Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Ml.'ionri Paclfio Will Beln Uis of Union
Station April 29
(irnprnt .Mnnnncr HiinlliiK nnd An
niii'liiti'M llrnuli I lf Hctory Aurrf.
itirni In ('iiiir-ri-Mcc mHIi
Union I'mpIIIc 0 flic I u In.
tha meeting Wnlncmlay and om united
plan lll tic acre-l upon.
Knllriiuil (iiiiiiinn j- Win.
WASHINGTON-. April 16. In nplnloni
n.u.dni dowu In two cahrg today the iu
lirelno court decided that Ashlaml. Wis .
nnd not I'ulutli. Minn.. Is the eastern torml
ntn of the Northern I'nclflc Hallway com
pany. The principal of these cases wim
that of Dohcrty against the Northcrti I'a
clllc I.olluay company.
Dohorty reildes In Douglas county. Win
ccmMti. tn a tract of land ncqulrod by him
In 142 rndr tho homestead law. The
.Northern I'litlUe Ilnllroad company con
atructed Its tosi' across this land, cliilmtnt
a right of way under Us cession by rotiKrosB
In 185 1. Iioherty contended that tho rail
way company definitely Heated Its eastern
terminus nt Oulutli In 1S7 by Uo purchnse
of un l.ilerest In tho Lake Superior Mis
Tho Missouri Pacific will begin tho uso of
tho Union Pacific passenger station In this
city for Its ' through fit. Louis pnrsengcr
trains Sunday, April 20. Arrangement
looking toward tho establishment of thin
new fervlco were practically perfected
Saturday, when the new general manager of
tho system, Kussell Harding, Oencral Super
intendent II. 0. Clark and Kupenrlntcndcnt
C. M. Ilnthbtirn visited Omaha, Confer
rnces wcro held between thetse nfflclalH ntnt
olllclnls of tho Union Pacific and the consum
mation of tho Improved service was com-
I"w' . .. . . . . . sengcr representatives held In Denver lant
Tho MlMotirl l acinc officials nave not ye k am, atpndc,, ,)V (c , ,, ,.
reaches! u devlnlon relative o the depot ARentH Krncl3 ,, mchnmn of 0muha
facilities for their Auburn octl rain It Is Tho rnt0 from 0ma,m conl to b J(0
ne.iuvr.1, uo.o.w, hihi. m "' via direct lino. In order to
no inn accommouuiions iiuuium ui mc
union fltntlon, although tile Webster street
riepot may bo continued.
Tho chango In depots for the through
train service will neccnsltato a revised tlmo i
card, to become cffectlvo April 20. Ily en
tering anil departing from tho Omaha Union
Augustus Frank Makes His Exit Through
a Dots of Poiion,
many friends here. He stood high In this
; community
He left Thursday morning in excellent
.r.lll nil :l bllnlnrfls trln li I
...nt i.. ... ,..-
Jovvs IMS remains win u- ini m wnr
paw, X. Y.. accompanied by his father and
wife, who leave here on toniorow morning's
tra'n for Omaha.
Dentil n f n llclnvrd ( tilhl, Couiilcil
ttllli I'ltintu'liil lift t-rses. He
llcvril ti llmr Cnuseil Him
to Ciiiniiilt the Act.
Illcld, with the arms drawn hack In an
attitude of defense, the dead body of Au
gustus Prank was taken from a bed In room
slsslppl Railroad company from Thomson , o t!l l'axton hotel nt 0 o'clock yesterday
Junction to Dii-uth. but the Wisconsin state . morning. Tho Indications are of suicide
ton nt)- Attorney Itriim-Ht n "peflut
Detail to I'roteot tlir I'rUmuT
AkiiIhnI .Moll Violence.
Assistant County Attorney Orossmann
made a request upon the police department
Monday for a. special detail of officers to
guard Justice Haldwln's court room Tuco
day, April 21, during the preliminary hear
ing of "Jim" Cerney, nircstcil In South
Omaha for a criminal assault upon a 3-year-old
girl, Katlo Vavra. He recommended
To Prerent Prisoners Jumping Off, it BrsnVs
All Speed Rtcoids.
IhiIj- Miirtiltm 'iieeliiclc Which
Miirtlcil I'cilcitrluno on A cut
( lllilllii; Mrvct ( l im (Intuit
n ttimu of IIooiIIiiiiik.
An electric car running down Walnut hill
at tho rate of ,t mile a minute was a spei -tacle
which xtartled tho few persona who
happened to be abroad In that vicinity at
12:10 o'clock Sunday morning. It as the
1 11
I GoidSeaI I
It ULi ' I
for CoitvaIesaejit.s.
Ktioroma con. I refused to accept thin view! Frank was about 42 years old nnd a land j that every person applying for admlwlon to j general Impression among cm-ltokers that
and the oi.inlon hamleil iWn tndnv niTlimml ncaler. Despondency over tho death of a
that oplnicn. It was. therefore', held that beloved child or flnnnclal reverses, or both,
the railway had right of way titular tho ' resulted In exccsslvo drinking, followed, as
original net over lands In Wisconsin. ! Il seems, by the use of a deadly drug. The
relatives at Kearney, Neb., were notified by
I'ortliinil Itntc I ni'liiiiiunl.
No chango In the through rate from tho
Mlfflourl river to Portland was made as a
result of the mass meeting of western pas-
establish the
rates from lower Missouri river polntH via
Ht Paul on a Diablo basis and to avoid a
I disturbance of westbound rates from Iowa
points tho fare from Omaha to Portland vln
St. Paul and from Kansas City to Portland
ntatlon and using tho Union Pacific trackn
between Omaha and South Omaha tho tlmo
of tho Missouri Pacific trains will be short
ened approximately a half hour. It Is fore
casted that, the afternoon train for St. Iiuls
will lenvo Omaha at 3 o'clock Instead of
2.30 and (ho tilght train at 1015 IniUwid of
!):50, Thoro will be similar changes In the
arrival of tho trains from St. IouIh, which
reach Omnha nt proseitt at'f f0 a. m. and
12:55 p. in.
Oenernl Manager Harding and hl anno
clato ofllclals were much pleased with the
condition of .Missouri Pacific affairs in
Omaha. They spent tho cntiro day Satur
day In looklns over bualnees matters and
paid particular attention to the Union sta
tion. They Inspected tho trackage facilities
which will 1)0 utilized when their trains ue
tho now station, making a tour through tho
yardii over tho routo that has been selected.
A connecting track will bo built by the
Union Pacific to provldo trackage facilities
for tho Mlsnourl Pacific trains, which will
bo backed from tho Union station to the
Mlfsourl Pacific yards. Direct connection Is
now poMilblc, but tho track that would
ncccEoarlly bo used Is now occupied by Mis
souri Pacific freight cars and a siding will
bo constructed for tho loading and unload
ing of freight cars, bo that tho main con
nection will bo open for tho transfer of
tho passenger trains.
M2.S0 and $11.75.
Another l'nt Triiln.
MINNEAPOLIS. April 16. The Minneap
olis & St. Louis, Illinois Central and Mia
nourl Pacific roads have entered an arrange
ment for through passenger train srrvlco be
tween Minneapolis, St. Paul and Kantut
City commencing May 1. There will b
no change of cars or depots and tho service
will be on a fast schedule. Tho Missouri
Pacific will arrange to have ltn southwest
ern trains make close connection with tho
' wire.
Frank registered at tho hotel four days
nso. It was 8 o'clock beforo ho retired
Sunday morning. At noon a chambermaid
knocked at the door of room 83, listened n
minute, heard deep snoring and went away.
At 2 p. m. she knocked again, nnd, hearing
no sound within tho room, opened tho door
to see a half uncovered form upon tho bed.
Sho refloated and did not again go near fc3
. until 9 o'clock yewterday morning. Then nhe
detected a nauseous odor tho Instant fho
started to open the door. .
She did not enter, but ,iotiflcd the hotel
i proprietor, who found the corpse. Frank's
body Iny upon Its left side. Tho skin of the
I face, neck ami breast uas badly discolored,
I tho body swollen and rigid and the limbs In
, positions denoting a struggle. Hlood and'
. froth were on the Hps. Th Intestines were
: congested. Dtood had settled In them.
TnoU I'olxon.
City Physltlan ilalph picked up two bot
tles, with their contents almost drained.
In ono was a small amount of dark-colored
fluid. A glnns nearby from which some of
the amo Iluld had been drunk contained a
reddish deposit. Tho bottle was labeled
"bromide." It had been purchased at a
drug store nt Fifteenth und Farnnm streets,
though the druggist says he does not re
member having sold It. Another bottle, un
labeled, was empty. Dr. Italph said It had
probably contained opium. Coroner Swan-
tho court room bo searched for concealed
weapons, as ho hns reason to believe, ho
says, that an organized attempt will ho
madu by a mob to tnko Cerney from the
ofllccrs nnd lynch him.
"I know," said Attorney (Ircssmann, "that
a committee of five men, under pretext of
wanting to talk with a prisoner, went
through the county Jail lato Saturday nfter
noon nnd closely scrutinized the
of each cell, and I know that this com
mittee was looking for Cerney. The flvo
men, doubtless, had been Instructed to locato
tho prisoner and take obs-ervatlons as to
some feasible way to get him out.
"I am also Informed upon reliable au
thority that 200 Sweden, Ilohemlans and
Scandinavians from South Omaha were In
tho city that day. armed with pistols, ham
mers and ropes, ready to act promptly upon
a favorable report from the committee."
Attorney Grossman Insists that Cerney
Is not In tho city, but refuses to dlscloso
his whereabouts. He says ho h;i been
taken away for safekeeping. The little
girt, he says. Is In a precarious condition
as a result of the assault.
Xcuotlatc to Acquire Itoml.
NKW YOHK, April lfi.-J. P. Morgan &
Co. authorize the statement thnt the South
ern Hallway company Is negotiating for tho
acquirement of tho Ioulsville. Kvansvlllo
& St. Fnlllrt Air linn finil n ntnn fnr ITio rn.
organization of that compaiiy will be Issued, ! 1,011 sal11 11 was hl opinion that death had
based on nn agreement by the Southern
railway to take over tho property after tho
ru'rxtorii Trunk 1,1 no Committee Will
C'oiihIiIit I'rniiONCil Itu.tiicl lollft.
Tho serenity that has, prevailed In freight
rttclcs for weeks past promises to bo some
what disturbed In tho next fow dajs. Tho
Western Trunk Line committer, tho mem
lieinhlp of which Is composed of tho freight
olllclnls of western lines, meets In Chicago
Wednesday. Tho revision of certain exist
ing tariffs will be considered, although noth
IriR of particular moment Is on tho docket
for discussion, Of tho more Important mat
ters In which Omaha railroads nnd ahlppern
nro concerned tho railroad rato makers seem
disposed to make somo concessions to the
shlDpcr,asi propositions for tho lowering
of certain existing tariffs havo been ad
vanced. Among other questions to bo considered
In a proposition to apply the third class rato
on candy nnd confectionery In lesB than
carload quantities. At present tho second
class rato Is effective nnd If the ofllclals de
cide to change to tho third class a lower
tariff wlH becomo operative.
An Identical proposition Is mado relative
to shlpmonts of binding twlno and agricul
tural n Implements In Urn than carload quan
tities. Tho present tariff Is the second
clasH rate nnd It Is proposed to lower this
to thlrd-clnss. Thls.mattor Is of moro than
iirdlnnry Intercut to local shlppere, owing to
tho lncronsed shipments of agricultural Im
plements Into all parts of Nebraska at the
present time. During tho last thirty days
somo romnrkahly largo shipments have heen
made, especially to tho country south of tho
Tlatto Tlver. An nn Indication of the de-
imand for agricultural machinery, showing
thn material prosperity existing In the
ptnte, may be cited a special freight train of
twcnty-llvo cars, all loaded with threshing
machines from Racine, Wis., which was re
cently hauled by tho Burlington to Lincoln
for distribution from there to various points
in tho Btato. .The long train mnde a day
light run from rlaltsmouth to Omaha and
Irom Omaha to Llncblrf, attracting consider
eble nttentlon along the route.
Another question to bo considered by the
committee) has arisen from tho lowering of
tho Omaha-Kansas City differential on pnek
Jng house product shipments to the south
east. Hates on' packing house products
from Interior Iowa points will havo to bo
j-ovIhoiI nnd lowered in conformity to the
Omaha rate, upon which tho tariffs from
lown packing centers arc based. In order
to' defer Individual actlrn on tho part of
railroads handling theso shipments from
Iowa points tho question will be tnken up nt
II n 1 1 xvii)' N'otcM nml I'itkiiiiiiIk,
Oeneml Manager Hldwell of the Klkhorn
left last night for a short business trip to
J. H. Krawley, general ngent of the Union
Pacific at Kansas City, Is n visitor at local
J. It. Manchester, chief claim ngont of
the Union Pacific, left last night tor an
eastern trip.
The first low-rate excursion of the so.iMn
from O mail n to Denver. Colorado Sprint's
and Pueblo will be run today.
F. M Onult of Kansas City, truvellnir
frolght agent of the Lehigh Valley & Wa
bash fast fre'sht line. Is an Omaha vis
itor. .
"Coc k-n-Dooillr-IIti" In t' for Knul
DrHInu unit "IMItMlrlvrr" 1m
Clinrueil vrltli AnniiiiII.
Monday was a bad day In police court
for negro prlzellglitern. Two of them un
derwent preliminary hearing, ono for fast
and careless driving, the other for assault
ing a hartuncler. The first was fined nd
tho caso of tho second was continued bo-
causo tho prosecuting witness. (Jebhard
Hogon, fainted while on tho witness stand
nd was unaljlo to continue his testimony.
H. ll. smith, featherweight champion of
the Missouri valley, who glories In the so
briquet of "Cock-a-doodle-do," was ar
rosted by Otllccr Woolrldge about 9 o'clock
Sunday night whllo driving at a furious
ate down Harney street, noor Ninth. In
tho buggy with him were Uo necrefses.
311a White (very black) and Francis flridgcn
(chocolate colored). Tho horso wns going
at a keen run, Smith applying the whip
at every Jump and the oflicer was compelled
to draw his revolver and threaten to shooi
boforo he could Induce the reckless driver
to pull up. In police court tho women
were discharged and Smith was fined $10
and costs, which he paid.
Paul .Murray. coloreJ. clalmsi to be tho
middleweight champion of Nobraska and is
Known to mo somiprorcsslonal world as
"Tllcdriver." He had been arrested for
knocking Hartcndcr Gcbhard Hagen through
the window of Ocorge Heif's saloon. Tenth
ami jacKfcon streets. it was tho purpose
of tho defense to prove that Hagen. who
Is fefble on account of nn affection of the
heart, had struck the first blow, and It
was whilo the attorney was cross-examining
him to establish this point that the wltnes3
tilted forward, falling out of the chair ami
landing on the floor In a henp. He was
unconscious for several minutes.
The hearing will bo resumed Thursday at
p. m,
ccmo sixteen to twenty hours before
In n valise was found, among other papers,
a telegram dated Kearney, April 3. It read:
"Augustus Frank, Corning, la.: Our loved
one is gone. PAULINE."
Writcn with a lead pencil on letter paper
wero seven duplications or tho message,
sent to different persons, addressed to
Montreal, Canada, and towns In the east.
Tbero was a copy of a telegram addressed
Mrs. Augustus Frank, Warsaw, N. v.,
which road:
Will be In Warsaw with the body
Wednesday." The signature was "Ous."
Tho hotel clerk says he heard Frank, who
had stopped at tho hostelry a number of
Union In the past few years, say something
about a business setback.
Frank's father. Oeorge W. Frank. Is one
of tho most prominent men of Kearney. He
started the cotton mill tbero nnd also he'ped
to establish the electric light plant and
water works system of the town.
An nutopsy disclosed disease of the aortic
arch, the principal artery which feeds the
eart. hastened by alcoholic poisoning and
complicated with traces of opium poison.
To Ciitiirrli SiiftVrrm.
Tlvery person suffering from catarrh In Its
Many forma knows that tho common lo
Hons, salves and douches do not cure. It
Js needless to arguo this point or to cite
cases of failure, because overy victim o
catarrhal troublo for himself if he
lias tried them.
A local application, If It docs anything n
nil. simply gives temporary relief, a wash
lotion, Balve or powder cannot reach the sea
of the disease, which Is the blood.
The mucous membrane peeks to relieve
tho blood of catarrhal poison bj Hecrotlng
large quantities of mucous, the discharge
Hometlmcs closing- up tho.'DOstrlls. descend
Ing to tho tliro.U and larynx, causing an Ir
rltatlng rough, continual clenrlng of the
throat, deafness, Indigestion and many other
disagreeable and persistent symptoms.
A remedy to really cure catarrh must be
nn Internal treatment a rcmody which wilt
pradually cleanse tho system from catarrhal
poison and remove tho fever nnd congestion
always present in the mucous membrano
iue uesi remedies for this purpose are
Eucalyptol, Sangulnnrla ami Hydrastln. but
ino uimeuity tins always been to get thrs
valuable curatives combined In one pala
lame, convenient and efficient form.
llecently this lias been accomplished an 1
Iho preparation put on tho market under tho
nomo or Milan s miarrh Tablets; they are
large, pleasant-tnstlng lozenges, so that they
may be Blowly dissolved In the mouth, thu
renchlng every pnrt of the mucous mem
brano and filially tho stomach and Intes
An advantage also to be considered Is th
Etuart'u Catarrh Tablets contain no co
came, inwrpmiir ur poisonous narcotics, so
often found In catarrh powdorp. and tho use
of which oftou entails a habit more dan
coroiw .than the dlsenso.
Stuart'i Catarrh Tablets are sold by drug
piets at 80 cents for fnll slied package nnd
ore probably the sarost and most effectual
tatarrh euro ou the market.
Soil ilc ii Dentil of I' runic In n tircnt
Shock to III" Numerous
KKAHNEY, Nob., April 1C (Special
Telesram.)- -News of tho sudden death of
Augustus Frank of Kearney at tho Paxton
hotel at Omaha was a great shock to bis
(iiicxtlmi of CoiiiIiIik-iI Home I'litiou
iikc mill I nloii Label IIInciikhciI
Ni'iv I lilon OrKniilxcil,
The secretary of the Central Labor union
and a committee of tho Home Patronngo
bureau of the Commercial club are discuss'
Ing the matter of Issuing a combined labe
which will mark goods of Omaha manufac
lure, tho work of union lnbor. The union
has for somo time denlred that the bureau
unite with It In the matter nnd maintains
that tho uso of the union label will make
It Impofslblo for unscrupulous dealers to
Impose upon consumers and sell them goods
made abroad, as Omaha manufactures. It
Ih stated by tho secretary of the union that
the prospect of tho adoption of tho combined
label is bright.
Speaking of the use of tho union label in
Omaha It Is said that the printers have a
complaint against the action of certain Job
olllces, which charge a higher rate for work
bearing the union label than for the same
work without the label, thus , discouraging
the use of the mark which show-B beyond
doubt that the work was done In Omaha
The Iron and Steel Ilrldge, Hulldlng and
Material Workers' union l the name of
now Industrial organization Just formed. The
officers elected nre: T. D. Carey, president
Frank Ilallborn, vice president; C. P.
O'llrlen, recording secretary; Fred H. John
son. financial secretary; John Klerulff. treas
nrer. Tho union will adulate with the
Hulldlng Trades council.
A Horrible Outbreak
"of large sores on my llttlo daughtor'
head developed Into a oso of kcatd head
writes C. ! Isblll of Morganton, Tenn . but
Hucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured her.
It's n guaranteed cure for Eczema, Tetter,
Salt Khcum. Plmplm. bores, Ulcers nnd Piles,
Only 25c at Kuhn & Co.
.Nern WlfclieiUer IJUehn rucil.
Sam Sidney ooioren. n siaiwart ex-ron
viet who had been arrested by Oflicer
Dan Haiuwin on a cnnre oi witeneutliig
was discharged In police court Monday
afternoon on a legal technicality The
juniro mien tnnt. neeaue ino woman re
fused to appear against him, ho could not
bo held, though he had been taken In
tiwi net or tnaui'iii2 ner.
This Is not the lirst experience Baldwin
nas naa tvun siuney i nree yearn um li
nl remitted to jirrmt him. A flirnl pnati..,l
In which the otllcer received a severe razor
cui on tne necit, tne scar or wnicn no win
carry to ns grave tor mis n.aauit Sid
ney serveo. two years in ino yenuentiary.
(ipt-ltlch-diilck Miller Convicted of
4 ill ll il l.nrceny hy civ lurk Jury
Verdict Ilur.cil lllin.
NEW VOItK, Aprl-TlG. William F. Mil
ler of Franklin syndlcnto fame was found
guilty tonight of grand larceny In tho first
degreo for taking from Mrs. Kathern
Moofcr $1,000 which sho Invested in his
520 per cent schinio "to get rich quick."
The prisoner wns remanded for sentence it
week from next Friday. His counsel Btaied
tho enso would bo appealed. For a mo
ment or two after tho Jury had rendered
its verdict Miller appeared to ho dazed.
He recovered himself, however, and entered
Into n spirited conversation with his coun
sel. Tho Jury was discharged nnd Miller
was taken to tho Haymond street Jail.
Six negroes, ono Chinaman, about 1,000
women and a large number of lawyers tried
to get Into tho court this morning where
Hefereo Keehler had announced a hearing
In connection with claims against the Mil
ler syndicate, defunct. A number of dep
uty marshals wcro sent to tho court room
to drive out pnrt of the crowd.
A motion wns mado to consider each
claim separately. As there aro 17,000 of
them It was denied.
II 12
the car was running away, but the crew
were standing to their posts. The brilliant
lights In the Interior revealed the motormau
leaning over his controller, his eyes directed
upon the rails ahead In a fixed staro, while
at the t.illboard stood tho conductor with
hand nputi the trolley rope. The half-do.en
passengers wero standing or walking nerv
ously from end to end of tho swinging
This much could be taken In at a glance
as tho car shot past. So brief was the
gllnifse vouchsafed the belated citizen that
tho spectacle might easily have been mis
taken for a phantom ear had It not been
for the clanging gong and tho crackling
Hashes of green, purple and red light that
spurted from the wheels at their point of
contact with tho rails.
No little Interest would have been added
to the Incident had tho spectators known
that four of the s'x passengers Inildo the
conch wero prisoners, though there was no
olllccr present to place them under arrest.
The hrenkueck speed of the car was to pre
vent their Jumping olT.
At the point whero Fortieth street crosses
Ctim'nc. nt the top of Walnut Hill, four
men boarded car No. 5!) nnd undertook to
run the rolling stock to suit themselves.
The crew protested, whereupon the noisy
quartet threatened them with assault. An
alteinnt was made to collect their fare, but,
llecn. thev refused to U.ty. One
of them pulled off the trolley.
Tho motormau, William II. Kessler, and
tho conductor. M. Sinner, held a conference
nnd d.'clded uncn a cuu-se of action, llo-
foro them lay sixteen blocks of straight,
fcmooth trn-k. down grade al an averago
bIcdo of twenty feet tc the mile. They
would make a run for It "throw the throt
tle wide open"and keep up the pace until
thev saw a policeman
This nrocram was carried out. At Twenty-
fourth nnd Cuming streets they caught tho
Him of brass buttons oh a bluo uniform
nnd tho brakes wero applied.
YrMtenlav In nollce court Ed Mullck
F. Hooney, J. Itooney and Ed Barrett were
arraigned on a chargo or disorderly con
duct, and tho train crew wcro there to np
pear against them. Upon a plea of not
entity, their case was set for hearing next
Wednesday at 2 p. m.
AMornoy Wniitu lilt I'cc.
Suit hns been filed In tho county court
against tho Grain Growers' Mutual Hall
asMKiation by Alex Altschulor for a claim
of $985 alleged to bo due him as. attorney
Slr.nx l alln Polltlclniin AVIII Turn (Mil
In I'orci1 Tomorrow.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., April lfi. (Special
Telegram.) The hottest munlclpnl campaign
In the history of tho city closed hero thin
evening. Tho odleers to bo elected tomor
row aro mayor, city treasurer, city Justice,
pollco Justice and one alderman nnd ono
member of tho Hoard of ' Education from
each ward.
Tho opposing candidates ,for mayor ore
George W. Hurnsldo( and James L. WooJ
ruff, tho former tho nomineo of tho repub
licans nnd tho latter being the candidate of
the fusion parties. Each side professes
confidence In winning a victory. Conserva
tive republicans say -their ticket will win
by from 200 to 300 majority
The eOg Cigar that Always Satisfies
Cleanso tho liver, purity the blood, In
vlgorato tho body by using DeWltt's Little
1 Early Hisers. Theso famous llttlx pills al
ways act Drnmntly.
MectluK of Ontnhii I'rcNliylery.
The Presbytery of Omahu will meet In
the Lowe Avenue Pn-sl terlan hur- 'i
Tuesday afternoon at " o'clock, lontlnuiiin
In Mission untn TliuiVluv evwtnv. Tit. I'veri
lng services are op-'n to the pulilb- Tu- li
evening the opening sermon of the Presby
tery will be preached by lle. A It S'-ntt
pastor of I'nstellur Street Presbyterian
church. Wednesday evening ltev T. V.
Moore of Westminster tiiureh ltev C II
Miller of S luiyb r ,itid Hv. (lnlt uf Onmlm
agency, will del ver Murt addresses The
Christian Hn.leiv.r will rme a r.ilK T'uir
day evening and tin i bln-ts will in made
bv Hev It M Stex.iiK.Hi D U , pastot
of Se olid Presbyterian ihun Ii
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The Funk & Wagualls
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1 wish I knew what was the matter with
me, my cheeks are so pale, my lips so
white, my muscles so weak, and my
nerves seem to be all unstrung.
I am just about as tired and de
pressed in the morning as I am
at night. If I could only get
some rest, but sleep seems to do
me no good."
Shall we tell you what is the matter ?
That's Anemia
It aontalns all there Is In the EnRllsh language, compiled, pro
nounced and defined by tho raoHt eminent Kpeclallats of the pres
ent day, In evory department of literature, aclcnco and art.
T) A T "li -T rp QJ Should not underestimate tho value to their children
-AVJ-ll of immediate consultation of a STANDAHD authority
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nKFRHENCB HOOKS by tho young loads to habits of thoroiiKhnesa la Udy.
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Anemia it's another name for starved blood, thin
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once more strong and steady. To make this change you must P$
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