THE O:rATIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, APTUTj 18, 1000. WANT MR, BELDEN TO SERVE Commercial Olub Oommittet Djcidea to Urge Him to Accept the Honor. DISCUSSES PLANS FOR NEW HIGH SCHOOL AVI 1 1 rplKlon ('oiiki-i-kh for Hrpriil of the XIiiiiiii Tux mid I'iixniikc of the Hill fur ll.tK-rnuut of I'oatul Sen Ice. Mr. C. C. Ilelden, who was elected by tbo Hoard of Education Monday evening to suc ceed A. M. Cowlc, will not accept the. posi tion thus tendcrod him. When asked about It, Mr. Ilelden said: "Thl appointment wan ontlrely without my consent or expectation on my part, anil whlto I fully nppreclato tho compliment paid mo by the members of the board, I pojltlvely . cannot accept tho honor proffered for rea-1 sons which I am not at liberty to explain." At lln regular weekly meeting tho execu- I tlvo committee of tho Commercial club adopted a resolution expressing Its apprecla- 1 tlon of tho appointment of Mr. C. C. Ilolden as a member of tho Board of Education, to. i nut her vlth the hopo that ho would accept. . The members of tho commlttco expressed n determination to call upon .Mr. Ilelden and endeavor to Indiico him to servo, A commltteo recently appointed to urge tho Missouri Pacific to nfford trackago fa cllltioH for the now mill being built by Clark Ilros. at Thirtieth and Iloyd streets reported having secured tho dcslrod concessions. Secretary Utt reported upon tho Improved train service to be Inaugurated by tho Omaha road In response to roprcncntntlon.3 of tho Commercial club. Tho socrotary was directed to nrrango to socuro a speaker to address nn approaching meeting of tho Woruan'B club on what the club can do along commercial lines, tho women having requested tho appointment of nuch n speaker. It -was roportcd that Senator Allen had exprevwed his readiness to do whatever ho can to securo tho proposed enlargement of tho tttaff of tho department of subsistence of tho .quartermaster's department. A. II. nurnctt, attorney, was elected to membership In tho club. John Steel directed uttontlon to tho ef forts being mado by City Troastirer Hen jilngs to collect delinquent personal taxes, and tho commlttco by formal vote endorsed tho efforts. On motion of Victor Caldwoll a commlttco was appointed comprising Messrs. Caldwell, W. M. Ilurgess and W. S. Wright to draft n resolution favoring the repeal of tho r.tamp taxes and forward tho same to Ne braska's representatives In congress. K. R. Androws reported upon tho visit of a commltteo of tho club to tho rooms of Iho Hoard of Education to inspect tho High school plans, and moved It to bo tho sense of tho club favoring tho plan for placing tho 250 front to tho cast. Thero -was somo objection, however, to endorsing any spe cific plan for any certain character of build ing, and It was decided to express by voto tho thanks of tho club to tho school board for its courtosy and to suggest that If there Is anything further which tho club can do It will 'bo glad to do It. A resolution was adopted endorsing the Ixmd bill restricting the sending of books through tho malls as second-class mattor nt 1 cent a pound, when tho law provides that such matter shall pay 8 cents a pound, and also to prevent tho return by news papers of unsold copies at tho 1-ccnt rate. ASKS LOWER APPRAISEMENT Omnlin. Wntrr Work Cnnipnny Wniitu It AHrnieiit for 1S1KS Very SlatrrluIIj- lteiluccil. iiosto.v HToitn iiinnox sai.k. Anil ffrrmtil liny of fJrniul fnr of I5m-liroldcr)- nt I .run Tlimi llnlf I'rlt'r, 7140 iimnoN at ic vaiid. All tho fancy and plain taffeta ribbon that generally sells up to "He yard, In this salo nt lc yard. ioc silk mnnoN, shc yard. All tho all silk very heavy plain and fancy ribbon, with draw strings. In taffeta, satin and moire, that generally sells up to 10c yard, go at 34c yard. 15Q PLAIN AND FANCY RIMIONS. EC. All thq strictly all sIIk plain and fancy taffeta molro And satin tfbbons In long lencths that gcnernlly sell nt lGc, go at Cc rnrd. 25C ALL SILK RIBBONS. IOC YARD. All tho finest grado of oil silk taffeta molro ribbon In all tho now spring colors, plain nnd fancy plaid effects, would bo fl real bargain nt 25c, go nt 10c yard. 75C PLAIN AND FANCY RIBBONS, 15C YARD. All the wider widths of all silk plain and fancy taffeta, satin and double-faced satin; also brilliant crystallno ribbons, up to 8 Inches wide, that gonerolfy sell at 50c and 75c yard, go In one lot at 15c yard. GRAND SALE OF EMBROIDERY. Moro embroidery nnd Insertion than were ever displayed In ono house In Omaha be fore. Every lady should visit this grand sale, and nil these fine embroideries and In sertions will be sold at about Si tbo Im port r's cost. 30C EM IIROIDERY, 3.4C 5C, 7VSc. IOC. Bargain square after bargain square with thousands of pieces, almost every stylo of embroidery and insertion made, In nil widths, worth up to 30c yard, divided into lots at 3V4c, 6c, "Ac nnd 10c yard. Largo bargain counter with many styloi of all-overs, embroidery nil-overs, laco all- overs, tucking all-overs, combination of tucking, laco nnd cmS-oldery nil-overs, go nt 10c, 30c, 4De, COc and 98o yard. lying rows of bargain tables all the wny down tho nlslo, plied high with nlmost every stylo of laco that you can wjh for, includ ing French Valenciennes, Normandy Valen ciennes, English and Gorman torchons, net top oriental, fine cluny laco and Insertion, point d'csprlt, black and cream silk laco. Evory yard of laco in this grand lot worth doublo our prices; go In lots at 2c, 3c, Cc and 8Vc yard. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. iiayii:v.h wi: riinit-iutooi- mai.ii. IS n tiro "I'roiilc'n Mlorr" I'lirrhiinr on .ali- Thin Week. LETTINO DOWN THE PEOPLE'S PRICKS. Wedneedny tho marvelous bargains nl- rnmlw Minniih..1 mill I. a,! n.wl It 1 1 n - ci. iitiiiifuui.. ,, uj 1 Cl'c, .nil ami nut.- J ureas 01 Digger Bargains nuueti. i rowus come, crowds buy, but tho bargains In creaso instead of diminish. Choicest new goods nt bankrupt prices. 12 YARDS LACE FOR 1BC. Wednesday wo sell Tho People's stock of fino Valenciennes laces nt 15c per dor. yds. 25c fine embroideries, 10c yd. 10O HEMSTITCH HANDKERCHIEFS 214C. Ijc lace-trlmmed handkerchiefs, 7-4c $1.00 pure linen hdkfs,, embroidered, 19c. UNDERWEAR SALE AT 1-5 ITS VALUE. 1,000 pieces soiled underwear from the Pcoplo'fl stock In ladles', men's and chil dren' that eold for 50c, 75c and $1.00. Every garment to be closed out regardlcrs of cost, nil to go at 15c each. 15C HOSE FOR 6C. All tho hoso from tho People's stock that sold for 15c go on salo at 5c; 15c in on 'it nnd boys' collnrs at 6c; men's $1.60 'colored laun dered shirts, In all tho latest styles, nt 75c; all tho neckwear from tho People's stock that they sold for 25c, on salo hero nt 10c; 100 tloz. corsets fiom tho Peoplo's stock that they sold for $1.00 and $1.25, on sale nt 49c. HAYDEN BROS. !tlJ&I UEJIS Extraordinary Shoe Sale Wednesday. Thousands of pairs of fine new shoes from the "Peoples' Stock" added to tho big bargain tables full of Hlioes at less than the cost of making. Tho wonderful shoo bargains we give the people keeps our two big shoe depart ments crowded with customers and is positive proof that wo are giving tho greatest shoo values in America. The Attention of the Traveling public Is respectfully invited to tho magnificent equipment offered to patrons of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha and Chi cago. Solid vtstlbulcd, steam heated and electric lighted trains. Pnlaco sleepers and diners, buffet and library cars, frco reclin ing chair cars, fast time and union depots. City Ticket Offlce, 1501 Farnnm st. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent Omaha Tent and Rubber company aro pro- pared to fill all orders tents, awnings and canvas goods. Now location, corner 11th nnd Harney. 'Phono 883. Stonccyphcr, printer, nd-wrltcr. Up-to-dato cuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tel, 1310. Irving scats, F. 10-11, O. 4-5. Tel. 1230. CONGRESSMAN BURKET HERE Klrat DlNtrlct ItrnrPMOntntlve on III AVnjr Hnek to HI I'lncc In the Copilot nt WnnltliiKtoii. Congrcrsman E. J. Burkct of Lincoln passed through Omaha yesterday on his re turn to Washington, having como back to Nebraska last week to attend tho republican congressional convention of tbo First dis trict, which endorsed him with a renomlna tlon. Mr. Burkct will remain In Washington until congrcfs adjourns, after which ho will como back to tako up tho campaign with hlsj well known activity In bohalf of himself and tho entlro republican ticket. While In Omnha ho called on a number of prominent republicans and canvassed tho political sit uation with them. Announcement. "Cinderella," tho fairy story so dear to tho hearts of tho Juveniles, will bo one of tho chief attractions at tho Crclghton Orphoum mntlneo todny. It will bo given in twenty scenes nnd In colors by the kino drome, which Is conceded to bo tho perfec tion of moving pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Drew appear In "Lovo Will Find a Way." Anna Brinn, tho talented Omaha girl, will sing her coon melodies. All the other features aro of an attractive character. Tho Omnha wnter company has, asked the county commissioners to reduce Its assess ment for 1898 from $193,000 to $95,000 and tho commissioners havo consented to In vestigate! tho mattor. The valuation ot $195,000 was placed upon tho plant In 1S9S by Assessor Carpenter of tho Fourth ward, but subsequently ho filed nn affidavit to tho effect thnt by an error In his figures ho had mado tho amount too great by $100,000. However, tho original appraisement $193, DOO has been carried on tho books until tho preBont time, though under tho protest of the officers of tho company. An Omaha Yoiiiik Miiii'n Siieeesn. Less than two year's ago Mr. C. L. Hedges camo to Omaha to go Into tho flro Insurance business. Being a stranger nnd having only ono company to start with, ho found it hard work to competo against tho old estab lished agencies. But pluck and hustle al ways win In Omaha. Our peoplo llko that sort of thing. They want to encourage cnorgy nnd hard work; so, many houses gavo Mr, Hodges a portion of their Insur ance Thus encouraged, ho got additional companies nnd built up his business, until now ho has tho largest list of strong com panies In tho city, and stands In tho front rank in volumo of business. Tho work having out-grown the capacity ot ono manager, Mr. Hodges has now as soolated with him Mr. George B. Morton of St. I3Uls, who comes to cast his lot nmong us, nnd tho business Is Incorporated ns tho Hedges-Morton Co. As Mr. Morton is a gentleman of means and wtdo experi ence, there is no doubt thnt tho Hedges Morton Co. will continue to handle large lines of Insurance In tho city and Increnso still moro In volume of business. Tho com pany has Its omco8 In the Paxton block. Why llmlreNH In the Ilnrk When by traveling In tho luxurious slesp Ing cars of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on the electric lamp and mako tho berth as light ns day. City Ofllco, 1604 Farnora st. This afternoon Yale's "Evil Eye" com pany will glvo a matlneo performance. To night concludes tho company's engagement. This attraction Ib a particularly pleasing one to children who are not nt liberty to nttnnri nnv hut afternoon performances, u Is a play that Is Just llko their story books of "Little Goody Two Shoes," "Jack tho Olant Killer," nnd the like. Ciitnliiu Fence l'ontn. 10,000 fenco posts, hardy, durable, cheap Thomas O. Daniels, Deerfleld (Seymour park). See C. F. Harrison's real estate bargains. imn. Avni?S fienreo M.. father of Dr. Geortro Byron Ayres, deceased, April 15, 1900, aged 3314 years. l-'unenil Thursday at 2 p. m. from resi dence 6022 N. 36th. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited, especially all old soldiers. LILLIE, .Tcromo A., aged CS years, nt his lnte residence, 1S03 Webster street. .Funeral Thursday. Anrll 19th. at 2 n. m from residence. Interment 'Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends invited, Beiterman on Paint "THE T1KST PAINT ON EARTH Is tho BIIEIIWIX-WILLIAMS PAINT." wild Mil. 11. C. B1STTERMAN of this city (himself nn old druggist.) "I sold it for muny years before coming to Omnhn, nnd I know It's good-yes, BUTTER THAN 'NIK I1RST WHITE I.KAD AND OIL. It wears longer nnd looks better and then H'm nn mhv to flnreml that anyone who uses it onco won't bo talked Into trvlnc anything else." Mr. Bettermnn's opinion of this paint Is exactly thnt of everyone who has over used mo SIicrwIii-WllllnniN I'nlnt. It 1st rertnlnlv tho best "on earth" nnd wo refer you to those who havo used It for evidence or Ills siniemenx. oohi in email cans and largo enns from 15 cents up. Paints for every purposo from n baby car rlnirn to a burn. Cull for color card. Wo nro the agents In Omaha. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Cor. 16th and Dodge. jjiaorJsjtoKj Mr. W. R. Scott, MER'S K1DNFA' CURE nnd says that It has dono him so much eood thnt ho cheer fully recommends It to nil persons troubled with kidney dlsoawe. Ho was told by a neighbor what It had dono for him, und, purehuslng a bottle, tells us to publish his namo as being ono or mo loriunaio ones who cot relief. Cramer's Kidney Curo 7Te wino or Cnmui Toe Carter's Liver Pill 15c Fyrnmld Pllo Cure 0c Duffy's Malt Wnlskey S3c i-aino i.-eiery (.'ompouna two I food's HarHnuarllla f.Oc Svrun of Fics 29c Illrney'K Caturrli Cure I'-'o Celery Ncrvlno B3o Suro Death, for bugs 20c Bchaefer n Snrsapnrllla aic Plorco's Prescription 75c Kilmer's Swumn-Root 75c Perunn 7tc Bromo-Qulnlno 15c CUT l'RTCE DRUGGIST. SGHAEFER .Cor. lflih nnd CIiIcmiko St. Such Wonderful Shoe Bargains as these today. Over 800 pairs of children's fino kid .and box c.ilf ECQ $1 and $1.25 shoos, in all sizes, at ZJz Over 1200 pairs of Misses' and Boys' fino vici kid 1 1-1 and calf 1.50, $2 and 2.25 shoos, on salo at l.AO Over 3800 pairs of Ladies' fine vici and chrome kid 1 Q 2.50 and 3 shoes, in all sizes, and newest stylo.. -0 Over 3200 pairs, of Men's fino box calf and vici kid ou ana snoes, in mo latesi styles l A and in all sizes, at L.ryj Over 4300 pairs of Men's fino vici kid patent leather and box calf 3.50 and 4.00 Bhoes, in the latest i Q7 styles, all sizes, at Over 5000 pairs of Ladies' finest vici kid, welt and 1 OQ turn solo 3.50 and 4 shoes, all sizes and widths AtOV HAYDEN BROS. The Greatest Shoe Sellers in Omaha. "Time tries all things Sheridan Coal 59 has stood the trial. Best coal mined in Wyoming. Lump $5.50 Egg $5 Nut $4.50. VICTOR WHITE ffiS THIS SHOE SALE BEGINS TODAY 25,000 pairs of Japanese Bath Room Slippers at 5c pair, ThiB sale embraces one entire Omaha shoo stock well known to llamscorn Park residenta an immense purchase from the Wallace Elliott estate and a 2500 pair deal from a New York importer. On sale beginning today Half price, nearly half or less than half. 17 This is the sign Fisher had in his window. This is wbat Fisher signed. 1,1 i I 1 l,l.l,IJXLLUXUXUJJJJJLU.I H I 1 I II II I I I M II 1 TOE BB1LEMCTW TH ' WHY DON'T YOU tako tho smooth read to St. Louis? Lenvo tho Ilurllngton Station, Omaba, at 4:55 n'ny afternoon. Arrive In Union Station, St. I.oulo. nt 7:19 tho next morning. Ocod train, good track, all the vtaj. X Ticket Office, 1 502 Farnam St. Tel. 260. Burlington Station, 1 0th and Mason Sts. Tsl. 128. u AND Mil. Close Ou to Socisu so 7x TODAY BOSTON STORE WILL SELL ALL THE W. L Douglas S3 Men's Shoes for $1.69. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.50 Men's Shoes for $1.75. W. L. Douglas $4 00 Shoes for $2.00. W. L Douglas Men's $4.50 Shoes for $2.25. All $5 and $6 Men's Shoes of other makes go a $3 and $3.50. 1200 Ladies' $2 50 fan high cut Bicycle Boofs, go at 98c pair. 1500 pairs Ladies' Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords at 59c, 69c, 75c, 98c 2,000 pairs Infant's, Ghild's Misses', Youth's and Boys' Shoes at 15c, 25c, 39c, 49, 59c, 69c, 75c, 89c, 98c, $1.25 pairs Ladies' $2.50 black vici kid shoes go at SI 39. 900 pairs Ladies' $3.50 and 4 black and tan shoes at M.Utf and other shoe bargains equally as good or better. THIS SALE BEGINS TODAY AT 8 O'CLOCK SHARP None sold to dealers. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA N. W. Cor. 16th and Doufflas Sts. Ladie Suits, Ladies' Waists, Ladies' Skirts Wc make the most of your money without a fuss about it. Here ready for you a gathering of ladies ready" to-wear clothing that right buying has brought forth that we arc glad to speak well of. Ladies' Slllfs Vo'il'osnowniS & pretty linoofladios1 man-tailored riuits, stylish and per feet lilting, ily front or oton, box back $A fafl skirt, satin faced rovers, worth $7.50, for.... iU Ladies' Suits ad of an W00l cheviot, made in T . tho latest style, mado by experienced suit makers, lly front or box, box pleated $7 skirt, this suit as a rule brings 10, our prico J" Ladies' WaistS Jiu08' s'c taffeta waists, in black, , tucked, now corded back, Qfi detachable collar, fitted lining, worth $4, for jU Ladies' Skirts Wparo showing one of the best values in ladies cray homespun dress skirts you can find in any Omaha store CA for the money, nicely mado, worth $7, for. . .. Ladies' Silk Skirts tarreia un- derskirt, nicely made, with deep lined, umbrella ruflle, thoy como in $J all colors, real value 4.00, for '. . . u Jli In no branch of our business are details' more carefully guarded than in the production of ready-to-wear garmonts for outerwear. AL HAYDENs SPECI CLOTHING SALE Tho superior quality of our goods, tho unusually low- price nt which they nro Bold permit us to challenco comparison. Wo glvo you over .100 of thin season's nowest styles to select from. Tho workmanship In our clothing In tho very best. At $2.75 At $3.75 At $5.00 MEN'S ALI-WOOL. CHBVIOT SUITS. At $7-50 WK AhK SHOWINO MEN'S SUITS IN STIUPES AI'D PLAIN pattornM, worth fo.OO. " . WB Altn SHOWING MEN'S SUITS IN ALIj Wo6l, WOItSTB!) nnd catilmerc, satin piping, etc., neatly tailored; every suit a rcnl $7.G0 to tO.OO-value. WE AltE SHOWINO TIII3 LAROEST AND MOST EXCLUSIVE rangn of bright, nobby, absolutely nil wool cnsslmcrt'R In cvory conceivable pnttern. Tho excellent tailoring, fit nnd finish of theso nuttings at tbo prlco make thorn positively tho best values we havo over offered. i (jlf CC WE ARB SHOWINO THE NEWEST AND MOST DESIRA VX IJ) I. vJ Vf vf bio styles that will bo eecn this season. Theso garments contain all tho llttlo "kinks" and now Idoita thnt can bo found only In high grado tailoring. Wo glvo you choice of either ulnglo or doublo breasted vcMts. Tho tailoring ot every detail In thecto garment Is superb. Tho fabrics nro of high grade solid cas elmero effects. Also many lino fancy worsteds, Venetian sultlngn and club checks. A A. Oj-4 r (( WE ARE SHOWINO THE VERY LATEST AND MOST I . i5 1 Jm 3J htrlklng Htyles In hcrrlngbono cnslmorcH; hard twisted, closoly woven cheviots, .and fancy worsteds. Th!s lino glvca you a wide scopo In nt tractlvonens and stylo. Theso garments, like all our nulU?, aro tailored by tho best known manufacturers, representing tho highest standard of ready to wear clothing In Amorlcu. f. Cj AA WB PARTICULARLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF OEN- ij? lO U" tlemcn who havo tholr clothes mado to ordor to the extra ordinary offerings nt thin prlco. This lino contains nil tho nowest nnd moat foshlon nblo fabrics that are shown by tho dwell merchant tailors. Tho cxqulsltn tailoring of t'Very detail has been dono with caro nnd thought nnd equals high clatu merchant tailoring In every particular. Wo will lit you perfectly ond with lesn trouble than It you bad your Bult mado to order. Your saving will bo from $10.00 to $15.00. Our Mail Order Department Is the best In tho country. Wo undersell them all and glvo tho bent service HAYDEN BROS. Selling $300,000 stock from "The People's Store" Kodaks and Cameras AMATEUR PHOTO SUPPLIES. free Instructions for Beginners Call and See Us Before Purchasing The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 I'arnuin St. 8I&D Developing and Printing Wliolenulu nnil llctull. nl writ, for Hat of prf mluoit we offer freo fur tbtiu. HIRES Rootbeer The favorite summer drink AN mm or IODIDE OP IPON '''"ORNIISSofthelll.OOD, CONSTITUTIONAL WIJAKNUSS SCROI'ULA, UtC. NonegtiiiliicuulcuiKnrd"llLANCAxn'' ai.i. i)Kur,(;isTS. B. POUORKA&CO.N.V.Agtii. for U. S. WANTED-Cbbo ot oa nealth thai n-y-A-.N.H will not benefit. Plid t oentl to ninin Cbcmlrnl Co.. Nk Yorit, for li s&mplcv and 1.000 lutlmunlai.