TITTC (WAIIA DAILY BEE: SAT 171 DAY, APK1L 1 f, 1!)00. RAND CHALLENGE EASTER SALE SATURDAY fs and Tailor-Made Suits All the $7.50 extra heavy taffeta waist In plain olors, tttckrtt, ribbon and laco trimmed. Also hand kerchief waist. All go In tills salo at ... NPEIS a SONS ffiDOSiOUK"' ' i aa win ii i 39 ffliim VI I la jd a RB have been planning for this Saturday's sale, and have ready values at this challenge sale that will sur prise you. J. L. BnuHloIs .V Sons millinery fityles arc accepted by everyone na tho real swell creations. It does not mean expensive milli nery, qttlto tho contrary. Tho popularity or this department In tho rosult of showing tho correct styles at moderate prices. Of course you will find here tho most elagant styles that are to bo found in Omaha at $5 Trimmed Hats Wo havo made n Hpoclal feature for to day, Saturday, to give our customers tho best poralblo Uat for $5.00. These are nil hand mado shapes, and exact copies of shown hcrtoforo for $10.00. Today at Imported hats, nml arc equal to any hat $5.0 Children's Leghorn Hats trimmed with two shades of chiffon, ribbon and llowers. . . . 25c Grand Special Sale Easter Novelties Easter Eggs Largo hand-palntcd Raster eggs, (os trich size) worth 25c, go at China iOc Immmiso line hand painted Easter Eggs Rabbits Chickens Hares China Kasler Kkcs (duck and goono size) worth 25c go at t 5c Immense line 01 Easter Rabbits, Chickens, Ilasket Hare, etc., worth 15c, at .... V C Higgest lino of larg Pucks Rabbits sizti Rabbits, Ducks, Hares, etc., worth 25c, go at All tho balance of our ontiro stock of CK 01 ic Easter Cards, worth up to 10c each, go at Easter Cards Easter Pictures Immense Imrpiln In Iluml DeiMiraletl Novelty Kasler Pielmes 25c FARMERS OPPOSE HOSPITAL Beiidents Near City's Nan Parckua Enter Vigorous Protest. TEN AGRICULTURISTS 10 APPEAL TO COURT tlrnltli llcpnrtiiu'iit Mny Hp For bidden ti) Triiiiiort 1'ntlfulK AilvlNory Ilonril I'luiiN tn Krect llrlck l'i'Nt HiiiiHC. Tho farmers on West Center street will itclcomo an emergency hospital within their midst with as llttlo fervor as did the resi dents adjoining Miller park who trans formed successive pest houses Into ash heaps. Attorney Kluior B. Thomas, nctlns tor ten farmers In the vicinity of tho now hospital location, secured tho description ol tho property and other Information from thu comptroller yesterday preparatory to filing a petition for an Injunction. Mr. Thomas will ask tho court to prevent the advisory board from erecting further build ings on tho site, im proposed, and, further more, to forbid tho health department to transport patients along tho route. A meeting of tho advisory baard will bo called at once to consider plane for tho emergency hospital. Tho board at first pro posed to use-the frame building on tho premises as a residence for the physician and nursrcj connected with tho hospital and to construct a pest house of five sheettron election booths. Three of theso wero to havo been Joined, forming tho hospital proper, und tho others placed nt one Bido, ono to servo, ns a detention ward and tho other for the treatment of other dlseaoa than smallpox. It was estlinnto.l that nn expenditure of S600 would bo necessary to haul tho buildings to tho location ami to plaster and floor them properly. Comptroller Westberg und Uuildine In For Saturday wo nmko our greatest display, and Sunday the pleasure will be for you. This is the one time of the year more than any other that ladies' enjoy seeing stylish things, and there is no other store in Omaha that has gone to so nine h trouble and pains to show so many really exquisite styles and high class novelties as .1. L. Urandois Sz Sons are showing in millinery and ready made suits. For weeks we S! JO m& At $3.50- Choice of 1.000 hats direct from our work rooms exhibited Saturday for tho first time. Theso aro beautifully trimmed with chiffon, fancy ribbon, Mowers and ornaments. Every ouo displays the nrtlntlc touch of nn artist. On ealo at $1.00 FLOWERS FOR THIS EASTER Wo place on sale the biggest bargains ever offered in flowers. Over 5!3,000 worth bought especially for this Enter sale. These include roses, pansles, uhi'.vsiuitliciiniins, lilacs &muny other variotius. All theso fresh llowors Grand Special Sale Easter Ribbons IOc Ribbons at 3Ac 10.000 yards plain and fancy 1 uolln nr..., ,....l , Pfnt.. ,lnl,. W 1 and fancy ribbons, all silk, ivorth loe. go at .. 50c Ribbons at 15c Urlctly all silk doublo faced latin, moire, tnffcta tind daln colored tatfola ttlbbon, worth up to 0c go In one big lot at 7ic Ribbon lc yd. rand special offering In .N'ovolty Haby nib ion, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 widths. They are lu polka dots, Persian patterns, n (itrlpes and pfalds, worth up to D ft "Vic yard, go at w i 10c Package J Envelopes for One solid carload of all kinds of ' commercial, sutlety, baronial 1 and correspondence slues many of them would be cheap at 10c package--we olfer them to I morrow as Innv us the last at , Vio package. No limit you can I buy as many as you want this Is the biggest bargain we ever c Knvelopca, 11c olierecl. J In conjunction with this sale we will offer j 1,000 Writing Tablet, worth 5c 1 n't and 10c each, at I'JV vtl spector Carter of the advisory board now favor tho erection of a one-story brick building 2Gxtl) feet In hizo, the probable cost to be JS00. Tho structuro will bo fire proof and roofed with gravel. Ten wards will lie on either side of a central hallway. It Is believed that such a structure will bo more omfortublo anil quite as economical In the long run as tho Iron booths. In view of tho milt for $3,000 recently tiled by a smallpox patient against the city for al leged exposure In an election booth tho board thinks It welt to provldo jgalust such contingencies In tho future. The advisory board proposes lo take prompt action in order If possible to antici pate the Injunction proceedingd. Inasmuch as It owns tho property and If necessary need not cre.-t further buildings. It consid ers Itself moderately safe from legal pro ceedings. Tho board does not proposo to allow any Incendiary to gain acctss to tho premises and will post a watchman at night. PREPARE TO MEcT BEATRICE II lull School llelintfrx Strive for the , Honor of lli'iircNculliiu (liiiului In I A iMiinifiilKl I vi onlcl. I Tho Domosthcnlau society of the High school determined by competitive debato Thursday afternoon who should bo Its repre Hentatlves In tho contest with tho Itentrlco High school to bo held In this city April 27. Tho flentrlco school has militated with u ' debating league in southwest Nebraska, In which It has won first honors, thereby prov lug Itself worthy to meet Omaha, which Is looked upon as the strongost In nrgument nnd delivery In this part of tho state. Tho question at Issue Thursday after neon was as follows: "Keitolved, That all trusts and combinations of cupltal which tend to control Industries should bo pr hlbltcd." The successful debaters wr Arthur Jorgensou, president of the Juui' class; llurdctte Lewis, president of tb Uemosthenlanei, and Krnuk Coatsworth, wli was ouo of tho winning tc.ru in tho com 15c SSPLAY OF THE CHEST .LINERY S10.00 and up to S26J0 Trimmed Leghorns 2.50 Extra Oiin Pattern Special O" f)00 no a- trimmed ipglmi'ii huts for la dies iind misses, ex act copies of import ed lints, on sale ut For today, choice oi all of Our Paris Models- which cost us from 25 to $40. Your choice of any of them for Children's Fancy Braid Trimmed HatsJK I trimmed with ribbon, gauze and flowers 0 KJ 25c The quality and stylo of tho gloves wo show will plenso tho most critical. Tho ladled of Omaha never had nn opportunity to choose from such nn excellent assort ment. There never were offered such big bargains, lidiei' kid gloves, two clasp, embroidered tiacKs, in reus, Drowns, lans beavers, grays, white and green, worth upto $1.60 no on bar gain squaro at ladles' fine German lamb bought especially for Easter. In every weight and color Including Mark nnd white, neatly embroidered stitching, Hvery pair guaranteed nnd titled to tho hand at glovo department, at Uadles' extra nunllty English suede Inv norted cloves. Imnorted directly by us Irectly by us I.2S for this Easter sale All tlie very latest new spring ' ltnrM. lipnutlfullv embrold- ered hacks at glovo de partment Indies' kid gloves In two and three, clasp nnd Foster laco hook. Paris point em i broidered. uneoualled for oleganee. work- 1 inanshlp and wear. All supciu colors. ici u colors. 1.69 in tills lot or gioven will bo found tho very best real kid cloves made They are sold liy others up to ' $2 50 pair; at glovo I department fl... petition with Lincoln several weeks ago. Tho honors of tho aftcrno.m woro awarded by the following Judges; Mrs. Drapor Smith, T. V. Illackburn and O. V. Noble. The same question will bo at Ipmio In the con tost with Iloutrlce, Omaha to tuko tho af llrmntlve. at tbo closo of tho debato tho students nnd their guests wero entertained by several numbers from the High school quartet". M'KINNEY IS HEARD FROM l.mv.vrr AVIio IHhii iipeii rt'il llnllicr Suddenly WrllCN n Iifllrr I nder (iili'iiuo Hole, Attorney II. A. Frank Is In receipt of n letter from E. M. McKli.ney, tho lawyer who left Omaha under BOinewhat unpleasant ! circumstances a few days go, Just after having pised as the victim of a hold-up lu which ho declared he lest 600. McKlnnoy writes under Chicago date. He s'vh ho has a position there and wants his personal effects shipped to Iilru. He ovl- dontly !s not nwaro thn his belongings ! havo been ntrnched by creillors. McKlnney I was the organizer of tho Worklngmcn's Protective association an organization gup. pused to Indemnify salaried men from loss ' of wnzrs on account of rokness and acfel- ' dent. Another featuro of tno organization ' was a guarantee to collect nad debts when . owed by employers. iAh to tho $600 McKln noy Is supposed to havo lost In tho alleged i hold-up, Mr. Trnnk who ucccods to some ! of McKlnney'B Insurance agencies exprosses tho opinion that McKinnoy has duo htm from bis companies morn than enough to cover that sum. Murrlnitc I.leeimrn. "r marrlago licenses were Is sued Friday: Naino und Residence. Age. Jacob Abrams, Omaha 21 SuhIo Curtis. Omaha 21 Herman K, W Heed Omaha 2! AtnelU A. Hution, Omahu 21 69c skin gloves. To be had 98c V .sv? $40 US?" $20.00 Hats Saturday, we will olfer the Foliage, wild flowers, large , wreath of roses i on sale at 10c Ladies' Easter Neckwear A perfectly exquisite absortment of all tho new neckwear to be worn this season. Many ntyles and dainty ctfects. Theso como from every fashion center that pro duces stylish neckwear. A larger assort ment hero to select from than you will find nnywhuro else. At special Doston Storo 91.0(1 XKCHWHAIl LaitlM' Rllk and oatln corded satin-fold 4UMU-1U1U 25c n g silk, htock collars In black, white and all colors, go on bargain snuaro at Mnnv stvles of lace ties. Including silk, chiffon and laco edged ties In black and white, worth up to $1.00, go on bargain counter at.. 60c all silk tlrH. very neatly hcmstltchrd, with gradu ated ends, nt 25c 25c Ladles' 60c extra fine black silk and nar nd nar- 25c row laco bobs ln a variety of styles, go In thin naln at fcWWl immanm lnii of all the samiilc neckwear bought at less than half tho regular price, over 60 different styles, worth up to $3.00, go at 50c, 75c and 98c Each NrTS , . , ttnnrf m 'V.' L I 1 I .V II 1 V I 11 i I .11 I IV II ka II. I . 1L1 UIUIUUI South Omaha Prieoner Taken to Lincoln to Etoipe Ljnchiag. HE IS CHARGED WITH FIENDISH CRIME Mierlir I'linrr Ileum lliimnrN of Hope Venuriiiii'c and Hi HiinIciin III) ClllirtC Ollt Of ItCHCll Al'IMIHPlI In Alarmed. Sheriff Power secretly took "Jim" Cernoy out of tho Jail lato Friday afternoon and boarded a train for Lincoln. Comey will bo kept in tho Lancaster county Jail until excitement subsides. Humors, apparently well founded, reached tho sheriff that n mob had been organized In South Omahu to wreak vengeance upon Ccrney and that tho attack was to bo mado some time during tho night. Sherllf Power decided to take no chances. As previously published In The Ileo Ccr ney was arrested Tuesday aftumoon on tho charge of crlmlnully assaulting Katlo Vavra, tho llttlu daughtor of Frank Vavra, n South Omaha boarding houso proprietor. Comey was a boarder In tho Vavra home. There has been much lll-etllng against Cerney ever since his alleged crlmo was mado public and soveral times there has been more or less demonstration. Late Thursday night a crowd of men somo of whom were recognized as South Omaha citi zens visited tho Jail grounds, It is nuld. They offered no violence .and did not mako any effort to gain entrance to tho Jail, It Is now believed that they wero simply looklni; over tho situation ln order to perfect pUns for attack at a future date Cernty had received an Inkling of the feeling against him and ho was extremely anxious until tho sheriff assured him that ho would not spend tho night in Omaha. t Today, Saturday, Final Exhibit and Sale EASTER NOVELTIES Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, Skirts Costumes, Jackets and Capes. O B ft 1 For cholei nice of n lot of R Tailored Suits K A JT1 nMrnu $1200 Taii nllrl Stylo nml matorlulH W' w' u,c latest l'.tOO Ideas. Jacked silk llneil. worth $1S.OO. for $4 'JO. $! 9(Pb Mfc I "or choice of a lot NLnll of $20.00 Stilts, made 31 11 tn swell Eton, nobby Wi tiK,t fitting ami dressy My front Hiyles. Some nppliqucd, others tailor 6'iutic.l. Worth $20.00, eholco O M jft For choice of a lot I Bfc 1 R E! fi ,,r :,'0 Sult3' ln Wlnfl IQBl 11 Btyllah nppliqucd ItrBW vjf Kion Jackets, eklrts mmed to match. Mado of Imported che viots. Venetians, coverts, etc. a Rreat many all silk lined and worth up to $23.00, so nt $15.00. S2.75 For $G.0O Jackets. In novelty and fly front effect!), made of pood all wool coverts, etc and well worth $5 00, go at $2.7". 0 f tfil I'or ''00 VAon nml Siflwfll I,ox JnvketH, of line Wiall Sflklla covert and Venetian VfW clothH. silk lined, U h 'six pearl huttoim and tailor stitched, for $3.98. ll ill! lot of Tailored juck- U! mm cts. worth up to mM m 161 siTT.n. etviish an- pl.qued Etons. t.Kht .Ut.-.B and y ro effectH, all mado 10 ecu "" $17.50, KO at $9.5)0. Oreat display of the most nrtlstic produc tions of fancy hosiery ever shown In Omaha. ; .L.lAd nW.Hlpgt.1 lail'Sl mjri", i" of colorings. now, nobby designs tdalds, and beautiful In fancy stripes and laco otfeets. Ladies line imported fast f black, mercerized silk hose, worth up to $1.00, go at Large assortment of ladies' plain black and fancy lisle thread hosiery, new blues, purples, reds and fancy polka dots, go at, each 25c and 49c Misses', children's and boys' fast black, full seamless hose, in lino and heavy ribbed, go on bargain square at. pair IOc and I2c Ccrney was taken nut of Jail Friday morn ing for arraignment before Justlco Ilald win. Ho pleaded not guilty nnd wan held In $2,000 bonds, which ho could not give. His preliminary examination is set for next Monday, but It tho excitement continues tho hearing may be postponed. Cerney Is of mlddln nge. Ho had been drinking for sev eral days prior to tho commission of tho alleged crlmo. It Is not so much what tho newspapers say, as what neighbor says to neighbor, or friend to friend, that has brought Chambor laln's Colic, Cholera nnd Dlrrnhoca Remedy Into tuch general use. It Is as natural for people to express their gratitude after using this remedy as It Is for water to flow down hill. It Ih tho ono lomcdy that can always bo depended upon, whether a baby Is sick with cholera Infantum or a man with cholera morbus. It Is pleasant safo and reliable. Havo you a bottlo of It In your homo? STARTLING QUESTION SPRUNG .Milliner of Seleetluu Mercer lleleKii lloii IIiiIntn Ilnulit of IIn Authority. All Interesting question was sprung nt tho meeting of tho Fifth Ward Republican club last night, Involving thu legality of the prospective nomination of David II. Mercor for congress. Hugh Myers called attention to tho fact that onu of tho Judges of tho district court hud given it ns his opinion Hint tho manner of selecting delegates to the congressional convention was not such as would confer upon that delegation legal au thority to nominate a cougicMman. It Is claimed that tho call for tho county primary election nt which tho delegation was se lected provided only for tho election of o delegation to tho stato convention, nnd that tho delegation has not thoreforo received tho rusito authority to enable them to attend tho congressional convention and name n candidate for congress. Mr. Myers said that ono of the Judges of tho district court had rendered quite a positive opln- TODAY- SATURDAY. The best day of our biff pule of line Tnllor-Mndo Suits,' almost a hundred bought nt almost half price. No two ullke-nll different. xtio.no suits roil :iT.r,o. i.-.oo suits von :i7.r.o. :irs.oo siits for '-!' tfuo.oo suits roil ir.on. 5,000 pair misses and children's extra well made fine muslin draw ers, all sizos, go at, each 0c and 15c n-r.A int inriinu' oxtrx well made, finest muslin and cannbrlo underwear, handsomely trimmed with lace, embroidery and Insertion, minium? unwnir. skirts, drawers and skirt chemise, a small part of which has been displayed In our show winuow; win uo on bargain square In three lots at 49c, 75c, 98c iJrund KeustiT Snip I.itille tiiilerweiir A small part of theso Swiss ribbed and morcorlzed silk underwear have been ex hibited ln our front show window. All tho ladles' openwork laco effect vests, Swiss ribbed nnd lino mercerized cotton, long alcove, vesta, all sizes, worth up to 35c, go at 15 cents Ladles' very handsomo style llslo thread vests with luco yokes and shoulder strapB, silk ribbon trimmed, go on bargain counter at 25c and 39c, worth 75c. Ono Immense, lot of ladles' imported Swiss llslo and silk undervests, very elaborately trimmed with mercerized Bilk, lace and rib bon, go on bargain counter nt 19 cents Ion that this defect might vitiate a nomina tion of Mr. Mercor unless It bo modified In time, and ho ouggested tho BUbJcct nB ono worthy of Investigation by tho club. A commltteo comprising MosBrs. Myers, Hol brook and Woodward was appointed to mako inquiry of tho chairman of tho congressional commltteo as to tho sufficiency of tho au thority of tho delegation. It was claimed by Mr. Myern that tho district Judgo had given it as his opinion that tho di-fcct Is Kiich as may prevent Congrcusman Mercer's nniuo from finding a placo on tho olllclal ballot unless remedial stcptt nro taken. It. V. Richardson delivered an address In opposition to tho modern tendency toward municipal ownership of public utilities and tho question of tho election of United States senators by a direct voto of tho people was selected for discussion at the meeting next Friday ovonllig. Tho application!) of forty two republicans of tho Fifth ward for mem bcrshlp wero received. I 0 , Curo an cxcellont remedy in caso oi stomacn trouble nnd havo derived great benefit from I its use," It digests what you cot and can not fall to curo, HELP FOR STARVING INDIA liim'rnor I'oynlnr .Waken mi Appeal in (lie Cliitrltnlily DUpoNeil In eli rim l(il. Tho Ileo cheerfully given spneo to tho fol I lowing letter of tho governor, asking nil Nehraskans charitably dlspofed to respond , to tho call for contributions to the India re , lief fund: 1 uxHcuTivifl cuAMnnrt, Lincoln, Nfb., April 1.1. To the Kdltor of Tho Ileo: Mr. O L. Hosford, supervisor and secry tury of tho Nobraskan commission for the India famine sufforers, called nt my nfttce this morning und requested that I suggest to you tho desirability of your paper muk lug ii call for subscriptions to this fund I believe this to bo u laudable undertaking and. If thought advisable by you to espouse It, 1 have no doubt thu generous pcoplo uf Vor $2.00 Sklrtfl, mada ! IIKII Kood quality of brlllluntlnc, JJI Rood lluliiK & vclvetlne bound " others nsk two dollars for no better, our price 9Se. 1.85 Kor $4.00 Skirts, In plaids, homespuns, che viots, etc., a skirt bar gain that you will ap preciate, worth $1.00, ko at $1.S3. $2.98 Tor $5.00 Sklrtfi, In a large assortment of tttylcs and materials, plain tailored and np- pllqucd Btylcs, with box backs and well worth $5.00, so at $2.98. 1.98 For good Hroeadcd Cape, well trimmed and good llnlnR, would soil regularly for $3.00, our price $1.98. 14.98 For Fine Silk Cape In heavy rep ami hrocmled sllka, rib bon, eliilTon iind jet trtimucil, Bilk lined, worth ?7.W), ko at if 1.1)8. 25c laco mid cm broidered cclgo and hemstitched Hand kerchiefs nt, each 5c An Importer en tiro tuimplo line of .... 1,n,l,t.n,lM i Ue TILilr union iuiuituiticu I. c nfcunJr "nd llrawn Thread V W Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, over n hundred styles, regular price up to 60c euch, go ut 15 cents. 250 dozen ladles' nnd gents' pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, very neatly hem stitched, nil widths of hems, worth up to 35c. ln this nnlu 15 cents. Ladles' -ery sheer all pure linen Em broidered nnd Hemstitched Hundkcrchlefs, In very neat and dainty effects, some with slight Imperfections, but hardly noticeable, worth In tho regular way up to J1.00, so on bargain counter at, cacti I9c- 25c and 39c Woodbury's Grand Toilet Articles Aro nearest perfection for dally uso In toilet, bath nnd nursery. They aro pure, sweet, hurmless nnd enn bo used with per fect safety on tho most dellcnto skin. A weeks' trial will fully demonstrate their truu worth. woodnury h Facial Hoop, Fa cial Cream, Violet Powder and Dental Cream, regular prlco l!5c, our prlco, 18 cents Woodbury's Hair Tonic kteps tha scalp clean and healthy, the hair soft and fluffy. Price. 49c in Drug Dept. Nebraska would cheerfully respond to tha call. Should you decide to mako tho call !r, Hosford requests that all funds obtained bo forwarded to J. 11. Auld, cashier of tho t'lty Nutlonal Imnk, Lincoln, Neb., and that those received up to und Including April IS should bo placed In his hands by thi 19th In order to meet Immediate requirements for tho expedition nearly ready to sail. Very truly yours, W. A. POYNTKR, .lllllloiiH nivrn Awuy. It Is certainly gratifying to tho public to know of ono concern which Is not afraid to bo generouri. Tho proprietor! of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Couglm and Colds have given uway over ten million trial bottled and havo tho satisfaction of knowing It has cured thousands of hopeleMi cases. Asthma, DronchltlH, LnOrlppe and all Throat, ChcRt nnd Lung discuses are surely cured by i It. Call on Kuhn & Co., druggUUM, and got a froo trial bottle. Regular size, 60c and $1. Hvery bottlo guaranteed. II lult School Senior' .Mimical. To rnlso fundi for their uuniiul hop, to bo held May I. tho senior class of tho Omaha High school gavo nn entertainment consist ing of music und dramatic readings Fri day night In tho Young -Men's Christian Association auditorium. Tho attendance was good und tho program was thoroughly appreciated throughout. Ono of the best numbers was "My Sweet heart nnd I," sung uu a soprano solo by Miss Urnco Nnrthrup. Shn was recalled twice. Miss Northrup was the only High school pupil tn appear on tho program, MIsh Allco Howell, elocutionist, mado n hit with tho arena sceno from "Quo Vadls" and Slgmiind luudsberg with Ills piano solo, DOES COFFEE AGREE WITH YOU ? If not, drink Qraln-O mane from pur grains. A lady wrlta: "The first time I mado Oraln-O I did not tike It, but after using It for one wotk nothing would Induoa ma to go b.xck to cofTee," It nourlahf-s anA fds the system, The children can drink It freely with rreat benefit. It Is tha ntrenctnenlntr substance of pur Kraioa. Get a packnga today from your crocer, fol low the direction In maklnir It and yoa will hnvn a dHlcleim and healthful table beverage, tor clX and youna;. Uo aa Ms.