THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APttTL 17, 1000. SPECIAL NOTICES AdvrrtUrinenli. tor tUrmn onltiiiiim ttlll lie liiken uiUll Vi in. tor the rvi-nliiK edition nml milll MiSHI l. m. for moriiliiK nnrt Siimtity rilltlnn, IIiUok. 1 1-ao n onl llmt Insrrtloni lo it vtoril thereiifler. NiitliluK tnueu for lean tlinn ar.S for th rat liiner tlon. 'Ilicae ndvertlseincnU tuiiat ! run eonaeeiill vely. Advertisers, lr rediicallnw a num. hcre.l clieeH, run l"v """" n,N drraaeil lo u inuiiliprcd letter In enre of The Her. nera ao n4ilr-setl II lie drllverea on jirrirniniiuii i tlie cheek only. WANTHD-MAL12 help. WANTED; we have steady work for n few good hustlers of good habit unce. U. K. Adams Co., 1019 llxvfcu BARBER trade taught thoroughly In Bhort I inA! rntnlncflln linn IJUrilliUlu.o .vv. Address Western Harpers Omaha, Nob, Institute, U exi WANTED, an experienced, competent llor 1st who speaks fjcrman and K- -ply P. Haas. 1813 Vinton 8U B-ZH ply WANTED, 2 carriage pointer Dmmmond Carrlngo Co. at once, B-136 Advertising fans, good side line for travel ing men. Burklcy Printing goOmaha. SEND for free cntnloguo of th Amorlcun Barber College, Omano, - M9 UPHOLSTERERS wanted. 21J1 Cuming St. II-182 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; i weeks completes; positions guarantcccd; export Instructions, constant practice, free tools, free board, free railroad fare to (ho l ..ll.,n In tf. nnrl.l ill IVnVrr! nilmr schools not connected, bewnre or fake catalogues from small Institutions run by hired help; we will pay cush to an agent In every town to represent us; write for particular Moler Harber College ncprcscntatlvo, Crelghton Illnrk, , Orniihn. n Mis! ii' WANTED. 30 teams for ditch wprk In Wyo ming; wnse( l pt day. Apply to James P. Connolly, at Court I,ollsl'j1M(s7 23. PAI'ER hanger, 38 U. S. Nafl ""ly ASS 1 1 ST A NT Janitor 2T, per month to take rt pay In house rent. 3fi U. S. NatM bilnk. Ii A GOOD upholHtejer. stendy Job for right man. Address 012 Ella St., llentrlre Nob. IJ M.i91-li' i ACTIVE man to deliver and collect fjr manufacturing houso with over 2o0,000 capital; J90O a year and expenses guar anteed: experience not necessary. Ail dreH Monufucturcr. P. O. Pox 102, . Phlln dolphla. Pa. H-MtSl 19 HELTAHLE-man to establish ogents In Ne br.iska; JSO monthly besides expenses and small commission; references required. E. Plerson. 300 Dearborn. Chicago WANTED, salesman to sell our full line of choice NURSERY stock. We give a printed GUARANTEE that stock will bo TRUE to. name. Write to Mount Hopo Numerics, Lawrence, Kan. II Mom Mln WANTED FEMAI.I2 HUM'. WANTED, 200 girls. 1B24 Dodge. Tel. C- S70. -630 60 girls wanted. Canadian office 152 : Douglns C-C31 Good cook und second girl; references re quired, 2024 Douglas St. C 758 GIRL for general 'housework, worth, ' 390C Lenven-C-M 193 ALBERT CAHN-needs shirt nnd shhtwnlst hands. Apply 1322 Farnam street. . - C M5I7 17 GIRL for getrernl-hmwmv)rk-n(-oiice. 2X19 California. C-MB72 17 WANTEDfcOood girl for general house v?ork; gojd -wages. Mrs. J. G. Mnrtln, 23th nmtyf Sts., South Omaha. C M526 17 WANTED, o, girl for general housework. Mrs. C. J. Smyth. C2;l N. 36th st. Toko Walnut Hill cnr to SCth. C-MBBt 17 WANTED, experienced girl for genernl housework. Apply 627 S. 25th avenue. C MOit 18 WAITED, drcn. 627 compotent nurso girl for clill S. 23th nvenue. C-MC IS WANTED Competent second girl. Mrs. E. A. Cudnhy, 37th and Dewey Ave. C-G6S-22 WANTED A competent girl for genernl housework; good wages. 1131 S. 30th nve. C J70 IS COMPETENT girl, South .V,th street family of two. .125 C-MC79 19 WANTED, girl for general housework, Mrs. Wright, 2611 Seward nt. C-7U67S 17 WANTED, good dining room girl and chnmbcr maul. Slndlson hotel. C-M 677 19 FOR nHN,T HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses woll rented plnco them with Henewa & Co. D 632 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. D-C33 HOUSES, all ktndH. 36 U. 8. Nnt'l Bk. Bldg. D-631 ALWAYS moving H. H. OltlpU 151114 Farnam St. goods. Pianos. Tel. 1559 or 863. D-C36 HOUSES, storca. Bcmls, Paxton block. D-C37 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city. Brcnnnn-Ix)Vo Co., 309 So. 13th street D 633 FIVE roooms. 2321 South 16th St. D-639 CHOICE houspsi, cottages, stores, H'onry B. Payne, 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phono 1018. D-C40 HOUSES nnd flats. Rtngwalt, Barker Blk. D-Oll FOR RENT small cottage, $1; storo for grocery, etc., on very favoruble terms. Apply 901 Douglas. D-U2J DETACHED S-room modern houso with bam. 2611 fierce. D-931 NINE-HOOSJ modern house if i good ro pair. In walking distance, $35. M. J. Kcn nard & Son, Sulto 310, Brown, block. D-.M93J MAGGARD Van & Storago. Tel, 1496. 1618 Capitol Avo HOUSES to rent. Y. Life. R. C Patterson. 305 N. u an FOR RENT. 12-room, modern, detached house, shndn trees, lawn. $45. 2343 Cap. live. Tel, 673. B. H. Roblson. D M1C3 FOR RENT, desirable S-room modern house, smnll barn. 2S13 Woolwnrth ave nue; rent, $27.50, Hlngwait Bros., Barker iiiock. D 176 FINE 7 ami S-room npurtments In "Nor- mandlo" Special Inducements. 6-room npartment In "Albion." A snap, PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. First floor N. Y. Llfo Bldg. D-M393 FOR RENT, convenient six-room cottnKe, 22nd and, California sts., In tine repair; choice neighborhood: $22 ilncluiilnc wnterl to good tenant. Inquire nt 607 N. 19th "ireet. D-S1.U35 FOR RKNT-No. S10 N. 33d; 8 rooms, bath. not water, heat, steel range; will rent to A No. 1 tenant. Inquire on premises In HENRY Ii. PAYNE'S mHiim.M 1822 N. 3lt st., a 5-roonj house, for only $5. J72S Parker nt. 11 nice 5-room cottage, with cltv water inside, $10. OH 2Sth ave., a good 8-room houso In llrst- II ,t,u,r' "u" ,ols lenced In, only 114 H. 30th st.. u nno S-rnom all modern house, on Karimm car lino, mil I have other good houses on my list; better rlU II kii.i'i,' j.'i uiuvr. HENRY H. PAYNE. Real ICntMte. Loans, Insurance. (Ml N, Y. Llfo Illdg. 'Phone 1010. D-811 16 AND C-room cottAgcs, mudvru, lu-p j,; illaml st. D-M6S2 B0 TEAMS wanted; per day; ono year work; free transportation; J'nijlp? , "J.0 work. Sweney'H Labor Agency, 311 S. 12lh Ht OmahH. 1,M I KINK 7 nml S-ri)otn npnrtments In "Nor mnndlc" Special Inducements. PA YN K. K NOX COM PA N Y, Kim Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D-MtM 6-ItpO.M cottage, city water, 292S N. 23th, 113.00. B-rnom cottnge, city water and gns. 2330 N. 23th. J15.W. J. H. Johnson, $11 N. Y, Life. D-M571 '(III HUNT KMINISIIUU ROOMS. i NICK rooms, housekeeping. iii2 s. nth. E-M902 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for mnn and wife; rent taken In hoard. 315 N. 17th. E-36i FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 2C23 St. Mary's Ave. E-M521-A2P LAHOK 8. front room with alcove May 25S0 Harney. E-M523 30 SKI NORTH 19TH ST.. nice front room, U tier week. E-M6I7 17' FURNISHED ROOMS AMI IKIAltl). THE Merrlam family hotel, 23th and Dodge. K-fi it TO 2 gentlemen, In prlvato family. 2020 St Mary's Ave. K-C43 THE PIIATT. deslrablo rooms; 'phone 1692. 212 So, 23th, K 412 ELEGANT front Capitol uvenue. with board 1900 K-MI30 17' KOH HHNT UN'KIHNISIIEII HO0M7. FIVE unfurnished chambers for housekeep ing to man and wife. 313 N. 17th. G-9S2 FOIl III5.NT STOHHS AMI OFFICES. STOItE HOOM, HOC Farnam. Opp. old P. O. 1 CIO FOR RENT, store In first-class location, rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Ucc bldg. I 26G WANTED TO ItUXT. WANTED, to rent, yard and hum. E C-room 10. Hee. cottage, with K-MG31 17 ELDERLY mnn ntitl wlfn neslre care Of a hn-we ilurlnr summer; refiTenena. Ad dress E 41, Rco Olllce. K-M(30 17 WANTED, by widow, enro of furnished houso while owner Is away; belt refer enccs. AddrcsH E 43, Hee. If MGS7-lb 1 WANTED, gentleman and wife, home In private family; modern house; references. is it, nee, iv .Muiti vs s rouAcn. PACIFIC Storago nnd Warohnuso Co,. 012- yi4 , - jotics, general morago ana rorwnraing, UK Om. Van Stor. Co.. 1511 Karn. Tel 1BS0. M3. 613 WA . TI1II TO llf. ALL kinds of household roods, hotels, etc.. in large or small quantities. Chicago Fur- niiuro (jo., nuu-ju uouge. tci. N-fll9 WILL purchase a limited number of Omnna Havings unnk accounts. Iirennan Love Co., 300 So. 13th. N-CW 2D-HAND books for cash. Crane. 207 N. 16th N-M051 ALL kinds of household, hotel goods. Drop a cnnl or Tel. 1112. Levlnu & Schonstcaa, sui-u in. loin., cor uavcnpori. N-M320 M7 ALL kinds of household and hotel coods a card or Tel 771. Lcvlne & Schonstcnd 301-C N. 16th., corner Davenport. N M320 M7 FOR SALE FUUMTlinn. FOR SALE Furniture, B-room house. In qulro 618 North 17th St. O G71 FURNITURE for salo cheap; call morn lugs, 4315 Seward St. O 672 17 FOIl SAI.K IlOIIi:s, VEHICLES, ETC, TOP RUGGY for sale. In good condition, U W.'HCO. ' V MJIKJ PHAETONS, buggies, road wugons nnd harness. Andersen Buggy Co.. Cor. 15th nnu navenpori sis. l sea SECOND-HAND top buggy In good condi tion for sale cheap. Inquire 2121 Locust Btrcet. I M337 ' FOIl S A I. IS MISCELLANEOUS, CHEAPEST and best poultry and hog Q-C52 fence. 9U1 Douglas St. CUTTERS of drug prices, Sherman & Mc- conncii urug wo., cor. 16th and Dodge Q C3J 'OR SALE, ton R-I-P-A-N-S for 6 cents nt uruggisis. una gives reuei. y 654 A19' DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Fnrnam. Q 653 B. HAAS, Florist. 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 77G. Plants, cut uowcrs, nnquois, nail, resi dence, wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly rilled. Q-C5C NEW blcyclo tiros. $2.23. $2.60 nnd $3.00. Good secondhand wnecis, in, jio and $12. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. (J-C57, Bell. Schwartz, 114 S 13. Tel 1G97 Q-MSS1 WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1590. (J filfr AUB-9 THE latest pneumatic tired blko buggy, $135. Omaha uicyclo CO., ltitli and Chicago Bta. Q-M160 DRIVING horso In exchnngo for my lino E 24, Ueo Office. 0-M48S 17 upright piano. GOOD COW; will be fresh soon. 3101 Jnck- son st.. or is 20, ueo. Q-M467 17 HARDMAN piano, slightly used; big bar gain cusn or lime, is :o, ueo unice. Q-MI56 17 QASOLINE stove, llttlo uscd, good condi tion, 3-mirnor ami oven complete. 1616 Chicago St., flat B. Call mornings. Q-M658 17 FOR SALE. Wo have for sale nnd will de liver ij o. h., llclvldcre, Kan., any tlmo between this nnd Juno 1 the following cat tin: 1,750 two-year-old steers; 1,200 three-year-old steers: 830 cows: ICO two year-old heifers. For further Information address ueo. uurke Co,, South Omuha, Q-.M6S! 23 MISCELLANEOUS, NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furniture ft: siovts nt lowest prices, carload lots or icss, cnicago rurnituro Co., 1406-m Dodge, H-K9 CLAIRVOYANTS. Q HEAT FORTUNE TELLER Freo test- Just arrived from Europe, where for tlfty years my grandmother was tho grentest nstrologlst of the day, will remain a short time tens bix mnereni ways. past, nres ent. future. In person or bv letter: dverf lucky numbers; tells lady or gent who the ruiure nusimmi or wlio will be by th letters In the hand; brings buck husband or lover In so many days, ndvlco on grain nnd stock, line hair growing tonic; cures corns, nervoiiH trouble; charm freo this week; ladles 111 trouble call at once; fe mnlo troubles, tumors, coughs, colds, rhuumatlsm. asthma nnd cntarrh. MADAME DE HAZARD. Omaha. Neb. Purlors, 516 8. 13th street; office hours, 10 a', m. to 0 p, m.s open Sundays; will touch hand of each customer free with only truo luck stone In Amerlcu. 8 MfisS 17 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1(05 Dodge a wi MRS. HILL, Dewey's friend, 7th daughter, born with veil, fortune teller, locates hid den trensurea; lndler. 50c; gents, $1, Read ings by mall. 2002 Cuming. Prof. Spiers, magnetic healer faith cure. S 32S-A22 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, room 2. 11SH N. 15th: mag nctlo treatment nnd baths. T MC29 21 PERSONAL. VIAVI, womnn's way to health. 3IG Bee bldg U 663 MONHEIT, Chiropodist. 1518 Farn. Tel. 2J33. YOUR hair shampoed, dressed 35c. Hair tol. let goods, Monhelt, 191S Farnam. Tel. 2333. U 674 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur. ing conllurmcnt; babies adopted. 1138 N. 17, U 663 KOH HET-ll(ll SUM. I DR, HOY. chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. Hoom 12, Frenzw lllock. U-061 PLKATINO and plcalrd pklrta of all kinds. M. Goldman St Co., 2j0 Douglas block. U CCS PIIIVATK homo before and during conflne ment: babies adopted. Mrs. Uurget, 28S3 Decatur U C70 STAMPS for collectors; albums, Frank Drown, 220H 8, 13th. pupplles. U-671 RUPTURE cured, no knife, no pain, no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U-667 IK YOU suffer with your feet nnd deslro Immediate or permanent relief call on Prof. Lund, oil Karbach block. U-X3-A17 WANTED, address of Anna R. Hammlll, widow of the lato Richard Hammlll. in formant will be remunerated by address ing E 3S, Hee Othce. U-M621 17 THIS week U soles oak leather. 35c; velvet rubber heels, 33c. The old rellublo S. P. Petercen's shoo store, Kth nnd Cuming. U-MI02 Mil CLOTH by tne yard for ladles' tailor suits. Dresner Tailoring uo., (33 l'nxion iiiock. T ,n-n U MJtV lllO MME. SMITH, magnetic treatment and baths, lis',4 North 15th, room 2. U-132 17 JIO.VKV TO LOAN HEAL KSt'l'A'l PRIVATE money, 5, 5!4, 6 per cent; no de lay, uurvin uros,, mi f arnam. w 673 PRIVATE money. K. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. W 67 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds nnu warrants, ii. c. I'cters at Co,, 1702 Karnam St., Hco Hldg. W C75 6 PER CENT money. Uomls, Paxton block. W C7C FIVE per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wll-W-677 uamson. MONEY to loan on first-clans Improved city properly or ior uunuing purposes. I'nyne Knox Co.. New York Life. W 67S G, S!4. C Her cent on Omaha. S. Omaha. W. II. Thomas. G03 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 164S. MONEY to loan at 5 nnd GI& per cent on uinuna property. v. u. mcikic, 401 s. loth. V 643 MONEY to loan on Improved Omuha real cstuto. Urennan-Lova Co., 309 So. 13th. W 690 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 6 per cent. Borrowers can pay J100 or any multiple, Any In terest date. No deluy. Urcnnan-Lovo Co., 3IJ houui uui aireei, umauu, iscu. W-C91 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Furnam Smith & Co., 1330 Fnrnam. W 693 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. ueorgu company, ioui i'urnum st. W-M967 MONEY In any amount at 0. 5M. 6 ncr cent. J. W. ROUH1NS & CO.. 1S02 KARNAM ST. W M472 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY! MONEY! We hnvo a large amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehouse receipts, horses, carriages, etc. You can get the money within n few hours arter maKing application, wis CHAHOE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING BAKERS. Wo glvo you as much time as' you need and you may repay tho loan us soon ns you chooso nnd you need not pay for It ONE DAY' LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. U.MA11A .MUUIUAU1S U)AK CO.. (Established 1592.) 306 South 16th Street. X-MC19 MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own name, In amount from $10.00 up. A comparison of our rates with others is an wo osk, as we are posuivo that ours aro tho lowest in tho city. Remember that we nre tll only loan comnniiv irlvlne vnu tho nrlvlleeo of naylnir your loan At.l. or In PART nt any TIME and thereby stop. ping mo. cost, uusincsa coimuenuai; Treat ment courteous. niiiiiA MnnTninp tiiv rr Tel. 2295. Room 119, Board of Trade Illdg. Ji JU931 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Heed, 319 S. 13. .. 700 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS. diamonds, watches, on easy payments, un known to others; you keep tho goods, each payment lessens tho cost of the loan; no chargo for papers and wo mako no In quiries of your neighbors. BERGEHS' 1XJAN CO., 1504 Farnam, over B. & M., llcKet onice. A. u3 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own namo without endorser or mortgaKe. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST hatiss. no inquiries mndo ot cm ployer or iricnup. lou can borrow any amount ana repay on easy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing seo us. OMAHA CREDIT CO., BUlto 525-520 N. Y. Life Bldg. X 89; MONEY loaned salaried people holdlnir per manent position wun respoiisioio concerns upon their own names witnout security; esy payments. Tolmun, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg, Jt 701 MONEY ADVANCED FOR SALARIES Salaried employes of Rood character can obtain accommodation at much less cost and embarrassment than . has heietofora been possible by applying to American Loan Co., 1100m wi ueo biag. x 815 MONEY loaned on nlnnos. furniture, hnrsen cows, Jowolry. Duff Grcon R. 8, Barker blk A. 7U3 LOANS on furniture, horses, cows. etc. OUR TERMS ARE THE BEST OF FERED IN OMAHA. J. W. Tayloe. 213 First Nat. Bank Hldg. X 702 SALARY LOANS; LOW RATES. J. W. Tayloe, zis l-Trat Nnt'l Hank Hldg. X-M103 MONEY loans on furniture, diamonds, wntches, elc. ; payments conildentlnl. Omnha Chattel Loan bank, 220 S. 15, up- stairs. X 636 BUSINESS CHANCES. GROCERY Htock, splendid location, well established trnao: as a business propo sition will pay to Investigate. Address C 20, Bee. Y M1C0 AIT KOR SALE, a smnll steam brewery with malthouse. In eastern Nebraska. In excel lent condition, with good location; must reuro on nccount or 111 nenitn. l'or xur (ber particulars call on or oddress K. W, Piatz, scnuyier, Neo. y M206 ahi DAIRY for sale, good business, $ mile northwest of Benson. Mm. Martlg, Admx. V lo'J-13" KOR SALE, drug storo or hnlf Interest In snmo; doing good business and located In ono of the best towns In Neurnska. For particulars address Frank Nodela, Crete, Ncu. x 11750 THE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO., gives strict attention to all classe? of collec tions. 401-2-3-4-5 N. Y. Llfo Bide. Y-7C7 GOOD opening for n blacksmith; old stand tor rent, litis i-ierco st. v .Mom 'ju- GOOD opening for man nnd wife to stnrt bakery and restaurant. 1043 S, 20th st. Y M504 20 FOR SALE-At a bargain tho Wlsner Roller steam flouring mills; one of tho choicest properties In northeast Nebrasku. Address J. H. i.ano or citizens- sinto bank. Wls ner, NCII. Y .M675 21 -t BUY one or our new or second-hand merry-go-roundr. No. 2206 Iiko St., Omaha. 1 .MSI 1 si LADY or gentleman can purchoso tho ox elusive agency for tho sale of Electro zone for 11.000 for tho state of Kansns. Many of our agents are clearing over $50) monthly. Wo give fulDvaluo In Electro- zono medicine, you should realize at lenst $3,0 by Belling rights outside of Omaha, References expeelod. Our refer, ences, banks nnd leading commercial ngencles. ace display ads Sunday S, F. Call. Address Electrnzono Mfg, Co., SJ0 Howard st,, aan i-Tancisco. V .MM 21 RESTAURANT and bakery, the only busl- ncss of tho kind In city of 2,000 people. Ivock mix jio, m. i-uui, niui. uoon rea sons L'lven. y M076 13 STOVE REPAIRS. GASOLINE stoves cleaned. 801-3 N. 18th, , . -M35I personal. roil sale oit nxru vxiu. PIANO for delivery horse. 1. 22, Hee. Z-MliJ PIANO for delivery horse. Z Mli IIAVK Rood farms to exchange for mer chandise. V. V. Hedges, Bco bid. Omuha. Z-M51S KOH EXCHANGE, fine S-story brick block, stores nnd Hats, valued 1(0.000 and clear; will take every dollar In good land. Snap for right party. Potter-Sholcs Co., 310 N. Y. Life. Z-MH27 17 UNIMPROVED lands In western Nebraska to exchange for merchandise, printing outfit, cattle or valuable property. Lock Hox S2, Harvard, Clay County. Neb. SCM649 21 FOR SAI.i: HEAL estate PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEAC31I HTEHS for HEAL KSTATB HAHUAl.NS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOL'ND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS, STORES, for RENT. Elrst floor, N. Y. Life Hldg. HE-701 HENRY n. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE HLDU. Heal lstnlc, Hcntais, Lioans, insurance. Ilti (UU IF YOU have a bnrg.iln to offer In real cstuto seo S. A. Uroadwell, wi N. Y. Life. HE 707 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, lonns; also Ilro insurance, uemis, raxion uik. kb-ius SNAPS In real estate, money lo loan. L.' L. jonnson co., 3i( h. mn ai. 1 ins ivi CHEAP homes on monthly payments, in surance. Money to -loan. u. is. TtirKlng- ton, COG Ueo Hldg. RE-923 40 OH SO ACHES near Benson, within 2 miles car line, jco per acre. 99x132 feet, sightly corner down town, cheap nt J10.CO0. Houses and lots from 1330 to J2G.0M. Farm lands near Omaha from $25 to J60 per acre. Five (5) per cent money to loan on gllt-cdgo property nnd farms. JOHN N. KREN.Eil, OPP. OLD P. O. HANSCOM PLACE house, with good barn, nn Ideal place. J8.000.00. Another for J7.5fO.00. Another for $S.ry.00. And still another, notning netier. uwnm M. J. Kcnnard & Son, Sulto 310, Hrown bill. KIS M1S7 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Your choice of 7,000,000 acres Ranch Land for sale by Union iPnclilc Railroad Company at from 60c to $2.00 per acre. Kan.. Neb.. Colo.. Wyo. nnd Utah. Address U. A. McAllister, Lund Com., Omaha, Nod. RE B12 May 13 FOR SALE, lot 66x132, three cottages, near Sth and ("enter nts., bargain, JSOO.00: part cash, balance to suit, nest aero lot In liiirnbnm P ace, nrlee J2!i0.00. Thesn nro both bnrgnlns and win sen quick. .1. A. Lovgren, 519 I'nxton block. HE MUG 21 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only sco H. A. lil'OUUWCll, bUl IN.. I. J-1IO lllllg. J I IS ilM HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 301 N Y I IlIS ill r BARGAINS, APRIL 18 nnd 17, 1900. C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Telephone 314 or 2'312-F. 73 feet, cast front, and 9-room house, 290S S. 17th St., $2,2(10. 1914 Victor St. (19th, near Vinton), 10-room house, S3 feet front, $1,500. 2317 S. 32nd street (not avenue), S-room house and barn, 2 lots, $2,600. S-room house and 66x150 lot, near High school, only $3,500. RE-CCO-IC WE HAVE several customers for bargains. If you havo something ror saio cneap seo us. Wymnn-Shrlver CO., N. Y. Life Hldg. .HE-MCS3 17 CHEAiP GARDEN LAXD. fSVanros close to cltv. only $750. hicks, noaro ot Trade Bldg. wi KK-MC71 1S fuiinituUk ntdliliiniNd'. GLOBE Couch Co., 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 2329. 5SS PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feathor renovating. Tel. iui. ai.- 0. waixun, 2111 Cuming St. 1 ' 713 LUNDEEN. unholstcrlng.- cabinet-making. rollnlshlnc; mattresses muuo over. 1523 Leavenworth. 292 May21 SHORTHAND AND TVI'KWniTINfi. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. -727 AT OMAHA Bus. College, lGth & Douglns, -728 BOYLE8 college, oourt reporter principal, Beo Bldg. m NEBRASKA Buslnss nnd Shorthand col lege. Boyd b thea'.er. 73U OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 515 N. Y, Llfo uidg. ; Alice jonnson, u. u.. laaics dept.; Gld, E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, mgr, -714 M. E. DONOIIUE. D. O.. Of Still school. Klrksvllle, mo., boi 1'axion ijik. Tel. laiif, 715 A. T. HUNT.osteopath; all chronic diseases; "results tell." 305 Karnacn uik. toi. ki. 713 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief, Box Z32, omnhn, nod. connaentiai. -M573 A27 LADIES, Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best; sate, reunuie; take no other; Bend 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mail; at diuggtsts. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. 11ICYCL1SS. Repaired, 24 & Charles; tires, $1.75. Tel. 2327. an may 1 THE best new bicycle. $1C60 up; repairing, enameling ami sundries; .-q-nana -wneeis $3 up. Louis Fleschcr, IKi3 capltoi Ave, M451 JUNK. n: St M. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop., dealers in an metals. Domes, etc, carionds n specialty. S01-S03 Farnam, Omaha. Tel. 2378, 1U1 il 4 BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird storo. 1603 Leavenworth. 725 CENEHAL SHORTHAND WORK. fMina T WttT CJXT n11 1,1 11 1 ti nt - U a.. V. n n A 4 lJJ. i , ti li4U4i till n(IUO 1(1. DIIU1 illtlllll work, Olllco 501 Boyd Theater. Tol. 2135, LOCKSMITHS. KEYS fitted, locks repaired, by B. W, Schneider, at Townsenu uun co. Tel. 8T0, M620 A29 C. R. HEFLIN. expert locksmith and model maker. 307 Houtn itu hi. 'Pnono 202: 921- TYl'Ii WRITERS, REMINGTON Stnndard Typewriter and supplier. 1619 Farnam. 720 TYTEWRITERB, secondhand, 1116 Farnam 721 PAWXIIHOKKRS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential, 13 Jl Douglas. -733 Diamond loan office. 14th nnd Douglas; low rates, most rellablo unredeemed goods. M450 J 11 CARPENTER AND JOIIHEH, ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Oclilltreo, 20th and Lake Sts. 370 MlllltOH FACTOR V. I DAMAGED looking glusses rcttllvcred. 703 win, JII9J HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. European. l!th &- Doug- ins; iowopi rates. vm. iiarr, .Mgr. 'ici. M-676 THURSTON. IS St Jackson! Amerlcnn ft isuropenn. Newly renttcd, I'rices moo'r to F-M7H- ITRNITIRE PACKINC1. ehy55963. OM. Van Stor. Co , 1SU& Farn. Tel NICKEL l'LATIXG. Omaha Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2otf. 728 TRUNK. FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired, um. Trunk f actory, i.vj I' arnnin auctionhers. OMAHA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction guar anteed. 520 N. 16th St. Telephone sins. -M733 WATER. FILTERS. "STANDARD" Wnter Filters, nil kinds of niter supplies. Tel. 300. 1507 Harney St. -MS13 A31 FOR SALELIVE STOCK. BELGAIN HARES, nil grades. Nlcto- Nnptn Supply Co., Breeders ami ueaiers, Denver, Colo. -M659 30 WANTED TO llORHOW. $3,000 PRIVATE money; Improved renl os tato security. E 30, Bee. 514 MA (IN ET 10 INFIRM ART. THE Ncbruska, 1517 Chicago St. 433 LAUNDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CtTY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leavcnw'h. Tel. 647 -724 STAMMHIUN'U AND STUTTERINd CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramgo Bldg. 731 PLEATING. ACCORDION plentlng, lvory-rlm buttons. Mrs. A. C. .Mark, 17th & Farnam. H 1-11. -660 A2fl IIIUCIC SIDEWALK. "W FOOT: If ordered early you can save money. John McGownn, 843 8. 28th St. M5I4 A26 SUES & CO. Patent Lawyers Boo Bldp;,, Omaha. Tel 1B23. Adrlco freo, Hnll's Safes, Bicycles, Typewriters J, J, Derlght & Co. 1116 Farnam St. Omaha. STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMERS NEW YORK.GLASGO W.LONDONDERRY Auchorla Noon, April 21 City of Rome Noon, May 5 lSlh ODia ioon, ,muv 12 Kurnesolit Noon. Muy 19 Vstorla Juno . July ii. August is City of Home.. June 2. June 30, September 8 l'-urnessiu June zj, juiy is, tseptemuer 1 RATES QUOTED TO PARIS DIRECT. Or wltli lour embracing Scotland. Eng land -nnd Ireland, Berths must bo reserved now for best accommodations. Apply to uny of our loeni agents or msNiJisitnui jmuiiii-.iia, 176 Jackson Boulevard. Chicago, ill. II AIL WAY TIME TABLES. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL nnd & Pacific Railroad "Tne ureut Heck Isl and Route." City Tick et Office, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephono 423. Depot. Tenth St Mason Streets. Telephone. 629, Leave. Arrive. Dc Moines nnd Davcn- port Local .11 :03 am bll;33 am Chicago Express H. 1)11:15 am Chlcupo Kast Express.. a 5 00 pm a 8:10 pm a 1:25 pm Lincoln, coinrniio pgs., uonver, memo and West a 1:30 nm a 4 25 nm Des Moines, Rock Isl and nnd cnicnjto a 7:25 bm a 5:50 nm Colorado St Texas Flyeru 7:25 pm a 5 50 pm a i-miiy, u uun except ctununy, KANSAS CITY'. ST. JO seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Burling ton itouio ncKot umce, 1502 Farnnm ptrcet. Tele phone, 230. Depot. Tenth and Mason streets, Tele phone, 128. Knnvo. Arrlvn Kansas city Day Ex....n 8:50 nm n 6:17 pm laiintii, v. iy iMiriiL ix. .UIU :15 pm a 6:15 am St. iouih Kiyer for St Josoph and St. Louis. .a 4:55 pm nllilG am il vuiiy. H BURLINGTON & MIS eourl River Hallroad- "Tho Burlington Route"' General Offices. N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Office, 1602 i-arnnm street. ti nnhnnn uuput, xciuii uiiu .nason oireeis. Tele phone, 12S. Leave, Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings nnd McCook a 8:40 am LlncohvJimver. Colo rado, UtabTCallfornla.a 4:25 pm Lincoln, Black Hills. a 7:23 pm a 3:00 pm .Montana ft: 1'uget Sound .'...a 4:25 nm n 3:00 pm al0:35 nm al0:35 am Lincoln Iocnl a 7:00 pm Lincoln I'ast jsiall b 3:00 pm Denver. Colorado, Utuh St calllornia al2:35 am u Dally b Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON uuiney Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Office. 1602 Farnam St. ael., 250. Depot. Tenth & iiiison mreeis. Telephone, Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special ., Daylight Exnresa ,..,niz:;, am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 1 :2. nm a 7:45 am v.ii.k iiiiii ixiress.B kiwi am Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm Pncltlo Junction Locu!..ul0:45 am Fast Mall n Dally. a 4:05 pm a 7:45 am a 2:45 pm 1 i N P lM.. CENTRAL .wun imu, wiiy j ickel Of nee, 1102 farnam street, TnlnnVinnn Olt -v . Tenth and MaBo'n streets! T fj1 ) caff o Express a 12:10 pm Chicago Limited a 7:35 pm Minneapolis and St. Arrive. a 4:03 pm n 8:15 nm 0:40 pm 8:15 am Paul Express b Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a Fort Dodge Local 7:00 am 7:35 pm from Co. Bluffs b ,, ri,.tu. 1, nn.; .'? " "" "m " vAtcjji Dunoays, UNION PACIFIC 'THE OVER innil Ilouto " General niriena N. E. Cor. Ninth nml Vn rnn m streets. City Ticket Office, 1302 1 "tcl' ieiuunone, ;uu, Hit uu .-viason ols Mil" uivinuiue, o. Leave, Tho Overland Limited. .n 8:20 nm Tho Kast Mall a 8:50 am Tho Colorodo Special. ..all(3fl pm Tho Portland Special, ..a 8:20 am Lincoln, Beatrice nnd Ktromsburg Express,.!) 4:10 pm Puelllc Express u 4j2g pm Grnml Island Local 1 r.rai 11 m Arrive, n 7:20 pm a 3:25 pm n 6:50 am a 1:33 pm bl2:25 pm a 6:50 am b 9:30 om ii Dally b Dally except Sundays IMHiiiHailsrll OMAHA & ST. Louis rtAir I wJL cond Omaha. Kansas City m 1 Xr 1,'mlArn llll.nj ii'ki.1 . t. . ,u ,., .,i,u , IU wnincy iiouie" Ticket Of flop. 11. li-nrnam Telephone, 322. Depot, Tenth uiiu .uiircy streets. Tele pnone. vzi. Leave. Arrive St lyouls Cannon Ball Express a 5:05 pm u 7:65 am Kansas City and Qulncy li'nl ia7;Wam aSiMpm Dally, RAILWAY TIME TAIH.E9. CHICAGO A NORTH wesHrn Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket omee, Hoi Kitrniun Street. Tele phone Ml. Depot, Tenth nnii .Mutton hiicpis. 'icie- Phone, C29, Leave. Arrive, IXiyllght Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am nlt:30 Pm Chicago Passenger n 4;1G pm al0:10 am Chicago rnssenger .only(o. sllY...k:C...l Eastern Express. Des Moines, Marshalttown, Ctvlar Hanlds and Chi. . cago ..al0:$S am a 4 03 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East. ........a 4:63 pm a 1:03 pm Fast Mall, Chicago lo Omaha ... a 2:15 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:00 am Fust Mall a S:30 am CHICAGO. riT. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omnhn Railway "The North western Line" General Otllccs. Ncbmskn Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sin. I'ltv T i-Wm nillro. 1401 Karnam St. Telephone 551. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. l.eave, Arrive. Tw n Cltv Pn8scniier...u 6;) am a 9:10 nm Omaha Passenger oll:20 am Sioux City St North east Nebraska a 3:10 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. FREMONT. ELKIIORN Missouri Valley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Line" General Olllces, United States National Bk. Hldg., 8. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Fnrnnm Sts. Tli-ket Office. HOI Knrnnm St. Telephone 501. De pot, 15th and Karnum St. Telciihono UJS. Invc. Arrive. Hlnck Hills, Dead wood, Hot Springs a 3 00 pm Wyoming, Caspar nnd Douglas ,...(1 3:00 pm Hastings, Yyk, David City, Superior. Geneva. Exeter nnd Seward....!) 3:0? pm Norfolk, Verdlgro and Promont b 7:30 am n 6:00 pm c03:00 pm b 5:00 pm b!0:25 am Lincoln, wnhoo Fremont Fremont Local .... n tin 111' h nnllv and b 7:30 am bl0:25 am c 7:so am except Sunday, c Sun- day only, il Dally except saiuruay. e uaiiy except Monday. SIOUX CITY St PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" General Olllces. United Slates National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth ntlft Piirnntn Ufa Tlnl-nl umce, iwi i-arn-m St. Telephone 501. Do- pow Tcntn i .Mil son sts. Telephone C29. Leave. Arrive. Tw n City Express.. Twin City Limited.. Sioux City Local.... .a 6'JTt am al0:50 pin .a 7:20 pm .a 8:00 nm a 8:13 am a 4 20 pm a l-iauy. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAI In road General OMIeeH nml Ticket olllces Southeast Cor ner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone, 101. Depot 15th anil webster Sts. Telephone, liJ. r St. Louis. Kansas A, Arrive. Nf,b,n.I'lm,tr,tl 11 2:39 nm al2:5T pm u 5 50 am Nebraska Local Via li'Vi !v,Ucr: h 5:03 pm a 9:15 am " " uauy except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE St St. Paul Hallway CICty Ticket Olllce, 1504 Karnnm Street. Telephono SSL Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets ieiepnono uy. i . i.. ,,.1 .. . ;uu. Allivv, u,- 7. -. : . . inn oil, urn .h,l,?2KOr.'5t. "n"1"!1 Ex..bli:00 nm - 1 3:65 pm Sioux City nnd Dos lllL'lliro l.ltnirr,,! I.-v .. o .rt A" ii . iprwii bU:u0 am b 3:5S fh WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Olllce. 1501 Karnam Street. Telephone S90. De pot, Tenth and Mnrcy oireeis. leicpuonc b.'j. Leave. Arrive. xiirea a 6:05 pm a 7:33 am St. Louis "Cannon Bull a Dally. POSTOKKICI3 .NOTICE. (Should bo read DAILY' by all Interested, as chances may occur nt any tlme.l Foreign malls for tho week endlnir Anrll ii, iwu, win cione u-iiu.Mi'i i.x in an cases) at tho ucucrai I'ostolllce as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS c oso one hour earlier than closing tlmo shown below. Pnrcels Post Mallp for Germany closo at p. m. .Monuay anu wcuuesuay. Trnns-Atlnntlc MnlU, TUESDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Lahn, via Cherbourg, Southampton and Bremen (mall for Ireland must bo directed "per s. H. l.iuin ). WEDNESDAY' At 4:30 a. m. for IRE LAND, per s. b. Oceanic, via Queens town (mall for other parts of Europo must bo directed "per . s. Oceanic ); nt 7 n. m. (supplementary 9 n. m.) for EUROPE, per s. b. Now York, via South, nmpton; at 10:30 n. m. for BELGIUM di rect, per h. s. Wcsternland, via Ant wcrp (mail must ba directed "per a. a. Westcrnland"). THURSDAY At 6:30 n. m. for EITIIO Pi per h. s. Columbln, via Plymouth, Cher bourg and Hamburg (mull for France, Switzerland, iiuiy, Bpnin, I'ortugnl, Tur key, Egypt and British India must be directed "per s. h. Columbia"); nt 0:30 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, IT ALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY, L-nvnn, n.i iminitciiT ttiw . .. .. r.u, X X ,1111. x,,.ix.o,x X.Li.t, ,t;( n. n. La Gascogno,1 via Havro (mall for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per h. s. i.a liascounc i. SATURDAY At 6:30 II. m. for EUROPE. ner s. s. Cnmitnula. via uueonstown: at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. H. Amsicrunm, via iiotierunm imnn must bo directed "por s. h. Amsterdam"): nt 9 a. m. for ITALY, per b. b. Kaiser Wllhelm IL via Naples (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Kaiser Wllhelm II"); ut 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. 8. Anchorla, via ainsgow (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Anchorla"); at 11 a. m. for AZORES ISLANDS direct, per B. s. Trojan 1'rincc. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - Gorman Bteamers sailing on Tucsdnya taku printed matter, etc.. for Germany, and snoclnllv addressed printed mailer, etc., for Vitlier parts of Europe. American nnd White Star steamers on Wednesdays. German and French steamers on Thursdays and Cunard nnd German steamers on Satur days take printed matter, etc., for all countries for which they aro advertised to carry mall. After tho closing of tho supplementary Trans-Atlantlo malls named above, addi tional supplementary malls uro opened on the piers of tho Amerlcnn, iSnglls!., French and Gormnn steamers, ana remain open until within ton' minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. MnlU for Month nn1 Central Ainorlon, Wast Indies, Etc. TlTrsSDAY' At 7 a. m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. 8. Dunstant, via Para nnd Mannns; nt 10 a. in. for I NAG U A nnd HAITI, ncr 8. b, Tyr an: at l n. m (supplementary 1:30 p, m.) for NASSAU nnd SANTIAGO, per 8. 8. Ydun: nt n n, m. for JAMAICA, per e. a, Admiral Kar- ragut, rropi iiosion. WEDNESDAY'-At "2:i) n. m. for NAS SAU. N. I'.. per steamer from Miami Klu.: at 0:30 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) nnd SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, tier b. 8. Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must bo directed ''per s. 8. Advance"); nt 10:30 n. m. for PORTO RICO, per (J. S. Transport; at 11 a. m. for YUCATAN, por 8, b. Havens dnln (mall must bo directed "ner 8. a. Havensdnlo"): ut 1 p. m. fof CUBA, Y'U- CATAN, CAMP1SCH1S, TA1IAHCU UIIU CIIIAPA8. ner h. b. V nl anc a. via Ha vnna nnd Progreso (mail for other parts of Mexico must ue uirecieii -per s, s. Vlcllnncin"): nt 1 n. rn. for MEXICO. per b, s, Ithnka, via Tnmplco (mall must bo directed "per h. h. Ithaku"), TIHTHSnAY At 10:30 a. m. for HAITI. per b. s. Prlns Wllllnm II (mnll for Cura cao, Venezuela, Trinidad, British nnd Dutch Guiana must bo directed "per Prlns Wllllnm II"); at 11 n. m. for PORTO RICO, ner s. s. Snn Juan: nt II n. m. for MARTINIQUE, OUADELDPE nnd BARBADOS, per 8. 8. Tnllsmnn; nt 11 n. m. for BRAZIL direct per s. s. Rngusa. via Pernamhuco nnd Rio do Janeiro (mall for North Brazil must bo directed "per s. b. Hnuusa"); nt 1 p. m. ror NORTH BRAZIL, per 8. 8, Dunstant, via Para and Mannns; nt 9 p. m, for JAMAICA, ner s. h. Admiral Sumnson. from Boston. FRIDAY At 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 P. in.) for TURKS ISLAND und DO MINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. 8. Now York. SATURDAY At 2:30 a. in. for NASSAU, N, p per steamer rrom Miami, l'ia nt 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, ncr 8. b Trinidad; at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 u. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. 8AVAN1I.LA nnd CARTHA GENA. per s. 8. Adirondack (mall for Costa Rica must ho d rected "nor 8. 8, Adirondack") ; at 10 u. m. (supplomentnry 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI, per b. b. Andes; at 11 a. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per b, s. Bellaurn; at 11 a. m. for I'l'BA, per s. 8, Mexico, via Havana; nt 11 a. in. (MUiinlementurv 11:30 a m ) tor 1'OUTO 1UCO, CURACAO, VENE- Jr M!MA"KEE! PO.STOKFICE NOTIC1X ZfELA. SA VANILLA nnd CAHTIIA- UENA, per s. s, Philadelphia; nt 11 a. m. for GRENADA nnd TRINIDAD, per s. s. Mnraval. Malts for Newfoundland, by rail to North nytiney. nnu tnenco ny steamer, cio,e at this olllco dnllv at S:30 n. m. (eonneptlns close hero every Monday, Wednesday and taiuniayj. ainns ror Aiiqueion, oy run to nosion. nnd thence by steamer, close at this olllce daliv nt S:30 o. in. Mulln for Cuba, bv rat! to Port Tampa, Fin., nnd thenco by steamer, close at this olllco dally (except Monday) nt 7 a. in. (thfl connecting closes art -n Sundav, Wed. nesdny and Friday). Mails for Cubn. hv rail to Miami, Fit., nnd thenco by steamer, eioso nt mis ouico every Monday, Tues day nnd Saturday nt 2:30 a. in. (tho con necting closes nre on Tuesday nnd Satur day). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this olllco daily at 2:30 n. m. and 2:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rlcn, Belize, ruerto Cortoz nnd Guatemala, bv rail to New Orleans, nnd thence bv stenmor, close nt this oITlro dally nt p. m. (connecting closes hero Tuesdays for Costa Rica nnd Mondays for Belize, ruerto cortez and uuntcmaia) "'Regis tered mall closes nt 8 p. m. previous day. Registered mall closes at 6 p. in. second day before. Trntis-PncUlo MnlU. for Chlnn, Japan nnd Philip Islands, via Tacomn, closo hern nt C:30 p. m. tin to Anrll Malls nine dally lwth, for dispatch per b. h, Goodwin. Malls for China and Jnpaii and Philip pine Islands, via Seattle, close hero dally nt 0:30 p. m. up to April 19th, for dis patch per s. s, Hlojun Maru (registered letters must be directed "via Seattle"). Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and tho i-iiiiipiiino lsianus, via san I- runcisco. close hero dally at C:30 p. m. up to April '20th, inclusive, for dispatch per 8. s, Nippon Maru. Malls for Hawaii, via San l-ranclsco. close hero dnllv nt fitso n. in. nn to April 27th. Inclusive' for dispatch Per s. s. Australln. Malls for Hawaii, China. Japnn. und Phlllpplno Islands, via San i' ranclsco, close hero da v at C:30 n. in. up to April 2sth. Inclusive, for dispatch Per 8. 8. Cltv of Hlit Janeiro. MnlU fur Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europo and New Zealand, which noes via nan lToneiscoi, nnwail ana. l-lll Islands, v n Vancouver, elnsr hern dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April 2Sth, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. h. Mlowern. Molls for China nnd Japan, via Van couver, close here dally ut 6:30 p, m. up to Mny 2d. Inclusive, for dispatch per b, s. Empress of China (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Aus tralia). New Zealand. Hawaii. Kill nml Samoan Inlands, via San Francisco, closo here dally at 6:30 p. m. nfter April 2Sth and- up to May 12th, Inclusive, or on day of arrival of 8. s. Campania, duo nt now York amy '"lath, ror dispatch per 8. a. Alameda. Transpacific malls aro forwnrded to port or sailing dnlly and tho Bchcdulo of clos ing is arranged on ma presumption or their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes nt C p. nt. pre vious dnv. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllce, Now York, N Y., April 13, 19.10. (iOVHRN'MENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES. Deimrtnient of llm Interior. Olllco of In dian Affairs, Washington. I). C, March 20, J ww. Healed proposals, indorsed "l'roposnis for blankets, woolen and cotton stood. clothing, etc.," as tho ease may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 77 and 79 Wonster street, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock, p. m., of Tuesday, Muy 15, 1900, for furnish ing for tho Indian Service, blankets, woolen nnd cotton goods, clothing, notions, lints and cups. Bids must bo mndo out on Gov ernment blanks. Schedules giving all neces sary Informntlon for bidders will be fur nished on application to tho Indian Office, Washington, D. C; Nos. 77 and 79 Wnoster Btreet, New York City; or 233 Johnson street, Chlcngo, 111.; the Commissaries of Subsistence, U. S. A. nt Cheyenne, Leaven worth, Omaliu, St. Louis, St. Paul, and Snn iTuncisco: the postmasters at Sioux city. Yankton. ArknnmiH f'llv. Cnlilwell. Tnnekn. "Wichita, nnd Tuscon. Bids will bo opened nt tho hour and days above stated, and bidders nro Invited to be nrosent ut tho opening, Tho Department reserves tho right to uetermino the point or delivery and to reject any und all bids, or any part of any bid. W. A. JONES. Commissioner. A-17 to Muy 12-M PROPOSALS FOR PLUMBING.-OHlro of filler n. M. SI Pnnl Minn.. Anrll 111. 1900.-SEALED PROPOSALS. In trlpllcnto win ue receivea nt hub ouico until ii o ciock a. m. 'Mny 15, 1900, and opened then, for 'Plumbing In new Barrack till 1 1 il In tr nt Fort Meade, S. D. Plans nnd specifications mny bo seen und blank nronosnls with full In structions had uiion implication here, or to tho Qunrtermaster, Fort Meade, S. D. United States reserves tho right to accept or reject nny or nil proposulB, or any part thereof. Geo. E. Pond, U. Q. M. Apr. 17-18-19 Mny 12-14 THIEVES CARRY OFF CLOTHES Itenlilrncc of .Iiilui Outvies in Hnldeil Iiy HiiruliirN, Who Mnlcc Quite n llniil. Tha rcsldcnco of John Bowles, 414 North Fourteenth street, was raided by burglars early Sunday morning nnd a largo quantity of clothing and other valuable!, entailing a loss of $C0, wero carried off, Tho members of tho family had recently purchased a sup ply of spring clothing nnd millinery and wero expecting to attend church on Eastor morning. Detectives were at onco set on tho track of tho robbers, but no cluo hoe jot been obtained., Mr. Bowles' Hiwplclon resin on parties residing In the neighborhood and ho will mako every possible effort to locate tho stolon proporty thought to be In their possession. Tho moat aggravating clrcumstnnco con nected with tho robbery was the fact that tho shoos and stockings In actunl use by the Inmntcs of tho houso woro carried away and the family wero" compelled to remain In door until tho goodo could bo supplied from a neighboring shoo store. A Tesllinoiiliil from Old Enxlniid. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tho bc&t In tho world for bronchitis," aayg Mr. William' Savory of Warrington, Eng Innd. "It has saved my wife's life, shs having been a martyr to bronchitis for over six years, bolng most of tho tlmo confined to her bed, Sho In now qulto well." It Is a great plcasuro to tho manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to bo nblo to publish testimonials of thl character, Thoy show that great good Is bolng done, pain and suffering relieved and valuable lives ro- stored to health and happiness by this rem edy. lirniillc CIiIiih Kill (lie (JrnsH, Tho custodian and tho supervising archi tect of tho government building nro attempt ing to solve a proposition In Inmlscnpo gar dening. When tho work of tho mechanics Was completed and the government took pos session It caused sod to bo placed upon the spaces of earth botween the walktt and (bo building, and bluo grass addod Its beauty to tho ensemble of tho scene. This winter tho stonecutters began to carve tho granite and tho dust and ploces of stono which fell undor tho blows of their hammers filled tho graw plats with sand and pebbles to such a degreo that tho return of spring failed to awaken tho grass from Its wlntor'a slcop. Tho custodian has made application to have tho plats rcsodded, but the Washington au thorities do not look with favor upon tho Idea and It has been suggested that grns seed bo sown. Tho nrchttect thinks that the seed will not germinate In tho grantto Band which Is now Incorporated In the noil and yollow patchw of earth around the building may greot tho oyo until Washing ton Is shown tho necessity for new sod. W. W. Mayhow, Morton, Wis., says; "I consider Ono Minute Cough Curo a most wonderful metllclno, quick and safo." It Is the only harmless remedy that gives Immedl- ato result!. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, whooping cough, pneu monia and all throat and lung diseases. Its enrly use provents consumption. Children always llko It and motheri ondorse It. IlulliIliiK Penult. Tho following permits havo been Issued from tho office of the building Inspector; Luwreneo Hansen. Fourteenth and Oak. frumo dwelling, Jt.onO; Mnry E. Graff, 2514 Capitol avenue, framn barn, 1100; Omaha Brewing association, Sixteenth and Grace, addition,; V. Kresel, 1107 Dominion, addition to dwelling. 1150; P. Powers. Fif teenth una Durcus, frame uwelllnr, fSQQ, I