Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Glove Specials.
IvatMit style and newest shades In Kid
Olovcs-positively the greatest bargain ever
offered In kid gloves.
1 60 quality liulles' finest Imported Pique
Kid Olove.i mado of the beiit German
lamb skin In nearly nil colore n
all flues, go on bargnln tlMf!
quarcs at, pair v-'
Hitch class Kid Gloves nt Glove Depart
ment the very highest grade gloves that
re made In glace. French llorho nnd
Kngllsh huede two and three-clasp and
f oster lace hook gloves. All the newest
fhadtfl for spring, Including black nnd
whit. Every pair warranted and lilted If
desired. Regular price up to J2.00 In this
tale at, pair
$1.25 and 98c
A New York Importer's samples and broken
loin of Swiss Kmbroldery and Lne Kdgo
Handkerchiefshundreds of different styles
fin shfcer quality regular 4 f-
price up to Wc each on J"C
bargain tablo ut , ' w
1,000 doiNi ladle' handsomely Hemstitched
Initial Handkerchiefs with lace Inserted
carnors. also with four corners embroi
deredand lace edged hand- j
kerchiefs many styles worth rlC
regular 14c choice v-ew
2j0 dozen lad leu' and cents pur Irish
Inen Handkerchiefs, nil widths nnd hem
stitched, all sizes, regular price up to 25c,
In this sale, each
10c and 15c each
Hosiery Specials
New spring Hosiery for ladles, misses nnd
men In the latest spring novelties, In plain
black, stripes, plnlds, Hlohllcu ribbed nnd
all over lace effects, Kvery pair guaran
teed a special bargain.
Ladles' and children's fast black Hose, In
plain, fine and heavy ribbed, r-j j
mads full seamless, worth up to MAC
15c, go at, pair v-w
Ladles' silk finished, two-thread, fast btnek
leull Seamless Hose double sole split heel
and all-over lace, stripes. u mm
Would be a bargain at 25c 1
pair-In this sale nt
An elegant lln of ladies' fine Imported
Hose, In fast black, stripes, plaids nnd all
fancy colors. Made of the tlnest maco
yarn, Rtchllu ribbed nnd Hambrant
rlbbl.,also drop stitch French s
llslo Hose, worth up to DOc, sC
In this eale nt, pnlr aw-rw
B) dozen ladle' plain white, ecru nnd fancy
colored Undcrvests, nil sizes manufac
turer's odds and endu worth g
up to 19c in' this flalo at,
each v-rw
23c quality ladles' fine Kgyptlan Jersey
Illbbed Hndervests, silk stitched, silk taped
lUNCk. and armholes, In plain cru nnd
fancy colorH also full shape
Undervasts, worth up to I ZjiH
26c In this alo at
Indies' high class mercerized silk Under
vests. flnp and -wide ribbed, silk crocheted
necks and armholes, silk rib-
bon trimmed, worth up to ZfJ
Mo, U colors, at, each
Corset Covers.
600 lxl I e' well made, perfect
all sires, go at,
Belated Easter Millinery at Less Than Half Price
A New York importer received a consignment of Easter Hats last Tuesday, just threo days too late. Knowing that
J. L. Brandi'iH & Sons can always use them (at a price) he wired us. We made an offer and it was accepted and now the
hats are here. A liner lot of imported pattern nats were never shown in the city. Ihe styles are
exclusive. We hazard a description of them below, but it hardly does the hats justice.
Ten dollars buys a pattern hat
that would have cost $25 and $35
a week ago. They came too late for
Easter and consequently are being sac
rificed. They comprise the leading
European styles and are Btrictly in ac
cordance with the modes in vogue in
1'nris nml London. Hon't dtOay In rhnosliiR from
this Hiitiprl) lot of pnttern lints, nml hoar In niltnl the - -
Hiivlnj; possibilities this anle presents.
At Five Dollars we offer a choice assortment of our own special
creations, including 10 values in chiffon and fancy laco straw tur
band, all very stylish hats jet crowns, chiffon roll and brim, nn,7ln
table on second floor is A large assortment of I rimmed Leghorn
Hats. These are especially lino quali
ties of leghorn, trimmed $ iDi
with rtliiirnn. llnwtirs iinri or- S
naments, actual 8.r values .
Children's Leghorn Hats on
salo for
Short nark Sailors nil colors-only
Hand-marie Hats of fancy straw Ktf"fcf-
on wire frames, all shapes, for ..VVW
These nro positively the best values of
fered In Fntrlmmed Hats thin season
Our bargain
filled to the limit with a choice line of
trimmed hats the largest $
assortment ever shown at on time
and one price regardlrrB of
value they go for
l'rotty Short nack Bailors
.stylishly trimmed
Trimmed Leghorn Hats for
children chiffon nml flower
trimming cholco
Bargains in Flowers
All the Flowers (bat have been carried
over from the great Raster rush go on
three bargain tables
All the 25c quality of Flowers
A1 llw Wi quality of Flowers 15c
All the $100 quality of Flower8 25C i
Tlu-Mi incliuli' Hoses, Chrysanthemums,
VlnletH. l.llnos. l'ntiHles and Popples.
Suit Prices Slashed. Remarkable Offers Saturday.
We place on sale Saturday, 175 strictly tailor-made suits, in newest etons, lly fronts, open and tight fitting styles, in now ca-lot gray, tan, blue
brown, oxford and black. Trimmed with now taiiorsd stitching, box pleat back, and the better grades, all lined throughout with taffeta silk.
Note Saturday's Special Prices.
1 -T" for " omen's S10
1 Ot3 Tailor made Suits
jj"-" made In now shape
J- .TnrJfnt fit fln nnvAltv tfnada and
nil wood coverts. A rare bar
caln $10.00 valucn for 14.85.
j CT for "ometrs n.01) Covert Jackets
3)a I 1 tnado of all wool oovort, box front, (jood lin-
tnrT nlr.nlv tnllnrod nml trlmmnil. evarv
ftarmcnt perfect llttlng. Positively worth double Satur
day's price I2.&0.
rt T for Women's
05 ' JL V S.00 Eton
1 Jackcts-
made of all wool Venetian
nnd Covert 'loths, nobby.
Hton shape, silk lined and tailor
stitched. They are n bargain at $6.00
Saturday's price $3.08.
nnrl tr
for Womens $t2 50
Tiiilor made Suits
rnuda in Etnne, single
and double breasted, tlcht-nt-
tlnK. box pleat skirt, all wool
coverts, all sites nnd colors, $12.60 valuefl
for $6.98.
tor Womeds $17.r50
Tailor mndc Suits
tlcht-fittlng and box fronts, silk
lined Jackets, box pleat skirt,
coverts, bomonpuns, cnevlots, etc. some ap
pllqued and others tailor stitched positive
ly $17X0 valuos for $9.85.
for Women's $25.00 Tnllor mnde
Suits made in all tno popular stylos otho
HouHOn of all the most Bervicoablo fabrics,
in all colors. Thoso BultH arc a bart'oln even at $25
Saturday's price $14.85.
Extra Special
Misses and Children's
Skirts, worth up to
$5.00, at $1.39
"We bought lot of misses'and children's skirts
from a manufacturer nt our own usurp nnd place them on
sale Saturday sit u slight margin. Do not Judcn these
garments by tlm prlco we offer tliein nt. Their regular
Helling price is $! nnd $ri. They are made of coverts,
homespuns, cheviots, plaids, etc. llrald and applique
triinmuci, all ivltli nox
back. Wp repeat ngaln
their rnluu, ?1 nnd .$5 and
caution you not to miss
the opportunity. Special
for Saturday
ds, etc. llrald and applique
for Women's
$5 00 Fine Wool
m oitii i? iiiuuo vi
summer weight novelty
wool finely tailored best of
linings actually worth $5 for $l.9S.
for Women's
$5.00 Cropon
I . 1 , . . A 1
"f valuo In mohair crepon-
new style well lined and
bound worth fully $5.00 on sale for
$2.98. There Is but a limited quantity
of these.
tiklrtn n
ior Women's $fi.00 Anpllqued Skirts
mado of fine all wool choviot, hoitre, box baok,
npnlinued, taffeta silk front and liack Thee
tiklrtn nre a. rare b area in at tG.00. Ba.turdnv's sDeclal nrlce
Is only $3.9S.
Grand Sensational
In Basement.
Ono million envelopes all
sizes, all kinds, special 1p
per package
10,000 yards all silk rihbon,
worth 5c a yard, 1
on sale for
10,000 renmont cambric skirt
lining, worth 5c yard 1 0
500 yards drapery Swissoline
4 5-in wide, worth tc
20c yd, on sale for
Ono big lot tidies, shams,
scarfs, etc, worth up 1 CI pi
to 50c, your choice. . A-
Notion Bargains
On little things the Boston
Store saves you money as well
as on high priced articles. A
dime at our notion counter
goes as far as a quarter would
elsewhere. Notn these prices
and ,ask yourself where you
can duplicato them.
Safety Pins j
three papers for Aw
Adcmantinc Pins ip
two papers for A
Best English Pins On
per paper
Brass Drapery Pins 1 p
per dozoi Aw
Imitation DcLong Hooks
and Eyes, per card
Black Lisle Garter Elastic rtn
worth 15c, at
Feather Stitched Braid tr
worth 10c boll, at....-FV-
And hundreds of other bargains in the
Facial Soap and
Facial Cream
are mndo especially for ttia
face and to cleanse and pur
ify the delicate sltln of ttm
human body. If used dally
In toilet and bath will clear
the complexion ttnd keep the
skin young1 and fresh.
Woodbury's l'"Uclal Soap,
Facial Cream, Violet Powdwr
nnd Dental Cream
regular price I FlC.
25c our iirlce
Woodbury. Hair Tonic keejs the scalp
clean and lii.lthy the hair tsoft Qo
and tluffy special price
On eule In Drug Department.
Biamsiters Qirti a Beoond Drubbing in a
Vtrj Oloii Game.
tTro Mlsoue In Succession Send the
Winning Itmi Afro lic
I'lnte In the Kleventh
'hllndelpblit .", Ilnntnn -4.
KniiKan City I. Alliinrniiiilln
lluffnlii l. Detroit I.
Cleveliiml 7. luilliiiinpnll (I.
Xew York 1, llrooltlyu S.
Clarke, e...
Sullivan, c.
Nloliols, p..
Freeman ,
Totals .
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 2 0
.0 0 0 0 0
, 4 83l IT 3
Cross, ss.,
Fraxer, p..
1 2 S
0 2 5
Totals .. & 7 S3 10 2
One out when wlnnlne run was mado.
Hatted for Clark In eleventh Inning'.
Iloston 0 10300 0 000 04
Philadelphia ...2 001 010000 1-0
H.irned runs; l'hll.tdelphla, Two-bnso
hit: Myers. Sacrifice hit: Delchanty.
Double plnj-s: IaJole to Cross to Dele
hunty, Delehimty lunnsslsled). First base
on balls: Off Nichols, 1; off Fraser. 4.
Struck out: Hy Nichols, 4. Ift on bases:
Hoston, 8; rhllmlelphla, 7. Time of gume:
2:fC. Umpire: Connolly. Attendnnco: 13,
711. SunerliiiN AVIn Uir Heeoml.
NEW YORK. April 20. The New Yorks
scored u well earned victory pver tho
Hrooklyns nt the Polo grounds thl.s after
noon. The Hrooklyns lie.m with n rush,
but the substitution of Doheny for Sey
mour In the thlnf Innlnir auved the day.
Attendance, 4,'J). Sroro:
It lt.O A.1-..I JtllOAK
onth and cIkIiUi InnlnKS todoi- and won the
second srame of the openlnir series. Three
bas hits by Gettman and Ryan -wore the
features 8oore;
It.H.O.A K. It.ll.O.A.E.
Hy. If 1 1 5 0 0 Knoll, If.... 1 1 1 0 0
llurlty. of... 112 0 0 Flood. 3b.... 0 0
Kltwrlleld, H 2 114 lKhrsron, rf. 1 I
Htilllvun. Ib. 0 2 0 7 1 Oettman. cf. 3 1
McAUId'r, rf 0 1 1 n oenroy. lh.... l o
Hs-n, lb.... 0 2 1R 0 Ulnllman. s 0 1
Wlieelr, 3b. 0 0 1 0 0 Andrews, 8b. 0 1
0 2
0 0 0
i OHpeer, c.. .
3 OMIllCKan, p.
C 0
0 2
nilLADKM'IlIA. April 20. Tho baso ball
Ceason opcnrsl hero today under nusplclous
circumstances, Tho attendance was of tho
holiday order nnd tho spectators had the
satisfaction of scolnR Philadelphia defent
Iloston In a closely contested eleven-lnnltiK
came. Thero was nothing particularly
brilliant about tho game. It was a pltchors
hattlo nnd Nichols nppeared to have the
hotter of It, but his support was not equal
to that of Fraser a. Hoston s defeat was
tho result of two consccutlvo errors by I.ovo
in tho eleventh Inning. With Lajole on base
and ono man out !.ove fumbled an easy
rounder from McFarland's bat and thon
muffed n throw to catch McFarlaml at sec
end and permitted Itolo to score. Scoro:
1S03TON I PUlIVDKI.rill .
llll.OA.n. HIIOA.E.
Tenney, lb.. 0 2 IS 1 OThottias, cf. 1 1 3 0 0
Hamilton, cf 0 1 1 0 1 Rlsgle. If.... 1 2 2 0 0
Jmir. 0 0 2 3 O Deleh'ty. lb. 0 0 21 1 0
Htahl. rf 2 1 3 0 OIlAjole. 2b... 1 2 2 6 0
Collins, 3b... 1117 OiKllck. rf .... 0 0 10 0
burry. If . 1 2 3 0 l,MeKarl'd. c. 0 0 0 0 0
towe, 2b.... 0 1 1 4 JMrr, 3b.... 2 10 3 0
J.vtt Off Coffer nml Mntlo n ItemurK
ntile tinln In llenlth,
N. H. naldwln of ltconla. N. II., Is 70
years old and has rained twenty pounds
nlnco 1S9S. A letter says: "I drank Im
ported cofl'oe becaui.e I needed something
wnrm with my merit). Whllo I was ubIdk
coffee I was thin Ir flesh and nervous, with
stomach trouble is well n bowol and kid
ney trouble. I left off coffee In 1S9S, taking
Postum Food Coffee In Its place.
"I was fortunate In the first trial of
Postum, when It was well made by tho wife
of n groceryman, who had used It long
enough to know Just how to mako It right.
It tasted so good to mo that I have had It
nt homo ever since, nnd havo gained twenty
pounds. I am much strougor than I was a
year ago.
"It speaks pretty well for the food valuo
of tho Postum Food Coffeo for a person 70
years old to gain weight at that age. Not
only that, but the old trouble with tho
ntomacli, kidneys and bowels has disap
peared." ,
Health does not always set In Immedi
ately after a person makes a change in
diet, nor does sickness always set In Imme
diately after bad habits aro taken up, but
tho dally life maintained by good food and
fjood drink, free from poisonous elements
llko coffee will gradually build In new nnd
perfect cells In the human body, so that
month by month a sturdy and steady condi
tion of health Is sot up that will carry a
person through many Irregularities of Bleep
md diet, nnd through a vast amount of hard
work, wheroas a parson who is Just barely
well, siibjoct to continued trouble from some
rirt of ailment caused by coffee and Its
effects on the nerves, would bo completely
prostrated and bo unable to carry out tho
work of life. Moderation and a wo selec
tion of food and drlnU brings health, which
is truo happiness.
Vll'trtn. rf.,2 2 1
Mercer. 3b.... 2 1 2
l"rllie, rf....O 0 0
lmvW. hh .... 2 3 3
Doyle, lb 0 2 It
Kelbaeh, lf .. l 1 0
Oleimon. 2t...1 1 3
Clnidy. e 2 1 2
Keymour, p...O 0 0
Dohrny, p.... 2 2 0
1 0 Shecknnl. of .3 1
5 0 Kerler. rf ....0 0
0 0 Jennings, lb..O 0
7 0 Kelley. If 0 2
0 1 Daly, 21 0
0 2 YeiiKer, 3b....O
4 1 Dnblen, SB....I
0 ODvmont, 3b-2l2
.0 0 0 0 0 MrOulre. C...1
.2 2 0 2 0 Kltsnn, p 1
Dunn, p 0
12 13 21 U 4,
Total 5 T31 u 4
Two out when camo was culled on ac
count of dnrkness.
New York 0 0 4 4 2 0 1 1-12
Hrooklyn 1 I 0 1 0 0 0 2-8
Karned runs: New York. 3; Brooklyn. 1.
I'irst oaso uy errors: .pw i uk. . -, Kcllv lb
n I II 1, , M..j- V..iv York fi: ': :"
Hro'okl'vn. 0. Two-b.ihe hit: Davis. Struck
mour itw-o iuuiiiksi, uii. "" ""' Damman, p. 0 0
Frlsblu. aienson. Keeler. Stplen bases:
Davis, Dovle. Olcnson, Doheny, Keeler,
Demont. Double play: D.ivls to VanUal
tren. Wild pitches: 2. Passed balls;
Grady. 2. lilt by pitcher: Hy Seymour. 1;
by Doheny. 1. Halk: Kltson. Umpire:
limslle. Time of game: 2:09.
CINCINNATI. April 20.-No gnmo with
Chb ago; r.iln. . . . .
ST. I.Ol'lS, April 20.-St. I.oila-Plttsbirg
gamn scheduled for today was postiwncd
on nccount of rain.
StlllllllntC f Hie Tcninx.
Won. ljst.
Totnls .. 4 10 27 IR 31 Totals .. 6 7 27 11 1
Detroit 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 01
Hurfnlo 01000023 0-6
Karnml runs: Detroit, 2; lluffulo, 2. Two
base hit: Mllllsan. Throe-baso lilts: Gstt
nian, Ryun. Dnublo plays: Hallmnn to
Flood to Carey; .MIIIIkuii to Flood to Carey,
lilt by pitched ball: Miller. Bases on balls:
Oft Mllllgan. 2; off Miller, 1. .Sacrifice hits:
Flood. Miller Wheeler. Stolen bases: Kl
hertleld (2i, Shearon. Gettmnn. Struck out:
Hy Mllllgnn, 5; by Miller, 1. Passed ball:
Shaw. Wild pitches: Miller, Mllllgan Time
of game: One hour nnd forty minutes.
Umpire: Dwyer.
Cle velnnil Stiirts Winner.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 20.-Indlan-upolls
and Clevelnnd opened the Ami'
0 o , league season hero today beforo 2.000 neonle.
1 0 ; After two days of postponement the gnmo
1 1 was played on a soggy Held and tho con
1 0 test was tlnlshed In n ilrlzzllnir rain clnvn.
2 2 ! land won by bunching hits on Kellum In
'J 1 tho llfth and on gifts of Damman nml
fielding errors In the seventh. Seybold
lilt over tho fence his lirst time up, sending
llartzcll In with him. Tho score:
lTosr'ver, rf. 0
ll.irtzell, K. 3
Muillson. ts. 1
Seybold. cf.. 1
I lleyjon. e... 0
tt: Hy Doheny, 1; by Kltson. 2: by Dunn, ,Vynn, :b o 1
Hase on balls: Hy Seymour, 5; by Kit- 3b 0 1
m. I: by Dunn. 1. Hase bits: Off Sey- o i
inur (two Innings). 2; off Doheny. f.; oft pa mman. d 0 0
0 Pickering-, If 1
1 White, rf . . . 1
0 lluelow, 3b.. 0
1 Renins, cf... 0
OCrlsham. lb. 0
Olllerba'r. 2b. 1
0 niKirlns. o... 1
St. Louis ....
Hrooklyn ....
Now York ...
r. c.
1 Vlox. ss.
1 2 0 Jones, p..,,
1 2 0,
Totals .
Totals .. 6 6 27 14 31
Indianapolis .1 0 0 0 1
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 4
Karned runs: Indianapolis. 2;
3. Innings pitched: ICellum. S
2 4
2 1
1 2
2 8
1 1
1 I
0 2
1 1
. 7 S 27 S 5
0 2 0 O-fi
0 3 0 0-7
I: Jones. 9. Hase bits: Off Kollum. off
Damman. 2; off Jones, fi. Hnses on balls:
Hy Kellum. 2. by Damman, 3; by Jones, 3.
Struck out: Hy Kellum, 3: by Damman. 1;
by Jones, 1. Hit by pitcher: Hy Jones, 1.
Two-base hits: llurtiel, White. Jones.
Three-baso hits: Huelow (21. Homo run:
Seybold. Sarrlllce hit: Flynn. Doublo
piays: flynn to Mailison to Kelly, lllckey
to Flvnn to Kellv. Illnrhniu.p to Vln to
l.txw bases: IndlanaiK)lls. 6: Cleveland. S.
,r.oi , jiiro: Cuntlllon. Time of game: 1:50.
tendance: 2,000.
liAMC.S OF AJir.HIC.VX l,HA(il'13.
Kiinsns City 'I'liUes the Seennil From
IIiiik-mmiIU hy l.ueky HlttliiK.
KANSAS CITY. April 20. Today's gnmo
was a pitchers' battle up to the seventh
Inning, when Daub went to pieces and was
succeeded by young Lee. In the eighth
Hhret was hit nurd, while Lee showed up
strong and saved tho game for the home
team. Score:
Davis, cf.... 1 1 3 0
Nnnee, 3t .. 1 3 4 1
Wllmot, rf.. 0 i) 1 0
Wenlen, lb.. 0 1 ,"i 2
tfchrall. If.. 0 0 10
imllh. I..- 0 0 2
AbtMtl'o, 2b 0
Khret. p.
Orlin ...
1'arrell, cf .. 1
Va(mer, m. 1
O'llrlen, If.. 1
Camel, lb... 0
Thiol. 3h....
Schaefer, 2h
Niicle, rf...
Sullivan, o.
1 0 rMuh, p
0 0 Xa-h, p
3 0'
1 4
1 0
0 0
1 11
1 3
1 0
1 2
Loft on
StnmlliiK of the Tennis,
Won. Lost.
Buffalo 2 0
Cleveland 1 o
Knnsas City 1 1
Minneapolis I 1
Detroit 0 2
Indianapolis 0 1
Milwaukee ,
P. C.
4 OtI H 1
Totnls ..2 9 21 11 11 Totals
Hatted for Khret In ninth.
Minneapolis 0 0 o o o
Knnsas City 0 0 0 0 1
Karned runs: Knnsas City, 2; Mlnnenpo
lis. 2. Two-base lilts: Thlel. Daub, Ganzel.
0 0 2 02
0 0 3 -!
l'nrvlii Work lleiill,
SIOUX CITY. la.. April 20.-(Speelnl.)-Frank
R. P.irvln. the pitcher, may get Into
trouble because of tho way ho has trcnted
Mannser Bcill of the Sioux City club.
Henll signed Parvln nnd n little Inter tho
pitcher asked for some advance money.
Henll sent him Parvln Is nt Manslleld,
O., dcclnrlng thnt town has the prior right
to his services. The matter has been pre
sented to President lllckey of the Western
association, who will Iny tho matter beforo
tho ollleers of the enstern league. Henll
thinks ho still will get his man.
Ilnse Hull Todny.
Captain Bradford's Originals will try con
clusions with the Keith fnmlly nt the Vin
ton street park this afternoon. Tho Omnha
team will bo composed of the men who are
expected to till regular positions through
out tho season, and the Originals will bo
strengtneneo. mm improved ny diligent
Coroner McIIenry lield nn autopsy this
afternoon and found death was due to a
hemorrhage of tho brnln, caused by a blow.
James and aronbnch lire exculpated, how
ever, by tho coroner's verdict.
Cttiiifuii i.Mtvitt 'iirnt.imMA nut)! Knrroii
D. vis' Nil nee. Passed ball: Su 1. PCtlci inc inr roiwer . meeting with
...... vii.V .iT.i," i.'hrnf ' ItiiHPM nn iinuJ- proiesBiuimis. i omorrow ine urig nnis
iJl A1 . ,ui2?'. .hrf' Jin.".n i"" W; will play nn exhibition gnmo In St. Joseph
ft' li t'ched!,! ': Hy Daub l'sinJck o i 5!ilLlHp.Wr", M 1".'. r"-
Hy Daub, l; by Lee; 2. Doublo plays: Smith " "
to Abbattlchlo; Fnrrell to Tniei Stolen
basesi Wllmot, Abbatlchlo. Sacrltlco hits:
t Onnzel, Wllmot lilts: Oft Daub. 7. off Ice,
2. Time of game: Two nourr. umpire.
IIiiITiiIo l.eml kiiIii.
DKTROIT. April 20 Buffalo bunched hits
along with the Dutroltu' errors in the uev-
Ainiileiir Hover Dies,
HAMILTON. O.. Anrll 20. Klmer Hnrrls.
aged 17, fell dead last night at the end of a
frlendlv boxing bout with CI force James
nnd Charles Gronbach, In a shed tlttcd up
tor a gymnasium Dcnina tne Harris fiomc
IntrrstiHc Chiiinploiislilp to n
.Sonth DiiKotu lim After n
llnril Shoot.
LINCOLN. April 20(Speclnl Telegram.)
The Interstate championship cup, offered
by the Lincoln Gun dull for the best scoro
at target shooting was won ut the shoot
ing tournament hero today by Taylor of
Mechlin, S. D. Tho ehumplonshlp event
resulted In a tlo for first plnco between
Taylor, Garrett. Peterson, Bray nnd llerr.
In the shoot-off Taylor and Garrett tied,
hut In the next shoot-off Taylor, with a
handicap nt one target, won by one point,
the score being 21 to 23. One of tho features
of tho day's shooting was the run of 14.1
straight targets in.ule by Crosby of New
York. Following Is tho summary of tho
day's events;
Kvcnt No. 4, llftcen tnrgets. forty-six en
tries: Llndermnn, Garrett, Daniels, Nau
man, Nlcollal, Rogers, Connor, Bray. Pet
erson, Slevers nnd Carter. Ifi; Moore. Town
send, Luwton. llerr. Cook, Saunders, M. F.
Miller, Kleutsoh nnd llalrgrave. 11; Curtis,
F. Miller, Jenkins, .Martin, Lluchart, Stev
ens nnd Iompklns. 13.
Kvcnt No. 5, twenty targets, forty-three
entries: Jenkins, Bray, Garrett anil Dan
lets, 20; llerr, Crosby, Connor, Taylor and
M. F. sillier, 19; Hurk, Kleutsch. Lemp
klns, Linehart, Buggies, Rains, Kck, Pet
erson, Rogers nnd Crahlll, 18.
Kvent No. 6, litteen targets, forty-two en
tries: Carter, Yullck, Sanders, Jenkins,
Devril, Bray, Crosby and llerr, 15; Moore,
Townsond, Dnnlels, Lawton, Nauman,
Patch, Parmalee. Connor, Cook, .Taylor,
Peterson nnd llnlrgruvo, 14; Kleutsch,
Lempklus, Rnlns, Hurk, Slevers, F. Miller,
Rogers. Garrett. Nlcollal. Crablll and Lln
dermnn, 13.
Kvent No. 7, fifty targets, forty entries:
llerr. Crosby and Bray, 19; Jenkins. Rogers
and Nauman. 4S; Garrett. Peterson, Cook
and Yullck, 47.
Kvent No. 8, fifteen targets, forty en
tries: Moore. Parmalee, Crosby, Peterson
nnd Cook. 15: Milkens. Saunders. Sievers.
Taylor, Rogers, Connor, Bray, F. Miller,
llerr, Garrutt, Daniels, Nnuman, Nlcollal,
Crablll and Llndermnn. 14: Townsend. Kck.
Jenkins, Clyde and Burk, 13.
Hvom o. a, nrieen targets: L.indermnn,
llerr, Bray, Crosby nnd Jenkins, 15; Kck,
Sievers, Connor. F. Miller, Patch. Garrett,
Daniels. Iiutou. Moore. Townsend nnd
Crablll, 14; Nlcollal, Rogers. Parmalee,
Cook, Wndlngton nnd Yullck. 13,
Kvent No. 10. twenty-ilvo tnrgcts, thirty
one entries: Garrett, llerr. Bray, Crosby
nnd Peterson, IB; Jenkins, Taylor, Connor,
isuuman ami rownsenu, 2); i-rabiu, Daniels,
Lawton, F. Miller and Rogers, 23.
Kvent No. 11, fifteen targets, thirty-three
entries: Curtis, Uiwtnn, llerr, Rogors,
Parma ee. Connor. Bray. Crosbv. Peterson.
Taylor nnd Kck. 13; Clyde, Cook. Terry. F.
Miller, Garrett, Nauman, Crablll, and Lln
derman, 14; Townsend, Daniels, Lawton,
Nlcollal, Patch. "B-27," Sievers, Densel.
haunuers, wauingion, uuck nnd Jen-
Kins, j...
Kvcnt No. 12. twenty targets, sixty en-
tries: Townsend, Llndermnn, Peterson.
Cook, Bray nml Crosby, 20; Nnumun and
ravlor. 19: Jenkins. WndllliMon. Parmalee.
llerr nnd Daniels. 13.
Kvent No. 13, fifteen tnrgets, sixty-live
entries: Llnderman, Lawton. Nauman.
Roirers. Crosby and Peterson. 13: KiiumlurH.
Taylor, Cook, Sievers, Parmalee, Bray,
rsicouai, iiarreii ami lownsenti, n; .loore,
Daniels. Burk, Carter, Kck, Jenkins nnd
Mlllklns, 13.
Terry Mef.overn Meels n "Lobster"
In the Prize II Inn Other
NKW YORK, April 20.-Terry McGovern
was awarded the decision ovor Tummy
Warren of Brooklyn ut tho end of tlm llrst
round of what was to have been n twenty-
uve-rounu uoui nemre ino uroaawny Alh
lotto club tonluht.
Warren Is 40 years of ago nnd weighs nt
least 110 pounds, lie displayed absolutely
no knowledge of tho game, wns knocked
down twice with right hand swings from
tho champion nnd when the round ended he
stntrjered to his corner and tho crowd of
Z.w) who wire In attendnnco began hissing
anu (looting, j ne emu oiuciais wisely con
eluded to call tho bout off.
To np;enso the crowd another bout wns
put on for ten rounds at catchwelghts
with Whltrv lister of Phlliidelnhla urn!
Jimmy I lay ward, colored, of Chicago, as
the principals. lister got tho decision.
In the preliminary bout Danny Snyder of
uouon was on tne cara to ko twelve rounds
Ounsli'rg .
Jones . . . .
Uiwrenco .
lminn ....
Mason ....
... 4
... 3
at 120 tmunds with Hilly Mnynnrd of New
York. Snyder's seconds threw up tho
sponge In the fourth round.
StimilliiK "f I'lnjcrn In IIIk Tonrnt
("nblf Gmne lli'lwecn Aiiiei'leim
nnd KiiKllsh C'ollcm- .lien,
IiONDON. Anrll 20.-The sixth round of
the City of London Chess club's tourna
ment was played tonluht lu tho following
order: Pnssmore against Physlrk. Lee
against Telchmaiin, Lomnn against Jones,
lletjen against Lawrence. Kiackburn
against Van Vllet, Ward against Mason.
Gunsberg, u bye.
1 nese results were reconieu: I'assmore
lost to il'hyslck, Loman defentisl Jones,
Blackburn -went down before Van Vllet.
while the other games were left unfinished.
Tho record of tho tourney Is us follows:
l I'assmore ,
I lliysk-k ...
3 TeU h inann
Mi r.'s Tletji u ...
IVj I'i Van Vllet
, 3 2 Ward
College .Hen l'lny hy Wire.
NKW YORK. April 20.-Tlie second mi
nimi Intercollegiate chess match between
Harvard. Yale, Princeton and Columbia
nut Oxford and (Jamnriugo wus ut'sun i"-
day and ufter six lioura' play the Ameri
can team had scored n victory lu tho only
game decided out ot six. Hopkins of Yale
bad the distinction oi nisi hhvuhuh m
British colors. This game was played over
tho board, which accounts for Its speedy
termlnutlon. Soddy of Oxford boldly sacri
ficed two pieces, but eventually the superior
(,.... i, ,1,1 .iiMiliiMi him nnd Hopkins scored
a well merit) d victory on tho thirty-second
movp. . . A , , , ,
Tho llvo remaining games, xo ue pniyeu uy
wire, nro still Id doubt. Rico or Harvard
hold IiIm nwn nirnlnst tho Kimllsli cham
pion, Tuttersall. and It Is more than likely
thai Honors will runmiu tvtii i,i;ti-ui,
l'i'lio sltuntlnn on the other honrds Indi
cates that, In spite of the American leud,
the mateli -win end in a no. uno Amunran
team accepted the liospltnllty of the
Knickerbocker Atliietic ciun, direct connec
inn helnir had between that building nnd
tho British Chess club ut Whitehall Court,
London, whero mo wneiisn team as
Tho Knickerbocker Athletlo club's theater
was tilled with early visitors, mostly col
lege men nnd alumni, who eagerly watched
the progress ot ino gamo ns niusiraieu on
six big hoards.
Mtan lev 1 i. cnndWlCK. secremry or ine
Hrooklyn Chess club, acted us umpire for
the British team and Sir Henry llennlker,
M P.. ncceptud llko ollico for tho American
Plaid second, Captive third. Time: 1:jF',.
Fifth race, six furlongs, relllng: Mutt
Hogan won, iProclamntlon second, Morclla
third. Time: l.lGi.
Sixth race, one and one-sixteenth miles,
purse: Ace won, Acrobat second, Don
third. Tlmo: 1:34.
It liters from 'I'll I m Slile Ihe Oeenn Slum'
l"l Well In eu mar
ket Itnees,
LONDON. April 20. The American
Jockeys continued their triumphs nt New
market today. Tho second welter hnndlcap
of 103 sovereigns, for 3-year-olds and up
ward, was won hy Tho Nippur, ridden by
Sloan. Tevnros, with L. Rellf In the saddle.
Ilnlshed third. Tho double trial plate wns
won by R. Sherwood's Rinnlii Stream Hllv.
piloted by Martin. L. Relit again llnlshed
tnint in tins event, on Uird KUesmere s
Kncombe. The Flying handicap of 2i)0 sov
ereigns, for ;t-yenr-olds nnd upwnrd, re
sulted in a dead Heat between Kdeo anil
Myakkn, tho former ridden by Sioan nnd
tho latter by J. Relit. When tho tie was
run off Myakkn won.
The Rosy Red colt won n selling plato of
103 sovereigns. Broken Melody, with Sloan
UP. was second and the Hiiwlc Weed colt.
ridden by Martin, was next.
Cnrlnlliliin, the Favorite In Kvent ill
Aiiieiliiet llenleii from the Start
Hun hits on Other Courses.
NKW YORK. Anrll 20. Only two fnvorltes
won nt Aqueduct toduy. these being Buffoon
and Princess Ottlllle. Poor starting marred
tho raelug and In tho llfth event Maiiitobati
was ofr Hying, wliue une corintninn, tno
heavily bucked favorite, was far hack. Tho
former won. but the latter was only beaten
it heud for the place. Results:
First race, tour and a nait iuriongs, sell
ing: Glenwood won. Gracious second, Rob
ert Wnddell third. Time: 0:57.
Second race, selling, about seven furlongs:
Buffoon won, Ab-xun second, Sweet Caporal
third. Time: 1:20 2-5. .....
Third rnce, selling, four mid n half fur
longs: Princess Ottllllo won, Hlj.i second,
Delia Ceo third. Time: 0:37.
Fourth nice, live and u half miles, sell
ing: Sir Christopher won, Pink Domino
second. (1. K. Wlghtman third. Tlmo.
LOS 1-5.
Fifth race, five and a ha f furlongs, ndl
lug: Munltobrtn won. Cupidity second, Tho
Corinthian third. Time: i:0S3-5.
Sixth lace, llvo unci u half furlongs: All
Gold won. X.anono second, Gold Ono third.
Tlmo: 1:05 3-D.
Results at Taiifiiran.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 20,-Wrnther
showery and track muddy. Tanforan re
sults. First race. lx furlongs, for maidens,
purse: Gurbo won. Attllla second, .March
Seven tin. T ine: 1: 7 i.
Second race, on and one-eighth miles,
hurdle, selling: Viking won, Lomo second
Durw.ul third. Time: 2:11.
Third race, one-half mile, purse: Bavassa
won, Ada N se.ond. Miss Tltlanu t'llrd.
Time, map
Fourth race, one and one tlxtccmh miles,
nelllng; Lady Mcddletom won. Hcotcli
Itneliiu: In (he Mini.
MK.MPII1S. Tenn.. Anrll 20 -It rnlnnd
throughout the day. Tho track at Mont
gomery iiurk wns n quagmire and mud
larks had everything their own way. Only
two favorites succeeded . In crossing tho
wlro first. The feature of tho dav wis Van
Duseti's rldlnir. he lendlnc two nntMtu
nnd ono favorite first in ensy fashion. Results:
First race, four nnd one-hnlf furlongs.
nurse: Diindv .Tlm won. Knnnv Wn.wi
ond. Darleno third. Tlmo: 0:5S?;.
mi uno inn', six iuriongs, purse: Great
Bend won, Andes second, Maud Wullaco
third. Time: 1:1SV4.
-iiurci ruco. one nnd one-nuarter miles,
elllng: Crocket won. Hand I
Jimp third. Time: 2:13.
Fourth rnce. seven furlongs: Tom Collins
r"' Y'il'r' nnnl scron(1, Verify third.
I'iriii race, one mile, purse: Thrive won
Drnmburg second. The Monk third. Time:
1 :ln',.
Sixth race six furlongs, selling: Cathe
dral won, SliMlhigluirn second, Tho Light
Y. M. C. A. AthletlcH.
A dmrble athletic hill wiin nrrnnled n in
terested crowd of spectators Friday night
when tennis representing tho Omaha nnd
South Omaha Young Men's Christian nssn
elatlons engaged In a basket ball contest In
mic KyinmiHium or ino local association.
Knch city was renresented he t wn tn.'itYiu
selected from the South Omnlia Juniors nnd
the Omah.v Working Boys, In Itoth of tho
contests the Omaha teams were victorious,
winning the tlrst ono by n score of fi to 0
nnd the second bv the fnlnl score of 1(1 to 1.
uecause oi mis ine nouin ninalia lails urn
eonlldent of victory In the return game to
bo plnyed April 30.
Colleae Chess Mutch hy Cable.
LONDON. Anrll 20.-3:33 p. m.-Tbe Or-
ford and Cambridge representatives In the
second Inter-unlversltv chess match hv
cable for the Isaac L. Rico tronhy, with
Harvard. Yale, Columbia nnd Princeton.
are occupying private rooms nt the British
Chess club, u few members of which. In
cluding Sir George Newnes, were presont
during the exelinngo of messages and tho
subsequent opening ot play today. Tlm
local players aro a kecir-looking lot and
anticipate a close contest with much pleasure.
Down Sl 'limes In Four noumla.
PKOR1A. 111., April 20.-At tho Still City
Athletlo club tonight Kddlo Spragun of
Strentor met Fratiklo Noel of St. Iiuls In
a ten-round bout ut 120 pounds. Noel was
completely outclassed and his seoond;
threw up the sponge after their man had
been beaten to the lloor six times In four
rounds. Jark O'Keefo of Qulncy knocked
out Billy Kennedy of Chlengo In the sixth
round of an eight-round bout.
Inu a I'rir.e I'IkIiI I.iiw.
DAVKNPORT, la., April 20.-Thn now
Iowa prizo tight law was brought to boar
on Art Simms of Akron, Q,. nnd George,
Stead of Chicago, who were inntched for a
twenty-round bout here tonight. Tho con
test was declnred off before the men en
tered tho ring on rcrolpt of a notice from
the authorities that tho light would not bo
allowed to tukc. plnce.
Pool ClilllliplonNhlp.
NKW YORK. April 20,-Tho second, of tho
series In n pool match for tho championship
of the world between Alfred De Oro nnd
Jcormo R. Keogh ut Daly's wus played to
night. De Oro rnn out llrst on the count
of 200. ns he did last night, tho scoro stand
ing: De Oro, 202; Keogh, 139. Totals: Do
Oro, 407; Keogh, 33S.
Iliirnetl to Conch Stanford.
CHICAGO. April 20.-O. K. Burnett, guard
on the University of Chicago eleven In 'Oi
and named as a member of tho "All-American"
eleven, today received notice of Ills
appointment to be chief coach ut tho Le
land Stanford university. Mr. Burnett will
lenvo for California next Friday.
(ieyer .IiiIiih ( Iticliinntl.
CINCINNATI, April 20,-Plill Oeyer of
Washington today signed to play on the In
llebl for Cincinnati. He played with St.
Paul last year and Is said to havo been
holding out on Cincinnati for tho position
and more money.
To IMicIil at Oioahii.
DKTROIT. Mich., April 20,-Curlev Sup
pies, the Buffalo lightweight, bus been
matched to meet Jack Abbott of Victoria nt
Omaha May 0, lu u twenty-round contest nt
lS'i pounds.
A Testimonial from Old Knuliiiiil.
"I consldor Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy
tho best In tho world for bronchitis," says
Mr. William Savory of Warrington, Eng
land. "It has saved my wlfo's llfo, shn
having been n mnrtyr to bronchitis for over
six years, being most of tho tlmo confined
to her bod. Slio is now qulto well." It is u
great pleasure to tho manufacturers of
(Minmbcrlaln'H Cough Remedy to bo ablo to
publish testimonials of this character. They
show that great good Is being dono, pain
nnd sulTorlng rnlloved and valuable, lives re
stored to health and happiness by this remedy.
jl Used over half century, b"
Refreshing and invigorat-
ino. tnr In inllft nf .iflr
shaving, immediate relief to eyes Irritated by wind or dust.
As a Remedy, it controls pain, bleeding and inflammation.
Used Internally and Externally
CAUTION.Witch Haset is NOT Pond's Extract, and
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" wood alcohol," which is an irritant externally and. taken
("''J&ffil deAdl9 Ptsn bond's extract is sold ONL Y
in SEALED bottles enclosed in buff wrapper.
I'ond's lixtract Co., 76, Filth Ave., New York.
POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT curci Itching or IlldlnK
Piles, however severe. It is a specific in alUkln diseases.