Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    T1T73 OMAHA DAILY TIKE: TUP HSDAY. ArrUL 12. 1000.
AiIvi'MInpiupiiIii for llirse 0011111111
it III lie tit l en until Vi in. for (lie
rvrnliiK edition mill until HlitO i. m.
for iiioriilnu: nml Sniidnv edition.
Ilntos, I l-'Je n vwird first liisertlotii
1f n word llicrcitfter. Nothing tnlifii
for Icnk tlimi ." for li! Ilrm Inser
tlon. These iiiUiTtlHCiiiriilx must lie
run con seen 1 1 el ) .
Advertisers, by reiueMnir n iinni
liprptl rlirek, fiyi liuvr minnprn nd
ilroiipil to a numbered letter in eurr
if Tlic Hoc. Amtit mi add rmsed
itIII lie dclltPrcd on iirrftcntnllon of
tlio rlicck onl.
wanted-mali: help.
WANTED; wo havo stonily work for n few
good hustlers of good hubltH and appear
ance, C. F. Adams Co.. 1619 H''"
ilAnnBuTrade" t.iUKlitThorniiKhly In short
tlmp. catalogue and particulars i free.
Address Western Bnrbcrs' Institute,
Omaha. Neb. lJ--J
WANTED, an experlpticed, eompetent llor
Ist who speakn (lerman nnd English. Ap
ply 11. Haas. 1M3 Vinton 81.
carrlapp painters nt once,
arrlasoo. n-m
nrntnmond Cnrrla
VANTKP, men to. learn barber trndp, no
limit to term, all the advantages of our
svstem Riven until competent, class room,
lectiiro books. praduatlnR doparttnent and
diplomas enMtlltiR voil to vork nnywhero;
also allow freo ticket to our nearest col
lege, chlciiRO. St. I.ouls, Salt ! ranrlsco.
Minneapolis, where we can kIvp the bene
llt of constant praetlee, expeit Instruc
tions, etc. We hnvo up school In, Omaha
1. tinticnr' rrvnltlnn irtinranteed. catll-
incui- and iiarllcularH mnlled free. Moler
Ilarbcr ColleKe. ChlcuRo, 111. jjjj...
AdvcrtlPlnB fahs, Rood side line for trnvel
ItiR men. Ilurkley rrlntlng Co.. Omaha.
SBND for free catalogue of the American
Barber, course omana, JBU1,M:t:)r M9
WANTHD. experienced man lis elevator
conductor; highest salary paid to crperl
Piirnd man. Annly at lloston Store,
11-101 11
WANTHO. two carriage, painters and one
trimmer at once. Apply zwt
worth. H-MI23 12
(lOOD surrey, cheap. K 11,
i'-mi:o n
WASTHD, at once, llrst.clnss draughts
tnnn: statp oualldcatlons and terms.
Oineycr & Thorl, Architects. St., Paul
Minn, l!rl!li!.
WANTKD, an experienced furniture man;
good wagea ror tne ngiu map; mine ";,
referencu unil experience. Address I'. I',
Ueo. H-'1' 11
WANTt!t). an nxnerleiieed carpet man;
good wages for tbo right lhun; Mate nge,
referenco and experience. Address h IS,
Hoc. it iji ii
STATU of Nebraska will bo given to a good
mnn who understands niacins new articles
on the market. Call 310 New York Mfe
llldg. I1-M1I7 15
ICNHHOI-rriC man to travel anil appoint
agents In Nebraska: $s monthly besliles
expenses anil conimision. i-ermaneni
CV Adams. 3o0 Dearborn, Chicago.
WANTBD. a barber. Apply ut Melrnpoll
tan noiei, vouncii iiiuu.-. n wi i-
WANTBD, 200 iflrls. 1521 Dodge. 'J7
80 girls wanted. Canadian ofllco 1SS2 Douglas
Good cook and second girl; references re
(lulred. 2021 Douglas si. U ibt
"WANTBD nt once, competent Rlrl for gen
cral liouscworic. uauiorpia.
C 373 11
WAN'TED-Oood cook: Oerman or Co
Jiemlnti preferred; good wages; 110 S. 3ind
Ave. v. i-
"WANTBD Competent second girl. 116 S,
32nd Ave. C 102 12
NKAT second girl. 37th nnd Dewey Ave,
Mrs. K. A. Ctulahy. C 401 12
"WANTKD, experienced seamstress to work
in alteration department, noston Biore,
Omnha. J. u. Hrandela a: Sous, proprle
tors. C .M 128 13
WANTBD, good cook nt 200S Sherman ave
O I HTj for general housework; family of S
102- corny; can unursaay aiteiiioou.
C IK 11
(tlltli for general housework. 12:1 N. 40th
C-MIlt II'
AVANTBD. at once. Al dpmonstrater. 310
Now York Lire nuig. can o to in n. m.
C-M1I0 12
WANTBD. girl for general housework
family r iwo. fio. .Ij California Ht
corner scut. C M4I4 12
for mN'i ikmsi:i.
II-' YOU want your hous well rented plnco
tnem wun iienowa t to. u U32
HOUSES, etc. F. D.
Wend, 1521 Doucla
HOUSES, nil kinds. 30 U. S. Nnt'l Ilk. Rldg.
ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos.
Office lallli. Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or S03.
HOUSES, stores.
Uemls, Paxton block.
HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city.
Hrennau-Lovo Co., 3u9 ,Bp. Hth street
j . D-63S
FIVE rooom's. 2321; Souh' 10th St. I3C39"
CHOICB house., coltag'ss. tores. Henry
1J. Payne, 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phono 1016.
HOUSES nnd flats. .Rlngwalt. llarkcr Htk.
1 O-Oil
,, , . : -
FOR JtENT small cottnao. $1; storo for
grocery, '"etc., on .very favorable terms.
Apply 901 Dpughrs D-923
DBT ACHED s-rpom modern house with
bam. 201M'lorcts. D-9S1
--r-ty n .'i1, 4 1
NINB-ROOM Mil Oder n house In good re
pair. In walking dlstnnco. $.15. 'M. J. Kon
nard & Sou. Sulto 310. Hrown block.
'V ' . D-M935
MAGGARD Van & Storage. 1610 Capitol Ave
Tel. 1190.
IIOUSBS to ront.
Y. Life.
R. C. Patterson, 305 N.
FOR RENT, 12-room, modern, detnehed
house, shndo trees, lawn. $15. 2513 Cap.
ave. Tel. f?J. 11. 11. Rohlson. D-M163
FOR RENT, desirable S-room modern
house, small barn. 2S13 YVoolworth ave
nue, rent. $27.50. Rlngwalt Uros., Ilarker
Hlock. D-176
S-ROOM cottage, city water nnd gas, $15.00.
2930 N. 25th street.
5- room, modern eotlaKe. 2107 N. St It, $16.00.
or completely furnished, for $22.00.
7 room house, city water, 3219 N. 25th,
115.00. J. M. JOHNSON.
Sll N. Y. Llfo Rldg.
FINE 7 and S-room apartments In ''Nor
mandle" Special Inducements.
6- room apartmunt In "Albion." A 'snap.
First lloor N. Y. Llfo llldg. D-M393
$09 S, 22d St., 6-room cottage, felt y water,
bath, good barn. $20; 2905 S. 17th st.. .7
room house, city water, barn,' $15; Hit
Marcy st., 3 rooms, elty water. $5: ISO
William st..- S-room lint, eltv water. $5.
Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th nnd Doug
las D-MS92
M-, Ml S. 31th. $15.00. 1930 S. SOtl'i, t'O.M.
5- r. W'S. SI, $25. 6-r. 20 f Hamklion. I2J.C0.
6- r, 3110 Corby. $7. MM l.pavenworth. $12.50.
P. D, WEAD. 1524 Douglas.
t.r FURNISHED house; mqderu: central;
' ... . , , .1 .till ,1 . . A . .1
C-ROOM cottage 'pity wutr and ga.ii $15.00.
2930 N. 23th fltreut. . ' '
f-room house, city water and bam. $13.00.
nr ell)' water 32,9 N
115.00. JOHNSON,
iil N. V. Life Bldg.
I'OR RENT, about Mny 1. modern S-room ;
nrii k bouse 2719 Jackson, rnone k m
mr i;tl.
FOR HUNT, convenient six-room loUngo. born with veil, fortune tpller, locates hid
22nd and' California st.., In line repair;! diu. treasured; ludler, .Vic; gents. II Rend
iltolcp neighborhood; 122 t Including water) t Ings by tnnl!. 20?2 CuVlilPg. Prof. Spiers,
to good tenant. Inqulro at 607 N. 19tli t magnetic healer faith cure. S-32J-A22
street. D-MG3G - i . , ,
roil itnvr laiiMsnnn
3 NICK rooms, housekeeping.
1112 8. 11th.
3 FURNISHED rooms for hou ekeplng for
man and wife; rent taken In board. .19
N. lTth. E-3W
FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 2C2J
St. Mary's Ave. E-M521-A21
LA Itun front parlor. 1S11 Cass.'
M 157-13
LARGE front parlor bed-room. lSll'-1'8-
E M157 13
I ItOOMS furnished for housekeeping; mod-
em; gns range. Telephone ill-.2V'4 'V!1.0'
iv-.m; ii"
rrit.visiinn hooms ami iioahik
Till-: Merrlam family hotel, 23th and Dodge.
TO ?. Rcntlemcn, In private family. 2020 St
Mary'H Ave. 1' 615
TUB PIIATT, dcslrablo rooms; 'phorie 1C51
ao. zotn.
IANDSOMB parlor bedroom; other rooms;
gentlemen only; ratca moderate. The Rose.
2020 Harney. 1.--M5S9-A12
ROOMS, with board. 2102 Cass
F-M123 12
NICBLY" furnished south front room nnd
board for gentlemen. Ii22 Dodge.
3LBOANT front rooms with board. 1WJ
Capitol nvefiue. F li
IVB unfurnished chnmbers for housekeep
ing to mun nnd wife. 319 N. 17th. G-9S2
roii nn.NT stohbs a.m orricr.s.
FOR RRNT, store In first-class location,
rent reasonnnie. Appiy it. c. i-cicrs
Co.. ground Moor, lice bldg. 1200
8TORB ROOM, 1106 Fnrnam. Opp. old P 6.
j wj
STOR1S ROOM, 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O.
1 CwJ
AfiiiXT.s WAvrnn.
AOBNTS wanted everywhere, to sell our
"Iloulty' accident policy; something en
tlrolv new and original with this com
puny; costs but $0 per uitiiuni, juynblo
iiuarieriy; issued in an classes una an oc
conations nro accented as "nreferrcd'
risks; pays handsome liermanent tfiiewol
commission and no experlenee neccssaiy
to sell llieni. Address National Accident
Society, 320 Ufondway, New York City.
J-MI49 12
WANTBD. olllce room for desk, tnblo and
small safe. Address u b'J, lice.
HY" MAN and wife, lioard r1nA room In
private family or two riirnisjnm rooms
ror ngni nouseKceping. ydnresn r is,
Ueo. k mux v.r
WANaBD. room niuf board.. ccntleman hlld
wire tno ennurenj, in ianiiiy wnern mere
aro no otner Hoarders ana none are ox
pected; havo furniture. Address B 21,
lie'. K-JII53 IS
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co..-912,
911 Jones, general storage and forwarding.
Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511VS Farn.
Tel 1509, k3,
AV'A Vmil TO 111' Y .
ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.;
in largo or amau quantities, cmcago rur,
nlture Co., ,1100-10 Dodgo. U'el. 202O.
WILL purchase a limited number of
Omaha Savings Hank accounts. Iirennnn,
Love Co., 309 So. 13th. N-CVJ
2D-HAND books for cash. Crane, 207 N. 16th
ALL kinds of household, hotel goods. Drop
a card or Tel. 1112. Levlno Az schonstcad,
301-6 N. lfith., cor Davenport
N-M326 M7
ALL kinds of household and hotel goods.
Drou a card or Tel. 1112 Lovlno & Schon
stead, 31-6 N. 16th., corner Dnvenport.
N M320 M7.
YVANTBD. good roll top otllro desk: must
4)0 cheap for cash. E 10, Ilee. N 136 11
roii hai.i: riiiMTiiiii
FOR SALE, furnlturo of a llve-room house.
Inquire nt 6IS North 17 th st. 0-.MI29 13
TOP nUGGY for sale, In good condition.
U 40. IJeo. P-.M190
PI IAETONS. buggies, road wagons and j 10 cot Uulxxe;a conlldentlalTreat
harneBS. Andersen Iiuggy Co., Cor. 15th ment courteous.
and Davenport Sts. ' P-920 OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO-
SECOND-HAND top buggy In good condi
tion for sulo cheap- Inquire 2121 Locust
street. P-M337
6-PASSBNOEIt carriage, cost $500 new, for
sale, ror ua; good wneeis.
Almost new Columbus light phaeton, cost
$225; now $luo.
Top buggy, good ns new, hnndmade, $100;
cost $22." new.
P-M39I 12
FOR SALE Double enrrlngo nnd phaeton
cheap. 710 N 22nd.- P-3M 12
CHEAPEST nnd best poultry
fence. 901 Douglas St.
and hog
CUTTERS ot drug prlcos, Sherman Mc
Connell Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge
Q 65J
FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at
druggists. Ono gives relief. Q-054 AW
HOR8B clippers and repairs: we grind
razors, shears, clippers, utc. A. L. Untie
Innd, 1U6 S. Hth St. Q M&SI A14
2DHAND safo cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnnm.
II. HAAS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 770.
Plants, cut tlowers, boquots. hall, resl
deuce, wedding nnd grave decorations.
Orders by mail or expresi promptly lllled.
NinV bleyclo tires, $2.25, $2.r.D nnd $3.0o!
Good secondhand wheels, $, $10 and $12,
Omaha Hlcyclo Co., 16t,l and Chlcugo Sts.
SAFES, buy, sell. Schwartz, 111 S 13. Tol 1697
CUT prices at A. E. Wylle's, 1513 Furnam;
8 vears old; drink, 10c; .pt 2.1c; nt.. 50o
. $l" Bill sent C. 6. 0., $L
dt.. $1. Bin. scui v.. u. v.,
Iienniingo uuuiuwu, iiuuiwuupiTncr uyc.
WIRE fence. Lcddy. 1617 Howard.- TcQm
TWO-revnlutlon Cnmpbell newspaper and
lob press, front delivery, two roller, rack
and screw distribution, sizo of bed 32x10;
nil Btenm lixtures, for sale chcao. Ad
dross D 62, Bee olllces Q-133
THE latest pnoumntlc tired hike huggy,
$13C. Omaha Bicycle Co.. 16th and Chicago
IV .M16U
GASOLINE stove, little used, good condi
tion. 3 burners" und oven complete. Ad
dress E 9. Bee. U-37S II
BELGIAN HARES, high grade pedigreed
stock. $5 up; guaranteed healthy. Corre
spondence solicited, W. F. Hunter, 2CS0
Douglas riace, ihkiiuiiiuo nuiinm. i-n-ver.
Colo. Q-M3SS 1G
KOR SAliE'-Cnnnry filrd; maletf, "$1.50;
females, 2oc. 191S Capitol Ave.
Q 339 n
FOR SALE, ttiuall steel rango stqve, almost
new! H17 Vinton Bt. Q-M413 13
NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furnlturo
& stoves nt lowest prices, carload lots or
less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1406-19 Dodge.
MME. OVLMER genuine palmist. 1C5 Dodge
a osi '
MRS. HILL. Dewev's friend. Till daughter.
electric treatment.
MRS. BERRY, eleetro magnetic treatment
nnd baths. 119 N. 16th St.. 2l lloor. Op
posite 1'. O. T 519-Ap-Il
MM H. SMITH, room 2. 11SH N. 15th; mni!'
netle treatment and baths. T MSC6 II
VIAVF, woman's way to health. 316 Bee bldg
It f!,.1 '.
M,0NHB1T, Chiropodist, lSlSKarn. Tel. 2.133.
YOUR hair shampoed, dressed 3."c. Hair toi
let goods. Monhett, 151S 1'arnam. Tel. 2333.
PRIVATK hospital for ladles beforo,& dur
ing conunemcnt; uanics nuopiea. mn n.
1)11. HOY. elilronodlst. corns and supprllu-
ous hair roriioved by electricity. Room 12,
f renznr hiock. v w
PLBATINO and pleated pklrts of all kinds.
ji. uoicimau fc' Co., 2W Douglas uio"i;.
PRIVATB hnmn lin'nrp nnd durlnc COtlllne-
ment; babies atloot?U. Mrs. IJurgot, 2033
Decatur. U OiO
STAfPS for collectors: nlbUms, punplles.
Frank IJrrtwn, 2204 S. 13th. U-f.71
RUPTURB currd, ,no knife, no pain, no
danger, scnu ror circulars, umpire iwip.
turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Ite llldg., Omaha.
U 007
IF Y'OU suffer with your feet and desire
immcdinio or ncrmanent rcucr can on
Prof. Lund, 311 Karbach block. U-903-A17
CLOTH bv thi vnnl for ladles' tailor units.
urcsnur lanoilllg Co., 4-j i-nxinn nioca.
u .iaiu iiu
REGILDfNO of all kinds solicited; frames
you Havo stored In carrel m.ide new: also
furniture, ornaments, etc. A. Krauss. 1212
Douglas, Tel. 1021. U-U5 11
WALL PAPER cleaned like new, reason-
ame. necil & Co.. 1520M. Ciipllol ave. .Tel.
2393. U-M3IH31I
MMB. SMITH, magnetic treatment and
baths. 11S4 North 15th. room 2,
THIS week soles oak leather. S.le: velvet
run nreis, a.jc; old reiinblo 8. r. l'eloraeirs
snoo store, lotn nnu cuming
U-MI52 Mil
SPIRITUALIST church of Omnha: nsv.
cnicai pnenomena circle at Norm Ktn
Ave. this, (Thursday) night; door collec
tion, luc. .U-MII3 12
PRIVATB money, 6, ii per cent; no, de
my, unrvin uros., inn rarnam. , v 3
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1321 Douglas.
V Ul4
WANTBD, city and farm loans; also bonds
and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702
rarnam at., ueo uiug. v (iij
5 I'ER CENT money.
Ilcnils, I'axton block.
W 070
FIVE per cent farm loaiu). Chas. E. Wil
liamson. W Ci7,
MONEY to loan on llrst-clans Improved city
property or for building purposes.i l'avnu-
Knox Co.. New Y'ork Life. W 07S
' i 7 :
C, Bii. 6 per cent on Omaha, S. Omaha.
w. ll. Tiiomas, &oii jh Mat. PanK. Tel. lois,
MONEY to loan at 5 nntl B' per cent on
ijmana properly, w. u. .mcikic, 401 s. lam.
SVto loan on Improved Omaha, real
tc. Urennan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th.
LOANS on "eastern Nebraska and western
Iowa farms, nt 0 pec cent. Horrowers
can nay $100 .or any mil t Die. Any In- . No delay. Urcmiaa-Lovo-Co.,
309 South 13th atrcct, Omaha, Neb. -
, . '. t .Wr-l
$1,000 rind upward to louu on Improved city
property nnd farms, W. Farnam Smith
& Co., 1320 Farnam. W 692
WANTED, city lonn.1, bonds and warrants.
Gcorgu li company, not Farnam Ht.
W M9S7
Wo loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse
receipts, live stock, etc. Y'ou havo tho
uso of both the property and the money.
Y'ou may pay the loan back In ono month
or keen It longer nnd navfnr It onlv whnr
tlmo you keeji It. No oxpenso for pnpers
ana noining Kepi oui oi tne amount bor
(Established 1S92). 300 South 16th St.
on their own name. In amount from $10.00
up. A comparison of our rates with others
Is all wo ask, as wo aro posltlvo that
ours are tho lowest In the city. Remember
that we uro the only loun company giving
you tho nrlvllego of paying your loan ALL
or in I'Aivr ni nny tiAir. nun incrcuy stop.
Tel. 2295.
Room 119,. Hoard of, Trade llldg.
X JI931
diamonds., watches, on easy imyments. un
known to others; you keep tho goods, each
payment leasens tho coat, of tho lonn; no
chargo for papers' and wo make no In
quiries of your neighbors, .MERGERS'
LOAN CO., 1501 Furnam, over II. & M.,
ticket onice. .x cas
holding permanent positions on their own
nnmn without endorser or mortiracn.
EST RATKM. .no inquiries mado of cm
nlover or frlendf. Y'ou can borrow nnv
amount and repay on easy . weekly or
monthly payments. Iteforo borrowing seo
um. OMAHA CREDIT CO., sulto 525-520
N. Y. Life UlUg. . X 37
LOANS mado salaried people on personal
note witnoui security; rates reasonable.
J. YV. Tayioe, zis First Nutionai bank.
MONEY loaned salaried people holding ncr
manent position with responsible concerns
upon tneir own uamett witnout security;
easy payments. Tolman, 700 N. Y'. L. Rldg.
MONEY loaii3 on furniture, , rigs, bicycles,
diamonds, wntchos. etc.: navment un
known to friends. Omaha Loan Hank, 1416"
Karnam, upsiuirs. a 090
SALARY" loans after working hours. If
you yant cneup money address it 57, Dec.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13.
BALA 11 1 EH
Salaried employes of good character can
obtain accommodation at much less cost
'"" emiinrrassmeni mnn nas noretororo
i been possible b applying to American
Loan Co., Room 601 Beo b dg. X-815
nnd embarrassment thnn has heretofore
I Joaned '-.f",
LOANS on furniture, horses, cows, pte.
FERED IN OMAHA. J. W. Tayioe. 213
First Nat. Bank Bldg. X-702
GROCERY' stock, splendid location, well
established trade; ns a business propo
sition will pay to investigate. Address
C 26. Beo. Y-M10O A17
FOR SALE, a small steam brewery with
mnlthouso, In eastern Nebraska, In excel
lent condition, with good location: must
retiro on nccouni or in neaitn. r or inr
her, particulars call 6n or address F. W.
Platz. Schuyler, Neb. Y'--M200 A20
FOR. SALE, drug storo or half Interest In
same; doing good buslncbs end located
In ono of tho but towns In Nebraska.
For i.irt!cu!ar addreas Frank Nedela,
Crcto, Neb. Y'-M750
BUSINESS opportunltlrs nt Panamfrlrnn
Bxitosltiou, Burfalo. Lands adjolnluv ex
position for hotels, residences, amusement
nnd business purimses, for rent or snip.
Apply to Klngsley of Buffalo nt Hotel
Mlllurd,for circulars and Information,
Y-M421 IS
m sim:s ii v i:i.
FOR SALE, bin, ksmlth shop ami tool
net mention in th rny
Addres W. H.
Ainmon, St. Paul. Neb
Y-M119 12
FOR SALE, lease and furniture of frmlly
hotel In Omaha; clear above nil cxpensos
$300 per month: Investigation solicited by
parties with I2.CO0 In cash. D 64. Bee.
KOlt RAt.i-i cnoii ntpno stock of furniture,
queensware, ehlnaware, etc.. In good
Ilvplv town nf inn oeonle In northent
Nebraskn; reason for selling, have out
side ouines t lint neeus my attention.
Addrpss D 63, Ilee. y sns-i3
strict attention to all classes of collec
tions. 401-2-3-4-3 N. '. J.lfo Hlds.
fiooD paying buslnes can be bought at a
. . . 1 . " . 1 ....... ..I...
snap ir taKen nt once; pariy imvinn
Call 421 IMxton lllk.
Y-MII5 12
OBNBRAI. mcrclmndlse stock for sale;
good location; bargain if tiiKen at. once;
this will pay to Investigate. Address lbix
IG, Talmage. Neb. Y MHO It
RAROAINS April 11 and 12, I9W.
913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 311 or 2612 F.
2532 Chicago St., S-room house,
33 feet so. front, stone pavement pd.;
house built for home, but owner compelled
to leave for Chicago; must sell; 3,000.
2216 Davenport, on high plateau,
near High school, full tot, st. and alley
paved and paid for; S-r., only JS.BiiO.
RH-431 11
ior Ki-jis i. rirsi uoor, v i. i.ire mug.
ui; 7W
linS'lty H. PAYNB. 001 N. Y". LIFE IILDU.
I'.eal instate, Rentals, L,oans, insiirnuce.
IF Y'OU hove n bnriraln to offer In real
estate see h. a. uroadweu, wi .-s. . une.
IIOUSBS, lots, farms, lands, lonnsj also lira
insurance. liemi, I'axton dik. iuj-.os
A RARGAIN, four acres, 40th and Pacific,
two blocka from car , line, on belt rail
road. 2,ri); easv terms. McCaguc In
vestment Co., 1500 Dodge. RB ilO
FOR QUICK returns on bargains only sco
S. A. Uroadwcll, 501 N. Y. Llfo llldg.
IIOUSBS, farms. R. C. Patterson. 30T N Y I.
SNAPS In real estate, money to lonn. L. L.
Johnson Co., 314 S. I5tn si. KB is
SICKNESS forces owner to leave city: will
sell at a sarrillco ot ji.wm troin wnai ii
.nut bpr a fpw vears aco. the 0-room
house, with city water and barn, nt 2700
Grant street, price $1,250; $500 cash, bal
ance, long time. See me quick It you
want It. J. H. Johnson, Sll N. Y. Llfo
Rldg. RH-M30,-
rilEAP homes on monthly payments. In
surance. Money to loan. vi. j;. lurKing-
ton, 005 Ileo Rldg. HB-925
40 OR SO ACRES nenr Benson, within 2 miles
car line, sfiu per acre.
99x132 feet, sightly corner down town, cheap
at io,wo.
Ilnusps and lots from 1X0 to $25,600.
Farm lands near Omaha from $25 to $00
..!,er .OP1"0,
Five (51 per cent money to loan on gllt-edgo
property and larms.
HANSCOM PLACE house, with good barn,
nil Ideal pince,
Another for $7,500.00.
Another for js.&m.uu.
Kennnrd & Son, Suite .,10. Ilroy, n I.IK,
WE ARE authorized to scllitho property nt
1922 Dodgo ut a'liiiie over one-iniru or its
actual cost on conditions of rale by April
13th. A fine lnrgo barn, alono costing
$3,500 nnd 12-room, housc.,)ii corner lot
44x120 nnd 49xGO ots. 3 b lucks from P. O.
The grounds nro todnjl wgrtr njore than
the wholo will be sold for: so are.Uio Im
provements. Conditions nrojeash and 10
days' limit. Make us a, bid. I'aynu
Knox Co., N. Y. Life bldg RB-116 14
FOR SALE, choice lot. Orphnrd Illll. lot
10, Dlocit r, sircet improvements, wnnt
cauh offer. M. H. Watson. 501 N. 4th
St.. Hannibal, Mo. RB-M31S 13
nnnn.llVR! 1 nm cnlnc to Clilcnco. My
rpsii unco in I'll, win is going to oe som
for what It will bring; opened dally for
inspection; mako your offer; Incumbrance,
$,-i.Ch. r. years, 5 per cent.' J. J. Gibson,
SOfl First Natlonnl Hank HtdK'.
RE-M5S5 Al
HAVE Just bought the northenst corner of
22d nnd Hurt streets, sizo iiijxisj teet.
stone sldnwulk and stone paving nil pnld
for. I offer the south 60 feet, vacant, for
$2,250, being 69 feet on Hurt street nnd
66 feet on 22d street. Will sell the north
33 feet, with C-room cottage fronting west
on 22d street, ror M.iwo. win sen ine
middle C-room collage with III feet front
ing west on 22d Direct for $1,550. Or will
sell tho wholo corner nt n bargain. Splen
did location tor tints or tenement nouses.
A. P. Tukey, Hoard or Trade.
RE-M395 13
$1,200 for 4-r. house nnd ten lots on N. 10th
street; paving tuny paiu.
$1,000 for 5-r. cottage, near 22d and Leav
enworth. $2,200 for one ot tho prettiest houses on
urisioi sireei.
S1.R00 for lienutlful east front on 401b. ono.
Mr. Chas. Knuntze's residence; perma
nent smewaiK nnu irecs.
$1,000 for cottago 'and lot near Ames Ave,
par onrn; newiy painieu nun papered.
$130 for S-r. cottago and lot 00x127; como In
ana teo picture.
F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas, Mtg. Loans.
, llli 40S 12
GLOBE Couch Co., 1519 Leav'th. Tel.
PACKING, upholstering, mnttross, feather
renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111
. uminp i. lis
Mattress upholstering, finishing, enrpentry.
Omaha Cabinet Shop, 1606 Cass. Tel. 21SS.
LUNDEEN. upholstering, cabinet-making.
reflnlshlnc; mattresses made over. 1523
Leavenworth. 292 May21
LOST, ladles' gold watch and chain, nenr
21th nnd L streets, word May engravpd
on back. Return to lice olllce, South
umuna, aim receive ruwiiiu.
Lost 439 U
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life,
AT OMAHA Bus. College, 16th fc Douglas,
BOYLES college, court reporter principal.
, Beo Bldg. (29
NEBRASKA Ruslness nnd Shorthand col-
lege. Boy ds theater. 730
ENERGETIC nnd Industrial men of ability
nnd social standing will recolvo llbernl
contract. For further particulars npply
to B. Rnuck, deputy supremo organizer
Acmo Fraternal Union, Merchants' hotel,
room 71. B-M3S9 12
JOHNSON Osteopathic Instlttito, 515 N. Y.
' 1 ft-Tnhwon Osteon ithlst r, cr
J dept., Old. L. Johnson, osteopathlst. mgr.
M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school.
Klrksvllle, Mo., 601 Paxton lllk. Tel. 1307.
A. T. HUNT.osteopath; nil chronic diseases;
"results toll." 3U0 Karbach Blk. Tel. 234 J.
Omaha Fluting Co., Bee Bldg. Tel- 253'..
Knamcled. $3 up. Hlcyclo Hospital. HI N 16.
Repaired, 21 Charles; tires. $I.?S Tel 2327.
TUB best new bUycle. lfi.60 up. repairing.
iiniut'iinK ami sundries, '.M.nanil wnecm.
M up. Louis Flescher. lti'2 Cjipltol Ave
- .M4il
KKVS fitted, locks repaired, by H. W.
auiiiiciuii, m jownsenu uun ro. rei. 570.
M920 A23
C. R. HBTI.IN. exnert locksmith nnd mn,lnl
ouiKrr. j( HOlllll lGtll St. "PhOlle
bile 2022. f
RBMtNOTON Standard Typewriter and.
TVPBWR1TBRS. secondhand. 1110 Famam.
BAGLB Loan Olllcp, reliable, accommodat
ing; an nusincss connuentini. 1301 Douglas
Diamond loan otlleo, llth ami Douglas, low
Jim-:., inosi rename unredeemed coius
-MI50 Jll
si nn it At..
LADIES out of health find prompt relief.
UA M,-, Vlllillltl, AfJL.. UII1IUCII11I1I.
-M573 A27
LAD IKS. Chichester's English Pennyroyal
pins arc mo ocm; piiie, renaoie: taKe no
other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars.
Relief for ladles."
in loiter by return
mall; nt diuggtsts. Chichester Chemical
Co., Philadelphia, Pa .
TIIOS. P WILPON, all kinds of shorthand
worn, uuico wi iioyu Tiieater. Tel. 2l.Xi
rAUPEVnill AM) .lOllllUlt.
all Kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing
promptly attended to.
T. Ochiltree,
-ut li and I.nko Sts.
IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2216 Davenport.
arj Aia
METROPOLITAN, Buropean, 12th & Doug
las; lower rates. Wm. llarr, Mgr. Tel. 241.
THURSTON, IS & Jackson: Amcrlcnn .t
European. .-Ncwiy relltted. Prices tnod'r'to
TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks
iciimicu. um. i runil I'nciorj, 12U9 Farnam
R. & M. Junk house. J. Milder. Prop., dealers
in uii mcinis, nomes, eie. carloads a
specialty. S01-S03 Farnnm, Omaha. Tel. 237S.
101 M 4
OMAHA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction Rilar-
nniccu. u.v i. nan ai. xeiepnono sios.
OLD mirror resilvered: new ones to order;
country orders promptly filled. 70S N. 10.
water rnrnns.
"STANDARD" Water Filters, all kinds of
filter supplies. Tel. 306. 1507 Harney St.
MS43 A31
OM. Van Stor. Co.. 151U4 Farn. Tel. 1559, SC3.
TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leavonw'h. Tel. 547
.a,-., ,Kn alnva i,."., mi Vt T.TT
I GASOLINE stoves cleaned. S01-3 N. 10th.
CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Rldg.
ACCORDION plentlng. Ivory-rlm buttons.
Mrs. a.. -. -M.irit, inn & Farnam. 111-11.
560 A20
7HC FODT: If ordered early you can save
money! John McGownn, bis S. 2Mb St.
M&14 A26
STOCK'S Rlrd store.
1603 Leavenworth.
IN families, Miss Sturdy, 2216 Davenport.
M.iW Al'J'
M A (J M 1 T I C I N F 1 1 1 .11 A 1 1 Y .
THE Nebraska, 1517 Chicago St.
Patent Lawyers
Beo Bldff,, Omaha.
Tol 1623. Advlro froa,
roau- umana, Kansas City
& Eastorn Railroad "Tho
Qulncy Routo" Ticket Of
fice, 1415 Farnnm Street.
Telcnhone. 322. Donot. Tnnth
end Marcy Streets. Tele
phone, 629.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon Ball
Express a 5:06 pm a 7:55 am
Kansan City und Qulncy
Local a 7:09 am a9;00nm
a Dully.
road General unices and
Tlckot Office? Southeast Cor
ner llth and Douglas Sts.
Telephone, 101. Depot. 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone,
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louts, Kansas &
NPb. Limited a 2:30 nm nl2:55 nm
K. C-St L. Express ...a 9:50 pm a 5:50 am
Nebraska iyical via
Weeping Water b 5.05om a 9:45 am
a Dilly. b Dally except Sunday
una e I'HPinp Mnnrniwi
"Tho arent Rock Isl
and Route " nty Tick.
t Olllce, 1323 Farnam
Street. Tolephone 42S.
Depot, Tenth Mason
Streets, Telephone, 629.
Leave. Arrlvn.
Lea aioincs aim uaven-
port Lucul a 7:05 am bll:3S am
Chicago Express bll;16 am a 8:10 am
Chlcagu Fast Exprot . .a 6:wi pm a 1:25 pm
61. Paul Expresb a 5:00 pm bll:35 am
Lincoln, Colorado 3pgs.,
Denver, Pueblo and
Wes'v a 1:39 pm a 4:23 pm
Des Moines. Rock Isl
and and Chicago a 7:25 pm a 5:50 pm
Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5 5Cpm a 9:20 am
a. Daily, b Dally excest Sunday.
Ticket Oftlee, 1501 Farnam
Street, Telephone 195. De
pot, Tenth and Marcy
Streets, Telephone S29.
Leave. Arrive
........a 6;05 pin a 7:55 am
Express ...........
c uauy.
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
it ii.w i nn: i' iu,i:s.
. CIllCAtlO. ST, PAfl.,
MltiiirnpoM." A Omnh.i
1. all way - "Tho North
western l.lne ' Uelleril)
Olllces, Nebraska Divi
sion, 15th and Wrbjtef
ts tMtv Tlrliet tUllro.
1401 Tarnam St Telephone Ml. Depot, 16th
1 and Webster fits.
t.enve. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger ..a 60 am n 9:10 tim
Omaha Pftscnge. atl::w um
Bioux city & .Nortli
rast Nebraska .a 3:40 pm
n Dally b Daily except Sunday.
llalliond - "The North,
western l.lne" General
Ofllces, United Slates
Natlonnl Dank Uiilldlng,
S. W Corner Twelfth
nntl Knrnam Htm. TlekAt
Ofhce, 1101 St. Telephone 54)1. U-
pot, -roniti a Aiason 3ts. Telephone 62'.
Leave. Arrive
Twin City Kxpresi a 6:65 am al0:60 pm
Twin City Limited. .. a 7:20 pm u ,vlf am
tiloux City Local a 8:00 am u 4:20 pm
u Dally.
Tn MIsolu1 Valley Rnllroail
ljil "Tho Northwestern L'.no"
General Olllces. United
States National Uk. llldg .
S W. Corner Twelt'u
ami Pjinmm rtt Tin'.-!
omcc. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone Ml. Oe
po, 15th and Webatcr Sts. Telephone 1453.
. Leave. Arilve.
Ulnck Hills, Deadwood,
Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a. C:u0 pra
Wyoming, Casper nnd
I'oiiRlas d 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm
llistlnca, York. David
City, Superior, Geneva,
Exeter and Spwim! h 9-M r..nn
Norfolk. Verdlgre and
f-remont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am
Lincoln, Wnhoo and
" ; b 1:30 am bl0;23 am
" Vi" i. "",V ToV. "J""': !"S n
a Daily, b Dallv nvrnt. .nnn. M
.la only d pally .accept Saturday, a
Dally except MoudaT.
western Railway "Tne
Northweetern Line"
City Ticket Olllce, HOI
barnam Street. Tele
phono 561. Depot, Tenth
ami t:IU,l llt.n.l. .1-., 1
J,Uolje. Leavo. Arrive,
liaylight Chlcaeo Sdc-
cjal .... a 7:00 am all:30pm
v.huuhu x-ussciigcr it pin aij.iv um
cusitTii express, ues
Moines, Marshnlltown,
Cedir Ranld.i and Chi
cago al0:55 am a 4:06 pm
Eastern Limited, Chi
cago and East a. 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm
Fast Mall. Chicago to
Omaha a 3:45 pm
OmahaYChlcaco Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:oo am
Fast )intt a 8:30 aro
a lajiy.
land Route" General Olllces.
N. E. Ccr. Ninth nnd Farn.m
Streets. City Ticket Olllce, Ui'J
Farnam Street. Tclephono 318.
Depot, Tenth and Mason
Streets. Tclephono 629.
Leave, Arrive.
Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am a 7:20 pm
Tho Fast Mall a 8;C0 am a 3:25 pm
Tho Colorado Sneclnl...all:r nm a 6:00 am
T!10 Portland Sbeelal. . .a S:20 am a 4:35 pm
Lincoln, nrauitu uiiu
Stromsburg Express.. b 4:10 pm bl2:25 pm
Pacific Express a 4:2T pm n 6:50 am
Grand Island Local. ,.bD:30pm b 9:30 am
a Dally, b Dally execut Sunday.
Railroad. City Ticket ofllco,
1402 Farnnm street. Tele
pnon. 245. Depot, Tentn
and Mason streets.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Express a 12:10 pm n 4:06 pm
Chicago LLnlted a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am
MlnnenpoUs and St.
Paul lixpress b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm
Minneapolis and St.
Pn.ol Limited a 7:35 pm a S:1S am
Fort Dodge Local
from Co. I) luffs .... b 1:30 pm b 10:15 am
a Dally, b Dallv except Sundays.
seph & Council Bluffs
Railroad "The Burling
ton Ronto" Ticket Office,
1E02 Farnam Street Tele
phonp. 250. Depot, Tenth Mason Streets. Tele
phone. 123.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day E ...a 8:50 am a 6:17 pm
Kansas City Night Ex .al0:15 pm a 6:15 am
St. Louis Flyer for Kt.
Joseph and St. Louis.. c 4:55 pm aim aro
e Dally.
souri River Rallroud
"Tha Ilurlington Route"
General Olllces, N. W.
Corner Tenth nnd Farnam
Sts. Ticket office. 1502 Far-
nam street. Tolephone. 259. i
Denot. Terith and Mason Streets. Tolo- I
phone, 12S. Leavo. Arrive
Llncolri, Hastings and
McCook a S'-t" am n 7:23 pm
Lincoln, Denver. .Colo-
rndo, Utnh. California. a 4:2j pm a 3:00pm
Lincoln. Black Hills.
Montana- & Pugot
Sound a 4:25 pm n 3:00 pm
Lincoln local o 7:00 pm nl0:35 am
Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm al0:33 am
Denver, Colorado Utah
& California a!2:35 am
a Dally, b Dally excent Sunday.
ft Qulucy Lallroad "Tho
Burlington Route 'Ticket
Olllce. 1302 Farnam St.
Tel., 2o0. Depot. Tenth &
Mason Streets. Telephone,
T.(nV4. Arrli-f.
ihlA an..ii
Daylight Express"
Chicago Veatlbulcd Ex..n 4:00 pin a 7:45 nm
Chicago Locul Express. a K:50 nm n 4:(6 pm
Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm a 7:46 am
I'aciuc junction Local. .a;o:45 nn.
Fast Mali a 2:15 pm
a Dally.
St. Paul Railway - City
Ticket Ofllce. 1504 Farnnm
Street. Telephone 2j4. Depot.
Tenth and Mason Streets.
Telephone 629.
T.pnv Arrlifn
Chicago Limited Ex a 7:.tS nm n R-nr, nm
Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 am b 3:55 pm
Bloux City nnd Dcs
Moines Express hll :00 am b ia nra
a Dnlly. b Dally except Sundny.
Anchorla Noon, April 21
City of Rome Noon. May 0
Ethloula . No Mnv 12
e urnc-viin .mkhi, .nay r.i
Astorla Juno 9, July 14. August. IS
City of Rome. June 2, June 30, September S
I'lirnessia .nine juiy is, September l
Or with tour embracing Scotland, Eng
land und Ireland. Berthsuist bo reserved
now for best accommodations. Apply to
uny of our locnl agents or
170 Jackson Boulovard. Chicago, 111.
(Should bo rend DAILY by nil Interested,
as change may occur at any time.)
Foreign malls for tho week ending April
11, 1900. will close (PROMPTLY In nil
cubes) at tho General Postolllcc ns follows:
PARCELS POST MAILS close ono hour
earlier thnn closing time shown below.
Parcels Post Mullt" for Germany closo nt
5 p. m. Monday und Wednesday.
TriiiiN-Atliintlo Mails.
THUHS DA Y At 7. n. in. for FRANCE.
ISH INDIA, per s. s. IAnnUiiIne', via
Havre (mall for oilier parts of Europe
must be directed "per s. s. L'Aipiitalnu ' );
nt 9 a m. (supplementary 10:30 n. in.) for
EUROPE, per s. s. Kaiser Friedilch', via
Plymouth. Cherbourg and Hamburg
LANDS direct per s. s. M.iasdam, via
Rotterdam (mall must bo directed tier H. h.
Mnasdam"); nt !' a. in. for ITALY, per
s. s Werra. via Nurds n (ni'ill must bo di
rected "per h. s. Werra"); nt 11 a. in. for
NORWAY direct, per s. s. Island, via
("hrlstlnla (mull must bo directed "per s.
Island"), at 11:30 a. m. (suppleinentiuy
1 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurlu.
via Quoenstown.
steamers sailing on Tucsdnys take printed
matter, etc., for Germany, and specially
nddrevsnd pi lined nwttcr, etc., for other
parts of Europe. AmrrTcnn und Whlto
Star steamers on Wednesdays. German
nnd French steiirnent on Thursdays and
Cunuid and German steamers on Satur
days tako printed matter, etc., for all
countries tor which they nro udvcrtlsod
to carry mal',,
After the Hosing of tho supplementnry
Trans-Atluntlo mnlls named above, addi
tional supplementary malls nro opened on
tho piers of the American, nngllsl., t'reneii
i and German steamers, ana remain open
1 jfgk
pok rorrii r. mitk ii.
until within ten minutes of the hour at
tailing of steamer.
Mull for Sontb nnd t'entrnl America,
Wrni Intllpi. lite.
THURSDAY -At 9 p n) tuv JAMAICA, per
s. s. Admiral Schley. frin Hostnu.
SATURDAY At 2.3(i n. m. for NASSAU.
N P. per steamer from Miami. Flu.: at
HAR1IA1K)S and DBMBRAHA, per s. .
Talisman; at 9 30 i. tit. isupplomentary 10
a. ni l for ST THOMAS. ST CROIX.
and DBMBRARA. per s. s. Fontabello
(mail for Grenada and Trinidad must be
directed "per s. s Fontabelle"); nt 10
a. m. (supplementary 10:.1i a. m.) for
TOWN. per s. s. Altai tmall for Costa
Rlea must bo directed "per s. s. Altai");
t II a. m for IIRA'IL direct, per s. s.
llngusa, via Pernnmbueo nnd Santus (mall
for North Hiazll mint be dlri-ctrd "per
s s. Ragua"): at 11 a. ni. for CUHA, per
s. s llnvium. via Hanna; at II a. m. for
YUCATAN, per s. s. R.ivensdale. via Pro
creso; ut 1 p. m. for NUBVITAS, tH-
Tiara, uaracoa and pubrto pa-
DRB. per s s. Lunenburg; nt 3 p. in. for
LA PLATA COUNT IU US, per s. s. River
ton. SUNDAY At 8:30 p m. for ST. PIERRE-
Miyi li.un, per steamer from Halifax.
Malls for. Newfoundland, by rail to North
Sydney, and thenco by steamer, close nt
this oltlre dally at S:30 p. in. (connecting
close hero every Monday, Wpiliieilov apd
Saturday). Malts for Mliiilelon, by iRll'to
Ronton, and thebeo by steamer, eloo nt
this olllce dnliy nt 8:30 p. in. Malls for
Cubn, by ral! to Port Tampa, Fla., and
thence by steamer, close nt this office
dally (except Monday) at 7 a. m. (tha
connecting closes art .-n Sundav, Wed
nesday and Friday) Malls for (.'uun, by
rail to Miami, Fit... and thenco by xteamcr,
clnso nt this olllce every Monday, Tues
day and Saturday at "2:30 a. m. (the c n
nectlng closes nro on Tucsdny and Satur
day). Malls for Mexico City, overland,
unless specially addressed for dispatch b
steamer, close at this olllco daily at 2:30
a. m. and 2:30 p. in. Malls tor i.'usta Rica,
llellze. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by
rail to New Orleans, and thenco bv
steamer, close nt this onVe dnlly at !
p. m. (connecting clones here Tuesdays
for Costa Rica and Mondays for llellxo,
Puerto Cortes and Guatemala) Regis
tered mall closes at 6 p. m previous day.
Reglsterei' mall closes at tl p. tn. bocond
day befors.
TrniK-l'nctllc MnllM.
Mulls for China and Japan, via Vancouver,
close hero dally at 6:30 p. tn. up to
April loth. Inclusive, for despatch per
r. s. Empress of Japan (registered mall
must be directed "via Vancouver").
Malls fir Hawaii. China. Japan nnd tha
Philippine Islands, via San Frnn-'
eisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up
to April 12th. Inclusive, for dlsnntrh per
s. s. Dor e. Malls for Australia (except
West Australia). New calami, Hawaii,
FIJI and Samniin Islands, via Ban Fran
i Iseo, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. after
March 31st nnd mi tn April 14th. In
clusive, or on day of arrival of s. s. Cam
pania, due nt New York April Hth, for
dispatch per s. s. Moaua. .Malls for China,
Japan and Philippine Islands, via Tacomn,
close here dally nt 0:30 p. m. up to April
19th. for dispatch per s. s. Goodwin.
Mnlls for China nnd Japan and Philip
pine Islands, via Seattle, close hero dally
at :30 p. in, up to April 19th. for dls
jialoh Iter H. s. Rlojiiu Maru (registered
letters must be directed "via Seattle").
Mulls for Hawaii, Japan, China and the
Philippine Islands, via Snn Francisco,
close hoit. daily at 6:30 p. m. up to April
:0th. Inclusive, for dispatch per m. s.
Nippon Maru. Malls for Hawaii,. via Han
Francisco, close here dnlly at 0:30 p. m. up
to April 27th, Inclusive for dispatch per
h. s. Australia. Malls for Australia, (ex
cept West Australia, which goes via Eu
rope, nnd New Zealand, which goes via
San Francisco). Hawaii, and FIJI Islands,
via Vuncouvor, close hero dally at 6!30 p,
m. up to April 28th, Inclusive, for dis
patch per s. s. Mlowcra.
Transpacific mnlls are forwarded tn port
of sailing dally and the .chcdule of clos
ing Is arranged on tho presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit.
Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre
vious day.
i ; o v l : it m i '.vr Miner...
Dcpartment of tho Interior, Olllce of In
dian Affairs, Washington. D. C March 20,
1900. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals
for beef, Hour, etc.." ns tho caso may
be, and directed (o the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, 23.1 Johnson street. Chi
cago, 111., will bo received until 1 o'clock
p. m. of Tuesday. April 17, 1900. for fur
nlshtns for tho Indlnn Service beef, flour,
bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea and
other nrtlclcfl of subsistence; also for boots
nnd shoci, groceries, r.onp, baking powder,,
crockery, agricultural Implements, jmlnts,
oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness,
leather, shoo findings, saddlery, etc., hard
ware, .school and medical supplies, nnd a
long list of miscellaneous articles Sealed
prdnosals. Indorsed "Proposals for blan-
wooieu auu coiiou goous, ciuining.
etc.," ns tho caso may be. and directed
tn ll.n enmmUfllnnur nf Itliltnn Affnlra
Nos. 77 and 79 Wooster street, New Y'ork
Cltr. will bo received until I o'clock p. m.
I of Tuesday, May 15, 19(10, for furnishing for
tho Indian Service blnnkcts, woolen nnd
I cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats ana
I caps. Rids must be mado out on govern
ment blanks. Schedules giving nil neces
sary Information for bidders will bo fur-
, nlshed on application to tho Indian Of
llco. Washington. D. C; Nos. 77 and 79
Wooter street, New York City, or 235
Johnson street. Chicago, 111.; tho Commls
ciiifw ,if KiitiilHiencc. U. S. A., nt Chov-
' onne, Leavenworth. Omaha. St. IOills, St.
, Rati I and San Francisco; the poslmnsters
I at Sioux City. Yankton. Arkansas City,
Caldwell, 'fopekn, Wichita nnd Tucson.
jjiiUi wilt be opened at tho hour and days
I nb..vo st.itpd. and bidders are Invited to
i in) uvnximt nt ttm oneiilnir. Thp Dennrt-
1 ... A I n v. &
I ineill It'itui viw iuu tihoi uv.y-i .itt.iu ..y
ment icsorves tno rignt in oeicrmino ine
point of delivery nnd to reject any nnd
I all bids, or any part of any bid,
I . W. A. JONES, Commissioner.
I ' M20 to A16M
Ollico Chief Cnminlssniy of Subsistence,
Omnha, Neb.. 10th April. 1930. Sealed pro
posals. In triplicate, will be received hero
until 11 o'clock n. in., central slnndard time,
10th Mnv, 1900, and then publicly opened, for
furnishing such fresh beef and mutton as
may he rcoulrrd by tho Subsistence Depart
ment, I.'. S. Army, nt Omnha. Nebr., 1-ort
Crook, Neb.. JeflVrnan Barrarks. Mo., I'orts
Leavenworth,' Knns.. Logan H. Roots. Ark.,
Niobrara, Neb.. Reno. O. T Riley, Knns.,
Iloblnson. Nebr.. und Sill, O. T., during six
months commencing July 4, 1900 Proposals
will also bo received until 10 o'clock n. m.,
mountnln standard time, nt Fort .Robinson,
and until 11 o'clock u. in., central standard
tlmo. at Jefferson Bnrrarks. Forts Leaven
worth. Logan H. Root Nlobnirn. Reno,
Riley and Sill, and opened ut Posts by re
spective rommlssnrles, each receiving pro
posals for his own post only, Propoals will
i alw bo rcce ved stilting price ut wnicn iiim-
der will deliver fresh beef or million of
temperatuto not greater than M) degrees
Fui renhelt. Information furnished on np:
hprn or to commissary ut post
nullinrlnil In ODPO nrOUOHulS. U. H. TP-
pervns tho right to reject' nny or all pro
posals or nny purl thereof. Envelope
should bo marked "Proposals for I resh Bee.
nnd Mutton." und addre'ised to underslgiipd
or Commissary at Post authorized to ro
relvo iiroposals. B. K. WBHT. Cupt. nnd
C X A. 10-E-ll- 2-13 M-S-9
PROPOSAI S FOR FUKI-Ollleo of Clilnf
Q. M.. St. Paul. Minn , Murch 15. 1900.
SEA LED PROPOSALS. In triplicate, will
bo received at this nlllco or at the follow
ing named posts, until II o'clock n. m.
April 11. 1900. nnd opened then, for furnish
ing und delivery of such wood und coal,
during tho fiscal yenr commencing July 1.
1900, iih mny be required nt St. Pnnl and
Fort Snelllng, Camp Bacon, Wulkor. Minn,;
Fort Yates, N. D. ; Forts Asslnlbolne. Har
rison and Kengh. and Camp Merrltt, Mont.;
Uort YPllnwstone, Wyo., nnd I'ort Monde.
8. D. Blank forinn of proposal, with full
Instructions will bo furnished on applica
tion here, or to the quartermasters nt the
SDverul posts named. United Btntes re
serves the right to accept or reject any or
all proposals or any part thereof. GEO. I'..
Omahu, Neb., March 31. 1900. Sealed pro
posals, subject to tho usual conditions,
will be received hero until 2 o'clock p. m'.
April 11, 1900, and then opened, In tho pres
ence of attending bidders, for delivery nt
surh plnces hs may be designated, of forty
llvt (43) artillery horses. U. 8. reserves
tho right to reject any or all proposals, or
any p.irt thereof. Blank forms for bid
ding and circular giving full Information
and requirements will bo furnished on np
plication to this olllce. Envelope contain
ing proposals thould bo marked "Proposals
for Artillery Horses," and uddressoil to
F. 11. HATHAWAY", Mujor and Q. M.,
Chief Q. M. A2&3-M10&I2M
OMAHA, Neb., March 16, liXA-Sealed pro
posultt in triplicate, subject to tho usuul
conditions, will bo received nt this olflco
until 2 p. in,, central tlmo, April 16, 1900,
for constructing a Quartermaster's Store,
houso und nu Oil House, ut Fort Robinson
Nebraska. Full Information furnished upon
application to thin olllcp, where plans nnd
specifications tnuv ho seen, or to the Qunr
tirmasler, Fort Robinson. Proposals to bo
marked "Proposals foi .," nnd ad
dressed to Major F. II. Hathaway, Cblef
Quartermaster. M19-20--J1-22-A12-13