Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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New Spring Silks.
Two reasons why you should come to us
for your Silks:
FIRST Wo make a business of buying
as well as selling Silks.
(r" SECOND We have a greater variety of
.well selected, KELIABLE Silks than any
"other house in the city. Always as repre-
tented or your money back.
BLACK OUB.VADlNig Wer never had-so many or oo beautiful; nor have we ever
noId no many 7Cc' to $3.00 a yard.
NEW STYLIfHC FOULARDS The kind that will give you perfect satisfaction.
Cbcncy Ilroe. best, goods, only $1.00 a yard. Other flno values at 7Gc and 85c.
NBW NOVKLTIKS IN SILKS This stock of silks Is fresh and ntyllsh throughout,
for tbcro U nl constant stream of new silk (lowing Into this department each day.
Now Hemstitched Taftotas, taffeta pllsso, fancy striped taffetas, new novelties of
all kinds COc' to $3.00 a yard.
Vo Close Our Store SaturJnys nt 0 P. M.
Thompson, Beldem 8tCo.
rs. ;ViSt. C. lA, UUILUING, COIl.
- . ' '
I ' - 1 '
tho ttlmpny-- could Jiot'propfcrl ba'-consld-ercd,
but iiovwas nvorrulejP.oaihls 'position.
Clark to Merle' Vindication,
MINNEAPOLIS Ml'nn.r .April 10) A Duttc
(Mont.) special to the'Tlmcs says': '
Tho report of tho sehhfo cdmmltlee against
Clnrk did not create much excitement or
surprise In liutte, his home, as such report
was generally expected. Ills son nnd chief
roprcsentatlvo In the senatorial campaign
recelvwl tho following today:
"WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10. To C.
V. (Hark Rep6rt of committee will bo ad
versVr'TJon'l let this worry you. I will bo
vindicated,' cither hero or In Montana.
'. - , "W. A. CLARK."
Somo of Clark's friends hero predict that
ho wjll resign and return to Montana for
vindication. j
Senate to, Ilullot on III HIkIK in n
-1 "'V , Sent.
'WASfllNOTdN, April 10. Without objec
tion frbm any source, tho sennto today agreed
to t'aj&'a nnal voto on tho right of M. S.
Uiiayfto a seat na a Bcnator from Penn
sylvania on Tuesday, April 21, nt I p. m.
' Hoar, -addressing the senate briefly ou tho
Quay case-, said, that among tho arguments
against that construction of tho constitu
tion -which .makes It tho duty of tho gov
ernor,,!, uppoln .a, senator In certain cir
cumstances was one that tbo legislature
might fall to elect" In order that the gov
rrnor"mlRht bppolnt. He did not think
tbcroj-was1 much1 practical force In tho
argument. He thought thero was much moro
forco Jrf tho argument that tho legislature
might t'lR. to elect by reason of a faction
which '.des(rrd tjiaC .the, election might go
fcvor to. tho next legislature In the hope that
Its politic would becomo so changed as to
enable tbo new legislature to elect another
fnnn." 'Tho Quay resolution -was laid aside
for tho day. It was announced that Bur
rows would speak on, tho subject tomorrow.
filers-OF -BHITISU
, cr. li'Mii hj , .
J (t'lfU MM 111 -rrriT--'t .
''i'(Conlnuod from First Page.)
talnljiran'gd'rlrtere.' One maii fired suo
fcsslyfciho'fs; njp'J' watched the dust raJscd'by
tho bfiflcts' till 'accuracy wan obtained. He
then' communicated the rahgo to his com-1
radcs.t.jTJiou scout,, waa llkcwlso struck hy
tho extraonlliiary ifulluecs of instructions
given: vy commnnueTS to me men ueioro any
' "
Knipmvereil to Negotiate for Aerriit
nhle Pence 011 Truce I,ej il
to Join Them.
NAI!LIi)S, .April 10. Tho Ilocr peavo
commissioners, Messrs. Fischer, Wolmarnns
nnd Weasels, arrived hero today and were
"welcomed by Mr. Muller, tbn representative
of tho jOrntiga' Free State, and Mr. Van
Hocschoten, tho secretary ot the Trausvaal
legation at Brussels. They will remain hero
for sniiie days.
Muelter;nnd von Boeschotcn went on board
thoKn'Iser and hud a long conferenco with
tho, envoys.
It is asserted by passengers that the peace
eommlsHjonerB'.tiro empowered to open ne
gotiations for p aCcontablo, peace or for a
truce, with-1 a view to subsequent negotia
tions. Tho Corrlcro d'ltalla this evening pub
lishes nn Interview with Fischer, represent
ing him ns having "said:
"Lord Roberts will never rench Pretoria,
ns ho would havo to pass through an Im
practicable. desert. Moreover, ho Is almost
without cavalry, and ojecn."
Fischer, "in tho cotirso cf tho Interview,
condemns tho Insinuation that the nttock
upon tho prlnco of AVoles by SI;ldo was
tho result of tho campaign conducted by Dr.
Leyds. A
BRUSSKLS, April 10. Dr. Leyds left.
iirusBois tonignt to conrer with the Boer
pcaco commissioners. -
Ilnoii),if. 111k, (Juu .DlKtlnctly Heard
CI ill's ,-L.lyiiUh Xo
PIEStUitStARlTKnURG. April 10. Heavy
caundnadm'g- comonced this morning In tho
vicinity ot Klaudslaagte.
LADYSMITII, April 10. Heavy firing was
heard early thU'riioriilng In the direction of
Sunday's river. It continued for -n fow
hours. No details of tho engagement have
boon recolved.
Announce Opposition to "All KI111U of
l.tttle . UiikIuuiIIniii."
LONDON, April 10. The ncwly-forracd
Imperial Liberal council held Its first meet
ing this aftemcoii. under the presidency cf
Itobcrt William Perks, member of parlla.
wont for tho Louth division of Lincolnshire
nnd treasuror of tho London NoneonfJrmlst
council, who plained tho object ot tho
now organization was to "maintain liberal
ism lii'Wb'ld, progressive, tolerant and un
aggressive Ifoxm."'
In lhor words, ho added, tho Imperial lib
eraUy.Vftrcposed ti tallow the lead of such
men as Lord Rosebery nnd Sir Edward Grey
aud opposo nil kinds ot llttlo Englandlsm
and especially in connection 'with tha pres
ent war."
Pcr'ki, who Is a lawyer and contractor In
terested In tbo construction ot many rail
roads and docks, Including the Manchester
hip canal, nnuounceil that a large number
f thoso who had already Joined tho oiganl-
After Dinner
CTOv assist digest Ion, relievo dlstuss
" r ."after eathu; or drinking too hesrtlly
!(, o proven!, constipation, take
Hood' Pills
BoM everywhere., 25 cents. j,
Dee, April 10, 1D00.
i .
(tatlon were candidates for election to par
liament at the next general election end
ho hoped, therefore, to have a solid battalion
of candidates In full sympathy with tbo or
ganization's imperial views.
"What tho liberal party needs," said
i'crks, "Is not only -clear and decided lead
ership, but moro frequent consultations be
tween tbo supposed leader and his fol
lowers." Young Cronje SeeUs Revenue.
LONDON, April 11. Tho Dally mall has
tho following from Lady Sarah Wilson,
dated Mafeklug, March 30:
"Colonel I'luraer's column la now within
twenty mllcH of us, but Its advent Is unde
sirable unlets accompanied by food supplies.
"Tho opinion prevails here that young
Cronjo has returned to the ranks of tho In
vesting army and is trying to avAngo
ChlcnKo Antliulnnep Corps Arrives.
LOUnBNZO MAItQUEZ, April 10. Tho
Freuch steamer Carvella, Captain Labou
horle, from Havre, February 25, haa arrived
horo with 104 passengers, Including tho Chi
cago ambulanco corps. A majority of 'tho
passengers will proceed by train to tho
ICIpllnir to Upturn to I'liRlnnil.
CAPETOWN. April 10. Hudyard Kipling
and Sir John Henry do Vllllers, chief Justice
of Cape Colony, will sail for England to
morrow. Lieutenant -Mtlllicnn m Prisoner.
BULUOWAYO, April 5. Lloutenant Mll
llgan of Colonel, Plumer's column is a pris
oner In tho hands ot tho DoerB,
Fire, Destroys the Transportation
IlulldliiNT nnit .Dnmaffes Surronnd
Iiik Property Conic Unknown.
FJro "destroye'd Jhe.IaBtbuJldlqB'b'Ut ono
ot (rie OmalwjSXciluW!.' tail's ion(og;, when"
the TjanspgrtSjUon building burKjd A few
minutes Wore- i o'ciock; an .alarm 'from tho
grounds brought out' sevoraVcirppanles of
thq department, but such hcadMaybad been
galhed by tho flames-that the Bremen's ef
forts were'dlrectedno' saving ther surround
ing properly. C"
A few1framo bouses nnd sheds caught flrei
but tho blazo was put put In each caso with
llttlo damage.
Tho roof and walls of the big wooden
structuro fell a quarter of an hour alter the
flro started. A pile of wreckage nearby
caught flro and, together with the burning
building, mado a blazo which IlgteV up tho
northern part of tho city for blocks.
Thero was nothing of valuo In tho Trans
portation building. Workmen engaged In
tearing down tho other structures had used
It for a headquarters. The Apiary- building,
stored with flowcra, potted planls and a
number ot valuable articles, and situated
about fifty feet went of tho Transportation
building, was not In any danger.
Tho cuuee ot the fire Is a matter of con
jecture. VlrKlnln Tobncco Factory,
PETERSBURG, Va., April 10. The large
leaf tobacco factory of W. Dunnlngton &
Co. in this city, containing over 1,000,000
pounds of fine tobacco purchased recently
tor tho Austrian government, was, with Its
contents, totally destroyed by fire tonight.
Tho loss la estimated at $100,000, Several
small houscu 'In tho vicinity were also do
Etroyod. Tho fire originated In the boiler
Stamp Works Destroyed.
CLEVELAND, 0 April 10. Flro started
at C o'clock tonight In the six-story brick
building of tho II. B. Hunt Stamp coinjiany.
Tho building nnd contents were totally de
stroyed, Loss, $150,000. Tho Insurance was
$85,000. There wero several oxploslcns which
shattered windows and somo of the firemen
were cut by flying glass.
Some Stnrtllnir I'lururcs ot MoHaniccs
nnd Property Value In
HAVANA, April 10. Tho Nuoyo Pals
says: Taking $31,800,000 as the annual as
sessed Income of urban nnd rural properties
ot the Island, according to tho assessment
of 1897, nnd capitalizing it nt 10 per cent,
$318,000,000 would bo obtained as the total
valuo 'of the properties of the Islands, Sub
tracting $218,000,000, the amount of tbo ex
Istina mortgnges on said proporty, about
$70,000,000, tho value of tho unencumbered
property, would remain. This, howover,
docs not take Into account tho properties
destroyed during tho war, which far ex
ceed that amount. It would therefore ap
pear that the actual value of the properties
does not equal the amount of the mortgages
existing on them.
Worst Storm of Season Is TnUlnic
Place In the Munllowcr
KANSAS CITY, Aprlt 10. A Star special
from Hceley, Kan., in the western part of
Rtfltn R3VH- Tha wnret inmu nml u'ln.l
I storm of the season la raging over this sec
tion ot tho country. It began thin morning
and has developed Into a veritable bllzinrd.
, It U line for wheat, but bard on stock,
I Xew York riiamlier Honor llniina.
, NEW YORK. April 10.-A special mcet-
lnir of tho Chamber nf nmmnn-n In hnnnr
of Hugh H. Ilunna wum held today at the
chamber s rooms. Several nddrs!es wore
made, complimenting I In mm upon his work
at the Indianapolis monotary convention,
and llnnnn made a brief speech acknowl
edging the honor done him. Tho reception
was held in nccordanco with a resolution
adopted at thu recent annual meeting ot
the chamber, which also passed resolu
tions cllreetlni; that u gold medal bo (-truck
for Ilunna. Among the guests of the
chamber today were Colonel George K.
l.elshtim of 8t Louis. J. W. Fries of North
Carolina and W. V. Deun of St. Paul,
Patents for Allotted lands in Thurston
' County to Bo it Occe Taken Up.
Cn ii tal n Culver or the Tlilrl -Third
Infantry the PHIpltHm Will
He Peaceable ns Soon tin Mc
Klnlcy In Hc-Hlccted.
WASHINGTON, April 10. (Special Tele-
?ram.) Commissioner Hermann of the gen-
cral land ofllco today Issued an order that
patents for Omaha Indian lands In Thurston
county recently nllottcd by Colonel ltanklu
should be Issued as soon as possible In or-
dcr that tho wholo subject might bo closed
up. This action was brought ah-nit by the
vlslt of Senator Thuroton to the department
In behalf of the Indians, who desired to hold
thelr lands In severalty and who had c-
copted allotments In good faith, He nrgued
that tho consummation of this righteous net I
towards tho Omaha Indians, who wcro show- '
lng a decided advancement towards clvlll-
zatlou, would co far toward breaking down
tho barrier between tho whlto and the red
man; as the government had decided to Issue
pa onts to these amis It was tho bounden
du y of tho Interior department o actively
put the decision Into execution. It Is under-
stood that an effort will bo made to enjoin
allotting officers from completing ho allot- tch t0 aflcortnln thc ternl8 on whIch he
nmn..,by n,ac"n,I,l1'llBt1rlct urt b,ut th could charter a ycsseT to carry out to India
omclal,, of the Interior department do not Ul0 (ooAaiuta hail bccn nihvtM at
?L"C',..nDy. ,r0.Ubl' nS, ",a.ny 01 th0,Nw York. He was told to secure tenders
patents havo already -been signed.
Culver 011 thc Philippine.
Captain Jacob II. Culver of Mllford, Neb.,
and an officer In tho Thirty-third Infantry,
In In Washington enrouto to his homo from
the Philippines. Speaking of tho situation In
the cast, he said:
"When tho Flllplnco know that tho pres
ent administration will bo In power for thc
next four years thero will bo a great many
ready to lay down their arms and become
peaceful citizens onco more. A soldier, you
know, cannot talk much about ofllclal busi
ness, but I am not transgressing tho bounds
of propriety In saying that the trouble la not I
yet over. Thero will -be moro or Iras bother
with the natives ot tho Philippines until
after thu elections In thc United States.
Then, as I said, when It Is certain -that Pres
ident McKlnley will continue to bo the ruling
hand of this nation tho opposition to Amer
ican forces will cease. Natives ot thc Phil
ippines, aro an Intelligent class. They n re
nd what could bo called smart people. They
know enough, however, to make themselves
troublesome. I was In the Interior of tho
Island nearly all the tlmo I was In the Phil
ippines, so I had a chance to Judge them
pretty accurately. They aro a misguided
people, but will bo sharp enough -to know
when to quit. This tlmo will come when
they know that thero will bo no abandon
ment ot the campaign It they do not yield."
Representative. Shatroth of Colorado, when
tho bill -to scttlo tho claims ot the govern
ment against tho Sioux City & Pacific came
up for consideration In tho houso today,
Offered au amendment to the meaaure pro
viding that tbo commission vhlch Is to have
charge of the sale of thc road shall Invite
bids from tho four roads entering Sioux
City, and ho -believed that under this course
tho government would get out pretty nearly
whole. Tho amendment wasj adopted.
PoHtollleen ami IlnnkN.
Freo delivery will bo established at Water
tdwn, S. D., on May 1. Frank Kcene, M. A.
Mcntyre and Ffank,"L.'Molb were-'oppb'lntcd
regular carriers, and George It. Jones sub
stitute. .
'Revf p. O, Clavengcr of Pierre, S. D., late
chaplain of Grlgsby'a Rough Riders, la In
tho city. Mr. Clavengor ts an applicant for
a ''chaplaincy In the army and Is Indorsed
by Congressmen Gamble and 'riiirke.
Tho following national banks wero today
authorized to begin business: The City Na
tional bank of Weeping Water, Neb., capltnl
$25,000; Gcorgo W. Adams, president; John
A. Donelan, cashier; tho First National bank
ot Newman Grove, Neb., capital $25,000; C.
A. Randall, president; E. H. Oerhart, cash
ier; tho First National bank of Goldfleld,
la., capital $30,000; John Henderson, T. L.
Knight, J. S. Braden, Francis Hartsook nnd
James Campbell.
Exceptionally Illicit Condition In
Htiitcit West of the JIlMslsnlppI
Other StntlatlCN.
WASHINGTON, April 10. The April re
port of tho statistician ot tho Department of
Agriculture will show tno avcrago conamon
of winter wheat on April 1 to havo been
82.1, agalnet 77.9 on April 1, 1899, and 86.7 on
April 1, 1898, and a ten-year averago of 82.8.
While the ravages or the Hessian tiy in
I Ohio, Michigan and Indiana will probably
' result In not ono of those three states pro-
Hnclnir moro than half a crop, an oxcep-
tionally high condition Is reported from tho
winter wheat Btates west or the Mississippi
river nnd from tho Pacific coast. Tho flrln- .
clpal averages are: Pennsylvania, 72; Ohio,
47; Michigan, 57; Indiana, 51; Illinois, 88!
01. Knniu. OB! Texas. 101: Okla
homa. 99: Washington, 106; Oreigon, 100, and on
California, 90.
Tho averago cona l on or winter rye m i
84.87 "gainst 81.9 on April 1, 1899, 92.1 on
April 1? 1S9S. and a ten-year average of 89.1.
April i, io. '.,-,, o,,,n i,m
Tho averago condition of winter rye is i
r UJ ?lJla: ii!?! n " C" '
biit was also below tho ten and flftecn-year
av.oragcs, Of horses, 1.8 per cent nro re
ported as having died from disease, against
2.3 per cent the preceding yoar and a ten
year average ot 1.9 per cent, or cattlo n. h0U80 amendments to the Hawaii civil gov
mortallty of 1.1 from winter exposuro and ornment bill and Senators Cullm, Lodga
ot 2 por cent from disease Is reported, and Morgan wero named as conferees.
against 2.2 per" cent from expesuro and 2.03 . ,
per cent from dlscnso tbo preceding yenr, I Commodore Mayo, Itetlred.
and l.C per cent from exoosuro and'1.8 per1 WASHINGTON, ' April 10. Commodore
cont from dlaeasa as the- ten-ycar avcrago. William K, Mayo, "U. S. N., retired, .died at
Of sheep tbo deaths 'from exposure bis homo In this city last night, aged 76
amounted to l.s ner com ana tuoso irom uis-
caso rd'2'p6r cent, against 3,!v per cent from
exposuro and 2.1 per cent frum disease tho
preceding year, and 2.6 per cont and 2.3 per
cent the respective ten-yoar averages.
No rstlmnto of the number of swine on
January 1 fast having been "mddo' by -tho
department, tho rato of mortality ' for tho
country at largo cannot be determined.
Ot tho seventeen principal states, how-
hl.h.r thw In rT8T. Only in five sta is
above, tho ten-year average.
A Vnr. rmiH, PI" , !', '"""I
e rcporto at 9,; ca le, D7.2i hnd shoep a
,.H-!,.rop!!re,i.y;,t,h fioi' 03,D' aml 92,4
.-n.ti..i.. i I tonn
reHiuinny uu ,i,iiii i,
nUUl OUnnXOIa nCrUnlO
' ;
Stntementft concerning Activity fit
tliisuriieutH In 1 It 1 1 1 it i I it t-H Has
lleen (irently I'aKucrntcd, ,
WASHINGTON, April 10. Nothing of Im-
ever, twelve report a mortality below that 'ne' wWfh ,1,e b" ed nl b tho, cause ot
of last year, In Texas tho rate Is unchanged ner C0,Jfr " , ?Tif W.""0";
and only In North Carolina,' GcorglarAla- "r8!' b,,rao ..8f lra . 1.acl,",5?a of
portanco was developed at today's cabinet! "I don't care what sort of -food tbcro Is In
meeting. Secretary Root explained some I pestum bo long as It treats mo as It has.
of thb features of tho pending 'army appro- . n Is plain enough the food contained lu
prlatton bill' arid a!uo the terms of enlist-1 Postum Coffco 13 good, and that's all we
ment of tho troops now In tbo Philippines, i want to know. I am rid cf neuralgia and
It was stated that General Otis probably nervousness and am a h'oaltby woman. IIus
would leave Manila very soon and somo time band has also been Improved, and daughter
before the arrival there of tho now Philip- Is woll and happy, as I stated above. With
pine commission. Tho rcpofta from tho bit wishes, Mrs. Nellie Treman."
Philippines during the last week or two, it
wo said, had greatly magnified the oppo
sition that bad been met with by our troops.
The ofllclal report, It was assorted, did not
warrant the statement that the Insurgents
wcro becoming very active and were mass
ing In various parts of .Luzon to an extent
which greatly concerned our generals. The
situation, It was said, did not warrant the
sondtng of more troops to the Islands for
the present, at least.
Vrnad to lie Chartered to Transport
Corn nml Other Foodstuffs
for Sufferers.
"WASHINGTON. ADrll 10. Tho Navy de-
partment Is aolne all In Its power to re-
nove the famlne-etrlcken people of India,
i)r, Lewis Klopseh of the Christian Herald
has notified the department that he has
succeeded In collecting a largo supply of
foodstuffs, mainly corn, for She taming
8Ufrerere and has appealed to tho depart-
met to transport this supply to India.
Charles Pepper Was nt the- Navy depart-
1ncnt today to UrRe gecjy action In tha
mntter and met with success,
In vow of tho rocent ot tne comp.
trolIcr of the troaBUry tnnt tho unexpended
amount of tho aum npproprlated by con-
grKtJ ,n 1897 (0 cnartcT- two VCE8C,6 to Cflrry
foodstuff8 lo ,n(lla waS avaiablo (Secretary
Hny hiivng d M tbat lbe t fanlna
wnf) tt conlnuntlon ot that of 1897)i JudKa
A(lvoeato Lero, tod teieEraphed Pay Dl-
rootor uenUton, In charge of the naval
nav t . v . . r,0,, ,K
from owners ot both .steamships and sailing
vessels, though probably a steamer Is pre
Vent Ilcfcr to Himv He Wnn Put Aside
for llrynn.
WASHINGTON, April 10. At 1 o'clock
resolutions exprcsslvo ot tho regret of tho
senate nt tho death of late Representative
Richard Parks Bland of -Missouri were called
up by Cockrcll of Missouri and ouloglo3 on
tho dead statesman wcro pronounced by sen
ators. In the executive gallery Mrs. Blaud
sat and listened to the brilliant eulogies of
her Illustrious f husband. Sho "was accom
panied by scvpral relatives and friends.
Vest of Missouri was first to address tho
sennto, his brief remarks being touching
and eloquent.
In 1896, ho said, Bland, the veteran leader
ot bimetallism, who hod stood by Its banner
when others faltered, and .deserted, was put
nsldo for a young and brilliant orator who
was a schoolboy when Bland Introduced and
passed through tho, houso of representatives
In 1S78 tho first bill providing for the freo
nnd unlimited colnago of silver at tho
ratlfl of 16 ,to 1,
"Always has It been so. Tho hands that
placo today upon tho pedestal ot popular
favor their Idol will shatter that Idol on
tho morrow, and varied Is the mind of de
sultory man, studious ot change and pleased
with novelty." .
War Survivor Ilememhereil ty the
tieliernl Government.
WASHINGTON, April 10. (Special.) Tho
following pensions havo been granted:
Mssuo of March 2f, 1900:
Nebraska: Orlglnal-Franklln A. Stuck.
Johnson, $6; Glaus D. Tapper, Louisville,
$10. Increase Charles Weeks, Omaha, it
to $S; William Hohnbaum. Waco, $G to $8;
John If. Nlltlock, Kearney, M to $10.
Iowa: OrlKltvirjJacoh, Inbndy, Pes
Moines, $6. Increase John F. Cowglll, pes
Moines, J6 to JS: Wane V. Conine. Atlantic,
ISjtoi J10;r 4ayd:vVlnKelllps., Fort Dodge,
IS to $12; James ,r. Lair, Exlru, $S to ?s;
James S. OSiood.cMnynurd, $G to J8; Sid
ney PrUyn, -Do Witt, $8 to $10; Christopher
Dillon. Clinton, $10 to J 12.
South Dakota: 'Incrcuse-Moscs Brough,
Plerpont, $G to s
Collection mr Church In Culm,
WASHINGTON, ' April 10. The morning
session of tbo DaRimoro annual conference
ot tbo Methodist Episcopal Church South
was begun by taking up n collection for tbo
building ot a church at Matanzas, Cuba.
Tho contributions amounted to $554.
An adverso report was submitted by the
committee to which wero referred resolutions
Introduced by Dr. Wilbur Crafts, placing
tho conference on record as urging action on
various matters beforo congress nnd tho
country, Including anti-polygamy and antl
cantecn bills and a reform In tho divorce
lawn ot the District of Columbia. Tho re
port was unanimously adopted.
The report of the Epworth Leaguo board,
showing a satisfactory condition of affairs,
was also adepted. It Is probable that the
conference will adjourn tomorrow.
In Knror of Volunteer Otllcern.
WASHINGTON. April 10. Senator Pcn-
rc-so today Introduced an amendment to the
army appropriation bill, providing tbnt all
appointments to nil vacancies in tno reg-
ular establishment of tho adjutant general,
Inspector general, Judge advocate general,
quartermaster general, subsistence, medical
nnd pay departments and the signal corps
may be mado from tho volunteer officers now
serving in meso oepanmuuis
CIiiiiikc at Ilnvann Naval Station.
WASHINGTON, April 10. Acting Sec-
retary Allen has ordered a change In tho
.command of tho naval station at Havana.
r. i t n ,-,. i .
. v i, a i .i, V , k V
,, . .' .u L ,
"o rel eved of that post by L
Command Luc en Young, at presen
of tho port of Havana. Captain
relieved nt his own request and
present captain
Grtfen Is
twl ...111 U
signed to command a ship as soon a. one
Senate I)Ik11Icn House Hawaii Hill.
WASHINGTON, April 10. On motion of
Cullom tho sonnto non-concurred In tho
When They Got Hid or the CnlTce
A llttlo woman out in Oswego, llln., tells
about her husband having determined to seo
It ho could not make her quit coffee drink-
i , hf
In on Postum Food Coffee. I did not have
talTh in the charge doing me r g od
b t WM astolll8hed t0 ,BC0Vcr that
iralgla left me almnt nt once and the nerv-
.... ,rnllhlP. i,-n, ,,!,, 1 nH B.
' "Ut,lw lIauKlltt''" nt that time had been III
and could eat llttlo or nothing. She was
. pale and thin. As scon as I discovered how
Pcstum treated me, I began to give It to
her. Sho liked It very much and would
drink it when sho would tako nothing else.
She began to pick up rapidly and got plump
and round und rcav.
Stamp Tzea Are Not Nteded to Meet the
Demands of QoTsrnment
Orillnnr- Itexrniien Store Tlinn Snf
tlelrnt to I'ny the dpeiiNe lllll
Aeeorillnfc to thc Heore
tnry of the Treimury.
WASHINGTON, April 10, Tho secretary
ot the treasury today sent to congress his
reply to tho house resolution ot April 2, as
April 9, 1900. The Speaker of the House
of Representatives; I am In receipt of
resolution ot tho houne ot representatives of
April 2, 1900, as follows;
Resolved, That tho secretary of the
treasury bo and he herehy lg requested to
Inform the house of representatives
whether In his opinion, bared upon such
knowledge ns ho has, the present laws for
the raising- of revenue aro cresting nnd will
continue to create a surplus In the trensury
over and above tho wants of tho Kovem
mcnt and If so to what extent at the end
of tho current fiscal year, and a like report
ns to the flscnl year ending June 30, 1301.
That ho also report to tho hourc ot rep
resentatives hla estimates of the probable
receipts of the treasury from all sources
of revenno for thrum venrs. to-wlt:
Customs, Internal revenue and mtscel-
laneoils sources.
Resolved, That he also report to tho house
of representatives the amount of Internal
revenue tax received under nn net entitled
"An act to iirovlde ways nnd means to meet
war expenditures and for other ourposes,"
npproved Juno 13, upon article not
heretofore taxed; that said statement ho
Itemized ns far ns possible for tho year end
ing Juno .10, HP9, nnd for the nlno months
ending March 31, 1900.
In reply thereto I havo thc honor to sub
mit tho following;
Itecelpts Year KndlnR June HO, 11)00,
Customs $23.1,000.000
Internal rcvenuo 292,000.000
Miscellaneous 3S.000.000
Kxpcn dlturcs.
Civil $10l.000i00
War 135,000,000
Nnvy 55,000,000
Indians tl.0oO.000
Pensions Il3.000.0i-o
Intercut 42.000.OJO
Estimated surplus 70,000,000
Total $MO,000,000
IteeelptN Yenr Kndluir Jnuc :i(, 11)01.
Customs $210,000,000
Internal revenue , .TOO.000,000
Miscellaneous 37,000,009
ICxpen illturcN.
Civil $115,000,000
War I23.000.noo
Indians 10,000.000 1
Pensions HS.fi00.0ft0 '
Interest 4O.O00.O0rt
Total $193,000,000
Estimated surplus, $82,000,000.
War Ilevenuc Tnxes.
Internal rcvenuo taxes received under
war rovenue act of June 13, 1898, upon
articles not theretofore taxed, fiscal year
1899, and first nlno months of fiscal year
First 9 Mo.
Flpcal Year Fiscal Year
Articles. 1839. 1900.
Scheduto A $3S,G1?,OS1.20 $27, 139,621. (A
Schedule B .... B.219.737.4S 3,4O3.S00.0r
Legacies 1,233,135.23 1,60,8T1.M
Excise tax 643.446.41 820.101.2S
Mixed flour .... 7,840.62 6,214.13
Total $45,721,510.91
Grand total
L. J. GAGE. Secretary.
, House Pnsnes Agricultural Hill.
WASHINGTON," April" 10. The' house" of
representatives devoted tho day to the
agricultural appropriation bill, passing It
substantially as reported. An animated dis
cussion nroso over tho series of amend
ments offered by Corliss of Michigan, re
stricting the distribution of free seeds nnd
free vaccine. Corliss maintained that the
government distributions invaded tbo field
of private enterprise. His various amend
ments failed, however, after extended do
bate. An amendment by Latimer of South
Carolina was adopted, Increasing the supply
of Farmers Bulletins Issued by tho agricul
tural department nnd distributed by members
ot conzress.
YomiK Mnu Prefers Death to l.lvlnu
Without the Girl of Ills
TYNDALL, S. D., April 10. (Special.)
Emll Chnstka, 20 years old, nnd clerk at
tho Grand Central hotel, committed suicide
last night -by taking strychnine. The
young man was much In love with ono of
tho waiters In tho hotel, who had been re
ceiving his attentions for somo tlmo past.
It Is said ho had asked tho girl to mnrry
him and was refused. Late last night ho
went to her room nnd renewed his request
for her hand. Doing again refused ho Im
mediately went to his own room, took tho
deadly poison and went to bed. Ho lived
but a tow minutes. Deceased carried a 11 fa
Insurance policy for $1,000 In tho Maccabees
Cattle llrands In Illnck Hills Collected i
hy Stock (IrowetH' Association.
RAPID CITY, S. D., April 10. (Special.) '
Thc secretary of the Western South Da
kota Stock Growers' association has Issued
a circular letter to all ot the cattlumen In
tho Black Hills. Evory member of the as
sociation haB been urged to send a descrip
tion of their cattle brands to tho secretary
In order that a book containing all the dif
ferent brands of the Dlack Hills ranges may
bo published. Attention Is called to tha
fact that a great deal mon rustling qf stock j
has been carried on In the last year than for
a long time. This Is duo to the fact that cat
tlo and horses havo groatly Increased In
prices. It has been necessary to Incrcnso
tho force of range rfdors and detectives.
There nro at present experienced Inspectors
at Chicago, South Omaha, Sioux City, Den
ver and Kansas City, niso nt Pierre, Cham- .
berlaln and at all Indian agencies in tho
state. The Missouri river Is patrolled from I
Grand river to the Nobraska line. All of the
employes are employed by tho association
by the year nnd thoy nre always on duty.
The yearly duos ot the neroclatlon are $5 a
i year and an assessment of 3 cents per head
i for cattlo and 2 jents for horses. Tho total
I number of South Dakota rango cattle In
' spected In Chicago, South Dmaba and Sioux
City In 1899 wna 101,482. Tho total number
of e&trays of members of tho usaoclatlon re
covered at tho three markets was 6,179 head,
tho value ot which was $239,128,68.
Hoys Sleet with Accident.
PIERRE, S. D., April 10. (Special Tele
gram.) Throo boys, sons of E, F. Isqulg,
Dan Powell and J. N. Douglass, while play
ing with a skiff around the forryboat Jim
Lelghlon this morning, wero cnught with
tho wheel and drawn under the boat. They
wero under tho boat for eomo time nnd nil
unc6nsclous when taken out. Tho Isqulg
boy was badly bruised and while all are In
n procarlous condition It Is thought they
will recover.
Dnkotn Stockmen Convene,
RAPID CITY, S. D April 10. (Special
Telegram.) Ono hundred stockmen and
commission men havo been In attondanco
today at the ninth annual session of the
Western South Dakota Stock Growers' as
sociation. Tho meeting was opened by nn
address by C. K. Howard, president, which
was responded to by Chauncy L. Wood,
mayor cf Rapid City, a' resolution was
pawed aekluu tbo ceusus bureau U get a
classified census of all cattle controlled by
thu association, Officers elected nre- Presi
dent, C. K. Howard; secretary and treasurer,
P. M, Stunrt.
Pett!nrciv IIiiih Pioneer Pren.
YANKTON, S. I)., April 10. (Special.)
For many years South Dakota has claimed,
In an old printing press owned by Senator
Pettlgrew at SJoux Falls, tho pioneer press
of tho northwest. This claim has, howover,
lately been disputed nnd expert testimony
has been called In on tho enso by Doano
Robinson of thc South Uakotnn.
From all the testlulony little doubt re
mains that thc pioneer press of Iowa, west
ern Wisconsin and Minnesota was niso the
pioneer press of South Dakota and that It
remains ns a valuablo relic In tho hands of
Senator Pettlgrow ot Sioux Falls,
cw Dakota Cnttlc Company.
PIERRE, S, D April 10. (Special Tele
gram.) Another cattle- company has been
organized for this section ot state known
a tho Bad RIVer Cattlo company, with head
quarters at Leon In Stanley county. It has
a capital of $50,000 and Is Incorporated by
tho Mathlcson family, Gcorgo I). Mathleson
being nt tho head of tho corporation.
Forty Heats Witnessed hy I.nruc
Crowds Home of the Winners
from MehrnNkii.
MANIC ATO, Kan.. April lO.-llumlreds of
people witnessed the sport of tho coursing
races hero today. Eighty dogs run. nml
thero were blxteen kills and twenty-four
escapes. The forty heats resulted as fol-
IOLor'd Stunrl beat Vlnlnve, Hill of Ex
penso ncut Sailor. Lady Erwln bent Tops'.
Vnn Nattu beat Jnek, Turquoise bent I'at
True'. Dash Out Onco beat Phllllpwhurg,
Uullas Red Meg Merrllex. Texas
Cross beat QUeen. Nellie C bent Tiger Hill,
Star Pointer bent Jim Crow, Stone, llenge
beat Slow Go, Northern Surprise beat
Larklns, Yerva beat Lady Dewey, Fleet n
beat Glen Elder, Jensamy beat Lord lan-
gleroot, (.oiton wueen ueai -reezu uui
.lnlmtil... Whit.- Prince bent Huerfano Lad,
Naearet beat lllnek Heanty, Reefer beat
Okabana Olrl, McPermott's Maid beat
Bklpplo Red, 'lorn C beat Sir Ia'o, Royal
lilue heat Peruvian Hark, Moody's Pride
beat Surprise, Texus Whlto beat Itellamy,
Henshl Hobo beat 8locum, Pent! Trent
beat (Jueen Regent, Lord VniiDyko beat
Dupont, No snow ueat iirownie, iiuko ncm
Punch. Vannle beat Hector, Reddnmond
beat Nellie Topham, Phillip beat lllue Hock.
Lend Red beat Speedway. Cliff Dale beat
Fanny O'Rell, Gretchcn beat Mlnnetonkn.
The winning dogs are from the Man
kato, Kan., Lawrence, Kan.. Texas, Colo,
rudo, California, Nebraska, Minnesota and
Indiana kennels.
IteaultN on the IliiiinlnK Tracks.
mv.m mtiH Tnnn Anrll 10 Results:
First race, six furlones, selling: Sir
Ulazo won, snlllinguurn second, i- reo jnuiu
third. Time: 1:20.
Second race, one mlln and seventy yards,
selling: Tho Roman won, Chopin second,
Jimp third. Time: 1:00!4.
Third race, four and onc-hnlf furlongs,
sr-Dlntr: llarrv Pulllam won. The Elk sec
ond, Denman Thompson third. Time; 0:GS.
Fourth race, ono mile, the Tennessee
Oaks: Hello of Orleans won, Hnrrlcn sec
ond. Iirownie Anderson third. Time: l;47?i.
Fifth race, one-half mile, purse: Tho
Mecca won, Lady Schorr second, Gene
third. Time: 0:KS.
Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Draw
Ladd won, Tlldy Ann second, Alpaca third.
Time: 1:19.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 10.-Weather
cloudy and trnck fust. Tanfnnm results:
First race, one-half mile, for maiden 2-year-old
llllles. purse: Sacurold won, Su
blime second. Aphrodis third, Tlmo: 0:49V.
Second race, live-eighths of a mile, purie:
True lllue won, St. Caslmlr second, Ella
Boland third. Time: 1:00.
Third race, ono mile, selling: CntnKtrophc
won, 1'otento second, Orion third. Tlmo:
Fourth race, six furlongs, selling: Isallno
won, Youlln second, Proclamation third,
Time: 1:14.
Fifth race, ono nnd one-eighth miles,
purse: Roslnnute won, Flumora second,
Chlmurn. third Time: l'Wt. .
yixth ruee, ono mile, purse: Croker 'won,'
Fashion Plate second, Ho Happy third.
Tlmo: 1:43a.
WASHINGTON, April lO.-Results nt
First race, six furlongs, for 3-yenr-olds
and upward, purse J500: Sidney Lucas won,
First Whip second, Rough Rider third.
Time: 1:1C.
Second race one- half mile. Mount Ver
non purso for 2-year-old llllles: Anecdote
won. Infallible second, Screech third. Tlmo:
0:50 1-5.
Third race, about two and one-half miles,
handicap steeplechnwe. for 4-year-oldH and
upward, purso $300: Hlaek Jimmy won, St.
Stimucl Decond, Uaby 1)111 third. Time:
6:23 2-5.
Fourth race, sown furlongs, for 3-yenr-olds
nnd upward, purse J300: Holdup won,
Sir Fltzhugh second, Mouzeltoft third
Time: 1:31.
Fifth race, ono and one-sixteenth miles,
for 4-yenr-olds and upward, purse
Tony Honlg won. The Jefferson second,
Doublo Dummy third. Time: 1:61.
Vnrdon I'Iiijm Dunn.
1TAHTSDALE. N. Y.. April lO.-On tho
links of the acarsdale Golf club today
Champion Hurry Vardon of Great IJrltnln
nnd Willlo Dunn, who claimed a like t tt lo
In this country in 1S9I, nre playing' In a
thirty-six holo match. At the coneluHloi1
of tho morning round Vardon finished
eight up. Tho only mistakes mado by
Vnrdon were on the putting green. This
was especially noticeable nt tho conclu
sion ot the morning round, when Vardon
got hole high with his Iron, but lost tho
holo in llvo to four.
Wnleott Whips Dick Moore.
HALTIMORE, April 10,-Joo Walcott. the
"Rnrbadoes Wonder," knocked nut Dlek
Moore of St. Paul In four rounds beforo
the Eureka Athletlo club In this city to
night. Moore hnd been doing tho greater
part of tho lending during the bout nnd
was very clever In blocking tho colored
man's rushes. As ho turned to escopo
from his corner n swing on the Jaw sent
him down nnd out. Moore had to bo as
sisted to his dressing room and severnl
minutes elapsed before ho fully recovered
his fucultles.
International Meet OfT.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., April 10. -Captain
llsscom Johnson of tho Yalo track athletlo
team, In an Informal statoment today, ex
pressed tho opinion that negotiations look
lng toward an International meet between
Yiilo nnd Ilnrvnrd und Oxford and Cam
bridge teams for tho year havo prac
tically failed, owing to the Inability to
decldo upon a ground upon which tbn
games should take place, and there will
probably bo no contest In America.
Sums MnkeN an Appointment.
MILWAl'KEE. April 10 -President Sams
of tho League of American Wheelmen hHH
appointed it. H. Fullertnn of llrooklyn
chairman of tho committee on highway
Improvement to-succeed otto Doerner of
this city. While Mr. Doerner's policy was
to carry on tho work of good roads with
tho support of tho farmers. It Is under
stood tbat tho work lit the future will bo
curried on "whether the farmers support It
or not.
MnnnliiK Decline the Offer.
KANSAS CITY, April 10,-Mannger Man
nlng of the Kansas City club of the Ameri
can league stated today that ho would not
nretpt the offer of Mannger Ewlng of tha
New York club to turn over Catcher Wil
son to tho Hlues, In return for Wilson tho
New York club nskod tho prlvllego af draft,
lng any Kansas City player that may bo
wanted nt tho end of tho season.
will tell you that ho i authorized by the
manufacturers of Pazo Pile Ointment to re.
fund tho monoy to every purchuber where It
falls to cure any ruse of p lea no mutter of
how long standing, 'lhls Is a new discov
ery which huh proven by nctual tests that
It will cure ninety-five per cent of the canes,
Cures ordinary cases In six duys; the worst
cases .In fourteen days. Ono application
gives 'ease and rest. Relieves Itching ln
stantly. Can be sent by mall, PRICE We,
If your druggist should fall to have It In
stock send us 60c In postage stamps and wo
will forwurd same by mall. Your druggist
will tell you that we are reliable as w aru
well known by every druggist In tho I'nltt-d
States Manufactured by the Paris Medicine
Co., St. I-ouls. Mo. Wo are also manufact
urers of the well known Remedies Laxativo
Rromo. Quinine Tablets and Grove's Taste,
chill Tonic.
As a Curfe
For Catarrh.
Till-. FIRST ONi:
Kvor I'lidoi'soil by tho n'KiiliU' na-illnil
Uvor iTcofrnizert by the ChIUmI States
Health Reports.
Ami wo refiuill tlu money If It fulls
to cure.
"IIYOMEI" la sold by all druggist or
sent by mall. Complete Outtlt, Jd.oo. Trial
Five tin' Treatment free to all mif
fcrerx. THE R T IIOOTII CO. It turn. N Y
New Short Line to
Minneapolis and St. Paul
Leave at 7 n. m. mid "illB p. B.
"The Now Office."
5 J
rtadway's Ready Relief curfrr,andpwveijts.
Coughs, Colds, Sore, Throat, Influenza., Uror).
chltls,- Pneumonia, Swelling of the Joints.
Lumbngii', Inflammations. Khcumnti&m,
Knurnlglu. Headache, Toolhnche.- Asthma,
Dimcult Ureathlng.
Radway's Heady Relief Is a stiro cure for
every Pain, Sprnln, Urulse, Pnlns In tn
Back, Chest or Limbs It was tho first and
Is tho only Pain Remedy that Instantly
stops the most excrutlatlng pain?, allnyn
Inllammntlon aud cures congestion, whether
of tha lungs, stomach, bowels or ottiti
glands or organs, by one applleatlon.
A hnlf in n tpnqnnnnfnl In hnlr n i
" .. -I-" ...... (i nun it tumuicr
of water will In r few minutes cum CrnrnpH,
Hpamnn, Sour Stonmch. lleurtburn, Nrv
nimnnaa Cliwutlnoctwiuu Ulolr t 1,.,. .1 U ri
uuaili.,1.', uivv.iiv0uio ns, tjiviv lUUUItLIIL', UI
nrrhoea, Dyscnt ry, Col e, Flatulency, and
ui, iiiiri.iii, jiaiii-. i.iitiu is nut u rcmeutai
usent In the world that will euro Kevor and
.Airltn llflfl nil nthnr liinlrtrlmiu lillln,. ....
other fovcrs, aided by It ADWAY'H PILLB.
f0..,T,,lcyy'B ADVAY'S READY RE-
LIBK, Sold by DritKUtsts
Indivny .V; Co.. nn l'.lm
in St., A'cvr York.
TB tub hams,
leleuliona trial. ullu
( lillilren, 10c (iallerj, 10c.
.M 1,1,1), PHOTf).
IVAIiTKIt T.TO anil VA).
IIOI C.1,S anil I Oltl).
Next AMATEUR Show, Fria, AHril 13
Amateurs Wishing to
Appear at the Qrpheum,
Friday Night, April 13.
Call ut onco nt tho Ilox Olllcq. A splendid
opportunity to seo 11 you havo talent for
tho stugc.
n r V" r' Paxton & IlurKcsH. Mgrs.
DlTU O Telcphijuo VJIX
Hlanche Melbourne
In Sardou's MustorploceH,
Prlcep-JI.W. $1 W- "Be GOO, 2.-,e .Matlnes:
loo. 75e. Brte, 25c
Koxt Attraction Marvelous Mysteries
A.VXA . . rrhumluv. Friday nnd Saturday
UV A . . . NlKhts- -nspeelal Mutlucu Batur-l-'AV...
'day for Ladles Only.
PRICKS- IKe, Mc, 35c, We, JJntlie bal
cony Sac- Reserved.
WTI lll. V
lirll II
April in
Minneapolis Am. League vs, Omaha
JIIIMMV, nrll Ml.
AiIuiInhIoii, y,-,-, .".lie ( lillilren, l,"c,
till III r- f'allcil itlllll P, M, .
(iroiiiiiU I'lfteeiiti juwl.,lwt;u