; OMAHA ILLUSTRATED April 15, 1000. Experiences of Two Yankee Girls in Paris PA HIS, April 2. A trip to Paris with a" J historic Normandy, and from coast to tlio exposition thrown In as a sort of sldo capital tho roads aro absoluto perfection. It show Ih Just now tho scheme for a sum- enn not bo accomplished comfortably In mer excursion on which many an Amorl- less than four dnys oven by export riders, can woman Is figuring; with diligence and but that tlmo spent In cycling through tlio determination. Her proposition, In nlno fresh, bracing air makea It cask. to endure later In tho city's heat or dust. If tho party decide to take whcclii an cs Hontlnl for tho success of these trips Is to secure momberHhlp in tho Lcaguo of American Wheelmen, a society with head quarters In Iloston, Mass. An application accompanied by $2 for initiation tea and yearly dues, secures all tho privileges of tho Cyclists Touring club of Kngland. Tho C. T. C. card guarantees tho admis sion of wheels nnywhero In France or Eng land, with Invuluablo tourist's maps and gulden for both countries. Transatlantic faro for wheols should novor excco.l $1.G0, and after registering them at the custom house upon landing nil red tapo and ex pense Is at an end. The Mini I'nrlM. Should a cycling trip bo agreed upon all tho heavy luggage may bo shipped as freight straight through to town and then for four days of smart riding over tho most beautiful high roads In tho world. From Doulognu tho distance Ih about 200 miles, from Cherbourg ICO, and tho C. T. C. maps linr ttiltr r I r t 1 lonennt mltflnn no t r t ...l uiii peismiiu iWu. or iwuor Mill, lurca uo8t lnn8 to pntr0nIzo, but also supply nc cases out of ten, Is to tako advantago of this unusual combination of attractions on an nllowanco that would just about buy Mis. Astor a spring gown, and, fantastic as this may sound, It she Is a woman to whom friendly ndvico scut direct from Paris makes any appeal, such an apparently Impossible achlovomcnt can bo compassed as easily as any ordinary vacation tour. Paris Is a city whero there are at least n05 nice, cheap ntiil Interesting methods of living, and while It Is perfectly certain that from tho 1st of May until tho 1st of November tho hotels and boarding houses will bo crowded at tho highest prices, this need not In tho least dlscourago or debar countloFH little groups of fcmlnlno ex plorers from Invading tho gay capital and seeing It nud Its exposition at their best. To arrlvo at thin dcslrnblo end lot nny woman or women, with Paris as an ob jective point, remember that co-oporatlon Is the secret of true economy and that there Is strength In combination. To travel u I one Is IhiUi costly and unsafo tor femininity In Europe, but If an cntorprlslng congenial minis to put Into a common fund the amount of $2!0 each, there Is no reason why tho resultant $1,000 should not carry them triumphantly from Amorlca to Paris for thirty days and homo again. (VohnIiik tli Oct'ini. Now thonl four women wno ngreo nt foreign travel on tho abovo named sum. Ah tho statements mado nro all drawn from actual and successful experience they can bo accepted nt their full value. No. 1 of expenso ltoms to bo consid ered Is tho steamship passage There nro many good lines giving low rates that carry their human frolght to various con tinental ports, whenco It Ih posslblo to pro- curato schedules of proper prices to pay for food, lodgings, tips, ropalrs to machlnory, etc. With this guldo nt hand no party need fear going nstray and ono flno after noon they will pass Lea Ilnrrleres, as tho confines of Paris aro called, to find them- Horo Is tho full ostlmato for selves In tho gayost, most brilliant city on who ngreo to try their luck cllrV.''. wiiiiu in runs tiuring mo exposition months, when tho facilities for transporta tion will bo taxed to tho utmost limit, tho woman who has her blcyclo along will bo independent to a degree. A delightful surprise nwalts tho Incoming tourist when she discovers Hint there aro no custom duties nnd her baggage g es through tho most perfunctory examination. aawaMaMawMalaawaaaaaaaalaaaaaBaa coed overland to Paris; but overland travel- Tho less baggago tho better Is a motto to lug In Europe Is expensive, thoroforo It Is essential In tho economic conditions under discussion to tako a boat, safe but moderate In paMiago price, docking on tho French coast. Only four lines enn bo rccom mouded for this sorvlco, ono calling at Havre, ono nt Hnrdeaux, ono at Houlognc and another at Cherbourg. On two of these lny to heart In continental Kuropo, whero anything over and above sixty pounds per Individual must bo paid for extra and whoro porters' tips, llko llttlo drops of water, quickly swoll Into a stream of extravagance. For four women two steamer trunks should hold nil their possessions over and above those carried in tho satchel and straps full CIOINO AnOAHI) OCEAN that modern convenience, the dealer who leases sets of furniture by tho month, and, whero tho studios are, there tho least exorbitant furnisher of household necessities Is found. Another outlny of $15 brings in n couplo of broad divans whero weary women can Becuro a welcome rest, n chest of drawers, a mirror, a washstand and appliances, four chairs, a big center table, n rodeomlng strip of carpet for tho floor and a curtain to draw across that corner of tho room occupied by tho bath equlpago. A studio In tho Latin quartor, Its windows looking out on tho over plcturcsquo Paris roofs nnd affording fresh air as well, may bo bare, but it Is clean, and tho glamourlo of such llfo ns Du Maurler drow in Trilby hangs over It all. This Is not -to bo ex perienced when nn npartmont Is taken In somo green and llowory suburb, yet it Is only fair to say that food and rent nro both UN EH lines it is qulto posslblo tor women cf tho most fastidious tastes to travol socond-class nud suffer no discomfort, and In a big douhlo berth cabin tho four can room to gether, paying $S8 nplcco for their tickets. At tho sumo price and In tho snino class tho run can bo made to Southampton or Plym outh In England and thence direct to Paris for a llttlo over 5 nplcco. Less cxpoimlvo but slower bontB run ning from Now York to lloulcgno or Dor draux will tako passongors first-class for as llttlo ns $55 each, with tho trip by rail from tho const to Paris costing a few conts loss than $3 per traveler. Tipping In cluded It is then very clearly demonstrated that tho minimum prlco for a safe and comfortablo passage from tho shoros of America to tho city of Paris Is $G0 por woman. TiiUc Your lllojole. To abjuro tho railway Journoy from llculogno, Havro or Cherbourg to Paris and getting on tholr wheels run down to tho capital through pnstoral Franco costs a trlllo moro In money, but tho small Invest ment pays a big dlvidond In honlth and happiness nftor a long sea voyage This leg of tho course, to uso seaman's slang, BffordB a bowltchlng gllmpso of beautiful THE START FOR THE 1110 SHOW. of shawls allotted to each ono. With re gard to clothing ono "best" dross, ono wrnppor, undorwoar and tollot articles should make up tho sum of necessary belongings. A golf sklit with Jacket to match, shirt waist of llannol, felt Alplno heavy gloves and brown shoos Is tho proper costume for overy day afloat and nshore. HlMV 4(1 Ki!lI IIOIINO III I'nrlM. Arrived In Pnrls neither pension (as tho common or garden boarding house Is culled In Franco) nor hotel enn bo tho destlnntLn of tho co-operntivo feminine tourist. Hors Is u moro direct, comfortnblo, safe, not to mention economical, wny of lodging, Sho goes at onco to housekeeping. Out of tho 3G5 variations of domestic economy it is nt onco tho lenst dear and tho most amusing. In either tho Latin quarter or tho lovely suburbs of Paris there are rooms or studios to rent. Down in tho region of tho Houlovnrd Montparna a single largo studio big enough for all tho temporary lares nnd penatcs of four women can bu had for JIG a month, nnd out In such Btiburbs ns Auteull, Neutlly and St. Denis a hugo roof-lighted studio or coupo of less expensive rooms can bo securod at tho ennio rate. These aro barren enough at first sight, but Paris Is blessed with cheaper outsldo than Inside tho city limits. Living In tho suburbs It Is easier to run Into tho city by wheel than on any of tho overcrowded accommodation lines and for tho sum of 1 penny a blcyclo can bo stabled safoly and conveniently in tho exposition's environs. CutcrliiLV on line Dollar u Day. So much for lodging; now for board. Liv ing In Paris Is not dear If fomlnlno wiles aro practiced. To spend $1 a day on food Is an ample allowanco for a hearty, healthy woman If she goes catering In tho right directions. Long ago the Amorlcan art student in tho Latin quarter learnod that while coal, wood, oil and gas aro all costly in this city of pleasure, alcohol Is ono of tho cheapest commodities. Henco theso Ynnkeo chafing dishes throughout tho studio district as well ns numorous little lamps designed for heating cofteo, water, etc., ovor an alcohol flamo. Let tho prospectlvo tourist then take advantago of this dlscovory In domestic economies and In tho steamer trunk a good Americnn coffee pot and an up-to-dato chafing dish will bo tho means of preparing ns good a studio breakfast and supper as any hungry traveler needs. Through previous thrifty nrrnngemont with a neighboring milk and butter merchant and bread man, all theso clomcnts of a breakfast will bo left outsldo tho studio door fresh overy morn ing. Coffco and sugar nro both moro ex pensive thnn In tho states and should be used discreetly, yet for all that a meal of hot coffee, rolls -and eggs can be had at 10 cents aploco for overy brcakfaster. Piii-InIiiii HtitliiK I'Iiiccn. It Is wisest and choapest for women Interested In tho sights of Paris and mind ful of their pockots to mako luncheon tho great meal of tho day. For 2 francs each and a tip of CO centimes to tho waitress it Is easy in almost any part of Paris to buy an oxcellent midday meat dinner. Thero aio two ways of accomplishing this desirable end. In tho fair grounds tho restaurants will, perforce, charge royally, their space being limited nnd costly, but in old Paris thero aro many restaurant kitchens and tiny luncheon parlors, kept by thrifty French women. Tho kitchens tempt thoso whoso appe tites demand largo forago, for tho purchaser Is entitled to go directly In whoro tho ranges aro and select what sho wishes from tho spits and pots. A ladlo full of soup from tho big cauldron of broth, the socond Joint and drumstick or breast of a chicken, a helping of delicious beans from another pot nnd n couplo of slices of bread with butter will all bo dished out by tho white-capped maid Just as tho purchaser directs and pre fers. Add to this a steaming cup of freshly mado coffco and tho odlbles can bo carried away or devoured at a clean scrubbed tnble In tho front of tho kltchon. To thoso hot dishes tho diner can add a chocolato eclair or tartlet, bought for 5 conts at tho pastry cook's nenrby, a pleco of chceso from tho grocery and at thoso fcltchons a tiny glass xf good wlno or a mug of beer will bo served. Two francs, or 40 cents, can cover nearly all theso oxtra items that go to mako a voiy rounded llttlo dinner, while, If tho larder of tho kltchon presents nothing to tho tnsto of tho traveler who wishes something moro conventional In tho serving nt least, nil tha famous Duval restaurants aro at her com maud. Tlu IIIiIiiiiIioun DiiviiI. Thero is not u district In now Pnrls that does not boast ono of the3o ndmlrablo restaurants, whero tho most tempting, whole somo food Is daintily served by whito-capped, iny-aproned, rosy maids and whero the prices aro as low as is compatible with wholesome, neatly served food. No mattor whero you find yourself at midday, Inquire nnd a gendarmo will point tho way to ono of tho Duvals, In which Paris abounds. At a Duval an Investment of 2 francs buys a small steak, butter that is as sweet as flowors, fresh bread, a cup of hot chocolate, a saiau ana a spoonful of somo appetizing con serve. Enough fuel, It would seem, for nny woman to do a vast amount of sightseeing work on. Then If tho pangs of hunger assail In tho long summer afternoon It Is easy to slip out of tho plcturo gallery or museum nnd into tho nenrest tea room, whero a cup of tea ami a squaro of cako Is sold for 10 cents. English influcnco has acclimatized tho after noon tea In Paris, and weo parlors whero it Is served aro met In nearly every well known thoroughfare. If tea is not preferred then thoro Is all out doors for a woman nnd her companions to eat In, at ono of tho tables In lows undor awnings along tho streets or In tho shado of tho omnipresent spreading horso chestnut tree, One woman would not daro sit alono at n sidewalk table In Paris, tiny though it might bo, and two Amorlcan girls would perhaps feel awkward, but In Tour a position of Impregnable dignity and security Is gained and tho llttlo mnrblo topped stand with Its painted Iron chairs, Its glasses of foaming beer and thin chceso or butter sandwiches Is nn Irresistible temptation to tho travolers from tho states (Continued on Eighth Page.) Pure Whiskey 1 Direct from St J I . - m m m imtm in I w M iDistillerto Consumer ro,.!,.,,vrA Hayner's SEVEN YEAR OIL "HlYHF.fi DIJTIIUNG ,C,0' i0I"nN,0HI0. U"- M POUR Full Quarts, Lxcrtas 'aid. haves Middlemen s Profits. Prevents Adulteration. FOH thirty vortrfl wo havo boon distilling tlio host whiskey that can ho 1 made. Ourrcp ututlon for matting pitro whiskey is ns wldons Amcrl-ca,niulwolmvo luouRnnus i customers In overy Htato in tho Union. Proposition: Wm mill arml vnn f ml r full cm ft ft I. .. . . I . II nr'a Seven Year bid Double Copper Distilled I Kyeior3J.30, Express I'rcpniu. ncinip In nlaln nackazes-no mnrks to Indicate! Wlin vnii rrt It anri teat It. I If It Isn't satisfactory return It at our I expense, ana wo win reiurn your j.ju. i ouch wniSKey cannot uu juuiiuciki where for less than $5.00. Va nitini. fltcHHiM nnllti in prmniimnro i (direct. Others who oiler you whiskey I In this wny nro dealers buying nnd sell-' lng. Our whiskey has tho llayner rep- UUIUUU UUUU1U1W Bfernei -Third National Bank, any bmlnen houin In Dayton, or Com tnorclal Agtndci. THE EAYNER DISTILLING CO., .123-3.11 West Fifth St., DAYTON, OHIO. v. R.Orrtrn for Ariz. . Colo- Gal. .Idaho. Mont I INev.,N. Mex., On., Utah, Wash., Wyo., mustl be for 20 qts, , by freight, prepaid. J H'o guarantee abovo Arm will do as they agree. KJ 32.50 Cream Colored Tans is tho latest In now spring footwear they aro a handsomo, dressy shoo mndo of a soft, pllnhlo leather over our famous "Easy Walking" Inst tho snmo shoo of nny other dealer would cost you J5.00 or $C00 our prices aro $2.G0 and 3,r0. Wo nro faotory agents that's tho reason. THE REGENT SHOE CO. l!0.' .South loth Strfft, O11111I111. Solid for IIltiNtrutiMl CntuloKue Free, REST YOUR HEAD! IK' m b a ArT35f M3I IBM Size. h I b In. M eight, about 1 lb, lita.. Sulilrifl., Nulllpllra. IHildM, rtt. "'arrlti oil columni mitnmiticnlly. Mikea Kxtti of Ileelnntrit K.vet Eilrti Menttl trln! Al Htfcrrnrei. 2 Yeiri Ounr.ntoo. lOp.rt'TrliU lqut InllrurllT. IlookUt No, , ThH Inl. PnKllmi.il Apllhm..hlnn Pn.. Ill . IU LA SAU.U ST., I'UICAUU. ILL., V, i. THE BUST OF BEAUTY. IlIUW TO BKCUItF. IT.) IhU 1b tlio title an Inturiwiing IMiik. Flat Busts and Scrawny Necks are Quickly Made Round, Plump and Uracclul. 9 Of IhlH. T trutfil book, wjiich M ive will inull.reiilvd In ii iiluln cTueloro A tor tl.H iibklim. It f to I In how (without tho imi) nf ilniK)iiny limy may I'OHrPhtf it i lift rt nnd attruct- ivh iiKure. J i i n I tin plnlnext ful UH (1 it x lU'iirn enn be trail- Write ilny en lug two ntiimti. r!iirrHK(Kiliilf.lii'H rnn flilptit tnl. AiKtrpKxi). I'tAL mtiut-iriK to., Cleveland Jl u e e n I y A lieiiiity, in- t ii ii r h ii n J A IllK'llllltillK, W Iiclori- M J cunt nd, 0. f ARNICA TOOTH SOAP IlPiUitlflen, clpnnM'K.pre. serres anil uliitens the tOOtll, KtriMlgtlll'llH tlm guiiiH nnd snt'uti'iis tlio breath. The World's Standard Dentifrice lor 10 years. UrtMl III II 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i lioini's. Put up In nrnt nun giiiiuy imixoh iiii lilcnl viicknuu fm (ht triirt'lur. No diiKt, no ponder, no 1 1 1 1 it i tl In wnuli', nr to t-tiiln oriiolluiiriiit'nti. 'J 5c ut till Drilggtala. ('. II. STIII)llll.,t'roln., ' tliltaiu, 111., l'.S.a.