April 15, 11XX). OMAHA ILLUSTRATED WEE. The Second City of the Philippines (Copyrighted, 1900, by Frank G. Carpenter.) foro our ofllclnls suspected whnt wns being ILOILO, Feb. 20, 1900. (Special Cor- done. .It wns then suggested that tho respondenco of Tho lice.) Hollo, which Is natives could not uso so many matches pronounced as though It wero spoiled Elo- legitimately and It was discovered that they Elo, with tho accent on tho E's, Is tho wero cutting off tho heads and using them second city of tho Philippines. From tho for powder. A number of their cartridges way tho town has been treated In tho As- so charged ivoro captured nnd tcatod. It soclated I'ress and cablo dispatches of tho was found that tho match heads had moro war correspondents I supp sed It was n cxploslvo power than an equal nmount of large city. I hnd heard that It had all tho powder. They sent tho balls forth with way from 30,000 to 300,000 Inhabitants, and such forco that they wero changed Into that It was tho center of tho sugar and hemp slugs upon striking tho sand, whereas tho trade of tho Islands. It Is tho chief city of ordinary cnrtrldgo charged with powder tho cnlddlo Islands of tho nrchlpclago, thb gavo tho balls n mushroam shnpo. Upon trado center of tho Vlsnyan group, and tho reducing tho amount of match heads one capital of tho Island of I'anaj', ono of tho third tho effect produced was tho samo as largest nnd thriftiest of tho Philippines, that of tho usual powder-charged cartridge. Still It has, with Its surrounding villages, Tho Insurgents hnd nlso refilled tho old not moro than 10,000 people, nnd tho city cartridges with tho ordinary amount of proper docs not cover ns much ground ns fulminating powder, tho county scat of an average Ohio county. a .sniiiplv Outrno. It Is sltunted on both sides of tho Hollo speaking of tho terror Inspired by tho river, which Is rather an arm of tho sea bnndlttl, Incidents happen every week which iiiuu uiiyuuug eisu. mu gruuuu uuuul it ia low and Hat, running back behind the town for n dlstalco of somo twelvo miles or moro boforo tho mountains begin. The bnrbor Is formed by tho Hollo strait, a strip of water about six miles wide, running be tween tho Island of Panay nnd that of Outmaras, furnishing a a&to nnd deep nncnorngo lor snips. Tho lowlands abovo and below Hollo are covered with cocoanut groves. Thcro are millions upon millions of trees walling the shores of tho western sldu of tho Island, so closo to tho wator that they seem to rlso right up out of It, forming n stockado of whlto poles topped with green many miles long. Hack of this stockado and ris ing out of It as you approach tho city you eco tho pplres nnd domes of churches nnd later on tho walls of a great stcno fort, nnd then tho town itself, a collection of low houses roofed with gray galvanized Iron. Tho most of tho houses nro of white washed stucco, a fow of wood painted whlto or In light colors and many uro dilapidated and In ruins. You sco ovorywhero tho desolation nnd destruction caused by tho Insurgents. When they evacuated the city they set flro to It, saying that most of tho property belonged to tho English and tho Chinese, and to burn It would not Injure tho natives, who lived chiefly In tho adjoining villages of Molo and Harrow. So they soaked ovcrythlng with coal oil and ran from houso to houso with torches before thoy left. Tho work was well done, and nearly overy building of valuo was moro or less Injured. Tho schools nnd hospital, ns well as prlvato dwellings and business property of all kinds, were fired, and In many cases burned to tho ground. Samo which had a first story of stono havo since been rebuilt. Condition of I'niiny. Similar burning has gono on In most parts of tho Island of Panay, and although It Is nominally conquered It will bo a long time beforo Its peaceful possession can bo ns- sured. Tho country Is full of bandits and thieves, nnd there nro bands of guerrillas who aro traveling from place to place mak- Ing looting and robbery their business. Theso men do not respect tho rights of property of tho nntlvcs any moro than thoso of tho foreigners. They lovy their contributions on all, perpetrating tho most horrlblo murders nnd other crimes. Thoso who show any sympathy for us are singled out for death or torture, their houses aro burned nnd their fnmlllcs murdered. Many of tho natives would gladly adrpt tho American government nnd Join with us woro thoy not afraid of their lives, and such ofllclnls ns nro nppolntcd by us hnvo to bo protected In tho exorclso of their office, Thts will necessitate tho garrisoning of tho Island for n long tlmo to come. Indeed, It scorns to mo that thcro will hnvo to bo n largo American army kept In tho Philip- pines for years In order to Insure the progress nnd quiet which must bo hnd If tho Islands nro to bo Americanized. I hoard today from an old English resident hero whnt seems to mo a very senslblo suggestion. This was that tho chief roads of tho Island should bo patrolled by cavalry. Five hundred men, properly mounted, cruld protect tho main roads nnd crush every band ns It comes forth from tho mountnlns. Tho Insurgents nro cowards nnd they will run If nttnckod by n forco of nny size. With such protection tho peoplo could snfely go on with their work on their plantntl ns, nnd tho banditti, confined to tho mountains, would soon bo starved out nnd dlsnppear. Ono sourco of tho robber bands comes from tho natlvo eoldlors who wcro omployed In tho Spanish nrmy. Thero wero about 3,000 of theso. When wo took possession, In stead of making them pnrt of our forces, as was, I nm told, entirely feasible at tho tlmo, wo discharged them and ordered them to go back to their homes. Thoy had been serving somo time nnd preferred tho trado of war to that of agriculture. They formed bands of guerrlllns nnd slnco then havo been working with tho Insurgents and Independ ently raising troublo everywhere. Miileh-Hcutl CurtiiilKCN. Panay, nnd especially Hollo, havo beon tho centers of plotting and scheming against tho Americans. All kinds of plots havo been hatched up hero and nil sorts of means tried to smuggle In arms and nm munition. Ono of tho most Ingenious devices was tho Importing of Japancno matches In order to uso tho heads for re charging Mauser cartridges. Thirty mil lion boxes of theso matches passed through the custom houso here within a month bo- PEOPLE A HE HALF Bhow tunt ,t ,8 weU founuca. Tako for jn. stanco tho caso of a boy who waa working about ono 0l tho cnmp3 , tho neighbornB ,glunU of Cebu Ho wag a qulot mtlo fel. ,ow vcry nnxloua to got 8oraothlng to do, nnd wanted onlv t0 bo nnowca to mnko a vjngi H(J waa nctlng as a Bcrvant for ono of our iloutcnantai whlo ha raother and Blsters ula washing- for tho soldiers, and hts fnthor was oraploycd on odd Job9 about tho camp Ho wa8 warned that Jl0 should icavo hla p,aC0( but dId not A short tlmo aftor UlIa ho dsappcared for a week. At tho end 0f that tlmo ho returned, dressed only In n shirt, with his throat badly cut, his arms gashed and torn nnd his f&oo scratched nnd blistered. Upon his forohead, tattooed In black letters of Indelible Ink, wero tho words, "Traldor a la Patrla," and on his chln, pricked In with the samo Ink, was "Amen." Tho boy cried bitterly as ho told his story, begging tho Americans to protect him nnd his father. Ho said ho had been told by somo of his acquaintances that thcro was n party of Americans In tho mountains who hnd sent for him. Tho men told him thut If ho would go with them they would guldo him to tho plajo. Ho wont. On arriving at tho fosthills ho found himself surrounded bv a party of tho In- surgents of his own town. Including Its former president. Ho wns nt onco seized, and tho president told him they had en- tlcod htm to that placo to make an example ,f bim. This man then ordered that tho boy bo tied up and tattooed. Ho was placod with his back against a tree His anms wero tied above tho elbows with ropes and ho wns raised by theso so that his feet wcro off tho ground. Another rope wns tied about liU neck, binding it tight to tho trunk 0f tho tree, and a third around his fore- head. In this position ho could not move his head, nnd, so tied, tho tattooing was done. Ho wns left for a tlmo on tho tree, with tho sun beating down upon him and with WATER I1UCKUTS OF THE PIHLIPPINES THEMSELVES. TUOTTINO NAKED IN PANAY. tho cords cutting luto tho flesh of his arms nnd nock. When ho wns taken down ho was 4ntr1 thnt hn must ntnv with thn hand nnd wnrned that If ho attempted to cscapo thoy would not only recapturo and kill him, but would also kill his father. Ho ran away that night, but slnco then his father has mys- tt-lously disappeared and it la believed that tho Insurgents havo carried out their threat and killed him. I havo heard of other lnstancee of killing nnd torture, both hero and In Luzon, Instances which go to show that thero aro no moro cruel and bloodthirsty peoplo nny whoro than tho Filipinos, Instances which show that they havo the lowest Ideas of llfo and civilization, and nlso that with ah helr so-called bravery they aro really cowarde at heart, who will only nttack In tho dark and when they know they are comparatlvo.y o 11 WUU1U, 1 UUUUb JJUl, UU IUI (VI, u, twelvo Americans to travel almost anywhere on this Islnnd, but ono or two, If they went unarmed Into somo of tho districts, would tnko their lives Into their hands. Hero In Hollo every ono seams kindly disposed and you would not oupposo that there wan any thing llko wnr going on. Country Sccni'H In Pnn,iy, I mndo an excursion with Lieutenant Van enough Into tho water to cnablo her to fill Deman of General Hughes' staff out Into the It by laying It down at an nnglo of 45 country near Hollo yesterday. Very Httlo degrees or less, or by sinking It. Tho of tho region near hero has yet been opened greater pnrt of tho water UBcd In this region up, but wo found tho peoplo at work in tholr is carried In this way. fields nnd I had a chanco to sco something nnv tlio Clrl Dive, of rurnl llfo In this atrango part of our now mt 1tUo w(Uor ,8 UBPd ftt tlll) noll8oa cx. possessions. Tho houses nro mucn iiko tno country houses of Luzon. Thoy nro thatched huts built high up upon posts, with a placo under each hut for tho chickens and !lg, and nlso for tho farming tools, If tho owner Is ao fortunato ao to possess any. Most of tho houses nro hear tho roads, but somo nro off In cocoanut groves nt tho sides. Tho peoplo llvo In most cases high up and tho nverngo hut Is reached by a ladder of bamboo poles. Tho ladders alopo upward - THEV C'AHHY UUCKETS AS TALL AS l tT J lll'LLOCKS. at an anglo of about -15 degrees. They usually cmislst of heavy sldo pieces nnd rungs nbuut ns big nround as your arm and na long as tho width of tho door. On tho rungs the women nnd children nit In tho evening as our peoplo do on their front door ntcps nnd qulto small babies aro to bo seen thus balancing themselves nnd crawling up nnd down. Tho floors of tho houses nro usually of bamboo sticks split In hnlf, with tho curved sldo upward. Thero nro crncks be tween tho BtrlpB, so that Mm averngo housowlfo docs not need to Bweep, for tho dirt falls through tho llcor. Theso houses hnvo no windows. Holes In tho wnlls about a yard squaro tnko their places. Sometimes thero Is n thatched shutter which may bo fitted Into tho holo In time of rain, nnd In somo cases thcro nro doors of thatch which may closo tho opening reached by tho stnlr ladder, but often thcro nro neither windows nor doors, This, you sco, relieves tho Filipino of many of tho troubles of tho American housowlfo. Sho has no windows to wnsh, no floors to swoop and no doors which keep flying opon, Sho has no troublo about her stove drawing, for sho has no stovo In our sense of tho word. Sho cooks on n box of ashCB or In n Httlo clny pot, using somo chips or sticks for fuel. In most cases, remem ber, I nm speaking of tho poor. Thero nro no knives nnd forks to wnBh, for tho Peoplo eat with their flngors, dipping Into tho common bowl of rico ubout which they sauat nnd convoying tho stulT from it directly to their tnouths. Thoro nro but few cooking utensils to clean and washday " " errorfl for tho husband, because- tho Clonics nro UHunuy uikuu iu mu wuu n tho nearest stream and tho dirt pounded out with tho hand or by slapping tho gar ments upon tho stono. What would you think of sending your daughter to tho well with a wator bucket taller than horsclf. I Baw hundreds of glrlH carrying buckota of that length this nftcr- noon. Thoy wore truuging niong mo roim ... i t. il.ni.1 ft tot r anrlnira ivnlla mill ""'"" '.'T'" ; wcro drying VhoYr buckets over their shouldors, Just ns you would carry a polo. Tho Vlsaynn wator bucket Ih from thrco to six foot deep nnd only nbout throo or four Inches In diameter. It Is merely a stick of bamboo, with tho Joints romoved, except nt tho botttmi, forming n wooden plpo of tho abovo dimensions. Tho wntor carrier takes It over her shoulder to tho stream and usually wades out far , . cooklnir nnd drinking. Evory ono goes to tho well or tho crceK wnon no wishes n bath, nnd from tho numbor of peoplo I eco bathing In overy strenm I Judgo that the peoplo aro cleanly. Tho Vlaayans uro fond of paddling and playing In the wntor, and you sco boys nnd girls of nil nges, nnd oven women nnd men, rolling about in tho creeks nnd tnklng dlvce off the banks Into tho deepor pools. I saw a party of n dozen young girls ranging In ngo from 13 to 20 swimming In n pool out In tho country near hero tho other day. Thoy had on looso cotton, low-necked mother hub bards, which tho water had glued as tightly to their plump bodies ns tho trndltlonnl paper on tho wall, nnd tholr brown nockB, fr.cos nnd baro foot shono out In contrast undor this hot sun of tho tropics. When I showed them my enmcra nnd told them 1 wanted to photogrnph them diving Into tho creek thoy laughingly consented nnd ran up tho bank and Jumped far out Into tho stream whllo I mado snnp shots of them. A Httlo farther up tho stream woro sov oral washerwomen, tho mothers, I suppose, of tho maidens nt bath. Thoy woro slapping tho clothes on tho stones of tho crook, try Ing to pound tho dirt out of them. Somo wero atnndlr.g up to their waists In tho water and rubbing tho garments to and fro with tholr hands. Aftor a pleco was com paratlvoly c;an It was spread out upon tho grass to dry, being bleached Into npparont cleanliness by sprinkling It with wator now and then. No Modern AViiiiIn. I am struck with tho fow wnnU tho Fill plnos havo. Thoy uso Httlo that tholr own country docs not supply. They do ovory (Continued on Eighth Page.) MISS ANNA llltlN. Omaha's clover coon song nrtlst wIiohc up pcarauci) In tho EIIh' lionellt call oil forth such high prnlso from tho crltlcH, will ap pear today at the Orpheum, where hIiu nmkiM her profcHHlmml debut, nnd tho liupriMnlim sho iimkrii will bo gauged by tho reception her friends give her. MIrh ltrln will appear In Oinalia tno week only, after which she will go on tho Orplieum circuit. A rousing reception does much to encourage nn urtlst at the outset, and iMIhh Ilrln may bo as sured that Him may Icavo Omaha with a HcndofT which has been experienced by fow young nrtlsts. All (III I.IHllfN Kilt Gold Medal Chocolate Bon Bons lly Kir'NN, I, .'lllllll .'l-IMMIMtl llOt-N, II IMHIIIll. W. S. Balduff, I .",-( I'liriiiun SI., Oiniilin. Don'i Worry over Trial Galore Do you over havo trouble get ting out your monthly trial bnlnncu? If so, send 10c In stnnipn nnd gel tuiinnlc of "JlooKKRcnnr H I'Tieiin. AV. T. SpcllM. W I Hlver, Nell. No bookkeeper should bo without It '8 Household Treasures. (Copyrighted.) IKIOKIiKT Venlly lioiiml, -iiniirlHliiK 13 Hocelpts IIome-Mndo Candy V2 HeeelplH Cooking HI HeeolntH-Medlellinl 140 Single Conies We. Quantities In societies or individuals Hie. hi';i,i.h at hiuht. MIIS. ('. II. ST WKI'Ol.i:, lllxoii, III. BOOK BINDER BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER OMAHA 1609 HOWARD 8TREET ! LEARN MAGNETIC HEALING. Friend It you nro luteiented In Dm Occult, then Hend dliiio(tiotit) lice) for Dr. Niiki'I'h "LARGE ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE' Tv.'ielieH you Miufiietlo IlcalUm llypnotlHiii PHvulioloKy. Clair voym en. Mind KcudliiK, tlioiiKlit. triiiiHfen'iicit (nn In utiMciit In-ill. tin.'). VIhIoiim, DreiiniH, Trim Mo illimi hlil p. II I il d it ii Ticiihiiiuh, how to Ii fain with IMvIiiIiil' Uod, Shccohh In IliiHliieHH.ntc. '-'fi pn.-diiy hi your own oltlco, I.aily orOeiilleiiian, IIiIh m.vHt rfoiiH miur nzliio will eiiurm you from Man to IIiiIhIi, AddrottH atoncii. Dr Ph. Naifiil. Unlit. II.. llox illll, llead liur. l'a. MAN I "have root print it" t i Printer