'lUT-p. mr A TI A T ATT.V t!1M, cAiPIMJnAV ATtTT. II -innit Telephone 618-891. and Foster makes are hero represented. At $1.00 per pair A full line of Women's Olovcs of good quality, In lace or clasp. Al.li.50 per pnlr In every wanted style, since finish! ala omo shades In suede, patent clasps and In the new Foster hooks; beautiful shades nnd - stylish em broideries. At. $2,00 por pair Patent clasp and largo hook lacing, In best qualities of kid, embroideries' to match clasp and hooks. Misses' Kid Gloves $1.00 pur. pair. . - N - GJoyes Cleaned 10c per pair. m, , jr . Ladles' Suits Nowhere do yoii- see such air exclusive linn of , finb, "Cailor-nade suite as hero " We'how t nothing but what is of the ndvost anft lat6st. . Tomorrow wo 'will have lots of now oton suits in black, At $20.00, $22.00, $25.00, $30.00. New dress ttklrts; our stock of line garments Is at Its best. .Houso gowns; Inimcnso variety of fine new stylish garments at $1.00, $1.50, $1.78, rJ.00, $2.25 nnd $2.73. rcttlcoale HeauHful creations In black mereerlzod cotton, nccordlan plaited flounces, ot $2,75, $3.75 cuch. Handkerchiefs for Easter Gifts. All lines from the cheapest grades to the best. We are showing some of the newest styles for women. They are aheer linen, hemstitched, hand embroldorcd In one corner only, Wo Close Oar Store SaturJnys at 6 P. M. AGENTS FOtl POSTBn KID ril.OVKS AD McCAt.Ifl PATTERNS. ", Thompson, Beldeh &Co. THL ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA. V, M. p, A. UUILDINCJ, COn. 16TH AND DOUGLAS .STB. mate, eotnralUco hbe oilddle-Qf-.tlio;rond-ers, Is prominently mentioned us national chalSiaV-of ft&'fropWstWmmlUed W V DEADLOCK A RECORD BREAKER1 Oh'ro-ConKrelnni Convention Aii- Journal tftr n Mon'lb Alter'. l.H.VJ Ilnlloln. WELLINGTON', O., April 13.-Thc at tempt to nominate a candidate for congress to succcod Hopresentatlvo V. S. Kerr was abandoned by tho republican convention of the Fourteenth district this afternoon, after 1,352 ballots had been taken. The conven tion met ou Tuesday morning and It was In swislon day and night, with short Intermis sions, for nearly four days. At noon today a. conference coramltteo ot representatives from each county In tho state was appointed and the report of tho coramltteo that tho convention adjourn to meet In NorwaiuTm May 17 was adopted. Tbero was no chango fi tho vote from tho 759th to tho 1,352(1 1ml. ot. This dead lock Is a record-breaker fee far as Ohio Is concerned. WAST MAX riiuji COI.OHAUO. Srnutor Wolcnlt tlruril n HunnliiK mnte for President MeKlnlry. COLOUADO Sl'IUNOS, April 13. In Its leading editorial ot tomorrow morning, tho Colorado Springs Gaictto will strongly en dorse United States Senator Wolcott for the Tlo presidency. Tho Gazetto Is the only dally paper In Colorado that supported MciClnloy In 1896 The Main-Spring To a 8,5 "v. : &Vt . 1 Is ' Is its ability 'to purify the "blood, create an appetite and overcome that tired feeling. Hence in asking you to take Hood's Sarsapa rilla in preference to all other medicines this Spring, we are doing so on the basis of proof more mighty, more conclusive, more positive than can be advanced for any other, that it does all these things. Its peculiar combina tion of remedial agents, its unequalled record of cures, and its wonderful sales, tell the story, and should secure your confidence and ..bqlief in common with the majority of people that, Hood's Sarsaparilla is America's Great . e$t Spring Medicine. Get it TODAY. , HI ( '.'" -U re )rt ' f . Bee, April 13, 1000. Easter Gloves. Never so ninny pretty Btyles and dainty shades as we are Bliowing for this Easter season, airl it pays to buy your Gloves where you may dismiss all doubt as to qualtity. Trefousse In beautiful designs In both whlto and colors, 75c, S5c and $1.00 each. Women's all linen, .cmbro'ldercd hand kerchiefs, 23c, 35c, 50c, 76c, $1.00, up to $2.50 each. A special value In women's unlaun derod .all llnon . handkerchiefs, honi fltttched, embroidered wreath and Ini tial In ono corner, 15c each. Women's Neckwear , r Time is probably noth ing more interesing and thoroughly fascinating than women's neckwear. Exqulelto novelties from the best makers aro In this Easter display. Stock coltarB, separate or with bows, t . .... ... A ...l,trt lnnn jaUOla, I1CUUC9, UUIIUH uuu I1IUW IUI.U - tlllw.1 t T Ik..,.. ..lit ...11. ' UCH, lullfi tvlutlMUl, 1 Blll, niui tucked or fringed ends, nnd many nioro ol tbo lato styics, all at low prices. Fancy Ribbons It is hard to decide which are the moat beautiful this season. We bollevo our showing Is tho best In tho city; there la n wealth of rich coloring In the newest shades, and the prices aro tho lowest. Hand some patterns In tbo new pastel shades. Four and five Inches, wide, at 50c, 60c 75c, 85c and $1.00 per yard. Children's fancy hair ribbons, I2ic, 18c and 25c Vcr yard. and It urges upon republicans the wisdom or taxing a man irom xne rnr west lor vice president,, as. the .east In.Rlrrady numerously represented In the cabinet, and that Wolcott la. one ot the most, consistent and brilliant republicans In tho west. It prophesies that ho would take away from Bryan the vote of the real blmetallists ot trie country. People's I'nrty Mnu Meeting;. HURON, S. I)., April 13. (Special.) A mass meeting of' tho people" party at Bca dto county will be held In thin city on Saturday, for tho purpose of selecting eigh teen delegates to the fitato convention, to bo held In Canton. It Is also understood that tho question ot continuing the primary sys tem of nominating candidates for county offices shall be continued. The system han been In voguo several years and has been given thorough test. Ilrynn In Netv Mexico. DENVBIt, April 13. A special to the Ilo publlcan from Albuquerque, N. M., says: Tho territorial democratic convention to day elected six delegates to tho national convention and Instructed them to vote for W. J. Bryan for president. Ex-Delegate Kcrguseon was chosen as national commit teeman. Dryan arrived nero tonight and will speak twlco tomorrow. Cnllfnrnln 1'opulUta Unlnatrnetril. SAN FItANCISCO, April 13. Tho populist state central committee tonight selected thirty-six delegates to tho national pop ulist convention at Sioux Falls. The dele gates were not Instructed, but open expres sions Indicate that W, J, Bryan Is tbo choice of the majority ot the delegates. Spring Medicine ALLEN BESOUGHT FOR JOBS New Governor of Porto Klco i DoJglng tbo OUcaieekais UW TAK'S EFFECr TllE FIRST OF MAY (lnu MnUo HiiIIiik Wnr Depiirtinciit In Itetnln Cotiiplrlc Control of Iho ImIiiiiiI Alt ot Till Month. WASHINGTON, April 13. It Is under stood that no selection of n successor to Allen as assistant secretary of the navy will bo made until nfter Secretary .Long returns to Washington from Colofado nnd hn had nn opportunity to express his preference In tho matter. Tho secretary Is expected to ar rlvo here nlmcst nny moment. Meanwhile tho tldo of placeseekcrs has turned upon Allen's ofneo and tho White Houso, some of tho applicants not even waiting for tho presidents slgnnturo to tho organic act be foro presenting their claims for sotno post connected with the government of Porto Iltco. Tho Indications nre that noma of these appointments will be nindo until Allen has had an opportunity to reach Han Juan nnd personally loolo Into tho conditions there. Sccrotary ot tho Tre.-ury Gage has decided that tho customs feature of tho Porto Mco tarlrf and govern mental bill gocs Into operation on the first day pf May, ltiOO. this decision wns made necessary In view .cf -a' discrepancy In the bill as to the time tho act. should become operative. This action wns taken un the result ot a conference at tho treasury oday between Assistant Secretary Mclklcjotin and Assist ant Secretary Spalding, 'ftic War depart ment hat, been In receipt of many Inquiries from persons In different Aectlons of tho country calling attention itii the apparent discrepancy In the Porto Ulco act and asking for tin official statement na to the date when tho duties will go Into effect. Tho conclu sion arrived at applies to nil of tho affairs of tho Island and tho War dopartment will retain complete control and direction there until May 1. It 1b expfceted that Governor Allen will bo In San Juan before tho end of the present month, but he will not undertake to nssume his office until tho ilatc named. Tho cabinet meeting today was occupied largely In a discussion of Porto Itlcan affairs and particularly tho Porto Klcnn bill, which was slgnod by the' president yesterday. Tho provisions of tho bill were carefully gone over and sug gestions made as to tho personnel ot the new administration ot the Island. Secretary Gago has already taken steps to assume charge of tho collection of tho customs duties nnd soon an expert will be designated to go over tho Island and Inspect the present system, with a v(ev to making nny changes cither In methods' or personnel that may seem necessary. SPEAKER GIVEN A GAVEL KrlenilN from Mlnni'Nutn Show Their Kxleeni for the PreHldlnn Ofllcrr of till- Hoiino. WASHINGTON, April 13. Representatives McClcary and Stevens ot Minnesota called on tho speaker of tho house today to present a gavel from Minnesota friends. In pre senting It Mr. McClcary said: "Mr. Speaker, I have tho honor of presenting to you a gavel from n. number of your Min nesota friends and admirers. Tho head ot tho gavel Is of plpestone from' the quarries )r- my district, made 'famous by- Lopgfellow- in nis poem, niawiiuia. rno nanme is ot walnut, grown inVoutuernMfftYiesbta,, Thq scroll cn the handle giving your Initials Is of solid gold. Your -friends In Minnesota believe that this gavel Is typical of him to whom It Is presented, tho stone head representing a sturdy character, tho solid gold sterling purpose and tho handle tho up ward growing disposition of tho tree. They give It to you with their compliments and best wishes and with the hope that you may long wield It In your present official position. Tho case, ns you see, Is cf joBewood, lined with purplo silk velvet." Speaker Henderson In rckponso said:' "Accept from mo my grateful acknowledg ment ot this handsomo and suggestive gift. Please say to my friends how very much I appreciate It. It will always remind mo of. faithful Minnesota, of kind Mlnnesotn, my near nalghbora. I cannot, ot course, nccept without some modification tho pleasant things said regarding mo In presenting It, but your generous estimate will bo a stand- nrd for mo to work toward. The box Is a gem worthy of tho gavel. Again and again most heartily do I thank you." Two Otncern Honornbly nixchnrueil. WASHINGTON, April l!f.-MaJor Georgo F. ShlolB, Burgeon of United states volun teers, nt his own request, has been honor ably discharged from tho volunteer army, to take effect June 10 next. Ho Is now on temporary duty In tho Dopxrtmcnt of Cali fornia. Captain Gdwaro 11. Hutchlns, assistant commissary of subsistence, United States volunteers, having been found disqualified to perform tho duties of his rank, has been honorably discharged from tho service of the United States. COMMISSIONS FOR SURGEONS k j. CoiiKrrm IrKeil In (Hie Conlrnut Mrillcnl Olllrem tin" t'ovrtetl lilo. WASHINGTON, April 13. The secretary of -war has' forwarded to congress with his approval tho drnlt of a bill prepared by Surgeon General Sternberg providing for the appointment of contract surgeons who have rendered ono year's faithful and satis factory service. In tho nrmy of tho United States ne assistant surgeons of volunteers with the rank ot first lieutenant. The bill provides for such appointments nfter tho usual examination as to physical and pro fessional qualifications nnd tho officers a commissioned are to be subject to honorable dlschargo whenever their services nre no longer required! The bill also provides for tho promotion of .ouch assistant surgeons to tho rank of captain after two years' faith ful and satisfactory service. General Stern berg has- written a letter to the secretary ot war urging the enactment of tho proposed legislation during the present session of congress, both In tho Interests of tho serv ice nnd as a mattor of Justice to a number of contract surgeons who ore now In tho servlco, and Upon whom to a large extent he says devolves the duty of curing for the slclr of our armies In tho United States, In Cuba, In Porto Klco, In Alaska and In tho Philippines. pmsiOAs icon ivksthhx vkthhans. Wnr Survivor llpnte-iiiliereil by tho Oeiiernllloverniiient. WASHINGTON, April 13. (Special.) Tho following pcnslons.havo been granted: Issue of March 2S: Nebraska: Increase Henry H. Neweomb, Omulitt, U to Jin, Original widows, etc. fsneolal accrued March 30) Ktholda Latch, Omaha. J8; Louisa Vinton. Sidney, JS. Iowa: Original (special accrued March 30) Isaac Fowler (dead), Wilton Junction, JI2. Increase Henry M. Oraves, lies Moines, Jio to $12; Wane T. H, Cnlson, Ma sonvllle, $0 to Jk: Alfred McNeill. Wood burn, JS to J12; William M. Starr, Maxwell. If! to H. original widows. ete.-Jnme Perry, father, Grant City, J12: minor of Henry Gable. Kurrnlngton. til; (special March .10) Permella A. Fowler. Wilton Juiu'tloit, S; (special accrued March 30) Anna Miller, Wliitlirun, t. AMERICAN LEAGUE "SCHEDULE l.imt of (iiiiiii'M (o Up Plnyeil by the Coiiibluittloii'H Hull Tenuis. Tho following games have been scheduled for the eight teams comprlflng the Amer ican league on the" dates named: Minneapolis At Milwaukee, Mav 27, 2S, 30, 30: June 2!i, 30; July l; August 23, 25. 2rt. At Cleveland, May H. 15, lfi. ,17; July 12. 13, H; September 5. 5, 6. At Buffalo, Muy H, 10. 11. 12; Jul.' 16, 17t 18; Sjptembor 3. 3, 4. At Kansas City, April 19, 20, 21, 22; July 5. 7. 8: August 17, 18, It). At Chicago, April 23, 21, 25, 2J; June 25. 2ti, 27; August 20, 21, 22.. At Indianapolis. May 23, 21, 23, 2fi; Julv 9, 10, 11; August 27, 28, 2D. At Detroit, Slay 18, 19. 20, 21; July 19, 21, 22; August 30, 31; September 1. Milwaukee At Minneapolis. May t, 5, 6; Juno 21, 22, 23, 21; August 7. 8, 9. At Clove land, Muy 9, 10, 11, 12; Julv 9. 10. 11; Sep tember 3. 3, 1.' At Buffalo. May 11.15. 10, 17; July 19. 20, 21: September 5, n. 6. At Kan sas City, April 23, 21. 25,- 20; July 3, t, A; Au gust 20, 21, 22...At Chicago. April 19, 30, 21. 22: June 18, 19, ): August 17. IS. 19. At In dianapolis, May 18, 19, 21, 22; July 12, 13. H: August 30, 31; Koiitembar I. At Detroit, MaVM, 2l!(2r-(Ju!y 10, 17,. IS; August 27, Cleveland At'-Mtnnenpolls, June 1 1, 15, 16, J.: August 3, 4,,5i September 13, 14. 15. At Milwaukee, Jlitfe l; 2, 3, 4: July 1'7. 2S. 2s): September is; ITT R At Buffalo, JIny 28. 29, 30, 3j; JulytSJtf, -7; August 23. 21, 23. At KansaH Cltylun.e 9, lQ,ril, 12; July 30, 31: rAUgdt lj'fiepUmberjT'g, 9. At Chicago June 6,. 7.--S: Jfjly" "2T h. 25; September 10, Jl 13,1 kVt..lnfUo!mon, April'-, in, 20, 21; June 29. 30: Jiife2: August 10, 11, .11. At -Detroit, Aplt-E3l,. ;'Jla-27: Juno 19, 20, 2U AugUHt 7,. Hi A,' t ! - nuffalo-AtMliiueanpllH, June P, 10, 11, 12; Jtily 30, 3) August J;. September 10. U, 12. June 1. 2. 3. 4: JlllV 27. 28. 2!)! flrnlnmhnr is 14, 15, At Indianapolis, April 23, 21, '', Juno 18. 19, 20 21; August 6, 7, 8. At De troit, April 19, 20, 21, 22; July 3, 4, 4; August KansaH City At sMInnsipolls. April 27, 28, 29. 30; Juno IS. 19. 20; August 14. 15. l. At MIlwnuKee, May 1. 2. 3; June 25, 2fl, 27; August 10, 11, 12. At Cleveland, Mav IS, 19, 21, 22; July 16, 17, 18; August 30, 31; Septem ber 1. At Buffalo, May 2i, 2. 25, 2ii; July 12. 13. 14; August 27, 2S, At Chicago, May 27, 2S, 30, 30: Juno 21, 23, 21; August 23, 25, 26. At Indianapolis. .May 14, 15, 16, 17; July 19. 20, 21; September 3, 3, 4. At De troit, May 9, 10, 11, 12; July 9, 10, 11; Sep tember 6. 5. .6. Chlcugo At Minneapolis. May I, 2, 3: July 2. 3, 4, 4; August 10. 11, 12. At Milwau kee. April 27. 2X. 29. 30; July 5, 7, 8: August 14, 15, 16. At Cleveland. Mav 23, 24, 25. 2; July 19, 20, 21; August 27. 2S, 29. At BlIITalo, May IS, 19, 21, 22; July 9, 10. 11: August 30, .11; Septemher 1. At Kansas Cltv, May 5, 7. 8; Juno'SO. 30: July 1; August 7. 8, 0. At Indianapolis. -May 9. 10. 11, 12; Julv 10. 17, IS; September 5, 5. fi. At Detroit. .Mav 13, 14. 15. 1; July 12, 13. 14; August 2, 3. 4. Indianapolis At Minneapolis, Julie 5, 6, 7. 8; July 27, 2S, 29; September 8, 9, 9. At Milwaukee, May 20; June 9, 10, 11, 12; July 15; August 2, 4. 5; September 13, 14. At Cleveland, April 26, 27, 2S; July 3, 4, 4; August 20, 21. 22, 22. At IlufTulo, April. 30; Juno 26. 27, 2S; August 16, 17. 18. At Kansas City. June 1, 2, 3. I; Jiily 22. 24, 25; September 10. 11, 12. At Chlcugo, Juno 14, 15. 16. 17: July 30, 31; August 1; September 16, 17, H. At Detroit. May I, C, , 7; June 22, 23, 21; August 13, 14, 15. Detroit At Minneapolis, June 1, 2, 3. 4: July 21, 25, 26; Ssptember 16, 17. 18. At Mil waukee, Juno 5, 6, 7, 8; July 30, 31; August 1; September 10, 11, 12. At Cleveland, April .10; May 1. 2. 3; June 26, 27, 2S: August 16, 17, 18, At Buffalo, April 26. 27. 2S; June 29, 30; July 1. 2; August 20, 21. 22. At Kansas City. June 14, 15, 16, 17; July 27. 2S, 29; Sep tember 13, 14, 15. At Chicago. Juno 9, 10, 11, 12; September 23, 3. At Indianapolis, Mny 28, 29, 30, 30; July 5, 6, 7; August 23, 21, 25. fSolf'CliiliN III Inwn, SIOl'X CITY, la.. April 13.-(SpecloI.)-Thcre aro In tho neighborhood of 1,000 golf players In tho state of Iowa who devote much tlmo nnd money to tho pursuit of this sport. They nre about to organlzo a stato association, Tho principal centers of play are Davenport, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Mnrshalltown, Keokuk, Clinton, Lemars nnd Sioux City. In these towns the gamo has been -followed from one to live years and nil have well organized clubs, beautiful links und most of them rem-fortablo-and attractive club houses. This year clubs are bulng. organized in Waterloo I'ort Dodge, Fort Mndlson, Marcus many other towns. and Hull ToMwerK ('limine llnMrii, CINCINNATI. April 13.-Tho Beds have released "Case" Patten, pitcher, and Vic tor Aecorslnl, catcher, to Kansas City and Jack Cronln. pitcher, to Detroit. Cronln started for Detroit tonight, expecting to sign thore tomorrow, but tho express was stopped In the Hiiburbs to eject him. Some friends had previously accompanied him to tho depot. O'Brien (given the Deelalon, CHICAGO, April 13.-Jack O'Brien of Philadelphia was given tho decision over Bob Long of Davenport. la., tonight at the end of six rounds. Thn light was too one-sided to possess much Interest, O'Brien being far superior to Iong. AVI ii h Polo ('liiiinilonshli, MITNCIK. Ind.. April 13.-The Hartford (Conn.) polo team, cnnmplons of tho east, took another game from Munclo tonight by the score of 9 to 0 and won the champion ship ot tho United States. .NehritNltn Iiiilliiim Win. LINCOLN, April 13.-(Speclal Telegram.) In n featureless game tho university base ball team was defeated this afternoon by tho Nebraska Indians by a score of 11 to 10, Will Content on (lie Gridiron. PHlIiADELPlUA. April 13,-Tho Unlver slty of Pcnnsylyiinla foot ball team will pluy the Chicago university eleven on Franklin field hero October 27. Von UK Cornell Knoeketl Out. DKNVUIt. April 13.-The "Tipton Slasher" knocked out Young Corbctt In tho eighth round, ' Kiikh Orntorx Vlelnrloiiai, LAWllENCK, Knn.. April 13.-The third annual debato between representatives of the University of Missouri and Kaunas took place here tonight. It was won by the Kail vas orators., who had the negative of the question. "Resolved that the United States should retains the Philippines." .itliniumrt., uune II, iu, ID, II, July &t 21. 25: .September 7, s.- 9. At Cleveland. Muy 4, 5, 1, Sj June 22. 23,-25; August W. 14. IB. At Kansas City, June 6. 6, 7. S; August 2. 4.-5: Benteinlier 16. 17. 18. At Chte.nJn. DIRECT VOTE FOR SENATORS Ilotiia Fbtoii Constitutional Amendment to Bring it About. MAJORITY FOR IT IS OVERWHELMING IteMolulloii N I'nnieil by the lloue, -1(1 lo 1.1 Three lowniift Aiikiiih Tlioxe Who Clint NeH Ihr Vol en. WASHINGTON, April 13. The house to day, by a vote of 210 to 15, adopted a rcso- ' lut Ion for a constitution amendment pro viding for tho election ot United Slatea senators by direct voto of tho people. Four teen republicans nnd ono democrat voted against It. By the terms of tho resolution the amendment to be submitted to the legls- . latures Is as follows: The senate of the United fltntes shall be ' composed of two senators from each state, who shall be elected ly a direct voto of the peosile thereof for a term of six years, nnd each senator shnll httvn one vote. A 6! uurallty of the votes cast for senator shall je sulllelent to elerl. When a vacancy hatmens bv death, resignation or otherwise In tho representation of any state In the eenute the snmo shall be lilted for the uti- , expired term thereof lit tins samo manner ns Is provided for the election of senators 1 In paragraph 1, provided that the executive thereof may make temporary appointment until tho next Konernl or special election , In accordance with the statutes or constitu tion of such state. Tho majority resolution left 11 optional , with tho states whether their senutors should bo elected directly or by tho legis latures. The minority resolution mado It Incumbent that each stato elect by direct vote. Tho minority resolution, which wan offered as a substitute, was voted on first nnd wan carried by an overwhelming vote ayes, 135; nays, 30. Mr. Corliss tried unavallliigty to get an aye and nay vote, but only nine members seconded tho demand. Tho voto was then taken upon tho ndoptlon ot tho amendment, tho whole houso rising In support ot tbu de mand. Tho resolution wns adopted 240 to 15. Those Who Voted Acillllnt It. The negative votes were cast by Allen of Maine, Burleigh of Maine, Cnldcrhcnd ot Kansas, Fordney of Michigan, Gardner ot New Jersey, Hedgo of Iowa, Henry of Con necticut. Lane of Iowa, Lester of Georgia, Llttlefteld of Maluo, McPhcrson ot Iowa, Maun of Illinois, Russell of Connecticut, Spcrry of Connecticut and Thomas of Iowa. TURKEY REMAINS SILENT l'rolenl !,oiIkm1 ' Ainerleiin Cluirne nt CoiiNliiiilluoiile Iteeelven .No It CftpOIINC. WASHINGTON, April 13. No response has yet been received from tho Turkish gov ernment to tho strong protest lodged by tho I American charge at Constantinople by di rection of tho State department against the proposed decree excluding American , pork from Importation Into Turkey nnd It j Is not known hero whether or not the decfee will actually bo executed. Mean while tho Department ot Agriculturo Is preparing an elaborate presentation ot the reasons why American pork should not be attacked In this fashion and It probably will bo the purposo to mako tho defonso of our meat productR, as embodied In this statement, sufficiently comprchenslvo to meet not only this proposed Turkish decree, but like hostile orders and enactmeuU by other European governments. MINERS MUTINY ON A SHIP C'niilnlii of VckucI DrniHiiil Advance I'ny for Delivery of I'relnht lit Nome. SEATTLE, Wash., April 13. A letter has been received hero which was sent front Vnncouver while the British eteamer Alpha j was at that port, stating that the captain I of tho Alpha had demanded payment In ad j vance for the delivery ot freight at Nomo. I The 300 miners . on board tho vessel re 1 fused to comply with the demand und the captain said that he would proceed to some point on tho north coast and drive tho ,mon ashore unlera they paid up. Tho miners agreed to mutiny If this wero done and will put tho captain ashore and steam to the Siberian coast. The miners nre organized atid armed and there Is a larpo stock of provls'lons on board tho vessel. Tho Alpha j left Vancouver recently against the orders of the United States rovenuo servlco, which forbade tho vessel landing her freight at Nome. HYMENEAL. MfPeitk-Xoyc. HASTINGS, Neb., April 13. (Special.) Mr. Frank Noyeo nnd Miss Claudia McPeak wero married lost night by Itev. Van Dyke Wight of tho first Presbyterian church. Both ure well known young people of this city. They will 'bo at home after May 1 at 18 Wcet Fifth street. Verteck-ll mill lent on. HURON, S. D April 13. (Special.) Al bert H. Verbeck and Miss March L. Hud dleston, both prominent young people, of Wesnlngton, were united In marriage hero on Thursday, by Rev. William J. Cnlfee. I'll I Out nt Iteneli of Mob. ST. LOUIS, April 13.-IUehard BiiriiH, Richard Logan nnd Kdwnrd Weaver have been lodged tn the holdover nt the Four Courts by Sheriff Ilopko of Bowling Oreeu I'lko county, Mo., for safekeeping. The threo are under Indictment In Pike county for murder In tho first degree, charged with shooting Pollen Odlrer Lowell Pnw nt Louisiana, Mo.. February I, as he was about to arrest them for burglary. The people of Louisiana and Bowling Green nro wrought up over tho attalr and mob vlo lenco was feared. LiiUe Firemen Mny HlrlUe. CLEVELAND, O.. April 13Unless the tug companies grant tho demands of fire men for more pay and shorter hours be foro Monday noxt the men declare thoy will strlko and tie up nil the harbor tugs at all lower lako ports. They ask for J50 ri.ll mnlllll .(l.l .ill,. tl.nl . . (Iamah 1 . ,... ,,u,.i. .v (f-i; Vilfll n I, lilCIIICII UW employed on each tug Instead of ono ns at ,'it-pc-jti, t i-uiiiciuuie win no iieui nere to morrow between tug company otllclals and representatives of the ilremen. Mnimflf III Cancel Diilen, BUFFALO, N. Y.. Aptfl 13,-Rlchard Manstleld has been obliged in consequence of an attack of laryngitis to enneel nil dates previous to the 23d und left Buffalo PILES CURED WITHOUTJHE KNIFE. ITCHING, BLIND, lU,I?GDI(j OH I'HO THUUINU l'll.ica. NO CURE, NO PAY. VODIt Dltt C(ilST, WHOM YOU KNOW TO UK HKI,IAIII,U, will tell you that he iw authorized by tho manufacturers of Puzo Pile Ointment to re fund the money to every purchaser where It fulls to cure any case of piles no matter cf how long standing. This Is a new discov ery which has proven by uctuul tests that it will cure ninety-five per cent of tho cases. Cures ordinary cases In six days; tlip worst cases tn fourteen days. Ono application rives ease and rest. Relieves Itching In i alilly. Can bo sent by mall. PRICE COc. If your druggist should fall to have It In stock send us 50c In postage stamps and we will forwurd same by mall, Ypur druggist will tell you that wo are reliable as we aro well known by overy druggist In tho Unlied States' Manufactured by the Paris Medlclno Co., 6(, Louli, Mo. Wo are also manufact urers of the well known Remedies I.uxatlve Uromo-Cnunine Tablets and Grove's Taste leu Chill Toole. tonight for New York to rciclw tw.1i il treatment. It Is thought the liitrrv.il win BUIUee to restore his health sullU'entU t 1 permit the eonlllili.itnc of his engagement Suecestlve ehange of climate Ik hiii to have enured the reappearance of throat trouble to which Mr. Mannlield Is sub. Ject. Ills company arrived here from t 1cm land tonight. Y1A0 1 end AMU MtN A I UU I o M StrlUe Situation In (ieorulo, Tevnn unit In I'eiiii' it 11 1 11 ATLANTA, Ga.. April 13. The situation tn tho strike of the telegraphers cn the Southern railroad shown an Improvement nt midnight for the rntlroad. Passenger trains which yesterday and early this morn ing ran from one to five nours late arrived this afternoon and tonight but slightly be hind schedule time nnd freight trains nre beginning to move. The officials of the road here claim the situation Is not even unchanged; that It has not at any time boon other than normal. 'resident Powell of the Order of Itnllwny Telegraphers said tonlgnt that tho strlko would continue indefinitely? or until tho company treats with tho men. "My organ ization luu a protective fund of $50,000 to be used In case of strlHe." sold tho presi dent, "and I nm having this money trans ferred from tho headquarters to points of tho Southern." President Powell says there has been no thought of a strlko on tho Queen & Crescent. At Flowery Branch, Ga.: Corona, Ala., nnd Columbus, Miss., operators who took tho places of retiring gents have been roughly handled ami run out of town. In Tell. HOUSTON, Tex., April 13. The strike situation assumed n serious aspect here this afternoon when tho Central Labor union decided to recommend a general strlko of nil labor organizations atnilatcil with that body, Including more than twenty organiza tions. In view of tho approaching session of tho Trnusmlsslsslppl Commercial con gress the matter Is more nerlous than it would ordinarily be ami every effort will bo mado to utavo off a general strike. The Building Kxchange, comprising the eon tractors, and tho Carpenters' union have opprcached no nearer n settlement than last week and work Is suspended on all buildings. Tho Central Iabor union set next Tues day morning ns tho tlmo for tho general strlko If the carpenters do uot sooner get a settlement. In I'eiinnyl vniiln, PITTSBURG, April 13. The second day session of the dlstrlrt coal miners' conven tion resulted In action, which. In President Dolan's opinion, will settle tho strike. The resolutions committee appointed yesterday reported today. Its principal recommenda tion was that a commltt.o of seven bo ap pointed to confer with the ofllclals of the coal combines nnd report to tho convention their ultimatum. This committee, consist ing of Presldont Dolan, Secretary D. dds and live delegates, wns named and the two bodies wero In conference nil afternoon, with every prospect of an nmicablo agree ment being reached the first thing In tho morning. H la believed tho convention will nccept the terms made by Itn commlt tco with the operutors. In Tenuexnee. KNOXVILLH, April 13. Three hundred mlnero of tho Coal Creek company's mines at Coal Cr.eek went out on a strike today. The strikers aro United Mine Workers, who havo taken their present step because four of their number were 'discharged, e. c. Camp, general manager of the company, stated today that ho would not reinstate, the- union men nnd had ordered nil tho strikers to turn over their toolu and vncato the company's property within twenty-four hours. Ilnlf Million for Toleilo Fnlr. COLUMBUS, O., April 13. -A conference committee of the house und senate today ngreed upon an anpronrlatlnn of JV,ooo for the Ohio Centennlnl Exposition nt Toledo and tho appointment or a new committee. Two of the house conferees, however rc mS&'v0 8lBn the report holding- out for 11.000,000 appropriation. The motion to nc cept the report In tho house failed to secure a constitutional majority A strong effort will be mndn to necuro concurrence before iiit .iiiui mijuuriiuii'iii .Munuay Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels aEANsES the System EFFECTUALLY overcomes Xtyte1 1 rtrtfiHiiuiiir, uivrnia1TgpSyrvp iQt tuu It n ouit&srfc tcu 10i ft Cf; afc FRAIL WOMEN An well at men can flinl no tnnlc An healthful as a pure beer, lie sure you get the ptne kind. Krug Cabinet Bottled Beer In hermetlcatlr Healed- then boiled which linurr' It to ba free from bacteria quitA cuacn. l tlal for frail people. Order a trial ru, 1 FRtiO XIU" UKKWINU CC OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Phone 420. WANTED-'Ciuo ot na Health tnkt R.I.P-A-N-8 will not beneltt. Send 5 contt to Illp'vna Chemical Co., Net; York, for II Muuplcv nd 1.000 uitlmoDUla. GOLD SEAL AMtlllCA'A OCST i '$1' m I. -jll a- DRY, IfjA WHY TAY AJIt PURITY ITSELF., LABELS? )i Go hXtftt aoto nr Atl DlAttn.5. I UHBANA WINB COMPANY, ' in .in ?li"rI?'A" m-'V- J Slill'i) up nun trains i on CHBCAG LUAVU AT 12 1(1, NOON, AM) 71115 1'. M. New Short Line to Minneapolis and St. Paul Leave nt T n. in. nml 7iU3 p. m. TICICKTS AT t.Wi I'AIIXAM ITIIKUT. The Nw Offloa." BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Oest Dining Car Service, M.Mj iMmi i f Irrf 1 nlllnif AlAtn. UOrlc ttnif. Iriditfcriotlotia. Hhru nuirl.lt rwtore l-oiit ViUlity tn oil icL In or louuclfinu lit A tnnu net or ileoari. I'refent Intanltr nul mna lor ituur, duii CVinwnmtitlon If fjiL'nn In tlma n),0lw UMithowiimmeJiftUs improvement antlefloctaCUIUi Vrhftrn fill nthnra fill). Intlit titinn Imtlnrtlhunnnnln. )AJnx Tablets. ''Xluyimw cur. tliutifundnnnduUt rum ;uu, jit nm ioihto yruion uufirnmno to or fpctncurelneueh cn op tefuufl thu money. Vrfc ROrtQ per SSTa l?t.,lx IMkm Hull trput UUbtdi tnent) for $8.00 binall.ln ilttlu wropwr, nponrpoMptof pr(c. ('Ireumnifrw. AJAX REMEDY CO., 70cSec;rTi Ior sato in Onialiu, Neb., My .'as. Vox ythc. W2 N. 16th HI.. iCuliu & Co., lSUt C. Do Ilavn. Druci'lit. 1 AMuai:.Mi:.T.s. T5V-T7"TQJ Woodward & lluiKesfl, DU liO MKra. Talc 1019. .ma i'i.m:k tida v I'OII I. KIII.S .l,V TO.M(i)l.T. Anna Eva Fay Tim rtreilt Vllltn MnHnllllil. 'flirt .u'nl'ld si KreateMt exponunt of oocuitlMiit. iTieen jiiu una .Mgiii, tiuo, )(. iiJt', luc, NKXT ATTRACTION" ,' THE . EVIL EYE J Hlx performances, comii'iolinlb V SUndny afternoon I'rlcoSi 41. .75c, ,00c, fflu. 'Jtitt; COc, 25c. tioatH now on- Kiile. tvoodwnrd Ilursoss Jlara. Tel. 191i. TWO WIGHTS ONLY April 20-21, HENRY IRVING MISS ELLEN TERRY Ami Hie I.O.MIOV MTlil ,M ('I)JII'AM, I II 1 1) "'The Merchant of Venice" SVI'I ItKA lloulile Hill, "Nance Oldfield" "The Bells" The I'Oiniilcli' l.omloii ih'ihIiii'IIoii, Sain of seatH, .Monday. Apiil Hi. lit 'J .1. in. l'RK'KS Lower llimr and llrxt lo riiH 111 tile lialc ony, $3 , remalmler llrnt bal cony, $:'.); rear lmlion, II. .V). Front nai lery. udinlBHlon throiiKli main eiilrnnce at 7 o'clock. Jl.tw; rear gallery. udlnlftHon ; 3a, by ri'Kular way, 5'i-; boxen, ft a twfit; Ren era I udmlxHlun, ll.no. l''ree lint cntlri'ly huh pended. No nrdern fur seatM over tele, liliotie N He.itH 1 lid li . Knell lierrou llmlteil to nix seaiH endi to e.u li oerfurm n nee. CneicHTon t I Teleiiliimn irrsi. OSIA TWO MOIIi: TIMIJf), M TIM'.I3 Ttlll t . An Sent ani'. lillilren (Hi'. (iiillei Hie. IIKillV lllll, I,. ' ii,i,i;. I'liinii. M.TIilt S'I'W'I'OV A iiO, M S It'I'l N H'lTI AM) (illOSSI. II M.I.IDA V AMI W.Mtl). NA AVIIITXHl. DIM (il,S AMI I'llllll, ; ev need A mm llrliui, I ho .pre! I y mill tnlelileil (Inilllili AIInm, ullt iniiKe her iirofeNHloiinl ilehiit nl IliU lllenler. "German Theatre, Sunday, April 15. (ierninnlii Hull, INtli mill Unfile). "DON CAESAR DE BAS'ANO" lloiiilinllNelii'H CiiHliiein-SliieeK In live iiuleii, ...BASE BALL... .VehriiHUii I it il I it oh m, (Minihii, SATI II OA Y . , ! ' 1 SI MIA V . , 4., ,. .. .. ... Mirll AiIiiiIknIiiii, -.Ti', .llh'l lilldieii. I.'e. (iiiine Cniieii :h:ih i. m. UrouiiiU I'lfteendi mill Mnlou