8 TTTT3 OaiATTA DAILY BEE: SUN DAT, APRTTj 15, 1900. COUNCIL JII.VOH MB.VTIOtf. Davis sells glans, Morehouse & Co., magazines bound. Hudwctscr beer. L. Rosenfeld, ngent. Flno A. B. C. beer, Neumnyer's hotel. Schmidt's photos, now and latest styles. TjHt-Oold HhlcM pin. lloturn to Hcc of llco and get rowurd. Get your work done at tho popular Eagle laundry. "21 Broadway. 'Phone 157. fieo artogrnvures. Alexander & Co. give tceclal prices on frames (or them. V. C. Estep, undertaker, 23 Pearl street Tclephonca: Office, 97; residence. 33. Two nicely furnlAhcd rooms, modern, with board. .Mrs. Skinner, 10(1 Park avenue 3. Baldwin makes a specialty of clean ing wall paper and frescoes. 121 12th avo. B. T. Chllds, editor of the Dunlan (la.) Jlorald, waa In tho city yesterday calling on friends. t v i)i.nilr mi ntH rrldnt of Council Illurfs,' Is Hcrlously sick at his homo In Strectuvlllo. I'rcd JohriHon of the postnlllce was able to bo out yr surdity for tho llrst tlmo slnco ho Injured bis buck bowling- Them will ho a gospel meeting tonight at R o'clock at tho school house In Jlnppy Hollow conducted by Hcv. and Airs, Henry DeMng. A mnrrlage license was Issued yesterday lo William Bauerkompor. aged 29, and llcrtha Itlsse, nged 20, both of Pottawat tamie county. Lucius Wells, formerly ft member of the Implement linn of Decrn. Wells & Co., has decided to remain In Council Muffs nnd enter tho wagon and carrlago Jobbing bus! resa. Tho annual parish meeting of St. Paul's (Episcopal church will bo held tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock for tho election of a vestry and the transaction of such other business a.i may como beforo tho meeting. . 11. Smith, charged with stealing a tenm of horses In Ixiramle, Wyo., hail a preliminary hearing beforo Justlco Kerrlor yesterday and was bound over until Tues day In ordpr to afford Sheriff Yund of Iiramln tlmo to secure tho necessary requisition papers from Dcs Moines. Tho funcrnl of tho 1st Norman Green will ho held this afternuon at 3 o'clock from the family residence CIO Kast Pierce street. Tho services will bo conducted by Hcv. Myron V. Waddell. pastor of the Broadway rhurch, of which tho deceased was a faith ful member. Interment will bo In Falrvlew cemetery. Mather, tho Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sewing, died yesterday morning of lung troublo at the family residence In IjrwIs township, aged 11 mouths. The fu neral will bo hold this nfturnoon nt 2 o'clock from the Mothodlst church, Hev, J. II. Hnuernllond olllclatlng. Interment will bo In the Keg Creek cemuterr. Tho Hoard of Education has changed the tlmo of Its regular meetings from the oven Ing of thu third Monday to the evening of tho third Tuosday In each month. Tho ehango was mado because two of thu mem bers of tho hoard aro engaged at their places of business on Monday nights, but can attend tho meeting Tuesday nights without Inconvenience. I'lro In one of the upstairs bedrooms of tho bouso occupied by Wade McHitveu at 3.17 West Plerco street gave tho llro de partment a run about 10 o'clock last night. The blaze, which was thought to have been started by a dropped match, was extin guished by tho chemical engine. Tho dam ago was principally to tho furniture and the clothing In tho room. Council Hluffs tent No. 32, Knights of the MarcabccH, will give its unium! Easter ball April 16 at Independent Order Odd Fellows' temple. Markey division No. 1, Uniform Hank Knights of tho '.Maccabees, of Omaha will lead the grand march. Tho tug-of-war team of Council Hluffs tent will give an exhibition pull. Whaley's orchestra will furnish music. Tickets GO oents a couple. Extra ladles 15 cents. Of all the plays of tho present season tho great religious play, "Quo Vadls," has been ono of the most successful. It will bo the attraction for tonight at the Do hany theater. Tho company 1b equipped with elegant scenery, handsome costumes and extensive mechanical effects. Some of the most prominent are the burning of Home, tho great arena In the Coliseum of Homo and Nero's palace. No doubt but tho company will ho greeted with a largo Council Illurfs audience. One of the best appointed and most cn-uniy Kepi meal markets In Council Hluffs Is that of C. II. Orvls, 637 Broadway. The place has recently 'been overhauled, papered, painted nnd put In condition equal to tho best to bo found anywhere. Every thing Is tasty, neat and Inviting. Mr. Orvls makes It a rule to keep tho best meats to bo had und his large and con Htantly Increasing trade bears evidence thut he seeks to please his customers. His telephone number Is 40 and nn order by phone Is promptly looked after and given tho personal attention of the .proprietor. N. Y. Plumblnj Co. Tei. 250. You can buy an elegant foldlngbed nt Keller & Hand's, 407 nroodway, by paying f 1 a week until paid for. Huy a Syracuso wheel nnd you will bo happy. Sold by Peterson & Schoenlng, Mcrrlatn block. Wo sell gas stoves on monthly payments nt half tho price of a gasolino stovo. The Gas company, 26 Pearl street. DoIiih" III Hie IIlNlrlet Court. Charles Wilson, Indicted on the doublo chargo of cheating by false pretenses and forgery, entered n plea of guilty beforo Judgo Smith in tho district court yesterday nnd wns sentenced to two years in tho penitentiary at Fort Madison. Wilson signed tho nanio of a fellow employo on tho pay roll of tho Milwaukee railroad last sum mer, wecured his check nnd after forging tho other man's name to It cashed It nt ono of the local banks. He claims ho was drunk when ho did it. Judgo Smith banded down blB decision dn tho divorce caso of George Washington 1'enn ngalnst Mrs. Amy J. Penn, rofuslns l'unn tho legal soveranco of tho matri monial knot as prayed for. This was tho fourth time, according to tho evidence In tho caso, that Penn had brought milt for divorce against IiIh wife. Mrs. Penn will jiow ho ablo to demand that half of tho $30 a month pension that Penn receives as r.u old soldier bo paid to her, he having deserted her. In tho suit of E. W. Nash against the Union Land and Improvement company nnd Others, the defendants yesterday filed a mo tion for a morn specific statement, asking that Nash he required to state the factn constituting tho alleged collusion ami fraud in obtaining tho Judgment of tho defend ants other than the Union Ixind nnd Im provement company referred to In tho action. Judgo Smith adjourned court to Satur Uay. April 21. For the best wheels on the market seo Iho Syracuse, Envoy, Lncledo and Forest at I'oterson & Schocnlng'B, .Vorrlntu block, and get their terms and prices. T)n you need a mattretw? You can get a pood ono at Kellor & Hand's, 107 Hroad way, by paying $1 a week, until paid for. A kind word Is bettor than a blow, and the T'omiulo Orlllln cigar Is tho best of the punch. Itrnl ICnlute Truniifern. The following transfers were fllol yester day in tho abstract, title and loan ofllco of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: Catharine Hnnkln et nl to C. E. Pet , ersoti and Charles Ilolmstrom, neU 2I-71-3A. w d $ 6.000 3lan llions. guardian, to Joseph WTIglll, UIlll 4-1 Ol -". ll-i 1-1.1, K i P. P. Morgan and wlfo to Jennie H. Fleming lot 3 in block !, Grimes' add, w d Jlenu II. Hundy und husband to Ida M. Campbell, lot 15 In block 16, Carson, w il J, S. Lldgett and wlfo to Thomus Top li.oK, lot 2 In Auditor's subdlv of se',4 tpt and lot 2 In Auditor's subdlv of sw se 21-75-13, W d 200 3,000 SO0 1,500 Total, live transfers J11.500 "Another rnrlood of now furniture received Ht Pclereon & Schoenlng's last week. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. Jamm N. Casady, Jr., Ui iialn tit.. Council JWulIa. BLUFFS. WILL LET COURTS SETTLE 11 Lw Will Arbitrte Betwean W. E. Hirer itock nnd Qsorge 8. Darii. JUDGE SMITH GRANTS MANDAMUS WRI1 (luratlnii of Wlm In Untitled to Hold Oilier nn Treasurer of Independ ent .School District of Council llliifTn. Thn Mntrnvursv hetween W. R. Havor- stock and George S. Davis over the question whleti In entitled to hold olllco as treasurer of the Independent School District of Coun cil Hluffs will now have to bo arbitrated by tho courts. Tho petition was filed lato lout evening. Tho writ Issued by Judgo Smith requlros Davis to appear Saturday, April 21, and show cause. In adopting this courso of action Instead of commencing quo warranto proceedings, tho nttorneys for Haverstock dcslro to elim inate tho question of tho contest over his election. Thoy take tho grounds that Hav eretock being tho duly declared elected treasurer and that having filed hla bond nnd qualified the Inltlatlvo In tho contest over tho election Bhoutd bo takon by tho other sldo. This, however, they claim ho Is barred f,rom doing now as tlmo specified by law for contesting tho election, which is twenty days, has expired. Havcrstock's at torneys now claim that If Bavin had In tended to contest the election of Haver stock that ho should have dono so within tho tlmo prescribed by tho law nnd there fore that element of tho controversy can not now bo entertained. Davis, on tho other hand, contends that ho acted within tho tlmo allowed by law as ho protested ngalnst Haverstock being declared treasurer tho nleht that the Hoard of Education mado an ofllclal canvass of tho election returns. At first tho attorneys for Haverstock de ri,iH in hrinc a elvll action against Davis and hl3 bondsmen to recover tho school funds In hla noososslon together with 6 por cent from tho dato that Haverstock quali fied ns treasurer. This was, however, aban doned for tho present and mandamus pro ceedings decided on. A civil action against tinvls nnd his bondsmen would complicate matters somewhat, as with one or two ex ceptions tho sureties on Davis' bond aro the same as on Havcrstock's, and such a suit would rnsult in Haverstock practically suing his own bondsmen. Ernest E. Hart, the banker, who Is on both bonds, notified nnvlH ve.stordav that ho desired to with draw as surety on his bond. Tho amount of school funds In Davis' possession is about $68,000, being mostly tho proceeds of tho t.nnrta Iwuied for the new High school build ing. The amount of the first half of the venr'n tax collections Is etlll In tho hands nf Hniintv Treasurer Arnd. he having re fused to comply with the demand of Davis that It ho turned over to him. Tinvln contents Haverstock b right to tho trnnmrvahln on the Erounds that there was an Irregularity in tho returns from the Fourth voting precinct nnd that tho voto cast In thlB precinct should be thrown out. If this was dono Davis would have a ma jority of eeventy-nlno votes over Haver stock. Auction at the court house, April 23, 10 a. m. Lot 9 In block 1, William's subdi vision. By William Arnd. Commonwealth 10c cigars are Good cigars. KASTI3H MUSIC IX THU CHUIICHKS. I'roernm tlml Will !! Hemlred nt the Service Today. Tho churches of Council Bluffs will cele brate Easter Sunday with special service and In many elaborate musical programs will bo conspicuous features. Follow ng the usual custom, many of tho churches have been beautifully decorated for the occaslou. In several of tho churches the children of 'tho Sunday school will observe the day with special exercises. At St. Paul's Episcopal church Hev. George Edward Walk, rector, thero will bo holy communion at 7:30 a. m., morning prayer, sermon and holy communion at 10:30 n. m. This servlco will bo attended by the mem bers of Ivanhoo commandery. Knights Templar, In a body, according to their an nual custom. Tho children of tho Sunday school vrlll hold their Easter fcntlval at 4 p. m. Evonlng prayer and sermon will bo t 7:30 o'clock. The following special pro gram of Eastcc music will bo rendered at tho morning servlco: Organ Prelude Enstor March Merkol Miss Gleason. Processional We March to Victory. narnby Anthem Christ Our Passover Shepperd Gloria Patrla Glory to tho Father and Son Stanford Te Denm Laudninus Foster Jubilate Deo Stanford Solo Faster Song Denneo Forrest Hutherford. Kyrle Elelson Stalner Gloria Tlbl Stalner Hymn 112 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today. Morgan Offertory Anthem Awake Up Mv Glory Barnby Sanctus Stalner Hymn 225 Bread of tho World Hodges Gloria In Excelsls (old chonO '. Heeesslonal Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand Alfnrd Organ Postlude Mureh Tours Miss Gleason. Tho following special Easter music will bo rendered nt the morning servlco at St. Francis Xavler'n Catholic church: Vhll Arm am Gregorian Choir. Kyrle Millard's Mass In G Solo. "Chrlstl," by Miss Wli'khnm. Gloria Millard's Mass In O "Qui Tollls." soprano solo, Miss Faul, "Gratlas," duet. Misses Heebeo and Moore. Quartet Venl Creator Misses Faul and Moore and Messrs Melzl and Ingoldsby. Credo Haydn's First Muss In B FI.it "Et In Carnatus est." solo, Jullot Iange; "Cruclllxus," duet, James Mulqucen and K. A. lngoldsby. Heglnn Coell A. Werner Chorus by Choir. Sanctus Mercadante Trio, "llosanna," Mlssc Faul nnd Mooro nnd Mr. Mulqucen. Chorus liv choir. Agnus Del Mercndunte Trig, Misses Fnul and Moore and Mr. Mulqucen. At tho First Presbytorlan church tho pastor, Hev. W. S. Barnes, will deliver an Easter Fcrnion at 10.30 a. m. and a special program of mimic will bo rendered. Mr. Oscar Garelssen will nlng at this servlco and In tho evonlns. Tho Easter offering will be devoted to the relief of the famine sufferers In India. Sunday t,cbool will bo ' held at noon and tho Westminster league ! meeting at 7 p. m. At tho evening service nt 8 o'clock the pastor will preach on "New ness of Life." Tho following special pro gram of music will bo rendered at the morn ing service: Organ Prelude Pastorale II. ff, Parker Offertory-Melody Thlckstun Solo Every Flower thut Blossoms v;-'-A- ; Shelley Mr. Oscar Garelssen. Organ Postlude Offertory in B....L. Wely Orgunlst, William L. Thlckstun. At the Congregational church the pnwtor, Rev. J. W. Wilson, will deliver this morn ing a speclAl sermon for Easter Sunday on the MUbJect. "Tho Hope of Immortality." Sunday school will be held at noon and the meeting of tho Christian Endeavor ooclety at 7 p. m, Evening worship will bo nt S o'clock, when the pastor will deliver a short address eti "An Easter for the Soul." There will ba special Easter music at both the morning Hnd evening servlco. Services at Qrace Episcopal church today will bo an follows Holy communion nt 1 30 a. m., holy communion and wrtnon nt 11 a, m., Sunday school at 3 p. in. nnd oven Ing prayer nnd sermon at 8 o'clock. "Tho Empty Tomb" will be the subject jf hcv. It. Ventlng's Enstor Sunday sermon this morning at tho First Baptist church. Tho ovenlnc servlco nt 8 o'clock will be of an evangelistic nature. Sunday school will be held nt noon nnd, as arranged, n special offering will bo taken up ns an Easter gift to tho work of erecting churches In the new towns of lown. Tho Young People's union will hold Its regular servlco nt o'clock. Sunday school will bo held as Usual at 3 p. m. at tho Bethany chapel nnd at tho Twenty-ninth street mission Sunday school and preaching will be held nt tho usual hours. At tho First Christian church tho pastor, Mov. S. M. Perklw, will deliver a special Easter sermon this morning at 10:30 o'clock on "Tho Resurrection an Established Fact." At 8 o'clock In tho evening tho Sunday school will render nn Easter program. The Junior Christian Endeavor society will meet at 3:30 p. m. nnd tho Senior society at 7 p. m. A special program of music has been arranged for tho morning service. At tho Broadway Methodist church, In place of tho regular morning service tho children of the Sunday school will render an Easter program under tho direction of Jacob Sims, superintendent. At tho even ing Bervlco tho pulpit will bo occupied by Hev. James Sims. At Trinity Mothodlet church tho pastor, Rov. W. H. Cable, will deliver an Easter sermon nt 10:30 a. m. and In the evening at 8 o'clock thero will bo n'h Easter sacred concert. Sunday school will be held at noon, Junior Icaguo meeting nt 3:30 p. m. and Epworth league mooting at 7 p. m. The midweek prayer nnd prnlw sorvlco will bo hold Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. At tho Fifth Avenuo Methodist chuch, Rov. E. W. Erlckson, pastor, there will be an Easter momlng prayer meeting at 6 o'clock, class meeting nt 0:15 a. m., preach ing at 10.30 a. in., Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. nnd Epworth league meeting nt 6:45 p. m. Tho children of tho Sunday BChool will hold special Easter oxorclnes nt 8 p. m. Tho midweek prayer and praise sorvlco will bo held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. At the Epworth Mothodlst church tho children of tho Sunday BChool will give nn Easter program in tho evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. Sunday school will be at 2 p. m., preaching nt 3 p. m. and meeting of Epworth Icaguo at 6:45 p, m. Tho midweek prayer meeting will bo held Thursday even ing at 8 o clock. Rov. Alexander Lttherland, pastor of the Second Presbytorlan church, will take as tho aubject of hltj sermon this morning, "Easter Meditations," and in tho ovenlng, "Tho Resurrection." Tho ojcrumcnts of tho church will bo administered in connection with the morning service nnd speclnl music has been prepared for both morning nnd evening services. The Sunday school will conduct a simple Easter service at tho close of tho morning service. At St. John's English Lutheran church at 10:30 a. m. thero will bo a class of four teen catechumenn confirmed and tho pastor, Rov. G. A. Snyder, will preach nn Easter sermon. A special offering will bo mado for tho church debt- Tho choir will render a special program and slog the Easter anthom ly Ashford, entitled, "The Strife la O'er." At 7:30 p. m. tho Sunday school will render an Eastor cantata entitled, "Our Victorious Victor." Tho First Church of ChrlBt. Scientist, will hold services nt 10:15 a. m. In tho Sapp building. Experlenco mooting Wednesday evening at S o'clock. It Is not an Idle boast, but a fact, that our line of furniture, and house furnishing good.i Is tho largest and most complete In the city. Before buying nil wo ask Is for you to call and seo our goods and get prices. Peterson & Schoenlng, Morrlam block. Speelnl Sheet Munlo Sale. Wo will glvo a npeclnl sheet mmdc sale during this week to April 21, same ns we did last week, by which you can buy sheet music at C cents a copy. AVo uro giving tho people tho benefit of this sale to mako room for now goods that nro coming In. Sale to lat this week only. Bourlcius Music House, 333 Broadway, where the organ stands upon tho building. Myrtle lodge, Degree of Honor, will give n masqucrado party at Mrs. Bunnell's, 1CI"2 Sixteenth avenuo, April 18. You can buy somo beautiful lace or ta pestry curtains of Keller & Band, 407 Broad way, by paying $1 a week until paid for. Mr. Riley C-cent cigar. SOCIIJTV IX COU.VCIL III.UFFS. n ill Iter of I own People IMiiiiiiImk on VInII to 1'nrlN KxpoMltloii. Now that tho penitential season Is closed society will onco moro don Its flno raiment and enjoy tho pleasures of tho world. Holy week Just ended wub rigidly observed by tho swell set In Council Bluffs and oven tho Informal dinner party nnd n quiet game at cards wero eschewed. A number of social functions aro promised for tho near future nnd It Is said that May will bo marked by moro than ono wedding among tho younger sot, A number of Council Bluffs peoplo will visit tho Paris exposition and other points of interest on tho continent this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Neumayer nro already In Germany; Mrs. Anna Fcatherly sailed last Wednesday from New York and will makb an extended trip in England nud other parts of Europe; Mrs. Jano M. Innes will sail next Wednesday from Now York for England; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chris tenson aro booked to sail .May 19; Mr. W. S. Smith and daughter, .Miss Nellie, will sail May 23 for a trip of six months abroad. Mr. and Mrs. M. Flammant of Mlncoln leave next fcuiurday for a six months' trip to Europe; thoy sail on tho Hamburg liner rieiuriu uuu hiii ursi vimh mv. r lummaiu s ; a.jui n. urouzinsky of Omaha. Tho publican convention today for regular dele old homo nt Luxemburg, after which 1 BUests present were: S. Fried man. .1. Fried. ' inlf In Ihn Phllmlplnhln eonvrntlnn nnd nl- they will go to tho Paris exposition and visit other points of Interest In France and on tho continent. A prutty homo wedding was solemnized Thursday ovenlng nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Simpson on Washington avenue when tholr daughter, Genevlevo. was mar ried to Mr. J. W. French. Tho ceremony wns performed by Rov. George Edward Walk, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, In the presence of Immediate, relatives und a few Intimate friends. The members of tho U nnd I club were entertained Thursday by Mrs. Watson of Washington avenue. Mm. J. C. Mitchell nnd Mr. J. N. Casady, Jr., carried off tho prizes. Tho Ladles' Whist club will meet with Mrs. C. R. Tyler next Tuesday afternoon ut 2 o'clock. Tho Matinee Muelcnl club will meet Mon day with Mltfi Julia Ofllcor. Miss Altn Richards loft Tuesday for her home In Sanborn, la., whero sho will be married tomorrow to Mr. E. O. Clay of Omaha. Thoy will bo at homo to their friends In Omaha after May 1. Mrs. II. II. Spctnian entertained last Sun day evening nt a delightful family dinner party in honor of Mrs. D. Hoist, her daugh ter, who celebrated her birthday anni versary. Charles Test Stowart will leavo Tuesday for Chicago, whero he will meet Mrs. Stew art who with her llttlo daughter has been spending tho winter In New York. Thoy will return homo tho latter part of the week. Mips Montgomery Is home from an ex tended trip to tho southwest Miss Kountza of Omaha wns her guest during tho trip. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright have moved to 223 ?5outh Seventh ntreot nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, A D. Annls nnd family will occupy tho Wright houtse. Mr. Lou In 3. Chamber of Pueblo, Cclo,, Is tho guest of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. R. Mathls. The Mlnses Hertha Patterson, Carrie Bvets, Edith Smith were tho gutwts last Sunday of Mr. nnd .Mrs. Wnrren Hough of Crescent Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Kecllne and family returnM Saturday from the gouth, where they spent tho winter. Mrs. Remington nnd son of Nrola were tho guests last week of Mrs. J. B. Atkins. Mr. and Mrs. Torrey Everett arc homo from the south, where they spent the winter months. Mm. O. W. McMillan of Onawa will be the guest this week of Mrs. D. J. Rockwell. Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard W. Tllton left yes terday for Leavenworth, Kan., for a short visit, S, T, Spnngler of Aurora, la., arrived yes terday on a visit to his daughter, Mrs, A T. Hlcklngcr. Mrs. Spanglcr is also visit ing nt mo Kllcklngcr home. .Miss Catherine White entertained a num bcr of her young friends Friday night at a poverty ball." Mrs. Ned Mitchell In visiting friends and relatlvcn In Minnesota. Mrs. E. (. Bnrtlott Is homo from a visit with frlcndn nt Neola, la. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. p. Dodgo entertained Inst week William Allen Hayes of Boaton, Mass, Mrs. John Stubbs nf Willow nvenuo U homo from a visit with frlendn In Kansas City. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I,, iinnclnn r. vfuinc- ln Chicago. Mrs. M. V. Beasorn nf Flrt nvnnnn I. vl.. ltlng relatives In Webster City, In. MImi Ella Wirt has returned to the State university nt Lincoln after spending tho Tiitaiiun wun ncr parents fn this city. Word has been received hero of iho f arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nenmnvrr and family In Berlin. Thsy experienced a very siormy passage. Mr. and .Mrs. W. L. Fl omlnr. fnrmwrlv of this city, have returned and will occupy w.u ..iurKiin uomo on Avenue B. J'aui TUllcys of Bloomfleld. NT.h m,( last Sunday with his parents In ttiTs city. J. W. Rhoadcs left Frld nv nn a vloU tn friends in Seattle, Wash. 1110 .Misses Scahlll of Plattner streM n. tcrtalned last week .Mrs. William Leo of Weston, la. MIps Caroline Haves Is vlnldn frl.nd. in Seattle, Wush. Miss Caldwell of Washlncton avnn ,n. tcrtalned ns her guest last week Miss Ail. strand of Missouri Valley. .Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Smith of First avennn aro entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hnrrln of Evanston, III. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Mnnderson had as their guest last week Miss Anna Durham of Wat. son, Mo. Mrs. Charles Haas entortalned hor ulster. Miss Charity Dabcock of Chicago last week. .Mr. and Mrs. William Shumelv havo rn- turned from an extended visit to Doming, N. M., where they went for tho benefit of Mrs. Shumely'8 health. Mrs. E. II. Rothert la enloylnir a visit from hor sister, Mrs. E. C. Williams of Dcs Moines. Miss Tilda Strohbchn. formerly of this city, now living at Missouri Valley, was married n few days ago to Mr. T. J. Bell, a prominent business man of that town. 'Mrs. Fred Wles Is In Chicago visiting her daughter. ..MIf Elizabeth Hlckey Is homo from a month's visit with relatives and friends at Alliance, Neb. iMIss M. A. Strnub has roturnod from la six weeks' visit with friends in Chicago. uMrs. W. F. Sapp Is visiting frlenda (n Chicago. W. W. Loomls roturned Friday evening from n visit In Chicago. LMrs. Erasmus Brown is entertaining Mrs. R. O. Crosswait of Astor, la. (.Mrs. Walter Stephan Is homo from a week's visit In Kansas City, whero she went to seo her llttlo niece, Frances McMlllcn, in "Hello .BUI" company. JDavo Nlcbol Is homo from a visit of several weeks In South Dakota. 'Frank nadollet of tho Marino band, who wns visiting relatives here, returned to Washington last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fletcher of Glen nvenuo will leave tho early part of this week for a month's trip to tho southern part of Arizona. Miss Jessica, Wallaco has been selected by tho committee of club women of this city to represent Pottawattamie county and act nB one of tho ushers nt tho Mothers' con gress to be hold In Des Moines next month. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knighton of San Francisco aro the guests of Mrs. Knigh ton's elBtcr, Mrs. J. D. Stevenson. They aro on their wny to the Paris Exposition. LMr. and Mrs. Howard W. Tllton of Fifth nvenuo entertained last week Mrs. Eliza beth Butler of Jnnesvllle, Wis., who was on routo from Toxas, where she had spent tho winter months. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lake of Rockford, III., aro the guests of Mr. nnd iMrs. H. J. Chambers, enrouto homo from Pasadena, Cal., where they spent th winter. A. Woods left Friday for n visit with rela tives at Avocn, la. Miss Foster of Trlnldnd, Colo., Is the guest of Mrs. W. Orman of First avenue. Mrs. B. A. Street of Oakland nvenuo re turned Thursday from a month's visit at Falrland, Ind. Will L. Carr of Sioux Falls, S. D., Is In tho city visiting tho families of Nat and William Shepard. Mrs. Rush Robinson of Sixth avenuo Is visiting friends nnd relatives In Chicago. ..Mr. nnd Mrs. F. N. Ashley of Macedonia, In., arrived In tho city Thursday to take up their permanent resldenco here. B. J. i.McDermott returned Wednesday from a visit in Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snyder entertained a largo numbor of friends from Omaha and this city last Wednesday nt their home, 326 West Broadway, In celebration of the rites ntlendlng the contocrntlon or "Brels Mlllao" or tnelr infant son. Tho rites woro nor- jfoimed by Rabbi E. Flelschman. assisted man. M. Friedman, W. M. Frledmnn, S. No- lowed to chooso his delegates to the Fifth vitsky. B. Hleken, M. Adler, J. Kowsky, congressional district convention at Hold Mrs. Oaneles of Omaha, S. Frledmen and rege. Resolutions were adopted Instructing who, m. uonen, M. Solomon, M. Rosenfeld, A. hnyder, L. Weinberg. A. nlllnitkv ii Glllnsky. L. Friedman, M. Barnett nnd wife, II Olllnsky, M. Katleman, A. Brombcrg, MIph Weinberg, Mrs. M. Band, Council Bluffs; Mls Kahn of Omaha, F. A. Buckman, City Auditor F. L. Evans, Thomas Maloney, Poter Jensen, Judgo E. E. Ayleawortb, F. D. Empkle, Dr. F. p. Bellinger, City Treas urer F. T. True, Charles IlammH, O. D. Wheeler and wife. Following the ceremo nies a sumptuous repast was nerved. Tho members of St. Albans lodge, Knights of Pythias, gavo a reception last Monday night In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of tho arrival in Council Bluffs of Knight Thomas rilling. Mr. B. A. Streot of Oakland avenue has returned from n month'u visit with friends In Indianapolis, Ind, For storing stoves Wo aave the best fa cllltlo3 In the city. Your stovo taken down, set up and put In as good condition as when placed In our care. PETERSON & SCHOENINO, Merrlam Block. nowcll's Antl-"Kawf curw cougaa, coldi An argumont Is useless against facts. Tho tophlst may blow until he l red In the face and the logician prove that a dog has no tall, but truth Is stronger than fiction, The fact remains that the COMMONWEALTH 10-ccnt cigar is tho best nn tho market. Woman In Hard I.urk, Mrs. Annlo Park, whoso home Is In Mon dnmln, enmo to Council Bluffs Thursday to undergo Ireatment for her eyes, which fcav been trcubllnj her for om tlm. I Don't Be Backward I Visit every shoes get If wr eiiiiiint nave nn money on our itlinrn Mr don't pcct your trade. SOME: Good Things CHOCOLATE fRAPPC... Mold by Fine Trade. In the Following Flavors: Vniillla, Coffee, Itnaptierry, l'lnciipplr, Lemon, Urniife, ....JOHN C .. Woodward & Co. HnntirnctiirlnK Confeetlonom. Jobber of lllnh Grade CIkkti. COUNCIL HLUFFS, IA. Her father, William Davits of Mondamln, sent Joan Shank, a man who had been work ing for him and whom ho trusted, an nn escort for Mrs. Parks. Friday Shank took tho money that Mrs, Parks had, saying It might o etolcn if she kept It nnd skipped town. Mrs. Parks was left destitute at the Noumayor hotel and yesterday morning she called at police headquarters and told hor talo of woe. Tho ofllcera took up a sub scrlptlon and bought tho womnn n ticket for Missouri Valley, whero she said she had friends. George S. Davis mav havo to glvo up that school board money, but 8 long as bo has tho Tommlc Orlflln In his ense ho won't j starve, 'ino smokers who know a good thine when they tasto It all want It. AJAX Tablets A very popular nerve and vitalizing tonic. DeHnvch-s drug store. Davla sells paints Attend tho dancing party of Council Bluffs camp, Modern Woodmen of America, at Woodmen of tho World ball Wednesday ovenlng, April IS. Admission 25 centB n couple. Extra ladles 10 cents. Whaley's orcbestrn. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, E41 B'way. An excellent refrigerator If you want one can be bought at Keller & Bond's, 407 Broad way, by paying $1 a week until paid for. If you want to furnish tho parlor or any other room In the house with bright, new furniture see the lino kept by Peterson & Schoenlng, Merrlam block. The Gas company furnishes gas heaters for bath and bedrooms free. DEATH RECORD. Fnncriil of Frank lleiilon. HASTINGS, Neb., April 14. (Special.) The remains of Frank Hcnion, who was a passenger brnkeman on tho Fremont, Elk horn & Missouri Valley railroad and who was knocked from a. train and killed ut Arlington, Neb., Wednesday morning, ar rived hero on n special train from Fremont at 1 o'clock yestorday afternoon. Tho spe cial train brought over fifty people from Fremont to nttend tho funeral. Delega tions representing tho following orders and societies accompanied the remains from Fre mont to Hastings and took part In the burial ceremonies: Fremont Brotherhood of Railway Tralnmon, Brotherhood of Loconio tlvo Firemen, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Order of Railway Conductors nnd tho Ancient Order of United Workmen. Tho remains wero met hero by nbout 100 mem bers of the local lodgo of Ancient Order of United Workmen and, woro escorted to Parkview cemetery in the usual order, fol lowed by nearly 100 carriages. Tho cere mony nt the gravo was most impressive. Ilennmont n DeleKale to I'liilaileliililn, GRANT, Neb., April 14. (Special Tele- frrnm I Tlnn C II. npmitmnnl wn nnnnt. ' mously endorsed by the Perkins county re- ! him, if elected, to vote to renominate WIl- llam McKlnley for president. Inmen .1. Arnold. SLOAN, la., April 11. (Special.) James J. Arnold, aged "7 years, died nt his homo In this city this morning at 2 o'clock. De ceased wns father of F. B, Arnold of Omaha, Funeral services will be held Sun day nfterncon from tho Methodist EpUcopal church of which be was a member. Mrs. Flnilly l.onnliniiKli. SHERIDAN, Wyo., April 14. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Emily Lonabaugh, wlfo of Attorney E. E. Lonabaugh of this city, died Thursday morning of peritonitis. FIRE RECORD. HfiNtliiKH After (lie Itrunloa. HASTINGS, Nob., April 14. (Special Tel egram.) Tho Commercial elub of this city hold a speclnl meeting last night for the purpose of perfecting plans to capturo tho state Grand Army reunion. A commltteo consisting of J. A. BucVianan, Judgo W. R. Burton, Bert Ramsey, General A. V. Colo nnd William Button was nppolnted to formulate and present a bid In accordance with the demands of the department. Tho Commercial club also nppolnted N. A. Townsend, Dr. J. T. Steel6 and C. L. Alox andur as a committee to mako an effort to secure the populiut state convention. KuK-l'tieklnu I:m la lil In Inn ei I, IHRItY, la.. April 14. (Spoclal Tela gram.) About 7:30 this ovenlng tho exten sive "egg-packing ebtabllshment of Shotwell & Davis was burned lo the ground, lnclud IDC sevtral adjacent bulldlnsi. The flr de other shoe store in prices then come and Our Shoe for $3.50 and if anyone can duplicate the quality and style of our shoe for the money asked, then the merits of this adver tisement are lost. This is no idle boast, but plain business facts. Hamilton's Shoe Storeys I THE CARPET QUESTION. Over which you are pending need not troublo you any longer. Let us do tho worrying. W are at your service, ready to answer all questions, furnish you estimates and with a fine showing of FLOOR COVERINGS of all kinds. Our prices wo guarantee absolutely correct. Wo will cover satisfactorily your parlor sitting room or library floor with a handsomo VELVET, TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS OR WOOL; your sleeping room with a pretty WOOL OR STRAW MATTINO; your kitchen or back hall with OILCLOTH or SEAMLESS LINOLEUM. Brighten up nny one of your rooms nnd at tho same time lengtbon tho wear of your carpet with ons of our RUOS, of which a better showing is not shown In Couu cll Bluffs or Omaha. CARPET SWEEPERS, OUTSIDE DOOR MATS, CARPETS, CUR TAINS, RUGS and export men to lay them. TREYN0R & G0RHAM, Odd Fellows Temple, Council Bluffs. Buy a Lot And build your own Home upon it, and Stop Paying Rent. Some vacant lots located in Central sub addition, Potter & Cobb's addition, Omaha addition and Wright's addition. These lots will bo sold at real bargains. In a year or so they will bring double the money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. 0'50 0 0 0 WH PIII.VT Rubber And Stationery. 0 0 NEW LOCATION - 00 000 00 00 partment were not ablo to save nny of tho buildings belonging to tho plant, but by splendid work stopped tho spreading of tho ilnmes. Tho stock on hand Is estimated ut nbout (8,000 and tho buildings at $4,000 with only about $3,000 Insurance on all. Tho origin of tho tiro Is not known. Xeltrunkn DtvellliiK llotinr. STANTON. Neb., April 11. (Special Tel egram.) A dwelling housn on ono of S, W. Lackey's farms, ten miles southeast of Stanton, and occupied by W. H. Woodruff, was completely destroyed by llro yesterday, together with tho contents. Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff wero both away at the time of the lire. A young man as smoking meat and temporarily loft It, when it Is supposed tho fire blew lo the house, Tho building was fully Insured. Tho loss falls heavy on Mr. nnd Mrs. Woodruff. I'iiiikIiI Afler Uiir'n flume, SAN FRANCISCO. April H.-After elurt lug detection for over a year Alonzo Klshcr, formerly n trusted employe of the Armour Backing company at K'uiims City, has bepn arrmliil here on Information from thut rltv t . , .. .. v. r ... . u . "r. ft.imjftiute unit rviw. .utrICJncnu An the city examine the 3 see mi Don't Forget that our prices are always moderate examine tbem for yourselves. . ..Telephone 115 Silver Fillings ji.no Gold Allay Filling il 00 Platinum Alloy Fllllng3 fl.00 Gold Fillings $2.00 and up Crowns J5.00 and up H. I. Woodbury, D. D. S., Council Bluffs- 30 Pearl St. N Grand Hotel S 0 ANYTHING. Stamps Tele. 252. 327 West Broadway Council Bluffs 00 0 Dohany's Theater. HIJIMDAY, AI'RIL IB. II. II. BRADY PRODUCTION, QUO VADIS, Tlir Heinle Nrnsntlon. DON'T PAIL TO 8KB THE SUPCESS OP THE SEASON, A Powerful Company, Grand Scenery, Ele gant Coatumes, Great Electrical effects. o llcer will bo sent from the oast to tako him back for trlul. Ills accounts nro said to havo been nbout H.OCK) short. Circuit Court Adjourns. KnANKI-Xmi' Ky. April ll.-The Frank lln circuit court aujnurned this afternoon Jo, reconvene next Tuesday morning. No IlldlCtmCnta Uern return. I 1... .,,.,,1 Jury. '