10 RESUMES FORMER SCHEDULE Barlii ton Will EiUbl:ih Previous DiuYir Ohicago Sarrici. THROUGH TRAIN A DAYLIGHT SPECIAL trrnuacontlnontnl Cur Will 'furry In Dcm or liuiiiuurntlnii of .Vetv Train In Omnliii anil .i'v . Her lee tit l'ortiiind. A new time scbedulo will become effective Ion tbu Durllneton today. In which a 'number of Important changes are Indi cated. Several wcekH ago the Ilurllngton klluo cards tvero radically changed by reason f tho introduction of the new iraimeontl 'Uontal servlco botween Chicago and San a'ranclaoo via the Hurllngton, Denver & Itto Grande, Illo Orande Western und Southern J'aclflc ronton. The eastbouud Chicago tpe olal, which had long left Denver In tho aft ernoon, arriving In Omaha the next morning, was changtd to leavs Denver In the morning, pawing through Omnha at midnight. This iicbcdulo 1 now operative and It Is the one of particular Importance to be changed April CO, In order to provide a davllght train be twean Omaha and Chicago an additional train was put Into ervlco and Is at tho pres ent tlmo In operation, leaving Omaha at 7:25 b. m. and reaching Chicago at 9:05 p. in. Officials of tho Hurllngton have, after giv ing their through transcontinental venture a thorough trial, become convlncud that the returns aro not nufllclcntly large to Justify tho added expense necessitated In maintain ing a servlco without any dMay. Conne quently the new tlmo card that will becomo cffcctlvo Sunday, April 29, will bo practically ho samo an wan t hi ono prior to tho Intro (iuctlon of tho San Kranclsco-Chlcago train. Eastbound, No, 0, the Chicago special, will Jeavo Denver at I o'clock In tho afternoon, orrivo In Omaha at 0:45 the next morning und leave for Chicago at 7 o'clock, arriving at Its destination at 8:30 in tho ovenlng. This will provldo a daylight train botween Omaha and Chicago and the operation of the present daylight express, leaving Omaha at 7.20 a. m.. will be discontinued. No. f! will continue to carry the through uleop'lng cur tfrom San Francisco to Chicago. This car will nrrlvo In Denver on Its prcsunt schedule nt 9 o'clock In the morning, but Instead of leaving for tho cast fifty minutes later will remain In Denver until 4 o'clock In the aft ernoon. Discussing this matter a Hurllngton pas senger omclal nald: "We havo no particu lar reason to complain at tho patronage our transcontinental train lias received. How ever. It has hardly been largo enough to Justify tho expenso entailed in Its operation on tho tlmo Hchedulo wo provided. Wo will continue to carry a through San Kranclsco Chlcago car and expect that It will be lib erally patronized, for tho delay In Denver will bo acceptable to many people, espe cially thoso who aro crossing the continent for a pleasure trip." A new train between Peoria and Omaha la also announced for April 29. This Is put on primarily for tho purposo of nffordlng con nection botween Intormediato points and Lincoln -with tho new St. IiOiils-I'ortland train which will be established on the samo flay. This train will lcavo Peoria nt 7:2.'. a. m. and reach Omnha In tho evening at 0-25, proceeding directly to Lincoln .and nrrlving there at 10:53 p. m. Tho new St. Louis-Portland train, which makes the long Journoy between tho two points named. 2,371 miles, without changes or delays of any kind, will leave St. louls at 9:02 a. m., and Jeavo Lincoln at 11:10 p. m., permitting of closo connection on tho part of passengers on tho new trnln from Peoria nnd Omaha. Other trnln changes to ho inaugurated by tho Hurllngton April 29 will be the estab lishment of a new train between Council IllufTs and Crestnn, leaving tho former place nt 4:15 p. m. and reaching Creston nt 9:35 p. m. After that date, too, tho Fast Mall between Omaha nnd Lincoln, leaving this city nt 3 o'clock In tho after noon, will run every day, Sundays included. 1AKTHHNOON' THA1N TO I'OHTI.AXn. Union I'iioIuV'h liiiirivol Serlre Il t-ii in cm r.irectU c Today. Today nnd hereafter a passenger for Portland, Ore., can board a train in the Omaha Union station, cither In the morning or tho afternoon, that will take him to his destination without chango or delay. This Is made possible by the Inauguration of a doublo dully service between Omnha nnd Portland Instituted by tho Union Pacific, in conjunction with tho Oregon Short Lino nnd the Oregon Hallway and Navigation company. Tho now servlco Ib arranged so that pr.r ncngcrH from Omnha nnil the cast can Iravo thts city In the afternoon nnd mako direct connection to Portland. Herotoforo tho only Portland trnln hnn been the "Overland Limited." leaving Omaha at 8:20 In the morning. Hy the establishment of the new pervlco connection will bo mado by tho "Pacific Exprena," leaving Omaha at 4:-5 In tho afternoon, with a now train operating botween Granger nnd Portland over the Oo Kon Short Lino and the Oregon Hallway nnd (Navigation company. Tho time of 'ho Journey will bo flfty-flvo hours and fatty minutes, a reduction of two hours and fotly flvo minutes from tho present schedule. Nciv Omnliii Trnln. Tho locnl train over tho Omnha road bo tween this city and Oakland, fifty-eight miles north, will begin operation today It will run dally and will enable the reed- The Tri!i is Happy, Fruity Marriage. Everyman who would know the grand truth, plain facts, w the new discoveries of medical science as applied to married life ; who would atone for past errors ' and avoid future pitfalls, should secure the wonderful little book called C&mptetB Manhood No Money In Advancs. Treatment on Trial and Approval. We send one full month's Remedies of wonderful power, and a marvelous Applinrn to strengthen and develop, on trial and approval, without pay, deposit or obligation. No exposure, no "collect on delivery " scheme no decep tion of nny kind. A despairing man who had applied to us, soon nfter wrote : "Well, I tell you that first day is one 111 never forget. I just bubbled with joy. I wanted to hug everybody and tell them that my old self had died yesterday and my new self was born today. Why didn't you tell me when I first wrote that I would find it this way? " And another wrote thus: "If you dumped a cartload of gold at my feet it would not bring such gladness into my life as your method has done." In answering be sure and mention this paper, and the company promises to send the book in sealed envelope w ithout any marks, nnd entirely free of charge. Write to the ISRIB MEDICAL COMPANY, Buffalo, N. Y and ask . far thc.UMleb.Pilk called "COMPLETE MANHOOD." dents In tho towns of Florence. Brings, Cal houn. Hlalr. Herman, Tekamab, Craig ami Oaklsnd to como to Omahn and fipend the day In shopping, buslners or pleasure. The train will arrlvo from Oakland and Interme diate points at 8:15 a, m. and leave In tho afternoon at R 43. Minor changes In the arrival and departuro of other Omaha trains will be mado incldont to tho establishment of this rvlce. Tho Sioux City paFnenger will leavo at 3:40 p. m , ten minutes earlier than at present, and the train from Sioux City will arrive at 11:10 a. m. Instead of 11:20. Will Introduce Nmv Car. Tho new observation sleeping cars which the Pullman company has been building for the Hurllngton will make their Initial ruus Sunday, April 29, on train No. 5, Chicago to Omaha, and train No. 12. Omaha to Chicago. Thce cars are unlike the ordinary buffet. Brooking nnd library cars In that they nro placed at the end of tho trnln, Instead ot occupying n position In tho middle. They are evrnty feet In lcnglf.. In the front half of each car are ten sleeping sections nnd tho renr Is devoted to a smoking room, fur nished with easy chairs and sofas. A commodious observation platform, about seven feet In width, comes at the very rear. Itnllvrn.v Sntvn mill 1'rrsonnU. 8. A. Hutchison, nsslstant general pas senger agent of the Union Pacific, lias re turned after nn extended absence. Nebraska railroads have agreed upon a rate of ono faro for the round trip for tho populist stnte convention to be held In Grand Island June 27. If. H. MrC'tillough, third vice president and Unfile mnnnger: W. 11. Knlskern. gen ernl passenger agent, and . A. Clnrdtier, general mtinnger, ore Northwestern olllflals who spent the day In the city looking nfter builness affairs nnd holding n consultation relative to railroad matters of mutual In terest with Union Pacific otllclnls. It Is officially staled that the reported advance of 3 cents per 100 pounds on sugar from New Orleans to northern points was a mistake nnd that the present trafllo will continue In effect. J. (i. Iliirtlgnn. asslr.tnnt general super intendent of the Illinois Centrnl. left for the east In ills private ear yesterday, nfter ii short visit of Inspection to tho Omuha and Council Hluff'j olllcos. Tim master mechnnlcs nnd superin tendents of tho Hurllngton sjstom havo re turned from Minneapolis, whero thoy at tended n meeting held for tho purposo of dlseuslng matters of tcchlncnl Interest. James Godfrey, son of City Passenger Agent Godfrey of the Missouri Pneltlc, left yesterday for Philadelphia, whero he will remain with his mother during- her sickness. He arrived from Philadelphia a few days aco to pay his father a short visit. It Is expected that the reconstruction of tho building occupied by Hurllngton head iiunrters will begin Mny 1. Preparations looking toward this end are belni; mndo so that the carpenters mny be ablo to be gin work without delay. Tho plans for tho liulldlni; have not yet been submitted by the architect and It Is not definitely known what arrangement of offices will be de cided upon. U Is reasonably certain, how ever, that tho court, now extending from tho second floor, will start from tho first floor and through It entrance will be gained to the headquarters on the first floor. In all probability tho general freight and pas senger olllcos. Ytti.v lliiilress In the Dnrlf When by traveling In tho luxurious sleep ing cars of the CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on tho electric lamp and mako the berth as light as day. City Office, 1501 Farnara at. TWENTY-TWO NEW DOCTORS llrffrrrn "Will lie Conferred Upon Orntliintrn of (,'rr lull tun Medical CoIIckc Tliurndny MkIU. T.wonty-tno young men will bo rewarded next Thursday evening for years of careful sti'dy and application by having conferred upon them the title of M. D. At that time tho annual graduation exercises of Crelghton Medical college will take placo In tho am phitheater of thci institution. Prof. J. L. fircene of Lincoln, a member of the faculty, will deliver tho principal address of the ovenlng. Following the customary graduating ex ercises a banquet will bo tendered tho grad uates by the faculty nt the Dollone hotel. Particular Interest Is taken In tho events of commencement tlmo this year because the lnnt year has been tho most flourishing In tho history of Crelghton Medical college. Thero havo been nearly 150 students In at tendance nnd tho prospects for an even larger enrollment next year are vory bright. DO NOT TAKE KINDLY TO IT (,'ou n(y Cnnnnlsslonrrn Not Impressed Mlth Siilinrlinn Ilnllwuy I'ropoNltlnn, At least two members of the board of county commlsnloners nro not favorably lm presbed nt first blush with tho proposal that tho county shall build and leaso to operators lines of suburban electric railway to sur rounding towns. When his attention was called to tho suggestion Commissioner Harto, without hesitation or tnklng time to give thought to tho subject, remnrked: "I bellevo thnt thero nro other things thnt would bo of a great deal more bcnoflt than that. For Instance, I .bellevo If we wero able to have a dynamo out hero at the ! poor farm and to manufacture our own I electric light, It would be of raoro benefit to tho county than to bo nblo to get on a street car and rlrto to Fremont or any of the surrounding towns which can now bo reached by railroad. I bellevo that If tho monoy which this project would recjulro wero spent In paving and Improving tho roads, so that farmers could como In with tho products of their farms, It would be of greater benefit to tho county. If we had nn electric line Of L08 t Attmn Mm" "Here at last is information from n high medical source thatinustWOUlCWONDliRSwiththisBenerationofmen." The book fully describes a method by which to attain full vigor and manly power. A method to end all unnatural drains on tho system. Tocurenervousness,lackofself-control,despondency,etc To exchange a jaded nnd worn nature for one of bright ness, buoyancy and power. To give full strength, development und tone to every portion and organ of tho body. Age no barrier. Failure impossible. The booh, U PURELY MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC, useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable TO MEN ONLY WHO NEED IT. Fre Trmi Treatment THE OMAHA owned by tho county every person living along It would be storming tho county com missioners for n pass over It." Another commissioner's view of the propo sition was given substantially as follows "I'pon short notice I would not want to say whether I would or would not favor such a project. It Is a matter thnt would require careful study. I am not satisfied that such an enterprise could be operated to tho profit of the county, although I fully realize that It would be n great benefit to the city. I believe, as does Mr. Harte, that good paved roads leading to the better surrounding towns, would be of Incalcutnblo benefit. I would be In favor of submitting a propo sition to vote b6nds for paving the read b3 tween Florence and Omaha, which carries a large traffic and is at times almost Impassi ble. I haven't an Idea what tho proposed electric line would cost, but am sure It would ccst a good deal of money. Such an enterprlso will doubtless como In time, but 1 do not think tho tlmo Is ripe for It." DIVIDED ON COLOR LINE White Children Are Given to Child SiitIiijt Inntltuto, lllnck Ones Stay ut Ilonir, A motely crowd assembled In tho county court yesterday when the case of A. V. Clark, superintendent of tho Child-Saving Institute, against the negro man, WllsJii, whose children tho superintendent desires to plaso In homes whero tho surroundings will be more conductlvo of a moral llfo than their present place of residence. About fourteen witnesses, white and black, testified in tho case. Tho evidence showed that Wilson was tho father of two of tho children and that he had recently married a white woman in Council Hluffs, who brcught to tho Wilson home two of her children of whllo blood; that tho four chil dren with their partl-colored parents re sided in four rooms In what Is known as "Kamcat alley" that Is the alley extending from Fifteenth to Sixteenth streets between Webster and Durt streets. It Is popularly believed to bo one of tho toughest parts of town, whero tho people arc blind to color, deaf to noise and Insenslblo to odor. Tho witnesses for tho plaintiff were of one opinion and that wns thnt "Ilamcat alley" could never bo rolled upon to produce model children. An equal number ot witnesses for tho defenso testified that tho surround ings were such as would not Injure tha children. Thero Is llttlo probability that tho witnesses for the defenso had much weight with tho court, for tho Judge had mado a personal Investigation of the home and tho surroundings. Ho decided that the instituto should havo possession of the white children, nnd that tho colored children should remain with tho parents until Sep tember 1, when n further order In tho caso will bo made. GL0NTARF SCHOOL CHILDREN County Superintendent Will Order Them Sent to Oinulia I'ubllc School A'cxt Ycnr. The county superintendent of schools will take a hand In the matter of tho Clontarf school children who wero denied tho privi lege ot attending the Omaha public schools without tho payment of tuition after May 1. Thero was a meeting of tho South Side and Riverside Improvement clubs Friday night, at which a committee was appointed to wait upon the county commissioners yesterday and ascertain If that body could relievo the chil dren from attendance at the schools of South Omaha or could attach Clontarf to the Omaha district. There was no meeting of tho com missioners yesterday, but when th matter was mentioned to ono of tho board ho In formed tho committee that the board could do nothing and referred tho members to the superintendent ot schools. That officer stated that he could do noth ing to relieve the situation this year, but that he would take such action as would cnablo the pupils residing In Clontarf to at tend the Omaha schools during the coming yenr. Tho action Indicated by tho commis sioner Is under a stato law which provides that where children reside more than three relics from tho school houao of the district and one-half milo closer to a school houso In nr. adjoining district they may, by order ot tho county superintendent, be sent to tho nearer school houso. The question was rolsod whether the state law applied In cases Involving Independent districts and the superintendent Informed tho committee that, whllo tho law Is vague upon the subject tho stato superintendent had decided that the county commissioner had power over Independent districts to this extent, nnd that If tho parents of tho pupils would proparo a petition he would lssuo tho necessary order. Tho order must be mado beforo the last Monday In June. GOES FROM OMAHA TO PARIS Relentless nenpollor of tho Choicest Work ot Exposition Ilnllilers. The house-wrecking concern which now has a force of men at work tearing away tho last remaining evidences of tho beauty and - grandeur of the two great expositions in Omaha, has already arranged to do a similar work for gay Paris. On tho day that the Paris exposition wn3 formally In augurated, contracts for the razing and dis mantling of the splendid buildings were comploted between tho exposition authorities and the Chicago company, nfter months of negotiation through Its agents, who had gono to Europe for the purpoee, nnd the Chicago concern has opened offices In Paris. There Its ngents will perch, like the voracious vulture, watching with Impatlcnca tho throbblnc llfo of tho exposition and pin ing for tho dissolution that will end Its gaiety and grandeur, when they mny pounco upon Its spectacular landscapes and Its glorious triumphs of architecture and rend Its very vitals. This company had dis sected tho pulseless remains of the great Co lumbian exposition beforo It camo to Omaha. It paid something llko $50,000 for what had cost $1,000,000 to erect on tho Omaha expo sition grounds. Tho prlco ngreed upon for the wn3to of the Paris concern haB not been stated. NAMED AFTER AGUINALDO Oinulia Don Whose HprintliiK Ability 11ns Won for Him un Illun trloiiH Annie. "What's your dog's namo?" asked Deputy City Clerk Bryant of the man who wanted a license tag. " 'Naldo," was the reply of T. C. Jones. "It that Bhort for Agulnaldo?" "Yes. It took mo somo tlmo to train him my way. Then he's a pretty good racer, you know. He's a groyhound." Thus far Mr. Jones Is tho only citizen of Omaha who has fastened upen his dog tho namo of the Filipino leader. Besides tho usual collection of cognomens of American war heroes borne by Omaha dog. somo unique nppellatlons aro to bo found on the license rccorns, hod inn nusu ..., n rni.nnleil vesterduv. Thero Is ono Jeffries, and also a Corbett, both bull dags, and a certain inuiviuuiu mis kivcu ma cnnlno possession tho title of si. i-eier. ne (the dog) Is of the St. Bornard breed. p, S. Condlt of 3203 Dewey avenuo has called his dog Bee. I'lU'UlntC Co in puny Falls. SAN FP.ANCISCO. April .21. The Cali fornia Packing company, of which h. J. Cote Is president, has made on assignment to Juda Neumnn of the firm of Sol agen hln & Co. for tho benefit of creditors. The Call rays that claims aggregating more than JS0.W0 are out against Cote, who claims that his assets will reach $40,000. The Cali fornia Packing company Is one of tho largest concerns of Its kind In this city. Its liabilities are chieny for supplies fur nlshrd by large pickle factorle-s and can-nerU. DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. APHTL 22. 1H00. SCHOOL FOR THE BLUEC0ATS 1'ollcrnirn Will no Itrqnlred to Stnily City nrillnniiern, rrlth Their Sernrnn am Instructors. Tho police department Is olnc to start a school for the benefit of Its patrolmen, and rcpeclally for tho edification ot the new offi cers recently added to the force. Utglnnlng Monday morning thero will bo held each day two sessions ot this school, whose curricu lum will be limited to civic government nnd Its text books to a copy ot tho city ordi nances. In the morning from 7 to 7:20 the day shift will bo ncscTnblcd In the clais room. Sergeant Ilcbout, In tho rolo of pedagogue, will read to them from the latest compila tion of municipal law and Invite questions nnd dlscuFslon. in the evening, between fi'l.'. nnd C:35, the night shift will occupy benches In the police court room tho samo room In which many ot them attended school an bojs, not so very many years ago. They J will listen to words of wisdom from rfargeint Hudson. This course of Instruction will bo contla- ! tied until the book is finished, and than an examination will be held and the pupils will i be quizzed. The achoDl wbb mads nocessary ' by reason of frequent amendments to city ordinances as well as by teason ot receut additions to the force. MAllKIMi AMI SON ANSWEn. Oppose the Appointment of llecelver for tin Mlllnril Hotel. The Hotel Association of Omnha and Mar kcl & Son havo filed answer to the com-1 plaint ot Paul .1. Sorg In the caso in tho United States circuit court where the com plainant seeks to foreclose the landlord's lien upon the building and fixtures of the ' Millard hotel. The defendants In their nn- ' ewer admit that the hotel company o'es the i complnlnant $20,000 as evidenced oy tho i ncto; that the complainant has tho lieu upon the building described In his bill; that tho rent on the building was reduced from $12, 000 to $10,000 per year, but deny that thero was any consideration for the rojuctlon. They deny that they ever promised to give complalnnnt a mortgage on ihe furniture of tho hotel nnd deny that the note fur rent was to bo paid In 1898. In rogard to tho $3,333 duo on rent subse quent to the time of giving tho note tho de fendants claim that the complainant agreed to a reduction of the rent tu $5,000 per ycnr until 'business would Improve and that that amount of money hns been tendered him, which ho refused to accept. Tho answer opposed tho appointment of a receiver, hut does not oppoto adjudication of tho affairs of the parties to tho suit. It claims thnt the property of the hotel company Is now north $241, 732.18, nnd prays that It Judg ment Is rendered for tho complainant tho property may bo appraised nnd 60ld and tho proceeds divided among tho parties accord ing to their respective Interests. (Ilhert DlnrhiirnPil. When tho case of the State ot Nebraska against William O. Gilbert was called beforo 16 Pianos Left over from the Hospe Alteration Piano Sa They are In our -way and must do sold as tho partition -wall goea In to Its placo thia week not wishing to move the remaining pianos up to our first floor piano rooms we will sacrifice at lower prices than heretofore advertised. Among these Ann planes you will find some new scale Kimball pianos, Stolnw-ays, Knabca, Bush & Oentz, Hospe'i, Baldwin's, Krclls, and many others at following prices: $127, $147, $167, $177, $197, $207. $237, $247, $267 and upwards in the following handsome veneers: Burl Walnut, Quarter-sawed Oak, San Domingo Mahogany, Rosewood, French Wal nut, etc., etc. Terms, $25.00 each and $15.00 a month. ttMi. izv.uv casn ana $15.00 cash and $10.00 cash and Rquaro Pianos at $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00. Terms $4.00 cash and $3.00 n month. Bargains in oak, walnut and satin walnut for $37.00, $34.00, $30.00, $27.00, $25.00, $23.00, $19.00. $12.00 and $10.00. Terms, $5.00 cash and $5.00 a month. " $5.00 cash and $1.00 a month. " $4.00 caBh nnd $3.00 a month. " $3.00 cash and $2.00 a month. In tho following makes: Kimball, Eatey. Corpenter, Western Cot tage, Smith American, Crown, Kansas Organ Co., etc., etc. Wo will positively get the Carpenters to work by Thursday and tho Pianos must bo moved by that time. A. HOSPE, 1513 DOUGLAS STREET, OMAHA. NO CURE, NO PAY Dr. McLaughlin's My Electric Bolt is a positive cure tor weak men. It gives the vitalizing power of electricity direct to all weak parts, doveloping the lull, natural vigor of manhood. It re moves all the eftects of youthful error and excesses forever. I want every weak man, every man who is not the man ho should be, to use it, and to tell his friends of its surprising effects. PAY FOR IT WHEN CURED Aftor you nro cured you can pay mo, nnd thou tho prion will lm only lmlf wlmt Is nuked for tlm old-stylo belts, which Imvo boon bllHterliur nnd IturnliiB tho backs of lliolr wenrers for tho last thirty years. My Belt Is three times ns stroim ns nny other belt sold, and Is the only ono thai, does not blister tho llesh. Write today for my SO-pajje book.wltb luforinntlon. Address or, m, c, Mclaughlin, Judxfl Vlnsonhaler yesterday afternoon Sands j Woodbrldgo of the woria-ueram was pucea on tho stand and swore that he knew noth ing of tho authorship of the nrtlcU In that paper. A subpoena had been Issued for H. h. .Metcalfe, but he evaded the officer and was not present. Ollbert was dlichargsd. Notm of the Courts, The Jury In the case of the State against llay Drown failed to agree and was dis charged. John Walker, colored, convicted of shoot ing with Intent to kill, has been sentenced to one year In tho penitentiary by Judge Iiakur. Judiro Keysor has refused Kate Sketch-les- a new trial of the divorce enso which she brought against Iter husband. Walter, and In which she wns denied u divorce. Judge Fawcett has granted n divorce to Alice Manvllle from Orlando B. Mnnvllle. but decided thnt the minor children should remain In custody of the defendant for the present. Motion to quash the exception to the finding of the referee In the ease of Patrick J. Creedon nualnst F.llzn W. Patrick und others wns overruled by Judece Fawcett snd the famous old casn will come up again nt tho Mnr term. Peter Jnkobsen of Altonn. Wayne county, liao applied to tho United States court to be released from the debts which oppress him. He says that he Is a farmer and owes $1.167.82, and hns property valurd at J476.96, nil of which he claims is oxempt. Motion for new trial In tho case of tho stnte against Rimer Woodcock nnd "Doe." Sllkott, charged with robbing a frtlglit oar, was overruled. Sllkett had previously en tersd a plea of guilty to the charge of petit larceny and was sentenced to thirty days in Jail. Uefnre Judce Fnwett ysstorday ths case ot Philip F. and George w. Warelmm against John A. Crelchton and others, was tried. The ease Is nn attempt of the plain tiffs to secure from the trustees under the will of Mary A. Crelghton the sum of 10,K3, which was set aside by tho decedsnt, the Interest to bo paid to the plaintiffs. Py the terms of tho will tho principal Is to revert to the legntees under tho will upon the death of tho plaintiffs. A renunciation of right has been sinned by many of tho legatees, but the Judg decided that no order of distribution would be mad until nil parties hud signed tho Instrument. ISitrl Ituanrll Knroutc Home. DENVF.lt. April 21. -Karl and Countess Tlussell arrived in this city last evenlnc from Keno New, the scene of their mar riage last Sunday, nnd registered at the Ilrown. tocether with Stnnley Wntson, Iaily Russell's son by n former mnrrlnne. They left this morning over the Burlington nnd expect to be In Iindon within tbreo week. Neither the earl nor his wife madp any objection to tnlklng freely of the marriage and the outtook as the result of the same. Tho earl was ralm, not to say Indifferent, nbout tho action of tho English courts re KHrdliu: his marriuce and expressed the opinion that the charge of bigamy would hardly stick. Liberal Killtorn Orcnnlre. WINNIPEG. Man.. April 2t.-The liberal editors of western Canada held a conven tion Inst night nnd perfected nn organiza tion, electing ofllccrs. It Is believed they wero callod together In order to get ready for the approaching general elections. DIED. GA'RVEV John F aged S months nd IS days. Youngest child of Thomas and Mary Garvey. Funeral Sunday, AptII 21, at 8 p. m.. from family residence. 1914 South 15th St. In terment St. Mary's Avenue cemetery. 1'rlends Invited. iu.uu .1 ni'-mm. $ 8.00 a month. $ 5.00 a month. Offer to Weak Men 214 State Street. icago. m RR ftRFW is known throughout the west as one uti. wicancwT d MQST SKILLED and suc. CESSFUL SPECIALISTS in the treatment of all forms of Diseases and Disorders of Men Only. His REMARKABLE SUCCESS in this line of practice has never been equaled. Possibly there is no man through out the west today who occupies a position in which there are so many opportunities for doing good toward his fellow man. Dr. KcGrew has one of ihe most complete systems of Gombined Msdical and Electric Treatments that can be found in the West. Electric Beits and Electric Appliances of Ail Kinds. His treatment is regarded as an absolute and permanent cure for Varicocele, Hydrocele, Stricture, Syphilis, and All Diseases of the Blood and Skin, Loss of Vigor and Vitality, Diseases and Disorders of the Bladder and Kidneys, Weak ness and Nervous Debility. Ca'l or write him for full particulars about your case and he will advise you in strict confidence free of charge. Medi cine and treatment sent everywhere by mail or express at the small charge of only $5.00 A MONTH. 25 Years of Unlimited Experience 14 Years in Omaha. Cures Guaranteed. HooU, Consult ttion Hours 8 a. in. to 5 p. in.; Dr. McGrew The 10c Gigar M Always Satisfies LITTLE BEN HUR A JEWEL FOR 5c. Beautiful Pictures of Lillian Russell Free Ono ot thf most tunnlng panel pictures of tho beautiful Amcrlran prima donna ever taken will for the next seven dayH only be given Kit EE to ovary yearly subscriber to BROADWAY MAGAZINE You will receive tlie picture whether you subscribe direct or through your nowsdealor. Thin Is really an extraordinary offer. In tho first placo nroartway Magazine Is a aplendlrt dollar's worth without any promlura. Tho publishers, however, havo secured an option on a limited supply of theso Lillian llusell photographs and they can think of no better way of adding to their subscription lUt than by of fering thorn KHEE to tho public. Tho publiHhcrr. ot Hioadw&y Magazine guaranteo that the plcturo Is a panel, that It Is one of tho W-st picture Lillian ItUHsell has over had taken nnd that It would be cheap at $1.00. As a nutter of fact, photograph dealers right In Ntw York City aro charging $1.50 for the oamo picture. H In all ready for framing and Is handsome enough for nny tcom In any houso In this country. Somo coed things In Broadway Magazine for May. (Just out.) Tho Casino Olrl in oil her glory-A Oalaxy of Spring Ileautlcs-twcnty stun nine full pages of actrofnes. Including Maude Odcll. Klorcnco Hockwell, Marcla Van Drewer. Dorothy Kendall Ileaumont Sister, Elflo Kay. Maude Courtney, Fdllh St Clair Mny Ilobaon. Edith Potior, Attallo Claire. Mabcllo Oilman, Mcrrl 0Sbo n and mher6-A Heart to Heart Talk with Kllollno Terrls llUmtrat-How Achieved Success, by Edouard do Iteszko-I.ct on Ilroadway. Illustrated Mixed Drinks. illustrated-The Ilohemlans. UUutrated-An Abounding Love Let er-'Iu. mor for People Who Smllo-Typ.ral llroadwnyltes, II lustraled-Ma Ineo HrroeH Sprlng Theatrical Toplci, Illustratcd-Cnlendnr for Moy. W00Oln Hz.es and Th incs-MI the Smart Ooslp of Hroadway. Illustrated. Plenty of other good SK ln : iiroad;r Magazine for May. in cents a copy (1.00 a year) of all newsdealers or direct from publication .ofneo. Hroudwuy Publishing Co.. 112a Hrcmdwuy, New York City. Send your dollar at onro for a dear's subscription and get thin Lillian Ilus sell plcturo free. Offer w.ll bo wahdrawn as soon as tho supply Is exhausts. BLEEDING PILtS Mr E. D. Skelton. a tolograph opera, tor of Fremont. Neb., says "I bad piles for eight years and got so bad 1 had to quit work. I crawled up to the drug store part of tho way on my hands and knees nnd got a puckago of DH .MASONS PILE ItEMEin. usod It, nnd wus ublo to work In thieo duya. 1 havo never been troubled since. Sold M Omnliii '" KhIi'i Co.. .1, II. Selinildt ""id II. II, Oi-filiitm. In Suutli Umiili" '' 31- A- "Won mid nil ilriiKKl"!"' WANTED-Oaso OI ia nalth that R.I.P.A-N-8 will not oenntlt. Send o cent; to nipinii Chtmlral Co.. Nv Yor!t, for II anplra and i.000 UitlmooUla. cSrew In treating Hundreds of Gases and Many are Cured in One Month for Only $5. This Is an opportunity seldom ofTereil unci Is nnule for only a short time. With this generous oflcr even the poorest may ob tain a permanent on re. Home Treatment. and Kxamination Free. 7 to S) p. in. Sunday l)to 12. P. 0. Box 766. Office N, E. Cor. 14th and Farnnm Sts., OMAHA, NEB. Fruit. Ornamental Parking Shubbery, H03es. Orcat variety and larei stock. Como and pick out what you ws.nl I and got ust what you want, You can pre paro your ground and plant the same day. Sales Yards, 21st and Farnam Sts,, Office, 2023 Farnam Street, citiisuKNT Mmsniuui, Tel. Kim I W. Meiirrny, 1'rop IIOCIJTA S..M)AI.-VVOOn C.M'MUIiKS. Cures Onr.orrhoea, Gleet, unnatural dls charges In a few days. All druggists, accupi only Docuta, by mall JI.&0. full directions Dick & Co., 133 Centre Bt.. New York. n mm h rm h h g I1LLO i nri 6