THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. AF"R1"L 21, 1000. Special Bargains in Ladies' - Children's Hosiery All the hosiery from the People's stock that sold up 1 f to 20c, on sale at 1 1 iUC All the fancy hosiery that sold up to i0c! on r c sale at jkJZ Chlldrena 25a Fast Mack Hosn nt "........'.!."..." ! 13c Special Corset Sale All tho corsets from tho I'cople'n stock that sold for 1 00 and $1.2o go on salo at I-adlcs' GOc Vests nt 49c 2r.o rSJ . &,w TTII 31. All tho Corsets that sold for $1.E0 and $2.00, on salo at.... ni'im nam: ox am. jii sm.v i;nii:iivi:ah- Ijitllcs' $1.00 Oowns on nalo nt .,, Radios' COo Drawers on salo nt ..k . vuiBci covers nt oc $1.00 Shirts at 35c SITS mor,nlns,..vo wm piaco on 8ai co ,iozcn mcn, . boy shlrts-ln whlto and colored-all styles and sizes from lilM to 1 1 vrv al.lff . . Men's $1.00 Ilalbrlggan Under- A j V,'nV' onl'ii','," ','t wear-on salo nt 40C at 1 Or Men'B ICc Suspenders " fpn''i'ni! IvC at . 0 Collurs m , CV on sale at 5C r- 25o ss.arr-"25c Men's 11.60 Colorel Plundered Shirts on salo at T 75c Big "People's" Towel Sale at the Big Store All Day Saturday. Mammoth Shoe Sale Saturday The Ultra Shoe for Women. Closing out all the fine new Shoes from the People's Store Shoe Stock. The Stetson Shoe for Men. Tho Fronch-Shrlnor and Urner Shoo Stock tho Naylor-Crookor nnd Young Shoo Stock and forty cased of flno now shoeH nnd ox forda from tho llocheotor Shoo Co. all on tho big bargain tables In, our two shoo do partmcnts Saturday nt less than tho cost of making. Extra clerks omployod and every pair will bo carefully fitted. All On Sale Saturday at For Infants' flno 60c patent leather turned salo shoes, sizes 2 to G. 28c 59c $1.29 U to 2. $1.38 For children's flno kid $1.00 button and laco shoes, sires S to 8. For misses flno $2.00 vlcl kid lace shoes In black and tans. slzeB For ladles' flno $2.50 and $3.00 vlcl kid turned nnd welt solo laco shoes $1 4 For boys' flno $1.50 to It) $1.7" enscoo calf laco shoes, sizes 11 to 5. d"fl s f For boys' fine box calf njl.tJjVy 2-00 ,ltCp "hoes, uith double fair stitched Holes, sizes 13 to G',. HAYDEH s I IIIIIIM I SS BARGAINS From "The People's Store." This entire 300,000 purchase on sale Saturday. Nothing reserved. Buy while these splendid now stocks are unbroken and while yyi can obtain Such Sensational Values as the sale of the People's Store slocks affords. Be early Saturday and avoid tho great crowds. Extra clerks in every department. Big Towel sale all day Saturday. Big Silk sale all day Saturday. Big Wash Goods sale all day Saturday. The New Book "To liave and to Hold," By Mary Johnson. On Sale Saturday Only 89c ThU Is the most entertaining book of tho age, full of historical farts; a mnsrorpleco In plot and composition. Publitthcr'u price. $1 50, special Sat day S9o Clearing Up Books from the People's Stock Elegant 12 mo. nooks 12V4& Klegant 12 mo Ollt Tops 19e New 10c Novels 5o 25 sets Encyclopedias cheap. Visit Our Optical uept. Why suffer from defective vision? when you can havo your KYE3 TESTED FH12K and a good pair of glasses fitted for a nom inal sum by our optician. Krnmeless eyo glasses, usual prlco $2.50, nt 88c, good gold plated spectacles, usual prlco $3, at $1.25; lensco fitted to jour framed from 75u up. Big People's Silk Sale in the Big Silk Dept. Saturday Machine Thread Ic Spool All tho 200-yard machlno threads from the Peoplo's stock, lc spool. ;ioc flno embroideries, lOo yard. 35c Valenciennes laces, 15c doien yards. 25o tack pullers, Gc each. 23c ladles, leather belts, 10c each. SOc ribbons, 12VjC. 25c ribbons, Cc. Iff JC "lVopIc'" 'I'lmi-I Snti ill Till' 111k Store All liny Nil I Urdu . "People's" Dress Goods Sale 10c the new pas- 15c iol plaids, In 25c In all sizes. Ql'i Oft VoT ladles' nno rlcl kid ZolO :7 t3M nml ''00 shoes, with turn and welt soles nnd newest stylo of toes, sizes 214 to 7, and A to E widths. $1.46 calf, sizes 6 to 11. 97 For men's fine $2.50 and $3.00 shoes In vlcl kid, box calf and wax 01 Cfm7 For mon'8 "no $3.50 and rn I . V 4-00 vlcl kid and box calf shoes, with genu Ine Goodyear welt soles, all sizes. Sheet Music Ic Selling nut the Peoplo's stock of music. All of their 25c sheet music at lOe; all their 10c music at lc. Lots of different arrange ments to select from, such as vocal and In strumental, mandolin and guitar, geeltar solos, violin and piano, cornet and piano, four hands and lots of others; Saturday only lc per copy. This music Is not cata logued, It being an odd lot. When sending for mull orders Include lc per copy extra for postage. "People's" Half Wool Cash meres, Half Wool Sorgcs, Worsted Plaids and other goods "People's" Xlbcllne Plaids, all the now pas tel colors for spring, French Plaids and goods, worth 29c yard, on sale at "People's" Fancies, In all wool plaids, In ellk and wool, covcrte, etc., goods that sold at Vic, will go at Special Sale on Golf Suiting Our 9Sc Golf 50C Our $1.25 Golf at Our $1.98 Golf at Our $2.50 Golf at Our $3.00 Golf at Our $3.50 and $4,50 Golf at Challls, all wool jard Stylish New Millinery If you want a stylUh hat, toll us what you wnnt and we will r.stonljh you In prlco and prettlness. Our millinery has made sn Immense hit this waion. It shows origin ality and tasto which appeal to tvery stylish woman, if you want nn elegant hat with out paying nn extravagant price for It you can please yourself by making your selec tion from tho beautiful lines we hnvr marked at $3.98, $1.98, $5.9S, $6.4S, $7.48 and $10.00. Over 300 very handsomely trimmed hats In tho new styles on alio Saturliy at $1.05 nnd $2.50. Vp call special attention to our great Knowing of cxqulslto pattern hats nt $5.93 to $.t3.0. They represent the Very swellcst Parisian creations and we ure oelllng them at much below the Import cost. .98c .1.25 .1.75 1.98 2.75 49c "People's Jewelry" Sale Something new In tolld gold nbdl rings In plain and sets from 2ir to $1.00. Pee our lino of ladUw' laro pins. Special for Saturday, SViiC. Have you purchased any of thos'j collar buttons at lc each. Elegant lino of fancy girdles only SOc. Friendship hearts, 13", Tho finest lino of hat piiiB In tho city. Como and eeo for yourself 3('c In 2"'C. A few pairs Poople's r.toro cuff buttons :.t 15c. People's stock of silver nt k'sa than cost. Special Drug Prices I'lorhlll 'Wilt or, 1iii-k liottlm .... :tOe Sniiforil'ii "l.iiNt Mm!" for rom-licn i!Oo , Si-a Hull for tilt- lnllli, box 10c j Dr. AVooilliury'H l.'ronni 18c I Ir. tVniMlliury'M Soap 18c SmellliiK Hultn, per liolllc 10c. llukliniii'n In in in unit ll)c HoikI'm SiiiNUinrlllii (10c ' 1'iiIiip'n Celery Compel mill (IDc HAYDEN BROS. s "People's" Groceries All Our Stock of Fancy Groceries from the People's Store .uusi no ijiuscu wilt. Whlto Onions, In bottles", the People's prlco 20c, our price, threo bottles for Mixed Pickle, In bottles, their price 20c, our price thrco for 25c price 20c, .25c Chow Chow. Mixed PUklcs. plain Pleklcs, Sweet Plckti. ctc . etc., their price SOc, our price now three bottles for Worcestershire Sauce, 23c bottles, now 25c ...8ic 25 Pounds Sugar for $1.00 2-pound cans Sliced Pcachca their price 25c, ours Horseradish Mustard, People's price 20c, ouru 12Jc ...8ic 25c ...7ic Magnolia Condensed Milk, 16c cans, threo for OS per cent Pure Lye, People's prlco 15c, now Cudahy's Diamond C Mlnco Meat, qp 10c packages O-1 73c bottles Extracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Straw berry, etc., our prlco 25C Ilurnham's Clam Doulllon, $123 bottlep, our price .33ic 10c 2-pound cans Little Neck Clams, their prlco 20c, our price Jl People's Imported Olive Oil nd Ollvo Vlerge, their prlco 75c, ours ECOp thrco for UVV Anderson', Curtis Uros.', Kagle, etc., Pre serves, In ono pound cans, Pco- Q 1 n pic's price 20c, our price Oilv Duponco's Soa Salt, solarize!, 25c packages for Large cans extra Preserved Strawberries for cream, worth 30e, our O'f price A2- Horseradish Mustard, In glass bottles, Peoplo's price ic, our D 1 n price 0;w 2-pound cans Sunnysldo Tomato Soup, their prlco 20c, our jnl prlco I52t Large cans Soused Mackerel and Spied Trout, People') prlco 29e, our nln price A.... Lj'2 nation cans New York Apples, their prlco 40 cents, our OCn prlco AtJt 1-pound can Lopez nnd Dunkato Kara tarla Shrimps, their price 4tc, -4 Pjln our price 1 A 2t Largo cans Baked ncans, People's EkO prlco 10c, our price .12Jc ...8Jc 8:c 8ic 3Jc 3ic large .8:SC ,12ic 8;C 8;c Large cans Flat Ited Salmon, their prlco 20c, our price 2-pound cann String or Wax Deans, their price 12',4c. our prlco. 3-pound cans Golden Pumpkin, Peoplo's price 15c, our price.... Quart cans lloston Uakcd llonns, with pork and tomato sauce, their prlco 20c, our prlco Chas. II. Plunter's Scouring Soap, People's price 10c, our price Hunter Purified Corn Starch, their price 9c, our prlco Imported Stllla Mnrcu Vermicelli, large packages, their price 15c, our O t , price , 3-pound cans Maxwell's Grntod or Sliced Pineapple, their prlco 25e, our price Hoyal Ann Cherries, 2-pound cans, nl, their prlco 20c, our price Ilurnham's Ha.ily Jellycon, Peo ple's price 15c, our price 3-pound cans Peaches, Terrapin brand, People's prlco 17VjC, our -4 iln prlco 1 jtn('yj Peoplo's Superior Haklng Powder, 1-pound cans, their prlco 25c, our -4 j prlrO 1 Jm4lJ ' 1-potinil can Faglo or Champion Lye, their price 9e, our prlco KJv 4-pound packnges Falrbank's Gold Dust, People's price 23c, our -rf ry 1 price 1 Itrgo Idaho Prunes, People's price 714c our price Fancy largo California Prunes, People's price 10c, our C - price Jot Dlack French Prunes, Peo plo's prlco 15c, our price , Hxtra fancy Italian Raisin Cured Prunes, People's prlco 1714c, our -4 Al price l'2 15c packages Imported Figs, only 3c .8;C 6c Big "Peopled" Towel Sale it the Big Store All Day Saturday. Our Purity Butter and Cheese Dept. Choice Country Moll Butter, per lb. Good Table Butter, selected, per lb.... 15c Fancy Creamery Butter, per lb.. 17c and ISc Hygela or Elgin Creumory Butter, per lb lflc Strictly Now Laid Eggs, per doz 11c Fanry Full Cream Cheese, per lb 12V4C 14c Imported Brick or Llmberger Cheese, per pound 12c Fancy Ohio Swiss Chevso, per lb lCc Neufobatel Cheese, Durham brand, each 2V4c Every pound guaranteed pure. Wo do not handle Imitations. Meats, Poultry and Lard No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams 12c Fresh Pork Sausago "'ic 5-pound pails best brand Lard 47c t Plcklcl Pigs Feet 5c No. 1 California Hams 8c No. 1 Cottage Hams llo Best Summer Sausage . 10c' Fresh Drcused Chickens at lowest prlcea. SEEMS TO MEET WITH FAVOR Oommarcial Club's Great Irritation Project Sprung at Washington. NATIONAL LAWMAKERS WHO ARE IN LINE Neiintom unit ('oiiKrnamncii In llcnrty S'inpiitli' IV Mil l'rojecl for Itcc laiiiat Inn of Arid (iuv eriiiucnt LnniU. Secretary Utt of tho Commercial club Is Just now receiving con bldcrablo mall bearing thw franks of con gressmen and senators and containing ac knowledgments of thti receipt of the com munication recently sent to ovory senator and member of tho house of representatives on tho subject of reclamation of tha arid lands of tho west. The; lottcr sent out con talned a copy, of tho resolutions adopted by tho club calling upon congress to pass tho bill providing for an appropriation of $250,000 to bo oxpondod In prellmlnaiy surveys, hav ing In contemplation a future appropriation of $10,000,000 to bo used In providing storago reservoirs at tho head waters of western rlve-rs to prevent floods, tho waters to bo dispensed as nuedod In tho Irrigation of at Id government lands. Tho subject Is ono that has already been called to the nttcntlon of most of tho members of congress and from tho responses being received by tho Com mercial club to its communication It would seem nn If tho project Is one that Is likely sooner or later to roceivo favorable atten tlon at tho hands of congress. Following aro pertinent extracts from some of tho let tors already received: be, throughout the great watershed east of put together In his shop. When tho time that river. Of courso we should begin In tho west, because Irrigation there Is most needed. Public ownership nnd development enmo for tho brlckmasons to go to work not a man could bo found to take a Job. Then tho contractors explained that the Is tha order of tho day and I am heartily in I material camo from a union pinning mill favor of hastening tho good work. You will i but that tho label was left off in order pleaso to notify your club and extend to It j to seo whether tho brlckmasons and other my thanks for Its communication Senator Georgo L. Shoup of Idaho I beg to say that I nm heartily In favor of tho project and shall uso my Influonco to secure favorable action In congress. Congressman J. F. Wilson Your resolu tions aro In lino with a bill which I havo In troduced and I shall Introduco thom as resolutions and havo them referred to the committee on Irrigation nnd nrld lands. Congressman H. W. Sutherland of this state I assure you that I will favor tho appropriation for preliminary surveys for Irrigation. 8cnator Harris of Kansas In reply I would say that I havo steadily advocated liberal appropriations for tho storago of tho flood waters of tho streams of tho northwest to bo used In irrigation, nnd I shall con tinue, to act In this direction. Senator Henry Heltfcldt of Idaho As a resident of ono of tho arid land stutes I am heartily In favor of tlio movement you havo Inaugurated and can bo depended upon to do nil In my power to advance Its Interests. Senator Allen of Nebraska I will present your resolutions as a memorial nnd ask for their reference to tho npproprlnto committee. It is not nlono from western congressmen that assurances of support are received, for Senator Hawley of Connecticut writes: "I sincerely sympathize with your feelings and purposes regarding the storago of water In reservoirs for tho purpose of Irrigation, etc., nnd shall follow tho lead of tho western scn atoro In the matter." Senator George Turner of Washington I shall give tho matter careful consideration whon It shall como beforo tho senate with every dcslro to do nil In my power to pro- bulldlng trades would stand by tho agree mcnt. Ho saw, and tho work Is now moving smoothly. Tho mentcuttcr8 and butchers employed In retail meat markets arc being organized In a union. There will probably bo fifty on tho list of charter members. Tho gar ment workers, men nnd women employed In tho ready-made clothing factories of tho city aro being organized, as aro also tho laundry workers. Congressman E. It. Rldgcly of Kansas I npsuro you that I am heartily In favor of all moto tho welfare cf our great wejt legislation Intended to rutanllsh a thorough Senntors Wellington nnd Foster nnd Con national system of storago reservoirs, Irrl-' grcsaman Ernest W. Roberts, JulIU3 Kahn gallon and reclamation of flood Innds, all of and Frnnk C. Wnchter wend tho customary which can bo successfully dono to great formal acknowledgements and the assurance profit, not only by storing tho headwaters j that they will give tho project their careful If. Clark, Cbaunccy, On., says DoWltt'a Witch Hazel Salvo cured him of piles that had afflicted him for twenty years. It is also a speedy cure for skin diseases. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. west of tho Mississippi river, but, If need s - - Facts Are Stubborn If Omaha People Are Not Convinced by Local Testimouy They Dif fer from Other People. Facts are stubborn. Somo may be. disputed None can bo disproved. A fact Is always hedged about with proof. Has to stand tho test of Investigation. Or It drlftB to tho realm of doubt. Investigate closely the fallowing. The closer tho scrutiny tho moro convinc ing tho results. An Omaha citizen speaks here. Speaks from expcrlenco and conviction. Mrs. B. F. Brown of 501 William strcot, snyB: "For six or eight months I had more or less trouble with my back. 1 told attention. Spread I.IUf AVIIilrtro. When things aro "tho beet" they become "tho best selling." Abraham Haro, a lead lug druggist of Belleville. O.. writes: "Elec tric Bitters are the best Helling bitters I havo handled in 20 years. You know why? Most diseases begin In disorders of stomach, liver, kldnoy9, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tonts up tho stomach, regulator liver, kidneys and bowels, purines tho blood, BOER LOVING CUP WANTED St'lit'ine of n HnliokiMi Mnn In Coldly Turned Drau by OiiiiiIhi'm Council. Omaha will not ofllclally Join In tho move ment to buy a loving cup for tho Boers. This information Is for tho benoflt of ono Ernest L. Zeltner of Hoboken, N. J., who, according to himself, represents "several citizens of Hoboken," who have "decided on a patriotic scheme" to show how much tho people of the United States sympathize with tho South African republics. Tho probability Is that no other Information on the subject will ever bo vouchsafed Mr. Zeltner, as tho city council, to which he sent a communication, has olllclnlly "burled" It, without answering tho appeal for funds which It contained. Of all plans for tho aid of the struggling burghers, Mr. Zeltner's Is tho most unique. It Is best told In his lottor to tho council, which Is herewith given: "Dear Sirs: I entreat permission to In form you that Bcvcral citizens of Hoboken havo decided on a patriotic scheme, namely: To Interest all friends and sjcnpntlilzers of tho Boers of South Africa In behalf of creat ing a mngnlllcent loving cup, Intended to commenurato tho gallant strugglo of tho farmer goldlerB of South Africa for In dependence. "It Is suggested that appropriate symbols and mottos, religious and patriotic in character, will bo employed to render tho souvenir meat nttractlvo and Imposing. "Through tho instrumentality of this unique loving cup wo desire to convey (inojt emphatically) the sympathies of cho peoplo recommend tho plan to other sources and circles. I sincerely trust that tho Idea will merit the approval of the Boer sympathizers of your state. "ERNEST L. 55ELTNEH, "045 Garden Street, Hoboken, N. J." When City Clerk Elbourn read tho eplatlo ho waa uncertain whether to submit It to the commlttco on war or tho commlttto on finance. Ho finally sont It to tho street im provement committee, with tho Idea, par haps, that the members thereof could beet detormluo to what grade It, or the wrltor, belonged. Tho committee debated tho mat ter at length tho length of n minute and placed it on file. "If ho had but told us how much he wanted, whether $1,000 or a million, wo might help him out," said Councilman Hoye. "Ae It Is, I don't seo what action wo can take." "I'm afraid of International complica tions," said Councilman Lobosk. "You see ho Bpoaks of France and Germany. Ono of thoso nations might bo aroused at favorable action by uh and send a lleet up to South Omaha and destroy our packing houses. At least, wo ought to wait until wo can placo guns In pcsltlon on the city hall." Another member said he sympathized with the Boers, but ho thought a Krupp gun would bo more acceptable to Oom Paul's mon. and nn operation probably will in. per forpipa tonight. Nicholt is conscious und able to converse. THEORIES IN NEWMAN CASE Hcjiort that He Left the City In Coni pnn)' wllh n "Woman In round to Il l a I nr. Man wltli IIi'dUcii .Neck linprnvlniv. N'EYV YOrtlC, April 20,-Frnnk Nlcholl, the acrobat, who broke his nerk last Tues day afternoon, while performlnir at a local theater, Is improving nt Hcllevuo hospital. Ills temperature Is lower, us Is his pulse, It is n week today since Henry J. New man, tho ladles' tailor, dropped out of sight, and In that time, notwithstanding the oxtensivo newspaper advertising nnd tho fact that thousands of postal cards have been sent out asking for Information, no word or hint has been received as to his whereabouts. Ho has most effectually disappeared. Friends and detectives who havo Investi gated tho circumstances surrounding his dlsappcaranco discredit tho report given out earlier In tho week that he was last seen In an elevator of tho Paxton block at 7:30 o'clock last Friday evening. They think the elevntor noy must huvo been mistaken. A cutter In Mr. Nowman's employ named Ahlqulst locked up the tailor shop nt G o'clock and .braced tho door on tho Insldo with a hoard, This board, ho says, was not disturbed, as would havo been tho caso had Mr. Newman returned to tho shop after that hour. According to this, the last seen of Mr. Newman was at his boarding house, 523 South Twenty-fifth avenue, shortly after 0 o'clock. He was seen to leavo the house and start to walk toward tho car line. A detectlvo who has been nt work on the caso advanced tho theory that Mr. Newman f had left the city In company with a woman, Ho said that a man answering tho tailors description, nccompanled by a good-looking female, purchased two 1,000-mlle tickets nt tho Burlington station about 7 o'clock Fri day night and later took a train for Chicago, ThlB also has been exploded. Deacon Clark of tho First Baptist church, of which Mr. ! Nowman was also a deacon, Investigated tho matter and found that no such tickets had been sold on tho night in question nnd that no such customors had asked for transpor tation. So far as known, Mr. Nowman kept company with no woman. All his sparo tlmo was fpent in hla room reading and writing or in church work. ncss to "faint." Llko Mrs. Sidney Drew In "Iivo Will Find ii Way," alio "faints" upon tho sllghtost provocation. Tho first thing she does after being arrested Ib to fall In a "swoon," and, though tho dis patches from Lincoln aro silent on thh point, It Is probable sho "fainted" thcro according to hnblt. Thcso lapses, of course, are to elicit sympathy. BERTHA "FAINTS" FOR EFFECT Krrentrlc Kleptomaniac uf Omaha tictn Into Trouble In Lincoln for NtcnlliiK n Wheel. A young woman named Bertha Ltbbcckc, whose homo Is at 838 South Twenty-second street, Omaha, was nrrestcd In Lincoln Thursday, charged with stealing a bicycle of a dealer In Hastings. After being nr restcd sho broke down and confessed her guilt. Sho says sho rented the wheel for 25 centB, and then chocked It to her, sister Eliza, who lives In Omaha. . Tho bicycle, which was found by the J pollco at tho union dopot Thursday night, , has been returned to Its owner In Hastings. Bertha Llbbcckc, Is well known to tho ' pollco of Omaha. Her chief characteristic next to her penchant for taking things j which do not belong to her Is her prono- strengthens tho nerves, hence cures multl tildes of maladies. It builds up the entire ! of this country for tho maintenance of tho system. Puts new life and vigor Into any weak, sickly, run-down man or woman. Prlco 50 cents. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggists. IN THE FIELD OF LABOR lluw Contractor Tent Muccrllj of O.'Kiiiilaeil Labor New t iiIoiih In I'roccNM of OruaiiUatlnn, The contractor having charge of tho con struction of tho Deoro building has dis covered that tho members of tho various my husband that I thought my kidneys were "nines constituting tho Bulhllng Trades tho causo and when I taw Doan'a Kidney cuunuu mean um muj oajr i.u mey Pllls advertised' I procured n box at Kuhn announce that they will work on no mill- & Co.'s drug btore. comer lBth and Douglas wfk DOt bearing tho union label unless streets. They did the work for mv ensa satisfactory explanation Is mado regarding nnd tho Bymptoma which had bothered mo , the nbsonee of tho little plcco of pijjior South African republics. "Tho idea Is likely to encounter stern opposition in somo quartera, nevertheless wo feel that tho moral influence of such an undertaking may bo far-reaching In tho direction of winning friends for tho project In this country, nnd possibly In France and Germany. In lending our moral and mateilal support to tho plan, let us hopo that wo may bo Instrumental In hastening tho con sumlnation of that magnificent concept! n, 'A United States of South Africa ' that Is be come, tho dream of tho struggling Boers, "It Is very Important that wo should ro ceivo n few lines of cno Jiiragoment from tho honorable members of your council, so as to Omaha's Auditorium On inHr doesn't iiinoiint to nincli It's the real tiling that wo want Just llko yon want -In hIiooh ami tho kind Drt-x h. Shooinan litis real lent her shoes for one llfty hoys' shoes and everybody knows hoys will wear out more shoes than men but these particular shoes will stand an awful lot of hard knocks lor they're made solid and from nood, honest material When we say It, you can depend upon It for we make good all our sayings, Drexei Shoe Co., 1410 FAKNA11 STREET. The Two Most Popular soon disappeared. I can recommend Doan'a Kidney Pills as ft valuable kidney medicine," Doan's Kidney Pills for tale by all dealers. Price, B0 cents. Mailed by Fostcr-MII-burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. solo agents tor the United States. j Hcmtimbcr the name, Doan's, and take uo substitute. which marks tho goods as the product of organized labor. J When this pcsltlon was atsumed by the , workmen this fprlng some of tho contractors ' proteased to believe that tho workmen 1 would not abide by their decision. The J contractor In question bad some frames for tho building made In what Is tcchlcally kuowu as tho "knock-down" and bad them I Loss of Appetite. Horsford's Acid Phosphate Restores and creates a good appetite, assists digestion, and gives vitality &nd vigor to the entire system. Gcouln tjr name llonsrotD's on wrapper. compositions of the season Valse I.uelle (and "Hula Hula" Oako Walk, hy K. Van i Alstyne, will he played hy the Sutoilus Mandolin orchestra at their annual con cert April liO IOtthor ono of these pieces are it perfect pun on these Instruments and every mandolin nnd Kultar player should have a copy published for two mandolins and guitar price 'M cents lor sale at all music stores We will sell a lot of popular music to Introduce same for 10 cents for ono week Don't miss this opportunity. A. HOSPE, Music and Art. 1513 Douglas. Supplies All of the pop ular and de pendable, kind. Eastman Kodaks Premo Poco Ad lake Vive Diamond Cyclone and Now Knrona Cameras Rlnss plntos, films, ohomlcals, mounts, etc. developing and printing prices right, THE A10E & PENF0LD CO., Amaltur X'httogrphte SuppUts. 1408 Fnrnam. OMAHA OPPOSITE PAXTON HOTEL. A Procession of Gandy- I'lles out of our front door every day. Wo hnveu't any Idea where It nil goes to, but we know that wherever It goes happiness follows. There Is nn average of eXnctly 07 smiles In every pound box that we sell. If you want to make some one particularly Joyful, send her n box of our chocolate bon bons. Wo mnke a specialty of baking cake to or der and are prepared to supply wed dings and receptions with the most elaborate pieces on short notice. W. S. Balduff. 1520 Farnam St. Gasoline Stove and Refrigerators I dun' lol' you Inst week I wuz gltten up a ad about dem' two things which my boss-dnt's Mr. Itnynier sells-do cold truth Is wnt you git from me, an' tlats somethln' lint du "Leonard f'leanablo Refrigerator" Is do ono ho sells and re commendsbecause It's de one dat keeps things cold and pure and It uses ho little lce-an' another thing It ran be taken apart and cleaned I knows you'll buy one If you havo Mr. Ilnymer explain to you do difference between dls one an' de ones others sell, and do same can bo said of his Illti Flame wlckless gasollno stove do one which you can uso coal oil In as well nn dey ain't a pnrtlclo o danger It would tnke a whole book for me to write all de good pints ulwut dls stovo-so I'll Jst ast you to call at do store and seo it. A. C. RAYMER IBM FAIINAM ST. 1M08 N Street, South Omnia. I