10 THE (XMAITA DAILY HE 13: SATURDAY, ArKTL II, 1000. 0MAI1A LIVE STOCK MARKET AH E.iod of Stock in Actlrt Demtnd at Satisfactory Prion. CATTLE ACTIVE AND STEADY TO STRONGER Hogs Open Hluhrr nnit CIiup Still HlRlier, M. klnK It lllnh Ility nf (lie Yenr Sheep nml I.nmha Sternly, SOUTH Receipts wcro: Official Monday Ofllclal Tuesday .... omclal Wednesday .. oniclal Thursday ... Omclal Friday OMAHA. April 13. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 3.110 !I,16S 10.067 9.773 6.71 1 tf.jn, with quite a sprinkling above that nolnt Shipper must understand that quite good many right good loads of boas nr coming to market at the present time nnd t'cy must not expert that loads of hogs with a good top. but a mean tall, will bring the top price. It Is a notlrenhle fatt that a good many loads at the ptesent tlm ron tain four or live big rough old sons, which Is enough to spoil the saie of the loid. Horan of the bef buyers will not b'd nn sneh n load nt all. In order to bring the top price the hogs must all be Rood. A Rlance at the table of nve'.iigo prices above will show that th decllno of the pat two days was more than made tip lodav and that the general market was the high est It has been. It will also be noted that the market was We hlghcmhaii n. week ago. Ileprcsentatlvc sales: A v. 8h. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Ir. ... 15 3!tj 76 "37 ... S J,i -at i .f i sxi o l.-U u At 81. ... 5 Xt 79. SO No M.. 69.. 96.. M.. Five days this week 16,oys M,w2 tiame days last week. . . . It. 101 20.815 Hume days week before. 12.53S 26.7S2 Hume three weeks niro. A2.VM .17.737 AvrraRe prlco paid for hogs for tho last W uvcrui uiiyM Willi comparisons; March 5.. March 26... March 27... March 2... -March 29, .. March 30... March 31,, April 1 J1900.1899.lS98.U97.l(W.lb95.JU94; April April April April April April April April April April April April 2. 3 t fi 7 ...., 9. 4 9 4 97 6 05 u 16 S 12 5 10 5 01 & 15 6 25l 5 30 6 30 6 27 5 33 10....I 6 SS II.... & 36 13.. 5 33 5 40! 3 57 t 60 3 66 3 W, 3 63 3 59; 3 64 2 PS 3 66 3 65 3 62 3 61! 3 66 '. 3 (M 3 67 3 63 3 61 3 67 3 65 3 57 3 bo 3 62 3 621 3 3i 3 67 3-3 3 79 3 79 3 72 3 71 3 75 3 71, 3 71 3 Gil 3 931 3 591 3 91, 3 66 3 SS 3 33 3 3 91 3 92 3 91 3 91 3 90 3 85 3 S3 3 SO! 3 ftf 3 90 3 971 3 97! 3 71 3 70, 3 66 3 ro 3 54 3 01 3 56 3 52 3 57 3 59 3 61 3 62 3 56 3 571 4 71 4 k6 4 74 4 82 4 89 I 78 4 801 t M 4 82 4 161 4 tSl 4 il 4 $9, 4 81 4 77 4 72 I t 76 3 60 4 75 4 47 4 45 I 53 4 6 'i 4 51 4 53 SO. ,74.. 82.. 114. 16.. 83.. 68.. 6.1.. 74.. 74.. 66.. 90.. 4 41 4 51 4 51 4 b9 4 77 4 74 ) ' IS.. 4 83 5 01 4 S C 02 Indicates Suininy. , . Tho otllcial number of cars of RtocK brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Slip, li r s. C, M. St St. I. Hy... 2 o. &. St. it. ny l (Missouri Pucllle Hy.. 10 tTnlon l'aclllc system. 9 f: N. W. Ity 1 '.. K. H M. V. H. 11.. fi B. c. & l. ny l IV, St. I'., M. & O 31. & M. It, It. R 10 I" . II. & Q. Ry 2 c, it. i. Ac i. ny.. k. i C, It. I. I. Hy.. w. .. Illinois Central I .12 IS 91 11 52 975 255 7S2 116 151 1.315 111 315 2,083 445 121 1,396 901 232 Ill 120 2S 1 5 13 ....! "566 113 4 1,331 6.697 2.923 Total receipts 49 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: uaiuc. nogs, onccp. Omaha Packing Co tl. II. Hammond Co Kwlft nnd Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Cudahy P. Co., from K.C. Hwlft, from country R. Ilecker & Degnn n.obman & Co Livingstone. & Srhaller... Dlamllton & Hothschlld... Ilobblrk H. & 8 Other buyers Total CATTLH While there wits 11 good run of cntllo for a Friday, the receipts looked f-mall as compared with the big runs all this week. The demand was good and the gen eral market very active, so that everything on salo changed hands In 11 very short time lifter the market opened. Only nbriut twenty-live loads of beef steers were on alo this morning, which, consider ing the s)zo of the demand, was small. The market, was strong to a little higher, some Hales showing quite a little advance. There were a few cattle here good enough to bring 15.110 and 15.15 and the market as a whole was very satisfactory to thp seller?. Today's strength fully mukes up for any Ions that may have taken prace (luring- the mlddlo of the week on account of the large receipts and cattle today sold Just as well is they did at the close of last week or on Slondny. The week as a whole has been very satisfactory and the market exceed ingly good considering the large run. Cows and heifers were. In good demand nnd the moderate, offerings were soon dis posed of nt satisfactory price. The trade might bo summed up as a i?ood, sternly to Htrong market. Cows and heifers are soli lug In Just nbiut the same notches us 11 week ago. Hullo have not shown much 'hango during the week, though, If any thing, right choice fat bulls are In a little letter demand than they were earlier In the week, but common to medium fat bulls ro slow sale every day and prices are low. (lood stock steern were In r.ilr request to day at steady prices and the market Is strong as compared with a week ago. Stock helft-rs. however, nre lower, the supplv being a llttln larger than the demand, so that there has been some accumulation of that kind of cattle In the hands of specu lators. Hepresentatlvo sales: UlCICr ST K NHS. Av. l'r, No, No. IS II n 13""!!'.'. 1 9 2.1 1 13 1 1 Av. Pr. . S20 00 60S 930 .1000 .1016 .1032 . 905 ,.1057 . 710 . 905 ,. 9-16 ,.1130 ,. 896 ,. 990 . 925 . 95T. ,.1111 ,.1158 10S7 .1 3 75 I 25 I 30 4 50 1 .15 I to 4 40 I 40 I 10 I 10 I 15 4 15 I 50 4 50 I 50 4 50 20.... 10 1.... 16.... 15.... 21.,.. 1.... t 33.... in'.'.'.'. n 10. I. ... 2.1. . . . 31.... II. ... S.... 30. . . . 20. . .. 960 ....1124 ....1150 ....1120 ....1050 ....1071 ....1220 ....1010 ....11S0 ....1102 ....1183 ....1186 ....1200 ....1313 ....1710 ....1156 ....1212 ....1111 ....1430 ....1327 . .12S2 10... 27.. 1... 1... 1... 1.. 1.. 1.. is!!! 1. BTKICP.H AND UIJIKlCItS. 4 55 1 55 4 60 I 60 I (.1 4 60 4 60 1 ;o 4 70 I 70 I TO 4 70 4 70 4 S5 I S3 4 S5 I 90 I 90 5 ft.-, 5 05 5 15 991 ....liv; ....790 .... 820 .... 901 ....1091 ....1180 ....1220 .....ISO ....1000 .,.,.1270 ....UtO ....1260 910 .... 920 .i.'.iosri .... 70.1 ....1030 ....100H .'...1022 ....1170 (...1020 ,...1412 .... 970 '....1170 ....1173 750 .... 610 .... 830 ..... 840 .... S40 .,..'910 .... 7'0 .... 8.10 ....1025 .... 665 4 55 4 So ( 2 nO 2 50 2 75 3 03 .1 00 3 10 3 10 3 25 14.. COWS. 1..., 10..., n..., 3... 1... i.i!.'.', .1359 5 05 3 2.1 3 21 3 2.1 3 :.i 3 50 3 60 :t 60 3 rr. 3 05 n 6.1 3 ;o 3 75 3 7.1 3 ' 1.... 1 1 6 5.' 1 1 4 36 1 3 fi.. 3 25 3 50 3 10 3 10 3 50 3 65 3 75 4 0.1 4 10 4 13 iu:um:us. 11 2 ( 00 14. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. ioio 1350 1520 . 3 15 ...... 920 3 n .......1390 1120 2070 1476 10C0 1700 1400 t... .1160 U.'.'.'. 5.... 1 IUII.I.S. 1.... 1.. 1... 1... 1... 1.. 1 .1 1 3 1 1...., 1...; 1.. 1 x 1 1.... fa 3.... v 2V) 180 , 1410 STOCK 890 840 51 620 500 970 3 20 3 2.1 3 21 3 31 3 r. , 3 10 3 10 3.40 CAl.VKS. fi 00 3 fi 50 1 STACS. 3 7.1 1 COWS AND 2 00 700 1100 1123 1110 10J3 1110 1206 1107 1190 (1100 1300 1430 1160 1050 901 1160 1070 100 111.1 ...1151 ....1120 ....12411 ....1160 ...llll . ... 680 , ... 690 .... 880 ....1120 .... 890 .... 937 .... 910 .... 603 .... 892 ....1015 ...1110 ...1690 ....1660 ,...170 ,...1710 ,...1410 ....2130 ...153.1 .... 730 ... 420 ... 560 .1 111 3 75 3 -.3 3 SI 3 81 3 S3 3 90 3 90 3 90 I 10 I US 4 10 4 10 I 10 I 10 4 15 4 1.1 4 20 4 20 t .' .1 4 '.0 ( 35 4 60 4 CO 4 25 4 2,1 4 2.1 4 r.o 4 35 4 40 I 40 4 50 I 50 3 4.1 3 50 3 ?0 3 60 3 00 .1 70 3 " 3 7.1 3 M 3 W 4 60 ....161 ,...193 ,...226 ...17.1 ...192 ...209 ...220 . . .215 ...219 . . .223 ...2S6 ...221 ...20S ...201 ...I9S ...223 ...230 ...191 ...250 . . .202 ...213 ...213 ...205 . . .221 ...21S ...211 ...249 ...239 14 m ...246 ...266 ...280 ...223 ...233 . . .260 ...240 ...231 ...291 ...260 ...231 ...281 ...2IS ...250 ...250 ...211 ...262 68.. 71.. 75. . CO.. i.. 89.. 101. S2.. 75. . 71.. 88.. 59. . 10.. 80.. 75. . 67.. 75. . 66.. 66.. 61.. 81., 72.. S3.. 66.. 69.. 79.. 66.. 70.. 63.. 57.. 6.1. Av ...237 Of . . .20.1 ...2II ,...210 ,...26fi , . . .227 ,...270 ...261 ...227 ,...193 ,...229 ...206 ....2(0 .212 ".'.'.207 ...210 ,...286 , . . .2.19 232 !!"2)T ,...23S ...237 ...232 ...2V5 ...,2K. ...263 . . .227 ,...210 231 .'237 ....262 ,...279 ...211 ,...2W) .216 120 40 80 80 160 120 160 'so 'so 5.741 4.H.1.1 41 209 40 5 iVA 6,356 170 220 ... 5 17s 5,280 63 215 80 5 37'i 2.191 60 219 120 5 .174 70 223 SO fi .171- 21,706 16 2S6 ... 5 37',4 19,114 . 14 221 ... 5 37, 2S.215 61 20S 10 5 ,174 22,901 79 201 40 5 3714 120 n V7 ... 5 17(4 ... 5 174 - ... a .,i4 SO 5 37'4 ... 5.171$ ,80 5 .1714 160 5 37'4 120 5 J7',4 SO 5 Vt ... 5 37(4 160 6 .1714 ... 5.17J4 ... 5.1714 10 5 .1714 120 .1 10 80 6 10 SO 5 10 SO 5 11 ... 5 10 7 260 160 .1 40 "io s in r.'i va ft 1 231 80 5 10 57 2S2 48 291 160 ,1 10 77 212 69 260 80 5 10 71 215 63 231 ... fi 10 61 289 69 281 ISO fi 10 76 261 80 218 10 fi 10 41 260 't 250 ... .1 10 61 211 fiO 2,10 SO 5 10 61 211 87 211 0 5 10 66 206 68 262 SO .1 10 66 25.1 1 241 40 .1 10 5S 261 SIll.KP Todav'f trade In sheep and Iambs was without Important change nnd there Is no news worth retiorllng concern ing the day's bu-dness. Huyers were out early, as usual, and the offerings were all taken In good season. The market could be.st be decrlbcd us a good, steady market. Quotations: Choice yearlings. J5.16fo6.25; fair to good yearlings. I6.OOJJ6.I5; good to eholco wethers, $6.006.25; fair to good wethers. 3.75T6.00; good to choice fed ewes, J5.505i5.75; fair to good ewes, $5.00576.40! good (o choice native lambs, $7.15157.31; good to choice western lambs, $7.11ii7.35; fair to good western lambs, $6.00fr7.13; feeder wethers, J1.5Of5.00; feeder yearlings, $5.0iVf(i,60; pooil to choice feeder lambs, $.1.25 8i6.00. Hepresentatlvo sales: No. Av. Pr. 430 western lambs 63 $5 00 240 western wethers, shorn Ill 5 40 260 western yearlings, shorn 9S fi 70 21 western wethers, shorn 103 6 70 480 western lambs, shorn S6 6 2.1 430 western yearlings 91 6 30 CHICACiO 1.1VK STOCIC MA11KI2T. 210 SO 160 40 SO '40 120 200 160 'so 40 SO 120 SO 5 40 5 10 5 40 5 10 5 10 5 40 5 40 5 10 5 10 6 10 6 40 .1 40 5 40 fi 10 .1 10 5 40 .1 10 5 10 f. 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 40 fi 40 5 10 fi 10 5 40 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 4214 5 424 .1 12' i 5 IJ, 5 12V, 5 11 5 1.1 .1 i.i .1 11 r 1.1 5 4.1 5 47" j 5 471n WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Output Falls Behind in a Few of Indnitrics. tho HEAVY WHOLESALE TRADE IN DRV GOODS I'ncrrtnlnty In Ciitlmi (loodn Iteinnlun n lib .Snmr Doubt on .llnllitnliilne I'rli'cs IVhent llvpitrts l.uruer 'I'll 11 11 I, nut Vcnr. Cnltlr fieiicrnlly S Irmly II or Active Micep 11 ml l.niiilin Htrmty. CIIIPAOO. April 13,-CATTIiR-Hecelpts, 1.500 head: generally steady; natives, best on sale today two loads steers and heifers nt $5.45; good to prime steers, $1.0Q?jS.90; poor to medium, Jl.lOfc 1.83; solected feedem, $1.25fi4.90: mixed stocker?, fifilSe lower at $1.4053.90; cows, best, stronger; others slow at $3. 00ft 1.50; heifers, tt.10i5J4.fi."; canners, $2.0Of2.S0; bulls. $2.70f(4.25; colves, $4,505? 7.25; Texnns, best on sale, 29 bead lit $5.10; Texas-fed steers, $1.0)5.21; Texas bulls, $3,2553,75. MOOS Receipts today, IR.OOO head; tomor row. 18,000 head, estimated: left over, 5,000 head; active and 65; 10c higher; top sold at $3,70; mixed and butchers, $1.405i5.fi7!4; good to choice, heavy. $3.50f(5.70: rough heavy, $.i.3ofiS.4.1; light, $5.30fJ5.57"t; bulk of sales, $5.6015.60. SHKICP AND I.AMHS-Hccrlpts, 4,000 head; sheep and lambs, steady; good to choice wethers. $6.0Ci6.60; fair to choice mixed, $5.00'(i6.00; western sheep, $6.00516.10: yearlings, $6,005(6.60; native lambs, $5.50j (.50; western lambs, $6.00577.50 Xmv York I.lvc 8lork, NKW YORK, April l.l.-lllSKVKS-ite-celpts, 2S3 head; opened active; steers 10c higher; bulls and cows, (inn und closed quiet; steers, $l.60n7.50; oxen nnd stags, $1,5055,10; bulls. $3.5Of(4.50; cows J2 25WU5. Cables steady: live cattle at London, it 1214c: at Liverpool, llfalli:-; rheop, He: re frigerator beer, 9e per lb.; exportj, none; tomorrow, 1.015 cattle and 10.22C luarters of beef. CALVHS-Hecelpts. 1,034 h.'i.d; demand strong: prices 15c higher; all sdd; veais, $1,0017.00. SIIKKP AND LAMHS-Heeelpta, l.'2 head: sheep, weak: lambs opined 10ft"5e lower and closed 35c off; iinsliort slier p. J5.o0iii6.oo: clipped, $t.85f5.2; unshorn lamb, Ji.ootfs.oo; spring himln. $1.00? I.oo. HOOS-Itecelpts. 3,595 head: slow; mixed western. $5.305.70: stole, W.754?5.lJ. K 11 11 nn m ('Hy Live Stock. KANSAS CITY, April 13. CATT I, K Re ceipts, 2.100 natives, 100 Texans: few good cattle displayed sold nt steadv prices; trashy stulf lower: heavy native steers, $l.9Oi5.10: lightweights. $1.40575,15; Blockers nnd feeders. MSfrS.OO; butcher cows and heifers. $3.4011155; canners. $2,755(3.10; fed westerns, $1,2055.00; Texans, $3.90f4.70. UOClS-Hecelpts. 10,20.1 head; market verv animated and 65il0o hlghr: havv. 3.IC 5.55; mixed, $5.355.50; light. 5.15Jj"5'.:i5; pigs, 8 1. 50515. 15. SI I lOIOI AND I.AMHS-Hecelpts, 2,100 head: market very active; muttons, steady, fed lambs, 10c hWher; Colorado fed l-nihi, $..O0fi7.30; muttons, $5.50'((6.ri; ronimon mut tons. $5 005(6.45; stoekcrs nnd feeders $4 5j 0.25: culls, $3,6014.50. 173 170 ' 00 2 K.1 2 85 5 60 3 65 3 RS 4. 3.. 1.. 7.. 1.. 6... 1550 I 01 810 606 790 465 730 516 3 85 4 00 t 10 4 50 4 35 I 50 STOCK CAl.VKS. 310 3 25 1 90 5 80 100 5 00 BTOCKKHS AND FRKDF.R8. 650 840 750 S20 712 930 , 650 , 539 660 3 21 3 25 3 35 3 50 3 .10 3 .'0 3 75 3 75 3 85 1.. 1.... IS.... 3. . . , 1..., 1... 1... 5... 5,... 960 8.80 718 . 666 . 610 . 570 . 850 . 60.1 161 I 00 4 00 4 05 4 25 4 10 4 50 4 50 1 75 5 00 COWS AND CAI.VRS, 1 415 4 35 Hons The market opened 5e higher this morning nnd fairly active at the advance. Huvors wero nil out, early nnd nppeared to hsvp, liberal orders, The earlv sales of mixed 'loads were largely at J5.37'4Jifl,40. as iiplmi 1 s?U.(f?fi.3.r, veslerdnw As eastern markets were reported considerably better little, later, and as It became apparent that the local demand was verv good, the market firmed up and became MMOe higher, St. I, mils Live Slock'. ST. LOl lS. April 13, -CATTI.n-Hecelpts. 1,100 head. Including S00 Texans; nrirhet steady for Tuxiins, str'ont! U r natives; n.i tlve shipping nnd export strecrs, $1.5056.l1; il-cssed beef and butcher steers, JI.2555 0.1; steers under 1,000 lhs Jl0; Mockers nnd feeders, J4.OOIJt.75; cows nnif heifers, $" 255r 4.85; canners, Jl.50fj2.S5: bulls. yu5(5'l.2l; Texas and Indian steers, $1,7555.00; cows and heifers. 82.50-!? 3.90. IIOOS- Receipts. 6,000 henil; mnrket 6c hlKher; pigs and lights. $3 lOiS.M; packers! $1.:i.1'(i5.50; butchers. 5.505a.iC, SIlKKP AND LAMHS-n?c.ilpK l.isjfl head; mnrket steady; natlv muttons, J6.O1! ft6 W; lambs. J0.l0f7.25; spring lumbs, up to $9.50; culls nnd bucks, Jl.00fi5.50. St. .Iimnph Live Stock. SOrTlI ST. JOSKPII. j;o April 13.-(Spo. .it,,,, in,, unuiiiiii (indies lis roiinn'R. CATTI.i: HeeelntK. S00 henrl: mnrl.l steady to weak: natives, J4.O0fj5.20; Texans ,.'n".,Lw.',tH,,er,ls".'. W-"5t5.0i); cows and heifers, J2.2554.0; bulls and stngs. J2.0Ofil.70; vear. lings nnd calves, J4.0O55.20; stockers nnd feeders. J3.505 1 76; veals, $l.5057.00. IIOdS-Hecelpts. 5.100 head: market 5ff .ls. higher; nil grades, J.1.255(5.55; bulk of sales, J.i.37',4ft5. 1.1. Slini:i AND I.A.MHS-Recelpts, 4.6fiO bend; market active nnd strong: Colorado lnmbs, $i.35; lambs. J0.O0fi7.33; wethers. J5.K0 510.10; yearlings, $5,755(6.31; ewes, $5.W5j5.75. Stock In Slttlit. rollowlng are the receipts ,it the four principal western markets for April 13' . , Cntlle. 1 loirs. Sheet.. South Omaha 1,391 1U11 2.493 Chicago 1,500 is.mi'i 1.0.10 Kansas City 2,100 10,201 2100 St. Louis 1,100 ooo 1 wa Totals coot lu.nii Wool Market. IlOSTON. April 13. The Iloiton Commer cial Hulletin tomorroxv will say of the wool market: The market Is quiet. New or r'vals are heavy. One vessol brought 2,500, 000 pounds direct from Alistrnlla nnd on other ".OCO.OfiO pounds from Huenns Ayres ond Rosarlo. Sales nre light, leading buy ers still shunning the market. The pros pects abroad seem hotter. Terminal tops have ndvanced slightly and cables Thurs day announced a hardening tendency In London. Shipments from Sydney, Australia, show n shortage of 112,612 bales from the same elsht months last season. Ronton alone has already contracted for 12,000.000 pounds of unshorn wool In the west. The sales for the week equal 2.077,000 pounds do mestic and fiuS.Ooo pounds foreign, 11 total of 2,OI5,or) pounds for this week, against n total of 2.7C2.O0O pounds last week and a total of S,812.too pounds the corresponding week List year. The receipts of the week show n decrease of 1.315 bales domestic and an Increan" of 41,514 bales foreign compared with hiBt year, The sales (o date show a decrease of 2,980,200 pounds domestic and 3,77,300 pounds foreign. NEW YORK. April 13. R. O. Dun &. Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will Bay: Iron furnaces In blast April 1 produced 289,183 tons weekly, against 292,643 tons March 1, but unsold stocks Increased 2,20 tons. A mistaken Inference, possibly fatal to mauy In Its consequences, Is that stocks held by consuming concerns must be run ning again. As they contract for their sup piles months ahead and such supplies, whether delivered and not consumed or waiting their orders nt furnnce, would not be reckoned In unsold stocks, tho surplus owned by consumers mey be heavy. New business In finished products Is re ported to the Iron Age from Pittsburg as "frightfully small." owing to the belief that high prices cannot be maintained, and no better report comes from Philadelphia. Willi. No. 1 anthracite $2 lower, retlued bars fl and steel plates $11 per ton lower tahn In December It can hardly he called Impossible for prices to yield, though many are so far firmly held. Pittsburg reports n number of the plate mills s'hut down and live Pennsylvania nnd Ohio furnaces havo stopped, perhaps for repairs, more than balancing live which stnrted In March, two in Tennessee, adding 2.500 tons weekly. The boot nnd shoe Industry also falls be hind In output nnd Is closing some works nnd running many others part time, be cause prices are higher than retailers seem ready to pay. A heavy wholesale business has been done In dry foods, but the question Is now whether retail distribution will Justify It. As yet returns nre not satisfactory: there Is nn Increase, but not enough to warrant the buying from mills. Woolens and worsteds are dull, with concessions In fan cies, though staples arc well sold up anil are tlrm. The material declines further averaging nearly He lower than April 1. There Is the same uncertainty In cotton goods ns In retail distribution, with quite ns much doubt whether prices will be main tained, though the material has URiiln been advanced a sixteenth In speculation. Hut exports In Murch were In value $33,096,718, a gain over last year of J21,S26,S9,1. so rap Idly has Kuropo supplied Its needs. This enormous gain madu exports of the ('hlef staples $18,631,831 greater In value than In March of last year, though decrease oc curred In other Items. Yet only a frac tion of tho gain was cotton shipments from New lork, leaving the other great Increase here to be explained by manufactured ex ports mainly. In spite of the heavy bal ance due on merchandise nccoiint there has ueen talk of gold exports and a small amount has gone to Huenns Ayres on Ku ropcun account. Supplies of money are abundant here, tho banks having ogaln gained largely, rates are low and comtner clal demands narrow and the Interior Is better prepared than ever to do without aid. The exports of wheat from both coasts continue larger than last year, though much of the gain Is at Paclllc ports, not directly affecting Atlantic supplies. Flour Included Paclllc exports In two weeks have been 1,518.254 bu., against 564,562 mi. last year, but Atlantic exports have been ,1.912.So7 bu., against 3,960,3V) bu. last year. In spite of all reports of exhaustion or supply and Injury to growing wheal western receipts continue larger thnn Inst c?T'.J", Uv? weeks 6,761,640 bu., against 6,M.,6ro bii. last year. Corn receipts also continue 'henvy. 8,917,267 bit., against 4,637. 613 bu. last year. 'allures for the week have been 191 In the I n ted States, against 18S Inst year, and 41 In Canada, against 22 last year. nii.insTHKiiT's hhvikw ok thadk. HnckiTiiril SprliiK Wenther Clve Ap. penrnncc of IrrcKiilnrlty, NHW YORK. April 13. Dradstrcct's to morrow will say; llackward spring weitner conditions have figured considerably In distributive trade reports this week end, 111 connection with some weakness in prices of tej.Ung iiljples, have Imparted an .if.p 1 ir i.n.o nf irrevolnr Itv to Hie ei or.il !tnut mi Another cue of those downward swings In the prices of agricultural staples Is 1 xhlbltcd this week In slightly lowered p'ices ror th. ccp-nls. partly because of tho banish position of Immediate supplies nnd .partly becnuse of the better than expected government crop report, which Is taken to Indicate a possi ble winter wheat yield In excess of all records. The crop outlook ns a whole fa vors the expectation of large yields of wheat, com und cotton. Corn and oats have sympathized with the reaction In (Mirk products, which reaction, however, has not been universal, as shown bv the fact that lord Is at the highest point reached on the present boom. Cotton exports In March were threo time those of a year n?o In value and for seven months are 7 per cent greater In value, while 23 per cent smaler In no rild Evidences accumulate lb it native ml" slonnry work In favor ot lower prices for Iron nnd steel Is nt last bearing fruit. Pig Iron Is no lower nnd s'ocks a" n whole nro claimed to be no Inryer than a tn.nth ngo, but steel products hnve wiik."ied nolle i bly during the week, bil.s 11 itlng 1 lie sharpest decline, with col responding de creases In some other pr.-il'ici- The tber metals show little chnuirc 11 tin mot. copper bo'ng In inMai"J uoud den. imI nnd firm. whl'" 1 i -1 h spr eul.itlwly wenwer and ler 1 I str.ii" ut previous prices. The niinlU'nrn lr.t,l rAlnln. nnn.i .. whole, relatively best advices coming from western distributive centers. A slight up ward swing In cotton Is to noted thU week and southern mills havo ndviinced prices. On the other hand, while the mills are nc tlve on old orders, new business Is rp- linrteit tf amriMnv nl,i.,,A U,.... . l ........... u.iiim. nunc in quiry Is noted In raw wool, without, how- nir., r . 4 ........ ........ . .! , . . ... uimuiii: tumci. 1 ne ni'-engtn 01 raw sugar Is a reflection chiefly of the fact that 11 considerable shortage Is looked for In tho supplies of cane sugar not onlv In Cuba, but In the far east. The margin between raw and rellned allows of no protlt at present quotations. Anthracite c al Is rather wenk nt the decline shown from the winter 1st price, but bituminous Is strong and active, particularly on foreign account. heat, Including Hour, shipments for the Week nirirreiriilf. ? V'fcl r.V! I,ul,.la ...... ..... 3,836.96.1 bushels last week, L983.6'l9 bushels In the corresponding week of I893, 1. 125,312 ." ''""ij oiiHiieis in i.vit nnd 2,01, ,5, 9 bushels In 1S96. Since July I, this ff,nJfJ.,,nV1l,n Wrl pf wheat nggregnte 151,900.296 bushels, against 190.329.153 bushels Inst year nnd 188.271. 580 bushels In 1897-91. o ?r,", f "I"""',3 for wtpk aggregated S'i'fS .""shell", against 4,361.591 Inst week. J.fifib.lSo In this week n year ngo. 4,fi.il,19l in 1898, 2,328.185 In 1S97 and 1.071.612 In 1S91, Since July 1. this season, corn exiinrtt ag gregate 162,922,649 butdiels. against 138,955.801 769rstTln 18979$ pCr'0l " 5'Car "RO nml 143' iiutdnoss failures In the Culled states number 152. as compared with 182 lust week. ?4''.lU.th,s week n 'or ngo, 215 In 1898, 191 In 1897 nnd 214 In 1S96. Failures In the Do minion of Canada for the week number thirty-five, as compared with twenty-tlvn Inst week nnd In this week n year ago. money market nt lximlon and the prospects of further ruse here In rejtnrd to lower In terest rates nmy well result In the trausfir of considerable 11 mounts of capital from here to Kurope. Here the llnnuclnl pulia tion Is certainly not adverse to the stock rarket. The decrease s'.iown In lust Saturday's bank statement had no effect and the gains of the New York banks from the treasury and the Interior promise to result In a fa vorable statement today In spile of a pre sumable Increase In Wall utreet's dealings. 1 Offers of money on call and time nre morn freely made 11 ml ilin cimlldcncc In the tlnnn- c!al position, which asserted Itself after tho currency bill was passed und the govern ment refunding plan put In operation Is un impaired. Continued Increases in railroad earnings nnd fair, if not fnvornblc, crop prospects have aided In giving railway shares their strong tone. On the other hand, the fact Hint the Iron nnd other trades still enjoy uninterrupted prosperity did not seem to bring support to the In dustrial group, the steel stocks, as already mentioned, being the specially weak fea ture. It would seem that this Is due to the forced liquidation of holdings of tho com mon stock of such companies, brought on by the crowing doubts which have lately been excited regarding dividends on thut class of the shares of several companies. become 11 rampant bull nnd Is holding nil his selections of hldea so high 11s to pre clude the possibility of making Halo nt present Native steers are qtluted at 12c and Texas a I 13c. l'liinncliil .ntci. ST. LOIMS. April 13.-Ce,irlncs, $5,103,873; balances. $.12I.27j. Money. 5'B7 per cent. New York exchunce, 25c discount bid, 10c discount saked. CINCINNATI. April 13,-Clearlngs, J2.S57. 250. New York exchancc, 200 discount. '.Money. 3ti6 per cent. HOSTON. April 13. Exchanges 12I.:?I.S66r that the lone etrlnsr of salci wa at , balances, $1,815,391. Money, 4 per cent, iiiiai)stiii;i;ts financial niivinw. All Stocks Seem In Tend to nn Indi vidual Movement. NEW YORK, April 13. Hrndstrect's Financial Review tomorrow will say: Iist week developed a tendency on the part of the railroad stock list and Indus trial stocks to move with more or less Independence of each other, whcieln tho present week this hnH become much -noro pronounced decidedly so In mnny railroad SlnrlCF ivtlll.t ttin a,,.Al atnnl-.. .... r...-v, nun nn inuveiueiii seems to have llttlo relation to develop. iiienia 111 oiner parts or tne market. The local traction group also contributed to the Irregularity of the situation by develop ment of n measure of strensth on their own account. When the Stock exchange adjourned on 1 hursday It did so not to resume business until next .Monday. Saturdav of this week being added to the usual holiday on Oood 1'rlday. 'Iho quotations for Hono ot tho nioro nttlvo rnllrnail stocks end tho week higher- t'han they were on Inst Saturdav, while many Industrials nro decidedly lower. The week has been marked bv a further falling off In the amount of outside orders and business and by Increased evidences of manipulation, while London. w:ilch was inclined to bo dull In view of the nearness of the holidays and was also affected bv tho less promising aspect of the Hrltlsh operations In South Africa nnd by the In creasing firmness of money, showed an In clination at times to sell the slocks It re. cently b outfit here. Americans, however, continued to be a leading feature In Lon don and Kuropean buying was again some what in excess of tho sales ascribed to foreign Interests. Our market has .however, begun to uotlco tho strength of exchange rates and, though sterling irntes ure still about l'4c below tho level at w hl ft gold exports found circula tion In fact, jioo.oi'o gold Is going from Nww York to Huenos Ayres on a Ixmdnu order, It Is realized that the relatively Ilrm t'lillmlelililii Produce .Mnrket, PIIILADntiPHLV, April 13. tl ITT Hit Steady, fancy western creamery, 191i'it20o; fancy Western prints, 21c KOtlS -Firm; freh nenrbv nnd western, 13c; freslf southwestern. 12je. fresh south ern, 12c wnnici.t ri.r.AitiMi uorsi: totals. AcKrrgntc of IIiinIiic T riumnctcil liy tlic Ansiirlnlcil llll libs. NHW YORK, April 13. Tho following J table, complied by Hradstrcct, shows tho bank clearings nt nil prlnclpnl cities for the Week ended Anrll 1 with flw tinpennlnon of Increase nnd decrease, as compared with the corresponding week last year: CITIK8. New York Chicago Huston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg Haltlmore San Francisco Cincinnati Kansas City Cleveland New Orleans Louisville Detroit Providence OMAHA Houston Milwaukee Indl.innpolts (lalvestou HufTnlo Columbus, o St. Paul SI. Joseph Los Angeles Minneapolis Savannah Denver Richmond Hartford Memphis Washington Peoria Salti.iike City Portland, Ore Toledo , Rochester New Haven Worcester Atlanta Springfield, Mass.... Fort Worth Portland, Mc Norfolk Syracuse Des Moines Nashville Scranlon Urand Rnptds Dayton, O Seattle Tncotna Spokane Sioux city Kvunsvllle Wilmington. Del.... Fall River Augusta, On , Lowell , New Bedford Knoxvllle, Tenn Topeka Birmingham Wichita Hlnghamton Lexington, Ky Jacksonville, Fin..., Kalamazoo Akron Chnttunoogn 'tockford. Ill Canton. O .,, Springfield, O Fargo, N. D B.-. Sioux Falls. 8. D.,.v Hustings, Neb.,.M,, Fremont, Neb Davenport ,. Helena Macon Little Rock ,., Springfield, 111...... Youngstown Suglnnw Amount. Inc. Dec. $1.216,297,91 l. I31,W,15H 126,771.329 . i'3.490,039' . 35,371,5571 35.89S,23t. 20, 728.0011 18,039,959 IS. 191,6001 15,625,3611 10.717.322 . 8.693.6501 S.200,t2 . 7,713.621 . 7,68,rO0 6,370.6591 ti.ren.isoi fi. 170.5971 5.876,628 1 5,329,0) HI 4,89S,201i 4. S57.PM! . 4.267.9SS 4,331.1421 3,681,ONll 3.6SI,526 3,90,409 3,859.918 3,937,11b 2.655,9731 . 2.696,6751 2,932.126 . 2.007.1201 2.832,612; 2.001,636 2,0"4,S09 1,982.7961 1.110,6061. 1.32S.606I. l.S19,60l 1.411,7591. 1.710.S17I 1,322,7971. 1.501.3691 1,019.9'6I 1.600,213 . 1,51.171 1,200,3961 1.131,191 1. 167.1861 1.5S2.747I 1.65V3S' l.lll.lOS 1.211.8551 1,022.078 899,842 721,0431 . 91S.SSI 5iV1,95S . 468,0011. 5S6.67.1l 631,118 817,5111 587.0411 108,9001 335.4311. 296,r6 4SI,9I2 175,2001 . 395.1011 39I.1S0 289,0101 66S.229; ,105,664 229.9761 157,731 127.110 !57.S27I 600,110 621,0001 517.5911 490,8911 110.211 ,102,1155 Y, 2.5 . 'iVO . 1.4'. 15.7 . 31 ,6 . rLoi' 11.5 47 8. 15.7 If .7 . 10 8 1 0 1 5 11 1 ' 69 I 32 91 17 7 90 3' 12 5 33.3 3S.3 13 1 5.6', 21 51 20.0 1.7 17.1 iiifi 8.4 "i'.o 3.9 I Why Not Be Strong? It is only n question of time when loni; continued troubles of the liver nml kidneys will result in a final breakdown. There may be loss of appetite, constipation, weakness, wakefulness, backache, chills, fever and symptoms which the sufferer re gards as "taking cold" or as a result of overwork, rinally the symptoms become severe and the discovery is made that some disease has taken firm hold on the system. L'ndcr ordinary treatment months will bo spent in attempting a cure. There is no remedy so good for 111) diseases of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract as McLean's Liver and Ridnex It has been proven by the test of time and has had a reputation and a steady sale for ycftrs. Thousands of families keep Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm constantly on hand. Prepared only hy The Dr. J II. McLean Medicine Co., Si. Louis, Mo, nini lift I M 1ML1T1 n 0 1 s 5 91 "sii 'SSM. 1.5 1 26.9'. 29. S . 1.1 . 3!). 0 . 28 S HI 1 4.6 . 27.2 . 23.1 . 4.4 31 9 25 5 25.0 U.6 14.0 t "i'.fil. 37.7!. 2.1.1 '. 37. II. 15.9. i'5! i. 4S.1'. 18.0 2S.9 II. 25.7 . 20.1 . 6.01. LSI. 10.11. 61.7. 42.7 . 3.0. 23.6 . I0.5I. I 17.51. 50.3 . 31 01 Totals, V. S.. Totals, outside N ...1,875,I25,005.... Y.' 659,127.6911 DOMINION OF CANADA. 2.8 11.6 .Montreal ... Toronto .... Winnipeg .. Halifax .... Hamilton .. St. John. N. Vancouver . Victoria .... Totals .. 13,047.061 10.351,148 1,834,866 I 1,505.617 S08.060; , 600.121 1 916,830 ! 617,032 I) 29.6SI.738I 5.3j. .. 10.8. ... 21.6!.. 9.6 "3 1 ' 35.2 3.9 OMAHA AVIIOI.r.S I,I1 MAHKI1TS. Condition nf Trntlr nml Quotation on Staple mid Fancy Product-. KGGS-Hecelpts, liberal; fresh stock, lOif lOUo. LIVR I'Ot'LTRY Hens. Ssc: roosters, according to age and size, 5ft7c; ducks, 7lsc, geese, ?c; turkeys. Sc. nCTTKR-Common to flilr. 12c; choice, 14jil5c; separator, 22c; gathered creamery, 19 c. OYSTI2HS Medium, per can, ISc; stand ard, per can, 22c; bulk standard, per gal lon, $1.25; extra selects, per can. 30c; extra selects, per gal., Jl.60iil.75; New York counts, per can, 37c: New York counts, per 100. $1.25. FISH Herring, per lb.. 5c; round perch, 5c; sun, 5c; cod, 6c; haddock, 6c: blue pike, 6c; scaled and dressed perch, 6c; clscoes, 6c: medium dressed trout, 7Hc: cropple, 7'?c: pickerel. 7've; finnan baddies, 7'Se; white fish, 9c; yellow pike, dressed, !c; small trout, dressed. 9c; red snapper, 9c; smelts, 9c; smoked white ash. 9c. IMGF.ONS-I.lve. per doz., Jl. VI5AUS Choice, WlOc. HAY Per carload lot: I'pland, choice, J6.60; midland choice. $3.50; lowland, choice. $5; rye straw, choice. $5; No. 3 corn, ."S'jC; No. 3 while oats, 25c; cracked corn, per ton. JI4.50; corn and outs, chopped, per ton, $15; bran, per ton. $13.50; shorts, per ton, 13.50. VKC.RTAHLF.S. ABI'AHAGl'8 Per 1-3 bu. box. $1. NF.W Tl'RNIP.S-Pcr doz. bunches, 50c SPINACII-Per box, $1. NF.W HHHTS-Por doz. bunches, (OgsOe. LKTTl'CK- Per doz. bunches, 3540c; fnnov head lettuce, per bill., $5. RADISHF.8 Per doz. bunches. 30fiJ5c. 8KKD S WHIST POTATOKS-Pcr bbl., $2,255(2.50; Kansas, eating. $2.75. POTATOKS-Per bu.. choice, 25f(30c. CAHHAOK-Callfornla, per lb 2',3R3c. CArLIFI.OWKR-Callfornlo, per crate, "cKLKRY Per doz., 25fi30c; California, per bunch. 75c. TCRNlpa-Rutabagas, per lb., 1i4c. TOM A TO US - Florida, per six-basket crate, $1.30. MCSHROOMS-Per lb. box, 50c. R1ICHARH- Per lb.. 8i9c ONIONS-Retall. yellow. $1; red, 11.3051 C5, FRl'lTS. STRAWHRRH1KS-Texas, per 24-nt case, $5; Louisiana, per 2l-it. case, $2.50li2.7.1. A PPLKS Choice western shipping stock, $4.50; New York stock. $5; fancv, $5.50, GRAPHS Malaga, per bbl. $7.00(9.00. CRANHURR1 ICS Jerseys, per bbl., $10.50, per crate, f3.50. TROPICAL FRl'lTS. PINKAPPLKS-Per doz.. $1. ORA NO K8 California, fancy nnvels, per box. $3.25fi3.60; cholco navels, $.1: Mediter ranean Sweets, per box, $2.60f(2.75. LKMONS California, choice, per box. J3; fancy, $3.50; Messlnns, choice, per box, $1.50, fancy, $1. HANANAS Per bunch, medium, $2.25f 2.60; large, $2.75ft3.O0. hidi:s. IHDKS-No. t green hides, 7'c; No. 2 green hides. O'io; No. 1 salted hides. SUc; No. 2 salted hides, 7',ic; No. 1 veal calf. S to 12 lbs., 9e; No. 2 veul cm If, 12 to 15 lbs , Sc. MISCKLLANKOI'S. HONHY Per 2.settlon case, $1.M. NI'TS-Hlekory, lurgc. per bu., $1.25; nhcllbarks, $1.25. riiiiilltlnii of Ibe Treasury. WASHINGTON. April 13. -Today's state ment nf tho treasury babiccos 111 tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the ..V).(,oco gold reserve In the division 'if redemption, shows: Available cash balance. $1 IV,lll,i.!7; gold, $90,762,963. Shoe nml I.cntlicr '1'riiilc, CHICAGO, April 13. -The Shoo and Leather Review tomorrow will sny: The packer hide market Is decidedly stronger. Ono ot the Rig Four beet slaughterers has heen holding for liltrher nrlres for upveml j weeks and this week another packer has Thev are as much lite COATED ELECTRICITY as science can make mem. Hach one produces as much nerve-biilldlng substance ns is con. tallied In the amount of food n man consumes in a week. This Is why they have cured thousands of cases of nervous diseases, such ns Debil ity, Dizziness, Insomnia, Varicocele, etc. They enable you to think clear ly by developing brain matter; force healthy circulation, cure Indiges tion, nnd linp.itt bounding vigor to the whole svMem. All weakening and tisMie-destrovlng drains nnd losses permanently cured. Delay may mean Insanity, Consumption and Death. Price. $i per box; six boxes (with tron.clad guarantee to cure or re fund money). $. Hook containing positive proof, free. Address Peal jucuicine to., Cleveland, O. Sold by Kuhn & Co., 15th and Douglaa, find J. A. Fuller & Co., 11th und Douglas. i 1 fllHJ 1 . e 1 . m mm When otkr fall coaiult DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. M70U2 CnRQtl! & private mim SPECIALIST We guarantee to cure all cases curable of WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. Cured for Ufa. Night Finlssloiis, Iost Manhood, Hydrocele, Verlcocole. Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Syphilis, Stricture, Plies, Fistula and Rectal Ulcers nnd nil 1'rlviitc nisriiscn nnd Disorders nf Men Slrtctnrc nml Gleet Cured nt Home. Consultation Free, Call on or address lilt. SKA III, MS A. SK.VIt l,i;s, llll H011II1 1 lib St. UMAII1. Rad way's Pills Small, act without pain or griping, pure ly vegetable, mild and reliable. Regulate the Liver and Digestive Organs. The safest and best medicine In the world for the CURE ot all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Hladder, Nervous Dis eases, Loss of Appetite Hendachc, Consti pation, Costlveneas, Indigestion, Biliousness Kever, Inflammation of tho Bowels, Piles ,and all derangements of the Internal Vis cera. PKRFKCT DIGESTION will be nc liompllshed by taking RADWAY'S PILLS, By so doing DYSPEPSIA, Sick Headsche, Foul Stomach, Blllousntm will be avoided, as the food that Is eaten contributes Its nourishing properties for the auppnrt of the natural waste of the body. Price Uftc n(liox. Sold by DrnsRlata or lent by mnll, Bend to DR. RADWAY & CO., 55 Kim St., New York, for Book of Advice. DOiftTT BURN IT cmt fnr a r,car when yo" 4 OIM There's no difference In nunllty only In prlres There's a world of dif ference, however, between 1'ATIIFINDHH nnd other 6c cigars. Pathfinder Is Immeasurably the better. DISTRIBUTORS: itoiiinti'Mi.v into,, iioTiii'.Nr.iniG a s tii.ns. Omaha nnd Vicinity Stale of Nebraska W K. CRESH & SONS, Makers. t rn HOOD Prof. Jules Laborde's Marvelous French Preparation of "CALTHOS" For Lost Manhood. Full 5 Days' Treatment SENT FREE By Sealed Mail. NO CCD. OR DEPOSIT SCHEME. Every person who Is a sufferer from nervous diseases should wrlto tho Von ilohl Co., Cin cinnati, Ohio, at once, nnd nocopt their offer of n five days trial treatment f rco of chargo. This Is noil. O. I), or DF.l'OSIT schema but n liberal proposition madotounfortunatosuf forersby this long-established concern, which Is tho largest Importer of specifics for nervous und sexual diseases in tho world. Tho Von Mohl Co. has tho solo American rights for Prof. Labordu's Fronoh preparation of "Calthos," the only remedy known to nd vanced medical sclonco that will positively euro nervous debility. This remedy has for years been used as 11 specific In tho French and German armies, nnd since Its Introduc tion Into the Unltod States has cured many thousands of sufferers, and tho romarknblo success of tho remedy in Europe has been ro pcatcd In this country. In order to placo this wonderful treatment In the bands of overy person who suffers tho mental and physlcalangulsh of snxual weak ness, Tho Von Mold Co., husdecldod tosenda f reo trial treatment to all who wrlto at onco. Tho remedy is sent by mall In a pluln pack age, und thcrols no publicity In receiving It or taking It. Accompany lug tho mcdlclno there Is 11 full treatlso In plain language for you to read. Tako tho medicine privately with per fect safety, and a sure euro Is guaranteed, Lost vitality creops upon mon unawares. Do not deceive yourself or remain In igno rance while you ure being dragged down by .Ills insidious disease.' No matter what tho causo may bo, whether oarly abuses, excesses or overwork and business cares, tho results are tuosamo- prcmaturo loss of strength nnd memory, emissions, lmpotunuy, varicocele and shrunken parts. This succinic rcmrdy will cure you ntuny stngoboforo epilepsy results, wlthcnsulngcousumptloitniid Insanity. "Onl thus" poos directly to tho soatof tho trouble, no matter of bow long stn tiding, and the pn tlent feels tho benclltof tho first day's treat ment. In 11 vo days tho medicines sent frcf will mnko you feel Hko n, new man. The Von Mohl Co. often receives tho most astonishing testimonials from persons who havo taken only flvo days' treatment, Thoy havo thousands of testimonials from thoso who havo been permanent lycurod after hav ing bean given up by doctors, misled and ruined In health by dlsroputnblu medical schemors, and when they had given up their lasthopo for health nnd happiness. Noren fllblo person will permit Ids name to bo used for a testimonial as an admission thatho hnd Hiiy of tho discuses for which tho preparation of "Calthot." Is n specific euro. Homo lrro sponslblo advertisers aro using "mado-vp" testimonials, but tho Von Mohl Oo. Invaria bly declines to mako public thonames or cor respondence of any patients who hav been cured br "Calthos' Klvo days' treatment will bo placed In your hands free of cost, ond you aro earnestly urged for your own sake to send for It with out delay. Wrlto to day and send your ad dress. It Is not necessary to give embarrass ing details ot your symptons. Tho book ac companying tho 11 vo days' tioutment will en able you to tako tho medicine In prlvatn nnd troat yourself successfully at home. It costs nothing to try this remedy. It may cost you a great deal more to lotthlsnfTergoby. vrlto today. Address TUB VON JIOIlL CO 287 It, CINCINNATI. Oil IO Lnrucst Importui iiof HlMudarai-reparatlou i the Uultod StatoU" Constipation Develops Your "Weak Spots!" Fvery ono has a "weak spot"- no onn Is phj'slcalls perfect In every particular. Con stipation makes your "weak spots" more fr.ill. Negle, 1 of Constipation will sooner or later develop your weak spots Into ills rased spots 11 ml bring on some dreaded or ganic disorder to threaten your very life' A looted tongue- headache poor appetite "half-Mck feeling" sallow skin plmples--fcel us tired and worn-out In the morning as when you went to bed? If so, vour Constipation Is the cause' Your Inherited weak kidneys lung trouble or liver com plain grow worse HVHRY DAY vou con tiniio to neglect that Constipation' HVIlltl I'll VSICI KMIWS THIS IS . AIISOI.I ti: CUT. DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR TABLETS form absolutely sure cure for Constipation. They are pleasant, palainblo tab let.s. neither griping pill, nauseating powder, nor weakening sails. Thev per suiislvelv and gentlj. but surelj lear the bowels of all decomposed matter nnd tone uml strengthen the bowel walls, thereby .uilnc the veiy cause of Cotistl. patlon This Is our statement. unites ntitKi'i twii.h iMtoor MRS. HOI,UI5 .M COY. Jul!) Howard St. Omaha. Neb. writes, "limine used your Dr. Kn.x's Renovator for constipation nnd Indigestion, will xay for the s.imi' that It Is one or the best remedies I ever iise.i. It docs not gripe or cause any b.id feelings whatever." Refuse Substitutes No -emeily Is exm Hy "Just as (jbod" as Dr. Kiiv's Renovator. For sale by druggist ' .it Mo and tl Address us for Free Advice, Sample and Hook Dr. II. .1. liny Mcillciil '(., SnrntoKii Sprint;, V V. j. 11. ivAiti:. BEECHAMS ?CSII I O Improve the x V 11 I ceneral health. V h I Mlala xo cents &25eenbj. C trcevcsVff),B9fi m ''S. Debility and Its Compll. .Ak cntloui, such as wcukncjig, V -1 anxiety holes3ncs, decline , cured forever by our exciu 1 slve treatment, which wcfrrui you on amiroval. It not a iuccom, return it at our ex. twnsc nnd 1'ny Notlilnr Full account mailed sealed; no cliaire. ERIE MEDICAL CO., EJUFFALO, N.Y. I'. F. I. P I. A Nil. Con.lBn your OICAIV nnd NKKItn nnd send your orilert to WARE & LELAND, 200-210 RIALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO. .Y,rH'! M,r ","7.J'"!,J' ,y,nrUrt .tler. Fifteen reprMentallrrs rotmtantly on thn floor of tb Chicago Hoard nt Trade, tliim Inmirinir prompt eierutlnn nf all orders. nd rlo.n attention to all tnn. neM eiitrustert to In. KIIWAUH U. II KKM AN, In Clmrite of Itrrrl vlna llepurtmrm. H.R.PENNEY&C0. P0CM4I1Y LIFE feUG. ERArtCH 1038 IUT mcoui ncs JAMES E BOYD & CO., I'clcphonc 10'M. Omali i, .Vjj COMMISSION, (JKAIN, PROVISIONS ami STOCKS IIOAIIU OK TUADIS. Correapondence: John A. Warren & Co uirect wires to Chicago and Nw York, $6.00 A MONTHu DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST, TrMtiallFormiof DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEM ONLY. 22 Yen Exptrlence, 14 Tcirsin uminj, !:i.K!TltiriTV , ,( MUlK'il. c , cum iiiiicu. a ricoceie, iin.iuir.j jiiiiiu.i.osaoi visucana vitality. Th,5?UtUU;,;T,:,KD: Clwgra low, H0K iiiKArjlhTf lliiuU, Coiiaiiliatioii and Kxam. Inatlonrrre Houra.a a. 111. to6; 7toap.m Sunday, 9 to 11 O. llox7C6, Office, N. K. Cor. HlUaud F;r-iam Streets, OMAHA, NEIJ. COLUMBIA BEVEL-GEAR OHABNLESS. Itrtlurril In Welulit nml Im provtMl tfiriiuulKiul, tf7, ijtlto. ffW (ItillOUrit di to irliir, Iwrfll'raiinta cantaflan fffffk. o CURE YOURSELF! IN. IMf 41 fnw i . .- iniiniurai illicliarifva, i.iHttiniuMoni, IrrtHilloni ur ulcrallor4 or 111 11 roil nrniljmnr. llHtEvflSllHtMicuCo. '' ur pol""a.m. kCiNCiSNlll.l.MM '"iggiaia. cr rrrii, prrpiH, to fbift, ur . bolt (. I.'.t.v HOCllTA S..Ml.I.WOt)ll CAI'SUI.US. v. Ul.a vif iiiui 1 it.. iiicni, llllimi uru I uls i churBcs In a few days. All druggists, accept 1 only Do uta, by mall (1 V, full directions, Dick & Co., 133 Centre St . New York. COLUMBIA, HAR FORD, STORMER nml PENNANT CHAIN WHEELS . . , Meet cvrr- iirefcrrncr lis lo imllerii or price, 1(15(1, jfj;tri, ifiio, ifiir,. COLUMBIA COASTER BRAKE. Alillciililc lo clllicr ( I111I11. less r Clinln .llodcls, Snvca mip-tlilril of Hie vorl. American llcclc C(i I'OI'll .SAI.KH IIIH'AHTMIl.M', llnrlfuril, Conn, Neb (,'yclo Co.. Columbia Dealers. Omaha Hlcycle Co., Htonner Dealers. OMAHA. NUH. 1 1