8 Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Seventh I'nge.) thing without machinery and In ns crudo a way nn tholr forofathors did a century ngo. They nro today far behind tho Chlncso or tho Japanese, although thoy havo had tho Span iards to teach them modern Inventions. Tho plows I bco hero nro crooked sticks with pieces of Iron fastened to them. Thoy liuvo but ono handle, nnd as tho plowman goes nlong with his gond nnd his buffalo you aro reminded tf tho plowing of tho dnys of tho scrlp turcw. Tho harrow Is In most cn.H more rudo than the plow. I havo seen jiomo which were merely sticks of bamboo with tho branches broken off lx Inches from tho stem, m Hint they ncti-d as tho teeth of the liar row. Several such sticks are laid par allel with one an other In tho shape ft tho ordlnnry Ameri can harrow and nro thiiH dragged over tho lleldH. They cannot do more than scratch tho Btirfaco of tho ground. Tho fnrm wngcti of tho Philippines Is n sled which Is dragged over tho Holds by buffaloed. In Luzon tho sled hna runners something like tho rudest of our Ameri can sledges, but far ther south you find only a framework at Htlcks, with tho ends cut oft nt such an angle that they serve the purposo of runners, Tho rlco threshing machlno Is a flail, or moro ofton a mortar, In which tho paddy or grnlns with tho hulls on them aro put and pounded out by tho women and serv ants dropping heavy woodon pcitlo3 on them. During an excursion which I mado Into tho country near Hollo I saw many scaffolds of bamboo polo work, raised high up In tho air, nnd upon soma of thorn men and women treading out tho grnln from tho chaff. As tho grain foil from tho plat form to tho ground tho chaff was carried oft by tho -wind. I visited a carrlago factory. It had no machinery whatovor, and Its building was a rudo shed of bamboo. Noarby was a foun dry whoro axes wore bolng mado. Tho fur naco was a clay barrol standing upright on tho ground. It was not larger than n cider barrol, but from tho molds standing nbout I could sea that It must turn out n con siderable product. Tho molds wero like wafllo Irons oponlng and shutting; thoy wero lined with clay. Each mold had the Imprint of nn ax. TroUliiK IIiiIIiicUn of l'lliiuy. Iloro In Hollo bullocks tnko, to a largo ox tcnt, tho plncoB of horses nnd ponies. They nro tho riding and driving animals of tho city and Its surroundings. Thoy nro used In carriages, enrts and nil sorts of vohlclee, nnd thoy enn mnko good tlmo when pushed. Thcso trotting bulls nro a cross of tho sacred cows of tho Hindoos with tho cnttlo brought hem from Australia. Thoy nro not so largo as tho puro Hindoo nnlmnln, but thoy havo pronouncod humps nnd the snmo clean, woll foriucd limbs. Thoy somewhat rcsomblo tho Jersey, only thoy nro much lnrgor. Thoy aro harnessed up with yokes and nro drlvou with lines fastened to tho horns and nlso to a ring In tho noso. Much of tho cnrrylng of goods for tho soldiers Is done by thorn. Thoy form tho chief drnys for tho quarter niastors nnd nro oven employed ns mall wngons. As I go fnrthor south I And tho peoplo wear less and less clothes. Out In tho country districts you meat ovorywhero nnkod children. Tho wonion usually wear but n. slnglo gar ment, consisting of n lowcut mother hubbnrd gown, which Is often romnrkably short. Tho men nro In many cases baro to tho waist, and along tho shoro it Is not uncommon to seo full grown men wenrlng nothing but hroochcloths. Ltttlo boys go about In short shirts and bablcfl sit nstrldo their mothor's hips as naked as when thoy woro born. It Is Indeed n strango part of tho animal show of Undo Sam's grent circus of this yoar 1000, nnd n part which will need considerable training beforo Its members can tnko their places In the ring to do tho grent trick net of American citizenship. FRANK a. CARPENTER. Bunch of Short Stories "Tho ether day," says tho Washington correspondent of tho Chicago llecord, "tho wife of n senator, who thinks alio Is a linguist, but whoso friends havo doubts, sturtod u conversation with llerr von Hol- loben, tho Oerman ambassador, In his na tive tongue. He listened patiently for a few niomouts, and thou gallantly remarked: " 'Madam, you will do mo a great favur If you will speak English. I do not under stand Oerman vory well.' "Mrs, Senator looked surprised, but took tho hint." Down In Alabama, relates the Washington OMAHA ILLUSTRATED 1JEJE. I'ost, Pcttuu was a leading democratic poli tician with no aspirations boyond tho honor of presiding over a stato convention. Ho helped everybody nnd asked nothing for himself. Ho had, howover, been a stato Judge, nnd ono day ho thought ho would llko to ond his days on tho federal bench. Thero was a vacancy, and ho came to Wash ington to boo Senator I'ugh. This was dur ing Cleveland's last administration. Senator I'ugh looked over Pottus' appli cation and hesitated about signing It. "Tho ItEV. DIl. It. S. M'A HTHUIt. president," ho said, "wants young men on tho bench. You aro too old." "I am not too old to bo a senator," nnswerod Pottus, nnd, roturnlng to Alabama, ho announced his candidacy. Tho contest was one-sided. Hoforo I'ugh know what had happened I'ettus had secured tho pledge of all tho legislature.. It was a freak of fato that Pugh, out of a Job, sat In tho sonnto last Friday afternoon nnd heard his successor mako tho funniest speech that tho sennto has listened to for mnny a long day. Negroes sometimes express thomsolves as felicitously ns do tho Irish. Hero Is a case copied from a Texas paper. Somo tlmo ago ono of Texas' widely known statesmen, who Is now de,ad, was passing nlong a street In Dallas when nn old colored man who had onco belonged to him approached, took off his hat and passed a hand ovor bis whlto wool ns ho asked: "Marstor, gin do old man fifty contfl." "Dan, you aro a robbor." "How?" aBked tho astonlshod darkoy, opening his oyos, nround which roughshod ngo bad walked, "Didn't you seo mo put my hand In my pocket?" "Yes, sab." "Well, you old rascal, you rob mo of tho pleasuro of giving you money without being asked." The old man received a dollar. Dowlng almost to tho ground, while tears camo out nnd coursed through tho aged prints nround his eyes, ho roplled: "Mnrster, wld wld such a hoart as you halt, and with Abraham and Isaac and do Lord on your side, I don't seo what can keep you out ob boaben." The Into Vlco President Onrret A. Hobart of Washington nnd of Pnterson camo very near being tho most important unnn In Now Jersey. In politics his supremacy was sohlom questioned, nnd his leadership wn never more patent than I tho McKlnloy Hobart campaign. Ono day, In response to a request from a nowspapor man, relntes tho Philadelphia Post, Mr. Hobart gavo a letter to ono of tho republican malingers In Nownrk asking that certain facts bo given to tho Journalist. The following day tho cor respondent cnlled on tho politician. Tho lat ter was buy nnd asked him to call again In an hour. At tho nppolnted time ho returned, only to bo told to como back In half nn hour. This aroused Ills Iro and when bo wns admitted finally ho said to tho politician: "Seo horo, I am a Now York newspaper ninn, I nm no Jorsoyninn, I hnvo novor used your stato except to pass through It on my way to Washington and I nm not go ing to wnoto any mora tlmo here now. Do ubles, I hnvo a lottor to you from Mr. Ho bart, and" "Prom Mr. Hobart! Why didn't you say that beforo?" oxclalmed tho manager. "I recall an Incident that marked my mombcrfthtp of tho wnys and means commit tee of tho California legislature," relates Hon. Julius Kahn, In Success. "The various charitable Institutions wnnted Increased ap propriations. I did not want to offend thoni by refusing, yot I was anxious to economize for tho sake of tho taxpayers, Every legis lator In tho land knowB exactly how hard It Is to plcaso both sides of that question the mnn who growls If you don't grant nn appro priation and tho man who growls If you do. If anything ovor drives mo back to tho Talstaff' or 'Haanlet' lino it will be this. Well, I decided to Investigate, Unan nounced, I visited a Juvenile asylum, known ns tho Homo for Feeblo Minded Children. What waB my surprise to find that many of tho 'children' who wero being cared for at public expenso -wero full-grown people! Somo of them had whiskers yea, gray whiskers! I Judged that they wero not very feeble-minded, either, not so much so as the legislators would havo been to grant nn In creased appropriation, which wo didn't." Yankee Girls in Paris (Continued from Sixth Page.) who pay 10 cents apleco for tho light refec tion served nnd a penny tip to tho waiter. At night Parisian restaurants aro not the plnco for tho woman, or women, without mnscullno escort; those thcreforo keeping bouso In n studio, when walking or wheel ing home, can market as they go along fcr the last meal of tho day and cook It lazily by candlo light over tho chafing dish. Tin- l'rci NIhiwm. Sightseeing In Paris Is ono of tho least expensive nmusomcnts open to nn apprecia tive public of women. Tho cntranco fee to tho oxposltlon during tho summer Is fixed nt 1 frnnc, or 20 cents, nnd this opens the greatest features of tho show. There aro in all nearly 1,000 apodal features at prices tanging from fi to 20 cents, and for women who wish to soo tho greatest amount at tho least expenditure of strength the morning will bo tho choicest tlmo. In tho afternoon, when tho great, crowd surges In nt every gate, It Is tho part of wisdom to turn to Paris Itself for amuse ment, to tho Louvro and Luxembourg gal leries, to tho Cluny museum nnd tho famous prisons nnd churches, nil of which aro free as air to tho public every day In tho week saving Monday. When these attraction' aro exhausted tho bicycles como Into play for tho short wheeling trips to Versailles, Malmalson, St. Germain, Marly, St. Cloud, tho famous cemetery of Pcro la Chalso and oven ns far as Fontalnbloau, which last affords an opportunity for a charming two days' trip to women who nro fond of fine roads, beautiful scenery and wish to seo a palaco and forest thnt aro reckoned among tho oldest and most famous In Europe. As It Is presupposed that all theeo Httlo Jour neys ora mndo nwheel tho C. T. C. map Hhould 'bo consulted. Ah tho cost of sights Is tho least Item of oxponse, on somowhat tho namo basis may tho necessary transportation prices and gratuities to servants bo reckoned If tho traveler la forearmed by n warning. In Paris tho economy nnd at the samo tlmo tho pleasure of moving by bus or train will bo found In tho seats on top. From tho roof soats an Interesting view of Paris Is nf fordod and tho faro Is one-half that paid Inside, or Just 3 cents. On tho French rail ways a porter who lifts a trunk expects tho equlvnlont of 10 cents of our money, tho conclorgo who cnrrles a trunk up many (lights of stairs charges 1 franc for his pains nnd a cabman demands at least a 5 cont tip when his courso or hour Is paid and 10 cents when ho cnrrles a trunk on tho box sent bosldo him. Squelching an Encore Fiend Indianapolis Press: Tho long, solemn gentlomnn with tho plorclng eyes tapped gently on tho shoulder of tho encoro fiend In front of him. "Allow mo to present you," said ho, hand ing tho npplaudor a smnll paper packngo. "What does this mean?" asked tho re cipient, wrnthfully, as ho opened tho pack ago and found about $2 in dimes nnd nlckols. "It menus this," replied the solemn gon tlemnn: "I havo noticed your earnest ef forts to have ovorythlng twice. Thorofore, I have taken up this small collection In or der that you mny como tomorrow, Instead of trying to get your two performances in ono evening." Death Detroit Journal: "Death," he cried, In n loud voice, "before dlfhonor!" Other citizens of Chlengo stood aghast. "How lacking In public spirit!" thoy ex claimed, shuddering, Fo, this was tho year of tho census, nnd death was not a thing to bo thus lightly spoken of, $R00AnAYFA9YFORALLWILL'NQTovvrmK P J M UM I C1HG I Uold, Mlvur, Mikel, Mftul tf&J l'ttn, u.iog .ul UlDg lrof. Urn' X HHneL. Machine. Hun W.icbri, Jrwrlrr. r.bltw.rv, Hleyelri d1 fell mrt.1 go-.li. No vxperlvuco. He.Tjr itit. Molrn melhmli. l0 da ntillutf. mj.niirfti.iiir ouiO'i, si I iliti. Outrinie.il. Only out fltl MimnUla kit lA.i1a lalrlal m a .I al a K!iftL5Svll-U 'u ,,",r for w"' We tech ;ou f-SCS 'IfnV Uit art, furnlih teortu ta formula! h UEC YV rile tullajr. p.mnhlrt, nmcln. t , VllV.K. I. QUAY i CO- rutins Work., CINCINNATI. O. DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SAPOLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. April 1G, 1000. Examine the Package ! In view of the many misleading and unscrupulous Imitations of Baker's Chocolate " which have recently been put upon the market, we find It neces sary to caution consumers against these attempts to deceive and to ask them to examine every package they purchase, jj, and make sure that It has on the tront a yellow lae-ei, with our name and place of manufacture, WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., and our trade-mark DORCHESTER. MASS., "La Belle Chocolatiere ft on the back. TRADt.MAnK. If your grocer does not keep the genuine article, please let us know, and we will endeavor to put you In the way of getting It. Send for a copy of our Choice Recipe book, mailed free to any ap plicant who mentions this paper. Jj WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited, Dorchester, Mass. uA, ESTABLISHED 1T80. Just Qnc Supporter lid mmttw Xlutle. UHHL THAT MAKES THE WAIST ROUND CURVES IT IN AT THE BACK AND PERMANENTLY REDUCES THE ABDOMEN. To got anil keep a Perfect Figure you must wear the COMBINED BELT and FRONT PAD roster Hose Supporter Wide Web, (Patented Deo. 6, 1899.) MADE IN THREE GRADES! Bee that the nam FOSTER la on erery Plr With web faner filled I Ueavy silk web black I blaolc, white, cardinal, I large pad wrh,u50c I SISS0; 75c I iSs $1.25 For snle In Omaha by ICELLEY, STIGER & CO., BOSTON' STORE. THOMPSON. BELDEN & CO., MRS. J. BENSON. When ordering bo Hiiro totflvo youi HEIGHT and WAIST measure. Tho Footer Hobo Supporter Co., ItO'ti Cottaed Orovo Avu , Chicago, 111. ,tr at a,, v a All Over !rthwn 'or Verandfl Comfort Swing Chair Completely supports head, back, limbs nnd feet light and easily moved to shady spot. Requires only one-third tho space of a ham mockadjusts automatically to any position by .simple movement of the body, without lenvlnR tho chair. Tho swIiik construction Rives a perfect balance In any position best steel, firmly braced, enameled blnck, strong, fancy striped canvas at furniture dealers or sent direct to you upon receipt of price, $4.23 you pay tho freight or If In the United States east of tho Rocky Mountains and north of North Carollnn nnd New Mex ico send COo extra and wo will pay the freight. Guaranteed ns represented or money refunded. (IM Haggard & Marcusson Co. PT"J Manufacturers, lll S. Clliilll St., CIiIciikii, ill. -2 -ty -y 2s : cJAPPOSE TRADEMARK. SOAP. A Transparent Glycerin Soap. Delicately Perfumed. Clear as Crystal. Tho perfection in tho art of soap making obtained oni) by long research in tho laboratory , designed especially lor toilet and bath. S3 N w JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago. Mm. WIiihIimv'h Sootlilnif Syrup. Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MIfiMONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETHING, with PER FECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and Is the best rem edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by druggists In every pnrt of the world. Be sure nnd nsk for "Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," nnd tnko no other kind. Twenty-flvo cents a bottle. Hypnotism riMlnulni! I bull jou bow to jhracrriiT n U;( jou Ml imii m lmillltU lolutncio.,, o(btn Col. brul Iutuuntout HUi, kk b .o.bln jou to 11 f p. .Mtlu Quick it Ijciitim.o. M uubtnl. M ,",""; lnrMT Uiuin, Vou Mn Wlformoo. uoutilni fall id. i-rolut, fu, b, ao hour Vou em fttt QUrttlomtBtl n4 tnoko monrv, Ui.Ttruo K 4m. BITIOK. Comn.li oik... I. ).. mA .. . bflLti biiltb, hip.loi aDd luortu In life Ccili. UllllllllNDri.DllllilTl. iDViilliiloitoneo. tilMH.a ... . it T I i ooiinotnimtoBoJ out . Le8SOVitjrulitnieutirii7efr An ivuiiuhmj vi o iiiriimi. wrltitiMltr, 1 will .rv,,,. j.nra, rror. t lltrrido., llJioutl.t, Slilool3,JilKui XHil. mm Uiljrjwjji!