THE OMAHA DATTV IVEE: SAT t'K DAY, AIMHL. 1! 1 . !!)()(). THE LATEST AND GREATEST TRIUMPH OF SHOE BUYING AND SELLING GREATEST SHOE SALE EVER POSSIBLE BETTER THAN EVE 000 SHOES From Fishers, Cor. Park Ave. aiitl Leavenworth Street Omaha stock. From Wallace & Elliott stock sold by the adjuster of the estute. From Hard Up Manufacturers Jobbers and Wholesalers. Your money back at once if you can find as groat shoe bargains else where for even twice the price W3 ask. HiW mm mm hj mm mm VH m 4 MORE AN SHOES SALE N OMAHA Hat Bargains Wo placo on tnlo Saturday, a fine lot of men's Htlll anil fedora lints, tho latest tylos blnck and now shado? of brown mid gray Thoso aro $2.00 values without quostlon special $1.39 and Men's extra quality hats, newest styles dorbys and fedoras in the dor bya tho Knox and Dunlup stvlcs pro dominate, blaok and -4 brown. Tho values I Q ranco from $.'t to $1 I -w mw choice Children's Hats Your choleo from a now lot of spring togucs just recolved pretty colors t, each, only 25c Wo offer extraordinary values in boys' caps, golf, bicycle, etc all the nowost 1111 i no nuu usi. na- r3' 'r25c styles, colors ana combina tions two special lots lor batureluy's soiling, oUo c Tho very newest styles In boys' batB. Including tho new crushers, pashas, dor- tys, and fedoras. Wo novo them In tho newest shades threo special lots go on Balo Saturduy at S8e, 75c and 50c WAGING WAR ON CIGARETTES Oitj Council to Bo Aiksu to Logisltito Against tho Weed, NO ENFORCEMENT OF THE STATE LAW Cniincllniiiii .11 ii ii n I Will Nimv I'rnpuNf mi Ordinance that Will (live the City AiitlimitlcM 1'iincr to to Act. War Js to be waged on tho cigarette In Omaha. Tho cigarette has been the object of stato legislators' attacks heretofore, but os far an tho lawn passed havo affectd this city they might Just as well not have been enacted. What Is needed to keep the deadly cigar ette out of tho hands of Omaha youth, Is a city ordinance, and ono will be Introduced at tho council meeting next Tuesday night. Councilman Mount Is to be lis author. Tho situation In that tho laws passed by the stato legislature cannot be enforced by city oIUcIiiIh nnd the slate ollleials seem to bo ohltvlous to the existence of such stat utes. City Attorney Council says the pen ally for violation from $100 to $200 fine Is boyond tho power of the police, court to en force. If the penalty were made less and city officers Inotriictcd to nee that the law Is observed, ho sayi there would bo fewer cigarettes sold in Omaha by thousands of boxen annually. Tho city attorney and Councilman Mount Beauty is only Skin Deep and if one has features ever so at tractive it goes for little if accom panied with a bad skin. To be fine in texture, fresh and beautiful, a skin must be healthy, and a healthy skin is only found on a healthy body. All the waste matter of the system --and the amount in 1M hours is enormous must be removed by the excretory organs kidneys, bowels nnd sweat glands. If any one of them strikes work, it lays an additional burden on the others and renders them more liable to disease. Tho secret ol health Is to maintain every part of tho body in its normal Male, nnd tins is done by tho use o( plain wholrtonio lood, out-doorcxcrclto and frequent baihlnu hen for any cauio the equilibrium is Ui-t. then the Immcdlato resort to some tried and estab lished remedy which will sncedllv rrniovu the diuiculty Is the only sensible, tourse M9Leaift Liver find , Kidney. Is a remedy o( this nature which lias lorn; passed Its experimental stase, and Its use m!1 ba found allsutiklcnt. Sold emwOierc. Prern'c.l nn'v Tlio Df.J.U McLean Medicine Co., bt Louis, Mo, 98c niiii lift M 1ML1U for less money than anv other dealer on A Pair for Japanese Daih- room Slippers Fine Clothing Priced L WE have demonstrated to you time and time again what we are able to do for you in the clothing line, and these special leaders but convey the fact more forcibly. Thoir significance should not bo underated. It means money saved for you and while wo call your attention to amount you save do not fail to realize that tho clothing is of the sort that fashions closest followers approve of. Tho material, style and workmanship of every suit is all that tho most critical desire, and they are made to lit faultlessly and wear well. Men's all wool suits, made of fancy btripod worsted and plain and fancv casslmora and chovlots. They como In the newest patterns and tho most dosirabl colors, In light medium and dark shades this lot also includes lino clay worstodBjyoue choleo of any suit for $ 7.50 You save Bring the Future Citizens $2.50 Boys' and Chillis' School Suits $1.25 Hoys' and chllds' school stilts of good wear resisting wool material In light and dark mixed cheviots, etc. Fancy vestee or plain doublo breasted style. Splendidly sewed, every button strongly fastened, every pair of pn!is with double seats and knees. This Is tho best lot of school 101 01 BCUOOl $1.25 suits wo over offered. On Balo Saturday at FREE will confer about tho tcrniH of the ordinance Its passngo Is regarded ns a certainty. It will apply to minors. I shall bo glad to sign such a measure as noon as It reaches me," said Mayor Monroe. "I think It would bo ono or the beat laws ever enacted." In lSS!i tho legislature passed n bill pro hibiting tho salo or gift to minors under lf years of ae of cigarettes oi tobacco In any form. Tho penalty was fixed nt $23 fine. Tho legislature of 1897 amended this act by placing tho ban on cigarettes nnd clgarotto paper only and raining tho ago limit to 21. Tho penalty was Increased to not less than $100, nor more than $200, with Imprison ment In case of failure to pay. Justices of tho petico were given sole Jurisdiction. "I don't believe one-tenth of tho peoplo know such n law la In existence," said Councilman Mount. "I have never heard of Its being enforced. Any day minors schoolbojH and newehoys may bo seen on thu Htreets smoking eigarettrn and tobacco In other forms. Thry can get tho weed at tobacco stores, pharmacies nnd grocery houseii whenever they have tho prlre. "It Is ono of the worst hablh posHlblo for a boy to contract. Ooctoro and scientists agree that the effects of clgaretto smoking are bad In many ways. It Injures tho health nnd dulls tho faculties, To a growing person tho result, are most evil." I'lilln Knroi't't' (lie rjii, Antl-cIgarette ordinance!) aro In force In many lurge cities. Tho police aro mainly responsible for tho laws' enforcement. Hecently ordeta were issued by the chief of the wenther bureau at Washington against the use of cigarettes during buslnes hours. It was given out m addition that tho3o la the service who uued thim nt any time would he mentioned In confidential re ports. Cigars nnd plpea were not barred. It had been discovered that employes who had the cigarette habit grew lax In their dutloj. Incorrect weather reports and pre dictions were In many cascn tho result. The "collln nail" Is now eschowed at nil hours by thoso connected with tho wenther bureau. RELIEF FOR STARVING INDIA Alfred Vtlllaril of the I'nmiiicrclit I .Nil. tliiunl IIiiiiU Hon llfi-ii Vpimlnteil Trriixiirer of the I'niiil, Following tho proclamation of Mayor Moores, railing for contributions to the fund for tho relief of tho famine sufferers of India, comes tho announcement that Al fred Millard has bom appointed treasurer or the local fund .tiul that contributions will be received at the Commercial N'atlcnal bank. :i i out rlbut Ions will be acknowledged i :rroiiRh the columns of the dally prtos and 1 in tho Omaha Christian Advocate j Krcm li. L., stato rommUsloner tfer this fund, It Is loomed that there nr ' now more than fiO.000,000 peoplo dependent on tho generosity of outsldo nations. Tho famine Is now about half spent, hut the greater part of tho suffering Is still to tome Lewis Klopsch of New York, ono of the national commissioners, sailed for Horn- bay prll 1", it'id the flrr' cargo dotlnel for the fuuiiuu r 'glons lift New Yuit ater no matter how they got 'em or why they For Infant's 35c Colored Mocassins in basement for Ladies' Shoes, Ladies' Slippers, Ladies' Sfrap Sandels, Youth's Shoes, Misses' Shoes Ladies' Bicycle Boots in basement. from $2.50 to S5.00. Boys' Two-piece knee Pants Suits ages 6 to 15 years, In newest spring pat terns of chovlots, casslmeres, worsteds, etc., light, dark, checked, plain or striped ef fects. Of tested all wool texture, llnod. sowed and trimmed In tho very best man ncr possible. Worth up to $3. CO. On salo Saturday $1.98 With every purchase of boya', youths' or children's suits we will give mask, or a pair of Queensbury boxing gloves. day morning. This ronslsted of 100,000 bushels of corn, which will bo carried direct to Bombay at tho expense of the United States government. Arriving there It will bo forwarded to an Interdenominational commission of American missionaries nnd by them bo distributed among the famlue strlcken districts. N'ebrnska to date has contributed about $2,500 to tho relief cf tho sufferers, most of which has como from tho smaller towns. As yet no organized movement has been In augurated In tho cities, nnd It Is hoped that tho response to tho appeal now Issued will meet with a ready nnd generous response. There Is no tlmo In which to make Individ ual nppealf, for what Is done must bo done qulcklj. faster Sunday $35,000 was cabled to Iloinbay as an Kastcr offering. The utato of Kansas has contributed a car load of cjrn and this will go forward In the next cargo. FIFTH WARD REPUBLICANS CoiiNtltiltlnn Ailimteil mill Mfln liei'Nlilii lui'rriiKi-il 1 (lie ililltlou of ii Diki'ii Svn Oiu-N, At the meeting of tho l'lfth Ward Re publican club at their hall. Sherman nvenuo and Locu3l street, Friday night, tho new constitution wns ndopted and a dozen per sons admitted to membership in the club. Tho committee nppointed to Investigate tho matter of the call for tho congrefHlonal convention made a report, which wns sup plemented by n statement from T. V. Illack burn, chairman of the congressional commit tee. The report went Into details regarding the flint cnll nnd Its repeal and tho Issuing of tho second call under which the con vention will be held In Omaha Saturday, April 2S. Tho opinion of the chairman of tho coiiEresslonnJ committee was to tho ef fect that tbero wan no occasion to ques tion tho legality of the nomination of any person named as a candidate for congress I,.. hn rnnonnllnn 1)111 he WSfl SOrrV tllltt the committee had felt constrnlned to chango tho call. Tho discussion of tho question of the elec tion of I'nlted States senators by a direct vote of -tho people was postponed until next Friday night. That ThrolililiiHT Iti'iiilneiir would quickly lenvo you If you used Dr. Klng'H New Life Tills. Thousands of suf fereu two p-oved their matchless merit for Sick and Ncrvoim Headaches. They mako puro blood ,nd build up our health. Only :.- cents. Money back If not cured. Gold by Kuhn & Co.. diuglsts. 8AIRD INSTEAD OF BELDEN I ii ii lor lli'iulier of Wliiirtoii A. Iliilril to III Clreti'il to the llouril nt i:du ntlmi Viirniiry. The Hoard of IMucntlon will meet th's evening for consideration of tho plnns for the new High school building, when It Is said that the plans will bo adapted which contemplate on eastward frontngo of 250 i feet, as distinguished from the ones which rontemplnte that tho building shall have nntv ?nn feet frontase on the east and that Its main front shall be toward the south. I MB Men's very fine suits, made of nob by scotch goods, durable oassimores and handsome tweeds also Btrlctly all wool oxford gray vicunas, and satin lined clay worsteds In all tho loading styles sacks, frocks, single and double breasted somo with doublo breasted vests. Your choice of any suit, for '9.98 You save from S3 to $7.50, Here - - - Our Suits Suit; Our This would mean that tho Intltal structure shall c )st more than $200,000, instead of tho $150,000 voted. It is probable also thnt a selection will bo made to fill the vacancy caused by tho acceptance of tho resignation of Arthur M. Cowio ns a member of tho board. Mr. Ileldcn, elected nt the meeting Inst Monday, having declined to accent. It Is stated that tho preferred choice favors William Dalrd, of , tho legal firm of Wharton & llalrd. for the position. Mr. llalrd Is a resident of the Ninth ward. ROCK ISLAND'S NEW TRAIN lnilir.n eiiM-iit In I'ri'oen Service Uy Kxteiinlou or CIiU'iiuii-OiiiiiIiii Trnl n to I 'll I rlni- . An expansion of present train serv ice will bo made by tho Rock Island, beginning Sunday, April 22, whereby its Chicago-Omaha train will bo extended to run as fur as Fair bury. No chango of tlmo in the west bound schediilo between Chlcugo and Omaha will be made. The train will contluuo to leave Chicago at 0:30 p. m., nrrhing In Omaha at 810 n. m. After a stop of twenty minutes In Omaha it will leave for Fair bury, arriving there at 11 V, a. in. Con nection will bo made nt thai point with tho Hock Island's St. Joe train for Ileatrlce, l'awneo City, llolton. Topeka and St. Joo. Katstbound this train will leave Falrbury at i p. m., nrrlvlng In Omaha at 7:15 p. ra.. nnd leaving here on Its present schedule nt 7:23 p. in. Tho tlmo between Omaha and Chicago will be lessened materially, as ar rival will bo made at tho latter city at 10:55 a. m. Instead of 2 p. m. ns at present. No other changes In train servlco aro contemplated by the Hock Island at this time. Oencral Agent Rutherford Is au thority for tho statement that no change will bo made In the through servlco now afforded between Chicago nnd San Francisco over tho Hock Island and Its connections. Sny li'iit-r Cannot Comiictc. DKNVBIt. Colo.. April 20. Tho hearing .,.., , " Clements In regard to tho alleged dlscrlmlnn tlon In freight rates against this city by ; the railroads was concluded today. The attorneys wero given until June 5 to file their brief and a decision Is promised soon j after that date. (). II. Hart, a sewing marhlno Johber. gavo J testimony today showing tnni conditions ate such that Denver Jobbers cannot compoto In Wyoming, Utah or any western states with tho-e of Omaha. Kansas City and other Missouri river points. Ocorgo Munroe. freight tralllc ngent of tbo I'nlon Pacific railroad, explained In detnll tho rates to which objections have bom made. Tho commissioners go from Denver to Omaha. Ititlluny ivH nnil I'eroonnlit. Oencral Agent Kuhn of tho Northwestern has leturneel from Chlcugo. J. -M. Northmnre, generul npent of tho Northwestern at Iloone, Is a visitor In tho city. H, K. Nlrlvil. commercial agent of the Illinois Central nt Sioux Cit. is a visitor In the city Traveller Auditor Hardy of th" Iturirng ton, whoso headquarter ato la this illy, they sell 'em we undersell them ail-always- For Ladies' House Slippers in basement for Ladies' Shoes, Ladies' Slippers, Men's Shoes, Boys' Shoes, Kisses' Shoes, Ladies' Oxfords, in basement. Men's finest quality suits in the now Kngllsh tweeds and the correct patterns In flue worsted, all wool garments. Perfectly tailored and exceptionally well made and lined. There suits com pare favorably with tailor-made garments and look it in every respect. Saturday's special price You save from $1 to $7.50. Boys' Black Twoplccc Suits ages 8 to 15 yers, with double breasted coats, made or pur nooteu black clay wors ted cloth, fast black, thoroughly well made and lined. PtuU (opevi, every team doublo fewed with slltc thread. These suits are sold and worth $1.00. Ou salt Saturdiy $2.98 free a large ball bat, a base hns been ljlnir dnngcrounly 111 at Ite.itrlco. pany paid $218 In taxes Into tho city trens Iteports received from him this morning In- rv . vilu-uinn . i i.-uu . .i (Urate, that he l Improving slightly. ir 0,1 wniution . , o Tho Hurllngton will carry two special ears taxis on the Metropolitan line m a vnlua through Omnh.i enroiite from the west to lion of $.1,100. This Is a total tax of $3(30.80 Chicago on Its midnight train tonight. The I for the use of the public RtreetR for a year un'(T ruVty0'' Nelson Mnrrls'aiid party?'"" ! which is now considered N. T. Morgun of Kvatiston, Wvo.. an old- 1 h members of thu Commercial club to he time engineer on the I'nlon I'aeltle. Is In the I worth nt least $100,000. city enroiite to Washington from ogden, I Sccrotary Watklns tuid last night that where ho hai been working. Ho lias been ,,, . wnnlit nni tnn hut ,,rrnnoit in offered a munition on the capital eltv police I tl10 P00'"0 WOIll no' stop, but prcpcMMl to force, and Is going to look over the prolTcred j sccuro better o?rvlce nnd a crowi-town line, position. He favnis a continual agitation of the sub- Cleanso tbo liver, purify tho blood. In vigorato tho body by using DoWltt's Llttlo Early Risers. Tbrao famous llttlo pills al ways net promptly. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. The South Omaha Commercial club has achieved another victory. This time It Is with tho Omaha Street Hallway company. I'ndcr pressure from the Commercial dub, backed by tho citizens of South Omaha, n demand was made yiwtorday for the ex tension of tho street stub line to Thirty ninth street, nnd this was granted. The present stub line now ends at Thirty-third Etreet, leaving a vast territory without any ear servlco at nil. Peoplo In this section havo been clamoring for car nervico for some months, but without nvail. An or dlnnnco wns passed by tho city council some months ago requiring tho company to ex tend Its 0 street lino to Thirty-ninth, but no attention wns paid to It by tho street car ollleials. When the limit allowed by ordinance had elapsed the Southwest Side Improvement club and tho Commercial club took up the matter with the result that the etreet car ollliiala havo promised to build tho extension within ninety days. In relation to tho cross-town line to ex tend from Thirty-ninth nnd Q streets to i Thirteenth and Missouri nvenuo no satis faction was obtained, as tho olllcers of the motor company refused to consider the ; propcwltlon. In connection with this lino members of tho Commercial club assert thut all tho arguments or the managers of the motor company wero met nnd combated. After the Interview In Omaha Secretary Watklns bald that ho was pleased with the result as to the extension of the Q street line, but was disappointed about the crrns town line. Continuing, ho said that the peoplo of South Omaha propose to demand better servlco and will have It. The South Omaha lino U considered tbe best paying ono owned by the Omuha company and something besides old horso cars and baby carrlnges should bo operated, South Omaha patrons pay tho same faro that Park avenue passengers do nnd they are. he asserts, en titled to tho samo accommodations. Tho peoplo are determined to nocure better servlco and better rolling stock, nnd to this rnd tho law will bo Invoked If necossary. Several hints havo been droppod that th' nKsessoro would not placo any valuation on tho franchlso of tho streot oar company until nftor the decision of the ollleials, which wns rendered yesterday. The answer given the Commercial club virtually decide: the matter. List year tho Omuha Sit cot Hallway com- earth a pair Child's & Youths' Shoes, Lnilles' Sllpnorb Oxford Tips for men's shoes equal to any f0 shoo else where. for ladies' shoes worth up to five dollars a pair. Prices Please $7.50 Black Clay Worsted Lonrj Pants Suits $4.98 Sizes ngce 17 to 20 years, in round or straight cut sacks, with best Italian cloth lining, satin piped Beams, nb'olutely fast color. All wood worsteds ns well as the finest fanry rastilmeres for spring wear. with single or double breasted vests, urcasun vesis. $4.98 All the $7.!i0 values on salo Saturday at ouly ball, a wire ' Ject until the conceiislons demunded by tho citizens are granted. Aililltliimil ti't'iiininiMliilliiiiM fur MorK'. A largo number of tho delegntcs to the convention expressed thcmsclvct ns entirely satisfied with tho South Omaha market und promised to ship hero during tho season. An addition to the cale pavilion Is being built ut tho stock yards for the accommo dation of tho overflow from the big brick barn. In this new pavilion there will bo twcnty-flvo stalls nnd two Inrgo pens for fancy stock, which will bo directly connected with the main salo pavilion. This addition to the facilities for handling fancy stock will without doubt bo greatly appreciated by thoso who proposo holding sales of fancy stock hero this summer, as well us the hand lers of horses. The horso market Is glow ing to such proportions that the big barn Is not ndequato now to accommodate" all of tho animals received and tho erection of this combination pavilion was really a ne cessity. I'riitcel Inn tin I'mi.N, Patrick Mortimer wns brought before Po lice Judge King yesterday for allowing his mulca to feed In Highland park. Attorney Vun Dusun, ono of tho members of the park cemmladon, wns present ami conducted thn examination against Mortimer. Ho was found guilty, but upon his representation that ho would not allow the offense to bn repsnted tho park commissioner requested that ho bo discharged. It Is tho Intentluii of tho park board to strictly enforce tho law regarding tho taking of animals Into the park. According to Mr. Van Onsen It required tho work of ono man for two day to repair tho damago dono to the sod by Mortimer's mules. MnniiKi-r Kciiyiin Itel iii-iin. flonornl Manager Konyoa of ihe Union Stock Yardn eompany returned yesterday from Miles City, Mnit.. where he wont to ' attend t.ho annual meeting of the Montana ' Cnttlo drawers' association. lie reports that there was a good attendance at tho 1 soFlnns and a great deal of Interest mani fested In tho present conditions of the II vo stock market. Tho ranges, Mr. Kenyan says, aro In flno condition and cattle emtio out of the winter fat and In the best condition seen for years. Moro eattlo from Toxin havo been contracted for by Montana sto I, men to go on the range this summer for threo yonrti past. Vlxlllnu Woodmen, Thursday n'ght flvo drill teams of Modcwi Woodmen lodges In Omaha surprhed ram--No. 1105 at the hall, Twenty-fifth and N streets Mayor Kelly v as present and de llveted an addre s of welcome ti tin vl i lng teams, About 300 were presi nt and a ow JJ vL them you'd have to pay five dollars a pair for elsewhere. for ladies' shoes worth fully two dollars and half Men's furnishings 15c Linen Collars :ic-nll sizes and all tho most desirable H styles, -l ply linen I the two for u -m c quarter kind r W ' Saturday H- ,1111 V Linen Ctifls, special, por pair 7c Men's white laundered shirts, linen bosom, various styles and all sizes. Also nu an bizcs. jusu 39c a lot of netflie;cc shirts Z collars arid one pair of culfs theso are SI values choice .Men's shirts, white silk front, all sizes, worth "fo salo price body, mercerized 25c A choleo lot of new neckwear in tho latest tceks, imperials, etc., very protty patterns, regular 3,'to and 6Uc" P" values on salo wCt UMDKKWKAIt SPKCIAL. Men's fino balbrlggan nnd fine ribbed summer underwear at special low prices. Dig lots bought from the milts enables us to give you wonderful values nt tho following prices, ro niober wo havo all sizes, nt GOc, 39c and 25c most enjoyablo evening wn spent. For ro fiCbhmcnM fruit and uigars were passed. Tho lsitors left on tho last ear after vot ing tho members ct 101)5 royal good fellows. Mimic lily (iuNxlp, The hog pens In division D at the stock yards are being paved with brick. Cattle and hog receipts nt the stock yards continue to show a healthy Increase. .Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vollner, Twenty-fifth nnd Polk streets, announce the birth of a. son. Miss Maieellu Maxwell of Fremont Is here, the guest of .Miss Orate Maxwell. Twenty-fourth and N streets. St. Agnes fair at Hliim's hall Is proving a success In every way. Tho atteiidiiiiec Ih good and the Interests In existing contests Increases dnllv. The art exhibit at tho High school build ing yesterday afternoon was well attended and quite a sum was realized for the pic ture and book fund. Quite a number of Improvements nro be ing made at Highland park. New trees ur being set nut nnd water pipes are being laid throughout the grounds. The llrst annual bull of the I'nlon Slock Yards Kmploycs' Relief association was held last ulglit In tint (lining room of thn Kxcliungr building. Tho attendance was satisfactory and the occasion was greatly outlived The Kastcr music rendered ,if the Ftrit Methodist lOplscopal ihureli last Sunday vrlll be repealed both morning and evnlmt mi Huiiduj. Hit P linker Is In rh.irsr 'f the c In lr win. b Is composed of twenty- It VI) Vuic.-K SSli LUTE CURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Slgnnturo of 5m Pnc-Slmlle Wrapper llcloiv. Vary ttiuall anil as au; ri talus m ragnr. FDR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION X, I MUTWISlllllTUI. CURE SlCKJjEAACHJt.., SE CARTER'S fflVER C PILLS.