8 TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, APT?TTj 11, 1!)00. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. i ' Mlll MUNTIO.X. OlVls Sells ElnSS. Morehouse & Co., mngnztnes bound. .Hudwe.er ui:cr Ij Kosenfeld, agent. Pino A. B. O, beer, Ncumayer's hotel. Schmidt's photos, new and latest stylos, lot your work done at the populnr Eaglt i itidry. 724 IJroadway. 'Phono 157. ti'o artogravures. Alexander & Co. give '.'dal prices on frames for them. V. C. listen, undertaker, : Pearl street, 'i ephonc' Olllre, 37; residence. 13. Mr. nnd Mrs. OeorRo XV. Fletcher expect . leave next Tuesday for Tucson, Ariz. wo nicely turnl'tied rooms, tnouern, th hoard. Mrs. Skinner, IK! l'ark avenue, lln dwln makes u specialty of clcnn r wall paper and frescoes. 121 12th ave. Mr. and Mrs. F. N .Wiley of Macedonia. . have taken up their permanent rcsl nco In this city. There will ! a r pm In! mretlr.tr til even K of lixeelslor Mnionlc lodse, No. 2o9, for ork In the llrst degree. Miss Hllziiboth Or.ives, principal of the oconil Avenue school, Is nblo to resume r duties after a month's serious Illness. Dr. fl. XV. Punch- Is eonllneil tn Ills home the result of being thrown from his uiggy In a runaway accident last Weenies- Jay. The funeral of the- late Norman Orecn ' will be held Sunday afternoon ut 3 o clock from tho family residence, 610 KaBt Fierce ( gtreet. i Miss Anna Durham, who hns been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Munderson. re- turned to her home In Watson, Mo., yes- terday. W. XV. l.oomls returned yesterday evening from Chicago. Mrs. XV. F. S.ipp will re main vlsllliiK friends there for u few days longer. lion. John mUp nnd wife of Itockford. III., ate the guests of II J. Chambers and family, enroute home from Pasadena, I al., TVhero they spent the winter. Mrs. Josephine McDanlels, wlfo of J. T. (MVlJiinlflM, died yesterday ut the Kiel hotel, ntred ytuts. The remains will be taken Monday to lies Moines for Interment. Tho members of Harmony chapter. Order of the Kastern Si.ir. have Issued Invito tlons for u May darning party, to be li'ld nt Odd Fellows' hall, Tuesday evening, liny 1. John M. Harden, the newly appointed fitreet commissioner, has a larcc force of anen at work cleaning the streets and for thu llrst time In several months the pav ing Is l eeomliiK visible. C. H. Hird. alias "Si retch." wanted on u charge of stealing harness belonging to the Jlcmgluud Lumber company, was brought tinck rrom Omaha yestenlay, where he had fceen under arrest for some time. The funeral of Hthel Carolyn, the C-year-old daughter or Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Pure, was held yesterday afternoon from the family residence at 73S Mynsler street, and was attended by a lnrgu gathering of tho relative and friends. Anna, the Infant daughter of 'Mr. and Wis. Martin Mor.tn. I OH! Seventeenth ave nue, died yesterday morning, aged 3 weeks The funeral will be held tills afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence and Interment will be In the Catholic cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. Anna Weiss, wife of P. Weiss, will be held Sunday afternoon nt a o'clock from St. Francis Xavler's church. The remains will leavo the resi dence. 3203 Third avenue, at 2 o'clock. In terment will be In the Catholic cemetery. Charles F.shrnm, a tramp, was arrested last night by the police while In tho act of breaking the seals on, a car In the Northwestern railway yards, lie claimed ho had no Intention of stealing anything, but wanted to get Into tho car to secure H. ride. Tho Citizens' State bank of Falrlleld, Net)., has commenced suit In the district court against Albert . and Albert U bmlth or this city for 11.121.76. A Judgment so cured In the courts of Nebraska forms the Ibasls of the suit. Tho derendunts were formerly residents of Falrlleld. The easo against . Fred Cllne nnd wife, charged ""with nuillclouR trespass and mis chief 'by A. C. KllWorth, was continued In JustUo Vlen's court yesterday until next Thursday. Tho defendants wero unable to nppear In court yesterday, owing to It be ing Good Friday, und they had to attend church. Sheriff Cousins received a dispatch yes terday from Sheriff Charles Ynd of Kara mle, Wyo., saying that he expected to ar rive here this morning for Oeorgo H. Hmlth, wanted there on the charge of horsestealing. Smith's preliminary hear ing Is set for this morning In Justice Fer rler's court. Chase Carter, a young man, was nrresteil last night on u charge of betrayal, pre ferred by tho adopted parents of Cora Danfnrd. Carter said he was willing to marry tho girl and Justice Vleu was called In after n, marriage license had been se cured nnd tho trouble settled to tho satis faction of all. Tho success of two continents, "Quo Vudls," tho great religious play, will ap pear at Dohany'H Sunday. April 1G. Hlegant dcenery, rich costumes and a company far nbovo the ordinary will assist In the pro duction, which Is said to have given tho liest satisfaction. Judging from tho criti cisms It has received, J. XV. French and Miss Genevieve Simpson wero married Thursday evening at tho )uum of tho brldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hnlph Simpson, Cll West Washington uve nue. Tho ceremony was performed by Hew Oeorgo lidwnrd Walk, rector of St. I'aul's Iipiscnpal church, In the presenco of lmmedlato relatives only. Hen Stnnnnrd und Lena Trundle, the J'oung couple who applied for a marrlnge Icense last Wednesday and were refused ono because the bride-to-be waH under ngo n ml lacked the consent of her parents, liavo not presented themselves ut tho dis trict clerk's allien since. When they left Wednesday they said they would return. In South Omaha and secure tho consent of tho girl's parents. Cases against nlno Sunday working bar bers, which have been pending In police court for some tlmo past, were dismissed yestenlay by Judge Aylesworth. Thev had lieen set for trial this morning, but tho prosecuting witness failed to put In an iippearnnco and on motion of tho attorney for the defendants tho cases wero dis missed. None of the barbers who labored lust Sunday have been arrested as yet. N. Y. Plumnlns Ci Tei. 250. tltlon Is Interesting from tho fact tliut tho tequest contained In It ie out of tho ordi nary. It appears that tho petitioners were mar- ! rlod In this city on February 27, 1S7S. nnd ,' that tho licence a Itaued to them In the iinmcK of John Hoffman and Christina , Peterson. They now slate, that, a mistake was made nnd tliRt before and al the tlmo I of their marrlnge their right names wero Peter Hoffman nnd Christina Hosen. They j set forth that ril tho tlih'c" that tliey'se-" cured tho marrlngo llrenso they had re I rentlv come, to this ennntrv frnm tlpnm.irk ! and were unfamiliar with tho Kngllsh Inn- PARTS OF THE CITY LEFT UNPROTECTED KUaK0 aml wero ,10t wrM ct the mis- tnko until some tlmo thereafter. They now dcslro to havo tho records set right. NEED OF POLICE PROTECTION Numbir of Mn on the Forci ii Entirely Inadequate. Wo sell gas stoves on monthly payments Ut hnl' tho price of a gasoline stove. Tho Gas company, 26 Pearl street. Itrnl IXutc Triuisfei'N. Tho following transfer were filed yester day In tho abstract, title and loan olflco of J. XV. Scpilre. 101 Pearl street: Sheriff to the Pottawattamie Invest ment company, 51 lots In Council Hlurs, s d $ us Sirnest li. Hart and wlfo to Junius Sllghtam nnd Jacob l.lnlngor, part sii nwU 21-TTi-n, w d 6,K0 John Slnnett anil wife to Ii. I). Nich ols, nn und 1-0 of w1, noU 22; oH bp',4 1.1 nnd nwti so',4 15-76-10, w 123 Jnmes H. I.ongfeldt and wife to Chris tian Peton-on, block CO of Allen & Cook's add to Avoca, w d 400 Total, four transfers 1S.S90 Muri-lnicr Mceiim-a, Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to tho following persons: Nome and Residence. Ace Slartln lilnkel, Council Illuffs 21 Ivouls Haph, Council Illuffs -jj Kred 11 Ashley, Macedonia la ., 20 Kllznhtth Stephens, Macedonia, la .... 23 FARM LOANS Negotiated In hostern Nebraska mid Iowa. James N. Caidy, Jr., UM Main dL, Council Oluttn, ViitliorltlcH Arc Hampered In ihr Mai ler liy liisiilllclenl Appropriations Mil) or Mixy Mnl' Three Appointments. Tho number of men at present on the police force Is deemed entirely Insufficient for tho proper protection of the city und Chief Albro li anxious that it bo recruited to Its full strength. Heretofore tho force has consisted goncrally of nwenty meu all told, while at present, Including the chief and patrol driver, there arc only sixteen on the pay roll. On tho day force there aro only three patrolmen, whllo at nllt the entire city has to be covertd by four officers. The force, as It Is at prudent, consists of one chief, ono nlfjlit captain, ono day desk sergeant, one deputy city marshal, two de tectives, two Jailors, one or day and ono for night; one patrol driver md seven pa trolmen, three on day beats nnd four ou the night force. Unless Mayor Jennings makes somn new appointments, tho number of men will be still further reduced, as Patrol Driver Doty has scui In his resigna tion and Is anxious to he rrtlcved as uoou as possible. Tho desk of the sergeants and tbe tclo phono equipment was moved yuBtorday from tho room over tho patrol house to the Jail otllco, and by this arrangement It la expected that n regular p.strol driver can be dispensed with. The day nnd night Jailers will act as patrol drivers when needod and tho day und nlfiht sergeants can act. ns Jailers while the reguUr Jailers aro out with tho patrol wegon. Ily this arrangement, If Mayor Jcnulugs fills the vacancy caused by D.My'a resignation, an oxtra man can be detailed tor patrol duty nt night. Since the resignation of Night Sergeant Bergman, Night Captain Denny has been holding down tho icsk, attending to tho telephone calls and ,;ther work In the ofllce. Ileforo this Captain Denny could bo relied upon ns an extra man In caBo of nn emergency call, but under tho present arrangement in cute a call conies over the telephone for an ofllcer nono can bo sent until one of the men on the beats can bo communicated with. Deputy City Marshal White, while a mem ber of tho force, cannot be relied upon for police work, as his entire tlmo Is taken up serving health and othr notices and attending the sessions of tho superior court as bailiff. This practically reduces the police force to fifteen men, Including the chief, tho greater part of whoso tlmo la occupied with offico work, nnd when Doty leaves tho force will be further decreased to fourteen men. Chief Albro sayH four men are not sufll clent to properly care for tne city nt night. Tho residence portions nro left, as a inattor of necessity, without police protection, nnd ho says that It Is a wonder that thoro are not more burglaries and hold-ups than there aro. Tho four men on tho night force aro nil needed to patrol tho huslncss streets of tho city and thus tho rmfdenco portions havo to go without police protection. Mayor Jennings, whcii as-ed what he In tended doing, stated that he had not nulto fully decided. Ho realized, Vto said, that the police force ought to be Increased In order to glvo tho citizens proper protection, but tho question was u dilllcult ono to solve, In tho faco of the reduced appropriations. Ho thought, however, that at tho next meeting of tho city council he weufd submit two or 'possibly throe now appointments to tho force. The force, as It stands at present, Is composed as follows: Chief, Sam Alhro; night captain, Dick Denny; day sergeant, Arthur Slack; tloputy city marshal, Charles White; detectives. Dan Wolr and Charles Claar; day Jailer, Harry James; night Jailer, C. Chrlstenscn; ' pa:rol driver. J. Doty; day patrolmen, Oeorge Wilson, John Smith and N. Swanson; night patrolmen, lid Smith, F. Walklngton, J. Larklns and Thomas Callaghan. Tho Gas company furnishes gas heaters for bath and bedrooms free.. WOMAN l.KAVliS HIM IX THU I.I'HCIl. Coiinriirntlr A. C. I'lnrk linn Xo Useful- lt MnrrliiKr ' rt I II en tr. Among the marrlnge licenses lssufcd by Clerk Heed of tho district court on February 21 was one to A. C. Clark, aged 3fi, nnd Mm. Eliza nrooddffl, aged -10, both of Omaha. Tho afternoon of the mine day, Clark ap peared In Justice Vlen's ofllce and m.ido arrangements for him to perform tho cere mony that evening. According to his prom ise, Justice Vlen was at his ofllce nt the tlmo appointed, but neither groom nor bride put In nppenranco and nfter waiting for nn hour Justice Vlen went home. Tho record In tho marriage register at the court house still lacks the certificate of marriage. Yesterday afternoon Clark presented him self nt the clerk'n ofllce and throwing down tho license nnd the gaudy lithographed cer tlflcato ho hnd purchased on February 21. demanded that his money bo refunded him. "I drn't want this license any nioro and I want my J2 back," ho said. Clerk Heed explained to him that the county did not do business In that way and that he had no authority to roturn him his monoy. "Hut they do It In Nebrnska," Clark said. "I got a license there myself nid took it back when I decided to get ono hero and they gave me back my money all right nnd I want you to do the same." Tho clerk informed Clark that tho county did not deal in wcond-hand marriage cer tificates, hut that possibly he might be oblo to dlsposo of It to ono of tho many Junk dealers In town. "Well, I don't want this license, tho woman bneked out of marrying me and I don't want tho records hero to show Hint I am married to her. I don't want no records to show that I am a married man when I am not, Tho woman changed her mind after I had arranged everything and got the li cense and nrrangod with tbe Justice of the peace to marry us." Clarkfolt better satisfied when Mr. need told him the records did not show that he had been married, as they lacked tho cer tificate of tho Justice of the peace or the minister. Hp explained thnt they merely showed that a license had been issuetl to him. "Well, supposing I get some other woman to marry me, will this license do? Will you change tho namo so that I cm ue It?" Clerk Heed told him he would und this seemed to satisfy the man. Don't nllow nn Interested party to In fluence you against trying n Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar. RECEIVER FOR IOWA COMPANY ' mnyor of the rlty of Des Moines, Polk dl- f n n i, iiiuniit'ii Frank W A It man yealnst City of Du buque and II H. Irlffkr, city treasurer. Dubuque district, nfllrmed Siirah A. Watts against the Kqllltable Mutual I,lfe Association of Waterloo. Polk district, nlllrmed. Maggie Ferry against John Delieen, I.uens ! district, nlllrmed. t F. A. Adams iitfalnst Walter S. Holdeli, ' Des Moines district, nlllrmed. I i.uuni naunucrs against ctiy of Kort .Mad Ison, atllrmed. Commercial Mntnal Fira Iniuranco Concern Faili to Ruhice Its Liabilities. i TREASURER ON INHERITANCE TAX LAW AftT Cnrefnl i:itiiiliintliiii f City .lull I'o II.- Comity (Jriiml Jury MiiUcn Nome Seiisiilloiinl Clinruc In Its I'lniil Itcport. Susan O les appellant, against City of Sheniintloah. Page district, nlllrmed. William Otis Hanson nsnlust city of Ilur lliiKton. Des Moines district, nlllrmed. Alice Jordan, guardian of Oracle Cordon, against Arthur Jllnkle, Davis district, re- Mr. Itllcy C-cent elgat. ItCKtlll Of lt'ltllllll'llll I'lllKMIMCS. The republican cuuoucs held last night In tho several prei Incts In tho city to select delegates to the county convention which meets here next Welnesdny attracted but littlo Interest and tho uttenduiu'c was as a rule small. Tho county convention Is merely to select delegates to the congressional con vention of the Ninth district nnd tho state convention, both of which will bo held in Des Jlolnes May 10. At tho congressional convention two delegates from the district will be selected to intend the national con vention In Philadelphia and tho state con vention will elect four du1egato-nt-lnrgc from the state nnd ratify tho selection ot the delegates selected by the different congres sional conventions. The dt'iegntes selected to the county convention last night were: First Wutil- Flrst precinct: Charles W. Alwood, Curl A. Morgan, Thomas Johnson, lid Fuller. John llulle, J. M. Murphy. Sec ond precinct: George' II. Scott, Illchnrd Oreeu, H. T. Hryunt. O. P. Wheeler, li. H. Gardiner, XV. I',. Clroneweg, F, F. liverest. Second Walil First precinct: J. C. Mitchell. J. H. Sweet. C. S. Hubbard. Frank Peterson, G. M. Gould, William Larson, li. II. I. ounce. Second precinct: 1. II. Wind, W. S. Wllkliis. Theodore Oulttur, C. Dlstinan, John Olson, J. W. Mitchell, F. Hollls. Third Wnrd-Flrst precinct: P. C. l)e Vol. It. V. Innes, J. I. Uroenshlehls. M. C. Vnndeveer, Ohio Knox, Hubert Green, lirnest li. Hart. Second precinct: A. H. Walker, Ii. (. ISrown, V. M. Patrick, J. M. I,ong8treet. 11. M. Hrown. William Amd. Fourth WardFirst precinct t O. 11. Mc Clintock, F. II. lllll, John l.lndt, I. M. Troynor, F. I,. Heed, J. J. lloss. Second precinct: limll LefTert, V. I.. Treynor, Price Gibson, Felix Ciocker, C. G. ('lister. Fifth Ward-First precinct: Abe Mitchell, lid Canning, James lloon, F. Ii. Iloaglnnd, F. J. Clark, l.uw. Ogden. Sixth Ward First precinct: Israel I.ovett, A. (.'. llnrdlng, A. C. Keller. I. St. Shubert, W. Vanileiiberg, A. F. Clntter-liuclc. Gravel roofing. A. II. Head, 541 IV way. Davis sells paints Howell's AntI-"Kawf cure coughs, colill QUIET DAY WITH THE SAINTS Conf eriMicr nt l.uiooiil Will Probably l.n x ( fur Vrrt-ral Dii.vn More. LAMONI, la., April 13. (Spclal Tele gram.) The spirit of deferring ngafn ruled the Saints conference touching tho auditing committee's report on the bishop's books. A motion to adopt tho report ot thu special commltteo mado yiutorday as a basis of agreement was at once followed by n tiub stltute, moved and seconded by two mem bers of that special committed. Thon ut onco came a motion to defer And print tor distribution and to make the special order for tomorrow afternoon: This was resisted by Bishop Kelley and defended by tho mover, II. C. Smith. On being put It obtained. The conference bids fair to aal for several more days. SliXSATIOXAl, im clHCi: SI IT I'll. lit). Prominent Sloili City Woman DImcoi it t llfnlllifllliienN of HiinIiuiiiI. SIOUX CITY. Ia., April 13. (Special.) A suit for divorce haa beon filed by Mm. XV. C. McNamara against her husband, who Is prosldent of the Eastern Nebrnska & Gulf Railway company, and which company owns tho right-of-way from Sioux City to Omaha. This is the result of a discovery made of the unfaithfulness of the lmsb.ind. Mrs. Mc Namara hnd beon suspicious of her husband for somo time und had placed a detective ou his trail. Tho report of this man came like a thunderbolt to tho woman, but she acted i promptly. She found her husband nt a cheap hotel with a pretty South Dakota school teacher and who had formerly taught s.'hool near the McNamara farm. The wlfo went j to the police station accompanied by her . daughter and son-In-lnw. They procured the assistance, of a .policeman and. swooped uowu upuu me UUIUI. inv uuuj ijl liumuuiii In which her husband was wth tho wpmn was locked. It wan ou the ground floor und not to be daunted the nngry wlfo went out side and smashed In the window. Within a very short tlmo lawyers had filed suit In I the courts, seeking for a division of the property, a decree of dlvorco and such other rights ns tho wlfo may be ablo to obtain. Tho McNamnras aro among the best known people In Sioux City. Ho has been a well known contractor for ninny years,, owns tho Kastern Nebraska & Gulf riglit-of-wny. Bomo city property and somo valuablo fnrm , land. His daughter, n beautiful and accom- j pushed young woman, recently was mar- rled to a young railway man of Sioux City. ( The affair has created a great sensation in both church and social circles. DKS MOINKS, April 13. (Special Tele gram.) The Commercial Mutual Flro In iiurnnco company Is In tho hands of a re ceiver. President George A. Jowett this morning nppllod for an order to this effect and It. J. McKeo was appointed by Judge Bishop to wind up the affairs of tho com puny. In tho petition for receiver Mr Jewett says that section 10 of tho articles of incorporation provides that thoro shall bo n guaranty fund of J500.000; that origi nally thero as $25,000 worth of guarantee notes In this fund. There has been cred Ited thereon salaries of those who gavo them and thero has been paid In money Into this fund only $2,150 in cash. On March 1 tho liabilities wero $14,000. Application was mado to tho auditor of state for tho regular certificate. This was refused until such tlmo as tho compauy reduced Its 11a bllltles from $U,000 to $6,000. This has never been done, nnd It is for the.o rensons the court was asked to appoint a receiver who shnll have power to wipe out debta of tho association and wind up Its nlfolrs, McKce Is secretary and treasurer of tho company. Inheritance Tuvc It cccl veil. Tho stnto treasurer this morning rccelyed $5,810 collateral Inheritance tnx from tho lese eetnto Hi Scott county nnd $!i00 from the Heldrlch tstnte In Jones county, in tho Inst week the treasurer has learned of the liability of several big estates. The treasurer Is now notifying attorneys nnd representatives of estates liable for tho In heritance tax of the provisions of the re cent net passed by the legislature. Section 1 of the iict defines tho "debts" that may bo deducted. All estates now In tho course of settlement nnd hereafter found to be liable for tho tax may deduct only tho debts duo rrom tne estnte prior to i s death, ronson- nblo sums for funeral expenses, court costs and tho fcqs of executors nnd administrators and nothing else, Whatsoever. These debts must bo deducted or nllowed by tho court within fifteen months from the date of death of the decedent. Ily the terms of the sec tion no attorneys fees can be deducted nnd no tnxes, state or local, accruing nfter tho death of the decedent. The treasurer says that the provisions of the net, although an parnntly somewhat rigorous, nro more nnerai ny far than tho statutes of many other states Imposing tho inheritance tax. The People's Savlng3 bank of Cedar Hnpids filed articles of Incorporation this morning. Tho capital stock Is $50.0no. Timothy McCarthy: Is president, H. Ii. Wlt- wer vice president, J. J. Powell second vice president .and Ii. XV. Vlrden cashier. The State Hoard of Health was notified th(s morning 'of 'seventeen cases of rmall pox at O.-fkalooaa nnd several at Grlnnell. Polk county ilemocrals will met tomor row to select nominees for county offices. In the Ilnnl report of the Pclk county grand Jury thls mbrnlngj.some sensational charges aro "rojidFgalfist the city Jail. Sanitary condition? there are said to be most vile. After a careful examination tho verdict of' n -""dlenaso-breedlng hole" Is passed upon it, and. recommendations made to tho proper authorities that they correct the evils at once. Supremo Court Opluloiis. Tho supreme court handed down tho fol lowing opinions this morning: Sol Stutsman against John JIaoVlcar, m7 - Who havo tho Bius Dosftondoncy Sn womon is a, menial contiitSon directly traceable to somo distinctly iomalo III. Well womon don't have the blues, but compara tively few people under stand that the right modi cino will drive thorn away. Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Commonwealth 10c cigars are good clears. Want MiirrlnitP Iteeorils Corrected. Peter and Christina Hoffman of Garner township filed a petition In the district court yt-sterday, anklns for an order of court authorizing and Instructing tho clerk to correct tho marriage records. 'The pc- limii Nrn Voles. Tho Catholics of Odebolt have torn down their old church and Will build u new one on the site. Frank A. Hancock retires from the firm of Hancock & Sons of Dubuque and will lomovo to St. Paul, where he will be ninth western agent of tho Sugar trust. And old man wnose name Is unknown, but who 'had been posing as an Indian doi -tor, was struck by u'Gre:it Western train near Berlin and Instantly killed. Dr. Nicholson, principal of tho prepara tory school to Cornell college at Mount Vernon, h.is resigned to nccept tho presi dency of Southwestern collego at Wlntleld, Kan. John Koonz. a farmer llvlnj near Cory don, shot and mortally wounded John Hull yer. llo also shot at tho olllcer who ar rested him. but failed to hit him. The two men were neighbors nnd Koonz says his victim had been harassing him, though it Is believed Koonz Is Insane. Charges have been preferred In the Stnto Federation of Labor against the Hurllngton assembly which may result In tho expul sion of the Hurllngton body. The charges aro that tho Hurllngton assembly worked against the bills before tho late legislature restricting tho making nnd salo of goodB by convicts. FIRE RECORD. I.aiKi' Auburn Hotel. AUHURN. Neb., April 13. (Special. )-Tho Kearns hotel burned nt 1 o'clock this morn ing. Tho building was a largo framo struc ture, veneered with brick nnd had a shingle roof. It was occupied 'by soveral families and roomers, all of whom made their iwnpo nnd tho most of the Goods wore saved. lix-County Superintendent Carman's household goods wero stored In ati upper room and were burned. Tho building was about 230 feet north of tho court house nnd about tho same distance west of tho High school building, hut as thero was no wind other buildings wero saved. Illinois 'imvii Sivepl by 1'lre, PAN'A, 111., April 13. Tho business por Hon ot Oconee, six inllen south of Pana was wiped out by fire, supposed to be of Incendiary origin.. Two suspects havo been arrested. overcomes tho blues, be cause it is tho safeguard of woman's health. It regulates tho ontlro fomale organism as nothing else does. When tho dragging sensation and tho backache go, tho bluos will go also. Road tho letters from womon appearing in this paper women who havo triod it and know. Thero are a million such women. State of Iowu against Wllll.im J. fl.iugh nmn. Cass district, atllrmed. I.1'' n.i ,W'.,V i1.rjnlns.t t,MW " W'nrnrr. Page district, nlllrmed. i n ,1. . . ... Pioneer Township, reversed State of Iowu against Ted livans, Ma haska district, dismissed. J. A. Warner against F. K. Stebblns, Johnson district. niTltnied. After tin- Tn l)oilKerN,. FOHT DODGK, In.. April 13. (Special Tel egram.) Ao the remit of n determined stand on the part of tho Hoard of Equalization of Holfo tho total assessment of moneys nnd credits of its citizens has been raised $700. 000 nnd many prominent buslncm men of tho little town stand in a hnd light with tho tnxpaylng public. It had been an open secret that certain citizens were not giv ing In a complete list of their personal prop crty, sonte, In fact, pranlcally evading taxation altogether. The city council, In tho capacity of a Hoard of Equalization, raised tho estimates of tho city and experienced ln tenso opposition from those affected. Law yers wero retaired by both town and citi zens and nn Investigation resulted In the miearthlng cf lnrge amounta of peraonalty not given In. showing that the county has been victimized for yenrs. As nn Example. Robert Hruco was raised $I.C00, D. Fergu son Son from $,i,S0O to $lu,(00 on moneys nnd credits. C. A. Grant & Son $8,000, 11. F. Mnrtln $1,000, W. 1). Mcnv.en $200,000. C. F. F'.IIesrudo $100, Pocahontas I.nnd nnd Uan company from $37,000 to $100,000. The total increase In thin town of 100 Is $842,000, n fair criterion of tax dodging In Iowa, i Clili'ituonn to Weil Mint HiieUefel Ir r. NllW YOHK. April 12 - Mr. and Mrs. John 1). Hm-koMler touljlit announced the engagement or their daughter, Altu. to li. Pannalee Prentice of Chicago. Miserable indeed aro the afflicted who carelessly permit disease to Rain a fatal hold while relief may be secured for a trifle California's Misson Remedies If Began with Pains 861 the Mr. W. J. Juengcrt, 102 Lon don St., Buffalo, N. Y., tells how be was cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. He says : "About one year ago I was suf fering a great deal with kidney trouble, and the terrible pains which I experienced in the small of my back almost incapacitated me for work. I tried wearing plasters but they did me no good whatever. In connection with this kidney trouble I was subject to chronic headaches. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I did so and soon noticed n great improvement, after continuing their use for several mouths nil traces of the kidney trouble disappeared nnd the head aches became less frequent." (Signed) Wm. Juisngbrt. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 29th day of June, 1899. W. G. Stanton, Notary Public. Dr. wniUnu' Pink Pills for rle Iop1' contain, In a coiiiUmihiI form, U tho ele ments nccesnary tOKironew Hie ami richness to the blood anil restore ahnttercd nerves. They are nil unfailing specific for such dis eases as locomotor nUxia, partial paralysis, Bt. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia rheu matism, nervous headache, the nfler-effectsof la prlppe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sixllow complexions, nil forms ol weakness either in male or female. Or. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pals Pioplsarsnsvsr sold bithe doien orhundred, but slwa)s In pick agss. Atall druggists, or direct Irom the Dr. Wil liams Medicine Compsnr. Schenectadi, N. Y., CO cents per boi, 8 boies $2. CO. HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO and Cala Cactus Liniment are warranted to cure RHEUMATISM and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder Druf ilit return your money If I Ssa Curo (ills to benefit you o o I 1 0 o 9 9 Look Around Now For Office Rooms Go to nil the ofllce buildlnsa nrotind town ami look nt their rooms. Ton enn find plenty of them vacant njid you cnu probably get tiny size room yon wnnt then como to the BEE BPILDING. You will not find so ninny rooms from which to make a selection. Thero Is good reason for that. All the rooms In THE BEE BUILDING nro llrst clnsti nnd the few thnt are vacant are Juat ns pood an those that ate occupied, llents nre no higher than In buildings which may burn up like u lmy stuck. IlEXTAI. AfilWTS, Gronnd Fluor, Ilr nnllrtlnsr. R. C. Peters & Company. S San Curo Cathartic Tablets Perform their work without pain. They posltlvsly cure all LI' GP ILLS Dohany's Theater srxn.w, Ai-Hii. in. H. H. nilADY I'llOnUPTION, QUO VADIS, Till' Si'cnlc Srnmillon. DON'T FAIL TO SRK THE Sl'tTUSS OF THE SEASON. A Powerful Company. Ornnd Scenery, Elc- Kant Costumes, (Ireut Electrical effects. (p. Girls, Attention! Buck's Junior Range Given Away Free. , " iii nive nn1' iiicKri-jimii.u mii-n p. jiiiuur juinuo i rre to me. girl tinner 14 yours (if ugo who cuts the icreatesi uuinbsr of qomplete advertisements contain Ins Buck's Trade Marks LSI li TWO CENTS.... 1 From the newspaper of the city Tho complete ndvertlcenients, In- ' cludlntr trndc-mnrks. should b left nt the store, tied up and with the I name nnd nddress plainly marked, I hIpo number of ad. Contest con tinues from Al'Itll. 15 to jr.N'E ; Cole & Cole, a0 Council Muffs, la. WORTH Of GAS will slvo you a first class hath by using the Victor lnstnntaneuus Water Heater It Is the best, tho simplest and tho mwt efficient water heater made. .1. C. UIXII Y A. SON., Merrlam Hlock. Council Illuffs. JB Buy a Lot And build your own Home upon it, and Stop Paying Rent. Somo vacant lots located, in Central sub addition, Potter & Cobb's addition, Omaha addition and Wright's addition. These lots will bo sold at real bargains. In a yoar or bo they wjll bring double tho money aslted for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council Mud's. If you linvc not iittondeil this sale come Saturday and he here early. SOME - Good Things CHOCOLATE PRAPPE... H11I1I liy I'lnc Trniln. In the Followlnu Flavors: Vniilllii, ronVe, ItiiKplM-rry, l'lni'iipiilr, l.i'iiiiin, Oriuiure, Greatest of All Saturday Easter Sale Bargains. All prices quoted Wednesday are still in (orce. Read below .special prices for Saturday, 1 he week tliu fur has touched tho hlh tide mark, The last day of this Kreat SALfi is to be creator than the fust. The strongest reasons we havj to oirer are that we nre throwlnn out Htich strong inducements in the way of h r litis that the trade appreciate and they will Knisp the opportunity and be here In amnt crowds SATURDAY. (Come in the inorniiu;. ' "x in grout JOHN C. Woodward & Co. Mil 11 11 furfur I iik I'o 11 feci In 11 em. Jobber of 1 1 1 eli (irmle LI ultra. COUNCIL lll.lU'l'S, I A. Notions. Hair 1'lnu, 2 bunclioj .r. lo Safoty I'Iiih, can) -0 I looks anil Kycs, card lo Invisible Hair Pins, bunch 1c Two Tapers of Pins 3o Wslo Klustlc IIoko Supportere Sc Clear White I'earl Ilnttons, dozen So Throe-ouncn bottlo Machine Oil 3c Bono Hair Tins, dozen Sc Toilet Articles. Pears' Suap I.unbnrK Perfumery, oz Pint bottlo Florida Water Klder Flower Toilet Soap Crown iJivender Salts Mi-linen's Tleuiu Powder Lyons' Tooth Powder COItSKT.S. A Bood Summer Corset '. A Fancy Corset, French shape 70c Fancy Corset, pink, blue crcar and white All shapes of W. C C Corsets Uood number of Kubo Corsetu lie 29u I'o :io 19o 14o 17c . 2Sc . 43o . EOo .11.00 . 1.00 Waists. Raster Silk Waists j2 Illack China Silk Waists 3,J8 Colored Satin Waists 2.98 Mercerized Waists jiB0 Wash Shirt Waists COo Whlto Shirt Waists, embroidered In- sorting ii00 Dainty Wmlty Shirt Waists, Wbtu, Pink, Illuo, 2.75 and.,., j.gj Tho world's best 11.00 OQn Kid O loves 00b Poster Hook and 'J-lluttnn II..V) Olaip, I'r neh (J I flfl Kid, UlucU, only Ol'UU CULVER & WOODBURY Council Bluffs' Greatest Bargain Store. .93c All Silk Umbrellai at Colonic! Wlk Tuiretft 91 C( Ilinbrullus J 0U A fuw Hauler ecus left, thoi that come oarl will got old.