THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATXTT.DAV, AL'HUj ai, UIUU. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL limy Argentina Shipment. Chief Fic'.or In Wheat Market. CORN PIT LARGELY IN SCALPERS' HNDS Pro lnlnnft MnrWrt I Vpnl nml I.ntrrr ArTrptril Ity Wi'nlK'P llim. tin ,onrr (Irnln Miirlict mill Miinl rintloii Ontn Arr W.fuk. CHICAGO. April 20.-Tho hnivy Arson tine shipment were the chief factor In wheat today. Hip close IioIiik a shade to l.c lower. Corn cloxed UllLc down Hli'l oats a shade to 'it- depresMd. itomimoiis nt the close were 1fil5c down. I Wheal traders cllnrbcd Into the pit at i tho opening of the session with their views toncc ruing tne value of wheat lowered from V lie- This was due to the fact that Argentina last week shipped 3,700,001 bu.. that cables were lower and the weather auditions remained the fast friend of the the crop. llavliiK Riven this exhibition of beliiR awake the speculative trade pro ceeded to slumber. Kor hours-ln fait nearly the whole setflon-the IIik tuatlons were narrow as a cable slot. On the fair fa. e of the crop there of .oiirse remained a wart in the shape of a lather poor outlook In Michigan. Ohio and Indiana ami the consideration of this matter of run history so iilTcld one speculator that lie covered n short line of IW.UW) bit. Hut the others only smiled and cheerfully sold 11 to him. The cash business ns falr--160,f) bit. here, fiO.fJUO bll. of It for direct export. New York put the export business at 30 loads and Philadelphia reported :! lo.ids. This had a sleadylllR Inlliience. which h"ld to the end. The spread between Mnv and July wldrncd to Pic during the arternoon and there was oiislderable ' rhaiiRliiR." Tho local crowd sold May and took Julv. while the elevators In a mod el ate way reversed the action. Primary re--clpts were 37i!,OPO tin., compared with art. i bu. last year. .Minneapolis and Duluth reported 2 cars, iiRiilnst 271 a year ago. l,o. al receipts were 12 cars, none of con tract Riade. Clearances III wheat and Hour wotc eiuul to 177,10 tin. May opened Vd'jc lower at OS'fcftiiS'ii- to 6.1c. advanced to ilj'i'f i'".i and closed i4e down at liG'ic. July b gan the session 'S,c lowir at i.ft liic to t,6'V. touched and closed a shade down in 66V- In corn the market largely belonged to tho scalpers. Trade was unlet and the runRe narrow. Thr opening was from 'jc to 'sc under yesterday's cIosIiir tlRiires. but Hie close mowed a pari in mis riTuvnru. The Argentine shipments were larRer and Ibis. together with the Rood weather and lower cables, was a factor. Local receipts were 201 cars, The country movement was reported still IIrIH. May solo between 3s?j italic nnd llSi.ic, cloning yc down at ;MV; July between ilMlf.i-'V, closlnR Ml lie tle prcesed at 3:'11(BV-. The provisions market was weak and lower. afTecled by weaker Iiors, the lower Rrnln market and lliUldatlon. Outside sell ing was a feature. May pork sold from S12S0 to S12.WU,, i IosIiir 10c down at SI2.W; Jul), from S13.10 to IVIM and closed 15c lowrr nt S11. May lard raiiRcd between S7 I7'4 and S7.07'n, cIosIiir 12't- deirescd at S7 10, July, from 7.27'-j to S7.I.".. with the i lose ISift irp lower at $7.17',i('ii7 St. May ribs sold between $7.01 and S7.07's. closing ifil2i.e down at S7.'G; July, between S7.12'a It fid Sf.lC'yi.OS, with the close 10ftl2'c re duced at S7 05. Oats were weak, a matter of sympathy with corn and wheat. The volume of trado was augmented somewhat by the decline, but not h 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 i ) 1 1 to create anything like eX'ltement. Heeelpls were 131 cars. May ranged from 2'P'ic to 22-tc and closed ijc lower at 23c; July, from a:t'i,c- to 227iic, clos ing a shade lower at ZIJPhC There wns some changing of May for July. At the opening May held the premium, but when tho market closed there was a shade In favor of the deferred future. Kstlmnted receipts tomorrow; Wheat, So cars; corn, 1C0 ears; oats, 115 cars; hogs, 34.WO head. The leading futures ranged ns follows; Articles. Opcii.l Illgh.l Low. Close. Ves-y, Wheat April M ay July Sept. Corn April May Oats May July Sept. Tork Lard May J illy Sept. Illlw May July Sept. fiSUflVilXiUlaH 65 I i;i; 7il tai i;fi?4'i;s,'(, ! 37Ti 3S 3i ; ."?'4 40i,i 231', asft'ii narci :is'.4l 40t'l, tw. 1 .' 30?ift 39H34 10 I 23',,j 231 i 2'Ml'ii 23' ', Slflls 22! 12 SO 13 10 i! 23 '! ZYn 12 00 13 10 12 S2',7 12 S7'2 7 07H 7 i: 12 90 13 00 7 10 7 20 7 35 7 05 7 05 13 00 13 ir. 7 1TVI 7 27'.sl 7 32',i 7 07l 7 10 7 07HI 17H 27'4 32'; 7 22'A .7 331,5 7 3714 7 1714 7 171 7 121.. 7 22'. f '.si I2V4 ' 10 I 7 U". 7 021,41 7 W I ' 0214; No. 2. Cnsh quotations were ns follows: FI.OURWeak: winter patents. 't.COf?3 70; straights, $2.!'5tT3.l0; clears, S2.70ff3.20; spring speclnls. $3.90; patents. $3.IOt(3.l3; straights, $2.0Ofl3.0O; bakers. $2.(WJ2.5. WHEAT-No. 3 spring. fi.'Ufilc; Nn. 2 red, S.c. CORN-No .2, 3Sc: No. 2 yellow. 3Si,,c. OATS No. 2. 24V4fi2.3e: No. 2 white, 27Jf 27'4c: No. 3 white, 2f5,fi27'4p. RYE-No. 2, 65o. nARLF.Y-No. 2. I2'pl5c. SEEDS Flaxseed. No. 1 nnd northwest, $173. Prime timothy, $2.IOJ?2.15. I'lover, contract grade $7 75. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $11.90 f"!M. l.arit. per 10 lbi. $7 ririi7.l."i. Short Tibs sides (loose), $7.00fi7 25. Dry salted H. olllders (boxedl. S(!.75fi7.(0. Short clear sides (boxed), $7.6Ml7.l'.5. WHI8KY-Dlstlllers'. Ilnlshed goods, on basis high wines, per gal., $1.2.5'. SCOAHS-Cut loaf. $0.00; granulated, $5.44. Following are tho receipts and shipments for today: Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, bbls I5 0li Hi.OOi) Wheat, bu 53 000 W.M) Coru, bu 207 rio oso.roo Oats, bu 202,0011 l-,37.0O) Rye, bll ln.onn 2.000 narley. bu 31,000 50,100 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was llrm; creameries. llliKijc; dairies, 12l4l!l.rV ("icese, llrm. 12Jl3c. Eggs, steady; fresh, 10ij,c. M51V YORK tillMlltTl, .MARKET. (liiotntlnn for (lie Dny on Vnrloiis ClIlllll.llllllleN. NEW YORK. April 20.-FLOFR-Recelpts, 07.033 bbls.; exports, 19 CT2 bbls.; very quiet ut old prices; spring patents, contluiieil weak, but not quotubly lower than yesterday; winter patents. $3,7011 00; winter straights. S3.4-Vii3.fi0; winter extras. $2.fi0tl2.95; winter low grades. $2 25'(72.I0; Jllnnesota patents,; Minnesota bakers. S2.W3 00. Rye Hour, steady: fair to good, $2.90fi3.15; choice to fancy, S3.20tf 3.50. COR NME A I Weak; yellow western, f9c; city. S6c; Hrandywlne. $2.2S1J2.3A. RYE Easy; No. 2 western. 62c. f. o. b.. n float; state. 67c, c. I. f. New York, enr lots. HA RLE Y Dull; feeding. 4Uftl3c, Now Tork: malting. COff53c. New York. HARLEY MAl.T-Dull wesiern. 65c. WHEAT Receipts. H.woiiu.: exports. 41. bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 79W f. o. b., nllont: No. 2 red, 7iiisc, elevator; No. 1 northern. Duluth. 75i , f. o. b., alloal, vrompt: No. I hard, Duluth, 77'c, f. n. b.. nfloat, prompt. Options experienced one of tho dullest sessions th'.s week. Foreign houses traded both ways, but outside in. terest w'as lacking nnd even scalpers wltli drew. Heavy Argentine shipments, perfect crop conditions and lower cables prompted heaviness most of the day. Prices finally rallied with corn and closed steady. Llf ic; May, 72 7-W72 ll-KV; closed. 72c; July, 72!)-16ti72'c; closed at 724c; Septem ber, 727;in73ilc; clo-sed nt 73c. CORN Receipts. 75,075 bu.; corts, 3,522 bu. Spot, llrm; No. 2, 47V-. f. o. b.. and 45e. elevator. Options market so!i off at first undpr big Argentine exports nnd lino crop news, but recovered Inter on export demand and closed llrm '(.e net decline; Slny. 43MfHc; closed at 41c; July. 4Hi 4414c; closed nt 4IVsc; September. l04lTc; closed at 44ThC. OATS Receipts. 63.200 bu.: exports, 4.7.10 bu. Spot, weak: No. 2. 2c; No. 3. 27V; No. -J white. 29V: No. 3 white. 23c; track mixed western, 2Sti29i; track white western, 29H1i 3io: track whlto state. S9ft34p. Options weak, closing Vtc net lower; May closed at 57; No. 2 white. Mny. SSt'iili'JV; closed at S3'4C. HAY Steady; No. 2 shipping. 65070c; good to choice. MliOOe. HOPS Steady ; state, common to choice, 1S96, Slide; 1S99. 10f13c; Pacltlc coast, 1S96, Sfi5o: ly.'j. niii;ic. HIDES Firm; (Inlveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 19V: California, 21 to 23 lbs., 21V; TcxaB dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 15c. LEATHER Steady: liemlnck sole, Hucnos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 25fl25V; add, "'HOV'ISIONS-Ilfef. Arm; family $12-00 C13.00; mess, $l0.5oail.C0; beef hams, $20.W PH. krt. til 0017120"; rty extra 1 n't In trn-w. II .( 2 .'(. Cut meat, firm; pickled bellies, y, Sofig.GO; pickled ("houlders, I, dkl l hams. ll4.GWfll.uQ. Lard. stronR. western steam. 7.W; refined! AtrotiKi continent, is, .South America, JS.2S, com poitml, J6 5n Pork, strontt; family, JU.Soff l.Vfm, short , lear. IR80f( Ifi.OO; mess, tl2.W 13.".. I allow, steady; city. S4c; country, Uool-Oull; domestic Acccp, 25Q2SC; Texas. 154; 18c. COAIi-StPiidy. ........ l'OTATOKS-Stendy: Jersey", Jl.3oftl.oO; Long Islands, Sl.S0ftl.73; Jersey sweets, S2.50 HICK Steady: domestic, extra, 4,iG6,jc; Japanese , l?41(lHc. MOl.ASSISS Slendy; New Orleans, open kettle, trooil to r holcp. 4(flfic. rHANt'TS-Sleart ; fancy hnndplckod. 34file; other domestic, .ifiSVjc. I'HIJHllITS-Tn Liverpool, steady; cot ton by Mtnatn, 2d; irtnln by steam. 34tl. HfTTKIt-lteielpts. 2,141 pks.; steady; ietern creamery, lo'ttfilSc; factory. 131rlfc. CIIKKHK-IlPCPlpts. 4,313 pkgs; steady; fancy. Inrife. white. ll'Ac; fancy, Inrire. colored. lKdl'jc: fancy, small, white, lo ,njir: fnlirv. lnni eolnred. lOVril li KfiOS Itecelpts, 10,932 nltim.: Mendy; stuniKP. western, at mark. 12,f)13c: regular packing', 12i,fil2'4c nt mark; southern, at mark, uvvi'ii: .vIK PA1.H - i here was nothliiR In the way of new features In the metal market today. All of the Iron markets continue weak and unsettled. Pig Iron warrants closed at SIS.O) fit It), no here. Northern No. 1 foundry was pioted at $21.iVfi23.00, nominal, l.ako cop per ruled dull and unchanged nt S17. Tin, while quiet, was a shade easier, closing unlet -t Sl.ftVfi5.00. Iead. dull and un changed on the haidi of SI.CTli bid and SI.721. asked. 8pelter was easy and a pattlal '.''ii points off In the absence of buy ers, ili sing easy nt SI. 7011. 75. The brokers' prlco for lead was SI.45 and for copper S17.25. (Ml AH A 5VII(ll.i:sAI,i: M AHICCTS. (' of Trnile 11 ml Qiintntlona nil Slnplp nml I'nncj' I'rotluee. i:oCiS-Hocclpts, liberal; fresh stock. 10i,c MVR POri.TUY-IIens, Slic; roosters, according to nm- and size. 5U7c; ducks, 7Vic; ge-e. Jije. turkeys, Sc. HI'TTKIl Common to fair lOfdle; choice Hiiliie; separator. 20c; gathered creamery, 17fiUc. OYSTKHS Medium, per can. ISc; stand ard, per can. 22c; bulk standard, per gal lon, SI. 25; e.Mra selects, per can. 30c; extra scli-ts, per gal., SI.G04tl.7i; New York counts, per can, 37c; New York counts, per 100, SI 23. FISH Herring, per lb., Be; round perch, fic; sin.. 5c; cod. fie; haddock, 6c; blue pike, Cc; scaled and dressed perch, 6c clscoes, 6c; medium dressed trout. 7'jc; cropplc, 7'Ae; pickerel. 7'e; finnan hnddles, 7We; white llsh, flc; yellow pike, dressiil, !ic; small trout, dressed. Dc; red anappor, 9c; snieus, tip; sinoKen wnito tisn. yc. PIOKONS-I.lve. per doz., SI. VKAI.S-Chnlee. S10c. MA5' Per carload lots; "pland. choice, Sn.50; midland choice, S3.&0; lowland, cholco, S3; rye straw, choice. S3; No. 3 corn. 35',4c; No. 3 white oats, 25c; cracked corn, per ton. SI 1.50; corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton, SI5; bran, per ton, S13.60; shorts, per ton, S13.50. VKGHTABLES. ASPAIIAOCS-Per 1-3 bu. box, S3.50U4.00. NMW TCHNIPS-Pcr rto bunches, BOc. Ml'l.N Ai'll rer box, 7SCQJ1. NMW HKKTS Per doz. bunehei. 35-340C. KHTTt'CK Per doz. bunches, 36ff40c. HAIHSIIIIS Per box of six doz. bunches, S1..W.'1.75. SKI5IJ SWKKT POTATOKS Fer bbl.. S2.o01i2.2.ri; Kansas, eating, S3.00. POTATOICS-Per bu.. choice. 25030c. CAHHAC.IS-Cnllfornla. per lb., 3c. CACI,IFI.OW13H-Cullfornla, per crate, S2.7C. CIM,F,ItY-Per doz., 23Q30c; Callforntn, per bunch. 75c Tl'KNlPS-Rtitnbngas, per lb., lic. TOMATOICS - Florida. per slx-baskot crate, SI.30. MI SIIHOOMS rer lb. box, 60c. miritAHH-Per lb., SDc ONIONS-Retnll, yellow, SM0S1.15; red. SI. 2011.25. FltClTS. RTHAWHRItniKS Texas, per 24-qt. case, SI50fi5.00; Louisiana, per 21-pt. cases, K.Wt 2.75. A PPI.I'S Choice western shipping stock, Sl.50; New York stock, $5; fancy, S5.50. CnANHKHniFS-Jcrseys, per bbl., $10.60; per crate, $3.60. THOPICAI, Fltt'lTS, PINKAPPLKS-Per doz.. $2.50fl3.00. OHA NO KS California, fancy nnvela. per box. $3.60'ii3.75; choice navels, $3.23; Mediter ranean Sweets, per box, $3.00; Hudded seedlings. $2 75. I. KMONS California, choice, per box, $3.2.5; fancy. S3.50; Messlnas, choice, per box, S3.60; fancy, SI.- HAN AN AS Per bunch, medium, $2,250 2.50; largo, S2.75O3.00. HIDES. HIDKS-No. 1 green hides, 7!c: No. 2 green hides, fi'ic; No. 1 salted hides, 8Ue; No. 2 salted hides, 7'.io: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs.. Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. NCTS Hickory, large, per bu.,; shellbarks, $1.35. HONEY Per 21-sectlnn case, $3.50. St. l.i. ills (i nil 11 nml l'rovlsloiis. S'l. LOl'IS. April 20.-WHEAT-Steady; No. 2 rod cash, elevator,; track. 72 'si'; Anrll. 7014c: Mny C9',ac; July, 6',,ff li.a.i : Vn 2 hnrd I'.V&fifiC CORN Firm; No. 2 iash. 37l5ic; track, 39c; April. 374c; May, 37,c; July. 33V. OATS - Easier; No. 2 cash.i 25ie: track. 2S,5i2;vc: April. 25c; May. 24V; July, 23c; No. 2 white, 27c. RYE-Steady at 63ffi&5V. FI,OI'R--l'ni-hniised. SEEDS-Tlmothy. dull; ordinary, $2,001? 2.20: prime, $2.50 bid, to arrive. Flax, steady at II 70. CORNMEAI-Steady. S2.03fi2.IO. 11RAN Quiet; sacked, enst track. 70c. HAY -Steady; timothy, $10.00512.00; pr.ilrle. $7 5flfi9.G0. WHISKY -Steady. J1.25V4 IRON COTrONTIES-$1.30. HAn(!lNG-7irtic. 1 1 EM P T W I N E 9c. T'ltOVIRIONS -Pork, steady: Jobbing, old. $13. 0i; new. $13.50. Lnrd. lower; prlmo steam, $6.90; choice. $6.96. Dry salt meats iboxrdi. dull; extra shorts, $7.26; clear ribs. $7.37'i. Hncon (boxed), dull; extra i shorts. $7.76; clear ribs, $7.87'i; clear sides, $.( M ETALS l,rad, llrm nt $4 67H. Spelter, steadv at 4.56. Pori.TRY Firm; chickens, 7',ic; turkeys, Cn,kc; ducks, Sc; geese, VaAc. steauy 111 10c. Hl'TTHKV-Steady at PVTfl9c: dairy, 15471RC. RECEIPTS--Flour. 5.0.51 bbls.; wheat, li re 1 bu.: corn. 161.0 H) bu.; oats, 66,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. fi.HW IH)is.; wnent. fiOOiX) bu.; corn, 322.00O bu ; oats, 24,000 bu. Kin.sns City (train mill Provisions, KANSAS CITY. April 20-WHEAT-May. filUc: Julv. fil4'': cash No. 2 hard, 2o; No. 3 r.ft'ii;ii . No. 2 red. 67'06; No. 3, 63'567c. COHN'-Miiv, :ttr July. 1iissc: cash. No. 2 mlxiMl. .'17 V: No. 2 white, 37V; No. 3 while 37V. OATS- No 2 white, 26Ha'27c. RYF-No. 2. 53c. HAY- Choice timothy. $10.00ftl0.60; choice pr.ilrle. $7 50ft". 73. Hl'TTF.R- Creamery, 16fISc; dalrv. 16c. EtHIR Steady: Missouri and Kansas, cases Included, 10V. RECEIPTS-Whent, 20,400 bu.; corn, 11,300 bu : oats. 6.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 21,000 bu.; corn, s.ioi bu.; oat, 7.000 bu. 1, Werponl (irnln nml Provisions, LIVERPOOL. Anrll 20 WHEAT-Spot. No. 1 northern spring, dull. 5s lHjd; No. 1 California. 6 I'4il4ifis 6d. Futures, quiet; April, nominal; May, 3s 9d; July, 5s 8;d. Fl.oril-St. Louis fancy winter, steady, Ts 3.1 CORN - Spot American mixed, pew, steady. Is li,d. Futures, quiet ; .May, 4s Ud; liile Spnlrmhpp :U PROVISIONS-HVims, ihort cut, easy, 61s. Bacon. Cumberland cut, steady, 40s 6d. Receipts of wheat during tne int tnreo days, 1S7.000 cental. Including 77,000 Amer lcnn. Ricclpts of American corn during the last three days, fio.flon centnls. Minneapolis When I nml I'lour. MINNEAPOLIS, April 20-WHEAT-1n store: No. I nortlirrn, 6(Sc: May, 63e; Julv, I1M4C: September, OIHc. On track: No. 1 hard, 66Uc; No. 1 northern. C1Hc; No. 2 northern. C3'4e. FLOl'R Iniwer: llrst patents. $3.50; sec ond patents, $1.20; llrst clears, $2.53; second clears. $2.03. HTiAN-ln bulk, $S.70ril2.OO. ToIpiIo MnrUet, TOLEDO, O.. April 20 -WHEAT-Dllll, lower: No 2 cash, 71Sc: May. 7l,,'jc. CORN-Dull. lower; No. 2 cash. lOVc. OATS Dull, lower; Nn. 2 cash. 2l'ic. RYE Active, higher; No. 2 cash, 5S"jC. SEi'DS-i'lnver. dull, lower; cash prime, old SIS5: April. $5.03; October. $3.10; No. 2. SI 354(1 37j MIIwiiiiUpp (irnln Mni'Urt. Ml LWAl'K EE. April 2u. - WHEAT Lower: Vn. 1 northern. 66U,o; No. 2 north ern. lilUtitfU-. RYE No. I. 37lSf574C BARLEY Quiet ; No. 2, 43c; sample. 5$ il 12c. Piill-iilelnhlii Prmliiep 5lnrUet, PHILADELPHIA, April 20,-Bl'TTER-Steady: fancy western cre.imery, 19c; fancy western prints, 20c ECUS Steady, fresh nearby, wcalcrn rn no. nnd southwestern 12c. fresh southern. IPjC CIlHKSi: - Dull nhd easier; New VorK. full cream, rmicv, 12c, New York, full cr-am, Rood to choice. llfillV' riiieliinntl MnrUet, CINCINNATI. April W.-KLOl'Il-Qulct. WHICAT-Qlllet; No. 2 red. 74c. COHNKasy , No. 2 mixed. 12c. OATS-tJulct; No. 2 mixed. 27c. It YK Dull; No. 2. rAc PKOVISIONS-I.ini, easier. S7.15. Hulk meats, llrm, S7.39. Haron. firm, S5.C0. WHISKY Firm nt S1.25'i. Ht'TTKR-Oulet. KntlH-Hteady. 10c. CHHK8B Kasler. lower; good to ptlme Ohio lUt. ll'4c. Dnliitb Market. DfM'TII. April 2ft.-Wlli:AT-No. 1 hard, cash, fii'ic; May, os'ne: July. 4c; Seitem ber. 177'ic; No. l northern. -nsh. RoTkc : May, Ctjiic; July. C7'ic: September. fiCc; No. 2 northern. i;3c; No. 3 spring, GO'ic. OATS-2IH'fic. COHN-34ie. .tioviJMr.vrs or stocks ami iiomis. Iron nml Steel ltie ( nup .'Inrlict (0 Hp t iiNPtlli-il. NEW YORK, April 20,-Tliu stock morket continued unsettled nnd hesltntlng today under tho Inllttence of the uncertainty sur rounding the Iron and sleel Issues. The undertone was distinctly llrm and the early period of weakness gave way to n slow and Irregular upward movement, doubtless dun In large part to the demand from the short 1n1e1c.11 10 covpr. 1 ne rates tor loans on 1 fttnrlta ttilti tii,inln- ,-. l,.i ll,,.,. I.,, I l.l I that the short Interest was iiultp large. The comparative quiet of the Iron and steel stocks nnd positive strength at 11 number of points prompted the covering of shorts and encoiirnged what slight buying for general account there was. Eager atten tion was llxed upon American Steel nnd Wire nil day In view or the seslon of tho company's executive committee. The move ment of the stock was feverish, the com mon nnd preferred often moving In con trary directions, ns though to cause a feel ing of uncertainty over developments In the company. Aside from this confusing manipulation dealings In the stock were apparentlv largply In thp hands of the room trnders, who circulated many rumors concerning the txecutlvo committee meeting. The com mittee's action was kept secret until after the cloe of the market With this disturbing factor kept In tho background n number of favorable lnllii ences wire nllnwed to have plav. The coal ers were all notably strong on favorable trade reports, the 'bituminous coal 11s well as the anthracite roads shnrlug In the movement. The local traction stock and Stignr nmvfd upward In decidedly Irregular manner and Texas . Paclllc. Canadian Southern, New York Central and Pennsyl vania were also points of strength. Tho good crop weather was a sustaining In fluence with the grnln-cnrrylng roads. Humors still circulate of new railroad com- ril.lna Utl.1 nf rmmit,rtm -t .1I..I.I a...... ...II , in ni tin iui-iiu tin ran- rn.lil Htr.r.l Tint Ihflt. 1. n . . .. .1.11-1.. thorlty. The banks seem assured of nn Increase of cash tomorrow, having gained nearlv $ i""v'fcnsury operntlonB and over $j00,PO0 on the express movement with ihn interior. There Is rather more mvstery than usual surrounding the Item of loans. The louldatlon Indicates loan contraction, but the- declining scnle of Interest rates has luiiiiiineii ins nanus to pince ns largo loans as uunnuiie i ne process or loaning on sicrium co mtprni whinh i,u during the weok. will undoubtedlv be re flected In the statement ns It has been In the sterling market during the week. Ac tual sterling rates advanced Uc and posted rates 14c today and nre near the gold ex port point, though experts nre engaged In their usunl wrangle as to Just what llgure represents that point. Call money loaned as low as 2 per cent todny. The bond markot was less active todav and prices wre well held. Total sales par V'll'P. S1.930.C00. fnlted States 3s. oiipon, declined 1,4 nnd the 5s 1. In the bid price. The Common lal Advertisers London financial cablegram says: There was uni versal stagnation In the mnrkets here to day, awaiting news from I,ord Roberts. Americans were busy nt tlm opening for ten minutes and then died down until oulte late New -ork gave half-hearted support. The close, however, was apathetic and droonlne. lintos were Hat at 6S'i. English bears re their campaign nnd saying that New- ork was tired of upholding the stock, mere, was talk, too, of new discoveries of copper. Paris gave no support, but tho gave no support, but the 'The ll-ltllf hniinhl pin ,.n.. close wan DSs. 'The bank liniiirhi i-icimi I! ii t'lrmnl' e"1".. 1 here was talk of p...,., itiiiiiii-iiiM mini ew 1 org. t all monev vn van n'finln.l A ... .1 ... '. J vas less wanted. A moderate sum flu, fli 1 bank waH renewed and small discount business. Ihp hnnlr .41.1 .. uic oniiK nid a The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange todav: Atehlson iln pM Ilaltlmore A Oh'lo. Canadian Purlflc .. Canada Southern. . Cliea. ft Ohio Chicago O. XV ".. 11. ft Q - I6! I'nlon Parlflo . . 71 . ilo .rd . S1' 5Val,ah - 97 1 do pfij - ti Whaling A I, 32', I rto :i pM.. . U'4 5Vls Crntrnl... lri'i.Thlrd Avenue . f7'i :i;s 7' 10'4 .. 174 .113 .110 .145 Chlfano, Ind ft I... 27 'Adams Kx " PM Ani-rican F.x Chicago K. Til.... 10JV4 United States Ex IS i nicaijo it v. C, R I. ft p.... C. C. C. ft St. I Colorado So do 1st pfd... do -d pfd Del ft Hudson .. Del. I, AW Denver ft U. O... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd... Great Nor. pfd... Hocking Coal .... .1im Wells-Kargo lfx nun American cot. Oil.. s .. D-'4 do pfd 6'i American Malting 43 I do pfd 164 American S. ft R. 111l4 do pfd I'l 'American Spirits.. 30i, do nfrt 07 t 21 . ? , so . :m 17 72' Anier. Sleel Hiwn l( 13S do pfd :c, 41'4 Amer Steel ft W.. 41'', ..150 j rt r? 7kXi 18 Amer. Tin Plate... 29 H I do pfd ;s ..1154 Amer. Tobacco ....10111 18 do pfd im 52 Ana Mining Co... 47'i - 1'tb Hrooklm R. T 7:,'i .. 3l Colo. Fuel ft 1 41s '4 Icon. Tobacco C0i, -OS I do pfd 82 .. M'i Federal Steel 14 9P,i do pfd 71 160 inen. Electric ISO .. 14 fllurose Sui;ar .... .V) 65Vi do pfd !5 9Ui Inter. Paper Hocking Valley .. Illinois Central .. Iowa Central do pfd K. C. V. ft O.. Liko Brie & W... do pfd Like Shore Louisville ft N... Mnnhnttan L Met St. Railway Mexican Central Minn, ft St. L... do pfd Missouri Pacific . TiloNI ft Ohio .. Mlnsourl, K ft T. do pfd N .1 Central ... N. 5". Central ... Mi do pfd 45 ,Iirede Ons .. 1? (National niscult .".8 I do pfd ..132; National I-id .., fi", 73 S314 6 LIU lint l""4 do pfd Norfolk A Western. JH National Sleel '81 do pfd do nfrt... ... oi' Northern Pacific.,. do pfd Ontario ft W Oriron Ry ft Nav do pfd Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd ft do 5J pfd.... Hlo O. 5V do pfrl fit. L. ft R. F do 1st pfd do 2,1 pfd M"i N V. Air llrnke .' No American 1 24"i rncllle Count Mi 43 . do tst pfd SI 76 1 do 3d pfd 63 157H rnclOc MhII S3 70 People-a Oas 10i M' I'reeHl Steel Car.. II"; do pf.l 2 6Vi rullman I' Car ...'? ii Htandard R. ft T... Piifrar 70 do pfd.... 36 Tern. C. ft I'nij M 1'; 71 '"1 f.7 n nn f?ij f.3 I.. ft. Iiule. Fonthw. 12 do pfd 3i V. p leather do pM.... ?t Tanl .131'. I". R Rubber do pfd.. 173Ti. do pfd.. SI P. ft Omiha.HJ We. tern t'nlon . nP"hlle 1 ft B. do pfd P. C C ft Pt. I,. I Bouthern Pacific .. 3S; ! Pouthern Railway.. IV. do pfd... 501 i Texas A raelflc. 204 Ex-rlghts. All nsst. Bx-dlvldend. paid. Offered. Ronton Stock (nntn4lniis. BOSTON, April 20.-Call loans, 3UiA per cent; time loans, 4f?5 per cent. Ofllclal closing: , T. ft B. F. . .. "'."; rtuhber ... ,1 I'nlon Parlflo ... ...I05i, West End ...IIMi At -hlson 4s ...S3) Adventure . .1314 . 57, . rni AM) 'i do pfd Amer. Stitrar .. do pfd Hell Telephone Ro.ton ft Albany.. 311 Allouei Mln Co. Ronton Elevated .. 211 lAmal Copper ... i lionton ft Maine. ..1") 'Atlantic ... ,c, n. ft Q 137 Ro.ton fi J Montana .110 Poinlnlon Coal 45'i Ilutl ft Roston do pfd.. ..11 Calumet ft Hecla .. 41 Centennial .. 7li, Krinklln Federal Steel .... I do pfd 1 ritrhtnirg pfd j General Electric I do pfd 1 Bd. Electric III., j Mexican Central N. K. a. ft C... Old Colony 1 Old Dominion .... 31 .131 Humboldt .' f'7'i . c, i-, . - .110 . 'is . 4ovj .11Si, Osceola. .-6 ."ft." . M'i . 1fl Parrot Oulncy Santa I e copper. 'Tninarncic H'lah Mlnlns .... Wolverines l.o 11 do 11 StneU (luotntlons, LONDON, April 20.-1 p. m.-ClosIng: Consolf, moi'cy..U0 C-16 Pinnylvanla ilo nccount 1i'.' lteadln-r 9; V' i Nor. Pnclllc pfd.... T . , 14 lAtchlron :;i 13?. Iiulnvllle fd', u'j tirnml Trunk n; '. Ann. nnd 1 p ; 13 IS Ran-I .Mines 5i;u c.iniidlau Pncltlc Erie do 1st pf.l Illinois Centre! I'nlon Pacific pfd. Ht. Paul comrson. N Y. ....tisti HAH SILVER-Qulft. 27,d. MONEY-3fi4 per cent. Tho into of discount In the open market for short bills, Ifit'n per cent; for thrco months' bills, 4174'ii er cent. l"oreln I'limiielnl. LONDON. April 20. American securities opened on the Slock exchange at about parity level and remained steady through out, with Norfolk & Western and I'nlon Paclfle shares the features, with little de mand. The amount nf bullion taken Into the Hank of England on bnlance today was 19,000. (Jold premiums are quoted us fol- """'lOMAilA LIVE STOCK MARKET HEHLIN. April 2- Exchange on l3ndon, ul ' u iininivui 20m fin nfits. for chiiks. Discount rate;, Short bills. I per cent, three months' bills, 4, per cent PARIS. April 20. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 7'c for the account. Spanish 4s closed ut 71.1.5. was dull on the bour.e today en realizations. International securi ties were weaker and Turks weie freely of fered, owing to the dispute with America. Rio tlntos relapsed sharply on sales for London recount. Kalll- closed heavy. Spanlnh stocks opened llrm. but reacted In sympathy with the rest of the list. e rk Money MnrKnl. NEW YORK. April 2().--MONEY-On call, en:- at 21(3 per cent; last loan, at 2 per cent; inline mercnntllp pnper. IVif6 per c ent. s-'TERLINC, EXCHANOE-Strong. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.SS for demand and at St.M'i for sixty dnys; pasted rates. SI.S1'4T t.s.5 mid $l.SS'4I.S9; commer cial bills. Sl.vsviM.M. SILVER - (VrtllKote". GO'&iiSlV; bar, SO'sc: Mexican dollars. I7J4'. I'.ONDS-Oovf rnment. weak; state, Innc tle; rnllnmd, llrm. The closing prkes on bonds today were ns follows: V. H. 5s, reg WH Mo ref 2 do Ss. reg IH9 H cmipon 094 do new 41, reg...ll3 do coupon 13 1 do nlil In, reg Ill'i On oiipon llt'4 ,lo 5s, rg Ilsi, do co'lpon 1131(1 Hllrlcl nf r. 3 f,5s.i:2'ii N. Y. O. Is ltn, N. J. (. gen r,s...12.1 No lrollnn Cs....i:;'i da Is f-i'j Nor Pacine 3s rH do 4s tOI N.Y.O P. It. 4s .tflj N. & W. con. 4s... M do R?n. Cs .134 Ore Nnv. Is ...108 . . ,103ii ...12 ...113', ... f!l . .. Vi 5 1 10' j ilo 4 s Atclilw.n gen. 4s....(si Orfgou S. 1, 4i. In nil! Is iln consol f Oinula S-o. !s 107 Itemllng gen. 4s. dies Ohio 44. .K0 "Hlo O. W. Is ilo r,s IMH St. I.. I.M. c. , v it ..a u i . t. a v Cs.lJT., .1.. a I" .11. ,M u, tin,,, fit. I'liliiico Ter 4s.... n.'U si. !.. I" ft P. Is. .121 , I) It (I. Is 101 I do 5s I'd'i lo Is iS'i'Po. Hallway 5s .113 K. T 5'i. ft O Is. 102 H. U. & T. s Ilrle 4s 7('4Tenn. n, s. 3s I". W, ft P. r. is. 71 Texns ft I'ne. Is... 73 9V! 111'i fO I174 vrttii -.11 f'2'i Ol'i 3 M'i tl'i lion, liiofiti" os. ...II, '4 no ;s.... a 11. ft . ilo in II. ft T I'. A 6s.. 107 ''nlon Pncllle 4s.. 110 Wsbssh Is S 110 'Mo 2s Cs 110 West Shore 4s In consol Inwn Central 1s . .lit Wis. Central Is... K. C. P. ft (1 1. ? vn. Centuries .... Ialslnna n e. 4s.tOSli do deforrM U ft N. unllleil 4s.liiHjColo Southern 4s. Mis., K ft T 2s.. fsi, Southern l'ac. 4s... do 4sL 93 I "Wlfen Issued." Offered. Neiv Vnrk 5IIiiIhk lotntlons. NEW YORK, April 20.-The following nre closing quotations for mining shares today: Chnllnr Crown Point .... Con Cnl ft Vn... .. 10 . ir. . M . :i i .. M .. .".'J Ontnrlo t2i Ophtr Plymoivm u IlMilwoo,! Quicksilver ISO ,,.,,,.1.. 1 ntllll ft Cnrrlo... do pin i.v. Slerrn Nevada .. . . 4" SlAmlanl 'VI llnle ft Norcross.. llomestllke Iron Silver Mexican it'nlon Con Yellow Jacket riiiiiiicini Xoips. PHILADELPHIA, April 20,-Clearlngi, $15.3(53.702; balances, $2,001,150. CIUCAOO. April 20.-Clearlngs. $21,87.,19S; balances, S2.440.616. Posted exchange. SI.S4W (?MS'4. New York exchnnge. 20c discount. ST. lyOI'IS. Anrll 20.Clenrlngs. $1,753,471; balances, .$72.3RI. Money. !fi7 per cent. New York .exchange, 10c discount bid, par asked. HOSTON. April 20. Exchanges, $2,953,122; balances. $1.S!2,257. NEW YORK. April 20-Exchangcs, $179, 297.MG; balances, $12,092,093. Condition of Hip Trpnsury. WASHINCiTON. April 20. Today's state ment of tho treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $100,000,000 gold reservo !n the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $152,356,131; gold, $83,S93,190. Colli. 11 MnrLeL NEW ORLEANS, April 20. COTTON -Quiet; sales, l.V bales: ordlnnrv. 8V; good ordlnnry. 8V: low middling, 9 3-16c; mid dling, 97-lBc. good middling. 9c; middling fair. 9Tc; rrccipts. fSl balps: stock. 201,7Wi bales. Futures, steady; April. $9.26 bid; Mnv. S9.2.Hi9 30: June and July. S9.30?9.31; August. $9.03170.01; September, $9.2M9.30; Oc tober, $7.9l1i7 95: November nnd December, $7.S1fi7.&2: January. $7.o2fi7.S3. ST LOl'IS. Anrll 20. - COTTON - Cn- changed: middling. 9V; receipts, 601 bales; r-IIIUIII' II l-. U.VIC?., nivrn, u.,.rT- .,c-. T.ivi'nnnni. Anrll "0 crvrrns' nof. In limited demand and prices 1-32(1 higher; American middling fair, 6"4d; good mid dling. 5 17-32d; middling. 5'1o-32d; low mid dllng. 6 11-3211; i-ood ordinary. 55-32d; ordl nnrv. 4 31-32d. The snlfs of the day were 7,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation nnd export nnd Included 700 bales Ameri can. Receipts. 16.000 bnlcs. including 13,600 Amerlcnn. Futures opened and closed quiet at the decline; American middling. I. m. c, April. 6 2!-4d. vnluu; April nnd May, 6 20-6d bid; Mnv and June, 5 17-641i6 1S-64d bid: June and July. 5 15-4d bid; July and August. 6 12-04fj!i 13-Cld bid; August and Sep tember. fi4-6ld, sellers; September and Oc tober, 4 46-6IU4 47-6ld. buyers; October and November, 4 35-6lji4 36-64d, buyers; Novem ber and. December, 4 29-64 J? 4 30-64 d. buyers; December nnd January. 4 27-64fpl 28-64d, buyers; January and February, 4 25-64f I 25-64d, buyers. Coffee Inrket. NEW YORK. Anrll 20.-COFFEE-Snot. Rio. barelv steady; No 7 Invoice, Sc; No. 7 Jobbing. SUe. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 9Htf He. Futiirfs oponed nearly nt n decline of 10,&20 points under cables nnd local pres- sure, with no nubile support. L.liiui(intiou was active nnd selling for short account a feature, following the downward tendency In the spot deMirlment and heavy receipts. Closed stead:- nt a net decline of 16f20 points. Total sales, 27.600 bags. Including: May. $6,75fjrt.S0; Julv, S6.75fifi.S3: August. $6 SO; September, Sil.SSiM.1W; October. $6,900 6 95; November $7; December, $7.15(7.2j; Janunry, $7.25, Cnllfornln Dried Frulls. NEW YORK. April 20. - CALIFORNIA DRIED FIU'ITS Dull and nominally un changed. The market for evaporated apples was moderately active today. Sellers were conspicuous by their absence: this Influ ence, together with light receipts nnd fa vorable country advices, served to give a firm undertone to the market: prices re- main as lost quoted: Hti;te. common, 4iy&5c; prime. .V4jfip: choice, 7(i"'4c; fancy, 7Hfi8c. Prunes, iPMiTc, ns to size and quality. Ap ricots. Royal. 13fil5o: Moor park. 15571.Sc. Peaches, peeled. 1SA32.-; impeded, "HiiJOc Dry Coiiiis Market. NEW YORK. April 2" -DRY GOODS Honio demand continues for all descriptions of cotton goods nml im Improvement In ex port buying. While leading lines of brown 1 null niencneii coiions arc nun unit- 1.1 11- regularlty in other irrections. coarse colored cottons firm. Fancy prints Irreg ular. Staples steady, ginghams unchnnged, print cloths still neglected. Wide grey Bonds steady. Linens quiet but llrm In price. Npiv YorU I.Ivp SIopU. NEW YORK, April 20 BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,118 hend; slow for all grades; steers steady to a shade lower; bulls nnd cows 10.. lower; all sold; sleers, Sl.60-fj5.60; bulls, $'I.OOJ?4.35; cows, S2.2OJr4.10; choice dry fed, $4.20. Cables slow: stntn cattle, nt London. H',i1i12c; nt Llverpaol, lO'yfill'ic; South Americans, UWilfeV: refrigerator beef, 9c per lb. Exports, none; tomorrow, 477 head cattle, 75 head sheep and 4,155 quar ters of beef. CALVES-Recelpls. 781 head; very dull. 35 ffiSOc lower; veals, $3.76'U5.0j: tops, $J.73fii.OO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.550 head. Sheep, slow and steady at 14c; under grades lower; lambs. lftfil5c lower; unshorn medium sheep. $5 5071.5.65, good to prime clipped sheep. $1,505(6.00; unshorn culls. $1.05 iftt.50; unshorn lamlk". $6,501(7.70; clipped lamb". SS.25fid.nO; spring lambs, $1.00. HOC.S- Receipts. 2,117 head; 2 cars on sale; market easier; good stnto hogs, $o.90; mixed western. $5.70. SI. I, mils Live Slopk, ST LOUIS, April 20 CATTLE Receipts, 1.100 head. Including 300 head Texans; mar ket steady for unlives and easy to n shndo lower for Texans. native shipping nnd ex port steers. Sl.83fI5.S5: dressed beef and liutcher steers, $UOf(t5.00; steers under 1.000 lbs., S4.O0'nl.75; stockers and feeders, 3.23fj 3.05; cows nnd heifers, SJ.0Orf4.S0; canners, $l.50f(2W, hulls, $1,301(3.90; Texas and In dian sleers, S3.50fi3.0O; cows and heifers, $2 3H(2 60. I IOOS Receipts. 7.600 head: market 5c lower: pigs and lights, S5.40fi5.Kl; pnekfrs, J3.401i3.60; butchers, $3.55f5.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts. 1.400 head: market 10c lower; native muttons, $5.30(!iO.OO; lambs. S5 25fi7.2'.; spring lambs, $6.75f('7.60; mils and buck', $1.60f(4.50. SI, .losi-pli Live Stock. SOl'TII ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April 20. (Speclal.i The Journal quotes as follows: CATTLE Receipts. 1.500 head; market steady to 10c lower; natives, $1.0Ofl5.0; Texans and westerns. $3.73fi5.15: cows and heifers. S2.25fil.(0; bulls nnd stags, $2.25f(N $1.60; yearlings and calves, $I.OO'a5.25: stock, crs and feeders, $.J.5O1(40; veals, $3.0.5fi7.''. HOOS-Recelpts, 7.000 head: market sleadj to strong: all grades, $5.40fj3.fi21i; bulk of sales. $5.45f(5.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.10) head; market weak for lambs; sheep Mcaily lambs, $i',.00fi7 25; wpthers. $5 60f 6,15; ycarlluss, S3.75fiiJ.35; ewes, S5.U0&6.75. Oeneul Tendencj of Valnei Agin Today. Lower CATTLE SLOW AND CONSIDERABLY LOWER (lenernl Decline of Tito nnd n Half Cents on Hons o Sheep or l.mnlin to Slnkp n Test of Vnliien. SOUTH OMAHA, April 20. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ollli lal Monday 2,749 tUi 3,317 Olllclal Tuesday 3,12 MM S.'iVO Olllilal Wednesday 2.230 7,2o 6,2b7 Ottlclal Thursday 1.3.57 S.ta.' I1.1M Olllclal Friday 2.S59 8,053 447 Flvo days this week IG.fiTT 3S.5S1 22,944 Sumo days last week. .. .15,UMi ,Sb2 24.7W Samo days week belore.. 11, 101 25.S15 19.414 S.imo three weeks iiko..12,53 26.7S2 2S.215 Average price paid for hogs for the last several dnys with comparisons: 1900.l899.lSS5.la7.IHS6.lSS5.lS94. April 1... April 2... April 3... April l... April 5... April 6... April 7... April !.... April 9... I 3 64 6 0 3 65 3 67 3 73 3 79 3 79 3 72 3 71 3 92 3 W 3 91 1 3 64 4 601 4 84 4 43 4 82 4 81 4 76 4 63 4 62 4 US 4 SI 4 77 4 74 4 S9 4 81 4 S3 4 77 5 02 4 72 5 01 4 56 4 e 4 75 6 02 5 It 4 76 4 78 6 23 4 74 6 1 4 63 6 11 4 611 6 13 4 69 6 CO 3 CI 3 66 3 62 3 67 3 69 6 15 3 65 5 23 3 66 5 301 3 65' 5 301 3 62, 3 90 3 55 6 27 3 61 3 13 I 3 CO 3 SO 3 65 3 90 3 61 6 33 3 75 3 621 April 10.. 5 35 1 3 C 3 on APTll 11 , ft 36 3 67, I 5 33 3 63 3 3 67 vPr.'1 2 3 71 3 97 1.1 II 14 I 5 40, 3 61 I 6 ti 3 67 3 67' 3 97 3 5 3 W 3 501 April 14 April 15, April 16, April 17 3 701 3 49 3 38' 3 ;?! I J 72 3 67 3 61 5 45 3 87 5 65 3 72 3 91l 3 33 April 1S.... 5 49 April 19. ... 5 46 April 20.... 6 45 3 68 3 601 1 3 91 J VI, 3 bl Indicates Suuaay. . , Tho olllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C, M. & St. P. Ry... 1 O. & St. L. Ry 2 Missouri Paclllc Ry.. 1 1 4 31 I'nlon Pnclllc system. 33 c. & N. W. Ry :i V., E. & M. V. R. R.. 33 C. St. P.. M. & O.... 21 H. & M. R. R. It 2t C, H. & Q. Ry 3 C, R. I. P. Ry.. E. .. C, R. I. & P. Ry., W. a 36 6 Total receipts 123 113 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. C Omaha Packing Co (J. H. Hnmmond Co.... Swift nnd Company Cudnhy Packing Co Armour & Co Swift, from country.... R. Hecker Degan Lnbmnu & Co W. I. Stephen Huston ife Co Livingstone & Schnller. Hamilton & Rothschild. L. F. Unix II. L. Dennis & Co Other buyers Totals 440 315 164 272 531 291 613 879 679 1,431 ..... 6 II 8 S 101 3S 8 221 2,811 3.178 447 CATTLE For a Trlday there was n lib ernl run of cnttle, making It tho largest week of the month so far. The market an n whole was slow nnd mean. Buyers seemed to be more Indifferent than they have been any day before this weeK aim fellers complained that It wna hnrd work to soil at satisfactory prices. The esrly market was slow nnd It was late before any business of consequence was trans acted. The fat cattle market was unevenly lower, ranging all the way from weak to 10c lower. The least decline was on the cholco fat llttlo cnttle. The market dragged all the morning and closed weak nnd slow at the decline. Cows and heifers seemed to be In fair demand, but still cockers were determined to take off a little,, nnd succeeded. Some of the best heifers and cows did not show much change, while on the other hnnd there wrro sales fr&'IOc lower. The best fat bulls sold quite well, but the medium grades were very slow nnd lower. Thero were not stockers and feeders enoiiEh In the vnrds to make a test of the market. The few loads here sold at about steady prices and there were no new features to the trade. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. 6 680 1 840 1 1040 2 766 1 SAO 1 7M 1 US0 2 1225 1 1000 21 1001 4 983 93 1168 1 810 1 1150 1 830 H 960 8 862 Pr. Ni. Av. Pr. 3 60 14 1107 4 60 3 73 19 1179 4 60 3 75 10 903 4 CO 3 75 4 1106 4 (0 4 00 1( 1090 4 65 4 00 30 1X17 4 65 4 00 U 126 4 65 I 00 30 1PT. 4 i 4 00 9 U11 4 6T, 4 05 19 1233 4 65 1 20 IS 1074 4 I", 4 25 3 970 4 65 4 2.5 37 1185 4 70 4 25 23 1238 4 70 4 25 33 1102 4 70 4 30 21 1191 4 70 1 30 19 1151 4 70 4 33 4 117 4 70 4 35 12 1187 4 70 4 35 18 1230 4 70 4 40 93 119 4 70 4 40 40 116(5 4 70 4 45 1 1130 4 70 4 15 7 1161 4 70 4 60 20 1197 4 70 4 50 1 1360 4 70 4 60 6 1273 4 70 4 60 7 1082 4 70 4 60 14 1346 4 73 4 60 SO 1158 4 75 4 50 36 1210 4 75 4 60 17 1232 I 75 4 60 32 1244 t 75 I 50 3 1210 4 75 4 50 18 1280 4 75 4 50 6 1290 4 75 4 60 2 1020 4 76 4 50 14 1166 4 75 4 50 10 901 4 SO 1 50 12 1241 4 80 4 TO 10 1276 4 SO 4 50 1 1270 4 80 4 60 7 1294 4 SO 4 50 18 1208 4 80 4 55 1 1420 4 80 4 55 21 1100 1 SO 4 55 2 1210 4 F0 4 55 9 1320 4 '0 4 55 15 1228 4 80 1 65 27 1375 4 85 4 53 2 965 4 85 4 55 38 1262 4 90 4 CO 18 1230 4 90 4 60 20 3385 4 95 4 60 19 1500 6 10 4 60 COWS. 2 00 2 1060 3 86 2 50 7 1181 3 85 2 75 26 1046 3 85 2 ST. 2 1175 3 90 3 00 3 1076 3 90 3 00 10 876 3 90 3 00 3 1100 3 90 3 05 1 1130 4 00 3 00 2 1250 4 00 3 10 4 990 4 40 3 10 1 1110 4 00 3 10 1 1180 4 00 3 15 1 1210 4 00 3 15 1 1310 1 00 3 X. 1 1230 1 00 3 26 1 1S60 4 00 3 25 1 12(0 4 00 3 25 17 1010 4 00 3 25 23 1045 4 00 3 33 1 1260 00 3 33 2 1013 I 00 3 (0 6 1115 4 05 3 43 11 1221 4 10 3 60 6 1U5 1 10 3 60 1 960 4 10 3 60 1 1170 I 10 3 50 1 1200 4 10 3 50 6 r 4 10 3 60 4 1180 4 10 3 50 5 1212 4 10 3 60 13 1021 4 10 3 50 5 1201 4 1ft 3 60 6 1223 I 15 3 50 5 120S 4 15 3 60 1 1310 4 15 3 60 1 1010 I 15 3 65 4 11(0 4 13 3 Ki 3 1153 I 15 3 70 4 995 4 15 1 75 9 1277 4 20 3 75 2 1310 ( 20 3 75 1 1210 120 3 75 1 1010 1 25 3 75 3 13.10 4 25 1 75 5 1116 4 25 3 75 2 1010 4 25 3 75 6 1011 I 5.5 3 76 4 1115 I r. 1 S3 1 1120 4 25 3 85 10 10.10 4 25 3 85 1 130 I 35 1 15 . 923 . 900 . 952 .1010 .1040 .1073 . 990 .1430 . 800 . 910 ! 5. ' ,30. 1 1. 1 11 1... 1... 1... 23. .104S 1 1140 24. .1103 26 26 1 1 1 17 29 1 1 1 19 10 3 1 51 17 5 1 6 6 24 14 13 7 1 20 ,. 815 ,.1194 ,.1060 .. 9S0 ,.1180 ,.1112 , .1031 ,.1030 .. 960 ,.1200 ..1046 . 641 ,. 973 ..1160 ..1095 ,. 971 ,. 906 ,.1120 ..10S3 ,. 962 ..1029 ,.1026 ..1190 .1018 ,.1060 .1146 ... 950 ...1000 ... 670 ... 966 ... 900 ... 690 ...10ST, ...1026 ... 955 ... 965 ... S76 ... 947 ... 990 ... 884 ...1115 ...1200 1.... 3.... 1.... 3.. 3.... 4.... 6.... 9.... 3.'.'.'. 3.... r..... 1060 1OI0 1130 1010 1140 106S 1120 1215 1015 1200 9 1034 ...1110 ...1110 ... 730 ...1040 ... 975 ...1070 2 873 6 10 1 1OI0 4 3 1 1 1 3 ..1190 . . .1223 ...1190 ... 920 ...1220 ...1110 ... 790 ...1196 ... 965 ...1211 ... SS3 ...1(05 ...1210 ...1185 ...1315 3. COWS AND HEIFERS. ...910 1 75 26 101S ... 961 I 00 6 10O) ... 9W W 8 835 1000 4 m STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4 10 I 15 4 60 4... 12.. 21... ... 19... 1... 911 850 986 270 4 ?0 5. , .. 682 ...1235 1 C5 I 80 I 35 17 1 55 CALVES. 5 50 1 . . . . 6 75 00 165 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1120 t 00 845 I 00 420 4 50 460 2 60 4 540 2 75 2 . . . . 400 S 00 1 1030 .1 10 1. 310 7X5 660 695 4 60 4 to 4 6.5 I 60 . 900 . 460 3 15 2.. 125 1... .1 10 1.., . 370 I CM 8TAUH. .115 3 90 2.. ..14(0 4 20 4 60 STEERS AND STAOS. 1150 6. 20. ...1141 4 15 7.. ...1587 4 55 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. i 6 2 1 617 3 00 .1 10 1. 610 4 25 .. (35 .. 810 Sl? , . 675 ,. 620 ,. 611 ,. SS7 .. 710 . 870 . 750 .. 610 .. 600 .. 790 .. 890 .. 666 . . 666 .. 40-) .. 921 ..129i) . . 912 . . 6.10 .. 390 .. 970 .. 815 .. S72 .. 090 ..1071 ..1060 .. 960 3... 1... 1... 1... 6... 1... 1... 4... ... 631 .... 60 .... 790 .j.. 760 .... S33 ...760 ,...1020 ,...1050 ... T5S I 10 4 40 4 50 4 SO 4 30 4 65 I 65 4 53 4 65 3 50 3 50 II S3 I 00 4 00 4 25 4 25 4 25 is;;;;:;;; 1 2 u'.'.'.".'.-.' 11!!!";; si;::;;;: 1 5 4 25 HEIFERS. 15 , 927 971 4 .10 I 30 4 30 4 30 4 V I 35 4 .15 4 35 4 35 4 10 I 40 4 61) 4 fO 4 6) I 60 4 30 ( 05 4 65 3 7.. .1 75 3 75 3 SO 4 Oil 4 00 4 ('5 4 10 I 10 4 15 4 15 4 25 I 25 I 25 I 25 5. 6.. SOS 6 1076 1 1010 1 SJ) 1 12iO 2 915 1011 1.... 790 r. 26 11 1 1 1 15 3 .. 90 .. MO .. 770 .. nso ..1260 .. 970 4 4 4 1 g'.'.'.'.'. 11 70 iO BULLS. ...1000 ....1370 ....16.50 ....13O0 ....1150 ....1240 ....1160 ....1600 ....1020 ....1(10 ....2120 ....1220 ....1660 ....1550 ....1490 ....WW ....1320 ....1V0 ....1690 ....1529 1.... ...1430 . .. S30 ...1610 ...1660 ...14(0 3 55 3 60 1 60 3 0d 3 60 3 60 3 63 .1 10 3 IS 1 25 3 25 3 30 3 .10 3 30 3 3T, 1 Vi .1 10 3 10 3 60 3 .50 3 60 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 55 1. I 1 1 1 .1610 1 1500 1... !1'0 3 65 1 f5 3 65 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 73 3 75 3 85 3 90 4 50 1.... 1.... L... 1.... ..,.1990 ....1050 ....1700 ....15)0 L. 12S0 1 1740 1. ..1910 1... 1... 1... 8... ....1710 ....1270 ....1450 .... 55S STOCK CALVES. 160 6 00 2 150 6 60 HOOS A few loads sold erly this morn i".,,a .S)0'" to "eady prlce-that Is, nt ..46.((G.4i!4 but almost Immediately reports were received from Chicago Indicating n weak mnrket there and nt the same tlmo buyers here became Impressed with the size or the receipts and with the opportunity presented for pounding the market. The result was that the market flattened out find for n time practically nothing was dp ng. Buyers talked and acted ns If they did not care whether they got any hogs or 'V?'-. A "(He. later the trade revived and the nogs sold n shade lower that Is, about J'SC lower than yesterday. The cloe was slow nnd weak nt the decline. It will be noted from tlm sales below that the good hogs sold very largely at $5.45, the same liogs bringing $5.45fiG.(7H, yesterday. The top today was $5.53, which was 2c higher than yesterday. Today s deolne, leaves the market Just obout where It was at the opening of the present week, or 5e higher than 011 Friday of last woek. A clance nt the table of average prices will show that this has been tho hlsh week of the month so far. Tues day being the high day of the year. Rep- icacmuuvFii snies 1... 1... 1... 2... 1..., 2.... No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 14 60 ... $1 10 74 238 ... 5 45 10 235 ... 6 30 72 215 ... 5 43 13 198 ... 5 3714 60 2C0 80 5 46 93 -.172 ... 6 40 15 267 ... 5 45 13 1)3 ... 6 40 60 2.18 SO 5 15 98 226 120 6 10 69 258 160 5 15 97 176 ... 5 4214 80 261 200 5 45 71 240 80 5 42V4 79 202 40 5 45 85 204 ... 6 42H 33 196 ... 3 45 81 206 40 5 42'4 71 216 ... 5 15 87 204 ... 5 12 H 77 215 ... 5 15 70 220 SO 5 4214 78 227 80 5 45 71 241 120 5 42'4 70 243 2S0 5 15 65 212 ... 5 42l 65 221 . 5 15 71 220 80 5 42H 81 220 200 fi 45 65 214 ... 5 42V4 67 225 SO 5 13 ST. 220 80 5 424 43 244 . . 5 15 56 249 8 0 5 4214 67 199 SO 5 15 75 197 ... 5 42U 85 239 40 5 15 79 216 ... 5 4254 37 260 . 5 45 93 193 ... 5 4214 86 241 2(0 5 43 89 178 ... 5 42'4 74 230 120 5 45 86 210 ... 6 4214 28 26.1 ... 6 74 74 224 ... 5 I24 71 245 SO 5 47U 74 242 80 5 I2!i 69 266 40 5 47l 78 209 40 5 421.4 61 266 ... 5 4714 76 227 ... 5 425 12 274 ... 6 4714 75 209 ... 5 1214 6ft 235 ... 5 1714 43 244 ... 6 45 83 212 160 6 47IJ 67 199 TO 5 4 5 67 265 ... 5 4714 67 207 80 5 4 5 72 246 ... 5 1714 68 228 ... 6 45 53 278 20 5 17U 67 220 160 6 45 71 236 ... 5 471.; S7 237 10 5 43 .16 298 ... 5 471 4 87 211 ... 6 46 26 243 ... 5 471 78 233 160 5 45 71 210 ... 6 ( 7U 66 233 ... 5 45 79 246 SO 5 474 66 2.12 ... 5 45 75 233 ... 5 47U 86 240 80 6 45 53 302 200 5 4714 73 2-15 40 5 46 66 250 160 5 474 51 236 ... 6 45 81 260 ... 6 474 It 274 ... 6 45 65 297 160 5 174 34 22S ... 5 45 35 286 80 5 474 70 235 40 5 45 66 264 120 6 474 87 219 ... 5 45 66 271 ... 5 474 74 231 80 5 4 5 63 61 ... 6 474 84 221 80 5 45 61 221 SO 6 60 60 246 160 5 ' 5 64 272 ... 5 69 6S 224 ... 5 45 42 259 ... 5 60 69 261 80 5 46 68 300 SO 5 60 59 249 SO 6 4f- 62 271 ... 6 50 70 200 ... 5 4S 58 289 . . 6 60 82 210 ... 5 45 64 300 SO 5 50 6.1. ...231 120 5 46 68 342 ... 5 50 67 237 ... 5 45 64 2)5 80 6 60 67 241 160 5 45 65 284 SO 6 60 75 241 80 5 45 72 20 160 6 50 80 322 80 6 45 54 .... 290 ... 6 65 77 231 120 6 45 64 286 ... 6 65 84 233 200 5 45 SHEEP Only two cars of sheep were re ported In the yards this morning and they were the property of a packer, not being offered for pale, so that there was realty nothlns to make a, test of the market. The sheej market has been In good shape this week and operators have been well pleased with results. Quotations: Choice yearlings, $6.15116.30; fair to good vearllngs, $6.006.!5: clipped yearlings. $5 60115.80; good to choice weth ers, $6.00ff6.15; fair to good wethers. $5.75ff 5 90- clipped wethers, $5.4OfJfi.60; good to cholco fed ewas, $5.60fT5,75: fair to good ewes, $5.00f(5.40; clipped ewes, $4.601?5.26, good to choice native lambs, $7.00Ti'7.25; pood to choice western lambs, $7.1517 25, fair to good western lambs, $6.SOfr'7 15; clipped lambs. $6.O0Q6.40; feeder wethers. $1.5035.00; fesdrr yearlings. $5.(VKT5.60: good to choice feeder lambs, $5.2536.00, Repre sentative snles; 1 spring lnmh 60 fi 40 332 spring larrfbs 44 6 ,40 CIIICARO LIVE STOCK M A II K FIT. Cnttle Gpiiprnlly Abont Sternly Sheep Stenily I.nmlis AVpnU. CHICAGO, April 20.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 1,600 head; generally about steady; natives, good to prime steers, $l.90fi6.FO; poor to medium, $4 1MK75; selected feeders, $l.0Of? 4.S5; mixed stockers, $3.303.76; cows, $3.00ft 4.50; heifers. $3.2s5fSi S3; canners. $2.25fj2S0; bulls, S2.8OHI30; calves. $4.6Ofj4i,60; Texas fed steers, $l.0Off.20; Texas bulls $3.2Jff'3.7S. HOOS Receipts, today, 18.000 head; to morrow, 15,000 heud. estimated; left oyer, 3,000 head; average steady prices; top, $j,75; mixed and butchers, $5.46fj'5.75; good to choice heavy. S5.60fI6.76; rough heavy. $3.45 ff(5.55; light. $5.005.05; bulk of sales, $5.6off 'SHEET AND LAMHS - Receipts, 7,000 head; sheep, about steady; lambs, weak to 10c lower; good to choice wethers, $5 75 6.25; fair to iholce mixed. $5.00fj5.75, west ern sheep, ja.wttt.i-.; yearlings, tcwon.., native lambs, ji.BO'ifi.w); western iiimiis, $6.007.30. Knnsne. City l.lvr Stork, KANSAS CITY Anrll 20. CATTLE Re- celnts. 1.800 hend natives and 200 hend Tex ans; nil clnsses shade easier; common 1..c lower; heavy native steers, Jl.bnnsi.-j; ugni w eights. $l.5Of4.0O; Blockers and feeders. $3.75115.40; butchers' cows and heifers, $3.4V(i 4.23; canners. $2 70fi8 (0; fed westerns. $l.20f( 4.75; Texas, $123114.43. HOOS Rtceipts. 13,200 hend; marKet opened easier and ruled nbout steady; heavy. $5.45fi5.CO; mixed. $5.35f(6.50; light, $5.15f3.(0; pigs. S4.9rtTjS.1S. SHEEP AND LAMIIS -Rerelpls 705 head; short supply sold readily at steady prices, spring lambs, $8 60: Colorado lambs. Sijf'f 7.00; muttons. $6.00f6.10; ewes, $5,105(6.60; culls, $3.50-36.00. Stock In Sight. F-nllnwIntr nr the rncelnts nt the four principal wesiern markets for April 20j L'attic. nogs, aneep South Omaha 2,8.59 8,051 417 1.601 18.000 7.000 2.011) 11,200 7IO 1,10) 7.600 1 400 l.m 16,853 isTsTt Chicago Kansas ( Ity St. LotllH Totals 4. II. WAItK. Contlsn your OICAIX nml MKHIIH nml lend your ordrr lo WARE & 20O-2IO RIALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO. Write for our Dally MurUrt Letter. l'lften reprrtenlallrrs rnnHlantl)- on (ho floor of Hie, CUIcauo Board o( 'I rude, tlnu Inaurln prompt enecutlon nf ul I nrilen, rlnvi Hlteiitlnii In nil lni. nt otruited to u, UltWiUU U. II KIDMAN, lu Cliurge ur Jtcucl tluu Ucpm tiuuul. Dr. HicOrew Is trc.ttltip; Hundreds of cases and many are cured in one month for only $5.00. This la an opportunity seldom offered and Is made for a short time With thin gonerous offer even the poorest may obtain a permanent cure at tho ntnall charge cf onlv S5.00. QUICK cntKS AT SMALL COST Is the doctors tiunho.l DR. McGREW Is known throughout the west ns one of the MOST SKILLED and Sl'C ISFIL SPECIALISTS In the trentmciit of all form of Diseases and Disorders of Men Only, Ills REMARKABLE SUCCESS In this Iln. of practice bus never been equalled Dr. McGrew has one of the most complete systems of combined Medical & Electric treatments that can b found In (he ncU ELECTRIC BELTS, ELECTRIC APPLI ANCES of all kinds. Ills treatment Is regarded as an absilut. nd permanent cure for Vnrlcocrle, Slrlplni-r, Kjphlln nml nil nisrnspn nf the lllooil nml SUI11, I.iim of Vigor nnd llulllj. DIxpiihpm nml Disorders of tlie llluililer nml Kldnen, AVcnkiies nml prmin l)elillll. ''." yen i s of unlimited eierlcnpe 1 14 yrnrs In Omnliit. crilP.S fill A II ANTICF.I). 1IO.MIJ TIUSATllKVr. Book, consultation and examination free. Hours S n. m. to C, 7 to 9 p. in. Sunday 6 to 12. n. Ilox 7(111. Office . II. Cor. 1 llh nil Fn rim 111 Sl OMAHA, NEll. T,''Lv"Jf much like COATCD ELECTRICITY as science can make them. Hch one produces as much nerve-building lubManre as la con tained in the amount of food a tnsn conumea in a week. This is why they have cured thousands of oaes pf nervous diseases, mcli as Delill Ity. Diiiiness, Iiuoranla, Vnrlcocelr, etc. Thevenableyoutothlnkclear ly by developing brain matter; force healthy circulation, cure Indiges tion, and impart bounding vigor to the whole syHem, All weakening and msue-deMrovIng draiua and losses permanently cured." Delay may mean Insanity, Consumption nnd Death. Price, Siperbox; six botes (with Iron-clad guarantee to cure or re fund money), s. Hook containing positive proof, frea. Addrea Peal iucuitine V.O., Cleveland, (J by Kuhn & Co., 15th and Douglas, , A. Fuller & Co,, llth mid Douglas. Sold and J. When other fall consult DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. nus cut: & OP MEN SPECIALIST We guarantee to euro all cases cutabls of WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. rured for Life. Night Emissions, Lost Muuhood, HyUiocele, Varicocele, Gonorrhoea, (licet, Syphilis, Stricture, Piles, FUtuln. and Rectal tlccra and all l'rlvnle Iilspn.PH nml Disorders of Men Stricture nml filer! Curril 11 1 Home. Consultation Free. Call on or address lilt. SEAItl.LS .t HEAR!, IIS, 110 South llth St. O.MAIH. On Trial and A pprorjvl, no Money In Advance. Appliance and remedies that baiilbh wrakntaj, re. (tore Mrength, chock vita) wait, duelnp and (attain, No 0.0 I)., no fraud of auj natnn- Write for our new book (under seal to you, i,ii I'tillr exnlaln. ERIK MEDICAL CO., BurrALO, N.Y. H.R.PECINEY&C0. jjoorMriri' EIDG. BRANCH l336tWT CHAP uncciM KIR JAMES E BOYD & GO., Telephone 1030. Oninh;t, Ns'i COMMISSION, (JKAIN, PROVISIONS unci STOCKS IIOAHU OF TIIAI1K. Correspondence: John A- Warren t Co uirect wires to Chicago and Nw Yorii I!. V, I.KI.AMt. LELAP 9 Dr. Mrsw ii )