THE OMAJIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APIUL 15, 1900. 1 1 IN THE FIELD OF SPORT Dmihk'i Btpresenttt'Tts on Diamond Are Groomed Into Proper Form. MIDWESTERN LEAGUES TO BE COMPARED True Tent uf l.nrnl I'lnyers' Jlerlt AVII1 lie Slum it In (Innif with .Mliiiicnp oIIhUoiikIiin Count)- Choi Cluh I I.IMIIIcllCll, chan:es moneys. In upon It nnl It will pass on to posterity to opened upon him tho vlala of his wrath, as- to Nebraska shooters only, will take place, bo competed for ou ech recurring season, pert Ins; that ho can whip him at any time This will bo at twenty-live targets, with The clani captains will bo chosen by the and at any place, nnd threatening that If ho an entrance of $3. The money will be president of the astoclatlon within a few should ever by any chanco darken the doors divided among the four leaders ntfd the days. 0f n xew York establishment something winner of the event will get besldo 10 per They have not as yet been named, owing would happen not at all to tho liking of i cent of the purse a handsome gold medal, to tho uncertainty of the makeup of tho "hanky Hob." ' Thero will be twclvo target events on the 'varsity team. Tho leading cnndldates for Corbelt and Sharkey, too. have taken oc- i lllrd tlay preliminary to tho contest lit tho first team aro as follows: Falrbrothcr, cngon (0 ,cay nc assertions of Jeffries ! which the greatest Interest Is centered the catcher; Tracy or Welsh, pitcher; Welsh, regarding their relatlvo merits to Kltrslm- fi,ate championship event In which tho win first banc; Kngelhart, second base; Orlfllth, mcns 9 a matter of fact this wholo muss 1 nor wl" 00 awarded a diamond badge. This third base; Hayes, short stop; Roberts, out- j hll9 b e , ' th u f ,ho , is open to Nebraska shooters only. Tho field or third base; I.chmer, Hardy, Ullcr ,,.,., . ,, ,, ... ,,, ...,. i contestants will pay $1. each for the prlvl- nnd Lnngtry, outfield. I mntphnt ,n w(llh P,immnn, ,,, h(W) Jlego of shooting nt fifteen live birds at Tho first gamo of Importance for the Illgh d , , f h , thirty yards' rise and take their sehonl boys will be with tho Young Men s , ; ., ' ... ... ..... .... ... . , on getting a part of tho four mot Christian association nt the Ames Avenue lu r.n"8. l" l"c ' "f..u" both the championship' gold medal and park on next Saturday. Other gamei will!" "" -' diamond badge events ties ror the trophy undoubtedly bo arrange! with Fremont and , Jcrce, to cowardice that these matches fce ghot off nnd ,c(1 for th(J money w Lincoln, with a probability that dates Willi"'"" " """ bo divided. bo secured with Tabor college and Slous ' te lUHr ,r U1B ' i " a llvo bird handicap will be tho con- Bicuci mm piircmmy m tmaiu tium """ eluding fenturo on the final day of tho prejudiced them against the Westchester ,unnt. ThU Imnillr. will carrv nn en. The representatives of various teams In c,ub. ,n whlcl 11 ls practically an established trance fee of $15. birds extra, and the shoot-. the Saturday Afternoon Iwgue met on rncl lnal itiaimmons must ngiu it uo ngnis er8 wlu ieBl tnoIr ability on twenty-five Wednesday night to discuss plans for tho n' all. This phnso of tho question haa been pigeons. High guns will govern tho shoot, season's play. Tho four packing company touched upon by Tom Sharkey In explana- Tho handicap will bo from twenty-five to teams, from tho establishments of Ham- tlon of his attitude toward tho freckled thirty-two yards and tho handicapping will moml, Cudahy, Armour and Swift, havo "Kangaroo." bo done by tho management. Tho purso In stnrtcd a fund toward the acquirement of a Sharkey says: "Jeffries has no right to thin handicap will be divided on the basts of park In tho Mnglc City. The fund has bo say that I am afraid to meet Fltzslmmons'. ono money for every two entries, far, however, only rcuehod tho modest pro- 1 would fight Jeffries sooner than any other portions of $200 and this amount must bo man I know, but, nevertheless, I am willing AMONG THE WHIST PLAYERS tho basket hall season and accordingly feels j S(Th, rr. sent tariff 1- Clty. During tho last week Manager Hourko has been busily engaged In weeding out tho tares and Importing new nnd raro exotics until ho has In his garden lot on South Thirteenth street a highly attractive dis play. The latest acquisition Is 1)111 Wilson, who has undertaken to gather In pitchers' curves at a comfortablo monthly allow ance. Wilson Is well known In this city from his connection of two seasons with Kansas City and is regarded as a good catch. Wilson was signed by Manager Itourke becauso of tho uncertainty of se-urlng Tommy wno Increased materially before tho grounds aro to meet Fltz just as soon as he will sign Youngstown after ho had put himself under' .., . ,,',,,, , ,,,, ,..,,., ... . t... .,m.. ,uu . ...111.... t.1ln ln r. alnn V.a1la tnr Mr "". -V ... " , U u H.U .11 . ll l , . nu ..uuu.u each Saturday afternoon at two parks, tho Kltzslmmons ls that ho will not fight In attractions being nt such a dlHtanco as not any plnco other than the Westchester club, to interfere wnn racn omcr. ine mcmDcrs m,i t'lt meet him at n moment's notice If a written obligation to stop nans tor .Mr Keith. The manager has received a letter from President Young nsklng for moro evl denco on the Omaha side of the case and containing tho assurance that tho matter would bo fully looked Into by tho board of arbitration. From tho tone of Young's let ter tho Omaha players feel considerable as surance Unit Ilcf will bo sent to this city. As a result of tho weeding out process tho services of Infleldcr Hankcy, Second IJase man Dunn nnd I'ltchcr l'ottcr have been dis pensed with. Wbllo tho team Is now supplied with Rcven pitchers nnd a corresponding numbor In loss Important petitions tho manager Is Htlll on tho lookout for clover players and -will spare no pains In putting his aggrcga tlon among the final topnotchers. Thoso who havo not been nble "to deliver the goods" hnvo been successively released, until tho team Is on a thoroughly profes sional standing. Thero nro Htlll a number of lamo arms and other temporary afllle tlons, which mako It difficult for those who stand In Judgment to dctermlno exactly who ls most worthy. A considerable number thereforo nro kopt on tho rolls maro for what It Is hoped they will do than for what they nro now accomplishing. Tim (inniro nt Lincoln. Tho gonorally excellent condition of tho team was shown In tho games last week at tho University of Ncbrasku. Tho collcgluns, who havo a strong r.mnteur crow about on tho lovel of tho Originals, strained every tiervo to acquit themselves creditably In tho contest with tho professionals. On (Monday tho Lincoln boyn secured tho small end of a Bcoro of 9 .to 6 nnd on Wednesday chalked up two compared with llvo for Omaha. Tho visitors dlsplacd an cxccllcnco In team play nnd Individual achievements that was of gcnornl comfort to thoso who havo staked money and rcp.ttntlcn on their eventful triumph. An opportunity to Judgo tho real merit of fho team will bo given local fans tomorrow Co u lie 1 1 IllnlTn Lodge of P.IL AVI II Compete for Suiireiiiney nitli It XolirnaUn Ilrclliren. of tho leaguo have an ambition to accom plish Important things for umatcur base ball during tho season. Tho Omaha Hco llase Hall club him or ganized and is willing to play all teams in tho city composed of players of newspaper nnd printing establishments. Tho llces nro composed of players of tho mailing and press rooms. Any teams desiring games may address T. Foley, in care of The Deo mailing department. The team Is mado up of tho following: Sommcrs, cntcher; Foley or Jensen, pitcher; K. Jensen, first base; L. Jensen, second base; Drown, shortstop; Lnplnsky, third base; Olson, left field; Bar rett, centerfleld; Walker, right field; Deacon. Lycholm, nigmack, substitutes. PALAVER OF THE PUGILISTS Trio of Hen vyuelKM nwrlrTeil nt .leftrle' (.'linrnrH ,of CfMTnnllce lllipi'llllllIK ('olllHK. he will agree to mako tho bout any place else." During tho last winter tho Council Uluffn lodgo of Klks has Indicated on various oc casions that It would willingly compete In a friendly contest with Its brethren In Omaha, but the latter havo up to this tlmo rather deprecated than courted Captain Painter of the High school track team puts his squad through Its pnccfi cn lb campus whenever tho weather will permit. On Friday the sprinters were sent on runs around tho building, which prcsentc.l n natural barrier to short cuts, and the time recorded was very satisfactory. It Is ex pected that n dual meet will bc arranged In the near future with some neighboring town In order that tho athletes may secure for themselves the Btlmulus afforded by competition. Tho meet for the champion ship of the Interscholastlc league will occur In Lincoln tho latter part of May. CHESS CLUB IS UNDER WAY I'nvrn Piinliern ArrniiKO for n Coiilln iinti To u me j- nml HngnKC lu Tent of MreiiKlli. Tho newly organized Douglas County Chess association met at Its headquarters In tho Millard hotel on Thursday evening nnd a number of names wero added to the rolls, tho total membership now reaching twenty eight. Secretary Hathbun and Itev. C. O , Larrlson had been entrusted with negotla- i tlons for tables and chessmen and reported that exceptionally low prices had been Bocured. They wero authorized to purchnso , a sample, set of pieces with others to bo added In enso tho first consignment li satis factory. Two tables belonging to the long defunct Omnha Chess club wero resurrected by Mr. Darker nnd two others added, so that tho association begins housekeeping with an adequato supply of chess furnlturo. W. H. Llghton, who had assumed tho burden of preparing a constitution and by laws, submitted a draft which found-entire favor with tho association. An original Idea f the in r i-tiit mum Jewelry, w tliut (litliHilon tin manufacture of metal n duly of IS per i-ut would be W'. ls levied. J-'lguring trie goons upon iiu'im.t or J7 correspondent the goods wore ailMUMod :iv lnmuifHi turiK uf metn. prli'o gl i ii In tin ni the tariff ilui on Jewelry valued it $;: wlillo ii Is ituotu l.i lie'' With tho numerous fights scheduled for tho next few weeks tho Interest of ring sldo followers will be nt Its height. Ous Ituhlln's success In getting a match with .,. p0n.r.,t. Thi Omaha players are voune rnnnwlni with ihn hv.lnws Is tho Institution Fltzslmmons adds another Stnr to tho former in nPrpnei nnd felt thnt thev mleht not nt ,. rnrnniunl tnnrnevmetit. On Tuesday nnd quintette of heavyw'eignt pugilists, jennes ncqult themselves with credit. The all- Friday of each week thoso members who and Corbott, Sharkey and McCoy, Fltzslm- winter tournament carried ou In tho local mav wish to participate In such a contest mons nnd Kuhlln nro alt going through ifici, however, ban lent tho players con- nlmll meet for formnl nlnv. On thoso preliminary work for their matches and tho fl(icnco nnd hns developed team play to an occasions a record will bo kept of tho games piogrcsa of events Is ccrtnlnly one caicu- cncouraclnc extent. Tho Omaha contingent won and lost nnd nt each monthly club mcot latcd to contlnuo tho Interest already thereforo haH accepted the challenge and tho Ing tho secretary will make a report of tho aroused. Thero ccm9 to ue no ennngo in contest will occur ou Tuesday evening, standing of ench participant. tho feeling of tho votaries of pugilism to- sixteen players will participate on each side. Tho member whoso percentage of games ward the bout between tho present chain- Tho all-winter tourney conducted by tho won Is highest shall bo vested with tho title plon and Corbott. Jeffries himself ccms to Riks is drawing to a closo and prizes will of champion of tho association for the ensu look upon It with no small degrco of disdain bo awarded next month. Tho leadership lng month. After the first three months or and thero arc broad hints that It may yot has been In a number of hands during the auch tourney play, when tho relative strength bo declared oil. Doth men, however, aro Beacon, a slnglo point being nuITlclent on a of the members shall havo been ap now In training for tho match. The big number of occasions to turn tho tldo of bat- proximately determined the contest will bo rhnmninn is ald to bo onDoscd to tho selec- tie. Tho h gh scoro at present ls marked conducted unon n handicap plan, mo nu- Tho trio of heavyweight pugilists McCoy, tlon of Sam Austin to referee the contest opposlto tho namo of Qus Renze. There nro vantage to which tho weaker players shall bo entitled will bo determined by the scores mado by tho rcspectlvo players during tho preceding three months' play. Should any member succeed In holding the championship against nil comers for thrco successive months ho will become tno as Sharkey and Corbett who aro moro or less and Insists upon a western man. Ho wants a half-dozen others, however, who hope to In tho public mind Just at this time, owing George Slier, but tins is ocyonu mo range reinevo lueiineivm luu i. u.un, to Impending contests In which they nro to of possibilities, for Slier ls not only persona and Itenzo will undoubtedly ho given a run havo a part, aro much wrought up nnd tho non grata wun mo oasiern ngni ranimKe, votaries of tho manly art aro nil ugog with but Is also unfriendly to Corbett. Mnlachy m , , , .. .. .... . . ....a,.., wn nn.i Pn.i.iv Pnrmll of Hhlpaso have The lenten lndillgcnco of fashionable New uxciiumcui. me i-uubo lor iui unimiui "b - --- - ,w. , ui., -u ,. ... .,- n.i U. .iinnnalml n a nntt cri liln rrfnrnpK in rOJin I lOfK liaH OL'L'll UriUKI? Ilill Ilea, wit? UUl Wlltni HUlilllUU CUlltlll'lUll 1UI Austin Is declared out by Jeffries. Tho big players of tho -mctropollH having nil their be relieved from tho necessity of defending champion recently oxpreFscd himself relatlvo tlmo occuplod In giving Instruction In tho to his forthcoming match as followii: game. .... , "Why shouldn't I feel pretty easy about As compared to whist. In its scientific this fight? Doth Sharkey and Fltzslmmons aspects, .bridge Is apparently the easier havo beaten Corbett and I havo beaten gam" i"'. "ul" both of them. That's a pretty good line, I freedom from thoso conventionalities which take it. Mind you, I am not getting so ve been tho cum of -whl.t ever lnce i ... t rhn nirni i it nr inn or lAmpr ran ip.imr. inn champion to bo cowards It can easily bo conceited that I am not going 10 irain. i .,.. ,h .,, ,, imagined how such "encomiums." coming will bo In flno shape, 'or ( 't' ? ; tvl, N from 8 high nn authority, have elated tho Corbott will be a tougn cusiomcr on flcultleiB and It Is very seldom that any but elongated Cornlshmnn with tho speckled of his great cleverness. , "I have anotner mea m geiunB inio kuou - - - - -,, u , Indignation on tho part of tho afore mentioned trio ls nttrlbutablo to a sweeping stntcmcnt mndo by Champion Jeffries n few days ago, when ho asserted that each member of this galaxy of glovo gladiators Is afraid of Dob Fltzalmmons. In contrast to tho blttor rankling that this statement aroused In the breasts of tho men who nro Implied by tho present his title In tho perpetual tourney. He will bo compelled, however, to meet nil chal lengers In set matches. Scoro of gamo played at table No. 7. I'llls- bury's blindfold exhibition at Lincoln. A. Sommcr of Lincoln played Illack. VIKNNA. C. face. Hut It has widened tho breach exist- Tvhcn an exhibition garni, will bo played , Jn(, ,bctwccn tno pllgl8t9 aml tho cpltnot condition. I want to 8how a lot of people with Minneapolis. Amcrlcnrw Icaguo wilt bo pitted against Western league. 'Minneapolis will bring with It such well known players ns Perry Werdon, Walter Wllmot and "Germany" Smith, tho furmor Cincinnati shortstop. Manager Hourk considers that ho has had exceptional opportunity to ob ncrvo tho qualities of his intni and Is touting them vigorously to win. Other 2uiui-H to I''iII(mv. Tho gamo with (Minneapolis will bp fol lowed with a conteBt with tho University of j created men consternation follows: "They evory advantage over Jim and expoct to ls In It. This glorious uncertainty an to whether or not a player will got whrit he ls Nebraska on Omnha soil, to bo held April 24. Negotiations nro also under way for games with Dcs Moines, Slcux City nnd tho Chicago Unions, a brilliant nand of colored players whoso practlco woi:; ls a particu larly fenr-lnsplrlng Bpcctnclo to tho oppos ing nine. Jt Is a current bollef, however, that tho aggregation does not show up aa well In tho smoko of battle s. when on dress parade. Tim contest with tho Indians today and yesterday has oxcltcd an unusual amount of Interest nnd both games havo drawn a good attendance. Tho hronzc-hucd Ameri cans wore collected partly from the agency nt I'onea and partly from n Minnesota reservation. Ah evidenced ty tho record of iho Carlisle Indians and others tho aboriginal rnco has proved Itself eapablo of as high a standard of sportmanshlp os tho Anglo-Saxon. coward," ns distasteful to tho man who who havo written mo out of the Rame and mlMeA t0 or w Rlvo h,9 adversaries games and rubbers which ho ought to have won DM i am jut kuuu . " - hlm8elt i3 0I10 of th0 attractions of the game, not myself tho night 1 . tough t fauro of th(J bcst p,a.ers , gct tho tricks that aro poEHlble encourages tho beginner to pcrsovcro in his attempts to muster tho game, at lcaBt in Its leading nrlhnlnlna A fnut nf Ihr. riiillmnnlu .irn m n 1 1 n rules I fight Corbett under. I presume ho c)ear ,n 'tho folIowlng extracts from tho will want clean breaks on account of my ...... York Sun. Ono of tho chlof elements of success In brldce la close attention to tho score and this Is the weak point of tho majority of fights with his fists as "traitor" Is to the man who fights with his head and govern mental nrmnment, has been Hung from one to tho other with nn utter wanton that promises tho settlement of these personal differences when any two of them shall "glower" ono nt tho othor from their posl tlcns within tho squared circle talked mo out of It, according to their own notion, that I am Just as good ns I ever was. I was Sharkey, but I never mado any complaint about It. I was good enough to beat Tom and therefore I am at rest. "It does not matter a whit to me what Tho statement of Jeffries which haa superior weight. I do not care. I havo I do not think a man can Aninleiir Hum- Hull Active. Tho High Bchool team under tho tutolngo of Dencdlct, formerly ono of tho mnlnstnys of tho Lincoln 'varsity, Is taking long strides toward perfection as tho result of dally conscientious practlco on tho campus. A highly useful system In tho selection of tho first team was ndoptcd last week In tlio cstnblUhmont of class teams, each tinier tba leadership of a class captain. The ac tion was determined upon nt the meeting of the Athletic association on Monday after noon, nnd a ball bat, In Itsolf a work of nrt, was hung up for tho winners. Tho hit Is the handiwork of Prof. Wlgmnn of tho manual training department and was turned out of a vorloty of woods, all cipablo of re ceiving a high polish. A regular schedule" nf games will ho ar ranged and tho club carrying off the honors nro all afraid of Fltzslmmons, and, to tell ben' him handily, tho truth. I would rather fight ten Sharkeys, l.y out of tho gamo ns long ns ho has ana Ampririln niVors when thev first tako tin a dozen Corbetts and all tho McCoys you then got back Into It In a hurry. Kamc, As whist is played In this could bring beforo mo than fight Fltz again. "I am eager to get moro flghte. 1 taKO on country tho scoro ls not of tho slightest "McCoy knows in his heart that he can- flesh so readily that I ought to no itguung lm)0rtanco nnd persons havo never boon not bent Fltzslmmons. Shnrkey would as I all the tlmo to be at my best, nut, un- (jnnej to vary their play In accordanco soon bo dropped Into n bear pit. I will not fortunately, the supply of heavyweights of wJth tll0 Btat0 0f tho game. Our English eay about Iluhlln, but 1 guess tho big Kood caliber ls limited to a miguiy lew anu C0USn8 bave a great advantage In this fellow would tako a chance, for he has never i must bo content with an occasional battle. rospectl becauso In five-point whist, single folt tho might of that freckled fist of Dob's. i nnr Bntisucu none or ineni enre a uu aDoui man Fltzslmmons' game. They do not think thoy Well, I will acknowledge that ho gave mo a koep a Bi,arp eyo on tho number of trlckB can bent him and have a fear that ho may pretty hard tight at coney lsianu insi iuii, necessary to savo or win tho game. wind them up In a hurry, as ho can do. but thnt does not matter. I know I can rno natural tendoncy or tho Inexperienced Fltzslmmons Is ono of tho greatest Judges beat him every day of tho ween anu l also l ninyer. In looking over h3 cards. Is to con of dlstnnco I over know. Ho can get away know that by beating him I can win moro elder what ho has to hopo for, Instead of from n punch by the narrowest margin, al- money than by beating any otner man in what ho has to fear. It Is very nlco to ways keep himself In hitting rango uud can tho world. think that If a certain coiip or finesse conies hit from nlmcet any position. Ho Is "i jo not like the Corbett match for that off you will win tho game or tho rubber, far and awny tho best man I over fought. reason. Tho negotiations for tna matcn but It Is very necessary to consider tho con wnrn handled In such a clumsy manner and Bccuences of failure. Hut little stook Is taken In thla assertion .. uniiica anything that Drady ever did be- Tho first thing to do when you aro the of Jeffries by sporting men who are familiar foro that tho public has como to distrust tho dealer ls to look at the score and then to wun mo msiory, paex anu present, ot ino cntro affair, although I can assure every- mako tho trump or pass it in accordunce prize ring. Dy many Fltzslmmons Is looked bo,iy tno nght Is entirely on tho Bquaro." with that scoro. After tho dummy hand Is upon ns long slnco outdated In tho pugilistic laid down tho noxt thing rs to tako a gen nrenn nnd the belief exists that ho has Amonc other fights nrranged for the near eta survey of tho situation, counting up nbout struck his limit In Qu Iluhlln, with fUturo is a bout in Chicago Tuesday night what tricks aro sure, what nro ' prnhabto whom ho ls now mntcheil for a fight. Me- hetwrcn "Terrible Terry" Mcuovern anu and what might bo If certain good things Coy, Sharkey and Corbett have strenuously Tommy White, a "go" on tho samo nlgnt in camo off. Just how mnny chnncea you will denied Jeffrlos' allegation and corbett Is so j-ow. y0rk botween "Mysterious limy smun take must depend entirely on tho stnto of stirred up over tho defamation of his un- nrui Mattv Matthows and later contests uo- tho score. If tho adversaries cannot win sullied character that It Is really Intimated tween Tommy Ryan and Jack Hoot and tho game, you mny finesse freolr, but If 2J-p-qict 1. 23 r-QR 1." 24 Kt-K S. 2T Kt-D. 2G-P.QII 5. 27-K X B. CS-P X Tl. 2!U-Renlgns. thnt ho has still further doluded himself penny Yanger nnd Harry Harris, into oeueving mat no win cram jennes- charges of cowurdlco down tho champion's I "(jURNAMbls t I tloiiil SES WELL mroat wnen tncy meet in meir loriucoming i "affair," for such It ls more likely to bo I Annnnt Mi-eting of Xelirnuku Shooter than n contest or even nn exhibition. i omnlui the Littler I'nrt McCoy has actually worked himself Into a t thin .Month frenzy over tho mutter and Is Indulging In will possess tho trophy for tho season. Tho oil sorts of harsh criticisms of tho present Judging from tho elnborate preparations cannot go out If It loses. If tho scoro ls names ot tho clnss team will be inscribed cnnmpion. as ror Fltzslmmons, aicuoy nas that havo been made anu tno prospective sumcientiy nuvanceu to maKo u prnuamo number of participants the twenty-fourtn that thoy will go out on their noxt deal annual tournament of tho Nebraska Htato but cannot go out on yours, you should take Sportsmen's association,' In this city, April ovcry posslblo chance to win tho gamo on tho failure, of a flncsso, especially In a no trump, will glvo them tho chance to go out It Is usually better to niaxe suro that tho gamo Is safo beforo taking any risks In tho hopo of winning It. Cases frequently ariso In which a player Is Justified In risking tho odd trick, provided ho enn win the gamo If tho flnesso comes off and tho adversaries The Triumph of Love is Happy, Fruitful Marriage. Everyman who would know the grand truth, plain facta, . iuu new umvuvKrics ui mvuiv.m aviuuvv us uppuva m t married life ; who would atone for past errors and avoid future pitfalls, should secure the wonderful little book called Complete Manhowd and How to Attain It" " Here at last is information from a high medical source thatmustWORK WONDERS with thisjicncrationof men." The book fully describes a method by which to attain full vigor and manly power. A method to end all unnatural drains on the system. Tocurenervousnessackofself-control.despondcncv.ctc To exchange n jaded and worn nature for one of bright ness, buoyancy and power. To give full strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body. Age no barrier. Failure impossible. The book, is PURELY MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC, useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable TO MEN ONLY WHO NEED IT. Free Trial Treatment We send one full month's Remedies of wonderful power, and n marvelous Appliance to strengthen and develop, on trial a ml approva I, without pay, deposit pr obligation. No exposure, no "collect on delivery " scheme no decep tion of any kind. A despairing man who had applied to us, soon alter wrote : "Well, I tell you that first day is one I'll never forget. I just bubbled with Joy. I wanted to hug everybody nnd tell them that my old self had died yesterday anil my new self was born today. Why didn't you tell me when I first wrote that 1 would find it this way? " And another wrote thus: "If you dumped a cartload of gold at my feet it would not bring such gladness into my life as your method has done." In answering be sure and mention this paper, and the company promises to send the book In sealed envelope without any marks, and entirely free of charge. Write. to the HRT1 M1WICAL COMPAXY, Buffalo, N, Y and ask fcr tie, little boftk called " COMPLETE MAN! IOOD." No Money in Advance. Treatment on Trial and Approval. 21, 23, 26 amf 27, will bo ono of tho most successful nnd enjoyublo events of like na turo ever held In tho middle west Arrangements havo been mado for tho at fair on an oxtenslvo scale nnd tho success that promises to mark tho tournament is a decided compliment to tho enthusiastic local sportsmen who havo had the matter In charge. Tho four days' shoot will bo en caged in by nearly every Omaha shcoter. Nebraska will bo well represented and many shooters from neighboring states and crack shots from abroad will attend Ono ueeds only to look nt tho program that has been arranged to appreciate tho raro Interest that will attend each event. Itegulatlons governing tho entlro shoot have been mado with a view to giving each par tlclpant, be ho an amateur or an artist with tho fowling piece, every posslblo ndvantago consistent with fairness and equality. In terstate fjsoclatlon rules will govern; thero will be two sets of traps, Sargent system, and the Whltn riyor target will be usoi. Professional shooters and manufacturers' i agents, ns well as those whoso dally averagi ' Is 90 per cent or more, will pay 2j cents in addition to regular entrance In each ot tho tnrgot events, excepting tho stato cham pionship ovent. Tho fund collected under this rule, together with a special putso of J100. contrlbutcl by tho management, will the hand, becauso If you don't win It then and thero you will probably lose It In any case. WORK ON THE CINDER PATH l.oenl Tenuin of Trnck Athlete Pre pare for CoiiiIiik; ConteMn Lincoln Dei-lureN tin- Meet Oft. Whtte-I'lllsbury. Hlnck-Bommer. 1- I'-K I. l-l'-K 4. 2- Kt-QU 3. 2 Kt-KH .1 III.) 3- IM1 4. S-I'-Q 4. 4-1' X 1U. 4-Kt x V. 6 Q-H 3. r Kt x Kt. ft-Ktl x Kt (b.) fr-H-K 3 (o.) 7- Q-KKt 3. 7-Kt-Q 2. S-l'-Q 4. S-I'-KKt 3. 9 Kt-H 3. 9-I1-K 2. 10 Il-K.Il C. 10 n-KKt. U-H-Q 3. lt-I'-QB 3. 12 Cnstlex. 12 Kt-Kt 3. 13 Kt-KKt C. 11 H x Kt. 14 H X H. 14-Q-B 2. 15 Q-H 4. n-UrKIt 4. 16 Q-ICB 4. 10-Kt-B. 17 Il-Kl! C. 17 Kt-K 2. 18 Q-KKt D. 1S-Q-Q. 19 Tt-KH 2. lfl-K-Q 2. 20 Oll-KH. 20 O-K. 21-Q-Qn. 21-Kt-KH 4. 22- Il-KH 3. 23- n-KKt 5. 24- P-Kn 3 (d.) 2G-Q-QH 3. EC-ll-H 0. 27-11 X KICt V (c.) 25- H X It. 29 R-B 8. JiWlfnlgns. (n) Black may reply 2 Jvi-yu a; men it 3-P-KB 4, P x P, which may lead to tho Pierce gambit by 4-Kt-B 3, P-KKt 1. nnd from that Into tho llnmppe-AllgHler gam bit hy 5-P-KIt I, P-Kt 5; 0 ICt-KKt r,. Tho Htetnltz gntnlilt comes In by 4 P-Q 4, Q-U 5 eh.; 5-K-K 2. P-Q 4. cte. (b) Whlto mav play G-QP x Kt. In a came between Paulsen and Mason tho gamo proceeded C-B-K 2; 7-U-KB 4, B-K 3; 80.0.0, (c) In Delmar vs. Mason the continuation from this point Is: C-Q-R fi eh ; 7 P-Kt 3, q-k o cn. ; -w x Wi i x w. u-ivivi i. Kt-B 3; 10-P-Q 4. P x P e. p.; 11-H x Kt ch.. P x U; 12 P x P. B-R S about nn even position. If Black does not play G C!-R 5 eh., the best continuation Is ft B-K 2: 7 P-Q 4. 0-0; S-B-Q 3, P-KB 4; 9-Kt-R 3. l'-B 3; 10-O-0-0, n In a game between Blackbiirne nnd Bell. (d) Mr. Sommer says: "White threatens P-KKt 4, nttncklng the Kt; also to piny Q-QR 3. Black retires the Kt to B mi. with disastrous rosults." (o) If Black pluy 27-P X B; 2S-K-B 8, R x H; 29 H x It, With the same result. Black need not capture tho B. Suppose: 27 Kt-K 2; 2S-B X BP, B x B: 2!i-Q.Q C ch , K-B; 30-H x B, Q-Q 2; 31-R-B 8 ch., anil Win's 'etisllr. (f) The Q Is lOBt: Ono ot the surprises of this year's match for tho Nownes trophcy wns tho failure of Plllsbury to win from Blackburno after securing a clear pawn early In tho game, This year tho Sicilian defenso forged to tho front, no less than thrco eamcs being de fended In that way, and Black won one, lost one, nnd drew one, which will tend to mako this a popular opening again nfter a good many years of comparative disuse, Barry ot Boston malntnlned his flno record; ho has now flvo games to his credit a clear score. Below ls tho scoro ot bl9 gamo against Atkins: SIC1MAN DKFBNSE. Black Atltlns. 1-P-QB 4. : p x i: White Barry. 1- P-K 4. 2- P-Q 4. 3- Kt-KB 3. 4- Kt X P. 5- B-Q 3. G B-K 3. 7-P X P. H Kt x Kt. 9-B-Q 4. 10 Castles. 11 B-K 2. 12 P-KKt 3. 11 B-QB 3. 14 B-H 3. 10-4H-K. Hi B-Q 2. 17- Kt-B 3. 18- Q-K 2. 19- QR-Q. 20- P-QKt 3. 2t-Kt-R"4. 22- B-B 3. 23- B-QR. 21- B-KKt 2. 2-Q.Q 2. Uli-Q X B. ii li-ll ft. Tho Young Men's Christian association has a forco of men at work on tho Amoj Avenuo Athletic park, which will he for mally opened on April 28. Thero will be a serloa ot track events not yet determined upon, a ball gamo between the High" school and tho association and n bicycle roifl race. Tho courso of tho race will bo the samo as that followed last fall to Florence hy tho upper road and return to tho eastward. Tho i 2S ll-Q 0, association has adopted a unique method nf lovylng trlbuto on the spectators of tho road raco, which, will bo ono of tho most exciting numbers on tho program. After completing the course to Florence and thenco homo tho riders will cover a half mile on tho hlcyclo track now being con structed at tho park. All who dcslro to wit ness tho finish, therefore, must bo within tho gates. The association athletes aro feeling con siderable dissatisfaction with tho falluroof 29-KR-Q. 30- R X R. 31- R-Q fi. 32- ll-Kt G ch. 33- Q x KBP. 3- P-K 3. 4- Kt-KH 3. 5- Kt-B 3. tl P-Q 4. 7- Kt X P. 8- P X Kt. 9- Q-Kt 4. ,-H-Q 3. 11- Q-R 3. 12- P-K 4. 13- CaHtles. 14,-H-Kt 2. 1R-KR-K. ltt-Q-K 3. 17-P-KB 1. lS-Kt-B 3. 19- P-KR 3. 20- P-K 6. 21- P-Kt 4. 22- Kt-Q 4. 23- P-Kt fi. 21-Kt-Kt 3, 2.-Kt x Kt. 2fi-Kt-Kt 3, 27-Q-Kt 3. 2S R-K 3. 29- QR-K. 30- Q x It. 31- Q-K 2. 32- K-R 2. 33- Resigns; 300 Bicycles in stock novor before wns there such n lino of wheels shown in Omaha. This stock is made up of the well known Stearns, Rambler, Columbia, Barnes, Wolff-American at $40 and $50, and Reliance, the best made wheel in Omaha for tho money, with choice of equipment, only $30. Nebraska special $ 16.75. Alliance, complete new wheel, $13.50. Your good judgment will tell you to look thia stock over beforo you buy a wheel. Second hand bicycles at your own price. Wo have one of tho best equipped re pair shops in tho city. Sewing Machines If you think of buying n sewing machine, SIX I'S. It makes mi dlffcrcnco what make ot machine you want. SKU PS. You may want a DAVIS BAI.I HKAKIXfl, or STANDARD. SlNOKlt or a cheap machine for $10.00. No dlffeienco which, wo can sell you and tnve you money. SRll I'S. Wo hnvo NO agents, we pay NO commissions, so YOU will have to SK K I'S. We rent machines for 73c. per week. Wo repair and sell parts for all makes of machines manufactured. Monday wo will sell our second-hand sowing machines for one-half regular price. Scino will bo sold ns low as $1.00. Rem-Sho Typewriters x lor sale or rent. vo maKo a sneciaitv of Secondhand Typewriters and keep all times a good assortment at low prices. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor- 15th and Harney. Geo. E. Mickol, Mgr. Telephone lUGtf. Road Wheels is tho best value ottered in a bicycle. $32 cash. 35 on time. Three Crown Special 40 equal to most wheels selling for 50.;, ijt io.oo, it irvri.i i:t.-..oo. SI'AI.DIMI. l?:t.".00. AtlllH, tfu.-.oo. I.KiHT HOAD WIIKin.S, $10.00 AM) )j r.0.00. Sterling and Spalding Chainless $60 and $75 These two chainless aro without doubt tho best chalnles mndo. Ask any rider. Other new wheels as low ns $15.00. OMAHA BICYCLE COMPANY, Corner 10th and Chicago. HI. T. IlKVDEN, Manager. B IBB! IBNIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII O 2B0 1NI) Model, $10. J A Fine Top Buggy for $38 JUST HUCUIVI'.II .V lnrK" n merit of line vehicles or nil Klnili World Bicycles $30 Orient lloiulHlem $.10 World lloniUti-rN. ... Ijt 10 ami $HO Other iietv lvheflM from $111 up. .Srcoiiilliiinil wheel from $. up. l.nraeNt nml lit-.t equipped Repair Shop nf lviet price. H. J3. Fredricfcson. 'Phono StJGl. lGlh nnd Dodge. iiHRimeiaia miimiiiihkiiiiii Ul i:STIO.S AMI A.VSWI5HS. ALEXANDRIA, H. V., April 7.-To the Rdltor of Tho lire: Was General Kitchener ever tnnrrli'dv Anna CostlKnn, Ans. HloBiaphles of General Kitchener do not mention tho subject, from which wo Infer he was never innrrled. as shoot through all the open prwam tar-!'"9 "" wlth U,,e ,U,n,y"6ltyA fN1,' Sot "vents nnd whoso averages do not ex- bBka- which was sduloj for April 1 1. a 85 ncr cent A team- conslstlns of tho Kinney brothers, The tournament will begin Tuesday. April ' MeB'W n"? ?verJ thfr" ""l1 Bono " un" oi nt K-nfl n m. Thero nr. runlv.. U"UJ ""Kma pi ' uiiii lut .iu tlon of Mannger Hewitt of tho university In cancelling tho meet Is criticised, Tho acoa elation made a similarly unsuccessful effort to bring a Lincoln tenm to this city during events for tho first day, ten at fifteen tar gcto, with an cntrnnqo of f 1.50, ani two at twenty targets, with nn entrance of $2. To l eaeli eveni win uo uuueu ;o. m iuu iiiieuu target events thero will bo four moneys 35, SO, 20 nnd IB por cent. Klvo moneys will bo divided In the twenty-target events on the basis of 30. 25, 20, 15 and 10 per cont. Two cents each will be charged for targets and 25 cents each for pigeons. Tho progrnm for tho first part of tho sec ond day Is Identically the samo as the first, although nt tho conclusion of the twelve, fWlmn uiri tivpntv.lAriTfit fvpntn ihn aitttn championship event tor a gold medal, open S30 llaydcn Uros.' lull jiafo ad on J3 tntlils paper. SOt'TM OMAHA, April O.-To tho Kdltnr of The Heo; I'lenso nnswer tho following (lUPHtlon In Hunday Ilee: A friend nf mine hnd Homo Jewelry sent him from Prussia, expreH" prepaid. Theso goods aro held In New York custom House for duty. They notified him thut hu must send tliPin J32 fur tariff ilutleH, Is not this oxconslve7 The value nf the Broods, orlslnn'l purchase. wns nbout $70. What In n mwtul per cent? I J. A. Flower Aus, According to the local customs BARGAINS FOR WIDE-AWAKE Bicycle Buyers at Haydeii Bros.' Department Store. GEO. MIERSTEIN, Mjr. Electricity Girdles the Earth in 30 Minutes! Think of 1U power. Vot weak ami dwpondent men no modlclno on oarth will accomplish tho ro sults It will when con trolled, applied and distributed. Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt Is positively tho only belt that will send the currents throuich the en tlro system. It In the only ono that Uih'.i not conllnc- tho electrical forco to tho outside of tho body, whore It can u0 no good 1 can tako u man who hi weak from dcllance of thn lawn of nature ayd euro 'him thoroughly and In such brief tlmo as will make him extol my belt sj being next to a mlrncle. ...... .t . Drugs and tonics will not glvo even temporary vigor In the time that rny belt will effect a permanent cure, and thn other godaeml that my bott be queaths Is that It will not mako your bones acini ami transform you Into a barometer al the approach of every chango In the weather ns will tho medi cines that aro being offered, I can point to 10,000 genuine rurefl, I can guaran tee cures In tho worst forms nf Soxuii Weakness, Varicocele, (Jonerdl Debility', Rheumatism In every guise, Constlpr-jion nnd Femalo Complaints, and Htomnch, Liver, Kidney nnd lllndder Troubles. My belt gives current thnt you can feel Instantly four tlms stronger than those of any other belt. It has soft, silken, ehamol-i-covered sponge electrode that cannot burn und blister, und whan worn out enn be renewed for 76c and will last for years. No other belt can be renewed for nny price. My electrical suspensory for the euro nf the various weaknesses of men la PRKK to every mule purchaser of ono of my belts, Avoid Imitations. Thero uro some belt that look llko mine, hut they are is different as day from night In point nf merit. Call or write for ndvlco nnd my hook, symptom blank and other literature, whlcn will b. mailed to you In a plain sealed envelope. Your letter will be held In sacred confidence and will ho read by no ono except myself My belt Is never sold In drug stores or by agents, only by Dr. Bennett Electric Belt Co., Ilooni. IH-'Jl, DoiiKln. IllneU, Oppnalte Ilnydr Corner Kith ami limine StreeU, OMAHA, .r:il, OFFICE HOUItS From 8:S0 a. m. to 8:34 p. m, Sundays, from 10:30 a, m. to 1 p. m.