Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1900, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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Dill Pickles An im
mense purchase of extra
fine largo and eolid dill
Silver Tea Spoons Set
of dix for l(.)c A few seta
of thoso sterling silver
plated tea spoons left. Kegu
lar prieo fiOc. On salo Mon
day and as lon as they last
at per sot of six
Our splendid showing
of new creations in Fur
niture, Carpets, House-
pickles. Kogular price
dozen, 12c and 15c. On
Monday at, per dozen
furnishings, Crockery, in fact in every department, has transformed our store into a grand exposition
of the best the world produces to eat, wear or use. Extraordinary price concessions arc the induce
ments offered economical buyers this week.
Grocery Dept. Pe
culiarl No, but sig
nificant that we sup
ply the bust people in
Omaha with groceries.
Year after year we've been
building up and adding to
our grocery greatness, till
today we lead all others.
Pure food, generous guar
antee and economic prices,
best cereal food, 2-pound Q.
pnekage OLi
INO POWDER, lb-can v
INO l'OWUKR, 1,-lbcnn txJ
lint tli assorted I'lcklcs
only ,
Can of Mackerel,
Rork Hass Tomato Sauce,
Pickled Shad, er
I'LOCR, per Hack ..
Pearl White Klour.
H-lb sack
Hrokon Rice,
Iloston Gclntlno,
Glass Jolly, ussortcd
Bottle French Mustard,
only 1
Hottln Bed Pepper Sauce,
Baked Beans and Tomato
Expert Telephone
Operators who tiro
fnmllitir with prices
throughout tho store, make
it oiigy to order from your
homo. Our guarantee meth
od removes all doubt as to tho
qunllty of goods ordered In
this way.
tntionery Special
bargains i n correct
stationery. Wo carry
a large assortment includ
ing blank books, inks, pen
cils, etc.
Cn for n SO-pagc tablet of fair qual
Ity paper.
iCn fr Webster' h Handy
ww ii (iKiiuirv. cni
tiaccs. bounil
In binder silk cloth, stiimncd In Ink
and modn to sell for more money.
for n self pronouncing bible.
Comaletc text of the Old anil
New Testaments and hIx pages of
usicnl Instru
ments An ex
traordinary oppor
tunity to purchaso Guitars,
Mandolins a n d Violins.
Wo have a number of in
struments, enough to make
a splendid assortment that
wo desire to close out. All
aro Rood, well made and handsomely
finished. Prices (marked In plain fig
ures) range from $3.50 up. Wo offer
your choice of the entire lot at n dis
count of 33 per cent, or one-third off.
inoleum A splen
did assortment of nqw
and fashionable de
Linoleum, 6 feet wide., IRr"
nquaro yard OV
Linoleum, 12 feat wide, per fin
square yard JtJV
arden Seed A tre
mendous stock o f
crarden seed. All va-
rities, 5c packages, 4e.
ce tream rreezers
the fastest freezers
made prices $1.24 up.
efrigerators We
handle tho best re
frigerator made.
Economy in a refrigerator
means the lowest tempera
ture with tho least possible
quantity of ice. Our re
frigerators aro air tight,
charcoal lined and the most
economical on tho market. Made of
Mentioned ash. Small panels prevent
ing warp and cracking. See our stock
and learn our prices.
ousecleati'g helps
btep ladder,
foot, each 48c.
Scrubbing Brush,
Iarso Scrubbing Pall,
White tt'rnih Brush,
Paint Brush J-lnch wide,
good bristles
lurniture Solid oak,
3-piece bedroom sets,
handsomely finished,
hand polished and sold in
other stores at 20. 00 and
more, our price $16.50.
ouches $6.85 for a
splendid couch cov
ered with velour, bis
cuit tufts, strong and sub
stantial. Many colors up
holstering to Belect from.
Jewelry We say with
out hesitation a n d
with your best interest in
view that our generous guarantee
method of selling watches and Jew
elry will glvo you better satisfaction
than you can obtain elsewhere. In
buying a watch, get a good one, not
necessarily high priced, but one thu
dealer will stand bshlnd with an Iron
clad guarantee.
Hampden movement, 11 Jewel e 7c
UVj-oz sllverlne case ...JAtJ
Elgin, 1G Jewel movement, 7CZ
3',4-oz. sllverlno ense -
Elgin 17 Jewel movement. 314-oz. sll
vorlne case. All the very latest Im
provements. Case dust 0
proof 1. O
n. W. Rayirvond 17 Jewel move- CO
ment, sllverlno case LPA 1
Hamilton 21 Jewel movement; adjust
ed to heat, cold and position. In
ounce sllverlno otz CQ
case, only ui
Venguard 21 Jewel movomentOQ Sif
In heavy sllverlno ease, -v
Crescent 21 Jewel movement, net Cf
sllverlno case, only AJ.tJV
Jns. Bosb, ilontnuk, Fnhy and Mon
nrch filled cases nt surprisingly low
Crockery It's worth
a visit to our crock
ory department just
to see tho wonderful array
of bargains whether you
wish to buy or not. The
buying peculiar to Easter
has left us with many odd
pieces of china and glass
ware. All new goods, but
broken sots. Wo have ar
ranged these on two grand
bargain tables.
TABLE A Odd pieces of chlnnwarc.
Handsomely decorated In colors with
gold tracings. Mnny of tho articles
offered sold for double tho price we
now ask.
Your choice any nrtlclo iAr
only "v
Any two articles, 0r
only JOC
TAB L1C C Hustle novelties, new
tints nnd designs. Hosts Bowls. Cau
dle Stick, Knney Trays, etc. This Is
beautiful ware very unique and we
offer you choice of any nrtl- 1Ar
cln for Iv
Crystal and Emerald Pitchers, lAf
H-gullon, each U'-ty
Platos, decorated (tnderglazed, fZn
each. 7c and vlw
Crystal Berry Set, seven AOr
pieces fiw
amps Wo carry a
splendid lino of lamps
Our lamps aro all
of the latest patterns.
Handsome parlor lamps
at all prices.
Lamp complete high crystal
tnl No. 2 burner and
15th and Capitol Avenue.
Butter Extraordina
ry opportunity to got
good butter for very
little money. Our butter
supremacy i s recognized
evorywhoro and onco you
try purchasing hero, you'll
readily understand why wo
Good Country Butter, pound 1Ar
17c nnd .....J"
Bennett's Capitol Butter, 10r
Extra fancy country butter, 0r
grass flavor, pound
High (Initio Creamery, OXc
ggs No doubt about
tho quality of tho
eggs wo soli every
one carefully candled and
our guarantee that all aro
absolutely fresh gives our
customers complete satisfaction.
arpet Dept. Car-
pots, that is good
carpets stylish car-
pots, wore never offered
you before at tho price wo
ask this week. A splendid
assortment of spring pat
terns to show you.
Best Wilton Velvets, tho l 25 Cfn
quality, per yard VUC
Tapestry, 10 wire. Iinndsomo designs
and colorings. The very lat- fitir
est patterns, per yard sjcJ
Scotch Wilton Velvets, tnadn to sell
nt i&c. Wo offer 11 uiagnlll- ep
cent lino to select from, yard . vJO
llelated arrivals of all wool Ingrains,
These wore delayed In shipping Tho
latest production of the best makers.
They are 11 llttlo lato nnd wo :cn
must sell them quick, yard ...."t-
Best I'nlon half wool, oc
per yard
tickles Immense as
sortment of bulk
pickles Sour pick
les, per dozen 6c. .
' offee-llavo you tried
our frosh roasted cof
fee at 12jc a pound.
It's real good, in fact, tho
quality will surprise you.
Bennett's Capitol Coffee possesses
that full rich satisfying flavor nnd
that nppetizlng nroma. No other
coffee so Rood. No other real
good coffee at so low a OQP
price, lb, package
TEA Our line of teas nt 3Sc cannot
bo duplicated In the west. English
'Breakfast, Oolong, Toting Hyson nnd
many other popular brands.
attiiigs An inspec
tion of our stock of
libro mattings will
convince tho most skepti
cal that wo lead in matting
fancy and stylish designs, Atn
per yard
traw Matting-Many
designs at very low
Nothing to comparo with straw mnt
tlng for summer lloor cov- (ic
crlng, per yard, 10c to "fw
raperies Are your
curtains bright and
new? Do thev look
dingy? Aro you ashamed
of them when visitors call?
There's no reason why you
should not have new ones
at the prices we oiler them.
Special bargains this week. curtains, 3'a yards long 4 f(
54 Inches vlde. ner nulr U
KintuofcUns Cheer a Verdict of AcquitUl
in Colioi Case.
Colsnn Killed Two In mi Imirtini(u
Duel In it llotfl l.oliliy .V Itt
mnliiliiK Clinw Will Nt
lie Tried.
FHANKFOHT, Ky.. April 21. Kx. Con
gressman David 0. Coluoti, who has been
on trial hero for tho last four days for the nf Lieutenant Kthclbcrt Scott and
Luther W. nemaree, was acquitted by tho
verdict of the Jury, wliicn was returned at
6:35 o'clock this evening. Tho Jury was out
only eighteen minutes.
Although It was long nfter tho usual time
nt II. mllniirnment nf tho court and thero
was no certainty that an early verdict would
lie reached, a large part or tne crown re
mained In tho court room waiting for a
nnnf fmtn Mm Itirv rnnm. After being
4itivii . '
out llfiecn minutes, a knock on the door
tlo Sot Nfitlcet TJiem Tliey Ofen (irnw
llllo l.ltruer Ones.
Tiles aro painful, persistent, hard to cure,
(but thoy can be cured. There Is Juat ouo
remedy that will do It. It Is a recent
dlscovory, buL It has been on the market
long enough to have tho endorsement of
leading physicians and the recommendation
of thousands of cured patients.
Pyramid Pile Cure nctw quickly and di
rectly. It curcu tho cause of tho trouble.
Cures It so that tho effoct Is permanent.
A great many salves and ointments will
lvo relief for a few mlnutm. That Is not
what Is wanted! Pyramid' Pllo Cure will
euro nny sort of piles; blind, Itching or
bleeding. It will euro the lightest or tho
most aggravated case, Tho first application
-will do moro good than a doien boxes of nny
of tho many of the no-called cures now sold.
Jlcad theso letters. They aro from peoplo
vho have tried it.
Mr. J. W. Kolllns, a gentleman living nt
fiwoet Springs, Mo., writes briefly and to tho
point regarding his experience with piled.
Ho says; I consider the Pyramid Pllo
Curo without an equal. It cured mo In
less than thirty days. I waited fifteen days
or raoro to bo buto tho remedy had fully
cured mo before- writing you. I t now
pay I am cured and I shall recommend tho
J'yramtd Pllo Cure nt every posslu'0 oppor
tunity, because It deserves It.
Mies Eaeter Nunley of Tracy City, Tonn.,
writes: Tho Pyramid Pile Curo has done
my sister more good than anything shn has
ever taken. 1 havo nothing but words of
warm comendntlon for It.
From J. I). Itoborts, Mt. Morlah. Mo.: I
liavo used tho Pyramid Pile Curo and rmults
havo been entirely satisfactory. can
bo no question but that It Is a certain and
lasting euro for piles, nt least, It has proven
Eo In my case. i
All druggists soil full til zed packages of
Pyramid Pllo Cure for fifty cents,
Address Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall,
Mich., for little book on curo of piles;
mailed free.
summoned Sheriff naker to tho Jury room.
Ho responded and reported to Judge Horn
don that tho Jury was ready to come Into
court. Thero was great Bllence as the
Jury filed Into tho court room, but there
was no demonstration when circuit uiorK
Ford finished reading the verdict, which
read: "Wo, the Jury, find the defendant
not guilty."
As tho words were road the crowd , arose
and sent up a wild cheer. Colonel Colson,
tho defendant, was standing near the wit
ness chair. The crowd took no notice of tho
court officers, who pounded vigorously for
order, but piled over the railings, surround
ing Colson, nnd Inolsted on shaking hands
with him. They gave an ovation to the
Jury and Colonel James Andrew Scott, Col
son's chief counsel. Tho cheering kept up
till Colson left tho court room and as he
did so. It was taken up by tho Beckham
soldiers In front of tho court house, to which
tho colonel returned a salute.
Tho tragody, which renulted In tho crime
for which Colson was tried, occurred Jan
uary 16. In a duel with Lieutenant Kthel
bert K. Scott In tho lobby of tho Capitol
hotel, crowded at tho Umo by peoplo at
tracted here from over the state by the po
litical contests, Colpon killed his antagonist,
Scott, nnd Luther W. Demaree and Charles
Julian, bystanders, nnd wounded Captain
J. K, Ooldon, who accompanied Scott and
whom Colson's fricnd charge with having
taken part In the battle. Iloth Scott and
Colson emptied their pIstolB, fifteen or
twenty shots being fired In all. Scott had
soven bullets In his body. Colson was
wounded In tho arm. Tho weight of the
evidence was thnt ho received thl wound
early In the light and that Scott fired bo
foro Colson aroso from his chair.
Tho prosecution, after tho Instructions of
Judge Cantrlll, today virtually abandoned
tho charge of murder and endeavored to
got a conviction for manslaughter on tho
theory that Scott was killed after ho had
retreated and in good fultJi withdrawn from
the fight.
Colonel Colson was tried on tho Indictment
charging him with tho murdor of Scott.
While tho Indictment for killing Deanareo
has not been disposed of it will bo dls-
I missed, In vlow of tho falluro of a convlc-
Ition In any degree for tho killing of tho
principal. Tho Indictment will be filed
nwny on motion of thei attorney for tho
J commonwealth on Monday.
Colonel Colson Is entertaining a party of
friends tonight. He will leavo tomorrow
night for his homo nt MIddloboro.
Spltidid lUpriiiiUtioi at the Eoumiiic&l
l'renldent I'nyn Tribute to tlie AVnrk
of Jllsnlonnrlrn CoiiKreni Will
Be In SexHlim Until
.-!) 1.
I'ollee Mnke it ltouml-l'p of the Dlvcn
mid Land n Ilnneh of
Early this morning tho police raided va
rlous opium dens In tho lower part of tho
city. The (iret was that run by Sam Loj
I in the basement of the Midway saloon, cor
ner Twelfth and Capitol avenue. Two Chi
namen, foil' white girls, one negro and a
half dor.en whlto men were taken from
there. The next wns the Joint of Jn Leo in
the basement of 1119 Capitol avenuo, from
which two Chinamen, two white mon and
a woman dressed In deep mourning wuro
taken. Tho smoking kits were seized In
both places together with largo quantities
of opium.
J. I. Carson, Prothonotary, Washington,
Pa., says: "I have found Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure an excellent remedy In case of stomnrh
1 trouble and have derived great benefit from
Its use." It digests what you eat and can
not fall to cure,
Funeral services of Mrs. Kllzubeth I. now
mun will tuko place at the residence. 63
South Twenty-fifth avenue, this (Sunday)
afternoon at 3 o'clock. (Cincinnati papers
nluae copy.)
NEW YORK, April 21. Nearly every na
tion in tho world was represented at thd
ecumenical conferenco on foreign missions,
which began Its sessions here this after
noon, and Carnegie hall, which will bo tho
scene of tho conferenco until May 1, waa
crowded to Its greatest capacity. Bx-Pres-
ident Harrison occupied the chair as hon
orary president at tho opening session and
tonight tlu delegates were addressed by
President William McKlnley and Governor
When the tlmo camo for the opening of
the conferenco thero woro reports from
every branch of tho Christian church ox
ccpt tho Roman Catholic, tho Crock church
nnd that branch of tho Anglican church
known aa tho Society for tho Propagation
of tho Gospel. Thero were no decorations
in the hall, save maps of the eastern and
western hemispheres, showing the fields In
which tho missionaries labor. Theso were
suspended back of tho etago.
Session Opened ullli l'rnyer.
Ex-President Harrison, escorted by n
commlttco, appeared on tho platform nt
2:1!5 o'clock. He was applauded and towod
his acknowledgments. Ho at once took his
srat as prc3idlns officer. Hev. Judson Smith,
D. D., as chairman of tho goueral commit
tee, introduced Mr. Harrison as presiding
oftlcer. Chalrmnn Harrison then Introduced
Hev. H. C. Mablo of Iloston, who offered
General Harrison then took tho platform
and delivered his speech, reading from
At tho conclusion of this address General
Harrison introduced Ilov. Dr. Judson Smith
of Iloston, who delivered tho address of
welcome. Ho told of tho growth of mission
vork during tho closing century and urged
co-operation In all fields.
Dr. Smith spoko for half an hour, tho
gnat audience giving him the closest at
tention. Addresses were made by Hev. H. Ward
low Thompson of tho nrltlsh delegation,
Hev. A. Schrelber of Berlin, Itov. Joseph
King of tho Australian delegation and Hev.
Dr. Jacob Chamberlain.
Hev. Dr. Speer read tho general commit
tee. This closed tho afternoon session.
.MelClnley'N Tribute tn DeleKnlm.
In tha evening nn enormous crowd of
recplo went to Carnegie hall in tho hopo
of getting admission to tho national wel
come extended to tho delegates on behalf
of the nation by Prrsldont McKlnley. Mr.
McKlnley said In part:
"Words of welcome aro unnecessary here,
This representative gathering, this earnest
and sympathetic atsemblago presided over
by ono of America's most Illustrious states
men, General Harrison, Is your truo nnd
i ibest welcome. It attests the profound
' pleasure and satisfaction which all of tss
feel thut tho representatives of moro than
200 citizens engaged In Iho work of foreign
missions In every part of the globe aro
gucets within our gates. To thorn aro ex
tended tho hospitality of our homes and
the devotion of our hearts in acknowledg
ment and encouragement of their faithful
ness nnd unselfishness In a great move
ment for uplifting the races of men, teach
ing thorn tho truth of the common father-
V- 1 n. f ,l A t , , . I ..n.t. ahIiamI man !
and showing that if wo aro not our brothers'
keopors wo can ho our brother?' helpers.
"I am glad of the opportunity to offer
without stint my trlbuto of respect to tho
missionary effort which has wrought such
wonderful triumphs for civilization.
"The story of the Christian missions Is
ono of thrilling interest nnd marvelous
results. The sacrifices of tho missionaries
for their fellow men constitute one of tho
most glorious pages of tho world's history.
Tho mlsslonayy, of whatever church or
ecclesiastical body, who dovotes his Ufa to
the servico of tho Master and of men, carry
ing tho torch of truth and enlightenment,
deserves the gratitude nnd homage of man
kind. Tho noble, self-effacing and winning
ministers of peaco nnd good will must bo
classed with tho world s heroes, wielding
the sword of tho spirit, thoy have con
quered ignoranco and prejudice. They havo
been tho pioneers of civilization. They havo
illumined the darkness of superstition with
the light of Intelligence and truth. They
havo been tho messengers of righteousness
-and life. Thoy havo braved diseases nnd
dnngcr and death, nnd In their exllo have
suffered unspeakable hardships, hut their
noblo spirits havo never wavered,"
Governor Roosevelt mado a brief address
nnd received an ovation. General Harrison
then spoko a few words, thanking President
McKlnley nnd Governor Roosevelt for com
ing to tho opening of tho conference, and
this wns followed by tho bonodlctlon, pro
nounced by Dr. Judeon Smith, Tho presi
dent. Governor Roosevelt and General Har
rison remained on tho platform for a short
tlmo and met many of tho delegates.
nover would have done It," she said weep
ing. Jacobsen hcloinred to Hlrknrv ranm Mrul-
ern Woodmen of America. Ho carried $2,000
Insurance. Tho body was taken to tho
morgue of Undertaker Swanson.
est English-speaking actons on tho stage
KxcoKH nf Order for AVnrk (lie Ilanln
of Tnllor .litt'oltNcn'N tteiiHti
llniuil Sulfide.
II. J. Thorwald Jacobsen, a tailor, lying
in bed at his home, 2551 Cuming street, nt
6:30 o'clock last evening called to his wlfo.
She wns In nn adjoining room. Ho told her
to bring their four small children Into tho
room. When they stood beforo him ho said:
"Goodbye, wife and dear llttlo ones. I
havo takon poison nnd will soon bo dead."
Tho wlfo did not believe her husband was
serious. Sho had henrd tho threat before,
frequently. Tho children, nil of whom nro
boys, and tho eldest 4 years old, could not
Sirs, Jacobsen picked up a glam from
which her husband said ho had drunk.
Sho put her llpa to it and found that It
had contained varbollo acid. Jacobsen, In
whoso eyes was tho leer of intoxication,
said gaily:
"Just you wait, if you want to ecc mo
an expression of great agony over
spread his features. Ho gasped for wator.
He shrlekod for a doctor.
His wlfo ran to tho homo of Dr. W. C.
Upjohn, half a block nway. Tho doctor
was not in. A servant girl In tho housit
telephoned to Dr. J. C. Davis, at Twenty
first and Cuming. When ho arrived Ja
cobsen wns unconscious. Ho died tlvo min
utes later.
"Ho took enough of that stuff to ktll six
men," romarked tho physician.
Jacobsen was 2G yeais of ago. He had
bcon married flvo years. Ho formerly
' worked for a tailoring firm with offices In
tho Millard hotel building. For the last two
woeks ho had been doing work at homo on
hia own account, Ills widow says ho had
too many orders nnd that worry over falluro
to completo tho different Jobs In tlmo mado
him despondent, Ho took to drinking,
Sho says ho had often threatened to kill
himself when various things displeased
him and she had not believed ho meant to
take poison.
"If he had been in his right mind he
"The Hcllft"
An adaptation by Leopold Lewis from
"The Polish Jow" of Erckmann-Chatrlnn
in threo acts. Presented at Hoyd's theater
Saturday night hy Sir Henry Irving and
tho London Lyceum company of players.
MathlnH Henry Irving
Christian Arthur Royston
Walter Charles Dods worth
Hans Clifford Rown
Dr. Zlmmor U Calvert
Notary Mr. CJurnoy
Fritz T. Reynolds
President of tho Court F. Tvnrs
Clerk of tho Court ,....Jume S. llearn
.Mesmerist Mr. Archer
Cathorlu Miss Maud Milton
Sozel Miss Hrenda Gibson
Annetto Miss Heutrlce Irwin
It Is a far cry from Shylock, the Jow, to
Mnthla3, tho burgomaster; but tho versa
tility of Sir Henry Irving was able to span
the distance, nnd his Interpretation of tho
onu was as meritorious as tho other. To
dwell upon last night's production of "Tho
Dells" would bo to reitcrato much of what
was said yesterday of tho perfection of tho
great master's art an art of such con
summate perfection thnt to try and Improve
upon it wero like an attempt "to gild re
fined gold or paint tho lily."
While It Is truo that "Tho Hells," as
measured by tho canons of dramatic con
struction, falls far short of being an ldenl
composition, It Is also truo that, in the
rolo of Mathlas, It presents opportunities
that only a great nctor can compass. Re
morse Is tho dominant theme, and tho
principal character is carried along on Its
ever-swelling wave, until at last tho terri
ble strain becomes too great to be borno
and death brings relief from tho stings of
1 conscience. It does not matter that tho
1 dream sccno In tho last net contravenes
tho laws of hypnotic suggestion in every
particular, and that tho happenings there
. sot down could novcr havo really occurred,
j Tho terrlbleness of It all was sulllelent to
' palsy tho critical faculty, nnd so strongly
and weirdly drawn that no ono In all tho
vnst nudienco dreamed that an nbsurdlty
was being enacted upon tho stago beforo
Of Mr. Irvlng's Matlilan, only words of
wnrmest commendation can ho written. It
wns characterized by a virility nnd finish
to which probably no other Engllsh-speak-!
ing nctor could nttaln, and tho nctlon was
in tno nature oi an ever increasing crtfl
condo that found its culmination in tho
death of tho man who had been tempted
above, what ho was ablo to hear. Tho great
in fact, tho only fault with Mr. Irvlng's
work Is that ho not Infrequently lowers
his tones so that It Is Impossible, for those
1 Bitting far from tho stago to hear what ho
Is saying. In dramas llko "Tho Merchant
of Venice," whero ovcryono Is familiar
I with tho lines, this does not matter so
i much: but In "The Hells" It must havo
detracted not a llttlo from tho enjoyment
of tho play.
It Is hardly necessary to say that tho sup
port wns adequate. Especially worthy of
commendation was tho Annette of MIjs Ilo-
atrlco Irwin, tho Catberln of Miss Maud
Gibson and the Walter and llnnc of Messrs.
Charles Dodsworth and Clifford Hrown, re
, spcctlvcly.
I Taken nil In nil, it may bo said that the
engagement of Mr. Irving nnd Miss Terry
was an ovent in the dramatic history of the
j city which will not bo forgotten. It is not
likely that either ho or Miss Terry will ever
bo seen In tho city again, anil tho theater
loving peoplo of Omaha havo reaoon to feci
grateful to Manager Durgetis for giving
them ona opportunity to see the two great-
'.nnce OlelHeld"
A comedlatta In one act by Charles Heade.
Presented at Boyd's theater Saturday
night by Miss Ellen Terry and tho London
Lycoum company of players,
Susan Oldfleld... Miss Hrenda Gibson
Nathan OJdworthy Clifford Hown
Alexander Oldworthy.... Harry ft. H tan ford
Mrs. Anno Oldfleld Miss Ellen Terry
'Nance Oldfleld," which was given first
on the doublo bill, gave Miss Terry nn op
portunity to appear to even better ndvan
lago than In "Tho Merchant of Venice." As
Anna Oldfleld Mfss Terry is permitted to
exhibit hor nrtlstlo ability nlmost without
limit, nnd tho manner in which she sways
her audience, keeping them at all times in
sympathy with tho character and impart
ing to them Its feelings in tho lighter
scenes, proves most conclusively her capa
bilities of grasping oven tho most mlnuto
points of tho part to tho fullest extent of
Its possibilities. Tho utter abandon alio
exhibits In tho sceno in which sho wishes
to turn tho ndmlrntlon of a young uwaln to
hutred, tho piquancy with which tho wholo
secno is handled, nnd tho deftness with
which tho charncter Is turned mako It as
well as its interpretation ono that will live
long In tho memory of those who wero for
tunate onough to witness Its portrayol.
Hrenda Gibson, Clifford Hown and Harry II.
Stanford furnish tho star excellent support
nnd whllo of courso Miss Tarry Is tho main
center of attraction thoy sharo honors
nicely with hor. Tho atmosphere of tho ploco
wns nt nil times In evidence, especially In
tho rehearsal sceno. What a pity It Is that
the Irving-Terry engagement was for so
short a tlmo as but two nights, and how
last night's performances mado tho truo
lovers of tho drama wish that they wero
residents of London If 'for no other reason
than to bo ablo to sco theso great nrtists
porforin often.
AiHlleiii'c Will tnritr-
Last night's audtenco was quito ns largo
and brilliant as waa that of tho previous
evening. All or tho available standing
room was occupied, as well as tho Beats.
Holders of reserved sent coupons wero much
later In arriving to claim tholr scats than
on the provlous evening, and many cimo In
after tho first play, "Nanco Oldfleld," was
half over. Speculators did not find tho same
ready salo for tholr tickets and some of
tho seats bold by thom wero vacnnt until
as lato as 9 o'clock.
Among tho occupants of tho 'boxes wero
Mr. Jnmes E. Hoyd, Mrs. Ezra Millard, Miss
Mablo Taylor, Miss Millard and Mrs. Taylor.
Senator and Mrs. John M. Thurston, Mr.
and Mrs. John L. Webster nnd Miss Web
ster. Mrs. Glfford, Hev. Newton Mann,
Mrs. Alfred Millard, Mrs, Samuel Hrow'n,
Miss Mario Crounso and Mr. Clarko Powell.
Mr. and Mrs. H. a. Hurt, Mrs. Russell It.
Hurt and Miss Howes of Chicago. Mrs.
J. C. Cowln nnd Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Cudnhy. Mr. nnd Mrs, Howard naldrldge,
Mr. Jno Haldrldgo and Miss Peck. Mr. nnd
Mrs. W. J. Ilurgess, Miss Hlschoff of Ne
braska City nnd Mr. William names. Mr.
and Mrs. Pnyne, Mrs. Albert Heller, Mrs.
H. Rohfcld, Mr. nnd Mrs. Morltz Meyer.
Tho receipts from tho performance
amounted to something less than $3,800.
Tho gross receipts for tho two nights
amounted to about $7,800.
AVarin 1'ritlMf for Oimiliii.
In n prlvato convotmitlon with his old
time friend, Mr. II, H. Harrows -? this
city, Sir Henry Irvine expressed himself in
most cordial terms regarding his Omaha
nudlonce. "It was not," said Mr. Harrows,
"tho perfunctory praise usually given an a
return in somo sort for largo patronage, but
tho deep gratification a grent artist feels In
playing to a thoroughly appreciative house,
Irving spoko of the keen discrimination, tho
quick sympathy and tho intelligent noting
of every ono of the subtlo touches in hit
portrayal of Shylock. Upon being told that
wo wero romotlmes accused of being very
far west and lacking in culture, ho doclared
emphatically that ho had novor played bo
foro a moro Intelligent publlo or ono which
grasped (ho Hno points nnd tho dcllcnto
strokes so quickly. 'I nssuro you, ho said,
'thoy wero thoroughly delightful In tholr
ready sympathy, nnd it wns a Joy to play
to thom.' Such genulno pralso from so great
nn artltit is surely something for us to
be proud of."
A Horrible OntlireulC
"of largo sores on my llttlo daughter's
hoad dovelopod Into a caso of scald head"
writes C. D. Isblll of Morganton, Tenn., hut
Hurklcn's Arnica Salvo completely cured her.
It's a guaranteed curo for Eczema, Totter,
Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers nnd Plies.
Only 25c at Kuhn & Co.
For VIolntitiK lOlulil-llour I.ntr.
KANSAS OITV. Mo., April 21. W. I A.
Johnson, tho Kansas commissioner of
labor, has In Kansas City, Kan,, filed eom
plaintH against several contractors on pub
llo work, charging them with violating tho
Kansas eight-hour law. The names will
not bo mado publlo until service Is inndo
on them by thn sheriff. The law provides
that eight hours shall constitute a (lav's
work for employes In state, county and
municipal offices ns well as on all contracts
for publlo work. Hcretoforo tho law has
been Ignored by somo of tho contractors.
Weak Men
Insures Love and Happiness
How nny mar) may quickly euro himself
after yearH of suffering from sexual weak
ness, lost vitality, varicocele, etc., and en
largo small, weak organs to full size and
vigor. Simply send your namo and ad
dress to Dr. I. V. Knapp, 1SW Hull Hldg ,
Detroit, Mich., and -bo will gladly send tno
freo receipt with full directions so that any
rann may easily euro himself nt home.
This Is certainly a most gonorous offer ami
tho following extracts taken from his dally
mall show how men write him:
"Dear Sir Pleaso accept my slncero
thanks for yours of recent date. 1 havo
given your treatment a thorough test anil
tho benefit has been extraordinary. It hasi
completely braced mo up. 1 urn Just as
vigorous ns when a loy and you can no;
realize how happy I am,"
"Dear Sir Your method worked beauti
fully. Results were, exactly what I needed.
Strength and vigor havo completely re
turned and enlargement Is entirely satis
factory." Dear Sir Yours was received and I had
no troublo In making uho of tho receipt as
directed, and after a few days' usn can
truthfully say It is a boon to weak men.
I am greatly Improved In size strength anil
All correspondent strictly confidential,
mailed In plain, sealed envolopo. Tho re
ceipt Is freo for the asking and ho wants
every man to havo It.
Is Not Dusty
Thero is no dust in tho house where they
This till will bo found an oaslly applied
finish for lutrd and soft wood floors, lin
oleum, eto.
It luiH tho special tiunllty of preventing
tho "ralslni; of dust" from floor when
Tho floor should ho entirely clean and
dry. Then apply with spongo, cotton bat
ting or wool rag, rubbing' In wall and using
only enough nil to thoroughly cover floor.
Surfaces treated with "SAUNDERS'
HirilV K LOO 1 1 OIL" will be found entirely
dry within 4 to K hours after upplylng,
NOTE This oil is put up In Ma and 11
('gallon) bottles mid Jugs holding 1 gallon
for 1.W. Novor sold In bulk.
.u, OMAHA. i.c