X -i TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE; FIUDAY, APRTL DO, 1000. BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Two Oar Loidi iUmntnU Dinot from Mill n 8ile First Tim Today. RcMNANTS LINING SILECIA PERCALINE 15C Sriinntlottnt llriuimiit Pit In, Kmlircilil crlrn nml l.nccn AkIuiiUIiIiik Ilnr firtln HpiiiiiiiiiIx llrenn (fornix 7Bc C'nilimrrrN !!" HIIU MUSLIN DK SOIK 15c. Itn.MNANTS IN 1J A SB MB NT. KIUIMY 13 IIK.MNANT DAY. Itemnants of lining, atli-sla, porcallno, etc., in long mill lengths, 1c yard, IlcmnanU of all kinds lino black sateen, worth up to 23c, go at 6c yurd. Komn.ints of plain colored and black India linen, worth 25c, go at 3(&c yard. Itemnants of ilntt quality organdies, India dimities and fancy Irish dimities, worth 2."c, go nt 3'4c yard. Itemnants of mcrccrliod calico, worth 714c yard, go at 4c yard. Itrannanls of drapery denim, ticking, cre tonne, etc., worth 10c, go at 10c yard. ItcmnantB of 36-Inch wide percale, worth 18c. go ut Cc yard. Short remnants of zephyr gingham, worth 10c, go at 2c yard. Itomnants all kinds India linen and dotted Bwlas, at 8 ',4c 10c, 12V&C and 15c. HomnantB bicycle covert cloth, worth 15c, nt 8c yard. And hundreds of other remnnnts In base meat tomorrow. KI2MNANTS ON MAIN FLOOR. 7SC CASIIMEItHS 25C. Strictly all wool hcnrletta and cashmcro In cardinal, blue, brown, black and even ing slmdns. Also black and colored Jac iiards, large and umall designs. These run In lengths from 2 to G yards. Many remnants to match, enough for ladles' on tiro suit, actually worth 75c, In rumnants on bargain square at 25c yard. $1.00 ULACK CRBPONS ROC. Hundreds of long remnantw black crppons, mohair and wool brllllantines, large and small designs, In lengths from 3 to 6 yards, on salo at just half price, 50c yard. $1.50 DRESS (1001)9 350. Wool crepons, puro silk and wool Im ported French novelty dress goods, covert suitings, broadcloths. Also casslmrrrn for boy' and men's wear, nil on s,alc at 35c yd. REMNANTS OF SKIRTING GC EACH. 1,000 pieces of skirting camplrs, used by traveling men to tako orders by, In wool morcim. mercerized satcm, gray flannel, etc. These are all with ruffles and braid. Four and five pieces to match, enabling a lady to make a child's skirt, go at 6c each. SILK REMNANTS, IOC. CC. 2C BACH. A now lot of our famous Friday silk rem nants, In brocades, taffetas, changcables, all go, according to length of remnant, nt 25c, nt 10c. and Be and nt 2c per remnant. SILK MOUSSELINE DM SOIE. A new lot of silk moussclln do sole In plain colors, open work effects, silk em broidered dots, go In lengths from 2 to 12 yds., ninny to match, nt 29c yd. The. same as nbovo In short lengths, many pieces to match, at 15c yd. REMNANTS EM HROIDERY AND LACE LESS THAN HALF PRICE. Many styles of wash nnd silk laco In rem nants and odd nnd end pieces go In lots at c, Be nnd 814c yd. Regular price 25c. Rig tnlo of remnnnts and short lengths of embroidery nnd Insertion, all widths, many different patterns, flno quality. In this salo at 314c, Cc, 714c nnd 10c yd. Reg ular prlco would bo 25c. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. noTox sTonn sbi.i.s run sitoi.. Jrlllnic Well KniMtn Omntin Shoe Stock of W. V. Flatter. FROM COR PRK AVE. AND LEAVEN WORTH STREET. AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. SHOES AT HALF PRICE. SHOES AT NEARLY HALF PRICE. In this sale we beg to call your nttcntlon again to the way In which we live up to our advertisements. Wo advertlsud that we would sail the W. L. Douglas shoes at Just about half price; you soe 'what we havo done since the sale started. The DoucIas shoes in this stock nre Just about sold now, but In this sale today Wo will sell For 11.33 a better ladles' shoe than you could buy nnywhero else for $2.50. For tl.OR we will sell you n better ladles' shoo than you can buy anywhere clso for up to ? 1.00. For $1.69 we will sell you as good a man's ! shoo as you can buy anywhere else for up ' to $4.00. I For $3.00 wo will sell you ns good a man's shoo ns you can buy nnywhero clso for ; $5.00. SHOES IN THE BASEMENT. In tho basement in our shoo department j wo offer ladles' shot's for OSc that Fisher i had marked up to $1.00. Infants' misses' and children's shoes go I nt 15c. 25c, 29c, 35c, 69c, 69c, 75c and 9Sc. Ladles' slippers and oxfords at 73c that could not bo bought anywhere else for $1.50. Ho suro to attend this salo today. Do not forget i JAPANESE SLIPPERS, 1C PAIR ON BAR GAIN SQUARE, MAIN FLOOR. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. iiAYnnx nuns. GARBAGE PLACED IN EVIDENCE 1, illicit AVnuon Proprietor, Chnrffril with Pervert Iiikt Hue of TriiNli Cans, KatulillitliCH III Innocence. G. A. Johnson, colored, proprietor of it lunch wagon stationed at Sixteenth and Wobster streets, was In pollco court yester day on n chargo of dumping gnrbngo In a trash can. Ho pleaded not guilty nnd ri proof of his Innocence offered In evidence three empty sardlnn boxes nnd a pint of radish peelings, which ho Insisted upon hav ing marked respectively exhibits "A" and "II." "I found them In the can, your honor," he said. "But you mustn't put such things In the trash cans," suld tho Judge. "Those cans nro for wosto paper qnly. Can't you read the placard on them?" "Yes, sir, nnd I didn't put them. In. ' That nin't my garbage. I can prove by a hun dred witnesses that I don't deal In Bardlnrs nnd radishes. I sell only " Tho prisoner was discharged and tho ar resting olllcer enjoined to have an eye out tor some cook In the vicinity of Slxteeenth nnd Webster who has recently served sar dines and radishes. MAYOR TOUCHED BY A SONG Snc,crRfiil Itnlil nil III Honor' Srnll incut nml Finance by Mvcct-Vnlccd Clilltl. As tho woman entered tho mayor's ofTlcs a tattored corner of her dress caught on tho railing behind which tho visitors' chairs aro ranged. The llttlo girl with her released the Imprisoned garment and together they took scuts among tho varlogated collection of humanity. When their turn camo tho woman took tho llttlo girl by tho hand and parsed Into his honor's private offlro. Tho girl was pretty and was cheaply, though neatly, dressed. Mayor Moores asked what he could do for thorn, well knowing by a glance tho answer to the query ( before It was uttered. "First, I want you to hear Bessie lng," said tho woman. "Now, Bessie, wing for tho mayor." Tho small bit of femininity advanced, mado a curtsoy and started In a faint, sweet treble tho song entiled "Mo and My Dolly." As sho proceeded her voice grew stronger. The mayor barely had time to say "That waa very nice, llttlo one," when Bessie, nt a suggestion from hor mother, sang another song, this tlmo about two llttlo children playing In tho sands. "Vory flno, Indeed," said the mayor, when tho mother Interjected, "Now about the poor widows of the war." Tho room was again filled with tho melody of tho child's voice. There were eoveral vorsra concerning tho woes of the widows and tho needs of the little ones at home. The woman', stor was then related. It has been told many times and will always bo told. Tho mayor is used to such narra tives. Ho had never listened to one, how over. In Just tho same setting. The Jeweled fnco of the child, her flowing hair, the ac companiment of her pathetic, sweet song, tho somber background made by the stoop ing form and gray dress of the mother. A happy smllo lighted up the features of tho mother as he put something into her hand. Tho child made a final vurtnoy and tho two passed out of the office. GRAND LARCENY OF A FARM Seven "VIcnmn Brother Cnltlvnte a Triu't Without tho Owner' Pcr iiiInnIoii nml C.rt Into Trimble. I'lnre cm Jnlr All the Kiincr Sloe (Irocerle front "The I'roplr Store." THEY MUST BE CLOSED OUT. All fancy bottled whlto onions, their price 20c; our price, ,1 bottles for 25c. All chow chow, their price, 20c; our price, 3 bottles for 2Sc. All cauliflower, their price, 20e bottle; our price, 3 bottles 25c. Mixed pickles, their price, 20c bottle; our price, 3 bottles for 25c. Sweet pickles, their price, 20c; our price, 3 bottles for 25c. Puro to mato catsup, their price, 20c bottle; our price, 3 bottles for 25c. Pure table sauce, their price, 25c bottle; our price, 3 for 25c. Puro Hulle D'Ollvo Vlergo olive oil, their price was 75c bottlo; our price, 3 for 60c. Mustard and horseradish, their price, 20c: our price, 814c. Extra preserved strawber ries, for cream, 3 cans 25c. Cudahy's dla ,mond C mlncemrnt, pkg., Be. New cvnp. Turkish prunes, lb.. Cc. New Oregon prunes, 3c, 314c nnd 4c. Now Cal. ralsln-cured prunes, lb., 714c. French ralsln-cured prunes, 8Hc 10c and 1214c. New cvaporatol peaches, per lb., 10c. New evaporated pears, per lb., 10c. Nev blackberries, per lb., 714c. Sugar. 25 pounds for $1. LETTING DOWN PRICES BUTTER AND CHEESE DEPARTMENT. Good table butter, He lb. Fancy cream ery butter, 17c nnd Sc lb. Hygela or Elgin creamery, 19c lb. Strictly now laid eggs, 11c doz. Full cream cheese, 1214c lb. Fancy Ohio swIss cheese, 14c lb. Imported brick or llmbergor cheese, 12V4c. Ncufchatcl cheese, 2'-4e each. New York white cloud cheese, 16c lb, Wo havo the largest butter and cheese dept. In the west and handlo nothing but pure goods. HAYDEN BROS. Gltn.lT CltOWDS ,T M.YI)I:N5. j IIO.TO. STOHI1 WHIH'IC IMHCHAS1J.' HnyliiK "The People' Stiire" liiiineime I Immense i'iirctiiic of Xenrlr Three Stork ut llnruitln Price. 1 Cur l.onil of CitrpctM n nil IIiirn. I Th u" roa,llzc ,!wt 1,10 i"Ralrm from 1 SALE BEGINS MONDAY. Tho People's Store" stocks grow bigger From nn eastern transportation company tV i ,Cro"'ll departments prove that our New York representative purchased In Haydens' are giving tho most nstonhlng bulk threo carloads of carpets nnd rugs, valutu ever attempted In Omaha. Plenty ' They were consigned to a prominent Chi ef clerks to wait on you. i cngo carpet store. These goods were dam MACHINE THREAD, 1C SPOOL. I nKctI ln transit and sold In bulk for spot All the 200-vnnl mnrtilm. thre.nla fmm thn cash, and wo secured one of tho crcateat People's stock, lc spool. 35c fine embrold- ' ""Ralns wo hnve ever had the pleasure of oiiering to our patrons. i A part of these goods have now arrived and In almost souild and perfect condition. That which wo havo thus far received Is nearly a solid car of all kinds of rugs from tho small door size to tho largo room size. Wo havo yet to receive two cars of car pets, nnd ns they nrrlve wo will announce what they consist of. WE will plnco the entire lot on sale NEXT MONDAY MORN. erics, 10c yard. 35c Valenciennes laces, 15c dozen yards; 23c tack pullers, Cc each, 25c ladlcu' leather belts, 10c each; COc rib bons, 1214c; 25c ribbons, Be. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SAMPLE SUITS From Conhelm & Co. nnd two other New York houses. 114 ladles' tnllor-mado suit.', In all nowost styles, nearly all silk lined mrougnout, worth $25.00, for $11.90. 12 Announcement. Tho leng anticipated engagement of Henry Irving nnd Mica Ellen Terry will begin to night at Doyd'H. Thcso two artists will face an audience that will occupy every available sraeo In tho theater. They open In "Tho Mer chant of Venice" tonight, with a double bill Saturday night, "Nnnco Oldfleld" nnd "Tho Bells" being tho offerings. A matlneo per formance was asked for, but It was not given becauso of tho fatlguo U Impofscd on Mr. Irving. His rule everywhere Is but six performances each week. He realizes tho fact that by cutting out tho two matinees each woek ho curtails his earnings, but ho would rather havo his health thau the money. Tho company will arrive ln Omaha nbout 1:30 this afternoon In Its special train. Owing to the extreme longth of the bill tho curtain will go up promptly nt 8:16, and it Is urged that patrons reach the theater an early ns possible so as to avoid the bustlo and nolso Incident to their seating them selves, Notwithstanding reports, there aro qiiltn a number of cholco seats to bo dis posed' of. jackets eiik lined throughout, mndp up n yaT qiipntAt. s w v nwivvru h,t ?i ."T va,r- 'or "-1 ;.A. in05h.tS"8 t,,at ' " " ' OIIIV milBlB. 1WIIH AI.Ull. lOr I 11,. $3.98. Ladles' Elon Jackets nt J5.00. Ifi.on. $7.00 and $10.00. 60 dozen ladles' wrappers, worth $2.00, for 9Sc. "PEOPLE'S STORE" SILKS, DRESS GOODS AND WASH GOODS. We have put sensationally low prices on ilally papers of announcements. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. The Attention of the Traveling public Is respectfully Invited to the magnificent equipment offered to patrons several large, new lots for Friday nnd will ' of lUe CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. offer tho most astonishing bargains of tho I'AUL ,lA1,'WAV between Omaha nnd Chl- nigu. Dunn vchiiduicu, steam nokieu ntil electric lighted trains. Palace sleepers nnd diners, buffet and library cars, freo reclin ing chnlr cars, fust time and union depots city Ticket Office, 1501 Farnam st. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Omaha Tent nnd Rubber company are pre pared to fill all orders tents, nwnlngs and tanvai goods. New location, corner 11th nnd Harney. 'Phono 883. entire sale. Bo suro nnd see them. HAYDEN BR03. JOLLY TAR. AND HIS WASH Houdlnl, who has been mystifying tho patrons of tho Crelghton-Orpheum this week with his handcuff and shackle tricks, will conclude his engagement nt the matl neo tomorrow. Tho children, especially, will be entertained at tho matlneo by the illus tration of the fairy story of "Cinderella" by tho moving plcturo mnchlno, which shows the pantomlmo In twenty scenes and in col ors Just as given at tho Drury Lano theater of London. Cntulpii Fence Pont. 10,000 fence posts, hardy, durable, cheap. Thomas O. Daniels, Deerfleld (Seymour park). Sec C. F. Harrison's real estate bargains. Pnln In the llnuk. A. B. Farrlngton, Conetnnla, N, Y says; "I wns troubled several years with kidney disease nnd suffered severe pains In the back. I used Foley's Kidney Curo nnd ono bottlo cured me. I recommend It to my friends. It has given perfect satisfaction." Tako no substltuto. For sale by Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store South Omaha. Wlij I'mtre In the DitrU When by traveling in tho luxurious sleep ing cars of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on the electric lamp and mako tho berth as light as day. City Offlce, 1604 Farnam st. Theodore, Jack, Henry, William, George, Wceloy and Emil Wiseman, who weiro re cently charged In Justice Crawford's court with the grand larceny of n flvo-ncre garden out near Dundee, aro absolved of the nccusa tlon. Tho matter was settled out of court, tho 'Plaintiff, D, L. Johnson, agreeing to dismiss tho complaint If tho seven Wiseman brothers would withdraw from his estate. Tbe brothers had already put In two acres of onions and when arrested hud begun operations on n potato patch. They said thoy thought tho land belonged to an eastern capitalist and that they could "sneak in" and harvest n crop -without his knowing It. Stonecypher, printer, ad-wrltor. Up-to-dat cuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tel, 1310. HU-CAN HAIR T0NIG Promotes tho growth of the hair, prevents and cures baldness, reimovcH dandruff, cures diseases of the scalp. It !s not a dye, but restores the color of tho hair by supplying to it tho natural elomentH nnd nourishment which Is needs. . I Regular prlco $1 our prlco 7Bc. Cramer's Kidney Curo 75c Schacfer's Snrsaparllla fiSo Sure Death, for bugs 20c JIulted Milk 40c, 75c, $3.15 i-aino H t eiery uompounu rac Llsterlno G9C Syrup of Figs (California) 23c , Wine of Cnrdul ;50 , Plnkhnm's Compound , 7Sc Frostllln 20o S. 8. S 75c , Wrst'H Nervo nnd Brnln Treatment.... 23c ' rnptorla j30 ! llontetter's Bitters 76c I Bromo Quinine iso , Celery Nervine 65c CUT PRICK DRUGGIST. Another Portland Train. Two Trains Daily EFFECT! VB APRIL 22, THE UNION PACIFIC Will place In service an additional Port land train. This train " THE PACIFIC EXPRESS " Will leave Omaha 4 25 p. m., arrive Port land 7 30 n. m. Only Tit !) on the Koad. Why Dnvlil Mlnnllclil Took n Set of I.lKlit Hume to the I.ititnilry. A man with a rolling gait, his tattooed nrms encircling a large, unwieldy package, wns stopped on tho street by Ofttccr Wool rldgo nnd questioned as to his destination, nnd as to tho contents of tho bundle. "I nm going to the laundry," said he, "and ln this package nro threo suits of un derwear, two shirts, collars, cuffa and four pairs of socks." "Vary well," said tho officer. "I know tho laundrymnn, nnd, as it's on my beat, I'll Just walk down there with you If you've no objections." There was none, nnd as the sailor touBcd tho parcel upon tho counter he remarked that ho wanted It sure by Saturday night. Tho clerk was about to take his name and address, when something peculiar nbout tho bundle arrested her practiced eye. Sho ran her fingers over it like a phrenologist feel ing a bald head. "What's this?" she askod, her palm paus ing over a bump. "A suit of underwear. I knotted them up." "And this?" "A pair of socks." But tho clerk was not satisfied. With a deft movement sho unwrapped the package and found ln lieu of soiled balbrlgga.n a set of light harness. David Stanfleld,' tho sailor, with pruning Bhcars and a l&wmnower, had been reefing the to'gallants and scrubbing the scuppers of A. A. Parker's front yard, according to hla story told In police court yesterday. But tho balmy spring air awoko ln him n desire to resume his life on tho oceau wave, so he stole the doctor's liarncss and was on his way to tho pawnshop with It when ho met the offlcor. Ho waB glren thirty days In Jail. For sale, two seats for Friday night Boyds" theater, B 71 nnd 72; two for Satur day night. G 10 nnd 11, parquet circle. Ad dress, E 62, Brv ofllec. Some More People Who Know Ask Them. Or ask anyono elee who has used SHER WIN-WILLIAMS PAINT and they will tell you NO paint could bo BETTER hardly any aro as good. Ask COL. TRAYNOR Gon'l Baggago Agt. U, P. Ry. Or R. CARLETON, The Prince of Sign Makers and Painters. HENRY LEHMANN. the "Supremo Re gent" of tho Omaha Decorating fraternity. Or HARRY COUNSMAN, the Watch Dog of tho City Treasury. ASK ANYBODY FROM CLEVELAND, OHIO That's where tho Sherwin-Williams Paints aro made. ASK SEVERAL THOUSAND Omaha ladles who havo used tho S.-W. Co. "Varnish Stains" and "Enamels." (Wo would tell you theso ladles names but w art too bash ful to ask their permission), , ASK US and we will give you a color card showing tha colors ln each special kind of paint. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go Cor. 16th and Dodge. U IXinEII' Selling the Peo- HAYDENs a, shs The time of the present Portland trail, "THE OVERLAND LIMITED" Leaving Omaha 8:20 a. ra., will be re duced 2 hours and 4B minute. No changa will b made in tha leaving time at Omaha. Between Omaha and Portland. Onlr nT Iloara nmd AO Mlaatea SPLENDID EQUIPMENT. CITY TICKET OFFICE: 1302 PAU.XAH ST.. Telephone 31. A' stonishing bargains in fine new style shoes from the People's Store stock are being piled high on the big tables every day and thousands are taking advantage of this won- SGHAEFER Cor. JO fli nnd ChleuKO Sta I HUE MlLEHCTf M milil ' ' A MAN OF TRAVEL SAYS: "I used tho Burlington twenty-two years ago, nnd havo been using It over since." Tnko n trip on tho Burlington, and you'll travel the eamo way tho next time. That's how good It Is. Four dally flyers to Chicago; two to Kan sas City; one to St. Louis; ono to Denver; ono to Montana. Tlokel Ofilca, 1 502 Farnam SI, Tel. 250. Burlington Station, 10th and Mason Sta. Tal. 120. Graduation Calls for a pift of somo kind. In tho jowelors stock thoro aro so many beau tiful and useful articles that would bo kept nil tho years ln memory of graduation day. Beforo purchasing look through our stock. Would bo pleased to show you. S. W. LINDSAY, The .IriTClcr. 1.110 DnnRlna St. derful shoe sale. An opportunity to buy fine shoes less than the cost of making. The Ultra Shoe for Ladles The Stetson Shoe for Men for ladies' fine vici and ve lour kid shoes in welt and turn soles that were made for the People's Store to sell for $3.50 and $4.00 for men's fine box calf and patent leather and. velour calf shoes, made tor tn People's etore to sell at $3.50 and $4.00. for men's line wax calf and box calf shoes, made for the People's store to sell at $2. 50 and $3. 00. for ladies' fine vici kid ehoes, sold by the People's store at $12. 50 ana $3. uu. $1.29 for Misses fine shoes that the People's Store sold at $2.00 and $2.50. $1.97 for the Peoj and $4.00. $1.97 People's sto $1.46 $2. 50 and $ $1.38 Don't Spend Money v.'-iiv.vv.rodui, Will IllillVlIl VI clothes for either business or drees is simply doing merchant tailor ing by quantity instead of for tho individual. The sizes of men and boys of nil ages, are known, and there is now no diilleulty in fitting extra largo or small men from the stock on hand. You pay us not more than one-half custom price. Tho suit or overcoat is guaran teed a perfect fit, and equal in every respect to niadoto-ordor clothing. What more can any body ask ? For instance wo'vo good suits at $5.00, $5.50, $7.00, $7.50, $7.75, $8.50, $S.75, !).00, $.r0, $9.75, $10, $11, $11.50, $12, $12.50, $13, $13.50. One man says How about those suits that cost morn mmmv. like the merchant tailor makes. Don't you keep 'om? Why certainly. See how tho prices range. 14.00 suits like tho tailor's $20.00 ones. $15.00 suits like the tailor's $22.50 ones. $10.50 suits like the tailor's $25.00 ones. $18.00 8vits like the tailor's $27.50 ones. $1).5() suits like the tailor's $30.00 ones. $21.00 suits like the tailor's $33.00 ones; $22.50 suits like tho tailor's $37.50 ones. You can't dispute theso facts. Wo'ro ready any time for your comparison. Saturday is Hat Day at Tho Nebraska, but wo'ro toll ing about it in advance that you may bo ready when we pass the hat around. You can drop a $1.50 in the basket and draw tho best hat in Omaha for the money. You can have a choice of half a dozen styles and colors. If you choose to payS2.00 or$2.50vou can got the samo hat in style and quality, as the reg ular hat store folks say $4.50 and $5.00 for. Why don't you keep your hats in glass cases? asked ono of our customers Saturday evening, and our answer is, it is a case of couldn't do it. Thoro isn't a case mado that will hold as many hats as The Nebraska sells on Saturday. Our hats are kept in dust proof boxes and there's no pushing of glass doors- .Just pull open the box, and you've half a dozen at your hand. A hat on your head is better than a hat in a case. In most cases we sell most all the men who look horo for their hatB of course there are others. mm a aai a nvif amvj UAVrtCII! Special lift I ULI1 S Clothing Sale 59c for Children's Tine Kid Shoes ill title to soli nt $1.00. HAYDEN BROS Selling the People's Store Stocks. Kodaks and Cameras AMATEUn PHOTO SUPPLIES. free Instructions for Beginners Call and Sec Us Before Purchasing The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Fiirimm St. Developing and Printing SEND US A Tine Top Buggy for $38 JUST IlliCKIVHn A Inrnc tin men! of line vehicle of nil Ulmla, sr lHtm Model, a to. World Bicycles $30 Orlpnl llmiiUli'rii ami World HciiitlNt-r. ... a 10 nml anil Oilier lie iv wheHn from aitl up. SrnnnilliHiiil ivlieeln from & nil. l.nricraf nml lient equipped Repair Shop nt lo,vel prlofin. S H. J3. Fredrickson. 'Phono 2161. 15 th and Dodge. Purchase of manufacturer's Reserve Stock of Boys' and Children's New Spring Suits, at 60c on the dollar. The largest lino of stylish, up-to-date cloth' ing ever brought to Omaha. Youth's Long Pant Suits, all sizes, to fit young men up to IS years, made to retail at $7.50 to $20, will bo on salo Friday and Saturday at $3.75, $5.00, $6.50,$7.50, $8.50, $9 and $10. Made up in all tho new striped and checked worsteds with single and double breasted vests Boys' Very Fine Knee Pant Suits, The purchase of 5, 650 vestee, sailor and double breasted suits, we find nearly 2,000 double breasted knee pant suits, in sizes 13, 14, 15 and 16, and mado to retail O r EL for $4 to $7.50, on sale Friday, $1.25, $1.75, $2.50, Boys' double breasted Huits, boys' vestee and sailor suits, boys' 3-piece suits with vests, in all that's new and stylish for spring 1900, all sizes to lit boys from 3 to 15 years. All wool fancy vestee suits, sizes 3 to 8, on Bale at $1.25,! Boys' double breasted knee pant suits, all wool cheviots and cassimeres, pants mado with double seat and knee, worth $3.50 at $1.75. . t Hoys' nno Vestee and Snllor Suits, nil si zes 3 (o 8, of fine worBtrd serKo am! chev iots, somo mndo with Bilk faclnK. open Iron t vests, In slnglo nnd double breasted, worth J1.S0 and $5.00, nt $2.50. 190 Doublo Breasted Kneo Pants Suits, sizes 8 to 15, well mado and a good durable school eult, at OSc. Strong lines of Vestees, Sailors and Doublo lircasted Suits for $2.05, $3.50, $3.05, $4.50, $5.00. Kxactly tho styles and fabrics that the best pcoplo want most nnd aro least likely to find elsewhcro. Hoys' Corduroy Kneo Pants at 25c. Goo d Durable Kneo Panta nt lOo and 15c. Very fine Knee Pants at 60c and 75c. Mall orders promptly filled. HAYDEN BROS. Don't Be Ashamed to Ask ! If you don't know the good qualities of SHERIDAN COAL, Best coal mined in Wyoming. Lump $5.50 Egg $5 Nut $4.50. VICTOR VHITE Sr'V27rtrcctl 1 Wlioleanle uml ltcfnll.