Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1900, Page 6, Image 18

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Reconstructing the
Lincoln Monument
(Copyright, 1M0. by Hdwnrd B. Johnson,) Over thin two blocks of stono welshing not
Tho thousands who hnvo visited tho Nn- loss than four Ujiih wore placed,
tlonal Lincoln Monument nt Springfield, III., When another anniversary of tho tragedy
would ho amazed at tho ocono of dosola- of April 1G, 18C5, shall occur, tho Lincoln
Hon which Its kUu presents today. monument will havo been rebuilt. Tho
Tho visitor nsccndlng tho tono Bteps and statuary will bo replaced, and once more tho
reaching tho crcat of tho beautiful hill In majestic bronze figure of tho martyred presl-
Oak Ridge cemolery, whoro the body of lo"t will look In benediction from Its serene
President Llncojn rests, Is confronted by holght upon tho multitudes who nhall come
(oh of debris, mountnliiB of cand, carloads ,0 tho tomb as pilgrims vlott a ihrlno.
Srlck, heaps of scaffolding and other ovl-
Stirring Life of a New
York Story Writer
inces of destruction and reconstruction.
Tho soft green lawn of a year ago Is a
yawning mottor bed. Two black hoisting
engines nro operating tho towering derricks
which Bwoop down with unerring precision
upon tho squat remains of what wa onco
Mr. F. A.
CummlnKS of Ilansnr. Mn.
" ......- . TI..I.I, II I.O WIII.U . ' 11 - -
a statoly nnd Impcslng momorlal, and bear , 101,0 'ln,t novo1' "Tho 1,ath Uoyond tho
Blono after Btono to the Ignominious level . commences serially In Tho
of tho rubbish pile. oununy uee, illustrates thu fact that tho
Tho work of erecting a struct to mark tZmi monTf U.o" stdV A?" 17
thu pot whoro Lincoln was laid to rest wm ho Went "0 - "b , . U th17
begun in 18GD and completed In 187!, under mast and ho onco said! In ipcakKg of this
tho direction of the National Lincoln Monu- experience: "I have been SffimU with
mcnt assoclH Ion, of which Klchard J. every class of men that poverty, crime! or
Oglesby of Illinois was president. Its pro- Inclination drovo to a sailor's life." One
JoctorB fondly hoped nnd bollovod that they would think that seafaring under those
had bullded wisely, permanently, nnd for conditions would not bo a particularly dull
all tlmo, yet beforo tho monument bad stood llfo; but to "vary tho monotony," In Mr.
thirty yearn It wns soon that It must bo Cummings own phraso, ho Anally enlisted
taken down and rebuilt. Fair nnd Btablo to nt Now Orleans In a military company ro-
tho outward vlow, it has mot with tho In- crulted to support tho filibuster, William
ovltabla fato of a houso Btnndlng on an In- Walker, In his endeavor to make a con-
adequato foundation. Tho surface of tho luoat of Nicaragua. Tho United States rot-
April 22, 1000.
It succumbed. It Is said on good authority
that a whalo setii off with a terrified and
mighty bellowing upon tho approach of theeo
deadly enemies.
Seamen saw a party of killers attack a
California gray whalo and hor young one.
Thoy mado away with tho latter first, and
when It sunk In flvo fathoms of water went
below and bit out hugo pieces, coming to the
surfaco to eat them. Tho unfortunate
mother swam away after being wounded
sovcroly, but It was almost certain that sho
would fall a prey to their ferocity later.
.Careful study brings out tho fact that the
whales, llko the seals, aro descended from
somo land-dwolllng animal, and also that
this probably had scales llko tho armadillo,
traces of which may bo seen on overy whale.
There Is oco fossil whale known to science,
and only one.
Talk About Statesmen
Of tho twclvo representatives from Michi
gan in tho lower houso of congress threo are
named Smith Henry Cassorto Smith of
Adrian, Wlllianr Alden Smith of Grand
Knplds and Samuel William Smith of Pon
tlac. All are republicans, though they dis
agree regarding a number of minor rent
iers. Each Is a lawyor. Thoro aro only
two other Smiths In tho house.
"Senator" Clark of Montnna Is a human
contradiction In somo ways. Ho has a whole
section In a Washington hotel for his own
use, paying $16,000 a season for It, but rides
about, when ho does ride, In rlckoty hired
cabs. Ho pays tromondous prices for art
works and wears clothes of hand-mo-down
Bhalo rock underneath does not llo on n ornmont Intorposod, and tho company was i u , ,. , . . , , , .... appearance. With far inoro than enough
horizontal plnno, but IncllncH to tho east, not permitted to Join Walker. r' ",Waa,8 )vundod at SpotUylyanla- scloutlllc acceptance necessary to overthrow monoy to gratify nny whim of tho appetito,
with a dip of one or two Inches. Worse yet Cummings next made his way Into tho ZtZht iZ iJJ t ?l80Wn word about " " Perfectly well authenticated size ho is the most abstemious of men, soft-
tho excavation for tho outer walls won wood8 ot Canada; had a tough time of it 2 ,boI'ove for Mb word of tho whalo In question. From this great spoken of speech and diffident in manner.
not excavated to bedrock and thoy, there- lher: managed, finally, by some dcapcrato Ldid not lnTJn t?L 1 1 ,mom,,J?ff ll &le fam1
wnv iinwn in Pnriinn,i "mu-uiu uui my me up ai mo umo. como aown to a Httlo beast hardly two reot wMn.ia ,v .
great ga, In the masonry, crumbling walls then went to sea again. Ho now JL?T 1 . iro Washington, lank, angular and
and d stort on of arches that threatened tho Kr"'BVU "0O"1 various mroctions. Tho UXI)Inl.(, :, ' ,'r ,, "'. V": , " , ; " clad in peculiarly 11-fltt ng clothes, Is about
dissolution of the historic pile it was t ore- ntor f 185?:18C0 found hlm ,n Cardenaa. J," 'n JtI"'" han lZn BPd LrAZt na un,lke hls Predecessor. James Hamilton
Thence ho shipped as second mate in a ,n' V,rg nla -ndt Toxas. n"d ha8 been supposed that modern hunters Lewis, as ho could well bo. Tho latter was
has also made a venture t.r two on his do not give them tlmo to grow.
always dapper and debonair, woro tho most
: ."J tof BUCU Vh0 B"pport y,oIdod by th0 waler ln BtyllBh garments that could bo found and
ands. Tho literary Impul.o that secmB which they live that makes tho enormous wa8 alwnyB regarded as one of the curled
to bo Inherent In him has prompted him to slzo ot the whales possible, and If any larger darlings. Mr. Cushman was a cowboy for
write ocaslonally of his various experiences creaturo over comes to light It Is reasonable yi,ar8( graduated to tho teacher's desk and
for tho local newspapers, ,.ut tho forth- to suppose that It, too, will bo an Inhabitant thenco to tho bar. eventually finding his
coming novel Is his first .erlous literary of tho water. Just as a bird, living un- way to tho national houso of representatives,
undertaking. Whllo It Is strictly "ft. work of supported ln tho air for the most part, Is $
fiction and very romantic and thrilling smaller than tho mammal supported by tho Itopresontatlvo Lentz of Ohio Is tho only
fiction, too, yot it is based inrgely on fact, oarth tho largest birds being unablo to fly member of congress who has n press agent
It is tho story of two young men who undor- at all, as ln tho caso of tho ostrich and and business manager employed to advertlso
took as a purely buslnosn ntorprlso so cassowary so tho land-dwelling mammals hls achievements nnd koop his narao beforo
far ns thoy woro concerned to run off havo not the possibilities of growth (being tno country, and ho finds tho system satls-
nogro Blavca from Louisiana and deliver supported at a few points only, whllo their factory ana profitable. His agent Is L. H.
them to an abolition socloty in tho north, bulk Is ln the lighter air) which tho water- aibSoni a gentleman of great energy and
All tho ground over which tno story moves loving mammals possess, overy portion of sklll( wuo at ono tlmo ha(1 cnarg0 ot tne
Is ns familiar to him as his native town, their a nst bulk being buoyed up by the wator. advertising department of a soap factory
and his own extraordinary adventures and Llko all largo animals, whales are slow to anj iatcr was mayor of tho city of Zanes-
oncountors on Bca and land suggest, when attain their growth, and correspondingly V1(J 0i TnIa la an entiroly new and novel
thoy do not directly supplj, tho Incidents w to decay. How long they live no man arrangement. Mr. Lentz is not compelled
and tho characters. knows, but analogy shows It must stretch to blow his own horn, but can go right
Mr. Cummings died December 13 Inst, ,nt0 tno centuries. Thoy havo Httlo or no along sawing wood with a blessed con-
after a short Illness. troublo ln finding tholr food and the ele- sclousness that Mr. Gibson is advertising
monta have no terrors for them. A whale the fact In an effectlvo manner.
fiir A Un.. , can 8tay under water for two hours, nnd
xtiuv iiuuui vv iictlCb tho largest of them can swim at the rate of
Until tho thought came to F. E. Beddard. fwol, ral,ca nn, hour' 60 have
M. A.. F. S. A., thoro was nowhere in Eng- troub 0 ,n rUn2'nB away trom a'f
...... O nTTnrf rann nnd nnn er Ih nwn V An A Y.t
llsli "A iinnw nf whi.. 0XC0Pt raan and ono of Ua own kind the Tho Salt Itlver valley. surrounding
Is it Is surprising that it was not thought ot orca' or kUlep whnI- Covored thlck IloenIx, Ariz., is to ho made tho center
beforo; Blnco it makes good reading of a layers of fat' cold mako8 no ,mPro9Slon uPn oI tho ostrich Industry of the western contl-
rather unusual sort. Whales are Interesting tho ord,nary cotacoan, and It goes lta way nent, and within a tow months overy bird
it . ' In no.ipf. nYPnnf fnr TiiitnnnUlnr?? trA l In ln the United Rfntna nnt tioM tnr AvhlViltlnn
foro decided to rebuild and tho Illinois log- brig bound to Now Orleans with a cargo and the first of those ia duo to thTfiet M noffenslvo ns it Is hugo. with tho Blng'o purposes will be taken there. The os-
lBlaturo has appropriated J100.000 for that of molasses. Arrived nt Now Orleans ho that, though living wholly in tho water and exception of tho spoclee nlroady referred to. trlchos of this valley, which wore owned
puriKMo. tried his fortuno on land again nnd bocamo unablo to survlvo tho shock of being Tne k,1Ior whalo is decidedly Interesting by tho Phoenix Ostrich company, and
Colonel J. b. Culver, who won a national boss of u gang of laborers on a now railroad stranded on dry land tho whalo Is not ln the nnd 18 woreo than thoao sea-tigers, the number 250, havo been sold to A. Y. Pear-
roputntlon from bis work on tho monuments thnt wns building from somo point In i,.ast a fish, but rather a cousin more or sharks, ln Its predatory habits. Tho killer 60D. a Now York capitalist, who two years
erected to tho union dead on wouthcrn bat- IouIslana into Texas. Hero ho remained less remoto. to nil warm-blooded 'mllk-glv- la a,so ca,Iel the grampus, and many ac- aBO got together all tho ostriches of this
tleilolds, 1b now razing tho monument to until tho broaklng out ot tho civil war, ing animals, including man Tho second counts nro preserved of bis ferocity. In country nnd succeeded in getting all but
tho ground. Ho will place tho now founda- when ho mado his way northward and point of interest lies in tho fact that the 1896 the prlnco of Monaco chased threo of 1- Thoso blrds ar located principally
lions on tho primeval rock, securo forever secured a plnco In tho commissary depart- whnlo Is tho largest living thing on tho fnce thorn for a tlmo, and at last harpooned ono. at Wadena, Ca., San Antonio, Tox., and
Big Ostrich Pool
.i.mii uiu BiuimiK i un, imiuvH ui (uiv;n- luuui, uuiuiK i miiu uu cupuiui ami of tho earth, and, so far as known, has never The men in tho boat had a fright, for the ",viuu'. mo owners Keep
sands. When thu Biibject cf building n c mmlasnry on tho staff of Gonernl C. D. been exceeded in bulk ovon by tho gigantic other two camo so closo to them that they thom m01"0 for show and will not part
.monument to "Nnncy Hanks," tho mother Jameson, In Kearny's division, Helntzol- lizards of tho Jurassic rocks. could touch them with tholr hands and wlth them for Pr,co-
f President Lincoln, was recently ngltnted, man'B corps. After tho bnttlo of Williams- Slbbald's roraual Is tho lareost of thoao thoy went back to tho shin in hasto. Pm.l Mr- reorson, who now owns about 700
Infernal nf ilwiasi tOV WPtlt hnolf tl thn ah in
mediately wroto to tho burg ho roturned to his homo In Mnlno and marlno animals and la known tn ntln fh Dudlev aw a comnnnv of thPHO nnimii ( ostriches, has mado contracts by which
nnd offored to plnco n helped to rocrutt a company for the Eight- inncth nf oli.hfv.nvn tPPt nnii. ,n. nnnn n t.oihnn,. w bo will have tho product ot chicks at the
the gravo without cost. The inth Mnlno rcglmont and beenmo a sec- Baur, or fossil, lizard has been discovered kooplng nt Its tall to keep It from striking ag0 f two montha tTOva the romainlng
iitod. and tho memorial will "m lieutenant. Ho wns Boon promotod nnd whlnh l nndi tn lmvo mnnro,i im in im, it ,t,n ut . 100 ostriches. These arrangements com-
o.. . .1. Iltllnhn.1 IIia wnv vvHli tlin pnnv nt nnn . . . . . ..... .... .. .. . . " nlnrn f
In111"" duiiiu 'i mo Diwuu uou.i - - ,ongiu, oui mis lias noi nau tno complete lips, thrashing it with their own tails, until
a i,iio8t'v" " llrtiiiBO I' lKiirt
Monel Culver 1m
...irnor of Indiana
nrto,.,";,,t ut
,'n ncce
uricosB wu Hrat work hi tho dlsmnntlln
of LUicoln t removal of tho bronzo ilgur
,tinir ththo crouns of statunry ron-
und tho navlous branches of tho army
days. Kcu Bboy existed In civil war
l'i.OOO poutuls. i'wclghfl from 0,000 to
hi"'!' lifter tho machinery wns
SffJiiBted thoy woro swung easily frcm tholr
poaltloiiH, IowctlmI to u low truck enr and
pushed nway to a remote spot In the groundx,
A stickndo has bctm built about them, be
hind which thoy look llko Imprisoned glnnt,
and whoro thuy will remain until the re
built monunumt Is completed.
Stono by stono, tho memorial structure
was taken down until tho catacomb was
reached, and tho caskets containing the
bodies of President Lincoln, his wife nnd
their children, woro lifted from tho vault
and laid In tho twnpornry tomb nearby,
which will shelter them whllo the rebuild
ing gocis on.
Tho leaden ensket wan Uiclcsud ln n
cedar box nlrwuly decayed. From this outer
box tho rusted nails had dropped locscnlng
a mnsslvo Bllver pinto, upon which was en
graved: "Abraham Lincoln, 10th president
United Stntos. Horn Fobruury 12, 1S0D. Died
April 15, lSGft." Thu ensket holding the
body of Mrs. Lincoln wns placed beside that
of tho president.
Tho caskets of tho sons, Thomas, Eddie
and Wllle, nnd tho grnndson of tho prcsldont,
yoimg Abraham Lincoln, who died In Kug
land whllo his father was minister to Great
Ilrltaln, woro taken from tho crypts and
placed In the upper chamber of tho vault.
pleto tho formation ot nn ostrich pool ln
this country, giving to tho. Now York
capitalist, who In tho last year has spent
more than $100,000 In ostriches, absolute
control ot tho Industry. He has bought
a largo alfalfa farm ten miles from
Phoenix and has commenced putting the
farm In condition to rocelvo all tho birds
owned by hlra. Most of them will como
from southern California, and importa
tions will commenco In a few weeks.
Speaking of tho ostrich business Mr.
Pearson said: "Ostrich raising is a mat
ter of business now with my family, which
I represent, nnd myself, nnd wo bellove wo
shall havo no difficulty In competing with
tho Importers of feathers. In fact, there
can bo Httlo competition. The Importation
of feathers Into tho United States amounts
annually to 13,000,000, exclusive of a CO
per cent tariff. Where tho feathers are
the products of tho United States, wo, ot
course, will escape tho tariff."
Tho ostrich business, says Mr. Pear
son, cannot bo conducted profitably on n
small scale, but a large number of blrd3
must bo concentrated. It docs not cost
much more to maintain a flock of 1,000
birds than It does to care for 100 birds.
i H
ill 9
Blie, MIsil la. elht,bout 1 lb.
Udi. Buhlracli. Xnltlpltri. DM4m, c
rrli !) rolumni utonutlcallr. Miku
KtyrU of Bolnntrtt Savti EiiwrU M.nUl
'trtnl J Y..r. Qu.r.nU.
Id lu U UUI KT., CUlCluu. UL, 1.1.