c THIS OMAHA DAILY liEE: SUXDAY, APRIL 22, 1000. 11 IN THE WORLD OF SPORTS Omih EnthuiUitn Awilting Anxlouily the Opening of 8eaion. N SEVERAL PRELIMINARY GAMES SCHEDULED tlCKiilnr mill Colin Will ('rum IIiiIh TIiIm Afternoon mill Mi Ulntc liilvcri.lt- Trniii Will Aji-lii-iir 'I'omiirriMv. Tho baso ball (an Is now In his glory. Tbo seasons of tho National and tho American leagues began Thursday and ills susslons of prospectn of tho various tonms, club standings, batting averages, pitching abllltlw and dlvora other things associated with tho popular national spoti arc now tho order of tho day. In 0:naha tho loial enthusiasts nro on tho tul vivo of cxcIip tnont Incident to tho opening of tho West ern ltnguo scanon, which begins May 3. Tho movements of the i "Uh-ftonrko family of hall players have ben watched wth critical discernment an the unani mous verdict Is thai Omaha i ti learn that will reflect credit upon th. y nnd placo tho local aggregation well In tho foro of tho pennant chasers from ti,e beginning or tnc Hcuson, In tho preliminary exhibition game held thus far tho local team has shown up ad mlrably. Manager Keith has n galaxy of jiltclieia which has already dono rcm.irk ably offectlvo work, and each of tho slab artists In Improving perceptibly. Tho wo.lt of both tho In and outfielders Ih such as to Justify tho predictions of an Imprcgnablo support for tho manipulators of tho sphere, whllo nil of tho men have dono exception ally good work with the stick. Tho arrival of "Hill" Wilson, tho cele brated National league catcher, has stroigtiontl tho local team considerably. Wilson Is a past master In the art of back stopping. lie has sorvod In this capacity with tho Now York Giants and In tho Ix)iilsvlllci team. Moro recently he was a member of the Kansas City team. Wilton ban put In the last week In careful practice along with the other members of the team and has been doing most of tho catching. Ho Is in splendid form and madti a dis tinct ImpresHlon In his Initial nppcaranco nt yesterday afternoon's gamo. Wilson took a turn with all of tho local pitchers nnd expresses himself ns highly pleased with their delivery. HtighcH he pronounces tho rost likely pitcher ho has ever encountered. Three of the buttons, however, are missing, I manager by tho promoters of the Jeffries-1 S-2 ami uio secretary woum consider u a tavor corbett fight It would bo one of the wonders ' If nny member or non-member who may . of the nge If an agreement should bo reached have them In their possession would return them to the club. Tho result of tho play was ns follows- NORTH AND SOUTH. HoiiltiT nnd Jordan "I2x It Comitock and A W Herlhner 211x2 Thomnn and Bushmuti 211 2 Jlrlklo nnd ilogers iux ii McDowell and Calm WI-rt McNutt nnd Abbott 2081 CAST AND WEST. whereby tho chosen. Westchester club would be Tho transfer of tho welterweight cham pionship of thd World from "Mysterious Billy" Smith to Matty Matthews In their fight at Now York Tuesday nlsht was ac complished In ono of tho cleverest exhibi tions of tho season. Two years ago Matty sidu paths arc the latest fan' y o; blcyclo riders. For tho moment the anclont slogan, "good roads," Is retired from duty and the smooth and narrow path pushed to the foru ; xhe mlmbcr of Id rac mpn wUo hro by the League of American heelmen. Tho, prcpurlI1K ,0 thta 8M30;1 MBpt, movement bears tho familiar earmarks of , ,,,, ,,., ,nn i . nll.n.l.J .Ul- l . ... A.... i 11 n ... ...li.i. I . "' Muir.-.iuu.ii3 mill .iiimi- Jturrell nnd (Jarner Wlx 2 " , " '"n " " T-t T tV . i V ''V"""8' " , eniiveneu me , These numbers Include : large squad Crammer and George Seribncr Wx3 round go at New ork, but failed. He at- gaiety of tho world In years past. Thero of amateurs who havo retlr.M (or various lilirnran iiiiu piimiiv, . ........... .uu uvoi.im t i.nok ... , is ik iiiHL- wuru warm mr III ino Hllie-paiU nxi.mio nl.,1 nro h.u. ,,,.1.,,. m, rMln their last bout. In tho nineteenth round tho , project, since wheelmen poMMa n guuter I nmj ni.0 tho roffB.olla.s Michael Stir- Si&TiT VT ,ban r "romolcrs mA "SnTh.8;. by Matthews and ho will henceforth be are n shado more skillful In n r ni tholr ..i.,.,i i iij .u.-.' llocr-1 Ir, .ll.nnrt Vibn.olf nmnn Ih.l I...... .. . .. . .. ""' is u.l.r men .....IV... .uwjv... three and ono points In tho grand circuit . riding new wheels. Now. you arid 1 , upon whom tho trade depends as well ns the in -rim iiineci hip ., J mew, nnd ten, six nnd two pjln'o In trf i nno riciiifn long enough to know that a man hotel kevpetn. My mistake has been that IN THE WllttLINU WORLDt 1 'championships. To secure n wider dlstrl- 'loos not own n whtwl lig before he either of the others-trying to cater to tho old- l butlon of the prUo money It Is propesed Krts a u't or puts the wheel in the ash tlmo regulars when tho neweomeis arc now irsienii 01 requiring a promoter to give , - moi- iuuh-uuiui uh u nunn mi mi- rt-ai ining 11 is n game in wniin tno new rulers, tuo buyers and tho cues i otio has got lo keep hustling." $130 fcr first prlie, to m.iko compulsory n $200 purse nil told, to be split tip ns hA sees fit nmong the three starters In tho Dual hSut. llrunner nnd Wllllnms 2s 2 Hhecnn nnd Uedlck 21M2 Miller and Anthes -i-l PALAVER OF THE PUGILISTS Mclim crnV Introduction to II Im Klrnt I'rononiici'il 0ImihI(Ioii AITorilril liy To in in ' White, Tommy White, the featherweight pugilist of Chicago, sustained tho predictions of his friends In his bout with "Terrible Terry" McOovcrn nt Chicago Tuesday night. Tho exhibition of tho manifold arts of tho game ho possesses ns given by him at that time warrants tho assumption that ho may yet accomplish greater things, than he did when he surprised a largo proportion of tho fol lowers of flstlanla by standing up before tho Brooklyn fighting machlno for six rounds tho limit. Thoso who had faith In Whlto's ability to accomplish this feat wcro In tho minority. Hvcry point of nrgument, other than nn abiding faith In his cleverness and his stay ing riunlltles, opposed such a conclusion. Since McOovcrn wrested from Oeorgo Dixon tho featherweight championship which tho latter had held for years he bos been dis posing of nil comers with a marvelous: rapidity, suggesting the possible possession of a hypnotic charm. Whlto Is the first man outside of Dixon to stay flvo rounds with Mcdovcrn for nlmost a year, nnd his success In doing to entitles him to consid eration In featherweight circles second only lo that buitowed upon McOovcrn. Indeed, the hitter's star has been dimmed to a far greater degree than Is appreciable by the casual observer of things pugilistic. While White failed to get tho credit of a draw. In accordance with n pre-arranged plan forced upon the Chicago ffghtcr and his backers by tho nrooklynito nnd his manager, the fact that he was on his feet nt tho end, dishing up to his opponent nn nssortmont of cholco viands and had tbti bettor of tho concluding round, will nlwuys redound to his credit and the lustor of his success 'will not soon fndo away. It Is not beyond tho range, of possibilities to bellevo that had tho fight continued beyond tho sixth round Whlto would havo gnlned a pronounced victory. Such n belief has for Tho falluro of tho Mlnnc.inolls-Omnha Its foundation the condition or tbo two men game, scheduled for Monday lant, owing to nnd tho fighting they put up In the con- tuo rain, was u keen disappointment to tho privileged to disport himself nmong tho champions. wonderful schemes. Tho fact that slda paths aro ncciusarlly exclusive wilt cocollo tho nnnnsltlnti nf nwnpnt nf nflmr vnMnloa Anticipating tho early demise of pugilism find nrnvont nil hi In minnnrt tVh Maimer In Now York as soon ns the repeal of tho,nUHti therefore go down Into their own Horton law becomes effective thero has been . nockois for th u Wi.with. nmii.n. .,., n deal of activity on tho part of tho cxpcct t0 ,,0 Ulal vcry- UlnSi lU 8U prominent fighters and their backers dtir- a fow of th(J ,)roposc(, sltJe ,mlhg ttro con. Ing tho last few weeks. It is the except on ,trucleil nm, Bk,im,ny .indpapered. can tho for nny pugilist to have nny dates for tho fralernlt. nfrort, t0 pay for patroIllnR nh(, rather brief season between now and Sep- , ,no? ,f noti thor, ho nM Mtcndci texnber 1 unfllll. repetition of the rooting that made tho uusiiu-a .a Ku un u v......... u Klorenco path a wagonway iLuriun nan uuvu bliiiuivu iui ib iiui. mm by tho nddltlon of n squad of well-known nmntcurs. Among them nro Kramer, 15uz, Hausmnn. Kuscl, Ooodwln, Jonn Nr.lson, Everett, Uynn nnd Hay Duer. Tho motor cycle teums thnt uro ready to compete this j season how nutubors forty. In addition tnere aro twenty-live professional rnosrs who will have motor pace machines. Good Bargains for Wide Awake Bicycle Buyers sovcrnl fans who braved tho threatening weather and went out to the Vinton street grounds hoping to sco an exhibition be tween the locals and nn Amorican league aggregation. Inasmuch ns Minneapolis de feated KntiRas City In tho opening gamo of tho American league season thero Is much speculation as to what tho outcome nf tho gamo with Omaha would havo been had It taken place. President Keith llrmly be lieves that his team would havo been vic torious, but his confldenco In tho Hourko family of players Is so great that ho would havo no hesitancy In tackling any toam In tho National league, Philadelphia pre ferred. Tho locals havo several preliminary games on tapis prior to tho opening of tho season. ThlB afternoon Captain O'Conncll's galaxy of artists will try conclusions with a team of colts selected by President Keith. Tho n.imo will bo called nt tbo grounds promptly nt 3:30 nnd President Keith has wngcrcd eluding round. It was clearly Whites round. Ho uppercut tho Ilrooklyn flghtor repeatedly and tho latter was unsteady on his feet, seemingly Indisposed or unnble to put up very strong resistance as the Chl cagoan shot out his left with vicious Intent. Tho fight was governed by straight Queeusbcrry rules nnd tho men wcro per mitted to hit In clinches nnd breakaways. Inasmuch ns tho betting was all on the basis of Whlto's lasting through tho six rounds, tho Chicago lad primarily had for his purpose a dcfenslvo campaign. Ho do parted from his policy U various Intervals, however, nnd odmlnlstenll McGovern pun ishment, not particularly severe, but sur prising In that It was tho first real opposi tion that tho Ilrooklyntto had oncountorod slnco corrnllng the championship. From tho standpoint of tho future Tues day's fight will bo of inestimable value to Whlto. For many years he has been a prominent flguro In tho prlzo ring, but his career has never been marked by nny ovont so Important-as his bout with the generally Manager Itourko a suit of clothes that tbo 1 recognized wizard of tho squared circle Colts will win tho struggle. Lew Camp and Hereafter White, If ho keeps a stendy pace Dorcas, tho cbony-huetl first rmseman wno and Improves with tho parsing of time, will was numbered with tho Originals last year, nnd seven of tho regulars will complete tho roster of tho Keith nggregatlon. The two teams will lino up as follows: Iteguhirs. 'Positions. Colts, Wilson Catcher McCnunlnnd Jlughos Pitehor Dillon Itpbsiimon First 'base Dorcas O'Conncll Second bnso Mackey Toman Shortstop "Ferris Hoy Third Qmso Dunn Haor Lri'ftlli'lil Ilurrell .MeVlckor Centerlleld Hurlbiirt Unison Itlghtlleid Camp Monday and Tuesday afternoons tho Ne braska Htiitn university team will meet the Omahahs on tho local grounds and two In teresting gatnes nro In prospect. Captain O'Conncll of tho local team coached the uni versity boys and developed nn exceptionally strong tram. Matiager Hourko does not anticipate that tho students will administer bis family a doso such ns tho Illinois uni versity players gavo Comlskey's Chicago American leaguo team, but nevertheless an ticipates ft lively strugglo and ono well worth witnessing. Thursday and Friday tho locals will go to Des Moines and meet In exhibition games bo ft recognized flguro of promlnenco In pugtllstto affairs and mioro than passing In terest will bo taken in the contests In which ho Is ono of tho participants. Another meotlne betweon him and' McOovorn will bo looked forward to with much Interest ; The action of tho New York police com missioners in refusing a renewal of tho license, on tho Coney Island Athletic club after Its expiration May 1 came as n thunderbolt from a clear sky. It has com pletely disarranged things pugilistic and tho fighters ns well ns tho supporters of tho gamo nro wondering whero they nro at Tho chnmptonshlp fight between Jeffries and Corbett was scheduled to tako placo at tho Coney Island club May II, but without license that club cannot provldo accommoda tions for tho ovent Sharkey nnd McCoy were also booked for nn, encounter before this club Juno 23, and two of tho big lights of tho coming season which promised so much for ring followers nm In a rather chaotic state. If tho Now York police board follows Its precedent lonowed license will also probably i bo refused tho Broadway Athletic club, and ono 01 nifir luium uinciourua in uiu ioi- ...- . rB..iin nf finn,imn, i i,r,,1,. ern league. Next Saturday and Sunday tbojnbout ,t ,H R certnlnty that tno flBhtg f, lys Moines team will play In this city. On tho following Wednosday Manager Itourko nnd his colony of players will move westward, playing exhibition games nt Orand Island, Kearney and North Platte, anil arriving In Denver for tho opening of tho season May 5. Four games ejeh will bo played in Denver, Pueblo nnd St. Jo3oph, when tho first professional gamo of tho sea son will tako place on tho home grounds May lt, between Oninhn and St. Joseph. WHIST. There was a. good attendance nnd somo very Interesting hands were played at tho regular meeting of tho Omaha WhMt club Wcduesday evening, which' was button nlglit not bo held nt tho club decided upon, nt least on tho dates arranged. Corbett has expressed himself ns willing that tho fight should tako place before May 1 and thus bo brought off under the existing license, Jeffries has suggested that some other club will hnvo to bo secured and expressed him self as willing to fight In Knnsns City or Carson City Unless tho pollco commissioners change their minds and decide to grant renewed 1 1 come to tho Coney Island club tho only available eastern location for such nn event Is tho Westchester Athletic club, near New York, which Is operated by Martin Julian anil whero tho Fltzslmmons-Ilublln light will come off. Owing to tho pronounced prejudlco existing toward this club and Its 300 BICYCLES III stock nt'vt'r ltrori wns thoro hucIi n line of wheoln shown in Oiimlia. This stock Is inutU; up of the well known Stenrna, Rambler, Columbia, Barnes, Wolff American at $40 and $50, and Reliance, tho Iicst nmilo wheel In Oiuulm for the ninnev, with choice of equipment, only JfllO. XKHHASKA SPKCIAIi $1(1.7.". Ah IjIANCIO, complete new wheel, JjU.'l.riO. Your uood Judgment will tell you lo look this stock over before you buy n wheel. StH'ond-hinid bicycles at your own price. We lm've one of the best equipped repair shops In the city. Sewing Machines- If .you think of buying a Sewing Machine see us. It makes uo difference what kind of a machine, you want. HM I S You may want n DAVIS HALL HUAUINfi, or STANDARD. SINtiKU or a cheap machine for $1(1.(M). No difference which, we can sell you ami sav you money. S13U 1'S. We have No airents, we im.v no commissions, so YOP will havo lo S13H PS. We rent machines for 7."e per week. We repair and sell parts for all makes of machines manufactured. KOK $.-1.(10 WI3 WILL (J1VK YOP PHOIPH OP ANY SUPONI). HAND SUWINC MAOHINK ON OPU PLOOU-.MONDAY ONLY. WE RENT AND SELL TYPEWRITERS. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. Gi:01U;i: IJ. AIICKKL, MKr. Telephone 1(1(13 AMI McCoy nnd may tako on FlUslmmons, Sharkey and IUihlln, besides n few second and third-raters who will bo picked up as easy money for tho purposo of nddlng n few shekels to the coffers of tho .champion. So many matches havo been announced and called off slnco this spirit of matchmaking manifested Itself that It Is difficult to keep track of coming events, but thero premises to bo enough prlzo righting nmong tho top notchers during tho next few months to furnish a surfeit for tho most enthusiastic ring follower. BIG TOURNAMENT THIS WEK Kxcluslve priv ileges will not bo tolerated on public high ways and thtt sooner tho wheelmen get back to good roads, from which nil tho peoplo will dcrlvn benefits, the sooner will tho hopes of riders be realize!. Attrnetlve I'rourmn Arriuiued for Aii- nunl Meeting of Wlininkn Hlnti Sport niiiph'h Annoi'IiiI Ion. Tho delegation of Omaha sportsmen who nttended tho Lincoln Uun club shoot In tho capltol city last week and had n thoroughly enjoynblo time, hnvo returned and all of tho locnl shots nro now devoting their nttentlon to tho twenty-fourth nnnunl tournament of tho Nebraska State Sportsmen's association, which will bo held In this city Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. That It will be ono of tho most Interesting and successful events In tho history of tho asso ciation Is a foregone conclusion. Tho program for tho four days' shooting Is nn exceptionally attractive one. bo much so, Indeed, that sportsmen from far und near havo signified their intention of participating In tho various events nnd tho attendnnco promises to bo unusually large. A feature of particular importance Is tho nddlng of $1,000 In cash to tho purses. Tho first two days will bo devoteil strictly to target shooting. On Wednesday tho state championship ovent for tho hnndBomo gold trophy will bo shot. Thero will bo twenty flvo tnrgcts, nnd tho entrance feo will be J3. Thursdny tho regular program of tar gets will bo followed liy tho state champion ship contest for a diamond badge. There will bo fifteen live birds, tblrty yards rise, and the entranco will bo $15. Tho big day of tho tournament will bo Friday whon tho Omaha handicap, open to tho world, will be shot. This event Is at tracting extraordinary nttentlon from clever shooters, both local nnd from nbroad. There will bo twcnty-flvc pigeons, an entrance roe of 1G, birds extra. High guns will win- not class Bhootlng. Tlio handicapping, twenty-five to thirty-two yarns, win no dono by the management. Tbo annual business meeting or me smio association will bo held Wednesday evening nt tho Paxton hotel, which has been selected ns headquarters for tho visiting shootcrB by tho local committee. RULES FOR CHESS CONTEST Strife Iletwrpn NelirnMUn nml MlmiU-Kvcltt-K Muuli IiiterfMt on l'nrt of CIiviim rlnyerN. Ncbrabkn chess players aro awaiting with unusual Interest tho forthcoming matcn with rcnresentntlves of tho state of Mis sissippi and tho preparations being made by tho contestants lndlcnto tnnt tne maicn will bo an exciting nnd withal a highly scientific one. The rules which will govern the contest nro ns follows: 1. Kach Nebrnska player shall way ono gamo with his Mississippi ndveronry. J. Drnwn games shall count one-hair to each player. , , 3. Tho tlmo limit between receiving moves nnd postlnsr replies shall not exceed seventy-two hours, SundnyH excepted, unit In cafe of n violation of this rule without reasonnblo cause (tho referee to decide what is a reasonable cause) tho player violating tho rulo shall forfeit tho game; providing, however, thnt n player has. In each gamo he plnvs. seven days of extra, tlmo, which ho may avnll himself of a day at a tlmo (fractions of a day to count ns a dny), or two or more days consecutively, but In tnklns advantage of this rulo tho player exceeding his tlmo limit must. In sending his reply to his opponent; upon which reply he has taken over tho seventy-two hours, notify him ns to tho extent or exact amount of extra time taken. I. The winner or eacu game, or m ciiho in Tho props commlttoo oj ihe League of American Wheelmen furnishes this Infor mation on tho side path movement: "Tho Colorado division of tho League of Ameri can Wheelmen Is now at work on n propo sition to build n path from Donver to the Nebraska state lino; Nebrnska will be asked to carry It through that state nnd Iowa to continue U through to connect with tho Mlnncnpolls-Chlcngo path. This may ba dono by adopting tho Idea of Chief Consul Karlo of Michigan In having a 'side-path day,' during which tho wheelmen will tin it out and build tho path themselves." (Wouldn't that Jar you?) "Preparations for tho construction of tho Chlcngo-Now York 'trunk line' side path, which will bo built under tho supervision of tho League of American Wheelmen, nro going on steadily. Invcstlgitlons uhow thnt tho paths already built nre practically com plete! II1103 between Albany nnd Syracuse and Rochester nnd Duffnlo and nil tho com missioners between Albany nnd Duffnlo havo promised to fill In tho lntor.'cctlng RtretchCH th.'s season. Thete nro few paths between Nw York and Albany, n compar atively short distance, nnd tho Now York division of tho League of American WhcM men will glvi particular attention to this strotch. What Is known as the 'southern tier of counties' In New York want thn path and It Is probable nn additional ono Tho directors' meeting of tho American Illcycle company, nt which It was expected the iueMon of supporting racing teams would bo decided, adjourned without doing anything In the matter. Iloutlne business and private matters wcro nttended to. Ac cording to Vice President Merscles the rac ing uue'stlon was not discussed, but was turned over to tho executive committee, ns were other matters of detail. Racing men who called to make negotiations were re ferred to Vice President Oeorgo Pope, but no one succeeded In obtaining nn Interview with him. Cooper and Klser nro the chlefa amoillK the racing men who have been hnng Ing upon the decision that wns expected. In fact. It depended upon what kind of ar rnngemonts they could make whether they went nbroad or remained here during tho racing stneon. It Is now taken for granted thnt thero will not be nny general employ ment of rnclng teams, but tho fate of Cooper and Klser ns American representa tives at Paris was settled, ns they are to re main on this side, so the American Illcycle company probably held out some Induce ments to this pair of speed merchants. HAYDEi Bycie wt is an explosion In tho blcvcle business ns our prices are unapproachable by regular bicycle dealcis. A good Tiro for 1.25. Sold at regular price for $5.00 per pair. Local dealers havo tried to buy our stock of them, but we sell to our trndo only. Nothing but guaranteed goods no old stock to work off on our trade by claiming to sell at a bargain. Our repair work Is tho best nnd prices arc the lowest. A good, guaranteed Illcycle, ndjustnblo handlebars, fine padded coll spring saddle, for $10.05. Ilest Juvenile DIcycles, from $13.00 tip. -Most complcto lino of High Orndo til cycles from $10.05 up, Including Viking, Ni agara, Union, Snell, Crown, America, Adlake. Outing nnd Cleveland lllcycles. Largest stock and lowest prices on Sundries. Como and sco for yourself. .Tel. 1683. cr.oitci HAYDEN BROS. nits n:i, m ;i:it. Tho difference between the old dnf nnd tno present cues was tommy picsunicu tu si reporter by n toadhouso keeper nwny down on tho cyclo path near Coney Island, says tho New York Sun. Ho Is a man who In former days was well known "In tho game," and Is now catering especially to tbo wheelmen Ho snld: "I have been sit ting hero trying to do hujlneso on my namo uud reputation and look nt what I nm up against! Look out there now. There aro one, two, three riders, nil newcomers, three nut of four. Pee, thero are ono, two, three, four out of seven, all novlcw. There Is one and1 hero comes another. That Is the I . -i-- Why Not Get the Best for the Least Money? CRESCENT $35 and $25 Cash HIGH GRADE The strongest and most durable bicycle timilc- Made by the largest und best euulpped fartory In the world ONI VIC $."0.0i-the hitndxomest In town Till ItUNK-JJO.OO- tho fastest Hlcyele made. Ilpnilutiiirtern rut- HUI' VlltrMi, SlM)llli; AMI ll , MIJI.l '(!. TlllKS 2.-2r,r ijlU.ftO. Iflt.l.-. nml iii. will he hullt throtich them from New York I wny It Bocj all day long. To talk to those City to Uuffalo." i rll'cr9 about tho year beforo last or the traditions of tho game Is wasted breath. Moro than half the riders coming down the path nowadays are new In the game. The old-timers have tired cf tho path and nre out for long trips on the Island, or up the state, or over In Jersey. Thcfe long trpuscred riders nt whom you scoff n3 renters of hired wheels are tho newcomers. Some V hlrod wheels, hut look well and you wiV so a lot cf well-dressed persons of tho vel)-to-do class with buslners suits ? LOUIS fLESCHER 1022 capuoi Avcm.c. Tel. 8 14. Omaha's Pioneer Repairer. 4 4 t Divisions of the Leaguo of Amorican Whwfmnt havo secured tbo patnage of side path lawn In New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Oregon, nnd nro fighting for them In New Hampshire. Massachusetts, Connecti cut, Maryland, Illinois nnd Michigan. Tho New York law providing for county sldc path commissioners Is tho ono generally favorol In drafting new bills. Washington's wide asphalted streets nnd the government's "sandpapered" highways In the suburbs fairly teem at this ncason with sei't-propelllng vehicles, which nrt hecomlng as numerous as were bicycles at tho national capital ten years ago, when nearly nil American cities hardly knew of other transportntlon thnn horses. Tho irew conveyances nro of nil forms, from tho lux urious landaus or coaches, with their llv tirhxl drivers nnd footmen, to tho whizzing light runabout manipulated by the cler ical, senatorial, professional or femlnlno hands of their owners. Ono wostoru com pany has already delivered forty olactrlc machines to Washington purchasers and It Is trying to fill orders for nearly 100 moro. Most numerous, however, nro tho steam car riages, which aro becoming ns common nuisances to unwary pedPstrlanB and nlmoat ns numerous ns trolley cars, their chief ad vantages lying In their Bmallcir first cost, their economy of maintenance and their great radius of action. Colonol Pope, the well-known blcyclo manufacturer, Is authority for the state ment thnt automobiles will soon bo so cheap ns to be within the reach of all. Ho Inti mates' that tho reduction .will be even greater than that which has taken place In tho blcyclo market within tho past threo years. Tho tlmo Is coming, he says, "whon a nrst-class automobile, made for two, can bo purchased for $250. A writer In Harper's Weekly gives theso "flno points In blcyclo riding:" "Nothing can bo moro dnngorous than rid ing with tho saddlo post too high. Tho cor rect length of reach can easily bo tested by sitting up right on tho saddlo with ono pedal down nt Its lowest point. With tho leg straight tho arch of tho foot under tho In step should rest naturally on tho podal a draw, tho Urn player, shall forwnrd in , that Is, without leaning tho body over to live davs tbo score or gamo to J,, w. ue- . lnncti.0 i.Vunnn nt T.tnrnln. Nell., and M. D. Me Grnth nt llrookhnven, Miss. If this Is not done the referee shall havo tho power to cancel said same. 5. A move once dispatched cannot be re called. If a legal ono It must bn abided by; If nn Illegal one It will be subjected to the same penalties ns for n falso raovo played with tin opponent vis n vis except in cuho of llrst offense, provided for In rulo 11. Tho rules of tho American Chess congress to govern. . When several move?, uro seat at onco nnd ono of them Is found lUegal tho sender must suffer t'lo punlshtwit for n false movo and the gamo progced from thnt point. Tho subsequent moj'cs which were forwarded with the Illegal one must, how ever. In thnt case, bo canceled. 7 If n player assumes thnt his ndvorsary will make eertnln moves and sends hypo thetical moves they shall not bu binding unless tho udversary makes tho moves assumed. S. If a player sends moro thnn one movo tho ndvursary may select which he pleases. th If a move bear more than ono Interpre tation the plnyer receiving It must nnswer with his next move, which shall bo llnnl, except cases covered by rule 11. If this Is not done tho move must bo Interpreted ne cordlng to the Intention nf the sender. 10. A move not Intelllglblv described In curs tho penalty of sending Tto move, thoi-sh In thW event the receiver Is bound nt onco to notify tho opponent thnt mova wns unlntelllslblo. 11. A plnyer sending false or Illegal movo or a move bearing moro thnn ono Inter pretation shall nt onco be notified by his opponent nnd such a player may then cor rect error, provided ho do so within twelve hqurs nftcr receiving opponent's notifica tion. And for this offense ho shall suffer no nennlty, except thnt two davs of his extra time, ns provided for In rulo 3, If he hnvn that nmount left, otherwiso all tbo spare time that remains shnll be deducted; provided, however, that no plnyer Is to have the advantage of this rule moro than onco lit a game. U. If in nny gamo fifty consecutive moves bo made by nnv player without losing a piece or pawn the game may bo declnrcd drawn by either party. 13. Kveri' nlnyer shall bo entitled tn a vacation of nnn month In each year, taken consecutively or a week nt a time. Tho'i player clnlmlng vacation must forward his moves to his opponent, stating the number of weeks ho proposes to uvnll himself of ml nt tho same time notify C Q. De France nt Lincoln, Neb., nnd M. I). Mc Ornth at Urookhavnn, Miss. Ills opponent shnll not bo bound to mall replies until .felt time. 14, The referee shnll decide all disputes nrlclng, being governed by nbove rules ns far as practicable. In citso nf refereo re signing or belmr unable to net said ('. Q. DeFrance nnd M. D. MrOrnth shall select u siib'tltl'te. 15. A player being tick or otherwise un able to cintlntio his game, providing none of the players object, may hnvo a sub rtltttte piny for him until he Is nblo to resumo game, 16. Members are placed strictly upon their honor not to consult In this correspondence match nnd nny known Infraction of this trust will subject offenders to forfclturo of rank and score. lengthen tho reach, nor bending the knee to shorten It. It Is Important also that tho saddle bo adjusted far enough forward so that ono sits directly over her work; noth ing Is moro tiring than riding a blcyclo with the saddlo too fnr back or too low. In cither ensn tho knees bend too much and the mus cles of tho legs soon hecomo exhausted. If tho saddlo Is too far back It Is necessary to lean forward In tho ungraceful nnd un healthy position of thn 'scorcher' In ordor to reach tho handle-bars. "Ucsplto tho legion of Instruction bonks thnt havo been published nnd tho number of echools for learning to ride tho blcyclo, ono atlll sees a great many of tho womon who wheel making tho pnmo old mistakes. They do not sit upright on tho machlno ns they should, with tho shoulders thrown back, tho chest out nnd the hoad erect. Not only Is this tho most graceful position for riding, but It Is also tho most healthful. Curloufcly enough, common sense and vanity, usually diametrically opposed to each other, are united on this point. The woman who rides with hor head and shoulders bent fprwnrd over the handlo-bars, whether sho scorches' or rides leisurely. Is uot only hopelessly ungraceful, but she doprlvcs her self of tho healthful advantages of tho ex urclse, for cramped lungs cannot breathe properly nnd tho heart, Boon labors In this position." It has been solemnly decided In Cincin nati that deaconesses of a certain order hall not rldo bicycles. Thero Is still n considerable class who hold that the wheel I Is too giddy and frivolous for really serious ; pursuits. To tho end that even a suspicion of team work may bo dono nway with; that second- ratcrn may havo a moro equal chance, with the top-notchers; that tho prize money may bo moro satisfactorily distributed, and that moro general participation In the grand circuit may bo secured, tho Natlonnl Cyclo association Hoard of Control has In contem plation several vcry radical hut indisputable commonsense nmendmenls to tho rating rules governing the professional champion ship races, Tho suggestion that nil ii heats bo drawn by lot at tho tape, heat by heat, thus doing away with colluslvo team work, and giving second-rater some chanco for placo money, ha met with general upprnval, and will doubtless bo adopted. The Hoard of I Control, however, propose to go further than this, and also to assure in absence of i team work In the final, by restricting that ( heat to but tbrco starters, counting Cve, j Sterling $40.00 Spalding $35,00 Racycle $35.00 Manson $32.00 Acme $25.00 These prices are from 85 to 810 lower than you can buy the same grade of wheels for at any other place, Other Makes $15.00 to $25,00. Second-Hand Wheels $5.00 to $15.00. A Fine Top Buggy for $38 .1UST HIOCinVKD-A InrKc n ntcnt nf line vrhlclrn of nil kind. Mr i:.K) ISO!! 111. del, IT 10. World Bicycles. $30 Orient HiinilnterN ipntl Wiii-lil Itiimlntt-i'N. . . . ijtin nml ijinn Oilier new ivlireln from flit) up, Srcoiiilliiiml vilirelH from Ijtn up, I.nrnest nml hvxt equipped Repair Shop nt lmvo.it iirluc. Hi n m m a K H. JB. JFredrickson. 'PhonG 31G1. 10 th nnd Dodge tE H a H IHIHPIB BBHEf IB '? '!" "S S '? 9&S 5J J $) -; . j J . .) J .; , Doctors Offices We Sell for Cash or on Time Omaha Bicycle Co 16th and Chicago. . ! !: a, h 3 i Should bo In n building whero thulr patients can reach them any time of tho day or night without walklnR unatiilra. Thuro are plenty of doctors who do not havo evenltiK office hours for this reason, oven though it would bo much morn convenient for them nnd for many of thulr patients who cannot cull at any other time. TUB IJKR IIUIMJING Is tho only building In town that has eltivator sorv Ico soven days nnd seven nights In tbo week. Tho bent physicians arc In Till: DBE IIUILDIXG. It Is worth something lo bn In good company. The Bee Bwilditig R. C. Peters & Company, Offices: Ground floor, Rental Agents. The Bee Dltlg. J , $, (.. r., r., ,j, ,., y J, . j, ,;, ,, , J, j, , ,i. f ( ! ti, , Designated High Quality. Came Friday Hvtryoiit wiio Iiiih scon It and tried It-Hiiy II Is Ihe Hwi'lk'Ht out nml tried II nny II Is tliu nwelleHt and easiest i-ii mi Ititr. Peer of tliem all. AVlll lie on exhibition In our win dow all week, whero prospective buyers can Invostljjute. NATIONAL CHAINLESS S6S.OO. National Chain Wheels $40 and $50 Wheels rented and repaired. National Cycle Comp'y, 410 North 16th St. Tel. 7SK. Dr.B Belt ennett's Electric Makes Half Men hole It Is tho wonderful power thnt Is raising up weak physiques and giving us a generation of stronger men and healthier people. Mcdlclnu will not do what this belt will for dospondent, discouraged mon. Kluctrlclty, when scientifically generated and applied, ro that It will go through tbo cntlro body nnd not hover juet on the outside, Is unquestionably the only cure for Loat Vitality and Mental Weakness. Scientists aro admitting this every day, and science proves that Dr. Dennett's is tho only belt that Is cnpnhle of marvelous results and permanent cures. It hns soft, silk, chamnls-roverod spongo electrodes that cannot burn and blister as do the bare metal electrodes uard on nil othor makes of belts. Dr. Dennett's belt when worn out can be renewed for 75c, but no other belt can bo renewed for any prlco. If you hnvo an old style belt that burns or does not give a current I will tako It in part payment for ono of rn Ino nnd will guarantee that my belt will cure you sumo ns It has thousands upon thousands of others. Thero is no form of Physical Wenknoffl, Lost Vitality, Varicocele, Ooneral Debility, Rheumatism, Constipation nnd Kcmalo Complaints, Stomach Troubles Uver Troubles, Kidney Troubles, Dlndder Troubles, etc., that my bolt will not cure. You may feel ns If you aro doom ed that there Is no hopo for you that you cannot bo cured because you havo tried almost everything under the sun with out getting oven relief. Yet Dr. tlennett's Klectrlo Holt has cured casen Just as far gono ns yours, If you arn not already In bed and within n step of ono foot In tho grave. I have seen this wonderful belt lift men to health that could not havo lived without It, and I therefor o caution you against dolay. WrltB to mo. Tell mo everything. I will help you to bocomo strong and vigorous, I will send you my symptom blank, book and llteraturn nnd keep your secret nR though It wcro my own. 1 can euro you. I can euro you the way you will stay cured. Dr. Bennett Electric Belt Co. HOOM.K IH TO at DOl (il, AS IH.Ot'K, Ol" I'OHITH HAVIIKV.S, COItMnt ItlTII AMI IMIIMii: .STKKIVI'S, OMAHA, NEB, OFFIPB IlOUItS: From 8;30 a. m, to 8:30 p. m. Sundays From 10:30 . m. to 1 p. m. WodncMlayB and Saturday from 8;30 a. ro. to 9 p.m. V0000000000000004000 o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n O