Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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CoailtUrabla Tim ii Pivoted t Private.
Olalmi for Panonal Injuries.
(Wheelmen Mny Sow Hide After T)nrk
AVI ho it I fnrryliiK n Mttht Oily
Trraiurrr llriiiilnn lAftcr
the IlpliiiiMiiln,
AI. Olllan entertained with pathetic and
humorous recitation, after which enme the
i-niiiK iaiK 01 v. ti, iiosecrann. -mis was
quite; clever and greatly enjoyed. Short
talks were made- by Educational Director
George I. ltabcock. General Scretary Wil
lis and others. ttcfreshtnents were served
and the remainder of the evening spent In
social conversation.
lined l'nrtluti lloliln Forth nml the
Fnnlnli WIiik Adopt n Coimtl
tutlon nml ll-I.niTn.
Two Peter Cooper clubs held forth In
Omaha Tuesday night, as has been tbo case
1,1... II II. l ... ....
irhn ..iinAii i ... i t . ' i iu uie ninns 01 me om or
iiriBnin rifliwi w ii 8 i i i i Kanlzatlon. The middle-of-the-road faction
11 th rieeHn. tI y,'0r P"8nal 'nJ.urlcfl' met in the old hall on Howard street, which
'h . ct T"day " ,.?alrn1 ha8 the recognized meeting place of
I lLl . ludlcla,ry, ,cl1n,m Uf 1 n" bo'.'ovcrs In the tenets of Cooperlsm
Klvon care .1 attention to Io Ice Judge Oor-, Blnco the formaUon ot (no orlgIna, club,
don s petition or J2.600. additional salary Tho middle-of-the-roaders camo to order
be.d!! hra,ror th" years S9S nt the call of their president, O. W. Ita
and 1899, and found It unmerited. Hns-' wortn. SeVcnty.nve applicants for member
call asserted that Gordon's former salary of flhlp. whoso names had been presented at
42,500 per annum had been cut to $1,200 by tho prcvous meeting, were pronounced true
tho charter approved May 10, 1897. and that blue populists and admitted Into the f M.
tho police Judge should bo content with Th0 committee appointed to draw up a con
tho amount allowed him by the Inw now In i stltutlon and by-laws was not ready to ro
effect. Gordon Is firm In his contention port and consideration of this Important
nnd will appeal to tho courts, Ho claims matter was postponed until tho next meet
to bo holding ofllco under the old charter lag.
'ifiiuunu um aiuviODUi Jinn iu;.i;i uviU
or qualified.
Illinois Central Will Ruth Bnildlng of North
Omaha Viaduct.
Desire for Immcdlntr South Onmlia
Connrrtlon the Incentive for
Pimhlntr Work with All
fji, Possible Speed. ,
nounced that operations will bo commenced
about May 1,
llrnrliiff at I'urtlnuil Open.
POItTLAND. Ore., April 10. Tho Inter
state Co miner co commission arrived hero to
day nnd began hearing testimony of Port
land Jobbers on tho petition of tho St. Louis
Jobbers to compel western railroad lines to
make the samo rates on lef than car-load
lots that nro mado on car-load lots.
Testimony of witnesses this morning was
to the effect that a continuation ot what
they termed "unfair differentials" will
drive Pacific coast Jobbers to water routes
and In many instances to buy foreign goods.
Tho city attorney recommended that the
:!alm of Mrs. Elizabeth Van ilrocklin for
The fusion Peter Cooper club met In a
Farnam Htrcct hall, with Ted Morrow as
presiding officer. The adoption of tho con
stitution and by-laws prepared by a com-
Ilnltwnr Note." 11,1,1 lVr,oiintn.
General Manager George I Hldwell ot
Thn contrnrt entered Into between Iho 1 ."o. MKliorn went to cnicago on a snort
Omaha Urldgo & Terminal company and the "A "ocneral freight Agent J. S.
Illinois Central railroad, whereby the lat- , Weltzell of tlio Illinois Central has ro-
ter was selected to build the new viaduct turned from Chlcnco.
and approaches connecting tho Terminal ii'T.'fS'ML1 i'J;
... ,,. , . ., .. llrigton went to IMclllc Junction Mondny
property with tho Missouri Pacific Dclt lino, nn,, thcro j0nca president Perkins for it
callB for the completion of tho work by Jan- western trip,
uary 1, 1901. Operations nro beginning, ' A meeting of western nnd southwestern
however with nn nrflvltv that wnrrantH tho rate clerks lias been called lit tho Southern
nowctcr, with an activitj mat warrants i noti nl st j(01,s April 21 to prepare sum-
statement on tho part of tho Illinois Ccn- mer tourist rnto sheets,
tral officials that tho viaduct will bo com- City Passenger Agent T. P. Godfrey ot
plctcd by July 1 or shortly thereafter. Their hm U,M nMhm "U.rn.odav
Interest-In a speedy completion ot the work ,9 llt prt,sent receiving medical treatment,
lies In tho need of tho connection to bo nf- jr. i,, Fisher, traveling freight agent ot
forded tho Illinois Central with South tho Missouri Piiclllc, has returned from his
. ... ,n .hi. in,inr.t "rst trip on the rond, which was satis-
Omaha by the ccnstructlon of this viaduct. fnctorv 'ln PVery rMpect. Uuring his nb-
General Manager Webster of tho Omaha nenco Jlr. Klsher visited in St. I.ouls und
nrldge & Terminal company Is authority for Kansas City.
tho statement that the cost of the viaduct 1$ ft'aTSaW
will exceed by a considerable amount tho t0M compnny to securo its equipment nml
HOO.000 generally believed to navo Deen mo provine oiner necessary nrrangements, tno
.nnrnnrlmlon et nsldn for thla Durnose. new through Chlcngo-Portliiml train will
I.iihorer at Work on ClilcnK" Hiilld
liiK rrliiUHly Injiiml liy
ii Mrlkrr.
CHICAGO. April 10 A nonunion plas
terer working In tho UiFcment of tho Mar
shall Field building. Clark and Adams
streets, was arnaultcd nnd seriously Injured
by n union picket today. Nearly 200 union
men wcro discharged by tho contractors of
this building yesterday and their places
filled by nctiunlon men. Today a union
picket gained cntranco to the building by
eluding tho pollco and after knocking the
nonunion plasterer down with a club made
his escape. Tho Injurnl man was uncon
scious when found and his nkull may be
fractured. The forty-two union men cm
ployed on tho building struck this after
noon. Troublo Is looked for when tho non
union men leave for homo this evening.
Four laborers employed at the slto of tho
i now Western Electric building, Jefferson and
Congress streets, wero attacked and two of
them, J. Strcm and H. Hagan, nerlously In
jured. Tho others wero badly benten before
they escaped.
Injury sustained on a slippery sldownlk heimUtee appointed for that purposo nnd pro
rnmnrntnlfUMl ln Inn num nf ll.nnn. .Tullim u .... ...I t n .t,,. -t.,u I... r t n..iu.. . f . . .
1 - . "" v.uu i.j ,j. vjiiiiiujr, uu- appropnuiion set iiniuu iur mis ijuiiujuc. - . , iniiiiitini.i vln tlm linlnn iiiaiiii
r'nnli.v. ultfirnnv fnr th nnllllnnor nln ant ,,nl,l ll, ll, 4 .- i ..u tt- ,....1..... . !'nt ..uo Instituted Via tile Ulllon I'aPlllC-
ii il i , ,r , f..v v u unci it iinu ueuu 1 no viauuci usen, niui .nr. ncmin, in- Northwestern nml western connections
forth tho merits of his clients case at somo submitted to tho club section by section and rltnllne thn eradlnir and trrstlework on both . until Sunday. April 22.
jengin. u was on mo pomi 01 passing nnany aciopieu tne matter ot the dollar R(les of It, will cost $100,000 at tho least
nvhen Mount called for tho reading of tho banquet was taken up and tho commlttco
journal of date July 11, 1899, In which tho ' having the affair In hand given full power
claim had been rejected by a full vote of
tbo council. Ho made tho point that the
claim was theroby permanently ruled out.
!oolcy nsscrtrd that ho had withdrawn tho
claim before the action referred to had been
taken nnd so tho matter wns referred to
tho committee on finance and claims for a
final hearing.
On tho rccommndatlon of tho city at
torney tho following Injury claims wero
nllowed: Naomi Ferguson, 8 years old, $1,250
damages for permanent Injury resulting
from r fall at Twenty-eighth nnd Farnam
streets; William Socllg. $50; W. J. Iloquet,
$25; Oscar Dickinson, $100; Charles Dick
inson, $50; Mamlo Hobblns, $20.
Joseph V. Cornish entered a claim for
$5,000, which he considers a proper recom
pense for Injury done him by tho health
department during his recent Illness from
nmallpox. Ho claims that ho was confined
In nn election booth at tho county hospital,
which was unfit for human habitation, Cor
nish Is a commercial traveler residing In
Kansas City. Ills claim was referred to
tho finance committee.
I.nmp Orilliuiie I" Itrpenlril.
Tho ordlnnnco ropeallng the blcyclo lamp
Jaw was called up and In accordance with
tho ngrecment In general committee moot
ing was passed.
On motion ot Trostlcr tho Hoard of Pub
lic, Works was instructed to give Its atten
tion to Farnam street frctn Forty-second
to Forty-fourth with n view of making re
pairs. The. cedar block pavement has out
lived its usefulness and the street Is said
to bo ln an Impassable condition.
Tho council put a check upon Its presi
dent's aspirations to bo known as "CrcBS
fwalk Karr." Since tho beginning of his now
term Karr has made a deep Inroad Into tho
Blxth ward apportionment. A number of
nddlLlonal sldowaJk ordinances wcrp In-,
troduced by Karr. whereupon Hascall mado
objection, claiming that at the present ratn
Karr would exceed his ward allotment In
another two months. Tho council con
curred In this view ihd the remainder of
Knrr's proposed resolutions were referred
to tho committee on public property and
A concurrent resolution was Introduced
authorizing the city englnoer and the presi
dent of tho council to vlult Indianapolis to
Inspect tho street cleaning methods In vogue
there. Iibock objected on tho ground that
itho council already had perfect confidence
In tho city engineer's ability to copo with
tho cleaning question and the resolution
(failed of adoption.
After Tax nellnqm-nt.
City Treasurer Hennlngs submitted a plan
fwhlch has already been outlined In The Deo
for tho further collection of personal taxts.
Bio urged that tho city bo divided into
threo districts, each to be presided over by
a collector. Kach collector Is to bo pro
vided with a list of delinquents In his terri
tory and a. systematic sffort Is to be mado
to collect both largo and small amounts,
rrhe mntter will bo furthor discussed In
commute meeting.
Tho city clerk reported that tho follow
ing appointees of the mayor's ofllCo had se
cured approval of their bonds boforo the
district court: City Engineer Itosewatcr.
City Attorney Connoll. Health Commissioner
Coffman. City Eltvtrlclan Schurlg, City
Prosecutor Thomas, Building Inspector Car
ter, Pollco Commissioners Heafey, Mlskoskl
to act In tho mntter of . hooding tho place
for holding tho banquet and making all
other arrangements. This banquet will bo
hcli) May 7.
linn Sublet Rxplrrn Suddenly a Mo
ment After Dlmtiount Iiik from Ills
Illcycle Can He n .Mystrry.
calculation. Added to this will be the ex
penso of tho right of way and tho prlvllcgo
of sxtendlng tho viaduct over the tracks of
the Union Pacific and Omaha lines."
At the present time n large forco of men
U employed In setting tho piling for tho
trestlework. Tho location of this work Is
Just east of the place where tho Grand
Will .lohiiKon, lVIm Stole Articles
from Delivery Wnmnn, llrhiKH
l p llrlilml the Hum,
'A. negro, tisninlly called "Dusty," but
wheso tianio Is Will Johnson, lira behind tho
barn of thn rltv tail. Thin will hn n rntmn
Plaza of tho exposition was eltuatod. This of rejoicing among express nnd delivery
. . , ... , .1 r .1.1- n I n . A t . .... ...
continued on an earth embankment to con-
Daniel Sublet, colored, dropped dead ln neet with tho present trackage of tho Torm-
tho Btreet at Fifteenth nnd Howard about nai ne. A spur has been extended from
3:16 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Ho had tho Terminal tracks to the lako front, where
been riding a bicycle up tho Howard street eartn )8 be)ns BecurC(i for grading purposes.
Z.. K. At. K,ftecnth ho dismounted, leaned Work on tne vnduct proper, which will bo
his blcyclo against the curbstone nnd began a ma8Sivo steel structuro croislng tho Union
walking aimlessly up and down tho pave- paclflc 8pur am, ,he tracKa ot tho Chicago,
mcnt. After taking two or three turns ho at Pall, MinneapoH,, & omnlm lino at a
seated himself on a crate of goods and a , t ncar Tnlrtcenth reel, adjacent to
moment later was seen to fall forward upon h MM0Url Paclflo roun(,houso, will not
trestlework will extend from this point to men, for "Dusly's" thoftn from wagons havo
tho viaduct and thenco across Cut-Off lako I been both numerous and daring for tho past
to its cast bank, whero tho tracks will bo 1 sovoral weeks. Hut he becamo too bold last
bo started for somo time, Tho Illinois Cen
tral, however, is preparing tho steel and
the material for tho viaduct.
Ho was unconscious and breathing heavily
when the patrol wagon arrived and on tho
way to tho station expired,
City Physician Ralph mado a cursory ex
amination of tho body nnd gave It as his
opinion that death had resulted from heart
disease. Later Coroner Swanson made a
moro thorough Inspection and from what
he saw ho believes be will 'bo Justified In
holding an Inquest. Ho says thcro Is a
largo growth on tho neck of the deceased,
which may havo caused death. A post-, "uu UH '--"u i e..8er
mortem examination, followed by an In- A aDan T f" "8ptlvel3:
quest, will bo hold this morning. 1' tho E, khorn, an1 Btn-ltaiBton. One of
Sublet, who was 21 years old, lived with 'th 1osUons for consideration relates to
hln mother at 13ir, Jones treet. Ho was tho adoption of tourist rates for the coming
Severn! Interesting Qtientlonn on
Docket for Denver Meetlns.
A meeting of passenger representatives of
lines In Western Passenger iiFsoclatloti ter
ritory will bo held In Denver today
and will be attended by General Passenger
employed nt Mogy's bootblack stand on
Farnam street and for tbo last two weeks
has been under a physician's caro.
A. D. Bremer of Heemer, Neb., Is at the
Robert K. K. Miller of Wuyno Is at tht
Usmer Doyscn of Gray, In., Is ut tho
W. W. Hooper of Leavenworth Is at tho
O. C. Dell of Lincoln wns a Tuesday
guest nt tho nurker.
II. II. Loughrldge, a Lincoln traveling
man, Is nt the Her Grand.
It. L. Atwator und George W. Calder of
Chicago are at the Millard.
C. F. McGrew of Lincoln, stato bank
exnmlner, Is nt the Hor Grund,
Mr. and Mrs. F. 13. Drown and son of
Syracuse, Neb., nre ut tho Murray.
Arthur J. Wright, nn Insurance agent of
Nuwton, la., Is registered nt tho Millard.
W. It. Morse, a real estnto dealer of
Clarks, Neti., Is registered nt tho Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jones of North
Platte nro nt tho Darker for n few days.
Julian Magnus, ndvnnco ngent for tho
Henry Irving company, Is nt the Millard.
C. O. Hnrncs, president nnd manuger
of tho Albion Milling company, Is at tho
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meyers of German
town. Neb., were Tuesday guests at tha
Dr. Glbbs went west on professional
business Tuesday evening and will return
Wednesday night.
Fred Sonnenshlne, owner of the electric
light plant nnd telephone system of West
Point, Neb., Is at the Millard.
M. C, JoneH, westum representative ot
tho Arm of Pnxton & Qnllnijher, accom
panied by his wife. Is at tho Murray.
It. A. Unrber. J. IS. McCrucken. F. N.
Hull, A. K. Upton nnd C. F. Way. nil of
Lincoln, nro stopping nt tne Murray,
of $25 for tho round trip from Mltsourl river ?ewJir,', H'r,7H'?,'!d,.ner"'Jll.duuKi'i8
points to Denver, Colorado Springs and POns wns burned seriously. Her condition
I'ueuiu uuu also 4 r.uu ui ii.ou irom mo
Missouri river to tho Yellowstmo National
park, with an added rate of $14.50 for nil
expenses connected with a trip through tho
Another matter of considerable Importance
will be consideration of the-, $40 tourlsLrates
from Missouri river points to Portland.
Something of a, tempest has been stirred up
by reason of tho Chicago Great Western ap-
lvenlnic nf Mimic.
Mme, Itosa D'Krlnn. nnd Mr. G. It. Von
torn liavo nppenrcd beforo Omnlui nttdl
onces on previous occasions. Last Jnuu-
plylng tho $40 rate to Portland from Kansas aJTy, ,c,;c'l?,,lt,on '"l!! LllCv Kavc'1 Program
nitv hv WIIV nf 3f Tnlll 11a linn .-,. rM 1,1 llinil liailUtlE. WHICH ll? VH 4t-i-citii,
City, by way of bt. I au . Its lino passes hllt tIl0 mlmbers essayed Tuesday night at
through several Iowa points and by reason Trinity cathedral were beyond their reach.
of tho application of this rato a passenger! Still, tho evening was not without Its re
n nnrhnsn a lornl tlekei from rhinn m deeming points. For example, parts of. tho
Miss Mario ItatllfT. having recovered from
a nrolonced Illness, left Monday to renew
and Collins and Inspectors Lynch and Ilus- ' her studies at Cnrlton collego, Northfleld,
sell. The appointees havo ulready entered
upon their dutlts. as tho council approval
Is not required In their cases.
Ordinances wero read for tho third time
nnd passed aa follows: Paving Leaven
rworth street from Eleventh to Thirteenth;
Hawthorno avonuo from Olcnwood to Lincoln
Iboulcvnrd; Eighteenth street from Cuming
to Ohio and Dodgo street from Seventeenth
to Twentieth.
Ordinances wero read for the first and sec
ond times ns follows: Paving Yates street
from Fifteenth street to Sherman avenue;
Corby street from Fifteenth street to Shor
man avenue; Howard street from Twontloth
to Twenty-first,
After l.nn-rlppe WliatT
Usually a racking cough and a general
fooling of weakness. Foley's Honey and Tar l Nourn8k(in9 t the Millard Tuesday:
Is guaranteed to curs tho "grlppo cough" n. neemer of Deetner. W. E. Peebles
nnd mako you strong aud well. For salo
by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's
Drug Store, South Omaha.
Y. M. C. A. lleeeptlon.
About 300 young men wero In uttendanco
st the closing recoptlon of tho night school
of tho Young Men's Christian nssoclutlpn
held Tuesday evening at the rooms. Tho
exercises wero opened with n mnteh gumo
of hnsket bull In the gymnasium between
the penmanship nnd Orrmnn classes. After
an exciting game tho latter proved to bo
winners by n score of 15 to 10. Follow
ing this n musical and literary program
was given. The first number was a zither
Misses Dlunehe nnd Hortha Kennedy of
tho Plnttsmouth city schools uro spending
their vacation nt tho home ot Mrs, E.
Drew In this city.
Mrs. A, K, Hutchinson nnd son of Salt
Lake. Utah, formerly of this city, arrived
In Omaha yesterday und are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs, it. v. uoenrane, sinu wool
worth nveuuo.
H. N. Moore. J II. Wise. T. H. Wake
nnd W. II, Sliepnnl of Seward. W. H. Mooro
or Clarks and W. F. Currlo of Lincoln
wero nmong the Ncbrnsknns at tho Mur
ray Tuesday.
Kugono Moore, II. M. Casebeer nnd F. H.
Davis of Lincoln, L. P. Larson nnd C. O.
Leuko of Fremont nnd John M. Morton of
Hustings wero ninong the stnto guests nt
tho Merchuuts Tuesdny.
Judge It. S. Norval, II. T. Jones, Joe)
Fisher. E. Molntyre. F. G. Slmmonds, H.
N. Moore. T. H. Wake, J. II. Wise. A.
Herman, Jr., nnd Christ Thomns, all of
Howard, nro guests ot tno .-Hurray.
1mler. fleorcrn W. E. Dorsev of Fre 1 v.. Mnlvlllln nf I tiimohrev. Mrs
I). M. Andrews of Carroll nnd Mr. and
Mrs. J. ll. Thompson ot urniiu iwmiui
Ilnir to Tin Pnle Clieeks
Weaker, puler. thinner, day by day, no
recreation, nervous,' peevish, sleepless, sick Oberfelder wns In Omaha yesterday on
or neart unit sore of llmo tnese uro tne ins wuy numn hiph iwuus w mr u
Tliirnlmr ruhhlnh nn tho Tenth Street
viaduct cnused somo ill arm shortly after
5 p. m. Tuesday, but thn smouldering, lire
was soon exiingiusueii ny me urn iifi.m
Clan Gordon No, 63, Order nf Scottish
Clans, gives n free social Wednesday eveiv
Inc nt Patterson hall. Seventeenth nnd Far
nam. Tho Scottish public and friends of
tho Clan uro au invited.
I.. A. AVelsh. weather forecaster at
Omaha, left yesterday for Sioux City under
special instructions irom uio nep.irimeni
relating to the Sioux City station. Ho will
tm gone several days, during which time
tho Omaha office will bo In charge of Mr.
Maxwell, his nsslstant. ,
Stnto Fish Commissioner llobert H
summer months. It Is forecasted that tho
mooting will endorse tho adoption of a rate
Saturday afternoon when ho stole a box con
talnlng twenty-thrco gold-filled watch cases
and n dozen silver fruit knives, valued at
$145, from a delivery wngon ot tho Pacific
Express company which was In front of Tho
Ueo building at tho time. In splto of the
broad daylight and the fact that people wero
constantly passing "Dusty" mado good his
escape. Tho theft was reported to tho police
and Detectives Savago nnd Dunn wore de
tailed on the case. Monday night they ar
rested Johnson nnd later recovered tho
Htolcn goods.
Johnson has been working this "graft" for
somo time and has succeeded In getting
nwny with n, Inrco amount of plunder. All
denlers ln goods that can bo easily taken
from n delivery wagon and carried nwny
havo suffered moro or less from his opera
tions. It Is not probablo 'that any great
amount will bo recovered, as most of tho
stuff was of a perishable or seml-pcrlshable
nature. Somo two years aso Johuson was
caught while, working tho samo kind of n
Children l'li.y with Fire.
A party of children nmused themselves
by plnylng with mutches In tho basement
of Anton Olcson's home, Thirty-sixth und
Is critical. Tho little ones struck mutches,
Intending to kindle n bonllre In tho cellar
nnd the dress of tho victim was Isnlted,
Mrs. Oleson, who wns on tho llrst lloor,
heard screnms nnd rushed to tho rescue.
Tho little girl's physician believes she In
haled thn llnmes und that makes hor con
dition tho moro serious. .
Des Moines, or any other point on tho
Great Western line, nnd thenco take nd-
vantago of tho rate to Portland. In this
manner tho rnto from Chicago to Portland
Is reduced considerably.
Inasmuch as tho Chicago Great Western
doess not fraternlzo to any groat extent with
tho lines belonging to tho association, tho
organ fnntasle by Lefehure-Wely, In which
is portrayed a storm rouoweci uy n rain'
bow and prayer, were executed by Mme,
D'Erlnu with feollng nnd expression.
Perntniient Post Estnbllnheil,
Catitnln H. E. Palmer hns Just returned
from Washington, bringing with him de
tailed news of tho enactment of n hill to
estnbltsh a permanent military post at Fort
Mnplipntn Slhnrljlim Wvn mnntlnli nf
solution of tho difficulty presents something which hns been mado In The Dee's Wnsh-
i,i. ...a ii. ,i' ,. . tngton specials. Captain Palmer hns tho
of a problem aid Its action may result In a nen with' ,vhlch resident slimed the
further disturbance of tho colonist rates
between tbo Missouri river nnd tho north
Paclflo coast.
Ilonsei Votes for Commission to Settle
the Indebtedness,
WASHINGTON. April 10. Powers of
Vermont In tbo house today called up tho
bill to create a commission to make a
settlement with the Sioux Cltv & Pacific
railroad of Its Indebtedness to tho UnlteJ I
States, which was considered but not dis
posed of several weeks ago. Hepburn sup
ported tho bill, which, ho argued, would
bring about n satisfactory settlement with
tho road. Tho road was only about 100
miles long and was valuablo only as u feeder
for somo trunk line.
Shatroth of Colorado thought tho bill
should bo amended so as to permit of com
petition ln tho settlement of tho debt of
tho road. Tho road was not Impecunious, he
bill. He prizes It ns n souvenir. An nu
proprlntlon ot JIOO.OOO has been mnde n n
nucleus. Captain Palmer believes congress
will also pass tho bill for a soldiers' sani
tarium ut Hot Bprings, 8. D.
Till: HEAI.TY MAllKf&T.
INSTRUMENTS filed for record Tuesday.
April 10, 19i)0:
Wnrrnnty Deeds.
Ernest Peycko et al to Iouls Stuft,
und lot 12. block C, Kllby Place... $ 600
K. G. Quo to A. P. Tukey. lot 11, block
7, Orchard Hill 1
G. W. Hlggs and wife to A. D. Mene
fee. lot 4, block 145, South Omiihu.. 1,0)0
II. V. Palmer und wife to Atlantic
Realty association, lot 11, rcplnt of
block 5, Ilemls park 1
A. M. lesser nnd wife to M. L.
Murphy, n 20 feet of w 135 feet lot
22, block I, Hansconi Place 2,800
u. r . und !,, r . l'. Tnscan to A. ii.
Vandorpool, n IS feet of e 10S feut lot
17. block 10. Patrick's 2nd add.
M. M. Koutsky to John Koutsky, lots
11 nnd 12, block 12, 1st ndd to South
n A U'Httstitirtnb- nnd xvl fo in tnr-
. The last report of the Pacific rail- I gureth Krlttenbrlnk, lot 7. Free-
1 commissioner showed that It had ninn s ndd
conditions of countless numbers or half sick mission in mu m i mi. m imn
men and women um jusly awaiting some decided to send a llsli ear out next rucs-
messago of hops ant jhoer. 'y to stock the Elkhorn stream with
There Is no excuse for most neonle being trout us .fnr ns. Andrews. . Neb. he com-
There's a medlclno that will euro mission trunsucieu no oiner nusiness ex
a meuicine thut goes rlgtit to tno " "u "
roots of the causes of nearly all sickness.
rne name ot mis gooa medicine is ur. uix
Tonlo Tablets, Thoy put vitality Into
weak bodies mako penpln strong, quiet
tho nerves,' restore ambition, drive head
uche away, glvo you an appetite, sweeten
m sioniHcii uuu oreutn, una forever re
nin suvonth of tho season's serleH of
formal parties was given by tho Thurston
Rllles' club at the urmorv Tuesdny even
ing, Tho event wns us fully enjoyed ns
its predecessors, and a largo number of
tho young peoplo were In attendance.
Tho amusement committee of thu eluli.
nivn til, thnuximt nml n.... , 1 1 . . u I r, r. III. COIISlstlnC Of W. E. Card Well, II. (J. Hull-
I Ot is u iii sfn, C M. Richards, U. W. Glllcsplo and
u ,,;' vt v, , .' 11. J. Trostler. wus In churgo und man-
2:i0 So. tHth St.. M. I.ouU, Mo., Ke,t Uvory detull successfully.
I um sorry iiuii i nave not written you .... 11. Slewnrt. rhlef rlerk of tho rnllwnv
mnu service, witn nenuquariers at uu
earned 3V4 per cent net on Its entire In
debtedness, Including Its debt to tho gov
ernment, principal nnd Interest. There wero
four roads which would naturally compete
for this road. Ho offered an amendeut,
which was accepted, enlarging tho powers
of tho commission so that It could receive
propositions from any corporation, sell or
assign tbo government lien or do any and
nil things necessary to secure tho best
settlement for tho government.
Dell ot Colorndo thought that unless tho
commission could obtain tho full amount
of tho government's claim tho subject
should bo referred back to congress.
Williams of Mississippi offered an amend
ment providing that tho settlement reached
'by tho eoirmlsslon should bo referred to
congress for approval and acceptance. This
amendment wns defeated, 93 to 109, and tho
bill then passed.
Kxenmlon nf I.oeoniotlve EiiKlneers.
An excursion of locomottvo engineers and
their wives, coming from the eastorn states
and representing tho national organization
of locomotive engineers, will reach Omaha
from tho west at midnight Friday and re
main hero until 10 p. m. Saturday. The
party comprises 115 people. It started from
New York some timo ago, Hwung around
through the southern Btates to tho Pacific
coast and Is now enroute homeward., Tho
excursionists will bo met at the depot at
about 9 o'clock Saturday morning by Mayor
Moo res and a delegation from tho Com
mercial club and taken at once to South
Omaha, which, under tho auspices of the
Commercial club of that place, they will bo
shown tho packing bouses and probably
served with luncheon. During the after
noon they will bo shown about tho city,
visiting the smelting works, Llnlnger's art
gallery and other points of interest.
M. O. Hendrlx nnd husband to Her
man Koiintze, lot 12, block 10,
Kountze Placn
Joseph Rynarzewskl and wife to
Frank Ryniirzowskl, lot 4, block S,
Arbor Place extension
Unit Clnlni Deeds,
A. G. Jones and husband to Lester
Patterson, w 50 feet lot C, block 312.
Omaha 2
A. C. Nelson nnd hus-band to same,
samo 2
II. A. Berqulst to same, name 2
Sheriff to Anna Dyrnc, lot 7. Yntes
& R.'s subdlv 607
Letltlu Cuming, executrix, ct ill to
A. II. Vnnderpoel, o 10S foot lot 10
und n 13 feet of o 103 foot lot 17,
block 10, Patrick's 2nd add 1
siierirt to a. Juraino, lots 6, 8, 12,
13 and 14, Housel & 8,'s subdiv 2.OTI
Special muster to E. F. I. and G. F.
lascan. lot 17. oiock to. l'atrlck s
2nd add 1.311
Total amount of transfers $14,051
heforu concerning your Dr. Dlx'Tonlo Tub-
1 .nvi.nniif mVcn.t01 I'uque, In.. Is in tho city making arrange-
that I cannot say enough to praise them. ,m.nt!,' for' perfecting the mall Bervlce be-
For Jhn last year my wife was very sick tween Omaha und Fort Dodge, which was
and I tried doctors, but they did not seem hegun Monday ovenlng. Tho mall leaves
in iln her liny trood. K nco unlncr th tnh. ,...7,ii 111,, , H ,.i... ...
li,. ui u 11 1 1 1 1 ru 41L
... .... . - . . . " . -' " 1 UUI 1.11 ..Illt.P Ilk T iUU 1..
lets sho lias ffiuneii eirni poundn and I 10 n. in. Mull from Omuha Intended for
wouiu nui 1 iii uui wicin hi. uuy cosi. this train will leave nmuha ut a;30 p. m,
'.'.y'A'lVft,1 f i'lf . n .a .. ovcr the Union Pacllle to tho Council HlutTs
"LOUIS MANAR. 2309 8. ISth St." 1 transfer. This now mall route opens up 11
Dr. Dlx 'Ionic Tablets nro Bold nt all irno territory for Omaha business, ns It
drug stores ut 60 cnt a box. They nre runs through one of tho richest ugrlcul-rpared-
by Huycs A Coon, Dotrolt, Mich, tural districts ot lows.
Contracts Awnrileil.
OHEYKNNE, April 10. (Special Tele
gram.) It Is definitely known that Mc
Arthur Hros. of Chicago and Kllpatrlck
Ilros. & Collins of Lincoln get tho contract
for building tbo Union Paclflo cut-off, Du
ford to Laramie, a 1,500-foot tunnel In tho
crest of Shcmnan bill and a rock causeway
over Dale creek. Tho work will rejulro an
added forco of men nnd two years' time
to complete. The contract cnlls for a
doublo track with a tunnel doublo track
width. Tho project will necessitate the ei-
pcndlturo ot about $2,500,000, It Ii n
aro iUEsc.itlve of (lie tawny raeo, who,
hefnru the liulldtngs were wrought, dis
covered thut sickness results when tho
kidneys beeomo clogced nnd Instead of fil
tering t lis blood, retain urlo ncld Impurities,
until the poison permeates thewhnln sys
tem, manifesting llcf in many forms of
dlsfnuf, With healthy kldnoys you will
nlways lm well, N Curo and Sun A'uro
Cathartic TabUU will prnvent urlo ncld uc
cumulations, and ponltlvely remove them
from tho system whero thev have seeiired a
hold. Rhoumatlamnnd Kldiieynnil llludder
TroubleM wern unknown to thn Mission In
dians who discovered tho wondorfut iri)
ertlea of theso specifics now given to the
World as
California's Mission Remedies
For Halt hi all Druggtiti,
Qala Qactus Liniment
Is a maslo balm for all Inflimmatltlt.
Its work Ii practically litttnntancoui.
Running sores, ulcers, bolls, pimples, etc..
quickly cured by Ilanner Snlve, tho most
healing salvo ln tho world. No other "Just
as good." For sale by Mycrs-Dlllon Drug
Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South
Mnrrliinc License.
Tho following mnrrlngo licenses wero Is
sued Tuesdny:
Name und residence. Age.
Thomas F. t'usey, Jefferson, In 42
Sylvia Snyder, Hoone, In 40
Isaac Lowcngrund, Philadelphia 30
Kvn Kohn, omalia 23
Fred It. Whlttnker, Omaha '.Ii
Mabel Deiiiiett, Omalia 20
Edwin MusHil, St. Louis 50
Mario Coinford, Omalia 3H
ICdwiird t". Coloniun, Omalia ;tTi
Eva It, Jackson, Omalia 2ti
Arrested for Larceny.
Roscoo lliintley stole 11 pretty little gold
wntch set with real diamonds nnd valued
nt $75 from under 11 pillow In Blanche Wil
son's Ninth street resort Tuesday morning.
Roscoo disappeared for u time, but wns ar
rested In the afternoon by Sergeant Wels
enberg who also recovered the wntch from
Its hiding place. If the vuluo of thn prop
erty can bo established Huntley will have
to inco 11 ennrgu ot grnnu larceny.
That is if it is Told You
by a Neighbor.
These Statements are by Persons
Whom We nre Willing
to Believe.
It a person you respect tells you some
thing, you believe him. You may not know
tho porson whoso statement wo publish In
this article, but you can easily know him,
because wo glvo you his name and address
and ho lives right hero In Omaha. That 1
tho way wo do. wo glvo you the names of
people living ln this city who have used
Morrow's Kld-ne-olds for backache and kid
ney troubles, because we want you to con
sult tbeso people about tho good Kld-ns-otds
havo done them.
Mr. John Swanson, printer, 311 South
12th St.. says: "I heartily recommend
Morrow's Kld-no-olds to people who aro
suffering from kidney backache. I took
KId-un-olds according to directions and they
reUovod me completely of backacho and I
have not experienced the least symptoms
of the trouble since."
Morrow's Kld-ne-olds aro not pills, but
Yollow Tablets and sell nt fifty cents a box
by all druggists and by tho 'Mysrs-Dlllon
Drug Co.
Mailed on receipt of price. Manufactured
by John Morrow St Co., Chemists, Spring
field, Ohio.
When othora fJI cornTt
mmi mm &
Wo guarnnteo to curo all cases curable of
SEXUALLY. Cured for Life.
Night Emissions, Ixist Manhood, Hydrocele,
Verlcocele, Gonorrhoea, (lleet. Syphilis,
Strlcttue, Pile., Fistula and ltcctul Ulcers
and all
I'rlrnte DlneimeH nml Disorder nf .lien
Strletnre 11 ml (.leet Cured nt Hume,
Consultation Freo. Call on or address
iit. .si:.iii,i:s kV mi:ahli:s,
lit) Smith llth St. OMAHA.
Best Dininz Oar Service,
lleilneril In Welitlit mid Ini
liruveil tfiroiiKliont, 7, 900,
Sleet every iireferenee ns to
pattern ur prli'e, $50,
:io, fun.
Appllettlile to either Clinln
lesH r (.'lull 11 .Vlnileln, Saves
one-llilril of the itrlc.
Amrrlenii Illeyele
llnrtforil, f'oiin.
Neb. Cyclo Co., Columbia Dealers,
Omaha Hlcyclo Co., Stnrmor Dealers.
Lives are saved by
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
1a2 1 1 1 .J - for Palc People.
Mr. O. II. 8nrdf r, 1810 IxiultUns BU.
Lawrence, Kansas, telli how he was cured by Dr.
Williams' Pink IMIls for Tale l'eoplo. Ho ssyit
" I sm now seventy years of nge. About thrw ,
years seo I experienced n coldness or numbnen In
the feet, thon creeping up my legs until It reached
my body. I grow very thin In flesh, my spi-etlte
was very poor nnd I did not relish my food. At
last I beenmoso bnd I was unnbleto wots about.
I consulted several distinguished physicians, one
telling mo that I hnd locomotor atstxln, another
that I had creeping pnrnlysl. I took thalr mtd
iclnrs but they did me no good snd I continued to
grow worse.
" Ono day nearly s year ago, n, friend advised mo
to try Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for 1'alo People, I
Immediately commenced their use, throwing all
other medicines nwny, Ilefore I hnd finished my
first box I found that they wero benefiting nis. 1
used twelve boxes In all nnd was pcrfeotly cured.
Although it Is overslx months slnco I used my last
pill there hns been no recurrence of the disease.
Mynppetlte Is now good and my general health
Is better than It has been for many years."
To save a life when medical
science fails is a miracle. To restore
rood health when hope has been aban
dotted is a miracle. To conquer disease
long supposed incurable is a miracle. All
this, and more, is accomplished by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Ij
everybody understood the potent power oj
this wonderful remedy, much needless suf
fering would be prevented, many lives
would be saved.
Dr. Williams' rink Tilts for Tale rip!ar seta by all
rirucclM. I'r.paml only by tha Ur, Williams Msdlctne
Co., ucbenecuay, ti. Y.
Spring Opening
Wo especially invite you to our Spring Opening ;
all this week to inspect and oxamino our extraor
dinary showing' of new, novel and artistic Furniture,
Carpets and Draperies.
Tea and light lunch served to all visitors from
our Orienial Pagoda. ,
Rug Sale
A particularly choice selection of
these rare and antique pieces '
They're worthy of your inspection
2Q patternseqf high grade Nottingham and Fish
Nets, Brussels, Irish Points, BattenbergB Ruffled
Muslims and Nets, probably the best as- Pjj
sortinent of goods at this price you have J
ever seen opening week price, per pair
Orchard & Wilhelm
Carpet Co.
1414-1416-1418 Douglas Street.
Premium Offer
To Readers of The Bee
Beautiful Pictures for the Home.
Our Special Proposition.
Tbo Nlagam Lithograph Co. recently sue cccded In making arrangements for the re
production of these maitor pieces la the fines t protogravure process. These photograv
ures represent paintings that hnvo been sold for thousands of dollars. These repro
ductions would Boll rapidly at any Btore at $2.00 each, but they cannot bo purchased ex
cept directly from ui, tut wo absolutely con trol tho copyrights.
Of SI. Detnllle'a Famous Pnlntlnar.
'The Defense of
coupon von aphii, 11.
This coupon, with ttro others or
consecutive dates and 10 cents, pre
sented at tho Beo office entitles nnj
render of tho Beo to this beautiful
picture, 22x30 Inches. If you wnnt
It mailed, send 10 cents extra for
tube, postage, etc.
Of I) a pre' a MarYrloua Pi
Tills coupon wit two otliers ot
consecutive diites and 10 cents, prey
senti-d at tho Ret- office entitle any
reader of the lice to this beautiful
picture, 22x30 inches. If you wnilt
1 mulled, send 10 cents extra for
tube, postage, etc.
If you send part or all In two-cent postage stamps bo carerul that they d
not stick together. Address all letter to AHT DEI'AUT.MENT,
Look Around Now
For Office Rooms
(Jo to nil the office buildings nro und town and look at their room. Tou
ran llud plenty of them vacant and you can probably tret uny size
room you want thon come to thr BICE BUILDINO. You will not tlnd
so many rooms from which to mako a selection. There Is good reason
for that. All tbo rooms In
are llrst class and the fow that are vacant aro Just as good as thoia ttrat
are occupied. Bents are no higher than In buildings which may burn up
like a hay stack.
(round Floor, Doe Building.
R. C, Peters & Company.