in THE OMAHA DATTAr 1VET3; ftryDAV. ATRIL 1o. 1000. MEN'S SUITS Wo challenge anyono to show asfino clothing us wo do and to Hell it Tor so littlo money. Tho inunoneo quanti ties of tho very newest swell- est most correct clothing of the reason for men anil bojn which wo now carry Is In Itself n proof of tho trade wo Imvo and tho contant increaso in tho demand for tho high clam garmcntd we sell. In proof of It wo offer tomorrow moat extraordinary bargains. Beginning tomorrow, the third week or our annual challenge sale we call your attention again to iiuuui; wtiu wc ucinv up our advertisements witn tacts not only every day dur- lues. d not anyl That's Just What We Want Von to Do Too You Gome and See Tomorrow 1 t r rhtirn -- - t a- z I 1 1 tit t i uu lhu nidiiy ycdib, uuc especially atso in our challenge sales when we give such sensational va :. T . ",,tlw . "c aiiy bo great mat some lew people Have told us personally that they really di wmmi. ,t Fuaa.uic iui anyone 10 give tnem so much lor their money, but that they'd come and see anyhow. We Challenge Any Store In tho United States to Equal These Bargains 10,000 yards orffundios, plain black tmtoati, plain Hwisfc, otc, lonjj mill rem nant t, worth 15c, (ro at 10,000 yards .'JG-inch wide percale long mill rem nant?, worth 15 c, go at 9c yd 10,000 yards full standard bleached muBlin, worth 7ic, go at Zyd 10,000 yards plain white dotted drap ery and dress swiss, worth 15c, go at 5 10,000 yards corded ging ham mill remnants, worth 12 Ac, at 9c mm yd 1,0,000 yards full standard dress prints, worth 74c, go at 2 yd 10,000 yards now fancy lawns, worth 84c, full pieces, not romnants, go at I c yd 10,000 yards 30-inch wido imported porcales, go at 8JL 10,000 yards 92-inch wido imported ginghams, worth 25c, at 8 2yd 10,000 yards bicycle cloth, worth 12.c. go at 8J$ Black and Colored DRESS GOODS mm ff31 $2-50 Black Dress Goods 49c, 75c and 98c Having bought CO assorted pieces of high grado black crcpons In tho now blister ef fects, puro wool and mohair. These are goods that wo hcretoforo sold at $1.50 to $2.50 yard, but go on sale lu dress goods department at 49c 75c 88c A lato arrival of new black fabrics, in cluding extra flno mohair, brllllantlnes In plain and fancy weaves, seeded nrmurei, ngureu mohairs, Jacquards, very wide mo hair Sicilians, storm serges nnd Oerman henrlettns, go on Balo Monday In black goods department nt $1,50 Black Cheviots 98c As a spoclal leader In black dress goods department, wo offer 10 pieces 58-Inch steam finished cheviots, guaranteed not to CO!Uumo clotn' prunella cloth, homespuns spot, tho most popular spring fabrics, has tho proper weight, and Is actually worth $1.60 yd., on special sale Monday... fry wine mo- 49c 50c Colored Goods 25c 50c wool cashmeres in black, tmtl m t I . . . . 1. luua, uiura, urowns, cream and all evening shades, go Monday at just half price . $1 Novelty Dress Goods 69c uuu ivi unuiuu or large as sortment ot tho latest novelty usn granite ciotn, iwo-tonec vigoroaux, crystal bengaline. diagonals and cheviots, in all tne now and correct colors Ine3e goods are positively , worm up 10 !?i yd. Monday the entire line go on special sale yuBiuveiy 69c $1-50 Tailor Suite 98c All tho new tnllor buUIiies. broadcloth. English camel's lialr, satin faced Venetians, 98c and cheviots, lu all tho lato pastel shades, iNcver nave been shown for less than $1.50 yd. Monday they go on salo at 88c SILKS 75 pieces new plain taffetas, fine quality, in cluding all tho new scarce shades, nositivnlv , L- . j worth 85c, Monday's price Extra Special in Silk Dept. 49c SI Panne Liberty Silks 59c ou pieces new Panne Lib erty ellk, tho first In Omaha, -0 different shades, also black and white, worth $1, special price uuo xjiu- 59c 75c Pongee Silks 39c o pieces natural silk, tho scarcest thing in tho silk market, worth 75c, at pongee 39c $1.00 Foulard and $1,39 Taffeta Silks at 69c iiuura now unenoy liros. imported fou,ards all new styles and 21 Inches wide, some oxclu XUtM 18 pieces guaranteed black taffVt'a positively tho best valuo ever given In black taffeta every yard perfect and 27 Inches wide, worth $1.39, Mon day a price, yard G LINEN dept 1U.UUU yds. strictly fk mm all linen Scotch table 3 damask, worth 50c, J J go at yd mJ Extra heavy quality all pure linen, lino Gorman table dam ask, worth 75c, go at Grand Challenge Sale LACES. &0c Every yard guar anteed to be one half regular price 500 bolls of every stylo anil width of I French Valenciennes Loco and Insertion. ' very neat and dainty patterns, worth up to 15c yard go at ic, 2c and 3c yard, Many special bargains two-yard wide double satin damask at yard, 69c, 85c and 98c Most of them worth double. Grand special offering JJinnor JNapkins at 39c, 59c, 69c, 98c, $1.98, $2.98 Every ono a gcnulno bargain. Torchon Laces and Insertions In extra jj flno (iiallty. I1 widths, In matehed scih, i worth up to 2oc, go on bargain table at in 2g and 5c yard. dnz. Immense bargain In nearly 1,000 dozen all linen satin dam ask and knotted fringe huck towels, worth 26c go at Grand special salo of all-linon rollor toweling at 5c, 7'c and 10c yard. Immense bargains in Cotton Huck Towels, worth 15c, At 3'c and 5c each. 10,000 yards Now Laces for spring, nlmoat every stylo you could ask for, Including Normandy Valenciennes. Point d'Ksprlt, Net Top Oriental nnd Applique Uices, wo.-th up to 60c, go on bargain squars at 10c and 5c yard. 500 doz ladies' sheer plain White hand kerchiefs, in all widths of horn nt itching, worth up to 16e, pro at A Special offering In ono big lot 22-Inch wido all linen glaco cloth would bo cheap at 25c go at yard Immense bargain in 2-yard wido Dresser Scarfs, yrorth 25c, at 10 15 C 2!c Hundreds of dozen of all st)lcs Fancy f'olored I)order Handkerchiefs, all sizes, suit able for ladles, men and chil dren, regular price 124c, go on bargain counter at each... 31c Woodbury's Grand Toilet Articles Aro nearest perfection for dally use In toilet, bath nnd nursery. They aro pure, sweet, harmless and can be used with per fect safety on the most delicate skin. A weeks' trial will fully demonstrnto their truo worth. Woodbury Facial Sonp, Fa cial Cream, Violet Powder nnd Uentnl Cream, regular price fl price, !8 cents Woodbury's Hair Tonle keens tho scalp clean und healthy, tho hair soft nnd fluffy. Price. 49c in Drug; Dept. 9 Mil Arrive Monday NDEisasON 3.000 New WillArrlve Pattern Hats Munday. Knowing that we would close out nearly every hat on Saturday before Easter, wo have purchased 3000 New Pattern Hats which will arrive here for Monday's Sale. i Those nre nil iho latest creations In Trimmed Leghorns, all black hats, wnlklug shapes and dress shapes, including the new hello trope shades, grays, tans and browns. Theso hats have never been handled or picked over, nnd we Invite the ladles of Omaha to visit our millinery department Monday. Special $5 lot, including trimmed Leghorns, Q Turbans, Walking Hats, dress shapes. In this O immense assortment you will find tho very best trimmed hats for the money that can be produced. Your choice of these hats, which are displayed on four bargain tables, at STORE Challenge Sale BOYS' Clothing We Give Away Free with every purcbaso of a boys', youth' or child's suit A Base Ball Bat, A Base Ball, A Base Ball Mask or Pair of Boxing Gloves. Sale Challenge SILK LINED SAMPLE SUITS Special values bought at less than man ufacturers' cost and placed on salo tomorrow. As wo buy, so wo sell. Investigate this big oiror. Every garment exclusive. No du plicates. $4.85 $22-50 SOQ50 9 5 FOrt 3 ILK LINKD SUITS WOIITH UP TO $25.00. ALL SIZKS AND ALL STYLES. EVEIIY SUIT A POSITIVE HAHOAIN. For Silk Lined Suits, worth up to $10.00, npplfqued Ktons, mvoll tight fitting effects, mado of Imported cheviots, pebblo cheviots, Vonetlans, etc. Material would cost this much. For Silk Lined Suits worth up to $60.00. Elegant tnllored garments, claborato trimmed nnd stitched effects, beautiful Etons nnd novelty ldcns, only found In this samplo line thcro will bu no duplicates. Only ono each. Our 2.50 Hats are beautiful, every ono of tho latest shape, trimmed with sheer material, choice $950 L ST50 r SC98 If For $15.00 Suits, special offering for tomorrow, a lot of stylish etons, fly fronts, tight fitting, etc., mndo of flno coverts, homespuns nnd Vene tians, Jackets silk lined, Bklrts with box backs. Worth up to $15.00 spe cial tomorrow $7.50. For $10.00 Taffeta Skirts, mado In tho now 1000 Ideas, some with accor dion plaited bottoms, every ono worth double tomorrow's prlco only $5.98. Immense Assortment of Low-Priced Hats in our Basement- Ladles' Short Hack Sailors trimmed with flowors, rib bons and ornaments $1.00 Children's Fancy nnd Nov elty Braid Hats, trimmed with gauzo and flowers.... 50c SEPARATE JACKETS-SAMPLES. $9.90 For cholco of a lot of samples, no two allko and lmposslblo to duplicate. Theso Jackets aro worth up to $17.50 each for tomorrow tho price Is $9.90. $4.98 $2.50 For a special lot of nobby, up-to-dato separato Jackets and box reef ers, well worth $7.50 tomorrow nt JI.9S. Notions Grand Challenge Sale All tho 25o nut and bolt steol shears goat np only yu 10c finishing braid, bolt . . D ft 20c silk elastics, pair only 5c I in IOC OU CIOlll bibs, each . . 2c 25c Canlield dross shield seconds, pair. . . . 5c For a big lot of Odd Jackets In the new shnpes, all woo l coverts, etc., well lined and would bo cheap at $5.00. DRAPERIES AND LAGE GURTANS SsZuSV eatest Special Sale of High Class Lace Curtains Omaha has $10.00 Lace Curtains $5.98 I S6.50 Curtains $3.98 10 styles of beautiful fl f" g f 1 25 stylos of Irish point, 0 VMm. 1 1 U Brussels. Eish not and V JI fl l Battenberg effects, worth WW up to SO. 50, fr0 at soon I Brussels, Irish point, point du Calais, nil high class curtains, nono worth less than $10.00, go at $5.98 .90 3.98 $5.00 Lace Curtains $2.98 Many lines of very fine 0 Nottingham laco curtains. V also Irish Point, Eish Not, otc., all worth up to $5 goat 2.98 $3.50 Nottingham Curtains $1.98- 100 different styles fine Nottingham Lace cur tains, extra large size, fine quality, every pair guaranteed a bargain Most of them worth $3.50 pair go at. 10,000 yards lace curtain scrim, worm iuc yard, go at 1.98 2.50 Lace Curtains 39c One miscellaneous lot of all kinds Nottingham Laco Curtains, that generally soil as high as 2.50 pair I wo offer in ono big lot tomorrow at 2JC 25 styles of elegant satin derby portieres, full length, worth 3.00, go at $198 pair One big lot of the very latest designs In Ottoman ribbed. Ilattenberg nnd Derby Tlibbcd Portieres, all tho newest styles and colors, worth $7 pair, go at 39c SQ93 WPair. IDMWNtr derwear- 25c Ladies' "Challenge Sale Brush Summer Un-, RinHino- In all colors, suitable for binding any kind sofa skirt, jo at Jorsey ribbed undor vests In plain white, ecru and fancy colors, soma with silk cro cheted trimming and silk taped, go on bar gain squaro at, each 10c, 7!c and 5c. 250 dozen Ladles' mercerized Silk and Swiss Ribbed Undcrvests, also Richelieu Ribbed Undcrvests In white, cream, pink ml blue, silk ribbon trimmed, also with laco jokea and lace shoulder straps, worth cgular up to 75c go at 33c, 25c, 15c. oi w 2C yd 10c qualify Double Warp Velveteen Skirt Binding in black and all colors, go at Ladies' Fine Ger man Lamb Skin Gloves in every weight and color, includ ing black and white, with very neatly ombroldored stltchsd backs, overy pair guaranteed and fitted to tho hand at glovo de- artmcnt at per pair 5c yd tlnlilrn lriinti'il! All nIxcn, to 1111 nu'iim'lt'n In iur dniiily Infant' nImich. Wr lime un iimiKiiully ntti nctlvr fixxortiiM'iit of ImiIiIi'' nlinon In nil i-nlorx of tlir riiln lintv, nnd on n lit tin- little tot, IiicIiiiIIiik till' liuli)', tlic little lialiy und the llttlent Imliy of nil. ftt 15c, 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c, 98c, $9. 25V. SHOES. CHALLENGE SALE NEW 39 I FOR BETTER LADIES' SHOES THAN OTHERS SELL KOR $2.50. $198 $JM0 KOR RETTER FOR HETTER LADIES' SHOES LADIES' SHOES THAN OTHERS THAN OTHERS SELL FOR $3.00. SBLL, FOR $5.00. $rp I FOR BETTER MEN'S SHOES THAN OTHERS SELL FOR $2.50. 25c quality almost overy style and color of Dress Buttons goon bargain counter at Ic doz 12 Ac quality all shades of all silk dress trimmings, same stylo as the Juby trimming, go on bargain countor at, yd., 98c Ladies' Extra Quality Im ported English Suede Gloves, mported direct by us. All 3k i tho very latest now spring colors, beauti fully embroidered back, go a, (llovo Department at. 1.25 2,000 yards strictly All-Silk Fringed Moss Trimming almost evory shade, also two toned effects, regular price 25c yd., on bargain table at 2c yd OnSaleMonda nil tho MEW SPRING STYLES "QUEEN QUALITY $3.00 25c French pompadour hair rats, inn each JJw 5c boxes steel hair pins, six boxes, p go for ... . " J 10c Delong hook and oyo imitations, card fl at j 15c wood towol Q racks Ju Drapery pins worth 15c dozen, go at, dozen fl, only i 10c envelopes all styles, go 'it, p package.. " Pins, tho 5c kind, go at 2c Adamantine pins, tho 2c kind, go, wo papers n for lb Brooks machino thread, spool . . . e Shoes for women, In Black, In Tans, In Patent Leather, $3. Hasting bread, 2 spools for Ic Embroidery silk, dozen All silk baby ribbon, three yards p for L Mercerized crochet silk, ball, fln only .... Best grado pure crochet silk, ball, Cn at 0l Orochet cotton, flip yard . . . . Z2U