexander, Marlon;
Thirty-fourth, Colonel W. S,. Duncan, Cbarl
ton, Thirty-fifth, Philip J. Murphy, Musca
tine; Thirty-eighth, Captnls John U. Ccok,
West Union; Fortieth, Captain Frnnk Camp
bell. Des Moines.
Cavalry Third roglmrnt, Jla'or C. A.
Stanton, Contervlllo; Fourth, Captain War
ren Dockwlth, Mount Pleasant.
Ilatterlcs of Light Artillery First battery,
Elliott Frazler, .Morning Sun; Second bat
tery, Lieutenant Joseph II. Heed, Council
The eleven old soldiers appointed on tho
Shlloh commission uro: Second lown, Colo
nel O. L. Godfrey, Des Moines; Third,
Colonel 0. W. Cro&slry, Webster City; Sixth,
Colonel A. J. Miller, Wnubcck; Seventh,
Colonel Samuel Mahon, Ottumwa; Klghth,
Colonel W. n. Hell, Washington; Kleventh,
Captain O. O. Morgredgc, Muxcatinc;
Twelfth, Captain K. H. Sopor, Kmmets
burg; Thirteenth. Captain C. W. Kepler,
Mount Vernon; Fourteenth, Captain W. T.
Shaw, Annmosa; Fifteenth, Captain J. W.
Carson, Wood burn; Sixteenth, Lieutenant
John Hayes, lied Oak.
Cumle Dickenson, colored, aged 20, was
found, dead in bed nt homo today with a box
of morphlno pills at his side. It Is believed
to be a caso of suicide.
At 12 o'clock today tho Polk County
noord of Supervisors completed tho can
vass of the saloon statement nnd, by n vote
of four members of tho board, pronounced
It valid, Saloons will not open, however,
until tho cases In court aro settled.
Rxeentlve Commit tot- Wilt Clionae Lo
cution for Xest Meeting.
SIOUX CITY, April 21. (Special Tele
gram.) At tho afternoon meeting of the
general section of the Northwestern Iowa
Teachers' association tho following officers
wero chosen for tho ensuing year: Presi
dent, 13. II. Hutton, Ida Grove; vlco presi
dent, II. 13. Illackmar, Kmmetshurg; record
ing secretary, Miss Anna Kvans, Lcmar);
treasurer, A. L. Drown, Fort Dodge; execu
tive committee, II. E. Kratz of Sioux City.
W. I. Simpson of Sheldon and II. 13. Crosby
of Altn. Resolutions of thanks for tho
treatment accorded the association In Sioux
City were ndopted. The matter of tho loca
tion of tho next meeting was left to tho
executive committee. There Is a strong
Inclination an tho part of a largo number
of tho members to mako Sioux City the
permanent location for tho annual meet
ings. Following aro the officers elected by tho
different sections to servo during tho com
ing year: Graded schools J. II. Orcutt,
Hawardcn, president; Miss Anna Locke, Ida
Grove, secretary. High school Charles K.
Illodgett, Carroll, president; Miss Helen
Ilusby, Lcmars, secretary. Hural school
J. n. Sborett, Harlan, president; Miss
rainier, Sallx, i4?uitetary. Primary Mrs.
Nellie Swingle. Sioux City, president; Miss
Lillian Gllllsplo, Cherokee, secretary.
School dlrostora Peter lnmon, Hodnoy,
on a chair. The child was playing about,
and seeing tho tub, took hold of it and
pulled It over. As It upset the baby was
covered from head to foot In the Braiding
water. Its agonizing screams attracted tho
attention of tho mcther, and everything
possible was done for the Injured child,
but It died In a short time.
ttnlul' Conference ('loxro,
LA MONT, la.. April 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho closing esslon of ths Paints'
conference this afternoon was the most in
teresting nnd harmonious session held. The
presidency reported ten persons to be or
dained as bishops. The nominations were
confirmed by tho body and provision wero
mndo for their ordination. The twelve re
ported on missions, assigning several hun
dred missionaries to their ileldi of labor,
mostly In the United States and Canada. IrT-
Matter of Add tionil Vtj for OfGcsrs in
Cuba to Bs Investigated.
fill I Mmlc Hint Prenlilcitt'N I'mvor In
the Mutter li AliNiilute
Work In (In-limine.
WASHINGTON. April 2!.-After a discus
sion lading more than two hours the sen
ate aerroil In thn tarn i-rMnliittnn nfYnr1 iai.
structlona were given by President Jtseph terdny by Dneon of Georgia calling upon tho
Smith to the ministry n relation to several wrt.tary of war for Infoinmt'on as to tho
phases o their work and explanations iowunec9 nmup ,0 nrmy o!c(,rB ,tIlt,oncd
,1 I"'","? 1"lle8,,0?s lsM ln in Cuba and Porto lllco. and the sums ex
ilic past and thought to bo perplexing some. plnu-(, , provl(,11!5 B(,llna,M am.
othT convenlenees fer them.
The debate tcok a wide range, many s;n
ntors participating ln It. Consideration c.f
the Ijtiny case was resumed nnd Mr. lVrkiiw
of Calif irnli prwentcd an argument favor
ablo to Mr. Quay's claim to a scut In the
senate under the gotcrnor'H appointment.
A bill Increasing the limit of cost of tho
Ltadvllle (Colo.) public building to $117,000
was u:eeJ soon after the senato convened
At tho request of Cullom of llllnoU the
conference report on the Hawaiian civil
government bill wna laid before the senate.
It was dlsagiccd to and n new conference
Olntrlol Court r.t Onnmi
ONAWA, la., April 21. (Spp.-lal.) The 1
Monona county district court opens April
23, nnd has a full docket. One of tho most
Important cas to bo tried this torm Is
John J. Fltzglbbons against the Chicago &
Minneapolis railway, n ult for damages
growing out of the Logan wreck a fow years
ago. This cuso was tried In tho Monona
county district court and the plaintiff re
ceived a Judgment for $5,000, which was ap
pealed to the supremo court. The case has
been returned to Monona county and will
b'i tried nt the present term. The noted
wooduury-.Motiona county ditch cuso. ap
But Ain't I Glad-
Dat do spring- time nm conic npln. when
ilc bluebirds nm out nn' lc prnss tun a
Kivnvln' for don's when 1 rIi In my
work tin' fun at tie same time Haiti
one o' ilem rnlversal I.awn Mowers
wlch my boss sells -tint's Mr. Itaymcr
tier iU same kind he's been n-sollln' fer
live years tie :ood kind o' mowers -an'
de prices ain't high, either $2.10. S'J.iS
ami $.'l.tx-Say. he iluu told me not to
fcrirlt to tell you about dem Hluc I'lnme
(JiiMillne stoves dat he sells- you niljrht
look over do whole I'nlted States an'
you'd not iltnl one tint would equal dem
oauo (ley nm perfectly reliable an'
you can't blow "cm up of you'd want to
Won't you let him tell you about 'em 7
mil iwn.VAM st.
iilOS Street, houtli Oiniilin,
frfiiidU.1 lrta.. t... l i
RMW. . L t . a 1 1 1 1 C 1 ,'"iM,B' VUMUJ11, .tlUrUUU II 1111
slsoVTwma W'B bel " -
Killed liy llovlnu' Trnlii.
HAMHUHG. la.. April 21.-(Speclal Tclo
gram.) A man about CO years old com
mitted sulcldo toJay by throwing himself
before a moving train. Ilc wrs badly
mangled and not recognizable. Letters fa
his pocsesslon gave his namo as W. Tayiov,
St. Louis.
Jct:rs of Arkansas offered and secured the
adoption of a resolution directing the at
torney general to "send to the senate a
statement of the action taken by htm In the
case cf one Cruz, n resident of Porto Itlco,
nlleged to have been brought Into this coun
try under n contract, to labor In tho United
States nnd what steps, If any, have been
taken or nre In contemplation, looking to
proceedings against either the said Crur.
or the party bringing him Into tho United
The two resolutions offered by Mr. Hacon
yesterday, tho one calling on the secretary
linvu Turners Meet.
DES MOINES, April 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Representatives of twenty Turner
societies of Iowa met In annual convention
hero todav. Tomorrtiw omcors will lm
elected and delegates to the natlonnl con- of war ,r lnfr'n H committee whether
vention. unueu amies oiucers in cuua anil I'orto
lllco wero In receipt of salaries or other
compensation for their services in addition
to their regular pay as olllcers; and the see
lown lliiililleiiiiN Meet.
IIOCKWELL CITY. Ia.. Apjll 21. (Sne-
clal.) Tho Calhoun County Republican ond, cnlllng upon the secretary of war for
convention held here today wns an enthusl- detnllcU information respecting the amounts
astlc meeting. Resolutions were
endorsing tho administration.
(Continued from Eighth Page )
secretary: K, II. Fonda. G. II. Mllta. Thla
committee will meet next Friday night to
arpolnt subcommittees on finance, Mowers,
invitations, speakers, carriages and prcsii.
expended for quarters, decorations of quar
ters, equipages Intended for army olllcers
ln Cuba and I'orto lllco, were laid before
tho senate.
.South Diiliotn .Senator Crttlelnes.
The senior senator from South Dakota
dcllverol a characteristic address In sup
port of the resolutions. Ho criticised vigor
ously tho statements made by tho president
Wnr department In rcsponto to his res
olutions, maintaining they wero not com-
Evcry civic nnd military organization In i I'1""1 ,or 'satisfactory.
Hawley, chairman of tho military affairs
committee, resented the statements of the
South Dakota senator aa "reckless and un
warranted," and njserted that nil Informa
tion required by tho senate would bo fur
nished In due time.
You can buv an elegant foldlncbed nt warier or .Montana in explanation of tno
Keller & Rand's, 107 Hroadway, by paying uuJoct said that additional salaries had
the city will bo Invited to participate! in
tho exercises and the committee dcalrei
that all societies or organizations intending
to participate to notify the secretary be
fore May 20.
$1 a week until paid for.
Tho Alaska refrigerator Is tho standard
make of tho country. When you buy get
tho best. See Petorson &. Schoenlng, Mcr
ltam block.
AJAX Tablets A very popular nerve nnd
vitalizing tonic. Dellaven's drug Btorc.
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try
again." If that wheel you bought the last
tlmo did not null you seo what Peterson &
Schoenlng havo In that line. You will got
what you want and you will get it reasonable.
not been granted to army oDlcers on serv-
I Ice In Cuba or Porto Rico. When the United
States nssumed tho functions of government
in Cuba nnd Porto lllco army officers wore
HFslgned to perform civil as well as military
duties. Thcso nfllcers, Curler said, were
thrust Into positions whero their expenses
necessarily IncrcaEed. He Instanced tho
cases of an officer of bis own acquaintance
who found It Impossible to meet his addi
tional necessary expenses out of his regular
pay. Ho thereforo asked to be relieved from
duty in Cuba or given nn allowance for ex
penses. He wns given nn allownnco of $1,800
n year because tho secretary of war nnd the
president felt that tho officer ought not to
virtually bo fined for tho performance of
duties to which he wiih assigned.
Piatt thought If there bad been extravn
Hoard of Siipcrv Inorn.
Tho Hoard of County Supervisors coin
pleted Its hUflnofs ycuterday morning and ganco It ought to bo rcmedlod, but congress
adjourned until tho regular session In
Action on the application of County Re
corder Smith to be allowed $4,000 for salary
and clerk hire for the year was deferred
until tho next meeting. A bill from Re
corder Smith for clerk hire for tho quarter
ending March 31, amounting to $3SS, was
referred to tho commltteo on claims.
The poor fund Was apportioned among
tho supervisors to bo expended In their re
Hrectlvo districts ns follows: Auld, $1.
3P2.20: Ilrandes. $1,558.70; Hansen, $1,D90.C0;
Kerney, $1,405.20; Matthews, $4,033.30. Each
of the supervisors wero authorized to ex
pend $300 for repairs of bridges in their
respective districts.
bad no control over tho presont administra
tion of Cuba. It was under mllltary-execu-tivo
nnd not legislative control.
The t evolutions were then agreed to with
out division.
The Quay resolution was taken up and
Perkins of California spoke in favor of the
seating of Quay as n senator from Penn
sylvania, on tho appointment of tho gov
ernor. Ho said bo was not actuated in
assuming .this position by mere personal
motives, but that ho was controlled by tho
law nnd tho constitution.
At tho conclusion of .Mr. Perkins' speech
tho Quay caso was laid aside until Monday.
The senate then, nt 1:05 p. m., adjourned.
Mr, Frederick, Hatter,
Says, -the size of our hat values Is the
one Ihlmr. perhaps more than auv other,
that Is accountable for our brisk trade
this sprlnp--The If.'I.OO hat that we have
made such a reputation on the Inst few
seasons Is blRRer In value, better In
quality and richer In tone than ever be-fore-'l'iii.
particular style that seems
the most popular this spring Is n pearl
colored I'edora-lt Is a hat that Is be
coming to any one and the prices ran--Iuk.
as thev do tit. s:tnn sum t-.ui"!
makes It easy suIoctliiK-In boys mid
youths' hats we have a llfrht-colored Al
pine at prices from $1..Y) to $2.00 that's
the most luterestlin; bargain' In town
DttnlapsV Oh, wc are the only Dunliip
hut sellers In Oinahit.
The Hntter,
The I.enilliiK Hut Sinn of the West.
120 South Fifteenth Street.
Was Copley appointed wntch examiner for
tho II. & M. railway
Was Copley oppolnted wntch examiner for
the Union Pacific railway
Was Copley appointed chief watch In
spector for the O. & St. Louis Ry.
Was Copley appointed chief watch Inspec
tor for tho O. K. C. & E. railway?
Was Copley appointed watch Inspector
for tho K. C. & N. C. Ry.
UECAUSE the railroads have to have the
VERY IIU3T TALENT obtainable for this
servlcci If your tlraeplcco needs repairing
tako it to
Henry Copley
Wares of Gold and Silver.
215 S. 16th St., Paxton Block,
Chief Watch Inspector O. K. C. & E Ry.,
O. & St. L. Ry.. K. C. & N. C. Ry..
Special watch examiner for U. P. Ry. nnd
II & M. Ry.
(Continued from First Page.)
guilty of atrocities such as
killing the
If you are cleaning house and getting
ready for summer and need n little paint
try Dovoo's. It's all right. We still well
it lots of it. Dell G. Morgan's drug store,
142 Hroadway.
You can buy somo beautiful lace or ta
pestry curtains at Keller & Hand. 107 Hroad
vay. by paying $1 a week until paid for.
It's "the old. old story." but novcrthelcsH
truo that Peterson Schoenlng, Merrlnm
block, lead all competitors with house fur
nishing goods nnd allow no one to undersell
llnrrliiKe I.leenmeH,
Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to
the following persons:
Nnmo and Residence, Age.
John C. Hansen, lllngsted. In 21
Anlna A. Mourltsen, lllngsted, In 19
(J. N. Rursr, Lemurs, l.i 23
Freda Hngcmnu, Council muffs 20
Chilli Sciililfit to lleiltll.
SIOUX CITY. April 21. (Special Tele
gram.) The llttlo son of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Dahl of Sioux City died early this
morning, the result of n distressing nccl-;
dent. The mother had been washing ,
clothes nnd had left a tub oi scalding water
Do you need a mattress? You can get a
good one nt Keller & Rand's, 107 Hroad
way, by paying $1 a week until paid for.
Hullders and contractors will consult their
own Interests by figuring with Peteroon &
Schoenlng for their hardware. Ono prlco to
OavU sells paints
MovemeiitN of Oerrni V'k'1n, Aiirll 1M.
At New York Sailed Minneapolis, for
Liverpool; Pretoria, for Hamburg, via
Cherbourg; Amsterdam, for Kotterdnm, via.
Itoulogne; St Germain, for Havre; Cam
pania, for Liverpool; Aneborlu, for Glas
gow. Arrived -Georgia, from Genoa; St.
Paul, from Southampton.
At Liverpool Sailed Lucnnlu, for New
York. Arrived Georgian, from Iloston.
At Glasgow Arrived Hibernian, from
Philadelphia. Salleil-Clty of Home, for
Now York ,
At Queenstown Arrived Pennlnnd, from
Philadelphia, for Liverpool; Etrurln, from
New York, for Liverpool.
At Ilremen Sailed Frlederlch dcr Grossc,
for New York, via Southampton.
At Yokohama Arrived Honsr Kon?
Maru, from San Frnnclsco, via Honolulu,
for Hong Kong.
At I long Kong Arrived Glenogle, from
Tneotna, via lllogeo.
At Antwerp Sailed Erlesland, for Now
At Havre Sailed Lu Hretagne, for New
York. At Cherbourg Salled-8t. Louis, from
Southnmptoti, for New York.
IiiiliroveineiilN nt Oiiimtii,
ONAWA. Ia.. April 21. (Special.) Tho
Onawa Odd Fellows will cro"t a $12,000
opera house this season, to be completed by
November 1. The school board will build
a $20,000 school house.
H. Clark. Chauncey. Oa.. says DoWltt's
Witch Hazel Salvo cured him of piles that
bad afflicted him for twenty years. It is also
a speedy cure for skin diseases, neware of
dangerous counterfeits.
Disease of
In many-respects Scrofula and Consumption are alike ; they develop from the same gen
crat causes, uuui arc ucrcuiiury um uchciiuciii upun an impure una uu
novished blood sunnl v. In consumption the disease fastens itself upon
the lungs ; in Scrofula the glands of the neck and throat swell nnd suppurate, causing ugly running sores;
the eyes are inllnmeu and weaic ; mere is an almost continual discnarge irom tne ears, tne limbs swell,
bones nche, nnd white swelling is frequently a result, causing the diseased bones to work out through
the skin, producing indescribable pain and suffering. Cutting nwny a sore or diseased gland does no
(iBS3x tWL R(l ! l,le moou is poisoned, i tie oiu serotinous laiui wmcu lias prooauiy come uown turougn several
l;W3jwljWppIJ'; generations has polluted every drop of blood.
bcroima requires vigorous, persisicm ircainicm. ine moou uiusi oc orougui Dace 10 n ueauiiy
condition before the terrible disease can be stopped in its work of destruction. Mercury, potash nnd
other poisonous minerals usually given in such cases do more hnnu than good ; they ruin the digestion
nnd leave the svstetn in a worse condition than before.
S. S, S. is tbs only medicine that can reach deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula. It goes down to the very roots of
the disease and forces every vestige of poison out of the blood. S. S. S, is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known.
The roots and herbi from which it is made, contain wonderful blood purifying properties, which no poison, however powerful, can
long resist, S. S, S. stimulates nnd purifies the blood, increases the
XA TS4SF ifzMnX FBrFN appetite, aids the digestion and restores health ami strength to the
M WUm M IVC Z0iniUK-hJtll JS. J V efeebicd J)0(iyi If yoM ,lave rM!on t0 ti,j,lU yo have Scrofula, or
your child has inherited any blood taint, don't wait for it to develop, but begin nt once the use of S. S, S, It is a fine tonic and the
est blood purifier und blood builder known, us it contains no poisonous minerals. S. S. S. is pre-emiueutly a remedy for
Whenniy daughter wa an Infant behad a severe caie of Scrofula, for which he wai under the con.
atant catcnf phtMdnna for more than two years. She waa none at the end of that time, however, and
we almost depalrrd of her life. A few twttlea of Swift' Specific cured her completely an it aeemrd to
Ito direct to the caue of the trouble. I do not believe it baa an equal for stubborn eaten of blood dlteasea
which are beyond the power of other so-called blood remedlet. S. I. Hkooks, Montlccllo, Oa
Our medicnl department is in charge of experienced physicians who have made
Scrofula nnd other blood diseases n life study, write them about your case, or nny one
vou arc interested in. Your letter will receive prompt and careful attention. We make
no clmrge whatever for this. Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA.
.Mfthiicii (if to Out In Time.
HOSHOl', Orange Free State, April 21.
At midday yesterday General Mcthuen'H
field force at Swartz-Kopjesfonteln was or
dered to return to Ilowhof. Its convoy ox
tended over six miles. The escort took up
a position on a hill commanding the road
Just In tho nick of time, as a fores of 2.000
Boeif. with two guns and a pompom mai
denly appeared In the vicinity and opened
a very heavy Are. Tho Urllish, however,
held them In chock until tho column reached
a point of safety, when thoy retired. Tho
Hrltlsh had several casualties. Tho Boors
fought determinedly and must have suffered
considerably, as they once ndvonced to
within 300 yards of the hill, whence a con
cealed detachment of the Hrltlsh opened a
heavy fusillade on them.
Iloera Slirll KliiitiUlnnKlc.
ELANDSLAAOTB, April 21. A com
mando of 1,000 Boors enme through Wossels
nek this morning. They crossed Sundays
bridge and advanced to the crest of a ridge,
but fell back when they saw the mounted
Infantry, who opened fire.
Later tho Boers shelled Elandslaagte col
liery. Ten shells fell close to tho mine,
but did no damage. Tho work at tho mine
was stopped, but it is hoped will bo re
sumed tomorrow. Tho British guns opened
The naval blgado on tho right sent a
few shells In tho vicinity of the Hoer guns,
which wero posted on n long ridge 4,000
yards to tho right of tho bridge, and they
wero difficult to locato, but tho Boers wore
soon seen retreating over the bill toward
AVcssolsnek. Several of tho shells caught
them and must havo done somo damage.
On tho loft tho squadron of African Horso
are engaged all day In exchanging fliots
with tho Boors. No casualties nro reported.
Lato In tho day tho Boers shown! activity
In tho trenches on tho ridge ln front of
Elandslaagte. A fow 4-7 shells forced them
to relinquish their works. This position
was only 4.800 ynrds distant from Klnnds
lougto. It Is difficult to understand tho Boer
object. Natlvo deserters say that they
contemplate attacking In force Others stato
that they nro preparing to retle.
KriiKer Kcet-lwN IlrWi-t'n lienor!.
PRETORIA. Friday, April 20. President
Kruger has received through President
Stoyn un official report sent by General
DoWct, under dato of April 20, to tho
effect that tho latter still surrounds Gcn
oral Brabant's colonials at Wcpener and
that ho has capture 1 cloven prisoners, In
cluding tho chief artillery officer. Tho re
port adds that the British coming from
Aliwal north nro destroying farm bouses on
tho way. The Irish brlgado paraded this
morning In front of President Kruger's
nouHe. tho president made a speech to
them and tho force was afterwards photographed.
LltrKi-Nt Medical Supply IIoiihc
MOS Farnam St.. OMAHA,
Opposite Paxton Hotel.
Drs. Shepard & tteadrick
Medicnl Offliccs
.108 N. Y. Life Huilding.
3615 N. 24th St. OMAHA, NEB.
All Chronic Diseases Treated
By Modern, Successful Methods.
WBTHHATi Cntnrrh In nil It forniN,
AfTpetlnnn of the onr. Throat, Hunt
(ilrnfneaiO, II run eh In I TuIii-n anil
I.nllSfK .Stoni'ioh, Liver, IIoivcIh, KIiI
neyN, IllnildiT, W'oiiiht liny IVvit,
ANtliniii, IlhfiiiiiHtlftm, .VeiiriilKla. 1'n
rulynlN mill other Heated nllmeutM
ivlileh the fain II j- pliynli'liui Iuim not
the faclllflrx to thoroughly onre fur
nml treat. Neleeteil SurKlciil anil
C'oiiUnrnicnt Cimr will uluo he re
Those who nro not seriously 111 or who
cannot sparo tlmo to come to tho Sanita
rium may bo treated by correspondence
with cxcollent results. Wo have treated
over six thousand people by mall during tho
past eight years. Send for full question
lists and diagnosis sheets. Also for spe
cial literature pertaining to your case.
AililreKN nil letterK to
nits. siii:iaiii) .v iiKAimit'K,
HUH New York Life IiIiIk, OiiiiiIiii, Xeh.
Another Trenty vlth TrliiMml.
KINGSTON, Jamaica, April 21. The
Trinidad leglblaturo has formally ratified
tho second reciprocity treaty with tho
United States. Tho merchants aro hostile
to this, preferring rrclnrocal ireatv rnla.
Hons with Canada. Antigua In ho crippled
Ilnancially that Mr. Chamberlain, the Brit
ish secretary of state for tho colonics, says
mo island win be unable to Incur tho loss
of rcvonuo Involved In tho proposed treaty
witn the United States.
.Mix limine Itrncntii .statement,
DUBLIN. April 21. At n police court
today Miss Maud Gonne secured n summon
for inallcloua libel ngalnst .Mr. Collos, editor
of the Irish Klgaro, for publishing a state
ment that sho wns a pensioner of the gov
ernment nnd thereforo n government spy.
Tho hearing was fixed for April 20.
W. W. Mayhew, Merton, Wis.. uj; "I
conalder Ono Minute Cough Cum a most
acnd?rful medicine, quick nnd aafo." It li
the only harmless remedy that gives ImmoJI.
ato results. It cures coughs, cnlds, croup,
bronchitis, grippe, wbocplng cough, pneu
monia and all throat aud lung diseases. Its
early una prevents consumption, Children
always Uko It and mo the re endorse II
LEAVE AT 12:10, NOON, AAD 7 35 P. It
New Short Line to
Minneapolis and St. Paui
eT al 7 a. ra, mid 7i0 v. .
"The New Offlo."
A d Sense
A monthly publication full of good
things tersely told. That you may be
come acquainted, send a dime coin or
stamps for sample copy. If you'vo
already seen It, you want it: you'll got
It for n year if you send a dollar to Ad
Sense, 83 Fifth Ave., Chicago.
When You Read it Here-
It's Sl -If It Wll.Mtl't vi wnnlil iiiivi.r
havo said a word about It - The women
that arc swell dressers will tell you t lint
Ilrox I,. sIiimiiiiiiu's linn nf uiii'im- itt.
lords bent any over soon In tliesc parts
Wc have them lu iinlent calf-patent
i kill Willow call' genuine Russia calf -b
c.iir and velottr calf -In that over
popular liiaulsli stylonot hoavv like a
man s dxforil. but that swell appear
'ante vr miicli sought after We've every
size ami un it in all tlicc leathers at
5j I right prices s-.."V to .sn.oo -this for new
U shoes nre niailo for this spring's
selling - the same as our lltm nt si.fji to
Drexel Shoe Co.,
Otmaha'a p-tt-it haa Bom
The Two Most Popular
cotiiposltlons of the season Valse I.ui'lle
ami "I lulu Hula" fake Walk, by U. Van
Alstyno. will bo played by the Sutorlus
Maiiilolln orchestra at their annual con
cert April IClthor one oO those pieces
uro a perfect goin on those Instruments
ami every mandolin and guitar player
should have a copy published for two
mandolins and guitar price 'M cents -for
sale at all music stores We will sell
a lot of popular music to Introduce same
for li) cents for one week- Don't miss
this opportunity.
Music and Art 1513 Douglas.
Nothing Succeeds in Drawing
Customers! like good goods and nt
reasonable prlces-porhaps that Is why
wo havo succeeded In building up such
a ningnltlclent trade among many peo
ple In Omaha who give hanquots and
parties as one lady remarked the other
day, "Why, your roast chicken, loin of
veal, cold tongue, chicken stilatl, dainty
sandwiches, fancy cake and ice creiun
you served for ine could not have been
belter." This summer as usual wo will
mako a specially of Ice cream for
church plclncs and soelnbles.
W. S. Balduff.
1520 Fartiam St.
I All Brand New
My clock of NKOLIfiNH SIIIIIT3
new this spiing and a Imndsomcr lino
of goods haa never been buowu in
Shirts, and up.
Underwear, COc garment and up.
Wo havo Just recolved our new lino
of Sprlug mid Summer Union Suits,
ln all sizes, colors and weights. Prices,
from $1.00 to $3.00. Try a Union
Suit nnd you'll wear no other.
Made in Omaha
When you leave an order for Shirts
with us it will be mado in our own
factory. Thn workmanship is tho
best. Prices, from Jl.fiO to f 3.00. A
big lino of Negllgoo Shirts for 91.00
and $1.50.
Kith an d Chicago Sts.
O a k ,
g wan raper and Paints 5
' a
The pinco to buy Wall Paper
Is where you can get the best
value for your money, the lat
est and most, artistic styles
and colors. If you want nny.
thing In this Hue see
O I'ai liters ami Decorators,
O H7 S. 17th SI, 'I'linnr 101111.
- v r
CNlCHCBTffa'a a-Nnimu
rwSAB;. t'Z'T! I.ikIIw. Hrtii
la MED i1 Utd m.l.UI, ba l,4
wltk klwrlttxi. Takaotktr, llttta
I'aairraat aabMlallDt aad Imlu.
tla. Ktj nr fair l)rnl.l. or .n1 4. It
,U."."..'".'. Irtll , Toatlnaalali
11.11. I A. It II ThIIb.iI.I. u.i,
All Dr.vvl.i.. Kldk.A- ,
lhUf...r. dlia Aaaara. Cttll.A.. I'ki
A Loud Call
If Chlnu Cubincts did not occupy
tho prominent vnlMon they do oday
In the taniuivible world we shsidd not
bo showing ICS patterns, at'd giv
ing up spaco to them which has l.tcn
wt (inched away from deserving goods.
Tho demand gives a mong sendy sale. Wo
have them aa low ns $10.D0 nnd from that
up to $225, You can find them In nevnral
woodu and in a myriad of sizes, shapes, pat
terns and deslgnn. Wo can lit tho ''cry
ttmallwt room or tho most obeuure corner.
The stylo hero shown Is a 1-tler uiao In
cml-elllptlcol form, with wood back und
wood shelves. It has a richly carved gill
lery and marnlvo claw feet. Curved glass ia
In each window.
This Is spacious enough for tho complete
display of tho nverago household jtick.
PRICE, $25.00.
Our new spring stock of
Iron Beds is now complete
prices from $2 to $80
Tho one hero shown at 5, tho
best value in Omaha.
Shivcrick furniture Co.
1315 Farnam St.
TTote Remember our prices on cheaper grades of
furniture aro tho
Iron Beds, $2.00 Couches, $6.00.
Chairs, 30c. Tables, $1.00.
Rockers, $1 25. Baby Buggies, $4.